
A Cross Border Cooperation Fair organized by
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa
Chamber of Commerce and
Industry Vratsa
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa is a private
body governed by public law. It was established in the autumn of
year 1991 and is managed by a Board of Directors consisting of
15 members.
CCI-Vratsa is a NGO which maintains, promotes and represents
the interest of its members while contributing to the development
of the international economic cooperation. We strive to support,
promote, represent and protect the economic interests of our
members and to establish ethical relations in business.
Our main goals are:
ŸTo support, promote, represent and protect the economic
interests of our members;
ŸTo stimulate export;
ŸTo enhance companies' entering the European Markets;
ŸTo promote and attract foreign investments for the region
and local SMEs;
ŸTo acquaint the local authorities with the standpoint of our
ŸTo encourage and support start-up of new business;
ŸTo assist the local Labor Office and encourage companies
to open new working places.
24 Hristo Botev Boulevard, 3000 Vratsa, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 92 660273/660271/665509.
Fax: +359 92 626308
For the first time in Vratsa a Traditional Fall Trade Fair, a crossborder exhibition in "Tourism" field was organized by Chamber
of commerce and Industry Vratsa, , which was attended by
specialists, investors and 60 exhibitors.
The exhibition was held within the project "Cross Border
Cooperation Fairs - CBC FAIRS, MIS-Code: 209, financed by CBC
Programme Romania-Bulgaria 2007-2013.
This is the third edition of a four series cross- border fairs. The
first was organized in Slatina, Romania, in construction field,
between 27-29th of April and the second fair took place in Ruse,
Bulgaria, in construction field, between 22-24th of June. As the
first two fairs, for the tourism exhibition participating companies
presented their work for free. Within the project, the companies
had the opportunity to advertise their offers through the Fair
Catalogue and Fair Catalogue CD, which were diseminated
during the exhibition.
All the participants were able to show their colleagues and
guests their goods, services and attractions.
Our study after closure of the exhibition shows that companies
appreciate the opportunity to exhibit their offers, the
opportunity to take direct contact with clients and contractors,
to communicate with colleague, to exchange contacts and
experiences. At least five of the exhibitors left after the fair with
specific contracts and agreements for representation and
The Fair Catalogue, Fair Catlogue CD and other promotional
materials - brochures, flyers, pens, shirts, bags, notebooks were
distributed during the tourism exhibition in Vratsa among the
many exhibitors and visitors
First Traditional Fair in Tourism Field
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa in cooperation with
Association Centre for Consultancy and Project Management
Europroject (Romania) and The Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The Association Center for Consultancy Ruse (Bulgaria) organized and implemented, during the period 14-16 of
and Project Management EUROPROJECT September 2012, the first mobile fair in tourism field in Vratsa.
is a non-governmental organization, set up
in 2002, which sustains the initiatives of
developing projects for community interest.
The aim of this association is to sustain the
initiatives of development and
management of projects for community
interest, the development of a strong
culture regarding RU management, of
organizational management and projects,
of social integration and vocational
Our mission is to offer, through activities of
consultancy, informing and training, a
professional assistance for companies,
public organizations from Olt county so that
they become important organizations,
respected by clients, investors and
competitors for high quality services and
Roumania, M. Eminescu Street, no 35,
Slatina, Olt
Tel: 0249.420.098
Fax: 0249.410.994
The exhibition was organized within the project Cross Border
Cooperation Fairs – CBC FAIRS, financed by the Romania–Bulgaria
Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013.
CBC Fairs project brings together people, communities and
economies within the cross border area by organizing specialized
exhibitions. The project provides the opportunity for the companies and
organizations, from various sectors and industries, to present their
products and services.
The exhibition covers an 1,500 square meters in the area of the
stadium "Hristo Botev" in the town of Vratsa.
The presentation involved companies and organizations from
tourism field and all associated with this complex sector activities museums, hotels and shelter, entertainment, spa and recreation, sports,
arts and folk crafts, hunting, fishing and more.
The Cross Border Cooperation Fair in tourism field opened doors to
visitors on September 14th at 10.00. In the first day was organized a ritual
construction - Vratsa in Stone age - "Thracian king-priest. Dionysus and
the wine" - an artistic reconstruction of the Orphic-Dionysian ritual of wine
tasting in silver (replicas of Thracian treasures) presented by Theater
Group “TEMP by in the Youth House – Vratsa”, which won the special prize
of the international exhibition "VACATION and SPA EXPO 2012" in Sofia
and "Cultural Tourism 2012" in Veliko Tarnovo; Vratsa Municipality stand.
On 14th of September, at 18.30, after the official opening of the
Vratsa Autumn Fair the First Cross-Border Mobile Exhibition in tourism
field was opened by Nikolay Ivanov - Mayor of Vratsa, Ms. Iliana
Philippi - Executive Director of CCI Vratsa, Mr. Florin Jianu - President
of CCMP EUROPROJECT Slatina, Mr. Milen Dobrev - Executive
Director of Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The event was
also attended by media representatives and a press conference was
organized. All the speeches were focused on the need to organize a
mobile exhibition in the field of tourism in the border area RomaniaBulgaria.
Tourism Trade Fair – A Successful Event
During the tourism fair the exhibitors presented their expectations and the achieved
results regarding their participation in the Tourism Fair.
The participants wanted to interact and discuss with the representatives of Romanian
hotels, tour operators and other stakeholders from the border region. They wanted to
speak with partners from Roumania, to hear more about their companies, activities and
services, to discuss current tourism tendencies in both regions at the Danube River and to
look together for market enhancement opportunities.
Also the participants were pleased to receive an invitation to the tourism fair and, at the
end of the exhibition they expressed their desire to participate within the following events.
“It will be good for the tourism development in the entire cross-border area to organize
in Vratsa CBC fair(s) every autumn.“
“Vratsa region offers different possibilities not only for accommodation. It offers good
opportunities also for hunting, fishing, rural, eco, religious tourism, entertainment,
recreation and spa. The people are welcoming, and the food and beverages unique.”
“The host organization and the support staff respond appropriately in every situation,
they help kindly to everybody.“
“This mobile exhibition has high attendance. There is a need for such events. “
Companies Exhibitors recommended Chamber of Commerce and Industry-Vratsa to
organize such Fair every year. It will be great to establish the CBC Fair as annual tradition.
Vratsa is suitable place for all Balkan neighbor countries.
Visitors Opinions:
Company Hemus 2005 EOOD, hotel Hemus, Mrs. Albena Mitova-Director:
”Congratulations! We hope there will be more such events.”
FOKS Media Group EOOD, Mr. Hristo Ivanov:
”I hope Vratsa and especially the Chamber of Commerce and Industry-Vratsa will
establish this fair into annual tradition, because tourism development as a priority
requires such forum. Thank you!”
Professional High School for Stone works – Kunino:
The Ruse Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (RCCI) dates back to 1895 and is one of the
four oldest Chambers in Bulgaria. It re-launched its
activities in 1990 under the conditions of the transition
to market economy. It enjoys a reputation for the
delivery of high quality business services on a local,
national and international basis. Membership of RCCI
is voluntary and currently stands at approximately 200
member companies. Membership reflects the mix of
the economy of the Ruse region and includes the full
range of large and small and medium sized
companies in the production, trade and services
sectors as well as other non-government business
support organisations.
The Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry might
be described as “ Mid-Atlantic “ – that is, it has adopted
features of both the continental European chambers,
which focus on business and trade activities, and the
American chambers, which focus on the economic
development of their cities.
Thus, the main activities of The Ruse Chamber of
Commerce and Industry are:
Promotion of the economic development of the Ruse
Lobbying local and central government and other
public authorities to promote an understanding of the
role and needs of the business;
Providing wide range of services to member and nonmember companies to help develop their businesses,
both at home and internationally.
”Exceptionally high forum for tourism companies and organizations presentation
and advertisement. Balanced selection and modernity. If possible turn this forum in
Vratsa into tradition.”
PNT Communication:
“The initiative is very nice and could bring big opportunities for companies and
stakeholders in the sphere of Tourism. Let it be held frequently, why notto turn it into
annual tradition.”
”For quality, content, format, meeting we award you 5 and for communication and
staff interaction we give you 10+”.
Bulgaria, Ruse 7000, 3a Ferdinand Str.
Phone: +359 82 825875
Fax: +359 82 825873
e-mail: info@rcci.bg
URL: www.rcci.bg
The Cross Border Cooperation
Fair in tourism field was a
successful action. In the first day
was organized a ritual construction
- Vratsa in Stone age - "Thracian
king-priest. Dionysus and the
wine"- an artistic reconstruction of
the Orphic-Dionysian ritual of wine
tasting in silver (replicas of Thracian
treasures) presented by Theater
Group" TEMP by in the Youth
House – Vratsa, which won the
special prize of the international
exhibition "VACATION and SPA
EXPO 2012" in Sofia and "Cultural
Tourism 2012" in Veliko Tarnovo;
Vratsa Municipality stand.
During the second day was
organized the second ritual
construction – Vratsa in Stone age Artistic reconstruction "Bread and
fire of God" – Thracian rite from VIV century B.C. - by the Theater
group "TEMP" at the stand of
Vratsa Municipality.
During the fair was also
At the end of the event, exhibitors received
diplomas of participation from the organizers. All
the participants were excited about this first
edition and expressed their desire to create a
tradition of organizing this event.
The main goal of the project is to develop
annual exhibitions after the implementation
period of the project, by keeping the mobile
character of the exhibition. This will support and
increase the cross border business relations and
the regions will improve their economic climate.
September 2012
developed an economic mission.
For the economic mission were
invited to participate successful
business people from Romania and
Bulgaria, they had the opportunity
to exchange experience and best
p ra c t i c e s , a n d l e a d t o t h e
development of common business
in Romania-Bulgaria cross border