24/2007 HYLAinternational noVeMBer 2007
24/2007 HYLAinternational noVeMBer 2007
24/2007 hylainternational NOVEMBER 2007 trend 02 hylaindex hylaeditorial index 03 hyla america 42HYLA USA Portrait 44HYLA USA Meeting | Importer Month Contest hyla asia & middle east 46HYLA KOREA Visit 48 HYLA INDONESIA Visit 50HYLA SINGAPORE Visit hyla basics HYLA international 52HYLA IMPORTER’S MONTH Winners 2007 53HYLA NEWS Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow 54HYLA Internal Michael Hausenblas 56HYLA CREDO & HYLA PRINCIPLES 58HYLA CHAMPIONS 60HYLA PRIME CLUB 62HYLA AWARDS 66HYLA COMPANY PRESENTATION 04 »From the desk of the presidenT« 05 HYLA INTERNATIONAL Miss Italy | Natural Care 06HYLA INTERNATIONAL Brigardin | Lelleck 08HYLA PUBLIC RELATIONS Press Release | HYLA International 10HYLA PUBLIC RELATIONS Sage’s Business Media Night 12HYLA PUBLIC RELATIONS Bling My Thing | Portrait 13HYLA PUBLIC RELATIONS Pomp Duck and Circumstance | Opening 14HYLA PUBLIC RELATIONS TV Spot 16HYLA HIGHLIGHTS HYLA InterActive Conference Filderstadt 2007 editorial dear HYLA associates! HYLA europe 24HYLA UKRAINE Annual Meeting 26HYLA RUSSIA Picnic | Visit 28HYLA CZECH REPUBLIC Visit 29HYLA SWITZERLAND Visit 30HYLA AUSTRIA 2nd Quarterly Meeting | Visit 32HYLA GERMANY Meeting 34HYLA GERMANY Visit Slovenia 36HYLA FINLAND Visit 37HYLA SPAIN Visit hyla latin america 38HYLA HIGHLIGHT InterActive Conference Latin America | 2007 a merica, country of limitless opportunities! Hartmut & Filiz Gassmann have always had a close relation to the »American way of life«. It sounds wonderful, but behind all that stands very hard work. The Gassmanns are two business people who always accept the challenge. Also this year they certainly had to face a lot of challenges, as for example the dollar exchange rate. But such obstacles do not scare them at all – on the contrary – the company HYLA U.S. has been very successful this year. The two-people team that started 10 years ago in South Carolina has developed to an organisation with more than 300 associates and 95 established offices. We congratulate HYLA U.S. for their outstanding performance! angelina metzger Yours, Editor HYLA International GmbH & Co. KG Hornbergstraße 49 70794 Filderstadt, Germany Tel.+49 (0) 711 / 77 05 95 0 Fax+49 (0) 711 / 77 05 95 40 info@hyla-international.de Editorship design & Production Angelina Metzger Substitutional editorship Manuela Dahlmann Alexandra Knupfer QUADDRO. GmbH www.hyla.net editorship Angelina Metzger 04 hylabusiness from the desk of the president hylaInternational miss italy | natural care 05 From the desk of the President dear hyla associates, T o leave the familiar behind – to go new pathways. This requires courage! »It´s not only the product and our income what matters to us, it´s especially the persons behind the product and behind the company!« Michael Hausenblas who has had a unique career is back home. After he left HYLA six years ago and went to Rainbow, he joined us again on July 1, 2007 and we have appointed him Sales Director for the HYLA Sales Organisation in Germany. There are many products on the market. Many of them bobbed up and disappeared again. But there is only one company in Germany that has proven within the past 17 years that it kept what was promised – and this is HYLA! Alexandra and Juri Brigardin who worked for Rainbow for 15 years and who are worldwide known as a very successful couple in our line of business have become HYLA Distributors since August 2007. Please enjoy reading more about our newcomers in this issue of HYLA TREND. Armin and Beate Lelleck, one of the most successful Distributors of Pro Aqua, joined HYLA in September 2007. promoting our hyla natural care product These three executives and of course also the many dealers who followed them, see their future in HYLA. Their statement was all the same: In this issue I would like to present to you a few new faces at HYLA. New in a different sense, since many of you might have heard about these persons before or even know them personally. I am looking forward to our cooperation with our new business partners and all the future business partners who are going to join us during the forthcoming weeks and months! Yours, Wilfried Metzger President, HYLA International GmbH & Co. KG miss italy Wilfried metzger President HYLA International 06 hylainternational brigardin hylainternational lelleck 07 welc ome brigardin armin & beate lelleck juri & alexandra t D И he name Brigardin is known worldwide in our business. They still achieve record sales in Germany. Juri and Alexandra have been to many countries all over the world. After 14 successful years at Rainbow they decided to join HYLA, mainly due to HYLA´s new sales concept. Here, at HYLA, they have already met many faces known to them. er Name Brigardin ist weltweit bekannt in unserer Branche. Juri und Alexandra verzeichnen immer noch Rekordzahlen in Deutschland. Weltweit haben sie zahlreiche Länder besucht. Nach 14 erfolgreichen Jahren bei Rainbow haben sie sich aufgrund des neuen Konzeptes von HYLA zu einem Wechsel in unsere Reihen entschieden, wo sie wieder altbekannte Gesichter getroffen haben. мя Александры и Юрия Бригардиных известно людям, занимающимся нашим бизнесом, во всем мире. Они достигли рекордного уровня продаж в Германии. И спустя 14 успешных лет в Rainbow, перешли работать в HYLA. Здесь они встретили очень много уже знакомых им людей. Всесторонне изучив рынок, они пришли к выводу, что, HYLA – это единственная компания, которая бережет свой бизнес и своими инвестициями обеспечивает стабильность и процветание. HYLA - вне конкуренции! И они увидели свое будущее только в этой компании. many people in our business say: “he can sell at the push of a button” a rmin Lelleck has been a business partner of Michael Hausenblas for 7 years. Since 15 years he has been successful in our business and many people in our business say he is one of the best dealers worldwide. Together with his wife Beate who acts as a perfect telemarketer, this combination has been unique and very successful. We are very proud to welcome them both at HYLA! stimmen aus der branche sagen: “er kann auf knopfdruck verkaufen” Armin Lelleck ist seit 7 Jahren Partner von Michael Hausenblas. Seit 15 Jahren ist er in unserer Branche erfolgreich tätig und laut zahlreicher Stimmen aus der Branche auch einer der besten Einzelverkäufer weltweit. Mit seiner Frau Beate, die als perfekte Telemarketingfrau fungiert, ist diese Kombination einzigartig und sehr erfolgreich. Wir sind sehr stolz, die beiden bei HYLA begrüßen zu dürfen! 08 hylapublic relations press release | hyla international hylaPublic relations HYLA has been very active within the past weeks concerning media relations work : Press release Pr press release | hyla International 09 »stuttgarter zeitung« WIRTSCHAFTS−MAGAZIN Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung / Nr. 88 / Seite 26 Dienstag, 17. April 2007 Staubsaugen ist ein Millionen-Geschäft Die Deutschen kaufen jährlich fünf Millionen Geräte zur Reinigung von Böden und Teppichen – Die Schmutzschlucker können viel Von Elke Goschmann synthetischen Fasern oder auch Glasfa� sern. Bis zu 1000 Schichten des Filterge� webes sind übereinandergelegt und ver� bunden. Undichte Geräte machen aller� dings jede Filterwirkung zunichte, denn sie blasen Staub aus den Ritzen. Einen Staubsauger lassen sich die Deutschen im Durchschnitt 90 Euro kos� ten. Darunter sind Markenprodukte bei� spielsweise von Siemens, Bosch, Miele, Sebo, Quelle/Privileg oder Kärcher. Sie kosten meist einen dreistelligen Euro� Preis, selten mehr. Zunehmend greifen die Verbraucher außerdem in großen Elek� tromärkten und bei Lebensmittel�Dis� countern zu Billiggeräten. „Für weniger Geld gibt es meist auch weniger Quali� tät“, urteilt allerdings die Stiftung Waren� test, die kürzlich die Leistung von 17 Bo� denstaubsaugern untersucht hat. Eine schlechte Saugleistung stellt sie vor al� lem bei den sehr günstigen Saugern fest. Der Kampf gegen den Schmutz im Haus hat eine Jahrhunderte lange Tradition. Aber erst als private Haushalte an den elektrischen Strom angeschlossen wur� den, begann vor etwa hundert Jahren der Siegeszug der Staubsauger. Das erste Ge� rät war riesig und passte nicht einmal in ein Haus, wie der Traditionshersteller Vorwerk berichtet. Der so genannte Vaku� um�Reiniger war auf einem Pferdefuhr� werk montiert und rollte vor das Haus, in dem gesaugt werden sollte. Dann wurden Schläuche in die zu reinigenden Wohnun� gen gelegt. Einen solchen Frühjahrsputz konnten sich nur reiche Leute leisten. Ge� räte für den Gebrauch im Haus wurden in Deutschland erstmals nach dem ersten Weltkrieg in größeren Stückzahlen ver� kauft. Mittlerweile gehen in Deutschland je� des Jahr fünf Millionen Reinigungsgeräte über den Ladentisch. Die früher ge� bräuchlichen Teppichklopfer sind aus den Haushalten weitgehend verschwun� den, ebenso die Teppichstangen aus den Gärten und Hinterhöfen. Fest verlegte Teppiche sind ohnehin kaum anders als mit einem elektrischen Gerät zu reinigen. Billiggeräte kaum zu reparieren Entdeckt ein Kunde einen Mangel an einem 30�Euro�Billiggerät, wird es oft schwierig. „Die Märkte wollen doch nur stapelweise verkaufen“, ärgert sich Hein� rich Krämer, Mitarbeiter des Staubsau� ger�Fachgeschäftes Kudlek in Heidel� berg. „Mit den Reparaturen kommen die Käufer dann oft zu uns.“ Ersatzteile für die Billigsauger sind aber häufig schwer oder gar nicht zu bekommen. Die Billig� sauger lassen sich häufig mangels Schrau� ben kaum öffnen. Krämer rät zu Fabrika� ten mit Ersatzteilservice und empfiehlt unter anderem die weniger bekannte Mar� ke Sebo. Die Firma mit Sitz in Velbert Nordrhein�Westfalen stellt seit 1978 Staubsauger vor allem für den professio� nellen Einsatz in Büros, Schulen und Krankenhäusern her. Die Sebo�Sauger für den Privatgebrauch liegen preislich et� wa auf dem Niveau vom Hersteller Miele. Krämer schwärmt von der guten Ver� arbeitung, von der weichen Möbel schone� nen Stoßkante und davon, dass sich die Bürste selbsttätig an wechselnde Unter� gründe anpasst. Die Kabel sind lang und die Lautstärke niedrig. Die Staubbeutel fassen vergleichsweise viel Dreck und sind dazu halb so teuer wie die Beutel an� derer Fabrikate. Dreck enthält Allergene Vielen Anforderungen sollen die Staubschlucker genügen. Glatte Böden aus Stein, Parkett oder Laminat sollen die Geräte ebenso gründlich absaugen wie unterschiedlich flauschige Teppiche. Schlittengeräte zieht man hinter sich her. Sie haben in der Regel eine Platz spa� rende Kabelaufrollung, die allerdings störanfällig ist. Profigeräte haben statt ei� ner Kabelaufrollung eine Vorrichtung am Staubsauger, auf die man das Kabel auf� rollt. Schlittengeräte sind leichter als Standgeräte und können auch mal eine Treppe hinauf oder hinunter getragen werden. Profis aus der Reinigungsbran� che empfehlen allerdings, auf jedem Stockwerk einen Staubsauger bereit zu halten. Ein Standgerät hat meist ein lan� ges Kabel, fasst besonders viel Staub und reinigt große Wohnungen oft schneller als ein Schlittengerät. Für die Saugkraft eines Dreckfressers entscheidet weniger die Wattzahl als viel� mehr die Gesamttechnik, wie auch die Stiftung Warentest feststellt. Es emp� fiehlt sich daher, vor dem Kauf im Laden ein paar Modelle zu testen. Eine Bürste mit separatem Motor und eigenem Strom� anschluss kann für zusätzliche Saugkraft sorgen. Für ein bequemes Saugen sollte vor allem für große Menschen das Saug� »gala« »frau im spiegel« Die Preisspanne bei Staubsaugern reicht von 30 Euro bis über 1000 Euro. Beim Ausprobieren der Geräte findet man am besten heraus, welches Modell einem wirklich zusagt. Neben Standgeräten wie diesem sind Schlittengeräte zum hinter-sich-herziehen weit verbreitet. Foto: Vorwerk rohr lang genug oder ausfahrbar sein. Der im Hausstaub oft enthaltene Kot der Hausstaubmilbe kann die Atemwege von Allergikern reizen. Im aufgesaugten Schmutz befinden sich außerdem häufig Schimmelpilze und Bakterien. So genann� Wasser bindet den Schmutz Die Geräte des Herstellers Hyla saugen mit besonderer Technik (go) Einer speziellen Technik des Staub� saugens hat sich der Hersteller Hyla ver� schrieben. Das Gerät saugt den Schmutz ein, presst ihn durch ein Wasserbad und bindet den Dreck im Wasser. Für den Hy� la�Geschäftsführer Wilfried Metzger ist das die beste Methode des Raumreini� gens. „Nasser Staub kann nicht fliegen“, sagt er. Für Allergiker und andere Staub� empfindliche sei das Verfahren ideal. Staubbeutel oder weitere Filter wer� den nicht gebraucht. Das Gerät hat laut Metzger immer die gleiche Saugleistung, weil sich kein Beutel und kein Filter mit Schmutz zusetzen kann. Der Dreck wird mit dem Wasser nach jedem Saugen weg� gekippt. Hyla verkauft ihre Geräte ausschließ� lich über den Direktvertrieb. Vertreter kommen auf Anfrage ins Haus. Bei jeder zweiten Vorführung wird ein Gerät ver� »feine adressen« »filder wochen zeitung« »familie & co« Wilfried Metzger (47) führt mit seiner Frau Angelina (44) die Firma Hyla. Die Staubsauger arbeiten mit Wasser als Filter. Firmenbild »reutlinger generalanzeiger« »feine adressen« »feine adressen« »bild-zeitung« »wochenblatt« Abkürzung für „High Efficiency Particu� late Air Filter“ und bedeutet „Luftfilter mit hoher Wirksamkeit gegen Teilchen“. Die Oberfläche der Filter ähnelt im Ausse� hen Papier, besteht aber aus besonders engmaschigen Geweben aus Zellulose, Von beutellosen Staubsaugern hält Krämer nicht viel. Beim Ausleeren fliege einem der Staub um die Ohren, kritisiert der Staubsaugerkenner. Das bemängelt auch die Stiftung Warentest. Fans der beutellosen Staubsauger mögen an den Geräten vom britischen Hersteller Dys� on, dass weder Beutel noch Filter nachge� kauft werden müssen. WIE FUNKTIONIERT DAS? > Staubsauger. Alle Staubsauger ar� beiten nach dem gleichen Grundprin� zip. Der Staub wird über das Saugrohr zusammen mit Luft angesaugt. Im Ge� rät wird der Staub auf die ein oder an� dere Weise zurückgehalten. Die so ge� reinigte Luft wird wieder nach drau� ßen geblasen. Zumeist arbeiten Staubsauger mit Beuteln (siehe obere Grafik). Der Beu� tel fungiert als Rückhaltesystem. Die Luft wird mit dem Staub in den Beutel gesaugt, durch die Wand des Beutels gepresst, und dann durch einen Filter nach draußen geblasen. Der Staub wird im Beutel und vom Filter zurück� gehalten. Die meisten Staubsaugerbeu� tel bestehen aus Papier, einige aus Vlies. Sind die Beutel voll, werden sie mit dem Staub weggeworfen. Kritiker werfen dem Beutelstaubsauger vor, dass sich die Poren des Beutels mit Staub zusetzen können. Dann lässt die Saugleistung nach, bis ein neuer Beu� tel eingesetzt wird. Außerdem kosten Beutel Geld, ebenso wie neue Filter. Beutellose Staubsauger sind auf dem Vormarsch. Der angesaugte Dreck wird in einen Behälter gesaugt. Wenn der Behälter voll ist, wird er aus� geleert und wieder eingesetzt. Vorrei� ter der Technik ist die 1993 gegründete britische Firma Dyson. Der Wasserstaubsauger zieht die angesaugte Luft mitsamt dem Staub durch ein Wasserbad. Der Dreck bleibt im Wasser zurück. Die gereinigte Luft wird, eventuell durch einen weiteren Filter, wieder ausgeblasen. Die Firma Hyla aus Filderstadt stellt solche Gerä� te her. Wasser als Filter verwenden aber auch andere Hersteller. Die ameri� kanische Firma Rainbow gilt als Marktführer für Staubsauger mit Was� serfilter. Die Geräte werden wie Staub� sauger von Hyla ausschließlich über den Direktvertrieb verkauft. Auch der Hersteller Kärcher aus dem schwäbischen Winnenden bietet einen Wasserstaubsauger an. Die Gerä� te werden vor allem in Baumärkten und in firmeneigenen Verkaufsnieder� lassungen verkauft. (go) »rhein-neckar- zeitung« »reutlinger generalanzeiger« »woche aktuell« »feine adressen« kauft, berichtet Metzger. Das sei im Di� rektvertrieb eine sehr erfolgreiche Quote. Hergestellt werden die Geräte im osteuro� päischen Aufsteigerland Slowenien im firmeneigenen Werk, das 50 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt. Zwei slowenische Ingenieure haben Hyla 1990 gegründet. Der Direkt� vertriebsprofi Metzger stieg 1993 in die Firma ein. Von Filderstadt bei Stuttgart aus steuern er, seine Frau Angelina Metz� ger und acht Mitarbeiter den weltweiten Vertrieb mit rund 6000 Vertriebsleuten. Der Firmenname ist abgeleitet aus der la� teinischen Bezeichnung für den Laub� frosch, den Hyla arborea. Der Hyla�Staubsauger ist aus sehr hochwertigen Teilen hergestellt, rechtfer� tigt Metzger den Preis des Geräts. Bei� spielsweise besteht der Schlauch aus be� sonders reißfestem flexiblem Kunststoff und ist an den Enden vor Abknicken und Durchreißen geschützt. 850 Watt Strom� aufnahme nutzt das Gerät, um eine Men� ge Schmutz aus einem scheinbar saube� ren Teppich zu holen. Mit dem Gerät kann man auch die Raumluft filtern. Da� zu stellt man es ins Zimmer und schaltet es ein. Es saugt dann selbstständig die Luft an und gibt sie gereinigt wieder ab. Laut Metzger ist Hyla nach Rainbow mit einen Jahresumsatz von 55 Millionen Euro die Nummer zwei im weltweiten Markt für Wasserstaubsauger. Weltweit verkauft Hyla pro Jahr eine fünfstellige Zahl an Geräten. In Deutschland sind es mehrere Tausend Staubsauger pro Jahr. Der Geschäftsführer möchte die Mar� ke jetzt weitläufig bekannt machen. „Un� sere Zielgruppe ist jeder private Haus� halt“, sagt er. So wie die Marke „Tempo“ Papiertaschentücher repräsentiert, soll „Hyla“ bald als Synonym für Wasser� staubsauger stehen. Auch geografisch sieht er für Hyla keine Grenzen. Der Ver� trieb ist international in 40 Ländern auf allen Kontinenten organisiert. 80 Pro� zent des Umsatzes erwirtschaftet die Fir� ma im Ausland. Den Metzgers ist das ganz recht. Auf diese Weise sei man unab� hängig von der Konjunktur einzelner Länder, berichtet Angelina Metzger. te Hepa�Filter, die verschiedene Herstel� ler in manche ihrer Geräte einbauen, hal� ten auch Partikel bis zu einer Kleinheit von 0,3 Mikrometern fest. Feinstaub und Schwebstoffe von werden so zu 99,9 Pro� zent herausgefiltert. Der Begriff ist die Ein Beutelstaubsauger saugt die Luft mit dem Schmutz an und zieht sie in den Staubbeutel. Dann wird die Luft durch einen Filter gedrückt. Der Dreck bleibt in dem oft mehrschichtigen Filter hängen. Die saubere Luft wird nach draußen gepustet. Grafik: Miele Ein Staubsauger mit Wasserfilter saugt Luft mit Schmutz an und bläst sie in ein Wasserbad. Im Wasser wird der Dreck gebunden. Anschließend wird die Luft je nach Gerät durch einen weiteren Filter geschickt und dann in den Raum geblasen. Grafik: Kärcher 10 hylapublic relations sage‘s business media night hylaPublic relations sage‘s business media night Pr © Photos: Christof R. Sage andreas k. luckner, magdalena brzeska (gymnast) & michael hausenblas Angelina Metzger & dunja Rajter andreas k. luckner with our »hyla deluxe« wilfried & angelina Metzger, Mr. Schwarzer (publisher »feine adressen«), tatyana golitsyna (hyla russia) & Michael hausenblas (hyla germany) »Sage´s Media Business Night« an event organized by star photographer Christof Sage, limited to 1,000 VIPs from economy, politics, sports, show business, art and culture. HYLA International was represented at this event with its own booth. With the Swarovski HYLA and Swarovski WAF we were able to attract many celebrities and to receive many leads. Jari janetzko, Ilka liebel (hyla finland) & christof sage (star photographer) »Sage´s Media Business Night« ein Event organisiert von Promifotograf Christof Sage , limitiert auf 1.000 VIPs aus Wirtschaft, Politik, Sport, Showbusiness, Kunst und Kulturszene. Wir von HYLA International waren mit eigenem Stand dort vertreten und haben die Aufmerksamkeit vieler Prominente mit unseren Swarovski Kreationen auf uns gelenkt. jörg mink & Angelina Metzger prime minister günther oettinger with his wife & christof Sage gotthilf fischer & Angelina Metzger 11 prime minister günther oettinger, Wilfried & angelina metzger 12 hylapublic relations bling my thing | portrait hylaPublic relations pomp duck & circumstance | opening portrait bling my thing Tobias & Ayano Schramm swarovski crystal refiners Pomp Duck and CIRCUMSTANCE »Pomp Duck and Circumstance« – the most amazing spectacle about amusement, astonishment and fun. Including breathtaking acrobatics, superb star-awarded cuisine, uncommon vaudeville and very wild theater. With more than 100 artists and cooks from 23 nations. »Pomp Duck« means real passion, culinary altitude flights and an unforgettable evening. Likewise many VIP-guests from politics, economy, sports, movie and TV. Angelina Metzger, Wilfried Metzger and Michael Hausenblas were also invited to the opening night of this unique dinner spectacle of »Pomp Duck and Circumstance«. b ling My Thing GmbH is a dynamic company based in Berlin/Germany, who is specialized in providing artistic crystal customization service using CRYSTALLIZED(TM) - Swarovski elements. They literally »bling« everything: mobile phones, iPods, gaming consoles (e.g. PSP, Nintendo DS, Wii, PS2, Xbox360 or PS3), car accessories, business card holders, compact mirrors, and of course, clothes & fashion accessories. 13 jörg mink & Angelina metzger headset »betty boo« blackberry »moonlight« horst janson (actor) & Angelina metzger nespresso »vogue« hyla »elegance« water air freshener »heaven« michael hausenblas & jürgen heinrich (actor) jürgen heinrich with wilfried & Angelina Metzger 14 hylapublic relations regiotv | TV Spot hylaPublic relations regiotv | Tv Spot tv-spot i n September HYLA initiated two advertising TV spots which were produced by a regional TV station near Stuttgart for HYLA International. These two spots are broadcasted on German television for several weeks every evening and broadcasting has started mid September. new image Pr and recruiting video 15 16 hylaHighlights hyla interactive conference l germany 2007 hylahighlights hyla interactive conference l germany 2007 17 germany Interactive jacobo eljarrat & Fernando horcajo, HYLA Spain together with regional director latin america fernando lopez, hyla chile Conference rita & arunas silenskis hyla lithuania tamara & Stojan Hribar, hyla dubai zuzana klecková & jaroslav richter hyla czech republic regional directors central eurasia andrey shikin & tatyana golitsyna hyla russia otto braun, hyla austria olena kondratenko hyla ukraine steve morgan hyla australia aleksandra hohluka & maxims hohluks hyla latvia michael hausenblas, hyla GERmany murat gürbüz hyla switzerland doro erjavec, petra anzeljc & janez pogacar, hyla d.o.o. stefan safarik & Anita krepcarova hyla slovakia wilfried & angelina metzger hyla international Iac Filderstadt - nh hotel 18 hylaHighlights hyla interactive conference l germany 2007 hylahighlights 1 day the speakers st andreas k. luckner hyla International dOMENICO sCORDARI GUEST SPEAKER hyla interactive conference l germany 2007 19 stuttgart television tower – THE FIRST OF ITS KIND dinner DANIEL SCHmIDLIN GUEST SPEAKER wILFRIED mETZGER hyla international The IAC was moderated by Andreas K. Luckner, HYLA International. President Wilfried Metzger introduced the new Sales Manager for the HYLA Sales Organisation in Germany, Michael Hausenblas, and explained to the audience why a new sales system has been implemented in Germany – leaded by Michael Hausenblas. Then Mr. Metzger presented – together with guest speaker Domenico Scordari from Italy the Natural Care Products. The IAC continued with the topic Management. This module was conducted by guest speaker Daniel Schmidlin from Switzerland. Daniel Schmidlin is a management consultant and his company in St. Gallen is specialised to train and consult executives and managers. In this 4-hour training session the topics were Management, Motivation, Communication, Thinking and the participants had to work out results mainly in team work. STUTTGART‘S LANDMARK After this stressful IAC day all attendees could enjoy a delicious Italian buffet as well as a wonderful sunset in 140 meters, on top of the first TV tower of the world, the Stuttgart TV tower. interactive work Miss italy with hyla natural care 20 hylaHighlights hyla interactive conference l germany 2007 2 nd hylahighlights daythe speakers hyla interactive conference l germany 2007 21 dinner at mink’s “Gasthaus zur linde” In the evening all participants had a typical Swabian dinner at the »Gasthaus zur Linde« in Stuttgart. andreas k. luckner hyla International Doro erjavec hyla d.o.o. fernando lopez hyla chile bojan straze guest speaker michael hausenblas hyla international angelina metzger hyla international hedda möller & irmgard nille guest speakers jörg mink (star-awarded cook & owner of the »gasthaus zur linde«) & angelina metzger T he 2nd IAC day was opened by Regional Director for Latin America, Fernando Lopez from Chile. He showed the big potential of Latin America. After that Mr. Luckner presented all HYLA Accessories available and provided many useful ideas how to sell these accessories to the customers. President Doro Erjavec then presented the results of his R&D Department in Slovenia – a comparison between awards the HYLA and a competitor‘s product. After that Michael Hausenblas thrilled his audience by his »success story« and explained the reasons why he returned back to HYLA. Guest speaker Mr. Straze gave a lecture on Corporate Identity and two journalists, Irmgard Nille and Hedda Möller, informed why Press Relations are so important and what the difference is between press relations and advertising. In the last presentation Angelina Metzger presented the current projects of HYLA, e.g. the cooperation with Swarovski. The IAC was closed by the highlight of this conference – the award ceremony for our HYLA Importers. swabian restaurant HYLA russia HYLA Switzerland HYLA austria winners importer’s month 22 hylaHighlights hyla interactive conference l germany 2007 mercedesmuseum benz hylahighlights hyla interactive conference l Germany 2007 23 On the 3rd day of the IAC all participants were invited to visit the recently opened new Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart which is undoubtedly a class of its own! After visiting the Mercedes-Benz Museum all attendees were driven to downtown Stuttgart, in order to go shopping or to enjoy Swabian specialties or wines at Stuttgart´ s wine festival, the »Stuttgarter Weindorf«. italian evening “Da tonino” On Saturday evening a party was held in a nice little italian restaurant. A party with music, singing and dancing! This was a wonderful closing of this IAC – and of course we are looking forward to our next conference with all of you in 2008! a piece of german history 24 hylaeurope hyla ukraine l ANNUAL MEETING hylaeurope 25 ukr aine Annual Meeting in Kiev w hyla ukraine l annual meeting ilfried Metzger, President of HYLA International, Filderstadt and his wife Angelina, International Director at HYLA, flew in for a magnificent party to the Ukrainian capital Kiev. Reason was the traditional Annual Meeting to which charming HYLA Importer of the Ukraine, Olena Kondratenko, had invited all 120 employees and associates to the elegant President Hotel. »Our Ukrainian business partners had a super successful business year and therefore a big party was thrown. Everything was of the finest«, Angelina Metzger reported. Olena Kondratenko had put together a motley programme to entertain her guests with acrobats and professional dancers. Even a fireworks was given! Also from a culinary viewpoint, nothing was missing. Champagne flew in big quantities and the guests in Kiev could even taste lots of the delicious caviar which has unfortunately become very short in Germany. But the real highlight of this meeting was: the three most successful dealers of the HYLA Air and Room Cleaning Systems were awarded a car! Not bad … with Champagne and Caviar Компания HYLA International GmbH приняла участие в ежегодном митинге , который состоялся в Киеве с шампанским и икрой. B ильфред Метцгер, Президент компании HYLA International и его жена Анжелина, Директор по международным связям, прибыли в столицу Украины для участия в этом грандиозном мероприятии. Причиной тому, послужила традиционная ежегодная встреча, организованная импортером HYLA в Украине – очаровательной Алёной Кондратенко, которая пригласила всех своих 120 сотрудников в роскошный «Президент Отель». «Наши украинские партнеры провели очень успешный бизнес год и поэтому эта встреча в их честь. Вы были просто великолепны!», сказала Анжелина Метцгер. Алёна Кондратенко организовала веселую программу для развлечения своих гостей с участием акробатов и профессиональных танцоров. Был даже фейерверк! В меню угощений ничего не было упущено. Шампанское текло рекой и гости имели возможность в неограниченном количестве насладиться вкуснейшей икрой, которой, к сожалению, стало так мало в Германии. Но главной целью данной встречи было то, что пятеро наиболее успешных менеджеров HYLA были награждены автомобилями! Не плохо, правда… olena kondratenko importer hyla ukraine 26 hylaeurope hyla russia l PICNIC SUMMER 2007 hylaeurope russia hyla russia l visit 27 visit to germany... PIcNIC Summer 2007 filderstadt HYLA Russia Importers Andrey Shikin & Tatyana Golitsyna visited our HYLA Sales Headquarters in Filderstadt with their excellent sales team where they got a professional training by Michael Hausenblas, sales director HYLA International, and Alexandra Brigardin, factory distributor in Germany. After this training they also visited our HYLA production in Slovenia. There, they also received an intense technical training and a lot of know how. & Slovenia hyla russia Только те, кто показал свои лучшие результаты за прошедший год, награждаются поездкой в Генеральное представительство HYLA International в Штутгарте и на завод HYLA в Любляну. В этом году нашей группе представилась фантастическая возможность посмотреть демонстрацию и получить бесценный опыт у таких «звезд бизнеса», как Михаэль Хаузенблас, Александра и Юрий Бригардины. Новый музей «Мерседес», Зальцзбург, Альпы и красота природы Словении не затмили впечатления, произведенного людьми, работающими в HYLA. Во время экскурсии на производство мы увидели, что каждая деталь проходит через руки людей. Сколько тепла и человеческой души вкладывается в ХЬЮЛЮ! В этом секрет успеха ХЬЮЛИ! Вернувшись домой все были едины во мнении: «Мы знали, что работаем в лучшей компании, но не предполагали, что НАСТОЛЬКО!» portoroz 28 hylaeurope hyla czech republic l MEETING hylaeurope CZECH REPUBLIC i n September 2007 the 3rd quarterly meeting of HYLA Czech Republic was held in Poděbrady. An intensive work program was balanced by the organization of a small sport tournament, evaluation of individual successes and celebration of fulfilled personal achievements. One of these achievements is Lukas Krejci´s new car! Pleasant atmosphere of exchanging experiences, creating new objectives as well as informal motivation continued until late evening hours. V Poděbradech se v září 2007 uskutečnil 3. čtvrtletní meeting HYLA TÝMU Česká republika. Intenzivní pracovní program byl vyvážen uspořádáním malého sportovního turnaje, oceněním individuálních úspěchů a oslavou splněných osobních cílů. Jedním ze splněných cílů je nový vůz Lukáše Krejčího! Výměna zkušeností, vytváření nových cílů a neformální motivace se v příjemném duchu vedla do pozdních večerních hodin. hyla switzerland l visit 29 headquarters germany Vertriebszentrale Deutschland visitat at headquarters hyla international ANGELINA & WILFRIED METZGER TOGETHER WITH MURAT GÜRBÜZ, IMPORTER HYLA SWITZERLAND switzerland HYLA Switzerland Importer Murat Gürbüz visited our HYLA Sales Headquarters in Filderstadt with his excellent sales team where they got a professional training by Michael Hausenblas, sales director HYLA International. HYLA Schweiz Importeur Murat Gürbüz kam mit seinem starken Team nach Filderstadt, wo sie professionell von Michael Hausenblas, Vertriebsdirektor Deutschland geschult wurden. michAEL HAUSENBLAS SALES DIRECTOR GERMANY 30 hylaeurope hyla austria l 2nd QUARTERLY MEETING hylaeurope aus tria 2 nd quarterly meeting importer‘s month winner End of June 2007 the second Quarterly Meeting took place in Austria. This meeting was attended by all successful Austrian dealers who could gather all necessary and important information from the miscellaneous lectures and presentations given at this day. After the top dealers were awarded for their excellent performance, the meeting was closed with a joint dinner. In Österreich fand Ende Juni das zweite Quartalsmeeting in 2007 statt. Unter den Anwesenden waren alle erfolgreichen Verkäufer, welche sich aus den vielfältigen Vorträgen wichtige Informationen entnahmen. Nachdem die Besten der Besten für ihre herausragenden Leistungen ausgezeichnet wurden, ließ man das Meeting bei einem gemeinsamen Abendessen ausklingen. jürgen malle, sales manager otto braun, importer visit to slovenia ue to outstanding achievements of some single dealers, we were pleased to welcome a few members of the HYLA Austria team in Slovenia. Part of this trip was the visit of the production and a relaxing twoday stay at the seaside of Slovenia, in Portorož. ufgrund der herausragenden Leistungen einzelner Verkäufer konnten wir einige Mitglieder des HYLA Österreich Teams in Slowenien begrüßen. Teil dieses Besuchs war die Produktionsbesichtigung und ein erholsamer zweitägiger Aufenthalt an der Küste von Slowenien. andreas k. luckner hyla international hyla austria team D A hyla Austria l visit 31 production tour 32 hylaeurope hyla germany l MEETING hylaeurope hyla GERMANY l MEETING 33 germa ny 1st training 1. einschulung m h ichael Hausenblas took over the HYLA Sales in Germany in August 2007 with a concept developed by Wilfried Metzger and him. We don´t have to tell you much about his steep career, as most of you know him already. The official start-up was planned for September 1st, 2007 – but already in August 40 new business partners were recruited and almost 100 HYLAs were sold. Congratulations, Michael! ausenblas Michael hat im August 2007 den Vertrieb von HYLA in Deutschland mit einem von Wilfried Metzger und ihm entwickelten Konzept in die Hand genommen. Über seinen steilen Karriereweg muss man nicht mehr viel sagen, denn die meisten kennen ihn schon. Der offizielle Start war zum 1. September geplant, jedoch wurden schon im August über 40 neue Vertriebspartner eingeschrieben und knapp 100 HYLA verkauft. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Michael Hausenblas! 1st monthly meeting september 2007 1. Monatsmeeting michael hausenblas sales director nord meeting mitarbeitermeeting delzer 34 hylaeurope hyla germany l MEETING hylaeurope hyla GERMANY l MEETING 35 germa ny production Produktion D irect sales partners of HYLA Sales Headquarters Germany visiting for the first time the HYLA Production Facilities in Ljubljana. All participants were fully inspired by their accommodation at a luxury hotel including casino & spa and by the Mediterraneum fish meal in the gourmet restaurant at the sea. Altogether HYLA provided an ambience which was a class of its own! The professional production tour (at running production processes) was able to convince each single new sales partner that they are a member and part of a future-oriented company including a sophisticated product. d irekte Partner der HYLA Vertriebszentrale Deutschland bei ihrer ersten HYLA-Werksbesichtigung in Ljubljana. Absolute Begeisterung aller Beteiligten! Angefangen von der Übernachtung im Luxushotel mit Casino & Spa bis hin zum mediterranen Fisch-Menü im Gourmet-Restaurant am Meer, sorgte HYLA für ein Ambiente der Extraklasse! Die professionelle Werksführung bei laufender Produktion bestätigte allen neuen Vertriebspartnern, ohne Ausnahme, Teil eines zukunftsorientierten Unternehmens mit einem hochentwickelten Produkt zu sein. ljubljana 36 hylaeurope hyla finland l VISIT Together with their team, Regional Director couple Pasi Rantakokko and Rauni Hiltunen, won a well-deserved trip to the Slovenian coast in Portorož. The team was also excited to visit the HYLA production and to see, how HYLA is manufactured by hand. Finnish Importer Jari Janetzko was very pleased to see many newcomers earn this reward and to be part of one of the fastest growing teams in Finland, Team Oulu. hylaeurope hyla spain l VISIT 37 Yhdessä tiiminsä kanssa, aluejohtajapariskunta Pasi Rantakokko ja Rauni Hiltunen, voittivat ansaitusti matkan Slovenian rannikolle, Portoroziin. Tiimi oli innoissaan saadessaan vierailla tuotantolaitoksessa ja nähdä, kuinka HYLA valmistetaan käsin. Suomen maahantuoja Jari Janetzko, oli erittäin iloinen nähdessään monen uuden kasvon ansaineen tämän palkinnon nopeassa ajassa ja varmistavan näin paikkansa yhdessä Suomen nopeiten kasvavassa tiimissä, Oulun tiimissä. Finland visit to production in slovenia HYLA Spain with its most successful dealers made a trip to the HYLA production in Slovenia. First they got a tour through the production. After that they received a technical training before leaving for Portoroz at the Slovenian seaside. There they enjoyed a very interesting program. HYLA Espana con sus más exitosos comerciales visitaron la producción en Eslovenia. Primero les ensenaron la producción y los formaron en asuntos técnicos y despues viajaron a Portoroz en la costa, donde pasaron una estancia muy divertida con un programa muy variado. spain visit to slovenia. ljubljana & portoroz hyla spain portoroz 38 hylalatin america interactive conference latin america | 2007 hylalatin aMERICA Interactive interactive conference latin america | 2007 39 Conference latin america t he first InterActive Conference of HYLA Latin America was organized with the participation of HYLA Ecuador, HYLA Mexico, HYLA Chile, HYLA Colombia and HYLA International in the city of Bogota, Colombia in July. At this conference more than 70 people participated. This conference was also attended by Wilfried Metzger, president and Andreas K. Luckner, international sales director of HYLA International. We would like to thank Lorena and Rene from HYLA Professional for their wonderful presentation. Also, we very much appreciated the professionalism shown by Mr. Federico Echeverri and his wife Adriana Duarte while looking after the delegates from all the different countries! Ginno Rossi & Marcelino Rossi hyla ecuador fernando lópez & yrene sattlecker rd latin america, hyla chile C on la participación de HYLA Ecuador, México, Chile, Colombia y Alemania se realizo la primera conferencia interactiva de HYLA Latinoamérica en la ciudad de Bogota, Colombia el pasado mes de Julio, con una asistencia de más de 70 personas. Tuvimos el agrado de contar con la presencia del Sr. Wilfried Metzger, presidente de HYLA Internacional y el Sr. Andreas K. Luckner Gerente comercial. Le agradecemos a Lorena y Rene de HYLA Professional por su maravillosa presentación. Al Sr. Federico Echeverri y su esposa Adriana Duarte quiero agradecerles por su profesionalismo y las atenciones para todas las delegaciones de distintos países. matthias & Paloma Schruff hyla mexico Leonardo Quiroga hyla mexico Adriana Duarte hyla colombia Rene Muñoz hyla colombia fernando lopez hyla chile federico echeverri hyla colombia federico echeverri & Adriana Duarte hyla colombia PARTICPANTS 40 hylalatin america interactive conference latin america | 2007 Interactive hylalatin aMERICA interactive conference latin america | 2007 41 Conference latin america CONGRATULATIONS i E FELICIDADES n the conference the prizes to the winners of the LATIN AMERICA Contest made between the 1st of April and 30th of June were given to: 1st Place: Rosa Martínez, Gloria Ramírez, Adriana Duarte, Abelardo Infante, Ángel Vega, Mario Axtell, Juan Pablo Axtell 2nd Place and 3rd Place: Clara Suárez, Diego Granada, Giovanny Cortez, Carlos and Thaiz, Rene and Lorena gifts REGALOS n la conferencia se entregaron los premios a los ganadores del concurso LATIN AMERICA CONTEST realizado entre el 1 de abril y 30 de junio: 1er Lugar: Rosa Martínez, Gloria Ramírez, Adriana Duarte, Abelardo Infante, Ángel Vega, Mario Axtell, Juan Pablo Axtell do er 2 Lugar y 3 Lugar: Clara Suárez, Diego Granada, Giovanny Cortez, Carlos y Thaiz, Rene y Lorena importer’s month winners 42 hylaamerica hyla u.s. l PORTRAIT hylaAMERICA hyla U.S. l portrait 43 USA hartmut & filiz gassmann i t is amazing how time flies! How often do we say: »I cannot believe that another year passed by«? On the other side, isn’t it amazing how many things can happen in a year? When thinking back to 1996 when Filiz and I started with HYLA, it seems like it was such a long, long time ago. It seems almost unbelievable how much has happened over the last 11 years. Filiz earned her degree in Business Administration and managed a company in Germany; I obtained an engineering degree and worked for an automotive manufacturer in technical sales. Like it is in life, you never know what the future brings. If someone would have told me years ago that I would sell vacuum cleaners in the future, I probably would have asked that person if he/she is joking! Today I can say that selling vacuum cleaners is not a joke for us at all. Selling HYLA Cleaning Systems nationwide is a very serious business. That’s why we started with HYLA in the first place because we wanted to establish something grand. Over the last 11 years we accomplished so much but we can never be satisfied. Initially, Filiz scheduled appointments and I was running demos. It was a completely new experience for both of us. The market for our system is tremendous and we know that there are many people out there who are potential customers or potential Dealers but never heard of HYLA. Throughout the last 11 years, we established more than 300 Distributorships and had probably more than 6000 Dealers selling HYLAs. hyla u.s. Headquarters But still we cannot stop promoting the opportunity! After evaluating the product, although it was not at all comparable to the HYLA we sell today, we envisioned the business opportunity. Today, it is still a subject at every meeting »Selling the Opportunity”– giving each person an opportunity to make an above average income. F or us as exclusive U.S. Importers, we are challenged each and every day. From a sales perspective, we need to ask: what else can we do, not only to stabilize the business, but to develop it? What types of programs need to be implemented to motivate Distributors and Dealers? Are there better financing options for consumers? And so on. From an administrative standpoint, we need to constantly implement improved procedures to ensure that the daily business operations are very efficient to offer the best service to all of our customers, which are the consumers as well as the Distributors. Increasing sales and associates create greater challenges. We implement many new programs without changing our existing ones. With great key people like our National Sales Manager, Mr. John Prock, we established probably one of the most sophisticated programs in our industry. Everything achieved in the past several years are managed in-house including our own customized, technologically advanced software, high-tech presentations, and quarterly issues of the »HYLA U.S. Encore« are just to mention a few. We built an impressive multi-million dollar U.S. Corporate Headquarters anticipating future growth and commitment to our business associates. We have proven that we believe in the business. Selling in our market is not getting easier. Nowadays, we need to work harder to acquire the same results we had years ago with less effort. Since we cannot change the market, we need to adapt to the constantly changing market without altering the basics. That is our job, where every Dealer, Appointment Setter, Manager, Distributor, Supervisor and Staff plays an important role as a team. Our business is definitely not a business for everyone. It requires investing a lot of time and patience. Success doesn’t come overnight and those who expect results immediately might be better off in a 9-5 job and a secure paycheck at the end of the week. Our business is for those who are willing to devote a lot of hours, willing to accept that they make a lot of demos but few sales. Those are usually the ones who will be successful in the future and, by the way, I speak by experience! Hartmut & Filiz Gassmann 44 hylaamerica hyla u.s. l NEWS HYLA IS FEATURED IN HOME SHOWS & EXHIBITIONS FROM COAST TO COAST HYLA benefits from national exposure across America! Many home exhibitions in the United States featured HYLA. Distributors prepared and managed these events in anticipation of a strong lead bank. Many prospective consumers showed interest to what seemed to be somewhat familiar – HYLA NST Home Cleaning Systems. HYLA is a high end product that earned a refined part in the direct sales market. We professionally designed an exhibition booth to create the image that coincides with our sophisticated vision. HYLA U.S. custom hylaAMERICA USA designed new exhibition booths to present elegantly and professionally, which contains enough information for the interested customer. Everyone should be naturally inspired, right? HYLA U.S. proudly introduced their newest slogan: HYLA – [inspired by nature] HYLA FEATURED IN FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA! Mr. Robert Chambers and business partner Mr. Manuel Mair were responsible for the recent Fort Lauderdale Home Design & Remodeling Show. On the photo, Mr. Chambers displays the selfcleaning separator to a nice family and Mr. Mair is explaining to a lady not only the HYLA but also business opportunities! HYLA FEATURED IN MIAMI, FLORIDA! Mr. Gumersindo »Sindo« Rodil joined by his wife and business partner Mr. David Rodil. hyla U.S. l IMPORTER MONTH CONTEST 45 hyla u.s. IMPORTER MONTH CONTEST H YLA U.S. sponsored a nationwide contest for all U.S. business associates. The Importer Month Contest is a yearly incentive, which HYLA U.S. sponsors for U.S. business associates nationwide and their spouses. This year HYLA U.S. will host a trip to Walt Disney World in Lake Buena Vista, Florida! The contest period was from July-August 2007 and took place on October 14-17, 2007. Guests received a paid roundtrip airfare for two adults and experience Disney’s Magical Express Service shuttle to the exclusively selected fine accommodations at Walt Disney World’s Animal Kingdom Resort, and a 2-day hopper pass to visit all Disney‘s four captivating Theme Parks! Mr. Gumersindo »Sindo« Rodil and Mr. David Rodil work together during the Miami Spring Home Design & Remodeling Show. Miami Beach Convention Center held a huge upscale trade & consumer home show March 23-26, 2007. Everything from the finest in home furnishings, accessories, interior designs, appliance, and an array of home items including HYLA! Hundreds of leads were generated from prospective buyers and potential business associates in search of opportunities. HYLA FEATURED IN RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA! Mr. David Smith coordinated an event in the Triangle Town Center and his team gave it two thumbs up! Dan Smith, Taylor Smith and Joshua Smith showed positive attitudes. Joshua sold his first HYLA during this extraordinary event! IMPORTER MONTH CONTEST 46 hylaasia&middle east HYLA korea | visit hylaasia & middle east korea On Friday and Saturday, 15th and 16th June, President Mr Wan-Kyu Paik of JH care Limited, the Hyla Korea Importer, organised and held two HYLA DAYS. T hyla korea | visit 47 he second day was principally for the thorough training of the new sales force in Korea, with many demos, open question and answer sessions, »pep« talks, sales games and so on. At the end of the two days, the meetings were declared a great success (as evidenced by the sales in July and August!). su-tsu shelmerdine demo dr. shelmerdine explaining demo point mr wk paik and dr. shelmerdine opening address dr shelmerdine addresses hyla customer price issues with sales force sales team mr wk paik shows hyla to key customers key customers with Dr. Shelmerdine key customers group photo T he first day was principally to introduce HYLA to a few selected and potential »key customers« in Korea in the presence of the sales force. hyla team korea 48 hylaasia & middle east hyla indonesia | visit hylaasia & middle east hyla indonesia | visit 49 indo nesia may 2007 jakarta End of May 2007 Regional Director Dr. Ian S. Shelmerdine and his wife Su-Tsu came for 4 days to Jakarta, Indonesia for a routine training. They also had lots of contact with the sales force, announced new promotions, and rewarded winners. dr. ian s. shelmerdine & hendra soehada happy group leaving dr. ian s. shelmerdine & hendra soehada, with dealers dr. ian s. shelmerdine & hendra soehada, preparations before meeting dr. ian s. shelmerdine & hendra soehada dr. ian s. shelmerdine & top dealer dr. ian s. shelmerdine & budi soehada hendra soehada , dr. ian s. shelmerdine, Dealer, Ainie, Cecilia, Su-tsu shelmerdine & Younkee (f.t.l.) dr. ian s. & su-tsu shelmerdine with top dealer 50 hylaasia & middle east hyla singapore | visit hylaasia & middle east hyla singapore | visit 51 sing apore discussing training demo discussing training demo training demo dr. ian s. shelmerdine - training demo group takes break after training demo s ubsequently to Dr. Shelmerdine‘s trip to Jakarta followed a 3-day visit to Singapore. The purpose of the Singapore trip was to train some new dealers the Importer Mr. Terence Sim had recruited – and to follow up on earlier trainings Dr. Shelmerdine and his wife Su-Tsu did in March 2007. Obviously that was not all that was on the agenda for the trip – as always the generation of excitement and motivation amongst the sales and management staff are always core ingredients of the meetings with Dr. Shelmerdine and his wife! group photo hylanews WINNERS 2007 HYLA Importer‘s Month hotel Baltschug Kempinski AUSTRIA Moscow CHILE i Otto Braun Fernando López & Yrene Sattlecker C O LO M B I A Federico Echeverri & Adriana Duarte CZECH REPUBLIC Jaroslav Richter & Zuzana Kleckova FINLAND Jari Janetzko & Ilka Liebel FRANCE Philippe & Rosiane Krauss KOREA Wan-Kyu Paik RUSSIA Andrey Shikin & Tatyana Golitsyna SWITZERLAND Murat Gürbüz Hotel baltschug kempinski moscow | russia 53 deally located just across the Moskva river from the Kremlin in Russia‘s historic and cultural centre, the hotel »Baltschug Kempinski Moscow« provides business and leisure travelers with the perfect base from which to explore one of the world‘s most important and dynamic cities. For over ten years guests of the hotel »Baltschug Kempinski Moscow« have reached regularly for superlatives when describing one of the hotel‘s most striking features: the spectacular views of the Kremlin, the Red Square and the St. Basil‘s Cathedral from the unique site overlooking Moscow‘s historic center. The »Baltschug Kempinski Moscow« does its cleaning of rooms and suites with the support of HYLA! 54 hylainternal michael hausenblas hylainternal michael hausenblas sales director germany Vertriebsdirektor deutschland my way to success When, in July 1997, I got to know a new business opportunity in Direct Selling, I already lived a quite cosy life. My job as a sales manager at Ferrari allowed me and my wife to live a quite comfortable life. We had our own house, I always drove a Ferrari as company car and we enjoyed all other amenities which are part of a good standard of living. Nevertheless, in my job at Ferrari I constantly met with people who earned a lot more money than I did. More and more crucial experiences in my previous job elicited my wish to live the same life as those people I met. Again and again I sensed a voice inside myself, saying: »Selling 15 to 20 cars per month and taking holidays if the manpower schedule of the company permits, should not have been all in your life!« And more and more I could see myself »outside« – like my customers I wanted to conduct my own company. This wish became extraordinarily strong, when I delivered for example a Ferrari to a customer´s home where I could see how these people live. Another experience I made when I sold a car – a SL 500 amounting to € 100,000 – and the client told me his year of birth when filling out the sale contract: 1972! When I asked him in which business he was in, he told me that he would be selling jewels in Direct Selling. At this point I clearly knew what to do. By these experiences I realized that I could not execute my job I had at that time until I would become a pensioner. Since that day I kept my eyes and ears quite open to find an opportunity to become independent. One day a customer came into our showroom and said: »I have got a product – everyone who sees it, wants to have it; 35 million households need it.« i had a look at this company... ...as well as at the product and the market and shortly after I quitted my job at Ferrari. This was the start up of my own Direct Selling business. After four months I already achieved the distributor level and in September 1997 I opened my own small sales office. At that time we made around € 28,000 per month. Thus my monthly income was already as high as it used to be during a good month in my previous job. By daily hard work, courage and discipline we quickly sold up to 330 systems per month. Nevertheless, I have not yet achieved my goals yet. Very proudly – since August 2007 – I conduct the HYLA Sales business in Germany and I really love my work! My goal is to sell in Germany 1,000 HYLA per month. With the company HYLA as a partner, the course is set to reach this goal very soon as the market leader in Germany! unser weg zum erfolg Als ich im Juli ´97 eine neue Geschäftsidee im Direktvertrieb kennen lernte, ging mir eigentlich schon recht gut. Meine Tätigkeit als Verkaufsleiter bei Ferrari ließen mich und meine Frau sehr gut leben. Wir hatten ein eigenes Haus, als Firmenwagen michael hausenblas 55 immer einen Ferrari und alle sonstigen Annehmlichkeiten, die zu einem guten Lebensstandard gehören. Doch durch meine Tätigkeit bei Ferrari kam ich immer wider mit Menschen in Kontakt, die sehr viel mehr Geld verdienten. Immer mehr Schlüsselerlebnisse aus meiner damaligen Tätigkeit führten schließlich dazu, dass ich darüber nachdachte, auch so zu leben wie diese Menschen. Ich spürte in mir immer öfter eine Stimme, die sagte: »Es kann doch nicht alles im Leben gewesen sein, monatlich 15 - 20 Autos zu verkaufen und Urlaub zu machen, wenn der Personalplan des Unternehmens es zulässt!« Und immer öfter sah ich mich selbst »draußen« – ich wollte – wie meine Kunden – ein eigenes Unternehmen führen. Diesen Wunsch habe ich immer dann sehr stark gespürt, wenn ich z. B. einen Ferrari zu einem Kunden nach Hause angeliefert habe und dann sah, wie diese Menschen leben. Ein weiteres Erlebnis hatte ich, als ich wieder einmal ein Fahrzeug, einen SL 500 im Wert von 100.000 €, verkaufte und mir der Kunde beim Ausfüllen des Vertrags sein Geburtsjahr verriet: 1972! Als ich nachfragte, was er beruflich mache, sagte er, er verkaufe Schmuck im Direktvertrieb. Spätestens jetzt wusste ich, was zu tun war. Diese Erlebnisse sorgten dafür, dass mir klar wurde, dass ich meinen damaligen Job nicht bis zur Pension ausüben würde. Seit diesem Tag hielt ich Augen und Ohren offen, eine Gelegenheit zu finden, alles in die eigene Hand zu nehmen. Bis eines Tages ein Kunde kam, der sagte: »Ich habe ein Produkt – jeder, der es sieht, möchte es haben; 35 Millionen Haushalte benötigen es«. Ich schaute mir das Unternehmen, das Produkt und den Markt an und kündigte kurz darauf meinen Job bei Ferrari. Das war mein Einstieg in den Direktvertrieb. Nach vier Monaten erreichte ich bereits die Händler-Stufe und eröffnete im September 1997 ein kleines Büro. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt machten wir ca. 28.000 € Umsatz monatlich. Mein Monatseinkommen war damit schon genau so hoch wie in einem guten Monat während meiner Festanstellung. Durch täglich harte Arbeit, Mut und Disziplin verkauften wir in der Spitze über 330 Systeme im Monat. Unser Ziel war aber noch lange nicht erreicht. Sehr stolz leite ich nun seit August 2007 den HYLA-Vertrieb in Deutschland und habe täglich Freude an meiner Tätigkeit. Mein Ziel ist es, in Deutschland über 1.000 HYLA monatlich zu verkaufen. Mit dem Unternehmen HYLA als Partner sind alle Weichen gestellt, in Deutschland als Marktführer dieses Ziel schon sehr bald zu erreichen! Michael Hausenblas Vertriebsdirektor Deutschland Sales Director Germany THE HYLA CREDO THE TAKING CARE OF CUSTOMERS AND UNRESERVED COMMITMENT TO THE HYLA BUSINESS MODEL ARE A MUST FOR ALL HYLA PARTNERS. WE GUARANTEE OUR CUSTOMERS AND PARTNERS A SAFE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY PRODUCT WITH FORWARD -LOOKING STATE-OF-THE-ART TECHNOLOGY. OUR PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT ASSISTS OUR PARTNERS IN SUCCESSFULLY WORKING THE MARKET AND EXPANDING IT. HYLA HAS A CRITICAL SHARE IN HEALTHY LIVING AND WELL-BEING. OUR COMMON GOAL IS TO ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS EXCELLENT CUSTOMER CARE AND AN INTEGRATED SERVICE AT ALL TIMES. EACH HYLA PARTNER IS COMMITTED TO »THE HYLA SERVICE-EXPERIENCE«. WILFRIED METZGER PRESIDENT HYLA INTERNATIONAL GMBH & CO. KG ANGELINA METZGER INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR HYLA INTERNATIONAL GMBH & CO. KG FILDERSTADT, SEPTEMBER 06, 2006 THE 15 GOLDEN PRINCIPLES OF HYLA I. THE CREDO IS THE PRINCIPAL BELIEF OF OUR COMPANY. IT MUST BE KNOWN, OWNED AND ENERGISED BY ALL. II. AS SERVICE PROFESSIONALS, WE TREAT OUR CUSTOMERS AND EACH OTHER WITH RESPECT AND DIGNITY. III. THE HYLA PROMISE IS THE BASIS OF OUR HYLA WORK ENVIRONMENT. IT WILL BE HONOURED BY ALL HYLA PARTNERS WORLDWIDE. IV. EVERY HYLA PARTNER AND MEMBER WILL MAKE FULL AND REGULAR USE OF TRAININGS, CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS. V. COMPANY OBJECTIVES ARE COMMUNICATED TO ALL PARTNERS. IT IS EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY TO HOLD THEM UP. VI. IN ORDER TO CREATE PRIDE AND JOY IN THE BUSINESS, ALL HYLA PARTNERS HAVE A RIGHT TO BE INVOLVED IN THE PLANNING OF THE WORK THAT AFFECTS THEM. VII. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH PARTNER TO CREATE A TEAM WORK ENVIRONMENT AND LATERAL SERVICE TO ENSURE THAT NEEDS OF BOTH CUSTOMERS AND TEAM MEMBERS ARE MET. VIII. EACH PARTNER IS EMPOWERED. THIS IMPLIES THAT HE TAKES CHARGE OF ISSUES CUSTOMERS BRING TO HIS PERSONAL ATTENTION UNTIL THEY ARE SOLVED. IX. A PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATION OF HYLA AT AN UNCOMPROMISING LEVEL IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERY PARTNER. X. NEVER LOSING A CUSTOMER IS A PRIORITY. EACH PARTNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CUSTOMER CARE. ANY CUSTOMER COMPLAINT WILL BE ADDRESSED TO THE CLIENT’S FULL SATISFACTION INCLUDING A COURTESY CALL. XI. EVERY PARTNER WILL MAKE A GOOD IMPRESSION VIS-À-VIS OUR CUSTOMERS. XII. EVERY PARTNER IS AN AMBASSADOR OF HYLA IN AND OUTSIDE THE WORKPLACE. HE WILL TALK POSITIVELY AND COMMUNICATE CONCERNS TO THE APPROPRIATE PERSON. XIII. CONSEQUENT USE OF THE HSP IS IMPERATIVE. XIV. EVERY PARTNER WILL ENSURE THEIR PERSONAL APPEARANCE IS IMPECCABLE AT ALL TIMES WHILE USING THE HYLA CORPORATE IDENTITY. XV. ALL HYLA MEMBERS WORLDWIDE WILL PROVIDE SUPPORT TO EACH OTHER, FOREGOING THEIR OWN PERSONAL ADVANTAGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COMPANY. WILFRIED METZGER PRESIDENT HYLA INTERNATIONAL GMBH & CO. KG ANGELINA METZGER INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR HYLA INTERNATIONAL GMBH & CO. KG FILDERSTADT, SEPTEMBER 06, 2006 © BY HYLA INTERNATIONAL GMBH & CO. KG © BY HYLA INTERNATIONAL GMBH & CO. KG 58 hylachampions 2006 | 2007 10-15 Arancibia Arevalo, Claudio - May 2006 - HYLA Spain Armstrong, Justin - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Asthmallergy - November 2006 - HYLA Australia Baker, Jonny - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Bakó, Attila - May 2006 - HYLA Hungary Bakosné, Mária - October 2006 - HYLA Hungary Bakosné, Mária - May 2007 - HYLA Hungary Banquicett Kesly, Carlos David - September 2006 - HYLA Colombia Barnt, Michael - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Barnt, Michael - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Barnt, Michael - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Barnt, Michael - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Barnt, Michael - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Barnt, Michael - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Bean, James - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Beck, Jeffery - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Beck, Jeffery - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Benavides, Miguel - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Benson, Randall - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Bernazzoli, Roberto - April 2007 - HYLA Switzerland Bernazzoli, Roberto - February 2007 - HYLA Switzerland Bernazzoli, Roberto - January 2006 - HYLA Switzerland Bernazzoli, Roberto - January 2007 - HYLA Switzerland Bernazzoli, Roberto - July 2006 - HYLA Switzerland Bernazzoli, Roberto - March 2006 - HYLA Switzerland Bernazzoli, Roberto - March 2007 - HYLA Switzerland Bernazzoli, Roberto - May 2006 - HYLA Switzerland Bernazzoli, Roberto - November 2006 - HYLA Switzerland Bernazzoli, Roberto - May 2007 - HYLA Switzerland Bernazzoli, Roberto - June 2007 - HYLA Switzerland Bezerédj, Tamás - December 2006 - HYLA Hungary Bezerédj, Tamás - February 2007 - HYLA Hungary Bezerédj, Tamás - November 2006 - HYLA Hungary Bezerédj, Tamás - September 2006 - HYLA Hungary Black, Nicolas - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Boesche, Jarrett - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Böhling, Fred - August 2006 - HYLA Germany Böhling, Fred - March 2006 - HYLA Germany Botvinyeva, Lyudmila - November 2006 - HYLA Russia Botvinyeva, Lyudmila - May 2007 - HYLA Russia Botvinyeva, Lyudmila - June 2007 - HYLA Russia Boucher, Mark - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Boucher, Mark - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Boucher, Mark - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Boucher, Mark - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Boucher, Mark - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Brandon, Jonathan - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Baun, Nick - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Braun, Nick - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Braun, Nick - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Bucher, Amanda - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Bucher, Amanda - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Buchannan, Vincent - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Buchannan, Vincent - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Burrow, Steve - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Burrow, Steve - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Burrow, Steve - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Camp, Teresa - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Cardona Bonatti, Sarai - June 2007 - HYLA Spain Chism, Laura - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Christ, Patrick - June 2006 - HYLA Switzerland Christiansen, Carl - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Coletti, Sergio - April 2007 - HYLA Italy Coletti, Sergio - January 2006 - HYLA Italy Collicelli, Andrea - February 2007 - HYLA Italy Collicelli, Andrea - January 2006 - HYLA Italy Collicelli, Andrea - January 2007 - HYLA Italy Colsen, William - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Crase, Adam - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Crase, Adam - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Crowder, Melissa - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Danilov, Viktor - February 2006 - HYLA Russia Danilov, Viktor - January 2006 - HYLA Russia Danilov, Viktor - January 2007 - HYLA Russia Danilov, Viktor - June 2006 - HYLA Russia Danilov, Viktor - August 2007 - HYLA Russia Danilov, Viktor - September 2007 - HYLA Russia Davis, Allen - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Davis, Allen - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Davis, Allen - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Davis, Allen - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Davis, Tyffanie - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. De Barge, Jonny - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. De Barge, Jonny - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. De Simone Angelo - March 2006 - HYLA Switzerland Delikova, D. - July 2006 - HYLA Russia Dickerson, Michelle - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Dickerson, Michelle - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Dickreuter, Harry - December 2006 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - Febraury 2007 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - February 2006 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - March 2006 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - October 2006 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - September 2006 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - July 2007 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - August 2007 - HYLA Germany Duarte Jácome, Adriana - August 2007 - HYLA Colombia Duggins, Lori - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Duggs, Carol - December 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Duggs, Carol - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Duggs, Carol - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Echeverri, Federico - July 2006 - HYLA Colombia Edwards, Rose - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Eichler, Jerry - December 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Eichler, Jerry - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Engels, Jessica - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Eppler, Betty - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Eppler, Betty - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Eppler, Betty - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Esslinger, Robert - May 2007 - HYLA Germany Fellows, Jennifer - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Förtsch, Ramona - September 2006 - HYLA Germany Förtsch, Stefan - January 2006 - HYLA Germany Förtsch, Stefan - July 2006 - HYLA Germany Förtsch, Stefan - October 2006 - HYLA Germany Fowler, Sherry - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Fowler, Sherry - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Freemann, Ken - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Fry, Lyn - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Fuentez, Eli - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Fülöp, Imre - Januar 2006 - HYLA Hungary Funk, Chris - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Gabbert, Linda - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Gabbert, Linda - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Gabbert, Linda - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Gadomski, Robert - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Gadomski, Robert - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. hylachampions 2006 | 2007 59 CHA mpions for sales within a month Gadomski, Robert - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Gadomski, Robert - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Gardner, Jonni - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. George, Robert - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Gerig, Heinrich - January 2006 - HYLA Germany Gibbs, Derrick - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Gibbs, Larry E. Jr. - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Gibbs, Larry E. Jr. - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Gibbs, Larry E. Jr. - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Gibbs, Larry E. Jr. - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Gill, Doug - December 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Gill, Doug - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Gill, Doug - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Ginstersdorfer, Margarete - July 2007 - HYLA Austria Gitter, Bob - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Grybkov, Andrey - June 2006 - HYLA Ukraine Hagler, Ginger - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Hall, Jordan - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Hamilton, Jeff - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Hardy, Rodney - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Hartsfield, Gene - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Hartsuiker, Cynthia - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Hartsuiker, Cynthia - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Hayward, Andy - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Hayward, Andy - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Hayward, Andy - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Heine, Christian - February 2006 - HYLA Germany Heine, Christian - February 2007 - HYLA Germany Heine, Christian - January 2006 - HYLA Germany Heine, Christian - March 2007 - HYLA Germany Heine, Christian - September 2006 - HYLA Germany Heine, Christian - July 2007 - HYLA Germany Heine, Christian - September 2007 - HYLA Germany Helton, Mike - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Hight, Kristian - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Holland, Justin - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Holland, Justin - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Hollandsworth, Katie - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Hose, Joel - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Hribar, Tamara - March 2007 - HYLA Dubai Hutton, Brian - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Huxford, Bob - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Huxford, Robert - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Hylton, Hank - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Hylton, Hank - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Ireland, John - August 2006 - HYLA Australia Ireland, John - March 2006 - HYLA Australia Ireland, John - October 2006 - HYLA Australia Ireland, John - September 2006 - HYLA Australia Ireland, John - August 2007 - HYLA Australia Iven, Ralf - January 2006 - HYLA Germany Iven, Ralf - January 2007 - HYLA Germany Iven, Ralf - November 2006 - HYLA Germany Iven, Ralf - October 2006 - HYLA Germany Iven, Ralf - May 2007 - HYLA Germany Jackson, Adam - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Jamison, Brent - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Jamison, Brent - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Johnson, Diana - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Jose, Maria - June 2006 - HYLA Spain Kamper, Harald - May 2007 - HYLA Austria Karataeve, Irina - March 2006 - HYLA Russia Kilgare, Pat - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. King, Lyndsay A. - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Kinnaugh, Norman - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Kinnaugh, Norman - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Kinnaugh, Norman - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Kirkpatrick, Heather - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Kiss, Èva - April 2007 - HYLA Hungary Kiss, Èva - March 2007 - HYLA Hungary Kiss, Èva - May 2007 - HYLA Hungary Klassen, Alexander - December 2006 - HYLA Germany Klassen, Alexander - Oktober 2006 - HYLA Germany Klassen, Alexander - May 2007 - HYLA Germany Klecková, Zuzana - May 2006 - HYLA Czech Republic Klecková, Zuzana - September 2006 - HYLA Czech Republic Kohl, Kristina - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Konstantinova, Yulia - March 2006 - HYLA Russia Kosakovsky, Oleg - February 2007 - HYLA Ukraine Kozak, Lyudmila - December 2006 - HYLA Ukraine Krepcarova, Anita - March 2007 - HYLA Slowakia Krepcarova, Anita - May 2007 - HYLA Slowakia Lai Kai Yan - May 2006 - HYLA Hong Kong Lang, Klaus - November 2006 - HYLA Germany Laslinger, Ferenc - April 2006 - HYLA Hungary Lau Kai Yan - February 2006 - HYLA Hong Kong Lau Kai Yan - March 2006 - HYLA Hong Kong Laxton, Ashley - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Lee, Tim - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Leonard, Vicky - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Leonhardt, Jürgen - March 2007 - HYLA Germany Leonhardt, Jürgen - September 2006 - HYLA Germany Leonhardt, Jürgen - Juni 2007 - HYLA Germany Lewis, David - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Lewis, David - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Lord, Jennifer - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Lowery, David - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Lowery, David - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Lowery, David - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Lowery, David - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Mays, Charles - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Mays, Charles - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Mays, Charles - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Mays, Robert - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Mays, Robert - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. McFann, Nicole - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. McGee, Patrick - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. McLaughlin, Jacob - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. McNeer, Brian - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. McNeer, Brian - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. McNight, Nick - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. McNight, Nick - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. McPherson - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Medvedevy, Varvara & Alexandr - December 2006 - HYLA Russia Merrell, Judy - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Merrell, Judy - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Merrell, Judy - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Merrell, Judy - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Miguel - June 2007 - HYLA Spain Miller, Daniel - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Moell, Elizabeth - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Moell, Elizabeth - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Moll, Helmut - November 2006 - HYLA Germany Moser, Alexander - October 2006 - HYLA Germany Moss, Dale - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Moss, Dale - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Motaghedi, Ali - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Motaghedi, Ali - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Motaghedi, Ali - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Motaghedi, Ali - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Motaghedi, Ali - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Motaghedi, Ali - Juni 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Munoz Arango, René - June 2006 - HYLA Colombia Munoz Arango, René - May 2006 - HYLA Colombia Munoz Arango, René - September 2006 - HYLA Colombia Munoz René & Vasquez Lorena - June 2007 - HYLA Colombia Murphree, Jason - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Nash, Kris - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Newkirk, Robert - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Newkirk, Robert - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Newkirk, Robert - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Nix, Richard - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Nurmela, Anu - February 2007 - HYLA Finland Nurmela, Anu - January 2007 - HYLA Finland Nurmela, Anu - March 2007 - HYLA Finland Nurmela, Anu - July 2007 - HYLA Finland Nurmela, Anu - August 2007 - HYLA Finland Nurmela, Anu - September 2007 - HYLA Finland Owen, Bill - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Owen, Bill - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Pallen, Bryan - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Palmunen, Helena - August 2006 - HYLA Finland Palmunen, Helena - February 2007 - HYLA Finland Palmunen, Helena - July 2006 - HYLA Finland Palmunen, Helena - November 2006 - HYLA Finland Palmunen, Helena - Oktober 2006 - HYLA Finland Palmunen, Helena - September 2006 - HYLA Finland Palmunen, Helena - June 2007 - HYLA Finland Palmunen, Helena - July 2007 - HYLA Finland Papenburg, Yasmine - May 2007 - HYLA Switzerland Pardinas, Memviluz - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Parker, Jeff - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Patten, Bryan - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Patten, Bryan - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Patten, Bryan - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Payne, Shawn - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Payne, Tommy - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Peppers, Robert - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Perry, Tyrone - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Porras Blas y Clavijo Yolanda - June 2007 - HYLA Colombia Ramos, Scott - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Reed, Laura - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Reinhardt, Alex - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Ricks, Anthony - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Robbins, Wayne - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Roberson, Brandee - December 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Roberts, Nathan - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Robinson, Jessica - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Robinson, Jessica - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rodil, David - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rodionova, Elena - March 2006 - HYLA Russia Rojas Cortes, Gabriel - June 2007 - HYLA Columbia Roldan, Dora - December 2006 - HYLA Columbia Roth, Mike - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Roth, Mike - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Roth, Mike - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Ruble, Ray - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Ruble, Ray - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Runte, Petra - March 2007 - HYLA Germany Rykovy, Igor & Olga - August 2006 - HYLA Russia Rytkönen, Maria - August 2006 - HYLA Finland Sahner, Rolf - April 2006 - HYLA Switzerland Sahner, Rolf - July 2006 - HYLA Switzerland Sahner, Rolf - May 2006 - HYLA Switzerland Salmomatina, Elena - December 2006 - HYLA Russia Sándor, Judit - April 2006 - HYLA Hungary Sándor, Judit - December 2006 - HYLA Hungary Sándor, Judit - February 2007 - HYLA Hungary Sándor, Judit - September 2006 - HYLA Hungary Saul, Danny - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Saul, Danny - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Saul, Danny - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Schmidt, Sam - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Schmidt, Eugen - February 2006 - HYLA Germany Seliverstova, Ljudmila - December 2006 - HYLA Russia Sellers, Michael - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Sellers, Michael - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Sellers, Michael - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Seppä, Eira - July 2007 - HYLA Finland Seppä, Eira - September 2007 - HYLA Finland Shamanova, Anna - August 2006 - HYLA Russia Shears, Robbie - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Shipman, Tim - December 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Shipman, Tim - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Shipman, Tim - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Shipman, Tim - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Shipman, Tim - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Shipman, Tim - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Shipman, Tim - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Shouppe, Elizabeth - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Shrong, Talyn - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Simon, Zsolt - February 2006 - HYLA Hungary Simons, Brad - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Simonds, Rue Ann - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Simonds, Rue Ann - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Simsek, Eda - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Slagle, Sam - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Smith, Dan - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Smith, Jeremy - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Smith, Kattie - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Smith, Lonnie - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Snell, Dave - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Spritzer, David - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Spritzer, David - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Spritzer, George - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Stage, Walter - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Stewart, R. Craig - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Stewart, R. Craig - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Strickland, Robbie - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Suarez, Clara - June 2007 - HYLA Colombia Suhonen Ulla & Palmunen Helena - March 2007 - HYLA Finland Suhonen Ulla & Palmunen Helena - Nov.2006 - HYLA Finland Suhonen Ulla & Palmunen Helena - August 2007 - HYLA Finland Suhonen Ulla & Palmunen Helena - Sep. 2007 - HYLA Finland Sujanya - March 2007 - HYLA Thailand Szabó, László - April 2007 - HYLA Hungary Szabó, László - February 2007 - HYLA Hungary Szabó, László - March 2007 - HYLA Hungary Szilvási, Szilvia - April 2006 - HYLA Hungary Szilvási, Szilvia - October 2006 - HYLA Hungary Szilvási, Szilvia - September 2006 - HYLA Hungary Taylor, Janelle - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Taylor, Jon - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Thompson, Michelle - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Thruman, Leroy - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Times, Jeff - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Todd, Aron - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Tremblay, Richard - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Tuominen, Kaija - March 2007 - HYLA Finland Tyrnova, Tatyana - September 2006 - HYLA Ukraine Tyrnova, Tatyana & Pavel - December 2006 - HYLA Ukraine Tyulpa, Tatyana - March 2006 - HYLA Ukraine Ullgren, Maria - June 2007 - HYLA Finland Ullgren, Maria - September 2007 - HYLA Finland Vang, Souphanee - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Vasquez, Lorena - May 2006 - HYLA Colombia Wagers, Tammy - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Wagers, Tammy - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Wagers, Tammy - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Walker, Josh - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Walker, Melissa - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Walker, Melissa - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Walters, Tommy - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Walton, Jim - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Weaver, Darren - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Webb, Isaiah - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Webb, Isaiah - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Webb, Isaiah - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Webb, Isaiah - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Weldon, Melissa - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Westman-Väyrynen, Seija - July 2007 - HYLA Finland Westman-Väyrynen, Seija - August 2007 - HYLA Finland White, Scott - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. White, Scott - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Williams, Lavada - December 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Williams, Lavada - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Williams, Lavada - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Williams, Lavada - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Windholz, Viktor - December 2006 - HYLA Germany Windholz, Viktor - October 2006 - HYLA Germany Wingfield, Cliff - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Witt, James - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Witt, James - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Wittig, Gérard - June 2006 - HYLA Switzerland Wittig, Gérard - March 2006 - HYLA Switzerland Wong Yuen Yung - May 2006 - HYLA Hong Kong Yrjöla, Raija - February 2006 - HYLA Finland Yrjöla, Raija - June 2006 - HYLA Finland Zen, Robert - February 2007 - HYLA Italy Zen, Robert - January 2007 - HYLA Italy Zen, Robert - May 2006 - HYLA Italy Zen, Robert - November 2006 - HYLA Italy Zen, Robert - October 2006 - HYLA Italy 16-20 Holland, Justin - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Holland, Justin - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Holopainen, Seija - April 2006 - HYLA Finland Ireland, John - April 2006 - HYLA Australia Iven, Ralf - September 2006 - HYLA Germany Jackson, Adam - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Kamper, Harald - July 2007 - HYLA Austria Laslinger, Ferenc - May 2006 - HYLA Hungary Laslinger, Ferenc - June 2006 - HYLA Hungary Leonhardt, Jürgen - September 2006 - HYLA Germany Lowery, David - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Martin, Anna - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Mc Fann, Nicole - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Moell, Elizabeth - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Moell, Elizabeth - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Moser, Alexander - November 2006 - HYLA Germany Niemi, Marja-Liisa - September 2007 - HYLA Finland Nurmela, Anu - May 2007 - HYLA Finland O‘Donnell, Mark - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Papenburg, Yasmine - June 2007 - HYLA Switzerland Palmunen, Helena - May 2006 - HYLA Finland Pertseva, Marina - August 2006 - HYLA Russia Sahner, Rolf - January 2006 - HYLA Switzerland Sahner, Rolf - February 2006 - HYLA Switzerland Sahner, Rolf - March 2006 - HYLA Switzerland Sándor, Judit - May 2006 - HYLA Hungary Sándor, Judit - August 2006 - HYLA Hungary Saul, Danny - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Saul, Danny - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Saul, Danny - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Simon, Zsolt - January 2006 - HYLA Hungary Szilvási, Szilvia - May 2006 - HYLA Hungary Szilvási, Szilvia - June 2006 - HYLA Hungary Szilvási, Szilvia - August 2006 - HYLA Hungary Walters, Tommy - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Weldon, Melissa - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Williams, Lavada - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Wingfield, Cliff - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Witt, Brenda - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. 21-25 Abonyi, Zsuzsanna - February 2005 - HYLA Hungary Binninger, Klaus - October 2005 - HYLA Germany Botvinjeva, Ljudmila - May 2007 - HYLA Russia Boucher, Mark - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Burrow, Steve - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Danilov, Victor - December 2006 - HYLA Russia Danilov, Victor - March 2005 - HYLA Russia Förtsch, Stefan - November 2005 - HYLA Germany Gadomski, Rob - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. 26-35 Danilov V. & Gouravleva O. - December 2005 - HYLA Russia De Cecco, Marco - December 2005 - HYLA Italy Hagler, David - August 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Hall, Jordan - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. 44 Seböck, Attila December 2002 - HYLA Hungary Gouravleva, Olga - March 2005 - HYLA Russia Grishechkina, Olga - May 2006 - HYLA Russia Hagler, David - June 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Hight, Krstian - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Kiss, Éva - April 2005 - HYLA Hungary Kiss, Éva - October 2005 - HYLA Hungary Laslinger, Ferenc - July 2006 - HYLA Hungary Merrell, Judy - April 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Nurmela, Anu - December 2006 - HYLA Finland Sahner, Rolf - November 2005 - HYLA Switzerland Sandor, Judit - November 2006 - HYLA Hungary Saul, Danny - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Schiller, Sven - November 2005 - HYLA Germany Simon, Zsolt - December 2005 - HYLA Hungary Simon, Zsolt - October 2005 - HYLA Hungary Spieß, Waldemar - June 2005 - HYLA Germany Szabóné, Eszter - October 2005 - HYLA Hungary Kiss, Éva - July 2005 - HYLA Hungary Kiss, Éva - June 2005 - HYLA Hungary Kiss, Éva - May 2005 - HYLA Hungary Sándor, Judit - June 2006 - HYLA Hungary Sebök, Attila Sebök, Attila Simon, Zsolt Szilvia, Szilvási 50 Sándor, Judit July 2006 - HYLA Hungary June 2005 - HYLA Hungary March 2005 - HYLA Hungary November 2005 - HYLA Hungary - July 2006 - HYLA Hungary 56 Seböck, Attila January 2003 - HYLA Hungary 60 hylaprime club 25 hylaprime club 2006 | 2007 2006 | 2007 61 prime club for sales within a month A & A Associates - February 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. A & A Associates - March 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. A & A Associates - June 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. A & A Associates - August 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. A & A Associates - September 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. A & A Associates - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. A & A Associates - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. A & A Associates - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. A & A Associates - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. A & A Associates - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. A & A Associates - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. A & A Associates - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. A & A Associates - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. A & A Associates - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. A & A Associates - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. A & A Associates (Tupela) - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Air by Design, Inc. - December 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Air by Design, Inc. - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Air by Design, Inc. - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Air by Design, Inc. - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Air by Design, Inc. - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Air Solution Inc. - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Air Solution Inc. - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Air Solution Inc. - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Air Solution Inc. (Joplin) - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Air Solution Inc. (Joplin) - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc. - January 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc. - February 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc. - March 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc. - April 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc. - May 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc. - June 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc. - August 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc. - September 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc. - October 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc., Rogers - December 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc., Rogers - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc., Rogers - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc., Rogers - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc., Rogers - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc., Tecumseh - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc., Tupelo - October 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. B.A.S. & Associates, Inc. - September 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. B & J Distributing - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Botvinyeva, Lydmila - November 2006 - HYLA Russia Botvinyeva, Lydmila - December 2007 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - February 2005 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - March 2005 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - April 2005 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - September 2005 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - October 2005 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - November 2005 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - February 2006 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - April 2006 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - June 2006 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - August 2006 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - October 2006 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - April 2007 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - June 2007 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - September 2007 - HYLA Russia Complete Quality Air Solutions, Inc. - January 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Complete Quality Air Solutions, Inc. - February 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Complete Quality Air Solutions, Inc. - March 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Complete Quality Air Solutions, Inc. - April 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Complete Quality Air Solutions, Inc. - December 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Complete Quality Air Solutions, Inc. - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Complete Quality Air Solutions, Inc. - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Complete Quality Air Solutions, Inc. - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. D.A.M.M. s.a.s. - February 2006 - HYLA Italy D.A.M.M. s.a.s. - March 2006 - HYLA Italy D.A.M.M. s.a.s. - April 2006 - HYLA Italy Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - March 2005 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - April 2005 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - September 2005 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - October 2005 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - November 2005 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - January 2006 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - February 2006 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - March 2006 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - April 2006 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - June 2006 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - August 2006 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - September 2006 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - October 2006 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - November 2006 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - January 2007 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - February 2007 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - March 2007 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - April 2007 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - May 2007 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - June 2007 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - July 2007 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - August 2007 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - September 2007 - HYLA Russia Delzer, Olga - January 2005 - HYLA Germany Delzer, Olga - March 2005 - HYLA Germany Delzer, Olga - April 2005 - HYLA Germany Delzer, Olga - December 2005 - HYLA Germany Delzer, Olga - February 2006 - HYLA Germany Delzer, Olga - March 2006 - HYLA Germany Delzer, Olga - April 2006 - HYLA Germany Delzer, Olga - May 2006 - HYLA Germany Demkina, Olga - March 2007 - HYLA Russia Dickreuter, Harry - January 2005 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - February 2005 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - March 2005 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - April 2005 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - August 2005 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - September 2005 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - November 2005 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - February 2006 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - March 2006 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - September 2006 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - October 2006 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - November 2006 - HYLA Germany Eastcoast Air, LLC - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Eastcoast Air, LLC - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Eastcoast Air, LLC - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Eastcoast Air, LLC - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Eastcoast Air, LLC - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Eastcoast Air, LLC - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Eastcoast Air, LLC - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Feketené M. Noémi - February 2005 - HYLA Hungary Feketené M. Noémi - March 2005 - HYLA Hungary Feketené M. Noémi - April 2005 - HYLA Hungary Feketené M. Noémi - April 2006 - HYLA Hungary Fekete Tamás - April 2007 - HYLA Hungary Gürbüz, Murat - January 2007 - HYLA Switzerland Hydro Tech Cleaning Systems - June 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Absolute - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Air, Inc. - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Barcelona - Jacobo y Fernando - May 2005 - HYLA Spain HYLA Barcelona - Jacobo y Fernando - October 2005 - HYLA Spain HYLA Barcelona - Jacobo y Fernando - December 2005 - HYLA Spain HYLA Barcelona - Jacobo y Fernando - January 2006 - HYLA Spain HYLA Connection, Inc. - August 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Inc. - November 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Inc. - December 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Inc. - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Inc. - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Inc. - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Inc. - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Inc. - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection Inc. Benton - January 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection Inc. Benton - March 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection Inc. Benton - April 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection Inc. Benton - May 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Inc. Conway - January 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Inc. Conway - April 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Inc. Conway - May 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Inc. Conway - June 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Searcy - February 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Searcy - March 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Searcy - April 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Searcy - May 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Searcy - June 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Searcy - July 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Searcy - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Dreams - February 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Dreams - March 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Dreams - May 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Dreams - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Dreams - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Dreams - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Dreams - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Dreams - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. - May 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. - June 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. - July 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. - August 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. - September 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. - December 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. Paragould - January 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. Paragould - February 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. Paragould - March 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. Paragould - April 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. Paragould - October 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. Paragould - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. Paragould - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. Paragould - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. Paragould - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. Pocahontas - February 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. Pocahontas - April 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Hospitalet - January 2007 - HYLA Spain HYLA Import GmbH - November 2005 - HYLA Switzerland HYLA Import GmbH - January 2006 - HYLA Switzerland HYLA Központ - March 2005 - HYLA Hungary HYLA Llobregat - March 2007 - HYLA Spain HYLA Pacific - August 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pacific - September 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pacific - December 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pacific - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pacific - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pacific - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pacific - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pacific - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pacific - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pacific - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pacific - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pacific - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pacific - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pure - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pure - December 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pure - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pure - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pure - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pure - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pure - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pure - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pure (White Hall) - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems, Inc. Batesville - January 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems, Inc. Batesville - August 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems, Inc. Batesville - September 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems, Inc. Batesville - December 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems, Inc. Batesville - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems, Inc. Batesville - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems, Inc. Jacksonville - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Tech - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Tech - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Unlimited - June 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Unlimited - August 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Unlimited - September 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Viladecans - May 2006 - HYLA Spain HYLA World - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA World - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA World - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA World - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - February 2005 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - April 2005 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - May 2005 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - June 2005 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - July 2005 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - August 2005 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - September 2005 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - October 2005 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - January 2006 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - February 2006 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - March 2006 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - April 2006 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - June 2006 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - July 2006 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - September 2006 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - October 2006 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - November 2006 - HYLA Russia J & L Enterprises, Inc - November 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Juelle HYLA, Inc. - April 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Jung Hoon Kim - May 2007 - HYLA Korea Kesztyüs, Sándor - January 2005 - HYLA Hungary Kesztyüs, Sándor - February 2005 - HYLA Hungary Kesztyüs, Sándor - December 2005 - HYLA Hungary Kesztyüs, Sándor - January 2006 - HYLA Hungary Kesztyüs, Sándor - February 2006 - HYLA Hungary Kesztyüs, Sándor - March 2006 - HYLA Hungary Kesztyüs, Sándor - May 2006 - HYLA Hungary Kesztyüs, Sándor - June 2006 - HYLA Hungary Kirchgeßler, Anton - May 2005 - HYLA Germany Kirchgeßler, Anton - August 2006 - HYLA Germany Kiss, Eva - September 2005 - HYLA Hungary Kiss, Eva - November 2005 - HYLA Hungary Kiss, Eva - October 2006 - HYLA Hungary Klassen, Alexander - November 2005 - HYLA Germany Klassen, Alexander - June 2006 - HYLA Germany Konstantinova, Yulia - August 2006 - HYLA Hungary Korhonen, Inkki - June 2005 - HYLA Finland Korhonen, Inkki - Juli 2005 - HYLA Finland Korhonen, Inkki - August 2005 - HYLA Finland Kornienko, Vladimir - March 2006 - HYLA Germany Kovács, Zoltánné - May 2004 - HYLA Hungary Kromac GmbH - January 2005 - HYLA Germany Kromac GmbH - February 2005 - HYLA Germany Kromac GmbH - March 2005 - HYLA Germany Kromac GmbH - April 2005 - HYLA Germany Lone Star Distributing - June 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Lone Star Distributing - August 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Lone Star Distributing - October 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Lone Star Distributing Paris - November 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Lone Star Distributing Paris - December 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Melnik, Rosa - January 2005 - HYLA Germany Melnik, Rosa - June 2005 - HYLA Germany Melnik, Rosa - August 2005 - HYLA Germany Melnik, Rosa - August 2005 - HYLA Germany Midwest HYLA Inc. - March 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. - December 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Milton Distributors - November 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Mironenko, Alexandr - May 2007 - HYLA Ukraine Moser, Alexander - November 2006 - HYLA Germany Munoz René y Vasquez Lorena - September 2007 - HYLA Colombia Nature‘s Intentions - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Nature‘s Intentions - Octobe 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Nature‘s Intentions - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Nature‘s Intentions - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Nature‘s Intentions - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Nature‘s Intentions - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Nature‘s Method, Inc - March 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Nature‘s Method, Inc - May 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Naturclean GmbH - April 2005 - HYLA Switzerland NST Enterprises - August 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. NST Enterprises - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. NST Enterprises - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Ohio Thura Clean - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Péczely, Zita - June 2005 - HYLA Hungary Péczely, Zita - October 2005 - HYLA Hungary Péczely, Zita - November 2006 - HYLA Hungary Perry‘s Clean Air - March 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Perry‘s Clean Air - April 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Perry‘s Clean Air - June 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Polishchuk Anna & Grishin Illya - December 2006 - HYLA Ukraine Prince Distributors, Inc. - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Prince Distributors, Inc. - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Prince Distributors, Inc. - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Prince Distributors, Inc. - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Pure Solutions, Inc - June 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Pure Solutions, Inc - August 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Pure Solutions, Inc - September 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Pure Solutions, Inc - November 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Pure Solutions, Inc - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Pure Solutions, Inc - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Quality Air, Inc. - April 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Quality Air, Inc. - May 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Quality Air, Inc. - August 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Quality Air, Inc. - September 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Quality Air, Inc. - October 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Quality Air, Inc. - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Quality Air, Inc. - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - March 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - April 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - June 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - September 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - October 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - December 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Loves Park - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Loves Park - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Loves Park - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Loves Park - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Rockford - October 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Rockford - November 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Rockford - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Rockford - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Rockford - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Rantakokko, Pasi - July 2007 - HYLA Finland Rantakokko, Pasi - August 2007 - HYLA Finland Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. - December 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. (Colorado Springs) - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. (Colorado Springs) - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. (Colorado Springs) - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. (Colorado Springs) - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rusakov Andrey & Arsenieva Natalia - December 2005 - HYLA Russia Rusakov Andrey & Arsenieva Natalia - March 2006 - HYLA Russia Rusakov Andrey & Arsenieva Natalia - September 2006 - HYLA Russia Rusakov Andrey & Arsenieva Natalia - March 2007 - HYLA Russia Sándor, Judit - June 2006 - HYLA Hungary Sándor, Judit - February 2007 - HYLA Hungary Sashara, Safak - December 2005 - HYLA Switzerland Shasta HYLA - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Shasta HYLA - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Shasta HYLA - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Shasta HYLA - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Spa-City Cleaning Systems - March 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Spa-City Cleaning Systems - May 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Spa-City Cleaning Systems - August 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Szilvási, Szilvia - July 2006 - HYLA Hungary T&T Cleaning Sys. Inc. Lawrence - February 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning Sys. Inc. Lawrence - April 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning Sys. Inc. Lawrence - May 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning Sys. Inc. Lawrence - June 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning Sys. Inc. Lawrence - August 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning Sys. Inc. Lawrence - September 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning Sys. Inc. Lawrence - December 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Inc. - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Inc. - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Inc. - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Inc. - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Inc. - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Inc. - December 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Inc. - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Inc. - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Inc. - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning Sys. Union - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning Sys. Union - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Top Notch Cleaning Solutions, Inc. - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Top Notch Cleaning Solutions, Inc. - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Top Notch Cleaning Solutions, Inc. - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Top Notch Cleaning Solutions, Inc. - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Top Notch Cleaning Solutions, Inc. - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Tri-County Distributors, Inc. - April 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Tyranova, Irina - September 2006 - HYLA Russia Vasvári, Gyula - November 2006 - HYLA Hungary Vasvári, Gyula - January 2007 - HYLA Hungary Wat Air Enterprises - February 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Waterfalls Unlimited - February 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Waterfalls Unlimited - April 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Waterfalls Unlimited - June 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Waterfalls Unlimited - August 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Weger, Alessia - March 2007 - HYLA Italy Wiest, Elena & Rudolf - May 2007 - HYLA Germany WTL Distributing, Inc. (Pocahontas) - May 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. WTL Distributing, Inc. (Pocahontas) - June 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. WTL Distributing, Inc. (Pocahontas) - July 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. WTL Distributing, Inc. (Pocahontas) - August 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. WTL Distributing, Inc. (West Plains) - July 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. WTL Distributing, Inc. (West Plains) - August 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. WTL Distributing, Inc. (West Plains) - September 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Zóna Iroda Kft - May 2007 - HYLA Hungary 50 A & A Associates - April 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. A & A Associates - May 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Air by Design - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Air by Design - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Air by Design - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc. (Rogers) - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc. (Rogers) - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc. (Colorado Springs) - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc. (Colorado Springs) - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Byakchov, Sergey - May 2005 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - December 2005 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - March 2006 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - May 2006 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - July 2006 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - September 2006 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - December 2006 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - January 2007 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - February 2007 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - March 2007 - HYLA Russia Byakchov, Sergey - May 2007 - HYLA Russia D.A.M.M. s.a.s. - December 2005 - HYLA Italy D.A.M.M. s.a.s. - January 2006 - HYLA Italy D.A.M.M. s.a.s. - May 2006 - HYLA Italy Danilov Victor & Jouravleva Olga - December 2005 - HYLA Russia Danilov Victor & Jouravleva Olga - December 2006 - HYLA Russia Delzer, Olga - May 2005 - HYLA Germany Delzer, Olga - June 2005 - HYLA Germany Delzer, Olga - September 2005 - HYLA Germany Fekete M. Noémi - May 2005 - HYLA Hungary Fekete M. Noémi - June 2005 - HYLA Hungary Fekete M. Noémi - July 2005 - HYLA Hungary Fekete M. Noémi - August 2005 - HYLA Hungary Fekete M. Noémi - Mai 2006 - HYLA Hungary 75 Fekete M. Noémi - June 2006 - HYLA Hungary Gürbitz, Murat - March 2006 - HYLA Switzerland HYLA BCN - May 2006 - HYLA Spain HYLA Connection Inc. Searcy - January 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme Inc., Parogould - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme Inc., Parogould - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme Inc., Parogould - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme Inc., Pocahontas - March 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme Inc. - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme Inc. - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Import GmbH - March 2006 - HYLA Switzerland HYLA Pure - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pure - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pure - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Tech, Inc. - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA World - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - March 2005 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - November 2005 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - December 2005 - HYLA Russia Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - August 2006 - HYLA Russia Kesztyüs, Sándor - November 2005 - HYLA Hungary Kiss, Eva - October 2005 - HYLA Hungary Korhonen, Inkki - September 2005 - HYLA Finland Korhonen, Inkki - November 2005 - HYLA Finland Korhonen, Inkki - December 2005 - HYLA Finland Korhonen, Inkki - January 2006 - HYLA Finland Korhonen, Inkki - February 2006 - HYLA Finland Korhonen, Inkki - March 2006 - HYLA Finland Korhonen, Inkki - June 2006 - HYLA Finland Korhonen, Inkki - July 2006 - HYLA Finland Korhonen, Inkki - December 2006 - HYLA Finland Melnik, Rosa - May 2005 - HYLA Germany Midwest HYLA Inc. - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air - January 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air - May 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air (Fort Smith) - November 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air (Fort Smith) - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air (Fort Smith) - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air (Loves Park) - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Rantakokko, Pasi - September 2007 - HYLA Finland Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. Sándor, Judit - July 2006 - HYLA Hungary T&T Cleaning System Inc. - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Inc. - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Inc. - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Inc. - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Inc. - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Inc. - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning Sys. Inc. Lawrence - January 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning Sys. Inc. Lawrence - March 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Union - January 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Union - March 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Union - April 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Union - May 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Union - June 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Union - September 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Union - October 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Union - November 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Union - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Union - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A. Waterfalls Unlimited - March 2005 - HYLA U.S.A. Byakchov, Sergey *special positions* D.A.M.M. s.a.s. Delzer, Olga hyla usa Feketené, Noémi M. Roy Edwards HYLA Connection – Worldwide Top Regional Supervisor HYLA Extreme, Inc. HYLA Tech, Inc. Korhonen, Inkki Midwest HYLA Inc. Rainforest Air Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. T&T Cleaning System Inc. Zóna Iroda Kft 62 hylaawards 2006 | 2007 hylaawards award S 2006 | 2007 63 top dealer hungary * * usa * * * * * * russia * * Austria * Finland * * Korea * usa * * * 10.06-09.07 top distributor by quota russia * finland * * * * * * * quota was not reached! August 2007 vincent buchannan, September 2007 marja-liisa niemi Finland, 16 HYLA U.S.A., 20 HYLA July 2007 Korea, 20 HYLA Austria, 18 HYLA June 2007 harald kamper wan-kyu paik Danny saul U.S.A., 22 HYLA August 2007 September 2007 July 2007 inkki korhonen June 2007 hyla tech, inc. inkki korhonen Finland U.S.A. Finland justin holland U.S.A., 16 HYLA March 2007 April 2007 Lyudmila BOTVINYEVA Anu Nurmela doug hill, allan davis & tim shipman U.S.A., 18 HYLA May 2007 Finland, 20 HYLA February 2007 Steve burrow U.S.A., 24 HYLA March 2007 May 2007 inkki korhonen Finland April 2007 t&t cleaning systems, inc. Rainforest Air U.S.A. February 2007 inkki korhonen Finland U.S.A. Russia, 24 HYLA November 2006 January 2007 December 2006 Victor Danilov bakosné mária Russia, 22 HYLA Hungary, 20 HYLA Sándor judit October 2006 Hungary, 22 HYLA Danny saul U.S.A., 19 HYLA January 2007 inkki korhonen December 2006 Finland victor danilov & olga jouravleva Russia October 2006 inkki korhonen inkki korhonen Finland November 2006 Finland 64 hylaawards 2006 | 2007 hylaawards award S 2006 | 2007 65 top organisation by quota usa * * * * * * RUSSIA * * * hungary * usa * * * 11.06-10.07 top importer by quota russia * * * UKRAINE * * * finland * * Colombia * quota was not reached! September 2007 July 2007 hyla extreme, Rocky mountain inc. U.S.A. hyla, inc. August 2007 June 2007 Rocky mountain hyla, inc. U.S.A. U.S.A. August 2007 Jari Janetzko & federico echeverri ilka Liebel Finland & adriana duarte September 2007 July 2007 Hartmut & Filiz gassmann U.S.A. June 2007 Hartmut & Filiz gassmann U.S.A. Colombia quota was not reached! March 2007 May 2007 hyla extreme, inc. April 2007 sergey byakchov February 2007 Russia rocky mountain hyla, inc. U.S.A. U.S.A. April 2007 May 2007 Hartmut & Filiz gassmann olena kondratenko U.S.A. Ukraine March 2007 Jari Janetzko & ilka Liebel Finland February 2007 andrey shikin & tatyana golitsyna Russia December 2006 January 2007 sergey byakchov Hungary Russia zóna iroda kft December 2006 November 2006 October 2006 sergey byakchov rocky mountain hyla, inc. Russia U.S.A. January 2007 andrey shikin & tatyana golitsyna Russia olena kondratenko Ukraine November 2006 October 2006 Russia Ukraine andrey shikin & olena tatyana golitsyna kondratenko 66 hylacompany presentation hylaproduct presentation Germany Filderstadt Already in 1990 the founders of HYLA had the ambition to produce a worldwide unique Air and Room Cleaning System. Already at that time we were aware that environmental impacts would increase for people and that those impacts would not stop outside the people´s homes. Of course, environmental impacts and pollution outside should be regulated by politcs and economy, but the environmental pollution in our homes is clearly our own responsibility. This was the beginning of a great success story! Each company needs a management. At HYLA the tasks are clearly divided. For Sales & Marketing worldwide, HYLA International, Wilfried and Angelina Metzger are responsible. Wilfried Metzger has been active in Direct Selling for more than 20 years and once started his career as a dealer. With his dynamic team in Filderstadt/Germany he looks after HYLA business partners all over the world. President International Director w. mETZGER a. mETZGER HYLAINTERNATIONAL HYLAINTERNATIONAL Our product, the 67 hyla HYLA is a unique water-bath filtration system, which uses only water as a filter. Its prime feature is its method of trapping dirt, dust and allergens in water. The system forces the air through a water-bath. A specially designed state-of-the-art separator separates the air from water so only clean, fresh and »water-washed« air is returned back in the room. HYLA combines future-oriented technology, top quality, environment-friendly and product safety based on our worldwide, unique patented separator technology. For development and production, our two Slovenian engineers, Janez Pogacar and Doro Erjavec, Presidents of HYLA d.o.o. in Ljubljana, Slovenia are responsible. With a lot of courage and self-confidence they both started 1991 with their ingenious invention. Own patents, awards like »Entrepreneur of the Year«, and the obligation to meet all requirements necessary to sell HYLA into various countries have evoked many valuable certificates within the past years. HYLA was granted the highest possible security and quality standard: the ISO 9001 certificate. Quality ranks first at HYLA and this is undoubtedly the reason why HYLA is sold in more than 40 countries worldwide at present! Slovenia Ljubljana Application: Vacuuming Wet Cleaning Deep Cleaning eaning Room Cl Doro Erjavec janez pogacar President, HYLAD.O.O. President, HYLAD.O.O. Air Purification Desinfec ting & more... www.hyla.net
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