Preview 2016
Preview 2016
Summer Preview 2016 Spring/Easter trends Der Frühling bringt den Duft der Natur und die Lebensfreude in unsere Dekoration. In dieser Saison haben wir einen Materialmix aus der Natur, dazu passende Pastelltöne in zart- oder altrosa, mint oder white-washed. Die Osterdekoration beinhaltet Akzente aus der Historie und vereint sie mit Mustern und Motiven aus der Moderne. Das Assemblee wird mit Schokohasen oder Eiern in verschiedenen Größen in Szene gesetzt. Der Frühling zeigt sich von seiner positiven und sonnigen Seite. Spring brings the feeling of nature and the joy of living. This season we have a mixture of nature, suitable pastels in light or old rose, and mint or white-washed. Our Easter decoration includes traditional accents and combines it with patterns and motifs of modernity. The assemblée is made up of chocolate bunnies and Easter eggs of different sizes. The spring shows its positive and sunny side. Le printemps apporte le parfum de la nature et de la joie de vivre dans notre décoration. Cette saison, nous avons un mélange de matière en nature, convenant avec des tons en pastels en rose tendre ou sombre, menthe ou white-washed. La décoration de Pâques comprend des accents d´histoire et les combinent avec des modèles et des motifs de la modernité. L’Assemblée est mise en scène avec des lapins en chocolat ou des œufs de différentes tailles. Le printemps montre son côté positif et ensoleillé. 2 B garden Spot B A A E A C B A B D B B 3 C A B C A D D D D D F H G E H E F F F E 4 lady in Pink A butterfly Effect A A 5 A B B G C E E H G F D B H G B G D A C H E 6 colourful Collection yellow Dream A H E E I G B A F A D J K C D H 7 A B A B 8 D A A cherry Lady E F C C G B B A H 9 easter Nest A A A B B B 10 happy Easter E A E A D A D C D A B C E B B E 11 sweet Temptation A A F C B B B G I C B C B C B B E D 12 B B H B I B B B B C gentle Dreams C A C B B D D D B 13 A A C B A H H A A A K J J A A L C K I G G L I D E I G I F D F 14 G natural Feeling D C A B D 15 Maritime trends Die Nautik ist endlich zurück. Klassisch dark-navy, blaue Farbvariationen und Streifen inspirieren und transportieren eine frische Meeresbrise. Die moderne Interpretation von maritimen Elementen mit ausdrucksstarken knalligen Farben haucht dem Dekorationsklassiker eine neue Frische ein. Nautische Stilelemente wie der Anker, der Leuchtturm oder das Steuerrad bis hin zum Rettungsring und Schiffstaue, gepaart mit ausdrucksstarken Farbakzentuierungen schaffen eine atemberaubende und inspirierende thematische Dekoration im zeitgenössischen Look. The nautical trend is finally back. Classic dark-navy, blue colour variations and stripes inspire and convey a fresh sea-breeze. The modern interpretation of a maritime theme with expressive bright colours breathed the classic decoration in a new freshness. Nautical style elements such as the anchor, the lighthouse or the steering wheel up to the lifebuoy and ropes paired with expressive colour accents create a stunning and inspiring thematic decoration in a contemporary look. La tendance nautique est enfin de retour. Classique dark-navy, variations de couleurs bleu et rayures inspirent et transmettent une brise de mer fraîche. L’interprétation moderne d’éléments maritimes avec des couleurs vives expressifs souffle la décoration classique dans une nouvelle fraîcheur. Des éléments de style comme l’ancre, phare ou la roue gouvernail jusqu´e des bateaux à voile, des cordes appariés avec des accents de couleurs expressives créent une décoration thématique magnifique et inspirante dans le look contemporain. 16 D H silent Water H D J A I E E F F J B B G B C 17 A B C 18 sailor Cabin D H A I G I I E A C B F J 19 D A A B C E 20 F A B C A F J G B H aqua Marine H C K D E I 21 D A blue Box G D D G B C F E E F 22 I D E J A B K H C Pirate bay F L G 23 Summer trends Die abama Frühjahr/Sommer Kollektion 2016 zeigt sich von den wilden Siebzigern beeinflusst. Der Sommer zeigt sich im modernen 70er-Look mit bunten Blumen im klassischen Hippie-Style. Die 70er-Jahre versprühen eine positive Energie und lassen das Sommer-Feeling richtig aufleben. Leichtigkeit und Lebensfreude spiegeln sich auch in der Farbpalette wieder. Wiesenblumen, Bohemian-Muster, der VW-Käfer und Bulli-Bus sind Klassiker der Ära. Aufbauten und Dekorationen im Holz- und White-Washed-Look runden den Hippie-Light-Look ab. The abama Spring/Summer Collection 2016 shows influence over the wild 70’s. The summer conveys the modern 70’s look with coloured flower - classic hippie-style. The 70’s radiates a positive energy and revives the summer-feeling. Ease and the joie de vivre are reflected in the colour-palette. Wildflowers, Bohemian patterns, the VW-Beetle and Bulli-buses are classics of the era. Structures and decorations in wood and white-washed helps to round off the hippie-look. La collection abama pour le printemps/été 2015 c´est montré influencé par les années sauvages des soixante-dix. L´été se montre dans le look moderne des années 70 avec des fleurs multicolores - style hippie classique. Les années 70 dégagent une énergie positive et ravivent le sentiment d’été. La facilité et la joie de la vie se reflètent également dans la palette de couleurs. Des fleurs de prairie, motif-bohémien, la coccinelle VW et la VW combi sont des classiques de l’époque. Des mises en place et des décorations en bois et look white-washed complètent le look Hippie-Light. 24 happy Hippie F E F D A G C C A E A I I I C A H A A B B J B J A B B J B J J J 25 classic Beetle B E F E B E E F C F F A B G 26 D pink Flamingos I H C I J B D G K E F M L D L M D L A M A L 27 Juicy slices A B C C I D H C G D B E D F 28 J shiny Fruits G A A E B B C D F G B H I A B J 29 E E G B D B G H J J A H F A H C D 30 wild Flowers I I I welcome to the Jungle M B C D A D C K E I B E B E A A G I I B B L F F H J H H 31 into the Waves G B K K A F H H A F A L B K C I A A E D J E J 32 D F F G H D K A D F A E A I E D M B C tiki Beach L D J L J 33 D B D C E F F G A 34 white Washed A A A F B B C B B F E D Summer garden G B H B 35 Standard trends Avantgarde – geradlinig oder ungewöhnlich – die Standards bei abama decken für alle Gelegenheiten und Bedürfnisse ab. Materialien wie Holz in Vintage - oder Used - Optik aber auch Metall in Rost - Optik oder gebürstet, mit Gebrauchsspuren liegen im Trend. Kombinieren kann man nahezu alles miteinander. Ob Industrial, Grunge oder Vintage, ein Mix durch alle Jahrzehnte oder in Schwarz/Weiß – erlaubt ist was gefällt, die Palette reicht von XXL-Schachfiguren, Nostalgie-Radios und Bücher bis hin zu stylischen Aufbauten und Regalen. Avantgarde – straightforward or unusual – the standards at abama cover all occasions and decoration needs. Materials such as wood in vintage or used categories, but also in metal rust or brushed categories with signs of use are the current trend. You can combine almost everything together. Whether industrial, grunge or vintage, a mix of all decades or in Black/White - is allowed that pleases the palette ranges from XXL-pawns, nostalgiaradios and books to stylish superstructures and shelves. Avant-garde – simple ou inhabituel - les normes chez abama couvrent pour toutes occasions et besoins. Des matériaux tels que le bois vintage ou l´optique used mais aussi le métal en optique de rouille métallique ou brossé, avec des signes d’utilisation, sont à la mode. Vous pouvez combiner presque tous ensemble. Que ce soit industriel, grunge ou vintage, un mélange de toutes les décennies ou en noir/blanc - permis est ce qui plaît, la palette suffit de pièces d´échecs XXL, radios nostalgie et de livres à des mises en place styliste et des étagères élégantes. 36 vintage Gears E J H D A B A C B D I A A E F G C I H G G 37 Grand hotel C C A A F A E B F A D 38 E D B Living room E H F G H C H F A A C 39 G White A black & E B C E F B E B 40 D D F A D B C E D C C C C E C C D special Tires 41 pug Pastell E A C B B D A B A A A A A A F 42 B C A G K A E F E D H I D F B B F D F J orchid Oasis 43 romantic Beauty B A C G H I J K D K E F L D K 44 A C A B K E B E A C K D L A F A E G H I E B J 45 3 4 5 6 7 46 A B C D E A B C D E F G H A A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H I 7362258 7362259 7362260 7362261 7362262 7362263 7355857 7341269 7362429 7362307 7362308 7362302 7358376 7358379 7362383 7344564 7362755 7362379 7362753 7362345 7362517 7362344 7362519 7362346 7362395 7362516 7362518 7355961 7357187 7362468 7362516 7351729 7362518 7362469 7351728 7362344 # Dwarf, artificial resin, 50x20x15cm, turquoise # Dwarf, artificial resin, 50x20x15cm, pink # Dwarf, artificial resin, 50x20x15cm, yellow # Dwarf, artificial resin, 30x12x9cm, turquoise # Dwarf, artificial resin, 30x12x9cm, pink # Dwarf, artificial resin, 30x12x9cm, white Garden fence, wood, 100x60cm, white Grass tile, plastic, 7cm high, 26x26cm, green # Window shutter, styrodur, 100x60cm, white # Honeycomb fan, foldable, crepe paper, 67cm, light pink # Honeycomb fan, foldable, crepe paper, 68cm, peach # Honeycomb fan, foldable, crepe paper, 30cm, light red Tulip, 3-fold, artificial silk, 105cm, fuchsia Tulip, 3-fold, artificial silk, 105cm, white # Boxes, 3pcs./set, nested, wood, used look, 28-40cm, light pink Grass tile, plastic, 26x26cm, green # Display „Roller“, one-sided Forex print 4mm, 100x84cm, pink # Boxes, 3pcs./set, nested, wood, used look, 28-40cm, white # Display „Butterfly“, one-sided Forex print 4mm, 100x120cm, black/pink Butterfly, feathers, Ø55cm, green Butterfly, 6pcs./blister, PVC-foil, 11cm, multicoloured Butterfly, feathers, Ø55cm, orange Butterfly, PVC-foil, 20x30cm, multicoloured Butterfly, feathers, Ø55cm, red # Product presenter, wood/natural fibre, 75cm, natural coloured Butterfly, 6pcs./blister, PVC-foil, 11cm, yellow/black Butterfly, PVC-foil, 20x30cm, yellow/black Forsythia bunch, artificial silk, 50x100cm, yellow # Forsythia tree in a pot, plastic, artificial silk, Ø55cm, 120cm, yellow Frame with twigs, wood, 57x37cm, brown Butterfly, 6pcs./blister, PVC-foil, 11cm, yellow/black Forsythia garland, artificial silk, Ø20cm, 190cm, yellow Butterfly, PVC-foil, 20x30cm, yellow/black Frame with twigs, wood, 57x87cm, brown Bunch of forsythia, 7-fold, artificial silk, 25x65cm, yellow Butterfly, feathers, Ø55cm, orange J K 8 A B 9 A B C D E F G H 10 A B 11 A B C D E 12 A B 7362471 7362352 7362385 7362387 7362350 7362351 7351670 7362484 7362350 7362351 7362536 7362464 7361534 7362529 7362471 7362198 7362199 7362200 7362190 7362191 7362192 7362454 7362455 7362456 7362457 7362458 7362459 7362198 7362199 7362200 7362464 7362465 7351616 7348177 7348184 # Barrow on wheels, wood, 98x43x21cm, brown Forsythia tree, stem hard cardboard, blossoms artificial silk, 120cm, yellow # Chair, wood, 50x24cm, light pink # Chair, wood, 50x24cm, light blue, Cherry blossom tree, stem hard cardboard, blossoms artificial silk, 120cm, white Cherry blossom tree, stem hard cardboard, blossoms artificial silk, 120cm, pink Cherry blossom branch, 3-fold, artificial silk, 90cm, pink # Suitcase set, 2-fold, fabric/plastic, 30+40cm, beige/brown Cherry blossom tree, stem hard cardboard, blossoms artificial silk, 120cm, white Cherry blossom tree, stem hard cardboard, blossoms artificial silk, 120cm, pink Cockatoo, flying, styrofoam with feathers, 63x43cm, white/yellow Birdhouse, wood, 16x16x26cm, blue/pink # Ladder, wood, with 5 steps, white wash, 160x38cm, white # Room divider, 3-part, wood, foldable, 18x120cm, white # Barrow on wheels, wood, 98x43x21cm, brown # Egg, plastic, 30cm, green # Egg, plastic, 30cm, blue # Egg, plastic, 30cm, pink # Eggs, 12-fold, plastic, 17cm, yellow # Eggs, 12-fold, plastic, 17cm, green # Eggs, 12-fold, plastic, 17cm, blue Rabbit, 5mm MDF-wood, base 5x18cm, 20x30cm, pink Rabbit, 5mm MDF-wood, base 5x18cm, 20x30cm, green Rabbit, lying, 5mm MDF-wood, base 5x18cm, 30x20cm, purple Rabbit, lying, 5mm MDF-wood, base 5x18cm, 30x20cm, green Rabbit, sitting, 5mm MDF-wood, base 30x9cm, 40x50cm, yellow Rabbit, lying, 5mm MDF-wood, base 30x9cm, 40x50cm, blue # Egg, plastic, 30cm, green # Egg, plastic, 30cm, blue # Egg, plastic, 30cm, pink Birdhouse, wood, 16x16x26cm, blue/pink Birdhouse, wood, 16x16x26cm, green/pink Chocolate egg chain, 24-fold, plastic, Ø4cm, 100cm, brown # Egg, plastic, 20x30cm, white # Egg, plastic, 20x30cm, beige C D E F G H I 13 A B C D 14 A B C D E F G H I J K L 15 A B C D 7348185 7348651 7362196 7351882 7361596 7362257 7362254 7351884 7361870 7361695 7362254 7362255 7362385 7362387 7362390 7348177 7362199 7362200 7361805 7348344 7348340 7362376 7362381 7362377 7362525 7362527 7348333 7362523 7362526 7362380 7362522 7362521 7362522 7362527 7362525 7362521 # Egg, plastic, 20x30cm, brown Bunch of tulips, 12-fold, artificial silk, 30x45cm, white # Eggs, 12-fold, plastic, 17cm, brown Chocolate rabbit, papier-mâché, plaster, 13x20cm, brown # Chocolate bar, with aluminium foil, styropor, 85x40x5cm, brown/silver # Rabbit, sitting, artificial resin, 27x15x24cm, brown # Rabbit, sitting, artificial resin, 27x15x24cm, pink Chocolate rabbit, papier-mâché, plaster, 13x20cm, white # Tree, wood, 150x60cm, white # Rabbit, resin, 27x15x24cm, white # Rabbit, sitting, artificial resin, 27x15x24cm, pink # Rabbit, sitting, artificial resin, 27x15x24cm, light blue # Chair, wood, 50x24cm, light pink # Chair, wood, 50x24cm, light blue, # Chair, wood, 50x24cm, white # Egg, plastic, 20x30cm, white # Egg, plastic, 30cm, blue # Egg, plastic, 30cm, pink # Birch trunk, natural material, Ø10cm, 200cm, brown Egg, wire, sisal, 77x90cm, green Egg, wire, sisal, 48x60cm, green Rabbit, sitting, styrofoam with wood fibre, 27x14x17cm, brown/white # Boxes, 3pcs./set, nested, wood, used look, 28-40cm, light yellow Rabbit, sitting, styrofoam with wood fibre, 26x13x15cm, brown/white Easter egg, self-standing, styrofoam with natural bast, 30cm, natural coloured Easter egg, self-standing, styrofoam with natural bast, 18cm, natural coloured Egg, wire, sisal, 24x30cm, yellow Easter egg, self-standing, styrofoam with natural bast, 30cm, brown Easter egg, self-standing, styrofoam with natural bast, 18cm, brown # Boxes, 3pcs./set, nested, wood, used look, 28-40cm, light green Easter bunny, sitting, styrofoam with natural bast, 25x25cm, brown Easter bunny, lying, styrofoam with natural bast, 35x16cm, brown Easter bunny, sitting, styrofoam with natural bast, 25x25cm, brown Easter egg, self-standing, styrofoam with natural bast, 18cm, natural coloured Easter egg, self-standing, styrofoam with natural bast, 30cm, natural coloured Easter bunny, lying, styrofoam with natural bast, 35x16cm, brown 17 A B C D E F G H I J 18 A B C 19 A B C D E F G H I J 20 A B C D E 21 A B C D E F 7362476 7362477 7362475 7362541 7362540 7362549 7362800 7362543 7362419 7362542 7362477 7362476 7362475 7362545 7362802 7362415 7362411 7362416 7362801 7362417 7362544 7348113 7362412 7362319 7362320 7362414 7362410 7362394 7362799 7362419 7362319 7362320 7362418 7360011 7362799 7362420 Steering wheel, driftwood, Ø42cm, brown Driftwood boxes, 2-fold, 14-20cm, brown Anchor, driftwood, 27x37cm, brown Rope with pulley, hook, 100cm, natural coloured Spool with cord, cardboard/rope, Ø23x14cm, natural coloured # Set of sand cubes, 3-fold, styrofoam covered with sand, 20-40cm, brown # Catwalk, wood, used look, 80x30x40cm, grey/white Rope with knot, with real rope, 150cm, natural coloured Panel with anchor, wood, 40x50cm, white/blue Rope with anchor hook, with real rope, Ø25cm, 120cm, natural coloured Driftwood boxes, 2-fold, 14-20cm, brown Steering wheel, driftwood, Ø42cm, brown Anchor, driftwood, 27x37cm, brown Fender with hanger, cotton, Ø10cm, 20cm, natural coloured # Paddle, wood, used look, 120x15cm, brown Panel with anchor, wood, 50x60cm, brown/white Shark, wood, 73x23cm, grey Panel with compass, wood, 50x60cm, brown/white # Railing, 3-fold, wood, with rope, used look, 120x60cm, grey/white Panel with lighthouse, wood, 50x60cm, brown/white Fishing net, cotton, with Ø6cm styrofoam balls, 150x150cm, natural coloured Hanging shell decoration, raffia, with real shells, Ø6cm, 150cm, natural Shark head, wood, 60x33cm, grey/white # Triangle sail, with 4 loops, 100% cotton, 190x90cm, natural coloured # Triangle sail, with 4 loops, 100% cotton, 190x90cm, white/blue Tortoise, wood, 55x55cm, blue/white Surfboard, wood, 115x30cm, blue/white # Product presenter, wood/natural fibre, with ca. 144cm string, 75cm, white # Catwalk, wood, used look, 90x30x20cm, light blue Panel with anchor, wood, 40x50cm, white/blue # Triangle sail, with 4 loops, 100% cotton, 190x90cm, natural coloured # Triangle sail, with 4 loops, 100% cotton, ca. 145 g/qm, 190x90cm, white/blue Panel with compass, wood, 40x50cm, white/blue Light house, wood, Ø14cm, 40cm, blue # Catwalk, wood, used look, 90x30x20cm, light blue Panel with boat, wood, 40x50cm, white/blue 47 G H I J K 22 A B C D E F G 23 A B C D E F G H I J K L 25 A B C D E F 48 7360007 7360016 7360003 7361259 7359824 7362790 7362794 7302509 7362795 7362793 7362791 7362792 7303875 7362796 7345164 7303874 7362319 7362800 7362798 7357483 7357485 7362461 7362460 7362797 7362478 7362479 7362480 7362481 7358692 7358698 7358699 7358700 7362517 7362364 7362519 7358675 7358680 Steering wheel, wood, Ø60cm, blue Buoy, wood, Ø10cm, 80cm, blue Anchor, wood, 55x35cm, blue # Ladder, 2x4 steps, styrofoam, 123x35cm, blue Wooden bucket, with carry handles made of rope, 30x30cm, blue Steering wheel with hanger, one-sided, wood, Ø45cm, blue/white Lighthouse, wood, Ø19cm, 75cm, blue/white Beach umbrella, striped, wood and cotton, Ø42cm, white/blue Boats, 3pcs./set, wood, 48-73cm, blue/white Boxes, 2pcs./set, nested, wood, 37+44cm, blue/white Anchor with hanger, one-sided, wood, 60x42cm, blue/white Paddle with hanger, one-sided, wood, 79x13cm, blue/white Seagull, cellulose, with feathers, 45x25cm, white/grey Fishing net, with shells, cotton, 100x250cm, natural coloured Seagull, plastic, with feathers, 28x38cm, white/grey Seagull, cellulose, with feathers, 60x30cm, white/grey # Triangle sail, with 4 loops, 100% cotton, 190x90cm, natural coloured # Catwalk, wood, used look, 80x30x40cm, grey/white Fish trap, 3-fold, with sea animals, cotton, Ø24cm, 90cm, natural coloured Pirate flag, wooden pole, artificial silk, 30x45cm, black/white Pirate flag, 2 eyelets, artificial silk, 90x150cm, black/white Steering wheel, 5mm MDF-wood, Ø50cm, white Anchor, 5mm MDF-wood, 50x45cm, white Fishing net, with shells and cork, cotton, 200x150cm, natural coloured Gerbera flower, for hanging, paper, with 100cm string, Ø40cm, blue Gerbera flower, for hanging, paper, with 100cm string, Ø40cm, pink Gerbera flower, for hanging, paper, with 100cm string, Ø30cm, blue Gerbera flower, for hanging, paper, with 100cm string, Ø30cm, pink Gerbera, plastic/artificial silk, Ø11cm, 50cm, light pink Gerbera, plastic/artificial silk, Ø11cm, 50cm, orange Gerbera, plastic/artificial silk, Ø11cm, 50cm, blue Gerbera, plastic/artificial silk, Ø11cm, 50cm, yellow Butterfly, 6pcs./blister, PVC-foil, 11cm, multicoloured Poppy garland, 12-fold, plastic, 7 open + 5 open blossoms, 180cm, multicoloured Butterfly, PVC-foil, 20x30cm, multicoloured Gerbera ball, styrofoam/artificial silk, Ø18cm, coloured Gerbera ball, styrofoam/artificial silk, Ø25cm, coloured G H I J 26 A B C D E F G 27 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 28 A B C D E F G H I J 7362365 7362756 7362362 7362363 7362366 7358390 7362518 7362757 7396051 7362780 7362781 7362516 7362381 7362451 7362453 7348767 7359760 7343692 7359847 7359866 7377143 7359756 7358523 7357012 7357823 7362434 7362433 7362556 7362558 7362557 7362559 7362560 7362619 7357823 7361245 7361387 7362620 Gerbera garland, 7-fold, plastic, Ø16cm, 180cm, multicoloured # Display „Hippie-Bus“, one-sided Forex print 4mm, 120x120cm, light blue Poppy, 2-fold, plastic, Ø10cm, 72cm, red Poppy, 2-fold, plastic, Ø10cm, 72cm, orange Gerbera blossoms, 8-fold, plastic, Ø17cm, multicoloured Gerbera, artificial silk, 70cm, white Butterfly, PVC-foil, 20x30cm, yellow/black # Display „Oldtimer“, one-sided Forex print 4mm, 120x90cm, red Grass tile, plastic, 25x25cm, green # Grass leaf, on Ø18cm metal stand, 120x10cm, green # Grass leaf, on Ø18cm metal stand, 160x10cm, green Butterfly, 6pcs./blister, PVC-foil, 11cm, yellow/black # Boxes, 3pcs./set, nested, wood, used look, 28-40cm, light yellow Orchid blossom, plastic, Ø30cm, white Orchid blossom, plastic, Ø30cm, pink # Phoenix palm in pot, artificial silk, PVC, 150cm, green # Frame, styrodur, 60x40cm, blue # Pineapple, plastic, 10x22cm, brown/green # Surfboard, styrofoam, 180cm, yellow Boxes, 5pcs./set, nested, cardboard, 20x20x20cm, 12-18cm, blue # Ice cubes, 75pcs./bag, approx. 200g, assorted, plastic, 2x2cm, light blue # Frame, styrodur, 120x30cm, blue # Ball, acrylic, 2 halves, Ø29cm, clear # Ball, plastic, 2 halves, to fill, Ø14cm, clear # Martini glass, 2-parts, acrylic, 80x48cm, clear Flamingo, head up, plastic, 54x26cm, pink Flamingo, head down, plastic, 40x33cm, pink # Melon slice, styrofoam, printed both-sided, Ø90cm, red # Lime slice, styrofoam, printed both-sided, Ø90cm, green # Lemon slice, styrofoam, printed both-sided, Ø90cm, yellow # Orange slice, styrofoam, printed both-sided, Ø90cm, orange # Kiwi slice, styrofoam, printed both-sided, Ø90cm, green # Orange, rubber, Ø8cm, orange # Martini glass, 2-parts, acrylic, 80x48cm, clear # Lettering“SUMMER“, MDF-wood, 20x15x2cm per letter, 90x20cm, multicolor # Sunglasses, styrofoam, 70x26cm, blue # Lime, rubber, 10x7cm, green 29 A B C D E F G H I J 30 A B C D E F G H I J 31 A B C D E F G H I J K L 7362782 7362785 7358762 7362789 7362783 7362788 7362787 7362786 7362784 7358764 7362331 7362336 7362588 7362333 7362334 7362354 7362384 7362450 7362353 7362482 7362374 7362336 7313056 7357385 7357386 7362354 7356263 7362353 7362272 7362533 7362534 7362535 7362530 7362531 7362532 7362333 7362342 7359987 # Apple with stem, styrofoam, high gloss, 15x16cm, red # Apple with stem, styrofoam, high gloss, 15x16cm, black # Cherries with leaf, styrofoam, Ø10cm, 24cm, red # Pear with stem, styrofoam, high gloss, 12x22cm, black # Apple with stem, styrofoam, high gloss, 15x16cm, white # Pear with stem, styrofoam, high gloss, 12x22cm, green # Pear with stem, styrofoam, high gloss, 12x22cm, white # Pear with stem, styrofoam, high gloss, 12x22cm, red # Apple with stem, styrofoam, high gloss, 15x16cm, green # Cherries with leaf, styrofoam, Ø10cm, 24cm, dark red Reed, plastic, 150cm, green Split-Philo garland, 20 leaves, felt+plastic, ca.Ø15cm, green Grass panel, plastic, 25x25x12cm, green Moss mat, felt+plastic, 30x30cm, green Moss mat, felt+plastic, 50x50cm, green Fern garland, plastic, 180cm, green # Stairs, 3 steps, wood, 115x28cm, brown Hibiscus, 1x Ø40cm blossom, 1x closed blossom, 143cm, red/yellow # Fern panel, plastic, 25x25cm, green Bunch of grass, paper, 170cm, green Bird-of-paradise flower, plastic, 78cm, orange Split-Philo garland, 20 leaves, felt+plastic, ca.Ø15cm, green Parrot, 4-coloured assorted, styrofoam, with feathers, 13x50cm, assorted Parrot on a swing, paper, feathers, 65cm, red Parrot on a swing, paper, feathers, 65cm, blue/yellow Fern garland, plastic, 180cm, green Liane, bunched, 3-fold, wood, 160cm, natural # Fern panel, plastic, 25x25cm, green # Monkey, artificial resin, 92x45x27cm, natural coloured Parrot, standing, styrofoam with feathers, 36x13cm, blue/yellow Parrot, standing, styrofoam with feathers, 36x13cm, , red Parrot, standing, styrofoam with feathers, 36x13cm, green Parrot, flying, styrofoam with feathers, 73x76cm, blue/yellow Parrot, flying, styrofoam with feathers, 73x76cm, red Parrot, flying, styrofoam with feathers, 73x76cm, green Moss mat, felt+plastic, 30x30cm, green Toucan, styrofoam glued with feathers, with fixing wire at foot, 55cm, black # Parlor palm, 6-fold, 910 leaves made of artificial silk, in pot, 180cm, green M 32 A B C D E F G H I J K L 33 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 34 A B C D 7362536 7362451 7362452 7362453 7357372 7357376 7362412 7362426 7362427 7348315 7362411 7362409 7362410 7362414 7362428 7362450 7362413 7361172 7359737 7362374 7361306 7361307 7361309 7361310 7343692 7379564 7362411 7359741 7362342 7359736 7357346 7362430 7348315 7361566 7362466 7361469 7357155 Cockatoo, flying, styrofoam with feathers, 63x43cm, white/yellow Orchid blossom, plastic, Ø30cm, white Orchid blossom, plastic, Ø30cm, orange Orchid blossom, plastic, Ø30cm, pink # Phoenix palm tree in a pot, plastic, artificial silk, 120cm, beige # Phoenix palm tree in a pot, plastic, artificial silk, 240cm, beige Shark head, wood, 60x33cm, grey/white Boulders, 8pcs./bag, styrofoam printed, 10+12cm, multicoloured Starfish, styrofoam printed, 23x22cm, orange Hawaii chain, artificial silk, Ø9cm, 90cm, multicoloured Shark, wood, 73x23cm, grey Surfboard, wood, 115x30cm, green/blue Surfboard, wood, 115x30cm, blue/white Tortoise, wood, 55x55cm, blue/white Scallop, styrofoam printed, 16x12cm, orange Hibiscus, 1x Ø40cm blossom, 1x closed blossom, 143cm, red/yellow Sea horse, wood, 65x28cm, grey/blue # Palm branch, out of artificial silk, 50x120cm, green # Hawaii skirt, artificial bast, flowers made of artificial silk, 45cm lang, coloured Bird-of-paradise flower, plastic, 78cm, orange Paper latern, irregular ripped paper, Ø30cm, cerise Paper latern, irregular ripped paper, Ø30cm, red Paper latern, irregular ripped paper, Ø30cm, yellow Paper latern, irregular ripped paper, Ø30cm, green # Pineapple, plastic, 10x22cm, brown/green Reed bundle, natural grass, dried, 120cm, natural Shark, wood, 73x23cm, grey # Hawaii garland, with 6 lanterns,paper/fabric, 300cm, coloured Toucan, styrofoam glued with feathers, with fixing wire at foot, 55cm, black # Hawaii skirt, artificial bast, artificial silk, 45cm lang, natural coloured Coconut with hanger, real, 20cm, natural Flamingo, standing, plastic, 83x60x20cm, pink/white Hawaii chain, artificial silk, Ø9cm, 90cm, multicoloured # Pedestal, 3pcs./set, wood, used look, nested, 40-80cm, white Etagère, wood, 3 shelves, Ø36cm, Ø30cm+Ø25cm, 80cm, white # Books, original, old, assorted, 100x20x13cm, coloured Bougainvillea garland, artificial silk, Ø11cm, 180cm, magenta 49 E F G 35 A B C D E F G H 37 A B C D E F G H I J 38 A B C D E F 39 A B C 50 7362529 7360054 7357159 7362371 7362372 7362373 7362368 7362369 7362370 7362394 7362389 7362390 7362391 7360054 7361568 7362381 7362402 7362401 7360054 7362397 7362399 7362470 7361469 7362400 7362396 7362398 7362486 7352736 7362487 7362484 7361928 7361932 7362485 7361475 7362392 7361469 # Room divider, 3-part, wood, foldable, 18x120cm, white Ivy garland, with 170 leaves, artificial silk, Ø15cm, 200cm, green Bougainvillea heads, 100pcs./bag, artificial silk, Ø4cm, magenta Wisteria garland, plastic, 180cm, purple Wisteria garland, plastic, 180cm, yellow Wisteria garland, plastic, 180cm, white Wisteria bunch, plastic, 106cm, white Wisteria bunch, plastic, 106cm, yellow Wisteria bunch, plastic, 106cm, purple # Product presenter, wood/natural fibre, used look, 75cm, white # Chair, wood, 50x24cm, light yellow, # Chair, wood, 50x24cm, white # Swing, wood, with string for hanging, used look, 38x34cm, white Ivy garland, with 170 leaves, artificial silk, Ø15cm, 200cm, green # Bench, wood, used look, 86x29x40cm, white # Boxes, 3pcs./set, nested, wood, used look, 28-40cm, light yellow # Hour hand, metal-effect, 50x10, 5cm, gold/brown # Seconds hand, metal-effect, 70x8, 5cm, gold/brown Ivy garland, with 170 leaves, artificial silk, Ø15cm, 200cm, green # Gearwheel, metal-effect, Ø50cm, gold/brown # Pocket watch, metal-effect, 80x60cm, gold/brown # Spiral stair, wood, 7 steps, 46x20x98cm, brown # Books, original, old, assorted, 100x20x13cm, coloured # Wall clock, metal, Ø60cm, black # Table set, baroque, 2 parts, wood, 60+80cm, white/black # Gearwheel, metal-effect, Ø80cm, gold/brown # Suitcase set, 3-fold, fabric/plastic, 25-70cm, grey/brown Chandelier, plastic, 40x80cm, clear/silver # Suitcase set, 4-fold, fabric/plastic, 30-48cm, beige/brown # Suitcase set, 2-fold, fabric/plastic, 30+40cm, beige/brown # Demarcation pole, stainless steel, base Ø30cm, 95cm, silver # Connecting rope, for demarcation pole, Ø3, 2cm, 150cm, red # Suitcase set, 3-fold, fabric/plastic, 30-40cm, white/black # Record, assorted, original cardboard box, plastic, 30cm, black # Window shutter, wood, measures when open: 160x60x2, 3cm, 80x60cm, brown # Books, original, old, assorted, 100x20x13cm, coloured D E F G H 40 A B C D E F G 41 A B C D E 42 A B C D E F 43 A B C D E F G 7358078 7358082 7362752 7362754 7358578 7362318 7362472 7359877 7359876 7362406 7362407 7339783 7348698 7360053 7362202 7362203 7362204 7360054 7353735 7362251 7362252 7362253 7362247 7362248 7362249 7361755 7360485 7361758 7362250 7362355 7362449 7362477 7362356 7361676 7362426 7362361 Frame out of wood, Inner dimension: 40x60cm, 48x68cm, gold Frame out of wood, Inner dimension: 30x90cm, 36x96cm, gold # Display „Radio“, one-sided Forex print 4mm, 50x35cm, brown # Display „TV“, one-sided Forex print 4mm, 70x60cm, brown # Decoration boxes, 3pcs./set, wood, square, 36-50cm, brown # Racing Karo, 100% cotton, purchase quantity 30m, 140cmx30m, white/black # Cube set, 3pcs./set, wood, 20-30cm, black/white Boxes, 4pcs./set, nested, cardboard, 15-45cm, white Boxes, 4pcs./set, nested, cardboard, 15-45cm, black # Chessmen, 5pcs./set, polyresin, 2x38cm, 3x25cm, white # Chessmen, 5pcs./set, polyresin, 2x38cm, 3x25cm, black # Male bust, 3-legs, styrofoam, fabric, with wooden foot, 35x160cm, natural Rose garland, 28-fold, artificial silk, Ø21cm, 200cm, red Ivy garland, with 170 leaves, artificial silk, Ø15cm, 200cm, green/white # Tyre with profile, plastic, Ø60cm, black # Tyre with profile, plastic, Ø60cm, white # Tyre with profile, plastic, Ø60cm, grey Ivy garland, with 170 leaves, artificial silk, Ø15cm, 200cm, green Rose garland, 28-fold, artificial silk, 180cm, white # Pug, standing, artificial resin, 23x34x17cm, pink # Pug, standing, artificial resin, 23x34x17cm, light blue # Pug, standing, artificial resin, 23x34x17cm, light green # Pug, sitting, artificial resin, 26x25x19cm, pink # Pug, sitting, artificial resin, 26x25x19cm, light blue # Pug, sitting, artificial resin, 26x25x19cm, light green # Frame, oval, inside dimension: 50x60cm, wood, 62x72cm, white # Chimney, styrofoam, 126x110x28cm, white # Frame, inside dimension: 50x60cm, wood, 63x73cm, white # Pug, standing, artificial resin, 23x34x17cm, natural coloured # Willow tree in pot, plastic, 15x13, 5cm, 215cm, green Orchid, 6 flower heads and 3 buds, plastic, Ø37cm, 130cm, pink # Willow branch, plastic, 160cm, green Driftwood boxes, 2-fold, 14-20cm, brown Box, 2pcs./set, driftwood, 26+29cm, brown Boulders, 8pcs./bag, styrofoam printed, 10+12cm, multicoloured # Orchid garland, 18 blossoms, plastic, 180cm, white H I J K 44 A B C D E F G H I J K L 45 A B C D E F G H I J K L 7346403 7362594 7361684 7362595 7356654 7361957 7361582 7361580 7361834 7306449 7352753 7361589 7361832 7361574 7355700 7361581 7358547 7358548 7358549 7353648 7353650 7357013 7355704 7358540 7358541 7362393 7361247 7362384 7362484 7306449 7362593 7358544 Peacock, 2-part, styrofoam with feathers, 50x130cm, natural # Koi carp, rubber, 35cm, white Bowl, driftwood, 60x20x9cm, brown # Koi carp, rubber, 35cm, orange Bead chain, plastic, Ø1cm, 270cm, mother of pearl # Lettering „LOVE“, 43 LED, connectable, for indoor, 110x33x5cm, red/warm white # Lips, styropor, 50x27x7cm, red # Mascara, styropor, brush: 70x10x10cm, 53x25x17cm, black/gold # Powder box, resin, Ø40cm, black/beige Rose petals, 120pcs./bag, artificial silk, Ø6cm, red Head, styrofoam with glass discs, 20x40cm, silver # Nail varnish with rhinestones, styropor/plastic, 50x20cm, black/red # Nail varnish, resin, Ø20cm, 60cm, black/red # Lipstick, styropor, Ø12cm, 120cm, black/red Rose head, artificial silk, Ø50cm, red # Lips with rhinestones, styropor/plastic, 50x30cm, silver # Ball, acrylic, 2 halves, Ø14, 5cm, red # Ball, acrylic, 2 halves, Ø19, 5cm, red # Ball, acrylic, 2 halves, Ø29cm, red Ball with roses, with hanger, artificial silk, Ø11cm, red Ball with roses, with hanger, artificial silk, Ø19cm, red # Ball, plastic, 2 halves, to fill, Ø20cm, clear Rose, artificial silk, styrofoam, Ø50cm, 135cm, red Heart, beads+foil pieces, styrofoam/plastic, Ø20cm, red Heart, beads+foil pieces, styrofoam/plastic, Ø30cm, red # Door with lock, wood, measures when closed: 105, 5x50x5, 5cm, 190x50cm, brown # Lettering“I LOVE YOU“, MDF-wood, 67x17, 5cm, red/white # Stairs, 3 steps, wood, 115x28cm, brown # Suitcase set, 2-fold, fabric/plastic, 30+40cm, beige/brown Rose petals, 120pcs./bag, artificial silk, Ø6cm, red Rose hanger, with 6 blossoms Ø9-24cm, artificial silk, 160cm, red Contour heart, beads+foil pieces, styrofoam/plastic, Ø20cm, red Diese Broschüre ist ausschließlich bestimmt für den bezeichneten Adressaten. 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