In This Issue Paula Nadelstern, Kaleidoscope Quilts Meeting


In This Issue Paula Nadelstern, Kaleidoscope Quilts Meeting
Volume 37 Issue 5
May 2015
Meeting Location Update
Because there is the possibility of high attendance at our May meeting, we will be meeting in the
Dining Hall of the Scottish Rite Center, located at 1st. and Topeka, downtown Wichita. There is
FREE parking in their parking lot north of the building and across the street to the east. The
Scottish Rite Center pays for the parking in the east lot as a service to us. Handicap Accessible
entrance at the rear of the building. Added security for the evening meeting.
Paula Nadelstern, Kaleidoscope Quilts
by Donna Bradbury
In This Issue
Paula Nadelstern
President‘s Column
Library Lines
Block of the Month
6 Board of Directors
6-8 Kids Camp Information and
9 March Workshop Photos
10 Cares & Concerns, Other
11 Birthday Block
12 Pets ‗n Quilts
13 Outside Activities, Correction for
May Block of the Month
14 How to contact us
Paula Nadelstern‘s career began as a ―hippie‖ college student working on a
Singer Featherweight. From that self-taught ordinary beginning of cutting up
clothing into 10‖ squares she has developed her signature kaleidoscope designs
bursting with color. She lives in Bronx, New York, on the same block where
she was born but she travels the world. When I first contacted her, she was
preparing for Houston followed almost immediately by Abu Dhabi and she has
just returned from Spain before coming to Prairie Quilt Guild! Her distinctive
style quilts have won many awards and accolades and we will enjoy learning
about her quilt making process.
President’s Notes
by Mayleen Vinson
Questions & Answers
Lately I‘ve been asked these questions by several people
and since I thought more of you might be interested, I‘m
including the questions and my answers in the newsletter.
Why are we still meeting at the Scottish Rite Center?
Just a few bits of information:
Our current membership total is 660+ members. Our
ending membership total last year was 598 so we‘re growing!
Our afternoon meeting is the best attended meeting of the two
times which is the opposite of what it used to be.
The legal room capacity of the multipurpose room at the
Downtown Senior Center is 240 people. We have 250 chairs set
up for our meetings there. In the past, we‘ve filled all the chairs
at the afternoon meeting and had to find more. The 250 chairs
doesn‘t include the chairs set up for committees in the back of
the room.
We plan to meet at the Downtown Senior Center beginning
with our June 9 meetings.
When we have nationally known speakers such as Marti
Michell (April) and Paula Nadelstern (May), we expect an even
higher attendance than normal. I asked for 300 chairs to be set
up at our April meeting and we were nearly full at the afternoon
meeting. The evening meeting was also better attended than
usual. Plus, we had 47 visitors at our April meetings!
The Senior Center building was totally rewired, not
remodeled. Where fire damage occurred, the kitchen was
redone and some areas of the building were repainted. The parts
of the building we use, the multipurpose room and bathrooms,
remain the same.
When I spoke with Gerald McCoy, the Downtown Senior
Center Director, about our expected high attendance in April
and May, he told me it would not be possible to fit 300 people
into the meeting room. The Board voted to continue to meet at
the Scottish Rite Center where we have more space for seating
for the April and May meetings.
What happened when we had high attendance in the past?
I‘ve been told that in the past some of our meetings have
been ―Standing Room Only‖ with people lining the walls to
hear the speaker. Some members/visitors have simply left when
they couldn‘t find a seat.
Guild Announcement Policy
Only announcements about official guild functions
are allowed at our meetings. All others may purchase
advertising space in our guild newsletter or print a
flyer for our Flyer Table.
There is also no free advertising allowed from the
podium during Show & Share. This includes talking
about classes and BOMs you are leading, items
you‘re making to sell, etc.
When will we be back at the Senior Center?
What is the Senior Center like now that its been
On a completely different note, a few of you have asked
about my UFO‘s so here is my UFO math:
34 total UFOs
- 4 UFOs are now finished!
- 1 is now at the machine quilter
29 UFOs left to complete
(16 need to be pieced, appliqued or both and 13 tops need
either hand or machine quilting)
See you at Guild!
Next Meeting - May 12
Prairie Quilt Guild
Workshop Information
Please read the Guild Workshop Policies first before
registering for one of our speakers‘ workshops.
Workshops cost $40.00 for a one-day workshop.
They are held on the second floor (elevator available)
of the Midwest Kia showroom, 8725 West Kellogg,
Wichita KS 67209, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the
Wednesday following guild meeting day.
Please check the class description for details about the
cost and materials needed for each class. Workshop fees
are non-refundable. Supply lists are available at http://
Please be sure to bring and wear your name-tag at
workshops so the speaker will know who you are! Sign
up for these classes at Guild meetings or by contacting
Rita Ashley at 686-1067.
Workshop Policy
Workshop fees are non-refundable, unless Prairie
Quilt Guild determines it is necessary to cancel the
workshop. It is the participant‘s responsibility to find a
replacement if they are unable to attend after committing
to take the workshop. Workshops will be open to both
members and non-members on a first come first serve
basis, with an additional fee for non-members. Two
months prior to a workshop if it is not filled, it shall be
opened to the public.
Please Note
StrataVarious Quilts is available for pick-up if you
ordered it when the authors were here in March. Please
see Donna Bradbury at the meeting.
Prairie Quilt Guild
May Workshops
We have two days of workshops scheduled with
Paula Nadelstern, both will be held at Midwest Kia.
On Wednesday, May 13:
SIXTY-THIRTY©: A Kaleidoscope Class
Explore the possibilities offered by complex textiles
while demystifying the nature of symmetry. Learn to
draft perfect angles, sew dissimilar angles together, and
create a unique kaleidoscope block.
And on Thursday, May 14:
NEEDLESTARS©: A Kaleidoscope Class - is both a
process and product class. Students learn all of the unique
machine piecing and template techniques Paula uses to
create a complex kaleidoscopic image while
simultaneously exploring the virtues of bilaterally
symmetrical fabric. Needlestars© is a 4-patch block
reminiscent of a kaleidoscopic pinwheel.
Donna Bradbury, VP/Program Chair
Workshop supply lists are available online at our
website at If you can not access the
internet, you may call (640-2633) and we will mail you a
Upcoming Workshops
Flavin Glover's July 15 workshop will be "Diamond
Log Cabin Patchwork". Registration will begin at the
May meeting. We encourage people to go to the speaker's
Library Lines
It's "National Help Out a Librarian Month". Okay,
that isn't true, but Olivia and I really would like your
help. We have added over 200 books to our mini-library,
and we don't want to have to carry them all back to the
Senior Center. So, we've come up with a solution... If
everyone checks out a book or two, our mini-library will
get moved with no effort at all! Of course, it's great for
you too, because we have some excellent books available
to check out. Here are just a few:
If you would like to build your
machine-quilting skills, we own
several books by our February
speaker, Angela Walters. A member
who read Shape-by-Shape and FreeMotion Quilting gave them rave
reviews. She said that they are
excellent teaching books with step-bystep directions, and plenty of pictures and diagrams to
help you increase your quilting skills and give you
confidence to tackle those projects you may have been
avoiding. Another good quilting reference book is Ask
Helen: About Quilting Designs, which contains designs
for sashings, corners, squares and much more. It is just
the perfect sort of reference for when you are ready to
quilt, but aren't sure what quilting pattern you want.
Emporia Rose Appliqué Quilts: New Projects,
Historical Vignettes, Classic Designs by Barbara
Brackman and Karla Menaugh was new to the library last
month. This book contains projects inspired by quilts
made in the 1920s-1940s by a group of Emporia, Kansas
quilters. Many of these original quilts are now in
museums. The book discusses both the quilts and the
history of the women and their times, and it also offers
updated projects inspired by the originals.
Another history book new to the library is Voices of
the Past: A History of Women's Lives in Patchwork Vol
II. This book features short biographies of important
American women along with patterns of quilt blocks
inspired by their lives.
Marti Michell fans rejoice! We have three of her
titles available in our mini-library (Weekend Star Quilts,
Weekend Log Cabin Quilts and Machine Quilting in
Sections). If you remember, she mentioned The Farmer's
Wife Sampler Quilt and that over 100 of the blocks in it
can be made with her templates. And, guess what? The
book The Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt: Letters from
1920s Farm Wives and the 111 Blocks They Inspired is
also in our mini-collection, so you can get started on this
quilt right away.
So again, come help out your librarians, and in the
process learn a new skill, read some history, find a new
pattern or just read something for fun.
Tami Carlson
Library Co-chair
May 12 Guild Meetings
Starting one hour before meeting begins,
during break and after the meeting.
Scottish Rite Center
Books $3.00
Magazines $.25
Visit our Web site at
Call Village Tours
and ask about
our upcoming
or visit our website
Prairie Quilt Guild
2014-2015 Block of the Month
Where Inspiration Blooms, Block #8
Assembly instructions. The base of the block should measure 9 1/2 by 5 1/2 inches. The base as first published can be
used but proportions are better when making the block with this revision. See page 10 of the January newsletter for the
updated base instruction, which is available online at our PQG website at
Questions? Contact Bethel Wentz, 316-742-3529 or
4 patches
5 3/8
5 3/8
4 patches
2 5/8
2 5/8
2 patches
2 patches
10 patches
8 patches
1 1/2
1 1/2
Prairie Quilt Guild
2014 - 2015 Board of Directors
Mayleen Vinson
Donna Bradbury
Jan Hutchison
Cheryl Nordstedt
Patty Ingalls
John Madia
Anne Bailey
Julie Gier
Heidi Iwig
Lynda Miller
Cheryl Jacklovich
Vera Zahner
Rita Ashley
Donna Harrison
Joan Kirkpatrick**
Stephanie Evans
Stephanie Pierce
Donations Needed for Kids Camp
We need donations for kids camp of the following
Fabrics 2 1/2 inch strips.
Fat quarters.
Kids Camp News. We no longer need 40 inch
squares. We now need 160 --15 inch squares of
batting. Please cut them and bring to the next
meeting please.
There‘s still time to join the fun of the second session
of Kids Camp, July 27-31!
Thanks, Sue & Freema.
Just a reminder Doors open to members and visitors at noon and again at
6 pm, one hour before our guild meetings begin. Our
speaker, board members and committee chairs are busy
setting up and preparing for the meeting.
**Contact for Cares and Concerns
Nominating Committee
Board Representative: Jan Hutchison
Afternoon: Tricia Lehman and Kay Dette
Evening: Donna Bradbury and Rosemary Mintz
Alternates: Carolyn Conley and Linda Fiegel
Prairie Quilt Guild
Prairie Quilt Guild Offers:
Kids Quilt Camp 2015
Center Out Block Construction
Camp One
Camp Two
July 13 – 17, 2015
9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Monday thru Thursday
July 27 – 31, 2015
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Friday
Place: Plymouth Congregational Church
202 N. Clifton, Wichita, KS 67202
We have room for 40 campers with sponsors this year. Sponsors must attend the full camp time with
their camper to be their guide and mentor by their side. (If you feel these days will be too long for you or your
camper, please see us about shorter community quilt camp options.)
Each camp has room for 20 campers. If you and your camper could attend either camp, please let us
know this. We will place you in your first choice at the time you sign up. If a change is needed, we will
contact you to discuss a possible change of dates.
Each camper must:
1. Be at least 8 years of age.
2. Have a PQG member sponsor attend each day of camp with him or her. One sponsor per camper is
3. Bring a sewing machine in good working order (with book, attachments, and regular sewing items—
thread, scissors, rulers, rotary cutters, etc.)
4. Purchase the camp booklet ($5) with information, patterns, and instructions for prize kit projects.
These booklets will be for sale at meetings, so sponsors and campers can get them early to choose the
quilt throw they wish to make and pick the fabrics for it and the fabrics for the Day 1 & 2 teaching projects
before camp week. (We will have some donated fabrics at camp that campers may choose from to help make
any of the projects. Kits will not be provided for teaching projects, so please come with Day 1‘s supplies in
hand.) Day 1 projects are chair seat cushion and chair back organizer. Day 2 projects are a book bag and, to
go with your quilt, a pillowcase. See booklet for supply lists.
We plan to break for lunch around 11:30 each day. We encourage sack lunches to have time to get to
know one another and have some extra time for demonstrations the first two days of camp. If you prefer, you
and your camper may go out to lunch. Please bring snack items for the snack table. Coolers will be provided
for individual drinks to be cooled. Water will be provided.
Questions or concerns, please contact: Sue Gilliam (683-1250) or Freema Covey (250-9799)
Prairie Quilt Guild
PQG‘s Kid‘s Summer Quilt Camp 2015
Log Cabin & Court House Square
Center – Out Block Construction
Plymouth Congregational Church
July 13 – 17, 2015
Session: ____________
July 27 – 31, 2015
Date: _______________________
Booklet: ______
PQG sponsor information: Please print.
Name: ______________________________
Phone: ________________________
E-mail address: _______________________________________________________________
Camper information: Please Print.
Name: ______________________________
Age: _______
Sewing/Quilting Experience level: Please circle one.
less than 10 hours instruction and practice on the sewing machine
handles the machine basics, knows the terms and tools of sewing, under 50 hours
2 or more years of Kid‘s Quilt Camp and some practice throughout the year or sews/quilts with an adult
nearby to answer questions, clarify instructions, and give general help (supervise cutting, pinning,
setting the machine options, etc.), over 50 hours
Sews/Quilts a lot, reads patterns/instructions and can complete most projects on own
If your camper fits into the experienced level, this quilt camp experience is not designed for her/him.
If there is enough interest, a community quilt camp could possibly be set up for our experienced youth
I am interested in an experienced youth quilter camp:
Name: ______________________________
Phone: ________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________
Prairie Quilt Guild
March Workshop Photos
Prairie Quilt Guild
Quilt Room Tour
Please help me out of a pickle I am in. The Quilt
Room Tour has four houses on the tour. The committee
would like to include at least one more house. Please
contact me if you are willing to share your wonderful
sewing room!
Julia Waterbury
Cares & Concerns
Please contact Joan Kirkpatrick at (316) 685-6306 or
email at if you know of any
members who need to be added to this list.
Charlotte Loveland - husband passed away.
Lynn Lunsford - mild heart attack but is feeling better.
Please write your Cares & Concerns
I was told today that our pillows are no longer
needed. I will not be collecting them next month nor in
the future. I thank all of you who have supported this
project as I felt that it helped the community. Please
consider other ways to recycle your fabric scraps.
Thanks again,
in the notebook located on the
Hospitality Table at our meetings.
Please be respectful of others
and refrain from talking during
the meeting!
Susan Tigard
Someone left a white sweater on their chair at the
afternoon meeting. Please call Mayleen at 655-3876 to
claim it.
Quilting Fabric, Supplies, Classes & Fiber Arts Co-Op
Shop Hours Wed-Sat 10:00 - 5:00
Prairie Quilt Guild
Prairie Quilt Guild
Pets ‘n Quilts!
Does your furry, finny, or feathery pet have a quilt?
Share a picture of your pet with a quilt and we‘ll include
it in our pre-meeting Power Point Presentations! Just to
make this more fun, I‘ll present a prize at the end of the
year to the winners of the following categories:
Funniest Pet ‗n Quilt photo
Cutest Pet ‗n Quilt photo
Most Unusual Pet ‗n Quilt photo
Please send your photos to and
we‘ll share a few every month!
Mayleen Vinson
Mary Ann Moore‘s cat Abby inspecting appliqué.
Sheryl Caryl‘s pup Goofy holding down the quilt in progress.
Our Visitor/Renewal Policy
A visitor is someone who has never been a member
before and may visit twice before paying the membership fee.
If a former member would like to attend one of our
meetings, they must renew their membership ($25) to attend a
meeting, even if they want to attend just one meeting.
Thank you for having your
Membership Card ready at the
door as you enter!
Prairie Quilt Guild
Outside Activities
If any member is aware of other Outside Activities, please inform Newsletter Editor.
June 1-30, 2015
Road to Oklahoma Statewide Shop Hop
June 19-21, 2015
First Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival , Kansas City, KS
More information to Follow
April Block of the Month correction
2 patches
3 3/8
2 patches
Cut 1 square of each color
Square up to 3 inches
3 3/8
The letters did not print out in the
news letter for April but the cutting
steps are in order A,B,C,D as they
appear on the page.
Visit our Web site at
Our advertisers support our guild
and our newsletter. Please remember
to thank them when you shop!
Next Meeting - May 12
Downtown Location
111 S. Pattie
Wichita, KS 67211
Mon – Fri 8:30 – 5:30
Sat 9:00 – 4:00
Prairie Quilt Guild
Serving Kansas Since 1955
Authorized Dealer for
Bernina Babylock Janome
Happy Handi Quilter
Simplicity Vacuum
West Location
7130 W. Maple, Suite 260
Wichita, KS 67209
Mon – Fri 10:00 – 5:30
Sat 9:00 – 4:00
Prairie Quilt Guild, Inc.
P.O. Box 48813
Wichita KS 67201-8813
Because there is the possibility of high attendance at our May meeting, we will be meeting in
the Dining Hall of the Scottish Rite Center, located at 1st and Topeka, downtown Wichita.
Meeting times remain the same. See page 1 for more information.
1/8 Page (2‖ x 1 Column) $12.50, $137.50
1/4 Page (4‖ x 1 Column or
2‖ x 2 Column) $25.00, $275.00
3/8 Page (6‖ x 1 Column) $37.50, $412.50
1/2 Page (8‖ x 1 Column or
4‖ x 2 Column) $50.00, $550.00
1 Page $100.00, $1100.00
2 lines rummage $5.00
Next Meeting May 12
Next Guild Meeting—May 12
Newsletter Deadline—May 15
Lynda Miller, Newsletter Editor
Cheryl Jacklovich, Advertising Chair, use subject PQG
Send Address Corrections to
Heidi Iwig, Membership Chair
About Our Guild
The Prairie Quilt Guild meets on the second Tuesday of each
month at the Scottish Rite Center at 1st and Topeka, Wichita.
Guild meetings are scheduled from 1:00-3:00 p.m. and
7:00-9:00 p.m. unless otherwise announced.
Annual dues are $25.00 for the period October through
September, after April 1 a first-time member will pay $12.50.
For further information, please contact
President Mayleen Vinson, 316-655-3876 or
Past President John Madia, 316-634-1528 use subject PQG
To check on possible cancellations of Prairie Quilt Guild meetings due to weather:
Listen to Radio Station KFDI 101 FM / 1070 AM
Watch TV stations
Prairie Quilt Guild