Janus Academy
Janus Academy
Janus Academy November 2011 Event Calendar November 10, 2011 Regular school day *NOTE this date has been changed November 11 Remembrance Day- no school November 14, 2011 PD Day– no school *NOTE this date has been changed Message from the Jr/Sr High School Director This month at Janus we are very excited about our upcoming visit from Leanne Reid, BCaBA, from the Carbone Clinic in Rockland County, New York. Janus Academy has had the opportunity to work with and learn from various members of Dr. Carbone’s clinical staff on an annual basis for the past 4 years. This hands on training has always been extremely valuable to the Janus Academy staff and students, as well, it has allowed us the opportunity to meet with and learn from some of the leading experts in Autism education in North America. We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to welcome Leanne Reid to our school. Leanne will provide hands on training to our Classroom Leaders and Teachers in many of the core teacher areas, as well as provide classroom consultations at both of our Janus locations. We are thrilled to have the chance to expand and further refine our instructional skills and grow in the area of effective instructional programming based upon the principles of applied behaviour analysis. Further to this, Leanne will be presenting a free parent training workshop on November 10th between 8:30am and noon at our Janus Junior/Senior High School location. Please call Karli at the Elementary location if you wish to register for this workshop 403-262-3333. . Yours in Education, Koren Trnka November 18, 2011 Picture retakes *NOTE this date has been changed November 18, 2011 Swimming - JH/HS November 25, 2011 Swimming-Elementary SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB The November book club catalogues will be sent home soon. Please send your completed order form and cheque, payable to Scholastic Canada Ltd., to the school by November 7, 2011. PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH Program Director Jr./Sr. High School Email: contact@janusacademy.org | Phone: 403.262.3333 Our Mission To maximize the potential of each child with autism by enabling academic success and facilitating lifelong community integration. Please join us in the Janus Academy Elementary production of: “The Reindeer Rebellion” December 9, 2011 – 2pm Ramsay School Gymnasium Please bring in a donation for the Calgary Food Bank Our Vision To continue to be an educational leader in enhancing the lives of children with autism, their families and the communities, in which they live, while maintaining excellence in teaching through enhanced student-teacher ratios, individualized curriculum and research based teaching techniques. …to those who have asked United Way to direct their donations to Janus Academy, through the “Donor Choice” program. This program enables donors to designate their gifts to any registered charity in Canada or to an area of need that is meaningful to them. Thank you to Halliburton for their continued support of the Janus Academy through their employee matching program. Thank you to the Bethany Romanian Pentecostal Church for their donation to the Janus Academy Golf Tournament. We would like to thank Susie Heintz and Kathleen Mahoney for making a personal donation to the Janus academy this month. Thank you to the Jicko Fung for donating their old vehicle through “Donate a car” All vehicles donated are auctioned off through Regal Auctions Ltd. and the funds raised will be donated to the Janus Academy. Please visit http://www.donatecar.ca for more information. Work Experience Project at the Janus Junior/ Senior High School The students at the Junior /Senior High School have eagerly taken on a new work experience project. The JHHS students have been contracted by Karen McIntosh, B.Sc.O.T.(C), Registered Occupational Therapist to assemble fine motor therapy boxes. These boxes are called the “Krazy Box” and contain items for 16 different fine motor activities. Each activity is designed to improve fine motor skill and development in a fun and child friendly way. The JHHS students will be assembling and packaging the entire box. This is a great opportunity for our students to generalize their pre-vocational skills in a functional and profitable way! So far all the students have enjoyed their participation in the project and we are aiming to have our first set of boxes completed by mid November. A heartfelt thanks goes out to Kathy McDonald for connecting the Janus Junior/ Senior High school with Karen McIntosh and to Karen for believing in our students abilities and for providing this wonderful work experience opportunity for them. DRESSING FOR THE WEATHER Just a friendly reminder to all families! Please send your child to school with the appropriate outdoor winter wear, including hats, mittens or gloves, and boots. Please print your child’s name on all of their clothing. We do our very best to ensure that all clothing items are sent home with the correct student. Please let us know in the communication book, if any of your child’s clothing items are not returned. For those of you who tweet and twitter, this link may be of interest to you. It highlights “60 Essential Twitter Feeds for those following Autism Education” Caption describing picture or graphic. http://www.onlinecolleges.net/2011/08/24/60-essential-twitterfeeds-for-following-autism-education/ Email: contact@janusacademy.org | Phone: 403.262.3333 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Ian Menzies ian@janusacademy.org 403 – 668 – 6176 Vice President: Alice Woolley alice@janusacademy.org Treasurer: Rob Oxoby roboxoby@janusacadem y.org Secretary: Alice Woolley alice@janusacademy.org Member: Mona Johnson mona@janusacademy.org Member: Ian Holloway Ian.hollaway@ucalgary.ca School Nurse Update It is that time of year when the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting cooler. Alas, it is also the beginning of the cold and flu season. I would like to remind people that Alberta Health Services will be starting their Annual Influenza Vaccination Campaign on Monday, October 17th. There will be 6 different community clinics running 7 days a week. For clinic locations and times, go to: www.albertahealthservices.ca/influenza.asp or go to the AHS homepage and click on Influenza Immunization under the Quicklinks section. Influenza is spread when people cough and sneeze (droplet infection). Self care is important during Flu season. Consider the following tips for preventing illness this winter: 1. Cover your cough with a tissue or cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your hands. Then, clean your hands, and do so every time you cough or sneeze. 2. Wash your hands well, and often, using regular soap (antibacterial soap is not necessary). Rub your hands vigorously for at least 15 seconds covering all surfaces. Rinse your hands under running water and dry with clean or disposable towel. 3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth. 4. Exercise, drink plenty of water, eat well, and do not smoke. 5. Avoid crowds when influenza is circulating in your area. 6. Get the influenza vaccine every fall. 7. Frequently wipe down your keyboard, mouse and phone with antibacterial wipes. 8. If you are ill, stay home from work so you do not spread the virus. Children who are ill should stay home from school and daycare. 9. Use hand sanitizer frequently, especially after using copy machines, fax machines, someone else’s computer or phone, or after sneezing or coughing. 10. Wash your hands before eating or drinking. Take care all, Heather Millar School Nurse Children and their Parent’s Need for Research about Food Researchers at the University of Calgary want to know which foods children aged 3-16 years would eat IF they had complete freedom to make their own choices. We especially want to know if children with learning and developmental problems have different food preferences from children experiencing typical growth and development. What we ask of you: Complete a survey 1. Copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser address bar to access the survey. 2. Take about 30 minutes to answer some questions online. 3. Help your child (if help is needed) to complete one section of questions. Keep in mind that we want to know your child’s preferences, not what you wish your child would prefer! URL: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/foodpreferencestudy (If this link does not work by clicking, please copy and paste it into your browser!) Participation in this project is voluntary and anonymous. Parents and children should decide together if they want to participate. If you and your child choose to participate, please complete the questions online by April 2012. If you prefer writing answers on paper, a package can be mailed to you along with a selfaddressed, stamped return envelope. To receive a package, please contact Kristin Wiens at kristin.wiens@albertahealthservices.ca. This study has been reviewed and approved by the Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board at the University of Calgary. Thank you in advance for your interest in this project! Bonnie J. Kaplan, PhD, Professor, Department of Paediatrics Email: contact@janusacademy.org | Phone: 403.262.3333 Email: contact@janusacademy.org | Phone: 403.262.3333 Email: contact@janusacademy.org | Phone: 403.262.3333