names, numbers and destinies


names, numbers and destinies
How Numbers Shape Your Life
Tania Gabrielle
Wealth Astro-Numerologist
Also by Tania Gabrielle…
Personal Numerology Blueprint
Is My Name Fortunate?
Your Next 12 Months Blueprint
Abundance Blueprint
Intuitive Counseling Call
Complete Astro-Numerology Consultation
Online Astro-Numerology Training Certification Program
Wealth and Business Coaching
Wealth Generation Mentoring Program (Group and Private Program)
VIP Private Mentoring Program
Contact Tania at:
VIP Day with Tania
DVD Programs
Prosperity Power System
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents
1. Tania Gabrielle Bio
……… 4
2. Why Names and Numbers Wield Power
……… 5
3. The Powerful Roosevelt Name
……… 9
4. Tom Cruise and Scientology
…… 12
5. The Mysterious Pope John Paul Connection
…… 14
6. Al Gore vs. Ann Coulter
…… 17
7. The Truth About Marion Jones
…… 20
8. Letters That Scale Mountaintops
…… 23
9. Why Love Makes the World Go Round
…… 25
10. Why Number 8 Is Infinite
…… 28
11. How Thanksgiving Relates to Gratitude
…… 30
12. Is Thirteen a Bad Number?
…… 32
13. Why OJ Picked the Wrong Name
…… 34
14. Bruce Lee and the Genius Number
…… 37
15. Larry – King of the Airways
…… 40
16. What Madonna and Oprah Have In Common
…… 43
17. The Intriguing Life of Barbra Streisand
…… 45
18. Celine Dion’s Numbers in Action
…… 49
19. Benazir Bhutto’s Life and Death
…… 52
20. Katherine Heigl Strikes It Big
…… 55
21. Eli Manning’s Breakout Season
…… 58
22. How Double Digits Spell Success
…… 61
23. Tania Gabrielle - Blueprints and Services
…… 63
Tones & Times, Inc 23371
Mulholland Hwy, Suite 368, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, U.S.A.
Phone: (818) 488-6557
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Wealth Astro-Numerologist
Tania Gabrielle is a Wealth Astro-Numerologist, Author, Composer and Speaker. She has
coached thousands of clients and entrepreneurs worldwide, helping them to design fulfilling
and abundant lives by unlocking their spiritual birth code, name and current cycles. Her
insights have being published on the front page of USA TODAY newspaper edition and, in Entertainment Weekly, ESPN Magazine and online in The New York
Times, The Los Angeles Times, Essence Magazine, and US Magazine.
Tania is the creator of Numerology Academy™ - the first online certification course
integrating two ancient spiritual modalities, Astrology and Numerology. Tania, a prolific
creator of monthly and Full Moon/Ne Moon forecast videos also writes a free e-newsletter on
wealth creation, codes and spirituality. Her Daily Inspirational Quotes reach tens of
thousands of readers worldwide.
Gabrielle is renowned for her ability to read names and dates and explain hidden messages
behind current events. She has been featured in two documentaries - Quantum
Communication and The Voice.
As a classical composer, Tania Gabrielle has enjoyed performances and radio broadcasts
worldwide by Grammy-award-winning artists. Tania composed the soundtrack for two
award-winning films - Catching Dreams and Glass.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Why Names and Numbers Wield
Look at the names of these famous stars: Tiger Woods, Magic
Johnson, Marilyn Monroe, Jesse Ventura, Demi Moore, John Wayne,
Charlton Heston, Ashley Judd, Faith Hill, Carl Lewis, Elle MacPherson,
and Muhammad Ali.
You might think their names are catchy - and on a simple level, you’re
right. But there’s a lot more to these names that you are NOT seeing.
For instance, take the name Tiger. It is a ferocious, powerful word.
Tiger conveys energy. The word HAD energy and therefore was used
to match the animal’s power. Now you can partly understand why
Eldrick Tonter Woods took on the name Tiger Woods. In fact, all the
names mentioned in the first paragraph have been changed to create
a better Destiny.
How do I know this? I am a Celebrity Numerologist. In a nutshell, the
10,000-year-old science of Numerology is used to understand your
talents, your potential and your mission in life. I take your given name
at birth and your birthday and tell you the four driving forces in your
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Let’s look at Tiger Woods’ numbers. Eldrick is not a name that would
have helped him become the legendary golfer he is today and the
highest paid athlete in 2005. The numbers for the name Tonter Woods
aren’t any better. Just saying these names out loud only proves what
Pythagorean Numerology already confirms. The numbers for Tonter
Woods and Eldrick Woods don’t have a sense of confidence and
The sound of “Tiger Woods” is imbued with power and confidence –
even without knowing the numbers, you feel it’s a great name. No
coincidence then that the numerological vibration for the name Tiger is
out of this world. He truly changed his life by taking on that name.
Here’s why.
Tiger resonates to a magical number ruling people and nations. It
gives protection. Just as importantly for this star athlete, the number
for Tiger adds up to a vibration befitting a warrior. He couldn’t have
asked for a better first name. When you add his last name Woods to
the equation you get a highly evolved intellect and a probing mind that
seeks and finds answers. Which is exactly what Tiger’s known for –
someone with laser-like focus and a tireless seeker of knowledge. This
number also represents a person who is well organized, reliable and
extremely popular.
Add to that the incredible feeling he must get every day from being
called “Tiger” - as opposed to “Tonter” or “Eldrick” – and there’s no
Your name happens to play a BIG role in creating your destiny. “But
what does my name have to do with numbers?,” you’re probably
asking. A lot. You see, every letter in the alphabet corresponds to a
Magic Johnson’s story is especially riveting.
Magic’s birth name was Earvin Effay Johnson. The numbers for that
name ALL point to someone who wants to write, compose, teach or
act. Well, did you know, Johnson had NO interest in becoming a
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
basketball star in college? Rather, he focused on his studies in
communications in order to be a TV commentator! The numbers of his
birth name were still in full force.
But then a funny thing happened. The name ‘Magic’ stuck. And within
two years, Magic’s life changed as he made himself eligible for the NBA
Draft. His Destiny was totally altered when he embraced his new
name, and the rest is history.
The numbers for Magic Johnson are VERY different than for Earvin
Effay Johnson. Magic’s new name positively drips with Leadership,
because the numbers add up to two very powerful Master Numbers, 11
and 22. Without this name change, Magic would have had a really
tough time creating the energy and motivation to become the star he
still is today.
The thing about Numerology is this. Numbers Never lie.
Here’s another tip. Typically shortened or nick names carry less energy
than full names.
Donald Trump is a good example of someone who didn’t change his
name. And that’s the point. Trump didn’t do what many people do - he
did not shorten his name. The same goes for superstar Michael Jordan
and swimmer Michael Phelps.
Trump is a fascinating man. He’s a magnet for both tremendous
wealth and being in the public eye. He’s gained notoriety for his
celebrity lifestyle and his real estate successes, including several
skyscrapers bearing his name. The guy is an icon. Trump currently
owns over 18 million square feet of prime Manhattan real estate.
But what if his name had been Don Trump? Would you pay attention
to a guy with that name?
Maybe - if he was a comedian. “Don” vibrates to three numbers which
describe someone who likes being a homebody and performing on
stage. Like Don Rickles. Not a great description of “the Donald.”
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
So what happens when we add the letters A, L and D to “Don?” A total
makeover to be sure.
Suddenly the number for ‘Donald’ vibrates to honor, fame and material
gain. It describes a person who thrives on constant change and
adventure. Now that’s more like it. Add his last name Trump, and the
equation transforms into a brilliant power name.
With the name Donald Trump, he loves to do anything to obtain
abundance and power. People with this vibration can sell themselves
or sell just about any product that comes along. Plus it makes him
highly intuitive, a gift most great business people have.
No name is written in stone. The good news is, most people DON’T
need a name change. What IS important is that you know what your
name is projecting about you to the rest of the world. What does it say
about your Destiny? Your Personality? Your Inner Talents? Add to that
your Life Purpose Number, derived from your birthday, and you’ve got
yourself one of the most important documents you’ll ever read about
who you are and what you’re here to do.
Your personal Personal Numerology Blueprint - gives you the most
powerful answers to the greatest questions: Who am I? And, Why am I
here? How am I to accomplish my Destiny? Get the answers to these
questions and never look back.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
The Powerful Roosevelt Name
96 years ago, while President Theodore Roosevelt was campaigning
in Milwaukee, he was shot.
Fortunately the bullet entered his chest only after penetrating his steel
eyeglass case and passing through his 50-page speech he was
carrying in his jacket.
Roosevelt, knowing the bullet had entered his chest, did something
which would be unimaginable today.
He went on to give his speech even though blood was seeping into his
shirt. He was an experienced anatomist as well as a hunter, and knew
that the fact he wasn’t coughing up blood, meant he wasn’t in any
great danger.
Thing is, he didn’t just speak for a few minutes. No, the speech he
gave lasted 90 minutes.
Afterwards, doctors determined the bullet had penetrated three inches
into his chest muscle. It remained there until he died. There are two
reasons, both Theodore and FDR both were able to escape
assassination attempts.
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Theodore Roosevelt happens to have an incredible name. Let’s look at
his family name first.
As befits a family of wealth and stature, the name Roosevelt adds up
to an amazing number in the ancient Chaldean numerology system I
use for your current name – 42/6, indicating financial success and help
from people in high positions. It also resonates with personal
Now Theodore Roosevelt intensely disliked being called ‘Teddy,’ and
would let everyone who used the nickname know about it. But ‘Teddy
Roosevelt’ was widely used by newspapers during his political career.
It’s a good thing his current name adds up to a 15/6 – another great
vibration. So, even though he hated Teddy R - it ended up helping
Luckily, ‘Theodore Roosevelt’ also resonates to a fortunate number.
So, you could say, either way, he was covered. And, he did need all
the luck his name inherently gave him.
In addition to his fortunate name, he has Life Purpose Number that
symbolizes a love of freedom, adventure, and a willingness to take
risks. It helps to explain his incredible fortitude and aversion to fear
that day in Milwaukee.
Franklin D. Roosevelt happens to have the SAME freedom-loving, risktaking Life Purpose Number ‘5’.
Amazingly, FDR’s most famous quote, written by Napoleon Hill, and
delivered during his first inaugural address, relates precisely to
everything his Number 5 Life Purpose stands for:
“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that The Only Thing We
Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.”
And, just as his 5th cousin Theodore had, Franklin D. Roosevelt ALSO
benefited from a fortunate name. His name number symbolized victory
over all disappointment and temporary failure.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
What about those three letters - FDR – well, they add up to the Media
number, ensuring we’ll be referring to his Presidency in books and in
the media for a long time.
Let’s not forget that both Roosevelts benefited from the Double Power
Letter – the two Os in Roosevelt signify a great vision. When coupled
with their freedom loving life purpose, it turns those ‘O’s into a pair of
eyes and forecasts the ability to see through situations and visualize
the future.
While we’re looking at these two Presidents with great names - many
of you have asked. And now I’ve listened.
If you’ve ever wondered, Is MY Name Fortunate? …
Click here:
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Tom Cruise and Scientology
I’ll let you in on a secret. Tom Cruise’s name hides some deep
secrets of his personality and goals. And can explain his ties to
Scientology as well.
With his ‘Unauthorized Biography’ causing a stir, I thought I’d reveal a
few of the qualities hidden in Tom’s name.
Cruise is an ‘all or nothing’ type A personality who thinks he can cure
most people’s problems. Tom’s name shows he has ice in his veins.
This comes across in his movie roles as well. He definitely has a
penchant for recruiting new followers into the Church of Scientology.
In a sense, Scientology is like a serum for Tom Cruise. A cure-all
serum he uses to cut to the core of any issue or feeling. Cruise will use
this serum to manifest his goals, and to battle all controversies –
people or organizations. And that means, he’s not afraid to sue, and
will cry foul against anyone who he feels is misrepresenting his image
or the image of his church. In other words, as a recruiter and
ambassador, Cruise has no fear. In his mind there’s no such thing as
Mission Impossible.
Are these same qualities reflected in his numbers? Yes.
Tom has a Number 28/1 Life Purpose. 28 propels him to leadership
and an urge to help people. It’s a big reason Scientology is such an
active part of his life. It gives Tom a vehicle to express his deepest
desire to heal and inspire others.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Of course, this advice and counseling is not always necessary and can
backfire, as it did when Cruise publicly denounced Brook Shields and
called psychiatry a ‘pseudo science.’ He proceeded to tell Matt Lauer of
the Today Show ‘You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do.’
The bizarre video making it’s way around the internet right now shows
Cruise acting like his church is the only way to freedom and happiness.
In the video he proclaims, ‘We are the authorities on getting people off
drugs, we are the authorities on the mind, the authority on improving
conditions. We are the way to happiness, we bring peace and unite
Hmm. Interesting. But let’s get back to his numbers. It’s pretty
apparent he likes to be Number 1 and has been in the top echelon of
Hollywood’s elite players for 20 years. Now that’s a huge
accomplishment in itself.
Tom’s Destiny Number 4 explains how he’s done it. Hard work.
Diligence. Unwavering dedication. Management.
And his 3 day of birth explains another crucial ingredient – his famous
grin. 3 - the number of happiness and self expression.
His current name ‘Tom Cruise’ adds up to 35/8 using the ancient
Chaldean system. (I don’t use the Pythagorean system for your
current name, since the Chaldean reveals so much more about HOW
your birth blueprint is activated RIGHT NOW).
35/8 is a powerful number, giving him the leadership and executive
status of a true star. On the other hand, this current name number will
also attract ‘fateful’ events into his life, which is usually why I don’t
recommend it to my clients.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
The Mysterious Pope John Paul
A couple nights ago a friend who was raised Catholic asked me
about popes with double names.
His question piqued my interest, and after some research, I now know
why. My friend had told me that Pope John Paul I was the first Pope to
take on two names and the first pope who was born in the 20th
century. Additionally, he was the first pope to use ‘the First’ in his
But there’s a much stronger numerology connection I unveiled. A truly
mysterious numbers connection between John Paul I and his successor
and namesake - Pope John Paul II.
I felt like Sherlock Holmes once I began putting the puzzle together.
First, both their names, before they became popes, add up to 3, the
number of expression and joy. Both their personalities and their
connection to the public was defined by this number. John Paul I was
nicknamed the ‘smiling pope,’ as well as ‘God’s smile.’ He is best
remembered for his friendliness and humility. His papacy only lasted
33 days.
Pope John Paul II had a magnetic communication with the public, who
loved and adored him – again reflecting the 3. He also was the 254the
pope, which adds up to 3.
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More importantly there are two numbers, 4 and 8, both men had in
common. These two numbers, especially when combined, are often
referred to as ‘Numbers of Fate’. They can result in life-changing,
fateful events.
Often, people with 4s or 8s will be magnetically drawn to others with
4s or 8s as well. What’s important to know is that, when a 4 or 8 are
the Day of Birth or Life Purpose Number, you are warned to avoid
these same numbers in all other ways. This includes staying away
from events, names, addresses, phone numbers and important dates
adding up to 4 or 8.
Yet, often precisely the opposite happens, since 4s and 8s attract each
Unfortunately for Pope John Paul I, who has a 4 Life Purpose Number,
he was made pope on August 26. The 26 is an 8, and August is the 8th
month. He ended up dying 33 days later on September 28, 1978,
which adds up to an 8. Plus look at all the eights in that date alone.
His immediate successor, Pope John Paul II, who has a 26/8 Life
Purpose Number, became pope on October 16, 1978, a day adding up
to 33. Amazing. That 33 day signified his continuation of his
predecessor’s smiling vibration, and guaranteed a strong emotional
connection to his followers.
Notice too the harmonious ties between John Paul II’s Life Purpose
Number 26, and the 26 Day on which John Paul I became pope.
As for the 16th of October – 16/7 can signify a possible fatal
connection. This number brings a possibility of assassination. Which is
precisely what happened, not once but 3 times, to John Paul II.
On May 13, 1981 – a 22/4 day - he was shot and critically wounded by
Mehmet Ali Agca, a Turkish gunman, as he entered St. Peter’s Square
to address an audience. He lost nearly three-quarters of his blood, and
was seconds from bleeding to death. That in spite of the fact that the
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
bullets missed his main artery and abdominal aorta. There is more to
this story, which I will elaborate in my upcoming book.
Two more assassination attempts followed in 1982 and 1995.
The May 13 attack on Pope John Paul II life sent another signal as
well. Over two decades later the 13/4 connection appeared in his life
again. This time on the day he died, April 2, 2005 – which is a 13/4
This example shows how number 4 and 8 connections run very deep
for people who have these numbers in their blueprint. It doesn’t mean
you’ll be assassinated. No, far from it. But remember, if your name or
birthday add up to 4 or 8, the power of these numbers is increased if
you combine them with other 4 and 8s. This rule applies whether you
are planning a significant event on the 4th, 8th, 13th and so on, to
numbers in your address, to the name of the city you live in, to the
numbers of the person you are married to, or to your phone number.
And the result of combining a 4 or 8 with each other in this way is that
your life can be more difficult.
It’s just another important reason why you want to be sure your
current name adds up to a good, positively charged number. A number
of least resistance. A number that guarantees effortless flow.
Madonna did it when she dropped her last name. But I’ll leave that
story for another time.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Al Gore vs. Ann Coulter
Last Friday evening I turned on the news in my downtown Tampa
hotel room. I had just finished talking to a large crowd at the Tampa
Convention Center.
Two stories immediately got my attention.
Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize, and Ann Coulter telling CNBC’s
Donny Deutsch that Christians ‘just want Jews to be perfected.’
I wanted to know more about these two people, so I looked at each of
their numbers. Amazing info emerged – no surprise there.
Ann Coulter’s name adds up to 41/5 in the Chaldean system. 41 and
14 amplify all media-related matters. Coulter is a poster-child for using
the media to her advantage. Bad publicity, good publicity – no matter.
She wants it, and gets it. Her remarks make ‘good television’,
according to pundits.
Her latest faux pas, of course, is helping to make her latest book a
bestseller once again. Coulter’s number 41 name helps her
tremendously – the public is magnetically drawn or repulsed by her.
Either way, they can’t get enough. She’s noticed. She’s a magnet for
publicity, the essence of a 14 or 41 name.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
There is a strong pattern of change with 14 and 41, but the gains and
losses are temporary. So people may be angry at her today, and go
out next week to buy her book. Just out of curiosity. That’s what he
name number does. Coulter can gamble, and that includes taking a
gamble on her verbiage – yet she’ll usually, but not always, remain
However, there is a warning with this number.
Overconfidence to the point of arrogance will reverse this fortunate
vibration. Coulter, at some point, may be guided to hold her tongue, in
order not to fall prey to truly negative results. Being outrageous to the
point of repugnancy will stop people from laughing – and turn away.
Moving from Ann to Nobel Peace Prize Winning author Al Gore.
Gore’s name resonates to a less fortunate number. I wasn’t surprised
he lost the Presidential race to George W. Bush. Even with fewer
votes, George W. Bush won because his name adds up to a far more
fortunate number.
‘Al Gore’ is a really bad name – no matter how you slice it.
The number for his name signifies that he craves education on every
level, from physical to spiritual. Since losing to President Bush, Gore
has amassed a wealth of knowledge on the effects of global warming.
Gore had to sacrifice politics in order to reinvent himself as another
kind of leader. Since he paid attention to his spiritual and intuitive
education he was ultimately successful.
Gore sacrificed his personal goals in order to help someone else,
namely Bill Clinton, achieve his ambitions. But with a 29/11 Life
Purpose Number, Gore is a leader by nature. Al never was meant to be
in a subordinate position.
He’s finally fulfilled his deep desire to lead.
Gore’s Day of Birth Number, 31, signifies not so much a President, but
a genius and deep thinker. Thus, his withdrawal from politics was the
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
best thing he could have done. I don’t think Al Gore will ever run for
President again. Unless he takes on bad advice – a challenge anyone
with his name number has to watch out for.
Both Ann Coulter and Al Gore are very different types of people.
Whether you dislike one or both of them matters not. Their numbers
speak volumes about who they are, how they got there, and what feel
compelled to do.
Numbers are impartial. They speak the truth and nothing but the
It’s imperative you know the truth about YOUR name and numbers.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
The Truth About Marion Jones
Marion Jones could have been an international phenom even without
taking performance enhancing designer drugs.
Jones was a great sprinter and basketball player. That was before she
started taking steroids. Too bad she ruined her life.
I ran track in high school – so I follow the sport on occasion. I
remember watching her on her road to the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.
Then Marion broke her foot. She was practicing with the U.S.
Basketball team. She could have been part of the team for the
Olympics, even though she chose track and field. That’s how good she
was. Her broken foot kept her away from Atlanta.
That must have been a real blow.
In 1996 she began dating a man named C.J. Hunter. She eventually
married this man.
Marion becomes the fastest woman in the world in 1997. In 1998 she
beats Florence Griffith Joyner’s – also known as Flo Jo - world record.
She also becomes world champion in the long jump.
At the U.S. national championships in New Orleans, she’s the first
woman in 50 years to win three individual events - the 100, 200 and
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
long jump. Additionally, Marion is the first U.S. woman to be ranked
No. 1 simultaneously in three different events - the 100, 200 and the
long jump. She’s also become wealthy – pulling in over 7 mil from Nike
In October 1998 she marries C.J. Hunter, world-champion in the shotput. He’s a big guy. And he was already taking steroids.
Marion was still clean. Then something happened which threw her into
a major crisis. While attempting to win four golds at the world
championships in Seville, Spain, Marion was overcome with back
spasms in the 200 semifinals and withdrew from the rest of the
competition. Her season was finished.
She must have been devastated. She wanted to put her stamp on
track and field before the 2000 Olympics, where she planned to be the
first ever track athlete to win five gold medals. She said, ‘My ultimate
goal is to be mentioned in the same sentence as Michael Jordan,
Muhammad Ali or Pele.’
In order to fulfill her goal, and running scared, she turns to her loser of
a husband. He starts her on designer steroids. Marion has activated
her Victim Number.
From then on, Marion Jones becomes a fraud. Two days after Marion
wins her first Olympic gold, there’s news that Hunter has failed four
separate tests over the summer for the use of the steroid nandrolone.
Hunter actually ‘withdrew’ from the Olympics a month prior to the
Games after undergoing arthroscopic knee surgery. A cover-up of
course, because the tests for steroids at the Olympics are the most
vigilant out there. He didn’t want to be found out and jeopardize his
wife’s moment of glory.
At an emotional news conference Hunter is emphatic he never took the
Marion’s day of birth is 12 – the victim number. So she has to
always be aware of false flattery from others who use it to gain their
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own goals. Especially since she’s a celebrity and such an
extraordinary talent. Wolves with fangs are attracted to that energy.
She has to be suspicious of anyone who dangles out promises. She
must always analyze people’s motives.
Marion may sacrifice her personal goals to help someone else
achieve their ambitions. Like CJ, who was married to the fastest
woman in the world.
Marion Jones has an amazing name number, 14, which shows
success in all media-related matters. Well, aside from the bad news
plastered in newspapers and TVs across the globe right now.
What I would suggest to Marion is to write a book that tells her
journey from the point of view of someone who has made some
huge mistakes, regretted them, learned from them and now has
undergone a spiritual transformation.
Of course, she’ll have to undergo the transformation first. Admitting
her lies and wrongdoing are the first step.
If she can do that, my bet is, many people will want to read about
her story. Her life has played out in a grand, public way. Though
being in the public eye can be much harder, it also may make her
recovery easier. Because people know her, and my guess is, they
still like her on some level.
Marion’s wealth is gone. She used to live in Michael Jordan’s
neighborhood in Chapel Hill, NC. Last year a bank foreclosed on her
mansion. She’s heavily in debt and fighting off court judgments.
I’m not surprised. Marion is in a 13/4 year, the year of death. Her
old false life died this year. This is a year of death and rebirth.
Marion’s consciousness, her spirit is being reborn this year. It was
My sense is, she’ll be ok. She’s stepping out of the victim mode. I
wish her the best in recovering her inner strength.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Letters that Scale Mountaintops
On Saturday, I hiked up Mount Pisgah near Asheville, North Carolina
with my family.
As we were walking back down the beautiful trail, I asked Clayton the
names of high mountains. Clayton knows mountains. So he reminded
me about Mount Whitney, the highest mountain in the contiguous U.S.
at 14505 feet, or 4421 meters. He first scaled its peak when he was a
tender nine years of age.
Two weeks ago, he rode his bike from Asheville to Mount Mitchell and
back - the highest mountain west of the Mississippi.
Mount McKinley in Alaska, of course, is the highest mountain in North
America at 20320 feet, or 6194 meters. Back over in Hawaii, we have
what scientists now say is the biggest mountain in the world – Mauna
Loa. At 33132 feet, or 10099 meters, it’s taller than Mt. Everest.
Everest is the highest elevation on land, but it is only a single peak in
an entire mountain range. Mauna Loa is a single mountain rising from
the ocean floor on the island of Hawaii.
Lest you think I’ve switched the topic of this newsletter to mountainclimbing, think again.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
You see, as I was descending the refreshing trail a few days back, I
realized these mountains have something in common. All of their
names either begin with the letter M or W. Most with the letter M. This
is very significant in numerology.
One important aspect of the letter M is greatness in height and visual
impact. Think of the names Majestic, Mountain, Millionaire, Momentous
– all signify reaching peaks and heights. Then there is the greatness in
quality of being - such as in Master. Every name beginning with the
letter M, such as Michael, Mary, Mark, Marion, and Maxwell will have
this quality. This goes for your last name as well.
W is the M turned on its head. Its energy is a little different.
W looks like a mountain with two deep valleys. People with this letter
usually have a change of consciousness sometime in their lives. They
will have felt the deep valleys from which they can only pull out and
scale the peaks. This is why the W looks like arms upraised seeking
the light.
In Africa Mount Kilimanjaro and in Australia Kosciusko are the
respective highest mountains. If you turn the K on it’s side, it’s the
only other letter that could resemble a mountain, in this case with the
line of the sky represented over the peak.
Mount Everest used to be a K mountain as well - the Tibetans referred
to it as Komolangma.
Each of the letters in your name are significant. During your Personal
Numerology Intuitive Counseling phone call I’ll tell you in detail what
the first consonant and vowel in your name vibrate to. Everyone who
hears this information is amazed at how a letter can say so much
about who they are.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Why Love Makes the World Go Round
What’s the most important word in your vocabulary? Which word
couldn’t you do without?
Most likely it’ the word Love. Yes, it can be overused, as in ‘I love
chocolate,’ or ‘I just love it when you say that.’ But without love, life
would not be possible.
In Pythagorean Numerology ‘Love’ adds up to 18/9. 9 IS the number
for love, compassion and brotherhood. People with strong 9s in their
numerology blueprint have a deep urge to help others. The 9 is a
leadership vibration. This is very significant. And not always
understood about the true meaning of Love.
Think about this. When a person is filled with Love for everything and
everyone, he will lead from the heart. Love will inform all his decisions.
Doesn’t mean he won’t be strong – no. This person is infused by the
ultimate power. Why? Because Love allows him to transmute any
negative influence or attack directed at him. Love IS the highest form
of alchemy. This is why a person who feels true Love is the ultimate
teacher and leader.
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When love is absent in a leader, as in Hitler, he leads humanity into a
place of fear and hate. Hate is isolating – it’s significant therefore that
‘hate’ adds up to 16/7, a challenging and often lonely number.
Contrast that with a strong leader who lives and teaches about the
power of Love, and you immediately see the spiritual nature of the
word. In the truest sense of the word, Love means non-attachment.
And yet Love is about passion.
How is this possible?
The number 9 explains it perfectly. Look at the circle on the top. A
circle symbolizes never-ending movement – a continuous circular
energy as reflected in all stellar objects, orbits and the cells of our
body. This circle in the 9 sits on top of a round hook anchoring the
circle into the physical, three dimensional world.
The circle Also looks like a head and represents a mind which is above
the fray, has a birds-eye view of life and doesn’t get caught up in
emotional drama. Here we see the non-attachment of Love. The gentle
rounded hook connects the high-minded 9 to earth, but allows it to
float freely in the air, like a kite. This shows the passionate freedom of
Love in action.
Love must be free to go everywhere. No one is excluded from the
influence of this most powerful of feelings. No one remains untouched
when Love is shared.
Consider these astonishing facts about the number 9. Nine contains all
the numbers before it.
The "Nine Mystery", composed of numbers 3 -6- 9, is the deepest of all
mysteries demonstrated in mathematics. 9 is the only number capable
of GIVING LIFE to every other number, because when nine adds itself
to each number, that number is not lost. No other number added to
other numbers has this power. This is why 9 is called the King of
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The powerful Love of this number is expressed in the fact that it takes
9 months to create a human being.
The mean normal heartbeat or pulse is 72 times a minute, equaling 9.
The circle has 360 = 9 degrees.
There are 86,400 seconds in a day = 18 reducing to 9.
Average number of heartbeats per hour is 4,320, equaling 9.
In 24 hours, a heart beats an average of 103,680 times - again 18/9.
So, by the very design of our heart, our body’s cells, the stars, planets
and our circle around the sun, Love is expressed mathematically by
always reducing to a 9. Now that’s extraordinary.
If your Pythagorean Blueprint includes the number 9 as your Life
Purpose, Soul, Destiny or Personality Numbers, consider yourself
blessed. Compassion is a feeling you resonate with. Remember you
will be asked to help others, because of your loving nature.
The numbers in our lives are real. Like your beating heart, they are
alive and active all the time. For this reason alone it is vital for you to
know your personal numbers.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Why Number 8 Is Infinite
On Tuesday our daughter Clara had her first day ever of school.
She’s been asking some deep questions lately.
How far and big is infinite?, was one of her questions.
Is infinity past the sky and stars?, was another.
I explained the unending feeling of infinity as best I could. Then I
showed her the figure for infinity - the number 8 on its side. I began
drawing an 8 so she could see it’s the only number you can draw
repeatedly without lifting your pen.
This never-ending quality shows, in a nutshell, why the number 8 is a
very powerful vibration.
There’s a good reason eight is called the Executive and the Judge.
Many successful business people, musicians, and politicians have
created abundance and fame with the influence of the 8. Eight
represents eternity, continual energy and stamina, which is why many
great athletes have a prominent 8 in their personal blueprint.
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8 also refers to money, because money is spiritual energy. You may
feel like you don’t have enough, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any.
Money is not finite, but infinite, just like energy.
When your full name at birth resonates to an 8, you have inborn skills
for managing and organizing. By developing these skills you become
an authority in your field. If you don’t develop these skills, you lead a
life of frustration.
I think that’s why number 8 is sometimes thought of as difficult.
With an 8 in your blueprint, you will be asked, in no uncertain terms,
to apply yourself in your chosen profession. You will be challenged to
take the reigns and be the master of your fate – including creating a
flow of abundance, which meets your spiritual and material needs. If
you don’t step up to the plate, your life will feel tied in knots.
Not everyone with an 8 in their blueprint is willing to take advantage
of the power inherent in this number. Few people are willing to really
step up to the plate. To utilize the full extent of their talents. But when
they do, success under this vibration IS guaranteed. 8 is the number
of winners.
Place the 8 on its side. See how it is a picture of the balances ∞. This
means 8 has good judgment and a lot of common sense.
If you have a prominent 8 in your blueprint, you can easily make your
ideas practical. The 8 gives you excellent abilities as an executive and
So be grateful if you have an 8. More importantly, KNOW what your
personal numbers are and ACT on their energy. Your life will be
transformed in infinite ways.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
How Thanksgiving Relates to
Last night I was sitting in a comfy chair thinking about all the things I
am grateful for. I made a note to myself to look at the number for
While I sat there, my husband Clay said to me, ‘You have the best job
in the world. You love what you do and you help others doing it. How
lucky is that.’
I thought for a moment and replied, ‘I couldn’t be happier.’
I couldn’t ask for more than to grow and prosper while helping others
to do the same. And so, in the spirit of Pythagorean Numerology, I
want to look at two words – Thanksgiving and Gratitude.
I had my hunches at least one of the words would be a 6, but what I
found freaked me a little. They both add to 6.
The Destiny Number for the name Thanksgiving is 60. The Destiny
Number for Gratitude is 42, also a 6. Additionally, ‘Thanksgiving’ has
a double 6 vibration going – 60/6.
6 is the number for home, family and roots. It symbolizes the gift of
responsibility, honesty and truth. 6 is called the ‘cosmic parent’
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number. It even looks like a woman who is pregnant, and stands for
service and love.
6 also represents wealth. And so today’s celebration of nature’s
harvest is a great symbol of inner and outer riches.
Adding the zero to the 6 gives the word ‘Thanksgiving’ divine
protection. So Thanksgiving is a day of family, joy, wealth and love –
all blessed by divine protection.
The words Thanksgiving and Gratitude come from the same family.
Gratitude adds up to 42/6. 42 represents two cups, held by a man and
a woman to demonstrate the law of give and take. It is a sensitive,
affectionate, receptive and highly fortunate number.
Tears of gratitude are the gifts of love. When we thank someone with
joy, we are saying, ‘I love you.’
The 4 in 42 is also a family vibration – it represents the square, the
foundation of our home. 4 is about devotion, loyalty and discipline.
And 2 is the kindest number of all. It stands for someone who wants to
bring peace and harmony. It is the number of relationships, of seeing
both points of view, of tact and diplomacy.
Combining the solid foundation of the 4 and the peaceful nature of the
2 to make 6 is a profound entry into how gratitude cements and
blesses relationships of all kinds.
Once again, we see how numbers confirm the essence of the words.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Is Thirteen a Bad Number?
The other night I was talking to a good friend and client. In the
course of our conversation he asked me whether the number 13 was a
bad number.
“Why do you ask,” I said.
He answered, “I’m staying in a hotel room, and the numbers add up to
13. Doesn’t that mean death?”
“Has your visit gone well?” I asked.
“Yeah, it’s been a really good week, and I’ve gotten some great
insights into my life.”
I answered, “there you go. You actually just confirmed the beautiful
and powerful energy this number has. 13 is really about
Then I proceeded to tell my friend how the number 13 is about death
– but not the scary movie, blood and guts, Friday the 13th kind. And it
doesn’t mean physical death. Actually, thirteen represents the death of
limited thinking and a rebirth as an enlightened person who reaches
for higher consciousness.
All of us have times in our lives when we shed our current ‘skin’ and
leave our past thinking. I’m talking about how you think about things.
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When the number 13 appears in our life – and it can be as simple as
my friend’s extended stay in a hotel room which adds up to 13 – pay
attention. Because change is afoot. Parts of the old you will die
metaphorically speaking. Your past attitudes and understanding will
undergo a shift. This is what’s happened to my friend.
Notice how he felt the vibration in force BEFORE asking me about it.
That’s the wonderful thing about numbers. They confirm and explain
why we feel the way we do. They tell you how you can approach each
situation. They show you trends in your current life, so that you’re
Numbers and letters are tools. They’re active whether you are aware
of them or not. And there’s NO such thing as a bad number.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Why OJ Picked The Wrong Name
Numerology is a powerful indicator of character and success - or
failure. It can even detect a loser. Like OJ Simpson.
I decided on the spur of the moment to calculate his numbers this
morning while sitting in my studio sipping H2o. Whoa, is all I could
say. Breakfast was postponed. This was too incredible and eerie.
Because in OJ’s case, both Pythagorean and Chaldean Numerology
point to exactly the same clue.
By taking on the name OJ Simpson, the guy did himself a big disfavor.
You see, there are good numbers, and then, there are those numbers
you’ll want to avoid if at all possible when it comes to the name you
carry right now. A CURRENT name can easily be changed. Alter or add
one letter and – voila – you’ve got a whole new ball game.
OJ Simpson is playing the wrong numbers’ game. His name adds up to
what I call the “Victim Number”. Meaning HE feels like a victim and will
act out with ONLY that in mind.
Here’s what I would tell him, if he was my client - and refused to
change his name.
“You have to be extremely alert. People around you will want to flatter
your ego to further their own goals. Always be suspicious of anyone
who dangles out promises of high positions. Be sure to analyze their
motives, since they’re usually negative.
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“There’s a strong undercurrent of duplicity with this number. So you
must guard against your tendency to be dishonest. Forewarned is
forearmed. (Well, not in his case…)
“This number can signify severe emotional stress. Your name carries a
strong sense of mental anguish, which creates amnesia. The result is,
lessons you previously learned will be forgotten. You will have to
sacrifice – a symbol of this number – in order to gain knowledge and
OJ is living on the dark side of an already difficult vibration. Now, I’m
not saying that by changing his name to reflect a fortunate number,
he’ll suddenly be a saint. Far from it.
The real difference is this. It’s obvious OJ has never taken stock of his
life. He’s not stepped up to the plate and said, ‘Hey, my life isn’t going
the way I’d like it to - I wonder what’s holding me back.’ In his case,
that would be admitting a ton of garbage and then some. But even he
could do it.
Point is, by checking your internal and external barometer you get the
ball rolling in a positive, new and better direction. It’s really that
Of course OJ has no desire to be anyone but a victim right now. It’s
likely he’ll never change.
YOU, however, can take control of your destiny.
Do you know when magical events appear as if out of the blue? When
you become the captain of your ship and DEMAND to know what every
part of your ship is doing at all times. When you stop ignoring the
obvious – both good and bad.
Numerology hands you those reigns. Your numbers reveal, on no
uncertain terms, what your talents are and how to use them. You’ll
finally know your Destiny and Life Purpose. How people see you, and
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
what your deepest feelings and attitudes are. There’s no quicker or
more profound system than this.
Click on and get the total
picture. This isn’t a portrait, this is your LIFE.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Bruce Lee and the Genius Number
Monday evening I was on a high, literally and figuratively, flying
home on a plane from Tampa, Florida.
This trip was special for numerous reasons.
One was the incredible people I had the opportunity to meet and
spend time with. Let me tell you about one of the speakers, Bob Wall.
Yes I’m talking about THE Bob Wall, ‘bad guy’ from ‘Enter the Dragon’
Funny how in that classic film Wall’s character exemplifies the epitome
of unhappiness and evil. Then I meet the guy and he turns out to be
one of the happiest people I’ve ever had the pleasure to spend time
Talk about a magnetic, positively-charged personality.
The week–long seminar had a lineup of extraordinary individuals. Bob
Wall sure took the prize for funniest and entertaining. One day after I
gave numerology name readings to the large audience, Wall bounded
onto the stage immediately embracing the room with gusto and joy.
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Before Wall began talking, a 13-minute clip of ‘Enter the Dragon’ was
shown. It featured the famous scene where Bruce Lee fights and
eventually kills Bob Wall’s character, the horrible villain O’Hara.
Having never seen the movie, I was blown away by Bruce Lee’s
intense charisma and fierce intelligence. Sure enough, during his talk,
Bob Wall referred to Lee as a genius. Not once but several times. I
decided to check out his numbers right then and there.
I expected to see the genius number in either Bruce Lee’s name or day
of birth. Was I in for a surprise!
Lee not only had this number once - but twice. I understood instantly
why he became an icon. AND, why he died so young. The genius
number Bruce Lee had is a challenging vibration. When a number like
this is doubled up, life is amazingly intense.
Bruce Lee was able to key in on this number’s strong ability to focus
and concentrate. Martial arts was the perfect outlet for this actor and
world-class athlete, since the genius number is associated with power.
Here’s the catch. The power must not be used for selfish reasons, or it
WILL turn destructive. I’m guessing Lee had some powerful enemies
as a direct result of his immense success.
Bruce Lee broke many barriers. He was the first male star whose
ethnicity transcended all barriers – appealing equally to women and
men around the world. He was not really considered Asian. Bruce Lee
was the first international star from Asia.
When it came to his untimely death, the genius number did not help
matters. People who have this number in their blueprint are confronted
with challenging situations throughout their life.
Bob Wall was asked how Bruce Lee really died.
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‘He had an allergic reaction to cold medicine,’ Wall replied. A few
months before, Lee had nearly lost his life from the same allergic
reaction. He was never properly diagnosed.
Bruce Lee fell victim to the number that gave him his fame and
fortune. A double dose of this ‘genius number’ nearly always signifies
tragic circumstances. World-famous or not, numbers have the same
effect on anyone. Upheaval is the name of the game for this number.
Sadly, Bruce Lee never woke up after this second allergic reaction shut
down his brain.
When asked where Lee would be today, Bob Wall answered, ‘Look,
‘Enter the Dragon’ is a small budget movie made the same year as
‘The Godfather.’ Even so it is one of the highest grossing films ever.’
It was the first Kung Fu film to have been made by a Hollywood studio.
It has one of the most influential martial arts scenes ever made - the
Nunchaku scene.
By 1977 ‘Enter the Dragon’ was listed as one of the twenty most
profitable movies in the history of cinema. Wall continued, ‘Bruce Lee
would be a living legend today if he was still alive.’
Luckily for us, Bruce Lee’s double genius lives on in his movies.
Your own numbers are alive as well – and affecting your decisions
throughout the day. As sure as we can count on seeing the sun rise
and set every day, you can count on your name to exert a powerful
influence on your financial and personal life.
Make sure that your current name adds up to a highly fortunate
number. Otherwise, you will gravitate towards a life of challenges.
Go to and find out whether
your name is supporting and helping you to fulfill your goals.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Larry – King of the Airways
Larry King is truly a king. His interview program on CNN was one of
the longest running talk shows in history – over 20 years to be exact.
This weekend I was watching a clip of Fridays’ show where Larry
interviewed Jerry Seinfeld. The verbal ‘beating’ Seinfeld gave Larry
about the so-called cancellation of his successful ‘Jerry Seinfeld’ show,
was classic Larry King stuff. Guests LIKE him. They’ll poke fun at him,
like Seinfeld did. They are taken off guard and confide to Larry as if
he’s their best friend.
Feeling emotionally comfortable allows Larry’s guest to reveal things
about themselves other hosts would never be able to coax from them.
Larry King’s magic touch attracts guests who would not otherwise
appear on any other show. Most people don’t know this, but King
never prepares for interviews. He even bragged at one time that he
never reads the books of authors who appear on the show.
He’s purely looking for a one-on-one emotional connection. His frank
and no-nonsense approach to guests feels totally genuine and nonforced.
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This relaxed non-confrontation is clearly confirmed by the number of
his current name. Larry King adds up to 20/2 in the Chaldean system.
2 is all about turning points, decisions and relationships.
For someone who has given over 40,000 interviews in his life so far,
these qualities are paramount to describing the reason for his success.
As the host, he is faced with emotional turning points in his interviews
all the time. He never knows ‘who’ is going to show up – the real
person or the ‘celebrity version’ of his guest.
Using his intuition he senses when one or the other is speaking and
helps to extract the real person behind the mask. He uses his decisionmaking skills to ask appropriate, down-to-earth questions.
20/2 is a symbol of communication and relationships. Forging an
emotional bond with your guest is biggest key to a successful
interview. And Larry is a master of this. He knows how to relax the
person sitting across from him. He doesn’t care about pleasing them
on a superficial level – which is why he doesn’t prepare for interviews.
He just wants to connect.
Now, other people with a 20 name may not get the same successful
results Larry has gotten.
There are two reasons for this. If your career doesn’t require the
qualities of number 2, namely - communication, emotional bonds,
adaptability and turning points in relation to others - you will not thrive
under this vibration. Additionally, you’ll need a really good day of birth
to create wealth. Because the 20/2 is not a wealth-creating number.
Larry King has that day of birth number – the 19. He can afford to
have a name number that may not bring financial success, because his
19 is one of the luckiest vibrations there is. Plus, his 20 name is the
PERFECT complement to his work.
Oh, and he’s been married seven times. You could definitely say he
LIKES relationships…
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Had Larry King kept a version of his given birth name, Lawrence
Harvey Zeiger, he would not have come close to reaching the pinnacle
of success. Larry King also sounds powerful without being overpowering. Key to getting guests on your show.
Numbers are alive. Some work miracles for one person, and not for
another. The relationship of all your numbers creates the whole mental
picture of who you are.
Picking a name that resonates with the positive picture you have in
your head is crucial to making that picture go to work for you.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
What Madonna and Oprah Have In
When people talk about Bill Gates or Michael Jordan, they always
refer to them by first and last names. Not so with Oprah and Madonna.
In fact, many youngsters probably don’t even know Madonna’s last
name is Ciccone. As for these two icons single name’s – they have
fabulously positive numbers, as expected.
‘Oprah’ resonates to the powerful 23/5 vibration, a truly fortunate
number blessing her with much grace.
Even with Oprah’s negative day of birth number, the 23 is so strong a
presence that her 29 day will be transmuted. 23 is called ‘The Royal
Star of the Lion.’ No other number can challenge the Lion’s strength –
and win.
If anyone in TV Land symbolizes a lion’s strength, it’s Oprah Winfrey.
Even her full name resonates to a fortunate vibration. So, she’s in
great hands.
So is Madonna. Her fabulous name resonates to a 27/9, a vibration of
courage and power. 27 is a number of excellence and blesses her with
a promise of command and authority. It brings a guarantee of great
rewards when she applies her intellect, imagination and creativity. No
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
arguments there. Madonna also has a negative day of birth number,
just like Oprah does, but the 27 of her name assures her success and
A 27 name will require Madonna to carry out her own original ideas
and goals – not be intimidated or influenced by opinions at odds with
hers. No problem. If anyone has followed their own ideas on a world
stage, it’s the Material Girl. She’s been reaping great rewards ever
She’s been blessed since she changed her name from ‘Madonna
Ciccone.’ Why?
Madonna Ciccone adds up to one of the most challenging name
numbers ever. In fact, this former name of hers explains why her
childhood and adolescence were so difficult.
Without knowing it Madonna completely turned her life around when
she eliminated ‘Ciccone.’ Instead of obstacles she received help.
Instead of poverty she began to attract abundance.
This is the power of a highly fortunate current name.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
The Intriguing Life of Barbra
Barbra Streisand is an icon. She’s still the number 1 solo recording
artist in the U.S. having sold over 71 million albums.
She’s won Oscars for both Best Actress and Best Original Song. How
was she able to accomplish this. Especially since her name doesn’t add
up to the most fortunate of numbers.
Streisand has the Power Number 26/8 as her Life Purpose Number.
Her drive to succeed is endless. Most of my clients with a 26/8 Life
Purpose run hugely successful businesses. No matter what their
occupation, they their own boss. They understand how to manage
wealth. Notice, even her 71 million albums add up to an 8.
Barbra certainly knows how to run a show. It’s hard for her Not to be
Number 1. In fact, her Essence Number describing her attitude IS to
be Number 1.
Then there’s her stage name, Barbra Streisand, a 38/11 in the
Chaldean System. Not an easy number. And who says she’s had an
easy time of it. She doesn’t necessarily pop into my head as one of the
happiest people in the world.
Her 11 name will always give her a sense of incompletion. She feels
divided. This name number often results in a refusal to see the other
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side. A sense of harmony is usually rare for people with an 11 name.
More often, Streisand will feel conflicted about her decisions.
My husband Clayton Haslop, world-class violinist, has recorded with
Streisand. I remember him coming home in the early 1990’s and
saying two things. Barbra is an amazing musician, who has never
learned to read music – and sings everything by ear. And, she is one
of the toughest artists he’s ever worked with.
One night Clay arrived home at 3am. The recording session was
supposed to end at 5pm the previous day. Streisand didn’t like the
arrangements. Professional musicians will tell you, if someone doesn’t
read music it’s hard to quibble about arrangements. And you’re talking
professional musicians who are the best at what they do – who come
into the studio and record music they’ve never seen before after one
And so for a week, the recording sessions with Streisand lasted 16
hours instead of 7, partly because she wanted to make sure she got a
‘perfect’ take.
Contrast that to French singer Camille who sings on the movie score of
‘Ratatouille.’ Clayton led the orchestra from the concertmaster chair
for that film. Camille sang just one take of the song ‘Le Festin’ and
that was that. One take. Well, who didn’t say the French aren’t
Which brings me back to Streisand’s 11 name.
According to Clayton, if she had relaxed a little and enjoyed the
process more, all would have been accomplished a lot sooner. So the
disharmony of her 11 name made for some stressful and long
recording days.
You’d think with her 8 Life Purpose and 11 current name Barbra would
have ended up being CEO of a large company. It’s something she
could have easily accomplished, were it not for her strong pull towards
the arts. You see, her Destiny Number requires her to perform, to
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
express herself on stage. Her full name at birth, Barbara Joan
Streisand, adds up to 75/3. Those of you with 3 Destiny’s have NO
choice but to entertain, or express your inner gifts in some way to
uplift and inspire others.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be on stage or in film. As long as words
or colors or sound are used as a tool of self-expression. This can be
done through speeches, concerts, exhibitions, or authoring articles and
In Barbra’s case, due to the influence of her powerful 11 and 26/8
Numbers, the stage turned out a worldwide, mega successful
showcase for her talents.
The best number Barbara has going for her though, the number which
ties it all together and wraps her blueprint in a beautiful bow, is her
Day of Birth - 24. Number 24 is a highly fortunate vibration. First off, it
gives her help from people in high positions. Secondly, her financial
success is greatly enhanced. Third it gives her happiness in her love
relationships. And lastly, the 24/6 imbues her with a great deal of
It’s pretty obvious the number 24/6 has played a mega role in Barbra
Streisand’s life. She’s hit a homerun on all four counts.
Without a doubt, her 24 Day gave Barbra the luck and fortune inherent
in reaching the hundreds of millions of fans she has around the world.
This unique Numbers Recipe – her 8 Destiny, 11 current name and
24/6 Birth, not to mention her Number 1 Essence, gives her the
boundless creativity and intense drive to succeed. She innately
understands the importance of each and every opportunity that comes
down the lane. Who knows how she would have felt about herself and
her career had her name been fortunate as well.
You have to admire a person who is able to overcome obstacles and
accomplish so much.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
As with Barbra’s numbers, every blueprint tells a compelling story. The
stories are never the same, but they are always riveting. As a Sacred
Numerologist, I help you to shine the light on YOUR story. I call that
story your Destiny and your Life Purpose. And I make sure you HAVE a
fortunate name to support your story.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Celine Dion’s Numbers in Action
Celine Dion’s farewell to Las Vegas was fascinating numbers story. It
showcases the constant effect your numbers have on your life today.
Celine has a triple 3 power triangle. She was born on a 30/3 day. Her
Life Purpose number is a 30/3. Her current name adds up to 30/3 in
the Chaldean system. On top of that, her Destiny Number derived
from her birth name, Céline Marie Claudette Dion, is a 6. Number 6 is
in the same family as 3.
Now watch how the numbers 3 and 6 dominate her life.
The song ‘My Heart Will Go On’ from the movie ‘Titanic’, which made
Celine Dion a household name around the world, was released in 1998.
A 33/6 Personal Year for Celine.
Celine’s five year run at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas began in March
2003 – 3/03. It ended this past Saturday, December 15, 2007.
December is a 3 month and 15 is a 6 day. Saturday was also a
Personal Day 6 for Celine.
On top of that, 2007 happens to be Celine’s 15/6 Personal Year.
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As you can see, her numbers tell a powerful and continuous story. The
plot of her life-story continues to evolve. Most of her major successes
have involved either number 3 or 6.
How appropriate these two numbers are to Celine’s life and career. 3 is
a vibration of artistic self-expression. People with this number
prominent in their blueprint - and remember she has three 3s - have a
deep urge to bring joy and uplift people’s lives. Through singing,
writing, speaking or the fine arts.
3 is also a performer’s number. No question this number describes her
gifts to a tee.
The zero in her three 30s gives Dion divine protection. This is very
apparent when you look at her life. The fact that her manager and
husband, Rene Angelil mortgaged his home, after hearing her sing, in
order to fund her first recording, says much about the influence of the
zero. She will always be helped in unexpected ways.
And she DID need Angelil’s help. After all, Celine was raised in a
poverty-stricken home. And herein lies another clue to her amazing
success. Dion was the youngest of 14 children. 14 is the number
symbolizing magnetic communication with the public. She certainly is
the epitome of someone having a love affair with her millions of fans.
A 6 Destiny often indicates using your voice in your career, whether
through counseling, singing, speaking or teaching. How fitting her
music is then, as people listen to her songs for healing and comfort.
Her voice embodies her empathy for others. Additionally, 6 makes her
poised, affectionate, and generous.
On a side note, it’s interesting Hillary Clinton’s campaign song is Celine
Dion’s ‘You and I’. Why? Because Clinton’s Life Purpose Number also
happens to be 30/3. You may think this a coincidence, but it’s not.
There is a resonance between people – and numbers.
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Celine’s fans adore her. And her 6 Destiny means she needs to feel
appreciated – so it’s a mutual love affair.
Combining the 3 and the 6 makes her highly creative and artistic. She
must express herself to be happy. It also guarantees that her biggest
changes, results and transformations occur during a 3 or 6 cycle.
This has been the case for Celine. In fact, 2003 was a hard transition
year for her. She was in an 11 Personal Year. It was only when Celine
entered her 3 Personal Year in 2004, that she relaxed and really began
enjoying her five year stint at Ceasar’s Palace. She says of that first
difficult year, ‘At one point, it was like feeling like the Titanic was
about to sink again.’ An 11 year can feel that way sometimes.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Benazir Bhutto’s Life and Death
While driving home from my bi-annual visit to my dentist this
morning, I heard the news. ‘Benazir Bhutto assassinated.’
I felt that one. My introduction to Bhutto happened while I lived for
three years in London. Bhutto had recently returned to Pakistan from
London, where she had built her own party in order to campaign
against General Zia, who had executed her father, Prime Minister of
Pakistan in the 1970s, and put her in jail for 5 years. Later she
became one of the first democratically elected female prime ministers
of an Islamic country.
In fact, she was ousted and later regained the leadership position
again. In the months before her assassination today, Benazir Bhutto
was positioning herself once again as a strong contender for Prime
What I discovered about her name and the date of her sudden death
today is remarkable.
Bhutto’s day of birth is 21 and her Life Purpose Number is 27/9. The
27 is a vibration of leadership, and gave her a strong inclination to
follow her beliefs, and pursue her goals with tremendous ambition and
drive. As a result, there were always people who resented her power.
Putting them at ease would have kept them from interfering in her
plans. However, as her name will reveal, this wasn’t always possible.
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Here is the a stunning ‘coincidence.’ Today is the 27th. 12-27-2007
adds up to none other than 21. So the most important numbers in her
birthday, 21 and 27 are mirrored IN REVERSE on the date of her
death. Remarkable.
As for her current name, Benazir Bhutto, it adds up to 51/6. When you
read what this number symbolizes in the ancient Chaldean system of
numerology, you will see why she’s been in danger.
51 is symbolizes a warrior spirit. This means sudden advancements
and accomplishments were possible during Bhutto’s life. It’s an
especially fortunate number for leaders of any cause not related to
war. However, with a 51 name comes a strong warning of dangerous
enemies. In other words, the glory this number promises isn’t worth
the risk. This is why I would never recommend it for a name.
And while I’m looking at names…
Benazir Bhutto comes from a tragic family. In addition to her father’s
assassination, both her brothers died under mysterious circumstances.
This begs the question, what about her family name, ‘Bhutto.’
The name Bhutto itself resonates to a number of contradictions. Both
immense success and powerful opposition from enemies and
competitors, as well as serious losses in courts of law are symbolized
by her family name. So, she carried a lot on her back, you could say –
considering her family’s legacy.
No doubt, Bhutto made mistakes. So, were there clues to what she
had to watch out for this year. Absolutely.
2007 was a 18/9 Personal Year for her. Any 9 year symbolizes endings
and transitions. She was about to enter a whole new 9-year cycle.
Essentially, Bhutto had a great chance of being elected as Prime
Minister of Pakistan once again in 2008.
18 Personal Years are filled with active dreams, sleeplessness, new
plans, new ideas and changes. Bhutto certainly had all these going for
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her in 2007.
But… an 18 year can also be filled with dangers. She would have had
to be on guard against deception. Accidents caused by carelessness
can happen during an 18/9 year. This was the second suicide attack
against her this year. Obviously today her security was caught offguard.
Finally, for a leader such as Bhutto, the 8 year is connected to
uprisings and revolutions. As well as deception by friends and
enemies. Enough said.
Bhutto died at 18:16 GMT.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
Katherine Heigl Strikes It Big
I’ve been catching up on a few movies this past week. I haven’t
watched this much TV in over a dozen years!
Speaking of TV, my friend Kim asked me about a television actress
named Katherine Heigl, ‘Never heard of her,’ I said. Turns out Heigl
had catapulted herself from TV to Hollywood movie star.
Kim was curious whether Heigl’s numbers could account for her
meteoric rise to stardom.
I soon found out that Hollywood’s recent new ‘It Girl’ has been in the
biz since age 11. But, up until recently, she was in the same boat as
tens of thousands of other struggling actors – pounding on doors,
trying to get people to hire her while working jobs she hated. Feeling
very disheartened about her profession. I’m guessing many people
outside of Hollywood can relate to her plight.
So I looked at her name and numbers to find out why 2007 was her
breakout year. How she was able to win that unexpected Emmy Award
that September. And how her fee was raised from $300K to $5 million
per movie in a matter of weeks.
Plus there’s another issue that intrigued me. Katherine Heigl’s name.
Let’s take a look at her lucky 6 connection first. Heigl was born on a 24
Day. Her Life Purpose Number is 33. Both these numbers add up to 6
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and both are highly fortunate. Her journey from regular actress and
model to Hollywood starlet got a boost in 2005 when she was cast on
‘Grey’s Anatomy’, a hugely successful TV show, originally just a
midseason replacement on ABC.
2005 was a 15/6 year for Heigl. So her lucky 6 connection was
activated that year. 6 is a fortunate number anyway, and for Heigl, the
number took on special significance due to the prominent 6s in her
Of course her 15/6 year in 2005 didn’t make her the star she is now. It
was followed by a 16/7 year in 2006, keeping the lid on her fame a
little while longer. A 16 is rarely a year a star gets born or receives
mega public accolades. As you have guessed, she exploded onto the
scene the following year, 2007 - a 17/8 year for Heigl.
17/8 is about power, abundance and leadership. Anyone who enters a
17/8 year prepared, courageous and eager to keep learning has a
super chance of reaping huge financial and professional rewards.
And so it comes as no surprise that Katherine Heigl shot to stardom in
2007. What’s interesting too is that the number 17 symbolizes
immortality. Becoming famous in a 17 year could possibly mean her
name will live on long after she’s gone.
There’s one little rub though. One reason Heigl may NOT have hit the
fame quotient she has now earlier in her career is her name.
Katherine Heigl adds up to an 11 in the Chaldean system – not a
number I recommend, since it’s signified by division. Division of goals,
division resulting from interference of others, and division resulting
from refusing to see the whole picture. An 11 name can cause
disharmony and a feeling of incompletion.
I recommend she change it to Kathryn Heigl, which adds up to the far
more fortunate 10, ensuring she will have an easier time of it both
professionally and personally for the rest of her life.
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For now, what I see is that Heigl is benefiting mostly from her 17/8
Personal Year.
To show you how much, just look at the fact that she won her
unexpected Emmy Award in September – a 17/8 month for Heigl. Even
her mom said there’s no way she could win an Emmy. But she did, and
was so shocked, her reaction had to be bleeped off the telecast.
Well, when a 17/8 Personal Month shows up in a 17/8 Personal Year it
creates a double whammy of incredible luck and recognition.
As with Katherine Heigl, personal years and months affect you on a
deep level. The personal year you are about to enter tomorrow will
have a Big effect on your life. What a great advantage it is to know
what to prepare for, what to expect, and to use your knowledge to
create the best year possible.
For an in-depth look at all the GOOD things you can expect to leverage
over Your Next 12 Months, click on:
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Eli Manning’s Breakout Season
Wow. What a game (on the rare occasion, I’ve watched American
football). I couldn’t imagine a week ago I’d be talking about Eli today.
But Peyton Manning’s little brother has arrived.
He’s been considered second to his famous older brother for four years
now, quietly battling his way to the spot he’s in today – on the road to
the Superbowl as Quarterback for the NFC Champion N.Y. Giants.
I didn’t watch the first game between the Patriots and Chargers
yesterday. Not sure why, but I told my husband Clay that I couldn’t
miss the Giants-Packers match-up in Siberia - because I had a feeling
all day the Giants might win. He just shrugged.
It was a nail-biter. I could just sense the immensity of the moment
affecting some of the players on each team, including the great Brett
Favre. The below zero temps and –24 wind-chill added to the drama.
Tied at 4 seconds to go, Eli Manning got the ball down the field for a
possible game-winning field goal. But no - Lawrence Tynes missed his
tremendous opportunity. Overtime begins.
After Favre throws an interception, I turned to Clay and said, ‘I hope
this isn’t the play he’s remembered for,’ assuming this was his last
game before retiring.
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Meanwhile, Eli once again was able to get the ball just barely close
enough for a possible game-winning field goal. This time, Lawrence
Tynes overcame his previous two misses and scored. I didn’t like how
the NY Giants coach handled Tynes’ miss before, so I’m glad he made
it. And the rest is history.
Brings me to a question from a reader, sent a week ago.
‘With the football playoffs happening at this time. I was wondering
how the numbers on the players jerseys affect them, or if they even
affect them.
Thanks for all your great information.’
Yes, Jen the number on a player’s football jersey WILL affect them.
The number 12 has often been graced on the jerseys of great
quarterbacks. Terry Bradshaw, Roger Staubach, Joe Namath, Bob
Griese and, of course, Tom Brady come to mind. 12/3 symbolizes
shows leadership, teamwork and originality – all key ingredients.
Now, even though Eli Manning’s Number 10 doesn’t add up to 3, it is
still a leadership number. Plus it gives him divine protection and the
power of Instant Manifestation, which can go either way.
Additionally, Eli was born on a 3 day, giving him all the creativity he
He’s got another big factor in his favor.
Eli Manning’s name adds up to the number of Magic and Alchemy. He’s
shown his ability to pull a rabbit out of a hat at critical moments in the
last four games. His name helps him tremendously.
Speaking of the last four games – all but one has taken place in 2008.
The Patriots-Giants 38-35 nail-biter was played on December 29. That
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one got Eli on a roll. Once we hit 2008, he’s propelled the Giants to
three straight wins. All as underdog.
Why have things changed for Eli in 2008?
Consider Eli was in a 13 Personal Year in 2007. A year of
transformation, endings and new beginnings. Old ideas were swept
away to make room for healthier, more successful ones. It was a year
of growth for Eli.
Here’s a big reason 2008 began with a bang for Eli. His Life Purpose
Number is the SAME as his Personal Year number. This is huge. It
means, he has a double whammy of Freedom and Adventure going on.
And when you factor in what his Life Purpose means, you’ll understand
why Eli’s burst onto the scene.
His number represents honor, fame and material gain. It gives him a
quick and clever mind, and an ability to learn easily and retain what
he’s learned. It also gives him the courage to manifest his ideas in the
physical world.
Eli thrives on constant change and adventure. Football is full of
changes, reversals, ups and downs. So it’s really important for him to
take each moment and mold it into something positive.
Yes, he has a quiet, ‘aw shucks’ demeanor about him. But, believe me,
it hides a fiery internal nature.
Finally, his Life Purpose Number gives him tremendous physical agility,
increasing his brain power and circulation. His agile body and fiery
mind make him highly successful.
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24. Double Digits Spell Success
This morning, while reading a book on great entrepreneurs I took
note of something. Double digits were everywhere.
Out of the 12 people profiled in the book, a whopping 10 had at least
one double digit. Bill Gates wasn’t even one of the twelve. Not only
does Gates have a double letter in his first name BiLL, he also has an
11 Essence Number.
Others with an 11 Essence are Donald Trump, Martha Stewart and
Sam Walton.
Double digit letters are present in the names of J. Paul Getty, Coco
Chanel, Hugh Hefner, Michael Dell, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and Ross
Perot. Getty also has a double digit Life Purpose Number – 29/11, as
do Buckminster Fuller and Coco Chanel.
These are only the folks I read about this morning. Which made me
think about current personalities in the news as well. Such as the
Manning family, all of whom have that double NN helping them
succeed - Eli being the latest to join that honor.
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In the current race for Presidential Nominee, Hillary has the double L.
Now look at McCain and Obama - both have an 11 Life Purpose
Number. McCain also has the Double C in his name.
The double creativity number 11 also helped the other Clinton, Bill,
whose Life Purpose is 38/11, same as Madonna’s. Both also have a
double letter in their names. Our current U.S. President, George Bush
is a 33 Life Purpose.
Ronald Reagan was born in 1911 – he also had the double RR. Plus his
name adds up to 11. Jimmy Carter has the double MM. Kennedy the
Double NN.
Of course, double digits won’t guarantee success. But they do HELP
you immensely in creating an environment where your goals are
achieved faster and more effortlessly.
© 2015 Tania Gabrielle. All Rights Reserved
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