Akiva Tatz Melaveh Malka 05.09.15
Akiva Tatz Melaveh Malka 05.09.15
Following on from hugely successful Shabbat UK events Why not keep the momentum going and join us for an inter-community event, including… Wembley Sephardi S&P, the David Ishag and the Kenton, Kingsbury and Wembley United Synagogues Melaveh Malka Motsei Shabbat 5th December 2015 guest speaker Rabbi Akiva Tatz TICKETS REFRESHMENTS DATE TIME VENUE RSVP CONTACT Booking Form £10 Light Milky Meal Motsei Shabbat 5th December 2015 8.30pm Kenton Synagogue, Shaftesbury Ave HA3 0RD By 1st December 2015 020 8907 5959 admin@kentonsynagogue.org.uk Guest Details Name/s……………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………….. Contact Tel.no…………………………………………………………… email …………………………………………………………………….. No. of people at £10……………………………………………………. Total Cost…………………………………………………………………