Bulletin - Temple Israel of Riverhead
Bulletin - Temple Israel of Riverhead
Temple Israel of Riverhead December 2011 Volume #1 7 Bulletin 490 Northville Tpke., P.O. Box 1531, Riverhead, New York 11901-0954 Email: TempleIsraelRH@optonline.net www.TempleisraelRiverhead.org Kislev/Tevet 5772 Issue #10 Temple Office: (631) 727-3191 Rabbi’s Study: (631) 369-5997 Rabbi William Siemers A Message From Our Rabbi Dear Friends, In This Issue Rabbi’s Message 1,2 Hanukkah Bazaar 3 Annual Hanukkah Menorah Lighting 4 Adult Education Classes 5 Book Club 5 “There are no second acts in American lives,” or so the aphorism by F. Scott Fitzgerald goes. I don’t think that is true about even American lives (though to give credit where it is due, Fitzgerald did not just talk the talk and drink himself into an early Rabbi William Siemers grave), but it is certainly not the case for Jewish lives. We are all about second, third, and fourth acts, and the coming festival of Hanukkah reminds us of how important second chances are in the life of our people. It is widely known that Hanukkah is an eight-day holiday with Eight Crazy Nights- (thank you, Rabbi Sandler,) but less well-known is the probable origin of (Continued on page 2) December 4—Hanukkah Bazaar, Pancake Breakfast, and Blood Drive. December 20– Hanukkah starts at sundown. Temple Israel of Riverhead 1 December 2011 (Rabbi—continued from page 1) It is nice to have everything right from the start, but longevity requires the ability to rebuild and rededicate. Over our history of more than 3000 years there have been some hiccups, disasters large and small. We are still standing only because we have been willing to adapt, to make the most of sub-optimal situations, and to savor the possibility of the second act. May our lights burn brightly and steadily. the eight days. There is the story of the miraculous oil which becomes very prominent in the culture of the holiday, but the true significance of the eight days is a little less supernatural, if more obscure: Hanukkah is a “do-over” for Sukkot. Just as the holiday associated with the dedication of the Temple is eight days, so too the rededication of the Temple was an eight-day affair. (I would love it if we called Hanukkah “Winter Sukkot”). The origins of the observance are from our ability to reclaim the sovereignty and purity which we had lost. Hanukkah continues as a festival in its own right because renewal is an important as beginnings, if not more so. B’Shalom Rabbi Bill Siemers Our Website Has a New Look It’s time to re-visit us at www.TempleisraelRiverhead.org. We’ve made some sweeping organizational changes, and expanded our entire website. It’s easier to access information and pictures about our Temple, too. Temple Israel of Riverhead 2 December 2011 BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, December 4, 2011 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Temple Israel of Riverhead It’s time to give back to the community. Please help us support our friends and neighbors who may benefit from your generous donation of much-needed blood. At least 45 donors are needed to make this drive a success, so please call if you will donate. Bring your neighbors, relatives, & friends. No affiliation necessary. All blood donors will receive a complimentary breakfast in the Temple Social Hall Shop a little, Eat a little, Give a little… At Temple Israel’s Hanukkah Bazaar / Pancake Breakfast / Blood Drive Temple Israel of Riverhead A Conservative, Egalitarian Congregation 490 Northville Turnpike at Ostrander Avenue P.O. Box 1531, Riverhead, NY 11901 (631) 727-3191 Email: TempleIsraelRH@optonline.net www.TempleIsraelRiverhead.org Temple Israel of Riverhead 3 December 2011 Happy Hanukkah! Hanukkah Menorah Lighting Please join us for our annual menorah lighting at Riverfront Park on Wednesday, December 21st, at 6:00 PM. Our Judaica Shop If you need Shabbat or holiday items for yourself or for a gift, you will find them right in the Temple. Our Judaica Shop boasts a large inventory of beautiful items, many of them displayed in the Social Hall's glass cases. Kiddush cups, glass platters, Shabbat-To-Go, kipot, Seder and matzoh plates, menorahs, children's books and toys, cookbooks, and candlesticks are all there. Annette Grubman and Phyllis Van Dyne operate the Temple's Shop, acquiring new items several times a year. These dedicated ladies will also fill special orders; if you see something you'd like, they can get it for you. Or, if you need ideas for a gift, they will be happy to suggest something in your price range, perfect for your occasion and recipient. For more information and personal service, just call Annette at 631-765-2351, or Phyllis at 631-734-7511. Nella Hahn, LCSW PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUPS 212-888-2888 INDIVIDUALS COUPLES NELHAHN@AOL.COM Temple Israel of Riverhead 4 December 2011 Adult Education—Winter 2011 December 7th - Judaism and ? Does the Bible really teach that ??= 3? This session will explore rabbinic, medieval, and modern perspectives on this classic problem of biblical inerrancy. December 21st – The Megilla for Hanukkah: Where is it? Why are the Biblical books that tell the story of the Maccabees not in our scripture? Why are they in the Christian scriptures? Classes are free and open to the public at Temple Israel of Riverhead, 7:30 PM Book Club Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 6 PM Kosher Nation by Sue Fiskoff Come join the Temple Israel book group! Cynthia Schulman will be hosting the meeting. A light dinner will be served. RSVP to Cynthia at 631-727-3568 or cynschul@optonline.net. You can make any contribution to Temple Israel through our website. Just go to www.templeisraelriverhead.org, and select Paypal under the Support Us button. You will be given the opportunity to enter the dollar amount, and the purpose of your donation. Temple Israel of Riverhead 5 December 2011 Shalom Teens Sunday, December 4—the Shalom Teens will be participating in the Hanukkah Bazaar, Pancake Breakfast, and Blood Drive at Temple Israel. (see page 3) Contact Sheila Muller, at 631-722-4711, or Barbara Sheryll, at 631-734-5242, for information about these and other events. December Shabbat Dinner Sponsors December 2 The Milligan Family Please join us. Contact Jaime Siegel at 631-653-3985 if you are interested in sponsoring a dinner. Kol Nidre Appeal As we move into 5772, we continue to need our membership and friends to preserve the health and well-being of our beloved temple. It is a tradition in congregations to establish a Kol Nidre Appeal Fund; at Temple Israel this fund is vital to help supplement the dues and thus cover our operating expenses. Therefore, we ask each one of you, if you have not already donated, to be as generous as possible, in order that our temple may continue to meet the growing needs of the Jewish community. Please forward your check, payable to Temple Israel Kol Nidre Fund, to: Temple Israel of Riverhead, P.O. Box 1531, Riverhead, NY 11901. You can also pay online using PayPal. Thank you. Temple Israel of Riverhead 6 December 2011 Hand-painted glasses make a wonderful Hanukkah gift It’s not too late to purchase our beautiful hand-painted wine glasses, generously donated to Temple Israel by their designer, member Lois Joseph. Contact Jaime Siegel at 653-3985 for more information. Inclement Weather Announcements In the event of bad weather, call the Temple at 631-727-3191 for an updated message. You can also listen to WALK radio at 97.5 FM, or point your web browser to www.walkradio.com to keep informed of closings and cancellations. Temple Israel of Riverhead 7 December 2011 Leaves on the Tree of Life An engraved leaf on the lovely Tree of Life which graces our Social Hall is a joyous reminder of a Bat or Bar Mitzvah, an anniversary, a wedding, or a special birthday, and also a fitting tribute to the memory of a loved one. The cost of a leaf is $180. For further information, please contact Phyllis VanDyne at 734-7511. Kosher Food For Our Events Beach Bakery in Westhampton Beach is a kosher, dairy bakery all year, except during the summer, when pareve items are offered, also. Bagel Patch, in Patchogue, frequently provides the food for our special events. The Best Yet Market on Route 58 carries pareve cookies and cakes. BJ’s and Costco also have pareve cookies in their bakeries, and the Riverhead Waldbaum’s bakery is kosher. Temple Israel of Riverhead 8 December 2011 Golden Book Cards Temple Israel of Riverhead gratefully acknowledges a contribution to its Golden Book A thoughtful Golden Book card is a great way to say “Mazel Tov!," “Thinking of you," “Get well soon," or “You have our sympathy." It’s a special way to give your congratulations on a special event, or to convey sympathy and support. Wishes are inscribed each month in the Book of Remembrances. Minimum donation is $5 each. You can also purchase Golden Book cards for self-mailing, 5 for $18, not listed in the Bulletin. Don’t forget to mention the bulletin when patronizing our advertisers! Contact Florence Abrams at 3905 Amen Corner, Riverhead, NY 11901, 727-3929. All checks should be made payable to Temple Israel of Riverhead. Temple Israel of Riverhead 9 December 2011 Temple Israel of Riverhead Bulletin Advertisement – Order Form It’s not too late to place an ad in the Bulletin for 2011. We publish 10 times a year, with ads interspersed throughout. They can be business card size, double size, half or full page, carrying your business, merchandising or personal message. If you like, you may incorporate a discount coupon into your ad. Return the completed form below, along with your business card or desired message, and a check. Your ad will be placed for the next 10 consecutive issues of the Bulletin. If you have any questions, please contact Allen Silver at asilver9@optonline.net, or 744-7551. Thank you for your continued support of Temple Israel of Riverhead. --------------------------------------------------Tear Here-------------------------------------------Yes, I would like to place an ad in the Temple Israel of Riverhead Bulletin. Business Card $100/year Check the appropriate box at the left. Double Size $200/year Mail your check and business card or copy to: Temple Israel of Riverhead P.O. Box 1531 Riverhead, NY 11901-0954 Other (Call first) Name of Advertiser:_____________________________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________________________ If possible, please email your advertisement to: asilver9@optonline.net Street Address: _________________________________________________ City______________________________State_____________Zip_________ Contact Person and email address ___________________________________ Plant a Tree in Israel You can have a tree planted in Israel for a donation of $18. Contact Sheila Muller, at PO Box 2433, Aquebogue, NY 11931, 631-722-4711, or suraelka@aol.com. All checks should be made out to Sisterhood, Temple Israel of Riverhead, or you can use PayPal from our website. Temple Israel of Riverhead 10 December 2011 Ongoing Silent Fundraisers for Temple Israel Gift Cards are available for your favorite supermarket. We sell cards for Shop & Stop, Pea Pod, Waldbaum's, A&P, Food Emporium, and King Kullen . You can purchase a card by contacting Lorraine Richter (653-9028) or Lana Anker (lana410@aol.com) The Temple profit is directly from the supermarket, so you have full value of the card. This supports the Temple at no additional cost to the membership. The cards also make wonderful gifts! Vojvoda's Cleaners in Riverhead, located at 712 E. Main St, is donating 5% of the cost of any dry cleaning dropped off there. This money comes as a check directly to Temple Israel each month. Donate an old car to Temple Israel for a tax deduction. It’s easy—just call (866) 392-4483, or click on the link on our website. Be sure to designate Temple Israel of Riverhead as the recipient. Peninsula Wines and Liquors offers wine at discounted prices, delivered directly to the temple. A percentage of the cost is donated back to us each time you buy. Anyone needing wine or liquor can contact Jaime Siegel, or call Peninsula Wines directly at 516-374-0900. Ask for Jim Cari, and be sure to mention Temple Israel. Sponsors Needed We need sponsors for our Shabbat speaker program. Please contact Jaime Siegel or Lorraine Richter for details. Best Wishes From Segal and Siegel Temple Israel of Riverhead 11 December 2011 TODAH RABAH! Contributions to Golden Book Of Remembrances Get well wishes to Jaime Siegel—Dotty Karlin, Helene Heller, Barbara Gradus, Annette and Marvin Grubman. In loving memory of Paul Brander, brother of Dotty Karlin—Dotty Karlin. In loving memory of Louis Brander, brother of Dotty Karlin—Dotty Karlin. Note: You may have made a donation, but your name does not appear. This is probably because your donation was received after the Bulletin went to press. Your contribution will be acknowledged in the next issue. A Hanukkah Present (Humor) My mother once gave me two sweaters for Hanukkah. The next time we visited, I made sure to wear one. As we entered her home, instead of the expected smile, she said, 'Aaron, what's the matter? You didn't like the other one?' Temple Israel of Riverhead 12 December 2011 TODAH RABAH! Donations to Temple Israel of Riverhead Jaime Siegel Vegan Challenge —Stephanie Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gordon. Donation— Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Lloyd. Donation— Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Metz. Donation to help to support the Temple— Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Rothstein. Yahrzeit for Samuel Schackman—grandfather of Elaine Kimpel. Yahrzeit for Frances Press—mother of Louise Press. Yahrzeit for Len Mask —Jaime & Pauline Siegel. Donation for handicapped access—Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hefter, in honor of Jaime Siegel’s continued good health. Donations for the 5772 Kol Nidre Fund Robert Brown Cynthia & Jeffrey Schulman Amy & James Csorny Jamie & Harry Mainzer Sondra Thompson Ruth Sonkin Jeffrey Siegel Phyllis & Martin Van Dyne Lois & Gary Joseph Elaine & David Lissauer Marcia Schulman Lenore Tobin Edward Stateman Dotty Karlin Lee Ann & Allen Silver Sherwood Goldstein Annette & Marvin Grubman Susan & Tobias Lustig Note: You may have made a donation, but your name does not appear. This is probably because your donation was received after the Bulletin went to press. Your contribution will be acknowledged in the next issue. Temple Israel of Riverhead 13 December 2011 TODAH RABAH! Thank you Sincere thanks to everyone for all the well wishes, kind words, and support during my recent illness. I recently began cardiac rehab, and feel stronger every day. From Jaime Siegel Temple Israel of Riverhead 14 December 2011 YAHRZEITS We remember these lives on the approaching anniversary of their passing. May their memories be a blessing. December 2011 Kislev/Tevet 5772 12/1 12/1 12/1 12/3 12/3 12/3 12/3 12/4 12/4 12/5 12/6 12/8 12/9 12/9 12/9 12/9 12/10 12/11 12/11 12/12 12/12 12/14 12/15 12/15 12/15 12/16 12/19 12/19 12/20 12/21 Louis Brander Marie Gee Ruth Grubman Solomon Carasso Maurice Harding Frances Siegel Edda Wimpfheimer Edna Harris Alyse Sulitzer Abraham Horowitz Joseph Lehrer Charles Hyman David Davidson Rose Katz Jennie Sacko Joseph Starkman Philip Willner Rose Goldstein Rose Lipetz Todd Cohen Vicki Cohen Francis Brown Robert Benstock Leonard Cohen Tylda Trepel Sadie Oppenheimer Zackery Froehlich Herbert Wimpfheimer Sylvia Honig Rose Galitzer 12/21 12/23 12/23 12/24 12/25 12/26 12/27 12/27 12/30 12/30 12/30 12/30 12/30 12/30 12/31 12/31 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/5 1/5 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/7 Kislev 5 Kislev 5 Kislev 5 Kislev 7 Kislev 7 Kislev 7 Kislev 7 Kislev 8 Kislev 8 Kislev 9 Kislev 10 Kislev 12 Kislev 13 Kislev 13 Kislev 13 Kislev 13 Kislev 14 Kislev 15 Kislev 15 Kislev 16 Kislev 16 Kislev 18 Kislev 19 Kislev 19 Kislev 19 Kislev 20 Kislev 23 Kislev 23 Kislev 24 Kislev 25 Rose Ritigstein Louis Crowitz William Turkel Joyce Talsky Louis Topal Sylvia Lightdale Sidney Saffer Mildred Louis Shapiro Norman Dubin Samuel Lazarus Frederick Lowy Flora Raffe Henry Scheinberg Mollie Senft Shirley Deutsch Lena Frankel Roslyn Benstock Sylvia Levy Maurice Richter Joseph Zuck Maxwell J. Mathews Nathaniel Schackman Sidney Seidner Lorraine Gradus Louis Harding Max Carchman Ida Jaeger Joseph Michaelson Joseph Weiner Anna Saffer Kislev 25 Kislev 27 Kislev 27 Kislev 28 Kislev 29 Kislev 30 Tevet 1 Tevet 1 Tevet 4 Tevet 4 Tevet 4 Tevet 4 Tevet 4 Tevet 4 Tevet 5 Tevet 5 Tevet 6 Tevet 6 Tevet 6 Tevet 6 Tevet 7 Tevet 7 Tevet 7 Tevet 10 Tevet 10 Tevet 11 Tevet 11 Tevet 11 Tevet 11 Tevet 12 Editor’s note: Kaddish is recited in Temple on Shabbat for Yahrzeits occurring on a Saturday and the coming week. Temple Israel of Riverhead 15 December 2011 SABBATH SERVICES Friday Evenings at 5:30 PM Saturday Mornings at 9:30 AM December Candle Lighting Friday Oneg Shabbat Hosts Friday Evening 12/2 Saturday Morning 12/3 4:05 PM Mrs. & Mrs. Howard Gordon Friday Evening 12/9 Saturday Morning 12/10 4:04 PM Mrs. & Mrs. Paul Insalaco Friday Evening 12/16 Saturday Morning 12.17 4:05 PM Mrs. & Mrs. Toby Lustig Friday Evening 12/23 Saturday Morning 12/24 4:08 PM Mrs. & Mrs. Chris KaplanWalbrecht Friday Evening 12/30 Saturday Morning 12/31 4:13 PM Ms. Barbara Gradus in honor of her birthday and the anniversary of her Bat Mitzvah (1985) Friday Evening 1/6 Saturday Morning 1/7 4:19 PM Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Schulman Day Date Temple Israel of Riverhead 16 December 2011 Temple Israel of Riverhead 17 December 2011 Temple Israel of Riverhead 18 December 2011 For Information: Advertising and Public Relations Barbara Smith 664-6584 Book Club Cynthia Schulman 727-3568 Bulletin Allen Silver asilver9@optonline.net 744-7551 President Capital Campaign Richard Israel 727-5500 x11 Cemetery Lisa Israel 727-5500 x10 Custodian Contact Jaime Siegel 653-3985 Education Terri Milligan 924-2953 Fundraising Jaime Siegel 653-3985 Golden Book Florence Abrams 727-3929 High Holy Days Annette Grubman 765-2351 House Manager Rob Brown 298-2608 Judaica Shop Annette Grubman Phyllis Van Dyne 765-2351 734-7511 Membership Jaime Siegel 653-3985 Oneg Shabbat Barbara Smith 664-6584 President Barbara Smith 664-6584 Programs and Events Ritual Committee Lisa Israel Shalom Teens Sheila Muller 722-4711 Social Hall Jaime Siegel 653-3985 Special Gifts Howard Collins 779-3042 Trees in Israel Sheila Muller 722-4711 Tree of Life Phyllis Van Dyne 734-7511 Waldbaum’s Certificates Carole Jones (Office) Lorraine Richter Corky Segal Sue Lustig 727-3191 653-9028 727-2542 744-8373 Manana Boter 594-1042 Yahrzeits Temple Israel of Riverhead Officers: 727-5500 x10 19 Barbara Smith 1st Vice President Jaime Siegel 2nd Vice President Lorraine Richter Treasurer Richard Israel Secretary Elaine Lissauer Trustees: Harley Abrams Lisa Israel Richard Blumenthal Terri Milligan Robert Brown Sheila Muller Andrew Gordon Jennifer Senft Lynne Gordon Lee Ann Silver Bulletin Committee: Elaine Lissauer Lee Ann Silver Allen Silver December 2011 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Temple Israel of Riverhead 490 Northville Turnpike P.O. Box 1531 Riverhead, NY 11901 Riverhead, NY 11901 Permit No. 26 TIME SENSITIVE MAIL PLEASE DO NOT DELAY TEMPLE ISRAEL OF RIVERHEAD is affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS December 4—Hanukkah Bazaar, Pancake Breakfast, and Blood Drive. December 7 & 14—Adult Education Classes. December 20—Hanukkah begins at sundown. December 21— Hanukkah menorah lighting at Riverfront Park, 6 PM. Temple Israel of Riverhead 20 December 2011
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Bulletin - Temple Israel of Riverhead
If you have any questions, please contact Allen Silver at asilver9@optonline.net, or 744-7551.
Thank you for your continued support of Temple Israel of Riverhead.