Report on the Physics Department FAU Erlangen
Report on the Physics Department FAU Erlangen
Report on the Physics Department FAU Erlangen October 2013 Contents Contents .............................................................. 1 Introduction ......................................................... 3 Structure and Evolution of the Department ... 3 Research Topics ................................................... 5 Astroparticle Physics ....................................... 6 Condensed Matter Physics .............................. 9 Biophysics ...................................................... 14 Optics ............................................................. 18 Light-Matter Interface ................................... 21 Theoretical Physics ........................................ 24 Physics didactics ............................................ 28 Teaching ............................................................ 29 Outreach ............................................................ 34 Statistics and Overview ..................................... 36 Faculty ............................................................... 41 Junior Research Groups ................................... 130 1 2 Introduction This report is designed to present the current status (in 2013) of the Department of Physics at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität ErlangenNürnberg (FAU), which is the second largest university in the state of Bavaria. The report attempts to give a brief but comprehensive overview of the Department's research topics, the teaching, and the individual professors making up the Department's faculty. In addition the report highlights junior research groups, statistics, outreach efforts, as well as links of the Department within the university and within international research collaborations. Structure and Evolution of the Department The Department of Physics (the Department) currently consists of 16 chairs (four in theoretical and twelve in experimental physics) and several independent professorships. Each of these chairs is part of an Institute, namely the Institute for Condensed Matter, the Physics Institute, the Institute for Optics, Information and Photonics, the Institute for Theoretical Physics, and the Astronomical Institute in Bamberg. However, this report will present the various research topics according to subject area and not necessarily along the lines of Institutes. The Department experienced a significant shift in research topics during the last two decades, namely from nuclear and particle physics to astroparticle physics and physics of gravitation and a broader condensed matter physics area (including soft matter and biophysics) replacing the classical solid state physics. Together with optics a new interface of light/matter physics is now emerging. 3 4 Astroparticle Physics Condensed Matter Physics Research Topics This chapter aims to give a broad overview of the various research topics at the department. We have chosen a subdivision of topics that adequately represents both the old established structure of the department (with Institutes in Astroparticle Physics, Condensed Matter, Optics, and Theory) and the emerging regrouping of topics (with three broad areas: Astroparticle Physics, Physics of Light and Matter, and Biophysics). At times this necessarily leads to some overlap between the sections, since several groups feel at home in various topics. Biophysics Optics Light-Matter Interface Theoretical Physics Physics Didactics 5 H.E.S.S. telescope in Namibia H.E.S.S. telescope in Namibia Astroparticle Physics Astroparticle physics is a young and emerging research field addressing questions and methods at the intersection of particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology. Research in astroparticle physics concentrates on studying the most extreme conditions in the universe, such as the physical processes in the vicinity of Black Holes and Neutron Stars, the physics of acceleration of particles to the highest energies, and the physical processes at and beyond the limits where our current understanding of gravity as described by Einstein's theory of gravitation ends. FAU has identified astroparticle physics as a top priority research field of the Faculty of Science and has given it a formal framework with the foundation of the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP) in 2007. ECAP bundles FAU's activities in this area by incorporating the chairs in experimental astroparticle physics at the Physics Institute (Anton, Katz/van Eldik, succession Stegmann/NN), the two divisions of the Astronomical Institute (Heber, Wilms) and parts of chairs of the Institute of Theoretical Physics (Thiemann/Sahlmann/Giesel, Mecke). The Center was awarded the status of an Emerging Field Centre of FAU in 2011. ECAP plays a leading role in astroparticle physics in Germany and is a member of the Helmholtz Alliance for Astroparticle Physics. It receives high acknowledgment and visibility in international research projects and currently has over 150 members. Experimental and observational astroparticle physics and astrophysics are characterized by the development and use of large international facilities, with partners at the European level and worldwide. The field is highly networked, with typical collaboration sizes encompassing hundreds of researchers from a large number of institutions and countries. ECAP scientists are involved in leading positions in the current and next generation of water based neutrino telescopes (ANTARES, KM3NeT). They also contribute significantly to the current and next genera6 tion of ground-based telescopes in gamma-ray astronomy (H.E.S.S., Cherenkov Telescope Array), as well as in the development phases for the next generation of high-energy astrophysics space based missions such as the German eROSITA experiment on the Russian Spectrum-XGamma satellite. ECAP's contributions to international facilities drive its strong detector development activities. The Center led the evaluation of acoustic particle detection for ultrahigh energy neutrinos. ECAP's detector group also develops detectors for particle physics such as the search for neutrino-less double beta decay or for neutrino mass hierarchy measurements and optical modules for the future projects KM3NeT and PINGU. ECAP's detector activities have also triggered applications in medical physics (see the section on biophysics). ECAP is also involved in studies of the detector performance for space based and ground based experiments. For example, the Center contributes significantly to the design study for the neutrino mass hierarchy experiment ORCA and to the end-to-end simulations for the next generation of X-ray sensitive satellites performed under the auspices of the European Space Agency. Uniquely in Germany, this experience with largescale facility and detector development is supplemented by experience in observational astrophysics which covers the whole electromagnetic spectrum from the radio regime via the optical to the X-rays, gamma-rays, and into the TeV regime. ECAP is one of the large groups contributing to the H.E.S.S telescope array experiment in Namibia. ECAP also develops advanced analysis methods for faint structure detection in astronomical images based on Minkowski functionals. ECAP researchers routinely use large ground based facilities such as the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope, the Keck telescopes on Hawaii, radio arrays such as the Australia Telescope National Facility or the Jansky Very Large Array in New Mexico, as well as space based facilities such as the Hubble Space Telescope, the XMM-Newton and Chandra satellites, the Japanese Suzaku instrument or NASA's Fermi gamma-ray satellite. Observational research with these facilities is directly related to the experimental work at ECAP, and includes work, e.g., on acceleration processes in the Galaxy (especially in supernova remnants), on the precursors of supernova explosions, binary stars, and the interaction of stars with the central black hole of our Galaxy, the measurement of relativistic effects near black holes, as well as multiwavelength studies of the radiation from supermassive black holes in Active Galactic Nuclei. All of these objects are also predicted to be neutrino emitters. This research is done in close collaboration with the chair for astrophysics at Würzburg University. A significant fraction of observational research at ECAP is related to cosmological questions such as the evolution of black holes in the Universe. ECAP's theory group performs research in the area of quantum gravity, which predicts conditions in the early universe (see the description in the theory section). A strategic appointment of a further theoretician at the professorial level with 7 a background in theoretical cosmology has been approved by the Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts, in order to further tighten the connection between the theory and experimental/observational work in the Center. 8 Artistic drawing of a graphene transistor on SiC Condensed Matter Physics Scientific Environment and Strategic Position Condensed matter physics is an essential part of one of the most important research areas “New Materials and Processes” of the FAU. The overall effort includes research in the faculty of natural sciences (physics, chemistry) as well as in the technical faculty (materials science, electrical engineering etc.). This interdisciplinary research has been selected in the excellence initiative as a cluster of excellence “Engineering of Advanced materials (EAM)”. In addition to the establishment of the EAM, several interdisciplinary platforms in materials science have been founded that also receive high-level third-party funding: the Sonderforschungsbereich 953 Functional Carbon Allotropes (Speaker: A. Hirsch, chemistry, Vice speaker: H. B. Weber, exp. physics), funded since 1/2012, the DFG Forschergruppe 1878 Function- al Molecular Structures on Complex Oxide Surfaces (funCOS) (Speaker: J. Libuda (Physical chemistry), and the DFG Graduiertenkolleg 1896 In-Situ Microscopy with Electrons, X-rays and Scanning probes (Speaker: E. Spiecker, Vice speaker S. Maier). Also, the priority program 1459 “Graphene” was launched in Erlangen by Th. Seyller with strong contributions from local groups. These large-scale funding initiatives were a consequence of a steady built-up of interdisciplinary expertise, organized in interdisciplinary centers within FAU. For example, physicists and chemists have established the Interdisciplinary Centre for Molecular Materials (ICMM), the Interdisciplinary Centre for Interface Controlled Processes (ICICP), the Graduate School for Molecular Science (GSMS), the Center for Nanoanalysis and Electron Microscopy” (CENEM). This Erlangen-specific strong position of the condensed matter physics enabled a situation, where (instead of grouping around few scientific topics) an unusually large spectrum of methods 9 and scientific topics can be covered. The success of this structure can be seen in the high number of Schottky awardees (the most important German award on solid state physics: G. Döhler (retired), P. Müller (retired 10/2013), F. Marquardt, Th. Seyller (since 2012 in Chemnitz). Further, our scientists received calls to professorships with high reputation: M. Weinelt (W3 FU Berlin), A. Ustinov (W3 KIT), T. Schäffer (W3 Ulm, declined, subsequently W3 Tübingen, accepted), O. Waldmann (W3 U Freiburg), Th. Seyller (W3 U Chemnitz), S. Müller (W2 TU Hamburg-Harburg). Erlangen’s experimental condensed matter physics have had numerous highly-ranked publications (5 Science, 2 Nature, 10 Nature research papers, 39 PRL) in the last decade. The condensed matter research unit has since 2004 launched and reinforced research efforts in biophysics. Together with a focused recruitment policy in theory, a strong and promising research field has evolved. This has been recognized in the FAU and is currently discussed as a further emerging field of the department. Similarly, light-matter interaction has been identified as a promising new field, which benefits from both the strong materials competence as well as the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light. Selected Research Topics Electronic aspects of novel materials (Krstić, Maier, Müller, Ristein, Weber) Electronic degrees of freedom are of highest fundamental interest in condensed matter physics, but also lead to technological innovation. In Erlangen, the whole range from fundamental research to applications is covered. An example for a very intense research effort in Erlangen is graphene. Based on long-term expertise with silicon carbide (SiC), Th. Seyller and H. Weber developed a new material system “epitaxial graphene on SiC”, which is a wafer-based material with epitaxial control. First the material and its properties were investigated using various surface science and electronic techniques (Fauster, Hundhausen, Maier, Ristein, Schneider, Seyller, Weber), then novel low-temperature quantum transport phenomena could be identified (Weber), strongly supported by theoretical considerations (Pankratov). In a next step, a device building concept could be put forward (Weber), such that a fast analog and digital logic is now possible. Th. Seyller established a Germanywide priority program 1459 “Graphene”, with strong contributions from Erlangen. The graphene research also boosted the SFB 953 “Synthetic carbon allotropes”, the scientific focus of which goes well beyond graphene research. Another example is charge transport through individual molecules, research carried out in the ICMM. After pioneering experiments in the Weber group, one focus of research was to understand the underlying physical principles of charge transport. Together with M. Thoss (theory) and A. Görling (theoretical chemistry), the allimportant influence of vibrations could be elucidated. This was strongly supported by specially designed and manufactured molecules from the Gladysz and Tykwinsky group (synthetic chemistry). Complementary investigations using scanning tunneling microscopy could be carried out by P. Müller and S. Maier. In the SFB 583, P. Müller developed significant competence in molecular magnetism which, in turn, inspired investigations on single-molecule junctions using magnetic molecules, giving new access to singlet-triplet transition in molecules (Weber). Quantum transport of electrons is investigated theoretically also in the group of Florian Marquardt (Theory II). His group investigates systems at the interface between nanophysics and quantum optics, providing a link between the condensed matter and optics efforts of the department. The research on novel electronic materials (molecules, graphene and others) is strengthened by V. Krstić, who started in October 2013. He came from Trinity College Dublin where he was Assistant Professor since 2007. 10 Structure and Dynamics of Matter (Hock, Magerl, Neder, Unruh) The chair for Crystallography and Structural Physics (LKS) with four professors is at present the strongest university unit in its field in Germany. The research activities are focused on structural and dynamical issues of condensed matter including interfaces and defects. The embracing technique is diffraction complemented whenever indicated by supporting methods including computing. Diffraction methods presently enjoy worldwide a vibrant development and many novel research fields in condensed matter science are emerging in particular through the advent of novel light sources. The future trend in structural physics is characterized by a transition from measurements and interpretation of the classical pair correlation function on dominantly periodic systems (the crystallography of the 20th century) towards an access of higher correlation functions in short range ordered condensed matter including their time evolution in an extremely large time regime. Coherent beam diffraction and imaging are examples exploiting the novel possibilities, and the group is engaged to take full advantage of these options both at major sources and in the laboratory. The group is a heavy user of national and international major research centers, and e. g. in 2012 through worldwide competitive proposal applications it was granted ~60 days and ~15 days on synchrotron and neutron sources, respectively. In this environment there are long standing and active collaborations with national and international large-scale research centers on numerous scientific projects, on methodical developments and through committee works. Currently T. Unruh is spokesman of the KFN and thus represents some 1200 German neutron users of major research infrastructures. In addition, the group has built up with significant efforts unique laboratory instrumentation, which has just been extended by T. Unruh with a powerful SAXS/GISAXS diffractometer. This high level equipment is mandatory for student training and in preparation for experiments at the big sources. As the knowledge about structure and dynamics is a fundamental issue in condensed matter research directly related to the functionality of materials, the competence of the chair is well sought after and contributes to several interdisciplinary research structures and programs at the FAU (EAM, ECN, CENEM (A. Magerl founding director, T. Unruh division head), ICICP, IZNF, GSMS, FG funCOS, GRK 1896) and also outside (SPP 1415, several BMBF funded projects). In addition, there are frequent requests from other universities and from industry to provide support in case of structural issues. In many cases this has to be denied because of lack of resources. The group enjoys a highly successful development and the prospect for the years to come are excellent as expressed, e. g by the growth of the third party funding which increased by a factor of 10 over a period of 8 years and the outlook into 2014 promises a further increase to at least 1.4 M€ according to presently approved funding. In this vast and rapidly growing field, the four professors have well-defined complementary research programs of their own, all of them embedded in collaborations. The subject nucleation and growth of particles, also a focal topic of the EAM cluster, may illustrate the complementarity and the fruitful interaction of the in-house research: Magerl is looking into the very early stages of particle formation in a fast flowing free jet by wide angle (crystal structure) and small angle (precursor states) scattering. The accessible embryonic time range reaches down to some 10 μs (world record by more than one order of magnitude!). 11 T. Unruh specialized in small angle diffraction studies the ripening and aging process of juvenile particles with X-rays, neutrons and optical techniques. R. Hock follows the development of precursors like metallic films, nanoparticles and sol-gels into adult particles in the form of polycrystalline functional thin films with powder diffraction techniques. His application-relevant research focuses on novel materials for thin film solar cells. R. Neder studies the nucleation and growth of quantum dots by a total scattering approach. PDF analysis allows unravelling the elementary steps with atomic resolution. He has pioneered this technique and developed the now widely acclaimed simulation program DISCUS, wellsuited to refine atomic models of quantum dots including the stabilizing organic ligands on the surface. Surface Science (Fauster, Magerl, Maier, Ristein, Schneider) The properties of surfaces and interfaces come into play whenever condensed matter becomes very thin or its dimensionality is reduced or both as in the case of graphene. The properties of surfaces and interfaces are studied with various methods: Scanning Probe Methods (Maier, Schneider), Low-energy Electron Diffraction (Fauster, Schneider), and Photoelectron Spectroscopy (Fauster, Ristein) to name the most important. Electron diffraction is used to quantitatively and precisely determine the positions of the atoms of a crystalline surface. Especially the results obtained on SiC, graphene, and on transition metal oxide serve as a solid basis for current and newly established research efforts. In this respect Scanning Probe Methods are needed as a complementary method to establish possible models of the surface that can be tested with the results of electron diffraction. Furthermore, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy are used to study less well ordered or local, single molecule or atomic structures both on (semi-)conducting and insulating surfaces. Reflectometry and grazing incidence diffraction methods as described in the previous section are complementary and reveal sub-molecular structural information both in-plane and out-of-plane. These methods also allow surface studies in a wide range of environments and also in the liquid phase. Photoelectron spectroscopy accesses the electronic properties of surfaces and in time resolved two-photon photoemission the electron dynamics is sampled on a femtosecond scale. These methods are applied to metal, metal-oxide and semiconductor surfaces and interfaces formed with organic molecules or graphene in contact with these surfaces. Examples are image potential states on graphene, topological surface states on bismuth chalcogenides and electronic properties of epitaxial cobalt-oxide films. On the other hand, characterization of electronic properties on the atomic scale is provided by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy at liquid-helium temperatures. With this the electronic properties of molecules on metal oxide surfaces and the interfaces between graphene and metallic contacts are explored, the latter in the framework of the priority program “Graphene”. Also in line with this direction of research are the collaborative efforts of FAU (Ristein) and the MPL (Christiansen) to unravel the electronic properties of nanostructured materials for photovoltaic and photo-electrochemical applications by mi12 croscopic and spectroscopic techniques. Specifically the interplay between surface characterization and the measurement of the electronic surface and interface properties has turned out to be a powerful tool to understand the fundamental working principles of related photo-electronic devices. collaborations (cancer diagnostics) and worldwide partnerships (NIH bioengineering research partnership on smooth muscle micromechanics). In order to stress the growing importance of this field within the physics department, we have opted to dedicate a separate section to a more detailed description of biophysics. The wealth of surface-science methods present in the Department of Physics is complemented by groups at Physical Chemistry (Steinrück, Libuda, Fink) and Engineering (Schmuki, Spiecker). Within the Interdisciplinary Center for InterfaceControlled Processes, many bilateral projects, but in particular the recently funded DFG research group FOR 1878 “funCOS – Functional Molecular Structures on Complex Oxide Surfaces” have been established. Further, funding the Graduate School (DFG Graduiertenkolleg 1896) “In-Situ Microscopy with Electrons, X-rays, and Scanning Probes” strengthens the perspectives of surface science research and puts special emphasis on the promotion of young talents in microscopy methods in general. Light-Matter Interaction (Fauster, Hommelhoff, Hundhausen, Weber,) Biophysics (Fabry, Goldmann, Hensel, Unruh, Whyte) Over the past 10 years, the experimental condensed matter physics groups of the Department have built up a strong and internationally competitive biophysical research team consisting of 5 core groups: B. Fabry (cellular biomechanics), W. Goldmann (molecular biophysics), B. Hensel (biomaterials and biomedical engineering), G. Whyte (bioimaging), and T. Unruh (biomembranes). Other groups contribute to this effort as well, such as the groups of R. Hock (biomineralization) and P. Müller (DNA sequencing, biomagnetism). These research activities tie in with biophysical projects on the theoretical physics side (K. Mecke, A. Smith, T. Franosch). These efforts of the Physics Department contribute significantly to university-wide research consortia with the Departments of Biology and the Faculties of Engineering and Medicine (SFB-initiatives synthetic biology, voice disorders), emerging field initiatives (organ- and tissue engineering), EU-wide In light of the Department’s strong expertise in condensed matter physics as well as in optics and the emerging fruitful research efforts at the intersection of both of these fields, we have identified light-matter interaction as a new strategic focus. It will be discussed in more detail in the section Light Matter Interface. In particular, from the domain of condensed matter physics, the following groups contribute strong expertise: The Fauster group has done pioneering work in two-photon photoemission spectroscopy, the Hommelhoff group sheds light on ultrafast processes at nanomaterials, while the Hundhausen group performs research in spatially-resolved Raman spectroscopy. The Weber group contributes both electronic device expertise as well as expertise in ultrafast electronics that has led to the establishment of an effort in THz physics (Malzer). 13 Biophysics Biophysics is presently one of the fastest growing fields in the natural sciences. Apart from understanding the processes from the level of single molecules, over entire organisms to the behavior of a population, this field is also a rich source of processes that can be exploited beyond their original biological context, either for technological or medical purposes. Furthermore, cells are seemingly endless sources of adaptive materials, mimics of which are already finding their way into our everyday life. However, from the physics point of view, perhaps the most exciting aspect is the fact that living systems rely on energy consumption and dissipation to manipulate very noisy environments, the understanding of which emerges through the development of the so far incomplete, conceptual framework for the nonequilibrium dynamics. The potential multi-faceted impact of this field has been recently recognized at FAU when Molecular Life Sciences became a major research area of the university, spanning over the Faculties of Medicine, Sciences and Engineering. This recognizes the highly interdisciplinary nature of the field, and provides the core structure for cross-departmental and cross-faculty initiatives. The aims of the latter are multiple: The first is to increase the teaching capacity of the university, manifested by the initial establishment of the Bachelor course and, recently, a Master’s study program in Integrated Life Sciences (ILS). The second is to develop core research facilities, evidenced by the recent opening of the Optical Imaging Center Erlangen (OICE), next to the already established Central Institute for Scientific Computing (ZISC). The last is to foster research excellence and interdisciplinary collaborations through Emerging Field Initiatives (TopBiomat, SynBio), Research Training Group (RTG) initiatives, an example of which is the RTG on biological membranes, and SFB-initiatives on Synthetic biology as well as Voice disorders. The aim of the Physics Department therein, was to evolve from a tangential to a strong, and in some cases, leading partner. As will be outlined below, this goal has partially been achieved in more recent de14 velopments. However, further strengthening of biophysics at the physics department is necessary to fully accomplish its potential. Over the last five years, biophysics became one of the key topics in the Department of Physics. This development, founded on the very successful work of the Central Institute for Biomedical Engineering since 1973 and pursued by the Max Schaldach Professorship since 2003 (Bernhard Hensel), was greatly facilitated by the employment of Ben Fabry (Chair for Medical Physics and Technology; experimental cell biophysics) and Wolfgang Goldmann (W2 on the same chair, biochemistry of cells) in 2003, followed by the recruitment of Klaus Mecke (Chair for Theoretical Physics; soft condensed matter, statistical physics and Geometry) in 2004. However, to achieve the critical mass of researchers, the excellence cluster initiative EAM was utilized for the staffing of further three professorships. First was Ana-Sunčana Smith in 2009 (now W2 in theoretical biophysics), followed by Tobias Unruh (W2 in structural physics with a focus on short time scale dynamics in biological systems) in 2010, and Graeme Whyte (W1 in microfluidics and minimal models) in 2012. The biophysics activities in the Department of Physics were further strengthened by the arrival of Vahid Sandoghdar in 2011 (W3/MPL; single molecule tracking, microscopy). Emerging Field Initiative Synthetic Biology (SynBio) This initiative aims at establishing an interdisciplinary research platform between the fields of Biology, Chemistry, Informatics, Mathematics, Material Science and Physics to understand biological phenomena at the nanometer scale, explore rational metabolic engineering of living cells, and to create bio-inspired nanodevices. Non-living nanodevices may be used to combine conventional chemical synthetic processes with biological systems to achieve synthesis of complex compounds in a sustainable and cost effective manner. These systems will require encapsulation of single or multi-enzyme complexes in membrane-like structures allowing exchange of small molecules between the inside and the outside of the nanoparticles. Such studies of synthetic systems will shed light on the workings of complex natural biological systems. Currently, all required research fields coexist at the FAU. The EFI initiative SynBio will direct these forces to a collaborative research program. From the Physics Department side, SynBio is coordinated by V. Sandoghdar, supported by K. Mecke and B. Fabry. Research Training Group “Dynamic Interactions at Biological Membranes – From Single Molecules to Tissue” This initiative is concerned with processes in and on biomembranes, spanning different time and length scales. It is an interdisciplinary and col- The previously mentioned groups all have a strong base in biophysics, linking this field to soft condensed matter and/or optics. Their efforts are complemented by the work led by Rainer Hock (Structural physics; biomineralization), Paul Müller (Condensed Matter; DNA sequencing and biomagnetism) and Gisela Anton (ECAP, detectors for bio-imaging), who has developed strong ties with local industrial partners (e.g. Siemens). Membrane with proteins The result of the reinforcement of the biophysics community is the strong participation of the Physics Department in several new initiatives: laborative effort of twelve groups, four of which are from the Physics Department (T. Unruh, A.-S. Smith, B. Fabry and V. Sandoghdar), and the 15 others are from the Department of Biology and the Faculty of Medicine. The research focus is deeply anchored in the existing Integrated Life Sciences (ILS) degree program, a study course at the interface between biology, mathematics, and physics. The RTG will complement the ILS undergraduate studies by a doctoral program, the latter introducing its participants to different techniques in theoretical modelling and state of the art experiments, while performing research on the organization of proteins and lipids in artificial and model membranes. Optical Imaging Center Erlangen (OICE) The OICE is a newly established “Zentral-Institut” of FAU (i.e. independent of departments and faculties), but it was born out of the Institute of Optics, Information and Photonics of the Physics Department under the leadership of Vahid Sandoghdar. It applies methods from laser spectroscopy, quantum optics and microscopy to biological investigations in a highly interdisciplinary environment. In addition to a professionally run facility center, OICE will develop new physical methods for the detection, sensing, imaging and tracking of biological matter. As a facility, OICE complements ZISC and the supercomputing facilities of FAU in providing broad access to the most advanced tools and research equipment, hence, bestowing a highly competitive scientific environment. Research Activities in Selected Groups The different backgrounds of the research groups involved in biophysics topics ensures a very broad research program, both from the experimental and theoretical points of view, spanning method development to applications. Some of the topics are presented in the following sections. The Biophysics group of Ben Fabry and Wolfgang Goldmann is an interdisciplinary research group of scientists trained in soft matter physics, molecular cell biology, cancer cell biology, biochemistry, engineering, and applied mathematics. Their research focuses on mechanical properties of cells and tissues, mechano-chemical signal transduction in cells, and cell-matrix interactions for biomaterials design. They are active in the development of novel instrumentation and methods to characterize biopolymer networks and cell mechanical properties: magnetic twisting and magnetic tweezers cytometry with optical detection of cellular deformation, Fourier transform traction microscopy, 3-D traction microscopy, and particle tracking nanorheology in living cells. External Calls The excellence in research and teaching of the biophysics community at the Department of Physics is furthermore evidenced by three of the staff members obtaining permanent professorships at other universities. More specifically, Roland Roth accepted a W3 professorship in statistical soft condensed matter in Tübingen, Thomas Franosch was awarded the full professorship in theoretical biophysics at the University of Innsbruck, and Tilmann Schäffer went to Tübingen for a W3 position in NanoBioPhysics and Medical Engineering. Protein(6-4 Photolyase) repairing a DNA lesion. Unlike the Fabry group, the Mecke group uses mostly theoretical tools. In the past, it has applied statistical physics to clarify, for instance, the adhesion mechanism for geckos, to develop 16 a non-equilibrium model for molecular motors and to study fluctuating actin filaments. Based on integral geometry, the 'morphometric approach' has been proposed as a theoretical concept for fluids in the presence of a confinement or curved substrates, to give insight into interaction between solvation and structure for protein conformations (with R. Roth) and the entangled filament structure in biological tissue (collaboration with B. Fabry). Using the experience on formation of topologically complex ordered structures, a bicontinuous single Gyroid structure was first identified in butterfly wing-scales and then their chiral-optical and biophotonics properties were elucidated (with G. Schröder-Turk). These efforts were complemented by the work on anomalous transport in biological environments (with T. Franosch). Experimental studies on the basic mechanism of the anomalous molecular transport in organic liquids and biological membrane mimics are performed in T. Unruh’s group. For these studies a combination of quasi elastic neutron scattering (QENS) and MD simulation is used. The neutron experiments are performed in close cooperation with different large-scale facilities such as the FRM II in Munich and the ILL in Grenoble. Close cooperation and research activities on protein interactions with membranes have been initiated with R. Böckmann’s group (bio informatics, FAU). (collaboration with V. Sandoghdar), to provide a theoretical description of the micro-locomotion of entire swimmers and nanodevices in viscous environments (collaboration with U. Rüde - Informatics). Another focus of the group is the understanding of the recognition process on the level of a single cell as well as on a level of a tissue (collaboration with F. Rehfeld). Based on the experience in the development of particle detectors, the chair of G. Anton is strongly involved in applications for medical physics. Such applications cover radiation dosimetry and X-ray imaging with a main focus on grating-based phase contrast imaging. Investigating the dark-field of this imaging method, the group was the first to image cancer signatures of micrometer-sized calcifications in breast tumors at a tolerable radiation dose. G. Anton was awarded the “Innovationspreis Medizintechnik” of the German Ministry of Science in 2008. The Sandoghdar group applies its know-how from laser spectroscopy, scanning probe microscopy and quantum optics to the detection, microscopy, tracking, and manipulation of biological nano-objects such as viruses and proteins. In particular, three-dimensional nanoscopic visualization and control of transport and diffusion of these particles on and through biological membranes are current topics of research. The Smith group also covers a range of biophysics problems, mostly from the modelling perspective. It addresses issues from calculating the spectral characteristics of a single molecule (with D. M. Smith), over modelling the binding affinity and diffusion limited processes in membranes 17 Optics The optics activity of the department has been expanded appreciably in the last decade largely due to the establishment of the Max Planck Research Group for Optics, Information and Photonics (2003-2008), which resulted in the foundation of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL). The Department of Physics and MPL are closely linked. Initially the Department provided fallback positions for the two director appointments in the Max Planck Research Group, which was a serious commitment and all four directors of MPL hold faculty positions at the Department of Physics – either as main or as side office. As part of the new strategy currently being developed the Department decided to take advantage of the potential synergy between optics and condensed matter physics by forming the new joint field "lightmatter interaction". Consequently, the recent appointments of Vahid Sandoghdar, Stephan Götzinger, Peter Hommelhoff and Oskar Painter at the interface of optics and condensed matter physics were made in the spirit of this new strategy. The research activity of the optics sector spans a wide range from classical optics, via nonlinear optics and nano-photonics all the way to quantum optics. There is great potential both for advancing the basic science of light and for developing cutting-edge applications, examples being fundamental studies of the interaction of light with single atoms or molecules, enhanced nonlinear and quantum effects in gaseous materials and bright broadband light sources. We believe that the conjunction of basic research, applications and enabling technologies under one joint roof of MPL and the Department will provide a unique and very fruitful scientific environment. Optical engineering at the nanoscale involves optical antenna design, nonlinear interactions, quantum effects, and last but not least classical optics with novel method development at all 18 scales. The MPL will focus on mastering and con trolling light in its numerous dimensions, i.e., space, time, polarization and quantum statistical properties. The activity at the Department complements the MPL program. The research area of Philip Russell and Nicolas Joly is nano- and micro-structured materials and their applications in photonics and related fields. The particular focus is photonic crystal fiber (PCF) - a new kind of optical fiber proposed by Philip Russell in 1991. The first example of a working PCF was reported in 1996, and since that time groups all over the world have become active in developing PCF and exploiting its multifaceted applications. In this division a range of experiments are carried out that make use of the remarkable properties of PCFs. These include scientific uses of PCF, e.g., low threshold nonlinear gas-laser devices and phononic band gaps; and technological applications, e.g., biomedical sensors, supercontinuum sources and laser tweezers manipulation of particles in hollowcore PCF. Systems from the domain of (quantum) optics are now increasingly being coupled to nanophysical devices. One example are the optomechanical structures being investigated experimentally primarily by the groups of Oskar Painter and Philip Russell. The theory group of Florian Marquardt, with its extensive experience in this area, has started collaborations with the experimental groups in Erlangen working in this field. In addition, the Marquardt group works on other topics related to quantum optics, such as circuit quantum electrodynamics in superconducting structures, quantum information processing, and the physics of cold atoms. Oskar Painter's cur- rent research activities focus on the use of radiation pressure to control the quantum mechanical behavior of tiny mechanical objects. A great many applications are envisaged, including quantum-limited precision sensors and quantumoptical communication networks. The research of Vahid Sandoghdar and Stephan Götzinger aims at advancing experimental and theoretical mastery of light-matter interaction at the nanometer scale and at achieving the same degree of control and finesse that is known from the gas-phase quantum optics in the condensed phase. To do this, they combine concepts from quantum optics, laser spectroscopy, cryogenics, optical imaging, scanning probe technology and nano-fluidics. In this endeavor, these groups have addressed a wide spectrum of scientific questions, ranging from quantum optics to biophysics. Joachim von Zanthier’s group investigates multiphoton interference phenomena in quantum optics and quantum information science using non-classical, classical or mixed light sources. The research is carried out in theory and in experiment and focuses on fundamental questions as well as possible applications. Topics of interest are, among others, quantum imaging, superradiance, entanglement of distant particles, and testing the foundation of quantum mechanics via violation of Bell inequalities or other measures. The Peschel group is active in several areas of classical optics. Members of the group are working on the experimental realization of nanooptical plasmonic circuitries and of new effective optical materials based on colloidal crystals. Different aspects of nonlinear dynamics in optical systems such as self-organization and soliton formation are investigated and extensive numerical modelling is performed to design new structures and to illuminate the details of light-matter interaction on the nanoscale. 19 Gerd Leuchs concentrates on the spatial structure of the light field including optics design, optical sensors, and polarization optimization e.g. in focusing light. Other studies concern the temporal characteristics of light including quantum noise manipulations and the generation of single photons and of quantum entangled states. All this is achieved using nonlinear interactions, e.g. nonlinear optical fibers and whispering gallery mode resonators and is applied to topics such as quantum key distribution, optical amplification, optical communication and the development of optical logic quantum gates. Master program for Advanced Optical Technologies (MAOT), and in the International Max Planck Research School Physics of Light (IMPRS-PL). In addition, an initiative by Vahid Sandoghdar has resulted in the creation of the Optical Imaging Center Erlangen (OICE), a central institution of the FAU. The optics groups cooperate with other groups in the physics department, as well as other FAU faculties. For example, the Optical 3D Metrology (OSMIN) group (Gerd Häusler) collaborates with ECAP (Christopher van Eldik) on the measurement of mirrors for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) by using phase measuring deflectometry (PMD), with „Neurologische Klinik“ (Prof. Dr. H. Stefan) about head motion management by using flying triangulation, with “Lehrstuhl für Fertigungsmesstechnik (FMT)” (Prof. Dr. T. Hausotte) about automatic registration method for multisensor datasets adopted for dimensional measurements on cutting tools, with the Pattern Recognition Lab (Prof. Dr. J. Hornegger) about joint surface reconstruction and 4-D deformation estimation from sparse data and prior knowledge for marker-less respiratory motion tracking. Further important cooperations exist naturally with the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL). In addition, optics groups from the department participate in the Graduate School for Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT), in the 20 Laser light focused on a sharp tungsten tip. Light-Matter Interface This section is devoted to research at the interface of condensed matter physics and optics, dealing with systems that feature light-matter interactions. This topic thus represents one key component of the future envisioned, much larger and broader area of "physics of light and matter" that will unite optics and condensed matter within the department. Light-matter interaction has recently emerged as one of the main topics in the Physics Department at FAU. Around 15 professors from both experimental and theoretical groups at the Department are working on research topics ranging all the way from solid state physics to quantum optics to exploit synergy effects at this interface. Research on light-matter interaction is strengthened by the newly founded Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, the Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT) and the cluster of excellence “Engineering of Advanced materials”. The followings topics serve as examples to illustrate common research interests and how the various groups collaborate at this exciting interface. Collaborations/ Common Research Interests Optomechanics (Painter, Marquardt, Lutz, Russell) Optomechanics is a relatively recent research field right at the intersection of quantum optics and condensed matter physics. It deals with the interaction between light and nano-mechanical motion and holds great promise for both applications and fundamental studies. Applications include ultrasensitive detection of small displacements, forces, accelerations, and masses, as well as mechanically mediated transduction between microwaves and optical radiation, which would be crucial for future quantum communication protocols. Strong research collaboration exists between the Painter group at the Max Planck Institute and the Marquardt group in the area of quantum cavity-optomechanics . Marquardt is an expert in the theory of cavity-optomechanical 21 systems, and has developed several new directions for this burgeoning field based upon devices developed in the labs of Painter. The Painter group in turn, has begun a new direction in the area of quantum many-body physics with integrated optomechanical crystal circuits, ideas tions and biochemistry. Within the FAU and the Max Planck Institute the Russell group develops novel fibers for applications in quantum optics. The Leuchs group uses photonic crystal fibers to generate squeezed states in a very controlled manner. The Sandoghdar division on the other hand exploits the high spatial confinement and the well-defined mode structure in order to realize one dimensional quantum optical systems with a controlled number of interacting emitters. Photons and Electrons (Fauster, Hommelhoff, Sandoghdar, Götzinger, Peschel) Optomechanical crystal which were proposed in large part by Marquardt and his students. Other groups in the department, including Eric Lutz (theory), are now exploring possible applications of optomechanical concepts as well, in particular the investigation of quantum nonequilibrium processes and the realization of quantum thermodynamic machines, while the Russel group explores optomechanics in photonic crystal fibers. Novel Optical Fibers Particularly Photonic Crystal Fibers (Russell, Leuchs, Sandoghdar, Joly, Götzinger) Since the first demonstration of a photonic crystal fiber in 1996 by the Russell group, these microstructured fibers have attracted a lot of attention due to the unprecedented way they control nonlinearity, dispersion and numerical aperture. These fibers found applications far beyond the pure guiding of light; filled with a liquid they can be used for example in biophysical applica- The photoelectric effect is the simplest interaction of a photon with an electron in matter. The photon is destroyed and its energy is used to excite an electron. It is widely used to study the occupied part of the electronic band structure of solids and their surfaces in angle-resolved photoemission. Higher-order processes like twophoton or multiphoton photoemission can be used to access the unoccupied bands and in addition to sample the electron dynamics in the femto- and attosecond regime. The Fauster group has a long-standing experience with time and angle-resolved two-photon photoemission at various surfaces using femtosecond lasers. Its surface science expertise provides support for the research in photonics and plasmonics where the surface and interface properties become more and more important with increasing miniaturization. In the last two decades multiphoton physics has evolved into strong-field and attosecond physics. 22 While these processes have so far mainly been studied with atoms, the Hommelhoff group set out to investigate if similar phenomena can also be observed at solids. Taking advantage of field enhancement at nanoscale metal tips, the group showed that much of what is known from atoms can indeed be observed also at solids. A prominent example is the elastic re-collision of the photoemitted electron with the parent matter when driven back by the laser field. This can be used as a new means to study surface science, now on the attosecond time scale. With these experiments strong-field physics and nano-optics have been merged, representing a natural tie to the Sandoghdar/Götzinger experiments. Photons and Structure (A. Magerl, T. Unruh) The destruction of the phase coherence of a macroscopic quantum state of a (X-ray) light wave under Bragg condition has the potential to reveal minute disturbances from a perfect periodic dielectric function with an extreme sensitivity, e. g. on crystalline defects far beyond the reach of any other technique. These opportunities, which have been demonstrated, will be developed as well as principles of coherent diffraction imaging of macroscopic objects and including diffraction from optical elements. Nonlinear Light-Matter Interaction (Russell, Joly, Leuchs, Peschel, Marquardt, Sandoghdar, Götzinger) partment six groups are engaged in the investigation of the various phenomena of nonlinear light matter interaction. Russell and Joly investigate super continuum generation in photonics crystal fibers, the Leuchs group studies all-optical signal regeneration in fiber transmission systems while the Peschel group together with the Marquardt group is interested in the nonlinear dynamics in optical systems. Sandoghdar and Götzinger push these nonlinear interactions to their ultimate limit by exploiting the inherent nonlinearity of a single emitter. A laser can be controlled by a single molecule by manipulating its population. Excitons in Organic Crystals, Singlet Fission (T. Fauster, V. Sandoghdar, M. Thoss) One strategy to improve solar-cell efficiency is to generate two excited electrons from just one photon through singlet fission, which is the conversion of a singlet into two triplet excitons. In a concerted effort between synthetic and physical chemistry (Tykwinski, Guldi), surface and molecular physics (Fauster, Sandoghdar) and theoretical physics (Thoss) the fundamental physical processes of singlet fission in pentacene derivatives shall be clarified. This understanding will lead to a knowledge-based design and realization of molecules exploiting singlet fission in highly-efficient next-generation solar cells using environmentally-friendly and inexpensive materials. This project is under consideration for the Emerging Fields Initiative of the FAU. Light-matter interaction is the source of optical nonlinearities and can result in an intriguing dynamics of the light field. Those nonlinear processes crucially influence the quality and capacity of all-optical signal transmission, which is the basis of our modern communication technology. Their understanding is essential for the operation and optimization of lasers and supercontinuum sources, but also touches a lot of fundamental aspects, which are equally important for the description of wave phenomena. In the de23 Snapshot of a quantum spacetime evolved via the quantum Einstein equations according to Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG). The colours indicate the amount of area on the triangles of this topological triangulation. Regions without tetrahedra display holes in the spacetime.''Copyright: Thomas Thiemann (FAU), Milde Marketing (Potsdam), Exozet (Potsdam) Theoretical Physics Research in the Theoretical Physics groups at the FAU physics department comprises a set of different research directions, including statistical physics, soft condensed matter, quantum optics, molecular physics, condensed matter physics, and quantum gravity. These topics will be outlined in some more detail below, together with the strong connections to the experimental groups at the physics department as well as to groups outside physics and outside Erlangen. Statistical Physics and Soft Condensed Matter Theory The language of modern physics is mathematics. The chair of 'Theoretical Physics I' tries to identi- fy novel mathematical methods to describe physical phenomena and is therefore inherently cross-disciplinary. Its main focus is actually on soft condensed matter and biological systems with tools from geometry, computational and statistical physics which can be applied universally to all systems with many degrees of freedom. The chair currently comprises the groups of two professors (Klaus Mecke, Ana Smith), one vacant professorship on mathematical physics (succession of Hajo Leschke), one independent research group (Gerd Schröder-Turk) and one Humboldt fellow (Myfanwy Evans). Since 2005 four members accepted an offer of a professorship: Michel Pleimling (Virginia Tech, 2006), Wolfgang Spitzer (Hagen, 2010), Roland Roth (Tübingen, 2012) and Thomas Franosch (Innsbruck, 2013). 24 With its research focus on the theory of condensed matter, the chair is a central part of the Cluster of Excellence 'Engineering of Advanced Materials' (EAM) which tries to develop novel designs for materials and processes. Current projects address fluids on a nanometer scale and liquid crystals, bio-membranes and cell adhesion, as well as design of elastic and photonic materials with a complex spatial microstructure. In particular, with its expertise in theoretical biophysics, the groups at the chair also collaborate with experimental groups in biophysics, medical physics and medicine (see section on biophysics). With its research focus on statistical physics and morphometry the chair is part of the Erlangen Center for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP), where acoustic wave detection of neutrinos and source detection in gamma-ray astronomy are supported by theoretical analysis. In particular, with its expertise in triangulations and finite projective geometry the chair is part of the Emerging Field Initiative 'Quantum Geometry' (EFQG), in which the mathematical foundations of space and time are studied and intensive co-operations exist with the Department of Mathematics. The chair fosters a lively interaction with the Faculty of Humanities, especially with departments for literature science and philosophy with interdisciplinary research projects, lectures and public outreach activities. It therefore represents the department in the Center for Applied Ethics A partition of space by polygonial cells containing all points which are closest to a sphere: such Voronoitesselations are frequently used as a mathematical tool to characterize spatial structures in condensed matter physics, biophysics and astronomy, for instance. and Science Communication (ZIEW) and the Erlangen Center for Literature and Natural Science (ELINAS). The chair represents the department in the Central Institute for Scientific Computing (ZISC) and the Erlangen Computing Center (RRZE). Quantum Optics and Nanophysics The chair Theoretical Physics II comprises the research groups of Florian Marquardt (who arrived in 2010) and Eric Lutz (who joined in 2013). Its research topics in general involve quantum dynamics in situations that are important for systems at the intersection of quantum optics and nanophysics. Research activity at this interface has become particularly important and fruitful during the past decade. Many experimental systems in the solid state are nowadays investigated to realize goals such as quantum computation or quantum simulation. Very often, the theoretical analysis benefits from employing tools first developed for the field of quantum optics. At the same time, quantum optics and atomic physics systems are being studied to serve as a test bed for ideas from condensed matter physics, e.g. via realizing correlated quantum manybody dynamics in systems of cold atoms in optical lattices. Finally, there is an increasing number of systems which directly combine features from both worlds. For example, the Marquardt group is very active in the field of cavity optomechanics, where one studies the interplay of light with nanomechanical motion. In addition, it carries out research in topics such as quantum electrodynamics in superconducting circuits, decoherence, quantum transport of electrons, and quantum many-body dynamics in electronic systems and cold atoms. The group of Eric Lutz investigates the field of quantum thermodynamics, where concepts from statistical physics and thermodynamics are applied to small quantum systems, such as heat engines made from single ions. 25 There are ongoing collaborations of the Marquardt group with experimental groups at the department and at the MPL, especially with those in the optics domain (e.g. Gerd Leuchs’ quantum information processing division, and Oskar Painter’s newly formed group). Optomechanics is studied experimentally by both the Painter and Russell groups. The Marquardt group is part of a European Marie-Curie ITN network on cavity optomechanics. With its research topics, the chair directly contributes to the new focus on lightmatter interactions at the FAU physics department. The Lutz Optomechanical systems could be used to group is part generate truly nonclassical quantum of a Europestates of mechanical motion, such as the an STREP one shown in this Wigner density plot project and a European COST network on quantum thermodynamics. Quantum Gravity The Institute for Quantum Gravity (IQG; chair for Theoretical Physics III) hosts professors Kristina Giesel, Hanno Sahlmann, Thomas Thiemann and Michael Thies (Fiebiger professorship - renewal approved by the Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts). The current activities at the IQG focus on research in quantum gravity. This is a theory under construction which aims at consistently combining the principles of Einstein's General Relativity (GR) and Quantum Field Theory (QFT). In its current stage, there are still many mathematical questions to be answered which is why the IQG fosters a lively interaction with the Department of Mathematics of the FAU. In fact, the IQG is an integral part of the Emerging Field Project ``Quantum Geometry'' funded by the Emerging Field Office of the FAU in which the expertise of physicists and mathematicians are combined in order to make progress in understanding the mathematical foundations of quantum gravity. When completed, quantum gravity is a theory that will expand our understanding of nature in regimes where the current description breaks down. This concerns in particular the physics of very strong gravitational fields such as close to the cosmological big bang or the interior of black holes as well as ultra high energy elementary and astroparticle physics. Quantum gravity is very likely also required in order to explain for instance the origin of dark energy and the finer details of structure formation in the universe. In principle, corresponding quantum gravity effects can be detected in high precision experiments based on cosmic rays, gravitational waves and the cosmic background radiation and any hints from experiments will guide the mathematical development of the theory. Accordingly, the IQG is part of the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP). The actual computation of possible quantum gravity imprints that are detectable in such experiments is very complicated because the theory can only be non-perturbatively defined and as in QCD one has to resort to sophisticated methods from computational physics. The IQG has therefore set up several collaborations together with members of the chair "Theoretical Physics I" (statistical physics) within the afore mentioned EFP. 26 Condensed Matter Theory The Solid State Theory chair (Professors O. Pankratov and M. Thoss, Privatdozent M. Bockstedte and research assistant S. Shallcross) focuses on the quantum theory of solids, which includes abinitio calculations for bulk materials, surfaces and molecular systems, the development of electronic structure theory beyond the standard density functional schemes and the theory of the nonequilibrium quantum processes. In the Pankratov group, the modelling of materials is stimulated by collaborations with experimental colleagues in Physics and Chemistry (e.g. H. Weber and A. Hirsch on epitaxial graphene and graphene flakes), whereas the density functional theory development (time dependent DFT, diagrammatic formalism for the calculation of excited states within DFT, density matrix functional theory) is a part of a strong international effort. In recent years, special attention in the group has been devoted to graphene and its derivatives which are fascinating systems featuring chiral electron states. The possibility of such states in solids was predicted in the 80s (O. Pankratov, G. Semenoff, F. Haldane and others) but the real “boom” started after discoveries of graphene and – more recently – of the topological insulators. The theory of these systems unites the solid state and the quantum field theory concepts, complemented by ab-initio modeling of realistic materials. This provides a unique platform for collaboration of all theory chairs within the Institute for Theoretical Physics. For example, rippled graphene can be described with quantum field theory on a curved space - the formalism explored in the quantum gravity group of Prof. T. Thiemann. Other prominent examples are multiple mutually rotated graphene layers. Understanding of these systems requires a combination of the Diophantine algebra and of the band structure theory which is a novel concept in the quantum theory of solids. The focus of the research in the Thoss group is the theory and simulation of nonequilibrium processes in quantum many-body systems. Theoretical and computational methods are developed and applied to quantum dynamics and quantum transport in molecules, nanostructures, at surfaces and interfaces. The research projects include fundamental aspects of dynamics and transport in correlated quantum systems, such as interference, decoherence and localization as well as applications to the charge and energy transfer in nanostructures which are relevant for nanoelectronics and photovoltaics. The group has active collaborations with other researchers in Erlangen, including M. Bockstedte on photoinduced charge transfer on surfaces, H. Weber on quantum transport in nanoscale molecular junctions, and T. Clark and M. Halik on charge transport in carbon-based nanostructures. In a new collaboration with several groups in Erlangen (T. Fauster, D. Guldi, R. Tykwinski, V. Sandoghdar) the process of a singlet fission in novel organic materials is being investigated, which holds great promise for improving the efficiency of solar cells. The groups of O. Pankratov and M. Thoss are members of the Interdisciplinary Center for Molecular Materials (ICMM) and of the Central Institute for Scientific Computing (ZISC). They participate with two projects in the SFB 953 ‘Synthetic Carbon Allotropes’ and in the cluster of excellence EAM (‘Engineering of Advanced Materials’). M. Bockstedte is a principal investigator of the DFG research group funCOS (‘Functional Molecular Structures on Complex Oxide Surfaces’). The Thoss group is associated with the cluster of excellence ‘Munich Center of Advanced Photonics (MAP)’. Several former chair members now hold professorships or distinguished researcher positions (R. Winkler, Professor at Northern Illinois University, USA, I. Tokatly, Ikerbasque Research Professor, Univ. San Sebastian, Spain, V. Valeyev, Senior researcher at Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia). 27 Physics didactics fibers and polarizers, to get a hands-on approach to modern research in optics and quantum optics. The professorship for physics didactics is an independent division equivalent to a chair, led by Jan-Peter Meyn. It is in charge of physics teacher training generally, not only for teaching the educational subjects. The complete team is comprised of Dr. Angela Fösel as permanent staff (Akademische Oberrätin), two PhD students, a technician (part-time) and a secretary (parttime). Jan-Peter Meyn serves on a number of teacher-related committees, which represent the Physics Department and stays in contact with the head of Department (Departmentssprecher) and the dean of studies (Studiendekan), but also with the dean of the faculty of science, the university's vice-president for teaching, and the centre of teacher training (ZfL). The inclusion of the physics didactics professor in the Department is in contrast to other models of teacher education within FAU and at other universities. It ensures the best information exchange between the large number of facilities in charge of teacher training, and a teacher students' voice within the faculty. Teacher training for primary and secondary school (Grund- Haupt- und Realschule) is located at the former EWF Campus, Regensburger Straße, in Nuremberg. Dr. Angela Fösel is informally in charge of this branch of teacher training and she is personally present in Nuremberg throughout the lecture period - at the same time she is a regular group member integrated in the professorship's activities. The students' activity programme (Schülerlabor) "Photonik macht Schule" was developed in cooperation with the MPL. More than 1000 high school students have worked with modern optical components such as 28 Teaching The Department of Physics offers bachelor and master programs in physics and materials physics. Prospective high school teachers are trained in Erlangen whereas elementary and middle school teaching is taught at the Department of Didactics in Nuremberg. Apart from these regular, purely physicsoriented bachelor and masters programs, the Department is also involved in courses and programs of an interdisciplinary nature. Integrated life sciences (ILS) is an interdisciplinary bachelor and master program comprising biology, biomathematics and biophysics and is run jointly by the three departments. In addition, physics courses are provided for close to 2000 students in over 20 study programs of the faculties of natural sciences, engineering, and medicine. Most students from other departments or faculties take physics for one year. tion of physics beginners over the last 15 years. A positive trend in the number of physics students in recent years is evident even after the maximum in 2011 due to two graduating high school classes in Bavaria. In the following the physics programs are presented in more detail emphasizing special concepts developed at Erlangen. Physics (BSc, MSc) Students First year Total Physics BSc 157 437 Physics MSc 33 120 Materials Physics BSc 8 26 Materials Physics MSc 0 6 High school 43 173 Elementary school 0 6 Middle school 16 82 ILS BSc 40 145 ILS MSc 10 25 Total 244 773 The table gives an overview of the enrollment in the various programs in the winter term 2013/14 (Source: The total numbers take into account that teachers study two subjects and ILS is shared by three departments. The graphics shows the temporal evolu- The study of physics follows the recommendations ( of the Conference of Physics Departments (KFP). The bachelor program takes three and the master program two years. The basic subjects are covered by six courses in experimental physics and four courses in theoretical physics. In the first three semesters mathematics is mandatory and the students have to choose a minor subject such as astronomy, chemistry, physical chemistry or computer science. Particular emphasis is put on lab courses: In the third semester, students may choose their own projects and work in groups of six students under the guidance of experienced tutors. A lab course in electronics is taught in the fourth semester using advanced state-of-the-art electronic equipment. In these lab courses the traditional writing of reports was replaced by the presentation of the results. In this way, students learn to present their work in front of an audience, an important skill for presenting seminar talks in later studies and for their future career 29 as physicists. The advanced lab courses offer a wide variety of modern experiments in the main research fields of the Department. The advanced lab courses are part of the curriculum in the bachelor studies (fifth semester) and in the first year of the master’s program. They also serve as an introduction into the research at the Department of Physics to aid students in picking the subjects of their bachelor and master’s thesis. A substantial amount of enrolment fees1 was used to modernize the lab course equipment including the excellent observation facilities at the Astronomy Institute in Bamberg. A modern computer pool is available to all students and used for teaching programming, text processing (LaTeX), computational physics and numerical methods. For master’s students inclined more towards theory, the advanced lab course may be replaced by projects in computational physics. The video recording of selected lectures is appreciated by students, because it helps in recapitulating lectures and in preparing for examinations. The physics program leaves plenty of room for a substantial amount of elective courses, so students can specialize in subjects of their choice. Physics in medicine is a special program at the master’s level which is attested by a special diploma. Delving into certain subjects is based on the solid foundation of the basic courses in experimental and theoretical physics. In combination with the skills acquired in the lab courses the students have excellent qualifications for doing high-level research in their bachelor or master’s thesis. Even at the bachelor level many students present their work at the spring meeting of the German physical society or appear as co-authors on publications. In the first year of the master’s program, a more advanced approach is presented in one or two subjects in experimental and theoretical physics that have been covered previously on a more elementary level during the bachelor studies. Elective courses can be chosen on a wide variety of topics and may be used to gain specialized Electronics course competences. These are of use for the work on the master’s thesis during the second year of the master’s studies. In Physics Advanced the Department implements an integrated approach to research and training on the bachelor, master and doctoral programs. The students have the opportunity to tailor their program of studies by choosing a number of elective courses. Students are given the opportunity to find their own balance between the duration and depth of study. Direct application of acquired knowledge is enabled through early immersion in research. This makes Erlangen particularly attractive to both German and foreign students who seek quality education. Physics Advanced is an international program. Lectures are given in German and English. Language courses are offered for students coming from non-German speaking countries. Regular lectures are supported by workshops and seminars with leading international experts to provide more in depth knowledge of certain topics. As a program which cherishes excellence, the Physics Advanced program offers and demands more than other programs. The graduates are awarded a 'Master of Science with Honors' as a sign of the high demands of the program. Materials Physics (BSc, MSc) 1 "Studiengebühren". After their abolition in 2013, these have been replaced by a program funded by the state of Bavaria. The concept of the study program in materials physics emphasizes subjects in condensed mat30 ter physics and incorporates courses offered by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering. It also meets the standards for physics programs of the KFP. The training in mathematics is the same as for the engineering students. The number of courses in experimental and theoretical physics is reduced to four and three, respectively. This leaves room for additional courses in chemistry, materials science or nanotechnology. Physics Teachers (BSc) High school teachers are required to major in two subjects and the recommended match for physics is mathematics. Many courses of the 4.5 year program are used jointly with the bachelor programs of physics and materials physics. Special courses are required in didactics of physics. Teachers have to pass a state examination with special regulations. In order to open other areas of employment the university offers the option to obtain a bachelor degree. A bachelor of sciences (BSc) is awarded, if both subjects are in natural sciences. The Department of Physics strongly supports the introduction of a master of education and the abolition of the state examination. Elementary and middle school teachers are trained at the Department of Didactics in Nuremberg. The physics courses are a minor part of the program. The distance between the two campuses hampers an integration of these students at the Department of Physics. Integrated Life Sciences (BSc, MSc) This interdisciplinary program in biology, biomathematics and biophysics is a result of the transformation of biology to a quantitative life science. It ties in with the research in biophysics and physics in medicine at the Department of Physics. The ILS program is managed by the Department of Biology. Teaching for other Departments The Department of Physics offers lectures and lab courses for close to 2000 non-physicists (engineers, natural scientists, medical students in more than 20 study programs). In the winter term nine courses in experimental physics including exercise classes are taught. We are also striving for excellent teaching in this area. The lecture hall experiments and presentation facilities are continuously being improved using the enrolment fees. Additional tutors are also paid and modern equipment for lab courses also purchased using these funds. The medical students fare extremely well in the tests, since we introduced additional crash courses in physics to prepare for the state examination. Currently we are implementing computer-based examinations for the engineering students. The aim is to have standardized questions, to alleviate the preparation for the test, and to improve the quality of scoring. Ensuring Quality of Teaching The quality of teaching at the Department of Physics is monitored by the student evaluation of the courses. The dean of study affairs oversees and monitors this process. The best lecture of the year is awarded a prize at the graduation ceremony. The student body rewards exceptional dedication for teaching. The results of the evaluation are also used to identify problems in the study program. These questions are discussed in the committee for study affairs (consisting of students and professors) which usually finds adequate solutions in a cooperative manner. Once a year, a plenary meeting of all members of the Department is scheduled. The student union of the physics department is very active, well organized and constructive. Its contributions to the improvement of the study programs and the social life at the department are highly appreciated. The exercise classes on experimental physics during the first year are led by two tutors for 31 each group. These tutors attend a special training course before teaching the class. This innovative concept has led to a significant reduction of the drop-out rate during the first year of physics studies. The university has extended this successful program of the Department of Physics to mathematics and computer science and receives funding from the Higher Education Pact of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Prizes for the best bachelor, master’s, diploma and doctoral theses are awarded at the graduation ceremony each year totaling the sum of 5000 Euro. Our students regularly get prizes also from other foundations or institutions. A significant number of students go abroad for one semester to study at universities in foreign countries. Such exchange is supported in Europe by Erasmus and other programs. The examination regulations explicitly allot the fifth semester for a study abroad. Courses attended at other universities are honored to the largest possible extent towards the degree in Erlangen. Special Courses and Schools The various research areas at the Department are reflected in the wide variety of special lecture courses and schools offered to students. The introductory astronomy lectures and laboratory, which are taught by the members of ECAP, are typically attended by more than half of the Department's 1st year students. ECAP also offers a large number of specialized lectures in astroparticle physics, which cover the whole range from experimental and theoretical particle physics and the theory of gravitation to astronomy and astrophysics. Since 2004 ECAP has been organizing the annual "Schule für Astroteilchenphysik" (school for astroparticle physics), with a typical attendance of 30-40 graduate students from all over Germany who are taught by worldexperts in astroparticle physics. The “Basic courses in optics”, taught by the optics sector comprise four lectures on classical, quantum and non-linear optics, and are open to both bachelor and master’s physics students. They are also delivered for students from Computational Engineering (CE), Integrated Life Science (ILS) and Master of Advanced Optical Technologies (MAOT) The various theory groups offer advanced courses on: mathematical physics, condensed matter theory, biophysics, non-linear dynamics, quantum optics, the physics of cold atoms, nanophysics, open quantum systems, the foundations of quantum mechanics, superconductivity, group theory, and transport in nanosystems. Quantum gravity is a very popular topic among the very best master’s students worldwide, but there is typically a lack of a thorough background in this subject. The Institute for Quantum Gravity (Theory III) has therefore set up a curriculum consisting of six specialized courses (QFT I: Introduction, QFT II: Advanced Topics, GR I: Introduction, GR II: Advanced Topics, Cosmology, Quantum Gravity) which are designed to ideally prepare master’s students for carrying out research projects in quantum gravity during their master and PhD period. With its expertise in computational tools, the chair Theory I is responsible for the CIP-pool, the introductory programming as well as advanced computational physics courses. Another strong topical focus of the teaching activity of the Department is in basic crystallography, scattering methods with X-rays and neutrons, and crystal physics. Single crystal and powder diffraction X-ray experiments were newly made available for students in the form of practical courses. An entire laboratory course in X-ray crystallography was newly designed with instruments adapted to the needs of the students. This process continues and recently with the advent of T. Unruh a laboratory SAXS set up for practical training has been built. 32 The chair of 'Kristallographie und Strukturphysik' organizes excursions to large scale research facilities as, e.g., synchrotron (ESRF, Soleil) and neutron (FRM II, ILL) sources but also others like CERN, Genf or LNCMI, Grenoble. The excursions are well received by the students. This is reflected by the strong over-subscription of the visits, which are regularly offered. Since 2012, the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light organizes together with the Department of Physics at the FAU an annual Autumn Academy on the physics of light. The aim is to introduce undergraduate and master’s students from all over the world to the optical sciences, including topics such as quantum information processing, metamaterials, nano-optics, photonic crystal fibers, nonlinear optics, imaging and sensing. Due to the restriction to 25 participants the application process is quite competitive. The event takes two and a half days with lectures, lab tours and poster session. Tutorials are given by well-known invited lecturers and the MPL directors. In order to attract promising master’s and graduate students from all over Europe, the Department has recently established the FAU Physics Academy. This is a small workshop/tutorial where talented students (at the bachelor and master level) from elsewhere are invited to come to Erlangen and listen to lectures by renowned experts on some research area that is part of the Department's range of topics. The first such academy in April 2013 dealt with the physics of graphene. ( In the German CHE 2012 ranking, the Erlangen Department of Physics was ranked 2nd place regarding its support for students' studies abroad. 33 Outreach In 2010, the Department has started an initiative (Patenschulprogramm) to foster contact with secondary schools in a large area around Erlangen and Nuremberg. Members of the Department visit physics classes for short lectures on specific topics and give information about studying physics. Furthermore, practical support is offered for repairing physics equipment by the Department’s electronics and machine shop of the Department. A positive impact is expected for the number of physics students as well as a reduced number of dropouts. Initiating and keeping contact to young people with interest in science is of invaluable importance for attracting future students. Based on the experience with the Projektpraktikum the Department founded the Erlangen Schülerforschungszentrum für Bayern (ESFZ) in 2009. Four times per year the ESFZ offers a one-week research camps for high school students. The students come from all over Bavaria. They work on self-defined research projects having access to the infrastructure of the Projektpraktikum. Students and scientists from the physics department give them support. Many students of the ESFZ work on their projects for more than a year and many have been awarded prizes at contests as for instance Jugend forscht. ( Samstagmorgen" ("Modern physics on saturday mornings") is a lecture series intended for high school students but also the general lay public. Each semester, it consists of four or five 1-hour talks that are delivered by scientists from the physics department. The audience ranges in size from 50 to more than 200. It includes high school students with their parents as well as other interested members of the public. Every semester, there is a mix of topics, ranging from astrophysics to optics and condensed matter. Care is taken to prepare talks that are generally accessible for non-experts. The feedback has been very positive, and there is usually a lively discussion after the lectures. The talks are announced via the Department’s website, through a press release via the FAU Faculty of Sciences, as well as through direct mailings to nearby schools. php?title=Moderne_Physik_am_Samstagmorgen Special offers are made for female high school students at the “Girl’s Day”, which takes place once a year. A more specific and focused field of research is covered within the quantum lab. Classes can spend a teaching unit at the Department to work on quantum phenomena with photons (entanglement, photon statistics, interference). web: tumlab Another outreach effort has been introduced in 2012 by the Department: "Moderne Physik am The Physics Department takes a major role in the biennial “Long Night of Sciences” (Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften), the biggest Science event in Germany (about 30.000 visitors) by demonstrating (hands on) experiments and giving scientific talks to a broad audience of more than 2000 visitors alone in the Physics Department. Last but not least, ECAP has a large outreach program in astronomy and particle physics. An34 nually 1000 - 2000 members of the public participate in observing the night sky and in guided tours of Remeis-observatory, in addition the observatory's facilities are also used by local schools. ECAP researchers are also active in the Netzwerk Teilchenwelt, a nationwide network which introduces high school students to particle physics. 35 Statistics and Overview ment2 exceeds 4 200. Among these publications are numerous published in high impact journals like no. of publications In the years since 2008, approximately 1600 publications have been published by members of the Department (with an Erlangen address line), as counted by the Thomson-Reuters Scientific Web of Science (WoS). The yearly statistics are displayed in the figure below. These publications have been cited about 17000 times within that time interval (excluding self-citations). Nature (Impact Factor 38): 27 publications, Science (31): 22, Reviews of Modern Physics (45): 2, Nature Group (~25): 40, Advanced Materials (14): 10, Physical Review Letters (8): 254, Astrophysical Journal (Letter) (~7): 86 The yearly statistics for current faculty members are shown in the figure below. no. of publications Publications Originating from the Department 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 year Among these publications are numerous published in high impact journals like Nature (Impact Factor 38): 5 publications, Science (31): 7, Reviews of Modern Physics (45): 2, Nature Group (~25): 16, Advanced Materials (14): 8, Physical Review Letters (8): 85, Astrophysical Journal (Letter) (~7): 63. Going back 20 years (1993 - 2003), the total number of publications from the Physics Department is exceeding 7 000 in that time interval. Publication Statistics for Current Faculty Members We emphasize that these statistics are conservative as WoS does not count citations to and from papers on the arXiv server and a reasonable number of conference proceedings are not measured by WoS. Roughly speaking, if these were included (as measured by other services such as Google Scholar), the number of publications for some researchers would be up to twice as high and the h-indices generally increase by about 10%-20%. In the CHE 2012 ranking, the total number of publications by the department in Erlangen put it at 12th place among 62 German physics departments ("top group"), and the number of publications per researcher and citations per paper was ranked in the middle group. The total amount of papers published at any time in the past by the current professors and permanent members (as of 2013) in the Depart2 All W1/W2/W3 professors, as well as apl. professors and permanent scientific staff 36 Third Party Funding Infrastructure The graphics shows the third party funding (including DFG, BMBF, EU funding etc.) of the physics department over the last 5 years3. The four main buildings of the physics department are located in close vicinity to each other on the southern campus of the FAU (Staudtstr. / Erwin-Rommel-Str.). 12 10 Biophysics shares a building with Medical Physics near the city center and the Astronomy Institute is for historical reasons based in Bamberg. M€ 8 6 4 2 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 year Currently, the average amount of third party funding is around 10 M€/year and equals roughly the university-funded personnel costs of the department (Landesmittel). In the CHE (Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung) 2012 ranking of 62 German physics departments, the annual amount of third party funding acquired by the Erlangen physics department ranked 13th place (in the "top group"), and the amount of funding per researcher was ranked in the "middle group". Regarding third party funding obtained from industry, the Erlangen physics department ranked 2nd place (after the KIT Karlsruhe). In the number of possibly patent-relevant inventions, Erlangen was ranked 1st place in the CHE 2012 ranking. PhD students The number of annual dissertations at the physics department in Erlangen is about 30 - 40 (recent numbers): 2010: 30 2011: 37 2012: 39 3 These data have been obtained from the central university administration and the data for 2011 and 2012 had to be corrected for an administrative mistake in the raw data The physics department occupies about 18.000 m² of space. One third is used for offices and one third for labs. The remaining third is divided about equally for machine shops, lab courses and lecture/seminar rooms. Special facilities The facilities of the department include 5 focused ion beam machines and 4 scanning electron microscopes with e-beam writing. Numerous machines for evaporation and sputtering of metals and dielectrics are available as well as dry chemical etching and CVD machines for III-V, and Si related materials. 3 smaller clean rooms are located at the individual chairs, but no central clean room facility exists. Resources from university There are 165 university-provided positions (Landesstellen) at the department. In addition, the university provides some amount of yearly base funding for each chair at the department. In total, currently these funds (Titelgruppe 73) amount to 450,000 EUR per year for the whole department. This amount is distributed according to a performance-related model. The student enrollment fees amount to about 400,000 EUR per year and are dedicated to the improvement of studying and teaching. After the replacement of the enrollment fees by state funds we expect an amount of about 360,000 EUR per year. 37 Selected important awards & prizes Current and past faculty members of the department have received numerous important awards and important personal grants. These include: Alexander von Humboldt professorship: O. Painter, V. Sandoghdar Alfried-Krupp-von-Bohlen-Halbach Chair: P. St. J. Russell ICMM - Interdisciplinary Centre for Molecular Materials ICICP - Interdisciplinary Center for InterfaceControlled Processes CENEM - Center for Nanoanalysis and Electron Microscopy SFB 953 - "Synthetic Carbon Allotropes" Start ups Endowed Körber prize: P. St. J. Russell Gottfried-Wilhelm Leibniz prize: G. Anton Walter Schottky Award for Solid State Physics of the German Physical Society: G.H. Döhler (ret.), P. Müller (ret.) Th. Seyller (now W3 at Chemnitz university), F. Marquardt Erwin Schrödinger prize: H.B. Weber ERC grants: Starting Grants for F. Marquardt and A.S. Smit; Consolidator Grant for P. Hommelhoff; Advanced Grants for V. Sandoghdar and G. Leuchs Interdisciplinary projects, contribution to university wide initiatives The physics department is part of or contributes to the following initiatives and networks within the university: EAM - Excellence Cluster Engineering of Advanced Materials SAOT - Graduate School Advanced Optical Technologies within the Excellence Initiative OICE - Optical Imaging Centre Erlangen EFI Quantum Geometry - Emerging Field Initiative (a competitive program within the university) EFC Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics Emerging Field Centre Several start up companies have emerged from activities within the department or co-founded by members of the department. There are two companies in the area of optics that have been founded by members of the department: 3DShape GmbH (founded in 2001, 3D Sensors, Metrology Services) and OPTOCRAFT (founded in 2001, wave front sensors), both located in Erlangen. Another recent startup is feinarbyte in Erlangen (founded in 2011, automation). International Guests Researchers at the department regularly host senior researchers for longer-term visits, e.g. in the context of the Alexander von Humboldt program and similar programs. A partial list from the recent past includes the following: The Institute for Quantum Gravity hosted Prof. Jurek Lewandowski (U. Warsaw, Poland), Prof. Robert Oeckl (U. Morelia, Mexico) and Affiliate Prof. Florian Girelli (U. Waterloo, ON, Canada); Jörn Wilms (Astronomy) hosted the Humboldt Fellow A. Markowitz (Univ. Calif. San Diego); Thomas Fauster hosted Marko Kralj (Zagreb) as a Humboldt Fellow; A. Magerl hosted Prof. A. Rempel (Ural State University); Oleg Pankratov hosted Dr. J. Klepeis (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA) and Dr. V. Valeyev (Senior researcher at Kurchatov Institute, Moscow); P. Müller hosted Prof. Dr. Lütfi Özyüzer (Izmir Institute of Technology) as a Humboldt fellow; A. S. Smith hosts David Smith (visiting professor within EAM); J. v. Zanthier hosted Girish S. Agarwal (Humboldt Prize); G. Leuchs hosted Luis L. Sanchez-Soto, R. W. Boyd (Humboldt Prize), Elisabeth Giacobino (Humboldt Prize), and the Humboldt fellows Radim Filip and Dmitry Streka38 lov and others; P. Russell hosted Joseph Zyss (Humboldt Prize). Workshops & schools International workshop 'Quantum transport in nanoscale molecular systems', Telluride, USA (2013, M. Thoss) Workshop Frontiers of Nanomechanics, ICTP Trieste (September 2013, Marquardt) Members of the department are active in organizing workshops and schools, both in Erlangen and at international centres. This is best illustrated by a list of such workshops organized in the year 2013 alone. In and around Erlangen, the following workshops have been organized: FAU Physics Academy: Cutting-Edge Research on Graphene (April 2013, H. Weber) 13th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations in Nuremberg (June 2013, G. Leuchs as Chairperson) CENEM Workshop Neutrons For Functional Materials in Erlangen (June 2013, T. Unruh) International Workshop on Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy 2013 in Erlangen (W. Eyrich) Second Erlangen Fall School on Quantum Geometry (October 2013, Institute for Quantum Gravity together with the mathematics department) Workshop/School on Cavity Optomechanics in Erlangen, within the European Marie-Curie ITN network cQOM (October 2013, F. Marquardt) 10th Erlangen School for Astroparticle Physics for young scientists, in ObertrubachBärenfels (October 2013, ECAP) Members of the department are also acting as (co-)organizers of workshops at various international venues, for example (in 2013): Workshop on Mathematical Methods of Quantum Tomography, Field's Institute, Toronto (February 2013, G. Leuchs) Photonics workshop in Mont Tremblant, Canada (March 2013, G. Leuchs) 39 Alumni Non tenured junior researchers working at the FAU physics department are receiving offers for permanent professorships from universities worldwide. Examples from recent years include: Michel Pleimling (Virginia Tech, 2006) Wolfgang Spitzer (Hagen, 2010) Roland Roth (Tübingen, 2012) Thomas Franosch (Innsbruck, 2013) Martin Weinelt (FU Berlin) Christine Silberhorn (Paderborn, 2010) Stefan Müller (TU Hamburg Harburg, 2010) Reinhold Kleiner (Tübingen, 2001) Peter van Loock (Mainz, 2012) Oliver Waldmann (Freiburg, 2004) Thomas Seyller (TU Chemnitz, 2012) Markus Schmidt (Jena, 2012) Fabio Biancalana (Edinburgh, 2012) Natalia V. Korolkova (Univ. of St. Andrews, 2003) Norbert Lütkenhaus, (Waterloo, Canada, 2006) Ulrik L. Andersen, (DTU Lyngby 2006) Klaus Helbing (Wuppertal 2006) In addition, PhDs graduating from the Erlangen physics department in several cases have proceeded to a succesful international academic career. Examples include: Andreas Wallraff (PhD 2001, Full Prof. ETH Zürich) Peter Müller (PhD 1996, Prof. in mathematics,. LMU München) Michael Kneissl (PhD 1996, Prof. TU Berlin & FBH Berlin) Simone Warzel (PhD 2001, Prof. in mathematics, TU München) Karsten Reuter (PhD 1998, W3 TU München 2009) Volker Blum (PhD 2001, Associate professor Duke Univ 2013) 40 Faculty This chapter presents the professors (W3/W2/W1) of the Department in alphabetical order. At the end of this chapter, the “apl” (adjunct) professors are presented. 41 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gisela Anton (b. 1955) W3, Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP) The research of Gisela Anton covers particle and astroparticle physics, detector development and medical physics. She started in experimental hadron physics with investigations on the spin structure of proton and neutron and on nucleon resonances. In 1995 she was awarded the prestigious Leibniz-Preis of the German Science Foundation. In 2001 she entered the field of astroparticle physics with the participation in the neutrino telescope project ANTARES, and later KM3NeT. She worked on the detector calibration, on the physics analysis of ANTARES data and she evaluated the method of acoustic particle detection for ultra high energy neutrinos. She was elected chair of the ANTARES institute board for 2006 to 2012. Together with her colleague U. Katz she founded in 2007 the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP). As an experimental physicist she has strong interests in detector development. This interest extends to possible applications of particle detectors to other science fields. In 1999 she became member of the Medipix-collaboration, a CERN-based group of institutes worldwide, who develop semiconductor detectors for X-rays and particles. As an example, she investigated the application of pixel detectors for internal tracking of low energy particles. Further, within these activities she worked on grating-based Xray phase contrast imaging. For her project she was awarded the “Innovationspreis Medizintechnik” of the German Ministry of Science in 2008. The scientific work of Gisela Anton resulted in 206 publications with more than 4700 citations (h-index of 39) and 8 patents so far. Research in the Anton group Astroparticle Physics Neutrino telescopes offer a new and deep view into cosmic objects due to the weak interaction of neutrinos. G. Anton and U.Katz are both members of the ANTARES and KM3NeT collaborations. They lead in common the Erlangen group which comprises more than 25 physicists. In ANTARES scientists from ECAP are responsible for the detector position calibration and monitoring, for the analysis software and for data production. The physics analysis work addresses for example the search for neutrino signals from dark matter annihilation, the search for neutrinos in coincidence with gamma-ray bursts and the measurement Professional Career 1995-now W3-professor at FAU, Erlangen 1990-1991 Visiting researcher at the proton accelerator lab Saturne, France 1989-1995 Research Assistant (C1) at the University of Bonn 1983-1989 Postdoc at the University of Bonn Functions, boards and panels since 1995 Referee of various journals since 1995 Reviewer for projects of DFG, BMBF, MPG, HGF, EU and other funding agencies since 1999 Advisory Board of the German National Metrology Institute (PTB) 2000-2007 Referee for the German Science Foundation (Fachkollegium Teilchenphysik) 2002-2005 German Committee for Hadron and Nuclear Physics (KHuK) 2002-2007 supervisory board of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe 2003-2006 BMBF board of reviewers for hadron and nuclear physics 2003-2012 Chair of the Jury of the German Contest for Young Scientists “Jugend forscht” 2004-2007 German Committee for Astroparticle Physics (KAT) 2004-2011 Physics Research Committee at DESY 2006-2012 Chair of the Institute Board of the ANTARES collaboration 2008-2012 Managing director of the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP) 2009-2013 Deputy chair of the section for Particle Physics of the German Physical Society 2013-2015 Scientific Advisory Committee of the Astroparticle Physics European Consortium Prizes and Awards 1975 German Contest for Young Scientists “Jugend forscht” (Bundessieger Physik) 1994 Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Preis of the German Science Foundation (DFG) 1995 German Federal Republic Order of Merit 2000 Bavarian University Teaching Award 2008 Innovation Award Medical Technology (Innovationspreis Medizintechnik des BMBF) 2009 Bavarian Order of Merit (Bayerischer Verdienstorden) 2010 Bavarian “Maximilian” Order of Merit _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-4840-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 40 (+ 14 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 77 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ of the atmospheric muon and neutrino flux in the TeV-energy regime. For KM3NeT, the ECAP group has contributed considerably to the design and initiation of the project (U.Katz has been coordinator of the EU 42 funded design study). As an example, with colleagues from the Dutch institute NIKHEF they designed the optical modules for Km3NeT. Neutrinos with energies above the region of 1017 eV can induce acoustic signals in water. The ECAP group has designed and constructed a system of acoustic sensors connected to the ANTARES detector. The system is running smoothly and is continuously taking data since 2008. It enables a unique long term evaluation of the relevant acoustic background in the Sea. Up to date neutrino oscillation experiments yield information on the differences between neutrino masses leaving an ambiguity to the mass ordering and the absolute mass. By observation of atmospheric neutrinos having travelled through Earth this ambiguity can be resolved. The ECAP group is performing design and sensitivity studies for a detector to measure this neutrino flux. Here, challenges arise from the relatively low neutrino energies of about 2 to 20 GeV. Detector development Liquid xenon is employed as detector material for the search for the neutrino-less double beta decay. Solid xenon may turn out as an even better sensor material. In collaboration with the group of J. Hee at Fermilab (USA) the Anton group investigates the behavior of solid xenon as particle detector. The focus is on the imaging of eV-electrons from the ionization track produced by the MeV-electrons from double beta decay. A world-wide group of institutes including CERN formed the Medipix collaboration for the _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications [1] M. Filipenko, T. Gleixner, G. Anton, J. Durst, T. Michel: Characterization of the energy resolution and the tracking capabilities of a hybrid pixel detector with CdTe-sensor layer for a possible use in a neutrinoless double beta decay experiment, EPJ C (2013) s10052-013-2374-1 [2] ANTARES Collaboration, S. Adrian-Martinez,…G. Anton,…: First search for neutrinos in correlation with gamma-ray bursts with the ANTARES neutrino telescope, JCAP 03 (2013) 6 [3] G. Anton et al.: Grating-based darkfield imaging of human breast tissue., ZMP 23 (2013) 228 [4] ANTARES Collaboration, J. A. Aguilar, ..., G. Anton, ..., AMADEUS - The acoustic neutrino detection test system of the ANTARES deep-sea neutrino telescope, Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 626 (2011) 128. [5] KM3NeT Collaboration, P. Bagley, ..., G. Anton, ..., KM3NeT Technical Design Report, ISBN 978-90-6488033-9 (2010). Available from: development of semiconductor pixel detectors. Scientists in the Anton group belong to the core groups of the Medipix collaboration driving new developments and holding some patents in the field. They are employing the detectors for use in particle physics, in dosimetry and in X-ray imaging. They cooperate with Fraunhofer institutes and local companies for several imaging modalities. Medical X-ray imaging Medical imaging requires high image quality at low dose. The application of pixel detectors with photon counting and energy resolved imaging allows to enhance the contrast of soft tissue for some modalities. The high photon flux and the high dynamic range are challenging. The Anton group developed a detailed model for the simulation of the detector behavior. Based on a deep understanding of the details they are able to optimize the imaging systems. In addition to the attenuation property also the diffraction ability of material can be employed to gain imaging information. In this context, the Anton group concentrates on dark field imaging which is sensitive to the granularity of a material. These granular properties are yet unknown for human organs and for healthy versus pathological tissue. The group has been the first to image cancer signatures of micrometer-sized calcifications in breast tumors at a tolerable radiation dose. They are collaborating with scientists from the medical faculty to explore further application modalities. Colleagues from the informatics department support the image analysis. Teaching and outreach For the education in experimental physics within the bachelor program G. Anton established the Projektpraktikum and on a similar basis for the motivation of high school students in research she founded the Erlangen Schülerforschungszentrum für Bayern (ESFZ) ( For more information on both see the main body of the report. In 2004, together with U. Katz she founded the German School for Astroparticle Physics, an annual school for PhD students. Today it is a well established activity of the German astroparticle community under the umbrella of ECAP and the Helmholtz Allianz of Astroparticle Physics. Funding Selected funding of the past few years (in average 1.1 Mio Euro per year): BMBF-Verbundforschung ANTARES, EU design study and preparatory phase study KM3NeT, BMBF Innovationspreis Medizintechnik, BMBF Forschungsspitzencluster Medical Valley, Industries ___________________________________________________________________________ 43 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ben Fabry (b. 1967) C4, Chair for Biophysics Ben Fabry’s main research area is molecular, cellular and tissue biomechanics. After his studies at the Technical University of Dresden, he joined the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine division at Draegerwerk AG, Lübeck, Germany, and subsequently the Department of Clinical Physiology at the University of Basel where he worked on respiratory physiology. His main contribution during that time was the development of the “Automatic Tube Compensation” mode, which is now an industry standard in modern intensive care ventilators. After receiving his doctorate degree in 1995, he was research assistant and after 1999 research associate at the Physiology Program, Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, where he worked on smooth muscle physiology and cellular biomechanics. His discovery that cells behave mechanically as a scale-free soft glassy material has advanced the prevailing sol-gel theory of cell mechanics and has led to fundamental insights into the pathophysiology of human diseases that are rooted in aberrant cell mechanics, such as asthma and cancer. Since 2003, Ben Fabry has been full professor at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, and since 2005 has been co-director of the Center for Medical Physics and Technology at the University. His current research emphasis is on how cells respond to mechanical signals, and how they coordinate their mechanical behavior during contraction, migration, differentiation and proliferation. One specific focus of his research is cancer cell invasion in tissue. His approach has been driven by the idea that the complex mechanical behavior of cells can be understood from concepts derived from the physics of soft materials. He has also developed novel technologies including magnetic micro-rheometers, and computational methods for traction reconstruction in 3-dimensional tissue matrices. Ben Fabry has given more than 100 invited talks, he has written 1 patent and 135 publications which are cited over 4100 times (h-index: 38) Professional Career 2005-now Co-director, Center for Medical Physics and Technology 2003-now W3 professor at the FAU, Erlangen 1999-2003 Research Associate, Physiology Program, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA 1996-1999 Research Fellow, Physiology Program, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA 1991-1996 PhD-student, Institute of Clinical Physiology, University of Basel, Switzerland _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-5496-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 5 Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 33 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ collagen fiber networks to study cells in a more physiological 3-D environment. Biopolymer network morphology Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and is responsible for the mechanical integrity of connective tissue, tendons, cartilage and bones. Cell behavior in collagen strongly depends on the collagen network morphology. By changing the protein concentration, polymerization temperature, pH, and crosslinker concentration, morphological properties such as pore size, fiber thickness, fiber length or branching ratio can be precisely tuned. This work is done in collaboration with Klaus Mecke and Gerd Schroeder-Turk (Theoretical Physics, FAU). Collagen mechanical properties Collagen mechanical properties are complex, nonlinear, highly dynamic, and not well understood. In collaboration with the rheology group of David Weitz (Harvard University), we investigate the mechanical properties of collagen gels on a macroscopic as well as a microscopic level. These data can then be used to measure cell traction forces. Traction forces Research in the Fabry group Cell behavior in a 3-D extracellular matrix In traditional hard, flat plastic cell culture (Petri) dishes, cell behavior such as force generation, migration, adhesion or cytoskeletal organization differs substantially from that observed in a 3-dimensional (3-D) environment where cells are embedded in a flexible, degradable extracellular matrix. We use reconstituted Traction forces are important, for instance, for the migration of cells (such as cancer cells or white blood cells) through the connective tissue. 3-D tractions can be calculated by measuring the deformation field of the connective tissue matrix surrounding a cell. The image below shows the elastic strain energy stored in the extracellular matrix surrounding a breast carcinoma cell. This work is done in collaboration with Jeffrey Fredberg and James Butler (Harvard University) 44 from an elevated position and tracking the head of every single penguin for several hours. This work has excited widespread public interest and has been featured in international media including the NY Times, Scientific American, National Geographic, and the BBC. Teaching Ben Fabry is the coordinator of the physics masters program “Physics in Medicine”, and the program advisor of the department of physics for the interdisciplinary bachelor and masters program “Integrated Life Sciences: Biology, Biophysics, Biomathematics”, which is a joint program with the departments of biology and mathematics. Both programs are popular with students and contribute vitally to the attractiveness of Erlangen for studying physical sciences. Funding ~280.000 €/year (DFG, EC) Huddling in penguin colonies Many of the concepts of cell mechanics and dynamics penguin gets to pass the warmest zone in the center of the huddle. In collaboration with Daniel Zitterbart can be extended to more complex living systems, for example emperor penguins. During the Antarctic winter, emperor penguins have to endure temperatures down to -50° Celsius combined with strong winds. To conserve energy, they move close together and share their body heat (huddling). Movements inside the huddle are highly coordinated so that every (Institute for Marine and Polar Research Bremerhaven) and Andre Ancel (CNRS Strasbourg), we study how penguin huddles move, and how the penguins move inside the huddle, by taking time lapse images _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Mechanical control of cyclic AMP signalling and gene transcription through integrins, Nat Cell Biol 2, 666 (2000) Scaling the microrheology of living cells. Phys Rev Lett 87, 148102 (2001) Cytoskeletal remodelling and slow dynamics in the living cell. Nat Mater. 4, 557 (2005) Single-cell response to stiffness exhibits muscle-like behavior, Proc Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 106, 18243 (2009) Strain history dependence of the nonlinear stress response of fibrin and collagen networks, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 110, 12197 (2013) ___________________________________________________________________________ 45 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thomas Fauster (b. 1955) C4, Chair for Solid State Physics The research of Thomas Fauster is in the field of experimental surface science. He has used many different techniques throughout his career, but the current work is focused on photoelectron spectroscopy using femtosecond lasers. Thomas Fauster studied physics in Würzburg and joined for his PhD work on inverse photoemission the group of F. J. Himpsel at IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA in 1981. After receiving his PhD from the University of Würzburg in 1984 he worked in the group of V. Dose in Würzburg and at the Max-PlanckInstitute for Plasma Physics in Garching. The work on low-energy ion scattering led to his habilitation in 1988. From 1989 to 1994 he supervised the group of W. Steinmann (president at that time) at the LudwigMaximilians University in Munich. There he used photoemission techniques, in particular two-photon photoemission from image-potential states. In 1996, Thomas Fauster became full professor at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. His work is well known resulting in numerous invited talks at international conferences and workshops. Thomas Fauster has been president of the Bavarian regional chapter and member of the supervisory board of the German Physical Society for twelve years. He also serves in many committees at the FAU and as dean of study affairs at the department of physics. (140 publications, h-index: 40, 1 habilitation) Research in the Fauster group Electron dynamics using time-resolved twophoton photoemission Our investigations aim at a fundamental physical understanding of the mechanisms and processes involved at a microscopic atomic and electronic level. In recent years progress to apply the techniques to more complex surface systems has been achieved. The experimental methods are in part developed by the group and involve the use of femtosecond laser systems and high-resolution electron spectrometers. Other tools such as low- energy electron diffraction, scanning tunneling microscopy and advanced surface preparation methods are also employed. Professional Career 1996-now W3-professor at FAU, Erlangen 1995 Acting professor, University of Würzburg 1989-1994 Acting professor, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich 1986-1996 Research staff, Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching 1984-1985 Academic assistant, University of Würzburg 1982-1983 PhD student, IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: B-3096-2012 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 21 (+ 3 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 40 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Image-potential states Electrons in front of a metal surface can be trappped in image-potential states. These lightly bound states are a sensitive probe of surfaces and serve in particular as model systems to study the electron dynamics at surfaces. The method allows to separate decay and dephasing of electronic states. Recent studies concern image-potential states on epitaxial graphene layers on metals and silicon carbide. Unoccupied electronic structure and dynamics of topological insulators A new class of materials which has gained interest in recent years are toplogical insulators which are semiconductors in the bulk and have topologically protected spin-polarized metallic suface states. We are investigating the electronic structure of the unoccupied band structure and the electron dynamics of the excited states. A topological surface state has a linear dispersion (Dirac cone). Spin and momentum are intrinsically locked. The two-photon photoemission intensity at constant energy shows the circle for Bi2Se3. With circularly-polarized light the opposite spin orientation on opposite sides of the Dirac 46 cone is revealed. Along the circular cut a three-fold spin pattern develops further away from the intersection point. Steinrück. A new initiative on "singlet fission" involves D. Guldi, V. Sandoghdar, M. Thoss and R. Tykwinski. Two-photon photoemission from semiconductors and oxides Teaching The complex reconstructions of semiconductor surfaces lead in turn to a complicated surface electronic structure. For Si(100) we identified a bound surface exciton in the dangling bond bands and investigated the electron dynamics. On Si(553)-Au evidence for spin-polarized edge states was found. Oxide films are studied as substrate for molecular adsorbates in preparation for the recently funded DFG research unit. As dean of study affairs I am responsible for the organization and evaluation of the teaching at the department of physics. One challenging aspect is providing adequate courses for non-physicists (engineers, natural scientist, medical students) including innovative computer-based tests. The training of the physics students is continuously improved using the enrollment fees to pay additional tutors and buy modern equipment for lab courses. Funding Selected collaborations The main collaboration partners are in alphabetical order: E. V. Chulkov (San Sebastian), P. M. Echenique (San Sebastian), F. J. Himpsel (Madison), U. Höfer (Marburg), R. M. Osgood (Columbia Univ. New York), K. Tanimura (Osaka), M. Weinelt (FU Berlin). The network in Erlangen focuses on the DFG Research Unit funCOS where we have a joint project with H. P. DFG individual grant (2007-2010, 1 PhD) DFG research unit funCOS (2013-, 1 PhD) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Oberflächenphysik: Grundlagen und Methoden, Th. Fauster, L. Hammer, K. Heinz, M. A. Schneider, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag (2013) Unoccupied topological states on bismuth chalcogenides, D. Niesner, Th. Fauster, S. V. Eremeev, T. V. Menshchikova, Yu. M. Koroteev, A. P. Protogenov, E. V. Chulkov, O. E. Tereshchenko, K. A. Kokh, O. Alekperov, A. Nadjafov, and N. Mamedov, Phys. Rev. B 86, 205403 (2012) Unoccupied electronic states at step edges on Si(553)Au, K. Biedermann, S. Regensburger, Th. Fauster, F. J. Himpsel, and S. C. Erwin, Phys. Rev. B 85, 245413 (2012) Trapping surface electrons on graphene layers and islands, D. Niesner, Th. Fauster, J. I. Dadap, N. Zaki, K. R. Knox, P.-C. Yeh, R. Bhandari, R. M. Osgood, M. Petrović, and M. Kralj, Phys. Rev. B 85, 081402 (2012) Unoccupied dimer-bond state at Si(001) surfaces, Th. Fauster, S. Tanaka, and K. Tanimura, Phys. Rev. B 84, 235444 (2011) Decay of electronic excitations at metal surfaces, P. M. Echenique, R. Berndt, E. V. Chulkov, Th. Fauster, A. Goldmann, and U. Höfer, Surf. Sci. Rep. 52, 219 (2004) ___________________________________________________________________________ 47 . ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kristina Giesel (b. 1977) W2, Institute for Theoretical Physics III (Quantum Gravity) The research field of Kristina Giesel is quantum gravity, particularly loop quantum gravity, which is a current candidate for a theory of quantum gravity. Related fields relevant for research in loop quantum gravity are general relativity, quantum field theory, cosmology and astroparticle physics. She studied at the University of Kiel, the University of Warwick, UK and the Technical University of Dortmund. In 2007 she received her PhD from the University of Potsdam, Germany. The research during her PhD focused on the semiclassical analysis of the Quantum Einstein Equations, which describe the dynamics of loop quantum gravity. From 2006-2010 she held postdoc positions at the Max-PlanckInstitute for Gravitational Physics (Albert-EinsteinInstitute) in Potsdam, Germany, the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (Nordita) Stockholm, Sweden and the Excellence Cluster Universe (Technical University Munich), where she continued her research in loop quantum gravity in a research environment with a strong focus on theoretical cosmology. In fall 2010 she accepted an offer from Louisiana State University, US for an Assistant Professorship in physics and she became a W2 professor at the FAU ErlangenNürnberg in 2011. Her total number of citations are 385/191 (spires-hep/ web of science), the average citation number per article is 29.6/14.7, her h-index is 10/9 for her 16/13 publications. She has given more than 25 invited talks at national and international institutes and conferences respectively and 5 invited compact courses on loop quantum gravity at national and international universities. For her research during her PhD she was awarded the Michelson Prize of the Science Department of the University of Potsdam and the Carl-Ramsauer Prize of the German Physical Society of Berlin in 2007. Research in the Giesel group Loop quantum gravity (LQG) is a candidate for a theory of quantum gravity that tries to consistently combine the principles of general relativity and quantum field theory. LQG takes the canonical version of general relativity as a classical starting point and then uses the technique of canonical quantization to obtain the corresponding quantum theory. One of the main research direction we focus on is the implementation of the dynamics of loop quantum gravity. Professional Career 2011-now W2-professor at FAU, Erlangen 2010-2011 Assistant professor, Louisiana State University, US 2009-2010 Postdoc Excellence Cluster Universe, Technical University Munich, Germany. 2008-2009 Postdoc Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Nordita, Sweden, Stockholm. 2006-2008 Postdoc Max-Planck-Institute for Theoretical Physics (Albert-Einstein-Institute), Postdam Germany. 2003-2007 PhD student University of Potsdam (graduated Feb. 2007, started Postdoc already in Oct. 2006) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-8699-2013 Website: people/giesel.shtml Supervised PhD theses: 1 in progress Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 3 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dynamics in the classical theory In general relativity the dynamics is encoded in Einstein's equations, which describe the interaction between matter (including everything except gravity) and gravity, which is - due to Einstein's fundamental description of gravity - related to the geometry of spacetime. Already at the classical level Einstein's equations have a complicated structure and only in very special cases, as for instance when the geometry of the spacetime has symmetries, analytical solutions of the dynamical equations are known. Quantum dynamics In the quantum theory the classical dynamics is replaced by the so called Quantum Einstein Equations (in its seminal formulation known as the WheelerDeWitt equation). They describe how quantum matter is interacting with quantum geometry at the fundamental level. Since within the framework of LQG also geometry becomes quantized a classical geometry no longer exists. As a consequence, for geometric observables such as volume, area and length corresponding operators exist in the quantum theory and possible measurement of these quantities are determined by the spectra of these operators. Particularly, the volume operator is important for the precise form of the Quantum Einstein Equations. Semiclassical limit of quantum gravity A pivotal role in the formulation of LQG plays the proper implementation of these quantized Einstein equations and the analysis of their semiclassical limit. 48 There are two limits that are of interest. In the limit where the quantum properties of the geometry as well as the matter play a negligible role classical general relativity should be recovered. On the other hand, in the regime, where the quantum geometry is peaked around some classical spacetime but matter is still treated as a full quantum object it should be possible to rediscover ordinary quantum field theories on classical (curved) spacetimes. These are consistency checks any theory of quantum gravity needs to pass. The technical tool, which is used to analyze the semiclassical sector of LQG are coherent and semiclassical states respectively. Likewise to ordinary quantum mechanics, these are states, which allow to perform a transition from the quantum to the (semi-)classical regime. The currently existing coherent states for LQG are constructed in analogy to the harmonic oscillator coherent states and are therefore not very well adapted to the dynamics of the Quantum Einstein Equations. Consequently, currently a semiclassical analysis is only possible and has only been performed on very short time scales as otherwise the existing coherent states loose their good semiclassical properties. To construct semiclassical states, which are bet ter adapted to the quantum dynamics of LQG is one of our current research projects. Cosmological consequences A natural testing arena for effects of quantum gravity is cosmology. Particularly primordial perturbations, which seeded the large scale structure of the universe and which manifest themselves as small anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are a promising candidate to test quantum gravity effects in the early universe. By measuring the anisotropies in the CMB with experiments such as PLANCK one can infer the spectrum of the primordial perturbations. This opens a window to the underlying physics in the very early universe, which might help to test characteristic properties of quantum gravity models. Therefore, another research project is to develop techniques for LQG, which allow to extract the cosmological sector from loop quantum gravity. Selected collaborations Our group interacts with most of the other (loop) quantum gravity groups worldwide. Closer international collaborations exist with the quantum gravity group at the University of Warsaw (Jerzy Lewandowski), Louisiana State University (Jorge Pullin, Param Singh), The Pennsylvania State University (Abhay Ashtekar, Martin Bojowald) and the Beijing Normal University (Yongge Ma). We also collaborate with cosmology groups at the Excellence Cluster Universe in Munich particularly the groups of Hofmann and Weller. Interdisciplinary local collaborations exists with the math department (Neeb, Meusburger) within the emerging field project "Quantum Geometry". Inside the physics department collaborations exists with the ECAP and the Institute for Theoretical Physics I, which is also a member of the emerging field project. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Teaching and outreach Gravitational dynamics for all tensorial spacetimes carrying predictive, interpretable and quantizable matter, Kristina Giesel, Frederic P. Schuller, Christof Witte, Mattias N.R. Wohlfarth, Phys.Rev. D85 (2012) 104042 The professors at the Institute for Quantum Gravity teach a curriculum for Bachelor/Master students, which includes advanced lectures in general relativity (I & II), quantum field theory (I & II), cosmology and loop quantum gravity. So far my outreach activities include a popular article on loop quantum gravity (Sterne und Weltraum July 2011), an invited talk at the planetarium in Nürnberg and a talk held in the Saturday morning lecture series in Erlangen. From Classical To Quantum Gravity: Introduction to Loop Quantum Gravity, Kristina Giesel, Hanno Sahlmann, Published in PoS QGQGS2011 (2011) 002 Gravity quantized: Loop Quantum Gravity with a Scalar Field, Marcin Domagala, Kristina Giesel, Wojciech Kaminski, Jerzy Lewandowski, Phys.Rev. D82 (2010) 104038 Manifestly Gauge-Invariant General Relativistic Perturbation Theory. I. Foundations, K. Giesel, S. Hofmann, T. Thiemann, O. Winkler, Class. Quant. Grav. 27 (2010) 055005 Funding 2011 Sonderprogramm für neuberufene Professorinnen, EUR 30 0000. 2011 NSF Grant, $150.000, declined to to the acceptance of the offer of the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. Algebraic Quantum Gravity (AQG). II. Semiclassical Analysis, K. Giesel, T. Thiemann, Class.Quant.Grav. 24 (2007) 2499-2564 ___________________________________________________________________________ 49 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang Goldmann (b. 1946) W2, Institute for Biomedical Physics Wolfgang H. Goldmann is Professor of Biomedical Physics (W2) at the FAU in the Department of Physics (under the Chair of Ben Fabry for Medical Physics and Technology). Dr. Goldmann is a German-American citizen. He studied Medicine at the University of Munich and Physical Biochemistry at the University of Bristol, England, where he received his PhD in 1990. He then moved to Munich and joined the Biophysics Department of Prof. E. Sackmann at the Technical University. From 1995 to 2004 he worked at Harvard Medical School, Boston, under the supervision of Don Ingber and Amin Arnaout, where he held the position as lecturer from 1997 and taught courses in Physical Biology and Biochemistry. In 2004, he took his sabbatical at the Center for Medical Physics and Technology at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg as visiting professor. Professor Goldmann's research encompasses protein –and cell biomechanics. Specifically, his work deals with the binding of membraneassociated proteins to the actin cytoskeleton and to focal adhesions, where he investigates their influence on the viscoelastic behavior of cells by means of biochemical and biophysical methods. In addition, he conducts research on the function focal adhesion proteins on growth, motility and chemical signaling of cancer cells. (H-index: 28; no. of publications: 136, average citation per item: ~16.) Research in the Goldmann group Influence of phosphorylation, lipid membrane binding and conformational change on the mechanical behavior of vinculin in cells Many cell types respond to external mechanical forces and changes in their mechanical environment with altered gene regulation and protein expression. This process is described as mechanical signal transduction and is important in cellular processes of life, but also in many diseases, such as cancer. Previous work has shown that the focal adhesion protein vinculin has an important mechanical function. The aim of this work is to elucidate the mode of action of vinculin in mechanoregulation and to investigate the signal transmission. The specific hypothesis that will be tested is whether phosphorylation, membrane binding or conformational changes of vinculin influences the mechanical cell behavior. Selected vinculin constructs will be used where phosphorylation and membrane- Professional Career 2006-now W2-professor at FAU, Erlangen 2004-2006 Visiting professor at FAU 1995-2004 Lecturer at Harvard Medical School, Boston / Supervisors: Don Ingber and Amin Arnaout 1990-1995 Postdoctoral fellow at the Technical University of Munich / Supervisor: Erich Sackmann 1987-1990 PhD student at the University of Bristol, UK / Supervisor: Herbert Gutfreund 1980-1996Medical student at LMU, Munich _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: H-5572-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 2 (+ 1 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 7 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ binding properties have been changed in transiently expressed mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF). Phosphorylation and membrane binding sites are important for mechanotransduction and the exchange in focal complex dynamics will be determined by means of biophysical measurement methods. In an analogous manner, constitutively open and closed variants of vinculin in terms of their influence on the mechano-transduction and the exchange dynamics will be tested in focal complexes. The ability of living cells to respond to their mechanical environment is of fundamental importance for many vital processes such as adhesion, migration, and Invasion. If the results confirm the hypothesis that in addition to the already known mechano-coupling function of vinculin is also mechano-regulatory, this wouldhave implications that go far beyond the questions posed here (Collaboration with Prof. Merkel). Mechanisms of p130Cas-mediated mechanosensing in cells Adherent cells, when mechanically stressed, show a wide range of responses including large-scale changes in their mechanical behavior and gene expression pattern. This is in part facilitated by activating the focal adhesion protein p130Cas through forceinduced conformational changes that subsequently lead to activation of downstream pathways such as extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2) phosphorylation. We have recently demonstrated that the phosphorylation site Y12 on p130Cas modulates the binding with vinculin, which is a prominent mechanocoupling protein in the focal adhesion complex. Preliminary data show that phosphorylation of Y12 or mutation with phospho-mimicking glutamate Y12E suppresses the binding of p130Cas to vinculin, leads to a decline of p130Cas localization in focal adhesions, and to a reduction of stretch-induced p130Cas activation and downstream ERK1/2 signaling. These obser- 50 vations demonstrate that vinculin is an important modulator of the p130Cas-mediated mechanotransduction pathway in cells. The central aim of this project is to test the hypothesis that vinculin is critical for p130Cas incorporation into the focal adhesion complex and for transmitting forces to the p130Cas molecule (Collaboration with Prof. Brabek). Biomechanics of Myofibrillar Myopathies Myofibrillar myopathies (MFM) are associated with mutations in genes encoding cytoskeletal linker proteins of the intermediate filaments, e.g. desmin or plectin. Most of these proteins connect adjacent myofibrils as well as myofibrils to Z-lines or other important cytoskeletal components and thus, ensure proper anchorage in biomechanically active muscle. Disruptions of these linkages are expected to result in vast disturbances of biomechanical properties, including elasticity, active force production, lower mechanical stress resistance that can induce cell damage and insufficient repair. Although the common symptom in all patients with MFM is muscle weakness, there is almost no information at hand as to how muscle is affected at different structural and functional levels within the organ and what is the molecular cause of the muscle weakness. First results from our biome- _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ chanical studies on primary human myoblasts carrying desmin -and plectin mutations showed an increased stiffness and reduced mechanical stress tolerance in the form of higher mechanical vulnerabil ity compared to control cells. We hypothesize that the higher stiffness of mutant cells leads to higher intracellular stress at physiologic stretch and shear deformations, which in turn triggers muscle fiber degeneration. In the present project, we will test this hypothesis using immortalized myoblast cells obtained from two MFM mouse models. Through the DFG research consortium FOR1228, we have access to two knock-in mouse models (R155C VCP, and W2710X filamin C), which harbor the most frequent human pathogenic VCP and filamin C mutations. Using traction force microscopy, magnetic tweezer microrheology, and a cell stretcher together with high resolution (temporal and spatial) confocal microscopy, we will address two key questions: (i) what is the influence of these mutations on the biomechanical function of cultured myoblasts and myotubes derived from skeletal muscle tissue, and (ii) what are the molecular processes that lead to altered mechanical stress tolerance in these cells. This project will provide the first insight into the biomechanical aspects of the pathogenesis of VCPand filamin C-related myopathies. The present ZProject unites a consortium of researchers with renowned expertise in muscle biomechanics at all levels of organ function (Collaboration with Prof. Schröder/Wiche). Selected publications Selected collaborations Janoštiak R., Brábek J., Auernheimer V., Tatárová Z., Lautscham L.A., Dey T., Gemperle J., Merkel R., Goldmann W.H., Fabry B. and Rösel D, CAS directly interacts with vinculin to control mechanosensing and focal adhesion dynamics. Cell Mol Life Sci, 2013 in press. Ben Fabry, Anna H. Klemm, Sandra Kienle, Tilman E. Schäffer, and Wolfgang H. Goldmann,Focal Adhesion Kinase Stabilizes the Cytoskeleton. Biophys J 101:2131–2138, 2011. Prof. Jan Brabek, University of Prague, Czech Republic Prof. Rolf Schröder, Uniklinikum, Erlangen Prof. Rudolf Merkel, Forschungszentrum, Jülich Prof. Gerhard Wiche, University of Vienna, Austria Funding Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Forschergruppe 1228) Mierke CT, Kollmannsberger P, Paranhos Zitterbart D, Diez G, Koch TM, Marg S, Ziegler WH, Goldmann WH, Fabry B. Vinculin facilitates cell invasion into 3D collagen matrices. J Biol Chem 285:13121-13130, 2010. Diez G, Kollmannsberger P, Mierke CT, Koch TM, Vali H, Fabry B, Goldmann WH. Anchorage of vinculin to lipid membranes influences cell mechanical properties. Biophys J 97:3105-3112, 2009. Möhl C, Kirchgeßner N, Schäfer C, Küpper K, Born S, Diez G, Goldmann WH, Merkel R, Hoffmann B., Becoming stable and strong: The interplay between vinculin exchange dynamics and adhesion strength during adhesion site maturation. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 66:350-364, 2009. ___________________________________________________________________________ 51 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stephan Götzinger (b. 1973) W2, Institute for Optics, Information and Photonics The work of Stephan Götzinger is focused on quantum optics with solid state emitters. After studying Physics and Mathematics (Lehramt Gymnasium) at the University in Kaiserslautern, he received his PhD in 2004 at the Humboldt University of Berlin. In the nano-optics group of O. Benson he worked on the controlled coupling of a single nano-emitter to a high-Q microsphere resonator. He then joined the quantum information science group of Y. Yamamoto at Stanford University, USA, as a postdoctoral fellow. There he continued his research on the coupling between nanoscopic matter and high-Q microcavities with the particular aim of achieving strong coupling, condensation of exciton polaritions and ultra-low threshold lasing. Furthermore, he started to investigate various semiconductor materials for their potential use as efficient singlephoton sources. In 2006 he moved to ETH Zurich to become a permanent researcher in the nano-optics group of V. Sandoghdar. There he worked on singlephoton sources and the efficient interaction of light with matter. In 2012 he accepted an associate professor position at the FAU. The position is linked to the Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT). Stephan Götzinger works closely with V. Sandoghdar and is part of the Division of Nano-Optics at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light. His work is recognized internationally with about 1600 citations to more than 40 publications and an h-index of 18. Research in the Götzinger group In our research we aim to achieve ultimate control over the interaction of light and single quantum emitters. Techniques employed are often based on a strong confinement of light. This can be achieved for example by using cavity-QED, plasmonic micro- and nanostructures or by strong focusing. Efficient single-photon sources Single-photon sources are important building blocks for emerging quantum technologies, ranging from quantum information processing to metrology applications. A crucial requirement for most of the envisioned applications is an extremely high collection efficiency of the photons emitted by a single emitter. Recently we demonstrated that a dielectric antenna can be used to achieve this goal. Extending our Professional Career 2012-now W2-professor at FAU, Erlangen 2011 Habilitation, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, Switzerland 2006-2012 Senior Scientist at ETH Zurich, Switzerland (group of V. Sandoghdar) 2004-2006 Postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University, USA (group of Y. Yamamoto) 1999-2004 PhD student at the University of Konstanz (group of J. Mlynek) and the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany (group of O. Benson) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-7396-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 0 Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 3 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ photon collection methodology to metallo-dielectric antennas, would promise collection efficiencies exceeding 99%. Such a source might be key for the realization of a new primary intensity standard or for novel shot-noise free microscopy techniques. A dielectric antenna: The PVA film on top of the high refractive index sapphire cover glass acts as a quasi-waveguide. Photons emitted by a single molecule inside the PVA are directed into the sapphire and can be collected with nearunity efficiency by a microscope objective. Cavity-QED with single molecules Cavity-quantum electrodynamics is a versatile and established tool for studying light-matter interaction with single emitters. We use a scanning fiber cavity for a controlled coupling of a single molecule to the cavity mode. Here, we pursue both strong coupling and photon blockade and the coupling of many emitters via one cavity mode and to explore “few-body”interactions. Quantum plasmonics Plasmonic nanostructures can be used as an alternative to microcavities for manipulating single quantum emitters. Theoretical calculations show, for example, that the spontaneous emission rate can be enhanced 52 by orders of magnitude. We plan to use a bottom-up approach and put various elements on a chip in order to realize a simple quantum network based on plasmonic elements. Selected collaborations blackboard approach. Funding Funding acquired at FAU: EXL02 SIQUTE (2013-2015, 130.000 €) We collaborate with the PTB in Braunschweig and other National Institute of Standards in a project that aims at the realization of a new primary intensity standard. Teaching and outreach Stephan Götzinger has taught various courses in the Chemistry, Physics and Engineering departments at ETH Zurich. With his recent appointment as a SAOT professor at Erlangen he has the possibility to continue lecturing engineers in quantum mechanics and quantum optics. This is an exciting opportunity to get engineers interested in concepts so far mostly seminars Stephan Götzinger often employs novel applied in fundamental science. In lectures and methods and forms of teaching beyond the traditional _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications [1] S. Kako, C. Santori, K. Hoshino, S. Götzinger, Y. Yamamoto, Y. Arakawa, A gallium nitride singlephoton source operating at 200 K, Nature Materials 5, 887-892 (2006). [2] Z. G. Xie, S. Götzinger, W. Fang, W. Cao, G. S. Solomon, Influence of a Single Quantum Dot State on the Characteristics of a Microdisk Laser, Physical Review Letters 98, 117401 (2007). [3] D. Press, S. Götzinger, S. Reitzenstein, C. Hofmann, A. Löffler, M. Kamp, A. Forchel, Y. Yamamoto, Photon Antibunching from a Single Quantum-Dot-Microcavity System in the Strong Coupling Regime, Physical Review Letters 98, 117402 (2007). [4] J. Hwang, M. Pototschnig, R. Lettow, G. Zumofen, A. Renn, S. Götzinger, V. Sandoghdar, A singlemolecule optical transistor, Nature 460, 76 (2009). [5] R. Lettow, Y. L. A. Rezus, A. Renn, G. Zumofen, E. Ikonen, S. Götzinger, V. Sandoghdar, Quantum Interference of Tunably Indistinguishable Photons from Remote Organic Molecules, Physical Review Letters 104, 123605 (2010). [6] K. G. Lee, X. W. Chen, H. Eghlidi, P. Kukura, R. Lettow, A. Renn, V. Sandoghdar, S.Götzinger, A planar dielectric antenna for directional single-photon emission and near-unity collection efficiency, Nature Photonics 5, 166 (2011). ___________________________________________________________________________ 53 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ulrich Heber (b. 1954) C3, Astronomical Institute The research of Ulrich Heber deals with hot stars and their role in the cosmic circuit of matter as progenitors of supernovae and tracers of halo dark matter. Heber received his Ph.D. at the Christian Albrechts University, Kiel. During his assistantship in the team of K. Hunger he frequently visited the European Southern observatory (Chile) and the Centro Astronomico Hispano-Aleman Calar Alto (Spain). Heber habilitated at the University of Kiel in 1988. Since May 1992 he is professor for Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and Co-director of the Dr. Karl-Remeis-Sternwarte, Bamberg. Heber started with the study of chemically peculiar supergiants through ultraviolet spectroscopy, a spectral window that opened up in the late 1970s through the NASA/ESA IUE Satellite. As a post-Doc he turned to the then emerging field of hot subluminous stars through optical and UV spectroscopy and numerical simulations of their atmospheres. He participated in large sky surveys such as the Hamburg quasar and the Hamburg ESO survey to study the population of faint blue stars. Heber and his team established the international MSST collaboration for asteroseismology of hot subdwarf stars, the international SPY and MUCHFUSS consortia to study progenitor candidates of type Ia supernovae and substellar companions to intermediate mass stars. He is a frequent user of major large facilities such as the ESO Very Large Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope. His work is well recognized internationally with ~6500 citations to more than 230 publications in peer-reviewed journals and an h-index of 41. Research in the Heber group Hot stars and their role in the cosmic circuit of matter We apply numerical physical models of stellar atmospheres to optical and ultraviolet spectroscopy and photometry to study hot stars from the main sequence to the stellar graveyard, thereby identifying progenitors of type Ia supernovae and the role of substellar or planetary companions in binary systems. Models of the Galactic potential are used to probe the Galactic dark matter halo through analyses of the trajectories of high-velocity stars. Numerical modeling of stellar atmospheres Professional Career 05/1992 Professor for Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg 04/1989-05/1992 Oberassistent, U. Kiel 1988 Habilitation, U. Kiel 04/1983-04/1988 Hochschulassistent, U. Kiel 03/1982-03/1983 Post-Doc, U. Kiel 1982 Ph.D., U. Kiel _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: G-3306-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 11 (+4 ongoing) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 25 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In astrophysics we can observe, but not interact with the targets under study. The quantity of the incoming radiation can be measured (by photometry) and its quality (by spectroscopy), and by measuring their variation in the time domain (asteroseismology, kinematics, etc.) the physical state of the objects can be described. This requires detailed physical modeling of the atmospheric stellar plasma in non-equilibrium states. The complexity of stellar spectra requires the construction of sophisticated model atoms with important input from atomic physics. These methods of quantitative stellar astronomy are the tools of Heber's research into hot stars. Quantitative optical and UV spectroscopy of hot stars High resolution Echelle spectroscopy allows us to disentangle the spectral features of various ions to derive the physical state of the plasma and the elemental abundance pattern. These results are used to derive the stellar parameters such as mass, radius and luminosity to test stellar evolution theory. The team studies hot stars in all phases of stellar evolution, from cradle to grave, from young massive stars through the supergiant phase to white dwarfs. Late and final stages of stellar evolution Hot subdwarf stars and white dwarfs form the legacy of the evolution of low and intermediate mass stars. A large fraction of stars forms and evolves in binary or multiple systems. Apparently hot subdwarfs form exclusively through binary evolution and provide a unique laboratory to study the crucial but poorly understood processes in common envelope evolution of close binaries. Heber’s team leads the international MUCHFUSS collaboration. Close binary stars and type Ia supernova progenitors 54 Recent focus lies on compact binary stars as progenitors of type Ia supernovae (SN Ia). Such supernovae are used as yard sticks to measure the Universe at the largest scales and provided the first evidence for the existence of dark energy (Nobel prize in Physics 2011). Despite their importance for cosmology the explosion mechanism and the nature of the progenitor stars is not understood yet. Heber’s team cooperates with the theory group at U Würzburg to identify candidate stellar progenitor systems and constrain rivaling explosion models. velocity stars (HVS) were discovered, two of the first three HVS were found by Heber's team. Those stars are believed to originate from the Galactic centre through slingshot ejection by the supermassive black hole (SMBH) via tidal disruption of a binary. Our team has continued to search for such stars and provided in-depth studies of their nature. Our new kinematical analyses challenge the SMBH paradigm by excluding the Galactic centre origin via astrometry. Substellar companions to intermediate mass stars Programme committees: ESA IUE (1991-1996), Space Telescope ECF-User committee (1993-1996), MPIACalar Alto (1994-2001), NASA-HST (1995), ESO (2006, 2011) SOC IAU Commission 29 1(997-2003) ,INAF Visiting Committee (Italy, 2007 ), Advisory Committee state observatory of Thuringia (since 2007, chair since 2012), Advisory Committee Planetarium Nuremberg (since 2007) The search and study of planetary companions to stars has become a major driver in astrophysics. While most teams target solar-type stars, Heber’s group collaborates with the team of E. Guenther at the state observatory of Thuringia to search for substellar companions to intermediate mass stars using photometric data from the international CoRoT satellite mission. Kinematics of the Milky Way and its halo The gravitational potential of the Galaxy is dominated by the dark matter halo. Halo stars hold the key to trace the dark matter halo and constrain its mass. In 2005 the fastest stars in halo, the so-called hyper- External Commissions Selected collaborations Long-term collaboration in optical spectroscopy have been established with the groups at Warwick (Marsh), Keele (Maxted), Hertfordshire (Napiwotzki), Leuven (Oestensen) and with the atomic physicists (K. Butler, Munich). Heber collaborates with the theory groups at Oxford (Podsiadlowski), Würzburg (Roepke) and Kunming (Han) on common envelope evolution and SN Ia progenitors. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Teaching and outreach S. Geier, S. Nesslinger, U. Heber, et al.: The hot subdwarf B + white dwarf binary KPD 1930+2752. A supernova type Ia progenitor candidate, A&A 464, 299 (2007) U. Heber, H. Edelmann, R. Napiwotzki, et al.: The Btype giant HD 271791 in the Galactic halo. Linking run-away stars to hyper-velocity stars, A&A 483, L21 (2008) Teaching includes introductory and lab courses for the minor subject ''Astronomy'' as well as the astrophysical curriculum for BSc. and MSc. students. Heber has regularly given public talks also at public observatories and "Volkshochschulen" nationwide. He is engaged in the Astronomical Society of Nuremberg, which encourages and coordinates public outreach activities of professional and amateur groups in the metropolitan area. U. Heber: Hot Subdwarf Stars, ARA&A 47, 211 (2009) Funding N. Przybilla, A. Tillich, U. Heber, R.D. Scholz: Weighing the Galactic Dark Matter Halo: A Lower Mass Limit From the Fastest Halo Star Known, ApJ 718, 37 (2010) Origin of low mass He stars; DFG HE1356/44-1; 200609, 120 k€; Hyper-velocity stars; DFG HE 1356/45-1/2; 2007-15, 285 kEuro; MUCHFUSS; DFG He 1356/49-1, 2009-16, 440 k€; HST Observations of an extreme Run-away star, 2011-15, DLR 50OR1110, 99 k€; Substellar companions of intermediate mass stars, DFG He 1356/62-1, 2012-2015, 113 k€; Digitization of astronomical photographic plates, DFG He 1356/63-1, 2012-2015, 212 k€; HST and XMM Observations of sdB stars, DLR, 2014-2015, 96 k€ U. Heber: The atmosphere of subluminous B stars. II Analysis of 10 helium poor subdwarfs and the birthrate of sdB stars, A&A 155, 33 (1986) U. Heber, S. Moehler, R. Napiwotzki, et al.: Resolving subdwarf B stars in binaries by HST imaging, A&A 383, 938 (2002) ___________________________________________________________________________ 55 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professional Career Bernhard Hensel (b. 1961) W2, Institute densed Matter for Con- The current field of work of Bernhard Hensel is Biomedical Engineering, focused on fundamental research on implants for minimally invasive cardiology. He studied Physics at Erlangen and received his PhD in 1990 at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg for his works on ion irradiation of thin films of the then newly discovered hightemperature superconductors. He then joined the group of René Flükiger at the Department for Condensed Matter Physics of the University of Geneva, Switzerland. His habilitation treatise was devoted to the development of long lengths of tapes of hightemperature superconductors by the powder-in-tube method. After the postdoctoral lecture qualification in 1996 he worked as an associate professor (privatdocent) at the University of Geneva and the Department of Engineering of the Polytechnical University of Savoy at Annecy, France. After a brief stay at the Johannes-Guttenberg University of Mainz where he worked on high-temperature superconductors containing mercury he joined the company BIOTRONIK in 1998, one of the leading manufacturers of cardiologic implants. Since 1999 he has the license to teach Physics at the University of Erlangen. Starting in 2001 he substituted the late Prof. Schaldach (the owner of BIOTRONIK, who died in a plane crash) on the Chair of Physical-Medical Technology. In 2003 the Max Schaldach Professorship was established by BIOTRONIK and the University of Erlangen as a temporally unlimited and independent W2 professorship. By the end of 2005, Bernhard Hensel was appointed to this endowed professorship. Research and Education at the Max Schaldach Professorship The development of innovative implants for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases is in the focus of the research in the group of Bernhard Hensel. Of special interest are coronary stents or scaffolds for the advanced treatment of arteriosclerosis. The research tasks originate from clinical practice and aim at improving current products or establishing new ones. The everyday work in the group, however, is fundamental and characterized by multi-disciplinarity at the interface between natural science, engineering and medicine. Every solution has to prove its feasibility in 2005-now W2 professor at FAU, Max Schaldach Endowed Professorship for Medical Technology 2001-2004 Substitute professor at FAU 1999 Associate professor (Privatdozent) at FAU 1998-2001 Personal assistant to Prof. Max Schaldach, owner of BIOTRONIK 1990-1997 Postdoctoral fellow and lecture qualification (Habilitation) at the University of Geneva, Switzerland 1986-1990 PhD student at FAU _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-6995-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 25 (+ 5 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 75 (Physics & Med. Technlogy) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ clinical practice. The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life of patients worldwide. The Max Schaldach professorship is founded on the close cooperation of young scientists from such different fields like Physics, Chemistry, Material Science, Mathematics and Medicine. Besides doing research work, academic education is of very high importance in the group. Young scientists are given the opportunity to acquire their first professional experience in the challenging field of medical technology. Teaching Bernhard Hensel teaches in the faculty of Sciences as well as the faculty of Engineering of the FAU. He supervises Bachelor- and Master-theses of students from both faculties and guides PhD-students in Physics. He is interested in the Russian-German scientific relations and co-organized several student schools in Moscow, Russia. He organized a bi-national workshop th and the 7 Russian-Bavarian conference on Biomedical engineering which were both held at the Center for Medical Physics and Technology of the FAU in Erlangen. Funding The research at the Max Schaldach professorship is financially supported by the Berlin-based company BIOTRONIK, one of the leading manufacturers of medical implants for cardiology. Additional funding was supplied by contract research for the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (Erlangen). 56 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Impact of microgalvanic corrosion on the degradation morphology of WE43 and pure magnesium under exposure to simulated body fluid, H. Kalb, A. Rzany, and B. Hensel Corrosion Science 57, 122 (2012) Evaluation of techniques for estimating the power spectral density of RR-intervals under paced respiration conditions, T. Schaffer, B. Hensel, C. Weigand, J. Schüttler, C. Jeleazcov, J. Clin. Monit. Comput., published online: 19 March 2013 ___________________________________________________________________________ 57 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rainer Hock (b. 1959) C3, Institute Condensed Matter Physics – Crystallography and Structural Physics The experimental work of Rainer Hock focuses on the determination of structure–property relationships of crystalline materials to understand their crystalphysical properties and to determine their usefulness in technological applications. After studying physics at the University of Frankfurt a. Main, he received a PhD-grant of the Institute LaueLangevin in Grenoble and prepared a thesis about magnetic structures of rare earth iron garnets. He received his Dr.phil.nat. degree in 1990 from the Physics Department of the University of Frankfurt a. M.. He was then responsible for the renovation and operation of a neutron 4-circle diffractometer at the research reactor Siloe at he Centre des Etudes Nucleaire contracted by the TU-Darmstadt. 1992 he took a position as scientific assistant at the Chair for Crystallography at the university of Würzburg. During the following years his research was focused on the structure of minerals and on co-operations in the fields of mineralogy, geology, archaeometry and biomimetic materials. In parallel, he prepared his habilitation in the field of scattering on vibrating silicon crystals and dynamic theory. After the habilitation in 1998, he took a position as beamline scientist at the ESRF in Grenoble. In 1999 he became C3 professor for crystallography and structural physics at the Chair for Crystallography and Structural physics of the FAU. Since then, his main research interest is the crystallisation and structure of chalcogenide semiconductors and their application in novel thin film solar cells. This research topic meets well with one of FAU main directions: ‘Energy and New Energy Materials. Humboldt fellows: 1,Publications: 69, No. of citations: about 900, h-index: 17 Research in the Hock group Structure of functional materials and correlation of structure with material properties Many crystalline or partially crystalline materials used in high-tech applications are polycrystalline. In our group these materials are characterized with powder diffraction methods to understand their crystalphysical, structural properties and how these properties can be changed and tailored for applications. The research is done in close cooperation with research groups who synthesize these materials and use Professional Career 1999-now C3-professor at FAU, Erlangen 1998-1999 Scientist at the ESRF 1992-1998 Scientific Assistant at the Chair for Crystallography, Univ. Würzburg 1990-1992 Scientific Assistant, Department for Material Science, TUD Instrument Scientist at the neutron research reactor Siloe, Grenoble. 1989-1990 1989 – 1990: Scientific Assistant at the Chair for Crystallography, Univ. Frankfurt a. Main. PhD in physics at the University of Frankfurt a. Main _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: E-1397-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 7 (+ 3 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 16 (+ 2 in preparation) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ complementary, electrical, optical and thermal characterisation methods. ‚Photovoltaics’ – New materials for thin film solar cells Today, intensive fundamental and applied research at the FAU is concerned with one of the most pestering problems of the near future: the supply of societies with ‘clean’ energy. Since 1999 continuous research effort in the development and efficiency increase of chalcogenide based thin film solar cells is conducted in our group. This direction of LKS in photovoltaics matches very well the research of other groups at the FAU. The research at LKS is done in close cooperation with the Technical Faculty (Energy Campus Nürnberg, Solarfabrik der Zukunft) and since the beginning with industry partners. This assures an applied research in close contact with the real needs and technical feasibilities in solar cell fabrication processes and constantly attracts students. From CuInGa(SSe)2 to CuZnSn(SSe)4 Research initially was focused on the understanding and optimisation of vacuum-based crystallisation processes for chalcogenide semiconductors like CIGSSe (Copper-Indium-Gallium-Diselenide-Sulfide). Our preferred measurement tool is time-resolved powder diffraction under processing conditions, to mimick large scale processes in the laboratory. The measurements deliver information about reaction pathways and the reaction kinetics processes during thin film crystallisation. The crystallisation route in reverse has impact on the final semiconductor structural properties and therefore on the photovoltaic efficiency reached in a device. Crystallisation is investigated as a function of the initial state of metal precursors, like alloy compositions and layer sequences, 58 as a function of time-temperature pathes, chalcogen pressures and selenium-sulfur ratios. Kesterite is now seen as a high potential material in photovoltaics. It is made from earth-abundant and less toxic elements. Based on crystallographic reasoning, we make predictions, which initial materials, together with a chosen processing, will lead to well-crystallised, mono-phase thin films. So we could predict the most likely process routes for the favoured novel thin film absorber material CuZnSn(SSe)4, well before the first crystallisation experiments were conducted. In the years 20082009 we have been pioneering together with Atotech GmbH Berlin electroplating processes for this novel material. Research on this semiconductor Kesterite is a fast growing field in photovoltaics. newly built time-resolved XRF apparatus we investigate the thin film formation from these new initial materials. With XRF we now are now able to follow diffusion of elements through the films and element losses. Before non-vacuum based techniques will yield reliably working semiconductor films, a couple of severe problems mot be overcome. Oxidation must be prevented, out-gasing of solvents leads to porous films, elements are lost upon heating, adherence of films and cracking are problems. The only reliably working solvent today is hydrazine, a very toxic and explosive substance, and new processing routes must be found. With our experimental methods we contribute to the identification of problems and their possible reasons. From vacuum-based processes to printed solar cells Structure of functional materials and correlation of structure with material properties Interest shifts now towards non-vacuum processes: towards ‘printed solar cells’. Non-vacuum processes are potentially low-cost processes. Semiconductor films are crystallized from nanoparticles, ink-like suspensions or sol-gels. With powder diffraction and a Diffraction methods are as well widely used in our group to investigate other functional materials. Toipics studied recently are the Influence of cyclic water loading of zeolithic materials for heat-storage on the structural stability of their alumo-silicate framework, the investigation of ex-solved crystalline phases in CuAgZr-alloys for rocket engines and their influence on the thermo-mechanical properties, the investigation of the structural properties of sputtered MoS2 thin films on steel for rheological applications and the investigation of CoCrTi-alloys for use as high temperature stable materials. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Magnetic phase transitions of MnWO4 studied by the use of elastic neutron diffraction Lautenschläger, G.; Weitzel, H.; Vogt, T.; Hock, R., Böhm, A.; Bonnet, M.; Fuess, H.; Physical Review B 48 (9), p. 6087-6098 (1993) A. Monte Carlo Simulations of Neutron Back-scattering from Vibrating Silicon Crystals, Hock, R.; Kulda, J., Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 338, p. 38 (1993) Predicted formation reactions for the solid-state syntheses of the semiconductor materials Cu2SnX3 and Cu2ZnSnX4 (X = S, Se) starting from binary chalcogenides, Hergert, F.; Hock, R.; Thin Solid Films 515 (15), p. 5953 (2007) Selected collaborations My research in Erlangen is well embedded in the FAU focus ‘Energy Research’. We collaborate with chairs of the FAU and with industry partners. Main partners: Dept. for Material Science; CENEM; ECN Energy Campus Nürnberg; Department of Chemicaland Bioengineering, CRT; St. Gobain Recherche, Paris,; Avancis GmbH, Munich; Scheuten Solar; Suntricitycells & Innovative Ink. Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film solar cells from electroplated precursors: Novel low-cost perspective, Ennaoui, A.; Lux-Steiner, M.; Weber, A.; Abou-Ras, D.; Koetschau, I.; Schock, H. -W.; Schurr, R.; Hoelzing, A.; Jost, S.; Hock, R.; Voss, T.; Schulze, J.; Kirbs, A., Thin Solid Films 517 (7), p. 2511 (2009) Intermetallic compounds dynamic formation during annealing of stacked elemental layers and its influences on the crystallization of Cu2ZnSnSe4 films, Wibowo, R. A.; Moeckel, S.; A.; Yoo, H.; Hetzner, C.; Hölzing, A.; Wellmann, P.; Hock, R. Materials Chemistry and Physics 142 (1), p. 311 (2013) ___________________________________________________________________________ 59 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Peter Hommelhoff (b. 1974) W3, Chair for Experimental Physics, Laser Physics Peter Hommelhoff’s experimental interest spans from attosecond science at nanoobjects via laser-based accelerators and Bose-Einstein condensation of cold atomic gases to new quantum systems with free electrons, including electron matter wave science. Prior to becoming full professor in Erlangen in 2012, Peter Hommelhoff was, since 2008, head of a Max Planck Research Group at MPI for Quantum Optics in Garching. In 2012, he obtained his habilitation and venia legendi at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. From 2003 through 2007 he was a postdoc in Mark Kasevich’s group at Stanford University, pioneering ultrafast light-matter interaction on the nanometer scale. From 1999 through 2002 he did his PhD thesis under the supervision of T. W. Hänsch at LMU Munich, demonstrating first Bose-Einstein condensation in an atomic chip trap. In 1999 he obtained the Dipl. Phys. ETH from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, and in 1997 the pre-diploma from Technical University Berlin. Peter Hommelhoff’s around 50 journal publications are well received: several have more than 100 citations, the top one more than 450. He has received a number of scholarships and awards and has been invited to present at more than 80 international conferences, workshops and colloquia as of 2013. In 2012 he received another offer for a full professorship at University of Oldenburg, which he declined. Professional Career 2012-now W3-professor at FAU, Erlangen 2008-2013 Head of a Max Planck Research Group at MPI of Quantum Optics (MPQ), Garching. Elected ombudsman of MPQ since 2008. Member of the board, DFG Cluster of Excellence Munich Centre for Advanced Photonics. 2003-2007 Postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University (Kasevich group); Lynen Fellow of the Humboldt Foundation, Trimble Fellow of the Stanford Center for Position, Navigation and Time 1999-2002 PhD student at University of Munich in T.W. Hänsch’s group 1999 Diploma student at ETH Zurich in R. Eichler’s group _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-5121-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 4 (+ 4 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 15 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ time scales. This way, outer shell electrons can be strongly driven, which leads to the generation of highharmonic photon peak shifting due to the AC-Stark effect, the tell-tale recollision plateau, and carrierenvelope phase effects with 100% visibility – all wellknown from the atomic physics case. Because field enhancement at the nano-scale tip takes place, small pulse energies (<100 pJ) suffice to drive these processes. We foresee a plethora of applications, ranging from ultrafast switching (attosecond field effect transistor) to new ultrafast surface imaging tools and laser field sensors. Research in the Hommelhoff group As an experimental group focusing on nano-optics, laser physics, quantum as well as electron optics, our research is currently comprised of four different yet related projects. We explore attosecond and strongfield physics at nano-scale solids, drive laser-based particle acceleration at dielectric photonic nanostructures, work towards a new quantum system for free electrons with the help of microwave Paul traps, and study quantum enhanced matter wave imaging. Strong-field and Attosecond Physics at Solid Nanoscale Objects For two decades strong-field physics almost exclusively took place at and with atoms and molecules in the gas phase. With few-cycle laser pulses reaching field strengths of around 1 V/Å, it is possible to drastically modify the potential landscape on ultrafast Laser-based Particle Acceleration at Photonic Structures In free space, a charged massive particle cannot be sustainably and efficiently accelerated with an alternating electric field – energy and momentum cannot be simultaneously conserved. This notion does not hold any more in proximity of a properly chosen boundary condition. With a dielectric grating struc- 60 ture, we have recently been able to demonstrate acceleration of electrons right with the optical electric field of laser pulses. Laser oscillator pulses are overlapped with an electron beam next to a grating, such that the laser polarization is parallel to the electron momentum. The grating periodically flips the phase of the laser field, effectively generating a grating mode co-propagating with and continuously imparting momentum on the electrons. With non-relativistic 30keV electrons we have observed an acceleration gradient of 25 MeV/m, which is already on par with the accelerations gradients that large accelerator centers such as DESY or SLAC operate at. For relativistic electrons, the gradient steeply increases: we expect more than 1 GeV/m, mainly because the speed of relativistic electrons being close to the speed of light allows efficient momentum transfer. The next step after our proof-ofconcept demonstration is already to show acceleration over an extended range and large energy transfer. Therefore, many grating structures need to be linearly concatenated and fed by coherently distributed and power-amplified phase-controlled laser pulses. Intriguingly, it has already been shown theoretically that all necessary components for stable accelerator operation can be generated from photonic structures, such as deflection and focusing elements A New Quantum System Based on Free Electrons in Microwave Paul Traps The electron’s charge-to-mass ratio is large, which is why they quickly follow the action of electromagnetic fields. We will take advantage of this property on our way to construct a new quantum system based on free electrons (in vacuum). Recently, we have demonstrated that electrons can be trapped in Paul traps, in a similar fashion to what is well-known from ions for decades already. Because of the feeble nature of electrons, electron Paul traps need to be operated with rather different drive parameters. Most notably, we drive the trap with microwave frequencies, as opposed to the radio-frequencies known from ions. Modern communication technology provides all the necessary microwave components. The idea of the new quantum system is simple: so-called single-atom tips have been shown to represent fully coherent electron point sources. With appropriate electron optics it should be possible to inject the emitted electrons from such a tip right into the ground state of the linear Paul trap’s confining potential. Electron beam splitters could allow guidedelectron interferometry, new force sensors etc. Quantum Enhanced Matter Wave Science: Quantum Electron Microscope _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications J. Breuer, P. Hommelhoff, Laser-based acceleration of non-relativistic electrons at a dielectric structure, Phys. Rev. Lett., 111, 134803 (2013) M. Krüger, M. Schenk, P. Hommelhoff, Attosecond control of electrons emitted from a nanoscale metal tip, Nature 475, 78 (2011) J. Hoffrogge, R. Fröhlich, M. Kasevich, P. Hommelhoff, Microwave guiding of electrons on a chip, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 193001 (2011) P. Hommelhoff, C. Kealhofer, M. Kasevich, Ultrafast electron pulses from a tungsten tip triggered by lowpower femtosecond laser pulses, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 247402 (2006) P. Hommelhoff, Y. Sortais, A. Aghajani-Talesh, M. Kasevich, Field emission tip as a nanometer source of free electron femtosecond pulses, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 077401 (2006) Based on the electron Paul trap idea, a new novel way of quantum enhanced imaging has been proposed, which is to exploit the quantum Zeno effect to image matter with electrons while exerting less damage to the sample as compared to regular electron microscopy. In regular microscopy, the radiation dose a sample experiences for taking a single image is so large that biological samples hardly survive the imaging. In order to record movies of biological processes at the most interesting spatial resolutions in the Angstrom scale, new methods have to be conceived. Funding Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation: Quantum electron microscope project, together with Stanford and MIT. 2012-2015. $1,145,000 for each partner. DFG Cluster of Excellence Munich Centre for Advanced Photonics, project B3.5: Lightwave control of electron emission from nanotips, 250,000€ DARPA Advanced X-ray integrated source project (AXiS): 2011-2015. $200,000 W. Hänsel, P. Hommelhoff, J. Reichel, T. W. Hänsch, Bose-Einstein condensation in a microelectronic chip, Nature 413, 408 (2001) ___________________________________________________________________________ 61 Nicolas Joly (b. 1977) W2, Institute for Optics, Information and Photonics Since January 2009, Nicolas Joly is a W2-professor for Experimental Physics at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. He obtained his PhD at the University of Lille (France) in 2002, where he experimentally and theoretically studied the instabilities and the control of Qswitching and mode-locked lasers. He then spent three years in Philip Russell’s group in UK as a postdoctoral fellow. He was mainly working on the design and the fabrication of photonic crystal fibre (PCF) as well as studying nonlinear propagation of short pulses in these fibres. This includes soliton propagation and supercontinuum generation. In 2005, he became a Maître de Conférences at the University of Lille in the group of nonlinear dynamics. His research was dedicated to Raman laser using conventional fiber and PCF. He was also involved in the theoretical study of instabilities observed in Free Electron Laser. In Erlangen, he is strongly involved in the Div. Russell (Photonics & New Material) at the Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light, where he works mainly on the interaction of intense pulses with gas placed in PCF, but also the dynamics of supercontinuum in ring cavities. He is also strongly involved in fabrication of photonic crystal fibre. Nicolas Joly is member of the scientific committee for CLEO US. Research in the Joly group Design and fabrication of photonic crystal fibres Photonic crystal fibres (PCF) or more generally microstructured fibres are routinely made in a clean-room environment at the Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL). Although the MPL has the possibility to use different types of glass, I am only involved in the fabrication of all-silica fibre. The main technique that is used is the so-called stack & draw technique, where capillaries are drawn from a commercially available high-purity tube, and then stacked together. The resulting preform is then drawn into cane before we can make fibre. This is therefore a _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Examples of (a) solid-core PCF and (b) kagomé fibre drawn Career at MPLProfessional for nonlinear applications. 2009-now W2-professor at FAU 2005-2009 Maître de conferences at the University of Science and Technologies of Lille (France) 2002-2005 Postdoctoral fellow at Bath university, UK (group of Philip Russell) 1999-2002 PhD student at the University of University of Science and Technologies of Lille (France) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: D-3715-2011 Website: Supervised PhD thesis: 3 (+3 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 4 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ multi step process, which allows a great flexibility for the desired final design. Solid-core with controlled dispersion and nonlinearity, as well as hollow-core can be made using this technique. Finite elements calculations as well as homemade codes are used in order to design the linear properties of a desired fibre. Pulse propagation in gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibre There are basically two families of hollow-core PCF: the bandgap fiber and the so-called kagomé fibre. The first one exhibits narrow transmission window but very low loss, whilst the second offer much broader transmission capabilities at the expenses of losses. For nonlinear optics with ultra-short pulses the fibre length is usually not an issue, and we can afford relatively high losses. Gas-filled kagomé fiber is then an ideal candidate for all sorts of experiments, which are based on soliton dynamics and spectral broadening. In 2009, we first demonstrated the generation of tunable UV in a spatially coherent mode. Physically, this relies on the spectral broadening an input pulse such that its spectrum overlaps with the phasematching conditions required for the emission of dispersive wave in the UV region. Since dispersion is fully controlled through the pressure of the filling gas, the generated wavelength can be easily tuned from 200 to up to 600 nm. Original experiments were made with kagomé filled with moderate argon pressure. However, such a system is very compact and versatile: different type of gases or the level of pressure will lead to very different regimes. Moreover, filled with noble gas, we can prevent any Raman contributions although nonlinearity as high as silica can be achieved by working at high pressure. Several applications based on the gas-filled kagomé are under consideration. We can site the compression of pulses, the generation of correlated photons or the seeding of free electron laser with the generated UV in collaboration with synchrotron SOLEIL and with FEL-SPARC. Dynamics of Supercontinuum in Ring Cavity 62 One of the most spectacular nonlinear effects that can be observed in solid-core PCF is the generation of supercontinuum source (SC), which can be achieved with any type of pumping, from fs pulse to CW. The main common requirement is that the pump wavelength should be closed to the zero dispersion wavelength of the fibre. It is therefore important to have access to fabrication facilities in order to design properly the dispersion landscape of the fibre. Depending of the initial pulse duration, dynamics of the SC generation relies on soliton dynamics, or on modulations instability. Although, part of our studies consists in expanding the SC source into either UV or IR region with the help of gas-filled fibre or the use of other type of glass, one activity is to look at the generation of SC in cavity. Ring cavities are known to exhibit very rich dynamics. Here we study the dynamical behavior of a synchronously pumped ring cavity in which SC is generated. First observations showed period doubling, and chaos and theoretical studies predict spontaneous symmetry breaking, which is remarkably surprising. Experiment is being set in order to observe this phenomenon. Dynamics of seeded free electron laser Prior my arrival at the FAU, I had an active collaboration with the group of Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie at the synchrotron SOLEIL on the theoretical study of _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Bright spatially coherent wavelength-tunable deepUV Laser source using an Ar-filled photonic crystal fiber, N.Y. Joly, J. Nold, W. Chang, P. Hölzer, A. Nazarkin, G.K.L. Wong, F. Biancalana and P. St.J. Russell – Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 203901 (2011) Ultrafast nonlinear optics in gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibers [invited], John C. Travers, Wonkeun Chang, Johannes Nold, Nicolas Y. Joly and Philip St.J. Russell, JOSA B 28, A11–A26 (2011) Pulse splitting in shord wavelength seeded free electron lasers M. Labat, N. Joly, S. Bielawaki, C. Szwaj, C. Bruni and M.E. Couprie – PRL 103, 264801 (2009) Supercontinuum and four-wave mixing with Qswitched pulses in endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fibres. W. J. Wadsworth, N. Joly, J. C. Knight, T. A. Birks, F. Biancalana, and P. St. J. Russell – Opt. Expr. 12, 299 (2004) Influence of timing jitter on nonlinear dynamics of a photonic crystal fiber ring cavity, M. Schmidberger, W. Chang, P. St.J. Russell and N. Y. Joly, Opt. Lett. 17, 3576 (2012) not rely on bounded electrons, and thus covers the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Consequently it can be efficiently used to generate optical radiation at extremely low wavelength. In a self-amplification of spontaneous emission (SASE), generation of radiation as short as a few Angstroms is possible. By contrast, in a seeded configuration, the coherence of the input pulse is transferred onto the output radiation, which can thus present very good temporal coherence and low pulse-to- pulse fluctuation. When we first demonstrated the possibility to generate tunable UV in a spatially fundamental mode, we proposed to use this source as a seed for FEL. First calculations show that the level of energy that can be generated with the fibre-based UV source is sufficient to seed FEL. We have now collaboration with SPARC-FEL in Frascati in order to realize test experiment. Selected Collaborations Our group has collaborations with the group of G. Leuchs and the group of V. Sandoghdar in order to design new type of fiber for specific application such as squeezing experiment or high-efficiency collection of light. Theoretical part of our study on the synchronously pumped supercontinuum is performed in collaboration with the group of F. Biancalana at Herriot-Watt University in UK. Regarding the project of seeded free electron laser, we collaborate with the group of Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie at the Synchrotron SOLEIL (France), and the group of Luca Giannessi the SPARC-FEL in Frascati (Italy). Teaching I am very involved in the MAOT program (Master of Advanced Optics and Technology) where I do most of my teaching duty. I have set-up a few “praktikum” associated with a laser course that I started. To increase the interest of the student I try to present experiments during the lecture. I also wrote a few codes that students can use in order to “test” parameters. I believe that this can help them to understand better the underlying phenomena that are explained in the lecture. Organization of conferences/sessions: in brief 14th international SAOT workshop on “Fibre laser, sensor and new materials” (July 2011) International conference on “Nonlinear optics and complexity in photonic crystal fibers and nanostructures” at Erice, Sicily (nov. 2011) Session on “high-field in hollow-core fibre and highenergy fiber laser” at PIERS 2013 Stockholm _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ the dynamics of seeded free electron laser (FEL). By contrast with conventional laser, the gain of FEL does 63 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Uli Katz (b. 1959) C4, Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics Uli Katz' research field is experimental astroparticle physics and detector development. He studied physics at the TU Munich and achieved his PhD (1992, Max Planck Institute for Physics/Tech. Univ. Munich) and his habilitation (1998, Univ. Bonn) in experimental particle physics. Since 2001 Uli Katz is at the FAU, where he started research into experimental astroparticle physics, together with his colleague Gisela Anton. His main projects are neutrino astronomy (experiments ANTARES and the future projects KM3NeT and PINGU) as well as detector development and feasibility studies for acoustic neutrino detection. Together with G. Anton he established the Erlangen School for Astroparticle Physics (2004) and founded the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (2007). He coordinated the EU-funded Design Study for KM3NeT (2006-09) and has a leading role in KM3NeT ever since. Further activities are in gamma-ray astronomy (H.E.S.S. and the future CTA project). He is (co-)author of 265 papers with more than 12500 citations and an h-index of 66. He has supervised 2 habilitations. Research in the Katz group The group is part of the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP) and most research activities are pursued together with further ECAP groups. Neutrino and gamma-ray astronomy and detector development Neutrino astronomy with ANTARES Neutrinos are unique cosmic messengers since they are not deflected or absorbed on the way from their source to their detection. ANTARES is the first deepsea neutrino telescope to observe these messengers using the Cherenkov light emitted by secondary particles emerging from neutrino reactions. U. Katz and G. Anton have initiated the German participation in ANTARES and together lead the ANTARES group in Erlangen. Currently the focus is on the physics analysis of the ANTARES data; topics covered are neutrino reconstruction algorithms, searches for cosmic neutrino sources and the analysis of the diffuse neutrino flux. Professional Career 2003-now C4 professor at FAU, Erlangen 2001-2003 C4 substitute, FAU 1993-2001 University of Bonn (research associate, C1 after 1998) 1986-1992 Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich (PhD and postdoctoral researcher) 1984-1986Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich (Diploma thesis) Functions, boards, panels and prizes since 1998 Referee for various journals since 2002 Reviewer for projects of DFG, Alexander von Humboldt foundation, MPG, HGF, MUIR (Italy), NWO (Netherlands), FWO (Belgium), GIF (Israel), Croatea (Croatia). since 2004 Expert reviewer for the Marie Curie programme of the EU 2004-2009 Coordinator of the KM3NeT Design Study (EU/FP6) 2005-2008 Member of the Peer Review Committee of ApPEC (Astroparticle Physics European Coordination) 2006-2011 Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of ASPERA (Astroparticle ERA network) since 2007 Chair of the Bachelor/Master examination board of the Department of Physics 2007-2009 Member of Senate and University Council of FAU 2009-2011 Head of the Department of Physics and vice dean of the Faculty of Science of the FAU since 2010 Member of the BMBF board of reviewers for astro and astroparticle physics 2011 Prize of the students' union for outstanding commitment 2012 Prize for good teaching by the Dean of Studies, Department of Physics 2013-2015 Member of Senate and University Council of FAU _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: E-1925-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 13 (+15 ongoing) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 26 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Neutrino astronomy with KM3NeT KM3NeT is a future, cubic-kilometre scale neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea that will be roughly 50 times more sensitive than ANTARES. A first construction phase of KM3NeT will start in 2014. Erlangen has played a crucial role in this project since its initiation in 2002. Uli Katz has coordinated an EUfunded Design Study for KM3NeT (2006-09, altogether 20 MEUR) and is member of the collaboration management. The Erlangen KM3NeT group, jointly led by U. Katz and G. Anton, contributes to optical 64 module assembly, photomultiplier studies, acoustic position calibration and software development. A further topic intensely pursued is the ORCA case study on using KM3NeT technology for performing precision measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters, in particular the neutrino mass hierarchy. Acoustic detection studies An alternative approach to measuring ultra-high energy neutrinos is the detection of the acoustic pulse caused by the energy deposition of the secondary particles in the water and its subsequent thermal expansion. To investigate the feasibility of this approach, the Erlangen group has designed and constructed an acoustic sensor system (AMADEUS) that is operated in the ANTARES framework. Currently, the main activities are operation and calibration of the system and th analysis of the resulting data. For the first time, a reliable estimate of the rate of "neutrino-like" acoustic signals in ´the deep sea is becoming possible. Optical modules for PINGU PINGU stands for "Phased IceCube Next Generation Upgrade", i.e. the plan to instrument very densely a subvolume of the IceCube neutrino telescope in the deep ice of the South Pole for neutrino physics stud ies. In U. Katz' group a new optical module for this future project is developed, based on the technology developed for KM3NeT. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications ZEUS Collaboration, J. Breitweg, ..., U. Katz, ..., Comparison of ZEUS data with standard model predictions for e+p -> e+X scattering at high x and Q², Z. Phys. C74 (1997) 207. U. Katz, KM3NeT Collaboration: Towards a km3 Mediterranean neutrino telescope, Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 567 (2006) 457. Neutrino physics with atmospheric neutrinos Atmospheric neutrinos are produced in interactions of cosmic rays in the atmosphere. Measuring them in the lower-energy domain (some GeV) allows for determining the parameters of neutrino oscillations and, due to matter effects in the neutrino propagation through Earth, also the neutrino mass hierarchy. This is one of the most fundamental parameters of particle physics and its measurement is not in reach for current experiments. In addition to instrumental aspects (ORCA and PINGU, see above), also the neutrino physics as such and the sensitivity of possible future measurements with neutrino telescopes are investigated in detail. Gamma-ray astronomy with H.E.S.S. and CTA Gamma-ray astronomy, i.e. the detection of highenergy gamma rays with ground-based Cherenkov telescopes, is pursued at the chair of U. Katz in the group of Christopher van Eldik. Strong contributions have been made to the study of the Galactic Centre and to the absolute pointing calibration of H.E.S.S. U. Katz was member of the CTA Requirements Review Committee 2012. Funding (last 5 years) Neutrino telescope ANTARES, 2002-2014, together with G. Anton; BMBF; 2008-2014; together 1231.0 kEUR. Feasibility study for acoustic detection, together with G. Anton; BMBF; 2008-2014; together xxx.x kEUR. KM3NeT Design Study, together with G. Anton EU (FP6); 2006-2009; 1039.7 kEUR. KM3NeT Preparatory Phase, together with G. Anton EU (FP7); 2008-2012; 554.0 kEUR. Development of an optical module for IceCube extensions (PINGU) BMBF; 2011-2014; 108.0 kEUR. KM3NeT Collaboration, P. Bagley, ..., U. Katz, ..., KM3NeT Technical Design Report, ISBN 978-90-6488-033-9 (2010). Available from: ANTARES Collaboration, J.A. Aguilar, ..., U. Katz, ..., AMADEUS - The acoustic neutrino detection test system of the ANTARES deep-sea neutrino telescope, Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 626 (2011) 128. U. Katz and Ch. Spiering, High-Energy Neutrino Astrophysics: Status and Perspectives, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 67 (2012) 651. ___________________________________________________________________________ 65 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vojislav Krstić (b. 1972) W2, Chair for Applied Physics The experimental research of Vojislav Krstić roots in the physics of low-dimensional, nanostructured, and molecular solid-state systems and associated phenomena in transport and optics induced by external fields and structural- and device-topology. This comprises the impact of the symmetry-breaking action of fields and topology and their interplay. He studied Physics at the RuprechtKarls-University Heidelberg and carried-out his PhD work at the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid-StateResearch in Stuttgart supervised by Prof. Siegmar Roth in the department of Prof. Klaus von Klitzing. His topic was (magneto) transport in individual singlewalled carbon nanotubes addressing charge-injection from metals and the magnetochiral anisotropy. From 2002 he worked as postdoctoral fellow at the Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory, and from 2005 on as CNRS researcher at the National Pulsed Magnetic Field Laboratory Toulouse on magnetotransport and optics of doped carbon nanotubes and graphene. He accepted 2007 a permanent position as Assistant Professor at the School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, and became Principal Investigator at the Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices. End 2007 he received the Stokes Award from the Science Foundation Ireland for his scientific merits. He continued to address new emerging materials such as 1D semiconductors and topologically chiral nano-sized metals incl. ferromagnets and superconductors. He was national head of the Nanoelectronics Strand of the government’s Integrated Nanoscience Platform for Ireland (INSPIRE) to coordinate the strategic development of nanoscience and technology in Ireland. His multi-disciplinary activities lead to substantial collaborations with multinational industry. 2013 he accepted a W2 professorship in the FAU Department of Physics in applied physics and joined in October 2013. Vojislav Krstić is recognized by more than 40 publications, h-index of 18 and funding from the EU and different national sources (within EU, USA), and more than 35 invitations to talks and seminars. Research in the Krstić group Fields- and topology-induced phenomena in nano- and molecular-solid-state electronics Magnetoelectric transport asymmetries & magnetic coupling in 1D & 2D Systems Low-dimensionally electronic systems are an intriguing source of rich physics induced by magnetic Professional Career Since Oct. 2013 Professor at the FAU 2007-2013 Assistant professor at the Trinity College Dublin 2005-2007 CNRS researcher, National Laboratory for Pulsed Magnetic Fields, Toulouse 2002-2005 Postdoctoral fellow, Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory 1998-2002 PhD student, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid-State Research, Stuttgart _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: I-8101-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 3 (+3 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 4 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ fields, e.g. the Quantum Hall effect or the Giant Magnetoresistance. Breaking the inherent or superimposing an additional symmetry in such systems by, e.g. targeted lithographic, doping, or chemical means, creates new superstructures with distinctly different properties. These new properties range from longrange magnetic coupling affecting spinpolarised charge-transport to coupling of electronic and magnetic degrees of freedom which induce resistance asymmetries in the corresponding devices tuneable by electric and magnetic fields. Main focus is currently on materials with relativistic bandstructure and/or strong spin-orbit coupling. We could demonstrate that appropriate superstructuring enables for the first time the tailoring of internal electrical current paths at room temperature in relativistic systems (submitted). The lack of this possibility was todate regarded as a major obstacle for exploiting such materials in electronic applications. Transport & optical effects in topologically chiral nanosystems Chiral systems exist in two forms being each other’s mirror image, e.g. hands or DNA, that is, break spacereversal (parity) symmetry. If in addition time-reversal symmetry is broken by e.g. a magnetic field, then the system’s properties depend bi-linearly on the associated particle’s momentum and magnetic-field vectors - the so-called magnetochiral anisotropy. We pioneered in this field by measuring the anisotropy in the electrical transport in single-walled carbon nanotubes (fig. left), and in the dichroism and transmission of ferromagnetic molecular crystal (insulating) elucidat- 66 ing the ferromagnetic self-field influence (fig. right). Similarly, anisotropies are generated by external electric fields when directed appropriately w.r.t. the system’s axes. For superconductors and electrically conducting ferromagnets the anisotropy has hardly been studied as in nature no such strongly correlated systems/solids exist with chiral lattice-structure. We pioneered in producing and studying instead topologically chiral, nanosized ferromagnets and superconductors (submitted). That is, nanoscale shaping of ferromagnetic and superconducting solids into a chiral form (helices; fig. left) by fitted technology, studying their transport and optical properties. Addedvalue spin-offs are exploitations as fieldtuneable polarizers, nanoantennae and for energy harvesting. tivity. Similarly, the surrounding material (incl. substrate) of a conduction channel impacts through interface-doping etc. Towards this end we study the electrical contact-interface properties of quasi-1D semiconductor nanowires (Ge, Si, InAs), incl. impact of contact-geometry on material-interface resistivity, transfer length, and current-crowding. We achieved first time demonstration of Fermi-level pinning alleviation due to contact-topology in 1D semiconductors (see fig.). Regarding 2D systems we study electrical transport and interface- and contact-properties in 2D layered materials, specifically graphene, incl. substrate functionalisation and impact of electrode layout and arrangement. 100 nm Ni Electrical contact-interfaces, doping & devicetopology in 1D & 2D systems With ongoing miniaturisation of electrically driven devices, the contact-resistivity becomes increasingly important for the device performance. In particular, both, the materials interfacing at a contact and the actual contact-topology (e.g., side- or end-contacted) play an equally important role for the contact- resis _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected Publications Contact resistivity and suppression of Fermi level pinning in side-contacted germanium nanowires, Appl. Phys. Lett., accepted, (2013). Suppression of short-range scattering via hydrophobic substrates and the fractional quantum Hall effect in graphene, PSS - Rapid Res. Lett. (2012). Diameter Controlled Solid-Phase Seeding of Germanium Nanowires: Structural Characterization and Electrical Transport Properties, Chem. Mater. (2011). Graphene-metal interface: two-terminal resistance of low-mobility graphene in high magnetic fields, Nano Lett. (2008). Strong magneto-chiral dichroism in enantiopure chiral ferromagnets, Nature Mat. (2008). Magneto-chiral anisotropy in charge transport through single-walled carbon nanotubes, J. Chem. Phys. (2002). Selected collaborations We work closely with the theoreticians C. Ewels (IMN, Nantes) and M. Ferreira (TCD), J. Donegan’s optics group (TCD), J. Holmes’ synthetic chemistry group (UCC Cork), G. Rikken (LNCMI Grenoble/Toulouse) for high-magnetic field experiments, and are currently at the FAU establishing collaborations with the SFB 953 and the Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced Materials. Teaching and outreach The education of students is one of the most important duties to maintain and boost science and research and scientific excellence at the university. I have actively worked on the implementation of a new nanoscience curriculum at Irish universities. For rising interest and awareness of the importance of science and research to the general public, I have participated in a computer-game (Nanoquest2) realisation addressing teenagers, and in videos promoting (nano)science (cf. YouTube). Funding ~300.000 € p.a. (EU, USA; SFI, ESF, FP7, Marie Curie, multinational industry, NSF) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 67 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gerd Leuchs (b. 1950) W3, Head of the Institute for Optics, Information and Photonics Director of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light Gerd Leuchs has led groups in research and development since 1985, including a period from 1990 to 1994 in industry in Switzerland. After joining the faculty at Erlangen he convinced the Max-Planck Society to fund a research centre for five years, as the precursor for a full-fledged Max-Planck Institute. The new Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light opened in 2009. Gerd Leuchs has also served the scientific community in numerous ways both nationally and internationally, and has been a member of OSA's nomination and strategic planning committees as well as chairing the Quantum Optics Division of the German Physical Society (DPG). He was elected to the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in 2005. In the same year he received the Quantum Electronics and Optics Award of the European Physical Society. During his scientific career he has contributed substantially to a wide range of topics from quantum to classical optics, including studies of nonclassical light and quantum communication, focusing and nano-photonics, laser spectroscopy, gravitational wave detection and optical communication and testing. Gerd Leuchs published close to 300 publications in peer reviewed scientific journals and numerous invited papers and he is editor of 3 books. Gerd Leuchs won numerous research grants from the German National Science Foundation (DFG), the Federal German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), the European Commission, the Bavarian Ministry for Science, Research and Arts, as well as the Max Planck Society. He supervised 5 habilitations (6 are in progress). Research in the Leuchs group The research spans a wider range of fundamental research from classical to quantum optics, including studies of non-classical light and quantum communication, focusing and nanophotonics, laser spectroscopy, gravitational wave detection and optical communication and testing. Efficient atom light coupling in free space Time reversal symmetry provides a general recipe for achieving optimum coupling of light to resonant optical material systems, such as Fabry Perot resonators, Professional Career 2012-now Professor Adjunct, University of Ottawa 2009-now Director of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen 2003-2008 Director of the Max Planck Research Group for Optics, Information and Photonics, Erlangen 1994-now W3 professor at FAU, Erlangen 1990-1994 Technical Director of Nanomach AG, Buchs, Switzerland 1986-1994 Faculty member (PD), Universität München 1985-1989 Groupleader (C3) at Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching 1983-1985 Heisenberg-Fellow of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft at JILA and NIST, Boulder, Colorado 1980-1981 Feodor-Lynen-Fellow of the Alexandervon-Humboldt Foundation 1979-1980 Visiting Fellow at JILA, University of Colorado 1978-1983 Research Associate, Universität München 1975-1978 Ph.D. Thesis, Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München 1970-1975 Study of Physics and Mathematics, Universität Köln _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: G-6178-2012 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 32 (+ 24 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 79 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ super and sub wavelength antenna structures. The extreme case for the latter is a single atom, which will be treated in detail. This coupling between light and a single atom is probably the most fundamental process in quantum optics. The best strategy for efficiently coupling light to a single atom in free space depends on the goal. If the goal is to maximally attenuate a laser beam, narrow band on resonance laser radiation is required as well as a wave front approaching the atom from a 2 solid angle. If, on the other hand, the goal is to fully absorb the light bringing the atom to the excited state with its Bloch vector pointing fully upwards one will have to provide a single photon, designed to represent the time reversed wave packet which the atom would emit in a spontaneous emission process. Among other conditions this requires the single photon wave packet impinging from a full 4 solid angle and having the correct temporal shape. Any deviation from the perfect shape will reduce the efficiency. If the interaction is strong enough it will allow for building a few photon quantum gate without a cavity with possible applications in quantum information processing, such as a quantum repeater. 68 Unpolarized light in pure quantum states Two-photon Bell states are among the basic tools of quantum optics and quantum information. Currently, there is a growing interest in their macroscopic analogues in connection with macroscopic entanglement. In particular, conditions for non-separability (entanglement) can be formulated in terms of polarization (Stokes) observables. In this work, we produce four macroscopic Bell states in a high-gain travelling-wave _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications J. Gea-Banacloche, G. Leuchs, "Squeezed States for Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors", J. Mod. Opt. 34, 793 (1987) S. Quabis, R. Dorn, M. Eberler, O. Glöckl, G. Leuchs, "Focusing light to a tighter spot", Optics Commun. 179, 1 (2000) Ch. Silberhorn, P.K. Lam, O. Weiß, F. König, N. Korolkova, G. Leuchs, "Generation of Continuous Variable Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement via Kerr Nonlinearity in an Optical Fibre", Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4267 (2001) N. Korolkova, G. Leuchs, R. Loudon, T.C. Ralph, Ch. Silberhorn, "Polarization Squeezing and Continuous Variable Polarization Entanglement", Phys. Rev. A 65, 052306 (2002) R. Dorn, S. Quabis, G. Leuchs, "Sharper Focus for a radially polarized light beam", Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 233901 (2003) A.G. Striegel, M. Meißner, K. Cvecek, K. Sponsel, G. Leuchs, B. Schmauß, "NOLM based RZ-DPSK signal regeneration", IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett. 17, 639 (2005) J.U. Fürst, D.V. Strekalov, D. Elser, M. Lassen, U.L. Andersen, C. Marquardt, G. Leuchs, “Naturally PhaseMatched Second-Harmonic Generation in a Whispering-Gallery-Mode Resonator”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 153901 (2010) G. Leuchs, M. Sondermann, “Time-reversal symmetry in optics”, Physica Scripta 85, 058101 (2012) M. Förtsch, J.U. Fürst, Ch. Wittmann, D. Strekalov, A. Aiello, M.V. Chekhova, C. Silberhorn, G. Leuchs, C. Marquard, „A versatile source of single photons for quantum information processing“, Nature Comm. 4, 1818 (2013) four-mode optical parametric amplifier and study their polarization properties. Squeezing Light in a Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator Whispering gallery mode resonators (WGMRs) are attractive devices, as they are robust, the quality factors are huge, and coupling to the WGMR is variable. Several nonlinear processes have already been investigated. However, nonlinearities in WGMRs could not be exploited for the generation of non-classical light so far. In our approach we investigate the process of parametric oscillation in a crystalline lithium niobate WGMR. Far above the pump power threshold, not only twinbeam quantum correlations, but also amplitude squeezing of a single parametric beam is predicted. Selected collaborations Ulrik L. Andersen, Lyngby, on quantum communication with coherent states Robert W. Boyd, Ottawa, on higher order transverse modes and entanglement Radim Filip, Olomouc, on quantum communication protocols Elisabeth Giacobino, Paris, on interfacing light to nano-crystal quantum dots Natalia V. Korolkova, St. Andrews, on quantum discord Luis Sanchez-Soto, Madrid, on special topics in quantum optics Christine Silberhorn, Paderborn, on single mode quantum light Dmitry Strekalov, Pasadena, on quantum optics in microresonators David J. Wineland, Boulder, on an ion trap with wide open optical access Funding approx. 12 million Euro of individual grants including ERC Advanced Grant (DFG, BMBF, EU, Bw) approx. 60 million Euro of structural funding (as the spokesperson of a DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm and an EU-Consortium, and as the initiator of a MaxPlanck-Research Group) P. Banzer, M. Neugebauer, A. Aiello, C. Marquardt, N. Lindlein, T. Bauer, G. Leuchs, „The photonic wheel demonstration of a state of light with purely transverse angular momentum“, JEOS:RP 8, 13032 (2013) ___________________________________________________________________________ 69 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Eric Lutz (b. 1972) W2, Institute for Theoretical Physics II The research activities of Eric Lutz focus on the theoretical investigation of nanosystems far from equilibrium. His work lies at the interface of statistical physics and quantum optics. After studies in Strasbourg (France), he got his PhD from the University of Heidelberg with a thesis on quantum dissipation. He then spent postdoctoral years in Geneva, Yale University and Ulm. In 2006, he became the head of an Emmy-Noether group at the University of Augsburg, where he started to study quantum thermodynamics, in particular the role of quantum effects in nano heat engines and nonequilibrium processes. At the same time, he was a Junior Principal Investigator in the Cluster of Excellence "Nanosystems Initiative Munich" (NIM). He joined the physics department at the FAU in 2013. His work is well recognized internationally, with about 800 citations to more than 50 publications, an h-index of 14, and more than 90 invited talks at research institutions and internal conferences and workshops. He was a visiting professor at the University of Maryland and the Technical University of Prague. For his research on quantum thermodynamics, he was awarded the Bernard Hess Prize of the University of Regensburg in 2010. Since 2013, he is a member of the Management Committee of the European COST program "Thermodynamics in the Quantum Regime" and chairman of one of its working groups. Research in the Lutz group Nanosystems far from equilibrium In our research, we employ tools of statistical physics and quantum optics to investigate the nonequilibrium properties of nanosystems operating far from equilibrium, in particular, beyond the range of linear response theory, in close collaborations with experimental groups. Single-ion nano heat engine Heat engines are devices that convert heat into useful mechanical work, hence motion. Quantum effects on heat engines have been the subject of intense theoretical studies for more than 50 years. However, no quantum heat engine has been built so far. In collaboration with the experimental group of Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler at Mainz we have put forward a concrete scheme to built a nano heat engine using a Professional Career 2013-now W2-professor at FAU, Erlangen 2011-2013 Group leader at Freie Universität Berlin, PI in the Focus Area "Nanoscale" 2006-2011 Junior group leader (Emmy-Noether Fellow) at the University of Augsburg, PI in the Cluster of Excellence "Nanosystems Initiative Munich" (NIM) 2003-2005 Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Ulm 2002-2003 Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale University, USA 2000-2001 Postoctoral Fellow at the University of Geneva, Switzerland 1996-1999 PhD student at the University of Heidelberg _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-2713-2008 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 3 (+ 3 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 14 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ single ion in a linear Paul trap coupled to engineered laser reservoirs. Numerical Monte-Carlo simulations have demonstrated the feasibility of such an engine with current technology, its ability to run autonomously at maximum power, and its potential to work in the quantum domain. Information and thermodynamics In 1961, Rolf Landauer argued that the erasure of information is a dissipative process. A minimal quantity of heat is necessarily produced when a classical bit of information is deleted. Despite its fundamental importance for information theory and computer science, the erasure principle had not been verified experimentally so far, the main obstacle being the difficulty of doing single-particle experiments in the low-dissipation regime. In collaboration with the group of Sergio Ciliberto at ENS Lyon, we have experimentally shown the existence of the Landauer bound in a generic model of a one-bit memory. Using a system of a colloidal particle trapped in a modulated double-well potential, we have establishes that the mean dissipated heat saturates at the Landauer bound as predicted. This result demonstrates the intimate link between information theory and thermodynamics. Cold atoms in optical lattices Cold atoms in dissipative optical lattices exhibit unusual transport behavior that cannot be described within Boltzmann-Gibbs statistical mechanics. The latter include anomalous diffusion, ergodicity breaking and the failure of the Green-Kubo formalism. 70 Using a semiclassical approach, we have characterized the nonergodic properties of the system in terms of the depth of the optical potential, ergodicity breaking being observable-dependent for shallow lattices. We have shown that the unusual features of the atomic cloud can be determined from a distribution of infinite measure in the regime where the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution fails and leads to divergent results. Selected collaborations We have active collaborations with the experimental groups of Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler at Mainz (ion-trap engine), Sergio Ciliberto at ENS-Lyon, France (optical tweezer) and Ferruccio Renzoni at University College London (optical lattices). On the theory side, we further collaborate with Eli Barkai and David Kessler at Bar-Ilan University (nonergodic dynamics), Igor Jex at the Technical University of Prague (quantum walks), _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Beyond Boltzmann-Gibbs statistical mechanics in optical lattices, Eric Lutz and Ferruccio Renzoni, Nature Phys. 9, 615 (2013) Sebastian Deffner at the University of Maryland (quantum speed limit), and Giovanna Morigi at Saarbrücken (bath-induced entanglement). Teaching In my teaching, i) I encourage active learning by keeping students engaged in class and inviting them to participate in learning activities with the goal that they become independent learners, ii) I motivate students by defining the overall goal of the course and giving them frequent feedback. iii) I moreover create an effective learning environment with wellstructured courses that highlights general concepts and methods and pursue general problem-solving strategies that can be applied to wide-ranging situations. Funding Selected funding of the past few years: DFG EmmyNoether grant (2006-2011) 1M EUR (1 postdoc + 1 PhD), Cluster of Excellence (2006-2011), 250K EUR (1 PhD), DFG (2011-2014) 200K (1 PhD), European STREP (2013-2016) 300K EUR (1 postdoc) Quantum speed limit for non-Markovian dynamics Sebastian Deffner and Eric Lutz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 010402 (2013) Experimental verification of Landauer's principle linking information and thermodynamics Antoine Berut, Artak Arakelyan, Artyom Petrosyan, Sergio Ciliberto, Raoul Dillenschneider, and Eric Lutz, Nature 183, 487 (2012) Single ion heat engine with maximum efficiency at maximum power Obinna Abah, Johannes Rossnagel, Georg Jacob, Sebastian Deffner, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Kilian Singer, and Eric Lutz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 203006 (2012) Anomalous spatial diffusion and multifractality in optical lattices Andreas Dechant and Eric Lutz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 230601 (2012) Nonequilibrium entropy production for open quantum systems Sebastian Deffner and Eric Lutz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 140404 (2011) Nanoheat engine with a single trapped ion. a) Energyfrequency diagram of quantum Otto engine, a generalization of the usual four-stroke car engine. b) An illustration of the four strokes (heating-expansion-cooling-compression) for a single ion coupled to engineered laser reservoirs. c) (Inset) Conical geometry of the Paul trap confining the single ion. Generalized Clausius inequality for nonequilibrium quantum processes Sebastian Deffner and Eric Lutz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 170402 (2010) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 71 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Andreas Magerl (b. 1949) C4, Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, Crystallography and Structural Physics Research in the Magerl group Nanoprecipitates in semiconductor materials observed in-situ by dynamical x-ray diffraction Hardly known, but of paramount technological importance is a high concentration of oxygen in semiconductor Si, typically 1*1018 atoms per cm3. It is manipulated to form nanoprecipiates in the bulk of Siwafers. In this way distortion fields are created which permanently trap unwanted impurities far away from the active regions of a chip. No computer today would work without this internal ‘vacuum cleaner’ effect. While atomic oxygen and precipitates above 20 nm in diameter are accessible by light scattering, they are practically invisible in the intermediate juvenile size. We have developed several extremely sensitive techniques based on dynamic X-ray diffraction to make the entire process from the birth over the juvenile stage into an adult precipitate of µm-size observable. And this can even be done in-situ! The key is the observation of the destruction of macroscopic quantum states in the strain fields of precipitates. At present we broaden the field of application to study defect inventories in high-quality oxide crystals needed e. g. for high power laser applications. Schematics of a setup to measure thickness dependent Pendellösung oscillation from a wedge shaped sample. Professional Career 1997-now C4-professor at FAU, Erlangen 1981 Employment as a physicist at the Institute Max von Laue – Paul Langevin (ILL), Grenoble, France; Appointment as „staff scientist“ at the ILL Appointment as group leader at the ILL Habilitation in experimental physics at the Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany, with the subject „Highresolution inelastic neutron spectroscopy – new methods and applications”. Appointment on guest professorship at the Ruhr University, Bochum 1980-1981 Visiting research associate professorship at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA 1979-1980 Scholarship by the German Science Foundation (DFG) for 9 months, followed by a guest researcher appointment at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Maryland, USA 1974-1979 PhD in physics at the Technical University of Munich with the subject „Phonons in metalhydrogen systems“ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: E-1797-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: Diploma, BSc., MSc.: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ resolution. The GaAs 200 reflection has a significantly smaller structure factor and as a consequence its Darwin width is 10 times smaller than in case of Si 111. For the first time we will employ GaAs 200 to improve the energy resolution of IN16B at the ILL by one order of magnitude. In addition, a time-of-flight option will enlarge the energy transfer range also by a factor of 10. This project is embedded in a world-wide partnership of neutron scattering centers. 10 m2 analyser array of Si crystals on IN16 at the ILL, Grenoble, France A neutron backscattering spectrometer with ultrahigh energy resolution Structure and growth of self-assembled monolayers Neutron backscattering spectrometers worldwide use perfect Si 111 crystals mounted on large spherically shaped surfaces (~10 m2) to achieve highest energy Surface properties may be tailored through coatings, and self-assembled monolayers play an important role in this field. We use surface-sensitive diffraction techniques (reflectivity, GI-XRD, GISAXS, etc.) to elu- 72 cidate the surface structures and correlations with the substrate down to a subatomic level. In-situ experiments unravel the growth dynamics and the growth mode. While we had focused in the past on polymers and micellar structures, our present emphasis is on silanes and porphyrines on both amorphous and crystalline substrates. The ultimate aim is to gain knowledge about the hierarchy of interactions between the SAMs and the substrates. Schematic layout of the lithographically patterned SAMFET device (from Thomas Schmaltzl et al. Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 4511–4514) Of particular interest to us is the structure and dynamics of liquids close to boundary layer and the influence of shear (flowing liquid). We want to highlight that we have pioneered a new method by combining neutron spin echo with grazing incidence condition. This allows in a unique way to access the gradient of local dynamics with a depth resolution of 10 Å. Ultrafast SAXS- and WAXS-studies on nucleation and growth of II-VI quantum dots II-VI quantum dots are known to have a high density of stacking faults. It can be argued whether these are structural defects or if they represent an intrinsic property of small crystallites. In other words, there is a fundamental issue asking how big a crystal has to be to adopt his adult structure. We have pioneered a novel technique based on a fast flowing free jet to follow nucleation and growth of quantum dot in solution from 10 µs onwards (world record by 2 orders of magnitude) with SAXS (morphological shape) and WAXS (crystal structure). These experiments will be completed in the near future by TXS (defects). Here a vclose collaboration with R. Neder is needed (program DISCUS). Selected collaborations Numerous collaborations with scientists from many major neutron and synchrotron radiation facilities worldwide. Funding Presently active: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications The measurement of tunnel states in solid CH3NO2 and CD3NO2, B. Alefeld, I.S. Anderson, A. Heidemann, A. Magerl, and S.F. Trevino, J. Chem. Phys. 76, 2758 (1982) Concentration dependence and temperature dependence of hydrogen tunneling in Nb(OH)x, A. Magerl, A.J. Dianoux, H. Wipf, K. Neumaier and I.S. Anderson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 159 (1986) Flow dynamics of sheared liquids explored by inelastic neutron scattering, A. Magerl, H. Zabel, B. Frick and P. Lindner, Applied Physics Letters 74, 3474 (1999) DFG SPP 1415: Kristalline Nichtgleichgewichts-phasen - Präparation, Charakterisierung und in situUntersuchung der Bildungsmechanismen; 220 k€ DFG FOR 1878: Functional Molecular Structures on Complex Oxide Surfaces; 200 k€ DFG GRK 1896: In-situ Mikroskopie mit Elektronen, Röntgenstrahlen und Rastersonden; 140 k€ BMBF: In-situ Synchrotron Studies on the Formation of Nanomaterials; 690 k€ BMBF Verbundforschung: Erhöhung der Energieauflösung und Erweiterung des dynamischen Bereiches in der Neutronenrückstreuspektroskopie; 1.8 M€ Storage of X-ray photons in a crystal resonator, K.D. Liss, R. Hock, M. Gomm, B. Waibel, A.Magerl, M. Krisch and R. Tucoulou, Nature, 404, 371 (2000) Micellar crystallization with a hysteresis in temperature, M. Walz, M. Wolff, N. Voss, H.Zabel, A. Magerl, Langmuir 26 (18),14391-14394 (2010) Non-periodicity in nanoparticles with close-packed structures, A. A. Rempel and A. Magerl, Acta Cryst A66, 479-483 (2010) ___________________________________________________________________________ 73 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sabine Maier (b. 1979) W1 (tenure track), Institute for Condensed Matter Physics The research interests of Sabine Maier center around scanning probe microscopy experiments of molecules and functional nanomaterials on surfaces. After her studies at the University of Basel, Switzerland, she continued in Basel working as a graduate student in the group of E. Meyer and received her PhD in 2007. Her thesis was on atomic scale friction and self-assemblies of molecules on insulators using atomic force microscopy. During her PhD she spent one year at the McGill University, Canada, in the group of Prof. R. Bennewitz. As a postdoctoral fellow she joint the group of Prof. M. Salmeron at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA. There she studied the adsorption and reaction of small molecules on metal substrate using low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. 2010 she moved to Erlangen as a Juniorprofessor at the Department of Physics and the Cluster of Excellence “Engineering of Advanced Materials”. Her work includes 23 publications with more than 465 citations. 2012 she became a Young Scholar of the Bavarian Academy of Science. Research in the Maier group Our research activities center around the atomic-level understanding of fundamental physical and chemical processes of single molecules, molecular selfassemblies and nanomaterials on surfaces using scanning probe microscopy, including scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). We examine apart from the atomic-scale structure the mechanical and electrical properties of nanomaterials with a particular functionality. Molecular self-assemblies on insulators Molecular self-assembly is a versatile tool for creating functional structures on surfaces. The growth of ordered molecular structure on insulators is in particular important for the understanding and development of efficient light harvesting and molecular electronic devices. While metal surfaces usually exhibit strong enough surface-molecule interactions that favor molecular self-assembly, controlled growth procedures of molecules on insulators are often hindered by the weak, unspecific interaction with the substrate, which leads to diffusion and disordered aggregates. We have identified several molecules, including porphy- Professional Career 2010-now W1-Juniorprofessor at FAU, Erlangen 2007-2010 Postdoctoral fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA (group of Miquel Salmeron) 2003-2007 PhD student at the University of Basel, Switzerland (group of Ernst Meyer) 2004-2005 Visiting Scientist at McGill University, Canada (group of Roland Bennewitz) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: B-5917-2008 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 2 in progress Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 5 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ rins and phthalocyanines, which form well ordered self-assemblies on bulk surfaces and investigated their structure with non-contact AFM. In our studies, bulk alkali halides served as model surfaces. In future we will address the organic molecule oxide interface NC-AFM images of self-assembled porphyrin molecules on KBr(001) in form of wires: a) Overview image and b) resolved molecular structure. Adapted from S. Maier et al. Small 4, 8, 1115-1118 (2008) Functional Carbon Allotropes Graphene, the youngest carbon allotrope, has emerged as a promising new nanomaterial for a variety of exciting applications because it possesses several useful properties, such as the high mobility of the charge carriers and high crystal quality. Recently, it has been shown successfully that organic molecules adsorbed on surfaces are ideal precursors for forming new carbon allotropes, e.g. carbon nanoribbons, in a bottom-up approach, Our goal is to study the formation of supramolecular structures on surfaces using organic molecules as precursor which form functional carbon allotropes on surfaces by surface stimulated reactions. Their local atomic and electronic structure is determined by scanning probe methods. 74 Wetting phenomena at the nano-scale Funding Much effort has been devoted to decipher the nature of the first layers of water on surfaces as it plays an important role in electrochemistry, corrosion, or heterogeneous catalysis. In addition, the understanding of the water dissociation mechanism on surface is a crucial step in the development of efficient catalysts for splitting of water for hydrogen production, a major goal of renewable energy research. We contributed to that by identifying the structure of water on metal and graphene surface at the molecular level by low temperature STM. Sabine Maier is PI in the Collaborative research center SFB 953 “Synthetic Carbon Allotropes”, Research unit FOR 1878 “Functional Molecular Structures on Complex Oxide Surfaces” and Research Training Group GRK 1896 “In-Situ Microscopy with Electrons, X-rays and Scanning probes”; Rising Star Program Cluster of Excellence “Engineering of Advanced Materials” Selected collaborations We have several international collaborations, e.g. with Prof. M. Salmeron, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA as well as collaborations with groups at the FAU, i.e. Prof. R.R. Tykwinski and Dr. M. Kivala from the Department of Chemistry of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. High-resolution STM image of one-molecule-thick water clusters on Ru(0001) composed of 0° and 30° rotated hexagons bridged by heptagons and pentagons. Adapted from S. Maier et al. Phys. Rev B. 85, 155434 (2012) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Fluctuations and jump dynamics in atomic friction S. Maier, Yi Sang, T. Filleter, M. Grant, R. Bennewitz, E. Gnecco, E. Meyer Phys. Rev. B 72, 245418 (2005) Atomic-Scale Control of Friction by Actuation of Nanometer-Sized Contacts A. Socoliuc, E. Gnecco, S. Maier, O. Pfeiffer, A. Baratoff, R. Bennewitz, E. Meyer SCIENCE 313, 207 (2006) Nano-Engineering of Molecular Porphyrin Wires on Insulating Surfaces S. Maier, L.-A. Fendt, L. Zimmerli, T. Glatzel, O. Pfeiffer, F. Diederich, E. Meyer SMALL Vol. 4 Issue 8, 1115-1118 (2008) Adsorbed water-molecule hexagons with unexpected rotations in islands on Ru(0001) and Pd(111) S. Maier, I. Stass, T. Mitsui,P.J. Feibelman, K. Thürmer,and M. Salmeron Phys. Rev. B 85, 155434 (2012) Water Splits Epitaxial Graphene and Intercalates X. Feng, S. Maier, M. Salmeron J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 (12), 5662–5668, (2012) ___________________________________________________________________________ 75 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Florian Marquardt (b. 1974) W3, Institute for Theoretical Physics II The theoretical work of Florian Marquardt deals with quantum dynamics, applied to systems at the interface of nanophysics and quantum optics. After studies at Bayreuth, he received his PhD in 2002 at the University of Basel, Switzerland, in the group of C. Bruder, where he had analyzed decoherence at low temperatures. He then joined the group of S. Girvin at Yale University, USA, as a postdoctoral fellow. There, he started to study the coupling of light and mechanical motion, a topic that has developed since then into the area of “cavity optomechanics”. Returning to Germany in 2005, he became a junior professor and Emmy-Noether group leader at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich. In 2009 he decided to accept an offer to head a chair of theoretical physics at the FAU, where he has been since 2010. His work is well recognized internationally, with about 2000 citations to more than 50 publications, an h-index of 24, and more than 50 invited talks at international conferences and workshops so far. For his research on the theory of optomechanics, he was awarded the 2009 WalterSchottky prize of the German Physical Society (DPG). In 2011 he received an ERC Starting Grant for a project on future optomechanical circuits. Since 2012, Florian Marquardt is on the Editorial Board of the open-access New Journal of Physics. Professional Career 2010-now W3-professor at FAU, Erlangen 2005-2010 Junior research group leader (junior professor and Emmy-Noether fellow) at LudwigMaximilians Universität München (LMU), PI in two SFBs and junior PI in the NIM cluster of excellence 2003-2005 Postdoctoral fellow at Yale University, USA (group of Steve Girvin) 2002-2003 Postdoctoral fellow in the Swiss National Center for Competence in Research in Nanoscale Science (NCCR), Basel 1999-2002 PhD student at the University of Basel, Switzerland (group of Christoph Bruder) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-2533-2008 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 5 (+ 5 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 7 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ mechanics and for possible applications. We have the quantum transport of electrons, where many-body effects and the Pauli principle change the usual story of a single particle coupled to some bath. To this end, we exploit techniques from many-body theory like path-integrals, diagrammatic perturbation theory and exactly solvable models such as Luttinger liquids. Quantum Electrodynamics in Superconducting Circuits In our research, we apply tools from condensed matter theory and from quantum optics to a range of questions involving quantum dynamics out of equilibrium. In our approach, we often try to identify the salient features of experimentally relevant situations and condense them into minimalist models which can then be attacked with all the state-of-the-art theoretical tools. Systems of superconducting qubits coupling to onchip microwave resonators have seen enormous progress in the past 10 years, with coherence times increasing by at least four orders of magnitude. They are now seen as one of the main candidates for quantum computers and simulators. In the past years, we have e.g. proposed an on-chip detector of single microwave photons or the measurement-based generation of entanglement. At present, multi-qubit circuits are becoming possible. Here we have been the first to propose a design for a two-dimensional “cavity grid”, coupling many qubits and resonators. Recently, we started exploring how multi-qubit systems could be exploited for quantum simulations of interesting many-body models, e.g. with regard to possible phase transitions of matter-radiation systems, or for implementing interacting quantum field theories. Decoherence Many-Body Dynamics in Non-Equilibrium The wave-particle duality is at the heart of quantum physics. Matter waves show interference patterns. However, local interactions destroy interference effects, giving rise to classical-like particle dynamics. This is known as decoherence and it has important implications both for the foundations of quantum Systems of ultracold atoms have become a unique tool to study many-body physics, since they are well isolated and parameters can be tuned quickly on the time-scales of motion. Recently, we have started studying the possibilities afforded by the novel siteresolved detection of individual atoms. In this con- Research in the Marquardt group Theoretical Quantum Dynamics at the Interface of Nanophysics and Quantum Optics 76 text, we have predicted a many-body Zeno effect occuring for interacting atoms in an optical lattice being observed repeatedly and a protocol for measuring spatial current patterns and correlations. In another development, we have proposed how to use tunnel-coupled clouds of cold atoms to generate a quantum simulator for testing structure formation in interacting quantum field theories, including the effects of cosmological expansion, which is relevant for the early universe. Cavity Optomechanics: Interaction between Nanomechanics and Light The past years have seen an explosion of interest in the interaction of light with nanomechanical motion. Typical systems contain a laser-driven optical cavity, being coupled via radiation forces to mechanical motion (like that of a moveable mirror). The goals of this field range from foundational questions to applications in quantum information processing and in the ultrasensitive detection of mass, force, position and acceleration. We have contributed to the initial developments of this field by predicting the nonlinear dynamics and the formation of hybrid photon-phonon states in the strong coupling regime, as well as by pointing out the requirements for ground-state laser cooling. More recently, we have gone beyond the canonical optomechanical system and studied systems where many optical and mechanical modes _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected Publications Superposition of two mesoscopically distinct quantum states: Coupling a Cooper-pair box to a large superconducting island, F. Marquardt and C. Bruder, Phys. Rev. B 63, 054514 (2001) Quantum Theory of cavity-assisted sideband cooling of mechanical motion, F. Marquardt, J. P. Chen, A. A. Clerk, and S. M. Girvin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 093902 (2007) A photonic crystal with optical and vibrational modes localized at a defect lattice forms an “optomechanical array”. When driven by a laser, it can give rise to a nonequilibrium transition from unsynchronized mechanical oscillations affected by quantum noise (top: mechanical phase space density of a single oscillator, with randomized oscillation phase) to globally synchronized oscillations (bottom). [with Max Ludwig, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2013] couple to each other, forming optomechanical arrays and circuits. There, we are studying the many-body dynamics of photons and phonons interacting with each other, possibilities for mechanical quantum state processing, classical synchronization physics, and questions related to enhancing the coupling strengths. Selected Collaborations We collaborate with experimental groups worldwide on possible implementations. Recent examples include the groups of I. Siddiqi at Berkeley (qubits), J. Harris at Yale (optomechanics), O. Painter (Caltech, now Erlangen; optomechanical crystals), and J. Schmiedmayer (Vienna; cold atoms). Long-standing theory collaborators include A. Clerk (McGill), S. Girvin (Yale), and Jan v. Delft (LMU Munich). We often send PhD students for half a year to work with our collaborators (e.g. at Boston Univ., Caltech, Berkeley, McGill). In Erlangen, we have started collaborations with groups at the MPL, in the quantum information processing division and with the newly arrived group of Oskar Painter. Teaching and Outreach Strong dispersive coupling of a high finesse cavity to a micromechanical membrane, J. D. Thompson, B. M. Zwickl, A. M. Jayich, F. Marquardt, S. M. Girvin, and J. G. E. Harris, Nature 452, 72 (2008) I am fond of generating enthusiasm for physics among the general public. In this context I am organizing the lecture series “Modern Physics on Saturday Mornings” at FAU. For my special lectures I am taking recordings on video, which are then accessible freely on the university server and on iTunes University. Universal Dephasing in a Chiral 1D Interacting Fermion System, C. Neuenhahn and F. Marquardt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 046806 (2009) Funding Collective dynamics in optomechanical arrays, G. Heinrich, M. Ludwig, J. Qian, B. Kubala, F. Marquardt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 043603 (2011) Cavity Optomechanics (review), M. Aspelmeyer, T. J. Kippenberg, and F. Marquardt, arxiv: 1303.0733 ___________________________________________________________________________ Selected funding of the past few years: DFG Emmy-Noether grant (2007-2013, 2 PhDs, 1 postdoc); European Research Council Starting Grant (2011-2016, 1.5 Mio EUR); European Marie-Curie ITN network cQOM on cavity optomechanics (2012-2016, 2 PhDs, 1 postdoc for 1 year); DARPA (USA) ORCHID program on optomechanics (2010-2014, $450,000) 77 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Klaus Mecke (b. 1964) W3, Institute for Theoretical Physics I The research of Klaus Mecke is in the field of theoretical condensed matter physics, statistical physics of fluid interfaces and geometry in physics. He studied philosophy and physics at TH Darmstadt and LMU Munich (diploma 1989) and was 1984-1989 fellow of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes. In 1993 he received his PhD supervised by H. Wagner at the LMU with a work on applications of integral geometry in physics. He then joined the group of H. Swinney (UT, Austin) and J. Krim (Boston) as a postdoctoral fellow, where he studied pattern formation and wetting phenomena. In the group of S. Dietrich (Wuppertal, Stuttgart) since 1995 he used density functional theory to predict interfacial phenomena on molecular scales. For his development of integral geometry in physics he received the Science Prize of Nordrhein-Westfalen (Bennigsen Foerder-Award) in 1998 and for his work on spinodal decomposition the Aurel-Vlaicu-Award of the Romanian Academy of Science in 2001. From 2005-2009 he was Chair of the Chemical Physics and Polymer Section of the German Physical Society (DPG) and editor of the Journal of Statistical Mechanics. In 2011, he declined an offer for a W3-professorship at the University of Tübingen. In numbers: Publications: > 100, citations: > 3000 Invited Talks: >50 Professional Career 2004-now W3-professor at FAU, Erlangen 2001-2004 Project leader at MPI for Metal Research (Stuttgart) 1995-2001 Research Assistant at University of Wuppertal; 1998/99 Professor at LMU (Munich) 1994-1995 Postdoctoral Fellow at UTexas (Austin) and at Northeastern University (Boston) 1990-1993 Teaching Assistant at LMU (Munich) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-5562-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 10 (+ 6 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 26 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ fluid flow in porous media, as well as wetting, adhesion and wet granular materials. Our main achieve ment was 2004 the morphometric theory for confined fluids [4], which is based on Hadwiger's theorem for additive functionals and determines the shape dependence of thermodynamic quantities in terms of only four geometric measures. Since 2009 we developed a density functional theory for hard particles of arbitrary shape [5] and were able to predict the phase behavior of liquid crystals and their physical properties quantitatively. Research in the Mecke group Material Science and Biophysics The main aim is to develop new mathematical methods to study physical phenomena, especially geometric techniques for spatially structured systems. Due to the universality of the mathematical concepts and the applied tools such as computer simulations, the studied systems range from complex fluids to galaxy distributions, from foamed materials to spin foam models. The research group developed novel mathematical tools to characterize the shape of spatially structured materials [6] and to derive shape-property relations based on integral geometry [3]. We are also involved in the quantitative measurement of material structures by X-ray scattering, AFM and tomography, where image analysis tools are developed. We use numerical algorithms to calculate effective properties of heterogeneous media such as bones, woods and foams, trying to find principles for biological inspired designs of materials. Statistical Physics of Fluids The properties of fluid interfaces are still not well understood on a nanometer scale due to the inter play of disorder and molecular interactions. The prediction of a wavevector-dependent surface tension in 1999 [2], for instance, led to ongoing X-ray scattering experiments and computer simulations. In the group several numerical techniques such as molecular dynamics and Lattice-Boltzmann simulations are used to study the structure and dynamics of complex fluids, - Astronomy and Astrophysics Already in 1994 we proposed morphometric techniques to characterize the large-scale structure in the universe [1], which became a standard tool in astronomy. Recently, we extended the morphometric analysis in collaboration with HESS to detect sources in gamma-ray astronomy by using Minkowski function- 78 als for structure quantification. In collaboration with ANTARES we also contribute to the theory of acoustic neutrino detection by clarifying the non-equilibrium relaxation processes in water when cosmic rays deposit their energy. Quantum Geometry and Space-Time Models The quantisation of Einstein’s general relativity theory is one of the most important challenges in modern physics. Currently we are working on computer simulations of triangulations and of spin foam models to estimate partition sums over space-times. Another goal is the numerical determination of the spectrum of the volume operator in Loop Quantum Theory. Recently, we started to use projective geometry and finite Galois fields for a model of finite space-time. Based on the work of Felix Klein and David Hilbert we introduce fields of bi-quadrics to break projective symmetry which leads to metrics and curvatures as prerequisites for formulating general relativity on finite fields. Literature and Philosophy An important part of my activities is history of science and the study of the cultural context of physics research. I analyzed the use of metaphors in modelling and theories of physics as well as the adaptation of physics in poems and narratives. In collaboration with _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications [1] K. Mecke, Th. Buchert, and H. Wagner, Robust morphological measures for large-scale structure in the universe, Astronomy & Astrophysics 288, 697 (1994) [2] K. Mecke and S. Dietrich, Effective Hamiltonian for liquid-vapor interfaces, Phys. Rev. E 59, 6766 (1999) [3] C. H. Arns, M. A. Knackstedt, and K. Mecke, Reconstructing complex materials via effective grain shapes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 215506 (2003) [4] P.-M. König, R. Roth, and K. Mecke, Morphological thermodynamics of fluids: shape dependence of free energies, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 160601 (2004) [5] H. Hansen-Goos and K. Mecke, Fundamental measure theory for inhomog. fluids of non-spherical hard particles, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 018302 (2009) [6] Schröder-Turk, G.E., Mickel, W., Kapfer, S.C, Schaller, F.M., Breidenbach, B., Hug, D. and Mecke, K., Minkowski tensors of anisotropic spatial structure, New J. Phys. 15, 083028 (2013). the Faculty of Humanities I founded the 'Erlangen Center for Literature and Natural Science' (ELIN which is an institutionalised infrastructure for interdisciplinary research, dedicated to the reciprocal transfer of knowledge between physics and literature. The center is concerned with the importance of language and metaphors in physical research as well as with discursive and narrative modulations of scientific theories in literary texts. Selected collaborations We collaborate with experimental, theoretical and mathematical groups worldwide - mainly on the field on geometry in physics. Examples include the groups of J. Daillant (Paris), B. Evans (Bristol), S. Guest (Cambridge) and S. Hyde at ANU (Canberra). PhD students are regularly sent abroad for three month or half a year. Recent examples of collaborations in Germany include the groups of C. Bechinger (Stuttgart), K. Jacobs (Saarbrücken) and M. Schröter (MPI Göttingen). In Erlangen, we collaborate mainly within the Cluster of Excellence 'Engineering of Advanced Materials', the Erlangen Center for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP) and the Faculty of Humanities. Teaching and outreach I am spokesman of the elite graduate program 'Physics Advanced' funded by the Elite Network Bavaria (ENB), which is an international study program that integrates BSc, MSc and PhD to a unit. Students receive intensive mentoring and an individually tailored study program focused on own projects that can provide a fast-track to graduation and lead to an early emersion in research ( To fostering textual proficiency of physics students I repeatedly organized interdisciplinary seminars, lectures and summer courses on physics in literature, which were in particular fruitful for physics teachers. Beyond academia I gave lectures on this topic for a broad public, e.g. at the Leipzig Book Fair, and arranged a continuous exchange with numerous writers of contemporary fiction, who presented their published texts in workshops and readings. Funding Current Funding (300kEuro per year): Cluster of Excellence 'Engineering of Advanced Materials' (EAM); DFG Research Group 'Geometry and Physics of Spatial Random Systems' (GPSRS); Emerging Field Initiative 'Quantum Geometry' (QG); Proctor&Gamble. additional: ENB-PhysicsAdvanced (1 W2; 1.5 A13; 25kEuro per year) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 79 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jan-Peter Meyn (b. 1967) W2, Professur für Didaktik in der Physik Teacher training is Jan-Peter Meyn's mission. After a decade of fruitful work in the field of laser physics (33 publications, >1000 citations, h = 20) he became a high-school teacher for physics and mathematics in 2003, and accepted the professorship in physics didactics at the FAU in 2005. He unwaveringly pursues the objective of adapting topics of modern research in the field of optics and quantum physics to regular school curricula. His webpage contains interactive screen experiments on various single photon experiments following Grangier, Hong/Ou/Mandel, and others. It is used for teaching both in high schools and universities. Research in the Meyn group Modern physics in high-school teaching Including recent research topics into high-school teaching is an ongoing problem. While the courses of instruction for public schools cover research results only from ancient times to the early days of quantum physics, the majority of physics knowledge has evolved more recently. With limited instruction time, modern physics can only be treated in an exemplary fashion, as the foundations must not be abandoned. We believe that observation of real experiments is a key feature of any sound physics instruction at secondary school level. Among the many interesting research fields, the foundations of quantum optics has relatively few experimental prerequisites, as scientific progress is still possible on a table operated by a single researcher. Our goal is to develop single photon experiments which can be operated in a class room environment. Interactive screen experiments such as those available on our internet page are regarded as an interim result, despite their usefulness for teaching in environments with limited resources (figure 1). Prototypes of classroom experiments are tested in classroom teaching (figure 2). We found that students easily accept the technical apparatus, but have problems with the terms handed down in our tradition of quantum physics teaching. Hence, the development of apparatus is entangled with curriculum innovation. Class room teaching is performed in cooperation with various schools, including Rudolf Steinerskolen i Oslo, Norway. Professional Career 2005-now W2-professor at FAU 2006 Offer to become Chair of Physics and Didactics (W3) at the Universität zu Köln (declined) 2003-2005 Physics and Mathematics teacher at Heinrich-Heine-Gymnasium Kaiserslautern (high-school grade 5-13) 1996-2003 Assistant at Technical University Kaiserslautern 1995-1996 Postdoc at Ginzton Lab, Stanford University, USA (group of Martin M. Fejer) 1992-1995 PhD Student at Hamburg University (group of Günther Huber) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-5524-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses : 2 +(2 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 16 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Recently we have initiated a second project to advance modern research for high-school teaching: The development of a student experience program for selected research topics of the excellence cluster of advanced materials (EAM), funded by DFG. A number of small research projects have been conducted to optimize demonstration experiments with a researcher’s, not a teacher’s approach. We found that even well-known experiments such as Thomson's jumping ringexperiment can be improved substantially by taking advantage of technical innovation, or by gaining insight into the often neglected theory. Teaching Future physics teachers must be good physicists but need additional subject-specific competences: Addressing students' preconceptions, using researchbased teaching strategies, diagnosis of teaching success, and broad experimental skills to use simple apparatus effectively. These competences are trained in our didactics teaching, which includes lectures, laboratory work, seminars and classroom teaching. We focus on experimental skills and on using physical terms judiciously. Academic self-management Teacher training is interconnected with several faculties and central institutes. The professorship acts as a link between these institutions and the Department of Physics. The specific interests of future teacher students are represented in various committees. 80 Outreach We operate the physics experience programme "Photonik macht Schule" for students of grade 9 to 12. They work with modern optical instruments which are the basis for our single photon experiments, so they know the components from practical experience. Further activities of our group include the organization of university studies for gifted high school students (Frühstudium) and the Erlanger Schülerforschungszentrum, an environment for pupils to perform their own research project, for example to prepare for contests like "Jugend Forscht". Screen shot of interactive screen experiment on photon entanglement. The user can adjust the waveplates in Alice's and Bob's path, and the phase of the pump laser to select different Bell states. For each setting, the display relies on real experimental data. The site is accessed several thousand times per month. A 16 year old student of Freie Waldorfschule Weimar is adjusting our single photon experiment by maximizing the coincidence count rate. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Meyn, Jan-Peter and Fejer, Martin M.: Tunable ultraviolet radiation by second harmonic generation in periodically poled lithium tantalate. In: Optics Letters 22(16), 1214-1216 (1997) Bronner, Patrick; Strunz, Andreas; Silberhorn, Christine; Meyn, Jan-Peter: Interactive screen experiments with single photons. In: European Journal of Physics 30 (2009), 345-353 Meyn, Jan-Peter: Renewable energy sources in terms of entrophy. In: European Journal of Physics 32 (2011), 185-200 Waschke, Felix ; Strunz, Andreas ; Meyn, Jan-Peter: A safe and effective modification of Thomson's jumping ring experiment. In: European Journal of Physics 33 (2012), 1625-1634 Meyn, Jan-Peter: Primärfarben in Kunst und Physik. In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Physik in der Schule (2013), Nr. 3/62, 34-41 ___________________________________________________________________________ 81 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reinhard Neder (b. 1959) C3, Institute of Condensed Matter – Crystallography and Structural Physics The experimental work of Reinhard Neder focuses on the determination of the structure of disordered materials. After studying mineralogy at the University of Münster and the Arizona State University, Tempe, USA he held a PhD student position at the Department of Geoscience, University of München and obtained his PhD in 1990 in the group of F. Frey, where he analyzed the defect structure of cubic Zirconia with diffuse neutron scattering. He continued at the Department of Geoscience, University of München as a postdoctoral fellow in the group of H. Schulz. Here he developed single crystal diffraction techniques to study extremely small single crystals with sub micrometer dimensions. After his habilitation in 1996 he became C3 professor for crystallography and mineralogy at the Julius-Maximilians-University, Würzburg. During this time he served for two years as dean of the geoscience department. In Würzburg his research initially centered around single crystal work on clay minerals but quickly developed a focus on the new PDF technique to study nanocrystalline and generally disordered materials. Since 2007 he is C3 professor for crystallography at the FAU. At the FAU he continues his focus on nanocrystalline materials. He is best known as principal author of the DISCUS program, a widely acclaimed program to simulate disordered crystal structures, and he coauthored a book on these simulation techniques. In Würzburg he was the only professor for crystallography and routinely taught with well over nine hours presence in the lecture room, a trend that continues in Erlangen. As special teaching effort are the interactive teaching pages on diffraction physics and regular DISCUS workshops. Research in the Neder group Structure of nanocrystalline and disordered materials To unravel the structure of nanosized or disordered materials requires substantially different techniques compared to the well established structure determination of an average crystal structure. As the application of nanosized materials becomes more and more common, it is important to understand their structure and the relationship of the structure to the properties. Besides nanosized materials, generally disordered materials become more common as their Professional Career 2007-now C3-professor at FAU, Erlangen 1997-2007 C3 professorship for Crystallography at the Department of Geoscience, Julius-Maximilians University Würzburg 1990-1997 Postdoctoral fellow at Department of Crystallography at the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich (group of Heinz Schulz) 1985-1990 PhD student in crystallography at the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich (group of Friedrich Frey) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: D-9877-2013 Supervised PhD theses: Diploma, BSc., MSc.: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ properties are often much better than well ordered materials, especially in energy related materials. Nanoparticles In contrast to their abundant use in technology, very little is known about the detailed atomic structure of extremely small nanoparticles with diameters less than 10 nm. Their small diameter strains all probes other than powder diffraction techniques, even TEM. We have developed the application of the Pair Distribution Function (PDF) to the analysis of nanoparticles. The underlying experimental data are collected at high energy X-ray sources in the lab and at synchrotron sources, neutron sources and as a recent new development by electron diffraction techniques. The combination of different complementary scattering techniques proves a vital key point for many complex materials. As an example the combination of X-ray and neutron scattering techniques are required to decipher the location and binding sites of organic ligands that play a crucial role stabilizing the finite nanoparticles size. Am emerging field are insitu studies of the formation and growth of nanoparticles during the synthesis in real time. The advent of new detector technologies at intense high energy X-ray sources allows PDF measurements with a time resolution of seconds, in special cases even fractions of a second. The PDF signal reveals so far unknown details about the chemical processes by which the precursors change into the initial cluster and eventual nanoparticle. Its formation and growth can be observed atomic layer by layer and the accompanying structure simulation can pinpoint defects in the growing nanoparticle. Our own current focus is on ZnO related material. By co synthesis with a variety of organic ligands we explore the effect of the ligand chemistry on the size and defect structure of the nanoparticles. Doping 82 with metal ions aims at establishing diluted magnet systems and to modify the absorbtion characteristics. Tools for the description and analysis of disordered structures A large long term project in our group is the development of tools and computer code to simulate disordered structures. This materials class includes nanoparticles but extends much further to any type of disordered crystal structure. As defects by definition deviate from the average structure, they do not have to obey the restrictions imposed by symmetry onto the average crystal structure. As a consequence, there are manifold ways to distribute defects within any given structure, and these distributions can be combined with any local defect type. No general determination technique analogous to direct methods is available. The DISCUS project allows users to simulate any kind of disordered structure. It provides a large set of tools to modify the parent structure and enables the user to calculate the diffraction pattern respectively PDF for a refinement to experimental data. At present further tools are being developed that aim to facilitate complex nanoparticle simulations. In a _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Korsounski, VI, Neder, RB, Hradil, K, Barglik-Chory, C, Müller, G & Neuefeind, J, Investigation of nanocrystalline CdS-glutathione particles by radial distribution function, J. Appl. Cryst., 36, 1389 (2003) R. B. Neder, V. I. Korsunskiy, Ch. Chory, G. Müller, A. Hofmann, S. Dembski, Ch. Graf, and E. Rühl, Structural characterization of II-VI semiconductor nanoparticles, phys. Stat. Solidi (c) 4, 3233 (2007) R.B. Neder, Th. Proffen, (2008) Diffuse Scattering and Defect Structure Simulations, Oxford University Press (2008) cooperation with R. Osborn, Argonne National Laboratory and T. Proffen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, tools are developed to integrate these structure simulations into the massive data flow expected in the near future from single crystal beamlines dedicated to diffuse scattering measurements. These large data flows require massive parallelization and speed optimization. A further cooperation with U. Kolb aims at including electron diffraction into the existing tool box. Dedicated PDF Beam line 21.1 at PETRA III The demand for PDF measurements is rapidly increasing and beam lines like 11-IDB at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory regularly are highly oversubscribed. We proposed a dedicated PDF beam line that is currently under construction at PETRA III. The beam line will be realized as side station 21.1 to the Swedish beam line 21. With a focus on high energy X-ray diffraction at 100 keV and a large area detector the beam line will enable users to collect PDF data rapidly up to very large scattering vectors Q, providing excellent experimental data. Selected collaborations We collaborate with research groups at Argonne National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University Mainz related to the developments of simulation tools. The ZnO project and further nanoparticle projects are realized in cooperation with the University Würzburg, the Boreskov Institute for catalysis, Novosibirsk and the Applied Physical Chemistry, Stockholm. Funding Funding during the last years was obtained from BMBF. F. Niederdraenk, K. Seufert, A. Stahl, R.S. BhaleraoPanajkar, S. Marathe, S. K. Kulkarni, R.B. Neder and Ch. Kumpf Ensemble modeling of very small ZnO nanoparticles, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,13, 498 (2011) K. Page, T.C. Hood, Th. Proffen, R.B. Neder, Building and refining complete nanoparticle structures with total scattering data, J. Appl. Cryst. 44, 327 (2011) T.Y. Kardash, L. Plyasova, D. Kochubey, V. Bondareva, R.B. Neder, Development of the local and average structure of a V-Mo-Nb oxide catalyst with Mo5O14like structure during synthesis from nanostructured precursors, Z. Kristallographie, 227, 288 (2012) ___________________________________________________________________________ 83 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oskar Painter (b. 1972) W3, Institute for Optics, Information and Photonics Director, Quantum Photonics Division, MPL Oskar Painter received his Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of British Columbia in 1994, his Master of Science degree from the California Institute of Technology in 1995, and his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology in 2001. In 2000 he helped found Xponent Photonics, an optical start-up company developing surface-mount photonics for telecom and data networking applications. In 2002 he returned to the California Institute of Technology, where he joined the faculty in Applied Physics as an Assistant Professor, and was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure (2008), Full Professor and Executive Officer of Applied Physics and Materials Science Department (2010), and Co-Director of the Kavli Nanosciences Institute (2011). Since April 2013, Prof. Painter has been on leave from Caltech, and is starting up a new Division of Quantum Photonics at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL) in Erlangen. He also holds a W3 chair in experimental physics at the FAU. Prof. Painter's general research interests lie in studying new and interesting ways in which light behaves within micro- and nano-scale dielectric and metallic structures. Uniquely, Painter’s work brings advanced nanofabrication techniques to bear on fundamental problems in optical science, and seeks to exploit new physical insights to develop advanced quantum optical technologies for communication and metrology. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, and has an h-index of 45. Oskar Painter was a Canada Scholar during his undergraduate studies and awarded an NSERC ’67 Scholarship from the Canadian Government for his PhD studies abroad. He has been recognized by the Caltech graduate students with the 2005 Graduate Student Council Mentoring Award, was named a Kavli Frontiers in Science Fellow of the US National Academy of Science in 2012, and in 2013 was awarded an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship to carry out research in Germany. Research in the Painter group Quantum Photonics Research in the Painter group looks at ways to create new optoelectronic materials and devices through the development of nano-scale fabrication technqiues Professional Career 2013-now W3-professor at FAU, Erlangen and Director, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light 2011-2013 Co-Director Kavli Nanosciences Institute (Caltech) 2010-2013 Full Professor of Applied Physics, Executive Office of the Applied Physics and Materials Science Department (Caltech) 2008-2010 Associate Professor of Applied Physics with tenure (Caltech) 2002-2008Assistant Professor of Applied Physics (Caltech) 2001-2002 Co-Founder, Xponent Photonics 1995-2001 PhD student at Caltech (group of Axel Scherer) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: J-7563-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 10 (+ 5 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and through the exploration of novel physics. The type of research ranges from pure theory and design to the actual fabrication and characterization of devices, and is naturally inter-disciplinary in nature, including fields such quantum optics, materials science, electronics, nano-mechanics, and atomic physics. Currently, our research efforts can be divided into the following general areas of study: Nanophotonics for coherent atom-photon interactions A powerful paradigm that has developed over the last several decades in quantum optics is that of cavityQED, in which a high-Finesse optical cavity is used to increase light-matter interactions to the point where single atoms and single photons can hybridize. Such systems have been used to create quantum gates for processing quantum information and quantum networks for the distribution and entanglement of quantum states. The Painter group seeks to develop the technology and explore the physics of chip-scale nanophotonic circuits integrated with both real atoms (in conjunction with Jeff Kimble at Caltech) and "artificial atoms" such as InAs quantum dots and NV color centers of diamond. The light-matter interactions in such systems are enhanced by the highly-localized fields of nanoscale waveguides and cavities. The goal of this work is to develop devices for performing quantum information processing tasks, to realize quantum-enhanced sensors of weak-classical fields and forces, and to explore new quantum many-body states of light and matter. 84 Optical Forces in Nanostructures Light is usually thought of as imponderable, carrying energy, but little momentum. Light, trapped in a cubic-wavelength volume, however, can lead to substantial radiation pressure effects. In order to take advantage of this, we are developing and studying guided-wave devices integrated with or formed from nano-mechanical structures, in which acoustic and optical energy are co-localized for enhanced optomechanical coupling via radiation pressure. Such work has realized nanophotonic structures in which the pressure of even a single optical photon pulse is strong enough to produce measurable mechanical deformation or changes in rigidity of the structure. Applications of these sort of devices include optically controllable or reconfigurable optical circuits, precision sensors (see below), and light assisted templating of materials/components. Quantum Physics of Mechanical Devices Utilizing optical techniques, we are studying the quantum mechanical properties of nanomechanical structures. In particular, we are developing the tools and techniques for quantum-limited transduction of motion enabling the preparation and measurement of highly non-classical states of a mechanical system, the study of the interaction of these mechanical quantum elements (in collaboration with the theory group of F. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications R. Colombelli, K. Srinivasan, M. Troccoli, O. Painter, C. Gmachl, D.M. Tennant, A.M. Sergent, D.L. Sivco, A.Y. Cho, and F. Capasso "Quantum cascade surfaceemitting photonic crystal laser," Science, v302 (5649), pp. 1374-1377, Nov. 21, 2003 Q. Lin, O. J. Painter, and Govind P. Agrawal, "Nonlinear Optical Phenomena in Silicon Waveguides: Modeling and Applications", Opt. Express, Vol. 15(25), pp. 16604-16644, December 10, 2007 K. Srinivasan and O. Painter "Linear and nonlinear optical spectroscopy of a strongly-coupled microdiskquantum dot system", Nature, Vol. 450, pp. 862, December 6, 2007. M. Eichenfield, J. Chan, R. Camacho, K. J. Vahala, and O. Painter, "Optomechanical Crystals," Nature, doi:10.1038/nature08524, October 19, 2009. J. Chan, T. P. Mayer Alegre, A. H. Safavi-Naeini, J. T. Hill, Alex Krause, S. Gröblacher, M. Aspelmeyer & O. Painter, "Laser cooling of a nanomechanical oscillator into its quantum ground state," Nature, v478, pg. 89– 92, October 6, 2011. Marquardt). Recent successes in this area include the development of lithographically-defined optomechanical crystals capable of scalable integration of arrays of connected optical and mechanical resonators, the laser cooling of a nanomechanical resonator into its ground-state of motion for the first time (see Figure), and the generation of non-classical squeezed states of light from a silicon micromechanical resonator. Precision Measurement and Quantum-Limited Force Sensors Most precision sensors of force, mass, and acceleration that are used today are limited in their sensitivity by thermal and electrical noise. We are working to develop practical micro- and nano-scale sensors of ultra-high-sensitivity that are limited only by the fundamental noise stemming from the quantum backaction involved in any measurement process. Current efforts include the development of accelerometers and gyros which utilize the large radiation pressure coupling of light at this scale to realize optical shotnoise limited detection, providing superior bandwidth and sensitivity to that of state-of-the-art MEMS technology. Selected collaborations A strong collaborative effort in the area of quantum cavity-optomechanics exists between the experimental group of Painter and the theoretical group of Marquardt. In the area of cavity-optomechanics the Painter group also has a long standing collaboration with the research group of Markus Aspelmeyer at the University of Vienna. Painter also has a number of collaborations dating back to his time at Caltech, in particular with the research groups of Kerry Vahala (photonics) and Jeff Kimble (quantum optics, cavityQED, and AMO). Teaching and outreach At Caltech, he has taught a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate courses, including quantum mechanics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, quantum optics and electronics, modern optics lab, microelectronics lab, and solid-state physics. Funding 2013-2018 AvH Professorship, DARPA MESO, QuASAR, and ORCHID programs (~$1 Million/year in aggregate, 4PhDs, 3PDs), Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, through the NSF of the US and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation ($120k/year, 1PhD) QuMPASS and Hybrid Nanophotonics MURI programs (~$370k/year, 2PhD, 1PD) ___________________________________________________________________________ 85 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oleg Pankratov (b. 1949) C4, Institute for Theoretical Physics IV, Theoretical Solid State Physics Oleg Pankratov received his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology in 1977. After graduation, he worked at the Institute for Semiconductor Materials and at the Institute for applied physics in Moscow, Russia. In 1983 he was honored with the major USSR prize for young scientists for his theoretical work on narrow gap semiconductors. In 1984 he moved to Theory Department lead by V.L. Ginzburg at Lebedev Physics Institute where he joined the solid state theory group of L.V. Keldysh. He received his Doctor of Sciences degree (Habilitation) from Lebedev Institute in 1988. He was invited as a visiting professor to Johannes-Kepler University, Linz, Austria in 1989 and 1990. He joined then the theory department at FritzHaber-Institute of MPG in Berlin. In 1995 he followed invitation to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA. In 1997 he returned to Germany as a full professor at a newly founded chair for Theoretical Solid State Physics at FAU. He built a theory group with the focus on ab-initio theory of solids. O. Pankratov was among the first theorists who considered the chiral “neutrino-type” electron states in solids. These ideas found applications in graphene and in topological insulators - the new material classes regarded as the “rising stars” in condensed matter physics. In Pankratov group, the first ab-initio calculations for epitaxial graphene and the pioneering investigations of the few-layer graphenes were performed. The work of O. Pankratov is recognized internationally with over 2000 citations (120 publications, h-index 26) and invitations to more than 30 International Conferences and Schools. Professional Career 1997-now C4-professor at FAU, Erlangen 1995-1997 Physics Department, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA 1990-1995 Theory Department, Fritz-Haber-Institute of MPG, Berlin 1989-1990 Guest professor, Johannes-Kepler University, Linz, Austria 1984-1989 Theory department, Lebedev Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia 1978-1984 Institute for applied physics, Moscow, Russia 1977-1978 Institute for Semiconductor Materials and Technology, Moscow _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-5553-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 6 (+ 5 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 28 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Application of DFT methods The most important field of our density functional theory (DFT) application work is semiconductor physics. Over many years within the SFB 292 “Multicomponent Layered Systems” we were providing theoretical support to technological development of SiC – an important semiconductor material for high power electronics. The key to any semiconductor technology is the doping; hence we focused on impurities and native defects. The goal has been a prediction of the charge states and diffusion mechanisms for various defects - an ambitious large scale numerical problem aimed at understanding solubility limits, diffusion barriers, local vibration modes, defect electronic levels etc. In parallel to SiC, we studied strongly correlated systems (oxides, surfaces etc) using GW and LDA+U methods. Development of DFT/many-body methods Research in the Pankratov group Quantum theory of solids: ab-initio calculations, density functional methods, and graphene-type systems The research in Pankratov group focuses on microscopic theory of solids, including application of the quantum ab-initio methods and the development of such methods. In the last years, graphene and its derivatives became important subjects of this work. The involved theory unites the condensed matter concepts and those of the relativistic quantum field theory whereas understanding the practical materials requires numerical ab-initio methods. DFT is the most efficient tool of the quantum theory of realistic systems yet it is constrained to the ground state properties. This constraint can be overcome within the time dependent DFT (TDFT) which should be able to tackle excitations, e.g.electron-hole pairs (excitons). Deriving the Kohn-Sham DFT equations from the many-body theory we were able to construct a DFT analogue of the Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) and developed the diagrammatic technique for an exact “translation” of BSE in TDFT language. Another development includes testing complex functionals such as the non-local exchange. For electrons on a quantum ring, we succeeded to observe the Mott localization– the effect eluding description in the “standard” LDA-DFT. Next, we are developing the 86 “density matrix functional theory” where the manybody quantum state is a functional of a density matrix. This theory is in its initial stage; it is promising especially for time-dependent strongly correlated systems. We contributed to the theory by proving fundamental theorems and analyzing time-dependent behavior of the model systems, e.g., Stuekelberg oscillations in a two-center Hubbard model. Graphene physics The advent of graphene opened new vistas in SiC research since SiC is the best substrate for epitaxial graphene growth. Originally, the graphene-substrate interaction was regarded as a weak perturbation. Yet the electron mobility in graphene grown on Si-face is strongly damped and graphene multilayers on C-face grow in a mutually rotated (“twisted”) fashion. Theoretically, epitaxial graphene and “twisted” graphene multilayers are much more complex objects than an ideal carbon monolayer. We approach this challenge combining analytical theory and numerical methods. Using symmetry analysis we derived the modified Dirac-Weyl spectrum of the graphene epilayer. We predicted the Dirac cone splitting and explained the electron mobility damping by the interface phonon scattering. Strikingly, understanding of the twisted graphene bilayers requires rethinking of such basic concepts as the Brillouin zone and the Bloch theorem. Indeed, the lattice periodicity in commensurate _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications S. Shallcross, S. Sharma, and O. Pankratov, Emergent momentum scale, localization, and van Hove simgularities in the graphene twist bilayer, Phys. Rev. B 87, 245403 (2013) bilayers is a highly irregular function of the rotation angle. Infinitely many structures with wildly different periodicities exist within an infinitely small angle range. This poses a question whether the lattice periodicity is relevant for electronic properties. Applying Diophantine algebra we developed a theory of such systems. We proved that not the lattice periodicity but a so-called moiré periodicity dictates electronic properties. This periodicity changes continuously with the rotation angle ensuring a smooth dependence of physical properties. Studying the finite graphene flakes we were able – thanks to the computational tool developed in our group - to calculate electronic states in relatively large (up to 10^4 atoms) flakes in external magnetic field. We found a beautiful electron current distribution taking a shape of a torus around a moiré spot. Teaching I consider teaching as a very important duty and as an inspiration for my research work. I am thankful for the positive responses of the students and for the award for excellence in teaching. Most importantly, there have been always enough talented students who wanted to join the group. Funding and collaborations O. Pankratov received a number of grants and has been collaborating with colleagues in FAU, USA (LLNL) and EU (Italy, Spain etc) on many projects (PI in two SFB’s, PI in DFG research group, PI in DFG priority program, PI in EU grant, a number of individual DFGfunded projects). These grants have been providing funding for on average 3 PhD students 2 post-docs and 4 diploma students over the last 15 years. The group also hosted one DAAD and one Humboldt fellows. O. Pankratov, S. Hensel, P. Goetzfried, and M. Bockstedte, Graphene on cubic and hexagonal SiC: A comparative theoretical study, Phys. Rev. B 86, 155432 (2012) R. Requist and O. Pankratov. Time-dependent occupation numbers in reduced-density-matrix-functional theory: Application to an interacting Landau-Zener model, Phys. Rev. A 83, 052510 (2011) A. Mattausch and O. Pankratov. Ab-initio study of graphene on SiC, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 076802 (2007) O. A. Pankratov. Supersymmetric inhomogeneous semiconductor structures and the nature of a parity anomaly in (2+1) electrodynamics, Phys. Lett. A 121, 360 (1987) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 87 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ulf Peschel (b. 1964) W2, Institute of Optics, Information and Photonics The work of Ulf Peschel focuses on experimental and theoretical subjects of modern optics, namely on nanophotonics, nonlinear dynamics of optical fields and on electromagnetic modeling of light-matter interaction. He received his PhD in 1994 from the FriedrichSchiller-University of Jena, Germany, where he had worked in the group of F. Lederer on the nonlinear response of highly resonant optical structures as cavities or gratings. He continued his research in Jena first as a postdoc and later on C1 and C2 level and finished his habilitation on localized structures in nonlinear optics in 2001. During that time he also dealt with photonic nanostructures and discrete systems. He performed several visits to other universities among them the University of Glasgow, U.K. where he stayed from 1998 until 1999 as a visiting research fellow. In 2005 he was appointed as a W2 professor for experimental physics at FAU. His work is well recognized internationally, with about 3700 citations to more than 140 publications, an h-index of 32, and more than 50 invited talks at international conferences and workshops so far. For his research on the optical response of nanostructures, he was awarded the Research Prize of the Free State of Thuringia 2002. Research in the Peschel group Nonlinear Optics and Nanophotonics (NONA) Our research covers several areas of classical optics and includes both experiments and simulations. Members of the group are working on the realization of nano-optical plasmonic circuitries and of new effective optical materials based on colloidal photonic crystals. Different aspects of wave scattering in optical systems as loss induced structure formation and nonlinearly driven self-organization are investigated and extensive numerical modeling is performed to design new structures and to illuminate the details of light-matter interaction on the nano scale. Professional Career 2005-now Associate professor (W2) at FAU, PI and member of the boards of the Cluster of Excellence EAM and of the Graduate School SAOT, PI in 3 research groups (Forschergruppe) 2003-2005 C2 at University of Jena, PI in 1 research group (Forschergruppe) 1999-2002 C1 at University of Jena, habilitation in 2001 1998-1999 Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Glasgow, U.K. 1994 PhD at the University of Jena (group of Falk Lederer) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-3356-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses : 6 (+ 7 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 14 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ properties. In our group we investigate both approaches. As plasmons enable sub wavelength light confinement we investigate new methods to transfer light from the far field to plasmonic nanostructures. For this purpose we developed optical antennas for the IR wavelength range, which are connected to gap plasmonic waveguides. We investigate subwavelength waveguiding in plasmonic circuitry components and directional couplers as well as radiative coupling between optical antennas forming the basis of wireless interconnects. For these experiments we apply modern fabrication technologies as well as detection methods, including Focused Ion Beam lithography (FIB), e-beam lithography, Scanning Near Field Optical Microscopy (NSOM) and confocal high N.A. scanning microscopy. For optimization of the structures and analyzing the underlying physical processes, we simulate our components with Finite Elements (FEM) and Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) methods. Metal based nanophotonics The strong electron-photon interaction in metals can cause total suppression of field propagation as well as extreme light confinement or enhancement. Therefore metals allow creating both sub wavelength optics and effective optical materials with completely new (a) SEM of a Yagi antenna that was illuminated with a highly focused beam through the substrate and (b) scanned with a near field optical microscope (c) Electric field distribution in the plane of the antenna simulated with 3D FDTD. 88 In our group we also produce and investigate monolayers and bulk photonic crystals and combine them with metallic layers sputtered on the dielectric crystal. Those new effective materials show new color effects and extreme enhancement or almost complete suppression of transmission around surprisingly sharp resonances. Wave scattering and structure formation in complex optical media We investigate light propagation both in nonlinear film waveguides and in fiber networks focusing on the influences of gain, loss, nonlinearity and random distortions. Spatially inhomogenous losses can results in the formation of extremely complex and even fractal field pattern, as we have found recently. The combination of gain and loss in a well-balanced fashion results in the creation of completely new optical materials. We could for the first time realize such a so-called PT symmetric effective material in an extended fiber network. We found a phase transition between exponentially exploding and stable light modes for strong gain modulation and could further show that PTsymmetric elements embedded in a conventional material exhibit unidirectional invisibility with enhanced reflection from one and vanishing reflection from the other side [Nature 2012]. Also nonlinear effects present at higher power levels can result in the self-organization of light. We investi _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications A. Kriesch, S. P. Burgos, D. Ploss, H. Pfeifer, H. A. Atwater, and U. Peschel, “Functional Plasmonic Nanocircuits with Low Insertion and Propagation Losses,” Nano Lett. accepted DOI: 10.1021/nl402580c S. Batz and U. Peschel, ”Diametrically Driven SelfAccelerating Pulses in a Photonic Crystal Fiber,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 193901 (2013). A. Regensburger, C. Bersch, M.-A. Miri, G. Onishchukov, D. N. Christodoulides, and U. Peschel, “Parity– time synthetic photonic lattices,” Nature 488 pp.167171 (2012). gate spatial and temporal solitons in homogenous, discrete and even in disordered media. Recently we could show that the interaction of pulses of different carrier frequency, which propagate under the influence of group velocity dispersion of opposite signs results in the formation of self-accelerating solitonic bound states. In the presence of disorder nonlinearity has a profound impact on the statistics of extreme events, an effect which we are currently investigating. Further investigation will concentrate on nonlinear lightmatter interaction on the nanoscale and on the emergence of subwavelength structures in transparent solids under strong pulsed illumination. Selected collaborations We collaborate worldwide as with the groups of D. Christodoulides at University of CentraI Florida (PTmaterials), H. Atwater at Caltech (nanoplasmonic circuitries) and M. E. Pemble at University College Cork (photonic crystals). In Germany we work together with the groups of K. Busch at Humboldt University (modeling of photonic crystals) and C. Silberhorn at University of Paderborn (quantum walks). Particularly strong collaborations exist with the University of Jena as with groups of C. Ronning (nanowire lasers), A. Szameit (nonlinear dynamics), and S. Nolte (laser induced gratings). Within Erlangen we work together with the group of G. Leuchs at the Institute of Optics (polarisation tailored beams), G. Leugering at the Institute of Applied Mathematics (optimization of nanophotonic structures), W. Peukert at the Institute of Particle Technology (experiments on second harmonic generation on particle surfaces) and B. Schmauß at the Institute of Electrical Engineering (fiber systems). Funding during the past 5 years Femtosecond laser (2013, HBFG, DFG, 335k€); Cluster of Excellence (2007-2017, DFG, 340k€/a); Graduate School (2006-2017, DFG, 60k€/a); International Max Planck Research School (2006 – 2016, Max-Planck Society, 45 k€/a); 4 running DFG-projects (in total 200 k€/a); “Predictive models for real iron oxide pigments” (2013 – 2016, company Lanxess, 70 k€/a). A. Regensburger, C. Bersch, B. Hinrichs, G. Onishchukov, A. Schreiber, C Silberhorn, and U. Peschel, “Photon Propagation in a Discrete Fiber Network: An Interplay of Coherence and Losses,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 233902 (2011). V. H. Schultheiss, S. Batz, A. Szameit, F. Dreisow, S. Nolte, A. Tünnermann, S. Longhi, and U. Peschel, “Optics in Curved Space,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 143901 (2010). ___________________________________________________________________________ 89 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Philip St.J. Russell (b. 1953) W3, Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Chair of Experimental Physics and Director, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light Philip Russell has held the Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Professor of Experimental Physics at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg since 2005 and is a Director at the Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL), a position he has held since January 2009 when MPL was founded. His research interests cover a wide range of topics including the behavior of light in periodic structures, optical waveguides and nonlinear optics. He is perhaps best known for his 1991 invention of photonic crystal fibre. The work of his Division at MPL concentrates on the many and varied applications of photonic crystal fibre, in both fundamental research and near-term applications. Examples include novel light sources using gas-filled hollow core fibre, optomechanical and optoacoustic effects in nanostructured fibres, particle guidance in hollow core fibre, supercontinuum generation in fibres made from exotic glasses, the development of new structures for guiding light and lab-in-fibre photochemistry and sensing. In 2000 he became Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA) and received its Joseph Fraunhofer Award/Robert M Burley Prize for the invention of photonic crystal fibre. He is the founding chair of the OSA Topical Meeting Series on Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity and Poling in Glass. In 2002 he won the Applied Optics Division Prize of the UK Institute of Physics. In 2005 to 2006 he was an IEEE-LEOS Distinguished Lecturer and the recipient of a Royal Society/Wolfson Research Merit Award. In 2005 he was awarded the Thomas Young Prize of the Institute of Physics and was elected Fellow of the Royal Society (London). In September 2005 he received the Körber Prize for European Science at a ceremony in the Hamburger Rathaus. In January 2013 he was awarded the EPS Prize for Research into the Science of Light. He was a Director-at-Large of OSA between 2007 and 2009 and is currently OSA's 2013 vice-president. He will be President-Elect in 2014 and OSA's President in 2015. He has authored 359 Journal papers with 60 citations per paper on average (excluding selfcitations) Research in the Russell group The division concentrates on exploring new science in photonic crystal fibres (PCFs). These microstructured Professional Career 2009-now Director at Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany 2005-now Professor of Experimental Physics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany 2002-2004 Founder and Chief Technical Officer of BlazePhotonics Ltd, based in UK 1996-2005 Professor of Physics at the University of Bath, UK; founded the Centre for Photonics and Photonic Materials 1991-1996 Research Reader at Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, UK 1989-1990 Reader in the Physics Department at the University of Kent, UK 1986-1989 Lecturer in the Electronics Department and member of the Optical Fibre Research Group at the University of Southampton, UK 1984-1986 CNRS Visiting Researcher and Associate Professor, University of Nice, France (group of Dan Ostrowsky) 1983-1984 World Trade Visiting Scientist at IBM TJ Watson Research Center, New York, USA 1981-1982 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany (group of Reinhard Ulrich) 1978-1981 Hayward Junior Research Fellow, Oriel College, Oxford, UK 1976-1979 PhD student, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK (supervisor: Laszlo Solymar) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: G-5132-2012 Website: Supervised PhD theses : 40 Diploma, BSc., MSc.: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ strands of glass permit remarkable control of the propagation of guided light, including introducing a in new theme – the guidance of light, in a low-loss single mode, in a microscopic hollow channel (HC-PCF). This represents one of the most exciting opportunities recent years, for it allows one to switch off the diffraction of light in empty space and in materials with low refractive indices such as gases, vapours and liquids. It has wide-reaching consequences in several different fields including photochemistry, laser guidance and propulsion of particles, and intense nonlinear optics in both atomic and molecular gases. PCFs with solid glass cores are also of considerable interest for extending the range of experiments possible in soliton dynamics and supercontinuum generation. They are also being used in the new field (developed at MPL) of all-optically controlled opto-acoustic devices, where dual-frequency laser light sources are used to drive acoustic resonances in a small solid glass core, resulting in nonlinear conversion to new frequencies. Other highlights over the last two years 90 include efficient (~10%) generation of tunable deep UV light in noble-gas filled hollow core PCF, the observation and theoretical analysis of a soliton blueshift that occurs in the presence of ionisation in noble-gas filled HC-PCF, giant opto-mechanical nonlinearities in a unique capillary fibre containing two parallel nano-membranes of glass, a new kind of optothermal particle trap, the identification and explanation of a new kind of orbital angular momentum resonance that forms in twisted PCF, a growing number of collaborative experiments with chemists exploiting PCF as a "lab-in-fibre" and several new results _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications M. Cubillas, S. Unterkofler, T. G. Euser, B. J. M. Etzold, A. C. Jones, P. J. Sadler, P. Wasserscheid, and P. St.J. Russell, "Photonic crystal fibres for chemical sensing and photochemistry," Chemical Society Reviews (2013); DOI: 10.1039/c3cs60128e. N. Granzow, M. A. Schmidt, W. Chang, L. Wang, Q. Coulombier, J. Troles, P. Toupin, I. Hartl, K. F. Lee, M. E. Fermann, L. Wondraczek, and P. St.J. Russell, "Midinfrared supercontinuum generation in As2S3-silica nano-spike step-index waveguide," Optics Express 21, 10969–10977 (2013). G. K. L. Wong, M. S. Kang, H. W. Lee, F. Biancalana, C. Conti, T. Weiss, and P. St. J. Russell, "Excitation of orbital anguar momentum resonances in helically twisted photonic crystal fiber," Science 337, 446–449 (2012). O. A. Schmidt, M. K. Garbos, T. G. Euser, and P. St.J. Russell, "Reconfigurable optothermal microparticle trap in air-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber," Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 024502 (2012). on soft-glass and silica-based hollow core photonic bandgap fibres. Selected collaborations Unicamp, Brazil (Gustavo Wiederhecker, Hugo Fragnito, Carlos Lenz Cesar): optomechanics & laser tweezers; University of Oxford (Ian Walmsley): quantum memories in Cs-filled PCF); FAU (Peter Wasserscheid, Hans-Peter Steinrück), University of Warwick (Peter Sadler) and University of Edinburgh (Anita Jones): photochemistry in PCF; University of Glasgow (Miles Padgett, Stephen Barnett): orbital angular momentum in twisted PCF; University of Leiden (Wolfgang Loeffler, Han Woerdman): quantum optics in PCF; University of Rennes (Johann Troles): chalcogenide glass fibres; KAIST, Korea (Byoung Yoon Kim): random lasers in liquid-filled PCF; University of Maryland (Curtis Menyuk) and Feng Chia University, Taiwan (WenFung Liu): Raman scattering in gas-filled PCF; PTB, Braunschweig (Piet Schmidt): UV-transmitting PCF; MPQ (Th. Haensch, Th. Udem) and Menlo Systems (Ronald Holzwarth): supercontinuum fibres; Thorlabs (Mohammed Saad): ZBLAN glass fibres; IMRA Inc. (Martin Fermann): IR supercontinuum in chalcogenide fibres; Heriot-Watt University (Fabio Biancalana): soliton theory; ETH Zurich (Jonathan Holme): ion traps using gold nanowires; University of Jena (Markus Schmidt): photonic nanowires; Australian National University, Canberra (Nail Akhmediev): fibre fuse effects. Electron micrographs of selected PCF microstructures. M. S. Kang, A. Butsch, and P. St.J. Russell, "Reconfigurable light-driven opto-acoustic isolators in photonic crystal fibre," Nat. Phot. 5, 549–553 (2011). K. F. Mak, J. C. Travers, P. Hoelzer, N. Y. Joly, and P. St.J. Russell, "Tunable vacuum-UV to visible ultrafast pulse source based on gas-filled kagome-PCF," Optics Express 21, 10942–10953 (2013). P. Uebel, S. T. Bauerschmidt, M. A. Schmidt, and P. St.J. Russell, "A gold-nanotip optical fiber for plasmon-enhanced near-field detection," Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 021101 (2013). A. Butsch, M. S. Kang, T. G. Euser, J. R. Koehler, S. Rammler, R. Keding, and P. St.J. Russell, "Optomechanical nonlinearity in dual-nanoweb structure suspended inside capillary fiber," Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 183904 (2012). Orbital angular momentum mode in cladding of twisted PCF (simulation). ___________________________________________________________________________ 91 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hanno Sahlmann (b. 1973) W2, Institute for Theoretical Physics III - Quantum Gravity The work of Hanno Sahlmann is concerned with the interplay of geometry and quantum theory.This includes quantum mechanics and locality, quantum field theory on curved space-times, General relativity and alternative theories of gravitation and the quantization of gravitational field itself. He completed is PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam (Germany) in 2002, and afterwards joined the group of A. Ashtekar at Pennsylvania State University, USA, as a postdoctoral fellow. In 2005, he moved to the Spinoza Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht, The Netherlands, and then in 2008, to the Institute for Theoretical Physics of Karlsruhe University. In 2010 he was chosen to head an independent research group of the Max Planck Society at the Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, and to become an adjunct professor for Theoretical Physics at POSTECH, Pohang (South Korea). In 2012 he accepted an offer to come to Erlangen on a W2 professorship, where he is now. He has published around 30 articles with a total of about 520/940 citations and an h-index of 11/14 according to Thomson-Reuter/INSPIRE. He has won a Marie Curie individual fellowship and sucessfully cosponsored the DFG Project "Nontrivial small-scale structure of spacetime and consequences for particle propagation" (a postdoctoral and several PhD-level positions, as well as additional funding). He (co)organized several international conferences. His work was recognized by the award of an Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Plack Society and the Physics Prize of the Goettingen Academy of Science. Research in the Sahlmann group Are there atoms of space and time? Is causality just a macroscopic concept? What happens to space-time near the big bang? I am fascinated with such questions arising from the interplay of gravitation, geometry, and quantum theory. Therefore important themes of my work are quantum fields propagating on space-times containing black holes, quantum mechanics and locality, and loop quantum gravity – an approach to unite Einstein’s theory of gravity with the principles of quantum theory. Some strands of research are presented in more detail in the following. Professional Career 2012-now W2-professor at FAU, Erlangen 2010-2012 Head of independent Research group of Max Planck Gesellschaft at the Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, adjunct professor at POSTECH. 2008-2010 Assistent at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of Karlsruhe University 2005-2008 Postdoctoral fellow Spinoza Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht. 2002-2005 Postdoctoral fellow Pennsylvania State University 2000-2002 PhD at Max-Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-7795-2013 /sahlmann.shtml Supervised PhD theses : 1 co-supervised, 1 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 2 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Black holes Black holes with their extremely strong gravitational fields are fascinating objects. Due to quantum effects, their horizons appear to have a temperature, and Einstein’s equations imply thermodynamic relations. This connection to thermodynamics may shed light on quantum gravity, as it implies black holes have microstates. My most recent work in this area is on the description of black holes in loop quantum gravity and the connection to ChernSimons theory. I have investigated the structure of the state space for the horizon geometry, and relations to the entropic gravity scenario. The work shows that the Chern-Simons theory that describes the horizon in the quantum theory emerges naturally by considering certain representations of the holonomy-flux algebra. This opens up new possibilities, for example for the description of the dynamics of the horizon, and perhaps the derivation of Hawking radiation. These techniques can also be used to calculate a knot invariant, the Jones polynomial, and its generalizations for certain types of links from scratch, which is of mathematical interest. Quantum gravity phenomenology Quantum gravity effects are assumed to be extremely tiny, generically, but they could be enhanced in certain situations so as to become observable with present day technology. On the one hand, Lorentz invariance (at least at short distances) is the cornerstone of our understanding of subatomic physics. At the same time, we know that the present theory is incomplete and that quantum 92 gravity will change the picture dramatically, perhaps including a breakdown of Lorentz invariance at very small length scales. Observatories such as HESS or Auger detect ultrahigh-energy particles which can probe Planck-scale physics. In fact, certain special forms of Lorentz invariance breaking have already been ruled out by these observations. Work is done in the group on models of spacetime that postulate geometric and topological defects on small length scales. Also, I have helped develop a framework in which the particle propagation on a background given by loop quantum gravity can be studied. The goal is now to improve on these models, derive their phenomenological consequences, and, by comparison with observations, learn something about the nature of space and time. One may be able to see imprints of the small scale structure of space-time in the spectrum of the primordial inhomogeneities, since inflation acts as a magnification glass, by redshifting the scale of these inhomogeneities. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications The no-boundary measure in string theory: Applications to moduli stabilization, flux compactification, and cosmic landscape. Dong-il Hwang, Bum-Hoon Lee, Hanno Sahlmann, Dong-han Yeom, Class.Quant.Grav. 29 (2012) 175001, arXiv:1203.0112 [gr-qc] Chern-Simons expectation values and quantum horizons from LQG and the Duflo map. Hanno Sahlmann, Thomas Thiemann, Phys.Rev.Lett. 108 (2012) 111303, arXiv:1109.5793 [gr-qc]. Black hole horizons from within loop quantum gravity. Hanno Sahlmann, Phys.Rev. D84 (2011) 044049, arXiv:1104.4691 [gr-qc]. Energy equipartition and minimal radius in entropic gravity. Hanno Sahlmann, Phys.Rev. D84 (2011) 104010, arXiv:1102.2948 [gr-qc]. Uniqueness of diffeomorphism invariant states on holonomy-flux algebras. Jerzy Lewandowski, Andrzej Okolow, Hanno Sahlmann, Thomas Thiemann, Commun.Math.Phys. 267 (2006) 703-733, gr-qc/0504147. ___________________________________________________________________________ Dynamics of Loop Quantum Gravity An important challenge in loop quantum gravity is to fully understand the implementation of the dynamics of the quantum space-time. In loop quantum gravity the question of finding quantum states that satisfy ‘quantum Einstein equations’ is reformulated as finding states that are annihilated by the quantum Hamilton constraint. The choices that go into the definition of this constraint, as well as its anomaly-freeness are still under investigation. For one thing, we study representations in which the spin network states are excitations over a fixed spatial geometry, a kind of geometric condensate. In these new representations, the quantization of the Hamilton constraint simplifies considerably. We are studying the resulting effective dynamics over the given background to obtain insights on both, physical aspects of the dynamics, and on the implementation of the Hamilton constraint. Another strand of work concerns the dynamics of gravity coupled to matter fields. For certain couplings the dynamics can actually simplify, or lead to new insights. We are currently working on the quantization of such a system. Selected collaborations There is exchange and/or collaboration with many groups worldwide, for example the Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos, Pennsylvania State University, PA, (USA); the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Marseille University; the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ontario, Canada; the Institute for the Structure of Matter, Madrid; the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University. Closer to home, we are in regular contact with groups in Goettingen, Paderborn and Hamburg; and in Erlangen there is lively exchange with the colleagues from the astrophysical groups of ECAP, from the Institute for Theoretical Physics, and from the Mathematics Department of FAU. Teaching Besides the lectures of the standard theory canon, I take part in an effort to offer a cycle of advanced lectures consisting of quantum field theory I+II, general relativity I+II, cosmology, and quantum gravity. Funding Since 2012: Member EFI Project Quantum Geometry. 2009-2011: Foreign participant in Spanish research Network "Quantum Gravity, Cosmology, and Black Holes". 2010: Co-sponsored DFG project "Nontrivial small scale structure of spacetime and consequences for particle propagation 93 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vahid Sandoghdar (b. 1966) W3 Alexander von Humboldt Professor Director of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light Vahid Sandoghdar obtained his B.S. in physics from the University of California at Davis in 1987 and Ph.D. in physics from Yale University in 1993. After a postdoctoral stay at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris he moved to the University of Konstanz in Germany in 1995, where he developed a new line of research that combined scanning probe microscopy and laser spectroscopy to investigate the interaction of light and matter at the nanometer scale. In 2001 he accepted a chair at the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry at ETH in Zurich, Switzerland. During that time he established two scientific networks, The Network of Optical Sciences and Technologies at ETH (optETH) and Zurich Center for Imaging Science and Technology (CIMST). In 2011 he became director at the newly founded MaxPlanck-Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen and Alexander-von-Humboldt Professor at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, where he founded the Optical Imaging Center Erlangen (OICE). The main focus of Prof. Sandoghdar’s research is nano-optics with components in optical detection and spectroscopy of single molecules and nanoparticles, ultrahigh resolution microscopy, and applications of these techniques to quantum optics, solid-state physics, and biophysics. His work is well recognized internationally, with about 5000 citations. Research in the Sandoghdar group The research in our group aims to advance experimental and theoretical mastery of light-matter interaction at the nanometer scale. To do this, we combine concepts from quantum optics, laser spectroscopy, cryogenics, optical imaging, scanning probe technology and nanofluidics. Some of the current areas of research are: Nano-Quantum-Optics Here, we are interested in fundamental optical processes at the single photon and single emitter level. Most of our work concerns solid-state samples and single organic molecules, but our findings are often generalizable to other systems such as atoms, quantum dots, color centers, etc. In particular, we are currently working on the detection of single ions in crystals. Professional Career 2011-now Alexander von Humboldt Professor at FAU, Erlangen 2011-now Director at Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen 2001-2011 Full Professor at Laboratorium für Physikalische Chemie, ETH Zürich 2001 Habilitation, Department of Physics, Univ. Konstanz 1996-2001 Head of the Nano-Optics group at Univ. Konstanz (institute of Prof. J. Mlynek) 1993-1995 Postdoctoral fellow at École Normale Supérieure, Paris (adv. Prof. S. Haroche) 1989-1993 PhD student at Yale University, USA (adv. Prof. E. A. Hinds) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-7390-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses : 30 Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 20 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Plasmonics In this area, we examine optical fields in metallic nanostructures and their interactions with the surrounding matter. In particular, we have been interested in the strong modification of the spontaneous emission, radiation pattern, and excitation cross section of emitters in the near field of plasmonic “antennas”. Ultrasensitive Optical Nanoscopy The goal is to push the limits of spatial and temporal resolution in optical imaging. Furthermore, we explore various contrast mechanisms for extracting information and processing weak signals. In particular, we have developed an interferometric scheme for detecting scattering and absorption signals from tiny objects and single molecules even in the absence of fluorescence. Nano-Bio-Photonics In this line of work, we apply our know-how to the detection, microscopy, tracking, and manipulation of biological nano-objects such as viruses and proteins. We are especially interested in transport and diffusion of these particles on and through biological membranes. Selected collaborations We collaborate with many biomedical groups in Erlangen. These include Prof. Marschall and Fleckenstein (Virology Inst.), Prof. Gmeiner (Med. Chem.) and 94 Prof. Kornhuber and Dr. Grömer (Psychiatric clinic). In addition, we have participated in two collaborative initiatives at FAU on biological membranes and synthetic biology. We have also started a new collaboration with the group of Prof. Oskar Painter. Collaborative initiatives, networks and centers Prof. Sandoghdar has founded the new interdisciplinary Optical Imaging Center Erlangen. The seed funding for this center is provided by the Alexander von Humboldt professorship, Graduate School of Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT) and the excellence cluster Engineering of Advanced Materials (EAM), while FAU has ensured long-term funding through three permanent scientific staff positions. Teaching and outreach Vahid Sandoghdar has a long and varied teaching history. In the period of 9 years at ETH Zurich he designed and taught 7 different courses in physics, physical chemistry and biophysics. In his part-time professorship at FAU, he has taught a module on Biomedical Imaging as a part of the MSc in Integrated Lifesciences and a course of Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy in the Accelerated BSc physics program. Funding Selected funding of the past few years: Alexander von Humboldt-Professorship (2011-2016, 5 Mio. EUR); ERC Advanced Grant (2011-2016, 1,9 Mio. EUR), EAM (1 Postdoc) Sander Stiftung - with Institut für Klinische und Molekulare Virologie, Prof. Marschall (175.600 EUR; Sandoghdar group: 10.200 EUR) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications M. Celebrano, P. Kukura, A. Renn, V. Sandoghdar, Imaging single molecules by optical Absorption, Nature Photonics (2010). M. Krishnan, N. Mojarad, P. Kukura, V. Sandoghdar, Geometry-induced electrostatic trapping of nanometric objects in a fluid, Nature, 467, 692 (2010). Y. Rezus, S. Walt, R. Lettow, G. Zumofen, A. Renn, S. Götzinger, V. Sandoghdar, Single-photon Spectroscopy of a Single Molecule, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 093601 (2012). P. Kukura, H. Ewers, C. Müller, A. Renn, A. Helenius, V. Sandoghdar, High-speed nanoscopic tracking of the position and orientation of a single virus, Nature Methods 6, 923-927 (2009). J. Hwang, M. Pototschnig, R. Lettow, G. Zumofen, A. Renn, S. Götzinger, V. Sandoghdar, A single-molecule optical transistor, Nature 460, 76 (2009). G. Wrigge, I. Gerhardt, J. Hwang, G. Zumofen, V. Sandoghdar, Efficient coupling of photons to a single molecule and the observation of its resonance fluorescence, Nature Phys., 4, 60-66 (2008). S. Kühn, U. Hakanson, L. Rogobete, V. Sandoghdar, On-command enhancement of single molecule fluorescence using a gold nanoparticle as an optical nanoantenna, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 017402 (2006). ___________________________________________________________________________ 95 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alexander Schneider (b. 1968) W2, chair of solid state physics The scientific focus of Alexander Schneider lies on the atomic scale characterization of structural and electronic properties of surfaces, of interfaces, and of molecular adsorbates on surfaces using low-temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), Low-energy Electron Diffraction (LEED), and recently also X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (XPS). Currently the major research projects investigate metallic contacts on graphene and the properties of (large) molecules on oxide surfaces. Alexander Schneider received his diploma in physics (1993) and his PhD in 1997 from Göttingen University. He studied the microscopy of current transport by applying a novel Scanning Tunneling Microscopy technique. As a postdoctoral researcher he joined the group of Prof. M.E. Welland at Cambridge University working on properties of metallic nanowires within the scope of a EU-ESPRIT project. He continued his career within the group of Prof. K. Kern, from 19992000 at the EPFL Lausanne and from 2000-2006 at the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart working mainly on atomic scale spectroscopy, atomic scale magnetism and many-electron effects at surfaces using low-temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. He was appointed professor of experimental physics in 2006. He has 39 publications and an h-index of 20. Research in the Schneider group Atomic scale structural and electronic characterization of surfaces and interfaces Metal contacts on graphene Of fundamental importance for the application of graphene as a novel electronics material is the optimization of the transport characteristics of (metallic) contacts. A metal contact to graphene needs to be structurally stable, allow easy transport of the electrons from a three- dimensional contact into twodimensional graphene and it must not deteriorate the properties of the graphene on a 10 nm scale. Therefore neither weak nor very strong bonding seems advantageous. By using the tip of an STM as a probe for electron transport in an epitaxial graphene layer and at the interface between graphene and a metal film we aim to provide an experimental data basis for evaluating Professional Career 2006-now W2-professor at FAU, Erlangen 2000-2005 group leader at the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart 1999-2000 post-doctoral Researcher at the EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland 1997-1999 post-doctoral Researcher at Cambridge University, UK 1993-1997 PhD student at Göttingen University (supervisor Prof. Dr. R.G. Ulbrich) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-6241-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses : 1 (+ 5 co-supervision + 3 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 10 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ different contact configurations on the nanometer and atomic scale. Growth and properties of cobalt oxide thin films Based on the research established at the Chair of Solid State Physics on the atomic structure of thin cobalt oxide films on an iridium substrate by Prof. Klaus Heinz and Dr. Lutz Hammer the research effort continues to unravel properties of these versatile and relevant transition-metal surfaces. The high lateral order of the films of different crystallographic orientation and stoichiometry allows the application of Low-energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), the significant conductivity allows studies by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM). Certain phases of the oxide, which as a bulk crystal is a large-bandgap semiconductor, appear to be metallic. The reasons for this metallicity, the electronic properties at the surface and their relation to the atomic structure of the films and the interface to the metal substrate are the topics of our current research. Experiments are performed in our labs in Erlangen but also in collaboration at the MaxLab synchrotron source in Lund (E. Lundgren, U Lund). LT-STM topography of a CoO film where half of the oxygen atoms can be seen. (4.5nm x 5.8 nm, T=7K) 96 Catalytic properties of cobalt oxide surfaces Cobalt oxide has recently turned out to be a novel, highly active heterogeneous catalyst for key processes in future energy and environmental technology. This includes e.g. low-temperature CO oxidation, the total oxidation of volatile organic compounds, and the reforming of hydrocarbon oxygenates for hydrogen production. Cobaltoxide-based catalysts hold a unique potential for replacing or reducing the demand for more precious and expensive materials (e.g. noble metals). Our research aims at understanding the catalytic activity of cobalt oxide on the atomic scale using thin films as model catalysts. With our methods we determine the adsorption properties of small molecules (CO, H2O, CO2,…) to establish the atomic structure of surfaces sites relevant for the catalytic activity. This project is supported by the DFG, project partners are Prof. Jörg Libuda, Physical Chemistry II at FAU and Prof. Günther Rupprechter Institute of Materials Chemistry at TU Vienna. Functional organic molecules on oxide surfaces Organic molecular films play an important role in the fields of molecular electronics, sensor technology, and solar energy conversion. However, these films are in contact with a substrate that might influence film properties, allow self-assembly but also possibly destroy functionality. Therefore a thorough understanding of the interfaces between the substrate and the organic film at the molecular/atomic scale is paramount. This insight is lacking with respect to oxide substrates that are relevant for the aforementioned areas. We investigate the interaction properties of functional organic molecules with well-defined thin metal-oxide films. The aim is to understand on the atomic scale how organic molecules can be anchored to oxide surfaces, how their selfassembly properties can be steered and how functionality can be introduced or maintained LT-STM topography of the in the adsorption/selfordering of cobaltphthalassembly process. This ocyanine molecules into resarch is funded within linear structures on a thin the funCOS ("fun" kursiv cobalt oxide film. schreiben) DFG research (40 nm x 40 nm) unit FOR 1887. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Selected collaborations C. Tröppner, T. Schmitt, M. Reuschl, L. Hammer, M. A. Schneider, and F. Mittendorfer, J. Redinger, R. Podloucky, M. Weinert, Incommensurate Moiré overlayer with strong local binding: CoO(111) bilayer on Ir(100), Phys. Rev. B 86, 235407 (2012) Major collaborations are embedded in the research unit FOR 1887 “funCOS” established within the framework of the Interdisciplinary Center of Interface Controlled Processes, and in the priority programme SPP 1459 “Graphene”. Further collaborations exist with the Vienna Technical University and Lund University. Th. Staudt, Y. Lykhach, L. Hammer, M. A. Schneider, V. Matolín, J. Libuda, A route to continuous ultra-thin cerium oxide films on Cu(1 1 1), Surface Science 603, 3382 (2009) P. Wahl, P. Simon, L. Diekhöner, V.S. Stepanyuk, P. Bruno, M.A. Schneider, and K.Kern, Exchange interaction between single magnetic adatoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 056601 (2007) L. Vitali, M. Burghardt, M. A. Schneider, Lei Liu, S. Y. Wu, C. S. Jayanthi, and K. Kern, Phonon spectromicroscopy of carbon nanostructures with atomic resolution, Physical Rev. Lett. 93, 136103 (2004) L. Diekhöner, M. A. Schneider, A. N. Baranov, V. S. Stepanyuk, P. Bruno and K. Kern, Surface States of Cobalt Nanoislands on Cu(111), Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 236801 (2003) Teaching and outreach Since I am in Erlangen I contributed to the efforts of the department to interest high-school students to study physics by giving numerous talks in schools, at fairs, and university events. I took a major role to establish and organize the Bachelor and Masters course “Materials Physics” of the Department of Physics at FAU. I co-authored the text-book “Oberflächenphysik: Grundlagen und Methoden” (Oldenbourg, 2013). Funding 600 k€ (DFG: SPP “Graphene”, Research Unit “funCOS”, D-A-CH project “COMCAT”) N. Knorr, M. A. Schneider, L. Diekhöner, P. Wahl, and K. Kern, Kondo effect of single Co adatoms on Cu surfaces, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 096804 (2002) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 97 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ana-Suncana Smith (b. 1975) W2, Institute for Theoretical Physics I The key idea of Ana-Sunčana Smith’s research is to use advanced tools of statistical physics and apply them to problems in biophysics. She studied Physics in Zagreb, Croatia, where she graduated in 2001, after an extended research visit to the Australian National University in Canberra. She completed her PhD in the group of E. Sackmann, in 2004, at the Technical University in Munich, where she performed a combined experimental and theoretical investigation of a model system for cell adhesion. In September 2006, she became a research associate in the group of U. Seifert at the University of Stuttgart, and continued working on the physics of the cell recognition process. In October 2009 she was recruited to Erlangen as a Rising Star of the EAM Excellence cluster, and a W1 Professor at the Physics Department. She was tenured in 2012. During her scientific career she has published over 20 papers, which have resulted in over 60 invited lectures at international conferences and seminars. In 2008, she founded and became the Chairwomen of the PhysCell conference series, which is today a leading meeting place for cell biophysics in Europe. Her work received particular recognition in 2011 when she was elected to the Collegium of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, and in 2013 when she received an ERC Starting Grant for a project on bio-membranes. Research in the Smith group Physics Underlying Life Sciences Apart from being a source of fascinating physics at reduced dimensionality, fluid membranes and the cytoskeleton are responsible for the structural integrity of living cells. They provide a working edifice for the peptides and proteins whose biochemical activity is consequently subject to a plethora of physical constraints. The strategy of choice is the so-called “bottom up” approach [1], whereby the first step is to deconvolve the complex interdependencies of local biochemical and biophysical processes by identifying the key interactions and their constraints, often in collaboration with experimental partners. Once recognized, the essential elements become the foundation of simplified models. These we study by means of statistical physics on all relevant time and length scales from the level of chemical reactions, to the global behavior of cells and tissues. Professional Career 2012-now W2-professor at FAU, Erlangen / Member of the Executive Board and project leader in EAM. Member of the steering committee of the FAU interdisciplinary Graduate school initiative on the biophysics of membranes 2009-2012 W1-professor at FAU, Erlangen,Rising Star of EAM 2006-2008 Research Associate at the University of Stuttgart (with Udo Seifert) 2005-2006 Postdoctoral fellow at FAU (group of Klaus Mecke) and a research visit to the University of Sydney (group of John Clarke) 2002-2005 PhD student at the Technical University in Munich, Germany (supervisor E. Sackmann) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C - 7349 - 2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses : 1 (+ 7 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 3 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The fundamentals of molecular recognition Structural freedom of molecules may drive or even prevent molecular recognition and thus strongly influence the formation of more complex structures such as micelles or crystalline phases. Greater insight into these processes can be obtained from the spectroscopic measurements. However, for flexible molecules such measurements provide ensemble averaged signals, the understanding of which necessitates theoretical modelling. In this context, we were the first to develop a method that can successfully predict the circular dichroism spectrum of flexible peptide [2]. Currently, we are attempting to integrate concepts from chemistry, physics and biology to deepen our understanding of the biomineralization process, by investigating the effects of the flexibility of organic molecules on their absorption properties on an inorganic surface. Membranes: From model systems to the cellular context The plasma membrane is the largest cell organelle and separates the cell from the outer world. It is the key to the cell recognition process, which relies on the formation of small domains of proteins. This process is controlled by the membrane elasticity and its coupling to stochastic biochemical interactions of proteins that diffuse through a crowded fluctuating environment. In recent work [3], we developed a semi-analytic model for the nucleation of adhesions that takes into account these components in the context of thermal noise and tested it against our Langevin simulations and experiments. The successful 98 comparison became the foundation of a hypothesis that the appropriate coarse-graining of the membrane undulations can be utilized to model the dynamics of molecular complexation beyond the level of thermal fluctuations, which will be investigated within the ERC Starting Grant. entity and in large ensembles. Encouraged by our recent development of a simulation scheme and determination of optimal body shapes [4], we currently study the interplay between hydrodynamic interactions, internal elastic degrees of freedom, and driving forces of deterministic as well as a stochastic nature. The aims are to optimize the design of the transporter for pay-load delivery and address questions of coherence and emergent correlations in many-swimmer systems. Physics of tissue development Langevin simulation (left) and analytic shape of a bonded membrane (right) Self-propulsion of colloidal devices and microswimming The motion of cells and bacteria is associated with low Reynolds numbers requires a time-irreversible propulsion strategy. Understanding the principles of self-propulsion is not only important in the biological context but also for the working of microdevices. Due to their promise in generic payload delivery, we focus on bead-spring transporters, on the level of a single _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications [1] Cells - a new challenge for physics? A.-S. Smith. Nature Phys. 6, 1 (2010). [2] Calculation of the CD Spectrum of a Peptide from Its Conformational Phase Space: The Case of Metenkephalin and Its Unnatural Analogue. Z. Brkljača, K. Čondić-Jurkić, A.-S. Smith, D. M. Smith. J. Chem. Theor. Comput. 8, 1694 (2012) [3] Nucleation of ligand-receptor bond domains in membrane adhesion. T. Bihr, U. Seifert, A.-S. Smith. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 258101 (2012). [4] K. Pickl, J. Götz, K. Iglberger, J. Pande, K. Mecke, A.-S. Smith, U. Rüde: All good things come in threes– Three beads learn to swim with lattice Boltzmann and a rigid body solver. J. Comp. Sci. 3, 374 (2012). Optimal shapes of artificial bead-spring micro-carriers at low Reynolds numbers. J. Pande, A.-S. Smith. arxiv:796977. [5] Novel growth regime of MDCK II model tissues on soft substrates. S. Kaliman, C. Jayachandran, F. Rehfeldt, and A.-S. Smith. Biophys. J (2013), to be published as a letter. Studying the growth of cell colonies is an important step in the understanding of processes involving collective cooperative behavior of cells, including tissue development, wound healing, and cancer progression. Yet very little is known about the emergence of long range correlations in tissues under the influence of physical clues. The information about these cooperative actions can be obtained by analyzing the morphological changes of cells during the growth of an aggregate. We recently performed such an in-depth analysis on MDCK cell cultures grown on collagencoated substrates of different elasticities, and found a new regime of growth, triggered solely by the softness of the underlying matrix [5]. Apart from further characterizing this phase, we are now developing theoretical models that can account for the observed behavior. Selected collaborations Longstanding theory collaborators include U. Seifert (Stuttgart; membranes), D. Smith (Zagreb; peptide spectra), S. J. Marrink (Groningen; hydrophobic effect) and U. Rüde (FAU, Lattice Boltzmann simulations of microswimmers). I particularly cherish experimental collaborations, the most prominent of which are with K. Sengupta (Marseille, cell recognition), R. Merkel (Jülich; vesicle adhesion), V. Sandoghdar (Erlangen; diffusion in membranes), F. Rehfeld (Göttingen; tissue mechanics), and D. Müller (Berlin; tissues under osmotic stresses). Teaching and outreach I teach courses related to Biophysics as well as core courses of the theoretical physics curriculum. In the latter case, I regularly contribute to Physics Advanced, a study program for talented students. Funding EAM Starting Grant (2009-2012, 400 000 EUR) European Research Council Starting Grant (20132018, 1.5 Mio EUR); EAM Research project (2012-2015, 290 000 EUR) ___________________________________________________________________________ 99 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thomas Thiemann (b. 1967) W3, Institute for Theoretical Physics III – Quantum Gravity The research of Thomas Thiemann is focussed on Quantum Gravity which touches upon fields such as General Relativity, Gauge Field Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Cosmology, High Energy and Astroparticle Physics as well as Mathematical Physics. He graduated from the RWTH Aachen, Germany in 1994 and held postdoc positions at The Pennsylvania State University at University Park, Pennsylvania, USA (1993-1995) and Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts, USA (1995-1997). He then became a senior researcher (permanent position) at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (AlbertEinstein-Institute) in Golm, Germany (1997-2009) with intermediate interruptions as a professor at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (2003-2006). Since 2005 he is guest professor at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. He became full professor (chair) at FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg in 2009 after having declined an offer from the Technical University of Vienna as a full professor. His total number of citations are 3444/5851 (web of knowledge/spires-hep), average citation number per article is 42/60, h-index is 33/40 for his 82/102 publications. He has given more than 70 invited talks at international meetings so far. For his research in quantum gravity he was awarded the Vasilis Xanthopoulos International Award for Gravitational Physics in 2007, targeted at gravitational physics researchers below the age of 40. He has served on the editorial board of the journal ``Classical and Quantum Gravity'' and (co-) organized nine international conferences. Thomas Thiemann is the coordinator of the Emerging Field Project ``Quantum Geometry'' which is funded by the Emerging Field Initiative of the FAU. He is the author of a textbook on quantum gravity. Research in the Thiemann group Physics rests on the principles of General Relativity (GR) and Quantum Field Theory (QFT). However, these two principles describe rather different regimes of the physical world: While GR is a classical, deterministic theory that has been confirmed in particular on large scales, QFT is indeterministic and plays ist most important role on very short scales. These two principles must be combined when one probes very strong gravitational fields as they occur inside black holes or close to the big bang. A theory that synthe sises both principles are called Quantum Gravity (QG). Professional Career 2009-now W3-professor at FAU, Erlangen 2005-2015 Guest professor, Beijing normal University 2003-2011 Faculty at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ontario, Canada 2003-2006 Associate professor at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 1997-2009 Permanent research staff at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Golm, Germany 1995-1997 Postdoctoral fellow, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts,USA 1993-1995 Postdoctoral fellow, The pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA 1992-1994 PhD student at Technical University Aachen (RWTH), Germany _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: D-9946-2013 thiemann.shtml Supervised PhD theses : 16 Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 11 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ QG is widely believed not only to play an important role in the afore mentioned extreme astrophysical and cosmological situations but also to dramatically change our understanding of elementary particle physics at very short distances (Planck scale energies). These effects are expected to throw light on fundamental questions of cosmology such as the origin of dark energy, and might be tested, at least in principle, cosmological, ultra high energy astroparticle physics or gravitational wave experiments. Accordingly, the research team in Erlangen has strong interest in the corresponding observational physics. Today no generally accepted QG theory is available but there are several Ansaetze which are currently being developed. The research in Erlangen follows the so called Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) approach which has received growing attention in the past. While the theory is still incomplete, there are several promising features such as a discrete Planck scale picture and a certain built-in UV improvement of usual QFT. Precise methods of mathematical physics are being employed to further develop the theory. Accordingly, the research team is in close contact with the Mathematics Department of the FAU. More in detail the research focuses on the following branches: Quantum Dynamics Central to any QG candidate theory is the proper implementation of the Quantum Einstein Equations which are also known as the Wheeler-DeWitt equations. While the corresponding operators have been 100 successfully quantised, there remain quantization ambiguities which have to be fixed in order for the theory to gain any predictive power. Semiclassical Limit Any successful theory of QG must contain a regime in which both the usual QFT description of matter and the classical GR behavior of geometry are recovered. Accordingly it is important to develop semiclassical states which suitably stabilise the quantum dynamics. Quantum Cosmology One of the most promising possibilities to actually measure quantum gravity effects lie in high precision cosmology as primordial quantum gravity fluctuations may have left their imprint in the power spectra measured by the WMAP and PLANCK satellites. It is therefore important to carefully extract the quantum cosmology sector from LQG and to look for effects which lie in the sensitivity range of those or future experiments that measure the large scale structure of the universe. Quantum Black Holes Selected collaborations Using semiclassical tools which however neglect the matter -- geometry interaction and the quantum nature of the gravitational field, Bekenstein and Hawking have argued that black holes are in fact not black but radiate like black bodies and have a corresponding entropy. An ideal testing ground for any QG candidate theory is therefore to give a microscopic explanation of the Bekenstein Hawking entropy of macroscopic black holes and to give a self-consistent description of the Hawking effect. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Quantization of diffeomorphism invariant theories of connections withlocal degrees of freedom. Abhay Ashtekar, Jerzy Lewandowski, Donald Marolf, Jose Mourao, Thomas Thiemann. J.Math.Phys. 36 (1995) 6456-6493 gr-qc/9504018 Quantum spin dynamics (QSD). T. Thiemann. Class.Quant.Grav. 15 (1998) 839-873 gr-qc/9606089 Gauge field theory coherent states (GCS): 1. General properties. Thomas Thiemann. Class.Quant.Grav. 18 (2001) 2025-2064 hep th/0005233 The Phoenix project: Master constraint program for loop quantum gravity. Thomas Thiemann. Class.Quant.Grav. 23 (2006) 2211-2248 grqc/0305080 Uniqueness of diffeomorphism invariant states on holonomy-flux algebras. Jerzy Lewandowski, Andrzej Okolow, Hanno Sahlmann, Thomas Thiemann. Commun.Math.Phys. 267 (2006) 703-733 gr-qc/0504147 The team enjoys lively theory interactions with most of the QG research centers worldwide such as the Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos, Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA; The Institute for Theoretical Physics, Marseille University; The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ontario, Canada; The Institute for Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University; and The Institute for Theoretical Physics, Lousiana State University. On the experimental side, the chair is part of the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP) and keeps in contact with the cosmology group of the excellence cluster ``Universe'' in Munich. Within Erlangen the institute members mostly collaborate with other members from ECAP and with members from the institutes for theoretical physics. Teaching An outcome of the EFP ``Quantum Geometry'' is the implementation of a curriculum of specialized courses for master and PhD students that are to build up the necessary expertise in order to conduct original QG research. This consists of QFT 1+2, GR 1+2, Cosmology and QG and adds to the visibility of the Department of Physics in Erlangen. Funding The Institute for Quantum Gravity is an integral part of the Emerging Field Project ``Quantum Geometry'' which combines the expertises of mathematicians and physicists in order to make progress on the mathematical foundations of QG. The EFP has received funding for three years in the amount of roughly EUR 1.800 000 from the Emergent Field Office of the FAU. ___________________________________________________________________________ 101 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Michael Thies (b. 1948) C3, Institute for Theoretical Physics III Michael Thies is working on strong interaction physics and relativistic quantum field theory. He studied in Heidelberg, where he received his PhD in 1975 in intermediate energy nuclear physics. After postdoc positions at Stony Brook, Heidelberg, SIN Villigen (now PSI), he got a long term research position at the Free University of Amsterdam. In 1989, he returned to Germany on a C3 professorship, which F. Lenz had created under the Fiebiger program at the Institute for Theoretical Physics III, FAU, Erlangen. He has 90 publications, 1580 citations and an h-index of 23, according to the INSPIRE-HEP data base. Professional Career 1989-now C3-professor in theoretical physics at the FAU, Erlangen 1982-1988 Research position at the VU and NIKHEF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1979-1982 Postdoctoral fellow at SIN (now PSI), Villingen, Switherland 1977-1989 Postdoctoral fellow at Heidelberg University 1975-1976 Postdoctoral fellow at SUNY, Stony Brook, USA (group the late G.E. Brown) 1973-1975 PhD student at the University of Heidelberg (group of J. Hüfner) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: Website: www.gravity.physik.fau/members/people/ thies.shtml Supervised PhD theses : 12 Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 50 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Research in the Thies group Strong interactions, relativistic quantum field theory, and exactly solvable models Our research encompasses a wide spectrum of questions originating in strong interaction physics, ranging from quantum chromodynamics (QCD) to exactly solvable, low dimensional fermionic field theories. It is driven by the desire to understand fundamental physics, rather than reproduce specific experimental data. This is reflected in a strong bias towards analytic as opposed to numerical methods. Analytic approaches to the confinement problem in QCD In the past, the QCD confinement problem was at the center of my activities, in collaboration with F. Lenz, the former head of Theorie III. The fundamental problem to understand why quarks and gluons, the fields appearing in the QCD Lagrangian, are not seen as free particles in nature, is still not fully understood. We had some partial successes and developed nonperturbative techniques, emphasizing concepts like light cone quantization, non-Abelian gauge fixing, center symmetry, topology (through instantons and merons). 't Hooft, Gross-Neveu and Nambu--Jona-Lasinio models. Apart from being of interest for strong interactions, these models have found many applications in quasi-one dimensional condensed matter systems like superconductors, polymers or cold atomic gases. Phase diagrams of quantum field theories at finite temperature and chemical potential The phase diagram of QCD at finite temperature and density is of interest for heavy ion collisions at Brookhaven or LHC, as well as for astrophysical questions. Since standard lattice Monte Carlo methods fail at finite density, it is important to study the phase diagrams of exactly solvable models. We discovered generic solitonic crystal phases in all the models studied which had been overlooked before, like the ``chiral spiral". In the meantime, this has had some impact on the discussion of the QCD phase diagram, with many works devoted to identifying inhomogeneous phases of dense matter. Exactly solvable fermionic field theories in low dimensions Since 10 years, I work mostly on exactly solvable field theoretical models, notably fermionic theories in 1+1 dimensions which can be solved in the large N limit by semiclassical methods. Paradigms include the Full phase diagram of the massive Gross-Neveu model as a function of fermion mass, chemical potential and temperature. The shaded surface separates a Fermi gas from a solitonic crystal. 102 Solving dynamical problems in quantum field theory During the last 3 years, my interest has shifted towards exact solutions of time-dependent problems in model QFTs, e.g. baryon-baryon scattering or breathers and their interactions. We use relativistic time dependent Hartree-Fock including the Dirac sea, an approach supposed to become exact in the large N limit. Together with G. V. Dunne from the University of Connecticut, we have recently found the complete, analytical solution of this problem for an arbitrary number and complexity of bound states or breathers (accepted by PRL). Selected collaborations Teaching I participated actively in the Erlangen-Regensburg Graduiertenkolleg ``Strong Interaction Physics", which ran the maximum allowed number of 9+1 years (1991-2001). Since I came to Erlangen, I am strongly involved in the teacher student examinations in theoretical physics for all Universities in the state of Bavaria. Funding The biggest project I have participated in was the aforementioned Graduiertenkolleg, funded by the DFG. At present, I have a 3 years DFG grant (1/2 position) for a PhD student. During the period where F. Lenz was head of Theory III, we had the chance to work and publish together with a number of renowned Humboldt prize winners which F. Lenz succeeded to attract to Erlangen, notably S. Levit (Weizmann Institute), the late L. O'Raifeartaigh (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies), E. Moniz (MIT, now US secretary of energy), J. Negele (MIT), M. Shifman (University of Minnesota), and K. Yazaki (Tokyo University). Recently, I have mostly been collaborating with G. V. Dunne (University of Connecticut). _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications The Delta nucleus spin orbit interaction in pion nucleus scattering, with Y. Horikawa and F. Lenz, Nucl. Phys. A 345, 386 (1980). Hamiltonian formulation of two-dimensional gauge theories on the light cone, with F. Lenz, S. Levit, K. Yazaki, Ann. Phys. 208, 1 (1991). QCD in the axial gauge representation, with F. Lenz and H. W. L. Naus, Ann. Phys. 233, 317 (1994). Emergence of Skyrme crystal in Gross-Neveu and 't Hooft models at finite density, with V. Sch\"on, Phys. Rev. D62, 096002 (2000). From relativistic quantum fields to condensed matter and back again: Updating the Gross-Neveu phase diagram, J. Phys. A 39, 12707 (2006). Inhomogeneous condensates in the thermodynamics of the chiral NJL2 model, with G. Basar and G. V. Dunne, Phys. Rev. D 79, 105012 (2009). ___________________________________________________________________________ 103 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Michael Thoss (b. 1966) W2, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Theoretical Solid State Physics, Interdisciplinary Center for Molecular Materials Michael Thoss studied physics at the Ludwig Maximilians University of München and received his Ph.D. in 1998 from the Technical University of München. From 1998 to 2000 he was a FeodorLynen postdoctoral fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation at the University of California at Berkeley, USA. He subsequently returned to München as a research associate at the Chair of Theoretical Chemistry and finished his Habilitation in 2005. From 2005 to 2008, he was Privatdozent at the Department of Chemistry of the Technical University of München. In 2006 he received the Hellman award for Theoretical Chemistry. Since 2009, he has been Professor (W2) for Theoretical Physics at the FAU ErlangenNürnberg. His fields of research are theoretical condensed matter physics and molecular physics. The focus of his research is the theory and simulation of nonequilibrium processes in many-body quantum systems. His scientific work is documented in more than 80 publications, with a total number of about 2400 citations and h-index of 29. Research in the Thoss group The Thoss group carries out research in the fields of theoretical condensed matter physics and molecular physics. Focus of the research is the theory and simulation of nonequilibrium processes in many-body quantum systems. Theoretical and computational methods are being developed and applied to study quantum dynamics and quantum transport in molecules, nanostructures, at surfaces and interfaces. Research projects include fundamental aspects of dynamics and transport in correlated quantum systems, such as, e.g., the role of interference, decoherence and localization, as well as applications to study charge and energy transport processes in nanostructures relevant for nanoelectronics and photovoltaics. Theory and simulation of charge and energy transport in nanostructures, molecular electronics Quantum transport processes in nanosystems have been of great interest recently in different areas of physics, chemistry and nanotechnology. An example, we have investigated in detail recently, is charge and Professional Career 2009-now W2-professor at FAU, Erlangen 2005-2008 Privatdozent at the Chair of Theoretical Chemistry, Technical University of München 2000-2005 Research associate at the Chair of Theoretical Chemistry, Technical University of München 1998-2000 Postdoctoral fellow at the University of California at Berkeley, USA (group of W.H. Miller) 1994-1998 PhD student at Technical University of München (group of W. Domcke) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-5976-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 4 (+ 5 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 7 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ energy transport in single molecule junctions. These systems combine the possibility to study fundamental aspects of nonequilibrium many-body quantum physics at the nanoscale with the perspective for technological applications in nanoelectronic devices. Employing a combination of first principles electronic structure methods and state-of-the-art transport theory, we have analyzed transport mechanisms in molecular junctions including electron-phonon and electron-electron interaction, fluctuations and noise phenomena as well as phononic energy transport. We have devised novel schemes for molecular nanoswitches based on proton transfer reactions and have analyzed quantum interference and decoherence phenomena. Recently, we have started to consider molecular nanostructures that use carbon-based materials such as graphene and carbon nanotubes in a collaborative effort within SFB 953. Photoinduced processes and time-dependent phenomena in molecules, at surfaces and interfaces The availability of ultrashort laser pulses, which have recently reached the subfemtosecond time scale, allows studies of ultrafast processes in atoms, molecules and condensed matter in ‘real time’. Of primary interest in molecular systems and condensed matter is the unraveling of electronic and nuclear motion and their mutual correlation. Our theoretical work in this area concentrates on the simulation and analysis of time-dependent non-Born-Oppenheimer processes and their role in photoinduced charge and energy transfer processes in molecular materials. A focus of our work in the last decade was the investigation of photoinduced electron dynamics in dyesemiconductor systems used in dye-sensitized solar cells. Moreover, within a new collaboration of several groups in Erlangen, we study the process of carrier multiplication by singlet-triplet fission in organic crys- 104 tals, which holds great promise to improve the efficiency of solar cells. Fundamental aspects of quantum dynamics in many-body systems In addition to first-principles simulations of specific systems, we study fundamental aspects of nonequilibrium quantum dynamics in many-body systems employing generic models such as the spin-boson model, Anderson-type impurity models as well as other many-body models with electron-electron and electron-phonon interaction. Processes being investigated include quantum interference effects, decoherence, localization and correlation as well as multistability phenomena. Development of efficient numerical methods for quantum dynamics in many-body systems We develop efficient numerical methods with the goal to accurately describe quantum mechanical _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Semiclassical Description of Nonadiabatic Quantum Dynamics, G. Stock and M. Thoss, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 578 (1997). non-equilibrium processes in many-body systems. This includes multiconfiguration wave functions methods, density matrix schemes, semiclassical approaches as well as nonequilibrium Green’s function methods. The combination of these dynamical approaches with electronic structure methods to characterize the systems of interest is another focus area of our research. Selected collaborations The group actively participates in SFB 953, the cluster of excellence EAM and is associated to the cluster of excellence ‘Munich Center of Advanced Photonics’. We collaborate with several theoretical and experimental groups in Erlangen and worldwide. Recent examples include the groups of W. Domcke (München), P. Feulner (München), W. Jaegermann (Darmstadt), W.H. Miller (UC Berkeley), J. Neaton (LBNL Berkeley), U. Peskin (Technion Haifa), E. Rabani (Tel Aviv), A. Sobolewski (Warsaw), H. Wang (Las Cruces) and in Erlangen, in particular, M. Bockstedte, T. Clark, T. Fauster, D. Guldi, H. Weber. Funding Selected funding over the past few years: BMBF (2009-2011, 1 postdoc), DFG (2010-2013, 1 postdoc), DFG SFB 953 (2012-2015, 2 PhD), GIF (20132015, 1 PhD), Humboldt postdoctoral fellowship (2012-2013) Quantum Dynamics of Photoinduced ElectronTransfer Reactions in Dye-Semiconductor Systems: First-Principles Description and Application to Coumarin 343-TiO2, I. Kondov, M. Cizek, C. Benesch, H. Wang, and M. Thoss, J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 11970 (2007) Numerically exact quantum dynamics for indistinguishable particles: The multilayer multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree theory in second quantization representation, H. Wang and M. Thoss, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 024114 (2009) Vibrational nonequilibrium effects in the conductance of single-molecules with multiple electronic states, R. Härtle, C. Benesch, and M. Thoss, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 146801 (2009) Experimental Evidence for Quantum Interference and Vibrationally Induced Decoherence in Single-Molecule Junctions, S.Ballmann, R. Härtle, P.B. Coto, M. Elbing, M. Mayor, M.R. Bryce, M. Thoss and H.B. Weber, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 , 056801 (2012) Quantum interference and decoherence in a single molecule nanojunction. (a): In the presence of quasi-degenerate molecular energy levels, quantum interference effects can influence the electrical transport profoundly. (b): Coupling to vibrations provides a decoherence mechanism that is particularly efficient for larger temperatures (T) and results in a significantly enhanced electrical current in the resonant transport regime at higher bias voltages [S. Ballmann, R. Härtle, P.B. Coto, M. Elbing, M. Mayor, M.R. Bryce, M. Thoss and H.B. Weber, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 056801 (2012)]. Charge Transport in Pentacene−Graphene Nanojunctions, I.A. Pshenichnyuk, P.B. Coto, S. Leitherer, and M. Thoss, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 809 (2013) ___________________________________________________________________________ 105 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tobias Unruh (b. 1967) W2, Institute of Condensed Matter – Nanomaterials Characterization (scattering methods) The research of Tobias Unruh is focused on structural properties of nanoscaled organic and inorganic materials and relaxation processes of complex systems. The experimental methods used (SAXS, SANS, GISAXS, GIXD) allow for in-situ studies of native samples with time resolutions up to the microsecond range for kinetic studies and on a time scale of subpico- to nanoseconds (QENS, INS, MD simulation) for studies of molecular dynamics, respectively. Tobias Unruh joined the FAU in November 2010. He was awarded a PhD in Electrochemistry by Saarland University in Saarbrücken for his study of the structural properties of hydrogen intercalates of transition metal oxides. He continued his work on structural property relations of materials at the FriedrichSchiller-University Jena as a postdoc and scientific assistant at the Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology. During this time he studied dispersions of organic colloids mainly by small-angle X-ray, neutron and light scattering and calorimetry. After moving to the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in 2001, he designed, commissioned, and managed the user operation of the neutron time-of-flight spectrometer TOFTOF at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz research neutron source FRM II in Garching. He also established a research group to study the picosecond dynamics of molecular liquids, phospholipid membranes, and the mesoscopic structure of colloidal dispersions at the TOFTOF facility. For his teaching at the TUM Physics Department he was awarded the ‘golden chalk’ a price of the dean, the dean of curriculum and the students for the best special lecture in summer semester 2010. Tobias Unruh habilitated in experimental physics at TUM in 2010. In Erlangen, he heads the scattering methods division of the Center for Nanoanalysis and Electron Microscopy. He authored 75 papers (64 since 2007). Research in the Unruh group Organic nanoparticles for pharmaceutical use Lecithin stabilized triglyceride nanosuspensions are intriguing systems and relevant for pharmaceutical and nutritional applications. We use small angle X-ray and neutron scattering (SAXS, SANS) to study the mesoscopic structure of such dispersions with molecular resolution. New analytical tools for data analysis Professional Career 2011-now chairperson of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) for chopper spectrometers of the ESS 2011-now chairperson and elected member of the German committee research with neutrons 2011-now member and deputy chairperson of MLZ referee committee 2010-now W2 professor at the FAU, Erlangen 2010 Habilitation in experimental physics, TUM 2001-2010 Postdoc and staff member at FRM II 1996-2001 Postdoc and scientific assistant at the chair of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Jena 1993-1997 PhD in physical chemistry at the Universität des Saarlandes _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-8946-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses : Diploma, BSc., MSc.: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ are developed very successfully allowing to extract details like e.g. the structure of the monomolecular stabilizer layer of the nanoparticles, the particle shape and size distribution, and the distribution of particle association from the experimental data. Even studies of the drug distribution within drug loaded nanosuspensions of highly complex structures become feasible using the neutron and X-ray powder pattern simulation analysis (NXPPSA) for complementary SAXS/SANS data sets. A simplified cut out of a schematic representation of the structure of such a dispersion is visualized in the figure above. Cooperation: P. Lindner (ILL), A. Radulescu (JCNS), H. Bunjes (Univ. Braunschweig), F. Steiniger (FSU Jena) Relaxation in molecular liquids The dynamics of molecular liquids cover a broad range of timescales, ranging from the fast local relaxation of the atomic bonds to the long range diffusion of the whole molecule. The aim of our studies is a general understanding of the relevance and interplay of the many different relaxation processes finally leading to molecular diffusion in the liquid. Some of such processes are visualized in the figure below by trajectories of a C32H66 molecule on different time scales as extracted from MD simulations. For comparison the intermediate scattering function determined 106 by time-of-flight neutron scattering at different instrument resolutions as labeled in the legend. Huge progress for many different molecular liquids could be achieved and even for rather long chain molecules like co-enzyme Q10 a complete description of the picosecond dynamics could be presented. Unrivaled agreement between QENS and MD simulation could be achieved for n-alkans as e.g. C100H202 (Morhenn et al.). ZnO nanoparticles: Formation, growth and aging ZnO is a promising semiconductor material, which shows interesting optical and electronic properties and makes it a promising candidate for the incorporation into electronic devices and solar cells where they act as an electron transfer system. We recently started to study formation, growth and aging of ZnO quantum dots in ethanolic solution by time resoled SAXS, SANS and UV/VIS spectroscopy. The kinetics of particle growth and aging could successfully be observed in a time range from 10 ms (synchrotron data) up to several days. While SAXS gives detailed information about the ZnO particle cores we could demonstrate that the structure of the organic shell could be observed by additional SANS measurements. Cooperation: W. Peukert (FAU), A. Magerl, R. Neder, M.-S. Appavou (JCNS, Garching). We were able for the first time to demonstrate that viscoelastic hydrodynamic interactions dominate the subdiffusive regime in molecular liquids by experimentally validated MD simulations. Cooperation: R. Böckmann (bio informatics, FAU), D. Richter (FZJ), W. Petry (TUM), H. Meyer (ICS, Univ. Strasbourg). _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications T. Unruh, K. Westesen, P. Bösecke, P. Lindner, M. H. J. Koch, Self-assembly of triglyceride nano-crystals in suspension, Langmuir 18 (2002) 1796 T. Unruh, J. Neuhaus, W. Petry, The high-resolution time-of-flight spectrometer TOFTOF, Nucl. Instr. Methods A 580 (2007) 1414 S. Busch, C. Smuda, L.C. Pardo, T. Unruh, Molecular Mechanism of Long-Range Diffusion in Phospholipid Membranes Studied by Quasielastic Neutron Scattering, JACS 132 (2010) 3232 H. Morhenn, S. Busch, T. Unruh, Chain dynamics in a hexadecane melt as seen by neutron scattering and identified by molecular dynamics simulations, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24 (2012) 375108 * M. Schmiele, T. Schindler, T. Unruh , S. Busch, H. Morhenn, M. Westermann, F. Steiniger, A. Radulescu, P. Lindner, R. Schweins, P. Boesecke, Structural characterization of the phospholipid stabilizer layer at the solid-liquid interface of dispersed triglyceride nanocrystals with small-angle x-ray and neutron scattering, Phys. Rev. E 87 (2013) 062316 ___________________________________________________________________________ Structure formation in printed films Another recently started project focuses on in-situ studies of the structure formation of bulk-heterojunction organic (/inorganic hybrid) solar cells. We just finished the construction of a fully equipped humidity cell with an automated doctor blade system and successfully conducted first high quality GISAXS measurements at our new (2013, cf. photograph above) highly customized SAXS instrument. Cooperation: C. Brabec (FAU). Selected collaborations and funding Endowed professorship of Cluster of Excellence EAM with funding; Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Nanostrukturierte Filme IZNF, start of construction of new building in 2014; Center for Nanoanalysis and Electron Microscopy CENEM; heading scattering methods devision; DFG core facility Nanocharacterization with electrons, X-rays and scanning probes; RTG 1896; member of IC-ICP; further cooperation with national and international work groups at universities and large scale facilities. 107 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Christopher van Eldik (b. 1973) W2, Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics The current research interest of Christopher van Eldik is in Experimental gamma-ray astronomy, a young field in astroparticle physics. Van Eldik studied physics (with emphasis on experimental particle physics) at Dortmund University, where he graduated in 2000. During his PhD studies he was situated at DESY, where he investigated vector meson production in inelastic proton-nucleus interactions with the HERA-B detector, and was co-responsible for the operation of the HERA-B wire target at the HERA proton beam. In 2005 he moved to MPI für Kernphysik in Heidelberg and became member of the H.E.S.S. collaboration and the CTA consortium. His work focused on the highenergy astrophysics of the Galactic Centre region, the H.E.S.S. trigger and pointing systems, and on advanced gamma-ray reconstruction techniques. In 2011, van Eldik accepted a professorship at FAU. Besides the Galactic Centre region, he is working on indirect detection of dark matter in the Galactic halo with H.E.S.S. and on advanced test facilities for the quality control of CTA mirror facets. Since 2013 he is leading the Analysis and Reconstruction Working Group of H.E.S.S. As of now, van Eldik is (co-)author of more than 120 publications with about 5000 citations and an h-index of 38. Professional Career 2011-now W2-professor at FAU, Erlangen 2010-201 W2 substitute at FAU 2005-2011 Postdoctoral fellow at Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg (group of Werner Hofmann) 2004 Postdoctoral fellow at DESY, Hamburg (group of Bernhard Schmidt) 2000-2004 PhD student at University of Dortmund (group of Dietrich Wegener) Academic and scientific functions 2010 Editor of Proc. Sci. (Texas 2010 Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics) since 2012 Referee for The Astrophysical Journal since 2011 Tutor for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation since 2013 Referee for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation since 2011 ERASMUS exchange coordinator of the Physics Department since 2012 Mentor within the Ariadne Women Career program of FAU 2009-2011Member of the H.E.S.S. Run Coordination Team 2010-2011 Elected member of the H.E.S.S. Observation Time Allocation Committee since 2013 Head of the H.E.S.S. Analysis and Reconstruction Working Group since 2013 Member of the H.E.S.S. Executive Board Awards Research in the van Eldik group The research carried out in the group concentrates on the analysis and interpretation of H.E.S.S. gamma-ray data and the development of test facilities and calibration instrumentation for the forthcoming CTA observatory. With me being convener of the H.E.S.S. Analysis and Reconstruction Working Group, my group is also involved in performing systematic studies on the H.E.S.S. reconstruction and analysis frameworks. Gamma-ray astronomy with H.E.S.S. Astrophysics: Exploring the Galactic Centre region at very high energies Tracing the direction and energy of cosmic teraelectronvolt photons is a versatile tool to investigate the production sites and the transport of charged cosmic rays in our galaxy and beyond. A particularly interesting region in the Milky Way is the Galactic Centre, which harbors many putative cosmic ray accelerators, 2007 Descartes prize of the European Union (together with the H.E.S.S. Collaboration) 2010 Bruno Rossi prize of the American Astronomical Society (together with the H.E.S.S. Collaboration) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-3901-2013 vaneldik Supervised PhD theses: 7 (+ 2 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 6 (+ 4 in progress) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ among them the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*. The group uses H.E.S.S. data to study the astrophysics of the Galactic Centre both in terms of identifying and characterizing the acceleration sites and understanding the particle transport in this region. Particle Physics: Searches for the annihilation of Dark Matter particles The identification of the nature of Dark Matter is one of the most important questions in particle physics and cosmology to date. From indirect tracers and 108 large-scale simulations it is expected that a typical Milky Way-like galaxy hosts a large concentration of dark matter particles in its central part, with the density strongly peaked towards the centre. Depending on the yet unknown properties of these particles, their annihilation or decay into standard model particles gives rise to various gamma-ray signals from the Galactic halo region. We use gamma-ray observations to put constraints on the dark matter annihilation cross section, with the goal of constraining the parameter space of the dark matter particle in e.g. supersymmetric models. Gamma-ray astronomy with CTA Development and commissioning of a test setup for mirror quality tests CTA is an internationally proposed next-generation ground-based gamma-ray observatory to explore the sky at photon energies of about 30 GeV-100 TeV. To form the reflectors of the foreseen 50-100 telescopes of different type and collection area, about 10.000 squaremeter of mirror tiles are needed. Although light-weight, each mirror has to be of superior quality in terms of its reflectivity and focussing properties. Together with the Institute of Optics at the depart- _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications HERA-B Collaboration (I. Abt, …, C. van Eldik et al.), K*0 and phi meson production in proton-nucleus interactions at s**(1/2) = 41.6 GeV, Eur. Phys. J C50 (2007) 315 ment, the group is developing and commissioning a novel technique to precisely measure the surface properties of the mirror tiles. The method is extensively used for characterizing the optical properties of prototype mirrors and is a good candidate setup for mirror mass tests during the CTA production phase. Design of and simulations for an optical system for pointing calibration of the MST telescopes Due to their size and load, ground-based gamma-ray telescopes are subject to structural deformations which depend on the observation direction and are partly inelastic. This leads to a misalignment of the telescope camera w.r.t. the optical axis of the instrument, which can be corrected for by e.g. recording of stars in the field of view with a CCD camera during observations. Together with Humboldt University (Berlin) and DESY (Zeuthen) the group performs feasibility studies of using one or two CCD cameras per telescope to guarantee a precise offline pointing of the CTA mid-size telescopes (MSTs). Teaching and outreach Teaching and public outreach are important ways to pass on to others the enthusiasm of scientists to explore new grounds. Since a couple of years I try to carry on my enthusiasm for gamma-ray astronomy to amateur astronomers, physicists and the interested public in both colloquia and print (e.g. Sterne und Weltraum, Physikjournal). My 2012 and 2013 lectures on Experimental Physics for Engineers got highest ranks (rank 1 and 2) among the obligatory courses taught the Faculty of Engineering of FAU. Funding S. Ohm, C. van Eldik, K. Egberts, Gamma-Hadron Separation in Very-High-Energy gamma-ray astronomy using a multivariate analysis method, Astrop. Phys. 31 (2009) 383 Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA): Design and commissioning of a test setup for mirror quality control BMBF, 2011-2014, 183 kEUR HESS Collaboration (F. Acero, …, C. van Eldik et al.), Localizing the VHE gamma-ray source at the Galactic Centre Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc. 402 (2010) 1877 HESS Collaboration (A. Abramowski, …, C. van Eldik et al.), Search for for a Dark Matter annihilation signal from the Galactic Center halo with H.E.S.S., Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 (2011) 163201 HESS Collaboration (A. Abramowski, …, C. van Eldik et al.), Search for photon line-like signatures from Dark Matter annihilations with H.E.S.S., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 041301 The CTA Consortium (M. Actis, …, C. van Eldik et al.), Introducing the CTA concept, Astrop. Phys. 43 (2013) ___________________________________________________________________________ 109 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Joachim von Zanthier (b. 1964) C3, Institute for Optics, Information and Photonics The work of Joachim von Zanthier focuses on multi-photon interferences produced with nonclassical, classical or mixed light sources. After studies at the Ludwigs-MaximilianUniversity, Munich, and the École Normale Supérieure, Paris, he received his PhD in 1995 at the University of Paris VI, France, in the group of A. Aspect where he worked on an atomic mirror in the field of atom optics. Returning to Germany he joined the group of Herbert Walther at the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics and the Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversity, Munich, as a group leader for an optical clock, ultra high resolution spectroscopy and quantum effects with single trapped Indium ions. There his group isolated for the first time the Indium clock transition and measured its absolute frequency in a collaboration with the team of Theodor Hänsch. In 2004 he accepted an offer as associate professor (C3) at the FAU within the newly found Max-Planck Research Group. He since then established a research program investigating phenomena from quantum optics and quantum information science based on multi-photon interferences from statistical independent light sources. He has published more than 60 papers including one review on optical frequencystandards and one US patent and was invited to more than 40 talks at international conferences and workshops so far. He is a founding member of the Optical Imaging Center Erlangen OICE), a mentor of the Graduate school of excellence Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT) and official host of the Humboldt research awardee Girish S. Agarwal. Research in the von Zanthier group Experimental quantum optics and quantum information In our research, we extend the seminal experiment by Hanbury Brown and Twiss and investigate higher order spatiotemporal correlations of photons emitted by statistical independent incoherent light sources. Correlations among the photons appear due to indistinguishable multi-photon paths which interfere even though the sources emit incoherently. The system is studied in theory and experiment to explore quantum optical phenomena and applications in quantum information science. Professional Career 2004-now C3-professor at FAU, Erlangen Founding member of Optical Imaging Center Erlangen, Mentor of Graduate school of excellence Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT), host of Humboldt research awardee Girish S. Agarwal 2002 Habilitation, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität (LMU) 1996-2004 Research group leader at Max-PlanckInstitute for Quantum Optics and Ludwig-Maximilians Universität (LMU), Munich (group of Prof. Herbert Walther) 1995-1996 Postdoctoral fellow at the Max-PlanckInstitute for Quantum Optics, Munich (group of Prof. Herbert Walther) 1991-1995PhD student at the Institute of Optics, University Paris VI, France (group of Alain Aspect) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: F-6772-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 9 (+ 3 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 22 (+ 5 in progress) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Creation and characterization of entanglement Photons emitted by statistical independent light sources may be entangled if measured in the far field of the sources. The non-classical correlations of the photons are revealed by the second order spatial correlation function displaying a contrast which violates a Bell’s inequality. Analyzing this function we showed that the photons may be entangled even if they do not exist in the same interval of time. Beyond photons, the measurement of the N-th order spatial correlation function allows also to entangle the photon emitters via state projection. This leads to entanglement of massive particles even though the particles are separated by macroscopic distances and do not directly interact with each other. With this approach whole families of entangled states can be produced within the same setup, e.g., all symmetric states and all Dicke-states. The method can also be applied to classify symmetric entangled states into entanglement classes. Quantum imaging with resolution beyond the classical Abbe limit Correlated photons can be used for a large variety of applications, ranging from quantum cryptography, quantum teleportation to quantum computation. A further application is quantum imaging where spatial photon correlations are used to image a light source with a resolution beyond the classical Abbe limit. Based on the measurement of the N-th order spatial 110 correlation function, we proposed a protocol allowing to image N incoherent sources with a resolution increased by a factor of N – 1 compared to ordinary microscopy. Experimental results with up to eight thermal light sources confirmed the theoretical prediction. Presently we try to implement the method in biology and engineering. fruitfully be applied to get a better understanding of the phenomenon of super- and subradiance, i.e., the correlated spontaneous decay of an atomic ensemble being in a particular entangled state. The deeper insight into the effect allowed us recently to implement super- and subradiance with classical light sources. Quantum optics Selected collaborations Higher order spatial photon correlation functions may also be used to study fundamental quantum optical phenomena. For example, in case of two continuously excited two-level atoms the spatial modulation of the 2nd order correlation function displays a position dependent photon statistics: for positions with G(2)(r,r) < 1 we observe antibunching in combination with sub-Poisson photon statistics whereas for G(2)(r,r) > 1 we have bunching combined with superPoissonian statistics. For atoms with interatomic distances d < we obtain even spatially dependent decay times of the source due to the dipole-dipole interaction between the atoms. The idea of interference of indistinguishable quantum paths can further The group has a long-standing theory collaboration with Girish S. Agarwal, FRS, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA, in particular since he obtained a Humboldt research award. Other theory collaborations include Enrique Solano and Lucas Lamata (University of Bilbao; characterization of entanglement, quantum simulations), Pieter Kok (University of Sheffield; quantum imaging), Thierry Bastin (Liege University; creation of entanglement). We often send PhD students for several months to work with our collaborators (e.g. at Oklahoma State Univ., Liege Univ., Univ. of Bilbao). In Erlangen, we have experimental collaborations with groups from SAOT (chair of photonic technologies, chair for engineering thermodynamics) and OICE (group of Ralf Palmisano). _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Super-resolving multi-photon interferences with independent light sources, S. Oppel, Th. Büttner, P. Kok, J. von Zanthier, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 233603 (2012) Quantum-interference-initiated superradiant and subradiant emission from entangled atoms, R. Wiegner, J. von Zanthier, G. S. Agarwal, Phys. Rev. A 84, 023805 (2011) Funding Research Scholarships of Elite Network of Bavaria (4 PhD, 2008 – 2015); Research Scholarships from Graduate School of Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT) (2 PhD, 2011 – 2015); DFG Research Grant Entanglement of distant atoms by projective measurements (1 PhD, 2009 – 2013), Staedtler Foundation Research Grant Transition from classical to quantum physic using higher order photon correlations (2011 – 2014, 40.000 EUR). Operational Determination of Multiqubit Entanglement Classes via Tuning of Local Operations, T. Bastin, C. Thiel, J. von Zanthier, L. Lamata, E. Solano, G. S. Agarwal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 053601 (2009) Generation of Symmetric Dicke states of Remote Qubits with Linear Optics, C. Thiel, J. von Zanthier, T. Bastin, E. Solano, G. S. Agarwal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 193602 (2007) Quantum Imaging with incoherent photons, C. Thiel, T. Bastin, J. Martin, E. Solano, J. von Zanthier, G. S. Agarwal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 133603 (2007) Absolute frequency measurement of the In+ clock transition with a mode-locked laser, J. von Zanthier, Th. Becker, M. Eichenseer, A. Yu. Nevsky, Ch. Schwedes, E. Peik, H. Walther, R. Holzwarth, J. Reichert, Th. Udem, T. W. Hänsch, P. V. Pokasov, M. N. Skvortsov, S. N. Bagayev, Opt. Lett. 25, 1729 (2000) ___________________________________________________________________________ Scheme of the experimental setup to measure the spatial N-th order correlation function: N atoms emit photons which are coincidentally recorded by N detectors in the far field. The measurement allows for example to resolve the atoms with a resolution beyond the Abbe limit or to prove the entanglement among the recorded photons. In case of three-level atoms and polarization sensitive detection – as shown in the Figure – the scheme allows to project the emitters in various families of entangled ground state qubit states. 111 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Heiko Weber (b. 1968) C4, Chair for Applied Physics The experimental work of Heiko B. Weber deals with solid state electronics. This includes fundamental studies of lowtemperature quantum transport as well as applied concepts at room temperature. The material classes covered are widespread and include molecules, semiconductors, metals, superconductors and magnetic materials. After studies in Karlsruhe and Grenoble, Heiko B. Weber received his Dr. rer. nat. degree in 1999 at the University of Karlsruhe, where he investigated mesoscopic quantum transport phenomena in the group of Hilbert von Löhneysen. He then moved to the newly established Institute for Nanotechnology in the Helmholtz research center in Karlsruhe, first as a postdoc, then as a junior group leader. As one of the first scientist there, he built up a large research effort in molecular electronics, with pioneering experimental contributions to single-molecule contacts. He then was invited scientist at the Zurich IBM research laboratory, where he initiated research in Molecular electronics. 2004 he received the Erwin-Schrödinger award. He received a call to Aachen University, which he declined. He moved as a full professor to Erlangen University in 2004, where he holds the Chair for Applied Physics. He was cofounder of Erlangen’s “Interdisciplinary Center for Molecular Materials” (ICMM). He was principal investigator in the cluster of excellence “engineering of advanced materials” 20082012, and vice speaker of the collaborative research center “Synthetic Carbon Allotropes” (SFB 953, established 2012). He has more than 3000 citations on 54 papers, with ~57 cit./paper (h-index: 22). Research in the Weber Group Solid State Electronics Using Novel Materials Epitaxial Graphene: Material and Devices We contributed significantly to the development of epitaxial graphene on Silicon carbide (0001) as one of the most frequently used graphene materials (Nature mat. 2009). With this highquality material at hand, we could perform transport experiments, but also build unconventional devices. As an example, this lead to the development of robust freely suspended graphene mem- Professional Career 2012-now Vice speaker of SFB 953 2004-now C4-professor at FAU, Erlangen 2004 Invited scientist at IBM Rüschlikon 2004 Erwin Schrödinger prize (Stifterverband) 1999-2004 Postdoc and junior group leader at the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institute for Nanotechnology 1995-1999 Doctoral student at the University of Karlsruhe (group of Hilbert v. Löhneysen) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: D-2654-2012 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 12 (+ 14 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 32 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ branes, which allow for new types of measurements (Nature 2013). Another development was the combination of graphene and its substrate SiC, which is itself a well performing electronic material. This enabled the innovative concept of “monolithic electronics”, with which transistors with high on/off ratio, digital and analog circuits can be built (Nature comm. 2012). Diode operation close to THz was demonstrated. Recently, single-molecule junctions using graphene electrodes with nanometer spacing were established, which will open up a new class of experiments. Quantum Transport in Graphene The high homogeneity of our material allows for investigation of transport phenomena in quasi-infinite geometry. This gives access to low-energy transport phenomena, which are obscured in most other graphene experiments by finite size effects. As a particular example, we could investigate the electronelectron interaction correction to the conductivity by means of a careful analysis of the magnetoresistance (see figure). This gave a parameter-free quantitative agreement with recent theories (PRL 2012). This detailed understanding of the low-temperature corrections helped to avoid artifacts (Nature phys. 2012) and thus paved the way for a highly refined search for Kondo effect, one of the most genuine many-body effects in condensed matter physics. 112 Single-Molecule Junctions Silicon Carbide as Semiconductor We pioneered research on single-molecule junctions, in which a single organic molecule is covalently connected to two electrodes and the current through these junctions is investigated. After early studies how the molecular structure affects the transport properties, we continued to improve the understanding of the underlying physical principles. We clarified the importance of charge reconfiguration in electric fields, which lead to a single-molecule diode. We elucidated the role of vibrations, with strong theory support from Prof. Thoss. They significantly affect the peak shape (PRL 2011) as well as the current level (PRL 2012) and, hence, play an all-important role in single-molecule contacts. More recently, we addressed the question of magnetic degrees of freedom which are purposefully built in the molecule. In particular, the spin state of a coupled binuclear magnetic molecule could be read out by analyzing a lowtemperature Kondo anomaly of the electrical characteristics (Nature Nano 2013). The research on wide bandgap semiconductors, in particular Silicon carbide (SiC) has a long tradition in Erlangen, including a former SFB (1990-2002). We continue this internationally leading research field, with Dr. Michael Krieger as the driving force. The research focuses on defects in SiC, in particular in device geometries. More than 200 publications, permanent membership in the steering committees of the relevant international conferences, and substantial industrial and European funding reflects the outstanding relevance of this research area. This research has paved the way for the epitaxial graphene material system, and in turn now utilizes graphene for novel investigations. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected Publications Dislocations in bilayer graphene, B. Butz. C. Dolle,F. Niekiel, K. Weber, D. Waldmann, H.B. Weber, B. Meyer, E. Spiecker*, tbp in Nature (2013). Switching of a coupled spin pair in a single-molecule junction, S. Wagner, F. Kisslinger, S. Ballmann, F. Schramm, R. Chandrasekar, T. Bodenstein, O. Fuhr, D. Secker, K. Fink, M. Ruben, H.B. Weber*, Nature Nanotechnology 8, 575 (2013). Tailoring the graphene/silicon carbide interface for monolithic wafer-scale electronics, S. Hertel, D. Waldmann, J. Jobst, A. Albert, M. Albrecht, S. Reshanov, A. Schöner, M. Krieger, H. B. Weber*, Nature Communications 3, 957 (2012). Bottom gated epitaxial graphene, D. Waldmann, J. Jobst, F. Speck, T. Seyller, M. Krieger, H. B. Weber*, Nature Materials 10, 357 (2011). A Single-Molecule diode, M. Elbing, R. Ochs, M. Köntopp, M. Fischer, C. v. Hänisch, F. Evers, H. B. Weber*, M. Mayor*, PNAS 102, 8815 (2005). Driving current through a single organic molecule,J. Reichert, R. Ochs, D. Beckmann, H.B. Weber*, M. Mayor, H. v. Löhneysen, Physical Review Letters 88, 176804 (2002). Terahertz Generation and Detection Terahertz research came to our group with Dr. Stefan Malzer and Dr. Sascha Preu 2011, who developed the Thz generation with n-i-p n-i-p diodes. Together, novel concepts for THz detection using transistors were developed (Optics express 2013). Currently these research concepts are transferred to graphene based materials. As an example, graphene p-n nanojunctions are used to rectify THz signals. Dr. Preu recently received a call for a junior professorship at TU Darmstadt. Selected Collaborations My research in Erlangen is well embedded in the very inspiring and closely interconnected solid state/materials science environment in Erlangen. This includes the cluster of Excellence EAM, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Molecular Materials, and the Sonderforschungsbereich 953. Teaching and Outreach We developed a new lab course in which we study electronics as a particularly useful example for the “arts of experiments”. We take care that all tasks can be carried out using various approaches and we purpose fully built-in difficulties. This educates the students to carry out experiments very carefully, to recognize artifacts and to always be aware of the limitations of measurements. (See ) Funding Funding: ~500.000 €/year (DFG/Cluster of excellence/SFB/BMBF/BMU/GIF/EU/BFS .) ___________________________________________________________________________ 113 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Graeme Whyte (b. 1981) W1 (tenure track), Institute for Medical Physics and Technology The experimental biophysics work of Graeme Whyte looks at developing techniques for measuring the properties of single living cells within optofluidic systems. After his undergraduate studies, he continued at the University of Glasgow and received his PhD in 2006, in the group of M Padgett. He then moved to the Microdroplets group at the University of Cambridge to research Lab-on-a-Chip technologies for Biochemical applications. In 2009 he moved to the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge into the group of J Guck to research how laser-optical traps can be used to measure the mechanical properties of living cells. In 2012 he moved to FAU to take up a junior professorship as part of the EAM excellence cluster. His work is well recognised internationally with over 850 citations to more than 25 papers and an h-index of 15. Research in the Whyte group Our research develops optical and microfluidic techniques to discover deeper understanding of living biological systems. We bring together physics, engineering and biology to create systems capable of gaining further insights into living systems than otherwise possible. Optical Trapping The interaction of laser light with microscopic objects allows the possibility of confining a small object in a defined position in 3-dimensional space. This allows the manipulation of objects free from surface and contact artefacts. We study a particular type of optical trap, the dualbeam fibre trap, which is ideally suited to trapping and manipulating living cells with little damage. Professional Career 2012-now W1-Juniorprofessor at FAU, Erlangen 200-2012 Postdoctoral Associate at the University of Cambridge, UK (Guck group) 2006-2009 Postdoctoral Associate at the University of Cambridge, UK (Microdroplets group) 2003-2006 PhD student at the University of Glasgow, UK (Padgett group) ____________________________________________ Researcher ID:A-2555-2012 Website:? Supervised PhD theses: 2 in progress Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 2 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mechanical Properties of cell nuclei The nucleus of a cell, housing all the genetic information, is one of the most important structures, yet its physical properties are little understood. We use optical and microfluidic techniques to measure the mechanical properties of living cells and try to understand the role of various nuclear components and how genetic changes in them can lead to physical changes in disease. We have been able to observe differences in the cellular and nuclear stiffness when we alter the production of proteins which are important in muscle and heart diseases, leading to further understanding of their role. Single Cell Tomography There has been a surge of interest in pushing the limits of optical microscopy to ever smaller structures, however most so called super-resolution techniques only improve the resolution in the focal plane of the microscope and leave the axial, 3rd dimension, unenhanced. We have been working on techniques to image single live cells from multiple directions and build up a 3D view of the cell bypassing the usual lower resolution in the axial direction. This allows us to visualise structures which would not normally be seen and separate features which otherwise would be blurred together. Optical Stretching The laser beams which make up an optical trap can also be used to deform living cells in a non-contact way. The light pulls on the surface of the cell and by measuring the shape change it is possible to see changes in the mechanical properties of cells. By holding a cell in an optical trap and rotating it around, it is possible to see the cell from all sides and build up a higher resolution image than previously possible. Shown here is the comparison between conventional confocal imaging (red) and the rotated reconstruction (green) of the same cell nucleus. 114 An integrated device for monitoring time-dependent in vitro expression from single genes in picolitre droplets, F Courtois, LF Olguin, G Whyte, D Bratton, WTS Huck, C Abell and F Holifelder, ChemBioChem, 9, 439 (2008) Selected collaborations We collaborate with a range of groups across physics and biology in developing new techniques and applying them to relevant systems. These include H. Hermann (Heidelberg, nuclear envelope proteins), L. Stephens (Cambridge, trapped cells in suspension), M. Miles (Bristol, optical trapping and rotation), M. Fischlechner (Southampton, microfluidics) and J. Guck (Dresden, optical stretching) and C. Abel (Cambridge, microfludics). In Erlangen we have long standing collaborations with the MPL and biophysics group. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Mechanical environment modulates biological properties of oligodendrocyte progenitors cells , A Jagielska, A Norman, G Whyte, KJ van Vliet, J Guck, RJM Franklin, Stem Cells and Development, 21, (2012) Viscoelastic properties of differentiating cells are fateand function-dependent, A Ekpenyong, G Whyte, K Chalut, F Lautenschlaeger, C Fiddler, D Olin, E Chilvers, M Beil, J Guck, PLoS ONE ,7, (2012) Coupling Microdroplet Microreactors with Mass Spectrometry: Reading the Contents of Single Droplets Online, LM Fidalgo, G Whyte, BT Ruotolo, JLP Benesch, F Stengel, C Abell, CV Robinson and WTS Huck, Angewandte, 48, 3665 (2009) Development of Quantitative Cell-Based Enzyme Assays in Microdroplets, A Huebner, LF Olguin, D Bratton, G Whyte, WTS Huck, JB Edel, C Abell and F Holifelder, Anal Chem, 80 (10), 3890–3896 (2008) ___________________________________________________________________________ 115 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jörn Wilms (b. 1969) W2, Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics J. Wilms' research centers on observations and theory of the physics of accreting black holes and of strongly magnetized (1012 G) neutron stars. He studied physics at the Universities of Tübingen and Colorado, Boulder. Following his PhD and habilitation in R. Staubert's X-ray astronomy group in Tübingen, Wilms declined a Heisenberg fellowship to take on a permanent position as a lecturer in the Department of Physics of the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. In 2006, he received the offer to move to FAU, where he is now a professor of astronomy at Dr. Remeis-Observatory, Bamberg, and the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics. Initially starting out as an X-ray and gamma-ray astronomer, in recent years Wilms' work expanded to become more multi-wavelength and multi-messenger oriented. In addition to observational and theoretical work on stellar-mass black holes and neutron stars, his group performs radio to gamma-ray observing campaigns on supermassive black holes and contributes astronomical input to neutrino telescopes. The X-ray group also contributes to the international development efforts for new satellites in X-ray astronomy, such as the eROSITA instrument on Spectrum-XGamma and ESA's studies for the ATHENA and LOFT missions, and participates in laboratory astrophysics experiments and studies of the physics of the interstellar medium. Wilms has chaired multiple referee panels for observing time on ESA and NASA satellites. He is a member of the BMBF and DLR review boards on ground based astrophysics and Astroparticle Physics and on satellite based astronomy (term 2008-2014), and a member of the detector advisory group of the European XFEL (from 2013). He was scientific coordinator of ITN 215212 "Black Hole Universe" (EU FP7; 2008-2013) and member and chair of European Space Agency's user's group for the INTEGRAL satellite (2008-2011). Wilms has more than 150 publications with roughly 5300 citations (NASA ADS) and given 24 invited talks within the last 3 years. Research in the Wilms group Research in X-Ray Astronomy Accretion on Compact Stellar Mass Objects Compact objects, i.e. neutron stars and black holes, are the end stages of the evolution of the most mas- Professional Career 2006-now W2-professor at FAU, Erlangen 2004-2006 Lecturer in Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK 2002 Habilitation in Astronomy and Astrophysics 1999-2003 Wissenschaftlicher Assistent, IAAT 1998 Researcher, IAAT 1996-1998 PhD student, Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik (IAAT), University of Tübingen (X-ray group, Prof. Dr. R. Staubert) 1996 Dipl. Phys 1990-1996 Student of Physics, University of Tübingen and University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-8116-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 17 (+ 10 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 44 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ sive stars. If such a massive star was gravitationally bound to another, lower mass star and died in a supernova explosion, mass can flow from the surviving star onto the compact object. Because of the deep gravitational well of the compact object, a large fraction of the rest mass energy of the material can be released in form of radiation. As the gas reaches tem6 peratures of several 10 K, it radiates in the X-rays and gamma-rays where it can be observed with space based observatories. Research in the X-ray group concentrates on the physical production mechanisms in the very extreme conditions close to the compact object: What is the relation between the emitted Xray spectrum and its luminosity? Can we measure general relativistic effects in the strongly curved space-time? What is the ionization state of the photoionized matter surrounding the compact object? Many neutron stars have strong magnetic fields 12 (B~10 G). Transitions between Landau levels yield observable spectral features which yield direct information on the B-field strength of these stars, an important ingredient into neutron star models. Many of these measurements are influenced by atomic physics uncertainties that the group addresses with laboratory measurements done in collaboration with LLNL and CfA. Supermassive Black Holes The physical processes of stellar mass and supermassive (106 solar masses) black holes in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are similar, but since timescales in these systems scale with mass, different physical processes can be studied. What is the spin of the black hole? What is the relationship between the angular momentum and the radio emission? About 10% of all AGN show jets, where 10% of the accreted mass is 116 accelerated to 0.99c and ejected from the system. What is the reason for this process? In collaboration with the University of Würzburg and NASA-GSFC, the group organizes multiwavelength campaigns studying these effects using radio arrays on the southern hemisphere, as well as optical, X-ray, and gamma-ray observations. Some jet models posit strong neutrino emission, which is studied in collaboration with colleagues in ECAP. New Missions in Space Based High Energy Astrophysics What is the evolution of black holes and dark matter in the Universe? This is the question that will be studied by the German eROSITA instrument on board Spectrum X-Gamma, a Russian satellite to be launched in 2015 and developed under leadership of Max Planck Institute für extraterrestrische Physik. The X-ray group is responsible for the initial phase of eROSTIA data processing and will contribute to the complex data analysis effort. The experience gained in simulating instrument performance has led to strong involvement in other missions, with contributions to phase A studies for IXO/ATHENA and LOFT. A decision on further funding for these facilities, which would be launched in 2022 and 2028, respectively, is expected for November 2013 and March 2014. Selected Collaborations On data analysis and interpretation aspects the group's closest collaborators are at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (K. Pottschmidt, R. Ojha, N. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected Publications Abdo. et al., 2009, Modulated High-Energy GammaRay Emission from the Microquasar Cygnus X-3, Science 326, 1512 Becker, P., et al., 2012, Spectral formation in accreting X-ray pulsars: bimodal variation of the cyclotron energy with luminosity, Astron. Astrophys. 544, A123 Dauser, T., Wilms, J., Reynolds, C. S., Brenneman, L. W., 2010, Broad emission lines for a negatively spinning black hole, Month. Not. Royal Astron. Soc. 409, 1534 Laurent, P., Rodriguez, J., Wilms, J., Cadolle Bel, M., Pottschmidt, K., Grinberg, V., 2011, Polarized GammaRay Emission from the Galactic Black Hole Cygnus X-1, Science 332, 438 Gehrels), MIT (M.A. Nowak, N.S. Schulz), Harvard (J.C. Lee), UC Berkeley (J. Tomsick), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (G.E. Brown), Caltech (F. Fürst, F. Harrison), University of Maryland (C.S. Reynolds), CEA Saclay (J. Rodriguez), University of Amsterdam (S. Markoff, P. Uttley), European Space Agency (P. Kretschmar), IAA Tübingen (R. Staubert, D. Klochkov), Max Planck Institut für Radioastronomie (A. Zensus, M. Böck, E. Ros), and the Universität Würzburg (M. Kadler, K. Mannheim). The most notable national collaborations on future missions are with the Max Planck Institute für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching (K. Nandra), IAA Tübingen (A. Santangelo, C. Tenzer), and Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (A. Schwope), and at the international level with IRAP Toulouse (D. Barret), SRON Utrecht (J.-W. den Herder), INAF Roma (M. Feroci), MSSL (UC London, S. Zane), the University of Leicester, the University of California, San Diego (R.E. Rothschild), Harvard University (R. Smith, J. Grindlay), and INPE Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil, J. Braga). The group is a member of the eROSITA, ANTARES, KM3NeT, TANAMI, and MAGNET consortia. Teaching and Outreach J. Wilms received the prize of the dean of studies for the best lecture in physics in 2007 and 2009. He holds a certificate on higher education teaching from the University of Warwick (Postgraduate Degree in Higher Education). Members of all research groups at the Astronomical Institute are very active in ECAP's outreach activities, which include frequent guided tours at the observatory, support for high schools, etc., with 1000-2000 attendees annually. Funding 520k: Studies for ATHENA, LOFT, MIRAX, and EUSO (DLR) 500k: Data analysis of black holes and neutron stars (DLR and DFG funding) 238k: EU EXTRaS project (new X-ray analysis methods) 500k: EU ITN 215212 (FAU's selection, coordination for the whole 2.5 Mio. network) The group is a regular user of most astronomical satellites and ground based facilities. These facilities are directly funded through government contracts. Access is via heavily oversubscribed peer review. Based on the facility running costs and depreciation, the total value of observing time awarded to the group is typically around 2 Mio.€ per year. Wilms, J., Allen, A.U., McCray, R., 2000, On the Absorption of X-Rays in the Interstellar Medium, Astrophys. J., 542, 914 ___________________________________________________________________________ 117 118 Adjunct Professors (apl.) of the Faculty 119 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Horst Drechsel (b. 1951) Apl.-professor Astronomical Institute & ECAP, Dr. Remeis Observatory Bamberg Horst Drechsel is member of the working group Stellar Astronomy at the Astronomical Institute located at the Remeis Observatory Bamberg. His work concentrates on the observation and analysis of close binary stars. He studied physics at the University of ErlangenNürnberg and received his PhD in astrophysics under the supervision of Jürgen Rahe in 1978. As a postdoc and research assistant at the Astronomical Institute he worked on interaction processesof early-type close binary systems. The analysis included photometric and spectroscopic ground-based and space observations in the optical and UV ranges.In 1980 he was a fellow at the IUE satellite observatory at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD. Results on evolutionary and interaction processes of massive OB-type close binaries achieved until 1983 were summarized in his habilitation thesis. He continued his work on early-type close binaries at the Astronomical Institute of the Erlangen University, where he received an apl. professorship in 1990. In 1992/93 he was invited as a visiting fellow to the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics of the University of Colorado at Boulder to participate in the O star group of Peter Conti. His main research activities focus on numerical light curve solutions of eclipsing binaries with special emphasis on close hot systems, for which radiative interaction effects caused by the mutual irradiation of the binary components become important. More recently emphasis was also put on complex close binaries which are members of triple or multiple systems. In 1982 he was awarded the HeinzMaier-Leibnitz prize for Astronomy and Astrophysics of the German Federal Ministry for Science and Education. In 1983 he received the Emmy-Noether prize for the best habilitation of the Faculties of Sciences of the University Erlangen. From 1982 to 1990 he was Deputy Leader of the Eastern Hemisphere Lead Center of the International Halley Watch project. From 1994 to 2000 and from 2012 on he is member of the Organizing Committee of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Commission 42 Close Binaries. From 1995-2000 he was Editor-in-Chief and later co-editor of the IAU Bibliography of Close Binaries. From 1977 on he was member of the Organizing Committees of 15 international conferences mostly held in Bamberg. Since 2008 he is member of the board of directors of the Remeis Observatory. Actually he has more than 250 publications in refereed journals, proceedings and books. Professional Career 2008--now member of board of directors of Dr. Remeis Observatory Bamberg 1992--1993 Visiting Fellow at Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA), University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA 1990--now apl. professor at FAU Erlangen 1983 habilitation in astronomy at Astronomical Institute of FAU 1983 Emmy-Noether prize for best habilitation of the three faculties of sciences of FAU 1982 Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz prize for astronomy and astrophysics of German Federal Minister of Science and Education 1980 research stay at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA 1977--1978 PhD studies in the group of Prof. J. Rahe _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: D-9696-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 7 Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 22 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Funding DFG research grants: 32 man years for PhD students (~800k€) WAP proposals: 5 WAP projects as main coordinator ~700k€ 120 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected Publications Mass loss from UW CMa H. Drechsel, J. Rahe, Y. Kondo, G.E. McCluskey Astronomy & Astrophysics 83, 363 (1980) The interacting early-type contact binary SV Centauri H. Drechsel, J. Rahe, W. Wargau, B. Wolf Astronomy & Astrophysics 110, 246 (1982) Element abundances of classical novae J. Andreä, H. Drechsel, S. Starrfield Astronomy & Astrophysics 291, 869 (1994) Radiation pressure effects in early-type close binaries and implications for the solution of eclipse light curves H. Drechsel, S. Haas, R. Lorenz, S. Gayler Astronomy & Astrophysics 294, 723 (1995) HS0705+6700: a new eclipsing sdB binary H. Drechsel, U. Heber, R. Napiwotzki, R. Ostensen, J.E. Solheim, F. Johannessen, S.L. Schuh, J. Deetjen, S. Zola Astronomy & Astrophysics 379, 893 (2001) EC10246-2707: a new post-common envelope, eclipsing sdB+dM binary O'Donoghue, S. Geier, R.G. O'Steen, J.C. Clemens, A.P. LaCluyze, D.E. Reichart, J.B. Haislip, M.C. Nysewander, K.M. Ivarsen Monthly Notices Royal Astronomical Society 430, 22 (2013) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 121 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professional Career Wolfgang Eyrich (b. 1949) Apl. Professor, Institute / ECAP Physics The research work of Wolfgang Eyrich covers hadron physics, especially investigating the spin of the nucleon and systems containing strangeness, charm and exotic matter. A large part of his activities is the development and construction of detectors for various experiments especially at the research centres CERN, Jülich and GSI. After his studies at Erlangen he received his PhD in 1976 in the group of A. Hofmann at the University of Erlangen. Then he investigated excitation and decay of giant resonances at the Karlsruhe Cyclotron which is also the central part of his habilitation treatise in 1982. After this he focused on experiments at the Antiproton facility LEAR at CERN in the collaborations PS185, JETSET and PS210. In this context he and his group were also contributing to the first detection of antimatter hydrogen atoms. Wolfgang Eyrich is also active in the physics program at COSY especially on strangeness production. Since more then ten years he has been spokesperson for the international COSYTOF collaboration. Since the beginning the group is a member of the COMPASS experiment at CERN focusing on detector development and transversity data. Since 2006 his group is contributing to the development of the PANDA detector at the upcoming FAIR facility at GSI. Here the group focuses on the development of a novel type of Cherencov detector (DIRC). The scientific work of Wolfgang Eyrich resulted in more then 250 publications and numerous invited talks at international conferences and workshops. Research in the Eyrich group Detector R&D 1990-now Apl. professor at FAU, Erlangen 1987-now Leader of a research group with 15 - 20 members at the Physical Institute of FAU 1982 Habilitation at FAU and leader of a subgroup 1976-1982 Postdoc at FAU with numerous stays at the research centre Karlsruhe 1974-1976 PhD student in the group of Prof. A. Hofmann _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: E-1730-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 22 (+ 3 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 60 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ new matters of state like glueballs and quark-gluonhybrids using antiproton-proton annihilation reactions at very high intensities. An essential part of PANDA will be a high performance particle identification system consisting of leading edge technology Cherenkov detectors of the DIRC type. A decisive part of the R&D work for these detectors is focused on the improvement of the sensors used for the signal readout, which is the main task of our group. The lifetime of these sensors, i.e. multi-anode microchannel plate photomultipliers, had to be increased by far more than an order of magnitude to be suitable for PANDA (see solid dots in the figure). This accomplishment will also have a vital impact on future experiments. Development of a DIRC Prototype In collaboration with a group from Tübingen the Eyrich group developed and built a DIRC detector which is designed for the WASA experiment at COSY and understood as a cheap stage of development for the DIRC detectors planned for the PANDA experiment at FAIR. Developing and running the WASA DIRC detector especially allows to study and optimize features for the forward DISC DIRC at PANDA. A commission- Our research in the instrumentation region is focused on the development of highly granulated optical detectors using different sensors as multianode photomultipliers and micro channel plates. The focus is to optimize them especially for high counting rates, time resolution and life time. Detector Development Experiment at FAIR for the PANDA Until 2018 a new accelerator facility for antiproton and ion research (FAIR) will be built at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum in Darmstadt. One of the pillar experiments will be PANDA with the goal of searching for Lifetime of MCP sensors: The sensors with improved methods to protect the photocathode (red, blue and magenta) show a significantly higher lifetime. 122 ing run with high beam rates already allowed us to study the detector and the electronics in a realistic scenario. Detector development Experiment for the COMPASS A challenging task in the COMPASS experiment was the development of detectors for the in-beam tracking. This was solved by the Eyrich group in collaboration with HISK Bonn by scintillating fiber detectors in combination with multianode photomultipliers. In addition a segmented beam counter was developed on the base of scintillating fibers. For the Drell Yan measurement in the COMPASS II phase a Scifidetector is now under construction to measure muon tracks even in the absorber region, which is connected with extremely high particle flux. Investigation of Transversity with the COMPASS Experiment The measurements of single spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) on a transversely polarized target are an important part of the COMPASS physics program to investigate transverse spin distributions of the quarks inside the _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Production of Antihydrogen PS-210 collaboration Phys.Lett. B 368, 251 (1996) First measurement of the transverse spin asymmetries of the deuteron in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering COMPASS-Collaboration at CERN Phys. Rev. Lett. 202002 (2005) * Influence of N -resonances on hyperon production in the channel pp → K+Λp at 2.95, 3.20 and 3.30 GeV/ c beam momentum COSY-TOF Collaboration Phys. Lett. B 688, 142 (2010) Experimental investigation of transverse spin asymmetries in muon-p SIDIS processes: Sivers asymmetries COMPASS Collaboration at CERN Phys. Lett. B 717, 383 (2012) nucleon. By measuring azimuthal asymmetries in hadron production one can access both the Collins fragmentation function and the Sivers distribution function. The Eyrich group performed a large part of the analy- sis of the measurement on deuteron and proton targets. Clear signals for Collins and Sivers asymmetries were extracted for the proton target whereas for the deuterium target all asymmetries are compatible with zero. Collins asymmetry for the proton target at COMPASS. A clear signal is seen for all shown variables with different sign for positive and negative hadrons Strangeness Production at COSY TOF To obtain a consistent picture of the structure and dynamics of hadrons, strangeness production in the near threshold region is investigated by the TOF experiment at COSY covering the full phase space of the reaction products. For this the Eyrich group built a special highly segmented inner detector system. Also a large part of the analysis was performed by the group. The Dalitz plots reveal a strong influence of N* resonances. Measurements using a polarized beam were performed and are analyzed in the group to extract the proton lambda final state interaction with high precision. Selected Collaborations Actually we collaborate worldwide within the international experimental collaborations COMPASS/CERN, PANDA/FAIR, TOF/COSY and WASA/COSY and with various theory groups. This includes especially intensive contacts of our post docs and PhD students with collaborators of other groups working on similar problems. Funding Selected funding since 2003: BMBF: COMPASS 1.4 Mio EUR, PANDA/FAIR and COSY 1.6 Mio EUR FZ-Jülich: COSY and PANDA/FAIR 1.6 Mio EUR Significantly improved lifetime of micro-channel plate PMTs A. Lehmann, A. Britting, W. Eyrich, C. Schwarz, J. Schwiening, F. Uhlig Nucl. Instr. and Meth., Sect. A 718, 535 (2013) ___________________________________________________________________________ 123 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Martin Hundhausen (b. 1957) Apl. professor, Chair for Experimental Physics, Laser Physics Martin Hundhausen received in 1982 his diploma at the PhilippsUniversity Marburg (Germany) and in 1986 his PhD from the University of Stuttgart (Germany). For his PhD-thesis on superlattice-structures based on amorphous silicon he received the “Otto-Hahn Medaille” of the Max-Planck-Society. He received his habilitation in physics in 1997 at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and was appointed as “außerplanmäßiger” professor in 2005. He was post-doctoral researcher at the Central Research Laboratories of Hitachi, Japan, for one year during 1986/87. He received a Deutscher Solarpreis of Eurosolar in 2004 for his contribution to the physical explanation of photovoltaics in an educational movie of the public TV (WDR). Martin Hundhausen has more than 80 publications in peer-reviewed journals with about 1300 citations and an h-index of 21. Research in the Hundhausen group Opto-Electronic Measurements for Material Physics Professional Career 2005 - now Apl. Professor of Physics at FAU 1997 – 2005 Privatdozent at FAU 1987 - 1997: Habilitation at FAU (Chair of Prof. Dr. Lothar Ley) 1986 -1987 Research visit for 14 months at the Central Research Laboratories of Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan. (Prof. Dr. Yasuhiru Shiraki) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: D-9698-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 8 Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 20 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Most recently, we push the limit of detection of (only) monolayers of graphene on a thick SiC-substrate, which normally has a much higher Raman - background compared to the graphene layer under investigation. For that purpose we employ the effect that dipole radiation at the dielectric interface is emitting with much higher intensity into the substrate than to the opposite side. Work is under process to improve sensitivity by a factor of ten, which will help to study the influence of carrier concentration on the graphene Raman spectrum. In cooperation with the Weber group, we study the polytype conversion of SiC at elevated temperatures. By spatially scanning the laser used for excitation of We established measurement techniques for the characterization of thin film semiconductors. These techniques employ laser interference techniques in order to determine lifetime and mobility of photogenerated carriers. In that case the electronic conductivity is monitored to retreive the wanted information. Present main focus of our work is the application of Raman spectroscopy to characterize electronic base materials, e.g. Silicon Carbide (SiC), diamond, carbon nanotubes, and graphene. We operate a highly resolving Triple monchromator equipped with a microscope in order to spatially record Raman spectra (Micro-Raman). From the phonon-Raman spectra information as diameter of carbon nanotubes, thicknesses of graphene overlayers (monolayer vs. double layer) as well as doping and strain is retrieved in order to establish our technique as a characterization tool. The work on graphene is in close cooperation with the group of Th. Seyller, now at the University of Chemnitz. Result of a polytype mapping of a cubic SiC sample that was annealed at 1700°C. At that temperature, cubic Silicon carbide (3C-SiC) partially converts to hexagonal SiC (6H-SiC). The Raman spectrum reveals the appearance of a thin 6H-SiC polytype inclusion from the characteristic folded phonon mode (FLO 6/6) in the respective Raman spectra. 124 the Raman spectrum, a mapping of stacking fault distributions and SiC-polytype conversion can be performed. Potential of Photovoltaics for implementation in future energy systems journalismus-Preis”) and with the German solar price by Eurosolar, the European Association for Renewable Energy. Several solar systems at the FAU were built since 2001 in cooperation with the university administration. We also represent the university in workshops on sustainability organized regularly between several groups of universities in Bavaria. We are engaged to foster the change of the energy supply in industrial countries towards renewable energy sources. In cooperation with the city of Erlangen and its schools, we successfully helped to implement solar energy into the educational system. Every school in Erlangen now has a photovoltaic system with modern measurement equipment realized by funding of the German Ministry of Environment. Several high school seminars and works by scholars (Facharbeit, W-Seminar) were co-superwised. Master students in the teacher curriculum worked on the evaluation of the potential of solar energy with emphasis on educational focus. We supported the work of the public televison for the well known “Sendung mit der Maus” to produce a 30minutes special on solar cells based on the physical background of p-n-junction. That movie is now avail able in online shop and is used by physics teachers in schools. The movie was awarded by the RWTHAachen University with an award for excellent journalistic work on science (“RWTH-Wissenschafts- _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications M. Hundhausen, L. Ley, and R. Carius Carrier Recombination Times in Amorphous-Silicon Doping Superlattices Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 1598 (1984). M. Hundhausen, T. Ichiguchi, and Y. Shiraki Magnetoresistance of multiple electron gas wires at the AlGaAs/GaAs heterointerface Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 110 (1988). U. Haken, M. Hundhausen, and L. Ley Analysis of the moving-photocarrier-grating technique for the determination of the mobility and lifetime of photocarriers in semiconductors Phys. Rev. B51, 10579 (1995). Funding Highly resolving Micro-Raman spectrometer used in the Hundhausen group. The samples under investigation are placed under an optical microscope that is used to focus the laser light on the sample and to collect the scattered light, which is directed to the triple spectrometer (T64000, Jobin Yvon). DFG Sonderforschungsbereich Mehrkomponentige Schichtsysteme, DFG-Forschergruppe Siliziumcarbid. S. Rohmfeld, M. Hundhausen, and L. Ley, N. Schulze, and G. Pensl Isotope-disorder-induced line broadening of phonons in the Raman spectra of SiC Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 , 826 (2001). M. Hundhausen, R. Püsche, J. Röhrl, and L. Ley Characterization of defects in silicon carbide by Raman spectroscopy physica status solidi (b) 245 1356, (2008). ___________________________________________________________________________ 125 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Norbert Lindlein (b. 1965) Apl.-professor, Institute for Optics, Information and Photonics Norbert Lindlein received in 1992 and 1996 his diploma and PhD each from the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany). In 2002 he finished his habilitation in physics and is a member of the Physics Faculty of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg since. In 2009 he was appointed as so called “außerplanmäßiger” professor at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and also received there a permanent position as Akademischer Oberrat. He spent two months at Institut d’Optique in Orsay/Paris in 1994 and six months at the Institute of Microtechnology in Neuchatel/Switzerland in 2000. His research interests include the simulation and design of optical systems, diffractive optics, microoptics and optical measurement techniques using interferometry or Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors. Norbert Lindlein has more than 50 publications in peer-reviewed journals with about 600 citations and an h-index of 15. Additionally, he is author of four book chapters. Professional Career 2009-now apl.-professor at FAU, Erlangen 2002-2009 Privatdozent at FAU, Erlangen 2000 Research visit for 6 months at Institute of Microtechnology in Neuchatel/Switzerland (Prof. Dr. Rene Dändliker/Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Herzig) 1996-2002 Habilitation at FAU (Chair of Prof. Dr. Gerd Leuchs) 1994 Research visit for 2 months at Institut d’Optique in Orsay/Paris (Prof. Dr. Pierre Chavel) 1992-1994 PhD student at the FAU (Group of Prof. Dr. Johannes Schwider, Chair of Prof. Dr. Gerd Leuchs) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: C-7825-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 7 (+ 5 in progress) Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 18 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ diffraction theory for periodic structures or the vectorial Debye integral to calculate the electric field in the focus of a high numerical aperture optical system. Currently, the focusing of ultrashort optical pulses with high numerical aperture optical systems is investigated by combining ray tracing for aberration calculations, the Debye integral for propagating to the focus and the coherent superposition of waves with different frequencies in order to simulate a pulse. Research in the Lindlein group Optical Design, Microoptics and Measurement In our group we perform research in the fields of optical simulation and design, diffractive optical elements and optical measurement techniques using interferometry. We are often on the border between basic research and applied research so that we sometimes also offer knowledge transfer to companies working in the field of optics. Optical design and simulation In 1990 (begin of diploma thesis of Norbert Lindlein) we started to develop an optical design and simulation software called RAYTRACE which allows the simulation of optical systems by using ray tracing and wave-optical methods. Originally, this program was one of the first in the world which could simulate holographic optical elements with arbitrary recording waves. During the years this program became comparable to commercial optical simulation programs whereby for us it has the big advantage of serving as platform for developing new simulation methods ranging from geometrical optics like ray tracing, over scalar wave-optical methods, up to rigorous Focusing of a 4 fs pulse (Gaussian temporal shape) by a deep parabolic mirror forming after reflection of a radially polarized plane wave with special radiant intensity a dipole-like wave with nearly 4 solid angle. The square of the electric field of the pulse enveloping function is shown at time steps 0 fs (i.e. when pulse maximum passes the focus), 5 fs, 10 fs, 15 fs, and 20 fs, whereby the distribution for each time step is normalized separately. The small pulses travelling horizontally to the right (i.e. along the optical axis are so called boundary diffraction pulses which show some interesting behaviour. 126 Diffractive optical elements Optical measurement techniques Together with the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light we run a direct-writing laser lithography system and an electron beam lithography system for writing small structures in resist. By using the laser lithography system diffractive optical elements with quite arbitrary encoded wave fronts are written which serve for example as null elements in the interferometric test of optical aspherics. With the help of the e-beam lithography system we write local subwavelength gratings which operate like artificial birefringent materials and form therefore for example local half wave plates. By changing the local orientation of the grating vector the optical axis of the local half wave plates can be chosen arbitrarily so that for example an element can be generated which transforms a global linearly polarized plane wave into a radially or azimuthally polarized plane wave or a plane wave with even more complex polarisation patterns. Interferometric null tests are used to investigate aspheric surfaces or aspheric lenses. In order to do so, diffractive optical elements (DOE) are used as null elements and auxiliary wave fronts can be encoded additionally into the DOE to calibrate the measurement. Funding 5 DFG projects with together 9.5 man years for PhD students and about 140,000 € material expenses, several projects from other funding organizations (BMBF, BMWA, BMWi, EC, Bayerische Forschungsstiftung) with together about 1 Mio € _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications N. Lindlein, J. Pfund, J. Schwider: Algorithm for expanding the dynamic range of a Shack-Hartmann sensor by using a spatial light modulator array. Opt. Eng. 40(5) (2001) 837-840. N. Lindlein: Analysis of the disturbing diffraction orders of computer generated holograms used for testing optical aspherics. Appl. Opt. 40(16) (2001) 26982708. N. Lindlein: Simulation of micro-optical systems including microlens arrays. J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 4 (2002) S1-S9. N. Lindlein, S. Quabis, U. Peschel, G. Leuchs: High numerical aperture imaging with different polarization patterns. Opt. Express 15(9) (2007) 5827-5842. N. Lindlein, R. Maiwald, H. Konermann, M. Sondermann, U. Peschel, G. Leuchs: A new 4 -geometry optimized for focussing onto an atom with a dipolelike radiation pattern. Laser Physics 17(7) (2007) 927934. N. Lindlein, G. Leuchs: Chapters Geometrical Optics and Wave Optics. In Springer Handbook of Lasers and nd Optics, 2 edition, ed by F. Träger, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 2012, p. 35-160. ___________________________________________________________________________ 127 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jürgen Ristein (b. 1958) Apl. professor, Chair for Experimental Physics, Laser Physics Jürgen Ristein has received his PhD in physics in 1986 at the University of Marburg with a work on photoluminescence and photoconductivity of chalcogenides. In 1987 to 1989 he was engaged in post doctoral research work at the Universities of Marburg and Salt Lake City, covering Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance (ODMR) on semiconductors. In October 1989 he took a research position at the University of Erlangen where he changed his research field to the electronic properties of semiconductor surfaces and interfaces. He finished habilitation in 1998 with a thesis on the electronic properties of diamond surfaces that won the Emmi-Noether-Award of the Faculty of Sciences of the FAU. In 2005 he was promoted to become apl. Professor of physics. His main work at Erlangen was on wide band gap semiconductors, specifically diamond. Work on graphene has been added during the last five years and very recently a new focus was set on nano wire semiconductors as base material for optical and optoelectronic applications. Professional Career 2005 - now Apl. Professor of Physics at FAU 1998 – 2005 Privatdozent at FAU 1993 - 1998: Staff member in teaching and research at FAU 1989 -1993 Research assistant at FAU 1988 -1989 Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Utah, USA 1987 Staff researcher at the Universitiy of Marburg 1984 -1986 PhD student at the University of Marburg _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Researcher ID: E-1742-2013 Website: Supervised PhD theses: 8 Diploma, BSc., MSc.: 14 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ unclear for more than a decade. In 2000, based on experimental work, our group developed an electrochemical doping model that has meanwhile been widely accepted as the explanation for the surface conductivity of diamond [Maier 2000]. Research in the Ristein group Surface Transfer Doping of Semiconductors A major focus of research in the past was on the electronic properties of diamond surfaces. The work on this topic started in the early 1990’s when CVD deposition techniques had stimulated major interest in diamond research and plasma techniques, developed along the same lines, allowed reproducible surface preparation. An outstanding feature of diamond is the (true) negative electron affinity (NEA) of its surfaces after hydrogenation that had been qualitatively described already be Himpsel and co-workers in 1979. In 1998 we finally succeeded to measure this unusual property by a combination of photoelectron spectroscopy and work function measurements [CUI 1998]. This work laid the base for a lot of research on prototype devices exploiting the diamond NEA. Surface hydrogenation does, however, not only turn the electron affinity of diamond negative, it also induces a substantial surface conductivity. This no less amazing property of diamond was reported by Ravi and Landstrass in 1989. Despite intense and controversial discussion the mechanism behind it remained Output (upper panel) and transfer (lower panel) characteristics of a Solution Gated Field Effect Transistor based on the surface conductivity of intrinsic diamond. The transfer characteristics show a rigid shift upon pH variation of the electrolyte. The most simple design of this device is sketched in the insert. 128 Electrochemical Interfaces of Semiconductors Electronic Properties of Graphene The successful model for the diamond surface conductivity was based on a combination of surface and semiconductor physics with electrochemical concepts and stimulated general interest in electrochemical interfaces of diamond in our group. Hydrogenated surfaces of undoped diamond need in fact only to be combined with two ohmic contacts (e.g. Au) to yield a solution gated field effect transistor (SGFET) with a well defined pH sensitivity (see figure above). These most simple devices were intensely studied by a number of research groups for sensing applications in the upcoming years. In our research group we concentrated on the mechanisms behind these applications. Specifically, the ionic and electrochemical equilibria at the diamond-electrolyte interface turned out to be crucial and needed to be distinguished carefully in order to fully understand the physics of this type of hetero junction. During the research on diamond SGFET’s a major expertise in the interdisciplinary field between surface science, electronics and electrochemistry could be established within our group. Graphene is discussed as one the most promising materials for future electronics. One method to prepare graphene sheets on top of the polar planes of (usually hexagonal) SiC is by controlled thermal decomposition of silcon carbide. This technique was pioneered at FAU by a research group around Thomas Seyller and commonly yields a graphene layer on top of a so-called buffer layer that mediates the contact between the graphene and the substrate by partial covalent bonding to the Si atoms of the SiC (0001) surface. Since the dangling bond defects of the buffer layer are situated above the Dirac energy of the graphene, they serve as donors and lead to a pronounced n-type conductivity of this so-called epitaxial graphene. The bonding between the buffer layer and the SiC substrate can be removed by post a hydrogenation process leading to quasi-free standing (QF) graphene. The dangling bond defects of the substrates are then passivated by hydrogen, and intrinsic graphene layers are expected. Amazingly, however, QF graphene exhibits a pronounced p-type conductivity. The mechanism behind this p-type conductivity remained unclear for years within the community. We could resolve this riddle recently by setting-up a polarization doping model that takes the pyroelectric nature of the hexagonal SiC substrates correctly into account. The model explains the p-type doping of QF graphene on SiC (0001) substrates quantitatively and makes predictions for other substrates a number of which are meanwhile confirmed. [Ristein 2012] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications J.B. Cui, J. Ristein, and L. Ley "The electron affinity of the bare and hydrogen covered single crystal diamond (111) surface", Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 429 (1998) F. Maier, M. Riedel, B. Mantel, J. Ristein , and L.Ley, "The origin of surface conductivity in diamond " Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 3472 (2000) Funding P. Strobel, M. Riedel, J. Ristein and L. Ley "Surface transfer doping of diamond", NATURE 430, 439 (2004) Tri-national (German-Austrian-Swiss D-A-CH) focussed DFG project ‘Synthesis of superhard materials’, EU MC-RTN ‘Diamond Research on Interfaces for Versatile Electronics (DRIVE)’ J. Ristein "Surface transfer doping of semiconductors", Science 313, 1057 (2006) J. Ristein, W. Zhang and L. Ley "Hydrogen-terminated diamond electrodes: I. Charges, potentials, energies" and “: II. Redox activity”, Phys. Rev. E 78, 041602 and 041603 (2008) J. Ristein, S. Mammadov, and Th. Seyller “Origin of Doping in Quasi-Free-Standing Graphene on Silicon Carbide”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 246104 (2012) ___________________________________________________________________________ 129 Junior Research Groups This section introduces researchers at the department who are leading their own junior research groups (at the level of "Habilitand" or similar). Abbreviations are used for the affiliations ECAP: Erlangen Center for Astroparticle Physics IOIP: Institute for Optics, Information and Photonics 130 Andrea Aiello Michel Bockstedte (b. 1968) IOIP (b. 1966) Solid State Theory Andrea Aiello graduated Cum Laude in experimental physics from University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 1995. After graduation he got a Research Fellowship from ENEA to pursue experimental research on laserassisted fabrication of bio-electronic devices. Shortly afterwards, he began to study for his PhD and decided to cease experimental activity in favor of theoretical quantum optics. In early 2000 he achieved his PhD at University of Rome “La Sapienza”. After a year spent as a Researcher at ENEA and ISS in Rome, at the end of 2001 he joined as a postdoc the quantum optics and quantum information group directed by Han Woerdman at Leiden University (The Netherlands). After about six years in Leiden where he was eventually working as a Senior Researcher, in fall 2008 he moved to the former Max Planck Research Group (now Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light - MPL) in Erlangen (Germany), where he was awarded with an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers (duration 1.5 years). During the summer semester 2012 he was appointed W2 Professor (temporary replacement) at FriedrichAlexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Currently he is “Akademischer Rat auf Zeit” at Institut für Optik, Information und Photonik at the same university and, since 2009, he is the group leader of the Optics Theory Group (OTG) in the division directed by Gerd Leuchs at MPL. Moreover, at present time, he is pursuing his habilitation at FAU. The OTG both investigates problems at the foundation of optics and provides theoretical support to experimental activities in the Leuchs’ division. The topics covered by the group span from classical optics to quantum optics and quantum information. The main current research areas include the spin and the orbital angular momentum of light; cylindrically polarized beams of light and their connection with entangled cluster quantum states; measurement problems in quantum information theory with emphasis on informational completeness of continuous-variable measurements; dynamical evolution of photon distinguishability and related problems; singularity-free exact solution of Maxwell equations with arbitrary dipole current distributions and local field enhancement. Michel Bockstedte studied physics at the Technische Universität München where he wrote his diploma thesis in condensed matter theory. Being interested in a first principles description of solids and their surfaces he joined the group of Prof. Dr. Scheffler at the FritzHaber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in Berlin for his PhD. There he met Prof. Pankratov and latter joint his newly founded group at the FAU. Within the DFG research unit on the doping and growth of silicon carbide and the preceding SFB he led the defect theory project. During a post-doc with Prof. Dr. Angel Rubio, University of the Basque Country, he began to work on the photo-physics of point defects. He received his habilitation end of 2006. Upon his return to FAU continued ab initio modeling of the photo-physics of adsorbate systems at surfaces and defects in semiconductors. The quantitative analysis of such complex systems requires treatment of the many electron system at the quantum mechanical level ranging from density functional theory to many body perturbation theory. This is illustrated by a current project on the realization of solid state quantum bits by vacancy-related defects in semiconductors. In the spin state of such nano objects quantum information can be stored (written) and red-out by optical excitation. Manipulation involves intermediate states of a multi-configurational nature. The challenge for theory is a quantitative treatment of many electron correlation effects here which are addressed by a combination of hybrid density functional theory and configuration interaction approaches. Surface science projects comprise the dissociative electron attachment to molecules at ice surfaces, a joint DFGproject with the groups of Prof. U. Bovensiepen, U DuisburgEssen, and Prof. Dr. K. Morgenstern, U Bochum, as well as the photo-physics of organic adsorbates at metal oxide surfaces which is part of a recently founded DFG research unit FOR-1878 "funCOS" at the FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg. Both projects focus on the modification of electronic or photo-physical properties of molecules upon adsorption via bonding to specific surface sites or via substrate polarization effects. 131 Maria Chekhova Thomas Eberl (b. 1963) IOIP (b. 1972) ECAP Maria Chekhova graduated from M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1986 with the master degree in Physics. After 3 years, she got her Ph.D degree from the same university for the work ‘k-spectroscopy of Polaritons in the Vicinity of Lattice Resonances’. Later she worked at the Lomonosov University as a researcher, focusing on quantum optics and nonlinear spectroscopy and teaching special courses ‘Quantum Optics’ and ‘Optics of Nonclassical Light’. In 2004, she received her habilitation degree for the thesis “Polarization and Spectral Properties of Biphotons”. This work, in particular, introduced a way for the encoding of quantum information into the polarization states of photon pairs. She collaborated with the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Baltimore, USA), where she stayed several times in 1998-2001 as a visiting professor, and with the National Metrology Institute (Turin, Italy) where she was awarded the Lagrange fellowship in 2009 and the Piedmont fellowship for Outstanding Visiting Scientists in 2010. In 2007-2009 she was awarded the Mercator guest professor fellowship of DFG at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and taught a short lecture course there. Since 2010, Maria Chekhova has a permanent position at Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen, leading the Single-Photon Technology technical development and service unit (TDSU) and also the Quantum Radiation (QuaRad) group. Since 2012, she is a Privat-Dozentin at the Department of Physics of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. As the head of the TDSU, she is dealing with the generation and characterization of few-photon nonclassical states of light, such as photon pairs entangled in frequency, wavevector and polarization. She also leads an ambitious project on the generation of three-photon entangled states. As the QuaRad group leader, she studies the properties of bright nonclassical states of light, primarily bright squeezed vacuum (BSV). Recent important results on this way, such as the preparation of pure unpolarized macroscopic states of light and the observation of macroscopic entanglement, formed a base for the European FP7 project ‘BRISQ2’, coordinated by Maria Chekhova and involving researchers from five countries. Thomas Eberl has studied physics at the Technische Universität München (TU Munich) and wrote his diploma thesis at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics. He then changed to experimental heavy-ion physics and joined the HADES collaboration at GSI Darmstadt. He acquired his PhD in 2004 with a thesis on the investigation of π0 induced e+e− pairs in carbon-carbon interactions. In 2007 he joined the group of Prof. Gisela Anton at the newly founded Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP) and became a member of the neutrino telescope collaborations ANTARES and KM3NeT. A few months later he refused a tenure-track junior professorship for "Strange hadronic matter" at the Excellence Cluster "Universe" at TU Munich in favor of a permanent position at ECAP. In ANTARES he serves as a member of the steering committee and coordinates the analysis tools working group, while he is a member of the conference and outreach committee in KM3NeT. At ECAP, Thomas Eberl coordinates the neutrino astronomy research group pursuing analysis of the ANTARES data. His research encompasses the development and improvement of event reconstruction methods and the search for point sources and diffuse fluxes of cosmic neutrinos. One special research focus concentrates on the analysis of radioloud Active Galactic Nuclei whose jets point in the direction of the Earth. These objects are monitored regularly with very long baseline radio interferometers by the TANAMI collaboration, in order to identify interesting jet emission epochs which are then used to search for correlated emission of neutrinos in the ANTARES data. Recently, Thomas Eberl has initiated a new group that participates very actively in the feasibility study ORCA, a project within the first phase of KM3NeT. The scientific goal here is to evaluate whether a multimegaton Cherenkov detector in the deep sea, based on KM3NeT technology, can be used to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy. As the recent measurement of the neutrino mixing angle θ13 has shown, it is in principle possible to use atmospheric neutrinos and the matter-induced effects imprinted on their flavor oscillation probabilities to clarify the ordering of the neutrino mass eigenstates. The group mainly works on the evaluation of the detector sensitivity and on various aspects of the event reconstruction. 132 Ira Jung Alexander Kappes (b. 1974 ) ECAP (b. 1971) ECAP Ira Jung studied Physics at the University of Heidelberg. In 1999 she wrote her Diploma thesis in the field of high energy astroparticle physics on the development of sophisticated image processing methods for the analysis of high energy gamma ray events. During her PhD (1999-2003) at the MaxPlanck institute for nuclear physics she was responsible for the mechanics of the mirror adjustment system, developed of the camera calibration and devised software for shower analysis for the H.E.S.S. experiment. In the end of her PhD she analyzed the first data of the Crab Nebula and the Blazar PKS 2155-304. In 2004 she joined the Washington University in St. Louis, MO working as a PostDoc on CdZnTe detector development and on CdZnTe detector simulations to evaluate the theoretical performance limitations. At that time she obtained the best energy resolution reported for a CdZnTe detector grown with the modified High-Pressure Bridgmen method. Since 2007 she is a permanent staff member at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Since 2011 she is leading a group working on galactic gamma ray sources with the main focus on supernova remnants (SNRs). SNRs are prime candidates for the sources of galactic cosmic rays and the goal is to unambiguously identify their role in the production of cosmic-ray particles. One special research focus lies on the analysis of SNR and molecular cloud associations, which give deep insight into the production mechanism of high energy gamma rays in SNRs. Additionally her group works on image processing methods to further improve the angular resolution of Cherenkov telescopes. Ira Jung serves as “run coordinator” in the H.E.S.S. collaboration, she is responsible for data quality, efficiency and data taking. Additionally, she is responsible for the commissioning of the newest and largest telescope of the H.E.S.S. detector. Since 2012 Ira Jung established a group participating in the Cherenkov camera development in the FlashCam consortium, part of the CTA consortium. The group works on calibration of the camera and the characterisation of the readout channels. Alexander Kappes received his doctorate from the University of Bonn in 2001 for precision measurements of cross sections in deep-inelastic electron-proton scattering at the HERA accelerator and the first-time extraction of the parity violating proton structure function. Shortly after, he moved to astroparticle physics and the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg where he joined the ANTARES and KM3NeT neutrino telescope groups. In 2006, Alexander Kappes was awarded a 3year Marie-Curie Fellowship and spent 2 years at the University of Wisconsin-Madison working on searches for neutrinos from gamma-ray bursts with the IceCube neutrino telescope. In 2010, he acquired his habilitation on high-energy astrophysics with neutrino telescopes. From 2011-2013 he was an interim professor of physics at the Humboldt University of Berlin. His teaching activities comprise lectures on particle and astroparticle physics and seminars in these fields as well as lectures on modern physics for teacher students. Alexander Kappes is the PI of the BMBF-funded IceCube group at the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP) with his research focus on searches for cosmic sources of high-energy neutrinos, which provide a fundamentally new and complementary look onto the Universe. He is also a major player in the planning of IceCube’s low-energy extension PINGU where he is particularly involved in reconstruction and calibration studies. The primary goal of PINGU is to render the IceCube detector sensitive to the neutrino mass hierarchy, a yet unresolved fundamental question in particle physics. Alexander Kappes is chair of the IceCube publication committee and member of the collaboration’s Executive Board. In addition to IceCube, he is also a member of the KM3NeT collaboration, which is currently entering the first installation phase of the multi-km3 successor of the ANTARES neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea; he has made significant contributions to the physics-case studies during the KM3NeT design phase. # 133 Robert Lahmann Christoph Marquardt (b. 1967 ) ECAP (b. 1976) IOIP Robert Lahmann received his doctorate in physics from the University of Maryland (USA) for precision measurements of Z0 decays with the OPAL detector at the electron positron collider LEP at CERN (Switzerland). He continued to pursue research in particle physics as DESY fellow at DESY-Hamburg where he investigated the proton structure function in deep inelastic scattering processes at the electron proton collider HERA. Before returning to fundamental research at the University of Erlangen, he developed automotive systems at the Robert Bosch GmbH in Stuttgart. At the University of Erlangen he acquired his habilitation in the field of astroparticle physics, his current area of research. His teaching activities span lectures on structure of matter; experimental methods in particle and astroparticle physics; and advanced lab courses. Robert Lahmann leads the BMBF-funded acoustics group at the Erlangen Centre for Particle Physics (ECAP). His prime research topic is the detection of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos, which – once detected – would open a new window to the understanding of fundamental questions in astrophysics, like the sources and acceleration mechanisms of cosmic rays. He is a member of the steering committee of the ANTARES neutrino telescope that utilizes the well-established optical Cherenkov technique to detect high-energy neutrinos in sea water and comprises an acoustic sensor system designed and constructed by Robert Lahmann and his group. He leads the ANTARES acoustics working group – the ECAP acoustics group being the largest subgroup – with the aim of investigating the feasibility of acoustic neutrino detection. With this method, ultra-high energy neutrinos are detected using the faint sound pulses that are emitted in neutrino interactions in water. The advantages of the acoustic method are in the technical simplicity of the acoustic sensor technology and the long distances sound can travel through water. Robert Lahmann is also strongly involved in the KM3NeT project where he represents the University of Erlangen in the Institute Board and is integrating acoustics for calibration purposes. Christoph Marquardt studied Physics at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany and the University of York, UK until 2002. During his dissertation work as a scientist at the Max Planck Research group in Erlangen he investigated different approaches to generate and characterize continuous variable quantum states of light. He studied the generation of squeezed light in standard and photonic crystal fibres, investigated concepts of pulsed resonant atom-light interaction, implemented quantum distillation protocols and looked at the quantum tomography of polarization states. He received his Ph.D. from the University ErlangenNürnberg in 2007. In 2008 he worked as metrology scientist at Carl Zeiss Laser Optics GmbH investigating new technologies for deep ultraviolet laser applications and then returned to the University of ErlangenNürnberg. He is a group leader of the quantum information processing group (QIV) in the division of Prof. Dr. Gerd Leuchs at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light. Currently he is a permanent staff at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light. Since 2012 he is Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs guest professor at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, investigating quantum limits of classical communication. The quantum information processing group is a joint effort between the Institute of Optics, Information and Photonics of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light. It currently consists of 12 Ph.D. students and two postdocs. The topics of the group cover a broad range of quantum optics and quantum information experiments. The QIV group investigates sources of nonclassical light (squeezing and entanglement generated in optical fibers and disk resonators), quantum optics with spatio-polarization modes, optimal measurement strategies (quantum state reconstruction techniques, state discrimination, miniuml disturbance measurements) and quantum protocols (quantum key distribution in free space and fibre links, quantum state distillation and filtering protocols). 134 Claus Metzner Thilo Michel (b. 1964) BIOPHYSICS GROUP (b. 1971) ECAP Claus Metzner studied Physics at the University of Erlangen, where he started to work on the quantum theory of semiconductor nanostructures. He wrote his Diploma thesis on transport and optical properties in doping superlattices. In 1994, he received his PhD on disorder effects in doping superlattices. As a postdoc, he spent two years at the University of Tokyo, working on surface roughness induced exciton localization, density dependent intersubband spectra in quantum wells, as well on potential fluctuations and capacity spectra in quantum dot arrays. He then went for more than one year to the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he focused on many-particle effects in quantum dot molecules, strain-induced localization of quantum states, band-coupling effects and coherent control of artificial quantum structures. After acquiring his habilitation on collective intersubband excitations in disordered systems in 2001, he gradually changed his field of interest towards Complex Systems and, in particular, theoretical Biophysics. He became a member of the Biophysics Group at the University of Erlangen in 2005, where he worked on rheological properties and fluctuations of the cytoskeleton, biochemical reaction networks, individual and collective cell migration, as well on the development of various data analysis tools in the field of cell mechanics. As a Privatdozent, he teaches courses on Biophysics, Soft Matter and on Complex Systems, including topics such as self-organization and emergence, critical phenomena, complex networks, powerlaws, nonlinear dynamics, classical and quantum chaos, synchronization, traffic dynamics, cellular automata, neural networks, evolutionary dynamics, game theory, econo- and socio-physics, swarm dynamics, stigmergy, synergetics, information theory, biochemical reaction networks, systems biology, artificial life, discrete automata, fractals, and stochastic processes.. Thilo Michel studied physics at the University of Bonn. In 1996 he finished his diploma thesis in experimental particle physics on the development of a Møllerpolarimeter for the GDH experiment to measure the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule at the electron accelerator ELSA in Bonn. In 2001 he acquired his PhD for a measurement of total photo-absorption cross sections on carbon and the proton at the GDHexperiment. As a post-doc (2001-2002) he measured the polarization asymmetry in η photo-production on the proton with the same experiment. After working in industry for 3 years, he joined in 2005 the chair of Prof. Gisela Anton to lead a working group for investigating and improving the energyresolving X-ray pixel detector Medipix. Concurrently to the establishment of the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics he extended the range of research activities towards the search for the neutrino-less double beta decay with active pixel detectors within the COBRA collaboration. Furthermore he developed, together with CERN, a novel multi-energy-channel photon-counting pixel detector for dosimetry of ionizing radiation and energy-resolved X-ray imaging. In addition, a part of the group currently focuses on phase-contrast and dark-field X-ray imaging which is investigated also in collaborations with university hospitals, the KIT and industry. A high-granularity time-and-position resolving detector for photons in the optical regime has been developed and is currently being investigated in collaboration with a research group of the Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Light. Thilo Michel is a member of the project management committee of the Medipix collaboration at CERN, the COBRA collaboration board, the supervisory board of the Marie Curie International Training Network ARDENT and the scientific committee of the conference series International Workshop on Radiations Imaging Detectors. 135 Gerhard Schröder-Turk Harald Schwefel (b. 1973) Solid State Theory (b. 1975) IOIP Gerd Schröder-Turk is a computational and statistical physicist whose research interests revolve around the role of complex spatial structure in soft matter systems. He has worked on the spontaneous formation of ordered network-like phases based on periodic minimal surfaces in soft matter systems, and the implications of such complex spatial structure on physical properties, including photonics, mechanics and transport. Specifically, he has contributed to the identification of the chiral photonic Gyroid crystal in the nanostructure of wing-scales of some butterfly species, to an understanding of the resulting chiraloptical properties and to the biomimetic design of corresponding nanofabricated photonic materials. A second theme of his research interests is the role of spatial disorder, and quantification thereof. He is a founding member of the research group "Geometry and Physics of Spatial Random Systems", which as one aim addresses integral geometric measures and Minkowski functionals as structure metrics in disordered materials. He has developed a body of work on the use of tensor-valued Minkowski functionals and their use in various disordered systems, including liquid and solid foams, porous materials and granular media. He holds a PhD awarded by the Australian National University in Canberra, and has been a member of Prof Klaus Mecke's chair for Theoretical Physics since 2006; he completed his habilitation degree in July 2013. Harald Schwefel started his studies of physics at the Brandenburg Technical University in Cottbus. After the completion of the Vordiplom, he joined the graduate school program in physics at Yale University in New Haven, CT, USA. There he worked with A. Douglas Stone on theoretical studies of wave chaotic dielectric resonators. In 2004, he was awarded his Ph.D. at Yale University. After a brief post-doctoral time at Yale and at ATR research laboratories in Kyoto (Japan) he started as a post-doctoral fellow at the Max-PlanckResearch Group in the Group of Lijun Wang. Since 2010, Harald Schwefel is the group leader of the WhiGaMoR group at the Institute for Optics, Information and Photonics and at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in the Division of Prof. Gerd Leuchs. His main interests involve ultra-high quality crystalline whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonators. Such resonators confine light by total internal reflection at their dielectric interface and can provide ultra-high lifetimes combined with small modal volume. The resulting high fields inside of the resonator are ideal for non-linear optical effects. Currently, he is actively pursuing parametric frequency conversion in lithium niobate WGM resonators. One specific goal is to convert THz radiation into the optical domain. Polarization is another aspect of his research, which takes on a central role if crystals used for WGM resonators are birefingent. 136