Worship and Word - St. Christopher Parish


Worship and Word - St. Christopher Parish
Second Sunday of Easter
April 7, 2013
Worship and Word
This Sunday’s Readings
Acts 5:12-16
Revelation 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19
John 20:19-31
Gather Book 1066
Next Sunday’s Readings
Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41
Revelation 5:11-14
John 21:1-19
Gather Book 1069
Readings for the Week of April 7, 2013
Monday The Annunciation of the Lord
Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Ps 40; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38
Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93; Jn 3:7b-15
Wednesday Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34; Jn 3:16-21
Thursday Saint Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr
Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34; Jn 3:31-36
Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27; Jn 6:1-15
Saint Martin I, Pope and Martyr
Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33; Jn 6:16-21
Prayer List
Judy Adams, Ginger Arnot, Ed Benedict, Megan Bozarth, Ann
Bozich, Cindy Brown, Michelle Chasteen, Blaine Coomer,
Debbie Courtney, Lisa Crawford, Frank Danbeck, John
Danyluk, Kristen Decker, Abela Dicen, Annie Dimmitt, Eileen
Garrett, Janice Gibson, Gerald Glassing, Robert Grunloh,
Denise Hake, Jerry Hayman, Mary Heinrich, Mike Hession,
David Hood, Billy Hubner, Stephen Jensen, Rita McAtee, John
McFall, Diane Metheny, Angie Meyer, Aaron Miles, Jennifer
Moore, John Moran, Kim Newman, Margaret Otte, Madeline
Owens, Mary Lou Pearson, Kay Peterson, Sharon Phillians,
Jim Poole, Rita Portish, Ralph Rancourt, May Resendiz,
Michael Robertson, Pat Salata, Tony Salati, Susie Schneider,
Caitlyn Sears, Eagle Shaw, Deanna Shively, Judy Sieferman,
Theresa Simmons, Elmer Szhlensker, Larry Tenner, Al
Thompson, Mike Tippmann, Maggie Treis, Joe Valentine, Linda
Weilhamer, Dorothy Weinbeck, Brenda Williams, Ed Williams,
Harry Williams
Maury Theising
Edwin Kregenbeck
3rd Pub. Christopher Csenar—Jennifer Schuldt
MONDAY, April 8, 2013
9:00 a.m. Johanna Wilson by Family
TUESDAY, April 9, 2013
9:00 a.m. Special Intention
WEDNESDAY, April 10, 2013
9:00 a.m. Special Intention
THURSDAY, April 11, 2013
9:00 a.m.
Special Intention
FRIDAY, April 12, 2013
9:00 a.m.
Special Intention
SATURDAY, April 13, 2013
5:30 p.m.
Arlene & John Toth by Robert J. Vladoiu
SUNDAY, April 14, 2013
7:00 a.m.
Rose Konechnik by Carrico Family
8:30 a.m.
Louise Dryer by Janet Huebner
10:30 a.m.
Marie Storck by Tori Korba
Jo Armin by McCullough/Wilkerson Families
5:30 p.m.
For the Parish
Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Weekend of April 6/7, 2013
In today’s first reading from the Acts of the Apostles we hear
it proclaimed that many “signs and wonders” were performed
in public by Christ’s followers, a demonstration that
produced two results. First, the people of Jerusalem outside
the Christian community were awed by what the disciples
were performing. And in the midst of all this amazement,
many were being converted.
Good stewards know of the evangelizing power emanating
from their daily acts of love, compassion, kindness and
generosity. They believe that if they stay focused on Christ
each day, every act has the power to transform a broken
world. What “signs and wonders” will we perform today?
Faith Formation
Worship and Word
Gospel : John 20:19-31
Theme: Receive the Holy Spirit.
Question for Children: Jesus appeared to the disciples
even though they were afraid and locked in the closed room.
How can you show Jesus to another person this week by
how you act?
Question for Youth: Thomas didn’t believe because he
hadn’t seen Jesus with his own eyes. How hard is it for you
to believe in God without being able to see God? How do
you see God in the words and actions of others?
Question for Adults: Jesus said: "Blessed are those who
have not seen and yet believe.” Give one example of how
you will show your belief in Jesus this week - how you are
being sent forth.
Resources & Development
Bingo—April 12, 2013
Callers; J Csenar, T Jost, C Pharr
Team #4 — Captain; F Rendes: Early Setup; M Zore,
Kappel: Supply; A Endres: Salad; K/L Smith: Fryer;
Eaker: Workers; K Diaz, B Evans, K Matter, P Pontones,
Reese, J Zore, L Zore: Bakers: J Bechinski, A Keyes,
Malatestinic, R McCullough, T Penn: Biscuits; S Evans
Parish Stewardship of Treasure
Week of March 30/31, 2013
Weekly Budget
Weekly Offering
YTD Actual
YTD Budget
YTD Gain (Loss)
Special Collection
One way the Catholic Home Missions Appeal
works to support home mission dioceses in the
United States is by supporting seminarian
formation in poor dioceses. Often home mission
priests and lay ministers require special training
to attend to the unique needs of their faith communities. Your
support is needed. Please help strengthen the Church at
home by making a generous gift on April 28 for the
Catholic Home Missions.
May 2 – Night Road – Kristin Hann
St. Christopher “Explorations in Faith” Book
Club meets the First Thursday of every month at 6:30 p.m. in
Jacob’s Well. We are an informal small group who meet to
discuss a book with spiritual meaning. Contact
betty.reagan@yahoo.com if you are interested or have any
C.C.D. Program - Mark your calendars!
Classes Meet, April 7, 14 and 21
April 7 - Parent Advisory Team
April 14 - CCD for Parents
April 23 for Saturday 5:30 p.m. First Eucharist
April 24 for Sunday 10:30 a.m. First Eucharist
April 27 (Saturday 5:30 p.m.) Celebration of First
April 28 (Sunday 10:30 a.m.) Celebration of First
CCD classes are held in the school building from 9:30 to
10:20 a.m. on Sunday mornings. For more information,
contact: Sister Mary Ann 241-6314 ext. 119
April 7-Jr. & Sr. High Meeting together
April 14—Regular Meeting
April 20—Incredible Pizza Party
April 28—Regular Meeting
Jr. High Youth Ministry meetings are in the school cafeteria
following the 5:30 p.m. Sunday Mass.
Sr. High Youth Ministry
(in the PAR)
Following 5:30 p.m. Sunday Mass
Since Easter was last week we are having
the "5th Sunday" collection at the doors
after Mass today to support SVdP . Thanks
for your generous support of our Clients.
April 7-Jr. & Sr. High Meeting together
April 14—Regular Meeting
April 20—Incredible Pizza Party
April 28—Regular Meeting
Faith Formation
Save the Date!
This year our Vacation Bible School will
be held
Monday – Friday, June 10-14, 2013,
9:00 a.m. to Noon.
Registration will begin in May, but be
sure to mark your calendars NOW!
Join the St. Christopher Youth
Ministry Group on Saturday, April
20, for an afternoon at Incredible
Pizza Company in Greenwood.
While we are at Incredible Pizza
Company, challenge your friends
to race in the go-carts, make a
team for laser tag, or try and beat Mr. Steiner at puttputt golf. For just $15, you get unlimited food and drink,
a $10 arcade card, and two hours of unlimited play on the
go-karts, mini bowling, mini golf, laser tag and bumper
cars. This is an all inclusive youth ministry event (High
School and Jr. High). Feel free to bring your friends.
Drivers are needed.
Complete details and
www.saintchristopherparish.org or contact Tom
Steiner at 241-6314 ext. 125.
CRHP TEAM #3 MEETING : Monday, April
8, 7:00 P.M., in the Damascus room.
April 11, 7:00 P.M., Parish House.
St. Christopher Parish’s program for
the baptism of young children is held
twice a year. This is for children to
5 years of age. The dates are as
Preparation Session: June 2, Sunday, 1:00 p.m.
in Damascus
Celebration of Baptism: June 23, Sunday, 1:00
p.m. in Church
For information or to register for this program, please
contact Sr. Mary Ann DeFazio, 241-6314 ext. 119 or
email, mdefazio@saintchristopherparish.org.
Pray for Respect for Life from
Conception to Natural Death:
Did you know that someone in the US takes
a God given human life every 20 seconds?
The lack of respect for human life comes
from attitudes towards abortion, driving while
texting, crime, capital punishment, abuse, lack of care, …
The Saint Christopher Respect Life Group is attempting to
improve the life of all humans by sharing information and
working to support people during their life journey. If you are
interested in learning more please contact Mark Folger at
m_folger@msn.com or Paul Guenin at 317-244-9731.
Congratulations to Cub Scout Pack
504 for being selected Cub Scout
Pack of the Year for the Hou Koda
District (Central Indiana).
award recognizes one outstanding
Unit for their dedication to the
Scouting program. This award is based on the activity and
advancements that were made during the year. Pack 504 is
made up of primarily St. Christopher boys and leaders.
Recently Pack 504 collected food through the Scouting for the
Food Program. They were able to donate over 400 food items
to our St. Chris Food Pantry.
Christian Services
April 14, 2013
8:30 a.m.—Richard Wieser
10:30 a.m.—Helen Morlock
For opportunities to assist St. Vincent de Paul on
Saturdays, please contact Paul Guenin at 244-9730 or email
at padeceje2@aol.com. SVdP needs help every Saturday in
different areas, there is a place for everyone to help.
Yarn and clothing ONLY may be placed in the glass
enclosure on the south side of the school and marked SVdP.
Sleeping on a hard floor is Painful! We Need Your
Beds! Please donate your extra beds to SVdP so they can
be given to parents and children who are now sleeping on
the hard floor. To donate beds contact Paul Guenin @ 2449731 or padeceje2@aol.com. We have received 217 beds
since we started in October 2010.
To donate furniture and appliances call the SVdP
donation phone at 687-1006 Monday through Friday from
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you have a car or van you would be
willing to donate, please contact Paul Guenin.
Washers and dryers are also in short supply, and the
SVdP Distribution Center will accept units for checkout and
repair regardless of condition.
Christian Services
Liturgical Commission
Jesus The Merciful
Locked doors, barred windows, motion
sensing flood lights, all a sign of this
violent age.
Yet, Jesus The Merciful is present with the
open prayer book, the lighted candle, the silence, the bent
knees of those inside all the locks.
Jesus The Merciful is with us as we sit by the dying, or
welcome the newborn, or share a meal.
April 13-5:30 p.m.
April 14-7:00 a.m.
April 14-8:30 a.m.
April 14-10:30 a.m.
April 14-Noon
April 14-5:30 p.m.
M Grezgorzewski/L Harcus
J Warner/J Quinn
K Deken/G Pontones
J/J Szumski
C Betz/N McKinley
R Cunanan/Z Evans
Jesus The Merciful is there when hearts break,
when joy is shared, when hugs are exchanged, when tears
Jesus The Merciful stands in our midst without fanfare,
pouring out love and strength to carry on blessing us
with mercy.
Jesus The Merciful
Parish Life
By: Trudy Bledsoe
St. Chris Food Pantry Information:
Pantry News
The pantry is in special need of baby wipes, cleaning agents of
all kinds, personal care items, and of course that old standby
“Peanut Butter.” Your help is always appreciated. Thank you
so much.
St. Christopher Food Pantry
Emmaus Way after each Liturgy this weekend,
April 7. Coffee and Donuts will also be served
today after the 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Masses
in Damascus. Coffee and Donuts is being
hosted by Adult Faith Corner.
Mark your calendar!
The 55 and Over
gathering is on Thursday, April 18. Discover
the saint that founded a religious order to serve
the poorest and most forgotten of Americans!
Learn about the saint that died with courage in
the Auschwitz gas chambers. These saints and more will be
viewed and discussed in the DVD from the wonderful
‘Catholicism’ series by Fr. Barron. If you need to use the
chairlift, please contact the parish office before April 15. Call
Helen at 291-5878 or Barbara, 852-7113 for reservations.
Around the Archdiocese
Providence Cristo Rey President to address Catholic Business Exchange. Joe Heidt, president of Providence Cristo Rey High School,
will speak at the April Catholic Business Exchange. His topic will be: Helping the next generation become our future leaders.
The event is Friday morning, April 19, at the North Side Knights of Columbus. Mass starts at 6:30am and the program will be finished by
8:30am. Cost for the program includes a great breakfast and is $15 in advance for members and $21 for non-members. Registration is
required. To register, pay online and for more information, visit www.catholicbusinessexchange.com.
A six-session DIVORCE AND BEYOND PROGRAM has been scheduled for Monday evenings beginning April 8 through
May 13, 2013. The peer ministry program will be held at St. Luke the Evangelist Parish, 7575 Holliday Drive, E., Indianapolis, IN
from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. The topics for discussion will be the process of divorce, self-image, stress, anger, blame,
guilt, loneliness, and forgiveness. The cost of the six-week session is $30.00, which includes a book. For more information
or to register, please contact the OFFICE FOR FAMILY MINISTRIES at (317) 236-1586 or 1-800-382-9836, ext. 1586 or
e-mail: dvanvelsearchindv.ord. Registration forms may also be obtained online www.archindy.ord/familv/divorce.html.
Message from Fr. Dave
Through the Sacraments of Christian Initiation we are freed from the power of darkness. With Christ we die,
are buried and rise again and receive the spirit of adoption which makes us God’s Sons and Daughters. And with the
entire people of the church we then celebrate the memorial of the Lord’s Death and Resurrection. Through Baptism
we are incorporated into Christ and formed into God’s people and obtain forgiveness of all of our sins. We are raised
from our natural human condition to the dignity of adopted children. We become a new creation through water and
the Holy Spirit and are called, and are indeed, the Children of God. Signed with the gift of the Spirit in Confirmation
we more perfectly become the image of our Lord and our filled with the Holy Spirit. We bear witness to Him before
the world and work for the building up of the Body in Christ. Finally we come to the table of the Eucharist to eat His
body and drink His blood so that we may have eternal life and show forth the unity of God’s people. By offering
ourselves with Christ we share His Universal Sacrifice: the entire community of the redeemed is offered to God by
our High Priest. We pray for a greater outpouring of the Spirit so that the human family may some day be brought
into the unity of God’s Family.
Thus the Three Sacraments of Christian Initiation closely combine to bring the faithful to the full stature of
Christ and enable us to carry out the mission of God’s people in the church and in the world. Baptism is the door to
life and to the Kingdom of God and Christ offered this first Sacrament of the new law to all of us that we might have
eternal life. Christ entrusted this Sacrament and the Gospel to His Church when He told the disciples to go and
make disciples of all the nations and baptize them in the name of the Trinity. Therefore, Baptism is the Sacrament of
that faith by which we respond to the Gospel of Christ, enlightened by the grace of the Spirit. That is why the Church
believes it is Her most basic and necessary duty to inspire all, catechumens, parents of children still to be baptized
and Godparents, to that true and living faith by which we adhere to Christ and enter into or confirm our commitment
to the new Covenant. To accomplish this, the Church prescribes the pastoral instruction of catechumens, the
preparation of the parents of children, the celebration of God’s word and profession of baptismal faith. Baptism is the
Sacrament by which we are incorporated into the Church, built into a house where God lives, into a Holy nation and a
royal priesthood. It is a Sacramental bond of unity linking all who have been signed by it and because of that effect
the Rite of Baptism is held in the highest honor by all Christians. It may never be repeated once it has been validly
celebrated, even if by fellow Christians from whom we are separated.
As proclaimed in the prayers for the blessing of the water, baptism is a cleansing water of rebirth which
makes us Children of God. The blessed Trinity is invoked over those to be baptized, signed in this name,
consecrated to the Trinity and enter into fellowship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We are prepared for
this High Dignity and lead to it by the scriptural readings, the prayer of the community, and the Three-Fold profession
of faith. Baptism produces all of this by the power of the mystery of the Lord’s Passion and Resurrection and those
baptized are engrafted in the likeness of the death of Christ. They are buried with Him, they are given life again with
Him, and with Him rise again. Baptism recalls and effects the Pascal Mystery itself, because by means of it we pass
from the death of sin into life and its celebration should reflect the joy and resurrection, especially when it takes place
during the Easter Vigil or on a Sunday. Through the ministry of the church adults are called to the Gospel and infants
are baptized and brought up in this faith. Therefore, it is important that catechists and other people work with their
pastors in making preparations for baptism. In the actual celebration, the people are represented not only by the
parents, Godparents and relatives, but also by friends, neighbors and members of the local church and all should
take an active part. Thus we all show our common faith and express our joy as the newly baptized are received into
the Church.
It is a very ancient custom of the Church that an adult is not admitted to baptism without a Godparent,
someone who will assist him or her in the final preparation for baptism and after baptism will help them persevere in
the faith and in their life as a Christian. In the baptism of children the Godparent should be present to be added
spiritually to the immediate family of the one to be baptized and to represent Mother Church. The Godparent will be
ready to help the parents bring up their child and profess the faith and to show this by living it. The Godparent is
present to testify to the faith of the adult candidate and together with the parents to profess the faith of the Church in
which children are being baptized. Pastors should see to it that the Godparents chosen be qualified to carry out this
function, being mature enough to undertake this responsibility and to have received themselves the three
Sacraments of Initiation.
The water used in baptism should be true and clean water and the baptismal font should be very clean and
attractive and if the climate requires, provision should be made for the water to be heated before hand. The Rite of
Immersion is more suitable as a symbol of participation in the Death and the Resurrection of Christ or the pouring on
of water may surely be used in the celebration. As far as possible all recently born babies should be baptized at a
common celebration and the pastor should carefully record in the baptismal register the names of the baptized, the
priest, parents and Godparents, and the place and date of baptism.