How the Rotating Snakes optical illusion works ai escoit at a ria pr
How the Rotating Snakes optical illusion works ai escoit at a ria pr
4/27/12 How the Rotating Snakes optical illusion works - Boing Boing D E SK TOP VIE W BE E S M ARIJUANA SPACE TW ITTE R ARCHIVE B- SID E F E ATURE S RE VIE W S SCIE NCE GW E E K ABOUT US F OL L O W US ON APPS F OR K ID S SHOP How the Rotating Snakes optical illusion works By D avidPescovit z at1 0 : 2 8 am F riday , Apr2 7 In the new Journal of Neuroscience, Barrow Neurological Institute researchers present their study exploring why Akiyoshi Kitaoka's "Rotating Snakes" optical illusion is so effective. In fact, it's the cover story! From Science News: COM ICS 1/5 4/27/12 How the Rotating Snakes optical illusion works - Boing Boing HAPPY M UTANTS Participants held down a button when the snakes seemed to swirl and lifted the button when the snakes appeared still. Right before the snakes started to move, participants began blinking more and making short jumpy eye movements called microsaccades, Jorge OteroMillan, Stephen Macknik and Susana Martinez-Conde report in the April 25 Journal of Neuroscience. When volunteers’ rates of microsaccades slowed down, the visual illusion faded and the snakes were more likely to stop moving. "Snakes swirl in blink (and jump) of an eye" (Science News) Abstract: "Microsaccades and Blinks Trigger Illusory Rotation in the “Rotating Snakes” Illusion" (Journal of Neuroscience) Dancing almond optical illusion - Boing Boing Web zen: illusion zen - Boing Boing M arkF rauenfel der Cory D oct orow D avidPescovit z X eniJardin E dit ors Rob Beschizza M anaging E dit or M aggieK oert h- Baker ScienceE dit or JasonW eisberger Publ isher- at - L arge K enSnider Sy sadm in D eanPut ney D evel oper Ant inous L eadM oderat or Avram & F el t on M oderat ors E ric M it t l em an VideoE dit or Terry Thurl ow F inance 2/5 4/27/12 How the Rotating Snakes optical illusion works - Boing Boing E dSzy l ko Insurance SHARE THIS POST D AVID PE SCOVITZ Collector of anomalies, esoterica, and curiosities. SHOW F UL L BIO ← PRE VIOUS POST! Thor Wall Clock NE X T POST! → Polar Bears are Soluble in Water Jaws Shark Shower Adipose Floating Pen Curtain Like Showing 4 com m ent s Sort by oldest first MrScience I miss my Science News subscription. Dan Bull hopes his Facebook Epic Rap will become the first hit single to be made available from day 1 as a torrent: "I want to smash the glass ceiling." Y ou can buy it for 3/5 4/27/12 How the Rotating Snakes optical illusion works - Boing Boing Parents got it for me in high school, and it was the coolest thing to get weekly science information in my backwater town of 5000. 38 minutes ago Like Reply $0.69. F OL L OW : TW ITTE R AND F ACE BOOK SUBSCRIBE : D AIL Y E M AIL AND RSS CONTACT US • F AQ • POL ICIE S m obobo damn my "short jumpy" eyes but I've love visual shenanigans ever since being introduced to the work of Bridget Riley 29 minutes ago Like Reply Marja Erwin What optical illusion? 9 minutes ago Like Reply Jonathan Badger Presumably this is an established optical illusion (although I haven't heard of it before), but I'm always wary of optical illusions on web pages. How do I know it isn't an animated GIF? 5 minutes ago Like Reply M Subscribe by email S RSS Real-time updating is paused. (Resume) AddNew Com m ent Login Where not otherwise specified, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons License 4/5 4/27/12 How the Rotating Snakes optical illusion works - Boing Boing permitting non-commercial sharing with attribution. Boing Boing is a trademark of Happy Mutants LLC in the United States and other countries. 5/5
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