8. Coffee Break Sponsorship 1.500 EUR
8. Coffee Break Sponsorship 1.500 EUR
INVITATION Dear Colleagues, It is a great pleasure for us to invite you to “Balkan States Anesthesia Days III’’ which will take place during 18-21 May 2016 in Skopje/Republic of Macedonia. In 2014 Balkan Anesthesia Days was established in Pristhina as a small drop but now has a growing reputation in Balkans. We, as Anesthesiology and Reanimation Specialists’ Society (ARUD), hope with the fact that each year it takes place in a different country it will earn the pride of being one of the most awaited events in Balkan Anesthesia Doctors calender. With his historical heritage, rich culture, gastronomic tradition, multicolored folklore, a nature embodying every shades of green, Macedonia is a country of crossroads in the middle of Balkans. Our topic is “Orthopedic Anesthesia and Intensive Care”. Handling our topic in a wide perspective, we will have the chance to discuss, interview, exchange information and share our experiences not only between Turkey and Republic of Macedonia, but among all the participants from Balkan States. In addition, we will consolidate our practical knowledge through the workshops. We are aiming at organizing a Congress which is both socially satisfying and scientifically enriching. We look forward to seeing you in Skopje to have an energetic and serene Congress. Prof Meral Kanbak, MD Doc Andrijan Kartalov MD, PhD Chair Chair President of ARUD President of MSA ORGANIZING COMMITTEES CHAIRS Prof Meral Kanbak, MD Doc Andrijan Kartalov MD, PhD CONGRESS SECRETARIATS Prof Fatma Sarıcaoğlu, MD Prof. Mirjana Shosholcheva, MD Doc Biljana Kuzmanovska, MD MEMBERS Aleksandar Dimitrovski, MD Prof Aslı Dönmez, MD Ass Prof Vesna Durnev, MD Tülin Gümüş, MD Ass. Prof Marija Jovanovski Srceva, MD Raif Kaya, MD Maja Mojsova, MD Prof Işıl Özkoçak, MD Aleksandar Radoeshki, MD Tanja Spirovska, MD Prof Pınar Zeyneloğlu, MD Olgica Vasileva, MD ORGANISATION and CONTACT CONGRESS SECRETARIAT Prof Fatma Sarıcaoğlu, MD e-mail: arudmail@gmail.com LOCAL SECRETARIAT Prof. Mirjana Shosholcheva, MD e-mail: sosolceva@hotmail.com ORGANISATION SECRETARIAT Diamed Congress Organization Co. Servi Sok. 31/2 Kurtuluş, Ankara, Türkiye Contact person: Hakan Günel / e-mail: hakan@diamed98.com Phone & Fax: +90 312 434 4273 / Mobile: +90 533 247 6627 LOCAL ORGANISATION SECRETARIAT New Ways of Travel 30,Blvd.Sv.Kliment Ohridski (ground floor), 1000, Skopje, Macedonia Contact person: Renata Doneva / e-mail: renata@newwaysoftravel.com.mk Phone: +389 2 32 32 234/5 / Fax: +389 2 32 32 236 / Mobile: +389 70 226674 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Prof. Seda Banu Akıncı Prof. Anış Arıboğan Prof. Hülya Bilgin Prof. Bilge Çelebioğlu Prof. Meral Kanbak Doc Andrijan Kartalov Doc Jasminka Nanceva Doc Biljana Kuzmanovska Prof. Fatma Sarıcaoğlu Prof. Mirjana Shosholcheva Doc Atanas Sivevski Doc Biljana Shirgovska Prof. Kamil Toker GENERAL INFORMATION CONGRESS DATE AND CITY: May 18-21, 2016. Skopje (Republic of Macedonia) CONGRESS VENUE: Hotel Aleksandar Palace CONGRESS PROGRAMME May 18, 2016 : May 19, 2016 : May 20, 2016 May 21, 2016 : : Registration Opening ceremony Welcome cocktail Scientific programme Scientific programme Gala dinner Scientific programme Scientific programme SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME May 18, 2016, Wednesday 09:00-16:00 REGISTRATION May 18, 2016, Wednesday 10:00-11:00 Opening Ceremony Nikola Jankulovski (Macedonia), Andrijan Kartalov (Macedonia), Meral Kanbak (Turkey) 11:00-11:30 Coffee Break 11:30-12:00 Conference I Filiz Tüzüner (Turkey), Ülkü Aypar (Turkey) A Story of Macedonian Poppy Flower Marija Soljakova (Macedonia) 12:00-13:30 Lunch 13:30-14:30 Panel I Vertebral Surgery Feyhan Ökten (Turkey), Mirjana Shosholcheva (Macedonia), Petar Ackovski (Macedonia) a- Anesthesia for Scoliosis Surgery Fatma Sarıcaoğlu (Turkey) b- Blood Management Strategies in Vertebral Surgery Katharina Sakic (Croatia) c- New Generation Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring Seda Banu Akıncı (Turkey) 14:30-15:15 Pro/Con I Regional Anesthesia in Orthopedic Surgery Asuman Uysalel (Turkey), Jülide Ergil (Turkey), Jasminka Nanceva (Macedonia) a- Continuous Regional Anesthesia is Superior to Single Shot Techniques Rudin Domi (Albania) b- Single Shot Techniques is The Best Volkan Hancı (Turkey) 15:15-15:45 Coffee Break 15:45-17:00 Panel II Anesthesia in Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery Zeynep Kayhan (Turkey), Mustafa Aksoy (Turkey), Biljana Shirgovska (Macedonia), Ljupco Donev (Macedonia) a- Are Central Blocks Suitable for One Day Case Surgery in Children Jasminka Nanceva (Macedonia) b- Epidemiology and Morbidity of Regional Anesthesia Ateş Duman (Turkey) c- Ultrasound Feasibility in Pediatric Nerve Blocks Oğuz Kılıçkaya (Turkey) d- Changes in Pediatric Anesthesia Practice: Fluid Management Antigona Hasani (Kosova) May 19, 2016, Thursday 08:00-16:00 REGISTRATION 09:00-10:15 Panel III Anesthesia for Trauma Hülya Bilgin (Turkey), Pınar Zeyneloğlu (Turkey), Biljana Kuzmanovska (Macedonia) a-Trauma at Cardiovascular Surgery Zan Mitrev (Macedonia) b- CPR in Space: Techniques and Effectiveness Jochen Hinkelbein (Germany) c- Traumatized Patients in The ICU Jasna Smajic (Bosnia-Herzegovina) d- Fluid Resuscitation in Polytrauma Paraskevi Matsota (Greece) 10:15-10:45 Coffee Break 10:45-12:15 Panel IV Orthoanesthesia Mahmut Nedim Doral (Turkey), Milan Samardziski (Macedonia), Slavica Stojanova (Macedonia) a- View Point of the Surgeon at The Anesthesia in Arthroscopic ACL Surgery Gazi Huri (Turkey) b- View Point of The Surgeon at The Anesthesia in Knee Arthroplasty Egemen Turhan (Turkey) c- Day Case Surgery in Arthroscopic Surgery Roza Dzoleva Tolevska (Macedonia) d- Do Metabolism Matters in Elective Orthopedic Surgery Marija Jovanovski Srceva (Macedonia) e- Importance of Good Postoperative Care Vesna Durnev (Macedonia) f- Surgical Indication-Anesthesiological Contraindicaton. Can We Agree or Disagree More? Maja Mojsova (Macedonia) 12:15-13:30 Lunch 13:00-13:30 Conference II Tülin Gümüş (Turkey), Vesna Durnev (Macedonia), Marija Jovanovski- Srceva (Macedonia) Daniela Filipescu (Romania) 13:30-14:30 Panel V Safety in Orthopedic Anesthesia Haluk Gümüş (Turkey), Heves Karagöz (Turkey), Tatjana Trojic (Macedonia) a-Morbid Obese Patient and Regional Anesthesia Andrijan Kartalov (Macedonia) b- Regional Anesthesia in Patients with Neurologic Disease Atanas Sivevski (Macedonia) c- Is the Beach Chair and Prone Safe Position for My Patients? Şennur Uzun (Turkey) 14:30-15:30 Panel VI Changing Perspective in Anesthesia Ömer Kurtipek (Turkey), Anış Arıboğan (Turkey), Anita Kokareva (Macedonia) a- Regional Anesthesia and Cancer Recurrence Derya Özkan (Turkey) b- Does Anesthesia Promote Alzheimer Seyhan Yağar (Turkey) c- ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) Aysun Yılmazlar (Turkey) 15:30-16:00 Coffee Break 16:00-17:00 Panel VII Coagulation in Orthopedic Anesthesia Zuhal Aykaç (Turkey), Bilge Çelebioğlu (Turkey), Vlade Ristevski (Macedonia) a- Antiplatelets, Anticoagulants and Regional Anesthesia Biljana Kuzmanovska (Macedonia) b- Is Tranexamic Acid Perfect Haemostatic Agent for Surgical Bleeding? Mirjana Shosholcheva (Macedonia) c- Haemostatic Tools Branko Cajlija (Serbia) May 20, 2016, Friday 09:00-10:30 Panel VIII Pain Management in Orthopedic Surgery Neslihan Alkış (Turkey), Mihal Kerci (Albania), Aleksandra Panovska Petrusheva (Macedonia) a- Pain Management in The Elderly Patients Eleni Mavromatti (Greece) b- Monitoring Phantom Limb Pain Apostol Vaso (Albania) c- The Management of Postoperative Pain Quirino Piacevoli (Italy) d- Comparison Between Epidural and PCA IV Analgesia after ACL Repair Slagjana Jovanovska Josevska (Macedonia) e- IV Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory Drugs Sacit Güleç (Turkey) 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break 11:00-12:15 Panel IX Postoperative ICU Ahmet Coşar (Turkey), Işıl Özkoçak Turan (Turkey), Tanja Spirovska (Macedonia) a- Postoperative Delirium Lale Karabıyık (Turkey) b- Acute Renal Failure; Role of Biomarkers Murat Sayın (Turkey) c- Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation after Scoliosis Surgery Necmettin Ünal (Turkey) d- Management and Complications in Patients with Tetanus in ICU: Case Report Darko Sazdov (Macedonia) 12:15-13:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00 Panel X Anesthesia for Geriatrics Bora Aykaç (Turkey), Aslı Dönmez (Turkey), Atanas Sivevski (Macedonia), Maja Mojsova (Macedonia) a-Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction in Elderly Patients Tanja Trojic (Macedonia) b- Cardiac Risk Assessment of Geriatric Patient Scheduled for Orthopedic Surgery Radmilo Jankovic (Serbia) c- Fracture of The Hip: Which Anesthesia Technique? Marina Temelkovska Stefanovska (Macedonia) 14:00-14:45 Conference III Pollution Meral Kanbak (Turkey), Andrijan Kartalov (Macedonia), Tritan Shehu (Albania) a- Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Impact of Isoflurane, Desflurane and Sevoflurane Ole John Nielsen (Denmark) b- Low Flow Anesthesia Paul Zilberman (Israel) 14:45-15:15 Coffee Break 15:15-16:15 Panel XI Regional Anesthesia Update Fatma Sarıcaoğlu (Turkey), Sasho Popovski (Macedonia), Zlate Shuplinovski (Macedonia) a- Peripheral Nerve Blocks in Day Case Surgeries Taylan Akkaya (Turkey) b- What is New in Regional Anesthesia Feray Gürsoy (Turkey) c- Whom Should I Not Block: Absolute and Relative Contraindictions to Peripheral Regional Anesthesia Coşkun Araz (Turkey) 16:30-17:30 Closing Ceremony May 21, 2016, Saturday 10:00-14:00 EVALUATION MEETING ORAL PRESENTATIONS May 18, 2016, Wednesday 13:30-17:00 ORAL PRESENTATIONS I May 19, 2016, Thursday 13:30-17:00 ORAL PRESENTATIONS II May 20, 2016, Friday 13:30-17:00 ORAL PRESENTATIONS III May 21, 2016, Saturday 10:00-14:00 ORAL PRESENTATIONS IV WORKSHOPS May 19, 2016, Thursday 08:00-13:00 WORKSHOP I AIRWAY MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP Kamil Toker (Turkey), Biljana Shirgovska (Macedonia), Igli Zhilla (Albania) 08:00 – 08:20 Registration 08:20 – 08:30 Welcome & Opening Ceremony 1. Fibreoptic intubation 2. Supraglottic Airway Devices 3. Fibreoptic Intubation via Supraglottic Airway Devices 4. Videostylet Fibreoptic Intubation 5. Videolaryngoscopes 6. Emergency Airway Access & Ventilation Techniques 13:00 – 13:30 Closing Ceremony May 20, 2016, Friday 08:00-13:00 WORKSHOP II BASIC COURSE OF US GUIDED PERIPHERAL NERVE BLOCKS Fatma Sarıcaoğlu (Turkey), Oğuz Kılıçkaya (Turkey) COURSE PROGRAM 08.00 - 08.20 Registration 08.20 - 08.30 Welcome & Opening ceremony 08:30 - 08:45 Basic anatomy of brachial & lumbosacral plexus Oğuz Kılıçkaya (Turkey) 08.45 - 09.00 Ultrasound knobology Alparslan Kuş (Turkey) 09.00 - 09.20 Peripheral nerve blocks for upper limb Yavuz Gürkan (Turkey) 09.20 - 09.40 Peripheral nerve blocks for lower limb Taylan Akkaya (Turkey) 09.40 - 10.00 Conventional methods for peripheral nerve blocks Coşkun Araz (Turkey) 10.00 - 10.30 Coffee Break 10.30 - 11.00 Group 1 – Interscalene Block & Supraclavicular Block 11.00 - 11.30 Group 2 – Infraclavicular Block & Axillary Block İsmet Topçu (Turkey) 12.00 - 12.30 Yavuz Gürkan (Turkey) Fatma Sarıcaoğlu (Turkey), Group 3 – Femoral Block & Fascia Iliaca Compartment Block & LFCN Block Alparslan Kuş (Turkey) Group 4 – Siatic Block & Popliteal Block Taylan Akkaya (Turkey) 12.30 - 13.00 Group 5 – Conventional methods for peripheral nerve blocks 13.00 - 13.30 Closing Ceremony 11.30 - 12.00 Coşkun Araz (Turkey) REGISTRATION, ACCOMMODATION AND SPONSORSHIPS REGISTRATION FEE for TURKEY REGISTRATION FEE for BALKANIAN (Senior) REGISTRATION FEE for BALKANIAN (Resident) CONGRESS PACKAGE FEES REGISTRATION PACKAGE COMPANION FEE Child 6-12 years (an additional bed in executive room) / (0-6 year is free; over 12-year is same with adult) REGISTRATION FEE INCLUDES * Registration fee * Admission to the sessions * Entrance to the exhibition area * Coffee breaks * Congress badge, certificate, program booklet ** 18% VAT will be added till 4th April 2016 300,00 € After 4th April 2016 350,00 € 50,00 € 40,00 € DOUBLE SINGLE DOUBLE ROOM SINGLE ROOM PER ROOM PER PERSON ROOM PERSON 1.400 € 1.100 € 1.500 € 1.200 € 350 € 400 € 200 € 250 € CONGRESS PACKAGE FEE INCLUDES * Registration fee * İstanbul-Skopje-İstanbul flights * Airport transfers in Skopje * 5-night accommodation * Welcome cocktail * Coffee breaks * Gala dinner ** 18% VAT will be added Companion Fee includes * 5-night accommodation (with breakfast) * Welcome cocktail * Gala dinner ** 18% VAT will be added WORKSHOP FEES WORKSHOP I: AIRWAY MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP WORKSHOP II: BASIC COURSE OF US GUIDED PERIPHERAL NERVE BLOCKS SOCIAL PROGRAM Welcome Cocktail: It will be announced Gala Dinner: It will be announced TOUR FEES It will be announced 30 € 30 € SPONSORSHIP DETAILS 1. Stand Area Fee Stand Area Prices (6sqm Stand fee) 1.000 EUR 1 chair, 1 table, and electrical connections for the 6 m2 stand area will be allocated. Company officials also are required to register. 2. Satellite Sponsorship Satellite Symposium Fee 2.000 EUR Satellite Symposium will be held during the lunch hour and lunch will be provided by sponsor firm. The symposia topics and speakers will be finalized with the approval of the Organizing Committee. 3. Printed and Visual Material Sponsorships CONGRESS POSTER 500 EUR Congress promotional poster will be printed in sizes 50cm x 70cm and the logo of company or company’s product logo will be placed at the bottom. ADVERTISEMENT IN ANOUNCEMENTS Back Cover Inside back cover Inside front cover Inside pages (1 page) Inside pages (reciprocal of 2 pages) 1.000 EUR 750 EUR 750 EUR 500 EUR 800 EUR ADVERTISEMENT IN CONGRESS PROGRAM BOOK Back Cover: Inside back cover: Inside front cover : Inside pages (1 page) : Inside pages (reciprocal of 2 pages) : 1.000 EUR 750 EUR 750 EUR 500 EUR 800 EUR ADVERTISEMENT FOR HANDBOOK (9cm x 15cm) Back Cover : Inside back cover : Inside front cover : Inside pages (1 page) : Inside pages (reciprocal of 2 pages) : 4. Congress badge and ribbon sponsorship 500 EUR 350 EUR 350 EUR 250 EUR 400 EUR 2.000 EUR The company or product logo will be printed on the front side of the badges which will be given to all participants. In addition, company logo will be printed on the ribbons. 5. Convention Center Outdoor Banner Sponsorship 1.500 EUR The logo of the sponsor company or its product will be placed on the bottom right of the poster which will be hanged in front of the Convention Center. 6. Congress Bag Sponsorship 4.000 EUR Congress bag will be delivered to the all participants. The sponsor is able to press its logo in a place confirmed by Organising Committee. The sponsor can produce the bag of which style is confirmed by Organising Committee. 7. Gala Dinner Sponsorship 7.500 EUR There will be organized a gala dinner in Tirana International Hotel on May 16, 2015 . The sponsor firm of gala dinner will have the rights below; - 12 msq stand as free of charge. - Firm's logo will be put next to the places appeared Gala Dinner in printed materials and web site. - Firm's flags will be placed in the Gala Dinner restaurant. - Firm's name and logos will be placed in the screen during opening and closing ceremonies. 8. Coffee Break Sponsorship 1.500 EUR Tea and coffee breaks during the conference will take place 5 times in total. 9. Lunch Sponsorship 2.500 EUR The lunchboxes will be delivered to the participants in the congress' first and second days. The sponsor firm of Lunch will have the rights below; - 6 msq stand as free of charge. - Firm's logo will be put next to the places appeared Lunch in printed materials and web site. - Firm's flags will be placed on the tables which is placed in foyer - Firm's name and logos will be placed in the screen during opening and closing ceremonies. FINANCIAL PROVISIONS 1. 18% VAT will be added to the all fees. 2. VAT rate changes might be reflected by us. 3. For the sponsorship confirmation, 50% of the payment must be done at the time of approval, and the remainder of the payment must be done till April 1, 2016. 4. The confirmation of the registration/accommodation and stands are dependent on whether the total payment is done. 5. It must be taken the daily FX selling rate to make the payments in TL. 6. All payments to be used in the following account numbers. 7. Payments by credit card will be accepted and checks are not accepted promissory notes. 8. A default interest of 5% per a day is applied for the debt which is not been paid at the right date. BANK INFORMATION Account Name: Diamed Kongre Organizasyon Turizm Medya Ltd. Şti. Bank Name: YAPI KREDI BANK - Mithatpaşa Branch (359) TL Account No: 87033547 / IBAN No: TR59 0006 7010 0000 0087 0335 47 EUR Account No: 87033562 / IBAN No: TR42 0006 7010 0000 0087 0335 62 SWIFT CODE: YAPITRISXXX THANK YOU FOR YOUR VALUABLE CONTRIBUTIONS Contact: E-mail: Phone & Fax: Mobile: Hakan Günel (Diamed Congress Organization) hakan@diamed98.com +90 312 434 4273 +90 533 247 6627