the Lookbook - Ten Thousand Villages
the Lookbook - Ten Thousand Villages
Spring MA DE WIT H LOVE FROM A ROUND THE WORLD a b A fresh look d EXC LU S I V ES FO U N D O N LY AT TEN THO U SAN D SCU LPTED ROSE NECK LACE AND EAR R INGS | Nepal | $69, $34 2 T E N T HOUSA ND V IL L AGES V I L L AG ES c Spring is a fine time for a fresh look, don’t you think? At Ten Thousand Villages, we love a new take, especially when it’s rooted in an age-old tradition. In fact, this is one of our company’s core values — working together, with makers around the world, to develop new designs that combine traditional skills and crafting methods, from weaving to metalwork, from ceramics to carving. The Mid Century Sari Chair is among the most colorful illustrations of this principle. Weaving skills and recycled materials are combined to execute a current trend (which just happens to be a throwback) and create jobs for women in Bangladesh. It’s past meets past meets present (that’s really past) to create a future. Now that’s transformational. a MID C E N T URY SA R I C H A IR | Bangladesh | $275 b MID C E N T URY SA R I SID E TA BL E | Bangladesh | $195 c W IR E BIK E K E Y R AC K | Kenya | $29 d PR E C IO US E A RT H T E R R A R IUM | India | $59 TEN THO U SAN D V I L LAGE S 3 c b c a I N STER LING SILVER a 4 L ABRAD ORI T E FRESHWATER PEAR L NECK LACE | Peru | $125 b GARN ET AR ROW EAR R INGS | Nepal | $69 c S MOKY TOPAZ N ECK LACE AND EAR R INGS | India | $125, $59 T E N T HOUSA ND V IL L AGES E XCLU S I V ES FOUN D ON LY AT TE N THO U SAN D VI LLAG ES TEN THO U SAN D V I L LAGE S 5 a IN D UST R IA L C HI C C U P C A KE STA N D India | $49 b a d c E XC LU S IV E S F O U N D O N LY AT T E N T H O U SA N D V I LLAG E S 6 a I N D UST RI AL CHIC CAK E STAND | India | $29 b BOT T L E BEEHIVE W INE R ACK | India | $79 c AP RI L S H OWERS WATER ING CAN | India | $24 T E N T HOUSA ND V IL L AGES TEN THO U SAN D V I L LAGE S 7 MR. ANWAR SALEEM’S WORKSHOP MORADABAD, INDIA The Makers METAL WORKER MOHAMMED CHAND 8 Moradabad, India’s “brass city” is home to a centuries-old metal-crafting tradition, passed down through generations. Three decades ago, faced with the high cost of raw materials and the low prices of the traditional export market, metalworkers were abandoning the craft in search of other employment. To preserve this piece of India’s cultural heritage and the livelihoods of makers, Samuel Masih founded Noah’s Ark. Today, in workshops like Anwar Saleem’s, metal work is thriving. Noah’s Ark helps these highly skilled craftspeople create contemporary designs with innovative materials. It also provides medical and dental clinics, operates neighborhood schools, and installs water filtration systems in artisans’ homes — efforts founded in Masih’s belief that, together, economic opportunity, education and health can change lives and lift entire communities out of poverty. T E N T HOUSA ND V IL L AGES A PR IL SH OW E R S WAT E R IN G C A N India | $24 TEN THO U SAN D V I L LAGE S Artisan photos © Habibul Haque/Drik/Ten Thousand Villages 9 c b a d e a b 10 T E N T HOUSA ND V IL L AGES C O L D C AVE TA PE R H O L D E R | Pakistan | $16 C O L D C AVE T E A L IG H T H O L D E R | Pakistan | $24 c C O L D C AVE VA SE | Pakistan | $29 d C H E VRO N C A PIZ L A MP | Philippines | $99 e G E O ME T R IC SH E LVE S | Indonesia | $69 each E XC LU S I V E S F OU N D ON LY AT T E N T H OU SA N D V I LLAGE S TEN THO U SAN D V I L L AGE S 11 a b c VIE T N A ME SE E SPR E SSO SE T Vietnam | $39 e d d 12 f a L AYERED FROST NAPK IN | India | $6 b BRUS H ST ROK ES MU G | Vietnam | $18 c REFI N ED ST YL E NAPK IN R ING SET | India | $18 H AP PY EL EP H AN T EYEGLASSES HOLDER | Peru | $24 e H OS P I TAL I T Y CHEESE K NIVES SET | India | $49 f TOGET H ERN ES S PILLOW COVER | India | $69 T E N T HOUSA ND V IL L AGES E XCLUSI VE S FOUN D ON LY AT TE N THOUSAN D VI LLAGE S TEN THO U SAN D V I L L AGE S 13 a b c d e EXC LU S I V ES FO U N D O N LY AT TEN THO U SAN D V I L L AG ES 14 T E N T HOUSA ND V IL L AGES c a A N C IE N T STO R IE S MUG | Vi et n am | $ 1 8 b A N C IE N T STO R IE S PL AT E | Vietnam | $18 O N Y X E L E PH A N T BOA R D A N D D ISH | Pakistan | $49, $16 d A N C IE N T STO R IE S T E A SE T | Vietnam | $29 e A N C IE N T STO R IE S FLOW E R VA SE | Vietnam | $18 TEN THO U SAN D V I L L AGE S 15 The Maker JEWELRY MAKER DIANA PISCO LOON WITH DAUGHTER ROMINA SAT IN & PLUM TAG UA N E C K L AC E Ecuador | $34 Known as “vegetable ivory,” tagua nut is an ethical alternative produced by palm-like trees in the tropics of South America. Nuts fall to the ground when ripe, so not only are they harvested sustainably, the value of tagua in craft production encourages rainforest preservation. Tagua has a long history of use in jewelry and decoration — it was exported widely and commonly used for buttons before plastic became available — because it takes dye well and is exceptionally easy to cut and shape. And carving is what Diana Pisco Loon does best. “I am more comfortable with a Dremel than a pen,” she says. In her workshop in Quito, Ecuador, situated high on a hill overlooking the city, she creates unique jewelry, drawing inspiration from life around her, taking tagua from raw nut to final product under one roof. She is an artist; tagua is her canvas. TEN THO U SAN D V I L L AGE S Artisan photos © Jonathan Bowman 17 a b 6843460 B R E A ST P LAT E -GL AS S India | $59 c b 18 N AT IVE SPIR IT N E C K L AC E India | $59 a TAGUA MEADOW NECK LACE | Ecuador | $49 WI N E & D I N E BAMBOO PLATE SET | Vietnam | $18 c L EMON GR ASS SOAP | India | $12 T E N T HOUSA ND V IL L AGES E XCLUSI VES FOUN D ON LY AT TE N THOUSAN D VI LLAGE S TEN THO U SAN D V I L L AGE S 19 As the world’s original fair trader, we are ”Our art signifies our “We belong to dreams, our hopes.” Villages and provides income to 20,000 As the world’s original fair trader, committed to alleviating poverty around the craftspeople in 30 developing countries. we are committed to alleviating poverty At Ten Thousand Villages, every product, world, continuing the work begun by our around thefounder world,Edna continuing the work pioneering Ruth Byler. every purchase, for more than 65 years, has begun ourvisited pioneering founder In 1946by Byler Puerto Rico whereEdna she Ruth been rooted in the principles of fair trade— — A RT I SA N PA RT NER met women who struggled to find jobs and Byler. In 1946 Byler visited Puerto Rico fair prices, advance payments, long term KO MMA LY CH A NT H AVO NG O F L AO S — ARTI SAN PARTNER feed their families. She began selling the where she met women who struggled to relationships, design collaboration and environ- C OMFORT ADJAHOE-J ENNINGS women’s embroidery work to friends and mental responsibility— people PARTNER around — giving ARTISAN OF GHANA find jobs and feed their families. She began SISTER SILVIA neighbors. The project that began in the trunk the world a chance to make a better life. ARANHA , INDIA selling the women’s embroidery work to of her car is now known as Ten Thousand friends and neighbors. The project that began in the trunk of her car is now known as Ten Thousand Villages and provides income to 20,000 craftspeople in 30 developing countries. At Ten Thousand Villages, every product, every purchase, for 70 years, has been rooted in the principles of fair trade — fair prices, advance payments, long term MAKERS IN BANGLADESH relationships, MOMOTA SAMMADER design collaboration and AND BEAUTY ADHEKARY environmental responsibility — MAKERS IN INDIA giving people around the world SAKILE BEGUM a chance to make NAGMA BEGUM a better life. a wider family“ MED IA R E Q UE ST S : 5W Public Relations — MA R K E T IN G IN Q U I R I E S : 2 0 717-859-8150 T E N T HOUSA ND V IL L AGES FOR MORE GIF T ID EA S V ISIT OUR GIF T F IND ER>> © Habibul Haque/Drik/Ten Thousand Villages