recipe corner - McMinn Seniors


recipe corner - McMinn Seniors
Vol 17 No. 4
Sept, Oct, Nov 2015
BBQ & Bingo
September 12th
The Fundraising Committee & McMinn
Senior Activity Center is hosting a Fun
and Games Night with BBQ & Bingo.
Each individual will purchase their
meal, but Bingo Games are free. Dinner
will be served beginning at 5:00 pm.
Tickets in Advance are $10/at the door
$12. Menu includes—Barbecue—Baked
Beans—Slaw– Desserts—Drinks. Bingo
Games will be held immediately
following dinner. We would appreciate
donations of desserts and 2 liter drinks
for this event, as well as Bingo Prizes,
which should be new items with a
value of approximately $25; prefer gift
cards and gift baskets. We plan to serve
around 150 individuals.
Best Crockpot Pork Chops
4 pork chops, each about 1/2” thick
2 med. Onions, chopped
2 celery ribs, chopped
2 quarts chicken broth
1/2 c. Ketchup
1—14 1/2 oz. can stewed tomatoes
1 lg. green bell pepper, sliced
2 tbsp. cider vinegar
2 tbsp. brown sugar
2 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 beef bouillon cube
2 tbsp. cornstarch
2 tbsp. water
Add all ingredients except water and cornstarch to the
crockpot. Cook on low for 5 1/2 hours. Mix cornstarch
and water together and stir into crockpot. Cook 30
minutes more. Ready in 6 hours.
New and Returning Classes
Through the Fall we will be having some great classes…. Some of them new, and some old favorites!
Line Dancing with Billy
Tuesdays, Starting September 15
American Indian Finger Weaving with Yola
Learn Sign Language
Arthritis Foundation Exercise with Sarah
2nd & 4th Tuesday, Starting September 8
Mon. & Wed., Starting September 16
M W F, Starting September 9
Be sure to call or come by and check the calendar for exact times and so forth, hope to see you soon!!
When you skip voting it’s not rebellion it’s surrender
Golden Notes - Fall Issue
Sept, Oct, Nov 2015
Tall Juice Cans
Dehumidifier ◊ Styrofoam
Window Fan
◊ Nutcrackers
Pick Axe
50 Ft. & longer good quality garden hose
Hose Spray Nozzle
Watering Can that Sprinkles
Heavy Outdoor Extension Cords 50—100 Ft.
Hand Soap
Electric Iron
Bright colored skeins of yarn
Any Office Supplies and or paper goods
Postage Stamps
Copy paper; regular & legal
Small trash cans
Metal Fence Posts
Be sure to visit our Facebook at:
As well as our website at:
To the folks who helped bring in items on the
wish list last quarter, Thank You Very Much:
Christine Mikulka, Gail Kavanaugh, Phyllis
Jones, And anyone we may have missed…
Thank You Sooo Much
Rust Reflections
Well there are some new faces around the McMinn Senior Activity Center since the last newsletter was
published. One of them is MINE! I am Laura Rust and I am the new Assistant Director for the center.
While I have met many of you, I know there are many, many more that I have not met. I told someone
when I started I would try to get folks names down by the time I had heard them 20 times, so if I have
met you fewer than that, please feel free to introduce yourself to me again.
I love my job and have thought from the very first that it was a good fit… I hope you will think so too.
My husband and I moved to Athens in 2002, with our two children, in order for my husband to fill the
call of pastor at Mars Hill Presbyterian Church. We had done some research before we came here and
were looking for a small, college town not too far from family (located in Knoxville and Western NC) and
found Athens to fit the bill.
I have worked in many part time jobs while we have lived here from substitute teaching to MADCAT and
TENNderCare, but I had not worked full time since the children were born. I appreciate this opportunity
and all the care and support I have received since I started in June.
I have volunteered in several organizations over the years from Living Heritage Museum Guild and Friends of
E.G. Fisher Public Library to Band Boosters and PTO. I also enjoy knitting and have established a knitting group called,
Yarnaholics ; that meets to knit, crochet, spin and fellowship every Monday evening.
So come by and check out the center and meet the new folks. We’ll have the lights on for you!
Golden Notes - Fall Issue
Sept, Oct, Nov 2015
Fundraising Enables Our Organization to Survive
Fundraising is necessary to balance our budget and enable our organization to continue to serve
each of you. It takes the support of everyone for successful fundraisers. Please take a look at the
important fundraising events below. We need and would love to have your support!
BBQ & Bingo—Saturday, September 12th.
The Fundraising Committee and McMinn Senior Activity Center is hosting a Fun and Games
Night with BBQ & Bingo. Each individual will purchase their meal, but Bingo Games are free.
Dinner will be served beginning at 5:00 pm. Tickets in Advance are $10/at the door $12. Menu
includes—Barbecue—Baked Beans—Slaw– Desserts—Drinks. Bingo Games will be held immediately following dinner. We appreciate the following volunteers for their support: Dot LaBrum,
smoke the pork; Burkett Witt, make the sauce; Yvonne Raper, slaw and beans. We would appreciate donations of desserts and 2 liter drinks for this event, as well as Bingo Prizes, which should be
new items with a value of approximately $25; prefer gift cards and gift baskets. We plan to serve
around 150 individuals.
Pumpkintown—Saturday, October 10th
We plan to sell fall decorations and pumpkin themed baked goods at our booth. We welcome volunteers to work and bake. We will also be selling our new McMinn Senior Activity Center t-shirt
at this event (not to be confused with our volunteer shirts). It has been designed by Board Member
and volunteer Yvonne Raper with the wording “Seniors Rock” and pictures a rocking chair and
musical notes. We intend for this design to be printed on royal blue shirts which will sell for $10;
larger sizes may cost an additional $1.00. Any shirts not sold at Pumpkintown will be available for
sale at the senior center after the event so for your best selection of sizes come early to Pumpkintown. A free “Seniors Rock” t-shirt will be awarded to the individual with the best pumpkin
themed dessert donated for the sale.
Fall Yard Sale—Friday, October 16th & Saturday, 17th
Items are accepted anytime throughout the year.
We need assistance with set up & clean up for this event.
Let us know if you can help!
Costume Ball Fundraiser—Saturday, October 31st from 7-10 PM
A community-wide costume ball with music by Larry Roberts & Southern Gold.
Prizes will be given for the best costumes. Light Snacks will be provided.
Admission will be $8 for members or $10 for non-members.
Save these dates:
Christmas Bazaar & Craft Show—Friday, November 20th & Saturday, 21st
Spaghetti Luncheon—Tuesday, December 15th
Talent Show & Chili Supper— Plan to have during the months of January & February
The road to a friend's house is never long. Danish
Golden Notes - Fall Issue
Sept, Oct, Nov 2015
Motorcoach Tours
In Memory of
Myrtle Beach, SC
Rescheduled from April 29-May 2, 2015
October 5– 8, 2015
James Moore
Nellie Kyker-Sliger
Charles Heffron
John D. Downes
Three (3) nights in an Oceanfront Suite at
Monterrey Bay, Carolina Opry & Alabama
Theater, 3 breakfasts, 3 dinners including
Original Benjamin’s Seafood Buffet and
Chesapeake House; free time on the beach
and/or optional shopping at Barefoot Landing
& Broadway at the Beach. Also luggage handling.
Includes transportation by Royal Charter & Tours.
$100 Deposit due at sign up. Balance due Sept 1.
Cost: Single $ 580—Double $430—
Triple $390—Quad $370
Katherine Robinson
Helen M. Webb
Travis Qualls
Mary Self
Pete Skinner
Fall Color Mystery Tour
Tuesday, October 27th
Nellie Kyker-Sliger
Price for this day trip includes transportation,
Bill Breedlove
admissions, lunch, and an afternoon treat.
Joyce Marcrom
Depart: 8:00 AM / Return: 8:30 PM
Cost: $55 due by Wednesday, September 30th
In Honor Of
Debby Herbert
Betty Grater
and other people (that should be shot)”
Thursday, November 12th
“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,
love leaves a memory no one can steal.
When someone you love becomes a memory,
the memory becomes a treasure.”
Cumberland Playhouse’s Adventure Theater
Depart 10:30 AM / Return 8:30-9:00 PM
Cost $52—Due by October 8, 2015
Pricing includes transportation by Royal Charter
& Tours, shopping (12-2:30) at Outlet Mall,
show (3:30 Est). Meals are not included.
Cost: $52 per person due Thursday, October 8th
General Donations
Edith Padgett
Lewis & Joyce Scudamore
Mars Hill Presbyterian Church
Hatfield & McCoy
Christmas Disaster Dinner Show
Thursday, December 17
Price includes Transportation, Shopping,
and Show.
Want to receive information faster?
We are forming an email group of individuals
that wish to receive their calendar & newsletter
via email. If you would like to add yourself to
this group, please let us know your email
address as soon as possible. Thanks!
Depart 10:00 a.m. / Return 9:00 p.m.
Cost $65.00 Per Person
Golden Notes - Fall Issue
Sept, Oct, Nov 2015
Upcoming Special Events
Dorothy's Corner
For information, call our Senior Center at 745-6830
Complete Monthly Calendars with all events and times are
always available in the Senior Center lobby.
Monday Nights:
Covered Dish Supper 6:30 PM
Jam Session & Dance at 7:00 PM
Friday Nights:
Dance at 7:00 PM featuring
Larry Roberts & Southern Gold
It is that time again and the
season that we all have been
waiting for has arrived. Really
appreciate all the rain we have
been having, glad to have our new year
rolling in, have lots of events going for the
summer quarter. Glad to see new names
on the roster, for folks wanting to eat with
us, the new volunteers we have helping
us and making new friends. Seems as the
more folks we have the better our food
tastes. Love them all.
September Events
Tue 1st
Brain Games Regional Competition in
Fri 4th
Senior Olympics Final Deadline
Wed 9th
Arthritis Foundation Exercise
(Mon, Wed, Fri 3-4 Thru Fri 25th)
Sat 12th
BBQ Fundraiser followed by
Free Bingo Activity
(Volunteers & baked goods needed)
Tues 15th
“Aging with Dignity” 2:30—4:30
Thurs 24th - Sat 3rd SE District TN Senior Olympics
Sat 26th
Bob Ross Painting Class 1:00
Appreciate all the work the college folks
have done for us.
Also new at the center is the fresh
vegetable market set up on Tuesdays in
the pavilion.
We also have several new faces at our
facility and I would like to welcome Laura
Rust, Assistant Director, Cheryl Valles,
the attractive lady that answers the
phone, and Laurie White, Activities
Assistant; if I have forgotten anyone’s
name, we welcome you with open arms.
October Events: *Flu Shots will be available*
Mon 5th
Play Auditions 1:00
Arthritis Foundation Walk with Ease
(Mon, Wed, Fri 3—4 Thru Fri 30th)
Mon 5th—Thurs 8th Myrtle Beach Trip
Fri 9th
Brain Games Finals in Morristown
Sat 10th
(Volunteers & baked goods needed)
Fri 16th— Sat 17th
Yard Sale (no Friday night dance)
Sat 24th
Bob Ross Painting Class 1:00
Tues. 27th
Fall Color Mystery Tour
Sat 31st
Costume Ball Fundraiser with music by
Larry Roberts & Southern Gold
Glad to see more people coming to the
center and hope each and everyone has a
good time.
One more little note. I had one
handicapped youngster come to the window and wanted lunch, he would not
budge, so I took a slice of bread, put
chicken salad on it, folded it and that
was enough to put a smile on his face.
November Events:
Thurs 12th
Playhouse Trip (InLaws, Outlaws…)
Sat 14th
Bob Ross Painting Class 1:00
Fri 20th—Sat 21st
Christmas Bazaar & Craft Show
(Volunteers & baked goods needed)
December Events:
Sat 12th
Tues 15th
Thurs. 17th
Well didn’t mean to take up all the space
on the paper, but until next time, Happy
Summer time.
Your coordinator,
Dorothy Belk
Bob Ross Painting Class 1:00
Spaghetti Luncheon
(Volunteers & baked goods needed)
Hatfield & McCoy
Christmas Disaster Dinner Show
Golden Notes - Fall Issue
Sept, Oct, Nov 2015
Tryouts for December Play Production
Auditions will be held at the Senior Center on October 5 at 1:00 pm for the December production
of New Beginnings Theater. The production is in flux and will be announced soon.
All the parts will be small, so don’t let the fear of having to learn a lot of lines discourage you
from auditioning. Performances for the general public will be on:
Thursday, December 10 @ 7:00 pm and Saturday , December 12 @ 7:00 pm.
All Rehearsals will be on Monday and Thursday at 1:00 pm, unless otherwise noted. The rehearsals
start on Monday October 5 and run through Thursday Nov 12. Off Book with props will be on
Monday, Nov 16 and Nov 19th. Tech rehearsal will be Monday Nov. 23rd. A couple of dress rehearsals
will be scheduled in Nov and Dec. Opening night is Dec 10th at 7:00 pm, morning matinee for shut-ins;
Friday, Dec 11 at 10:00 am and closing performance Saturday, Dec 12 at 7:00 pm.
New Beginnings
“Fans” of the
Theater Program
For the continued success of New Beginnings
Theater Program, we are asking for the
support of all our “Fans.” If you can donate
to support the theater program we will place
your name in our playbill for this season.
There are FOUR levels of support:
Patron……………… $100.00 & up
Sponsor……………$50.00— 99.00
Sustainer…………..$20.00— 49.00
Supporter…………. Up to $19.00
Please consider helping support our Theater
Program and Thank You in advance!!
Golden Notes - Fall Issue
Tennessee Specialty
License Plates—which
support over 100
different organizations
and charities—are now
available as gifts through a new website hosted by
the State Department of Treasury office
Each GIFT-A-TAG is good for the purchase of a
Specialty License Plate or the personalization of any
license plate. GIFT-A-TAG vouchers are $35 and you
can buy as many as you want for your family and
You can also use your Gift-A-Tag to renew your
Specialty License Plate or the personalization of your
license plate. Just redeem the voucher online or mail
in with your check.
Its easy to order:
Go to
Click on the purchase button below and select the
number of vouchers needed
Complete the credit card information and check
your email for your GIFT-A-TAG Vouchers
You can then EMAIL your GIFT-A-TAG Vouchers to
your recipients or PRINT for a hard copy
The lucky receiver of your gift should then check out the
available Specialty License Plates ONLINE or complete the
application to personalize a license plate
The last step is for the recipients to go to their local County
Clerk’s office to redeem the voucher and pick up their
own specialty license plate
For Personalized Plates, the County Clerk will contact
them when the plate is ready
Sept, Oct, Nov 2015
Wishing A Happy Birthday
to the Members of McMinn Senior Activity Center
Mary Self
Carolyn Brewer
Rex Payne
Gail Golliher
Joyce Howard
Jimi Toth
Barbara Bacon
Arnold Hamilton
Ray Westcott
Mary Upton
Shirley Bott
Louise Womac
Chris Hari
Betty Walker
David Baer
Richard Edwards
Lester Manders
Eva Hoback
Dale Williams
Marcia Alexander
Joseph Neild
Lewis Talmadge
Eileen Rekittke
Joyce Longwith
Dee Ferrell
Isbell Orr
Linda Eaton
Judy Shelton
Faye Forgety
17 Emily Cate
George Thomas
Lyle Gassman
William Boyd
Sue Anderson
10 Clifton Snyder
Carroll Norris
11 Peggy Watters
18 Opal Bright
Eben Ennis Sr.
John Payne
12 Minnie Thomas
13 Robert Fritts
19 Connie Barnes
Graham Archer
21 Frankie Pierce
23 Pat Thompson
16 Ruth Robinson
22 Ruth Stephens
Patricia Michaels
23 Eleanor Haddock 30 Kenneth Kittoe
Dewetta Jolley
Glenn Cooley
24 Kenneth Elliott
Joan Hintz
James Thompson
26 Curtis Trotter
27 Irene Dennis
Jimmy Crittenden
Anna Simmons
28 Steve Stepp
29 Sarah
Doug Jackson
27 Fred Greb
29 Maria Imagna
15 Jo Webb
Royce Jackson
Neil Wheeler
Sheila Quillen
Oneta Wright
Grace Trew
Larry Blackburn
Janice King
Jimmy Herrell
Linda Givens
James Cook
Carl Woznicki
Debbie Valadez
Henry Boyd
Carl Carter
Betty Daniels
Arlene Jones
Sue Cobb
24 Wallace Prewitt
Gil Farrell
Rella Campbell
Mary Stiles
30 Mildred Burns
31 Lois Benton
Elwood Barnes
Betty G. Hutsell
Charles Wilson
Bill Sikes
Diane Myers
23 Carlene W. Hill
10 Carol Lennon
16 Joyce Scudamore
Nell Elsea
Ronnie Albert
Catherine Melton
Laverne Oestreich
Ray Simmons
Butch Quillen
Bobbie Torbett
Rich Wilson
Claude Allen
Carol Datz
11 Lois Wheeler
Ann Underdown
13 George Breeden
14 Jenny Crumley
15 Minnie Murr
Golden Notes - Fall Issue
Donna King
Edmond Cox
Linda Bridwell
18 Nina Whitman
19 Vera Hyatt
Viola Leslie
21 Mary Lou Hughes
Mary Sneed
22 Sammie Womac
Beth Eibel
only a
Pamela Wolff
Amy Smith
Joyce Marcrom
Conley Culbert
28 Larry Chandler
Judith Ferguson
Sybol Irons
24 Margaret Mason
Ann Joines
Prof Powers
29 Mike Gentry
Jean Harrill
Charles White
25 Vivian Talmadge
Jerry Eastridge
Susan Norris
30 Barry Smith
27 Boyd Davis
Sept, Oct, Nov 2015
PERMIT # 211
McMinn Senior Activity Center
205 McMinn Avenue
P.O. Box 41, Athens, TN 37371-0041
Phone: (423) 745-6830
Fax (423) 745-6803
Board of Directors
Debby Herbert . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chairman
Delores Johnson .…….. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice Chairman
Dewanna Cranfill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … .Secretary
Shirley Tiegs-Kappen ….. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Treasurer
Vacant……..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……... .. Past Chairman
Ann Cushman
Mark Cochran
Rob Preston
Jean Thomas
Russell Blair
Kathy Dougherty
Cheryl Ingram
Dot LaBrum
Daniel Atkinson
William Ratledge
Jim Miller
Yvonne Raper
Vearl Kennedy
Advisory Council
Holly Currier ………….…………………...Executive Director
Laura Rust….…………..…..…Assistant Director/Site Manager
Vacant………………..……….Activity & Program Coordinator
Shirley Dingess….....(After Hours) Special Events Coordinator
Dorothy Belk ………......…….. Congregate Meals Coordinator
Yola Arrington……...……Home Delivered Meals Coordinator
Linda Ross…....Data Entry Coordinator & Medicare Counselor
Wanda Henry…………..…..…Volunteer Program Coordinator
Katie Bain/ Laurie White...Activity Program Assistant SCSEP)
Cheryl Valles…..….....…..…Administrative Assistant (SCSEP)
Vacant……..…..…….….…..…….…….Maintenance (SCSEP)
Debby Herbert……….….…..…….SHIP (Medicare) Volunteer
Diann Gibson…..….……...…..…..Volunteer Newsletter Editor
Vacant……...…………….…..……Volunteer Trip Coordinator
Gail Golliher…………….…..…....Volunteer Website Designer
Burkett Witt…...…………………………..Chairman
Amy Smith ….…………………….............Vice Chairman
Gail Humphreys…………………………...Secretary
Nellie Kyker-Sliger, Chris Darga, Genia Qualls,
Lawson Breedlove, Chris Hari, Dianna H. Johnson,
Phil Tuggle, Jonathan Hicks, Armetta Murdic
Golden Notes - Fall Issue
Funded in part by the Older Americans Act & the TN
Commission on Aging & Disability though the Southeast TN
Area Agency on Aging & Disability, City of Athens, United
Way of McMinn & Meigs Counties, and McMinn County.
Sept, Oct, Nov 2015