Vehicle wrecks on steps
Vehicle wrecks on steps
THURSDAY WA X A H AC H I E T X .CO M DAILY LIGHT WAXAHACHIETX.COM /SPORTS 12.10.2015 $1.00 1 sections | 14 pages Follow the Daily Light COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS County to house up to 700 undocumented children 15 DAYS TO CHRISTMAS HHS relocation to Lakeview Camp in Maypearl could begin this morning BY SHELLY CONLON MANAGING EDITOR Lion tamers The Lady Indians cooled off Ennis’ top girls varsity basketball squad with a road district win on Tuesday at Ensign gymnasium. | SPORTS WAXAHACHIETX.COM /NEWS Bush Anywhere from 300 up to 700 undocumented children could be entering Ellis County borders as early as today, Pct. 3 Commissioner Paul Perry said Wednesday evening. In the past two days, Perry and County Judge Carol Bush learned the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services would be sending the children to two locations in Texas, one in Rockwall and another near Maypearl at the Lakeview Camp and Retreat Center near Maypearl, Perry said. The camp falls within Perry’s precinct. Perry said he found out through the grandchild of Mark and Susan Pannill a federal government responsibility, not the county. Bush said she found out about the situation during a SEE CHILDREN, PAGE 5 Perry Courthouse crash grandchild of Mark and Susan Pannill FFA goes to State grandchild of Mark and Susan Pannill WHS students compete at a state level leadership contest. | PAGE 9 WAXAHACHIETX.COM /MULTIMEDIA grandchild of Mark and Susan Pannill Car rams courthouse See how emergency crews responded to an unusual incident at the courthouse Wednesday. PHOTO GALLERY | WEB WAXAHACHIETX.COM /OBITUARIES John Ellis, 75, Red Oak PAGE 14 TODAY’S EDITION /WHAT TO DO Dec. 10 7 p.m. Lung cancer seminar at Baylor Scott & White Medical Center Waxahachie. Photos by Scott Dorsett/The Daily Light - Vehicle wrecks on steps BY ANDREW BRANCA DAILY LIGHT STAFF WRITER Ellis County’s historic courthouse in Waxahachie was damaged during a one-vehicle wreck Wednesday afternoon. Emergency responders were dispatched at 2:43 p.m. to the a vehicle on the courthouse’s front steps. A Cadillac sedan left the roadway and jumped the sidewalk to the courthouse plaza, continuing along the sidewalk and coming to rest on the steps of the northwest corner of the courthouse. Waxahachie Mayor Kevin Strength was at the courthouse at the time and heard the incident take place from County Judge Carol Bush’s we were doing some work together. We heard one crash and looked out the window,” Strength said. “This guy had pulled up on the sidewalk on the courthouse (lawn) and had rammed the steps.” Strength said he didn’t know if the act was done deliberately or whether the driver had suffered a medical issue. Bush said she thought the sound she had heard was coming from an accident that may have happened at the intersection near the courthouse, not on the steps. “We were in a meeting in my child of Judd and Heather McCutchen Judd and Heather McCutchen COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS SPONSORED BY: sound. I looked out of the window and didn’t see anything because I was looking on the side facing the old bank building. So I saw nothing. Perhaps within in a minute or SEE WRECK, PAGE 14 CMYK 12.10.2015 | Follow us on Twitter & like us on Facebook WAXAHACHIE DAILY LIGHT | PAGE 5 WAXAHACHIETX.COM/NEWS CHILDREN border for some reason, and he was wearing out his Rolodex and trying to conference call early Tuesday evening, she said. She received an email from - emphasizing Barton, who represents Ellis County, is trying to protect that county. No statement has been released by Barton at this time. The children are expected to be mostly male and ages 12 to 18 from Central America, added Ellis County Sheriff Johnny Brown, who said he found out at 5 p.m. Wednesday. At 7 p.m., Brown said he hadn’t Brown had any time to set up a security plan and was in the process of calling all of the local law enforcement agencies to inform them of the children. Bush said she was not informed whether the children crossed the border illegally. She stressed she was told that they were unaccompanied minor children, she said. “That’s a concern because teenagers in Guatemala are not teenagers in Ellis County,” Perry said, adding his understanding is they are all from that FROM PAGE 1 in. The conference call was to brief her on the possibility of a large number of “unaccompanied minors” who might be coming to the county, she said. “I asked the country of origin and I was told that the majority of them were Central American children. The Border Patrol of unaccompanied minors from Central America,” didn’t specify the exact origin of the undocumented children. “Of course, they had the responsibility then to turn them over and to house them and care for them until they were processed through the system and placed with either family members, sponsors or worked through the immigration process.” “We’ve issued no invitation whatsoever for this. It is being imposed upon us. Based on my conversation with U.S. Congressman (Joe) Barton, they are being brought up from the facilities on our SHANNON FROM PAGE 3 Investigators were busy scouring the jihadi’s ISIS membership card or a souvenir Al–Qaeda prayer cap so authorities can determine a cause. That reluctance is willful blindness. All it takes is a copy of the Koran and the would be jihadi is good to go. When Muslims get “radicalized,” searching for an additional motive isn’t necessary when they go all jihadi on you. It’s part of the package. Yet if these attacks really have nothing to do with the so-called “religion of peace,” why does the appeasement chorus immediately head for a mosque? That smacks of FUNT FROM PAGE 3 No matter what emerges regarding the two shooters’ ties to radical Islamic groups, the availability of guns, especially militarystyle weapons, must be addressed. In the words of Pope Francis, “You pray for the hungry, then you feed them. That’s how prayer works.” Yet, thanks to the Daily News, the issue of prayer stereotyping. Wouldn’t a halal grocery or kebab shop do just as well? But that’s just it. The problem IS the religion. The wife is described as “very religious” and after the marriage the husband became “religious,” too. That means it’s time to watch out. By comparison, when and daughter–in–law have embraced Christianity the result is less dangerous for the surrounding community. Cleavage will probably disappear and dad will have to cancel the HBO subscription, will remain stable. Where are the mosques that announce they cooperate with the FBI or local authorities? Where could become an issue in itself. If so, that would be a complete distortion. Prayer isn’t the thing, hiding behind prayer is. When confronted any day now by interviewers and debate moderators asking about the News front page, there are two approaches politicians might take: (a) There’s nothing wrong with prayer! How awful that anyone would use a tragedy to take away not only our right to defend ourselves with guns, country, but wasn’t sure how someone could know for sure. “They’ve been exposed to things and do things that the average teenager in this county has probably not learned how to do. That doesn’t mean I don’t believe in compassion, and I do want to state I believe in compassion for the citizens of Ellis County. We don’t burdened by this. This is a federal government initiative.” From what he’s heard, Perry said the federal government will be taking care of the cost and the children will not be going to any Ellis County schools. The situation will be handled at the facility, which could possibly house the children for at least two months, Perry said. But the facility is not secure because the facility is handling detainees who have committed an unlawful act by coming across the border, Perry said. Though there is supposed to be one adult for every eight children, Brown is concerned about how wide open the camp is, he said. “My major concern is, and it’s not all of them, is you’re going to have some of them that already have family members in the United States. Some are the imams that invite anti–terror experts into the mosque to conduct classes on how to spot radicals and avoid having your family or friends radicalized? As former FBI Counterterrorism Agent John Guandolo told Breitbart News, “Since 9/11, ‘we collectively have received nearly zero help from the [Moslem] Community.’” The ostensible reason for these grovel–thons is always to head Islamophobia off at the oasis. So after repeated terrorism incidents where is this dreaded backlash? Other than drastically increased damage deposits at rental agencies when bearded men wearing prayer caps pick up an SUV, it’s not happening. Jews are assaulted in of them could leave the property,” Brown said, emphasizing the children wouldn’t have any money or food if they left. “Desperate people tend to do desperate things.” Perry said he has full faith the facility employees have the best interest at heart for the children, but this is an initiative controlled by the federal government. “We’re having to rest on their assurances, and those who have rested on federal assurances have often been disappointed,” Perry said. The Daily Light tried to reach out to the marketing coordinator at Lakeview at 4 p.m., but was told to call back in an hour. The Daily Light returned the call and received no answer, and was awaiting a response as of press time. Bush said a 700-bed facility being utilized, so it is possible the amount would be from 400-700 children, a mix of both male and female. “The typical populations run two thirds male, a third female,” she said. “But there would be adequate supervision at the facility for both genders.” Bush asked HHS resources would need to be provided, and she said she anti–Semitic attacks at almost four times the rate Muslims experience “hate crime” incidents. Yet Obama can’t even be bothered to attend Sunday’s National Menorah Lighting ceremony. He sends a staffer and rushes off to the Kennedy Center to attend a party. Beyer summed up this administration’s atti- was told the federal government would be meeting all the children’s needs. She emphasized there is no expectation that county resources will be expended to supervise or to care for these children. It’s also unclear whether the children will be able to interact with anyone outside of the camp because there are still too many unanswered questions, Perry said, adding Barton is continuing to ask situation. As of press time, the Daily Light was not able to reach Barton for comment. However, State Rep. John Wray said he thinks the HHS didn’t notify Barton either. Wray found out late Tuesday afternoon from Waxahachie Mayor Kevin Strength, he said. “I’m concerned that the facility they will be at is not really secure. I’m concerned that some of these folks are 17-18 years old, and have backgrounds we’re not certain about,” Wray said at about 8 p.m. Wednesday. “I understand this may be a 21-day holding term and after 21 days they won’t be here, but that could be extended period of time and that’s troubling as well.” told the stay would also be about 21 days during the call. Wray added he was informed the children have been possibly health screened and emphasized he wasn’t alerted by the HHS, and is unsure state level. “We’re looking into ways to make sure it doesn’t become any type of permanent arrangement,” Wray said. “I was taken around to mentioning San Bernardino, “It’s just another unfortunate data point.” There’s a good chance it won’t be the only “data point” as long as this administration and this mindset rules. HODGES FROM PAGE 2 of food. With so many delightful foods to choose from, it is important to keep holiday treats safe from BAC (a.k.a. bacteria). Join in the festivities and ensure a safe holiday feasting season for you, your family and friends by following safety tips. Michael Shannon is a commentator and public relations consultant, and is the author of “A Conservative Christian’s Guidebook for Living in Secular Times.” He can be reached at but also our right to pray! Or... (b) We extend our prayers because we genuinely sympathize and care. But we don’t stop there. It’s time to cast aside partisan politics and take meaningful action to curb the gun epidemic in America. That’s what the victims deserve, along with our prayers. off guard by it like anyone else, and I am continuing to investigate.” As of press time, the Daily Light was currently waiting for a response Though Perry said he wouldn’t go as far as calling the children refugees because they don’t have a current legal status, Bush said otherwise. “I am sure they could be characterized that way because HHS has referred to them as refugees as well,” Bush said. She continued by saying any time there’s a large tion, natural concerns are raised. “That is why I asked those questions about how is this is going to somehow burden our resources or our community because there was not a lot of notice in this,” Bush said. “Certainly, I understand that they are not obligated to give us notice, but if there was an expectation that we would need to step in and assume some responsibility I wanted to make sure that we were given the proper made clear what the expectations were. “As far as concern, yes, there are some things we need to be prepared for in the sense if there is an emergency situation, like like (the county has) had or there needs to be any type of evacuation. It is good to know the number of children that we would be dealing with to be able to plan adequately for any emergency responses that would be necessary. I am not anticipating anything like that, but as a community we want to be prepared.” Rita Hodges is the Ellis County Extension Agent-Family & Consumer Sciences, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. Visit Rita at the Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Peter Funt is a writer and speaker. His book, “Cautiously Optimistic,” is available at and Sudoku puzzles Each puzzle is divided into nine sections, and each section has nine blank squares. Fill in all 81 squares on the puzzle with numbers 1 to 9. You may not repeat any numbers in any one of the nine sections that you’ve already used elsewhere in that section. Also, you can use each number 1-9 only once in each horizontal line of nine squares, and in each vertical column of nine squares. The puzzle is completed when you correctly fill every square. Answers will appear on page 14. Sudoku Puzzle #3840-M Sudoku Puzzle #3840-D 1 3 2 4 7 3 5 8 6 4 2 8 © 2009 Hometown Content 3 2 8 3 4 5 1 9 1 Difficult 6 3 © 2009 Hometown Content 4 9 1 6 1 7 4 6 7 6 5 7 1 7 2 3 3 1 5 3 6 3 9 6 2 1 4 2 6 9 5 5 3 7 7 8 2 Medium CMYK FRIDAY WA X A H AC H I E T X .CO M DAILY LIGHT WAXAHACHIETX.COM /SPORTS ‘Hachie faces Hawks children and 200 workers to enter the facility as soon as Friday. WAXAHACHIETX.COM /NEWS Church groups agreed to aid refugee children Jessica Aguayo, 12, U.S. Rep. Joe Barton (R-Ennis/Arlington) said Thursday during a phone sion was made to house Jesse Aguayo, 14, in Ellis County. He added he tried to temporary housing of un“The government doesn’t want to keep them on the nied minors to turn themselves in at the said Ellis County Sheriff Johnny Brown during a day. they learned late Tuesday and Wednesday the U.S. DeBose Department of Health and younger to Lakeview Camp near May- Barton - and fear for their life. WAXAHACHIETX.COM /MULTIMEDIA Safety at Lakeview 14 DAYS TO CHRISTMAS noting the - PAGE 2 COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR - Follow the Daily Light BY NEAL WHITE BY SHELLY CONLON Weekend Roundup $1.00 3 sections | 18 pages Barton: The law needs to be changed Ellis County Sheriff Johnny Brown speaks about security at the Lakeview Camp and Retreat Center during a press conference as county of- SPORTS 12.11.2015 have a right to stay in this - - SEE CAMP, PAGE 8A Lana Gober, 7, history and the rest are turned over to the Department of Health and SEE BARTON, PAGE 8A VIDEO REPORT | WEB Simon Moe, 12, WAXAHACHIETX.COM /OBITUARIES Davona Jackson, 38, Waxahachie Debbie Baxter, 57, Sue Ann Claud, 64, Waxahachie John Ellis, 75, PAGE 10A TODAY’S EDITION /WHAT TO DO Dec. 12 8-10 a.m. Pancakes with Santa benWaxahachie. Landry Edwards, 11 months, COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS SPONSORED BY: CMYK Follow us on Twitter & like us on Facebook | 12.11.2015 PAGE 8A | WAXAHACHIE DAILY LIGHT WAXAHACHIETX.COM/NEWS CAMP these kids for about 21 days,’” DeBose said. “What would happen in these 21 days is 40 to 60 percent of them would be returned back to their point of origin, where they came from. Some of the other kids who have family here would be allowed to move in with family here somewhere in the state.” Different processes will take place based on where the children are from, what experiences they brought with them and how they checked out, DeBose said. According to a previous Waxahachie Daily Light article, it’s unclear from where in Central America the chil- FROM PAGE 1A anticipated to arrive Thursday, said Rick DeBose, Superintendent of the North Texas Assemblies of God. “I want to make sure the citizens of Ellis County know we have it under control and that we have everything secure and there are no fears at this point,” Brown said, adding if the status of security changed, residents be in charge of security outside of the building, he said. The law enforcement agency has made contact with surrounding agencies as well, including Maypearl’s police department and the Department of Public Safety. The HHS and BCFS will also make sure the children are immediately up to date on immunizations and that they’re protected for health purposes and other other purposes. “They shared with us that they would bring a strong security force to keep the kids safe and to keep us safe,” DeBose said. “I appreciate the fact that our sheriff said he would rather take responsibility of our county and our citizens himself. He’s come forward to prepare a strong force and strong support staff of his own and emergency medical services onsite, he said. The camp is one of the North Texas District of Assemblies of God ministries, DeBose said, adding three days ago facility ofwould like the opportunity to participate with the Baptist Child and Family Services to house children at the camp, who were in the middle of being transitioned to their from the camp out.” With those things in connected to HHS to help children who come across the border and are turned over to HHS. “They asked us ‘Because there are so many, we need a place to house REAGAN FROM PAGE 3A they’re the ones who are getting killed by ISIS in the biggest numbers. Many Trump Yahoos are just as confused about what conservatism really is. If one more person comes up to me and says, “I loved your father and I’m supporting Donald Trump,” I may hit him. Trump is nothing like my father. My father united people. That’s why he won elections. Trump doesn’t unite anyone but confused white people. agreed the camp could house and feed the children during the 21-day period. “We feel very comfort- Republicans are always the minority party. The only way we ever win a general election is by bringing people together – Ronald Reagan Democrats and conservative Latinos, blacks, Asians and Muslims. Yes, there are conservative Muslims. Or at least there were. In 2000, nearly 80 percent of American Muslims voted for George W. Bush. If the Republican Party nominates Donald Trump, it’s certain that Hillary will become the next president and we’ll all lose. Trump is in the process of killing what’s left of my WHITEHEAD FROM PAGE 3A seemingly innocent to the workings of the world, may actually harbor generations’ worth of information passed down by its ancestors.” inherited generations of fears and experiences on human beings. As the Post reports, “Studies on humans suggest that children and grandchildren may have felt the epigenetic impact of such traumatic events such as famine, the Holocaust and the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.” In other words, fear, trauma and compliance can be passed down through the generations. Fear has been a critical tool in past fascistic regimes, and it now operates in our contemporary world — all of which raises fundamental questions about us as human beings and what we will give able. We feel very safe. For the most part, these are just kids who have cumstances,” DeBose said. “The fact is that our government chose to allow them to come across the border, and not immediately send them back. That we brought them in and said we’ve got to now do something with them, we didn’t feel like there was anyway we could turn them away and not care for them and feed them. We have the beds that are empty and the food that can be served and processed here, and it’s our slowest time of year, so we were very available. So we jumped on it and we’re honored to give these kids a place to live for the next three weeks. We pray for these the permanent direction and help they need and for what they need in the future. I know, as they’ve told us, many of them will return home, but we pray that while they’re with us, they’ll have a good experience that will change their lives forever.” DeBose went on to say initial media reports and social media posts may of fear in the community, adding he’s been disappointed by some of the response to the situation. “We do not believe there’s a reasonable fear. We do camps all the time and in many ways this is like a camp, and in other ways we see this is father’s GOP. He spends most of his time throwing people off the Republican bus, not inviting them on it. way to stop Trump. It has to nominate a real Republican, a real conservative, who can unite the party around its core principles and show the country that Republicans are nothing like the Donald. If the Party of Lincoln can’t dump Trump and go back to its conservative roots, by next fall we’ll be hearing my father say from his grave, “I didn’t leave the Republican Party, they left me.” very different. We see the differences, and we know there are some things we have to do differently,” he said. “As far as keeping the kids active and busy and moving forward, and feeding them and giving them a safe environment, we can do that. And thanks to our sheriff, we know we’ll keep the line safe between here and the rest of the community.” Other responses have been ones of compassion or a need to help, he said. Every call his receptionist received Thursday morning had been by someone wanting to help the children however they could, he said. He said churches interested in helping the children should email the North Texas District Assemblies of God, but the the details of exactly how people can help. The North Texas District of Assemblies of God will go through a reimbursement process for housing the children, and BCFS will be in charge of what the children do during their stay as well as bringing trained leaders, translators, counselors and workers, he said. All together, the camp houses about 1,000 beds, and with workers, DeBose said he expects possibly 800 beds to be used. DeBose emphasized the housing agreement was for 21 days only, and Brown said off-duty ofwill be working to keep the facility secure will have their salaries paid Michael Reagan is the son of President Ronald Reagan, a political consultant, and the author of “The New Reagan Revolution” (St. Martin’s Press). He is the founder of the email service and president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Visit his websites at www.reagan. com and Send comments to Follow @reaganworld on Twitter. for by BCFS. “My issue was the short notice and not having time to prepare in a better fashion than being up to midnight last night calling all of my federal in the different cities and trying to get something set up,” Brown said. “I do feel it’s imperative in our BARTON FROM PAGE 1A Human Services (HHS).” Barton said HHS has contracted with a numthe country to assist with caring for the unaccompanied minors until their immigration hearing, and/ to live with the states or a sponsor for the child to live with, both of which depend on the outcome of the hearing. In the case of the refugee children arriving in Ellis County, Barton said the contract was awarded Child and Family Services (BCFS), which receives $500 per child, per day. BCFS then contacted North Texas Assemblies of God, requesting a partnership to house the children for up to 21 days at its Lakeview Camp facility in Maypearl. “Those kids will only be in Ellis County for 21 days. I have assurances of that from the Secretary of Health and Human Services,” Barton said. “Under the current laws, there is nothing anyone could do to prevent it. But we can all act responsible at the local level and make the best of it and I’m working with my colleagues in the House to make sure the law is changed and prevent this from happening again. “I am very disappointed in the way the Obama county and if something is going to go on in our county, then we should probably be a part of it’s security team to help ensure the safety of its citizens. ” Requests for farther information from the HHS not been returned as of press time. and the people I represent in the 6th district of Texas. There was no public meeting organized in advance locally, and no ability to protest the decision. My ofago, and at my insistence, “My priority remains to ensure the safety of my constituents. I will continue to work closely with federal, state and local situation for the next 21 days. I am also working to prevent a reoccurrence and to change the law.” Though the undocumented minors are screened at the border, Barton said there is a danger that not all are trypersecution in their own country. “The Obama administration is referring to them as victims — children age 13-17 — while portraying most as young girls who are victims of all sorts of depravation,” he said. “When I went to the border, I saw mostly young teenage men — some looked to be in their 30s. All came into the country illegally. I don’t want this to become a pattern of practice.” Barton said he plans to tour the Lakeview facility as soon as he arrives back in the district and will continue to work with both local and federal law enforcement to ensure the security of community. up in order to perpetuate the illusions of safety and security. In the words of psychologist Erich Fromm: “[C]an human nature be changed in such a way that man will forget his longing for freedom, for dignity, for integrity, for love — that is to say, can man forget he is human? Or does human nature have a dynamism which will react to the violation of these basic human needs by attempting to change an inhuman society into a human one?” We are at a critical crossroads in American history, and we have a choice: freedom or fascism. Let’s hope the American people make the right choice while we still have the freedom to choose. Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His new book The Freedom Wars (TRI Press) is available online at He can be contacted at Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at Sudoku puzzles Each puzzle is divided into nine sections, and each section has nine blank squares. Fill in all 81 squares on the puzzle with numbers 1 to 9. You may not repeat any numbers in any one of the nine sections that you’ve already used elsewhere in that section. Also, you can use each number 1-9 only once in each horizontal line of nine squares, and in each vertical column of nine squares. The puzzle is completed when you correctly fill every square. Answers will appear on page 10A. Sudoku Puzzle #3841-M Sudoku Puzzle #3841-D 2 1 3 4 5 4 7 6 7 8 5 9 9 4 1 4 6 8 3 1 2 © 2009 Hometown Content 3 3 7 4 5 6 1 2 6 7 8 8 9 Difficult 2 1 3 © 2009 Hometown Content 2 5 8 6 7 3 1 3 6 1 5 2 9 4 4 2 4 7 6 1 7 5 9 Medium CMYK TUESDAY WA X A H AC H I E T X .CO M DAILY LIGHT WAXAHACHIETX.COM /SPORTS 12.15.2015 $1.00 1 section | 12 pages Follow the Daily Light ‘A need to serve’ COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS 10 DAYS TO CHRISTMAS Community reaches out to aid refugee children BY SHELLY CONLON Earning respect SPORTS WAXAHACHIETX.COM /NEWS MANAGING EDITOR Some Ellis County residents want others to know there’s nothing to fear, but fear itself when it comes to the 500 unaccompanied children expected to be housed inside Lakeview Camp and Retreat Center for the next 18 days. As of noon Monday, about 400 refugee teenagers between 13-17 years of age had arrived at the camp from Central America, after surrounding themselves at the south Texas border, said Congressmen Joe Barton SEE REFUGEES, PAGE 6 5 hurt in wreck Purr(fect) Show PAGE 7 WAXAHACHIETX.COM /MULTIMEDIA Rep. Barton speaks about refugees Crash forces closure of Highway 287 BY ANDREW BRANCA DAILY LIGHT STAFF WRITER VIDEO REPORT | WEB WAXAHACHIETX.COM /OBITUARIES Rebecca Brewer Wilna Boone Five people were transported to an area hospital by ground ambulance after a two-vehicle accident Saturday night. Emergency crews were dispatched at 8:05 p.m. to southbound U.S. Highway 287 at Cleaver Road. An SUV with a single occupant entering the main lanes of southbound U.S. 287, failed to yield right of way and was struck by a passenger vehicle with three occupants, one of which was a child, traveling south on U.S. 287, responding Waxastated. The call presented several logistical standpoint, said Battalion Chief Don Alexander with the Waxahachie Fire Department. “We had challenges. CareFlite had a lot of calls throughout the county that had hit all at one time. We initially had one ambulance respond. Then they were trying to get other ambulances to me,” Alexander said. SEE WRECK, PAGE 7 Steven Morris Max Smesny PAGE 12 AND 7 TODAY’S EDITION /WHAT TO DO Dec. 15 7 p.m. FUMC to host Christmas meal BY ANDREW BRANCA delivered may register by DAILY LIGHT STAFF WRITER First United Methodist Church of Waxahachie will be serving a free Christmas dinner for the community from noon to 1 p.m. Dec. 25. Those wanting to take part may enjoy the meal at the church, pick up a meal or have meals delivered to them at their home. Those wanting to have meals Registration for the meal began Monday and ends at 4 p.m. on Friday. “The First United Methodist Church, every year, feeds about 800 people in Waxahachie and Ellis County. It is free food. It is mostly for people who need a meal and don’t have place to go on Christmas. We do deliver up to six meals per family,” said FUMC’s event publicity chairwoman Jane Ann Ship. “My favorite part is being able to go in on Christmas Eve morning and on Christmas morning and being able to help cook and serve and just know that I am doing one little part to touch the community.” The menu for the meal will include ham, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, fruit salad, rolls and a dessert. Diabetics will have the option of a sugar free dessert. Shipp said the meal takes hundreds of volunteers to put on each year, with helpers serving in many roles such as cooking, delivering meals and cleaning up. “We need lots of volunteers. I would say 100-plus volunteers. We have COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS SPONSORED BY: SEE FUMC, PAGE 7 CMYK Follow us on Twitter & like us on Facebook | 12.15.2015 PAGE 6 | WAXAHACHIE DAILY LIGHT WAXAHACHIETX.COM/NEWS REFUGEES FROM PAGE 1 (R-Ennis/Arlington), after taking a tour of the facility. Barton was only one of several Ellis County people who visited the camp Monday morning. The others came from a local Boy Scout troop and church group. The children started arriving Friday afternoon, three days after state, county informed of the situation. Matt Authier, a Waxahachie ISD school board member and youth leader of Central Presbyterian Church in Waxahachie, said he and his pastor joined together Sunday morning in prayer, hoping for an opportunity to help the children. That night their prayers were answered after Nick Taylor with Boy Scout Troop assembling beds for the children, he said. “Personally, dating back two months, aside from my relationship with my church, I had been trying IRC (International Rescue Committee) to help Syrian refugees in the Metroplex. When I heard of families resettled there, I emailed those folks and asked if I could help,” Authier said. “Mainly, I just wanted to be there when they TOY RIDE FROM PAGE 2 coming, Havner said. coming here, we would have to stop on the side stepped out of the car to Monday that the security see a smiling face, and of the county was under hug. My Christianity control and that children has a huge role in that, within the facility are “not but aside from that even, a threat to the county,” he it’s just compassion for said during a press conferyour fellow human being. ence at the camp’s front We’re in a time that it gate. He toured the facilseems politics has taken ity with camp and county precedence over relationships within your church concern that because the and your religion, and camp was wide open, it also with your neighbor. There’s a context of fear the location secure and that prohibits you from keep the county safe. going out and showing “The problem is not that compassion, and a problem at this facilgiven those opportuniity. The issue really is ties our church has a long that our national policy history in some ways with encourages these PHOTO refuyoung men and SLIDESHOW gees. women to come See more photos With the into this country with this story at Syrillegally, and then be allowed to ian refugees, stay, while their that was tough, because a refugee status is being whole lot of politics play determined,” Barton said. into those decisions. So, “That’s an issue to be setwhen these folks from tled in Washington, and Central America literally given the disagreement of landed on our front doors, people like myself, it’s not a couple miles from our an issue that we’re going houses, we just jumped all to settle anytime soon.” over that.” For 21 days, as of last Friday, the camp will last Wednesday, residents be closed to house the teenagers, 28 of which are reactions ranging from female, Barton said. He outrage and racism, stressed that the camp philosophical and politiwill not house the chilcal discussion, to a call to dren beyond the contracthelp the teenagers and ed time frame. a call for more security “I am very appreciative within the county. of the way the camp is With security one of the being run, of all the local biggest concerns, Barton personnel and the job of reassured residents again what Sheriff Brown — he and his deputies — are doing,” he said, adding he appreciated the efof the road and wait for police escorts from each city,” he said. Contact Bethany Kurtz at 469-5171450 or email bkurtz@waxahachietx. com. Follow her on Facebook at or on Twitter @bethmidlomirror. FEHLER role you will play in making the way for Christ in this world. one prayer at a time. As we await the moment of our Savior’s birth as a community, consider what Rev. Dr. April Fehler, Associate Pastor at First United Methodist Church in Waxahachie. FROM PAGE 3 LETTERS FROM PAGE 3 for these men and women and their families. Please act now to stop this constant attack on our men and women in uniform. In the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act as passed by Congress, TRICARE prescription co-payment levels will be increased for the forts of the county commissioners and county judge Carol Bush. “In the history of these sites in Texas in the last several years, only three people have attempted to leave the camp. Initially, it was a serious concern, but after talking to the sheriff and to the operators of the camp, I don’t think there’s a problem with people trying to leave the camp and commit some sort of crime.” He didn’t know whether the words appreciate and understand could be interchanged, but politically, he said he could appreciate the concern. “The fear, and the amount of fear, and the amount of response from that fear has worried me with some of the comments I’ve read, which most people have seen by now,” Authier said, referencing reaction on social media sites. “My approach to life is that I serve a God who is far bigger than the boundaries of this country and so, if he’s telling me to love my neighbor as I love myself, and that neighbor is all of a sudden a lot closer than they have been before, I feel a need to serve that person. I don’t want the government to get in the way of me being able to serve that neighbor, but I understand there’s also laws we need to abide by and that folks coming into our country need to abide by. So, it’s an incredibly polarizing topic, and you third time in four years. Come on! I am a member of the Air Force Sergeants Association, and AFSA and the Military Coalition have repeatedly pointed out to DoD and Congress other DoD healthcare areas that are actual waste, and that have never been enacted. And I know that military members and their families have earned can see that. You have seen that.” About 16 people from Maypearl and Waxahachie churches and parent leaders with the Boy Scout Troop were ushered into a covered area to build bunk beds, he said. For the protection of the children inside the camp, no photography or videography or recording is allowed at this time, according to U.S. Department of Health and Saturday. The camp has about 1,000 beds, and about 800 are expected to companied minors from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras and the 200 workers expected to help them. “On my way in, we were stopped by a line of children going from what I assume were their sleeping quarters to go have breakfast. It was about 8 a.m., and so we saw them line. They looked like kids — smiles on their faces and they looked hungry. They probably had just gotten a good sleep for the being bussed up from no-telling-where,” Authier said, emphasizing the facility looked peaceful and calm and he wasn’t allowed to interact with any of the children. “Then on the way out, we saw about 80 kids playing soccer and further down toward the camp, you could see about 100-150 kids doing out- would never consider. I strongly feel that these further co-payment cuts need to be stopped. I need your help to stop further TRICARE prescription co-payments. I hope you’ll agree with me that military members deserve better than this from our national leaders that they have already “paid” enough for this door activities. It showed me humanity. I thank God it happened in Ellis County, and to see those kids have a place that’s out of the hustle and bustle of the downtown Waxahachie area or downtown Dallas area, they have room to move around and be free and be kids. It looked like recess at any junior high you drive by in Waxahachie, honestly. It gave me hope.” observation by saying so far everything was running smoothly, and the Ellis County Sheriff ’s patrolling on the outer perimeter of the camp, he said. For further coverage on the unaccompanied children housed at the Lakeview Camp, visit www. Those what volunteer opportunities exist should email the North Texas District of Assemblies of God, which runs the camp. “I know no matter what I saw or what the media publishes, or what churches say, there’s going to be a fear factor out there because it’s an unknown,” Authier said. “The best you can do as the general public as you drive by is look to your right or left and try to get a glimpse of what’s going on. It was quiet. It wasn’t chaotic. The one interesting thing is how well equipped they are from a professional SEE REFUGEES, PAGE 7 nation through service further TRICARE cost Please respond to this letter because, as a voter, I am very interested in what actions you plan to take on my behalf on this matter. Steven Sumner, Haslet, Texas serving this nation in ways that most citizens CMYK 12.15.2015 | Follow us on Twitter & like us on Facebook WAXAHACHIE DAILY LIGHT | PAGE 7 WAXAHACHIETX.COM/NEWS Waxahachie cat show packs expo center BY MIKE SACKETT DAILY LIGHT CORRESPONDENT Residents packed the Ellis County Youth Expo Center on Saturday to view domestic cats of all breeds during the Turkish Van Cat Club’s annual show. This is the eighth year for the Waxahachie show, allowing exhibitors to earn show points. “The cats at this show are in competition with cats all over the world for top cat show points. We have had show people from Russia and European countries at past shows. This year we had two entries from Mexico,” club president Kerry Dolan said. Besides an international entry group, the Waxahachie show had two cats currently high in the international ranking. Reeve Dolan, a youth exhibitor at age 12, was showing Zoom Purr in the household class. WRECK FROM PAGE 1 “I actually called for mutual aid from Midlothian and we also had (CareFlite) air launched to get some EMS on scene.” Alexander added that before the mutual aid arrived three ambulances responded from other areas. Both CareFlite’s helicopter and Midlothian Fire Department’s ambulance were disregarded OBITUARIES FROM PAGE 12 Cheryl; daughter Elizabeth Vinecourt; son-in-law Edward Johnson; granddaughters Sierra and Whitney Johnson, all of Waxahachie; and numerous friends and family. A memorial service will be held at 7 p.m. Dec. 21 at the First Evangelical Church, 6347 Interstate 35 S., Waco, TX. 76706. William Cecil Windham Feb. 24, 1924Dec.10, 2015 May resident and former Italy resident William Cecil Windham, 91, passed away Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015 at the Comanche County Medical Center. He was born Feb. 24, 1924 in Italy to William Hardy and Katie Irene (Hogan) Windham. He married Mary Beth Hutchins on April 28, 1950 and she preceded him in death on Sept. 18, 2012. William served in the U. S. Army. He was employed with USDA as a soil conservation inspec- “Zoom Purr was a rescue cat that my mother found in Kansas at a show. We all liked him and he came home with us,” Reeve said. Presently Zoom Purr is ranked 35 internationally For some cats, it’s best to spay or neuter them,” Kerry said. “For the purebred cats, it’s a beauty pageant.” Show judge D’ann Kovic traveled for Plano to be one of the 14 show of the show on Saturday judges. Kovic, who is in morning. her 18th year “We enof judging, PHOTO courage the wore a Snoopy SLIDESHOW youth to be Christmas See more photos active and sweat shirt with this story at show. It’s a because it is her favorite lot like 4-H and FFA and Christmas some of these kids, their shirt and to be a bit difcat is their project,” Kerry ferent. said. “When judging, I look The purebred cats for overall balance of the are shown by breed and cat with respect to the whether they are a short breed. I look for coat texor long hair animal acture, thickness and how cording to the Internawell the cat related to me. tional Cat Association There is no aggressiveness (TICA), who sets the rules allowed. This is a disqualifor showing. “Pure bred must have The Turkish Van is the their claws, but they must pure breed of cat and be trimmed. We do show where the club gets it’s purebreds in an altered name, Kerry said. Several class meaning they have cub members own Turkish been spayed or neutered. cats. before arriving. When crews arrived on scene all the occupants were able to get out on their own. The southbound lanes of U.S. Highway 287 were completely shutdown for about 10-15 minutes to ensure the safety of the occupants and emergency crews working the scene. One southbound lane was then reopened. The northbound opened throughout the call. Alexander said there tor. Survivors include his children, Malcolm Windham, Sam Duke and Sandra Hightower and several grandchildren. There are no services scheduled at this time. To view an obituary or sign the guest book, please visit www. bozemitchellmckibbin. com. Arrangements are under the direction of the Boze-Mitchell-McKibbin Funeral Home 511 West Main St., Waxahachie, Texas. 972-937-2211. Rebecca Brewer Sept. 22, 1945Dec.r 12, 2015 Midlothian resident Rebecca Brewer, 70, passed away quietly at 9:35 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 12, 2015 at her home with her sister, Janice, holding her hand. Her longtime care-companion, Cathy, was present in home. She were also some communication issues on the call CareFlite. Alexander said with the issues that came up there was no delay in transport and patient care people were transported by ground ambulance to Baylor Scott and White Medical Center at Waxahachie. Members of the Waxahachie Police Department was born Rebecca Evans, the seventh of 11 children born to Addie Velma and Reverend Frank A. Evans. Survivors include her three children, Judy Gail and Bill Larkin, Mike and Veronica Smith, all of Waxahachie, and John Smith, of Midlothian; seven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren, Ashley, Andrew and wife Brook, Austin, Laura and husband Dustin, John, Brook and husband Ross, Clayton and wife Courtney; great grandchildren, Mia, Brewer Paisley, Parker, Blain, Steele, Atticus and August; siblings, Delores Poag and family of Chickasha, Oklahoma; the Rev. Bob James and family of Newcastle, Oklahoma, Kenneth Evans family, of East Texas; Marvin Carlisle, of Wills Point, Martha and E. V. Medders and family, of Broken Bow, “The Turkish Van breed is considered a pure breed that has not been crossbred. The breed began in Turkey and is shown in the purebred class,” Kerry said. Several of the exhibitors came with their household breed pet otherwise known as a HHP. These have recently been allowed by the TICA. “Many people start showing with HHP cats before advancing to the purebreds. HHO cats are recognized internationally and have their own points system,” Kerry said. During the morning, the exhibitors were bust grooming and preparing their cats for the show ring. Many of the cats played with the brushes their handlers were using for grooming. Other were using their paws to push away the wipes for cleaning eyes, ears and mouths. “If you plan to show ers remained on scene for about 45 minutes before returning to the station. Additional information, including the severity of injuries was unavailable at presstime. Daily Light photojournalist Scott Dorsett contributed to this report. Follow Andrew on Facebook at caWDL or on Twitter at www.twitter. com/AndrewBrancaWNI. Contact him at andrew.branca@waxahachi Oklahoma; Carolyn and Kent Tramel and family, of Longview; Phillip and Debbie Evans and family, of Blue Spring, Missouri; Don and Toni Evans and family, of Heath, Janice and Charles Wright and family, of Midlothian; and Sherry Neal and family, of Norman, Oklahoma. Rebecca was preceded in death by her husband Calvin Brewer; son, Brian ; sisters Mary Carlisle, Jo Anna James; brother Ken- a cat, you start out with them very early a kitten. Sometimes you have to use a toy to distract them but usually they learn to cooperate,” said Breanna Bergquist who lives in Austin. Her entry named, Dragon was busy pawing a feather while Bergquist - ing touches. An after their appearance in the ring there is the reward. For international supreme grand champion cat Jovan Tony Stark-Iron man, his reward is a baby food desert spoon fed by his owner, Francis Harshaw. FUMC before. Then on Christmas morning we do the mashed potatoes and the hot rolls. Then we do all of the assembly on Christmas morning. By the time noon rolls around we are ready to begin to serve.” Shipp said everyone is welcome to come out to the church to enjoy the meal. The meal will be served in the FUMC’s Family Life Center, which is located on the back portion of the church’s campus. For more information about the meal, or to make a reservation, or to volunteer, the church FROM PAGE 1 volunteers to help cook, people that help clean. We have people who help set up and people that actually come in that are drivers that deliver the meals. So it is quite an assembly line that is going on to serve that many people,” Shipp said. “We do need volunteers that are willing to come in either Christmas Eve morning from about 8 a.m. to noon or Christmas day. What we do on the day before is we prepare the Green Bean Casserole, the sweet potatoes; we layer the ham in all of the pans. We do most of the prep work on the day REFUGEES FROM PAGE 6 view. There were adults almost every 100 yards. There were at least two people to a group that were watching what was going on. We drove through it pretty quickly, but you could see they neth Dale Evans; mother Addie Velma Evans; father and the Rev. Frank A. Evans; grandson Aaron Garcia and numerous other relatives. Visitation for family and friends will be 2 to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2015 in the chapel of the Boze-Mitchell-McKibbin Funeral Home. Funeral services will follow 4 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2015. To view an obituary or sign the guest book, please at 972-937-4400. First United Methodist Church at Waxahachie is located at 505 W. Marvin Ave. were well-equipped. I’d like to tell the public to let these 21 days play out and this group that’s charged with doing what they’re supposed to do and what they’re called to do, they’re handling it very well.” Like the Waxahachie Daily Light & Midlothian Mirror on Facebook and follow both on Twitter. Contact the visit Arrangements are under the direction of the Boze-Mitchell-McKibbin Funeral Home 511 West Main St., Waxahachie, Texas. 972-937-2211. CMYK
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