Vietnam - Latest Oil and Gas Industry News
Vietnam - Latest Oil and Gas Industry News
Vietnam Oil & Gas Country Review Energy Review Vietnam 12 13 365 350 317 11 348 312 10 14 9.8 9.4 Billion cubic meters 10.2 Vietnam Gas Production 8.5 About 100 hydrocarbon-bearing prospects have been found in about 50 fields of which 30 fields are commercial. Estimated oil reserves are about 643 million tons of crude oil and 644 cubic metres of gas. 09 9.4 Vietnam is ranked fourth in South East Asia for oil and gas production and oil reserves, after Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. 08 342 Gas production began to increase substantially in 2003 when fields in the Nam Con Son basin came onstream. Continued strong and stready growth in output is forecast to satisfy the growing domestic gas market. Thousand barrels per day 8.0 Vietnam’s oil and gas reserves are offshore, mainly in the South China Sea (known in Vietnam as the East Seat), and in the Gulf of Thailand. Reserves at depths of less than 100 metres are diminishing, particularly at the major Bach Ho field in the Cuu Long Basin. Vietnam is looking to the greater challenges of the large and largely unexploited deepwater fields in the Nam Con Son, Tu Chinh-Vung May, Phu Khanh and Song Hong Basins. Exploration has also started off the island of Phu Quoc in the Gulf of Thailand. The Malay-Tho Chu Basin is also in the Gulf of Thailand. First oil production was in 1986 and output has risen, especially from the Cuu Long basin. A large increase in output occurred in 2004. Production will to rise to a plateau in 2013/2014 after which slow decline from the largest field, Bach Ho, will only just be offset by new developments, perhaps eventually in deep waters. Vietnam Oil Production 311 Vietnam’s production is offshore from a series of basins along the southern coastline underlying the South China Sea. 7.5 Vietnam has a population of 90 million, 60% of whom are under 35; it has a working age population of 56 million. Over the last decade GDP growth averaged 8% and is forecast to average 6% per year for 2014-2017. Vietnam’s import demand is expected to grow by around 250% between 2010 and 2020 – faster than any other emerging power, including China. This rapid economic growth, industrialisation and export market expansion is driving domestic energy use. Country Key Facts Official name: Capital: Population: Area: Form of government: Language: Religions: Currency: Calling code: Socialist Republic of Vietnam Hanoi 94.05 million (2016) 331,114 square kilometers (127,844 square miles) Communist state Vietnamese, English, French, Chinese, Khmer, local languages Buddhist, Hoa Hao, Cao Dai, Christian, Muslim Vietnam Dong +84 08 Operational Key Facts 2014 2014 2014 2014 year end oil reserves: oil production: year end gas reserves: gas production: 09 10 11 12 13 14 Source: BP Statistical Review 4.4 billion barrels 365,000 bbls per day 21.6 Tcf 10.2 Bcf Oil production is about 15.2 million tons of crude oil and 8.7 billion cubic metres of gas. Energy Review Vietnam Year end proved gas reserves 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.2 0.6 Trillion cubic metres 0.1 Oil production is expected to remain steady over the next 5 years, although it is likely to diminish after that. There are two major variables. If deepwater fields can be successfully developed, production would expand. On the other hand, political issues involving China in the South China Sea could delay exploration. Recently China called for exploration bids for nine oil and gas blocks which are in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone. This was done shortly after Vietnam passed its Law on the Sea. To date there have been no signs of major concern among foreign investors in the Vietnamese oil and gas industry o v e r C h i n a ’s a c t i o n s a n d statements. Year end proved oil reserves 4.4 4.4 92 02 11 12 13 4.4 4.4 Billion barrels Source: BP Statistical Review 2.8 Coal Bed Methane CBM in Vietnam remains a very early stage industry. Nonetheless, there is a high potential for CBM to supply the domestic gas market, particularly in northern Vietnam where existing conventional gas sources are nearing depletion and demand is increasing from local industrial customers. CBM is well placed to service this growing market with the Red River Delta in northern Vietnam containing a substantial coal resource. There is a proposal for the construction of a new pipeline system to connect offshore gas resources to the Red River Delta. Energy Review 0.3 92 14 02 11 12 13 Source: BP Statistical Review 14 • Over the past few decades Vietnam has emerged a s a n important oil and natural gas producer in Southeast Asia. Vietnam has boosted exploration activities, allowed for greater foreign company investment and cooperation in the oil and gas sectors, and introduced market reforms to support the energy industry. These measures have helped to increase oil and gas production. Also, the country's rapid economic growth, industrialization, and export market expansion have spurred domestic energy consumption. • Successful exploration has recently led to a substantial increase in proved crude oil reserves, which grew to 4.4 billion barrels as of January 2013 from 0.6 billion barrels two years prior. Vietnam's efforts to intensify exploration and development of its offshore fields have contributed to the growth in reserves. Ongoing exploration activities could increase this figure in the future, as Vietnam's waters remain relatively underexplored. Vietnam is currently the thirdlargest holder of crude oil reserves in Asia, behind China and India. • Vietnam produced around 365,000 barrels per day (bbl/d) of oil in 2014, down from its peak of 403,000 bbl/d in 2004. The Cuu Long Basin has been the primary area for oil production. • Vietnam is a net exporter of crude oil, but is a net importer of oil products. With oil consumption doubling from 176,000 bbl/d in 2000 to 388,000 bbl/d in 2012, the country must import a majority of refined products to satisfy demand. • Vietnam has one operating refinery, the 140,000- b b l / d Dung Quat refinery, which came online in 2009. Vietnam's stateowned Vietnam Oil & Gas Corporation (PetroVietnam) is looking to boost crude distillation capacity to around 200,000 bbl/d by 2017 and to develop Dung Quat's ability to handle sweet and less expensive sour crude oil from Russia, the Middle East, and Venezuela. Energy Review Vietnam • Vietnam plans to offer 49 percent of Dung Quat's equity to foreign investors in order to finance the expansion of Dung Quat. The Vietnamese government is looking to build two additional refineries, Nghi Son and Long Son, though there have been financial and land c l e a r i n g i s s u e s t h a t h ave prevented the completion of these refineries. • PetroVietnam is the key company in the oil and natural gas sectors and serves as the primary operator and regulator of the industry. Oil and natural gas production is either undertaken by PetroVietnam's upstream s u b s i d i a r y, PetroVietnam Exploration and Production (PVEP), or through PetroVietnam's joint venture with other companies. • International Oil Companies (IOCs) such as ExxonMobil, Chevron, and Zarubezhneft have formed partnerships with PetroVietnam. IOCs must receive approval from the Oil and Gas Department of the Prime Minister, and must negotiate upstream licenses with PVEP. • Vietnam currently holds 24.7 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of proved natural gas reserves, up from 6.8 Tcf in 2011. Increased foreign investment since 2007 has led to greater exploration, significantly increasing Vietnam's proved natural gas reserves. • Vietnam produced 272 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of dry natural gas in 2011, all of which was domestically consumed. The country is currently self-sufficient in natural gas, but PetroVietnam predicts that there will be a natural gas supply gap of 1.3 Bcf per day by 2025 as demand surpasses supply. • The Vietnamese government has considered importing liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the future to meet growing natural gas demand. PetroVietnam (PV) Gas has signed a memorandum of understanding and a front-end engineering and development (FEED) contract with the Tokyo Gas Company to develop the Thi Vai LNG terminal in the Vung Tau province. • Vietnam produced about 49,079 thousand short tons of coal in 2011, of which almost half (23,739 thousand short tons) was domestically consumed. Vietnam exports a large portion of its coal and also imports a small amount. In 2013, the Vietnamese government increased the coal export tax to 13 percent from 10 percent to reduce exports and satisfy growing energy demand with domestic production, particularly in the power sector. Electricity consumption nearly quadrupled from 22 billion kilowatthours (KWh) in 2000 to 86 billion KWh in 2010 and was generated almost entirely by hydropower, natural gas, and coal. Vietnam anticipates power demand to more than triple to 330 billion KWh by 2020. • Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, China, Taiwan, and Brunei all claim sovereignty over the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, which remains a key territorial dispute for Vietnam. Vietnam and several of its neighbors have reached agreements in principle in the past to conduct joint exploration for oil and natural gas resources in the area, although continued territorial disagreements have hindered these efforts. Source:, EIA, Norton Rose Fulbright Oil and gas law in Vietnam Legal framework The Law on Petroleum 1993, as amended in 2000 and 2008, is the principal legislative instrument that governs the oil and gas industry. In the Law, “Petroleum” is defined to include crude oil, natural gas and hydrocarbons. It includes coal bed methane and sulphur; and to exclude coal, shale, bitumen and other minerals from which oil can be extracted; “Petroleum operations” is defined as being exploration activities, field development and production of petroleum, and it includes services directly related to or in support of such activities; “Contractor” means any Vietnamese or foreign organisation which is permitted to conduct petroleum operations pursuant to a petroleum contract: “Petroleum contract” means any contract between PVN and a n o t h e r p a r ty t o c o n d u c t petroleum operations. “Encouraged petroleum investment projects” are projects in deepwater and remote areas or in regions with extremely difficult geographical or geological conditions as determined by the Prime Minister. The Government determines the blocks which will be made available for exploration. All samples, data and information collected during petroleum operations are the property of Vietnam. A contractor producing oil may be entitled to retain and export an agreed percentage of the production, and it may remit income. Energy Review Vietnam Royalties and taxes Royalties must be paid on oil production. There is a scale of royalties with concessional rates for encouraged projects. The lowest rate is imposed on crude output of up to 20,000 b/d of 10 per cent (7 per cent for encouraged projects); the highest rate is imposed on crude output of above 150,000 b/d at the rate of 29 per cent (23 per cent for encouraged projects). Corporate income tax (“CIT”) rates on petroleum exploration and extraction in Vietnam are between 32 per cent - 50 per cent as decided by the Prime Minister. Foreign contractor tax (“FCT”) is a type of withholding tax imposed on offshore contractors.The calculation of FCT will vary depending on the method of tax payment is chosen by the foreign contractor, the precise nature of the goods or services being provided, the duration of the contract and whether the foreign contractor has a permanent presence in Vietnam. It is imposed on revenue in respect of both CIT and VAT. Import duties are applied but there are exemptions for many imported goods which are used in the oil and gas industry. These include equipment and machinery, specialised means of transport, health and office equipment, and materials which cannot be produced in Vietnam. Export duties are imposed on the export of crude oil. VAT is imposed at a standard rate of ten per cent. Equipment, machinery, spare parts, specialuse means of transport and necessary supplies which cannot be domestically produced yet and which are required to be imported to be used in prospecting, exploration, and development of oil and gas fields; drilling platforms which are not yet able to be produced domestically and which are required to be imported to form fixed assets of enterprises or which are leased from foreign parties for use in production and business and in order to be subleased; and export products being exploited natural resources and minerals which have not yet been processed; are not subject to VAT. The standard VAT rate is ten per cent. Vietnam has double tax treaties with 62 countries, including most jurisdictions where petroleum contractors operating in Vietnam have headquarters, but excluding the USA. Taxes are imposed on gas production. For gas output of up to 5 million cubic meters/day, the royalty is 1 per cent for encouraged projects and 2 per cent for standard projects at minimum scale; and may reach 6 per cent and 10 per cent respectively for gas output of above 10 million cubic meters/day at maximum scale. If exported, the oil and gas production upon which royalties have been paid shall be exempted from 10 per cent export tax applicable to crude oil and condensate. Any sale of equity in a Vietnamese company by an oil and gas contractor is subject to CIT at the standard rate (currently 25 per cent). It is not subject to VAT. An environmental protection tax commenced in 2012. It is imposed on goods which may cause damage to the environment, including oil and gas. It applies to both the production and import of petroleum products. An exemption exists from most exported products. Contractors are also obliged to contribute part of their annual operating cost to the Petroleum Science and Technology Research Fund run by PVN. Contracts The Law sets out the main items t h a t m u s t a p p e a r i n a ny p e t r o l e u m c o n t ra c t . S u c h contracts can be for a period of up to twenty five years, including an exploration period not exceeding five years, for standard projects. For encouraged projects contracts may be up to thirty years with exploration periods of seven years. The Prime Minister may extend a contract for five years and the exploration period f o r t w o ye a r s u n l e s s t h e Government authorises a longer period. In the event of force majeure, the contract may be suspended by consent for up to three years. A petroleum contract may only extend over two blocks, unless the Government authorises a wider scope. T h e c o n t ra c t m u s t b e i n Vietnamese but may also be in a foreign language in which case both versions are equally valid. A contract can only be assigned with the consent of the Government, and PVN has first priority in the event of an assignment. Foreign arbitration is permitted if either of the parties is foreign individual or organization. Foreign law may govern the contract, but the provisions of the contract must be consistent with Vietnamese law. Exploration and production contracts are usually in Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs), the form of which is legislated. Refineries may be developed under BOT and similar forms. Service providers usually operate under BCCs, which are a form of joint venture contract. Sometimes a subsidiary will be established which is jointly owned by the foreign service provider and the r e l e v a n t P V N s u b s i d i a r y. Energy Review Vietnam Petroleum sharing contracts On 22 April 2013, the Government published a revised form of PSC which is effective from 8 June 2013. PVN will only enter into the PSC in the prescribed form unless additional arrangements have been included in the successful tender. The Prime Minister may approve the use of a separate form, but this would only happen in very unusual circumstances and the form still must contain prescribed main contents. CHINA Hanoi LAOS Gu The revised PSC is contained in Decree 33-2013 ND-CP. It is effective from 8 June 2013. It does not apply to PSCs that are in existence as well as blocks of which fundamental economic, technical and commercial conditions approved by the Prime Minister prior to that date. Source: Norton Rose Fulbright of To n kin AM THAILAND Some of the notable amendments include the following: IE TN CAMBODIA G ul f o f T hail and Source: EKFi V 1. The Contractor must include in its bid an offer to pay a percentage of its Petroleum Operating Costs to the Petroleum Scientific Research and Technology Development Fund. 2. The revised PSC requires PVN to provide notice within 120 days stating whether it will exercise its pre-emptive rights over proposed assignments by Contractors. 3. PVN is given extra termination rights. There arise where the Contractor fails to commence development within twelve months of approval of the development plan or ceases development activities under approved schedule during six consecutive months, and where production does not commence within twelve months of the scheduled time or ceases exploitation activities during three consecutive months. lf Energy Review Vietnam Proved oil reserves at 2014 year end (Thousand million barrels) Australia 4.0 Brunei 1.1 China 18.5 India 5.7 Indonesia 3.7 Malaysia 3.8 Thailand 0.5 Vietnam 4.4 2014 Oil production (Thousand barrels daily) Australia Brunei India Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Vietnam 448 126 895 852 666 453 365 Proved natural gas reserves at 2014 year end (Trillion cubic feet) Australia 132.0 Bangladesh 8.9 Brunei 9.7 China 122.2 India 50.4 Indonesia 101.5 Malaysia 38.1 Myanmar 10.0 Pakistan 20.4 Papua New Guinea 5.3 Thailand 8.4 Vietnam 21.8 2014 Natural gas production (Billion cubic metres) Australia 55.3 Bangladesh 23.6 Brunei 11.9 China 134.5 India 31.7 Indonesia 73.4 Malaysia 66.4 Myanmar 16.8 Pakistan 42.0 Thailand 42.1 Vietnam 10.2 Source: BP Statistical Review Oil & Gas Companies Vietnam AziPac Eni ExxonMobil Gazprom Geopetrol Idemitsu Japan Vietnam Petroleum Corporation (JVPC) JX Nippon KNOC KrisEnergy KUFPEC Mitra Energy Mitsui Oil Exploration Company Mubadala Petroleum Murphy Oil Neon Energy ONGC Videsh Origin Energy Pan Pacific Petroleum Perenco Petronas Petrovietnam Premier Oil Quad Energy Santos SapuraKencana Singapore Petroleum Company SK Innovation SOCO Talisman Energy Vietgazprom Zarubezhneft AziPac Vietnam AziPac Limited PO Box HM 3306, Hamilton HMPX Bermuda Office: AziPac Limited 37 Serpentine Road, Hamilton HM09, Bermuda AziPac Limited is an oil & gas exploration company focussed on offshore exploration in the Asia Pacific and Bay of Bengal regions and backed by the Seacrest Capital Group. The company utilises its proven technological strengths to identify and de-risk significant exploration prospects. Vietnam operations In August 2014, AziPac announced the acquisition of a 25% interest in Block 127 PSC, offshore Vietnam. AziPac, through its subsidiary Azimuth Vietnam Limited, signed a farm-in agreement with Mitra Energy, the operator, for a 25% participating interest in Block 127 PSC, offshore Vietnam. As part of the deal, AziPac will pay a working interest share of the approved past costs and carry part of Mitra’s costs of acquisition and processing of a 3D seismic survey, scheduled to be acquired in the second half of 2014. Acquisition of the 3D survey will complete the work programme obligations for the current Exploration Phase which expires on 24 May, 2016. Block 127 is located in the Phu Khanh Basin, off the SE coast of Vietnam. The basin remains relatively underexplored and recent 2D seismic confirms the potential of the basin in terms of prospectivity. The Seacrest Capital Group The Seacrest Capital Group is a premier energy investment group focused on the upstream exploration segment of the oil & gas industry. The firm has portfolio investments in North West Europe, West Africa and South East Asia With the long-term backing of The Seacrest Capital Group, AziPac has the ability to make significant and rapid investments and develop the extensive AziPac acreage position offshore Southeast Asia and Bay of Bengal. Block 127 PSC Mitra Energy (Vietnam Phu Khanh) Pte Ltd Azimuth Vietnam Limited 75% 25% Eni Vietnam Eni Exploration & Production Division Via Emilia, 1, 20097 San Donato Milanese Italy Tel: +39.02.5201 Eni is a major integrated energy company, committed to growth in the activities of finding, producing, transporting, transforming and marketing oil and gas. The company operates in the oil and gas, electricity generation and sale, petrochemicals, oilfield services construction and engineering industries. Eni is active in 70 countries with a staff of about 79,000 employees. Vietnam operations Exploration & Production Presence on the field: 21,500 km2, of which 10,750 km2 net to Eni Mining concessions: 3 In July 2012, Eni signed an agreement with the Indian company Essar for the acquisition of 50% and the operatorship of the exploration block 114, located off the coast of Vietnam in the Song Hong basin. Exploration activities on the new block foresee the acquisition of 3D seismic survey data and the drilling of two wells. The block, which extends over about 5,900 square kilometres, has a high potential and is located in an area where there have been recent important exploration successes. In the same basin, on June 25 Eni signed acquisition agreements for two more blocks. Specifically, with the companies KrisEnergy and Neon Energy Eni signed an agreement for the acquisition of two exploration blocks located in offshore Vietnam, respectively, in the Song Hong and Phu Khanh basins, in the Gulf of Tonkin. It is estimated that the Song Hong basin, where significant breakthroughs have recently been recorded, containes 10% o f V i e t n a m ’s hyd r o c a r b o n resources, mainly gas. The agreement relates to blocks 105-110/04 and 120, of which Eni is operator with a 50% interest, while KrisEnergy and Neon Energy will own 25% each. The two blocks extend over a total of about 15,600 square kilometres. In the short term, exploration activities will involve for the acquisition of 3D seismic data and the drilling of two exploration wells. Both of these agreements are subject to approval by the competent Vietnamese authorities. Joint Technical Study Agreement to Evaluate The Potential Of Unconventional Hydrocarbons in Vietnam In February 2013, the President and CEO of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam), the national oil company, Do Van Hau, and the Chief Executive Officer of Eni, Paolo Scaroni, today signed an agreement in Hanoi for the joint assessment of unconventional hydrocarbons potential of the country. The agreement follows the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two companies on 21 January 2013 in Rome, which provides Petrovietnam with the opportunity to expand its international activities and the opportunity for Eni to consolidate its presence in Vietnam. The study will be carried out by a mixed Petrovietnam-Eni team and will benefit from Eni’s substantial wealth of knowledge and proprietary expertise. Offshore Block 122 In June 2014, Eni signed a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) for the exploration of the offshore Block 122. Block 122 covers an area of 6,900 sqkm in the Phu Khanh Basin, in waters depth up to 2,000 meters. The exploration period will last 7 years, subdivided in 2 phases. Eni Vietnam This new agreement confirms Eni’s interest to continue and consolidate its presence in Vietnam, where the company returned in 2012. Blocks 116 and 124 In October 2014, Eni signed two Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) for the exploration of blocks 116 and 124, located off the coast of Vietnam. Block 116 covers an area of about 5,000 sqkm in the Song Hong basin, in waters with a depth ranging from 10 to 120 meters. The PSC block, wholly owned by Eni, provides for an exploration period of seven years divided into 3 phases. Block 124 covers an area of 6,000 sqkm in the Phu Khanhbasin, in waters that have a depth ranging from 50 to 2,600 meters. The PSC provides for an exploration period of seven years divided into 2 phases. This block is held by Eni, which is the operator with a 60% stake, and by Santos Vietnam with a 40% stake. Seismic program In March 2015, the CGG Amadeus vessel commenced a 570 sq. km. 3D seismic acquisition program in the Block 120 exploration acreage offshore central Vietnam. Block 120 covers 6,869 sq. km overlying the Quang Ngai Graben and the Tri Ton Horst where water depths range from 50 to 650 metres. The graben connects the Song Hong and Qiongdongnan Basins in the north to the Phu Khanh Basin in the south. Eni Vietnam B.V. is the operator with 66.67% working interest in Block 120 and is partnered by KrisEnergy who hold a 33.33% working interest. ExxonMobil Vietnam Exxon Mobil Corporation Hanoi Office: 5-06 Hanoi Towers 49 Hai Ba Trung Street, Hoan Kiem District Hanoi Tel: +84 4 3938 6586 Corporate Headquarters ExxonMobil 5959 Las Colinas Boulevard Irving, Texas 75039-2298 Tel: +1 (0)972 444-1000 Fax: +1 (0)972 444 1350 Exxon Mobil Corporation was founded in 1870 and is based in Irving, Texas. The company has leading positions in nearly all the major exploration and production areas in the world and in the newest opportunities, including the Gulf of Mexico, offshore West Africa and the Caspian Sea. Exxon Mobil Corporation's upstream business is organized into five global companies: Exploration, Development, Production, Gas Marketing, and Research. The Company is the world's largest non-government producer and reserves holder. ExxonMobil's portfolio consists of discovered oil and gas resources of 70 billion oil-equivalent barrels, activities in some 50 countries and a leading acreage position in the world's most promising exploration areas. 2013 Operating Highlights • Liquids production (net, thousands of barrels per day) 2,202 • Natural gas production available for sale (net, millions of cubic feet per day) 11,836 • Oil-equivalent production(2) (net, thousands of oil-equivalent barrels per day) 4,175 ExxonMobil's upstream business encompasses high-quality exploration opportunities across all resource types and geographies, an industry-leading resource base, a portfolio of world-class projects, and a diverse set of producing assets. The company have an active e x p l o ra t i o n o r p r o d u c t i o n presence in 39 countries. Vietnam operations ExxonMobil’s main presence in Vietnam is through Exploration and Production Vietnam Limited (EMEPVL), which is conducting exploration activities immediately offshore of the Danang area along central Vietnam and also offshore southern Vietnam. The exploration activities include acquiring seismic data and drilling exploratory wells. In October 2011, ExxonMobil discovered oil and gas off Vietnam's central coast. The discovery lies in the South China Sea, where Vietnam has rich oil reserves. State-run PetroVietnam and international oil companies already produce at several major fields in the area. A number of companies recently have found oil in the region, including Malaysia's Petroliam Nasional Bhd., U.K.-based Premier Oil, Russia's Gazprom and France's Total. Gazprom Vietnam JOC "Vietgazprom" Unit No. 2001-2008, floor 20th, Keangnam Hanoi Landmark Tower Plot E6, Cau Giay urban area, Me Tri commune Tu Liem district, Hanoi city, Vietnam Tel: 84-4-37718985 Fax: 84-4-37719031 Email: Gazprom Head Office 16 Nametkina St. Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +7 (495) 719-30-01 Fax: +7 (495) 719-83-33 Email: Gazprom is a global energy company. Its major business lines are geological exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and sales of gas, gas condensate and oil, sales of gas as a vehicle fuel as well as generation and marketing of h e a t a n d e l e c t r i c p o w e r. Gazprom holds the world’s largest natural gas reserves. The Company’s share in the global and Russian gas reserves makes up 18 and 72 per cent respectively. Gazprom accounts for 14 and 74 per cent of the global and Russian gas output accordingly. At present, the Company actively implements large-scale projects aimed at exploiting gas resources of the Yamal Peninsula, Arctic Shelf, Eastern Siberia and the Far East, as well as hydrocarbons exploration and production projects abroad. • processing of oil, gas and other types of hydrocarbon feedstock; • supply of oil and gas derivatives as well as equipment for the oil and gas industry. The document also provides for cooperation of the companies in promising projects in third countries including exploration and development of gas and oil fields. An Agreement on Further Cooperation between Gazprom and Petrovietnam was signed on May 23, 2008 covering geological exploration and further development of four new blocks offshore Vietnam. Vietgazprom, a joint operating company, are the operator of the project for the development of these blocks. The Agreement also provides that the parties establish a Gazpromviet joint venture to perform activities in Russia and third countries. Vietnam operations Gazprom and the Vietnamese oil and gas corporation Petrovietnam signed a Cooperation Agreement on November 20, 2006. The Agreement provides for cooperation of the companies in the following areas: • exploration, development, transmission, utilization and sales of natural gas, oil and other energy resources; • engineering, construction, operation and maintenance of oil and gas pipelines, oil and gas storage facilities as well as distribution pipeline systems; • diagnostics and control of technical condition and safety of gas and oil pipelines as well as other facilities of gas and petrochemical infrastructure; • utilization of oil and gas as a motor fuel, development and management of gas distribution systems and a filling stations network; Gazprom and Petrovietnam signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement on December 15, 2009. The document provides for cooperation of the companies in the following areas: • further joint work in Vietnamese offshore blocks under the previously concluded oil and gas contracts; • studying follow-up cooperation opportunities in the vacant licensed blocks of Vietnam; • active cooperation in oil and gas projects in Russia, Vietnam and third countries within the established Gazpromviet company (in particular, the parties consider participation in the development of the Nagumanovskoye oil, gas and condensate field as well as in projects for exploration and development of subsurface areas in the Republic of Sakha, Eastern Siberia and the Far East); Gazprom Vietnam • sci-tech cooperation development; • establishment of a Joint Coordinating Committee and a Joint Working Group. 112 and blocks 129–132) by a s i n g l e o p e ra t o r, w h i c h i s Vietgazprom. AM Gazprom Investment Blocks V IE TN CAMBODIA Ho Chi Minh 129 Source: EKF G ul f o f T hail and 130 131 132 Blocks 112 and 129–132 Geological exploration in block 112 offshore Vietnam is being performed by Vietgazprom – a joint operating company of Gazprom and Petrovietnam. The contract signed on September 11, 2000 provides for hydrocarbons prospecting, exploration, production and sales. Gazprom and Petrovietnam signed an Oil and Gas Contract on blocks 129, 130, 131 and 132 in October 2008. In addition to the Strategic Partnership Agreement, Gazprom and Petrovietnam signed an Addendum to the Oil and Gas Contract for block 112 on December 15, 2009. The Addendum includes the decisions previously taken by the Vietnamese Government on extending the scope of the Contract to cover adjacent blocks 111 and 113 and on executing two oil and gas contracts (block First success A commercial gas inflow was obtained in August 2007 during the first exploratory well testing in Bao Vang as part of the prospecting activities in block 112 offshore Vietnam in the Gulf of Bac Bo performed by Vietgazprom. According to the survey data, gas flow rate was up to 400,000 cubic meters a day. The well output also showed the presence of gas condensate. In addition, in 2009 the neighboring area of Bao Den yielded 300,000 cubic meters of gas a day. Therefore, two fields were discovered within block 112. Cooperation broadening In April 2012 Gazprom and Petrovietnam signed an agreement on Gazprom involvement in the development project for blocks 05.2 and 05.3 offshore Vietnam in the South China Sea. The document stipulates that Gazprom will obtain a 49 per cent stake in the Production Sharing Agreements that set forth the conditions required for implementing the project. The Russian party in this project will be represented by Gazprom EP International. Two gas and condensate fields – Moc Tinh (block 05.3) and Hai Thach (blocks 05.2 and 05.3), as well as the Kim Cuong Tay oil field (block 05.2) were discovered within the blocks. The aggregate reserves of the two gas and condensate fields are evaluated at 55.6 billion cubic meters of gas and 25.1 million tons of gas condensate. It is planned to launch the construction of 16 production wells 2,000 to 4,600 meters deep in order to develop the fields. At present, the pre-development of these fields is nearly completed and the first exploratory well construction has started. The Hai Thach and Moc Tinh fields output will be delivered to shore through the existing Nam Con Son trunkline. Geopetrol Vietnam Geopetrol S.A. 11, rue Tronchet Le Palacio Madeleine 75008 PARIS France Tel: +33 (0)1 70 61 76 72 Fax: +33 (0)1 40 07 57 45 Email: Geopetrol International 4bis, rue de la Rôtisserie BP 3290 1211 Genève 3 Suisse Tel: +41 22 319 2680 Fax: +41 22 319 2681 Email: Geopetrol was formed in the early nineties - at a time when the oil industry economy was in a down turn - with a strong commitment to maintain the oil and gas production of old fields known as "mature fields". These fields, which were ready to be closed due to the policies of the "majors" to concentrate on projects more in line with their size, were taken over by Geopetrol and thus given a second life. The Geopetrol organisation has always been adapted to the size of the purchased Assets, which enables the optimisation of operational costs and the extension of the duration of profitable exploitation. Similar opportunities will come into existence in many countries, with more fields becoming mature with time. Geopetrol group has successfully developed its activities in several countries, mainly France, Vietnam and India. Recently, by investing in CANDAX, listed in Toronto, Geopetrol was able to set up a long term presence in Tunisia. In April 2012, a Production Sharing Agreement was signed with the Ministry of Oil and Minerals in Yemen for Block 80, located in the Wadi Sar region. Geopetrol International is operator of the block. In February 2012, Geopetrol finalised a partnership agreement with Sonoro Energy Ltd. for the exploration and production of heavy oil in the province of Salah Ad Din in Iraq. In January 2012, Geopetrol announced the award of a Production Sharing Contract by the Ministry of Energy in Myanmar for the block RSF-9 in partnership with the local company A-1 Construction. Geopetrol has been elected designated Operator. In September 2011, a partnership agreement was concluded with Mitra Energy (Operator) for the offshore block Biliton in the Java Sea in Indonesia. Vietnam operations Geopetrol International holds 3.5% of Block 15-1 in the Cuu Long Basin, offshore South-east Vietnam. Geopetrol International’s partners are Petrovietnam, Perenco, KNOC and SK Energy. Four fields have been discovered so far (3 oil fields and 1 gas field). The first oil discovery was in the region of Su Tu Den, in August 2000, with production starting in October 2003. A second oil discovery in the Su Tu Vang region was made in October 2001. Production started in October 2008. This was followed by a third discovery in November 2003 in the region of Su Tu Trang showing gas and condensate reservoirs. Three appraisal wells are being drilled on the site with production tests to be performed. First gas production should start in 2012. Finally, a fourth discovery was made in September 2005 in the region of Su Tu Nau. It is currently being appraised. First oil production should start in 2014. About 200 million barrels of oil have been recovered from Block 15-1 until January 2011. The average daily production of oil in 2010 was around 90,000 bopd (for 100%). Idemitsu Oil & Gas Vietnam Tel: +81-3-6895-3974 (E&P) Established in 1989, Idemitsu Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. acts as an operating vehicle for Idemitsu E & P by promoting their activities in Norway, the UK, Vietnam and other countries in Southeast Asia. Vietnam operations Offshore Vietnam - Blocks 051b and 05-1c On October 28, 2004, Idemitsu, as an Operator, entered into a Production Sharing Contract together with Nippon Oil Exploration Limited (now JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration Corporation) and Teikoku Oil (Con Son) Co., Ltd. with Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam) for the Blocks 05-1b and 05-1c offshore Vietnam. After the official approval from the Vietnamese government as of November 18, we established an operation office in Ho Chi Minh City in January 2005 and commenced the exploration activities. These blocks are located 350 km southeast of Ho Chi Minh City and under the same basin as the Dai Hung field and the Lan Tay/Lan Do gas fields in highly potential gas and oil producing basins. A 3D seismic survey covering 598 km 2 and a 2D seismic survey covering approximately 500 km, were acquired in 2005. The first exploratory well was drilled in 2007. An additional 2D seismic survey covering approximately 1,800 km was acquired in 2007 and 2008. As the results of evaluation of geological potential based on 2D seismic data acquired in 2007 and 2008, the decision was made to proceeding into Phase Two. As a result of the second exploratory well which was drilled in 2010, accumulations of oil and gas were confirmed. A 3D seismic survey covering 814 km2 was acquired in order to evaluate oil and gas discovered structure and other potential prospects in these blocks. As the results of detailed evaluation, the decision was made to proceeding into Phase Three. Partners Idemitsu Oil & Gas Co., Ltd.(operator): 35% JX Nippon Oil & Gas Expl. Corp: 35% Teikoku Oil (Con Son) Co., Ltd.:30% CAMBODIA A M Idemitsu Oil & Gas Co., Ltd. 1-1 Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8321 Japan E VI TN Block 09-3 Block 05-1b and 05-1b Source: EKF Japan Vietnam Petroleum Vietnam Japan Vietnam Petroleum Company Ltd. Headquarters Petro VN Towers 7th floor 8 Hoang Dieu St. Vung Tau Vietnam Tel: 84-064-3385693 J a p a n V i e t n a m Pe t r o l e u m Corporation (JVPC) is a subsidiary of JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration and operates Block 15-2 offshore Vietnam. Rang Dong oil field Rang Dong oil field is located 135km south-east of Vung Tau in block 15-2 of the Cuu Long Basin in Vietnam. The block covers 400,000 acres and is proximate to the Bach and Ruby fields. J a p a n V i e t n a m Pe t r o l e u m Corporation (JVPC), a subsidiary of JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration, operates the field with a majority stake of 46.5%. The remaining stake is held by Perenco (36%) and PetroVietnam (17.5%). Perenco purchased ConocoPhillips' stake in Rang Dong in the first quarter of 2012. Rang Dong has been in production for more than 13 years. In February 2011, JVPC and co-owners of the field announced they would conduct a pilot test for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) from the field. It was claimed to be the first offshore EOR in south-east Asia. An agreement to conduct a 20day pilot test in June 2011 was signed between the state owned Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC), PetroVietnam and JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration. The test was concluded positively in February 2012, indicating significant potential to ramp up production and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. It involved injecting CO2 into the reservoir well to improve production. Sophisticated Technology to Explore the Basement Rocks The Rang Dong oil field and The Phuong Dong oil field feature an unconventional fractured granite basement rock reservoir that is unique in the world. NOEX's fracture evaluation technology is highly valued and receiving worldwide recognition. The company have been improving the productivity of the field by applying advanced technologies, including the fracture evaluation technology and horizontal borehole drilling technology. JX Nippon Oil & Gas Vietnam JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration Corporation (NOEX) is the upstream operations arm of JX Holdings, the parent company of both JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation (formerly Nippon Oil) and JX Nippon Mining & Metals Corporation (formerly Nippon Mining). The company explores for natural resources ranging from crude oil to liquefied natural gas and oil sand. NOEX has interests in about 15 countries around the world, with particular focus on Malaysia, Vietnam, and the North Sea. Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration Corporation Ho Chi Minh City Representative Office Tel: +84-(0)8-3910-6900 Fax: +84-(0)8-3910-5282 Vung Tau (Vietnam) Japan Vietnam Petroleum Company, Limited Tel: +84-(0)64-3856937 Fax: +84-(0)64-3856943 Head Office (Japan) JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration Corporation Vietnam operations Project History 2008 September: Started production at Phuong Dong oil field 2008 July: Rang Dong oil field reached the cumulative oil production 150 million barrels 2006 February: Rang Dong oil field associated gas recovery and utilization project was registered as a CDM Project under the Kyoto Protocol (CERs were issued in February 2008) 2005 June: Rang Dong oil field reached the cumulative oil production of 100 million barrels 1998 Aug: Started production at the Rang Dong oil field 1994 June: Discovered Rang Dong oil field in Block 15-2 1992 Oct: Acquired working interest in Block 15-2 Tel: +81- (0)3-6275-5241 Fax: +81- (0)3-3276-1361 JX Nippon Oil & Energy Europe Limited 4th Floor 4 Moorgate London EC2R 6DA U.K. Tel: +44-(0)20-7186-0400 Fax: +44-(0)20-7186-0419 Block 16-2 location 01 Ho Chi Minh 15-1 V I E T N A M Vung Tau 15-2 In November 2013, JX NOEX a n n o u n c e d t h a t a 5 -ye a r extension of the Block 15-2 Production Sharing Contract (PSC) has been granted by the Vietnamese government for activities in the Rang Dong oilfield within the block. NOEX have now also acquired Blocks 05-1b/c and Block 16-2 where they are conducting exploration activities. The Rang Dong oil field and The Phuong Dong oil field feature an unconventional fractured granite basement rock reservoir that is unique in the world. NOEX's fracture evaluation technology is highly valued and receiving worldwide recognition. NOEX h ave b e e n i m p r ov i n g t h e productivity of the field by applying advanced technologies, including the fracture evaluation technology and horizontal borehole drilling technology. Blocks 05-1 b/c,Block 16-2 In November 2007, NOEX acquired working interest in Southern Vietnam offshore Block 1 6 - 2 i n c o o p e ra t i o n w i t h PetroVietnam Exploration Production (PVEP) and VietsovPetro (VSP), which is jointly managed by PetroVietnam (PV) and Russia’s state-owned Zarubezhneft. AURORA SU TU DEN RANG DONG 09 16-1 BACH HO 16-2 Since the acquisition of Block 152 in 1992, the project has been one of NOEX's key operations. JVPC, NOEX's subsidiary acts as operator and has been involved in the ongoing exploration and development of the block, and the production of crude oil and natural gas. RONG Source: EKF NOEX acquired working interests in Southern Vietnam offshore Blocks 05-1b/c in cooperation with ldemitsu Oil & Gas and Teikoku Oil in October 2004. KNOC Vietnam KNOC Vietnam Office 10th Floor, Diamond Plaza, 34 Le Duan St., Dist. 1 Ho Chi Minh, Socialist Rep. of Vietnam Vung Tau Office Rong Doi Project Vung Tau Office #405, 4th Floor, Petro Tower Building No. 8 Hoang Dieu Street, Vung Tau City Vietnam Korea National Oil Corporation 57, 212nd Street, Gwanpyeongro, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, 431-711 Tel: 82-31-380-2114 Fax: 82-31-387-9321 Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) is a state-owned oil company founded in 1979 to ensure stability in domestic oil d e m a n d a n d s u p p l y. T h e Company has been engaging in exploration and production of domestic and overseas oil resources, oil stockpiling, improvement of oil distribution structure and oil information service, and pioneering the future of Korea’s energy industry. Vietnam operations Block 11-2 KNOC obtained operatorship of this block in May 1992. The Rong Doi(Twin Dragon) and Rong Doi Tay(Twin Dragon West) gas fields were discovered by KNOC in March 1998. KNOC signed an interim gas sales purchase agreement with PetroVietnam in December 2004, which was finalised shortly thereafter and commenced construction works for the development of the gas field, which was completed on schedule in less than two years. Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) is sole operator and carries out exploration, development and production activities in Block 11-2, located 320km offshore Vietnam. KNOC holds 75% participating interest in this block on behalf of itself and a Korean Consortium which consists of LG International Corp., Daesung Industrial Com., Daewoo International Corp., Hyundai Corp., Samwhan Corp., and Seoul City Gas Co. Ltd. PetroVietnam Exploration and Production Company(PVEP) also holds 25% participating interest in Block 11-2. This field commenced production on December 25, 2006. Now 7 Production Wels in the fields are producing the average 171 million standard cubic feet of natural gas per day upon the buyer's gas nomination. The recoverable volume of this block is 770 billion standard cubic feet and Production will continue by 2024. Total Reserves: 770 billion cubic feet Daily production: 171 million cubic feet Production Period: 17 years, 2007 - 2024 Block 15-1 CL JOC is a joint operating company for the Block 15-1, located 50km offshore Vietnam. A Petroleum Contract was entered into in September 1998. Contractor Parties consist of PetroVietnam Exploration and P r o d u c t i o n Company(PVEP)(50%), ConocoPhillips(Perenco)(23.25 % ) , Ko r e a n N a t i o n a l O i l Corporation (KNOC) (14.25%), SK Energy (9%) and Geopetrol (3.5%). After the first discovery of Su Tu Den Field, CLJOC had consecutively successful results from Su Tu Vang(Gold Lion) in October 2001, from Su Tu Trang(White Lion) in November Vietnam Assets Block Contract Acreage (Km2) Working Interest Operator Production Sept 2013 (boed) Phase 11-2 PSC 691 39.75% KNOC 33,089 Production 15-1 PSC 800 14.25% CLJOC 46,000 Production KNOC Vietnam 2003, and from Su Tu Nau(Brown Lion) in September 2005. In Su Tu Den Southwest field 25 production wells are now p r o d u c i n g a n ave ra g e 1 9 thousand barrels of oil per day. The Su Tu Den offshore facilities consist of the Cuulong Thai Binh FPSO, a 28 well slots wellhead platform (WHP-A), and over 2.4km of pipelines(from WHP-A to PLEM). The oil produced from Su Tu Den field is processed and stored on boarding the FPSO, a Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO). The Thai Binh FPSO has 1 million barrels of storage capacity. The oil produced from Su Tu Den Field is exported to FPSO. In the Su Tu Vang field 10 production wells are now producing an average 7 thousand barrels of oil per day. The Su Tu Vang offshore facilities consist of the central processing platform(CPP). The oil produced from Su Tu Vang field is exported from CPP (100 thousand barrels of processing capacity per day) to FPSO. Also Su Tu Den Northeast field was completed in Apr 2010 and this field is producing average 8 thousand barrels of oil per day now. The new development of Su Tu Trang field was completed in Sep 2012 and producing 45 million cubic feet of gas and 7 thousand barrels of condensate per day. Su Tu Nau field will commence production in 2014. The estimated recoverable volume of Su Tu Den, Su Tu Vang , Su Tu Trang and Su Tu Nau fields is 621 million barrels and Production will last by 2023. Estimated Ultamate Reserves: 621MMboe Daily production: 66Mbbl Production Period: 20 years, 2003~2023 Block 15-1 location 01 Ho Chi Minh 15-1 V I E T N A M Vung Tau 15-2 AURORA SU TU DEN RANG DONG 09 16-1 BACH HO 16-2 Source: EKF RONG KrisEnergy Vietnam Singapore's KrisEnergy has interests in 19 licences stretching across Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. It has producing assets in the Gulf of Thailand and the onshore Bangora gas field in Bangladesh, which together pump almost 8,000 boepd, as well as a suite of exploration, appraisal and development projects. Kris Energy Ltd. 19F, Bitexco Financial Tower No. 2, Hai Trieu St., Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: +84 8 39156009 Fax: +84 8 39156008 KrisEnergy Ltd. 83 Clemenceau Avenue, #10–05 UE Square, Singapore 239920 Tel: +65 6838 5430 Fax: +65 6538 3622 KrisEnergy's portfolio contains three offshore producing assets, the Kambuna gas-condensate field in Indonesia and the B8/32 and B9A oil and gas blocks in the Gulf of Thailand. The other c o n t ra c t a r e a s c o n t a i n a combination of development projects and exploration prospects. Key Personnel: Chris Gibson-Robinson Director Exploration & Production Richard Lorentz Director Business Development James Parkin VP Exploration awarded 100% working interest and operatorship of the production sharing contract (“PSC”) for Block 115/09. Although relatively lightly explored with just over 70 exploration, appraisal and production wells drilled to date, the Song Hong Basin contains some 25 discoveries, predominantly gas, with expected ultimate reserve recoveries of approximately 12 trillion cubic feet of gas and 150 million barrels of oil and condensate (IHS, 2010). The Phu Khanh Basin is even less explored with only five exploration wells drilled to date. It is notable, however, that three of the wells were non-commercial oil or gas discoveries, indicating the attractiveness of the region. Vietnam operations There are more than 60 contract areas under licence in Vietnam, mostly located in the southern offshore Nam Con Son Basin. KrisEnergy holds working interest in two exploration licences, Block 105-110/04 covering 7,192 sq km in shallow waters of the Song Hong Basin offshore north-central Vietnam, and Block 120 covering 8,469 sq km in moderate water depths in the northern Phu Khanh Basin, offshore central Vietnam. In March 2014, the company was Chris Wilson VP Business Development Brian Helyer VP Operations Geoff Bennett Chief Geophysicist Block 105 Block 105-110/04 covers an area of 7,192 sq km in the central Song Hong Basin offshore Vietnam where water depths range from 20 metres to 80 metres. KrisEnergy holds a 25% nonoperated working interest in Block 105. Eni Vietnam is the operator of Block 105 with 50% working interest and Neon Energy holds 25%. Beibu Gulf Gulf of Tonkin VIETNAM CHINA Block 105 Block 120 VIETNAM Phu Khanh Basin Song Hong Basin South China Sea 100 kms Source: EKF KrisEnergy Vietnam Source: Oligocene to Middle Miocene lacustrine shales and Mio-Pliocene deltaic/marine shales Reservoir: Oligocene to Pliocene deltaic, marginal marine and turbidite fan sands Trap: Tilted fault blocks,faulted anticlines and turbidite fans Seal: Oligocene to Pliocene regional and intra-formational shales Block 120 Block 120 covers 8,574 sq km offshore Vietnam in the South China Sea overlying the Quang Ngai Graben in the north and central section of the contact area passing into the Phu Khanh Basin in the southern portion of the block. Water depths in the contract area range from 50 metres to 1,100 metres. KrisEnergy holds a 25% nonoperated working interest in Block 120. Eni Vietnam is the operator of Block 105 with 50% working interest and Neon Energy holds 25%. Source: Eocene to Oligocene lacustrine shales Reservoir: Oligocene fluvial sands, Miocene carbonate reefs and turbidite fan sands Trap: Tilted fault blocks, faulted anticlines, carbonate reefs and turbidite fans Seal: Oligo-Miocene intraformational shales Block 115/09 Block 115/09 covers an area of 7,382 sq km in the southern Song Hong Basin where water depths range mainly between 60 metres and 200 metres. The PSC has an initial four-year term, with an associated work commitment of reprocessing 3,000 km of existing 2D seismic data, the acquisition and processing of 850 sq km of 3D seismic data and a single exploration well. The seismic reprocessing will commence in 2014 and will aid in the identification of the block’s prospective areas over which 3D seismic acquisition will be undertaken. Block 105 KrisEnergy increased its working interest in Block 105-110/4 (“Block 105”) and took over operatorship of the production sharing contract following the execution of a deed of assignment on 9 March 2015 between Eni Vietnam B.V. (“Eni Vietnam”) and KrisEnergy (Song Hong 105) Ltd (“KrisEnergy 105”) (“Deed”). Block 105 covers 7,192 sq. km in the Gulf of Tonkin, overlying the central Song Hong Basin where water depths range from 20 metres to 80 metres. A single exploration well, Cua Lo-1, was drilled in the contract area in 2013, which confirmed the existence of a petroleum system within the block. KUFPEC Vietnam Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company Administrative Shuwaikh Area 4, Street 102, Building No. 9 P.O. Box 5291 Safat, 13053 Kuwait Tel: +965 1836000 Fax: +965 24951818 Key Personnel: A. Naser Al-Fulaij Vice President - Business Development Hosnia S. Hashim Vice President - Operations Established by its parent company KPC, KUFPEC is an international o i l c o m p a n y, e n g a g e d i n exploration, development and production of crude oil and natural gas outside Kuwait, active in Africa, Middle East, Asia, UK, Norway and Australia. KUFPEC participates in joint ventures with similar companies in E&P of Oil and Gas both as an operator and partner. Major Assets comprise of: • Offshore and onshore exploration leases • Oil and Gas properties and appraisal and development • Oil and Gas producing properties The corporate structure is divided into single corporate head office and 6 area offices in Egypt, Tunisia, Indonesia , Australia, Pakistan and Norway. Vietnam operations Block 19 & 20 PSCs (KUFPEC: 40% in each) The two PSCs are located in the NamConSon Basin, offshore Vietnam in the South China Sea and cover an area of 9,200 km2. Two exploration wells 19-TN-1X and 20-MG-1X were drilled in Q3 2012. Both wells were P&A without hydrocarbon shows. Work program commitments have been fulfilled and both PSC’s are planned to be relinquished during 2013 due to low remaining prospectively. Block 51 PSC (KUFPEC : 35%) The PSC located in the Malay Basin, offshore South Vietnam covers an area of 3,566 km2. Exploration well 51-TC-1X discovered gas in Q4 2012 with high CO2 concentration; post well analysis is under way. During 2012, 622 km2 of 3D seismic data was acquired to evaluate additional prospects in the Block. Mitra Energy Vietnam Tel: +65 6221 7814 Vietnam operations Singapore (Registered Office) 21 Bukit Batok Crescent #15-79, WCEGA Tower, Singapore 658065 Block 51 Mitra operates the PSC with 35% equity while KUFPEC also holds 35% equity. The remaining 30% is held by Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation (PVEP). The partnership drilled a discovery well, 51-TC-1X, in 2012 and an appraisal well, 51-TC-2X, in 2014. In addition, an earlier discovery ( U Minh discovery ) was made by a previous operator, Fina, several years prior to the current PSC, proximal and in a similar setting to Mitra's Nam Du discovery on Block 46/07. Tel: +84 8 3823 7111 Malaysia Suite 24.3, Level 24, Menara IMC No. 8 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: +603 2031 8830 Hanoi MVHN/12KS G ul Hainan Island f o f To nkin LAOS THAILAND AM Singapore (Registered Office) 21 Bukit Batok Crescent #15-79, WCEGA Tower, Singapore 658065 Mitra's current exploration portfolio comprises approximately more than 62,000 km² (15.4 million acres) of awarded acreage across the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand. The company is exposed to net unrisked Prospective Resources potential of 11.2 billion barrels of oil equivalent (P10). Mitra is drilling five exploration and appraisal wells in 2013, plus up to ten wells per year in 2014 and 2015, to test key plays and prospects within that portfolio. An ambitious programme of Business Development seeks to capture further high quality assets and replenish the portfolio of exploration drilling options. Mitra Energy Limited 3rd Floor, Suite 301 Kumho Asiana Plaza Saigon, 39 Le Duan Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam CHINA CAMBODIA TN Malaysia Suite 24.3, Level 24, Menara IMC Vietnam operations IE Tel: +84 8 3823 7111 Mitra Energy Limited is a privately owned independent oil and gas exploration company focusing on the Asia-Pacific region. Since the company's formation in mid-2005, its initial focus on Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand has resulted in the acquisition of a number of high quality exploration assets. V Mitra Energy Limited 3rd Floor, Suite 301 Kumho Asiana Plaza Saigon, 39 Le Duan Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City 127 Gulf of Thailand 51 45 46/07 Tel: +65 6221 7814 Contact: Andy Butler VP Business Development Nguyen Quoc Viet Commercial Manager Ian McMahon G&G Operations Manager Vietnam Key Personnel Dave Goulding, VP Technical Rob Herries, Geological Advisor Walter Wuertz, Geophysical Advisor Chan Yin-Hoe, Senior Geophysicist The Tho Chu discovery resource estimate was independently audited by Senergy (September 2014 CPR), with a Gross Contingent Resource of 49.8 MMboe (2C) and 156.5 MMboe (3C). The Gross Contingent Resources for the U Minh discovery were 14.7 MMboe (2C) and 24.0 MMboe (3C). Five prospects in the vicinity of the two discoveries have been identified from 3D seismic data interpretation. Prospect evaluations were independently audited by Senergy. The total gross unrisked Prospective Resource for the five prospects are reported as 119 MMboe (Pmean) to 226 MMboe (P10). Block 46/07 Mitra holds 70% equity and operatorship in the PSC, after withdrawal of Talisman from the PSC in November 2014. PVEP holds the remaining 30% equity. The partnership drilled two exploration wells in 2013, the Mitra Energy Vietnam first of which, 46/07-ND-1X (Nam Du), was a discovery. The Nam Du discovery was independently audited by Senergy (September 2014 CPR) to have gross Contingent Resources of 30.0 MMboe (2C) to 49.5 MMboe (3C). S u b s e q u e n t l y, 3 D s e i s m i c inversion reprocessing has been undertaken, calibrated to the 2013 wells. This new dataset has helped high grade three prospects in the block for which Senergy (September 2014 CPR) reported total gross unrisked Prospective Resources of 29 MMboe (Pmean) to 56 MMboe (P10). Block 45 Mitra holds 70% equity and operatorship in the PSC, after withdrawal of Talisman from the PSC in November 2014. PVEP holds the remaining 30% equity. The partnership drilled a subcommercial oil and gas discovery w e l l , 4 5 -V T- 1 X , i n 2 0 1 3 . Post-well 3D seismic inversion reprocessing calibrated to the well has high-graded three prospects in the block. These prospects were audited by Senergy (September 2014 CPR) who reported a total gross unrisked Prospective Resource of 35 MMboe (Pmean) to 67 MMboe (P10). Block 127 Mitra operates the PSC with 100% equity. The PSC represents Mitra's first foray into frontier deepwater exploration in Vietnam. Activities are focused on the unexplored deepwater, eastern half of the block. This is in view of the significant hydrocarbon potential in the area, associated with a thick, Tertiary age sedimentary section. Block MVHN/12KS Mitra operates the PSC with 100% equity. As a technical partner, Halliburton International Inc. contributes their global experience in unconventional hydrocarbon exploration and production to the exploration effort. Farm-out In August 2014, AziPac, through its subsidiary Azimuth Vietnam, has signed a farm-in agreement with Mitra Energy, the operator, for a 25% participating interest in Block 127 PSC, offshore Vietnam. As part of the deal, AziPac will pay a working interest share of the approved past costs and carry part of Mitra's costs of acquisition and processing of a 3D seismic survey, scheduled to be acquired in the second half of 2014. Acquisition of the 3D survey will complete the work programme obligations for the current Exploration Phase which expires on 24 May, 2016. Upon completion of the farm-in, the participating interests in the Block 127 PSC will be as follows: Mitra Energy (Vietnam Phu Khanh) Pte Ltd 75%; Azimuth Vietnam Limited 25%. 3D seismic acquisition In June 2015, Mitra Energy, through its subsidiary operating company Mitra Energy (Vietnam Phu Khanh) Pte Ltd, commenced 3D seismic survey acquisition operations in the Block 127 PSC area, offshore Vietnam. The survey is being undertaken by PTSC CGGV Geophysical Survey Co utilising the 3D seismic survey vessel 'Amadeus'. The 3D seismic survey is planned to cover a fullfold area of 533 sq kms and will fulfil the PSC Exploration Phase One extension 3D seismic survey acquisition commitment of 500 full-fold sq kms. Net Resources (2C, 3C and RPR) 37% Total 2C: 69 MMboe 63% 63% 37% Total 3C: 210 MMboe 16% RPR(1): 770 MMboe 15% 69% Vietnam Philippines Indonesia Mitra Energy Vietnam An exploration well, 51-TC-1X (Tho Chu Prospect) was drilled in October 2012 to a total depth of 3,185m MD and was a significant gas and liquids discovery. Independent evaluation estimates the Tho Chu field to have a net 2C Contingent Resource of 37.7 mmboe to a high estimate (3C) Contingent Resource of 55.2 mmboe. Mitra and partners will drill an appraisal well on the Tho Chu field in late 2013. A 622 km² 3D survey was also undertaken in Q3 2012 in the southeastern part of the block, where appraisal drilling on existing gas discoveries is anticipated in 2014. In 2010, Mitra (70% and operator) and PVEP (30%) signed a PSC with Petrovietnam for Block 46/07, offshore Vietnam. Block 46/07 covers an area of 3,281 km² and is located adjacent to Block 51, on the northeast margin of the Malay Basin. Mitra completed the acquisition of a commitment 387 km² 3D seismic survey over the northwest corner of the block in 2010, the interpretation of which has yielded a prospect inventory with a net high estimate (P10) Prospective Resource size of 170 mmboe. The prospects lie immediately on trend with oil and gas discoveries and production in neighbouring blocks 46/02 and 46-CN and as such are regarded as relatively low risk. Two exploration wells are scheduled to be drilled within the block in the second quarter of 2013. The first well, 46/07-ND-1X, was drilled in May 2013 and resulted in an oil and gas discovery with over 40 metres TVD thickness of net pay. The second well, 46/07HC-1X, was spudded in July 2013. In 2011, the same Mitra and PVEP partnership signed another PSC with Petrovietnam for Block 45. The block covers 4,677 km² and is situated adjacent to both Block 51 and Block 46/07. A 270 km² 3D seismic survey was acquired ahead of PSC signing, the evaluation of which was fast- tracked in order to parallel the Block 46/07 evaluation. Two key prospects have been identified with a combined net high estimate (P10) Prospective Resource size of 145 mmboe. One of these prospects was drilled by an exploration well, 45-VT1X, in June 2013, which was a sub-commercial oil and gas discovery. Mitra is now conducting post well evaluation before deciding on next exploration activities. Mitra and Talisman entered into separate farm-out agreements for the partial assignment of Mitra's participating interest in the Block 46/07 and Block 45 PSCs in December 2012. Under the terms of the agreements, Mitra assigned a 35% participating interest in each PSC to Talisman. In 2012, Mitra signed a PSC with Petrovietnam for Block 127, offshore Vietnam on a 100% equity basis. Block 127 covers an area of over 9,000 km² and is located at the southern end of the Phu Khanh Basin, off the southeast coast of Vietnam. Water depths in the block extend from less than 20m in the west to over 2,000m in the east. Mitra's activities are focused on the unexplored deep water, eastern half of the block. Mitra believes there to be significant hydrocarbon potential in this area, associated with a thick, Tertiary age sedimentary section. A commitment 2D seismic survey was completed in October 2012, in which a total of 4,015 full fold line km of 2D data was acquired on behalf of Mitra by PTSC G&S using the M/V Binh Minh 02. The new seismic data set will allow for better characterisation of the basin and for the high grading of areas for exploration drilling. The data is currently being interpreted. Initial evaluation showed that the three leads identified could contain a combined net high estimate (P10) Prospective Resource of up to 2,087 mmboe. Mitra entered into a Shale Gas PSC with Petrovietnam for Block MVHN/12KS, onshore Vietnam in February 2013. Mitra operates the Shale Gas PSC with 100% working interest, with Halliburton International Inc. in the venture as technical consultant. Initial work programme consists of seismic reprocessing, well analyses for shale characterization, basin modeling and pilot hole preparation. Farm-out In August 2014, AziPac, through its subsidiary Azimuth Vietnam, has signed a farm-in agreement with Mitra Energy, the operator, for a 25% participating interest in Block 127 PSC, offshore Vietnam. As part of the deal, AziPac will pay a working interest share of the approved past costs and carry part of Mitra's costs of acquisition and processing of a 3D seismic survey, scheduled to be acquired in the second half of 2014. Acquisition of the 3D survey will complete the work programme obligations for the current Exploration Phase which expires on 24 May, 2016. Upon completion of the farm-in, the participating interests in the Block 127 PSC will be as follows: Mitra Energy (Vietnam Phu Khanh) Pte Ltd 75%; Azimuth Vietnam Limited 25%. Mitsui Oil Exploration Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City Office Unit 2&3, Level 13 Saigon Centre 65 Le Loi Boulevard District 1 Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Tel: +84-8-3821-2693/2694 Fax: +84-8-3821-2661 Mitsui Oil Exploration Co., Ltd. Head Office Hibiya Central Bldg. 2-9 Nishi-Shimbashi 1-chome Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0003, Japan Tel:+81-3-3502-5786 Fax:+81-3-3502-7686 Since its foundation in 1969 by 17 Mitsui group companies, Mitsui Oil Exploration Co., Ltd. (MOECO), backed by the combined strengths of the Mitsui Group, has been working for long-term stable energy supply both for Japan and the world through exploration and production of oil and gas. Vietnam operations Block B & 48/95 (MVP) MVP is preparing for the development of natural gas and condensate from Block B & 48/95 located off southwestern Vietnam, and plans to carry out joint commercialization with the adjacent Block 52/97. In July 2009, MVP and three partners signed a basic agreement for front end engineering and design (FEED) with Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam). Block B & 48/95 Contract Area Company Contract Status Project Interest Block B & 48/95 Moeco Vietnam Petroleum Co., Ltd. (MVP) PSC Preparation for development Chevron Vietnam (Block B), Ltd. 42.38% (operator) Moeco Vietnam Petroleum Co., Ltd. 25.62% PetroVietnam Exploration Production Corporation 23.50% PTTEP Kim Long Vietnam Co., Ltd. 8.50% Block 52/97 Contract Area Company Contract Status Project Interest Block 52/97 Moeco Southwest Vietnam Petroleum Co., Ltd. (MSVP) PSC Preparation for development Chevron Vietnam (Block 52), Ltd.* 43.4% PetroVietnam Exploration Production Corporation 30.0% Moeco Southwest Vietnam Petroleum Co., Ltd. 19.6% PTTEP Southwest Vietnam Co., Ltd. 7.0% Mubadala Petroleum Vietnam Mubadala Petroleum Unit 1707, 17th Floor Kumho Asiana Plaza Saigon 39 Le Duan Street, District 1 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Tel: +84 8 3520 7499 Fax: +84 8 3823 3535 Mubadala Oil and Gas PO Box 45005 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 2 413 0000 Fax: +971 2 413 0001 Mubadala Petroleum One Raffles Place #11-61 Office Tower 2 048616 Singapore Tel.: +65 6236 2940 Fax: +65 6557 2775 Key Personnel: Steven Peacock Senior Vice President, Exploration Mussabeh Al-Kaabi Chief Growth Officer Mubadala Oil and Gas builds on Abu Dhabi’s rich heritage in hydrocarbons to pursue opportunities that will meet the Emirates current and future energy demands. Primary focus is on upstream oil and gas opportunities. Mubadala have been able to leverage the e xc e l l e n t c o m m e r c i a l a n d governmental relationships they have established over the years, both to facilitate the expansion of their operations, and to build capability in new regions including MENA, Central and South East Asia. Mubadala's assets in these regions have been complemented by expansion into new territories, such as the Caspian Sea. The company are also active in R&D in the renewable energy sector and in developing technologies that will facilitate the commercialization and widespread adoption of alternative energy sources. In Southeast Asia, the company acts as operator across an extensive range of assets located in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. In the Gulf of Thailand, Mubadala have developed a strong track record of safe, efficient and cost-effective production operations, and are bringing forward several new developments. Vietnam operations Mubadala have been involved in a number of exciting opportunities offshore Vietnam since 2007. The company has built up valuable partnerships with Petrovietnam, Talisman, and other industry participants. Appraisal Block 07/03 is located in the Nam Con Son Basin and contains the Ca Rong Do (CRD) oil and gas field, which was discovered in 2009. Mubadala Petroleum holds 25 percent interest and Talisman is operator. Appraisal well CRD3X successfully tested the reserves potential in 2013 and post well studies will confirm commerciality and identify the preferred development concept. CRD, which at over 320 meters, would be the deepest water development to date in Vietnam. Exploration Mubadala are actively exploring three blocks in Vietnam. The company operates Block 04-2, holding 90 percent interest. Blocks 135 & 136/3 are located adjacent to CRD offshore Vietnam and Mubadala Petroleum acquired a 20 percent interest in this deep water block in May 2011. Operator Talisman Energy acquired 3D seismic data in 2012 and the joint venture plans to drill the first exploration wells in 2014. Mubadala Petroleum plans to drill between three to five exploration prospects across Blocks 04-2, 07/03 and 135 & 136/03 during 2014. Murphy Oil Vietnam Murphy Oil Corporation and Murphy Oil USA, Inc. 200 Peach Street El Dorado, Arkansas 71730 U.S.A. Tel: (870) 862-6411 Murphy Eastern Oil Company 4 Beaconsfield Road St. Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3RH Tel: 01-727-892-400 Murphy Sarawak Oil Company Ltd. Level 26, Tower 2 PETRONAS Twin Towers Kuala Lumpur City Centre 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Contact: Hans F. Schwing Vice President Vietnam and Southeast Asia New Opportunities Bill H. Stobaugh Executive Vice President, Corporate Planning & Business Development Headquartered in El Dorado, Arkansas, the company was o r i g i n a l l y i n c o r p o ra t e d i n Louisiana in 1950 as Murphy Corporation. It was reincorporated in Delaware in 1964, at which time it adopted the name Murphy Oil Corporation. But, the Company's roots go back to a lumber and banking business in South Arkansas and, more directly, to 1907, when the first oil production was established in the Caddo Field in North Louisiana. Thereafter, oil and gas were important phases of the business. Until the mid 1930's however, oil and gas remained subordinate to timber operations and banking. Today, Murphy Oil Corporation is an international oil and gas company that conducts business through various operating subsidiaries. The Company produces oil and natural gas in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Malaysia, and Republic of the Congo and conducts exploration activities worldwide. The Company owns marketing operations in the United States and the United Kingdom, including a refinery in Milford Haven, Wales. Vietnam operations Murphy entered Vietnam in 2012 with the award of deepwater Blocks 144 and 145. In 2013, the Company were awarded shallow water Block 11-2/11 and farmed into Block 13-03. The three PSCs give Murphy a balance between higher risk deepwater opportunities and lower risk shallow water opportunities, similar to the position they acquired when entering Malaysia. Murphy are actively evaluating additional opportunities in the country which they feel is underexplored. Assets Block: 144 & 145 Basin: Phu Khanh Working Interest: 65%, operated Area: 4,420,000 gross acres Water Depth: 1,000 to 2,500 meters Prospective for: Oil & Gas Date of Entry: October 2012 Block: 11–2/11 Basin: Nam Con Son Working Interest: 60%, operated Area: 677,000 gross acres Water Depth: 70 to 90 meters Prospective for: Oil & Gas Date of Entry: June 2013 Block: 13-03 Basin: Nam Con Son Working Interest: 20%, nonoperated Area: 853,000 gross acres Wa t e r D e p t h : 9 0 m e t e r s Prospective for: Oil Petrovietnam cooperation with Murphy Oil Petrovietnam and Murphy Oil Corp signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on July 8, 2015 to boost cooperation in oil and gas projects. The MoU was signed by Petrovietnam Chairman Nguyen Xuan Son and the President and CEO of Murphy Oil Corp, Roger W. Jenkins, in the presence of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, who is on a visit to the United States. In October 2015, Murphy reached an agreement with PetroVietnam Exploration Production Corporation (PVEP) and SK Innovation Co. Ltd. (SK) to farmin to the 15-1/05 Production Sharing Contract (PSC), in the highly prospective, oil prone, Cuu Long Basin, Offshore Vietnam. Murphy will hold a 35 percent working interest in the PSC. Neon Energy Vietnam Neon Energy Limited Ground Floor 88 Colin Street West Perth Western Australia 6005 Tel: +61 8 94811176 Fax: +61 8 94817720 Email: Contact: Dave Cliff Exploration Manager Aru exploration block to its portfolio, and has successfully farmed out the two Vietnam blocks to KrisEnergy Ltd and Eni S.p.A. The cost of drilling two high-impact exploration wells in Vietnam during 2013 will be substantially carried by Eni, offering significant upside to Neon at minimal cost. Neon Energy Limited is an Australian Stock Exchange listed company (ASX: NEN) focused on oil and gas exploration and production in Southeast Asia and California. Californian oil production from the 100% owned North San Ardo field funds the Company’s overheads and distinguishes Neon from many of their peer companies. In California Neon is focused on maximising cashflow from North San Ardo and appraising significant hydrocarbon resources which are proven at its Paloma and Paris Valley projects. Neon was formed in 2009 through the purchase of private company Neon Energy Pty Ltd by Salinas Energy Limited, an ASX listed entity. The merged entity combined Neon’s highly prospective Vietnamese exploration assets with Salinas Energy’s diverse portfolio of Californian production, appraisal and exploration assets. Since that time the Company has added the Indonesian Tanjung Vietnam operations Neon has been involved in Vietnam since early 2009, when the Company signed the Block 120 Production Sharing Contract CHINA Block 105-110/04 Neon Energy Block 111/04 h Sout Block 112 ina Ch Block 113 Block 114 Block 115 Block 116 Da Nano Block 117 Block 118 LAOS Block 119 VIETNAM Source: EKF Block 120 Neon Energy Block 121 CAMBODIA a Se Neon Energy Vietnam as 100% participating interest holder and Operator. In early 2010 Neon signed the Block 105-110/04 Production Sharing Contract and farmed out an interest in both blocks to KrisEnergy Ltd, in return for KrisEnergy funding the 2D seismic work commitment in the blocks. In June 2012 both Neon and KrisEnergy reached agreement with Eni Vietnam B.V., a wholly owned subsidiary of Eni SpA, to farmout an interest in the blocks in return for Eni carrying Neon and KrisEnergy through two 3D seismic programmes and two exploration wells. Eni will become Operator of the joint ventures, subject to the approval of farmout by the Vietnamese authorities, with Neon retaining a 25% participating interest in each block. Block 105 Block 105-110/04 ("Block 105") is located in the central Song Hong Basin, offshore Vietnam, covering an area of some 7,192 Sq Km in water depths of 20 to 80 metres. Although there are a number of significant discoveries in the area, Block 105 has seen very little exploration activity, with no wells drilled to date. Neon acquired a 90% interest as Operator of the Block 105 Production Sharing Contract in early 2010, and subsequently farmed down to KrisEnergy Ltd in order to fund the 2D seismic work commitment. Neon and KrisEnergy then farmed down to Eni S.p.A. in 2012, in order to fund a discretionary 3D seismic programme and the drilling of the commitment exploration well. The 800km2 3D programme was completed in mid 2012 and was designed to delineate a specific well location for the Cua Lo gas prospect; located on the eastern side of the block in 80 metres of water. The resulting high quality 3D seismic dataset has resulted in an improved understanding of the potential reservoir and hydrocarbon distribution, leading to the identification of additional potential Miocene/Pliocene pay zones. All potential pay zones are supported by Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators (DHIs); seismic attributes often associated with the presence of hydrocarbons. Cua Lo is located some 40 km s o u t hw e s t o f t h e C h i n e s e Dongfang gas fields. Both Cua Lo and Dongfang are adjacent to an extensive and deep hydrocarbon source "kitchen". The main structure at Dongfang hosts reserves of 3.5 TCF gas within fine grained Pliocene clastic reservoirs that have quality to those at Dongfang; being coarser grained due to a more proximal location relative to the Miocene-Pliocene sediment source. Netherland Sewell & Associates Inc. (NSAI) completed a Prospective Resource Assessment of Block 105 and confirmed gross unrisked prospective recoverable resources for Cua Lo of 3.9 TCF gas (best estimate) to 13.9 TCF gas (high estimate). NSAI’s assessment was based upon the 2D seismic data that was available at the time, and is based only on two prospective zones. While the areal extent of the prospect remains broadly comparable to that assessed by NSAI, the identification of additional prospective zones from the new 3D seismic volume provides scope for the discovery of additional volumes. The Cua Lo-1 exploration well was spudded on 11 August 2013. Working interests in the block are as follows: Eni Vietnam BV (Operator): 50% Neon Energy (Song Hong) Pty Ltd: 25% KrisEnergy (Song Hong 105) Ltd: 25% Block 120 Block 120 is located at the southern end of the Song Hong Basin, offshore Vietnam, covering an area of 8,469 Sq Km in water depths of 50 to 1,100 metres. The block has seen very little exploration activity, with only one well drilled to date, by BHP in 1993. The 120-CS-1X well was drilled on the Triton Horst, immediately east of the Quang Ngai Graben. BHP discovered a 6 metre oil column and 32 metres of oil shows within a carbonate reservoir, with drilling halted for operational reasons before the planned Total Depth was reached. This result proves the presence of a working petroleum system within the block. Neon acquired a 100% interest as Operator of the Block 120 Production Sharing Contract in early 2009, and subsequently farmed down to KrisEnergy Ltd in order to fund the 2D seismic work commitment. Neon and KrisEnergy then farmed down to Eni S.p.A. in 2012, in order to fund a discretionary 3D seismic programme and the drilling of the commitment exploration well. The 500km2 3D programme was completed in mid 2012 and was designed to high-grade several prospects to facilitate prospect selection for drilling. The resulting high quality 3D seismic dataset has brought a Neon Energy Vietnam significantly improved understanding of the potential r e s e r vo i r d i s t r i b u t i o n a n d probable hydrocarbon migration pathways, and also helped to identify an additional prospect. The 3D data also reveals a deeper Oligocene section than previously thought (based on the 2D seismic), thereby opening up the possibility of a gas system being present, in addition to the proven oil system. The primary prospects are Ca Ngu, Rua Bien and Ca Lang, with Ca Ngu having been selected as the target for the first exploration well. Ca Ngu is prospective for oil and/or gas, and Neon estimates Prospective Resources for the oil case as 181 MMbbls (best case) and 420 MMbbls (high case). Netherland Sewell & Associates Inc. (NSAI) completed a Prospective Resource Assessment of Ca Lang and Rua Bien in 2011, c o n f i r m i n g g r o s s u n r i s ke d prospective recoverable resources respectively for an oil case of 461 MMbbls and 611 MMbbls (best estimate), and 1,311 MMbbls and 1,724 MMbbls (high estimate). Working interests in the block are as follows: Eni Vietnam BV (Operator): 50% Neon Energy (Song Hong) Pty Ltd: 25% KrisEnergy (Song Hong 105) Ltd: 25% ONGC Videsh Vietnam ONGC Videsh Limited Villa-9, Lotus Road, APSC, 36, Thao Dien, Dt-2 Ho Chi Minh City, S R Vietnam Tel: +84-8-35190289/37442609 Fax: +84-8-37444309 Contact: A J Duggal Vietnam Country Manager Email: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 9th Floor, Jeevan Bharti, Tower II, 124, Indira Chowk, New Delhi 110 001 Tel: 91 11 2331 4517 / 2330 1390 Fax: 91 11 2331 6413 Email: Established on 14 August 1956, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is an Indian state-owned oil and gas company headquartered in Dehradun. The Indian government currently owns 74.14% equity stake in the company. ONGC is one of the largest publicly traded company in India by market capitalization. ONGC Videsh OVL is the second-largest E&P company in India both in terms of oil production and oil and gas reserve holdings. The primary business of OVL is to prospect for oil and gas acreages abroad including acquisition of oil and gas fields, exploration, development, production, transportation and export of oil and gas. OVL is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited. ONGC Videsh has activities in 16 countries including Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Libya, Myanmar, Nigeria, Russia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela and Vietnam. Vietnam operations Block 06.1 Block 06.1 is an offshore Block located 370 km south–east of Vung Tau on the southern Vietnamese coast with an area of 955 sq km. The exploration License for Block 06.1 was acquired by OVL in 1988. After subsequent assignments and transfers of PI between the parties to Block 06.1 and Petro Vietnam, the present holdings of PIs with effect from 17th October 2011 are ONGC Videsh 45%, TNK Vietnam B.V. 35% (Operator) and Petro Vietnam 20%. Lan Tay field in the Block has been developed and the field started commercial production in January, 2003. OVL’s share of production from the project was 2.023 BCM of gas and 0.036 MMT of condensate during 2011-12 as compared to 2.249 BCM of gas and 0.038 MMT of condensate during 2010-11. Wells Lan Do2P and Lan Do-1P have been drilled and completed between 14th January, 2012 to 18th April, 2012. Block 127 Block 127 was relinquished after completing the work programme. Blocks 102/10 and 06/10 In October 2014, ONGC Videsh signed an agreement to pick up to 50 per cent stake in PetroVietnam’s two exploration blocks in the South China Sea. OVL will take 40 per cent stake in Block 102/10 and 50 per cent in 106/10 that lie outside the sea territory claimed by China. PetroVietnam, the national oil company of Vietnam, will take half of OVL’s 100 per cent stake in Block 128 in South China Sea which the Indian firm had earlier planned to exit. Origin Energy Vietnam Origin Energy Unit 6 & 7, 16th Floor, Vincom Centre, 72 Le Thanh Ton St, District 1 Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Key personnel: Jenny Bauer Exploration Manager, Vietnam E. .au Origin Energy Ltd Sydney - head office Level 45, Australia Square 264 - 278 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: (02) 8345 5000 Fax: (02) 9252 9244 Exploration & production Coronation Drive Business Park 135 Coronation Drive Milton Qld 4064 Tel: (07) 3858 0600 Fax: (07) 3369 7840 Origin Energy (ASX: ORG) is the leading Australian integrated energy company focused on gas and oil exploration and production, power generation and energy retailing. A member of the S&P/ASX 20 Index, the company has more than 5,800 employees and is a leading producer of gas in eastern Australia. south-east Asian exploration portfolio. The company reached agreement with respect to a farm-in arrangement with Salamander Energy plc, to take interests in a portfolio of five exploration blocks operated by Salamander across Northeast Thailand, Lao PDR and Vietnam. Origin is Australia's largest energy retailer servicing 4.3 million electricity, natural gas and LPG customer accounts and has the country's largest and one of the most flexible generation portfolios with approximately 5,900 MW of capacity, through either owned generation or contracted rights. Origin's strategic positioning and portfolio of assets provide flexibility, stability and significant opportunities for growth across the energy industry. Through Au s t ra l i a Pa c i f i c L N G , i t s incorporated joint venture with ConocoPhillips and Sinopec, Origin is developing one of Australia's largest CSG to LNG projects based on Australia’s largest 2P CSG reserves base. In July 2012, Pan Pacific Petroleum's wholly owned s u b s i d i a r y o f Pa n Pa c i f i c Petroleum, Pan Pacific Petroleum Vietnam (121) Pty Ltd ('PPPV121'), entered into an agreement with Origin Energy to acquire a 15% interest in the Block 121 Production Sharing Contract, offshore, Vietnam. In New Zealand, Origin is the major shareholder in Contact Energy, the country's leading integrated energy company, operating geothermal, thermal and hydro generation facilities and servicing electricity, gas and LPG customers across both the North and South islands. Origin also operates several oil and gas projects in New Zealand and is one of the largest holders of petroleum exploration acreage in the country. Origin has a strong focus on ensuring the sustainability of its operations, is the largest green energy retailer in Australia and has significant investments in renewable energy technologies. In December 2009, Origin acquired interests in a diverse Vietnam operations The 121-CV-1X exploartion well was drilled in August 2013. The well, which was targeting the large Whale (Ca Voi) prospect, found sandstones in the main objective sequence prognosed as of Oligocene age, but no hydrocarbons were discovered. Participating interests in Block 121 are: Origin Energy (Song Hong) Pte. Ltd 45%, Premier Oil Vietnam 121 Ltd 40% and Pan Pacific Petroleum Vietnam (121) Pty Ltd 15%. In October 2015, the Block 121 Joint Venture parties announced they were withdrawing from the licence following the unsuccessful drilling of the Whale prospect (121-CV-1X) and the inability over the last 12 months to secure a farmin partner to share the costs and risk of drilling an additional well in the licence. Pan Pacific Petroleum Vietnam Pan Pacific Petroleum NL Level 2 123 Walker Street North Sydney NSW 2060 Tel: + 61 2 9957 2177 Fax: + 61 2 9925 0564 Pan Pacific Petroleum NL, (PPP) is an ASX and NZX listed oil and gas exploration and production company participating in nonoperated interests in New Zealand (including production from the Tui Area Fields), Australia, Vietnam and Timor LesteA u s t ra l i a J o i n t Pe t r o l e u m Development Area. PPP’s main asset comprises a 10% interest in Tui Area oil project in the offshore Taranaki Basin, New Zealand which commenced oil production in July 2007. Block 07/03 is located in the prospective Nam Con Son Basin, adjacent to block 12W which contains the Chim Sao and Dua Oil Fields (59 MMbbls oil and 16 MMboe gas), also operated by Premier. Chim Sao development is now on production. Gas (2 Tcf) has been discovered by BP in the Lan Tay and Lan Do Fields in Block 06-1 to the north. These gas fields have been developed as part of the Nam Con Son Gas Project, an integrated gas-topower project that delivers natural gas supplies from the offshore fields via a 370km subsea pipeline. Vietnam operations Block 07/03 Location: Offshore Nam Con Son Basin PPP equity: 5% through wholly owned subsidiary Pan Pacific Petroleum (Vietnam) Pty Ltd Operator: Premier 30% Other partners: Vietnam American Exploration Company, LLC 25% (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pitkin Petroleum Plc), PearlOil (Ophiolite) Ltd 25% (a wholly owned subsidiary of Mubadala), and PetroVietnam Exploration and Production Corporation 15%. Awarded: 1999 Area: 3932 km2 Early in July 2010, PPP Vietnam Pty Limited (PPPV), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, received the requisite approvals to acquire a 5% interest in the Block 07/03 Production Sharing Contract from Premier Oil Vietnam South BV (Premier). Under the terms of the original farmout agreement, PPPV agreed to acquire a 15% equity in Block 07/03 subject to PetroVietnam and Vietnamese Government approvals. PetroVietnam subsequently exercised its right of pre-emption to the extent of 10% of the proposed 15% farmout interest. The main objective in Block 07/03 is oil in Miocene sandstone r e s e r vo i r s i n f a u l t t ra p s . The Company participated in the first commitment exploration well, Cá Rong Ðo, CRD-1X , which was completed in June 2009. The well encountered both oil and gas pay within multiple stacked reservoir layers in Miocene and Oligocene sands. Two of these reservoir zones in the Miocene section were tested and flowed oil at a combined rate of 3,265.4 bbls of oil per day plus 8.1 MMscf of gas per day, through a 48/64” choke. No water was produced from either zone. It was not possible to flow test the Oligocene sands at that time. The second commitment exploration well, Cá Rong Vàng CRV-1X, spudded in November 2009 did not encounter any significant hydrocarbons, and the well was plugged and abandoned as planned. Cá Rong Vàng well did, however, provide important pressure data which has been used in assessing the CRD discovery. The Cá Rong Ðo discovery of 2009 was further delineated in early 2011 by the drilling of the CRD-2X appraisal well which evaluated the Oligocene sands Pan Pacific Petroleum Vietnam and found 72m net condensate/gas pay, a significant increase compared with the 17m of net pay found in the Oligocene section in the up dip CRD-1X well. Two zones were tested and the first zone tested flowed gas and condensate at rates of 9.7 MMscf/d and 870 bopd respectively through a 40/64” choke. The second zone tested flowed gas and condensate at rates of 17 MMscf/d and 1730 bopd respectively through a 56/64” choke. CRD-2X was subsequently sidetracked to further evaluate the distribution of hydrocarbons in the Miocene and intersected 18.3m of net oil pay in the Miocene sands. This compares with 34.4m of net oil pay found in the Miocene section in the up dip CRD-1X well, and 3.8m in the down dip CRD-2X well. The Operator’s preliminary estimate of the range of potentially recoverable oil resources in the CRD structure (low-mid-high) is 20-40-65 MMbbls gross. However, further work will be required to confirm these numbers, and to assess the potential of gas resources which are also contained in the structure. The venture is in the second e x p l o ra t i o n p e r i o d o f t h e Production Sharing Contract and will require the drilling of one remaining commitment wildcat exploration well before end November 2013. A 20% relinquishment was undertaken at the end of the first exploration period. Joint Venture Partners Surrender Block 121 In October 2015, the Block 121 Joint Venture parties announced they were withdrawing from the licence following the unsuccessful drilling of the Whale prospect (121-CV-1X) and the inability over the last 12 months to secure a farmin partner to share the costs and risk of drilling an additional well in the licence. Participating interests in Block 121 are: Pan Pacific Petroleum NL (via subsidiaries) 15% Origin (via subsidiaries) 45% (operator) Premier Oil (via subsidiaries) 40% CHINA Block 105-110/04 Block 111/04 h Sout Block 112 ina Ch Block 113 Block 114 Block 115 Block 116 Da Nano Block 117 Block 118 LAOS Block 119 VIETNAM Block 120 Block 121 CAMBODIA Source: EKF a Se Perenco Vietnam VIETNAM #911, Diamond Plaza, 34 Le Duan Street, District 1 Ho Chi Minh City Perenco 7 rue de Logelbach 75017 Paris Tel: +33 (0)1 53 57 66 00 Fax: +33 (0)1 47 20 38 43 Perenco is an independent oil & gas company with operations in 16 countries across the globe, ranging from Northern Europe to Africa and from South America to the Middle East. Perenco is involved in operations both onshore and offshore and employs more than 4,000 people worldwide. Vietnam operations Perenco owns three subsidiaries in Vietnam. The subsidiaries hold a 23.25 percent participating interest in Block 15-1, a 36 percent participating interest in Block 15-2 and a 16.3 percent participating interest in the Nam Con Son Pipeline. Those stakes were previously owned by ConocoPhillips. Gross production is around 75,000 bopd. Located 160 miles offshore southeast of Ho-Chi-Minh City, Block 15-1 is in the Cuu Long Basin. Production from its Su Tu Den Field began in late 2003. Su Tu Den crude oil is processed and stored in the 1-million-barrel Cuu Long Thai Binh FPSO vessel. Production from the Su Tu Vang Field began in 2008. First production on the Su Tu Den Northeast Field occurred in May 2010. Block 15-2 contains the Rang Dong Field also in the Cuu Long Basin. Rang Dong crude oil is stored in the MV-17 FSO, where it is offloaded to tankers for export. The Nam Con Son Pipeline is a 700-MMCFD, 244-mile transportation system linking natural gas supplies from the Nam Con Son Basin to markets in southern Vietnam. The infrastructure consists of a 26inch diameter, 227-mile offshore pipeline segment delivering wet gas to the gas plant located at Dinh Co, Ba Ria-Vung Tau province. The gas is conditioned to meet sales specifications and is redelivered via a 30-inchdiameter, 17-mile onshore pipeline segment to the Phu My gas distribution center. Location of Blocks 15-1 and 15-2 01 Ho Chi Minh 15-1 V I E T N A M Vung Tau 15-2 AURORA SU TU DEN RANG DONG 09 16-1 BACH HO 16-2 Source: EKF RONG Petronas Vietnam PC Vietnam Limited PETRONAS Tower, Royal Center 235 Nguyen Van Cu St., Dist 1, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Tel: 848 3830 9966 Fax: 848 3830 9988 Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) Tower 1, PETRONAS Twin Towers Kuala Lumpur City Centre 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel : 603 2051 5000 / 2026 5000 Fax : 603 2026 5050 / 5055 PETRONAS is the national oil and gas company of Malaysia and is wholly-owned by the Government of Malaysia. Together with its subsidiaries and associated companies, PETRONAS, a FORTUNE Global 500® company, has fully integrated oil and gas operations in a broad spectrum of the oil and gas value-chain. Its business activities include (i) the exploration, development and production of crude oil and natural gas in Malaysia and overseas; (ii) the liquefaction, sale and transportation of LNG; (iii) the processing and transmission of natural gas and the sale of natural gas products; (iv) the refining and marketing of petroleum products; (v) the manufacture and sale of petrochemical products; (vi) the trading of crude oil, petroleum products and petrochemical products; and (vii) shipping and logistics relating to LNG, crude oil and petroleum products. Vietnam operations In November 2014, SapuraKencana Petroleum signed Sale and Purchase Agreements (SPA) to acquire the entire interest of Malaysia's national oil company Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) in three blocks offshore southern Vietnam for $400 million after an international bidding process. The three shallow water upstream assets are Blocks 01/97 & 02/97, Blocks 10 & 11.1 and Block 46CN, with Jan. 1 being the economic effective date of the transaction, enabling SapuraKencana to net revenues from these blocks. Petrovietnam Vietnam Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group 18 Lang Ha Street Ba Dinh, Hanoi Vietnam Tel: (84-4)38252526 Fax: (84-4)38265942 Petrovietnam (PVN) is the largest Vietnamese company. It is a State e n t e r p r i s e s e t u p by t h e Vietnamese Government to conduct petroleum activities and sign petroleum contracts with organizations or individuals conducting petroleum activities in Vietnam. Its earnings account for about twenty five per cent of the revenue for the national budget. The Chairman of PVN is a member of the Central Executive Committee of Communist Party of Vietnam and the General Director (CEO) is appointed by PVN Members’ Council with the Prime Minister ’s approval. Its subsidiaries cover many upstream and downstream activities. It has some features that are common to many large SOEs in Vietnam. It is based in Hanoi, even though all the oil is in the south of the country, and it has branched into other industries including construction, real estate, transport, banking, shipbuilding, insurance and education. The oil side of the business is run by Petrovietnam Oil Corporation (PV Oil) and the gas side by Petrovietnam Gas Joint Stock Company (PV Gas). PV Oil is the sole buyer of crude oil in Vietnam. It then sells part of it to the Dung Quat refinery. Other important group companies include Petrovietnam Finance Joint Stock Company (PVFC), Dung Quat Oil Refinery No 1, Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation (PVEP), Petrovietnam Drilling and Well Services Joint Stock Company (PV Drilling), Petrovietnam Power Corporation (PV Power) and Petrovietnam Technical Services Joint Stock Corporations (PTSC). PVN plans to develop its oil investments outside Vietnam, which currently include Russia, Peru, Venezuela, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Cuba, Madagascar, Iraq, Tunisia, Congo, and Algeria. Vietnam operations Petrovietnam has recently signed six new petroleum contracts of blocks 05- 2/10 (with PVEP/Talisman), 148-149 (with PVEP), 135-136/03 (with PVEP/Talisman/Pearl), 45 (with Mitra/PVEP), 102&106/10 (with PVEP) and 13/03 (with Santos/PVEP), increasing the number of effective contracts to 60. Discovery In October 2015, the joint venture of Zarubezhneft and Petrovietnam Vietsovpetro made a commercial discovery of the Sturgeon field offshore Socialist Republic of Vietnam. It has happened as a result of the successful testing of the exploration well CT-3X Block 09/3-12 which achieved a dry oil free flow to surface from the productive horizons of more than 1 800 tons per day. The Sturgeon (Ca Tam) field was discovered in 2014 in course of the exploration well 2-X testing. The field is located within the Block 09/3-12. The oil reserves calculation shall be made and a design project for bringing the field into development shall be prepared basing on the results of the commercial discovery. Petrovietnam Vietnam Oil producing fields Bach Ho (White Tiger) Rong (Dragon) Dai Hung(Big Bear) Block (overlapping area between Vietnam and Malaysia with 50% interest of Vietnam) Rang Dong Ruby Block Su Tu Den (Black Lion) Cendor Su Tu Vang Song Doc Ca Ngu Vang Phuong Dong Nam Rong - Doi Moi Pearl Topaz Su Tu Den Dong Bac D30 North Khoseidaien Dana Visovoi Te Giac Trang Chim Sao Western Khoseidaien Junin-2 Su Tu Trang Contract Block Operator Year of Production 09-1 09-1 05-1a VSP VSP PVEP POC 1986 1994 1994 PM3-CAA 15-2 01&02 46-CN 15-1 PM-304 (Malaysia) 15-1 46/02 09-2 15-2 09-3 01&02 01&02 15-1 SK350 (Malaysia) Nhenhexky (Russian Federation) SK350 (Malaysia) Nhenhesky (Russian Federation) 16-1 12W Nhenhexky (Russian Federation) (Venezuela) 15-1 PM3 CAATML JVPC PCVL 46 CNTML CLJOC Petrofac CLJOC TSJOC HVJOC JVPC VRJ/VSP PCVL PCVL CLJOC PCPP 1997 1998 1998 1999 2003 2006 2008 2008 2008 2008 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 Rusvietpetro PCPP 2010 2011 Rusvietpetro HLJOC POVO 2011 2011 2011 Rusvietpetro 2012 “PetroMacareo” 2012 CLJOC 2012 Petrovietnam Vietnam Gas producing fields Tien Hai C (Natural gas) Bach Ho & Rong (Associated gas) Rang Dong (Associated gas) Lan Tay (Natural gas) East Bunga Kekwa – Cai Nuoc (Natural and associated gas) West Bunga Kekwa (Natural and associated gas) Bunga Raya Bunga Seroja (Natural gas) D14 & Song Tra Ly (Natural gas) Rong Doi/West Rong Doi (Natural gas) Bunga Tulip (Associated gas) Phuong Dong (Associated gas) Ca Ngu Vang (Associated gas) Bunga Orkid (Natural gas) Su Tu Den/Su Tu Vang Northeast Su Tu Den (Associated gas) D30 (Malaysia) Dana (Malaysia) Te Giac Trang (Associated gas) Chim Sao (Associated gas) Lan Do Contract Block Contractor Year Song Hong basin 09-1 15-2 06.1 PVEP SH VSP JVPC TNK Vietnam 1981 1995 2001 2002 PM3-CAA & 46-CN TML&TVL 2003 PM3-CAA PM3-CAA PM3-CAA Song Hong basin 11-2 PM3-CAA 15-2 09-2 PM3-CAA TML TML TML PVEP SH KNOC TML JVPC HVJOC TML 2003 2003 2003 2004 2006 2006 2008 2008 2008 15-1 SK305 SK305 16-1 12W 06-1 CLJOC PCPP PCPP HLJOC POVO TNK Vietnam 2009 2009 2010 2011 2011 2012 Premier Oil Vietnam Premier Oil plc 23 Lower Belgrave Street London. SW1W 0NR England Tel: +44 (0)20 7730 1111 Email: Premier Oil Vietnam Offshore BV 18/F, Kumho Asiana Plaza Saigon No. 39 Le Duan Street, Ward Ben Nghe, District 1 Ho Chi Minh City, S.R. Vietnam Tel: +84 8 3910 5788 Contact: Stephen Carney, Principal Development Geologist Premier Oil Vietnam Offshore BV Nick Comrie-Smith New Ventures Manager Premier Oil Far East Limited Premier Oil plc (Premier) is a leading FTSE 250 independent exploration and production company with interests in the North Sea, South East Asia, Africa, Pakistan, Iraq, Brazil and the Falkland Islands. The company’s strategy is to add significant value for its stakeholders through exploration and appraisal success, optimal asset management and development, and astute commercial deals. Premier is building a rapidly growing business. In 2005, the company was producing around 30,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) and was targeting doubling the size of the business. The company had a 2P reserve base of around 175 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe). Today, Premier is producing around 60,000 boepd from a reserve and resource base in excess of 700 mmboe and is on track to achieve its corporate goal of being a 100,000 boepd producer in the medium term. Location of Blocks 121 and 12W Block 121 N AM CAMBODIA VI ET lf of e Gu a Ho Chi Minh Tha S iland h ut o S C n hi a Block 12W Source: EKF In the first half of 2014, production averaged 64.9 kboepd (2013: 58.6 kboepd), up 11 per cent and ahead of guidance; new production from Dua (Vietnam), Kyle (UK) and the gas swap (Indonesia). Vietnam operations Premier has exploration, development and production activities across two licences in Vietnam. The company's Vietnamese interests includes the Premier-operated Chim Sao field which Premier brought onstream in the second half of 2012, the Dua project, which will be developed as subsea tie back to Chim Sao, and Ca Rong Doh, a future development project. In addition, Premier continue to explore across their existing acreage and notable successes include the Chim Sao North West discovery and the successful appraisal of CRD in 2011. Chim Sao (53.13% operated interest) Premier acquired a 75% interest in Block 12W located in the Nam Con Son Basin from Delek Energy Systems Limited (Delek) in 2004 ,and subsequently farmed-out part of its interest to Santos Limited leaving a 37.5% operated interest. In 2009, Premier acquired Delek's remaining 25% interest in Block 12W and PetroVietnam subsequently exercised its back-in-right to acquire a 15% interest. The area has similar geology to the West Natuna Sea area, approximately 300 kilometres to the south west. Premier announced two discoveries – Dua and Chim Sáo – on the block in 2006. Dua was appraised following the discovery while Chim Sáo was successfully appraised in 2008. A field development plan for Chim Sáo was submitted to the Premier Oil Vietnam Vietnamese Government and approved in 2008. First oil production from Chim Sáo was achieved in October 2011 and the field is currently producing 25,000-30,000 bopd while gas production is approximately 25 mmcfd. Meanwhile Dua, a subsea tie-back to Chim Sáo, was successfully completed in July 2013. The field is capable of producing 8-10 kbopd gross and will extend the production from Block 12W and field life out to 2023. Ca Rong Doh (30% operated interest) Premier exercised their option to acquire an equity interest in Block 07/03 from Vietnam American Exploration Inc. (VAMEX) in December 2006. Block 07/03 is located in the Nam Con Son Basin. It lies on a trend of oil and gas discoveries directly south of BP's producing gas fields (Lan Tay and Lan No) and immediately to the south east of their producing Chim Sao field. In 2009, the CRD exploration well (07-CRD-1X) on Block 07/03 intersected approximately 90 metres net oil and gas pay within multiple stacked reservoir layers. In April 2011, Premier appraised the exploration success at CRD in Block 07/03. Two drill stem tests of hydrocarbon bearing sands in the Oligocene section were conducted. The first zone tested flowed gas and condensate at rates of 9.7 million mmscfd and 870 bopd respectively through a 40/64 inch choke, and the second zone tested flowed gas and condensate at rates of 17 mmscfd and 1,730 bopd respectively through a 56/64 inch choke. The well was sidetracked to further evaluate the distribution of hydrocarbons in the Miocene sands. Production In 2014, production from Block 12W, which contains the Chim Sáo and Dua fields, exceeded expectations averaging 16.9 kboepd (13.7 kbopd of oil and 15.4 mmscfd of gas) net to Premier, up 19.9 per cent on 2013. The Premier-operated Chim Sáo field out-performed expectations i n 2 0 1 4 a s t h e c o m p a ny continued to maximise production delivery and to improve the reliability of the facilities. The subsea tie-back of the Dua field was completed successfully in J u l y, e x t e n d i n g p l a t e a u production and the field life of Chim Sáo. Joint Venture Partners Surrender Block 121 In October 2015, the Block 121 Joint Venture parties announced they were withdrawing from the licence following the unsuccessful drilling of the Whale prospect (121-CV-1X) and the inability over the last 12 months to secure a farmin partner to share the Premier Global Production (W.I.) (thousand boepd) Indonesia Pakistan & Mauritania UK Vietnam Total 1 January – 30 April 2015 1 January 30 April 2014 13.2 10.9 16.1 20.0 60.2 14.2 14.1 20.4 17.1 65.8 costs and risk of drilling an additional well in the licence. Participating interests in Block 121: Pan Pacific Petroleum NL (via subsidiaries) 15% Origin (via subsidiaries) 45% (operator) Premier Oil (via subsidiaries) 40% Quad Energy Vietnam Quad Energy S.A. 12th Floor OSIC Building 8 Nguyen Hue Street Dist. 1 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Tel: 84 8 3827 4328 Fax: 84 8 3827 4327 Quad Energy S.A. engages in offshore oil exploration and also provides petroleum products. The company is based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Quad Energy SA is Operator of Block MVHN-02 at Song Hong Basin offshore Vietnam with 100% stake. In addition, Quad Energy SA signed a PSC with Con Son JOC for the Block 10 & 11-1 at Nam Con Son Basin with a 10% stake. Rosneft Vietnam OAO Rosneft Oil Company 26/1 Sofiyskaya Embankment 1 GSP-8117997 Moscow Russia Tel: +7-495-777-4422 Fax: +7-495-777-4444 Oil and gas company, State oil company Rosneft is the leader of Russia’s petroleum industry, and ranks among the world’s top publicly traded oil and gas companies. The Company is primarily engaged in exploration and production of hydrocarbons, production of petroleum products and petrochemicals, and marketing of outputs. Rosneft has been included in the Russian Government’s List of Strategic Enterprises and Organizations. The state holds 75.16% in the Company (through OJSC ROSNEFTEGAZ), while approximately 15% of shares are in free-float. Vietnam operations In June 2015, Chevron closed the sale of its stake in exploration blocks and a pipeline project in Vietnam to PetroVietnam, for an undisclosed sum. The move represents Chevron's exit from Vietnam's upstream oil and gas sector, as the oil major trims its global portfolio. Chevron said it has sold its stake in two production sharing contracts in Vietnam, which includes a 42.4% interest in Blocks B and 48/95, and a 43.4% interest in Block 52/97. It has also sold its 28.7% non-operated working interest in a pipeline project to supply natural gas to utilities in southern Vietnam. PetroVietnam had said in April it would resume work at Block B in June, after taking over from Chevron. It said the block is expected to produce 13.9 million cubic meters of gas and between 6,000 and 7,000 barrels of condensate a day. It expected first gas output to be brought onshore by 2019 or 2020. Block 06.1 Rosneft Vietnam owns 35% in the project, acting as the project operator; the project is being implemented based on the Production Sharing Contract (PSC). The PSC area comprises two gas condensate fields – Lan Tay and Lan Do. The fields are located 370 km from the shore in the Nam Con Son basin, the sea depth at the fields reaches 190 m. The initial gas reserves at the fields are about 68 billion cubic meters. By June 2015, accumulated production from Block 06.1 reached 300 million barrels of oil equivalent (or over 46 bcm of gas). Block 05-3/11 Rosneft Vietnam owns 100% in the project and is the project operator. The licensed block is located in the region with proven hydrocarbon potential and welldeveloped infrastructure that also borders with the already operated fields of Block 06.1. The current estimate of Block 05.3/11 reserves is 40 billion cubic meters of gas and 9 million tons of gas condensate. 3D-seismic survey of 1,180 sq kms and subsequent interpretation and studies have been completed, structures for exploration drilling activities in 2016 were defined. Rosneft is also an investor with 32.67% equity in the Nam Con Son Pipeline – transporting gas and condensate from four offshore blocks in the Nam Con Son basin to power complex onshore –which creates a potential synergy in the event of discovery of commercial reserves in Block 05-3/11. In September 2015, Rosneft Vietnam and Japan Drilling Co (JDC) represented by its subsidiary Hakuryu 5, Inc. signed an agreement on provision and operation of the marine drilling rig HAKURYU-5, for the purposes of drilling exploration wells within the framework of Rosneft’s projects in Vietnam. It is planned to drill two wells in Blocks 06.1 and 05-3/11 in the Nam Con Son basin offshore Vietnam in 2016. Santos Vietnam Hanoi Santos Vietnam Pty Ltd Suite 701 Level 7 39 A Ngo Quyen Hanoi Vietnam Tel: 84 4 2220 6000 Fax: 84 4 2220 6002 Brisbane - Head Office Santos Ltd Level 22 Santos Place 32 Turbot Street Brisbane Queensland 4000 Tel: 61 7 3838 3000 Fax: 61 7 3838 3700 Contact: Martyn Eames Vice President Asia-Pacific Santos is Australia's largest domestic gas producer, supplying sales gas to all mainland Australian states and territories, ethane to Sydney, and oil and liquids to domestic and international customers. The company's core business was built on gas and oil discoveries in the Cooper Basin, predominantly spanning northeast South Australia and southwest Queensland. These gas reserves are the main source of natural gas to Australia's eastern states. Santos is the primary venture partner, and operator, of natural gas processing facilities at Moomba (in South Australia) and Ballera (in Queensland), and pipelines connecting those facilities with Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Rockhampton, and Mount Isa. The company also participates in on and offshore oil and gas exploration and production ventures throughout Australia, in the Timor Gap, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Kyrgyz Republic. Vietnam operations Vietnam has been an important part of Santos’ Asia strategy since 2006, when Santos entered the Block 12W in the Nam Con Son Basin off the country's south coast. Oil has been produced from the Chim Sáo field in Block 12W since October 2011, accounting for 6% of Santos’ production in 2012. Building on the success of Chim Sao, the Dua oil project is being developed as a tie-back to the facilities at Chim Sáo, and is on track for first oil in the first half of 2014. Santos continues to build its Vietnam business in line with its Asia strategy, with an active exploration program underway in the offshore Nam Con Son and Phu Khanh basins. PRODUCING ASSETS Chim Sáo Location: Block 12W permit, Nam Con Son Basin. Joint venture participants: Santos (31.875%), Premier Oil ( 5 3 . 1 2 5 % a n d o p e ra t o r ) , PetroVietnam (15%). Facility details: The Chim Sáo project includes a single wellhead platform and a floating, processing, storage and o f f l o a d i n g ( F P S O ) ve s s e l . Hydrocarbon processing takes place on the Lewek Emas FPSO with the oil exported on crude offtake tankers and the gas by subsea pipeline into existing gas infrastructure. The gas will be used for power generation to meet domestic demand. Production: Oil production commenced in October 2011 and gas production in 2012. In 2012, Santos’ share of Chim Sáo production was 2.9 million barrels of oil and 2.1 petajoules of gas. Dua (Santos 31.875%) The Dua oil project is located in Block 12W in the Nam Con Son Basin, offshore southern Vietnam. The project was sanctioned in August 2012 and involves the development of a three-well subsea tie-back to the existing Chim Sáo facilities. First oil from Dua oil project In July 2014, Santos announced that oil production commenced from the Dua oil project, offshore Vietnam. The gross production rate from the Dua wells is estimated to average 8,000 barrels per day for the first 12 months of production. Sufficient oil and gas Santos Vietnam handling capacity is available on the Chim Sáo FPSO to accommodate both Chim Sáo and Dua at full production. Santos has a 31.875% interest in the Dua project, with partners Premier Oil (operator) and Pe t r o V i e t n a m h o l d i n g t h e remainder. EXPLORATION Nam Con Son Basin Santos has a 65% operated interest in Block 13/03, which contains the Hon Khoai and Hon Sao oil prospects. Following the acquisition of 3D seismic survey data in 2012, Santos and its partners are planning to drill the Hon Khoai exploration well in 2014. Phu Khanh Basin Santos has a 50% operated equity interest in Block 123 in the Phu Khanh Basin, offshore Vietnam, and drilled its first exploration well in 2011, which was a non-commercial gas discovery. Santos and its partners completed a 564 square kilometre 3D seismic survey in June 2012 to evaluate the remaining prospects in Block 123, with an exploration well planned to be drilled in 2014. PERMITS Nam Con Son Basin permits Santos interest (%) Block 12W: 31.875 Block 13/03: 65 and operator Phu Khanh Basin permits Santos interest (%) Block 123: 50 and operator SapuraKencana Vietnam SapuraKencana Petroleum Berhad Level 6, Menara SapuraKencana Petroleum Solaris Dutamas, 1 Jalan Dutamas 1 50480 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel : (6)03-6209 8000 Fax : (6)03-6209 3800 S a p u ra Ke n c a n a Pe t r o l e u m Berhad (SapuraKencana) is a fullfledged upstream player and one of the world’s largest integrated oil and gas services and solutions providers. SapuraKencana’s full spectrum of capabilities covers the entire value chain of e x p l o ra t i o n , d e ve l o p m e n t , production, rejuvenation, and decommissioning and abandonment. With a multinational workforce comprising 51 nationalities and over 13,000 people, comprehensive world-class assets and project management capabilities, the Group’s global presence can be seen in over 20 countries including Malaysia, China, Australia, Brazil, the United States of America, as well as those in Western Africa, and the Middle East. Vietnam operations Acquisition In November 2014, S a p u ra Ke n c a n a Pe t r o l e u m announced it was buying state oil firm PETRONAS' entire interest in 3 blocks offshore southern Vietnam for $400 million.The economic effective date of the transaction is Jan. 1, 2014 and SapuraKencana is entitled to net revenue from these blocks from then. Blocks being acquired are: Petroleum Contract for Blocks 01/97 and 02/97, Cuu Long Basin (50% interest); Production Sharing Contract for Blocks 10 & 11.1, Nam Con Son Basin (40%); Production Sharing Contract for Block 46 - Cai Nuoc, Malay - Tho Chu Basin (36.845966%). Singapore Petroleum Vietnam Singapore Petroleum Company Limited One Temasek Avenue #27-00 Millenia Tower, Singapore 039192 Tel: 65-6276 6006 Fax: 65-6275 6006 SPC E&P (China) Pte. Ltd. 17C/D, Times Plaza, Taizi Road, Shekou, Shenzhen, China Zip Code: 518067 Tel: 86-755-2683 0955 Fax: 86-755-2668 9490 SPC Mahakam Hilir Pte. Ltd. Menara Global 25th Floor Jln. Jenderal Gatot Subroto Kav.27 Jakarta 12950, Indonesia Tel: 62-21 5275871 Fax: 62-21 5275873 Founded in 1969, Singapore Petroleum Company (SPC) was established to spearhead Singapore’s development as a refining centre. With progressive investments and expansion, SPC is today a regional oil and gas company with interest in oil and gas exploration and production, refining, terminalling and distribution, marketing and trading of crude and refined petroleum products. In 2000, SPC repositioned its business to create sustainable long-term growth. It started upstream investments in Exploration and Production. Today, SPC has 7 Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) and three gas pipelines in the AsiaPacific region. Pipeline Investments SPC holds interests in three r e g i o n a l g a s t ra n s m i s s i o n pipelines. The 654-kilometre West Natuna Transportation System is the first Singapore cross border sub-sea gas pipeline carrying gas from the West Natuna Sea to Singapore. A consortium of PSC blocks in West Natuna including the Kakap PSC owns this pipeline. The 468-kilometre Grissik-BatamSingapore Pipeline is the second direct gas pipeline transmitting gas from Indonesia to Singapore. Gas to Singapore commenced in 2003 under a 20-year term contract between Singapore and Indonesia. The 536-kilometre Grissik-Duri Pipeline is a trunk line that transmits gas from the Grissik gas fields to Caltex's Duri facilities under long-term contracts that commenced in 1998. In Vietnam the company holds a 20% interest in bolcks 102 and 106 in the Song Hong Basin Overview of E&P operations Asset Location Acquired Area km2 W.I. Operator East Kalimantan, Mahakam Hilir PSC Indonesia Nov-08 222.14 60.0% SPC Bohai Bay, Block 04/36 China Oct-07 225 8.91% CNOOC Bohai Bay, Block 05/36 China Oct-07 225 7.82% CNOOC Khmer Basin, Block B Cambodia Aug-05 6,560 33.3% PTTEP Offshore East Java, Sampang PSC Indonesia Jul-04 535.5 40.0% Santos Oyong oil field Indonesia Jul-04 535.5 40.0% Santos Oyong gas field Indonesia Jul-04 535.5 40.0% Santos Jeruk oil field Indonesia Jul-04 535.5 21.8% Santos Song Hong Basin, Blocks 102 and 106 Vietnam Apr-04 224.54 22.86% Petronas West Natuna Sea, Kakap PSC Indonesia Jun-00 2,006 15.0% Star Energy Source: Singapore Petroleum Singapore Petroleum Vietnam SK Innovation Co., Ltd. 26 Jong-ro Jongno-gu Seoul Korea Tel: +82 2 2121 5115 Fax: +82 2 2121 7001 SK Innovation Co., Ltd. is engaged in the exploration and production of liquefied natural gas and petroleum in South Korea and internationally. It also manufactures and sells petroleum products, petrochemical products, lubricants, base oils, polymers, lithium batteries, asphalt, lithiumion battery separators, triacetyl cellulose films, and flexible copper clad laminates; olefins, such as paraxylene, ethylene, and propylene; and aromatics, including benzene, toluene, xylene, paraxylene, and styrene monomer. In addition, the company is involved in the sale of petrochemical products, lubricants, and base oil. The company was formerly known as SK Energy Co., Ltd. and changed its name to SK Innovation Co., Ltd. in January 2011. SK Innovation Co., Ltd. was founded in 1962 and is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. In the fourth quarter of 2014, the company's average daily production increased to 77,000 Location of Block 15-1 01 Ho Chi Minh 15-1 V I E T N A M Vung Tau 15-2 AURORA SU TU DEN RANG DONG 09 16-1 BACH HO 16-2 Source: EKF RONG barrels per day, up by 6,300 barrels per day, mainly due to an increase of 3,100 barrels per day from the Vietnam 15-1 block. Vietnam Block 15-1 Located 160 miles offshore southeast of Ho-Chi-Minh City, Block 15-1 is in the Cuu Long Basin. Production from its Su Tu Den Field began in late 2003. Su Tu Den crude oil is processed and stored in the 1-million-barrel Cuu Long Thai Binh FPSO vessel. Production from the Su Tu Vang Field began in 2008. First production on the Su Tu Den Northeast Field occurred in May 2010. Su Tu Trang gas field is located in Block 15-1 of the Cuu Long Basin off the southern coast of Vietnam. The offshore gas field lies south-east of Ba Ria-Vung Tau province at a water depth of 50m and about six kilometres away from the existing Su Tu Den field (Black Lion). The Su Tu Trang gas field, also known as the White Lion, has been in production since 2012. The gas field is owned and operated by Cuu Long Joint Operating Company (CLJOC), a joint venture of PetroVietnam (50%), Perenco (23.25%), Korea National Oil Company (14.25%), SK Corporation (nine percent) and Geopetrol (3.5%). Soco International Vietnam SOCO International plc 48 Dover Street London W1S 4FF United Kingdom Tel; +44 (0)20 7747 2000 Fax: +44 (0)20 7747 2001 Contact: Antony Maris Chief Operating Officer SOCO is an international oil and gas exploration and production company, headquartered in London, traded on the London Stock Exchange and a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. The Company has interests in Vietnam, the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville), the Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa) and Angola. SOCO holds its interests in Vietnam, all in the Cuu Long Basin offshore, through its 80% owned subsidiary SOCO Vietnam Ltd. and through its 100% ownership of OPECO Vietnam Limited. SOCO Vietnam Ltd. holds a 25% working interest in Block 9-2, which is operated by the Hoan Vu Joint Operating Company and holds a 28.5% working interest in Block 16-1, which is operated by the Hoang Long Joint Operating Company. OPECO Vietnam Limited holds a 2% interest in Block 16-1. SOCO holds its interests in the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville), all offshore in the shallow water Lower Congo Basin, through its 85% owned subsidiary, SOCO Exploration and Production Congo SA ("SOCO EPC"). SOCO EPC holds a 29% participating interest in the Marine XI Block and a 29.4% participating interest in the Marine XIV Block and is designated operator of the two Blocks. SOCO holds its interests in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa) though its 85% o w n e d s u b s i d i a r y, S O C O Exploration and Production DRC Sprl ("SOCO E&P DRC"). SOCO E&P DRC holds a 65% participating interest in the Nganzi Block, situated in the North Congo Basin onshore western DRC, and a 38.25% participating interest in Block V, in the southern Albertine Graben onshore eastern DRC. SOCO E&P DRC is designated operator of both Blocks. SOCO holds its interests in the Angolan enclave of Cabinda through its 80% owned subsidiary, SOCO Cabinda Limited, which holds a 17% participating interest in the Production Sharing Agreement for the Cabinda Onshore North Block. Production Production averaged 13,960 BOEPD in the first half of 2014. Vietnam operations SOCO holds its interests in Vietnam, all in the Cuu Long Basin offshore, through its whollyowned subsidiaries, SOCO Vietnam Ltd and OPECO Vietnam Limited. SOCO Vietnam Ltd holds a 25% working interest in Block 9-2, which is operated by the H o a n Vu J o i n t O p e ra t i n g Company and holds a 28.5% working interest in Block 16-1, which is operated by the Hoang Long Joint Operating Company. OPECO Vietnam Limited holds a 2% interest in Block 16-1. Te Giac Trang (“TGT”) Field (30.5% interest; operated by Hoang Long Joint Operating Company (“HLJOC”)) SOCO announced that first oil and gas from the H5 Wellhead Platform ('H5-WHP') of the Te Giac Trang ('TGT') field occurred on 10 August 2015 following perforation of the first of the H5 development wells. The start of production was achieved more one month ahead of schedule and the H5 development project has been completed with zero lost time accidents. The H5-WHP is located in the south of the TGT field in Block 16-1 in the Cuu Long Basin, off Soco International Vietnam the southern coast of Vietnam, approx. 100 kms from Vung Tau, 20 kms northwest of the Bach Ho field and 35 kms west of the Rang Dong field. TGT was discovered in August 2005. The H5-WHP is TGT’s third platform to be brought on production. The first platform, H1-WHP, came on stream in August 2011, followed by the H4WHP in July 2012. Crude oil from TGT is transported via subsea pipeline to an FPSO where it is processed, stored and exported by tankers to regional oil refineries. Gas produced from the field is transported by pipeline to the nearby Bach Ho facilities for processing and onward transportation to shore by pipeline to supply the Vietnamese domestic market. TGT field production averaged 33.6 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (“KBOEPD”) for 1H 2015, 10.1 KBOEPD net to SOCO. Production was slightly below the Company’s expectations due to drilling delays. Ca Ngu Vang Field (“CNV”) (25% interest; operated by Hoan Vu Joint Operating Company (“HVJOC”)) CNV production for 1H 2015 averaged 1.8 KBOEPD net to the Company’s working interest. The HVJOC is reviewing means for increasing production through modifications to the process facilities on the reception platform at Bach Ho. Significant discovery In October 2013, SOCO completed testing of the TGT10XST1 exploration well on the H5 fault block of the Te Giac Trang ("TGT") field. The well, which exceeded all pre-test expectations, flowed at combined average maximum production from the three zones tested at over 27,600 barrels of oil equivalent per day. The final test, in the Lower Miocene Intra Lower Bach Ho 5.2 Upper and Lower sequence, over a perforated interval of 88.6 metres, flowed at an average maximum rate of 5,156 barrels of oil per day (“BOPD”) and 32.5 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (“MMSCFD”). Two other intervals were tested. The first test, over a perforated 93 metres section in the Oligocene “C”, produced at a maximum average rate of 9,488 BOPD and 1.16 MMSCFD. The second test, over the Miocene Lower 5.2L sequence, tested a 47.3 metres perforated interval. The maximum flow averaged over this interval was 7,100 B O P D a n d 1 . 7 6 M M S C F D. The well, located approximately six kilometres south of the H4 Well Head Platform, in the southern part of the TGT field in Block 16-1 in the Cuu Long Basin off the southern coast of Vietnam, encountered approximately 250 metres of gross pay section (approximately 119 metres of net pay) in the Miocene and Oligocene reservoir horizons. Approximately 100 metres of net pay were evaluated by the three tests. Blocks 125/126 On 29 July 2015, SOCO’s President and Chief Executive, Ed Story, attended a signing ceremony in Hanoi, Vietnam to sign a Memorandum of Understanding among SOCO, PetroVietnam and SOVICO Holdings regarding potential exploration and production on Blocks 125-126, offshore Vietnam. Talisman Energy Vietnam Talisman Vietnam Limited 29 Le Duan, Flr. 18 Saigon Tower Building District 1 Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Tel: +848 3823 8232 Fax: +848 3823 8237 Contact: Michael Lawson Senior Geophysicist, Talisman Energy Vietnam Talisman Energy Inc. Suite 2000, 888 - 3 Street SW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 5C5 Tel: +403 237 1234 Fax: +403 237 1902 Email: Contact: Dr David Beckett Vice President, Exploration & Geosciences - Asia-Pacific Paul Blakeley Executive Vice-President, AsiaPacific Talisman Energy Inc. is a global, diversified, upstream oil and gas company, headquartered in Canada. Talisman's three main operating areas are North America, the North Sea and Southeast Asia. The Company also has a portfolio of international exploration opportunities. In 2012, production was 426,000 boe/d. Liquids growth in Southeast Asia, Colombia and the Eagle Ford, and higher gas volumes in North America, offset North Sea declines. At the end of 2012, Talisman's 2P reserves totalled 1.7 billion boe, which equates to a reserve life index of 11 years. Vietnam operations Talisman holds a 60% interest in Block 15-2/01 as a partner in the Thang Long Joint Operating Company (‘‘JOC’’), which operates the Block. Block 152/01 lies in the Cuu Long Basin, the predominant oil producing basin in Vietnam. The Company holds a 49% operated interest in Blocks 133 and 134, 40% in Blocks 135 and 136, and 40% in Block 05-2/10 in the Nam Con Son Basin. In 2012, Talisman acquired a 35% interest in Blocks 45 and 46/07 adjacent to PM-3 CAA in the Malay-Tho Chu Basin. In July 2013, Talisman acquired a 55% operated interest in Block 07/03, including the Red Emperor discovery, adjacent to Blocks 135 and 136. Block 46/02 was relinquished to PetroVietnam in November 2013. In 2013, the HST/HSD project, situated in Block 15-2/01, was completed under budget and ahead of schedule, producing on average 8.5 mbbls/d (net) of oil for the year. Overall, Vietnam production averaged 10 mboe/d in 2013, accounting for approximately 8% of Talisman’s total Southeast Asia production. In 2013, three exploration wells were drilled, and subsequently plugged and abandoned, in Blocks 45 and 46/07. The Company also drilled the first appraisal well and subsequent sidetrack following the acquisition of Block 07/03 in July 2013. The final exploration commitment well for the block commenced drilling in January 2014. Two exploration wells and seismic studies are planned for Blocks 135 and 136 in 2014, complementing Red Emperor appraisal activity in Block 07/03. Ca Rong Do field Wood Group has been awarded the front end engineering and design (FEED) contract for the subsea development of the Talisman Energy Ca Rong Do field offshore Vietnam; estimated to contain around 67 million barrels of oil equivalent. Vietgazprom Vietnam Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group 18 Lang Ha Street Ba Dinh, Hanoi Vietnam. Tel: (84-4)38252526 Fax: (84-4)38265942 Gazprom International Nevskiy prospect, 58 Saint Petersburg Russian Federation, 191011 Tel: +7 (812) 644-52-90 Fax: +7 (812) 644-52-91 Email: In 2000, OJSC Gazprom and VNG PetroVietnam signed a contract on prospecting, exploration, production and sales of hydrocarbons in Block 112 of the continental shelf of Vietnam. In order to implement this contract, a joint operating company was established by OJSC Gazprom a n d V N G Pe t r o V i e t n a m – Vietgazprom, in which the Gazprom Group is represented by its sole specialised operator of projects outside the Russian Federation on exploration and production of hydrocarbons, Gazprom International. The Bao Vang gas condensate field was discovered in this Block in 2007, and in 2009, in the adjacent Bao Den field, the opening of a gas field of the same name took place. Hanoi Block 111 Block 112 IE TNAM Block 113 V 129 130 131 132 In 2008, the parties signed an Agreement on cooperation, which provides for the carrying out of geological exploration work and further development of four new blocks offshore from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and also the creation of a joint venture, Gazpromviet, for working in Russia and third countries. In October 2008, Gazprom and PetroVietnam signed a 30-year contract for blocks No.129, 130, 131 and 132 on the continental shelf of Vietnam under PSA conditions, the operator for which is Vietgazprom. Under this contract, 2-D seismic survey work, electro- and gravi-magnetic surveying, geochemical studies, complex interpretation of data from the studies carried out and basin modelling have been carried out. Gazprom and PetroVietnam signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement in 2009. The parties agreed to continue their joint work on Vietnam's continental shelf under previously concluded contracts, and will also examine further potential for work in new licensed blocks. In 2012, Gazprom International, at Gazprom's request, entered the project for exploration and development of blocks 05-2 and 05-3, and in October 2013, a ceremony was held to mark the first gas obtained from the Moc Tinh deposit. Also, in October 2013, an agreement was signed on the basic principles for a joint venture for carrying out a project on the use of natural gas as a motor fuel inside Vietnam. The Russian side is represented in the JV company by Gazprom International, as well as Gazprom Gas Engine Fuel LLC. Zarubezhneft Vietnam Zarubezhneft Joint Stock Company Building 1, 9/1/1 Armiansky pereulok Moscow 101990, Russian Federation Tel: (495) 748-65-00 Fax: (495) 748-65-05, 956-14-91 Zarubezhneft is engaged in development and implementation of projects for integrated exploration and development of offshore and onshore oil and gasbearing fields abroad, construction of oil infrastructure facilities, carrying out works in the area of enhanced oil recovery, as well as supplying equipment and materials to oil and gas facilities in different regions of the world. Zarubezhneft's most effective project abroad is Joint Venture “Vietsovpetro” in Vietnam, established in 1981 on a 50-50 basis with Oil and Gas Corporation Petrovietnam under Inter-Governmental Agreement. During the last 30 years JV “Vietsovpetro” has turned into a powerful, multifunctional and highly-effective enterprise, which is a leader in the sphere of economics of Vietnam, a strategic object that gives over 25% of the state currency revenue. Discovery In October 2015, the joint venture of Zarubezhneft and Petrovietnam Vietsovpetro made a commercial discovery of the Sturgeon field offshore Socialist Republic of Vietnam. It has happened as a result of the successful testing of the exploration well CT-3X Block 09/3-12 which achieved a dry oil free flow to surface from the productive horizons of more than 1 800 tons per day. The Sturgeon (Ca Tam) field was discovered in 2014 in course of the exploration well 2-X testing. The field is located within the Block 09/3-12. The oil reserves calculation shall be made and a design project for bringing the field into development shall be prepared basing on the results of the commercial discovery. Joint Ventures Vietnam Bach Dang POC Bach Dang POC is an Operator of Block 103 & 107/04 at Song Hong Basin offshore Vietnam. The PSC was signed on 22nd June 2007. The stakeholders of Bach Dang POC comprise PVEP 55% and Petronas Carigali 45%. Con Son JOC C o n S o n J o i n t O p e ra t i n g Company is a joint company between Petrovietnam exploration Production Corporation (PVEP) a subsidiary of PetroVietnam, Petronas Calrigali Oversea Sdn Bhd ( Malaysian)( Petronas Carigali Overseas Sdn Bhd is a subsidiary of Petronas Gas Bhd). , Pertamina ( Indonesian ) and Quad Energy S.A ( Canadianam), having its business in oil & gas exploration and production in Block 10 & 111 Offshore Vietnam at Nam Con Son Basin. The stakeholders of Con Son JOC comprise: - PVEP 40% - PETRONAS 40% - PERTAMINA 10% - QUAD ENERGY SA 10% Cuu Long JOC Cuu Long Joint Operating Company was established in 1998 to operate the Petroleum Exploration & Production Activities under the Petroleum Contract for Block 15.1 offshore Vietnam signed on Sep. 16, 1998. The stakeholders of Cuu Long JOC comprise: - KNOC 14.25% - SK 9% - CONOCOPHILLIPS 23.25% - PVEP 50% - GEOPETROL 3.50% With four significant discoveries have so far been achieved: First is Su Tu Den (Black Lion) Oil Field in August 2001, second is Su Tu Vang (Golden Lion) Oil Field Discovery in October 2001, third is Su Tu Trang (White Lion) GasCondensate Field in November 2003 and fourth is Su Tu Nau (Brown) Lion Oil Field in August 2005; Cuu Long Joint Operating Company is now undertaking the production of Su Tu Den Oil Field and Su Tu Vang Oil Fields, appraisals of Su Tu Trang GasCondensate Field and Su Tu Nau Oil Field. JVPC JVPC is an Operator of Block 152 at Cuu Long Basin offshore Vietnam. The PSC was signed on Oct. 07, 1992. The stakeholders of JVPC comprise: - JVPC 46.5% - CONOCCPHLLIPS 36% - PVEP 17.5% Since August 1998, JVPC have been producing crude oil from Rang Dong Field in the Block. Lam Son JOC Lam Son JOC, a joint venture between Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation (Vietnam) and Petronas Carigali Overseas Sdn Company (Malaysia), has successfully drilled and discovered commercial oil and gas at Thang Long structure, Block 02/97, Cuu Long Basin, 27km of the Ruby oil field away from Southeast, 80km of the Bach Ho oil field away from the Northeast and 160 km Vung Tau away from the East. Lam Son JOC is the Operator of two Block 01/97 & 02/97 at Cuu Long Basin offshore Vietnam. The PSC was signed on Jan. 06, 2003. of Lam Son The stakeholders of Lam Son comprise: - PVEP 50% - PCOSB 50%. Phu Quy POC PQ POC - Phu Quy Petroleum Operating Exploration and Production Company Limited, is a subsidiary of Petrovietnam Exploration and Production Corporation. Phu Quy POC is an Operator of two Blocks at Cuu Long Basin: Block 15-1/05 (PVEP 40%, SK ENERGY 25%, Total E&P Vietnam 35%). PSC signed on Apr. 11, 2007. Block 16-2 (PVEP 45%, NOEX 40%, VSP 15%). PSC signed on Nov. 16, 2007. Dai Hung POC Dai Hung Petroleum Operating Company Limited, a subsidiary of Petrovietnam Exploration and Production Corporation. Dai Hung is Operator of Block 05-1A at Nam Con Son Basin with a 100% stake. Dai Hung Oil Field came on Stream on October 14, 1994. Thang Long JOC Thang Long Joint Operating Company is a Petroleum Joint Venture Company, formed between Talisman (Vietnam 152/01) Ltd of Canada with a 60% stake and PetroVietnam Exploration & Production Corporation (PVEP) of Vietnam with a 40% stake at Cuu Long Basin Offshore Vietnam. Service Companies Vietnam ABB Aker Solutions ALS Cal Dive International CAMERON DNV GL EMAS Esri Expro Fairfield Vietnam Falck Nutec Foster Wheeler Fugro Keppel Offshore Marine Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Nexans ROXAR Seatag Offshore SGS Vietnam Siemens Power Generation Swagelok Company Technip Wärtsilä Yokogawa Service Companies Vietnam ABB ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable industry and utility customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in around 100 countries and employs about 145,000 people. ABB Vietnam Km 9 National Road 1A Hanoi Tel: +84 4 3861 1010 No. 1 Road TS-23 Bac Ninh Tel: +84 241 374 8530 167 Tran Phu Street Da Nang Tel: +84 511 625 1717 9 Doan Van Bo Street Ho Chi Minh City Tel: +84 8 3943 1488 ABB Limited Hareness Road AB12 3LE Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Tel: +44 1224 579501 Aker Solutions Aker Solutions ASA, through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Aker Solutions"), is a leading global oil services company that provides engineering services, technologies, product solutions and field-life solutions for the oil and gas industry. The Aker Solutions group is organised in a number of separate legal entities. Aker Solutions is used as the common brand/trademark for most of these entities. Aker Solutions' parent company is Aker Solutions ASA. Aker Solutions employs approximately 17 000 people in about 30 countries. Aker Solutions is part of Aker, a group of premier companies with a focus on energy, maritime and marine resource industries. Aker Solutions (Services) Pte Ltd. Visit Address: Level 6, Room 618 Me Linh Point Tower, 2 Ngo Duc Ke Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Tel: +84 8 3520 2980 Fax: +84 8 3823 7840 it enjoys Top 100 status. Headquartered in Brisbane, ALS employs more than 13,000 people in 350 strategically-placed f a c i l i t i e s a c r o s s f i f t y- f i v e countries. ALS' acquisition of Reservoir Group underlines the firm's ambitions to broaden its capabilities in upstream Oil and Gas, offering customers an enhanced end-to-end service whilst complementing its worldrenowned laboratory services. Vietnam Workshop 7C, VCP 973 April 30 Street VungTau, Vietnam Te l : PTSC Supply Base Postal Address: 65A, 30/4 Str. Building A10, 9th Ward Road Vung Tau, Vietnam Te l : + 8 4 - ( 0 ) 6 4 5 9 1 6 0 7 Fa x : + 8 4 - ( 0 ) 6 4 5 9 1 6 0 7 Aker Solutions ASA Headquarters Snarøyveien 36, 1364 Fornebu NO-1325 Lysaker, Norway Tel: +47-67-51-30-00 Fax: +47-67-51-30-10 Aker Business Services Ltd (Aberdeen) Howe Moss Avenue, Kirkhill Industrial Estate Dyce, Aberdeen AB21 0GP United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 122 441 4515 ALS ALS is a global market-leading analytical laboratory and technical services provider. The company dates back to 1863 and today is publicly traded on ASX, the Australian stock exchange, where 84-(0)-64-362-3935 ALS Oil & Gas 1 Albyn Terrace, Aberdeen AB10 1YP, UK Tel: +44(0)1224 628 970 Fax: +44(0)1224 628 989 Cal Dive International Cal Dive International, Inc., headquartered in Houston, Texas, is a marine contractor that provides an integrated offshore construction solution to its customers, including manned diving, pipelay and pipe burial, platform installation and platform salvage services to the offshore oil and natural gas industry on t h e G u l f o f M e x i c o O C S, Northeastern U.S., Latin America, Southeast Asia, China, Australia, the Middle East and the Mediterranean, with a fleet of 29 vessels, including 19 surface and saturation diving support vessels and 10 construction barges. Service Companies Vietnam Cal Dive International PetroVietnam Towers 2nd Floor Suite No.240 8 Hoang Dieu Street, Ward 1, Vung Tau City Ba Ria Province, Vietnam Tel: +84.64.511770 Fax: +84.64.511771 Cal Dive International, Inc. Corporate Office 2500 CityWest Blvd. Suite 2200 Houston, TX 77042-3097 Tel: 713.361.2600 Fax: 713.361.2690 CAMERON CAMERON is a leading provider of flow equipment products, systems and services to worldwide oil, gas and process industries. Products include wellheads, christmas trees, controls, chokes, blowout preventers and assembled systems employed in a wide variety of operating environments - basic onshore fields, highly complex onshore and offshore environments, deepwater subsea applications and ultra-high temperature geothermal operations. CAMERON work with drilling contractors, oil & gas producers, pipeline operators, refiners and other process owners to control, direct, adjust, process, meaasure and compress pressures and flows. Cameron - Corporate Office 1333 West Loop South Suite 1700 Houston, TX 77027 Tel: 713.513.3300 DNV GL As of 12 September 2013, DNV and GL merged to form DNV GL. The company now form the world’s largest ship and offshore classification society, the leading technical advisor to the global oil and gas industry, and a leading expert for the energy value chain including renewables and energy efficiency. DNV GL have also taken a position as one of the top three certification bodies in the world. Office address: Villa Veritas, 4 Le Quy Don Street Vung Tau Postal address: Villa Veritas, 4 Le Quy Don Street Vung Tau Viet Nam Te l : + 8 4 6 4 3 8 5 7 1 4 0 / 2 DNV GL Office address: Veritasveien 1 Høvik Norway Postal address: P.O.Box 300 1322 Høvik Norway Tel: +47 6757 9900 Viet-tech Process Technology 101A Nguyen Khuyen Street Hanoi, Vietnam EMAS Tel: 84-4-942-2957 Founded in 1992, EMAS - a leading global offshore contractor providing construction, marine, production and well intervention services - is the operating brand for Ezra Holdings Limited. Adept in delivering best-value solutions, EMAS has entrenched itself as an emerging adjunct in the oil and gas (O&G) industry by combining its customised approach with a diverse offering of assets and services designed to fully meet clients’ needs. It operates globally with offices in 16 locations across five continents spanning Africa, the Americas, the Asia-Pacific and Europe. Having completed the acquisition of Aker Marine Contractors AS in 2011, the Group has added one of the world’s leading SURF (subsea umbilicals, risers & flowlines) and floater installation providers to its fold. Ezra, through EMAS, operates four main business segments that together have the ability to execute a full spectrum of seabed-to-surface engineering, construction, marine and production services throughout the world. Vietnam 99 Quarter 3, Thanh My Loi Ward, Dist 2 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam India Corporate Headquarters 15 Hoe Chiang Road #28-01 Tower Fifteen, Singapore 089316 Tel: (65) 6349 8535 Fax: (65) 6345 0139 Esri Esri inspires and enables people to positively impact the future through a deeper, geographic understanding of the changing world around them. Esri has 2,900 employees, 10 regional offices in the US, and more than 80 distributors outside the US. Service Companies Vietnam Esri Vietnam Company Limited 32 To Ngoc Van Street Quang An, Tay Ho, Ha Noi, Vietnam Tel: (84) 4 6258 1896 Esri Headquarters 380 New York Street Redlands, CA 92373-8100 U.S.A. Tel: 909-793-2853 Esri (UK) Ltd. Millennium House 65 Walton Street Aylesbury HP21 7QG United Kingdom Tel: 44 1296 745 500 Expro Expro International Group's business is well flow management. Expro is a leading international provider of services and products that measure, improve, control and process flow from high-value oil and gas wells. Through its global and regional operations, Expro offers customers the expertise and reliability borne of years of experience in the industry. Products, services and technology are offered to customers through five marketing segments: Well Testing & Commissioning, Production Systems, Wireline Intervention, Drilling Choke Systems and Connectors & Measurements. Expro has grown rapidly in recent years, both organically and through strategic acquisitions, to become a leading player in the global market place. Expro employs more than 4,500 people in 50 countries through a regional operational structure. Expro is supported by product centres in Europe and North America and a corporate office in the UK. Expro c/o PTSC Supply Base 65A Road 30/4 Vung Tau City S.R. of Vietnam Tel: +84 64 383 4188 Expro International Group PLC Reading Bridge House Reading Bridge Reading Berkshire RG1 8PR Tel: 01189 591341 Fax: 01189 589000 Aberdeen Lion House, Dyce Avenue Dyce, Aberdeen AB21 0LQ Tel: +44 1224 225700 Fairfield Vietnam Fairfield Vietnam provides advanced seismic data processing and interpretation services to the Vietnam Oil and Gas Community and to the S. E. Asia marketplace. 2D and 3D PSTM and PSDM as well as other innovative and state of the art technology have made major contributions to hydrocarbon exploration in offshore Vietnam. Fairfield Vietnam Ltd. Broadway E, No 2 Bertrand Russell Street, Phu My Hung Area, Dist 7 Hochiminh City Vietnam Tel: 84-8-4135206 Fax: 84-8-4135207 E: Falck Nutec Falck Nutec, a world leader in Health, Safety, Survival training and consultancy services has been servicing the oil and gas, shipping, renewable energy, military and aviation industries worldwide for over 3 decades. Falck Nutec is a division of Falck - a Nordic based organization which has been preventing accidents, disease and providing assistance in emergency situations for over a century. Falck Nutec Vietnam Dong Xuyen IP, No. 11 street Industrial Park, Rach Dua Ward Vung Tau City Vietnam Tel: +84 64 3616 080 Fax: +86 64 3616 082 Falck Nutec Global Sales Uglviggaardsvej 3 6705 Esbjerg Ø Denmark Tel: +45 76 12 13 14 Fax: +45 76 12 13 13 Foster Wheeler Foster Wheeler AG is a global engineering and construction company and power equipment supplier delivering technically advanced, reliable facilities and equipment. The company employs approximately 12,000 talented professionals with specialized expertise dedicated to serving its clients through one of its two primary business groups. The company’s Global Engineering and Construction Group designs and constructs leading-edge processing facilities for the upstream oil and gas, LNG and gas-to-liquids, refining, chemicals and petrochemicals, power, mining and metals, Service Companies Vietnam environmental, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and healthcare industries. The company’s Global Power Group is a world leader in combustion and steam generation technology that designs, manufactures and erects steam generating and auxiliary equipment for power stations and industrial facilities and also provides a wide range of aftermarket services. The company is based in Zug, Switzerland, and its operational headquarters office is in Geneva, Switzerland. The company's Global Power Group office in Hanoi, part of Power Group Asia (FWPGA), supports new business developments in Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries, such as Myanmar, Laos and Thailand. This office also provides aftermarket services and project execution assistance to Foster Wheeler projects in Vietnam. Global E&C Group & Global Power Group Suite 706-708, 7th Floor Central Building, 31 Hai Ba Trung St. Hanoi Tel: +84-4-39393809 Principal Executive Offices Foster Wheeler AG 80 Rue de Lausanne 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Tel: +41-22-741-8000 Fugro Fugro provides the people, equipment, expertise and technology that support the e x p l o ra t i o n , d e ve l o p m e n t , production and transportation of the world’s natural resources. Fugro also provides its clients with the technical data and information required to design, construct and maintain structures and infrastructure in a safe, reliable and efficient manner. Services that are provided locally, are supported by a global knowledge base and resource pool of experienced personnel. The services are often offered in combination in order to achieve the optimum results for the clients. Fugro-Jason Fugro-Jason delivers innovative software products and services to help clients identify and produce hydrocarbon deposits by integrating information from the various geoscience disciplines. Fugro-Jason software applications make it possible to integrate geological, geophysical, geostatistical, petrophysical and rock physics information into a single consistent model of the earth. Fugro Geotechnics Vietnam LLC Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam 31 Street 0, My Giang II, Phy My Hung, Tan Phong Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: +84 8 5413 8228 Fugro Head Office Veurse Achterweg 10 2264 SG Leidschendam The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)70 311 1422 Keppel Offshore Marine Keppel Offshore Marine is a global leader in mobile offshore rigs, ship repair, ship conversions and specialized shipbuilding. Integrating the experience and expertise of its 17 yards worldwide, the Group aims to be a provider of choice and a partner in solutions for the offshore and marine industry. Keppel FELS Representative Office PetroVietnam Towers, Suite 150M 08 Hoang Dieu Street Ward 1, Vungtau Vietnam Tel: 84-64-850098 Fax: 84-64-850089 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. provides a full range of services in the power generation field, including development, design, construction and after-sales services. Ho Chi Minh Representative office Unit-E, 4th Floor, OSIC Building, No.8 Nguyen Hue Street, District 1 Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Tel: 84-8-8243279 Fax: 84-8-8242874 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 3-1, Minatomirai 3-Chome Nishi-ku, Yokohama Japan Tel: 81-45-224-9545 Fax: 81-45-223-1725 Nexans Nexans is the worldwide leader in the cable industry. The Group is present at every level of oil and gas production, providing a wide range of energy and telecom cables for onshore and offshore a n d o f f s h o r e e x p l o ra t i o n , production and distribution, as well as for refinery and petrochemical infrastructure. Service Companies Vietnam Vietnam Office: 104 Dao Duy Anh Street Ward 9, Phu Nhuan District HCMC Vietnam Tel: 84-903 205 205 Nexans 20 Harbour Drive PSA Vista #07-03 Singapore Tel: 65-63170101 Fax: 65-63170103 ROXAR ROXAR is an international technology and services provider, dedicated to developing effective solutions to reservoir management problems for companies of all sizes across the world. Roxar is the industry leader in 3-D reservoir characterization and integrated simulation software, permanent downhole sensors and direct multiphase and wetgas flow meters. The Company has a strong portfolio of proven products and is committed to the continuous development of innovative products for enhanced reservoir understanding and measurement, monitoring and control products for topside subsea and downhole applications. ROXAR Suite 3B – 08A, Saigon Trade Center 37 Ton Duc Thang Str, Dist 1, HCMC Vietnam Tel: (+84-8) 910-5974 Fax: (+84-8) 910-5975 Seatag Offshore OSTC Tel: 84-8-9351920 Fax: 84-8-9351921 Providing international standard training courses in Health, Safety and Emergency Response for the offshore and onshore Petrochemical, Construction and Marine Industries. Courses include; Firefighting, First Aid, Helicopter operations (HUET, HLO, Refueling and Crash Rescue), Crane Operator (onshore and offshore), Rigging and Slinging, MEM, Safety Officer, and many more. Siemens AG, Power Generaton Vietnam Office: Seatag Offshore – Ostc Lane 1, Dong Xuyen Industrial Park, Ward. 10, Vung Tau Vietnam Tel: 84-64-551098/612099 Fax: 84-64-612699 SGS Vietnam Ltd SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. SGS is recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With 43,000 employees, SGS operates a network of over 1,000 offices and laboratories around the world. In Vietnam since 1989, SGS operates across the following sectors: 1. Agriculture 2. Consumer Products including Foodstuffs 3. Oil, Gas and Chemical 4. Governments and International Institutions 5. Certification Services - ISO 9000, ISO 14000 and SA 8000 6. Minerals 7. Industrial Projects. SGS Vietnam Ltd 141 Ly Chinh Thang St. Dist 3. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Siemens Power Generation is one of the world's leading specialists in planning, construction and upgrades of power plants; development, production and supply of components and systems, comprehensive plant services, I&C solutions and energy management systems; fuel cells, turbines, compressors and full-scope solutions for industrial plants, in particular for the oil & gas business; wind energy systems and Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle applications. Siemens AG Representation Vietnam 2nd Floor, The Landmark Bldg 5B Ton Duc Thang, D1 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Tel: 84-8-8251900 Fax: 84-8-8251580 Siemens AG, Power Generaton Freyeslebenstrasse 1, 91058 Erlangen, Germany Tel: 49-9131-18-0 Fax: 49-9131-18-3815 Swagelok Company Swagelok Company is a major developer and manufacturer of fluid system component technologies for a wide variety of industries, including chemical and petrochemical, oil and gas, sanitary, power generation, and semiconductor. Swagelok products are delivered Service Companies Vietnam to end customers through a global network of over 200 independent sales and service centers. Vietnam Office: Minh Tam Trading Service Construction Enterprise No.25, Road 9, Binh Thoi Quarter, Ward 8 District 11 Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Tel: 84-8-9627147-08 Fax: 84-8-9627147 Swagelok Company 31500 Aurora Rd, Solon, Ohio, U.S.A Tel: 1-400-349-5934 Fax: 1-400-349-5843 Technip Technip is a world leader in project management, engineering and construction for the energy industry. From the deepest Subsea oil & gas developments to the largest and most complex Offshore and Onshore infrastructures, the company's workforce of around 25,000 people offer solutions and innovative technologies to meet the world’s energy challenges. Present in 48 countries, Technip has state-of-the-art industrial assets on all continents and operates a fleet of specialized vessels for pipeline installation and subsea construction. Technip Vietnam Co. Ltd Unit #305, 3rd Floor Centec Tower, 72-74 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, Ward 6, District 3 Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Technip HQ CS 51650 89 avenue de la Grande Armée 75773 Paris Cedex 16 France Yokogawa Vietnam Company Ltd. Level 1 & 4, Viet Hai Bldg Lot C2-H Duy Tan, Dich Vong Hau Ward Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam Tel: +33 (0)1 47 78 24 00 Tel: (84-4) 3 763 5115 / 3 763 7440 Wärtsilä Wärtsilä is a global leader in complete lifecycle power solutions for the marine and energy markets. By emphasising technological innovation and total efficiency, Wärtsilä maximises the environmental and economic performance of the vessels and power plants of its customers. Saigon Trade Center, Unit 702B, 7th Floor 37 Ton Duc Thang Street, Ben Nghe Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Tel +84 8 3911 5496 /97 Wärtsilä Corporation John Stenbergin ranta 2 FI-00530 Helsinki, Finland Post Address P.O. Box 196, FI-00531 Helsinki, Finland Tel: +358 10 709 0000 Yokogawa Founded in 1915, Yokogawa Electric Corporation (Yokogawadenki-kabushikigaisha) is a Japanese electrical engineering and software company, with businesses based on its technologies in measurement, control, and information. It has a workforce of over 19,000 in its 80 companies worldwide, operating in 33 countries. World Headquarters Yokogawa-denkikabushikigaisha 9-32, Nakacho 2-chome Musashino-shi Tokyo 180-8750 Japan Yokogawa United Kingdom Ltd. Stuart Road Manor Park Runcorn Cheshire WA7 1TR United Kingdom Te l : (44)-1-928-597-100 News Review Vietnam Murphy Farms in to 151/05 PSC, offshore Vietnam Zarubezhneft announces commercial discovery in Vietnam October 2015 October 2015 Murphy reached an agreement with PetroVietnam Exploration Production Corporation (PVEP) and SK Innovation Co. Ltd. (SK) to farm-in to the 15-1/05 Production Sharing Contract (PSC), in the highly prospective, oil prone, Cuu Long Basin, Offshore Vietnam. Murphy will hold a 35 percent working interest in the PSC. Oil discoveries previously made in the PSC are currently under appraisal and PVEP, as the operator, recently completed the successful drilling and testing of well LDV-4X in two zones and is currently incorporating these well results into the resource assessment of the block. JV Vietsovpetro has made a commercial discovery of the Sturgeon field offshore Vietnam Joint Venture Partners Surrender Block 121 October 2015 The Block 121 Joint Venture parties are withdrawing from the licence following the unsuccessful drilling of the Whale prospect (121-CV-1X) and the inability over the last 12 months to secure a farmin partner to share the costs and risk of drilling an additional well in the licence. Participating interests in Block 121 are: Pan Pacific Petroleum NL (via subsidiaries) 15% Origin (via subsidiaries) 45% (operator) Premier Oil (via subsidiaries) 40% The joint venture of Zarubezhneft and Petrovietnam Vietsovpetro has made a commercial discovery of the Sturgeon field offshore Socialist Republic of Vietnam. It has happened as a result of the successful testing of the exploration well CT-3X Block 09/3-12 which achieved a dry oil free flow to surface from the productive horizons of more than 1 800 tons per day. The Sturgeon (Ca Tam) field was discovered in 2014 in course of the exploration well 2-X testing. The field is located within the Block 09/3-12. The oil reserves calculation shall be made and a design project for bringing the field into development shall be prepared basing on the results of the commercial discovery. Rosneft and Japan Drilling Co sign agreement for exploration campaign September 2015 Rosneft Vietnam and Japan Drilling Co (JDC) represented by its subsidiary Hakuryu 5, Inc. have signed an agreement on provision and operation of the marine drilling rig HAKURYU-5, for the purposes of drilling exploration wells within the framework of Rosneft’s projects in Vietnam. It is planned to drill two wells in Blocks 06.1 and 053/11 in the Nam Con Son basin offshore Vietnam in 2016. Consistent implementation of drilling works at both blocks will ensure synergy between the two projects and help reduce the timelines for implementation of the works, thus maximizing the efficiency of exploration activities at the Company’s Vietnamese assets. Background Block 06.1: Rosneft Vietnam owns 35% in the project, acting as the project operator; the project is being implemented based on the Production Sharing Contract (PSC). The PSC area comprises two gas condensate fields – Lan Tay and Lan Do. The fields are located 370 km from the shore in the Nam Con Son basin, the sea depth at the fields reaches 190 m. The initial gas reserves at the fields are about 68 billion cubic meters. By June 2015, accumulated production from Block 06.1 reached 300 million barrels of oil equivalent (or over 46 bcm of gas). Block 05-3/11: Rosneft Vietnam owns 100% in the project and is the project operator. The licensed block is located in the region with proven hydrocarbon potential and well-developed infrastructure that also borders with the already operated fields of Block 06.1. The current estimate of Block 05.3/11 reserves is 40 billion cubic meters of gas and 9 million tons of gas condensate. 3D-seismic survey of 1,180 sq kms and subsequent interpretation and studies have been completed, structures for exploration drilling activities in 2016 were defined. Rosneft is also an investor with 32.67% equity in the Nam Con Son Pipeline – transporting gas and condensate from four offshore blocks in the Nam Con Son basin to power complex onshore –which creates a potential synergy in the event of discovery of commercial reserves in Block 05-3/11. News Review Vietnam China oil rig to keep drilling in waters disputed with Vietnam August 2015 A Chinese oil rig at the centre of last year's standoff between China and Vietnam will continue drilling not far from Vietnam's coast, China's maritime safety authorities said on Tuesday. The deployment of the $1 billion deepwater rig last year about 120 nautical miles off Vietnam's coast, in what Vietnam considers its exclusive economic zone (EEZ), led to the worst breakdown in relations since a brief border war in 1979. China said at the time the rig was operating completely within its waters. The rig, called the Haiyang Shiyou 981, was removed last July, but returned to the area in June of this year to explore for oil and gas. A notice from China's Maritime Safety Administration said at the time that the rig would carry out 'ocean drilling operations' until August 20. Vietnam's people remain embittered over a perceived history of Chinese bullying and territorial claims in the South China Sea. China has been increasingly assertive in the South China Sea, condemning an arbitration case initiated by the Philippines and reclaiming land on islands and reefs under its control. Last week a new U.S. Pentagon report said China has reclaimed more land in the disputed Spratly Islands than previously known. Source: Reuters Wood Group awarded FEED contract for Talisman's Ca Rong Do field offshore Vietnam August 2015 Wood Group has been awarded the front end engineering and design (FEED) contract for the subsea development of the Talisman Energy Ca Rong Do field offshore Vietnam; estimated to contain around 67 million barrels of oil equivalent. Wood Group Kenny (WGK) will carry out comprehensive flow assurance studies and full FEED engineering of the subsea system and structures, risers, flowlines, and power and control umbilicals. The work on the subsea FEED will be carried out from WGK’s Ku a l a L u m p u r o f f i c e a n d supported by other WGK Asia Pacific offices. This follows the award of the top tensioned riser (TTR) FEED contract for design of the dry tree production/injection and drilling riser systems. The WGK Houston office, a centre of excellence for dry tree riser system engineering, will carry out the engineering for the tension leg wellhead platform (TLWP) supported riser systems. SOCO announces commencement of production from the TGT H5 platform offshore Vietnam August 2015 SOCO International has announced that first oil and gas from the H5 Wellhead Platform ('H5-WHP') of the Te Giac Trang ('TGT') field occurred on 10 August 2015 following perforation of the first of the H5 development wells. The start of production has been achieved more one month ahead of schedule and the H5 development project has been completed with zero lost time accidents. The perforation campaign will continue over the next two weeks targeting the optimal balance between maximising new production from the H5-WHP, natural production decline rates and water-cut from the existing wells with total liquids handling capacity on the FPSO currently available to the TGT partners. The H5-WHP is located in the south of the TGT field in Block 16-1 in the Cuu Long Basin, off the southern coast of Vietnam, approx. 100 kms from Vung Tau, 20 kms northwest of the Bach Ho field and 35 kms west of the Rang Dong field. TGT was discovered in August 2005. The H5-WHP is TGT’s third platform to be brought on production. The first platform, H1-WHP, came on stream in August 2011, followed by the H4WHP in July 2012. Crude oil from TGT is transported via subsea pipeline to an FPSO where it is processed, stored and exported by tankers to regional oil refineries. Gas produced from the field is transported by pipeline to the nearby Bach Ho facilities for processing and onward transportation to shore by pipeline to supply the Vietnamese domestic market. Block 16-1, where TGT is located, is operated on behalf of SOCO (30.5%) and its partners, PetroVietnam Exploration & Production Corporation (41%) a n d P TT E x p l o ra t i o n a n d Production Public Company Limited (28.5%), by the Hoang Long Joint Operating Company. News Review Vietnam SOCO signs MoU for Blocks 125/126, offshore Vietnam July 2015 On 29 July 2015, SOCO’s President and Chief Executive, Ed Story, attended a signing ceremony in Hanoi, Vietnam to sign a Memorandum of Understanding among SOCO, PetroVietnam and SOVICO Holdings regarding potential exploration and production on Blocks 125-126, offshore Vietnam. Petrovietnam boosts cooperation with Murphy Oil and ExxonMobil August 2015 The Viet Nam National Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam) and Murphy Oil Corp signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on July 8 to boost cooperation in oil and gas projects. The MoU was signed by Petrovietnam Chairman Nguyen Xuan Son and the President and CEO of Murphy Oil Corp, Roger W. Jenkins, in the presence of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, who is on a visit to the United States. Murphy has financial potential, expertise and the technology for exploring, surveying and exploiting oil and gas, especially in new areas and on deep-sea sites. The corporation sees the Vietnamese market as an area with long-term development potential and values Petrovietnam as a dynamic and effective partner. It is especially interested in participating in the development of the Block B gas project, the Malay-Tho Chu basin in Viet Nam and a number of blocks in Cuu Long basin. The corporation has invited Petrovietnam to take part in its projects in Mexico Bay. Son and his entourage also met the Vice Chairman of ExxonMobil for the Asia-Pacific region, Raymond E. Jones, and other senior officials at the Washington Hilton on the same day. During the meeting, Jones greatly appreciated Petrovietnam’s efforts, along with ExxonMobil, to advance the Ca Voi Xanh (Blue Whale) project, located off the coast of Viet Nam. He spoke of the project’s progress so far and about preparations to draw up plans for the gas field in future. Son affirmed that a cooperation agreement and contracts signed with ExxonMobil would be implemented with the aim of the two companies sharing and creating the most favourable conditions to develop together. He urged ExxonMobil to use advanced technologies to exploit the gas field in the most effective way, minimising spending and lowering costs. He said the two sides should work together to find answers to issues such as gas consumption, the price of gas and commercial conditions. It is necessary to take the initiative to find gas consumers who can use the gas most economically, he said. Petrovietnam would ask the Vietnamese Government to find ways to build gas-fired power plants in the central region, as well as draw up policies to help gas consumers develop their operations in the region, he said. It would also propose investment incentives to develop the project, he added. to begin supplying gas and power by 2021. PetroVietnam acquires Chevron's Vietnam upstream assets June 2015 Chevron on Wednesday closed the sale of its stake in exploration blocks and a pipeline project in Vietnam to state-run Vietnam Oil & Gas Group, or PetroVietnam, for an undisclosed amount of money. The move represents Chevron's exit from Vietnam's upstream oil and gas sector, as the oil major trims its global portfolio. Chevron said it has sold its stake in two production sharing contracts in Vietnam, which includes a 42.4% interest in Blocks B and 48/95, and a 43.4% interest in Block 52/97. It has also sold its 28.7% non-operated working interest in a pipeline project to supply natural gas to utilities in southern Vietnam. PetroVietnam had said in April it would resume work at Block B in June, after taking over from Chevron. It said the block is expected to produce 13.9 million cubic meters of gas and between 6,000 and 7,000 barrels of condensate a day. It expected first gas output to be brought onshore by 2019 or 2020. Mitra Energy commences 3D seismic acquisition in Block 127, offshore Vietnam June 2015 In 2013, an agreement on the C a Vo i Xa n h p l a t f o r m development project was signed between the two companies in Washington D.C., with the aim of creating a schedule, a strategy and an overall plan for the project. The project is scheduled Mitra Energy, through its subsidiary operating company Mitra Energy (Vietnam Phu Khanh) Pte Ltd, commenced 3D seismic survey acquisition operations in the Block 127 PSC area, offshore Vietnam. The News Review Vietnam survey is being undertaken by PTSC CGGV Geophysical Survey Co utilising the 3D seismic survey vessel 'Amadeus'. The 3D seismic survey is planned to cover a fullfold area of 533 sq kms and will fulfil the PSC Exploration Phase One extension 3D seismic survey acquisition commitment of 500 full-fold sq kms. The survey is anticipated to take 21 days to complete. Block 120 3D seismic program begins offshore Vietnam March 2015 KrisEnergy Ltd. announced that the CGG Amadeus vessel has commenced a 570 sq. km. 3D seismic acquisition program in the Block 120 exploration acreage o f f s h o r e c e n t ra l V i e t n a m . Block 120 covers 6,869 sq. km overlying the Quang Ngai Graben and the Tri Ton Horst where water depths range from 50 to 650 metres. The graben connects the Song Hong and Qiongdongnan Basins in the north to the Phu Khanh Basin in the south. KrisEnergy holds a 33.33% working interest in Block 120 and is partnered by Eni Vietnam B.V. as the operator with 66.67% working interest. CGG Amadeus is owned by PTSC CGGV Geophysical Survey. KrisEnergy becomes operator of Vietnam Block 105 March 2015 KrisEnergy Ltd. is increasing its working interest in Block 105110/4 (“Block 105”) and taking o v e r o p e ra t o r s h i p o f t h e production sharing contract following the execution of a deed of assignment on 9 March 2015 between Eni Vietnam B.V. (“Eni Vietnam”) and KrisEnergy (Song Hong 105) Ltd (“KrisEnergy 105”) (“Deed”). Block 105 covers 7,192 sq. km in the Gulf of Tonkin, overlying the central Song Hong Basin where water depths range from 20 metres to 80 metres. A single exploration well, Cua Lo-1, was drilled in the contract area in 2013, which confirmed the existence of a petroleum system within the block. KrisEnergy announces Vietnam Block 105 and Block 120 partner update February 2015 KrisEnergy refers to its announcements released on 15 April 2014 and 12 August 2014, both titled Vietnam Block 105 and Block 120 – Partner Update. Pursuant to the deed executed between Eni Vietnam, KrisEnergy 105, KrisEnergy 120 and Neon Energy in relation to the default and subsequent withdrawal of Neon Energy, an amended investment certificate each for Block 105 and Block 120 has been issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam on 13 February 2015. The amended investment certificate for Block 105 reflects the revised working interest holding of 66.67% by Eni Vietnam and 33.33% by KrisEnergy and the amended investment certificate for Block 120 reflects the revised working interest holding of 66.67% by Eni Vietnam and 33.33% by KrisEnergy. SOCO announces updated technical review of Te Giac Trang resources, offshore Vietnam December 2014 SOCO International has announced that ERC Equipoise ('ERCE') has completed its evaluation of the Block 16-1 Te Giac Trang field ('TGT') offshore Vietnam, which confirms the Company's long standing view of the size and production potential of the TGT field. Evaluation highlights: • The updated TGT Stock Tank Oil Initially In Place ("STOIIP") demonstrates a most likely volume of 818 million barrels of oil ("MMBO") for the currently drilled fault blocks. Including the H5N and H5S fault blocks, planned to be drilled in Q1 2015, the most likely STOIIP would be 949 MMBO. • Potential oil recovery within the expected licence period to 2030, based on the most likely case Geological Model (inclusive of H5N and H5S) and under a variety of potential development scenarios evaluated to date, are estimated at up to 319 MMBO. SOCO's TGT booked 2P oil reserves as at 31 December 2013 correspond to an initial gross field recoverable volume of 298 MMBO. • The ERCE reservoir modelling demonstrates facilities unconstrained field performance potential in excess of 100,000 bopd • The reservoir modelling provides a framework for optimising development of the TGT field beyond the currently approved field development plan; assuming no further activity on the field beyond 2015 or changes to infrastructure or FPSO capacity, News Review Vietnam the modelled estimated recovery is 193 MMBO (inclusive of H5N and H5S). • In addition, ERCE identified several small undrilled closures during the field remapping. These closures together may contain an estimated most likely STOIIP of 17 MMBO. In 2013, SOCO retained ERC Equipoise to build a Dynamic Simulation Model of the TGT field. In 2014, this engagement was expanded to include the integration of a new Geological Model. The Geological Model was integrated into a revised Dynamic Simulation Model for a technical evaluation of the TGT resources. Upon completion of the history match and H5 area additions, the simulation model was set up to run a series of forecasts aimed at evaluating the ultimate oil volume recoverable given various levels of development drilling and pressure maintenance by water injection under various FPSO and alternative liquid handling options. At this time, the Hoang Long Joint Operating Company ("HLJOC") partners are evaluating the 2015 work programme and budget, as well as preparing an update to the TGT Field Development Plan ("FDP") for submission to the relevant Vietnamese authorities. The updated FDP will incorporate the development plans for the TGT field beyond 2015. The conclusions of the ERCE work will be shared with the HL JOC partners as part of this process as the work suggests a substantial gain in oil recovery can be achieved by way of improvements to the TGT field liquid handling capacity, infill drilling and optimised pressure support. Malaysia's SapuraKencana buys PETRONAS' blocks offshore Vietnam November 2014 SapuraKencana Petroleum, Malaysia's largest listed oil and gas services firm by market capitalisation, is buying state oil firm PETRONAS' entire interest in 3 blocks offshore southern Vietnam for $400 million.The economic effective date of the transaction is Jan. 1, 2014 and SapuraKencana is entitled to net revenue from these blocks from then, the Kuala Lumpur-based company said in a press release on late Thursday. 'The transaction gives SapuraKencana an immediate foothold in the promising oil provinces offshore Vietnam with cash generating assets that will be earnings accretive to the group,' Chief Executive Officer Shahril Shamsuddin said in a statement. Shares in SapuraKencana ended 0.65 percent higher at 3.10 ringgit, before the announcement was released. The stock has dropped 37 percent in the year to date, underperforming the benchmark stock index's 2.3 percent fall. Blocks being acquired are: Petroleum Contract for Blocks 01/97 and 02/97, Cuu Long Basin (50% interest); Production Sharing Contract for Blocks 10 & 11.1, Nam Con Son Basin (40%); Production Sharing Contract for Block 46 - Cai Nuoc, Malay - Tho Chu Basin (36.845966%). Eni signs two new PSC’s for offshore exploration in Vietnam October 2014 Eni signed two Production Sharing C o n t ra c t s ( P S C s ) f o r t h e exploration of blocks 116 and 124, located off the coast of Vietnam. Block 116 covers an area of about 5,000 sqkm in the Song Hong basin, in waters with a depth ranging from 10 to 120 meters. The PSC block, wholly owned by Eni, provides for an exploration period of seven years divided into 3 phases. Block 124 covers an area of 6,000 sqkm in the Phu Khanhbasin, in waters that have a depth ranging from 50 to 2,600 meters. The PSC provides for an exploration period of seven years divided into 2 phases. This block is held by Eni, which is the operator with a 60% stake, and by Santos Vietnam with a 40% stake. Claudio Descalzi also met Hoang Trung Hai, Deputy Prime Minister with responsibility for Trade, Industry, Construction and Transport, and provided him with an update of the activities and projects that the Company is developing in the Country. "The participation in these two new high-potential blocks will consolidate our presence in the area and support our growth in the Pacific basin. The proximity of these blocks to those which we already operate will enable us to exploit at best the logistical and operational synergies, with considerable savings in terms of time and costs" said Eni's CEO. These new agreements confirm Eni's interest to continue and consolidate its presence in Vietnam, where the company returned in 2012 and already operates four offshore exploration blocks. News Review Vietnam AziPac announces farmin agreement with Mitra Energy for a 25% interest in Block 127 PSC, offshore Vietnam August 2014 AziPac, the Seacrest Capital Group backed E&P company focussed on offshore exploration in the Asia Pacific and Bay of Bengal regions, has announced the acquisition of a 25% interest in the Block 127 PSC, offshore Vietnam. AziPac, through its subsidiary Azimuth Vietnam, has signed a farm-in agreement with Mitra Energy, the operator, for a 25% participating interest in Block 127 PSC, offshore Vietnam. As part of the deal, AziPac will pay a working interest share of the approved past costs and carry part of Mitra's costs of acquisition and processing of a 3D seismic survey, scheduled to be acquired in the second half of 2014. Acquisition of the 3D survey will complete the work programme obligations for the current Exploration Phase which expires on 24 May, 2016. Block 127 is located in the Phu Khanh Basin, off the SE coast of Vietnam. The basin remains relatively underexplored and recent 2D seismic confirms the potential of the basin in terms of prospectivity. Upon completion of the farm-in, the participating interests in the Block 127 PSC will be as follows: Mitra Energy (Vietnam Phu Khanh) Pte Ltd 75%; Azimuth Vietnam Limited 25%. Frank Inouye, Managing Director of AziPac, commented: ‘We are very pleased to have acquired an interest in this highly prospective licence in one of the most exciting hydrocarbon exploration provinces in the world. Vietnam has experienced a renaissance in E&P activity recently and we look forward to working with Mitra Energy to fully evaluate this block. Block 127 is the second asset AziPac has acquired since we created the company earlier this year. Along with our interest in the Bone PSC in Indonesia, we have what we believe to be a solid platform for future growth in the region.' Scope of Coverage Asia/Far East Country Energy Summary Featured Oil/Gas Service Total no. (number of pages) Oil Companies Company Review of pages Bangladesh 1 11 - 19 Brunei 2 7 - 15 Cambodia 6 14 - 23 China 7 22 Yes 58 India 6 36 - 58 Indonesia 6 69 - 115 Japan 2 4 - 12 Korea, South 4 3 - 12 Malaysia 6 19 Yes 49 Mongolia 3 7 - 20 Myanmar 2 37 Yes 46 Pakistan 4 27 - 46 Philippines 2 19 - 43 Tajikistan 3 8 - 22 Thailand 8 22 Yes 60 Vietnam 8 32 Yes 74 Total 70 336 672 Bangladesh Brunei Cambodia China India Indonesia Japan Korea, South Laos Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar Pakistan Philippines Tajikistan Thailand Vietnam 1. Asia / Far East American Energy Group Anadarko AWE AziPac x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Bapex Bashneft Bengal Energy BG Group BHP Billiton Black Platinum Energy BP BSPC x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Cairn India Canoel Canoro Resources CBM Asia Chevron CITIC CNOOC CNPC Coastal Energy Conoco Phillips Cooper Energy Cue Energy CPHL (Cambodia) Company x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Daewoo International Dart Energy Dewan Petroleum x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x East West Petroleum Eni EnQuest Essar Oil ExxonMobil x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Far East Energy Focus Energy Fortune Oil Frontier Oil x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x GAIL Gazprom International Genie Oil & Gas GeoGlobal Resources Geopetrol Green Dragon Gas GS Energy GSPC x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Hardy Oil & Gas Harvest Natural Resources HBOil Heritage Oil Hess Hindustan Oil Exploration Horizon Oil Husky Energy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Bangladesh Brunei Cambodia China India Indonesia Japan Korea, South Laos Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar Pakistan Philippines Tajikistan Thailand Vietnam 2. Asia / Far East Idemitsu IGas INPEX Interra Resources IPR Transoil Corporation Ivanhoe Energy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x JAPEX Jindal Petroleum Jubilant Energy Jura Energy JVPC JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Kairki Energy KNOC KOGAS KrisEnergy KRX Energy KUFPEC Kuwait Energy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Lapindo Brantas Leyshon Resources Lion Energy Lundin Petroleum x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Manas Petroleum Mari Energy Mercator Medco Energi Mirach Energy Mitra Energy Mitsubishi Energy Mitsui Oil Exploration Com MOL Mubadala Oil & Gas Murphy Oil Myanma Oil & Gas Enterprise Myanmar Petroleum Resources x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x NAFTOGAZ Neon Energy New Horizon E&P Newfield Exploration New Zealand Oil and Gas Nido Petroleum Niko Resources Nippon Nobel NuEnergy New Horizon E&P x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Ocean Pakistan Octanex OGDCL x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Bangladesh Brunei Cambodia China India Indonesia Japan Korea, South Laos Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar Pakistan Philippines Tajikistan Thailand Vietnam 3. Asia / Far East Oil India Oilex Omkar Natural Resources OMV ONGC Ophir Energy Origin Energy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Pakistan Oilfields Pakistan Petroleum Pan Pacific Petroleum Perenco PetroChina Petrogas Petronas PetroleumBRUNEI Petro Matad PETRONAS Petrovietnam PGN Pitkin Petroleum Premier Oil Primeline Energy Prize Petroleum PT Energi PT.Istech Resources PTTEP x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Quad Energy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Rally Energy Ramba Energy Reliance Industries Repsol RH Petrogas Rift Basin Resources Roc Oil x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Saif Energy Saka Energi Indonesia Salamander Energy Santos SapuraKencana Serinus Energy Shaanxi Yanchang Shell Sherritt International Silver Wave Energy Singapore Petroleum Sinopec SK Innovation SOCO Sona Petroleum Star Energy Statoil Sugih Energy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Bangladesh Brunei Cambodia China India Indonesia Japan Korea, South Laos Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar Pakistan Philippines Tajikistan Thailand Vietnam 4. Asia / Far East Talisman Energy Tap Oil Tately N.V. Total Trakker Energy Triangle Energy Tullow Oil x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x United Energy Pakistan UNOG VICO Indonesia Vietgazprom x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Wolf Petroleum Woodside Petroleum x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Xstate Resources x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Yanchang Petroleum x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Zarubezhneft Zaver Petroleum x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Scope of Countries and Regions Africa Asia / Far East Middle East Angola Benin Burundi Cameroon Chad Comoros Congo, Republic Congo, DR Cote d'Ivoire Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kenya Liberia Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Rwanda Sao Tome & Principe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia Somaliland South Africa Sudan & South Sudan Tanzania Togo Uganda Western Sahara Zambia Australia Bangladesh Brunei Cambodia China India Indonesia Japan Korea, South Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar New Zealand Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Sri Lanka Tajikistan Thailand Vietnam Afghanistan Bahrain Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Kuwait Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia Syria United Arab Emirates Yemen East Europe Albania Bulgaria Croatia Hungary Montenegro Poland Romania Serbia Slovenia Austria Cyprus Denmark France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Malta Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Turkey United Kingdom Algeria Egypt Libya Morocco Tunisia Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Estonia Georgia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lithuania Moldova Russia Turkmenistan Ukraine Uzbekistan South America Europe / Mediterranean North Africa Russia / FSU Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Falkland Islands French Guiana Guyana Nicaragua Paraguay Peru Suriname Uruguay Venezuela Central America Bahamas Belize Cuba Guatemala Honduras Mexico Trinidad & Tobago E. l T. +44 (0)1483 891837 l M. +44 (0)7590 442868 l Oil & Gas Country Reviews Energy Key Facts T. +44 (0)1483 891837 M. +44 (0)7590 442 868 E. 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