Riverside Rap - Riverside Christian College


Riverside Rap - Riverside Christian College
Edition 4
Friday 18th March
23 Royle Street
Maryborough West
Queensland 4650
P O Box 2069
Maryborough DC
Queensland 4650
Telephone: 4123 1031
Fax: 4123 2545
8AM — 4PM
Riverside students were invited to perform at St Mary's Parish Hall for St Patricks Day
on Sunday, 13 March 2011. Jordan and Aryah performed a contemporary piece,
Gypsy dance - Lord of the Dance and Mrs McGann performed a Tap Dance.
Over the past few months we have witnessed the power of God’s creation in so many different and tragic ways: the floods in Pakistan; the floods and cyclone in Queensland; the earthquake in Christchurch to name just a few of the major events. Now we are reeling from the devastation in Japan. The thing that often strikes me about these events is the response to them. So often after a major tragedy we see an outpouring of emotion and strength from others. We see an outpouring of compassion. Compassion is the ability of a person to connect with the situation and events of another person. Compassion does not only occur in times of major trial, it is a fundamental component of everyday life. In fact, without compassion relationships become very difficult to sustain. The most important element of compassion is that it moves people to action. In the parable of the Good Samaritan there is a traveller that is mugged and left to die. The first two people are judged to not have compassion because they fail to stop. They may have felt bad for the victim, but it didn’t move them to action. However, despite being a natural enemy of the victim the Samaritan felt compassion for the traveller and helped him. Compassion is a vital part of healthy relationships and true compassion comes from God. We see this evidenced in Jesus, whose compassion took him to the cross so that our relationship with him could be restored. His compassion led to action. At Riverside we encourage our students to see outside themselves and have hearts of compassion, compassion that will move them to be a positive and healing influence in this world. Blessings Stuart Taylor [acknowledgments to Joel van Bentum] 2011—year of the RiSe CoDe
PURE Riverside Competition Rules—Main article see page 11 The Office Desk 2
JUNIOR COLLEGE News Maryborough After School
Care has vacancies for Before
School Care and After School
Care. Before School Care 7am
to 9am After School Care 3pm
to 6pm. Full Fun Program for
school aged children.
Afternoon tea provided.
CCB fee relief. High accredited
For details phone:
Colleen on 4122 3714 or come
into 38 Sussex Street.
Parents and Kids Funtime Newborn to Prep Door of Hope 569 Kent Street, Maryborough Wednesday Mornings 9:30 till 11:30 Unless raining Parents come along and enjoy a friendly chat and a cuppa while the kids play in a safe and happy environment. Years 1 and 2 enjoyed a visit from the Fire Services to talk about fire safety and what things to do if placed in danger. We appreciate the professional services our Fire Services provide for our community here at Riverside Christian College. Fire and lock down drills were conducted on the College campus this week. Junior College News 3
MIDDLE COLLEGE News Year 8 Camp Three days of perfect weather hanging near the beach with a great group of Year 8 students. Who could ask for a better week? Surfing, kayaking, circus skills and fencing (the sword type not the post and wire sort) were all on the program, as well as a trip to Dreamworld. The food was great and the location was perfect, and we even had time to fit in a little bit of research for our SOSE project for when we got back to the College. Mrs Blane and Mrs Slater burned up the dance floor at the disco night, and the teachers were the smartest at the trivia night (thank goodness). A big thanks to all the great staff at Tallebudgerra and to our teachers as well for making it such an awesome camp. Thanks to our bus driver Steve and Mrs Kinbacher our volunteer extra adult. Hospitality Students visited Sails Restaurant on Wednesday 9th March. Sails is a 4‐5 star restaurant and students were able to experience and gain an understanding of the standard expected when serving and presenting meals in the hospitality industry. Mrs Downs and Mrs Barrett joined the group for the evening and we had a great time. Halogen Young Leaders Conference – Brisbane On Friday the 11th of March, 3 leaders from the Yr 6/7 cohort, Sophie Hall, Jade Cotter and Chelsea Jamison‐Bews, rose very early in the morning to travel to Brisbane for the annual Halogen Young Leaders conference at the Convention Centre at South Bank. 4500 students attended the conference from all throughout Queensland for the opportunity to take part in the leadership conference assemblies and reflection sessions. The students took part in leadership sessions from 9am until 2pm in order to learn new skills that would better equip them for leading their peers in Middle College. They listened to speakers Jessica Watson – the youngest person to sail unassisted around the world and the football legend Wally Did you know? Lewis! Assessment schedule – all Middle College students They also participated in a reflection session that allowed have been given a copy of the assessment dates for all their subjects for this Term. If your child has not them to relate the information they learnt from the speakers received one please email the office for a copy. to their own personal situations at school and within their class. college@riverside.qld.edu.au
Powerhouse – students will be introduced to After a long 16‐hour day that included lots of Powerhouse – the online learning system in the next information, heaps of enthusiasm, way too few weeks. This will be a good point of reference for much junk food, loads of laughter, what assignments and activities they are doing for exciting car games and long driving each subject. Ask your child to show you what it's all sessions – all arrived home safe and about once they know how to access it. sound after a fantastic day. ‐K Matthew Middle College News 4
Saturday 26 March until
Monday 4 April 2011
Travelling to Perisher Valley
& Canberra
Date: 29 June – 7 July 2011
Numbers: Numbers are limited to 45
students only; therefore a selection
process may be undertaken based on
maturity & contribution to College life.
There may be an opportunity for
parents to join the trip if student
numbers allow.
Payment: A deposit of $100 is due
a.s.a.p. to ensure all students have
secured their spot for the trip. Total
cost is approximate until final numbers
are known. Estimated cost: $1400.00.
All fees must be paid before the trip.
Payment Plan:
-Deposit of $100
-Payments of a minimum of $85 weekly
need to be paid to the Office. With the
final amount paid in full before Friday
10 June.
The Australian Institute of
International Understanding (AIIU) is a not for profit
organisation promoting friendship and understanding
among people of different races, cultures and
Riverside Christian College will be hosting a group of 17 boy
students from Uenomiya Taishi High School, Osaka, Japan from 26
March 2011 to 4 April 2011.
We are looking for families that would like to share their home for
10 days with one of these students.
If you think that your family could welcome an international visitor
please contact Lisa on 0402 854 417 or by email at
lisaorcam@bigpond.com as soon as possible. Information sessions
and on-going support are provided.
Students are learning how to make a range of different Breads and Soups. A few weeks ago, they made chicken stock from scratch (using chicken necks) and froze the stock. Last Monday the stock was used to make a vegetable soup which the office staff sampled. Very tasty from all accounts!!! Senior College News 5
GENERAL NOTICES COMPUTER LAB IS 100% There are no exceptions ‐ the Computer Lab is a “Empowering OUR College Community Through Authentic Partnerships” Do you want to be an active part of 100% NO FOOD, NO DRINK area. your child’s school community? Please adhere to this policy ... staff and students. FIRST MEETING—TUESDAY 5th APRIL RIVERSIDE’S P & F ASSOCIATION In the College Staff Room 6:30pm for 7:00pm Start Training and Professional
♦ Electing Office Bearers Development
♦ Position criteria available from College reception ♦ Contact Catherine Boulton 0417 483 965 Digital Teaching and Learning for further details An extra pupil‐free day has been added to the calendar Through our involvement with Apple we have been offered three days of world‐class training with Beyond Chalk. ICE PACKS Students who borrow ice packs from our sick bay need to return them by the end of the day. Please remember to do this ... Thank you. Our partnership with Beyond Chalk will connect Riverside educators with innovative technology, development opportunities and strategic support. Beyond Chalk has helped transform hundreds of institutions into technologically‐rich learning environments that produce engaged and committed learners. Put simply, the program removes fear, teaches practical skills and inspires teachers to achieve innovation in education through technology. Their testimonials speak of switched on teachers and engaged students. LOST PROPERTY Please label all student hats, uniforms and lunch accessories. Lost property is kept at reception if not labelled and recycled back to the Uniform Shop if not claimed by the end of each Semester. ACCOUNTS .....Any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate to enquire with Janita. CHANGING BUSES OR TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS Any students who are booked for regular collection on buses must advise their driver of any changes to the usual arrangements. If a phone call is not made or a letter brought to the office or driver, the usual arrangements will stand. For any further enquiries, please contact Mrs Janita Shipp at the office. To realise this opportunity we have utilised existing pupil
‐free days as much as possible. However, with the advent of National Curriculum in 2012 these days are already at a premium. Recognising the enormous opportunity that Beyond Chalk training provides and working as much as possible into existing pupil‐free days, we have only needed to add one extra day into the calendar. Thursday 26th May will now be pupil‐free. Chewing gum is NOT permitted on the College grounds. This is the day before the Maryborough Show holiday. We chose this day because there have traditionally been a significant number of students involved in events and not at school. PLEASE provide the office with the correct money, when making payments. Reception does not operate a cash register and therefore your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. With thanks, Stuart Taylor Deputy Principal Date Claimer for the College Garage Sale ... Fundraiser. Saturday 30 July (Week 3 Term 3) Students can start bringing items in. Once again, the form class that collects the most items will receive a prize. For larger items, parents can contact Vern Schultz on 0409309949 or Kirstene Wallace on 0412331512. [did you know ..... Over the past 6 months we have added 45 iMacs and 300 MacBooks to the College?] General Notices 6
News from the CHAPLAIN The College has been blessed by the work of our chaplain, Mark Bryant and his passion for students well‐being and his heart for missions such as Fiji. We would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the valuable support the College receives from the National School Chaplaincy Program. Chaplaincy services are funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training. Maryborough Gospel Chapel Kids Club is an
outreach program for children in Years 1 - 7.
Activities include singing, devotions, games
and/or craft as well as a 2 course evening
Come along and see what all the fun is about!
When? Thursday Night 5.30pm - 7.30pm
Where? Maryborough Gospel Chapel
Corner Walker and Ferry Street
Cost? $4 per child or $10 per family
(3 or more children)
For further information please contact Dean or
Julie Terry on 41230118 or 0458230118.
Meeting at the
M’bro Wesleyan
68 Gayndah
RUN4BIBLES - Monday, 4th April, 2011
RUN4BIBLES is a Bible League program
designed especially for school students.
It’s a fun, outdoor event where students take part in a fundraising event that coincides with the school’s cross country event. Students are sponsored by their friends and family members to raise funds to place Bibles with Bible‐less people in Africa. In 2011, the Riverside Christian College RUN4BIBLES event will be held on Monday, 4th April. Last year, students from the College raised over $850 for the RUN4BIBLES cause, which purchased around 125 Bibles. This year, let's see if we can hit $1000!!! 18th March—NO IGNITE
19th March—Girls / Boys Away
- meet at church at 9am for a fantastic day
full of surprises!
25th March Battle of the Elements
- which will win...air, earth, water or fire?!
Cost $2
Age : 12 +
(turning 12yrs
this year)
4122 4415
for more info.
Shoes and
socks are
Hey Kids …. Looking for something to do on Friday nights??? Tinana Youth Connect Group provides fun activities for students in Years 7 to 12. Time: 7.00pm to 9.30pm Cost: Donation Location: “The Shed” 115 Gympie Road, Tinana. Further enquiries: 4122 4300 or 4121 0032 HOUSE POINTS ON OFFER: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for
HOUSES*** 2011 fundraising efforts
On the web…
For students logging in through Powerhouse http://powerhouse.riverside.qld.edu.au/classroom/Missions/page/148
Kidz Klub— Maryborough Church of the Nazarene, 190 Neptune Street. Kidz Klub caters for children in Prep to Year 5. Time: 4.00pm ‐ 5.30pm Friday Cost: Only $2 per chid, or $5 for a family of three or more. For more details please phone 4122 4755. Students who are interested in participating in the RUN4BIBLES fundraiser will have had opportunity to collect forms from their form teacher. Any student that takes a form pledges to return the form, completed or not, with any donations to their teacher by Monday, 4th April. The College will forward the monies to Bible League on your behalf. Together, let's run for Bibles in 2011!!!
Big M :)
Chaplaincy Missions Youth Activities 7
OUTDOOR ED. & SPORTING News Everything is all go in the sports department at the moment with Fraser district Summer and Winter trials taking place over the last few weeks. Summer trials went well with Brooke White making the Fraser District Softball team and Jacinta Griffen making Fraser District Cricket. We also had Eden Bartlett and Aiden Ford progressing to the possibles & probables trial for Touch. Callum Perotta‐O'Sullivan and Teagan Bechly travelled to the Fraser District swimming carnival and both gained 2nd and 3rd places respectively in their heats. Callum has made the Wide Bay team to head to the State Championships so we will look forward to hearing how it goes. We congratulate Jade Crawford‐Cross who has made Zone for Basketball. This week we have Fraser District Winter Trials and 23 students are going to be competing in Rugby League, Basketball, Soccer and Netball. So wish them good luck! Also of mention is Rachelle Boyce who has been doing very well with her Hockey and made the Zone team. We are finally in the new hall with our HPE classes so it is exciting stuff! Next up on the house sports calendar is cross country on the 4th of April so let's get training! Mr Jason Cudby West Soccer Club training every Thursday at their club grounds Sydney Street at 4.00pm. Vacancies in U6, U11, U12 and Youth. Senior Men’s training Tuesday & Thursday 6:00pm. Ladies training Wednesday 6:00pm. Enquires Kerry 4123 1132. Riverside Basketball Any student interested in playing Basketball in the Riverside team on Friday nights, there are still spaces in teams to be filled. Please see Mr McGann for the information and registration form. To date the Riverside basketball teams have been playing very well. It has been great having the experience of Mr McGann who has been training and helping out the teams every Friday night. Of note was Matthew Lloyd’s 3 pointer in the last ten seconds of the game last week to clinch victory! Students Selected in Wide Bay FutsalTeams Middle & Senior Jack Taylor Liam Taylor Jacob Sloper Jesse Shilvock Peter Green Nick Johannesen Jamie Spadina Tim Gibson Liam Hart Due to the Fraser District Cross Country now occurring on May 4th we have had to move our Congratulations to Desiree House Cross Roos, Mikaela‐Rose Roos, Country date Rachelle Boyce and Tayla Ellis forward. were among seven local young The date is now sporting achievers to be April 4th. selected by Bendigo Bank to It will run from gain a $250.00 bursary to the end of first assist their sporting break till 3pm. endeavours. Mr Cudby Angela Dalton Hannah Aiello Pippa Allenson Teagan Brown Taila Brown Verity Simpson Bonnie Turner Brooke White A number of Junior College students also made the grade. Nic Schmidt, Sunny Spadina, Rachelle Boyce, Britney Boyce, Jack Turner
Josie Jamieson-Bews, Taila Brown and Brendan Earle.
Students will train each weekend at St Mary's with some high level coaches and have 2 competitions to attend next Term. Students have opportunity to be selected for State and National teams at these upcoming competitions. CONGRATULATIONS .... SARAH EZZY Who recently was selected for the Under 11 Maryborough Netball Rep. Team Planet Horse 2 Day Horsemanship Clinic ‐ STARTING COW HORSE‐ DAY 1—Electronic Cow (Setting your horse for cow work) DAY 2—Live Cattle (Cutting & Campdrafting) DATE: 21 & 22 MAY, 2011 Maryborough Show Grounds. Cost per rider $400.00 Book now at the Fraser Coast Show Office 4123 5311 pro jesus, rodeo, campdrafting & cutting
2 – 9 April
9 – 16 April
16 – 23 April
Riding camps offer a fantastic opportunity for children to gain their independence in a safe Christian environment. We cater for children ages 6 yrs to teens, offering full accommodation and adult supervision. The camp is situated close to Gympie. 578 Beenham Valley Road
Gympie 4570
ABN: 23 278 014 614
Ph: (07) 5486 6166
Fax: (07) 5486 6014
Sporting News 8
Local Events Music Tutors Tuition Opportunities Lyrical Alternative Dance
Riverside Christian College
Hall – 4.30pm
Fully Qualified Dance
Desiree McGann
0417009641 (B Arts, B Education – 9
Years Teaching
Tap - Contemporary
(Jazz Ballet)
Lyrical Dance
Music instrumental lessons and rehearsals are in full swing. If you have asked for instrumental lessons but have not yet received a letter regarding them could you please let your child know or email me at Ian.Slater@riverside.qld.edu.au. Those that would like to start lessons could you please wait until next term as timetables are running on a rotational basis and new students at this time do upset the timetable. This week Rebekah Simpson and Yasmin Shilvock accompanied by Ms. Marshall were taking part in workshops with members of the Queensland Symphony Orchestra and I am eager to hear how they went. Students attending extra curricular activities have been dwindling recently, please encourage your child(ren) to attend – they do not have to be learning an instrument to join in. And finally, for Rebekah and Yasmin ... Quality Music Tutors available at Riverside Kyle Downes Keyboard Tutor Andre Carpenter Brass & Woodwind Tutor Why should you never try to drive a roof nail with a violin? You might bend the nail.
"Haven't I seen your face before?" a judge demanded, looking down at the defendant.
"You have, Your Honour," the man answered hopefully. "I gave your son violin lessons
last winter."
"Ah, yes," recalled the judge. "Twenty years!"
Mark Nuske Guitar Tutor The All Sorts Youth Choir has vacancies in all ages from 9 to 15 years. When: Tuesday’s from 4 to 6 pm Where: 17 Pinnacle Court, Craignish Build your child’s self‐confidence and improve their diction while they just have fun! For more information email: all‐sorts@optusnet.com.au Or contact Julie Morrison on 4128 7190
All Sorts Choir – proudly representing the Fraser Coast at the 118th Qld Eisteddfod, Maryborough 2011.
Proudly presents
By Alan Seymour Directed by Judith La Forest
Starring: Richard Yaxley as Alf
Mark Thomson as Wacka Maree Dorey as Mum
Stuart Waters as Hughie Carissa Macpherson as Jan
An iconic Australian play which focuses on a family and an
Anzac Day in the 1950’s. In this dramatic comedy, our talented
and experienced cast explore the universal themes of war, class,
and generation-gap conflicts. The play questions the
significance and impact of Anzac Day on national and
individual identity. Do take the opportunity to see this fine
production and honour the sacrifices made by all those who
fought on our behalf. Performances are at the theatre in
Zephyr St. Scarness on the following dates:
APRIL Fri 8, Sat 9 at 7.30pm
Sun 10 at 2pm -matinee
Fri 15, Sat 16 at 7.30pm
Sun 17 at 2pm –matinee
Fri 22, Sat 23 at 7.30pm
You are invited to come and enjoy this entertaining live theatre
show (Rated PG). Make up a party and book your tickets at
Mary Ryan ABC Bookshop, Central Ave Pialba. Concessions
for groups of 10 or more.
Katie Marshall Violin Tutor Andrew Dalton focuses well during percussion lessons. A father was approached by his small son who told him proudly, "I know what the Bible means!"
His father smiled and replied, "What do you mean, you 'know' what the Bible means?
The son replied, "I do know!"
"Okay," said his father. "What does the Bible mean?"
"That's easy, Daddy..." the young boy replied excitedly,
" It stands for 'Basic Information Before Leaving Earth.'
Performing Arts News 9
Staff & News Homework and Assignment Assistance
After School
$10 pp
Inquiries ph. 4129 6089 or 0427 729 888 AGRICULTURE CAMP GOES TO WONDAI CATTLE SCHOOL Ag student Clancy Hyne was very proud of his achievements at the recent Cattle School. Winning the Overall Encouragement Award and Handler Class placing. Well done Clancy. Supervised by Mrs Downes and Mrs Slater on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons from 3 to 4 pm. The venue is the Computer Lab as students may need computers for assignment research. It is open to students from Years 6 to 12 who want to use the time to work independently on homework or assignments, and students who would like some teacher assistance with their work. Please support us by checking with your child/children whether they have work to do and if they don't, make the usual arrangements for them to go home at 3 pm. FIRST ASSEMBLY IN MULTI‐PURPOSE HALL Bustle and excitement filled the air as students filed into the new facility. Eyes wide and mouth slightly ajar you could have heard a pin drop until the fans started! At this time we would like to acknowledge the generous support from the Australian Government’s Nation Building Project—Economic Stimulus Plan. Derived from a vision of supporting jobs and rebuilding our infrastructure for the future. We love our hall! HOLIDAY PLANNING FOR 2011 Making plans for your annual holidays? Hope the following dates give you some helpful guidance. WAKAKIRRI TIME! Story Dance ‐ Competition Yrs 5 to 7 Listen to announcements Meeting in College Hall Any questions ... Speak with Mrs McGann. EASTER HOLIDAYS: 11TH APRIL return 27TH APRIL JUNE HOLIDAYS: 27TH JUNE return 14TH JULY SEPTEMBER HOLIDAYS: 19TH SEPT return 4TH OCT CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS: 5TH DEC return 23RD JAN REMAINING HOLIDAYS FOR 2011 (NOT INCLUDED WITHIN SCHOOL HOLIDAYS) RELAY for LIFE—Maryborough Showgrounds
Sat 16th‐Sun 17th JULY Theme "SCHOOL DAZE" Start 2pm with Survivors Lap followed by Primary School Mini Marathon(2hrs) til 4pm
Entertainment/games/Maryborough Sprint Relay (most laps) 7‐9pm(2hrs only)/Karaoke/Zumba
26th March—1st
All College
Japanese Students hosted
On Campus
28th March—1st
Yrs 11 & 12
Mid-Semester Exams
On Campus
6th April
All College
Easter Chapel
On Campus
Due to the delay in occupying our Multi-purpose Hall, the Arts Festival will take place in early Term 2
on the 19th May
11th April—26th
All College
School Holidays
Off Campus
25th April
All College
Anzac Day
Off Campus
26th April
All College
Public Holiday
Off Campus
27th April
All College
Term 2—Return to College
On Campus
COLLEGE NEWSLETTER NOW GREEN Please forward your email address to: email your sharon.carl@riverside.qld.edu.au e‐address 2011—year of the RiSe CoDe
iTunes voucher
($100, $50, $20)
YEARS 6 TO 12, it’s time to put your hand up for the RiSe CoDe.
The Riverside digital photo competition is now on.
All students are invited to submit original images of our life together at
Riverside Christian College.
Entry forms available at Reception.
Competition closes Thursday 26th May, 2011.
Right choices
Calendar of Events 11
COMMUNITY NOTICES The 18th Annual RSPCA Million Paws Walk will be held held across Australia on Sunday 15 May 2011 and is the big day out for animal lovers! Whether you have pets in your family or not, you are invited to join the pack and walk with tens of thousands of people and pets throughout Australia to help raise vital funds for the RSPCA and the animals in our care. http://qld.millionpawswalk.com.au/ Thursday 31st March 7:30pm.. Friday 1st April 7:30pm.. Sun 3rd April 2pm Activ8 Learn to Swim Don’t let your kids forget what you just paid for them to learn. Keep them swimming through winter and summer, 3 students per class, enclosed and heated pool, Austswim qualified instructors, all ages and abilities catered for. Tinana location. Please call Sally on 0421 577 026 for details. Fraser Coast Hyundai presents the WOMEN in MOTION —safety and maintenance workshop No‐cost community service. Limited to 50 ladies. For more information: www.hyundai.com.au/eventscalendar Changing a flat tyre Putting air in your tyres Starting a car with a flat battery Awareness and safety on the road 23rd March, 2011 7:00pm—9:00pm 267 Adelaide Street, Maryborough Phone: Samantha 4121 1577 POOL PARTY MARYBOROUGH SWIMMING POOL JOHN STREET Date: Friday 8th April Time: 7pm to 10pm Ages 6—17 Bring your swimwear Live DJ Water Games Friends & Fun
Tombola—Maryborough Pensioner’s Hall Saturday 19th March ... 12 noon Cake stall and afternoon tea supplied. 4129 6089 for further enquiries. In aid of Liberty Coombes representing Australia for futsal. Community Notices 12
Specially discounted tickets can be purchased at the Brolga Theatre if you quote this number: CM 1065