Grand Reunion - Bishop McNamara Catholic School
Grand Reunion - Bishop McNamara Catholic School
Irish Update For Alumni of St. Patrick, St. Patrick Central and Bishop McNamara High School VOLUME 34, NO. 1 • FALL 2015 Grand Reunion The “Grand Reunion” celebrating graduating years through 1955 was held over homecoming weekend on Sunday, September 27th. The morning began with 10:00 mass at St. Patrick’s Church in Kankakee, celebrated by Fr. John Peeters, CSV. After mass, a luncheon was held at the Kankakee Country Club. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful afternoon mingling and reminiscing. A music medley was presented by June Schmidt (Bishop McNamara’s Vocal Director) on piano and vocalist, Bailey Theisen ’16. An impromptu “singalong” was enjoyed by all in attendance! Front Row, left to right: Teddy Kahnt Brosseau ‘55, Marian Monik Wulffe ‘55, Patricia Deany Gift ‘55, Margaret Benoit Billadeau ‘45, Barbara Leone Ciaccio ‘45, Sue Marlaire Cotter ‘45. Middle Row, left to right: Delores Kilbride Arseneau ‘54, Pat Morrow Hunter ‘51, Audrey Willette Dockemeyer ‘52, Monica Benoit Ruder ‘55, Jean Manau VanDerKarr ‘55, Loretta Daily Denault ‘48, Sister Mary Charmaine Kribs ‘52, Sharon Draude ‘53, Jean Marie Sells Hartman ‘52. Back Row, left to right: Mose Arseneau ‘54, Richard Skelly ‘55, Robert Lambert ‘51, Richard Schultz ‘55, Adrien Raymond ‘52, Jim Hunter, Robert LaFontaine ‘51, John Dockemeyer ‘50, Robert VanDerKarr ‘54, Gerald Marsalli ‘54, Paul Cardosi ‘53, Larry Skelly ‘53, Steve Serve ‘53. CALENDAR OF EVENTS NOVEMBER 6 and 7 ...............................Fall Play “You Can’t Beat the House” (café) NOVEMBER 17..........................................Hall of Honor Induction (gymnasium/café) NOVEMBER 23................................................. Thanksgiving Mass at 9:25 AM (café) DECEMBER 6 ..................................................................... Mother Son Brunch (café) DECEMBER 8 .................................. Immaculate Conception Mass at 9:25 AM (café) DECEMBER 13 .........................................Fine Arts Christmas Concert (gymnasium) JANUARY 9 .......................................... Class of 2020 Placement Test (at McNamara) JANUARY 25 .....................................................................School Mass at 9:25 (café) JANUARY 29 ..................................... Grade School Night at Basketball Game (café) JANUARY 30 ............................................................ Winter Theatre Showcase (café) FEBRUARY 1 – 5 .................................................................... Catholic Schools Week FEBRUARY 10 ..............................................Ash Wednesday Mass at 9:25 AM (café) FEBRUARY 12 ............... Auction Kick-Off Party (at Knights of Columbus, Kankakee) FEBRUARY 20 ...............................................Athletic Booster Club Trivia Night (café) MARCH 22 ............................................................ Holy Week Mass at 9:25 AM (café) • MISSION STATEMENT The Irish Alumni Association unites more than 9000 alumni of St. Patrick, St. Patrick Central and Bishop McNamara High School. Our mission is to preserve the heritage that shaped our school, to foster the spirit of camaraderie among alumni and to support the mission and development of Bishop McNamara High School. Irish Update 1 IRISH UPDATE is published twice yearly by the Irish Alumni Assoc. OFFICERS Sarah Piggush Mickler ’99, President Terry Memenga ’99, Vice President LeAnne Grise Provost ’94, Secretary DIRECTORS Sharon Draude ‘53 Meghan Billadeau Elliott ‘06 Nick Elliott ‘06 Jenna Frazier ‘07 Lisa Azzarelli Gerth ‘80 Lisa Ward Holt ‘92 Lynn Tate-Harwell ‘85 Brandi Bennett Kaner ‘00 Kelly Sullivan Kidd ‘05 Amy Devine Powell ‘81 Adrian Provost ‘92 Judy Purcell Todnem ‘78 STAFF Terry Granger ’76, Principal Sandy LaMotte Malpasuto ’82, Coordinator of Advancement If you are interested in becoming a member of the Irish Alumni Board, please contact the Advancement Office at (815) 933-7620. View the Irish Update online at FROM OUR ALUMNI PRESIDENT Sarah Piggush Mickler Dear Irish Alumni and Friends: The new school year has begun and the Irish Alumni have been very busy! The Irish Golf Classic in July was a great success with 100 + coming out to golf and/or enjoy the post-golf dinner. We jumped into the August welcoming back the students at our annual Fall Scimmage Mass. The Ken Klipp Classic followed the next morning bringing back many of our Cross Country Alumni…again, with 100+ runners/walkers. We had more fun in September as we celebrated homecoming and welcomed all of our Alumni back to Bishop McNamara. This year’s Homecoming was a wonderful time and the weather cooperated too! A big thank you to all who stopped by our new and improved Alumni tent and post-party at Brookmont Bowl. I also want to make sure that you all know we very much appreciate everything you do for McNamara especially as we move through the school year and you continue to support our mission and help us grow. The commitment of our Alumni allows us to continue to carry out our mission of providing a quality Catholic education to not only our current student body, but to all future Alumni. May God continue to bless you and your families! Sarah Piggush Mickler ’99 Irish Alumni Association President 2 Irish Update FROM OUR PRINCIPAL Terry Granger Irish Alumni, Recently in an article I was reading, I came across this quote – “The Catholic School does not and cannot have a mission separate from the Catholic Church. The mission of the Catholic Church is the mission of the Catholic school. Thus, the school does not have a mission, but rather – the mission has schools.” It is true every Catholic school that exists today is an arm of the greater Church. We are truly a mission of that Church. But what does that mean exactly? What is our greater Church’s mission? Historically, our Church established schools to serve millions of needy children, mainly from impoverished immigrant families. Even though there were great challenges, such as meeting the needs of these students and their communities, Catholic schools continued to provide rigorous, faith inspired education. However, growing labor costs, rising secularization, the shift of Catholic parishioners from the larger cities to the suburbs, plus the competitive nature of education in the public school sector, pushed these schools to insolvency in many places. The numbers are startling…in 1965 more than 13,000 Catholic schools served 5.6 million students and now, 50 years later in 2015, there are 6568 schools serving 1.9 million students. Thus Catholic schools have had to take a hard look at themselves and respond to these trends with determination and creativity. The American K-12 Catholic schooling is reorganizing and bouncing back. There are those who will make the statement “Why do we need Catholic Schools anyway? One could answer this question by starting with the long history of superior academic outcomes. We, here at McNamara, can be proud and say we agree with this statement for we: • Have the highest ACT composite score of all high schools in Kankakee County • Celebrate the fact that the Class of 2015 had a 100% graduation rate and 100% college attendance • Have an 18% increase in enrollment in our fine arts program • Offer ‘Honors Band” this year that includes a music theory component • Have increased our dual credit courses from “0” three years ago to “5” currently • Have 88% of this year’s senior class enrolled in at least one dual credit course • Have had our AP scores increase by 35% • Have the percentage of our students passing the AP exam with a 3, 4 or 5 increase by 56% • Have 24% of our seniors who will graduate this May with 10 college credits each However, what makes us “MORE” is the fact that we are able to include religion and moral instruction. Faith and character development has been at the heart of Catholic schooling since its beginning and remains an essential part of our school today. It is not what you know, but how you behave that is the greater prediction of your long term success. Catholic schools have known this and have followed through with it for decades! But just as our Catholic Church has changed, so too, have our Catholic schools changed. We have been forced to rely more on the laity of our faith and of the greater Church. This is why the alumni of St. Patrick’s, St. Patrick Central, and Bishop McNamara are so important! It is people just like you that are supporting new ventures in our Catholic schools in the sense of operation and structure, governance, student recruitment, mission effectiveness, teacher training, and community partnerships. Your willingness to share your time, talents and treasure is what is assisting us in these new endeavors and fresh approaches and for that we say “thank you!” Thank you for helping the mission with its schools! May God continue to bless you and your families, Terry Granger Principal • Irish Alumni Association Board of Directors Terry Memenga ’99 Vice President Sarah Piggush Mickler ’99 President LeAnne Grise Provost ’94 Secretary I DO NOT HAVE HER PHOTO Sharon Draude ‘53 Nick Elliott ‘06 Jenna Frazier ‘07 Lisa Azzarelli Gerth ‘80 Brandi Bennett Kaner ‘00 Kelly Sullivan Kidd ‘05 Amy Devine Powell ‘81 Meghan Billadeau Elliott ‘06 Lisa Ward Holt ‘92 Lynn Tate-Harwell ‘85 Adrian Provost ‘92 Judy Purcell Todnem ‘78 Terry Granger ’76 Principal Sandy LaMotte Malpasuto ’82 Coordinator of Advancement FROM OUR COORDINATOR OF ADVANCEMENT Sandy LaMotte Malpasuto Dear Alumni and Friends, We have been truly blessed these past few months seeing hundreds of our Alumni at various Bishop McNamara events. Once you take a peek inside this edition of the Irish Update, you will see what I mean! We have seen six (6) decades of alumni at a variety of recent celebrations where we witnessed the reminiscing of high school joys and sorrows, laughter and tears, along with the sharing of life experiences acquired over the years. A sentimental spirit filled the air during all of these festivities. Our most recent homecoming activities were so much fun! The gorgeous weather certainly helped. If you are planning a class reunion, consider getting together over homecoming weekend. Next year’s homecoming is being planned for the weekend of (insert date). We will continue to have our new and improved alumni tent at the Friday night football game followed by an after-game get together for all alumni and friends. On Saturday morning, we give tours of the school! We would love for you to join us! As always, we thank you for your continued support and we hope to see all of you very soon! Kindest regards, Sandy LaMotte Malpasuto ‘82 Coordinator of Advancement • Irish Update 3 McNamara Welcomes Assistant Principal for Mission Effectiveness and Student Life We are extremely pleased to ann o u n c e t h a t M r. Patrick Kennedy ’90 has joined the administrative staff of Bishop McNamara High School. Mr. Kennedy is a 1995 graduate of Villanova University where he served as Patrick Kennedy ‘90 the school’s first two term student body President. He also holds a Masters in Catholic Education Leadership from the University of San Francisco. Patrick serves as our Assistant Principal for Mission Effectiveness and Student Life. Specifically, he is working closely with our students in the College Counseling area as well as in our Campus Ministry office where his main focus is on our Christian Service program. Mr. Kennedy also serves as our Student Council Moderator and as our golf coach. Join us in welcoming Patrick back to McNamara. We are excited to witness firsthand what his dedication and enthusiasm for Catholic education will bring to the McNamara community! Dear Fellow McNamarans, It is my pleasure to return to Bish op McNamara, a special place where, along with my ten siblings, I found a war m, caring, college preparatory env ironment that helped me grow in self-awarene ss, critical thought, and faith. I am honored to be called back to serve the McNama ra community as it moves to more effectively carry out its bold mission of educating your children “morally, spiritually and personally in a community of love.” I am eager to serve you and my Alm a Mater. I have involved with Cath olic schools since the days when my mother founded Kankakee’s first Montess ori School. I am eager to return home to help Bish op McNamara grown stronger in its mission. This is especially true for the educati ng of the whole person, or cura personalis, as Mr. Granger alluded to in his announ cement above. I invite you to invite me in to disc uss Bishop McNamara and your children. I also invite you to reignite the passion you have for Catholic education as McNamara recommits itself to being the edu cational leader here in Kankakee Cou nty. My objective is to reach each stud ent where they are and help equip them with the skills and confidence to ascend to that next level. We will work with each student to guide her/him through opportunitie s, providing guidance and support along in the academic and personal developmen t process. The true aim of education is to edu cate for life and leadership. That leadership is manifest in many ways – as a resp onsible employer or employee, as a mother or father, as an active volunteer in a commun ity. The aim of Catholic education complements that same mission, but educating the right way. We strive to produce young adults who are healthy, compassionate, well rounded, goal-oriented citizens of the world. Bishop McNamara invites our stud ents to strive to achieve goals that are purposeful, utilize the potential of the student and contribute positively to the glob al community. This is an altruistic and ambitiou s mission. It is tested by the trap pings of modern society and the challenges pos ed by the entertainment industry, social media, materialism, the attraction of fina ncial wealth, or the social benefits that come from destructive decisions such as smo king and underage drinking. We have to be about something more. Our teens have to be about som ething more. I come to McNama ra because I am committed to helping make our school something more. Please join me in that ambitious end eavor. Please join me in raising our standards and increasing our effo rts to help guide, support and dire ct your children, our children, towards being about something more than that which society has relegated upon them. More in their academ ic pursuits. More in their effort in the fine arts and athletics. More in thei r social decisions. More in their amb itions. More in their expectations of themselves. More in their critical thou ght and spiritual formation. More. I look forward to working tirelessl y in partnership with you, helping your daughter and son be their bes t. I hope that they will choose to be more. Patrick Kennedy ‘90 We are right at your fingertips! Visit our school website at Follow us on our alumni Twitter page @bishopmacalumni Like us on FaceBook by searching for Bishop McNamara Catholic High School Alumni 4 Irish Update • HOMECOMING 2015 Jared O’Connor ‘12, Robbie Payne ‘12, Ryan Lambert ‘12, Mitchell Gerth ‘11 Scott Kyrouac ‘80 and daughter, Annie Kyrouac ‘16 - 2015 Homecoming Queen Jim Surprenant ‘95, Craig Marquie ‘95 Madonna Raiche, Rita Walsh Mroz ‘67, John Mroz ‘65 Tyler Boerschig ‘09, Collin Ryan ‘10, Bradie Vaubel ‘13 Nick Elliott ‘06 and Meghan Billadeau Elliott ‘06 Mark Guimmond ‘70, Irish O’Reilly ‘65, Gerry Gund ‘70, Ron Cheffer ‘70 Fr. Mike Keliher, CSV ‘65, Jan LeClaire Homan ‘65, Joyce Raspolich ‘65 DJ at Brookmont Bowl Michael Berger ‘05, Patrick Kennedy ‘90 Sarah Piggush Mickler, Sandy LaMotte Malpasuto ‘82, Fr. Dan Belanger, CSV, Lisa Azzarelli Gerth ‘80, Lynn Tate Harwell ‘85 Pat Kennedy ‘90, Mike O’Brien ‘92, Peggy Purcell Mayer ‘90 Austin Provost ‘90, Ken Cousins ‘90 • Brandon Washington ‘90, Sean Hoyer ‘90 Releigh Turro ‘15, Alex Demack ‘15 Connie Barnhill Legris ‘72, Vicky McKay, Tom McKay ‘70, Joe Legris ‘70, Cathy Herr, Bill Herr ‘70 Pat Pollett Capanna ‘70, Ron Cheffer ‘70 Marty Giardina ‘70, Kathleen Kennedy Shepherd ‘70 Irish Update 5 1955 CLASS OF 60th Class Reunion The Class of 1955 celebrated their 60th Class Reunion over the weekend of August 14th. On Friday, August 14th they had a get together at the home of Monica Benoit Ruder. On Saturday, the 15th they had dinner together at the Homestead in Kankakee. Sunday, the 16th they attended 10:00 Mass at St. Patrick’s in Kankakee followed by a brunch at the home of Teddy Kahnt Brosseau. Bottom Row, left to right: Joan Manau VanDerKarr, Pat Deany Gift, Rosemary Gulczynski Devine, Julie Cotsones Romero, Mary Linda Huot Caffarelli, Carol Wheeler Hoover, Teddy Kahnt Brosseau, Anne Prince, Monica Benoit Ruder, Mary Jane Odette Sypult, Gertrude Beaupre Auberry. Top Row, left to right: Robert Roy, Vern Denault, Ed Cawi, Richard Skelly, John Brill, Philip Gadbois, Ralph Marquis, Richard Schultz, Annette Weber Daily-Gladu, Joan Gaffnex Wright, Marian Monik Wulffe. 1960 CLASS OF 55th Class Reunion The Class of 1960 met for their 55th Class Reunion on Friday, September 11th and Saturday, September 12th. On Friday, they got together at Oliver’s in Bradley. Their Saturday began with the 4:00 “Blue Mass” at St. Patrick’s in Kankakee during the “Half Paddy” celebration. After Mass, they joined for dinner at the Kankakee Country Club. Front Row, left to right: Claire LeBeau McGinnis, Rev. Joel Fortier, Joy Cassidy Vaupel, Mary Lagesse Donovan, Mary Moody Nogay, Jay LaMontagne Powers, Sharon Arseneau Burton, Maryanne LaBeau Thacker, Madeline LoBue Main, Janice Brosseau Sims, Janet Walker Stevenson, Rosaria Costello Riley, (seated) Kathy Schmidt Burge, Linda Lockwood Sikma. Middle Row, left to right: Len O’Connor, Jackie Betourne O’Connor, Judy Thoreson Layne; Top Row, left to right: Bob Hunger Joe Donovan, Chuck Hanson, Dick Palzer, Dennis Brosseau, Dianna Anderson Wilson, Judy Skeen Trepanier, Linda Eddleman Bergeron, Sandy Beck Donley, Dean Collins, Sandy Ninis Sweeney, Quita Olsen Carmouch, Mary Ellen Grey Splear. Back Row, left to right: Don Mackey, Duane Roy, John Bart, Dennis Bertrand, Mike Benoit. 6 Irish Update Mary Ann LaBeau Thacker ‘60 presents a donation to Bishop McNamara High School from the Class of 1960 to Terry Granger ‘76, Principal after their recent reunion. • 1965 CLASS OF 50th Class Reunion The Class of 1965 celebrated their 50th Class Reunion over the weekend of September 27th. They attended the Friday night Homecoming football game and all the Alumni festivities. On Saturday they gathered at the Farmer’s Market in Downtown Kankakee and/or took a guided tour of Bishop McNamara High School. They met for 4:00 Mass at St. Rose of Lima Church in Kankakee where their very own, Fr. Michael Keliher, CSV was the celebrant. Following Mass, they gathered for dinner at the Kankakee Train Depot. On Sunday, they had a post-party breakfast at the Kankakee Country Club! Back Row, left to right: Dave Raiche, Bevan LaBeau, Fr. Mike Keliher, Paul Suprenant, Rod Whittington, Ralph Lambert, Steve Siemsen, Glenn Seamark, Denny Glenzinski, Merle Marquie, Harold Heiss, Ken Johnson, Rich Zinanni, Jim Adame, Gene Rademacher, John Mroz, Rich Hansen, Bob Granger, Dave Arseneau, Wayne Hubert. Front Row, left to right: John Cahill, Gene Heflin, Joyce Piggush Burdge, Mary Jo Scime Krall, Sandy Mantoan Shepard, Pat Pommier DeHaan, Vickie Breault Therien, Ruth Hiles Seamark, Faustina Brookshaw, Pat Gierich Hofmeister, Jan LeClaire Homan, Rosie Stefanich Klipp, Suzie Brown Ruder, Jill Schriner Dufour, Judy Geistwhite Jensen, Erika Schiel Schwabeck, Joyce Raspolich, Nancy Wechter Gay, Pam Palmateer Randles, Linda Granger Antons, Sandy Zaucha Hubert, Mary Ellen Scanlon, Ellen Hauert Emling. 1970 CLASS OF 45th Class Reunion The Class of 1970 celebrated their 45th reunion on Friday, September 25th where they gathered at the Alumni tent during the football game. They then attended the Alumni post-game reception at Brookmont Bowl. Bottom Row, L to R: Kathleen Kennedy Shepherd, Chrissie Raymond, Rick Regnier. Middle Row, L to R: Bill Herr, Ron Cheffer, Gerry Gund, Mark Guimond, Pat Pollett Capanna, Tom Bourgeois, Carmen Lambert Moroney, Marty Giardina, Tom McKay and Photobomber Mary Riley Williams (Westview ‘70). Top Row, L to R: Rick Mackin, John Quick, Gary Brosseau, Kevin Shea, Joe Legris, Lauren Grant Bass. Attended but not pictured: Steve Lucas, Paul Miller, Karen McLaren Miller • Irish Update 7 1975 CLASS OF 40th Class Reunion Class of 1975 celebrated their 40th Class Reunion on Friday, September 11th at the Exline Sportsman’s Club. Bottom Row, left to Right: Dom Borgialli, Beth Olsen Provost, Tammy Jo Martin Billadeau, Ray Bailey, Donna Fenton Leinart, Joy Whittington Mullady. Second Row from Bottom, left to right: James Mackin, Mark “Tiny” Latham, Karl Provost, Amy Ciaccio Jarvis, Chris Azzarelli Martin, Patti Houdlett, Karen DeMola Deam, Mary Danca Mayo, Val Kirchman Guenette, Dan Guenette, Debbie McDonald Ball, Michelle Guenette Kupzak. Third Row from Bottom, left to right: Steve Burns, Fred Capriotti, Joe Koronkowski, Mike Mulcahy, Linda Pollett Nishijima, Kevin O’Connor, Karen Parbs Menard, Lori Schnell Norden, Patty Rivard Glenzinski, Susie Ams Foster, Steve Hoey. Top Row, left to right: Bill Meade, Mark McCullough, Steve DeSelm, Richard “Dickey” Schmidt, Ray Schmidt, Kevin Stankewicz Attended but not pictured: Chris Heiss Felter, Linda Fritz, Dennis Laurent, Mary Daily Brown 1985 CLASS OF 30th Class Reunion The Class of 1985 celebrated their 30th Class Reunion the on Saturday, July 18th at the Majestic Theatre in Kankakee. Front Row, left to right: Tim Guerin, Greg Mullinax, Tammie Collings Barclay, Beth Metcalf Messier, Trina Lambert Bruno, Kristin Hamende Jackson, Joy Mossman Goebbert, Gina Africano O’Halloran, Julie Mossman Flaherty, Pam Smith, Jill Patchett Munce, Melissa Berg Marcotte. Middle Row, left to right: Brian Coash, Tim Blanchette, Morry Decker, Jim Worby, Tommy Oliver, Stacie May, Molly Kennedy Peddinghaus, Tonya Randle Collins, Lynn Tate Harwell, Kim Edwards Allen, Lori Hoekstra, Jeanne Grubbs Blauw, Trisha Parish. Back Row: Tom Mulcahy, Kevin Clocksin, Scott Berg, Greg Smith, Brian Smietanski, Mike Mowrey, Jeff Pelletier, Sean Hunt, Kelly Petersen Neumann, Andrea Athanasopulos Cinnamon, Dana MacDonald Bernicky. 8 Irish Update • 1990 CLASS OF 25th Class Reunion The Class of 1990 celebrated their 25th Class Reunion on September 25th & 26th over Homecoming weekend. They gathered at the Alumni tent on Friday evening at the football game and then attended the Alumni post-game reception at Brookmont Bowl. On Saturday, the Class of 1990 got together at the home of Scott and Jenny Keigher Fogel for a pot-luck dinner. Bottom Row, L to R: Tricia O’Reilly Dotson, Jenny Keigher Fogel, Peggy Purcell Mayer, Jeremy Kirchman, Lucy Chinski McCawley, Jason Deno. Middle Row, L to R: Allison Herr, Bobbie Jo Gash Hamilton, Caroline Ramirez Viglia, Mindy Moisant Studer, Kathy Taggart Senese, Susan Ostrowski Schultz, Rose Bailey, Laura Blanchette Burger, Patrick Kennedy. Top Row, L to R: Mike Hammond, Eric Beach, Rick Longtin, Austin Provost, Noelle Nolan, Julie Anderson, Joel Fox, Jill Kadow, Aaron Lundell, Amy Sippel Hornyak, Sean Hoyer, Brandon Washington, Michelle Dennison Hitsch, Rich Murray, Karen Zucker, Ken Cousins, Jill Riberdy Waszak, Bruce Shear, Alison Girard Latham. 1995 CLASS OF 20th Class Reunion The Class of 1995 held their 20th Class reunion over Homecoming weekend. They attended the Homecoming football game on Friday, September 25th and enjoyed the Alumni festivities! On Saturday, September 26th, they met at No Dogs in Kankakee. Standing, left to right: Jeff Tjarks, Melissa Breault Reisor, Bob Yohnka, Lyndsay Billadeau Tincher, Sam Aprile, Chuck Snyder, Cindy Schnell Nowman, Mike Williams, Ryan Spielman,& Val Schrementi Alvarez. Leaning, left to right: Jason Hildabrant, Erin Douglas, Rhonda Belluso Bambrick, Amy Denault Baugman, Kelly Martin White. Bottom Level, left to right: Vicki Piggush Strever, Adam Hayden, Adam Benoit, & Rory Nugent (in front). In attendance but not in photo: Bri Palmeteer, Kelly Smith Haley, Shawn Lade, Chasity Statler Lade, Colleen Fritz Nelson, Val Kisiel, Michelle Keeling Yohnka, Mike Sandusky, Natalie Causer Jensen, Joe Nugent, Craig Marquie, Jim Suprenant, Kari Posing Cotton, Tom Richmond, Jessica Giroux Lambert • Irish Update 9 2005 CLASS OF 10th Class Reunion The Class of 2005 celebrated their 10th Class Reunion on Friday, September 11th. They attended the Friday night football game at Bishop McNamara and then gathered at Grapes and Hops in Kankakee. Bottom Row, left to right: Rose Fisher Jost, Pete Worth, Steve Picucci, Grant Hoekstra. Middle Row, left to right: Cameron Sutton, August LaBeau, Calvin Rink, Lauren Traficanto, Kristin Larsen, Lana Longtin Jagannathan, Jason Dionne, Kate Ciaccio McKannan, Allie LeRoy Loy, Lindssay O’Connor. Top Row, left to right: Doug Rorabough, Graham Schmidt, Jennifer Van Duyne, Abby Danielle Barry, Nick Pilotte, Grant Girard, Brittany Buttle, Patrick Robinson, Maureen Fogarty, Jana Bonvallet, Naomi Clyden LaMarr, Kelly Sullivan Kidd, Kim LaRoche, Ryan Wilson, Ryan Gerberding. HOMECOMING 2016 Future Irish Alumni Is there a new baby in your family? Email Sandy at to request a bib. We will send you one in the mail! Take a photograph of your baby with the bid on and email it back to us. We will publish it in the next Irish Update. Duke Kimberlin was born on December 15, 2014 to Ryan Kimberlin ‘03 & Sarah Grise Kimberlin ‘04. Are you considering your Class Reunion over Homecoming weekend next year? Homecoming 2016 will be on Friday (______) TREASURES OF ITALY PILGRIMAGE Eleven Days June 14 – 24, 2016 Hosted by Rev. Dan Belanger, C.S.V. Visiting Florence, Assisi, Lanciano, Monte Sant’Angelo, San Giovanni Rotondo and the Shrine of Padre Pio, Sorrento, Pompeii, the Benedictine Abbey of Monte Cassino and Rome with Vatican City and a PAPAL AUDIENCE!! Only $3799 per person from Chicago (Air/land tour price is $3169 plus $630 govt. taxes/airline surcharges) TOUR PRICE INCLUDES: Roundtrip Air from Chicago, Government Taxes & Airline Surcharges, First Class/Select Hotels, Most Meals, Services of a Professional Tour Director & Comprehensive Sightseeing throughout, all hotel service charges, porterage and entrances fees. For a brochure & more information contact Judy Peerbolte: Phone: (815) 935-2500 • Email: COME CELEBRATE THE HOLY JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY!! (some of our Alumni from St. George Church will be attending the trip!) 10 Irish Update • May 1, 2015 Hilton Garden Center Inn and Conference Center Ole Opry Bishop McNaMara 31st aNNual DiNNer auctioN Areca VanMill and daughter, Aubree Smith ‘15 Jennifer Dole ‘01 and Kelly Donnelly Left to Right: Jake Tutt ‘13, Jacob McLocklin, Molly Tutt ‘07 , Lisa Tutt, Paul Tutt ‘74, Amy Geister, Maggie Tutt ‘02, Alex Tutt ‘05 Sally O’Connor and Ron O’Connor ‘82 y a W Our Bishop McNamara Liz Marczak Madsen ‘77, Todd Arseneau ‘86, 32nd Annual Dinner Auction Nick Jakubowski ‘01, Nicole Jakubowski, Auction Save the Date Friday, May 13, 2015 Hilton Garden Inn • Kankakee CHAIRMEN: Todd ‘86 and Tricia Arseneau HONORARY CHAIRMAN: Sharon Soucie Jackson ‘56 • Shawna Cox, Adam Cox ‘01 Sharon Soucie Jackson ‘56, Tricia Arseneau y a W Our Bishop McNamara 32nd Annual Dinner Auction Irish Update 11 G lf C assic July 17, 2015 IRISH Oak Springs Golf Course FOR MEN AND WOMEN Sponsored by the Irish Alumni Association Terry Memenga ‘81, Adam Memenga ‘04, Michael Breault ‘10, Bruce Breault ‘71 Charlie Harpin ‘66 and Joe Ciaccio ‘66 Jason Dole ‘98 Stacie Mroz, Joe Mroz ‘89, Ronn Brosseau, Michelle Mroz Brosseau ‘96 Steve Ortman ‘74 and Sam Ortman ‘97 Tricia O’Reilly Dotson ‘90 and Brandi Bennett Kaner ‘00 Andy Pallissard ‘92, Chad Nugent ‘91, Joel Pallissard ‘88, Ryan Nugent ‘06 Tricia Donahoe Boudreau ‘93 and LeAnne Grise Provost ‘94 Olivia LaMore ‘13 Scott Piggush ‘01, Neil Piggush ‘98, Todd Lindsay ‘98, Matt Douglas ‘98 Left: Nick Krause ‘91, Jack Renchen ‘91, Andy Cryer ‘91 Right: David Ayers ‘58, Dick Stack ‘58, Lee Guimond ‘58 12 Irish Update Dar Provost ‘63 and Adrian Provost ‘92 • Date????, 2015 Bishop McNamara High School SCRIMMAGE Mass At the Alumni Association sponsored Scrimmage Mass, the newly renovated Campus Ministry Room was dedicated to Madelyn and the late Patrick O’Brien, dedicated friends of Bishop McNamara High School. CAMPUS MINISTRY OBJECTIVE: To complete a full assessment of the Campus Ministry Program of Bishop McNamara High School identifying areas of strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats within the program itself. In completing this assessment we will also be addressing three specific areas within the BMHS Strategic Plan: • Evaluate co-curricular offerings and develop a plan to enhance the offerings • Review the student service hour requirement and the approach to service hours for all grade levels • Create opportunities for students to have an increased and active ownership within the school community Dennis O’Brien ‘94, Madelyn O’Brien, OVERARCHING GOAL: The overarching goal would be twofold: 1) To enhance the student life experience, specifically the “spiritual” student life experience, of the Bishop McNamara Mike O’Brien ‘92 student body through the Campus Ministry Program. 2) Align/Re-Align the Campus Ministry Program to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) document entitled “Vision of Youth Ministry”. Based on the suggestions from the committee and the recommendations that followed from those discussions, these are the items identified as needing immediate action to begin campus ministry improvements this school year. They are Mose listed in order of priority as identified by the administration. Arseneau ‘54 OUTREACH TO GRADE SCHOOLS: and Dolores • Work with Emily and Pat to create a plan to send a letter to principals/DRE and schedule visits Kilbride • This area of outreach is a priority of the administration and should be addressed immediately • Follow the recommendations for contacting the schools Arseneau ‘54 RETREATS: • Changing the retreats was a priority of the administration in previous discussions. • Each grade level retreat is to be changed • Immediate attention needs to be given to a freshman retreat experience; service should be part of the freshman retreat • Sophomore retreat will focus on team building. Local resources outside of BMCHS should be identified • Promote kairos as the junior retreat • Retreat leader training binders need to be created and reviewed • Kairos leader training sessions will be written out in advance and reviewed. • Outsource Senior retreat leadership. Homer and • Contact the retreat center used for Kairos about having both Kairos retreats for the 2016-2017 year in the spring Mary Martin MASS/PRAYER/LITURGY: • In consultation with administration, decide mass time and location and which groups will be involved in planning each mass throughout the school year • Create a planning sheet with all details to be decided about the mass • Create a set up sheet with all the details for setting up for mass • Create a Eucharistic Minister application for all students eligible • Create a one session Eucharistic Minister training and show it to Fr. Dan Roseanne • Create an application for students who want to be acolytes Ciaccio • Contact choir director to set up meeting about mass music for the year Stuckmaier ‘74 • Contact art teacher about potential for art students to assist in creating environment for mass • Purchase books to have as morning prayer resources and Barbara CHRISTIAN SERVICE PROGRAM: Leone • Change the name anywhere it is seen (website, etc) from Service to Christian Service Ciaccio ‘45 • Change the information on the website to reflect the new deadlines that are decided upon, the 15 hours a year (not just 60 total), the changes to the reflection (paper turned in at the end of the year to reflect what they are learning in religion class or reflection after each service opportunity) • Connect with Pat to see if online system is possible (per small group discussion, Pat said he would work on this area) • Create on website a file that can be updated consistently with specific service opportunities in the area, who at the agency students should contact if they are interested • Plan to have in school service opportunities for students having difficulty finishing their hours • Create a sheet for religion teachers to pass out to students with the changes to the Christian service program. Jeanne Breault • Plan to let teachers know at the faculty institute day about the changes to the Christian service program • Send letter to area agencies asking them to notify you of upcoming events where students can volunteer Keigher ‘56 and BUDGET: Pat Keigher ‘58 • Create a budget for Campus Ministry with line items and review it with the administration Once the items on this action plan are addressed/completed, new items to continue the change process will be identified. It is suggested the review of these current items and selection of new items for change be discussed before the next full committee meeting so updates can be presented at that meeting tentatively set for November. • Irish Update 13 The 2nd Annual Ken Klipp Classic was held on Saturday, August 22nd. The honorees this year were Tim Kennedy ’90 and Teri Fuelling Gamino ’88 who were the first female and male students that earned All-State Honors in Cross Country when they attended Bishop McNamara High School. It was a gorgeous day where family, friends, volunteers and 107 race participants joined together to celebrate this event. August 22, 2015 The Bishop McNamara High School Ken Klipp CLASSIC 5K Run 2 Mile Walk The overall male winner of the 5K Run for the 2nd year in a row was Marty Klipp ’94 of Cedar Rapids, IA and the overall female 5K Run winner this year was Angie McQueen of Urbana, IL. Top walker this year was Tom Meents of Kankakee. Suzanne Memenga Boudreau ‘82 Tom Linneman ‘86 Charlene Lahners Klipp ‘67, Marty Klipp ‘94, Oliver Klipp, Ken Klipp Aubree Smith ‘14 and Jenny Keigher Fogel ‘90 Linda Walsh Mancuso ‘68, Rita Walsh Mroz ‘67 Carol Vallone, Ken Klipp, John Vallone (event sponsors) Patrick O’Brien ‘07 14 Irish Update Chris Curtis ‘87, Teri Fuelling Gamino ‘88, Molly Kennedy Peddinghaus ‘85 Tim Kennedy ‘90, Ken Klipp, Teri Fuelling Gamino ‘88 • Alumni Gratitude Reception Left: Colette Gernon, Sissy O’Connor ‘84, Tom O’Connor ‘56, Maureen O’Connor Right: Kathy Mroz Saindon ‘86, Curt Saindon ‘83, David Hoekstra ‘84, Cathy Hoekstra Anthony and Oletha Grant Gregg Blanchette ‘87, Kyle Bovie ‘80, Amy Nelson Bovie ‘80 Alumni Speakers at McNamara During Homecoming week, Illinois State Trooper, Jayme Carter Bufford ’00, Safety Education Officer, gave a presentation to our entire student body on the topic...Safe Driving “What Do You Consider Lethal? • Mallory O’Connor Guerreso ‘04 and Katie Jakubowski ‘04 were the key note speakers at the Father-Daughter Luncheon last spring. After graduating high school, Mallory attended Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee where she double majored in Human & Organizational Development and Child Studies. She went on to Loyola University’s School of Law, graduating with the Child and Family Law Certificate. She is currently employed as an Associate Attorney at Reed, Centracchio & Associates, LLC, a boutique family law firm in Chicago. Katie attended Northwestern University earning a bachelor of arts degree in Political Science. She then received her law degree from Notre Dame University. She is currently an Associate in the Healthcare Department at Barnes & Thornburg, LLP, in Chicago. Irish Update 15 Searching for Sharks When budding entrepreneur Chris Ruder ’93 appeared on ABC’s Shark Tank in May, his Spikeball product was already a well-established business startup, with proven results and a passionate, cultlike following of players. Spikeball, a toy from the 1980’s was ‘re-invented’ by Chris, his brother Matt ’90, twins Tim & Pat Kennedy ’90, Adam Ruder ’97 and Kankakee native and family friend, Barry Small. Chris is the CEO and owner of Spikeball, and has worked the past eight years to create a brand whose success allowed him to leave his job at Live Nation as a sales executive. Don’t call this a ‘game,’ as Chris and his seven employees are quick to note. Spikeball is a sport. And, with an estimated 8,000 competitive ‘ballers’ around college campuses and high schools nationwide, the ‘sport’ label is justified. Spikeball Hall of Famers -’79’ers Alex Kremer, Jim Kennedy, Joe Franco Jr., Colin Gubbins, and Rory O’Connor A 1993 graduate of Marquette University, Chris’ efforts have been lauded by business periodicals such as Crain’s Chicago Business, Outside Magazine, and In 2014, Chris graduated from Chicago’s Junto Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership, a reputed program geared towards helping aspiring entrepreneurs. He resides in Wicker Park with his wife, Shaw, and their three children. On the Shark Tank episode, Chris proved to be a tough negotiator with the sharks, ultimately making a deal ‘in principle’ with Damon John. In May at the viewing party, Ruder’s performance was lauded by hundreds of friends and family who joined him at the company’s West Loop headquarters. The night had many special surprises, including the proclamation from Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s official recognition of May 15, 2015 being known as Spikeball Day by the City of Chicago. An added surprise to the evening involved five other former Bishop McNamara students, who were inducted into the inaugural Spikeball Hall of Fame. Members of the Class of 1979 (L to R) Alex Kremer, Jim Kennedy, Joe Franco were the ones who helped introduce the game to the Ruders and the Kennedys years ago, and the ‘juniors’ as the 79’ers called them, took the (Spike)ball and ran with it. Under Chris’ leadership, it has been quite the run. And it has no signs of letting up anytime soon. Please visit for more information. Rest In Peace Ian Sanders, son of Nicole Bissonnette ’89, will appear on MasterChef Junior on FOX in November. 16 Irish Update Robert Hudson........................... 1938 Elinor Haake DeYoung .............. 1941 Leonard Ostrowski .................... 1944 Barbara Petranek Croley .......... 1947 Pat Dowell Kohl ......................... 1948 Dorothy Suprenant O’Kelly ....... 1948 Norma Jean Jacobs Walters .... 1949 Joel Lecuyer.............................. 1950 Betty Devine ............................... 1951 Alice Rush Galvez ...................... 1952 Gerald Savoie ............................. 1953 Thomas Boudreau ..................... 1955 Clarence Brough ........................ 1955 Deloris Mathis Spenard............. 1955 Clarence Beland ........................ 1957 Fr. Joseph Butters ..................... 1957 Diane Hartquist Macaluso ........ 1960 Eugene Schlenz ......................... 1964 Dan Wilken ................................. 1965 Barbara Caillouette Murray ...... 1966 Steve Coash ............................... 1967 Thomas Bourgeois .................... 1970 Rhonda Turro Botts ................... 1977 Marie Sako ................................. 1995 John “J.” Swaim ....................... 1995 Fred Bieber...............................Friend Calvin Frogge ...........................Friend Sylvia Guimond ........................Friend Lucille Marcotte .......................Friend James Kresl ....... Past Parent/Friend Patrick O’Brien .. Past Parent/Friend • Steve Bertrand ‘81 with Principal, Terry Granger ‘76 In May 2015, Steve Bertrand was inducted into WGN Radio’s Walk of Fame. The ceremony and live broadcast took place at Tribune Towers on N. Michigan Avenue. Steve can be heard on WGN’s channel 720 AM weekday afternoons and Saturdays. Steve had been a key voice on WGN for over 30 years. He has also brought his love of books to the station with author interviews during his program “Steve Bertrand on Books.” IRISH UPDATE Contributors Thank you to everyone who contributes to help defray the cost of printing and mailing the Irish Update. Jeanne Provancal Regnier ........................................1945 Leon Blanchette .........................................................1948 Robert E. Dionne .......................................................1948 Richard VanDerKarr ...................................................1948 Dennis Savoie ............................................................1950 Justin Cyrier................................................................1951 Patricia Morrow Hunter ...............................................1951 George and Eleanor Henneberger McCormick ..........1951 Kathleen McLean Schalk ............................................1952 Sharon Draude ...........................................................1953 Richard Gagnon .........................................................1953 Clarence Brough.........................................................1955 Mary Rosendahl Cote .................................................1957 Class of 1960..............................................................1960 Kathy Schmidt Burge ..................................................1960 Ronald Euchner ..........................................................1961 Michael Mackin ...........................................................1963 James Adame .............................................................1965 Michael Ohrt ...............................................................1965 Charles Lambert .........................................................1968 James Ciaccio ............................................................1969 • Dale’71 and Lynn Devine Piggush ‘72.................. 1971-72 Michael Lambert .........................................................1978 Christine Kilbride McGovern .......................................1987 Elizabeth Hoevet Rau .................................................1996 Marlene Clancy........................................................ Friend Loretta LaFrance ..................................................... Friend Kay Lindner ............................................................. Friend Elizabeth Martin ....................................................... Friend Irish Update 17 Alumni in the news Robbie Guimond Holz ’72 author and wellness enthusiast Robbie Guimond Holz ’72 is an author and wellness enthusiast. Robbie recently released her memoir, Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening, the sequel to her award-winning book, Secrets of Aboriginal Healing, currently in over 35 countries. She is an international speaker and holistic consultant. Robbie is dedicated to creating a healthier world. She resides in Seattle, WA and is currently writing her third book. Visit to read her life story. Justin Painter ’88 steadicam operator A member of the International Cinemaphotographer’s Guild since 1997, Justin has worked on several films including, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, The Hulk, Transformers 3 and 4. He has also contributed to Chicago Fire, Chicago PD and Empire in Chicago. Justin lived in Los Angeles from 1997 to 2011, but has since returned to Chicago. He has worked all over the world, including New Zealand, Dubai, Germany, China and India. He was the Steadicam Operator for the 2015 “My Goal” commercials as well as the Harris Bank commercials for the Blackhawks. Connolly Keigher ’99 trip director & overseer - on the campaign trail One wouldn’t know that Connolly Keigher was serving as a personal assistant to the most high-profile Democratic candidate for President, but it’s not uncommon to catch her in the background of a shot on Fox News or CNN. If you want a quick photo with Hillary Clinton, it’s usually Connolly who takes the photo. Her responsibilities have the Mantenonative and Marquette University graduate doing so much more. Connolly works as the overseer of the “advance” team, communicating and coordinating alongside arguably the world’s best trained security detail in the US Secret Service, local police and countless local leaders. The level or responsibility is commonplace for Connolly, as she has worked with various senior level advance teams for over ten years. Caleb Ganzer ’03 head sommelier Caleb serves as the head sommelier at Compagnie des Vins Surnaturels Centre Street in New York City’s posh SoHo district, a position he began in March 2015. Caleb is a 2009 graduate of the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, where he majored in French and International Business. He moved to Paris during his senior year of college. He began working in a champagne bar where his love for wine turned into a passion. He immersed himself immediately in the wine and food industry becoming a specialist in his field of study. Pairing wine with food is an art and Caleb has crafted his knowledge and experience to an expert level. Damian Shannon ’88 Hollywood screenwriter Perhaps it was Mrs. Rebecca Gonski’s Film Festival that triggered Damian’s interest in writing and producing films, but whatever it was, it sure has paid off wonderful dividends. Damian’s works include Friday the 13th (2009) and Freddy vs. Jason (2003). As a screenwriter for many projects, Damian currently has three films in the works for release in 2017 and 2018. He just finished a draft of Baywatch with Dwayne Johnson and Zac Effron. After McNamara, Damian attended New York University and the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. He resides there with his wife Tanya and their son. Brandi Branka ’08 bowling coach Bowling was always a passion of Brandi’s throughout her McNamara career. Despite playing on several Sectional Champion basketball teams where she would drive rapidly through the lane, her prowess on the lanes was equally successful. In July, Brandi was named the Head Women’s Bowling Coach at Maryville University. She will be the inaugural coach as women’s bowling begins its competitive season during the 2015-16 academic year. Brandi attended McKendree University and currently plays on the Professional Women’s Bowling Tour. She is currently ranked as the top female bowler in the Illinois. 18 Irish Update • A l 1965 - u m N e w s & Mary Mickler ‘65 currently of Albuquerque, New Mexico received her Nursing Degree from Lewis University. She has been a nurse for 29 years and recently retired. She writes that she is looking forward to traveling and recently spent 8 days in the Yucatan Peninsula learning about the Maya culture. 1972 - Monica Smith Brigham ’72 currently of Chebanse, Illinois is a retired teacher. She is the Founder and Director of Easy Street Theater for actors with special abilities. She is married to Max Brigham. They have four children (Joel, Kyle, Jenna and Jackie) and are grandparents to Paige and Morgan. 1974 - Brian Johnson ’74 currently resides in Sun City, Arizona. He recently telephoned the school to inform us of the passing of his father, Raymond Johnson (89), also of Sun City, Arizona. Mr. Johnson was a long-time supporter of Bishop McNamara High School where 3 of his 4 children attended (Brian Johnson ’74 of Sun City, AZ; Linda Rae Johnson Turner ’76 of Washington; and Robin Marie Johnson ‘77 of Kankakee; son Keith Johnson resides in Champaign, IL). Raymond Johnson was born in Chicago and graduated from the Zenith School of Electronics. He retired from Veronda’s Music Store in Kankakee and was a certified piano tuner. He served in the US Navy on the USS Bonhomme Richard from 1944-1946. He had four grandchildren; 12 great grandchildren; and 17 great great grandchildren. 1978 - Doug Beaupre ‘78 currently resides in Omro, Wisconsin. He received his Bachelor’s Degree from Eastern Illinois University in 1983 and works as the Automotive Service Director at Holiday Automotive of Fond du lac, Wisconsin. He has lived in Wisconsin for 30 years. His son, Anthony, is a Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps and earned his wings in July of 2015. His daughter, Morgan, is living and working in Philadelphia. He writes that he and his wife Sue are dog trainers. You can check them out at n i N o t e s From Fort Myers, Florida... Gary Gallais ‘65, Dick O’Connell ‘62, Jerry Huot ‘61 and Steve Siemsen ‘65. Three Bishop McNamara Catholic High School graduates are members of the National Championship softball team at Kankakee Community College. Bailee Porter (2014), played second base; and Kyleigh Payne (2014), played first base for the Cavaliers. Meghan Gill (2013) was the team’s designated hitter. Porter was named to the All-National Tournament Team. Gill was named to the Region IV AllTournament team. For the season, Porter finished second in the nation with 98 runs batted in, Payne had 11 home runs and Gill batted .349 with a .617 slugging percentage. The Cavaliers finished the year with a 45-6 record and claimed the NJCAA Division II championship. The national tournament was played in Clinton, Miss., May 13-16. From the Caribbean... Todd Ruder ‘86, Betsy Fons ‘86 and Becky Witt Feige ‘86, are all employed in education and spent their spring break together on a cruise to the Southern Caribbean. Betsy decorated her cabin door with their senior photos and other McNamara memorabilia. September Illini Football Game: Dr. Mark Paschke ‘82 (Associate Professor, Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship - Colorado State University), Jeanine Lafontaine Paschke ‘82, Joe Franklin ‘82, Dr. Paul Gubbins ‘82(Associate Dean for the UMKC School of Pharmacy at Missouri State University), John O’Gorman ‘83 and Jennifer O’Gorman. 2012 - Sara Riegel ’12 of Bonfield was recently featured in the Kankakee Daily Journal as recently attending her “White Coat Ceremony” where she was welcomed to the chiropractic profession at Logan University in Chesterfield, MO. Good luck Sara in furthering your degree in chiropractic education! • LOCATING OUR ALUMNI…. Won’t you please help us in updating our alumni addresses? Many young alumni are still listed under their parent’s address in our database. We would love to send the Irish Update to their current home. Please provide us with updated address information by emailing us at or by calling the Advancement Office at (815) 933-7620 with updated information. Irish Update 19 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 13 Kankakee, IL 550 West Brookmont • Kankakee, Illinois 60901 Dorothy And Romy hammes Hall of Honor The Dorothy and Romy Hammes Hall of Honor Induction Ceremony and Reception will take place on Tuesday, November 17th at Bishop McNamara High School. Our 2015 Inductees are: Mr. Ken Klipp – Mr. Jim Laurenti Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Madelyn O’Brien – Mr. Rich Zinanni Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for Bishop McNamara High School. Congratulations! 20 Irish Update •
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