Marathon - Achilles International


Marathon - Achilles International
Achilles Heel
December 2005
The New York City Chapter
practices twice a week in
Central Park; rain or shine,
all year long!
New athletes and
volunteers are
always welcome!
We meet at
Central Park,
90th St & Fifth Ave:
Tuesdays at 6:15PM
Saturdays at 10:00AM
Sign-up online at:
or call the office and ask for
an application and
information: 212-354-0300
Dick Traum, Mary Bryant and Bruce Mosler, CEO of Cushman & Wakefield, onboard the Intrepid
A Message From The President
- Running - Walking - Wheelchairing - Rehabilitation - Education Since 1983
For local chapter info
check online at:
Achilles Track Club
Dick Traum, President
Mary Bryant, Vice President
President’s Message
NYC Chapter
Hope & Possibility
Dinner Highlights,
Endow a Handcycle
Marathon Moments
News from the Front
Achilles Internat’l News
Pilot Program; News
Achilles Kids
This past month was my favorite of what has been
a phenomenal year. On Sunday, October 30th,
Achilles and I participated in
Marathon in the Washington,
D.C. - Virginia area. We hosted
twenty-three Achilles members,
including a large contingent of
disabled Marines who were
training at the Balboa Medical
Center in San Diego. It was a
fantastic day.
The following Thursday, four
hundred Achilles supporters
attended our fifteenth annual
tribute dinner. Bruce Mosler,
CEO of Cushman & Wakefield
and an Achilles board member,
was our primary honoree. Matt
Sapolin, the Executive Director
of the Mayor's Office for People
with Disabilities, who is blind, a
disabled marathoner and member of Achilles, was also honored.
On Friday, Ted Rogers sponsored the premarathon party for Achilles members and volunteers. Because of our growth, it was divided into
two events at the Cornell Club. The first seating
was from 5 to 7, and the second was from 7:30 to
9:30. Over three hundred members and volunteers
attended. A very special award was given to Leol
Williams whose running partner, Liz Padilla, was hit by a
truck one morning as she rode
to work. Tim Kasulis, Liz's
husband, presented the award
to Leol.
On Sunday, we had three hundred Achilles members and a
similar number of volunteers
run the marathon. They represented over twenty countries
and one hundred chapters. We
also set up new chapters in
Pakistan, Israel, Chechnya
and Hungary.
While Achilles was covered on
all the major TV channels and
newspapers, there was an
exceptionally profound series
of pictures in The New York
Times. Across the top half of
the two page spread in
Monday’s Marathon Results
section, large portraits featured the disabled veterans of the Achilles Freedom Team. Additional coverage was seen in "Runner's World" and "Sports
(continued on page 2)
Page 2
New York City Chapter Notes
By Ken Trush
The New York Chapter had an exciting summer and start of the
fall season! Personal records were set by a number of our athletes at the Club Championships and Fifth Avenue Mile.
At the Shea Stadium Race in July we had over 50 participants finishing at home plate inside the stadium! It was very exciting to
get a players perspective from the field! July also brought
Achilles bowling and the usual fun as we rolled, threw and
laughed our way through the afternoon.
August includes the Club Championships and both the Women’s
and Men’s team performed well.The Women’s team edged past
a few of the other outside clubs (a first)! We enjoyed tastes from
around the world following the race with an Achilles picnic celebrating our performances.
September brought the 4 mile Fitness Magazine Mind, Body,
Spirit Games and the Super Fast 5th Ave. Mile. Early morning
long runs and Deep Water Running at Asphalt Green showed the
dedication of both athletes and volunteers in preparation for the
NYC Marathon.
The start of the fall season began in Maine where Achilles participated in the Portland Full and Half Marathon which is becoming
an annual event. With athletes and volunteers loaded in two
vans, the Achilles spirit was shared with our northern friends.
Also on the same day, Achilles participated in the 5K race in
Valhalla with NY Medical College and Grete's Great Gallop Race
in Central Park. If you had an urge to race, that day, there was a
race for you! Wrapping up an incredible period was the Achilles
book club which discussed Lance Armstrong's book "Every
Second Counts". It details the tremendous dedication of an athlete looking to beat the odds! Discussion was lively with personal experiences shared by the members.
The fourth quarter brought on our highlight of the year, the New
York City Marathon. We had 65 members of our local chapter join
in the challenge, including our own Ivonne Mosquera, who won
the 2005 Avis “We Try Harder” Award.
From Left: Candice Bergen with Graciela Ramirez and Wladimir Navarrete, at pre-marathon workout; Ananias Malachi & Leol Williams
at Hope & Possibility 5M; Ali Bergstrom, Achiles “Cheetah-Fast” handcrank racer; Memorial Walk honoring Achilles volunteer Liz Padilla.
Photos courtesy of Susan Elefant
President’s Message
(cont’d from page 1) We have expanded programs including
Achilles Kids in which one hundred forty-two schools in the New
York City area encourage disabled children to participate in running. We have a program with Odyssey House where people
with drug issues are transformed into marathoners.
As 2005 comes to a close, I am asking for your financial support
so that we may continue our current efforts and expand them
once again. Please make a contribution by completing the information on the enclosed envelope.
Wishing you a Happy Holiday,
In New York, we have expanded our chapter to include activities
such as The Triathlon, kayaking, tandem bike riding, bowling, and
swimming. We have a book club, monthly get-togethers, and a
very active and interesting chat room within our website.
Not surprisingly, it is expensive to provide these services which
are typically free of cost to our members. We rented over seventy-five hotel rooms during the five days before and after the
marathon. We spent over $25,000 just on marathon entry fees.
We purchased nineteen hand cranks for close to $40,000.
Page 3
2005 Hope & Possibility 5M
Believe in yourself!
Have faith and hope in your abilities!
By Gabrielle Greeves
On June 26th, over 3000 Achilles athletes, volunteers, military personnel, New York’s finest and
bravest joined runners and walkers in the Third
Annual Hope & Possibility 5M. This race, produced by Achilles, is named after a book written
by our Board Chair Trisha Meili, "I'm the Central
Park Jogger: A Story of Hope and Possibility." She
sees it as the empowerment of the human spirit.
Following the race, participants and their families
enjoyed music, games, activities and awards,
while the over 350 Achilles Kids ran in nine separate race heats to the finish line.
We'd like to take this opportunity to thank all our
participants and those who volunteered their time:
Mike McNaugton, Dick Traum, Matt Profitt
& Leslie Smith - “Four Legs”
Cushman & Wakefield
Bob Katz, CEO of Goldman Sachs,
kicking off the Hope & Possibility Run
Goldman Sachs - Silverstein Properties
The NYC Sports Commission
NY Road Runners
The Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities
Fire Family Transport Foundation
and the
City of New York Parks and Recreation
Sunday, August 6, 2006
4th Annual Hope & Possibility 5M
in Central Park
Sponsorship opportunities are available!
Matt Sapolin, Director of NYC Mayor’s
Office for People with Disabilities, at H&P
Team RSD heading to the finish line
Freedom Team and their “Can Do” attitude
helping one another pre-race
Achilles Board Chair, Trisha Meili, and Jonathan Rand
celebrating the triumph of the human spirit.
Nguyen Anh Tu from Achilles
Vietnam chapter with 2 guides.
Photos courtesy of Susan Elefant, Lorry Mulhern & Chris Herder /, and Larry Sillen
Page 4
Some Enchanted Evening!
Top row, left to right: Matt Sapolin, Director, NYC Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, NYC Sports Commissioner Ken Podziba presenting NYC
Mayoral Proclamation; Event Co-chair Priscilla Hammer. 2nd row: auctioneer Jesse Itzler; Cushman & Wakefield CEO and Achilles Honoree Bruce
Mosler with Kirstin Cole; Bill White and Bruce Mosler with guest; 3rd row: Joe Bowser and Paul Guilden; Michelle March, Trisha Meili and
Senator David Paterson; Bottom row: David Wolf and Michael Burlant, Steve Whisnant, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Benson; Friends of Bruce and Dick.
Photos courtesy of Larry Sillen
Page 5
Achilles Tribute Dinner Success
By Jeffrey S. Gould, Auction Chair
On Thursday evening, November 3, 2005 our 15th annual
Achilles Tribute Dinner was held in the Crystal Room at Tavern on
the Green, just 50 meters from the New York City Marathon Finish
Line. Four hundred guests celebrated and honored Bruce
Mosler, CEO of Cushman and Wakefield and Matt Sapolin, NYC
Commissioner of People with Disabilities.
Guests circulated and silently bid on our best ever auction items
which included Caribbean vacation excursions, rare wine and fine
The event was hosted by our own Kirstin Cole of WCBS-TV who
presented her specially produced video about our Achilles ath-
letes. This moving piece along with other poignant images will be
available soon on DVD.
Our good friend, Jesse Itzler, was our guest auctioneer for the live
auction. Items included a Napa Valley getaway, a Hudson River
80-foot yacht sailing experience, and the "endow-a-chair" program. Twenty-two hand-crank wheelchairs were purchased for
$2000 each. They will be used by Achilles and given to Achilles
The evening generated $400,000 and is our most successful
event to date. A special thank you to Priscilla Hammer and
Mike Burlant, Co-Chairs, and all those who dedicated so
much to make this a night to remember.
Endow - A - Handcycle
Jack Beaulieu
Bulova Fund **
Gretchen V. & Samuel M. Feldman
Bernard Goldstein
Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, Bill White, President **
Jesse Itzler *
Andrew Kornstein
Bruce Mosler
John Mosler
Carl & Renee Landegger
Achilles Cincinnati, Shelia Schroeder *
Gene Spiegelman
Scott Stackman
* Indicates sponsorship of two handcycles
** Indicates sponsorship of five handcycles
Endowed handcycles will be used
by Achilles Athletes for training / racing,
with your designated engraving
prominently displayed.
Left: Stephanie Flatley and Mary Bryant proudly display how this
program continues to make a difference.
Thanks to Our Major Supporters!
Jeffrey S. Gould
Clark Foundation
Steve & Elly Hammerman
Cushman & Wakefield
Lavelle Fund
Goldman Sachs
Milbank Foundation
Al Gordon
Ted Rogers
Disabled American Veterans Charitable Trust
Page 6
Marine Corps
For the first time, Achilles fielded a
team at the Marine Corps Marathon in
Washington, D.C. If you thought going
through the airport was time consuming
given the security procedures, imagine
having to get to a particular location at
the Pentagon for your starting point!
Luckily, all twenty-three members of
the Achilles Freedom Team made it,
including our own Dick Traum.
Thanks to Jim Fowler, the founder of
(MCM), the 'red carpet' was out while
we were in town!
Commander Mike Lowe watched us
with the eye of an eagle, and then commended Achilles for such a powerful
program. Race Director Rick Nealis
was fired up with enthusiasm for the
30th running of the MCM, the "People's
Marathon" and had his team in full
It was a beautiful morning. The logistics of the start were challenging, particularly with three waves of runners,
when the second wave was the wheelchairs. Many of the athletes needed to
brake on the downhills so they wouldn't
run into the runners ahead of them on
the course.
Good thing we can all learn from difficult situations and carefully push
onward. With the help of support staff
from Balboa Naval Medical Center, we
were there for those along the course
who ran into trouble. Usually it was a
flat tire or broken wheel. All were
resolved except for one, where we
couldn't get to the course. Most amazing was seeing everyone come up the
final hill at the Iwo Jima Memorial to the
finish line. There's nothing like the thrill
of accomplishment, particularly in our
nations capitol. Achilles gained the
respect of many a spectator.
Photos courtesy of Susan Elefant, Lorry Mulhern & Ch
Page 7
n Memories
hris Herder/, and Larry Sillen
It was a banner year for Achilles at the
2005 ING New York City Marathon.
Our largest field ever included 350 registered athletes. A gorgeous day, many
more spectators where lining the
course spotting Achilles athletes in their
new whisking t-shirts provided by AVIS.
The Achilles Freedom Team (our
wounded veterans) continues to touch
the hearts of millions, especially with
their eye-catching spread in the New
York Times. We almost doubled the
size of our team from last year with
twenty-eight participants. Everyone finished, including Matt Proffit, who after
doing the ‘04 marathon in a handcrank,
covered this year’s entire 26.2 mile
distance on his prosthetic leg!
Astonishingly, another soldier, one of
our new members, wouldn’t give up;
Jonathan Holsey kept going when his
handcrank wheelchair broke after 13
miles. He ran and walked the last 13
miles, driven by the winds of determination and courage. Hilbert Caesar
held his spot as the fastest male handcrank on the team, while Melissa
Stockwell was our first female.
Prize money was awarded to the top
male and female handcrank athletes.
Todd Philpott from Australia took first
place in the male category, while Laura
Stam from the Netherlands was the
first female and our own Helene Hines
placed second. The finish tape was
held by Richard Thompson, the highest bidder at our annual tribute dinner.
Our Ambulatory winners are Jambal
Lkhagvajav from Mongolia, with a time
of 3:21:22, and our own NYC member,
Ivonne Mosquera, with a time of
3:53:30. Both are visually impaired.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could have that
category recognized next year?
Achilles had 425 volunteers who submitted applications to be guides and
359 checked in at EXPO. As it is a privilege to participate in the marathon in
this capacity, we look forward to fine
tuning the process in 2006, including a
mandatory orientation for all guides.
Twenty-four countries participated in
the 2005 NYC Marathon: Australia,
Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia,
Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Israel
Jamaica, Kenya, Lebanon, Mongolia,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
Poland, Russia, South
Africa, Thailand, Trinidad, Turkey, UK,
Congratulations everyone!
Page 8
News From the Front
By Mary Bryant
The Achilles Program at Walter Reed Army Medical Center began
almost two years ago. With the first visit in Physical Therapy, we
had three recently wounded amputees interested. On the second
visit, we added six more. As we wrap up the events of 2005, with
our growing outreach and visibility, we have over 140. Our first
ever AVIS National Marathoners Tour enabled Achilles to reach
different areas of the country while enabling some of our soldiers
to participate closer to home. Here’s a brief recap:
Miami Marathon - January – a boost to the South Florida
Chapter, and a treat to some of our more dedicated members of
the Freedom Team. Also gave a double amputee, Kevin
Pannell, his first chance at completing a marathon. Now he’s
mentoring others. Organizers look to growing participation from
athletes with a disability.
Los Angeles Marathon – March – One amputee of the team,
Jorge De Leon, was unable to join us in last year’s NYC
Marathon since he was stationed back at his base in Hawaii after
leaving Walter Reed. We brought him into LA. His four-year old
son witnessed dad crossing the finish line. With several articles
and two pages in ARMY magazine, he’s a hero to millions, and
looks forward to joining us again.
Boston Marathon – April – Not wheelchair friendly, yet our
fastest male and female members of the Freedom Team finished!
It was especially exciting for Hilbert Caesar, who lost his leg in
Iraq just one year earlier, to the day. Quite a positive anniversary,
covered by CNN.
Hope & Possibility 5M - Last year’s Hope & Possibility included
thirty-four members while this year we had over seventy-five, with
additional wounded war heroes from Balboa Naval Center in San
Diego. Our name is now the Achilles Freedom Team.
Amputee Coalition of America Educational Conference –
August – Dallas - an incredible experience to meet so many
amputees unaware of Achilles. Plans are being made to create
Achilles chapters through their peer support groups, for participation in 2006.
Disabled American Veterans Conference – August – Las
Vegas – primary sponsor of Freedom Team, gave us insight into
an incredible organization that can also offer hands-on support
across the country. We were invited to have a booth next year
with multi-media to show-off our goals and achievements.
Marine Corps Marathon – October – (see page 6)
New York City Marathon – November – (see page 7)
RUNNING HEROES – December issue of Runner’s World
Magazine highlights the efforts and goals of the team, established at WRAMC. More than half of the Marathon Team gathered
to receive a standing ovation and the “Running Hero Award” presented by Runners World Magazine during the NYC Marathon
Part of the rehabilitation and healing involve the families also, so
we bring wives and children, mothers, fathers, and sometimes,
the request is for a brother or sister to come along. One of the
wives called the other day to thank us for what we’ve done for ALL
the men, especially the other two families that were there. For a
young child to see his daddy cross the finish line of the NYC
Marathon … wow … he can do anything!
Special thanks to the Soldiers’, Sailors’, Marines and Airmen’s
Club – our partner in service while the team members are in
town, also helping to obtain rooms at the Union League Club for
the more severely wounded. We also are dearly grateful for the
Fire Family Transport Foundation who provide vans and coordinate volunteer drivers from the FDNY. Finally to D.A.V., AVIS,
and Cushman & Wakefield and The Ritter Foundation, who
helped cover our expenses.
Left to right: Rachel says "yes" to Cpl Kelly Orman's proposal upon arrival for the H&P; NYPD salute; Captain Paola Hayes and Sgt. Alfonso
Villegas; Thumbs up from FDNY & vet; Melissa Stockwell finishes first; Pre-marathon workout; Monica Syzmanski at Boston Marathon
Page 9
Achilles Around the World
* The new Madison, WI chapter of Achilles is off to a great start with
the help of friends and sponsors. The Balance Bar Company
announced in September that they are giving a $5000 grant to the
Madison chapter to purchase two hand-cycles and helmets. This was
followed by a $500 donation by the TDS Telecom Company where Kim
Virden works- we have a great start at getting the funding for a third
hand-cycle for the club. And in October, The Fit City Coordinator from
the City of Madison is working with the Mayor's Office to make the
Achilles Track club the "official running club" of Madison.
* On October 2, 2005, Achilles Ecuador organized their first marathon
in Guayaquil, Ecuador! Nearly 3,000 runners, including elite athletes
from different countries, ambulatory disabled, push-rim paralympic,
push-rim wheelchair everyday and handcycle athletes participated in
this event. Of the 3,000 participants, 62 were members of the Achilles
Ecuador chapter!
* Three new Achilles chapters have been established recently in
Ecuador: Achilles Quito, Achilles Guayaquil and Achilles Kids.
* Twelve athletes from Achilles Ecuador participated in the NYC
* Achilles presentations were made in Budapest and other major cities.
The whole country is on board with organizing Achilles Hungary chapters dedicated to a strong delegation in 2006. Their program will be
supported by firefighter volunteers, fashioned after the successful relationship in NYC with the FDNY and Achilles Freedom Team.
* The Lebanon chapter of Achilles kicked off their 2005-2006 sports
season with an Open Day on Sunday, August 7th. Achilles members
and new recruits participated in various sporting events, including
wheelchair archery. Among the attendees this year was Mr. Maroun
Sfeir, Lebanon’s national archery coach and trainer.
* The day started off with an archery demonstration by Achilles members, followed by a quick archery lesson to new recruits, given by
Coach Sfeir, on basic rules as well as tips on how to start training for
the sport.
* The event concluded with a short competition among Achilles members, and the winners were awarded trophies.
* The Achilles Open Day was covered by several local news media.
* Achilles Mongolia (Gegee Club) chapter president, Jambal
Lkhagvajav, participated in the 2004 Paralympics in Athens and finished in 6th place overall in the marathon event! GO ACHILLES!
* Other races and sporting events that our Mongolia chapter has participated in this year includes: Ulaanbaatar Light Athletics
Championship on June 21 (Blind 5000m, Wheelchair 3000m and Shot
Put); Mongolia National Championship on July 26; and the "Ikh
Khaalga" Half-Marathon on Sept 10 (it included participants from all
age groups and abilities, including children).
* Achilles South Africa continues to grow, as this year we’ve learned a
lot about working with quadriplegics. By getting some new sponsors,
we were also able to put together some Achilles Team uniforms which
everyone wears with pride. It really helps us look and feel more organized! We enjoyed the Chapter Development Workshop and look forward to contributing and learning more next year.
Madison, Wisconsin Chapter
Fausto Flores of Ecuador, at the H&P
Achilles Hungary Chapter is born!
Achilles Open Day in Lebanon
Achilles Australia Chapter
Page 10
New Pilot Program is a Success!
Running Your Life: "Skills for Positive Change"
by Nell Hanks
In March, some of the team didn't even know what a road race
was. By November, all 25 members of the "Skills for Positive
Change" Achilles program at Odyssey House ran at least one 5
mile road race. Six completed the NYC Marathon. The focus of
this new program is not running, yet uses running as a metaphor
for life. Designed to identify and reinforce what can be learned
from running, it makes positive changes in other areas of life.
Concepts such as setting measurable goals, overcoming roadblocks, asking more of oneself are discussed at weekly group
meetings held prior to the Tuesday night Achilles workout.
Connections are being made between "running" and running their
own life.
In addition to a more positive outlook, increased energy and levels of commitment, one of the most profound changes is an
increased level of support for others. During the marathon, non-
running members volunteered at the Mile 19 water station at
116th Street. Two stayed longer than the others, Adam Netal and
Angel Roldman. When some familiar faces came through on
their 10th hour of the marathon, Valeria de Mello and her sister
Andrea, they were greeted by Adam and Angel with such hugs,
support and enthusiasm, it lifted Andrea to the finish line.
Renee Shepard was the first woman from Odyssey House to
complete a marathon. As her guide, I watched her tears and tension turn to smiles and laughter. On First Avenue, she pointed out
the bars where she had watched the marathon during her "wasted" years. At mile 24, I asked her what her next goal would be.
Without hesitation, "to keep making positive changes, to keep
focused, to keep running. Next year, I would like to run the whole
way without walking and the following year, I would like to be an
Achilles guide. I want to give to someone what has been given to
“Happiness Is” Achilles program at Odyssey House; Valeria and Andrea de Mello, Jose Cruz & friend; Freedom Team members with David
Letterman; Odyssey House members at a Tuesday night workout
Other News & Notes
spoke to the White House Staff as a kick-off to their monthly motivational Wellness Seminars. With our oversized banner hanging
from the balcony, they learned about our program and were very
taken with our accomplishments. A closing highlight was the introduction of one of our amputee
Freedom Team members, Leslie Smith, who
kept them on the edge of their seats.
Our first ever CHAPTER
held during the weekend of NYC Marathon festivities. We learned that although there's an
increase in Achilles awareness and enthusiasm,
we still need more and better communication.
Chapters can learn from others in training different levels of athletes and fundraising/sponsorships efforts. All Achilles Chapters are encouraged to find their own sponsors to support their
group, and create team shirts/ uniforms that
prominently display the Achilles name and logo,
along with the logo of that sponsor. It's to be
worn in all races in which they participate and
have photographs taken to submit to our headquarters in New York. There is still a challenge of
finding a practical meeting location for regular
workouts and the transportation needed to get
there, particularly in some of our economically
disadvantaged chapters. Chapters grow as members and volunteers bring their friends and build relationships with
potential sponsors. Although we had almost 30 representatives
present, we look to have a much larger group with us next year!
The U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE has taken an interest
in the Achilles program and its positive effect globally. Please
stay tuned as we develop this relationship.
The FBI came on board with Achilles as an
organized group of volunteers to help facilitate
our goals, particularly with the war veterans.
After a positive experience in Washington, we
were greeted with a whole new local crew from
the NYC area. We faced challenges, they
stepped up to the plate and didn't quit until all
was resolved. Thank you! That's the kind of volunteers we appreciate most!
Achilles is seeking individuals with a minimun
weekly commitment of 15 volunteer hours to
assist with our growing national outreach. Good
communication and computer skills are required.
Please contact Mary Bryant: 212-354-0300 or
via e-mail at:
The PBS documentary "Go Achilles" produced
by Ryoya Terao, is available on video/DVD
through Aquarius Health Care Videos. This
inspiring film portrays the first Achilles Marathon
in April 2001, and features some of its participants from around the globe.
To place your order, please call 888-440-2963 or visit:
Page 11
Achilles Kids
The 2005-06 school year has taken off like a rocket! Over FIFTY new schools have joined our program, bringing our total to just over
150 schools in NYC, Newark, NJ, and San Diego, California. Talks are underway for programs in Palm Beach, Florida. Achilles Kids is
on a ROLL! That’s over a 50% increase since just last year!
As 2005 draws to a close, we take a fond look back at a few of the highlights....
The 2005 Hope & Possibility Kids Fun Run - over 350 Achilles Kids took part in this annual event. Clowns, balloon artists, face painting
made this a fun and festive occasion. In addition to receiving Mayor’s Cup Medals and race day t-shirts, every child who participated
received a FREE pair of Avia Running Shoes, thanks to the generosity of Steve and Elly Hammerman. It was an incredibly exciting
Our Achilles Kids “Kids for Kids” Sports Day at Horace Mann was once again a fabulous event, with thanks to Community Service Advisor
John McIvor and all the wonderful students who have worked hard all year raising money, planning and organizing.
Other highlights include our Back to School Fun Run in September - with all the children who participated receiving awesome backpacks
filled with school supplies after racking up an impressive number of laps (several members ran FIVE miles that day!). November brought
our annual Achilles Kids MINI-Marathon, with children receiving COOL marathon goodies, thanks to the generosity of numerous
marathon EXPO vendors.
With the closing of the NYC YWCA on Lexington, we bade a sad farewell to our 8 year partnership with Rae Linefsky, Loreen Loonie
and all the wonderful folks there. We had a few moments of uncertainty as to where we would hold our indoor winter workouts, but before
we had a chance to check out other locations, the kind and generous folks at the Jewish Community Center on 76th St. jumped right
in and donated their awesome facility to us twice a month on Saturday mornings! So - our Winter Mentors Program will begin again on
Saturday, January 7th.
The Hope & Possibility Kids Fun Run
ROCKS! Photo courtesy of Annie Yeargers
PS 201 in Queens proudly wearing the t-shirts they
earned completing the 26.2 mile “Race Around Queens”.
PS 201 and teacher Dinah McCann are AWESOME!
Laura Arocho crossing the finish line while
volunteer Brian Dallas Field cheers her on.
Photo courtesy of Larry Sillen
Achilles Kids Winter Events at the JCC!
Saturday, January 14th: Achilles Kids New Year’s Fun Run
Saturday, January 28th: Achilles Kids Winter Workout
Saturday, February 4th: Achilles Kids Winter Workout
Saturday, February 18th: Achilles Kids Valentine’s Day Fun Run
Saturday, March 4th: Achilles Kids Winter Workout
Saturday, March 11th: Achilles Kids March Madness Fun Run
All Achilles Winter events at the JCC are INDOORS in the Auditorium on Lower Level 2
ALL events at the JCC begin at 10 AM and are held RAIN OR SHINE
Jewish Community Center 334 Amsterdam Ave., at 76th Street in Manhattan
For more information, please call (212) 354-0300
42 West 38th Street, 4th floor
New York, NY 10018
Phone: 212-354-0300
It’s Not Too Late
To Make a 2005 Tax-deductible
Donation to Support Achilles!
Ambition to focus on strengths
Caring to learn about others different from you
Helping others to achieve their new goals
Inspiration that fuels an uphill push
Learning about our sport
Loving life with all its challenges
Emerging each day with a fresh start
Support from the team, for the team
Achilles Upcoming 2006 Events
Miami Marathon
L.A. Marathon
January 29th
March 19th
San Diego Rock ‘n Roll Marathon
June 4th
New York City Triathlon
July 16th
Hope & Possibility 5 Mile Run/Walk
August 6th
Chicago Marathon
October 22nd
Marine Corps Marathon
October 29th
New York City Marathon
November 5th
For more information, please call 212-354-0300
Left to Right: Eddie Montanez running his heart out at the Hope & Possibility 5M; USO members singing the National Anthem; Dani Lachowicz and
Achilles Top Dog, Goliath; Kirstin Cole and Roger Silverstein at Achilles Annual Dinner; Leslie Smith, Dustin Tuller and Achilles Board Chair
Trisha Meili at the Just One Break (J.O.B.) luncheon.