Surgipack Catalogue - Archers Healthcare Home
Surgipack Catalogue - Archers Healthcare Home
ARCHERS Healthcare agents & distributors To order online… 1. Type your details below 2. Put quantities in the QTY boxes next to the products you want. 3. Click the Send Email button on any page when you’ve finished. (Only do this once, it attaches this form to an email addressed to us) 4. Send your email. * Pharmacy Name: All fields highlighted In red are required. Suburb: < Click this arrow Wholesaler: Account: < For Archers Direct please use 111 Contact: Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. S U R G I PA C K H O M E H E A LT H C A R E Home Healthcare to community is one of the fastest growing categories in pharmacy today. Over the past few years, Home Healthcare has grown by an average of 4% year-on-year. This growth can be attributed to a number of factors including an ageing population, reduction in Government funding for outpatient programs and the impact of “Case-Mix” – the reduction in days spent in hospital following surgery. Coinciding with this growth has been an increase in the number of suppliers in categories such as medication compliance, earplugs and patient care as well as a rationalisation from the major pharmacy wholesalers. Today, SURGIPACK is the only complete Home Healthcare supplier available through all pharmacy wholesalers in Australia and New Zealand. With educated sales representatives available to service your needs, Tyco Healthcare is committed to providing your pharmacy with an extensive Home Healthcare range at attractive consumer prices. For the contact details of your local Tyco Healthcare sales representative, please contact Customer Service on 1800 252 467. S U R G I PA C K H o m e H e a l t h c a r e P r o d u c t C a t e g o r i e s Slings and collars Products to assist in the recovery from injuries to muscles and bones by offering support to the injured site. Diagnostic stethoscope Domestic use stethoscopes to measure the heart rate of an individual. Diagnostic thermometers Encompassing a range of mercurial, digital and infrared products. Ear and eye care A general range of products to assist in treating and preventing conditions of the ear and eye. First aid A range of products to assist in the treatment of first aid injuries. Medical sundries Encompassing a broad range of Sundry Home Healthcare items. Fingerstalls Protection over bandages and dressings, from injury, rubbing and friction or a barrier against moisture. Gloves Including cotton. Medication organisers and dispensers (Safe-T-Dose) Safe-T-Dose products are used to organise the day-to-day dosage requirements of people taking vitamins and/or medication in tablet form. Medicine measures SURGIPACK accommodates for infants and adults alike with the largest range of Medicine Measures. Patient care Hospital and domestic quality bedpans and urinals. Patient comfort A range of products to improve the day-to-day comfort of people suffering from illness or pain. Personal hygiene Includes an assortment of douches and enemas for cleansing and irrigating. Face masks Ideal for preventing the affects of dust, pollution and chemicals. Hot/cold therapy Encompassing a variety of hot/cold packs for the treatment of muscle sprains and strains. Mouthguards Junior and senior flavoured mouthguards. Sport elastic braces Elastic woven sports braces designed to provide comfort and support to injured limbs and joints. Walking sticks Encompassing a large range of wooden and aluminium walking sticks. Gelflex Saline solution and eyewash < Click this arrow Hydrogel breast feeding pads SLINGS AND COLLARS QTY CODE 1197 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION N e c k - E z e I n f l a t a b l e Tr a v e l P i l l o w Soft velour, waterproof PVC. Supports head and neck to enable sleep during travel. 1062 Foam Cervical Collar (Small) 520mm long, 63mm high at front. Ideal for chronic neck pain. 1063 Foam Cervical Collar (Medium) 520mm long, 76mm high at front. Ideal for chronic neck pain. 1064 Foam Cervical Collar (Large) 520mm long, 89mm high at front. Ideal for chronic neck pain. 1642 1062 1063 1064 1197 Maximum Comfort Arm Sling (Small) Supports entire forearm and hand, adjustable. For long-term support of broken or injured arms. 1645 Maximum Comfort Arm Sling (Regular) Supports entire forearm and hand, adjustable. For long-term support of broken or injured arms. 1650 Soft Comfort Arm Sling Supports arm at wrist. Comfortable stockinet covered foam. Adjustable, one size fits all. DIAGNOSTIC - STETHOSCOPE Domestic use stethoscope to measure the heart rate of an individual. CODE 7048 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Double Head Stethoscope Double headed for foetal heartbeat and lower pitched sounds. Send Email 1642 1645 1650 7048-Doctors Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. DIAGNOSTIC THERMOMETERS Includes thermometers such as Tympanic, Forehead, Mercurial and Digital. QTY CODE 6336 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Ovulation Mercurial Thermometer † Also known as the 'fertility' thermometer, scale is measured in steps of 0.05 degrees. 6338 Mercurial Thermometer † Easy to read thermometer. 6938 6337 M e r c u r i a l T h e r m o m e t e r † - B o n u s Tr a y 11 for the price of 10 Forehead Thermometer Liquid, crystal thermometers, which adhere to the skin. 6937 † F o r e h e a d T h e r m o m e t e r - B o n u s Tr a y 11 for the price of 10 These items contain Mercury 6336, 6338, 6938 6336 6338 6938 Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 6337 6937 DIAGNOSTIC THERMOMETERS Includes thermometers such as Tympanic, Forehead, Mercurial and Digital. QTY CODE 6 33 3 55 6 33 4 33 6 33 4 11 6182 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Ov uu l aa t i oo nn D D ii g i tt a ll TT hh ee rr m m oo m m e tt e rr Waterproof Digital thermometer displays the temperature to two decimal places for greater accuracy. Fl ee xx t ii p D D i g i t a l TT h e rr m m o m e t e rr Water resistant, with a flexible tip, and a 30 second response time JJ u m b o D i g ii t a l TT h e rr m oo m ee t e rr Jumbo size digital thermometer with large LCD display area Digital I n f r a r e d Ear T h e r m o m e t e rr Fever Alarm, illuminated display, instant results, no probe covers 66 3 4 44 6335 6343 6939 6341 D i g i t a l Th e r m o m e t e r Easy to use and read. Beeps when temperature is ready to read. D i g i t a l T h e r m o m e t e r - B o n u s Tr a y 11 f or t he pr i ce of 10 N B : Re c o m m e n d e d b a t t e r i e s - Eveready 392 - Duracell D384 / 392 Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 6340 6344 6939 EAR AND EYE CARE A general range of products to assist in treating and preventing conditions of the eye and ear. QTY CODE 6236 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Black Eye Patch (Display of 5) Convex shape gives room for dressings or an open eye. 6259 Natural Eye Patch (Display of 5) Convex shape gives room for dressing or an open eye. 6237 6236 Soft Eye Patches - Black (Display of 5) Soft, fabric covered foam to occlude light and give comfortable protection. 6314 Ear Syringe - Silicone Rubber 30ml Used for washing out the external ear. Temporarily Unavailable 6314 6008 6315 6315 Ear Syringe - Silicone Rubber 60ml Used for washing out the external ear. 6008 Plastic Eye Baths (Display of 15) Used to irrigate or flush the eye with liquid, shaped to fit eye socket. 6020 Discontinued E y e Wa s h B o t t l e For continuous irrigation of the eye. 300ml capacity. Used for First-Aid. 6082P Glass Eye Dropper Safety dropper, ball end for easy use. 6259 6083P Graduated Glass Eye Dropper Safety dropper, ball end with graduated glass. Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 6237 6020 6082P 6083P E A R A N D E Y E C A R E cont. QTY CODE 6251 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Ear Putty (3pr) Each Medical grade silicone, for both swimming and noise reduction. 6951 6247 E a r P u t t y ( 3 p r ) - B o n u s Tr a y 11 for the price of 10 Foam Earplugs (1pr) Each Expanding foam, recommended for noise reduction. 6254 Foam Earplugs Barrel (Display of 50pr) Expanding foam, recommended for noise reduction. Dispenser barrel of 50 pairs. 6250 Ear Putty (1pr) Each Medical grade silicone, for both swimming and noise reduction. 6251 6951 6247 6254 6950 6279 E a r P u t t y ( 1 p r ) - B o n u s Tr a y 11 for the price of 10 Water Stop Earplugs (1pr) Cone shaped, designed for swimming and showering. Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 6250 6950 6279 E A R A N D E Y E C A R E cont. QTY CODE PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION 6248 Earex Earplugs (1pr) Each 6948 E a r e x E a r p l u g s ( 1 p r ) - B o n u s Tr a y 11 for the price of 10 Specially shaped to fit each ear for swimming. 6945 A q u a t i t e E a r p l u g s ( 1 p r ) - B o n u s Tr a y 11 for the price of 10 Good all round swimmers' earplug. 6244 Antinois Earplugs (3pr) Medical grade silicone for noise and swimming 6944 6283 6248 6948 A n t i n o i s E a r p l u g s ( 3 p r ) - B o n u s Tr a y 11 for the price of 10 Comfi-Fit Earplugs (1pr) General purpose ear plug for noise reduction. 6945 Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 7 6244 E A R A N D E Y E C A R E cont. QTY CODE 6252 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Protective Earplugs (1pr) Rubber earplugs with useful neck cord. For use when noise is sporadic. 6952 P r o t e c t i v e E a r p l u g s ( 1 p r ) - B o n u s Tr a y 11 for the price of 10 6953 H u s h - A - F o a m Ta p e r - F i t ( 2 p r ) l a r g e B o n u s Tr a y - 1 1 f o r t h e p r i c e o f 1 0 6246 Hush-A-Foam Earplugs (3pr) Each Expanding foam, recommended for noise reduction. 6252 6952 6946 Hush-A-Foam Earplugs (3pr) B o n u s Tr a y - 1 1 f o r t h e p r i c e o f 1 0 6957 H u s h - A - F o a m Ta p e r - F i t ( 3 p r ) r e g u l a r B o n u s Tr a y - 1 1 f o r t h e p r i c e o f 1 0 6953 Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 6246 6946 6957 FIRST AID QTY CODE 6171 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION KeepDry Half Arm Protector x2 Effective barrier against water, protecting injured limbs and dressings when showering. 6172 KeepDry Full Arm Protector x2 Effective barrier against water, protecting injured limbs and dressings when showering. 6173 KeepDry Half Leg Protector x2 Effective barrier against water, protecting injured limbs and dressings when showering. 6174 KeepDry Full Leg Protector x2 Effective barrier against water, protecting injured limbs and dressings when showering. 4088 6171 6172 Tr i a n g u l a r B a n d a g e Useful as a multi-purpose bandage as well as an arm sling. 110x110x155cm. 4088 6016 Emergency Blanket To heap retain the body heat of an accident victim. Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 6173 6174 6016 F I R S T A I D cont. QTY CODE 6761 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Tu b u l a r F o a m For protection of fingers and toes. 15mm x 25cm. 6765P Tu b u l a r F o a m For protection of fingers and toes. 21mm x 25cm. 6767 Tu b u l a r F o a m For protection of fingers and toes. 25mm x 25cm. 6475 Cot Splint Small First-Aid splint for injured fingers 6476 Cot Splint Medium First-Aid splint for injured fingers 6477 Cot Splint Large First-Aid splint for injured fingers 6761 6765P 6767 6475 6476 6477 F I R S T A I D B A N D A G E S & TA P E S QTY CODE 4150 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION P r o t e c t i v e Ta p e I n d u s t r i a l Latex impregnated gauze, self adhesive, hypo-allergenic, water proof multi-purpose bandage. 2.5cm x 25m. 4218 Dress Combine Pieces 6 ply Gause 9 x 7.5cm, pack of 50. First aid dressing for open wounds. Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 4150 4218 FIRST AID KITS QTY CODE PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION TFK1 First-Aid Kit (Budget) • Triangular Bandage x 1 • Elastic Confirming Bandage x 1 • Adhesive Tape x 1 Roll • Safety Pins x 3 • Scissors x 1 • Mouth to Mouth Mask x 1 (Sterile) • Tweezers x 1 • Soap Wipes x 2 (Sterile) • Cleansing Wipes (NaCL) x 2 (Sterile) • Latex Gloves x 1 Pair • Conforming Bandage with Pad x 1 • Adhesive Plasters x 5 • PVC Bag x 1 TFK2 • Adhesive Plasters x 10 (Sterile) • Soap Wipes x 1 (Sterile) • Cleansing Wipes (NaCL) x 3 (Sterile) • Adhesive Tape x 1 Roll • Triangular Bandage x 1 • Instant Ice Pack x 1 • Scissors x 1 • PVC Gloves x 1 Pair • Emergency Blanket x 1 • Alcohol Prep Pad x 6 • Elastic Conforming Bandage x 1 • PVC Bumbag x 1 TFK3 TFK3 Discontinued Send Email TFK1 TFK2 First-Aid Kit (Bumbag) First-Aid Kit (Home/Office) • Non-Woven Swab x 4 • Adhesive Plasters x 5 (Sterile) • H-Shaped Adhesive Plasters x 4 (Sterile) • Long Adhesive Strip x 1 • Soap Wipes x 3 (Sterile) • Cleansing Wipes (NaCL) x 3 (Sterile) • Scissors x 1 • Adhesive Tape x 1 Roll • Tweezers x 1 • Emergency Blanket x 1 • Elastic Bandage x 2 • Latex Gloves x 1 Pair • Triangular Bandage x 1 • Elastic Conforming Bandage x 1 • Safety Pins x 6 • PVC Bag x 1 Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. MEDICAL SUNDRIES QTY CODE PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION 7593 Sterile Specimen Container (Display of 10) Sterile, yellow screw cap, each with label to record patient details. 6070 W o o d e n To n g u e D e p r e s s o r s (Display of 100) Standard doctors' Tongue Depressor, can also be used cosmetically to depilate (remove hair) or by hobbyists in the home. 6240 7593 6070 6240 6241 Caustic Pencil 40% (Display of 5) For removal of warts. Instructions must be heeded and carefully followed. Made from Silver Nitrate in a pencil form. (Each pencil contains 500mg of Silver Nitrate) 6241 Styptic Pencil (Display of 10) Stops bleeding from shaving nicks and relieves minor irritation from insect bites and stings. Made from solid Aluminium Sulphate contained in a pencil form. 6 8 1 8 - 12 K e n d a l l We b c o l 200 Skin Cleansing Alcohol Preps. Saturated with 70% Isopropyl Alcohol. 3.6cm x 3.1cm. For external use only. Do not use on open wounds. Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 6818-1 M E D I C A L S U N D R I E S cont. QTY CODE 9166 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Sleeping Masks (Display of 10) Black mask with padding at top to keep out light. 6071 H o t Wa t e r B o t t l e Made from durable rubber with convenient hook. 6650 Easy Floss Disposable x 50 (Display of 10) Disposable floss picks. Convenient preventative dentistry, makes flossing easy. 9180 Mothballs 7g (Display of 8) Child-proof packaging. Prevents moths from reproducing and attacking stored woollen clothing. Made from Napthalene (990g/kg) 9100 Camphor Blocks Child proof pack. Display of 12 units. 9166 6071 6650 Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. Discontinued 9180 9100 GLOVES QTY CODE PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Long Cotton Gloves 6095 Cotton Gloves Long - Medium Made from bleached, pure cotton knitted yarn. Long gloves hemmed, protection up to the elbows. 6096 Cotton Gloves Long - Large Regular Cotton Gloves 6098 Cotton Gloves Regular - Small Made from bleached, pure cotton knitted yarn. Regular gloves have knitted cuffs. 6099 Cotton Gloves Regular - Medium 6100 Cotton Gloves Regular - Large 6101 Cotton Gloves Regular - X/Large 6294 6296 6297 6287 6288 6289 6290 F I N G E R S TA L L S - L AT E X QTY CODE 6287 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Latex Fingerstall - Small Protection over bandages and dressings, from injury, rubbing and friction or a barrier against moisture. Simply roll-on to fit firmly over finger. 6288 Latex Fingerstall - Medium 6289 Latex Fingerstall - Large 6290 Latex Fingerstall - X-Large 6095 6096 F I N G E R S TA L L S - L E AT H E R 6294 Leather Fingerstall - 10M 6296 Leather Fingerstall - 10L 6297 Leather Fingerstall - 5sm + 5L Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 6098 6099 6100 6101 Temporarily Unavailable M E D I C AT I O N O R G A N I S E R S A N D D I S P E N S E R S - S A F E - T- D O S E Safe-T-Dose products are used to organise the day-today dosage requirements of people taking vitamins and/or medication in tablet form. QTY CODE 6473 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION We e k l y O r g a n i s e r L a r g e For larger pills. Seven-day weekly organiser with removable day. Perfect for carrying one-day’s tablets or medication in a bag or whilst travelling. 6473 6472 C o m p a c t We e k l y O r g a n i s e r Seven-day weekly organiser with removable day. Perfect for carrying one-day's tablets or medication in a bag or whilst travelling. 6077 7 D a y Ta b l e t & V i t a m i n O r g a n i s e r Holds a week's supply of tablets. Convenient and compact, with seven days x 4 doses/day clearly marked (also marked in brail). Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 6472 6077 M E D I C AT I O N O R G A N I S E R S A N D D I S P E N S E R S - S A F E - T - D O S E cont. QTY CODE 6067 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION O n e We e k C i r c u l a r M e d i c a t i o n O r g a n i s e r Holds one weeks' tablets or medication in circular container. One selection per day. 6069 O n e We e k M e d i c a t i o n o r g a n i s e r Holds one weeks' tablets or medication in straight container. One selection per day. 6480 Oral Medication Syringe Ideal for infants. Accurately measures up to 10m l/2 tsp. 6068 Collapsible Cup and Medication Container Collapsible cup suitable for travelling, easy storage. 6079 Ta b l e t C u t t e r For accurate division of tablets into halves or quarters. 6081 6067 6069 6068 6079 6480 Ta b l e t C r u s h e r C o n t a i n e r with Container & Cup For large, difficult to swallow tablets. Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 6081 P AT I E N T C A R E Hospital and Domestic quality bedpans and urinals. QTY CODE 3032 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Hospital Bedpan - Autoclavable Hospital quality, regular size, autoclavable. 6362 Male Urinal Hospital quality, autoclavable. Graduated to 1 litre with screw cap. 6358 Female Urinal Hospital quality, autoclavable. 3032 Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 6362 6358 P A T I E N T C O M F O R T cont. QTY CODE 6061 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Deluxe Inflatable Air Cushion - PVC Ideal when sitting or confined to bed for long periods. Helps avoid varicose conditions such as hemorrhoids. 6065 Inflatable Air Cushion - Rubber As above. Extra strong and durable, more suited to an obese person. 6060 Foam Ring Cushion with Slip Ideal for use whilst sitting regularly or in a wheelchair. Made from dense foam for comfort and includes a washable cotton cover. 1141 Invalid Feeding Cup Non-spill lid with spout, autoclavable. Spout takes flexible straw (code 6302), used for patients who cannot sit-up in bed. 6061 6065 Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. Discontinued 6060 1141 PERSONAL HYGIENE Surgipack personal hygiene products are designed for convenience, simplicity and comfort. CODE QTY 6030P PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Douche Can Kit 1 litre Gravity fed 1 litre can for douches or enemas. Complete with tubing and fittings. 6080 D o u c h e K i t - Tr a v e l , C o l l a p s i b l e Small, convenient, folds easily for travel. Comes with it's own pocket sized wallet, can be easily cleaned and stored. 6084 6030P Enema - Douche (Higginson Syringe) Can be used as either a Douche or Enema. Enables continuous one-way flow of liquid, no limit to volume of liquid. Can be used with warm water or water containing a purgative. 6333 Va g i n a l S y r i n g e - W h i r l i n g S p r a y 6333 Soft and flexible pipe for comfortable use. Comes apart for filling and cleaning. Used to cleanse and irrigate the vagina. Can be used with a mild antiseptic. 6158 L u b r i c a t i n g J e l l y Tu b e 1 0 0 g m 100gm tube, water soluble, greaseless, colourless, odourless and non-irritating. 6090 3 Piece Douche Fitting Set Replacement fitting set for 6030P Douche Can Kit. (no Picture) 6323 6080 Rectal Syringe 100ml Soft silicone rubber bulb for gently controlling the flow of liquid up to 100ml. Useful for delivering small quantities of liquids to babies and small children. 6324 Rectal Syringe 170ml Discontinued Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 6084 6323 6324 6158 Temporarily Unavailable FACE MASKS To prevent the affects of dust, pollution and chemicals on Asthma and Allergy sufferers. QTY CODE PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION 6209P Face Mask - Disposable 2 ply (Pack of 100) Convenient dispenser pack. Recommended for barriers against dust, cleaning substances and general pollution for asthma and allergy sufferers. Discontinued 6214 Foam Face Mask - reusable (Display of 5) For asthma and allergy sufferers. For high protection against dust and pollution. Washable and reusable. 6220 Moulded Face Mask - (Display of 5) General face mask. Nosepiece can be shaped to fit wearer. For medium protection against dust and pollution. Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 6209P 6214 6220 HOT/COLD THERAPY Variety of hot/cold packs for the treatment of muscle sprains and strains. QTY CODE 6227 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Flexible Hot/Cold Pack Economical hot/cold pack treats injuries both chronic and acute with comfortable cotton cover. 6229 Quick-cold Instant Ice Pack Portable instant cold, for immediate application. (not re-usable) 6234 Soft Eye Mask Hot/Cold Pack 6227 Temporarily Unavailable Reusable, Long lasting, Conveniently shaped to fasten at back of head. 6230 Soft Hot/Cold Pack - Large Premium, re-usable and microwaveable with comfortable cotton cover. 165mm x 255mm 6231 6230 Soft Hot/Cold Pack - Small Temporarily Unavailable Premium, re-usable and microwaveable with comfortable cotton cover. 100mm x 240mm Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 6229 6234 Temporarily Unavailable 6231 Temporarily Unavailable MOUTH GUARDS Junior and Senior flavoured mouth guards. Made of durable plastic and comes with a store-able container. QTY CODE 6400 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Junior Clear Mint Junior, Mint flavoured mouth guard. 6403P Junior Red Strawberry Junior, Strawberry flavoured mouth guard. 6404 6400 6403P 6404 Junior Blue Bubblegum Junior Bubblegum flavoured mouth guard. 6407 Senior Red Mint Senior Mint flavoured mouth guard. 6408 Senior Clear Mint Senior Mint flavoured mouth guard. 6412 Senior Black Mint Senior Mint flavoured mouth guard. 6913 Junior Mouthguard Display Shipper (x15) Mix of Junior flavoured mouth guards, perfect for shelf display and point of sale purchase. 6914 Senior Mouthguard Display Shipper (x15) Mix of Senior flavoured mouth guards, perfect for shelf display and point of sale purchase. 6407 6408 6412 Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 6913 6914 S U R G I PA C K H A I R , N A I L A N D F O O T C A R E Hair Care QTY CODE 9120 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Lice/Dust Comb x10 Quality PVC Nit Comb designed to treat and prevent the spread of hair lice. Foot Care QTY CODE 9217 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Natural Pumice Removes calluses and hard skin. Easy to hold mouse shaped, compressed pumice powder. Tray of 10 units. MEDICINE MEASURES 9120 6319 QTY CODE PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION 6319 Disposable Medicine Measures 30ml (Pack of 50) Plastic tumbler-shaped measures graduated from 2.5ml to 30ml in steps of 5ml. 6034 Gelatine Capsules '00' (Pack of 100) Empty capsules ready to be filled with substances to be taken orally. Surgipack gelatine capsules are made from non-european animal gelatine. 6035 Gelatine Capsules '000' (Pack of 100) Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 9217 6034 6035 QTY CODE PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION 1271 U n i f o o t Wa l k i n g S t i c k S t a b i l i s e r Walking Stick Stand Only Send Email For a solution to merchandising your walking stick range, please contact your local sales representative on how to order your complete stand and stock display unit. WA L K I N G S T I C K S 1271 Wooden sticks All wooden sticks can be shortened to the required length by sawing a piece off the bottom and replacing the rubber tip or ferrule (see diagram below). Aluminium Folding and Adjustable These sticks are made from light, rustproof anodised aluminium with a safe contour rubber tip and comfortable easy grip T Handles. The adjustable stick is suitable for most people adjusting at 9 separate positions, each 2.5cm apart. Adjusting the height simply requires loosening the screw fitting beneath the bottom hole and adjusting up or down to suit. To ensure the stick is locked into position, ensure the pin clicks properly into place and is firmly located in the hole. The folding stick has four folding sections that quickly snap out into a strong/sturdy walking stick, which will adjust with 5 separate positions each 2.5cm apart from 82.5cm (33") to 92.5cm (37"). How to Measure: 1. With person standing upright, measure from the wrist crease to the floor approximately 15 cm from the outside of the foot. 2. The arm should be slightly bent when holding the handle (about 15º - 30º) 3. Wooden sticks may be cut to the correct height and the ferrule replaced. Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 1900 WALKING STICKS Made from the highest quality materials, Surgipack walking sticks are designed and manufactured under strict quality control guidelines to ensure a durable finish every time. QTY CODE 1270 PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION Carrier Braided x 5 Wrist attachment to ensure walking stick is not dropped. 1274 Aluminium Adjustable Adjustable at 9 separate increments positioned 2.5cm apart. Made of durable anodised Aluminium. Adjust from 80cm (31.5”) to 98cm (38.5”) 1275 Aluminium Folding Four folding sections, which quickly snap into place with 5 adjustment positions, Adjust from 80cm (31.5”) to 98cm (38.5”). Made from light, rustproof anodised Aluminium with a safe contour T grip including a rubber tip. 1276 Ladies Continental T Handle 1270 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 Quality wooden walking stick made from plantation grown, kiln dried chestnut and are then hand finished, bent in the case of the crook handled and then polished. 1277 Men's Continental T Handle 1278 Men's Extra-Stout 1279 Ladies Lightweight 1280 Men's Regular 1281 Men's Long 1286 Men's Executive 1287 Ladies Executive Send Email Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. 1279 1280 1281 1286 1287 8200 G E L F L E X® 8555 QTY CODE PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION 8555 G e l f l e x® N o r m a l S a l i n e S o l u t i o n ( 5 0 0 m l ) • For use with soft and hard contact lenses • Suitable for sensitive eyes Send Email Gelflex Normal Saline may be used as a rinsing solution for Soft or Hard Contact Lenses prior to disinfection by heat or liquid. 8200 Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. G e l f l e x ® E y e Wa s h ( 1 0 m l A m p o u l e s ) For cleaning the eye to help relieve irritation, discomfort, burning, stinging and itching by removing loose foreign material, air pollutants (smog or pollen) or chlorinated water. 8510 Bulk Pack (500x10ml Ampoules) M O T H E R M AT E S QTY CODE PRODUCT NAME AND DESCRIPTION 9 4 0 333BB Mother Mates Hydrogel pads (box of 5) MotherMates Hydrogel Breast Feeding pads are designed to help nursing mothers reduce nipple pain and prolong the breastfeeding experience. New mothers welcome the opportunity to bond with their new babies through breastfeeding, only to cease too quickly because of the frustrations associated with unrelenting nipple pain and soreness. Nearly all nursing mothers - up to 96% of them - experience some degree of nipple pain or trauma in the early weeks of breastfeeding. If the problem is not quickly resolved, the likelihood of their discontinuing breastfeeding is much greater. MotherMates is a translucent hydrogel disk shaped dressing that conforms in a cup-like manner to provide ideal nipple coverage, while offering effective absorbency to help prevent residual leakage onto clothing. The unique hydrogel formulation is cool and soothing to provide maximum relief from soreness and assists in the reduction of nipple damage. MotherMates does not support the growth of bacteria or fungi and is safe for both mother and child. Send Email 94033B Only click Send Email button when your order for this catalogue is complete. DIRECTIONS FOR BREAST CARE 1. 2. Prior to breast feeding, wash breast with warm water and pat the area dry. Wash hands prior to handling the MotherMates dressing. 3. 4. Open package and remove dressing from its carrier sheet. Save the carrier sheet. Place the “cup” side of the dressing onto the nipple area. (The dressing is naturally contoured like a contact lens for a perfect fit over the nipple area.) 5. Place the dressing on the nipple area until it is time for the next feeding.