2009 Summer APMA News - Arkansas Pest Management Association


2009 Summer APMA News - Arkansas Pest Management Association
To g e t h e r We Will Find The Solutions STAFF, OFFICERS
President, Phil Bennett
The Bug Man
Vice President, Randy West
West Termite & Pest
Northwest - Region I
Dallas Hopper
Hopper Environmental Services
(479) 790-0180
Northeast - Region II
Bobbie Jo Hyde
Hyde’s Termite & Pest Control
(870) 236-2382, shannan@grnco.net
Secretary/Treasurer, Mark Hopper
Hopper Environmental Services
Central - Region III,
Glynn Adams
mark@hopperenvironmentalservices.com Adams Pest Control
(501) 455-1065, sadams0725@aol.com
Past President, Charles Hartsell
Hartsell Pest Control
(870) 862-1133
Executive Director, Anne Fuller
(501)224-4840 Fax: (501)224-0988
State Plant Board Representative,
Jerry Hyde
Hyde’s Termite & Pest Control
(870) 236-2382
Allied Member Representative,
Beth Golden
(901) 371-8250
Southwest - Region IV
Pat Bennett
B&L Exterminating Co.
(870) 777-9380, shotsie71801@yahoo.com
Southeast - Region V
John Force
John Force Pest Control
(870) 533-2886, prosweep2@sbcglobal.net
At Large, Justin McCauley
The Bug Man
(501) 315-3117
At Large, Shannon Hyde-Prince
Hyde’s Termite & Pest Control
(870) 886-7040, hydes_spc@grnco.net
At Large, Steve Adams
Adams Pest Control
(501) 455-1065, sadams0725@aol.com
At Large, Waymon Long
Eagle Pest Management
(870) 307-0582, wlong1@sbcglobal.net
J u n e 2 0 0 9
President’s Message
Hello to Everyone!
Now that the
rains have stopped
and the weather has
gotten more stable
I hope everyone is
having a good pest
season. I know we
did not have a very big termite swarm
season this year. Things seem to be
going good in the central part of
the state at this time. Ants are really
starting to pop up now. I hope the
economy hasn’t hurt anyone too bad.
The legislative session went
well this year. Everyone got their
notice of the increase in the bond. The
Plant Board mailed these notices out
earlier this year.
Best Association Management
is starting to get familiar with the way
our association works and is starting
to know the names and faces of those
that have come to the meetings.
This has been a big change for the
association and is working great. If
you have not met Anne and her staff
you should make a point to introduce
yourselves at the next quarterly
I hope everyone has a great
summer and I look forward to seeing
you all in July at the regular quarterly
Phil Bennett
APMA President,
Arkansas Pest Management Association • Summer 2009
Message from the Executive Director
Dear APMA Members,
With summer upon us, the Legislative
session closed and our training classes complete, the phone lines have quieted down.
Many thanks to President Phil Bennett for
all his work on the termite training classes
which were a big hit again. The APMA office will be continue to be busy in the quiet
of the summer working on the fall meeting with your Conference Committee Shannon Hyde –Prince, Beth Golden and
Christian Wilcox. Be sure and mark your calendar for September 15 and 16 and plan to attend the conference.
We will be sending a set of revised by-laws that reflect
changes in the voting structure of the organization with your
dues renewal invoice. If you have questions about by-law
changes, please let us know. Don’t forget to send in your
dues renewals.
You may be reviewing many of your business expenses
this year in this challenging economy and the value of your
membership in organizations such as the APMA may have to
be scrutinized. Remember that the APMA is a powerful voice
for the industry in Arkansas thanks to the hard work of the
Government Affairs Committee (chaired by Mark Hopper) and
the Board of Directors. The APMA continues to be a strong
voice for the industry, protecting industry interests and watching all issues that can impact your business. Remember that
these efforts are more important that ever with our Legislators
meeting every year instead of every other year. Our new Lobbiest Bob Balhorn will be watching our interests at the Capitol
and your dues and participation will keep these efforts in
place and the industry strong in the State of Arkansas.
Let me say what a pleasure it has been to date to serve as
your new Executive Director and I look forward to getting to
know you at future meetings.
Anne Fuller
APMA News is published four times annually by
the Arkansas Pest Management Association and
Best Association Management (BAM).
P.O. Box 26243
Little Rock, Arkansas 72221
(501) 224-4840 • FAX: (501) 224-0988
email: apma@bestmanagement.net
Advertising Rates
Ad space is available in the sizes listed below. A 5% discount is available for annual contracts. Please make checks payable to APMA and mail
to the address listed above.
Rates: Business card $50
1/3 page $120
1/2 page $162
Full page $240
Inside Front Cover $275
Material Specifications
Completed ads must be press ready, 300 dpi, 150 line
screen, 100% actual size, and include all embedded
images and fonts. Ads can be submitted electronically
or on disk to Best Association Management, apma@
bestmanagement.net. Hard copy of the completed ad
must be submitted with the advertising contract. If ad is
sent electronically, please fax a copy of the ad with the
order; if mailed, please include a copy of the ad with the
order. Please include “APMA News Ad” in the subject
line of your email.
If you do not have a completed ad, we will set your ad for
you for $25. Please submit your ad copy in one of the
formats below, along with any photos/logos to be
included in the ad. You will receive a faxed ad proof
to approve. Submitted photos will only be returned
if a self-addressed, stamped envelope is sent.
Ad Sizes:
business card....2”h X 3.5”w
1/3 pg horiz.......3.25”h X 7.75”w
1/3 pg vert........10”h X 2.5”w
1/2 pg horiz.......5”h X 7.75”w
1/2 pg vert........10”h X 3.75”w
Full pg...............10”h X 7.75”w
File Formats: PDF, TIFF, EPS, JPG
Arkansas Pest Management Association • Summer 2009 2009 Committees
Lynn Hopper Memorial Scholarship Application
Nominating Committee
Mike McCauley, Chair
David Hopper
John Force
Randy West
First Name ______________ Middle ___Last ________________________
Address ______________________________________________________
City _____________________________ State _______ Zip ____________
Phone(s) _____________________________________________________
Age ______ Year of Graduation _______ ACT Score _______
Parent/Guardian _______________________________________________
Occupation of Father ___________________________________________
Annual Income of Father ________________________________________
Occupation of Mother __________________________________________
Annual Income of Mother _______________________________________
How much financial assistance do you qualify for? ___________________
Explain any special reasons for financial need in your case
(Attach to Application)
Mark Hopper, Chair
Pat Bennett
Taz Tyrone
Conference Committee
Shannon Hyde Prince, Chair
Christian Wilcox
Beth Golden
Scholarship Committee
David Hopper, Chair
Charles Hartsell
Dallas Hopper
Phil Bennett
Government Affairs
Mark Hopper, Chair
Phil Bennett
Randy West
Jerry Hyde
Bill Sample
Steve Adams
Waymon Long
Glen Adams
Justin McCauley, Chair
Bobbie Hyde
Tim Adams
Dallas Hopper
Prefer to Receive Your
Newsletter via Email?
_____ Yes I want to get my
newsletter via email.
_____ Yes I want to get my
newsletter in the mail
and via email.
(please print clearly):
Name ___________________________
Email address _____________________
Email us at: apma@bestmanagement.net
FAX this page to 501-224-0988
College _______________________ Intended Major _____________
Does a family member work in the pest management industry?______
If so, who is it and where do they work ______________________________
• Please submit three letters of reference other than family members that have
known you for 3 or more years. Letters should be submitted with application.
• Please submit an essay of applicant’s future plans with degree. Please submit
with application. Applicant will not be considered without essay.
1. Applicant must have a 2.5 GPA or GED equivalent.
2. Applicant must plan to carry a minimum of 12 hours each semester
(of fall & spring semesters).
3. Applicant must be seeking a degree in School of Business with a
minor in pest management.
4. Applicant must be a resident of the State of Arkansas and planning
to work in the pest management industry in Arkansas for 2 years after
completion of degree.
5. Applicants that are family members of a pest management firm that
is a member in good standing of the APMA will be given first consideration.
6. Three letters of recommendation are required and must be from
individuals who have known the applicant for 3 or more years. Letters
should be submitted with application.
7. An essay of applicant’s future plans should be submitted with application.
Applicant will not be considered without essay completed and submitted
with application.
8. Applicant must be willing to meet in Little Rock to be interviewed by
selection committee if so asked.
9. Applicants that have been awarded this scholarship in the past are welcome
to apply again.
10.The selection committee can make a decision based on applicants. There
may be times when they have a candidate that may or may not meet all the
criteria then the committee reserves the right to make that adjustment for
that year. It must be a unanimous decision.
11. Application deadline is February 1st of each year.
Mail completed form to:
Arkansas Pest Management Association
PO BOX 26243, Little Rock AR 72221
Arkansas Pest Management Association • Spring 2009
Arkansas Pest Managemanet Association
& National Pest Management Association
Membership Application
To compute your joint membership dues, fill in lines A, B and C below:
Join online on our website (go to the “Join APMA” page
at www.arkansaspest.org to submit information – then mail
your check) or fill out the form below and mail it to:
APMA, PO BOX 26243, Little Rock AR 72221 with
your check made payable to APMA.
Firm Name: ____________________________________
Member’s Name: ________________________________
Address: _______________________________________
A. State Annual Dues
1. Active member dues
$125.00 per year $________
2. Allied member dues
$125.00 per year $ ________
B. NPMA Annual Dues
Choose one from box below
and enter here
Annual Sales Volume
$0 - $200,000
$200,001 - $500,000
Annual Dues
$500,001 – 1,000,000
$1,000,001 – 2,500,000
$2,500,001 – 5,000,000
$5,000,001 – 10,000,000
$10,000,001 – 15,000,000
Phone: __________________ Fax: _________________
$15,000,001 – 25,000,000
License #: _________________
$50,000,001– 100,000,000
City: _______________________ State:____ Zip: ______
Over 100,000,000
Email: ________________________________________
Web address: _________________________________
Your membership to APMA
includes invitations to attend General
Membership meetings held quarterly;
an Annual Fall Conference; annual or
semi-annual Regional Training
meetings; APMA State Legislative
Day Luncheon, held biannually; and
the Annual National Pest
Management Association Conference.
Your membership to APMA also
includes membership with the
National Pest Management
Association with its many
membership benefits. NPMA
provides a toll-free Information
Center Hotline; government affairs
representative; discounted group
insurance program; health insurance
referral program; internet sales leads
in your area; training resources at The
Bugstore; the Who’s Who in
Professional Pest Management &
$25,000,001 – 50,000,000
C. Total annual joint
membership dues
Buyer’s Guide, alerts by e-mail;
E-lerts” for timely industry
information and news at your desktop;
a members-only newsletter; a
consumer newsletter produced on a
seasonal basis for your customers;
management assistance, gasoline
discount programs with two national
distributors – Exxon/Mobil and
Texaco/Shell. The national
association membership also allows
you to get connected with NPMA
International to help strengthen your
Becoming a member of APMA is
easy! Just fill out the application
above and mail it with your check to
the address provided, or submit it
online (www.arkansaspest.org). (You
will still need to mail your check!)
take advantage of all the benefits of
APMA and NPMA membership,
including attendance at our next
quarterly membership meeting.
As a voice for you, APMA informs
the public of your role as protectors of
food, health, property and
environment. We provide networking
and educational opportunities,
including a college scholarship. We
inform you of industry news and
events. You are given access to
resources to make your business more
effective and efficient.
For more information contact our
Executive Director; 501-224-4840, or
e-mail: apma@bestmanagement.net
Also available to discuss the goals and
services of the APMA are our elected
board members (see listing in newsletter
or on the web site).
Arkansas Pest Management Association • Spring 2009 Arkansas Pest Management Association
General Membership Meeting Minutes
April 17, 2009, 10:00 a.m.,
Crowne Plaza, Little Rock, AR
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by President Phil Bennett with 20 members signing in.
Minutes: A motion was made and accepted to approve the minutes from the previous meeting.
Financials: A motion was made to approve the financials.
Old Business
Schools & Recertification: reported by Phil Bennett
Fall Meeting: Reported by Shannon Hyde-Prince, the date for the fall meeting is September 15 and 16 and the Conference
Committee is working on vendors and speakers.
Recertification Classes - All classes were held in February and were a success.
Termite Training classes were held in March and were well received. The Little Rock class did not get to treat a house due to
weather, so stayed in the classroom longer to get 6 hours. The Fayetteville meeting went very well. Dr. Bob Davis, (BASF,)
would like to do termite classes again next year and offer three, to include one in N.E. Arkansas. Discussion followed about
possibly offering four termite treatment classes to also include one in South Arkansas (Region 4-5).
A motion was made and accepted to have at least three termite trainings in 2010, possibly four if Dr. Bob is willing.
Action Item: Phil will check with Dr. Bob on doing 4 Termite Training classes.
Bylaws were revised to limit future voting to 5 members per company. Discussion followed on if and how members would
like to receive the Bylaws.
Action Item: The Executive Director will send out a hardcopy of the bylaws to all members.
New Business – reported by Mark Hopper
Legislative Issues: Bonding Issue Passed APMA agreed to support but not sponsor this legislation at the January General
Membership Meeting that would require Class 1 operators to have $100K in bonding and $500K in insurance at the least.
Mold Investigators-must be licensed by the Arkansas State Plant Board. This is not mold remediation – just determination of
mold being present. It must be sent to a lab to clarify what kind of mold. This goes into effect in 2010.
Pest Control Committee – Regulation changed involving off label application. If you take off label applications and there is
potential for human exposure, the penalty is now at the 4th level if someone is affected.
Bob Balhorn is the new APMA lobbyist on retainer for the next 2 years. This past legislative session was Bobs first to work
with the APMA and he kept APMA officers informed on legislative issue that came up. Bob reported that he wants to help the
APMA establish policy statements, mission statements and possibly form a PAC.
Legislative Day - There is discussion on planning a legislative day for 2010 by the government affairs committee will look
into this.
Region 1 Board Resignation: Jerry Redmond, Region 1 Director resigned as of April 15, 2009 because he has sold his business. The nominating committee is working on a replacement.
Dues Update: NPMA raised dues – Effective in July NPMA has raised their dues approximately 10% at each level. They
have not raised their dues in almost 10 years. APMA dues will stay the same.
General Membership Meetings Notice: Are sent out in newsletter. To help meeting attendance a reminder email will be sent
to members.
Action Item: The Executive Director will send out an email reminder 2 weeks prior to the meeting and 1 week prior.
Adjourned – The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 AM.
Arkansas Pest Management Association • Summer 2009
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Arkansas Pest Management Association • Summer 2009 PO BOX 26243, Little Rock, AR 72221
Calendar of 2009 Events
July 17, 2009 10:00 AM
APMA General Membership
Crowne Plaza
Little Rock, AR
15-16, 2009
APMA Annual Meeting
Wyndham Riverfront Hotel
North Little Rock, AR
26-29, 2009
PestWorld 2009
The Venetian Palazzo Resort
Las Vegas, NV
December 18, 2009 10:00 AM
APMA Board Meeting
Best Association Management
1500 Macon Drive, Suite D-7
Little Rock, AR
Our Condolences to...
The APMA wishes to offer their condolences to Kern and Jenny McGuire of Will Kill Pest Control in Wynn, Arkansas who
lost their son Scott on May 13th to cancer. Scott and his parents were active APMA members and attended Fall Conferences
almost every year. The family has asked in lieu of flowers that donations be made to the American Cancer Society. To view
the Obituary or sign the family guest book on line, go to http://www.kernodlefh.com/index.cfm.