on stage in Elizabethtown, Kentucky as part of the
on stage in Elizabethtown, Kentucky as part of the
When MATTY ZARB was invited by EDDIE MATTINGLY to perform on stage in Elizabethtown, Kentucky as part of the Acoustic Guitar Masters concert series, it changed his life forever. N MASTER CLASS CAROL REESOR & EDDIE MATTINGLY 34 C O U N T R Y M U S I C C A P I TA L N E W S J U LY 2 0 1 0 ow Matty wants to offer that opportunity to other Aussies in their own country and has created the Down Under version of Acoustic Guitar Masters. But how did Matty get invited onto such a prestigious gig in the first place? Let’s fast track back to 2002 when Matty and his brother PAULY moved to Bardstown, Kentucky. To set the scene, they were playing in a smoky bar called Joe’s Bluegrass Tavern and Eddie Mattingly and CAROL REESOR were in the audience that night. “When I say smoky, I mean a blue haze of tobacco, pool tables, Jim Beam and Budweiser,” Matty said. “It was a great gig for us newcomers and the folks were kind and loved our music. When I met Eddie he asked if I knew of a guitarist called TOMMY EMMANUEL . “Well, as we all know if you play guitar and you are from Australia it’s like asking if an Aussie has heard of Vegemite! We instantly became mates.” It wasn’t long after that Matty realised that Eddie and Carol were the lynch pin of acoustic music and virtuoso guitarists in Kentucky as well as hosts of the Acoustic Guitar Masters concert series. The series’ most noted guitar player was Australia’s own Tommy Emmanuel, among a bevy of incredibly gifted guitar slingers. Now in its 10th year, Acoustic Guitar Masters has brought an amazing array of virtuoso guitarists from all over the world to Kentucky and is now listed as one of the best things to do while in Kentucky. Eddie and Carol introduced the Zarb brothers to many of the guitarists on the series, and it soon dawned on them how unique and wonderful this concert series really was. “I was getting to see something really special