The Extractive Metallurgy
The Extractive Metallurgy
The Extractive Metallurgy: Experiences and Lessons by Prof. Vladko Todorov PANAYOTOV, MEP 27 March 2012 Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union Advancing with the Restoration Agenda Building on the Experiences of the Extractive Industry in Promoting Public Private Partnerships Mineral processing: Metals from ores Heap Leaching Leaching in Situ Electrolytic Copper Copper from leaching operation Some Relative Properties of Lixiviants Production Figures May 2001 – June 2007 Demand for Metals over Time 1,E+1 10 0 10 10 1,E+1 0 10 9 1 ,E+09 10 10 9 1,E+09 IRON 8 1 ,E+08 10 10 8 1,E+08 10 7 1,E+07 7 1 ,E+07 10 COPPER LEAD ZINC 10 5 1,E+05 5 1 ,E+05 10 TIN 4 1 ,E+04 10 SILVER 1,E+04 10 4 NICKEL COBALT 1,E+03 10 3 3 1 ,E+03 10 GOLD 1,E+02 10 2 2 1 10 ,E+02 PLATINUM 110 ,E+01 1 ,E+01 10 2000 1980 1960 1940 1920 1900 2000 1980 1960 1940 1920 1900 1880 1,E+00 1 1,E+00 1 1880 TONS 6 1 10 ,E+06 10 6 1,E+06 Influence of Flotation Chuquicamata Mine (Chile) Mineral processing of copper ore (Mills) Flotation of Copper Sulfide (froth) Rare metals as accompanying metals of mass metals deposits e.g. Molybdenum + Rhenium Use Molybdenum: • stainless high-strength temperature-resistant steel, catalysts, electronic parts, x-ray tubes, lubricants Production in 2010 234.000t China 94000 U.S. 56 000 Chile 39 000 Peru 12 000 Canada 9 100 Mexico 8 000 Armenia 4 200 Russia 3 800 Iran 3 700 Mongolia 3 000 Uzbekistan 550 Kazakhstan 400 Kyrgyzstan 250 Rare metals as accompanying metals of mass metals deposits e.g. Molybdenum + Rhenium Use Rhenium: • Nickel-superalloys for turbine blades, PlatinumRhenium-Catalysts, thermoelements Production 2009 total: 46.200kg Chile United States Peru Kazakhstan Poland Canada Russia Other countries Armenia 25 000 6 000 5 000 3 000 2 400 1 800 1 500 1 500 400 Examples Actual Situation in Europe •Europe depends largely on imports of metals •Recycling for many metals highly developed, but legal situation and markets for used goods drive recyclable materials out of Europe •Primary resource potential is still existing, many mines in Europe have been closed in the past due to high labour and environmental costs •Increased exploitation activities will result in new mines •Secondary resources potential in re-processing of old tailing and mine dumps, metallurgical slags and old waste dumps still largely unused (Herman Wotruba (11/2007)) Actual Situation in Europe •Base metal deposits in Europe are comparatively small, low grade and difficult to mine and process (example: Kupferschiefer) •Alternative resources: old tailings dumps, old slag dumps and new metallurgical slags •Most base metal metallurgical slags are difficult to process and actually widely used as construction materials, which results in a complete loss of their metal content •Production costs for metal mining, processing and smelting in Europe are high, due to high labour, environmental and energy costs •Efficient , low-energy , high-recovery processing technology is needed (Herman Wotruba (11/2007)) Energy saving, comparing recycling and new production Energy Savings from Recycling Metals Metal % Aluminum 95 Copper 85 Steel 74 Lead 65 Zinc 60 Rehabilitation Thank you for your attention! Prof. Vladko Todorov PANAYOTOV, MEP Tel: +32 228 45384 Mobile: +359 888 207 471
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