Jinny brochure 2012


Jinny brochure 2012
Messaging, Call Completion,
Mobile Advertising and
Rich Communications
(Contents )
Our mission is to be the
most trusted provider of
Value Added Solutions
for the Mobile World.
Who we are
Messaging What we can do for you
Key benefits
Our technology
Why Jinny?
SMS Router
Filtering Engine
IP SM Gateway
A2P MMS Optimiser
Messaging Gateway
Service Creation Environment
Call Completion
Ringback Tones
Voice and Video Mail 32
Voice SMS
Missed Call Notification
Network IVVR
Collect Call
Call Router 42
Mobile Advertising
Mobile Advertising Platform
Rich Communications
VAS in One™
About Jinny Software
(Who we are)
At Jinny, we work with market-leading mobile operators and virtual network operators
every day to help you add value to your network and grow revenues.
Our reputation is built on our long history of providing world-class mobile messaging,
call completion, mobile advertising and rich communications solutions. We can provide
individual platforms or a full messaging and call completion suite that meets all your VAS
needs with our VAS in One (ViO™) solution.
In an evolving communications market, we meet the needs of the traditional mobile phone
companies while also delivering solutions to the emerging virtual network operators and
enablers – the MVNOs and MVNEs. We also support new companies that are leveraging
multiple technologies to become convergent operators and the multitude of other
enterprises coming online to provide mobile services today.
For new service providers and virtual network operators, we have comprehensive systems
for VAS that are up and running in a short space of time and are highly scalable and flexible
as your business needs change. For established players we have developed, rigorously
tested, and implemented systems that work across all 2G, 3G and 4G networks and
integrate seamlessly with your current infrastructure.
Jinny doesn’t just ship boxes. We help you every step of the way to ensure that your
business case, marketing plan, and technical capacity are coordinated. Our technical
support is unparalleled and will work with you to deliver 99.999% reliability, to ensure you
keep your subscribers happy.
(What we can do for you)
Mobile Network Operators
Virtual & Convergent Operators
Enterprise & Content Providers
Jinny Software has been delivering solutions to
Mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) typically
Content providers have been central to the
mobile operators since 1999. Our experience of
build their business by targeting smaller niche
massive growth in revenues from Application
working with both the largest and the smallest
markets, specific subscriber profiles or leveraging
to Person and general content downloads.
of operators has enabled us to build a broad
established non-telco brands. They require a
Traditionally working through network operators
portfolio of solutions that deliver revenue growth,
rapid time to market with differentiated service
or Content Aggregators, many are now moving
reduced costs, subscriber growth and customer
towards direct integration with the mobile
networks and direct interaction with the customer
We provide complete VAS and network solutions
base. Banks and financial institutions are also
We help established mobile operators extend,
to both MVNOs and multi-play providers. In
looking to interact directly with their end-
enhance or replace their existing infrastructure. partnership with leading systems integrators and
customers over USSD, SMS and MMS channels.
Across all forms of messaging, call completion
Mobile Virtual Network Enablers (MVNEs), Jinny
and mobile advertising capabilities, Jinny Software
Software supports new and evolving players in
Jinny Software works with many of these new
delivers both point solutions for specific operator
this market.
mobile service providers to enable direct delivery
requirements and multiple service offerings in
of content, mobile payments, banking and
a single solution. We help mobile operators to
customer information and interaction solutions.
converge their 2G/3G Value Added Service (VAS)
infrastructure with the new pure IP-based LTE and
Around the world, content providers are
WiMAX networks.
interacting and delivering services directly to
mobile subscribers using the Jinny Messaging
For new operators or established operators
Gateway and Direct Delivery Platforms.
investing in VAS for the first time, we provide
a complete portfolio of solutions, designed for
a cost-effective deployment. Our VAS in One™
provides a full messaging and call completion
suite, designed to grow as you build success.
(Key Benefits)
(Our Technology)
Understanding our customers’ challenges and opportunities is
fundamental. Each solution is different and customised to fit your needs and strategy.
Innovative VAS solutions
Next-generation VAS
The mobile business is competitive. To keep your
customers loyal you need to offer them exciting
and innovative new services. Our market-leading
solutions for Ringback Tones, Network IVVR, Video
Mail, Visual Voicemail, and Voice SMS, among
others, offer new opportunities to delight your
customers and increase revenues.
Shifts in consumer demand and the rise of mobile
broadband and all-IP networks demand that
network providers constantly evolve. At Jinny
we have spent years researching and developing
solutions to help you face the future. For
channelling new revenue streams in partnership
with leading brands, we offer the Jinny Mobile
Advertising Platform; to increase revenues from
the provision of mobile broadband, we launched
the award-winning VAVOOMB™ (Voice and VAS
Over Mobile Broadband); and to smooth the
transition between your legacy systems and
all-IP networks, the next-generation Jinny 4G
Messaging Centre with built-in IP SM Gateway.
Tools for security, administration and
planning of your network
As you implement new services and work to
improve productivity and ARPUs, you need to
be able to plan and monitor your marketing
campaigns, as well as constrain the costs of
implementation. Our solutions for achieving
this include: Call Router, SMS Router, Filtering
Engine, A2P MMS Optimiser, the Operations
and Maintenance Console, and Business
Reporting Suite.
Every solution we deliver is built on the Jinny Standard Platform. Highly
available and scalable with a 99.999% reliability, the Jinny Standard
Platform is the cornerstone of successful implementations.
Flexible commercial terms
We pride ourselves on being innovative in every way at Jinny, including commercially. We structure our terms so that you can “pay
as you grow”.
Common Platform
Deploying all Jinny applications on a common
platform allows us to re-use the tried and tested
building blocks from our proven customer
deployments in every new solution we provide. This provides proven quality, faster time to market,
ease and efficiency of operation and lower capital
and operational costs.
A common User Interface, Operations and
Maintenance console and Jinny Reporting Tools
provide ease of use and significantly reduced
operational costs across your suite of applications.
Scalability & Performance
Jinny Platforms are deployed in a range of
proven configurations ranging from small
start-up operations through to Tier 1 multi-site
deployments. The Jinny Standard Platform is in
live deployments handling tens of thousands of
transactions per second every day. The Jinny Standard Platform can be deployed in
simple cost-effective rack-based servers and then
scaled vertically by adding additional servers in
N+1 and N+M configurations. Horizontal scalability
is also available by using up to eight CPUs per
server, each CPU having up to 6 cores for optimal
performance. In larger scale deployments, it can
be deployed using Blade architectures, providing
limitless scalability for our largest customers. In the changing environment of virtual operators
and hosted operations, we also deploy the Jinny
Standard Platform using the latest virtualisation
techniques to provide multiple application and
multiple instance capabilities on a single server.
The Jinny VAS in One offering is built on these
virtualisation techniques to provide the most costeffective VAS infrastructure deployment available.
(Why Jinny?)
LTE: Changing the entire mobile ecosystem
LTE (Long Term Evolution) offers higher bandwidth and lower latency,
and promises to revolutionise how people use mobile broadband.Its
all-IP architecture, efficiency, and bandwidth flexibility promise to
improve the overall economics of the network, reducing both the cost of
bandwidth use for subscribers and costs related to transport, cell sites,
and related service expenditure for operators.
In the near term, however, transitioning to LTE presents a headache
for operators. Coverage will be patchy and subscribers will expect
services to work seamlessly across 2G, 3G and LTE networks. Managing
the customer experience in these multimodal networks will be a
complicated affair, with potential for service disruption, lost revenues,
and customer churn.
Jinny’s solutions are LTE-ready out of the box. They just work; our
solutions are built to ensure continuity of the customer experience
across LTE, 3G and 2G networks.
“Jinny is best-in-class for competitive
“Our customers have come to expect
strategy, and offers the best set of
solutions and services to its customers
and partners worldwide”
innovative service offerings from
EastLink and by partnering with Jinny,
our new mobile offering will continue this customer commitment”
Frost & Sullivan
“Jinny feels the pain that we feel, and
is there with flexible solutions. The
total cost of ownership is what we
look at when we evaluate our software
investments. We have tremendous
OPEX pressure, and Jinny helps us meet
the challenge of adapting to an everchanging market”
Anker Madsen, Value Added Services Manager
at 3 Indonesia
Matthew MacLellan, President of EastLink Wireless
“After we started using the Jinny platform,
I think we were the only Tanzanian
operator that didn’t fall over on New
Year’s Eve due to traffic overload!”
Andrew Lupembe, Head of Switching, Vodacom
“Jinny Software will help us reach our
goal of becoming a ‘one-stop shop’ for
wireless carriers”
Bill Poellmitz, ClearSky President and CEO
(Messaging )
The general trend for mobile messaging is one
of increasing traffic and decreasing revenues.
In the face of such pressures, we help you focus
on protecting margins by minimising costs and
protecting and growing the subscriber base.
The Jinny 4G Messaging Centre enables
interworking between your 2G, 3G, and IMS-core
networks and conserves both time and costs for
your network infrastructure.
The Jinny messaging solutions promote:
• Cost-efficient support for existing messaging
• Rapid launch of new services
• Imaginative new services to help attract new
and retain existing customers
• New ways of adding value to traditional
messaging traffic
• Converging traditional messaging services with
4G LTE and WIMAX networks
Our customer specific solutions are delivered
based on the following Jinny Messaging Products:
Jinny’s messaging solutions, designed to open
standards, have been exhaustively tested in
commercial deployments around the world.
Feature-rich, flexible, scalable, stable, future-proof design
Key Benefits
Product Overview
4G Ready
No need for an IP-SM gateway!
Our patent-pending technology
integrates the world’s most
pervasive mobile messaging
service with IMS, RCS-e and
4G messaging. Jinny SMSC
optimizes the signalling
between the CS and IMS
networks, reducing the transit
time, network load and CAPEX spend.
Jinny Software’s SMSC is an all-IP,
high capacity, scalable solution offering
unbeatable reliability. This next-generation
solution enables you to share components,
centralise functions, and reduce complexity
and costs, while at the same time helping to
rapidly introduce new services to market,
keeping your customers engaged.
Future-proof Investment
Compliant with all major
standards defining the future
of messaging, our highly
scalable all-IP architecture
enables you to share
components, centralise
functions and reduce
Feature-rich SMSC
As SMS becomes increasingly
commoditised, the Jinny SMSC
enables an extensive range
of personalisation services
to stimulate additional
revenues and win the loyalty of
Flexible Licensing
Jinny’s flexible licensing
model ensures that the
SMSC delivers the best value
for money without blocking
service if license limits are
occasionally breached.
Offering direct integration with IMS
networks, Jinny’s 4G SMSC enables wireless
network operators to position themselves
for evolution to the next generation of mobile
messaging services and technologies.
Without needing additional hardware or
software, the Jinny SMSC provides a wide
range of features that enable operators
to boost customer loyalty and messaging
• Personalisation
• Customer Profiling
• Virtual MSISDNs
• Closed User Groups
• Mobile Number Portability
The 4G SMSC is founded on Jinny’s
distributed componentised architecture,
which supports the industry-leading
performance, high-availability and costeffective scalability for which Jinny products
are known.
This common architecture underlies
Jinny’s entire range of voice, multi-media
and messaging products. It facilitates
seamless integration in synergistic and
complementary services such as:
Voice SMS
Welcome Roamer
Missed Call Notification
Mobile Marketing
Mobile Payments & Banking
Key Features
Prepared for Evolution or Revolution
The Jinny SMSC is compliant with all
open standards that define the future of
messaging. With support for 3GPP SIP
and Diameter, the Jinny SMSC is ready
for transparent interoperation with IMS
networks. Most importantly, it is based on
a scalable and resilient architecture that
enables rapid deployment of new features.
Extension Components
The Jinny SMSC can be augmented with the
following optional components to extend its
Welcome Roamer
Real-time Charging Gateway (RTCG)
IP-SM Gateway
Cell Broadcast Centre (GSM & IS-41)
Message Tracking Tool
Mobile Marketing
Mobile Payments & Banking
Strengthen the loyalty of your customers by enabling
them to personalise their experience of your network
with features such as Group Messaging, SMS
Forwarding, Auto-reply, Auto-Signature, Originating
Number Aliasing and Hiding, Enhanced Delivery
Reports, Message Status Enquiry, Cancel Pending
Messages, Future Message and Flash Messages.
There is no need for additional components as these
features are native to the Jinny SMSC.
Support for VAS Applications
The Jinny SMSC includes sophisticated functionality
to facilitate and control access to the SMS service by
3rd party service providers. The SMSC supports direct
connections from applications using a broad range of
protocols and supports the Service Level Agreements
that protect network resources by regulating the
throughput of each service provider.
Scalability and Fault Tolerance
With its fully distributed and scalable architecture,
the Jinny SMSC can scale to handle thousands of
messages per second by simply adding messageprocessing and signalling-processing nodes.
Compliance, Compatibility & Protocols
Standards Compliance: ITU-T, ANSI, ETSI, 3GPP,
Network Compatibility: GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS,
Network Interfaces: ITU-T and ANSI SS7 LSL, ITU-T
Supported Application Protocols: SMPP, EMI/UCP,
OS: Solaris, Linux
Scalability: Linearly Scalable up to 10,000+ messages
per second
SMSC Architecture
Content Providers
Content Providers
Messaging Gateway
Real-time Charging
Jinny Business
Tools Reporting
Unleash complete multimedia messaging potential
Key Benefits
Product Overview
Enable subscribers to access the multimedia world
People can communicate
feelings and emotions with
friends and relatives by
sharing photos or video clips
The Jinny MMSC is a highly scalable service
platform, built to open standards and
running on mobile networks including GSM,
It is based on a modular architecture that
makes it possible for mobile operators to
increase message throughput supported by
simply adding more nodes so it can be scaled
virtually without limitation.
Increase communication
possibilities with MMS
Provide a rich environment
to create and manage MMS
messages and drive MMS
High performance to support
P2P & A2P growth
Innovative design to
efficiently deliver multimedia
traffic patterns and timesensitive services
Proven, stable & flexible
The Jinny MMSC is live in
more than 30 sites worldwide
- from entry level to largescale distributed systems
The Jinny MMSC has been built in
accordance with and adheres to 3GPP,
3GPP2 and OMA standards. Jinny’s platform
has all the required features to meet
the challenges posed by today’s MMS
environment, offering features like legacy
handset support, integrated WAP Gateway,
media transcoding, lawful intercept, mobile
number portability, virus filtering and spam
control. Multiple applications and external
modules complement the Jinny MMS
Embedded Virus & Spam Filtering
To help combat the problem of mobile
spamming and viruses, which is a significant
problem in some countries, the MMSC offers
an anti-spam and anti-virus tool to filter
unwanted or harmful messages.
Mobile Advertising Support
We also offer support of mobile advertising
for multimedia messaging with the Jinny
Mobile Advertising Platform.
MMSC Architecture
Key Features
Media Transcoding
The Jinny MMS Transcoder provides realtime transcoding and will accept and perform
real-time media adaptation on many types of
images, audio and video content.
A2P MMS Optimiser
The MMSC can be deployed as an Application2-Person MMS Optimiser using software
optimisation techniques such as pretranscoding, optimised storage and bulk
notifications to facilitate an increase in the
number of transactions per second, allowing
huge peaks in traffic over short periods to be
handled efficiently.
MMS Studio & MPSS
With its MMS Composer & Media Store
features, subscribers can create and send their
own MMS online. These MMS messages can be
composed using subscribers’ uploaded images
and sounds or those from a third party.
Extending the logic of email, the MPSS module
provides the subscriber with online storage to
view past sent/received items. This module can
be easily incorporated with the MMS Studio to
offer the subscriber a complete feature-rich
set of services.
Load Balancer
Content Providers
Jinny OMC Reporting
Jinny RTCG
MMSC Node 1
MMSC Node 2
MMSC Node N+1
WAP GW Node 1
WAP GW Node 2
WAP GW Node N+1
The hidden gem in the GSM network
Key Benefits
Drives rapid deployment of
• Out-of-the-box services
• User-friendly service
• Easy integration of
applications via portal
Enhances uptake of services
• Support for multiple
languages and character
• Service discovery through
Cost-effective solution
• No new CAPEX in the
• Exploits existing network capabilities
• No complex handset
• Cheaper than IVRs for
• Flexible, non-blocking
Product Overview
The Jinny USSD Server provides the operator
with a complete suite of enablers and turn-key
applications to launch innovative services and
begin monetising their network’s capabilities
fully. USSD is especially attractive for services
such as mobile information, mobile commerce,
mobile entertainment or any service that
requires immediate assured interaction
between subscriber and application, such as
mobile banking. The Jinny USSD platform
already supports the provision of mobile
banking services to previously “unbanked”
populations in remote regions of the world.
As an enabler of USSD services in the core
network, the Jinny USSD Server supports GSM
SS7 connectivity and translates USSD requests
into IP-based protocols such as SMPP or
HTTP/XML. It complies with GSM phase
1 and 2 USSD for push/pull and sessionbased services. It provides a flexible routing
capability based on service code, network
information or subscriber identity.
In addition to providing the standard features
The Jinny USSD Server is founded on Jinny’s
distributed component architecture, which
supports industry-leading performance, high
availability and cost-effective scalability. As
the same architecture underlies the whole
range of Jinny’s voice, multimedia and
messaging products, it is easier to seamlessly
integrate them together to launch synergistic
and complementary services such as:
USSD download of MMS and WAP settings
Mobile marketing
Customer self-care via USSD menus
Mobile payments & banking
USSD information services for inward
Menu-based Navigation and Accelerated Launch
The Jinny USSD portal helps the operator
construct and present interactive menus to
subscribers for the discovery of and navigation
through services and information. Menus can be
constructed in a tree structure that terminates
either with an application that provides a
particular service or with an item of information
for display on the subscriber’s handset. This
means subscribers do not need to remember
codes for specific services and enables the
operator to provide a central point of access.
Integration of External Content
The definition of menus on Jinny’s portal provides
for menus terminating with static “pages” of
information. This information can be retrieved
from an external source such as a web page and
simply displayed on the subscriber’s handset.
User-Friendly Service Creation
Jinny’s USSD Portal equips the mobile operator
with a GUI-based interface for designing menus
through which to offer VAS services to their own
subscribers and subscribers on other networks.
Real-time Rating and Charging
The Jinny Real-time Charging Gateway enables
flexible rating and charging of USSD services
based on numerous criteria. Typically a service
code is used to charge.
USSD Architecture
Application Service
Application Service
Key Features
Out-Of-The-Box Services
With its suite of turn-key applications, the
Jinny USSD server enables a mobile operator
to immediately roll out attractive services to
subscribers when they deploy the platform.
of a USSD gateway, Jinny offers optional
components to help operators provide out-ofthe-box services and to build menus to enable
subscribers to locate services from a central
access point.
The following applications are available to
operators deploying the Jinny USSD server:
• Voucher Recharge
• AirTime Transfer
• Balance Enquiry
• Call Me Back
Jinny Business
Tools Reporting
Real-time Charging
GSM Network
SMS Router
Maximise the value of SMS today
Deliver increased SMS
State-of-the-art direct
routing technology offering
unlimited performance,
reducing both CAPEX and
The Jinny SMS Router maximises profitability
of SMS as a network service. It reduces costs
and opens up new revenue streams through
increased efficiency in managing SMS traffic
via SMS direct delivery/first delivery attempt
and through the introduction of innovative
revenue-generating customer-centric services
such as in-network SMS personalisation.
The Jinny SMS Router offers a future-proof
solution with unlimited linear horizontal
scalability with active-active architecture
maximising hardware usage and service
availability for performance and support for
tomorrow’s enhanced SMS network services.
Customer & brand protection
Comprehensive anti-spam
and anti-fraud features help
to secure the network and
offer customer and brand
Introduce innovative and
personalised SMS services
Introduce new network
and customer-centric SMS
services, growing both
revenue and ARPU
Future-proofing the SMS
Introduce a comprehensive,
highly flexible and futureproof architecture, enabling
easier introduction of new
The Jinny SMS Router is an SS7 product
providing comprehensive business logic and
control for SMS traffic routing and delivery.
It can be integrated within any signaling
network to support receiving SMS MO traffic,
receiving and intercepting SMS MT traffic and
for the delivery of SMS to recipients. It also
provides a wide range of IP-based protocols
for integration with external applications for
AO or AT traffic. It offers seamless integration
to the network and operator OSS/BSS, using
appropriate standard interfaces to fit with
multiple network topologies.
The SMS Router enables protection of the
network, customers and the mobile operator’s
brand via anti-fraud, anti-spam and other
security features for SS7 SMS MO and MT
traffic. SMS real-time billing integration and
SMS SS7 MT interconnect control provide the
full scope for revenue assurance and network
revenue optimisation.
This enables the maximum level of control regarding
policy management either on a message basis, or on
a subscriber or group of subscribers basis.
SMS Anti-Spam and Anti-Fraud
The SMS Router extensively supports anti-spam
and anti-fraud, including full support of GSMA
guidelines. This can be applied on both SMS MO
and SMS MT via the SS7 SMS MT interception
feature. The product also provides an incremental
feature set to offer full network-level protection and
subscriber identity protection.
SMS Personalisation Services
The SMS Router enables the introduction of innetwork SMS personalised services. Typical
Message Filtering and Policy Management
The product provides an extensive set of
static or dynamic criteria for decisions about
accepting or rejecting a message. Messagebased screening can be performed for SMS MO
as well as SMS MT messages with an SS7 MT
SMS interception feature.
Full SMS Standards Support
• GSM, TDMA, CDMA and IMS support
• ITU-T, ETSI, ANSI, 3GPP, 3GPP2 support for SMS
• SS7 TDM (E1, T1), HSL and Sigtran support
for external applications traffic or SMSCs
SMS Router Architecture
Key Features
Flexible Routing and Advanced Delivery of SMS Messages
With a rules-based approach, the Jinny SMS
Router supports a wide range of static or
dynamic criteria linked to the SMS message
for routing decisions to the SMSC, or for highperformance direct delivery decision (first
delivery attempt) to the network or external
applications. A sophisticated load balancing
mechanism enables the best use of the SMSC layer.
customer-centric services include SMS copy/
forward/auto-reply services, providing incremental
revenue streams to the mobile operator. The
product also enables personalised sponsorship with targeted SMS add-insertion in SMS MO and
MT traffic
SS7 or IP
AO/AT Applications
SMS Router
Home network
Product Overview
SS7 Applications
Foreign network
Key Benefits
Filtering Engine
Protect your network, subscribers and brand image
Key Benefits
Product Overview
Maximise network usage and reliability
Protect the network
through blocking unwanted
and fradulent traffic
and efficiently reducing
associated direct and indirect costs
The Jinny Filtering Engine is designed to
help protect the reputation of your network
and your subscriber’s experience. It analyses
messaging traffic, detects fraudulent
elements and blocks undesirable text and
multi-media content from both on and offnetwork sources to ensure that the network
handles only desirable traffic. The Jinny
Filtering Engine is built around a sophisticated
and highly customisable rules-based engine
providing the operator with flexibility in
factoring in both the network operator’s and
subscriber’s policy. It consolidates network
and subscriber preferences inside this highly
flexible framework and can integrate easily
into multiple back-office systems.
Highly flexible and
comprehensive security
Consolidate network-wide
security policy through
multiple channels onto
a single solution with an
extensive rules-based
Provide a safer network and
earn subscriber loyalty
Enhance the subscriber
experience and earn loyalty
by providing a safer network
and by putting subscribers
in control of the content they
want to receive
Engineered for best performance with an
intuitive user interface, the Jinny Filtering
Engine provides operators with a reliable
solution to implement SMS, MMS and HTTP
traffic screening for anti-spam, anti-flood,
anti-fraud and anti-virus on the same
platform. It enables you to consolidate a
comprehensive security preference for the
following requirements:
Network-level Control - Protect the network
from malware, virus, malicious and fraudulent
traffic, helping to maximise network usage,
decrease costs and increase reliability and
customer satisfaction.
Subscriber-level control - Protect the
subscriber from spam and unwanted traffic
helping to build operator loyalty, reduce
customer care costs and enhance the enduser experience. New customer-centric
control services can also be introduced to
generate additional revenue.
Key Features
Highly Flexible
A high performance rules-based engine with
a wide set of criteria for maximum flexibility
in message content and parameter filtering,
fraud evaluation and associated decision
actions. The Filtering Engine acts as the
Policy Decision Point for messaging traffic,
relying on Jinny’s messaging proxies or
legacy ones.
Wide Spectrum for Security and Policy
Provides anti-spam, anti-fraud, anti-flood,
anti-virus, plus the Policy Control Function to
block unwanted content and traffic.
Sophisticated Filtering
A sophisticated and advanced filtering capability
including pattern matching, repeated content and
addressing, anti-flooding and content filtering.
Capabilities include:
• Filtering out messages identified as spam or
phishing attacks against a subscriber
• Malware and spam detection through traffic
analysis, filtering of messages based on mobile
spam signatures and spam detection algorithms
• Content filtering through signature and specialised
3rd party analysis engines
Filtering Engine Architecture
Jinny OMC
Service Providers
HTTP based
Service Providers
Email Applications
Operator and Subscriber
Consolidate the network
policies defined by the operator
and its subscribers. Collectively
the Jinny Filtering Engine solution
• Mobile operator-defined network
control and throttling rules
• Mobile operator-defined anti-fraud
rules and anti-spam
• Subscriber-defined acceptable or
unwanted content
Messaging Gateway
Customer Care
Messaging and IP Traffic Control
Supports SMS, MMS, SMTP and HTTP traffic
control for all traffic interfaces, with adherence
to 3GPP, OMA, IETF standards.
Jinny Filtering
IP Proxy
SMTP Proxy
HTTP Proxy
Home MMSCs
Home SMSCs
Jinny SMS Router
Foreign SMSCs
Foreign MMSCs
IP SM Gateway
Bringing SMS into 4G LTE and IMS networks
Key Benefits
Product Overview
Bring SMS support to the 4G LTE networks
Enables GSM and CDMA
operators to extend the
SMS service onto the latest
4G networks. This secures
messaging revenue and
customer satisfaction
The Jinny IP SM Gateway answers the
challenge of introducing SMS services into the
4G/LTE networks and simultaneously smoothly
supporting 2G/3G networks. The Gateway
acts as a messaging technology-aware bridge
between LTE/IMS networks and legacy SS7
circuit-switched 2G/3G networks.
Maximise legacy messaging
Enables a cost-effective and
efficient introduction of SMS
onto 4G networks. Advanced
message routing and delivery
options ensure the best use of
legacy messaging architecture
Augment messaging
performance while reducing
overall costs
Helps to transfer legacy
messaging traffic onto LTE
networks and provides
additional delivery performance
and options that minimise the
need for costly new architecture
Protect customer and brand for
next-generation messaging
Provides advanced and
comprehensive filtering
capability for both the legacy
and IMS domains for maximum
Following 3GPP and 3GPP2 standards, the
Jinny IP SM Gateway ensures messaging
continuity and messaging interworking
between both domains. The solution inherits
from Jinny’s feature-rich SMS solutions the
advanced and flexible routing capability to
maximise the usage of legacy messaging
centres in both CDMA and GSM environments.
The Gateway also brings a differentiating
messaging feature set that can be applied on
the new network domain, including advanced
message filtering, personalised messaging
services or advertisement insertion in
message traffic.
This solution gives operators an effective way
to introduce SMS in next-generation networks
and provide a smooth integration with legacy
messaging services.
The Jinny IP SM Gateway also provides the
foundation to support new messaging services
for the 4G/IMS core, including Converged IP
Messaging and RCS.
Key Features
Support SMS over IP and SIP/IMS Messaging
for GSM and CDMA Networks
Based on Jinny’s experience in mobile
messaging in heterogeneous network
technologies and following 3GPP and 3GPP2
standards, the Jinny IP SM Gateway introduces
the support of SMS in the latest 4G networks
for GSM and CDMA operators while ensuring
smooth service continuity and convergence.
Advanced IMS Messaging Filtering and
The Gateway provides an extensive set of
static and dynamic criteria for decisions
about accepting or rejecting IMS domain
messages. Message-based screening can be
performed for IMS domain originating as well
as IMS domain terminating. This ensures
mobile operators can have greater overall
control of messaging traffic.
Built-in Messaging Personalisation
The product provides embedded customerlevel personalisation logic capability in
order to launch consistent messaging
personalisation and targeted services. This helps operators to provide and maintain
differentiated services while growing the LTE
customer base.
IP SM Gateway Architecture
2G/3G Network
SS7 Core
4G/LTE Network
IMS Core
Optimised Message Delivery to Network and
legacy SMSCs
With a highly flexible rules-based approach,
the Gateway supports a wide range of static
and dynamic criteria for optimised routing and
delivery decisions. It supports interworking
and load balancing with any SMSCs
from legacy networks and supports high
performance direct delivery decisions (first
delivery attempt) to the network maximising
the use of legacy messaging investments and
enabling higher scalability and performance.
IP SM Gateway
A2P MMS Optimiser
Make your MMS campaigns transparent and cost-effective
Key Benefits
Product Overview
Save on license costs
Enables transferring A2P
traffic away from legacy
MMSCs and SMSCs, and
reduces wholesale MMS
campaign prices for content
providers, making the
channel more attractive
The Jinny Application-to-Person MMS
Optimiser provides a solution for operators
seeking to harness the power of multimedia
to market in a cost-effective way. The Jinny
A2P MMS Optimiser makes it possible to
achieve a high message throughput on a
single node, keeping license costs affordable.
Accelerate MMS campaign
Speeds up MMS message
processing and delivery,
enabling the launch of new
and innovative multimedia
services within minutes
Manage and Monitor MMS
campaigns in real time
Ability to launch, manage,
and monitor MMS bulk or
marketing campaigns with
Broadcast Manager, with
augmented performance
and reliability
Drive P2P MMS usage
using A2P MMS channel
Educate users about MMS
while also protecting ongoing
P2P traffic
The Optimiser includes a Broadcast Manager,
which is an advanced application that can be
used to create and run MMS-based marketing
campaigns. Campaigns can be started,
suspended, and resumed at a chosen time.
The Broadcast Manager is administered
and configured through a user-friendly and
intuitive Graphical User Interface.
Jinny’s solution for A2P MMS Optimisation
posts message content only once to the MMS
delivery engine. Multiple notifications are
sent in bulk mode without resubmitting the content.
It is also possible to manage multiple
accounts for multiple content providers. Each provider can have its own properties,
with all accounts controlled by the
administrator. Provider account parameters
include broadcast campaign settings such as
Message Sending Rate or Maximum Number
of Messages Allowed.
The Optimiser’s Broadcast Manager
includes campaign scheduling and campaign
monitoring, along with a rich set of reports
that will optimise marketing decisions.
A2P MMS Optimiser Architecture
A2P Submit Request:
Campaign Service
MMSC Main Process
MMS Recipients
MMS Notification Process
MM1 Bulk Queue
A2P Notify Request:
MMS Messages Stored Once
Even for a very large MMS marketing
campaign, the Optimiser stores the message
only once, which helps optimise and
streamline the process. Multiple notifications
are sent in bulk mode without resubmitting
the content.
1 Notify
Campaign Service
MMSC Main Process
MMS Recipients
1 Submit
The Jinny A2P MMS Optimiser plus Broadcast
Manager helps mobile operators to keep
MMSC license costs under control while also
benefiting from a high performance system
designed to delivery large MMS broadcasts
without impacting existing person-to-person
MMS traffic.
Key Features
Content Pre-transcoding for Handsets
The Jinny A2P MMS Optimiser includes the
facility for the MMS content to be delivered
quickly and be optimised to match the
handsets highest capabilities.
SMSC Offloader (Optional)
The SMSC offloader delivers the SMS
traffic generated by the A2P MMS
Optimiser MMS notifications, avoiding additional
investments in legacy SMSC licenses and hardware.
Integrated MMS Broadcast Manager
The Jinny A2P MMS Optimiser can be more userfriendly and marketing-oriented with the Broadcast
Manager. The optional Broadcast Manager enables
the operator to schedule, manage, monitor, and
report on MMS campaigns through a simple, userfriendly interface.
MMS Notification Process
MM1 Bulk Queue
Messaging Gateway
Capitalise on messaging application traffic
Key Benefits
Product Overview
Efficient messaging service
provider management
Consolidate traffic control and
management of application
services across multiple
delivery channels to reduce
time-to-market and increase
The Jinny Messaging Gateway is the
response to the market challenges for
maximising the profitability of application
traffic, reducing costs and opening up new
revenue streams. The Jinny Messaging
Gateway is a future-proof solution to
consolidate and deliver application traffic
in the most efficient way. It provides an
operator with the complete toolkit to
effectively deliver on the revenue opportunity
from third-party messaging applications and services.
Fully monetise the revenue
stream from third-party
application traffic
Introduce advanced content
charging, subscription-based
services and richer marketing
Efficiently support the A2P
traffic explosion
Through a highly flexible
and robust rules-based
framework, support
thousands of applications with
comprehensive management
tools, embedded rich
capabilities and message
delivery methods
The product is a feature-rich technical
gateway to decouple service provider
functions and application traffic
management from core messaging centres.
While consolidating service providers into a
central point of management, it simplifies
network access to applications through a
secure, robust and flexible architecture.
It supports high-volume application traffic
for all messaging protocols such as SMS,
MMS and WAP push, integrating seamlessly
with the operators’ messaging centres.
Providing secure standard and easy-to-use
protocols to messaging content providers,
the Jinny Messaging Gateway reduces time
to market for new service deployment.
Extensive Service Provider Management Capability
Jinny Messaging Gateway enables business-oriented
service provider management options combined with
multiple profiling for the provisioning process and SLA
agreement definition. Through real-time provisioning
interfaces or intuitive interfaces, SMS, MMS and WAP
push applications can be quickly provisioned and
As a solid service provider management
layer, the Messaging Gateway enables
comprehensive capabilities for network and
subscriber protection and real-time contentbased charging, bringing both service control
and optimised monetisation of A2P traffic.
It is designed around a highly flexible rulesbased engine enabling maximum built-in
flexibility and control over messaging traffic,
factoring in both the operator’s and the
subscriber’s contractual agreements.
Comprehensive Message Routing and Filtering
The rules-based engine uses an extensive set of
static or dynamic criteria for policy decision about
accepting, rejecting, modifying and routing messages.
This enables a maximum level of control regarding
messaging filtering, policy management and SLA
enforcement either on a message basis or at service
provider level. Subscriber level preferences can be
consolidated for personalised or targeted
messaging services.
Key Features
Central Point of Management for SMS, MMS
and WAP Push Traffic
The Jinny Messaging Gateway supports SMS,
MMS and WAP push technology, bridging
content providers to the operator’s network
via a unified layer decoupled from the
messaging centres. It provides extensive
routing rules and direct delivery options.
Wide Range of Protocol Support for 2-Way
Messaging Service
Support for legacy messaging protocols
such as SMPP, UCP, CIMD, OIS, MM7 or EAIF
and richer connectivity options for service
providers such as HTTP, XML and SOAPbased protocols SMTP, MM4 and Parlay
X. The open architecture enables quick
lead times for new interface deployment,
including real-time integration to IT systems.
Rich A2P Vertical Offering from Embedded VAS to
Network Delivery
The Jinny Messaging Gateway is the foundation
package for a comprehensive A2P VAS offering. VAS
components can provide push/pull, subscription or
alert messaging services. The Message Broadcasting
tool, comprehensive campaign management and
advanced reporting can also be offered. Direct SMS
or MMS delivery straight into the network offers the
highest performance option, avoiding message
centre bottlenecks.
Messaging Gateway Architecture
SMS Services
MMS Services
Jinny OMC Reporting
WAP Push Services
Messaging Gateway
Jinny VAS Application Suite
Jinny Filtering Engine
IN Charging
Service Creation Environment
A friendly environment for creating and executing tailored and innovative applications
Key Benefits
Product Overview
Ease of use
The “drag & drop” service
creation toolkit allows nonexpert telecom users to rapidly
create real, usable telecom
Often, if a competitor introduces a new service,
you must respond and offer a similar or
better service within days or weeks, to avoid
losing customers. Another driver behind
rapid service creation is that you can attract
enterprise customers by offering customdeveloped value-added services that leverage
enterprise telecom and IT infrastructure.
Enterprise customers typically offer
significantly higher margins than consumers,
and are thus more attractive. Service
providers therefore need tools and standardsbased runtime platforms to quickly develop,
deploy and execute interesting applications
for their clients. This assists in the transition
towards on-demand, responsive businesses.
Drives revenues and reduces
Jinny SCE/SEE provides the
perfect platform to create and
execute cost effective VAS
applications. It also helps to
reduce the cost of ownership
of telecom services
Eases network integration and
reduces integration cost
Integration within a network
— using the same element
for value-added services like
SMS and USSD — significantly
reduces integration costs.
Once the Jinny SEE has been
integrated, services created by
SCE are easily deployed with
no additional effort
Fast to market
Enables you to quickly bring
new value-added services to
your network
It allows an operator or content providers
to create new services without a need for
software developers, accelerating the timeto-market of tailored services and at the same
time improving the control over these services.
The SCE is fully web-based. There is no need
to install any software on the administrator’s
computer and it can be used anywhere. The
Jinny SCE is supported on Microsoft IE, Firefox
and Chrome.
The Jinny Service Execution Environment
(SEE) is a carrier-grade run-time environment
for the deployment and execution of services
created by the network operator or third party
application developers.
File Management Graphical User Interface
The SCE file management module allows you to
manage the applications repository.
The SCE simulator environment provides a
web-based simulation environment to test the
applications before running them in the operator
Reports and Statistics
SEE delivers details on usage characteristics for
submitted messages, giving information such as
application access during a month, day or hour,
or the number of requests served successfully.
The Jinny Service Creation Environment (SCE)
is a graphics-based intuitive development
environment with enhanced Web services
support for rapid development of new value
added services.
Key Features
User-Friendly Graphical Editor
The Jinny SCE equips you with a graphical
user interface for designing and creating
new applications. The drag and drop user
experience allows you to create innovative
applications without coding experience.
User Management
The Jinny SCE user management tool allows
the administrator to manage user accounts.
It allows him to create different types of
users; e.g admin, publisher, tester, and so on.
(Call Completion )
Jinny’s Call Completion solutions are built on a
cost-effective, scalable and flexible voice and video
transcoding platform. With our Call Completion
products, we help you drive revenues through
attractive ARPU-generating subscriber services
and reduce costs.
Our architecture provides the flexibility, features
and framework components that enable you to
evolve your service portfolio to include richer and
more interactive services, while also reducing
time to market.
Call-related activity makes up to 80% of mobile
revenues. In a typical mobile network, up to 70%
of calls are answered and completed and paid
for. However, the other 30% of calls represents a
significant chunk of missed revenues due to the
terminating subscriber being busy, unavailable or
simply not answering the call.
Also, most subscribers use a standard ringtone
and are unaware of the personalisation options
available that enhance not only their own
experience, but the experience of those who
communicate with them.
There is considerable opportunity here for you
to generate significant new revenue streams. You can offer subscribers an enhanced mobile
experience, gaining their loyalty and increasing
your revenues.
Ringback Tones
Offering a fun and personalised call experience
Key Benefits
Product Overview
Introduce personalisation
Enable subscribers to
personalise their way of
interacting with friends and
The Jinny Ringback Tone Server allows
mobile users to reflect their personality
by setting a preferred ringback tone for
callers to hear before the call is answered.
It replaces the monotone sound heard by
those trying to call with a popular ringback
tone, a sound clip or a self-recorded
message, allowing subscribers to express
themselves in a very individual way. Specific
ringback tones can be associated to certain callers.
Increase revenues and ARPU
Introduce a new source
of revenue by enriching
multimedia content
Fast uptake & short Return
On Investment (ROI)
ROI is fast, depending on
subscriber uptake. Some
operators have reported
ROI in less than one month,
others have achieved a 30%
service penetration in less
than one year
Cost effective & reliable
Suitable service for mobile
operators and for distributed
implementations across the
network. Reliable and fully
redundant to guarantee total
service continuity
The Jinny Ringback Tone Server offers
an optimised solution for generating
and playing a large variety of tones,
announcements or audio clips for
personalised ringback tone services. The solution also offers a fully configurable
billing mechanism to meet the requirements
of the most common business models
applicable to this service.
Key Features
A Variety of easy to use and attractive
subscriber features:
• The Calendar option allows you to set
certain tones for certain days or events
• The Gift feature allows you to send a
ringback tone as a gift
• Create and upload your own ringback
• Manage your subscription using Web, IVR,
• Grab another subscriber’s ringback tone
while you wait for B party to pick up the
• ‘Top of the charts’ makes the most
successful ringback tones immediately
visible and available
• Voucher/rewards programme &
Powerful Media Processing for Multiple
The Media Resource Server (MRS) is a nextgeneration middleware solution enabling
you to add a number of other call completion
and media products easily once you have made
the initial investment. This allows you to share
components, centralise functions and reduce
complexity and costs while at the same time allowing
you to introduce new services with a speedy time to
market, keeping your customers satisfied.
Ringback Tone Server Architecture
• Rate and recommend ringback tones
• Caller ringback tones: choose the tone
you would like to listen to when calling
someone else
• Dialing codes that access specific contents
or content providers as advertised in print
• Grab ringback tones available via
promotional dialing codes
Mobile Advertising Support
The Jinny Ringback Tone Server can
support the roll-out of mobile advertising
by connecting it with the Jinny Mobile
Advertising Platform. Ringback Tones can
then be used as another mobile advertising
channel, an attractive option for advertisers.
Self-Service Tools
Customer Care
Application Server
Billing IN
Voice & Video Mail
A personalised answering service ensuring calls are never missed
Key Benefits
Product Overview
Lower churn & increase
Jinny Voice & Video Mail helps
operators reduce churn and
increase revenue by providing
a complete personalisation
package for their customers
The Jinny Voice & Video Mail system is a
carrier-class centralised voice and video
messaging system which collects messages
that callers leave for each other. It boosts
call completion by reporting unanswered,
incomplete and non-billable voice and video
calls to subscribers. Operators can drive
up ARPU by ensuring that more calls are
answered or returned.
If a video call is not answered - the called
party is busy, out of 3G coverage or not
available - it will be forwarded to the
Video Mail service. The caller will see the
subscriber’s personalised video greeting
and can then leave a video message. Voice
& Video Mail are available in one unified
service so users do not need a separate
mailbox for voice and video messages.
A caller to the Jinny Voice & Video Mail
system will be answered by a personalised
greeting and invited to leave a message.
The subscriber can be notified of messages
in a variety of ways depending on preference.
Jinny Video Mail is a feature-rich
personalised video mail service for 3G video
users, helping them realise the potential of
video telephony services.
Even if a caller chooses not to leave a
message, Abandoned Call Alert ensures
that an automatically generated
notification is delivered to the called party,
with complete call origin details. The
“Availability” option alerts the caller when
the called party becomes accessible, always
ensuring call completion.
Increase customer
With Jinny Voice & Video
Mail, calls are never
missed. If a message is not
left, Abandoned Call Alert
ensures that an automatically
generated notification is
delivered to the called party
Flexible, scalable and reliable
A single platform supports
voice and video messages and
millions of subscribers with a
fast and reliable service that
easily scales horizontally and
Message Notification Interfaces
Jinny Voice & Video Mail system notifies its subscribers
about new messages through different interfaces
including SMS, MMS, Email and outgoing calls.
Visual Voice & Video Mail and Smartphone Application
Jinny pushes voice and video messages directly to
handsets without going through a traditional IVR. With
MMS, email, web and smartphone delivery, subscribers
can look at a list of messages and prioritise which
messages to listen to. Multimedia elements including
branding and advertising can be added.
Personalised Voice & Video Greetings
In addition to allowing subscribers to
modify their mailbox voice greeting, Jinny provides
flexible video greetings for subscribers with 3G
handsets. Subscribers can record a video and save it as their mailbox personal greeting.
Voicemail Security
Jinny Voice & Video Mail provides high security
protection to subscribers and protects their privacy
though a robust CID which acts against system fraud.
Voice & Video Mail Architecture
Key Features
Abandoned Call Alert and Availability
Jinny Voice & Video Mail provides
subscribers with the Abandoned Call
Alert feature. When a call is directed to
the mailbox and the caller declines to
leave a message, the system generates an
Abandoned Call Alert. The “Availability”
option alerts the caller when the called party
becomes accessible.
Mailbox Full Notification
When a subscriber’s mailbox is full, Jinny Voice & Video
Mail automatically generates an SMS message and
informs the subscriber.
Abandoned Call Alert and Availability
When a call is directed to the mailbox and the caller
declines to leave a message, the system generates an
Abandoned Call Alert. The “Availability” option alerts
the caller when the called party becomes accessible.
Message Notification Interfaces
Jinny Voice & Video Mail system notifies its
subscribers about new messages through
different interfaces including SMS, MMS,
Email and outgoing calls.
Jinny Voice and Video Mail Application
HTTP Server
MMS Interface
SMS Interface
Email Interface
Email Server
Voice SMS
Mobile Network : SS7 / SIGTRAN / SIP / ISUP / ISDN
Voice SMS
Personalise your message with sound and motion
Key Benefits
Product Overview
New revenue stream
Voice SMS extends messaging
usage to subscribers not
comfortable with texting and
opens a new revenue stream
for application-to-person
voice and video services and
innovative voice/video push
The Jinny Voice SMS platform is a featurerich solution that can accommodate any
number of subscribers and the highest
usage volumes. Voice SMS allows a
subscriber to send and receive a voice
message from any handset type. Video SMS
is only available in 3G phones where video
calls are supported by mobile handsets.
The receiver is notified that a voice or video
message is waiting and simply presses ‘Yes’
to retrieve the message. You can choose to
offer the service in both non-subscription
and subscription models.
Increase ARPU and deliver
fast ROI
Voice SMS introduces new
messaging communication
forms. The interconnect
operator support provides a
high-margin service option to
create additional revenues and
further maximise returns
Voice SMS adds a personal
dimension to messaging
and allows users to express
themselves with feeling and
emotion while combining the
clarity of voice and the fidelity of video with the ease of SMS
In the non-subscription model any mobile
customer can send a voice or video message
simply by dialling the recipient number
preceded by a star sign. No configuration is
required and the service is always available.
In the subscription model a subscriber
signs up to the service and is able to set the
notification language, choose notification
type (i.e. SMS, MMS or email) and manage
message storage.
Both services offer strong propositions that
can be tailored to different segments of the
subscriber base. Voice SMS is a cheap and
easy alternative to traditional SMS and is
popular in markets where literacy rates are
low or where the language or alphabet is
not supported. Video SMS will be popular
in markets where 3G handsets and smart
phones have greater proliferation.
Advertising Support
A sponsored advertisement or premium video
message can be appended, allowing you to earn
revenue by selling space to advertisers. As a
result you can offer a Video SMS service for lower
prices, which assists with service uptake.
Message Retrieval Interfaces
The Voice SMS retrieval can be done through
normal call interface, MMS, email or web
interface. Video SMS retrieval is possible through
3G phones, MMS, Email or web interface.
Message Storage Support
Jinny Voice SMS subscribers have the option to
store their voice/video messages and retrieve
them through the web interface or through IVR.
When a subscriber’s quota is reached, the system
generates an SMS alert notifying the subscriber
of the storage full alert.
Message Reply, Forwarding and Distribution
The application provides attractive features such
as replying to Voice and Video SMS messages,
message forwarding and group messaging,
greatly enhancing the reach of voice and video
messaging to a wider population of mobile users.
Voice SMS Architecture
Key Features
Jinny Voice SMS Application
API and BULK Interface
Jinny Voice SMS provides mobile operators
and content providers with an A2P interface
to send bulk voice and video messages.
Interoperability, Roaming and MNP Support
The Jinny Voice SMS supports the
interoperability as specified in the GSMA
Voice and Video SMS guidelines. Roaming
capability and mobile number portability is
provided in countries where this service is
VoiceSMS Smartphone application
With our intuitive and user-friendly
smartphone applications, sending VoiceSMS
is much easier. Users can keep track of their
recent calls, access their phonebooks and
other call completion products like Voice and
Video mail.
SMS-to-VoiceSMS support
SMS-to-VoiceSMS service is based on textto-speech platforms(TTS). It allows people
to send text messages from their mobiles to
any phone type, including any conventional
fixed lines.
HTTP Server
MMS Interface
SMS Interface
Voice & Video Mail
Mobile Network : SS7 / SIGTRAN / SIP / ISUP / ISDN
Missed Call Notification
Keep subscribers informed about their calls when they are unreachable
Key Benefits
Product Overview
Increase ARPU and message
The conversion of all missed
calls into potential billable
revenue increases ARPU.
An additional revenue boost
can be sought from the
steady stream of Missed Call
Notification SMS traffic
Missed Call Notification is a highly scalable
solution addressing the issue of missed
calls in a mobile network. With Missed Call
Notification, an SMS can be sent informing
the subscriber of the callers number and
other information about the call such as
date, time and the number of times the
caller has tried to reach the subscriber.
When the handset is reactivated or returns
to a network coverage area the system will
immediately send a notification of all missed
calls to the subscriber.
Reduce churn through
increased customer
Provides transparency around
all calls made to a subscriber’s
handset and facilitates call
screening, leading to increased
customer satisfaction
Improve productivity for
business users
Productivity is enhanced
by keeping business users
advised of all calls made to
their handsets when they are
out of reach
Missed Call Notification is based on Jinny’s
Media Resource Server which is a nextgeneration middleware solution enabling
you to add a number of other call completion
and media products easily once you have
made the initial investment. This allows you
to share components, centralise functions
and reduce complexity and costs while at
the same time allowing you to introduce new
services with a rapid time to market.
Key Features
Flexible Notification Messages
System notification messages can be
configured to preferences. It can send one
notification per caller or a single notification
for all missed calls, which can also be
configured to display the caller name. The
system sends missed call notifications when
the subscriber comes online.
A Variety of Notification Interfaces
Jinny Missed Call Notification can deliver
notification through web, email or SMS
interfaces depending on the subscriber’s
Availability Notification
The system can inform callers by SMS when
the called party becomes available. This
allows the caller to know when the called
party is available without having to call again,
minimises network load and improves call
Integrated SMSC
The Jinny Missed Call Notification can be
deployed with an optional integrated SMSC
dedicated to sending notification messages,
ensuring that the operator’s normal SMS
traffic is not affected by the extra load.
Provisioning Interfaces
Customers can subscribe to the Jinny Missed
Call Notification service through its intuitive
and friendly interfaces for self-provisioning,
available through the web, IVVR, SMS or
Support for Mobile Advertising
Sponsored advertisements can be appended
to the SMS notification. This allows the
Mobile Operator to earn advertising revenue
from this message space by selling it on to
Missed Call Architecture
Front end
Back end
MCN Core
Network IVVR
Open the network to innovative third-party voice & video services
Key Benefits
Product Overview
Enables new revenue streams
Launch new video & voice-ondemand services over mobile
networks and generate new
The Network IVVR is the enabler that
helps mobile operators offer interactive
content through both voice and video. The
video element of the Network IVVR is a
management system that offers the tools
required to facilitate the creation and
publication of video portals.
Reduce time-to-market
Using VoiceXML it is possible
to create new applications and
services immediately available
through the Network IVVR
Attract and manage voice &
video third parties
Open up voice & video potential
for additional differentiated
and revenue-generating
Mobile operators and content providers can
access the content provisioning interface in
two ways:
• Using VoiceXML Studio, an application
with drag and drop functionality that
enables business users to create
interactive audio and video content
The Network IVVR can be used as a way to
deliver adverts, informative content or ondemand premium content in audio or video.
It consists of two key modules – the Media
Resource Server and the Application Server
- with each one individually scalable.
Content Filtering & Management
• Sophisticated content filtering allows the
administrator to analyse and moderate
content before it is published
• A content-provider web provisioning portal
allows content providers to provision and
manage content through a user-friendly
web interface
Carrier-grade Media Resource Function
• The Jinny IVVR is a carrier-grade platform
that can be accessed by a wide range of
different network types: GSM, W-CDMA,
CDMA, TDMA, UMTS, IP including IMS
• Voice channels can be delivered using the
E1, T1 and J1 access circuits
Network IVVR Architecture
Content Providers
Key Features
Network Enabler
The Jinny Network IVVR enables mobile
operators to provide audio and video ondemand premium content and informative
services such as tourist-related information
services, entertainment content, football
highlights, real-time video content sourced
from webcams or other sources and other
enhanced multimedia services.
• Using a web-based interface from where
it is possible to provide and manage
Multi-content Provider Support
The Jinny IVVR supports multiple content
providers, each with its own access and
VoiceXML Studio - Service Creation
The VoiceXML Studio is a powerful Windows
based application that can be used on any PC
and allows the user to create Network IVVR
menus and manage content.
Application Server
Jinny Media Resource Server
Collect Call
Keep prepaid subscribers always connected even when they run out
of credit
Key Benefits
Market Dynamics
Operator Benefits
• Attract new subscribers
from your competitors’
• Increase call completion
and revenues
• Boost subscriber
• Flexible deployment options
• Cost-effective expansion
• Gain a competitive edge
over other players in your
Mobile operators are faced with challenges in growing their revenues in the face of
increased competition. In order to face these challenges they look for ways to increase
subscriber commitment as well as generate new and ongoing revenue streams.
Subscriber Benefits
• Ability to make a make a
mobile collect call from
virtually any mobile phone;
not a handset-dependant
• Ability to make calls even
when out of credit
• Higher control through
blacklists and white lists
Generally, mobile operators employ a charging system in which the prepaid calling party
pays for the call made. As the amount of traffic increases, subscribers hope for a more
flexible charging system with the opportunity of influencing the billing.
Product Overview
Jinny’s Collect Call platform offers the
flexibility for prepaid subscribers to initiate
and make calls even if they do not have
sufficient credit to do so. With the use of
one of the available interfaces, prepaid
subscribers can initiate a call on behalf of
the On-Net called party whether the called
party is prepaid or postpaid.
Implementing a collect call service in your
network ensures boosting call completion
while guaranteeing your subscriber’s
satisfaction by offering a new service that
aids them in generating more calls with the
support of other subscribers’ accounts.
Flexible and Personalised SMS alerts
The alerts sent to callers and called parties
could be modified and personalised by you.
You can choose the language and the content
of the notification message and set it for all
Intuitive and user-friendly administrator GUI
The administrator and the customer care
operative can modify the subscriber-related
information through an intuitive and userfriendly GUI. The administrator can set
and modify the entire system configuration
through this GUI.
Integrated SMSC
The Jinny Collect Call solution can interface
with your SMSC to send all necessary SMS
notifications. Jinny also offers an optionally
priced integrated SMSC, which can do most
of the things that a regular SMSC can do. In addition, it takes the load off your regular
SMSC (that is typically used for peer-to-peer
Collect Call Architecture
Key Features
Subscriber’s White & Blacklists
Subscribers are given the option to define
their own blacklists and white lists through
their mobile phones. Calling parties placed
on white lists are automatically connected to
the subscriber by bypassing the notification
process. Calling parties placed on the
blacklist will always be blocked from
making collect call attempts to that
particular subscriber.
Reports and Statistics
Jinny’s Collect Call solution generates a set
of detailed analytical and statistical reports
that reflect the overall use and performance
of the system.
Billing & Charging
Collect Call
Calling Party
Called Party
Call Router
Enhanced call management and control for more voice services
Key Benefits
Product Overview
Enhanced privacy and security
The Smart Call Management
module offers subscribers
privacy and full control over
incoming calls
The Jinny Call Router offers the mobile
operator greater flexibility and control
over calls. Instead of using a voicemail
system from only one provider, or spending
time moving subscriber accounts from
one system to another, they now have the
choice to manage their calls through a
flexible routing engine based on their own
provisioning rules. Through the provisioning
interfaces, the mobile operator can set the
called party number and the routing rule.
When the mobile switching centre forwards
a call to the Jinny Call Router, it recalls the
routing rules from its internal database and
decides how to manage the call.
Enriched user experience
Eliminates the need to rudely
cut off calls when busy with
some other activity. Very
useful for frequent travellers
and roaming subscribers
Increased call completion rate
Optimal routing for voicemail
and alternative MSISDN
forwarding for outbound
Flexible routing functionality
to grow revenue
The Jinny Call Router
offers flexible call routing
functionality allowing mobile
operators to extend their call
completion offering by adding
new services from multiple
Increased service & customer
Associate every subscriber to a
specific voice or video service
and easily deploy differentiated
The Jinny Call Router can also be used by
subscribers, offering them a new level of
control over their incoming calls. When an
undesired caller tries to reach a subscriber,
the system captures the call and dispatches
an automatic message indicating the
subscriber is not available. The calling
party’s number and time of call is logged,
and an SMS notification message about
the attempted call is dispatched to the
The Jinny Call Router offers an efficient
way to gradually deploy advanced voice and
video services to the operator’s complete
subscriber base while complementing legacy
voicemail services. It offers the ability to
associate every subscriber to a specific voice
or video termination service which will assist
in subscriber base segmentation.
Call Router Architecture
A Party
The caller can also choose to forward some
calls to his Voicemail box or to an alternative
SS7 (Camel)
Jinny OMC Reporting
Key Features
Call Screening and Smart Call Management
When an undesired caller tries to reach a
subscriber, the system captures the call and dispatches an automatic message
indicating the subscriber is not available.
The subscriber is notified about the
attempted call by SMS.
Intuitive Web Interface
Through the intuitive web interface, you can
configure the Call Router and Smart Call
Management platforms. Through this interface, you can also manage the subscribers and control the profile and MSISDN groups.
Custom SMS Reply and Announcement
Call Screening and Smart Call Management
subscribers can flexibly assign to each available
profile an SMS to be sent automatically to the caller
or a self-recorded announcement to be played to
the caller.
Provisioning Interface
The Jinny Call Router platform can be easily
populated through an XML interface and
through this you can add, modify or delete a
single subscriber or group of subscribers.
Admin GUI
User GUI
Jinny Call Router
Jinny MCN
Provisioning System
USSD Interface
The Smart Call Management module supports
an advanced USSD interface. It allows
subscribers to manage their accounts.
Jinny RTCG
VMS (1)
VMS (2)
IN Charging
(Mobile Advertising )
Jinny’s Mobile Marketing and Advertising Solution
helps you save falling ARPU by establishing a
new revenue stream. Our solutions in mobile
advertising support both the mobile operator and
the advertising community. These include:
• The Mobile Advertising Platform – for operators
who have relationships with advertising
parties and who wish to manage their mobile
advertising effort directly
We enable advertisers to gain access to the
mobile channel without having to set up their own
connections to Mobile Operator networks, whether
it is to use simple SMS or rich multi-media video
clips. Jinny’s mobile advertising solution connects
agencies to mobile customers through a single,
powerful service interface. Targeted outbound
campaigns can be executed based on customer
data built up from brand loyalty schemes, data
from opt-in customers and processed customer
• The Mobile Advertising Service – a fully
managed service by Jinny or a partner from
our mobile advertising ecosystem which offers
advertisers flexible campaign mechanics across
the entire audience base in a given region
Mobile Advertising Platform
Generate a new revenue stream from the mobile network
Key Benefits
Product Overview
New revenue stream
Jinny’s Mobile Advertising
Platform puts you in a position
to drive new revenue from the
advertising and marketing
industry - a whole new market
with massive growth potential
The Jinny Mobile Advertising Platform (JMAP)
provides operators with a full set of features
to start generating revenues from advertising
on the mobile network. The JMAP provides the
operator with the tools to:
• Offer a number of relevant mobile
advertising channels
• Manage advertising agencies and brands
• Manage subscriber preferences and limits
on advertisement volumes
Fast to market
With over ten years’
experience delivering carrier
class solutions to over 75
mobile operators, Jinny
installs the platform into your
network efficiently and to the
highest standards
Simple subscriber
You can protect your
subscribers by limiting what
types of campaigns they
receive and the volumes of
adverts they will receive over
given time periods
Features for agencies include:
• Campaign creation
• Inventory and traffic management
• Consumer segment profiles from
demographic data
• Reports and campaign insights
• Invoicing and reconciliation documentation
Through the user interface of the JMAP the
advertising agency can log in and create,
manage and activate campaigns which, once
they have been approved, can be deployed onto
the mobile network. Through five simple steps
- campaign definition, timing, advert upload,
segment target, and response design - the
advertiser can create campaigns in minutes.
The technologies, or channels, onto which
the JMAP can deliver mobile advertising
campaigns are:
• Application-to-Person SMS: Text insertion
into messages such as Balance Request,
Top Up Notification and Please Call Me
Key Features
• Application-to-Person MMS: Text/image/
audio/video insertion into messages such as
goal alerts
• Person-to-Person SMS: Text insertion into
person-to-person SMS messages
• Person-to-Person MMS: Text/image/audio/
video insertion into person-to-person MMS
You can use JMAP for:
• Outbound and inbound SMS and MMS
allowing interactive campaigns that drive
competitions, polls and voting
• Banner and Pre-Roll Advertising on WAP or
mobile web
• Ring-back Tone Advertising: Audio clip
advertising in subscribers’ Ring-back Tones
The inventory and segmentation modules will
help commercial teams assess the success of
advertising sales and ensure that revenue is
Wide Array of Available Advertising Channels
As each market is different, the JMAP provides the
most suitable set of advertising channels for each
market and each market segment.
Wide range of media channels
The JMAP offers advertisers a range of channels on
which to deploy their mobile advertising campaigns:
SMS, MMS, WAP and Mobile Web Banners and RBT
Easy Campaign Design and Deployment for
Through simple to follow building steps, an advertiser
can create a campaign in minutes.
Simple Opt-In and Opt-Out for Subscribers
Subscribers can control what messages they are
opted-in and opted-out for by managing their profile
on the web, through SMS, or through USSD.
Powerful inventory management and campaign
approval for operators
The mobile operator has clear visibility of what is
selling and why so as to drive additional sales and
maximise revenue
Easy Campaign Build-Driving Interaction
Whether through SMS for on-pack promotions or
through on-device portal applications, the JMAP
allows campaign designers to build campaigns with
easy response and interaction mechanisms for
Mobile Advertising Architecture
Advertising Agency
(create campaign)
Campaign Manager GUI
Integrated Reporting
The system provides reporting on the campaigns
running across the system, allowing both the operator
and the advertiser to have a clear view of who is being
reached and who is responding to the campaign.
Targeting and profiling
The JMAP allows advertisers to identify their
consumer segment and ensure that their advert is
shown only to that consumer segment.
Campaign Manager GUI
(approve campaign)
Advertising Engine
GSM / UMTS Network
Voice & Video Mail
( Rich Communications)
In advanced markets, people are now spending
more time using mobile apps than they are using
internet browsers. The surge in uptake of mobile
broadband, smartphones and tablet devices has
increased revenues for data plans which shows
no signs of abating: industry analyst Ovum states
that revenues from the global mobile broadband
market will more than double from $100.5 billion
in 2010 to $223 billion in 2015 – a CAGR of 17%.
However, as a result traditional revenue streams
of SMS and Voice are increasingly under attack
from the OTT Voice and IP messaging services
that are growing in popularity. Industry analysts
Informa estimate that a 10% increase in smart
phone penetration could cost Western European
operators US$1.19 billion in voice and messaging
In order to address these challenges, operators
must leverage their key assets: the trusted billing
relationship with their customers and their core
high quality voice network. These assets, when
combined with a richer, higher quality and more
unified communication service, will strengthen the
relationship with their customers.
VAVOOMB™ is a value added solution that helps to
redress the balance - it brings three key benefits
to the table:
1.Monetizes the use of mobile broadband, and
differentiates the service offering from the
competition in a unique way
2.Counters the ARPU erosion caused by OTT
3.Strengthens the relationship between the
operator and its customers
With VAVOOMB, subscribers get the best of
both the circuit-switched and IP-centric worlds.
Perhaps more importantly, it offers the killer
app for customer and revenue retention for the operator.
Unified Rich Communications Service
Key Benefits
What is it?
Key Subscriber Benefits
Increase ARPU and customer
VAVOOMB enables you to
introduce an innovative new
service and capture revenues
that would otherwise be lost
to OTT service providers
VAVOOMB™ is the mobile operators’ answer to OTT-based voice and messaging services.
Single Identity across multiple devices
VAVOOMB enables the subscriber to use their own
MSISDN for all services across all devices even
when switching a call from the PC to the phone or vice versa
Leverage the concept of OTT
Give subscribers the same
OTT services but with
operator-specific benefits
including the single user
identity, enhanced call quality
in a secure and reliable
Attract new subscribers
VAVOOMB offers a compelling
set of features and benefits
to the subscriber, thereby
differentiating the service
from other OTT providers
Increase revenues
With targeted advertising
operators can bring more
users onto their service and
increase revenues
VAVOOMB is the subscribers’ answer to poor quality, insecure, un-interoperable, unreliable
OTT voice and messaging services.
With VAVOOMB, operators no longer need to fear OTT services – they can now provide a single
identity, unified rich communications service to their users that is reliable, interoperable,
secure and that works across any device, any time using any network.
Key Features
VAVOOMB is a single identity, multi-device,
unified rich communications solution that
allows users to access their services using
their smartphone, PC/laptop and tablet
devices. The platform features an extensive
array of voice and messaging services
including circuit- switched and VoIP voice
calls, Voicemail with visual voice mail access,
SMS and Instant Messaging (with RCSe
interoperability in the next release).
VAVOOMB Client app
The existing VAVOOMB PC client will be
complemented with a mobile app that runs on
iOS and Android devices.
LTE/IMS ready
The VAVOOMB Platform is ready to deploy in
an existing operator network and is futureproofed for the inevitable change to LTE/IMS.
The platform is a SIP Application server within
the IMS Application layer.
Network Interfaces
The VAVOOMB Feature Server supports the
standard SIP (signalling), RTP (voice) and
DIAMETER (charging) interfaces which means
it is fully compliant with existing GSM and
CDMA network infrastructure. Voice and
messaging traffic can be charged as normal
with no changes required for the billing
VAVOOMB Feature Server
The VAVOOMB Feature Server contains the
core application logic features and has been
designed as a carrier grade platform, deployed
in a high-availability architecture with no
single point of failure. Individual components
within the platform are independently scalable
and can be distributed to separate hardware.
Access to a wider variety of services
You can offer a set of innovative ‘sticky’ services to
subscribers built around the features of the Jinny
Software solution – from a cloud based SMS & MMS
store to advanced selection of personalised services
– all linked to a single account balance
The ability to move calls from handset to PC and
vice-versa means that subscribers can decide
whether to use their mobile broadband service, their
fixed line broadband service or indeed any Wi-Fi
offering at home or away at any time. The added
benefit: better battery life on handsets!
Enriched Instant Messaging
Users can carry out 1-1 and 1-Many IM chat sessions
as well as sharing files such as pictures, videos and
documents. Device synchronization means that a
user can start an IM chat session on one device and
continue it on another
Jinny VAS in One
All VAS Applications in One Platform
Key Benefits
Product Overview
Simple Integration, Rapid
With ViO all Jinny VAS
applications have a single
point of integration. Once the
platform that underpins all of
the applications is integrated
for billing, reporting, alarms
and performance management,
the applications need only be
added to the ViO platform
Jinny ViO delivers all your VAS applications
as part of a coherent, well-packaged
solution, allowing you to lower your cost of ownership.
Easy Expansion and Service
The scalability of the ViO
platform means that expanding
the number of applications or
the throughput capacity of one
or more of the applications is
easy and can be performed
without service interruption
Optimal Resource Usage
Jinny ViO shares resources for
signalling, voice, video, etc,
so the solution will be more
efficient in terms of number
of connections and connection
usage, and will be more
resilient in terms of failover
and redundancy
Jinny ViO provides every VAS service on the
Jinny Standard Platform:
call and media solutions
advanced device management
mobile advertising
ViO also offers a single point of integration
into the network and into the operator
environment for operations and
maintenance, customer care, reporting,
alarms management and billing.
This single access point allows you to
reach any of the applications from a single
screen. Customer care operatives may also
access the subscriber settings on any VAS
application by logging in at a single place.
Where you may have other systems for
provisioning and customer care, Jinny
provides an API that allows the settings,
rules and configuration of the applications in
ViO to be controlled by a ‘parent’ system.
Key Features
One Connection for Billing
Rather than receiving CDRs from multiple
applications, your mediation systems will
receive the CDRs from a single module in ViO.
One Standard Platform
Jinny’s architecture supports all of Jinny’s
applications on identical hardware, OS, middleware
and configuration which means that the applications
are extremely stable and can be easily expanded.
The prepaid connection point for all Jinny
ViO applications is the Real Time Charging
Gateway (RTCG), which connects to your
billing system. All applications connect to
the RTCG within ViO, thereby presenting the
simplest integration point. Postpaid CDRs
are also aggregated at a single point for
export to a destination you nominate.
Full VAS Suite… in One
Jinny ViO provides the mobile operator with all
messaging needs (SMS, MMS, USSD, Voice SMS), all
call and media needs (Ringback Tones, Voicemail,
Missed Call Notification, Videomail, Faxmail) and all
needs for OTA configuration and device management.
The mobile operator only needs to manage one
vendor relationship for solution sourcing and support
and only needs to train its operations teams on one
solution architecture - thereby greatly reducing
Shared Network Resources
To simplify the network interconnect,
Jinny ViO shares the signalling and media
resources across the ViO applications and
allows them to employ the capacity they
require from the pool of resources.
Simple OSS Connection
OSS alarms and performance monitoring
are consolidated so that the SNMP traps
are delivered to the OSS from a single point,
and Business Intelligence and Reporting are
consolidated for all Jinny ViO applications, so
the reports need only be viewed in one place.
Integrated Fast … and Once
Rather than requiring integration of every application
into the network and BSS/OSS systems of the
mobile operator, Jinny ViO provides single points of
interconnect and integration for billing, reporting,
alarms and performance management. Because the
integration points are simplified Jinny can deploy
a solution faster and only needs to perform the
integrations once before being able to deliver multiple
applications on the platform.
Jinny – Solutions for Today’s Network, and
As operator environments evolve toward full IP
networks, Jinny has ensured that its solutions are able
to integrate to many cellular network technologies –
By designing all solutions to support both circuitswitched and packet-switched network environments,
Jinny has prepared for the networks that operators
will seek to launch tomorrow – as well as supporting
the success of the networks they are running today.
ViO - Simplified Application Addition
Service Management
Network Interconnect
Jinny Standard Platform
Service Management
Network Interconnect
New app!
Jinny Standard Platform
(About Jinny Software)
Jinny was founded in 1999, and is 100% owned by the listed
Acotel Group of Italy. We are an ISO 9001:2008 certified
company. Our customers span the globe, including
over 75 customers across Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the
Americas and Asia. We support over 240 platforms across a
total of 70 countries; over 750 million subscribers worldwide
interact over Jinny solutions.
Frost & Sullivan awarded Jinny the Global Mobile Messaging
Infrastructure Competitive Strategy Innovation Award for 2011.
(Our Customers)
América Móvil
Cable & Wireless
Dauphin Telecom
MTC Touch
Nextel International
Pioneer Kansas
Pioneer Oklahoma
SI Wireless
United Wireless
British Virgin Islands
Burkina Faso
South Africa
St. Martin
• End-to-end messaging, call completion, mobile
advertising and rich communications solutions
• More than 200 platforms in over 70 countries
• 75+ satisfied customers worldwide
• 9 offices on 5 continents
• Over 750 million subscribers interact over Jinny platforms
• Enabling customers to run different cellular network technologies simultaneously: GSM, CDMA,
• Complete distributed architecture
• Flexible commercial options: software license,
hosted messaging or managed service
• Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Award winner
• VIII Mobile VAS Conference Product Innovation
Award winner
• ISO 9001:2008 certified
Global Headquarters: Jinny Software Ltd., 29 North Anne Street, Dublin 7, Ireland.
Tel: +353 1 887 2626 Fax: +353 1 887 2692 Email: info@jinnysoftware.com
Websites: www.jinnysoftware.com, www.vavoomb.com
Copyright © 2012 Jinny Software Ltd. All rights reserved. Jinny Software mentioned herein as well as its respective logos
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Jinny Software Ltd. in Ireland and in several other countries around the world.
Jinny Facts & Figures