March - Community United Methodist Church


March - Community United Methodist Church
the newsletter of
United Methodist Church
March 2016
Glorify God
Sometimes the deepest understandings come without words. I recall one Easter
morning long ago when participating in a combined church Easter Sunrise Service.
Debbie stayed home with our youngest while my daughter and I walked to the
Presbyterian Church a few blocks from our house, even though an early spring
thunderstorm was about to come in off the Illinois prairie.
While I did my part in the service Katie sat alone on the front pew. She was
enraptured by the candles interspersed on a large table with a beautiful arrangement
of Easter lilies. She seemed to be fascinated by the incense and delighted by the
trumpet brass that started the service. She paid close attention with a look of
wonderment on her face. In those moments she and I were not so different from
each other.
This was in contrast to Holy Friday where we sat in total darkness and the
congregation banged on wooden blocks. This made a jarring noise that represented
what life would be like if evil reigned and we were stuck in a world without
Jesus. Even though I knew the sound was coming, I still jumped in my seat when
everybody started banging their blocks together. Sometimes life can be pretty awful.
Jesus took all that on himself, the darkness, the evil lurking around him during
those three days. There were the disciples sleeping in the garden, the kiss a betrayal,
Peter’s denials, the trial and the raucous crowd demanding he be crucified. And then
the beating and bloody whipping and the agony of the cross.
He gave until there was nothing left to give.
Share Jesus
But on Easter morn we join with the disciples who met the risen Lord and with them
experience hope rising in music, the scent of flowers, the light coming back into our
world. Beyond the mystery we try to capture a new reality. I always feel ashamed
that I have spent so much time in the shadows in the past year. Easter reminds all of
us that it is always a time for new beginnings, new risks. Time to move out into the
territory of lost causes! Time to reclaim some of the ground we have lost!
Pastor Scott
Nursery Volunteers
If you feel tugging at your heart
strings to get involved in this
important ministry to our
littlest ones, please
contact Krystal at
We need your help to provide
a safe loving invironment
for our little cuties!
We are looking at some changes
in 2016,
jump in and be part of it!
Thank You!
I would like to thank all of you who covered
me in prayer, sent cards or stopped to visit me
before and after surgery.
Your support and encouragement
was a real blessing!
The surgery went well, and the prognosis is good!
Thanks again!
Mike Biesiadny
Good Friday Service - 7:00PM
Sunday Services - 8:00 & 10:45 AM
Breakfast - 9 - 10:30 AM
Hearts and Hands
Women’s Ministry
A New Opportunity
Monthly Saturday Morning Fellowship
4th Saturday of the month
8:00 am – 9:30 am
Monthly topical teaching and practice exercises to grow us in Christ likeness.
Time of sharing and encouraging each other in our spiritual growth.
Exploring opportunities to be “Christ’s hands” in our community.
Planning special Hearts and Hands events.
Questions? Contact Michelle McMurray
All women are invited
to attend the spring all
day Woman’s Retreat.
Watch for announcement of time, date and
details coming soon.
Sunday, March 6
MAR 6 – Avarice: Unbridled Desire, Generosity: Controlled Desires; Seven Deadly
Sins and the Seven Godly Virtues, Luke 12:15-21
MAR 13 – Gluttony: Misplaced Hunger, Moderation: Mastering our Hungers; Seven
Deadly Sins and the Seven Godly Virtues, I Cor. 6:12-20
MAR 20 – PALM SUNDAY Children’s Processional, Glory Singers, Chancel Drama
“The Spear”
MAR 27 – Easter, Special music, message by Scott & Michelle McMurray
March Noisy Can
The Gideon’s International
An Association of Christian business and
professional men and their wives dedicated to
telling people about Jesus through sharing personally and
by providing Bibles and New Testaments.
Grief Recovery Support Group
Monday’s, January 11 - April 4, 2016 6:15-8:15 pm.
Your journey from mourning to joy!
Grief Share is a weekly seminar/support group for people
grieving the death of someone close.
It is a place where you can be around people who
understand how you feel and the pain of your loss.
At Grief Share, you’ll learn valuable information thatwill help
you through this difficult time in your life.
You are welcome to join this group anytime.
We know it hurts, and we want to help!
$15 Registration Fee includes workbook.
Saturday, March 5
8:00 AM
Bring a friend for good
food and great fellowship!
Invite a friend or family member to join you.
Prayer Sunday
March 6th
9:00-9:30 AM &
12:00-12:30 PM
Contact Ron or Fay Tichy for details Ron-262-930-8488, Fay-262-930-9488
Do you know someone who needs prayer?
Invite them to prayer Sunday!
Teams of prayer warriors are ready and
willing to pray for those who need it
for many different concerns.
Bring your need before our Mighty God!
Meets every Tuesday evening
at 6:30 PM, in room 13 on the
lower level here at CUMC.
“My Grace is Sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”
2 Corinthians 1:9
The Newsletter is available by email and on the website at
If you would like to stop receiving the
newsletter by mail contact the office at 262-534-2313 or to let us know.
MercyMe –
Casting Crowns –
Jeremy Camp –
For King & Country –
Matt Maher –
Family Force 5 –
Britt Nicole –
Blanca –
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus –
Fireflight –
JJ Heller –
Bob LenzBurlap to Cashmere – Hawk Nelson
Confirmation/Breakfast Club
Soon we will finish the
Apostles Creed,
then we move on to
Our WiReD Youth have questions about
many different things!
We will collect all of their questions, and
in March we will explore and discuss what
God has to say about the things they
think about every day.
Solid Biblical Truth is the best way
deal with all of the things they are
! tofaced
with in their every day lives!
Palm Sunday Processional
March 20
at 8:00 & 10:45 AM
If your children would
like to participate,
please have them meet
Tanya Fuhrman in the
lobby a few minutes before
the start of the service
you attend.
Services at
8 & 10:45 AM
No Sunday School
9 - 10:30 AM
Invite your family and friends to join you!
The Church Council recently voted that from Memorial Day Sunday, May 29, through Labor
Day Sunday, September 4, we will have a single 9:00 AM service. This will be a chance for us to
truly come together as one church. Many people commented there was a distinct and delightful
difference when we had the single combined service this past summer. So let’s all connect with
each other for three months this summer!
There will be no children’s Sunday school during these months but watch for special children’s
programs, such as Summer Camps and VBS.
Ongoing adult classes may elect to meet either before or after the 9:00 AM worship hour.
This is a
Re-keying of Community UMC
This project is close to completion!
How do I get in the building during normal office hours you ask?
The purpose of this project was to make this facility more safe and secure.
Therefore, you may come here Monday - Thursday while staff are present
and find the building locked!
Press the doorbell/intercom button (see picture of front of building)
We will let you in!!!
For those of you who have the new keys, fobs or cards, you will be
receiving the new building use, and lock up proceedure document
will be finished soon.
When you receive it by mail, please read it,
and return the signed agreement as soon as possible.
When the word “Stewardship” is mentioned around churches people often cringe.
It’s a fancy term for ‘money grab’. It’s boring. Do we have to talk about this?
I understand. Most of us have had at least fleeting thoughts like these. The truth is, of course, that the topic of
Stewardship is about so much more than money. It’s about how we open ourselves to the presence of Jesus Christ
existing in each of us.
Stewardship simply means manager. The simple, and profound, idea is that God wants to come into our lives.
We get to choose what we will do about that. God’s immeasurable love for us is such that he gives us the freedom
to decide what we will do with this gift we call life. God hints, calls, screams through the prophets, whispers in
the silence, rises in Jesus, forgives those who hurt him, and walks alongside us at every moment. The one thing
God does not do is compel us. We are free.
Stewardship is about money, and it is about everything else. Everything. Stewardship is about the action we take
and the thoughts we think when we say, “I believe in One God….”
On the day we meet face to face, I doubt God will ask us, “What kind of steward were you?” I’m not sure God
speaks that way. I am sure that God will want to know how we have shared with others what he has shared with
us; how we have used it to spread the Kingdom; how we have responded to each other, especially those who have
hurt us or who we see as different from ourselves.
I’m also certain of this: we treat others, friends, enemies, and everyone in between, in the same manner we
believe we have been treated by God. If we see ourselves as blessed beyond measure, we extend that to those
who cross our paths. We are generous in our giving. If we have had a different experience, our actions reflect
that, too.
I know what it’s like to feel loved by God, to feel blessed. I also know what it’s like to feel far away from God,
disconnected, alone. So do you.
Our life at CUMC focuses on how we can glorify God, encourage one another and share Jesus. When we
experience these things together we can connect with Christ and live in the ways which please God and brings
help to others.
Pastor Scott
Time Out Schedule
March 2 5:45 PM - Dinner
6:30 - 8 PM - Adult Small Groups meet together in the Sanctuary
for a short video clip, before going to seperate groups.
Session 2 - Real Accountability - War Room Bible Study
6:30 - 8 PM - His Kids & WiReD - Downstairs
March 9 5:45 PM - Dinner
6:30 - 8 PM - Adult Small Groups meet together in the Sanctuary for a
short video clip, before going to seperate groups.
Session 3 - Living the Gospel - War Room Bible Study
6:30 - 8 PM - His Kids & WiReD - Downstairs
March 16 5:45 PM - Dinner
6:30 - 8 PM - Adult Small Groups meet together in the Sanctuary for a
short video clip, before going to seperate groups.
Session 4 - Victory Accomplished - War Room Bible Study
6:30 - 8 PM - His Kids & WiReD - Downstairs
March 23 5:45 PM - Dinner
6:30 - 8 PM - Adult Small Groups meet together in the Sanctuary for a
short video clip, before going to seperate groups.
Session 5 - Impacted by Grace - War Room Bible Study
6:30 - 8 PM - His Kids & WiReD - Downstairs
March 2016
4-5:45 PM
Food Pantry
Prayer Sunday
following both
8:00 & 10:45 AM 6:15-8:15 PM
Grief Share
6:30 PM
VBS Meeting
6:30 PM
Worship Committee meeting
Glory Singers
7:00 PM
Praise Team
Time Out
6:30-8 PM
5:45 PM - Dinner
6:30 PM
His Kids, WiReD
& Adult Groups
Caregiver Support
6:30 PM
SPRC Meeting
Time Out
7:00 PM
Praise Team
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
Prayer Gathering Landing
8:00 AM
Men’s Breakfast
9-11:00 AM
CR Step Study
Time Out
5:45 PM - Dinner
6:30 PM
His Kids, WiReD
& Adult Groups
9-11:00 AM
CR Step Study
7:00 PM
Praise Team
7:00 PM
Trustee Meeting
6:15-8:15 PM
Grief Share
6:30 PM
Worship Committee Meeting
Glory Singers
6:30 PM
6:15-8:15 PM
Grief Share
6:30 PM
Church Council
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
Praise Team
Spring Break
No WiReD
7:00 PM
Praise Team
6:15-8:15 PM
Grief Share
9 AM - Noon
9-11:00 AM
CR Step Study
Time Out
6:30 PM
Prayer Gathering 6:30 PM
Noisy Can
The Gideon’s
5:45 PM - Dinner
6:30 PM
His Kids, WiReD
& Adult Groups!
5:45 Dinner
6:30 PM
His Kids, WiReD
Youth & Adult
Glory Singers
4-5:45 PM
Food Pantry
7:00 PM
Good Friday
8-9:30 AM
Heart’s &
hands Womens
9-11:00 AM
CR Step Study
Community United Methodist Church
455 S. Jefferson St.
Waterford, WI 53185
The Men of
Community UMC
are hosting a Pancake Breakfast!
Saturday, March 19
9:00 AM - Noon
$5 per person or $15 per family
Spread the word!
Invite, family, friends &
Dine in only
Church Office - 262-534-2313 - Pastor Scott 608-792-3515 or - like us on facebook -
Sunday Worship Services at 8:00 & 10:45 am
Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 am
The Way to Grow Preschool 262-534-7998