User Guide


User Guide
User Guide
SABB Advance Visa Platinum Credit Card
Ωóîà°ùŸG π«dO
á«fɪàF’G á«æ«JÓÑdG Gõ«a ¢ùfÉ"OCG ÜÉ°S ábÉ£H
Welcome to the world of the Shariah-compliant SABB Advance
Visa Platinum Credit Card. It’s a world that enables you to make
purchases easily, without the need to carry cash.
This guide explains how to use the Card and describes its various
features, while answering most of your queries about the Card.
The guide will also highlight the global recognition and benefits
you’ll receive with your SABB Advance Visa Platinum Credit Card
at all HSBC branches worldwide.
For further information, please call the SABB Advance Hotline
on: 800 124 8666 or +966 1 440 8666 from outside the Kingdom.
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.É¡LQÉN øe +966 1 440 8666 hCG áµ∏ªŸG πNGO øe 800 124 8666
More security with SABB Advance Visa Platinum
Credit Cards
SABB Advance Visa Platinum Credit Card is more secure than
ever, with the embedded microchip that provides a high level of
security and convenience since the data stored inside the chip
is encrypted, preventing fraudulent use of the Card. In addition
to this, a Credit Card PIN code will have to be used along with
the Card to pay for all purchases and for cash withdrawals.
Please make sure to activate your Card and to get a PIN code as
soon as you get the Card so you can enjoy all of the benefits it
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.ábÉ£ÑdG äGõ«e øe IOÉØà°S’G
How to get a PIN code for your SABB Advance Visa
Platinum Credit Card
 If this is a new or a replacement Card, please call the SABB
Advance Hotline on 800 124 8666 and follow the
instructions of the Customer Service representative to obtain
a PIN code instantly and easily.
 If the Card is a renewed one, then you can continue using
your current PIN code.
 The PIN code can be changed easily at any time through any
SABB ATM or by calling the SABB Advance Hotline.
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ádƒ¡°S πµHh ájQƒa á≤jô£H …ô°ùdG ºbôdG ≈∏Y
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How to use your SABB Advance Visa Platinum Credit
Card at retail outlet Point-of-Sale (POS) terminals*
 The cashier will insert the Card in the chip-card reader of the
POS terminal
The Card must stay inside the POS terminal during the
processing of the purchase transaction
Wait until the cashier asks you to enter your PIN
Enter your Card PIN and wait for the approval response
Once the transaction is approved, collect your sales receipt
along with your Credit Card
*This method is applicable only when the POS terminal supports chip card
technology. If the POS terminal doesn’t support it, then the Card will have to be
used by swiping the magnetic stripe.
Note: Internet transactions do not require the Credit Card PIN code. Instead, they
can only be performed by entering the 3-digit Customer Verification Value (CVV)
found on the back of the Card.
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For your protection
If you lose your Card, you should immediately inform SABB
through one of the following channels*:
 SABB Advance Hotline by calling 800 124 8666 within the
Kingdom or +966 1 440 8666 from abroad
 Send the request to fax number +966 1 402 6375
*Transactions that happen before reporting the lost Card will be charged to
the customer.
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ïjQÉJ πÑb ábÉ£ÑdG øY IQOÉ°üdG äÉ«∏ª©dG áaÉc 𫪩dG πªëàj*
.É¡fGó≤a øY ÆÓHE’G
How to make your
card payments
You can pay in Saudi Riyals using one of the following
By calling the SABB Advance Hotline on 800 124 8666.
Through SADAD service using biller ID ‘’029’’.
By wire transfer from any bank to your card number.
By providing us with standing instructions, in writing, to
directly debit your SABB account to settle your monthly
payment due.
6. By visiting any of our branches for cash payment over the
counter or using the cash deposit machines available at
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.…ó≤ædG ´GójE’G RÉ¡L
7. By writing a cheque* in favour of your Card account and
handing it over at any of our branches or by mailing the
cheque to:
SABB, Card Products Division, P.O. Box 69718, Riyadh 11557
*Cheque payments sent by mail should be received by the Bank 7 days before the
payment due date to avoid late payment fees.
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e-statements provide flexibility and security by enabling you to
view your last three SABB Credit Card statements online.
You can view your statements, save them in PDF format
or print them.
To access your e-statement, simply:
1. Log on to your account on SABBNET and then
click on the “statements/advices” field located
on the left-hand side of the page.
2. Click on “e-statement” on the drop-down menu.
3. Click on the monthly statement you wish to view.
If you are not registered with the SABBNET service,
please log on to for online registration,
or call the SABB Advance Hotline on 800 124 8666.
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.800 124 8666 ¢ùfÉ"OCG
Cash Facilities
Getting cash advances and access to your account
with SABB
There will be times when you require cash. This could happen
when you are in the Kingdom or abroad.
Your SABB Advance Visa Platinum Credit Card will enable you to
withdraw cash up to %30 of your credit limit from over 250,000
financial institutions and 1,000,000 ATMs in the Kingdom and
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.⁄É©dG ∫ƒMh
Annual fee
Tawarruq profit margin on the outstanding balance*
Late payment penalty fee**
Cash advance fee
Lost or stolen card reissuance
Supplementary card
Copy of sales voucher or statement
Copy of sales voucher
Airlines/travel agencies/cars rental/hotels
All other
*The annual percentage rate (APR).
** To be paid to certified charity organisations.
SAR 100
SAR 75
SAR 100
SAR 25
SAR 100
SAR 25
…Oƒ©°S ∫ÉjQ 100
…Oƒ©°S ∫ÉjQ 75
…Oƒ©°S ∫ÉjQ 100
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.á°üNôŸG ájÒÿG äÉ«©ªé∏d ™aóoJ**
Rewards Programme
“ICSABB” is a unique loyalty programme that rewards you for
using SABB Credit Card. We offer one “ICSABB” point for every
SAR 10 spend on your SABB Credit Card (cash advances and
SADAD transactions are excluded). Once you collect 1,000 points
(equivalent to SAR 100), you will be able to redeem the points
instantly by swiping your SABB Credit Card at the Point-of-sale
machine installed at the cash counter against free purchases at a
wide range of merchant partner outlets Kingdom-wide. The
amount can be redeemed in multiples of 100.
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You may also use “ICSABB” points to pay your SABB Credit
Card Annual Fees and benefit from a special discount. For
the latest “ICSABB” offers and updated list of participating
merchants, please visit our website or
call SABB Direct on 800 124 8666.
Note: The Bank may inform SABB Cardholders about any additions or
terminations regarding the participating merchants or amendments in the
merchants’ offers in a manner to be decided by the Bank.
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800 124 8666
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Airport VIP lounges
around the world
Enjoy complimentary access to airport lounges worldwide with
your SABB Advance Visa Platinum Credit Card. Simply present your
Card at the reception desk to access the lounge. Refresh and revive
before your flights enjoying a pre-flight bite and drink in a relaxing
ambiance. With your SABB Advance Visa Platinum Credit Card you
are also entitled to unrestricted access for any accompanying
guests for an additional fee.
More information on the lounges, locations and amenities are
available on the below website.
In case of complaint please raise your complaints 25 days
from date of travel.
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Additional Benefits
Share the SABB Advance Visa Platinum Credit Card
privileges with your family for free
If you wish to extend the benefits of your account to your family
and share the privileges of your SABB Advance Visa Platinum
Credit Card, you can apply for free supplementary cards.
 Applicant age is 15 - 60 years of age
 Monthly spending limit can be specified for each
supplementary card
To apply, please call the SABB Advance Hotline on 800 124 8666.
SABB Advance Offers:
To view a full set of available offers, please visit
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:IQÉjR ≈Lôj IôaƒàŸG ¢Vhô©dG øe á∏eɵdG áYƒªéŸG ¢VGô©à°S’
Purchase Protection
äÉjΰûŸG ájɪM
for SABB Advance Visa Platinum Credit Card
The insurance company covers the items exceeding $100,
which are purchased in full by the insurer via an accepted SABB
Advance Visa Platinum Credit Card, as a result of loss caused by
theft or accidental damage within (365) days from the purchase
date indicated on the receipt issued by the Point of Sale, with a
maximum per incident limit of (five thousand dollars) or a total
annual insurance limit of (20 thousand dollars), and it includes
the following conditions:
The transactions must be fully paid via the SABB Advance
Visa Platinum Credit Card, and the card must be open and
valid in case of making cash payments thereon.
á«æ«JÓÑdG Gõ«a ¢ùfÉaO‫ أ‬ÜÉ°S ábÉ£Ñd
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.É¡«∏Y äÉ©aódG ójó°ùJ ∫ÉM ‘ ájQÉ°S h á∏©s Øe ábÉ£ÑdG ¿ƒµJ
Notify the police within 24 hours of the discovery of the
incident with the availability of an official police report when
filing the claim.
Contact SABB by telephone at the number 8001248666 in
Saudi Arabia and + 966114408666 from abroad within 48
hours of the discovery of the incident to obtain a claim form
and know what must be done to file the claim, as the filing is
carried out within 7 days.
Submit the original purchase invoice with the purchases.
Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions; please see
the link below for more information.
ôaq ƒJ øe óct CÉàdG ™e áKOÉ◊G ±É°ûàcG øe áYÉ°S 24 ¿ƒ°†Z ‘ áWô°ûdG QÉ£NEG
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.äÉeƒ∏©ŸG øe ójõª∏d √ÉfOCG §HGôdG ≈∏Y ´ÓW’G AÉLôdG
Extended Warranty
Upon the expiration of the manufacturer's warranty, the
extended warranty benefit works on doubling the original term
of the manufacturer’s warranty to a maximum period of (1) one
year for covered purchases that stop working satisfactorily and
need reforms during the validity period of the document. The
benefits are paid to cover the repair or replacement costs, such
as these covered purchases, by an amount up to the amount
paid for the relevant item or the per incident limit (its equivalent
in local currency), whichever is less, taking into account its local
currency-equivalent from the total annual limit.
The Insurance coverage includes covered purchases granted
as gifts.
The covered purchases include items purchased via the
The covered purchases are not required to be registered.
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.á∏é°ùe ¿ƒµJ ¿CG IÉ£¨ŸG äÉjΰûŸG ‘ •Î°ûj ’
Per Item
$ 2,500
Terms and Conditions
Annual Limit (365 Days)
$ 20,000
1. The covered purchases should contain the manufacturer's
warranty for a period not less than (12) twelve months
and it cannot obtain a warranty whose total exceeds (3)
three years, containing any manufacturer’s
warranty grouped with any other optional warranty.
2. The covered purchases should contain a valid warranty from
the manufacturer in the region, indicating the limit and
duration of the coverage, the action taken by the
manufacturer to fix any problem and the authority that
should be contacted to provide the service.
3. The covered purchases can be repaired or replaced or
their original purchase value can be paid to the cardholder
after deducting any discounts, reductions or rewards points
(Ωƒj 365) …ƒæ°ùdG ó◊G IóMGƒdG á©∏°ùdG
»µjôeCG Q’hO
»µjôeCG Q’hO
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.É¡æe äBÉaɵe •É≤f hCG ¢†«ØîJ hCG º°üN …CG º°ùM ó©H ábÉ£ÑdG πeÉ◊
The extended warranty coverage does not apply to the
following items:
1. Boats.
2. Motor vehicles, including planes, cars, motorcycle and all their
equipment, parts and accessories.
3. Lands or buildings.
4. Consumables or perishable materials.
5. Bespoke, unique or rare items.
6. Items used, rebuilt, refurbished or remanufactured at the
time of purchase.
7. Items purchased for resale or for use in professional or
commercial purposes.
8. Items bearing a promise of "Satisfaction Guarantee" that contain
the feature of product replacement or other benefits, except those
related to manufacturing defects or defective materials that go into
manufacturing a related item.
:á«JB’G ™∏°ùdG ≈∏Y OóªŸG ¿Éª°†dG á«£¨J …ô°ùJ ’
.¥QGhõdG .1
ájQÉædG äÉLGQódGh äGQÉ«°ùdGh äGôFÉ£dG ∂dP ‘ Éà ,äÉcôëà IOhõŸG äÉÑcôŸG .2
.É¡JÉ≤ë∏eh É¡©£bh É¡JGó©e áaÉch
.∞∏à∏d á∏HÉ≤dG OGƒŸG hCG äɵ∏¡à°ùŸG .4
.IQOÉædG hCG IójôØdG ¢VGôZC’G hCG Ö∏£dG Ö°ùM ᪪°üŸG äÉjΰûŸG .5
.É¡FGô°T âbh É¡©«æ°üJ hCG ÉgójóŒ hCG ÉgDhÉæH OÉ©ŸG hCG á∏ª©à°ùŸG ™∏°ùdG .6
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.É¡JGP á©∏°ùdG
9. Items whose manufacturer's warranty exceeds three years.
10. The cost of services, maintenance, repair, installation or assembly.
11. The shipping operations or the promised time frames for the
delivery of items, whether they are covered or provided in the
manufacturer's warranty or not.
12. All expenses related to the damage incurred to the covered
products following an accident or as a the result of negligence,
abuse, intentional damage; or damage due to insect pests or
mites, misusage, theft, sand, fire, earthquakes, storms,
hurricanes,lightning, explosion, aircraft collision; or damage
caused by water, corrosion, battery leakage or act of God
.äGƒæ°S çÓK øY É¡d á©æ°üŸG ácô°ûdG ¿Éª°V Ióe ójõJ »àdG ™∏°ùdG .9
.™«ªéàdG hCG Ö«cÎdG hCG ìÓ°U’G hCG áfÉ«°üdGhCG äÉeóÿG áØ∏µJ .10
ádƒª°ûe âfÉc AGƒ°S ™∏°ùdG º«∏°ùàd IOƒYƒŸG á«æeõdG ∫hGó÷G hCG øë°ûdG äÉ«∏ªY .11
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.Qó≤dGh AÉ°†≤dG çGƒM hCG ájQÉ£ÑdG Üô°ùJ hCG
Claim Process:
We are ready to help you; all that is needed is to contact us at
SABB Direct. Provide the SABB Direct Representative with your
SABB Advance Card number and state that you want to extend
the warranty. The Representative will ask you to submit the
following at the time:
A. A signed service request form, if provided.
B. A copy of the purchase receipt showing the full payment of
the relevant item value by an accepted card.
C. A clear and legible copy of all information concerning the
warranty, including but not limited to: the manufacturer’s
original warranty, the shop’s warranty or any other relevant
extended warranty in force.
D. Cardholder's account statement showing that the account is
active and in good position at the time of submitting the
service request.
For further information, please visit the link below
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Free Credit Protection
SABB provides you peace of mind with our free of charge Credit
Protection shield, it takes care of the burden of your loved ones
in the unfortunate event of total permanent disability or death by
settling the total outstanding balance of your Credit Card.
What's more, there are no additional monthly charges levied on
you to benefit from this feature.
Limit of protection
%100 of the outstanding balance up to SAR 75,000
Note: Credit Protection is limited to an aggregate limit of SAR 100,000 on all types
of Credit Cards held by the Primary Cardholder.
In the event of a claim
Just call the SABB Takaful Service Centre on 800 126 0006 and
submit the relevant documents within 60 days of the incident.
á«fÉ› á«fɪàFG ájɪM
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.ábÉ£ÑdG πeÉM É¡H ßØàëj »àdG äÉbÉ£ÑdG ´GƒfCG
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.áKOÉ◊G ïjQÉJ øe kÉeƒj 60 ∫ÓN áHƒ∏£ŸG ≥FÉKƒdGh äGóæà°ùŸG
Credit Protection
 Primary Cardholders below the age of 18 and above 64
 Engaging in or training for any dangerous or hazardous sports,
competitions or activities. Hazardous sports or activities may include
the following:
1. Any form of aerial flight including light aircraft, monoplanes,
ballooning, hang-gliding, parachuting, etc.
2. Winter sports such as sleighing, ski jumping, ice hockey, etc.
3. Water sports such as powerboats, water skiing, jet skiing,
diving, etc.
4. Horse riding activities such as hunting, jumping, polo, racing, etc.
5. Climbing activities such as mountaineering, rock-climbing, pot
holing, abseiling, etc.
6. Participation in any kind of power-vehicle race, rally or competition
7. Judo, boxing, karate, wrestling and other martial arts of any kind
8. Bungee jumping.
á«fɪàF’G ájɪ◊G äGAÉæãà°SG
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.äÉ©ØJôŸG øe πÑ◊ÉH õØ≤dG .8
 Suicide, attempted suicide or self-inflicted injuries by the Participant,
while sane or insane
 Punishment of the Participant by the due process of law
 Influence of alcohol, narcotics or drugs
 The committing, or attempting to commit or the aiding or abetting by
the Participant of any unlawful act even if, in doing so, there was no
intention by the Participant to cause himself injury or sickness
 Preexisting conditions
 Engaging in aviation other than as a fare paying passenger on a
regular route of a licensed scheduled aircraft
 Participant’s active participation in war (whether declared or not), civil
war, insurrection, riot, terrorist act, mutiny, piracy, civil commotion,
revolution, military or other acts of violence originating from any
political activity, or any loss or damage, cost or expense directly or
indirectly caused by, contributed to by, resulting from, or arising out
of or in connection with biological, chemical, or nuclear explosion,
pollution, contamination and/or fire following thereon
 HIV infection/AIDS or any venereal disease
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09 / 2012 CMP – MKT 120227
Utility Bill Payment Service
SABB Credit Card enables you to settle your SADAD utility bills*
through SABB Direct SABBNET and SABB ATM channels.
Paying your utility bills through your SABB Advance Visa
Platinum Credit Card will have the following advantages:
 Benefit from interest-free credit period (maximum 55 days)
 Your bill payment transactions will appear on your monthly
Credit Card statement along with other Card transactions.
*Payments related to the Ministry of Interior e.g. traffic fines, as
well as SABB payments e.g. EasyBuy instalments, will continue
to be excluded from this service and can be paid only using the
debit account. Also, ICSABB points are not awarded for the
utility bill payment transactions through this service.
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With “SABB AQSAT” you’re offered the convenience of paying
for your large-value transactions in equal and affordable
instalments with profit rates of only 9%. You can now transfer
eligible transactions to “SABB AQSAT”, selecting the most
convenient repayment term to suit your budget.
Key features
 Applies to any purchase transaction of over SAR 1,000 made
on your Primary or Supplementary cards
Absolutely no restrictions on the products you can
purchase within the Kingdom or worldwide
(excluding cash advances)
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 Choose from our flexible repayment terms of 6,12 or 24 months
 Lowest profit rate starting from 9% per Year
 Detailed monthly statements
 No need for a guarantor
 No down payments
 No limit on the number of instalment plans allowed within
available credit limit
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