National Ethics Gommittee
National Ethics Gommittee
NationalEthicsGommittee Opp.Sul'idhaShoppingCentre,Paldi,Ahmedabad- 380 007 Apartments, A/g01,Chandanbala 65i125262 Phone : 079 ' 265EE115, CHAIRMAN: Dr. G. R. Bhagat + SECRETARY MEMBER Mrs. RupalG. * @[9: 13ftApril,2009 $[-: NEC90401 To, Dr. Pradip VaghasiYa (GIPS)' GujaratInstituteof PsychologicalScienceandResearch Road' Vijay Complex(SatelliteHospital);Umiya Shieenath OppositePunitNagar-l,Satellite' 80015. India Ahmedabad-3 MEMBERS: Label Extension study of the s[: Protocol No. : RGH-MD-17 A long te'rm, open Patients with Schizophrenia. (Cariprazine) in of RGH-L88 Tolerability and S"f"tV Dr. PuruiShah (M.S., D.O.) + GireeshchandraR. (8. Pharm.) + Dr. Shetal Shah (M.D.,DCP) and the conduct of $$, Ethics committee approval of study-related documents the above mentioned studY. Dear Dr. Vaghasiya, Your letter dated Il [Marl2009 We havereceivedfrom you 09 copiesof the following study documents:. 1. Final Protocol RGH-MD-171 dateJanualy 20,2009:-ControlledCopy QR/279|RGHMD- 17/January 20,2009I 127-135 . + 2. Investigator's Brochure RGH-MD-17/. date February 02,2A09:-ControlledCopy QR/279[RGH-MD- I TlFebruary 02,2009/ 121 135. Dr. JigneshP. SHah r(M.S.) 3. India Specific Informed Consent Form Version 2.O,datedl8 Feb 2009/Dr.Pradip Bhikhalal Vaghasiya 4. India Specific Caregiver Consent Form Version 2.O,dated18 Feb 2009/Dr.Pradip Bhikhalal Vaghasiya 5. SubjectSafetyCard,Version1.0, dated02 Feb 2009. * Dr. RajnikantThakore (G.F.A.M., L.M.P.) + Advocate H, C. Patel (B.Com., LLB) + Mansi Joshi (SocialWorker) Page I of 3 NationalEthicsGommittee A/301,ChandanbalaApartments,Opp.Suv'idhaShoppingCentre,Paldi,Ahrnedabad 380 007 Phone : 079 - 265E6115, 65i125262 CHAIRMAN: Dr.G.R.Bhagat * 6. SECRETARY MEMBER Mrs.RupalG. + MEMBERS: Dr. Purvi Shah (M.S., D.O.) * GireeshchandraR. (8. Pharm,) * Dr. ShetalShah (M.D.,DCP) PsychiatricScales a. Clinical Global Impressions(CGI-S) , dated 26Jan2O09' b . BarnesAkathisia Scale(BARNES), dated26 Jan2009 a SimpsonAngus Scale(SAS), dated26Jan 2009 d . AlMS-Examination Procedure, dated 26Jan 2009' (STS),Copyright SheehanDV' 2005-2009 e . SuiciAatltyTracking Scale (STS) , dated26lan2OO9 f. StructuredClinical Interview- Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale { SCl -PANSS) dated26 Jan 2009 We have also receivedfrom you the following documents(1 copy each)' r Investigators' undertaking o Your current signed and dated CV r List of study team members ll'h April,2009,at Aon Ethics Committee meeting held the At 30l,Chandanbala,Paldi,Ahmedabad380007,)rour referenced letter and the above documents were examined and discussed. Alter due consideration, the Committee has decided to approve the aforementionedstudy-relateddocuments as well as the study to be conductedund"r you. direction at your Centre,GujaratInstituteofPsychological Sciences Research centre(GlPS),shreenath complex(Satelite Hospital),Umiyavijay & .Plear;enote that the Ethics Committee approval Road,satelite,Ahmedabad-380015,India. for the study is subject to DCGI approval and kindly send us the Insurance Certificate for the study prticipants.. The Ethics Committee approval is for a period of tvvoyears. We understand that a Central Laboratory lvill be used in the study and the Ethics Committeehas no objectionfor the samplesto be shippedoutsideIndia. * Dr. JigneshP. SHah (M.s.) The Ethics Committee expects to be informe<l about the progress of the study, any SAE occuring in the course of the study, any change in the protocol and patient information/informed consent and also let us hLavea periodic report on the progressof the studv annuallv. + Dr. RajnikantThakore (G.F.A.M., L.M.P.) as specifiedin the protocol. We approvethe assessment + Advocate H. C. Patel (B.Com.,LLB) * Mansi Joshi (SocialWorker) Page2 of 3 NationalEthicsGommittee - Centre,Paldi,Ahrnedabad380007 Opp.SuvidhaShopping Apartments, fu301,Chandanbala 15, 65i125262 Phone : 079 - 265EE1 CHAIRMAN: Dr. G. R. Bhagat * at whichyour proposal The memberswho attendedthemeetingheld orrApril 11,2009 Wasdiscusedareasfollows : : SECRETARY MEMBER Mrs. RupalG. Name Dr. G. R. Bhagat * Mrs. Rupal G. Mei{rinst Dr. Purvi Shah Position In NEC M.D.(Mtedicine) Rtd.Prot'B.J.Med'College,A'hd/Hon'Physicianat Dr'Jivraj Mehta smarakHealth Foundation Member SecretarY B.A. Human ResourceDevelopment Officer M.S.'D.O. Member GireeshchandraR. Dr. PuruiShah (M.S., D.O.) + GireeshchandraR. (8, Pharm.) * Dr. Shetal Shah ( M . D ,D , CP) + Dr.ligneshP. SHah (M.s.) * Oualification & Affiliation Chairman Member Dr. Shetal Shah Member Dr. JigneshP. Shah Member Dr.Rajnikant Thakore Member Mr.H.C.Patel Member Smt. Mansi Joshi Member SaurabhJoshi Member & J Instituteof Asstt.Professor,Ophthalmology,M Campus,Ahmedabad. Hospital Ophth.,Civil B.Phann arat Commissioner'Gui Retd.Drug M,D.,D.C.P. PractisingPathologist M.S. PractisingSurgeon G.F.A.M.,L.M.P. FamilyPhYsician Practising B.Com.,LLB Advocate,IncomeTax Practitioner B.Com SocialWorker Lay Pr:rson It is to be noted that neither you nor any of your proposed study team members were presentduring the decision-making proceduresof the Ethics Committee. Your's truly, P'6AtA^'l.Onatorn lb-04-Ue1 (Dr. Gautam R. Bhagat) Chairman.NEC Dr. RajnikantThakore (c.F.A.M., L.M.P,) + Advocate H. C. Patel (B,Com.,LLB) + Mansi Joshi (SocialWorker) Page3 of 3