2012 - Eastern Washington Adventures
2012 - Eastern Washington Adventures
TRI-POWER APRIL 2012 2011 Trail Jamboree Balance of DAY 3-4.....PAGES 9-12 The Raffle Ticket Drawing for the Light Sabre Project. Time to relax around the campfire. Airing down at the Little Rattlesnake trail head. PRESORTED STD. US POSTAGE PAID GRESHAM, OR PERMIT #88 We stopped to regroup right before the tight part of the Little Rattlesnake Trail. 4-Wheelin’ News www.pnw4wda.org APRIL 2012 1 pnw4wda news CONTENTS APRIL 2012 FEATURES 2011 Trail Jamboree Balance of DAY 3-4.....PAGES 9-12 BOARD Meeting Minutes..Page 4-7 REPORTS 4 Presidents Message by Angie Marek 12-15 Region Reports by The Directors 16-17 Oregon Dir. Report by Randy Drake DEPARTMENTS 3 PNW Officers List 21 Classified ADS 7 Change of address 22 Calendar of Events 21 Video Library 20 Membership APPLICATION 23 New PNW4WDA Sponsorship Program & Associate Members list www.pnw4wda.org 800-537-7845 God Bless America 2 APRIL 2012 www.pnw4wda.org PNW4WDA T R I - P O W E www.pnw4wda.org 800-537-7845 PNW4WDA Officers List R Volume 41 Number 4 April 2012 The mission of TRI-POWER is to enlighten fellow enthusiasts by educating, inspiring and informing. PRESIDENT SECRETARY Angie Marek/Dan Sande Nettnin/Earl 14202 4th Ave. E. Tacoma, WA 98445 800-537-7845 / 253-537-3172 President@pnw4wda.org 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 Secretary@pnw4wda.org Editor/Publisher TREASURER IDAHO EXEC. DIRECTOR Dave McMains/ Kathy”Frogg” Forrest Dexter/Debra Houston Ron McDonald 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 Treasurer@pnw4wda.org 360-901-8376 Mailing Address 3902 NE 61 Ave Vancouver, WA 98661 MESSAGES (360) 695-0595 OREGON EXEC. DIRECTOR WASH. EXEC. DIRECTOR Randy Drake/Mona Jim Putman/Tina 19210 Pinehurst Rd. Bend, OR 97701 541-389-7265 OrExec@pnw4wda.org 10021 61st Avenue E Puyallup, WA 98373 253-686-9217 WaExec@pnw4wda.org INTER ASSOC. DIRECTORS COMPETITION CHAIRMAN Don & Carol Jensen Dave Taylor/Theresa, th, 946 - 18 Longview, WA 98632 360-577-0111 Voice/FAX iad1@pnw4wda.org iad2@pnw4wda.org Email Address tripower@pnw4wda.org REGION I DIRECTOR Angela Holm/Rich 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 / 206-617-9478 Cell Reg1Dir@pnw4wda.org All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA TRI-POWER is published monthly for the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association. Photographs are edited and prepared with Adobe Photoshop. Layout is performed in Adobe InDesign. In house ads are created with Adobe Illustrator. Prepress product is converted with Adobe Acrobat Professional. TRI-POWER makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the completeness, accuracy or utility of these materials or any information or opinion contained herein. Any use or reliance on the information or opinion is at the risk of the user, and TRI-POWER shall not be liable for any damage or injury incurred by any person arising out of the completeness, accuracy or utility of any information or opinion contained in these materials. These materials are not to be construed as an endorsement of any product or company, nor as the adoption or promulgation of any guidelines, standards, or recommendation. Subscription: You can obtain a subscription to TRI-POWER by becoming a member of the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association. This can be accomplished by filling out the application form in this publication or going to the PNW4WDA web site www.pnw4wda.org Circulation: If you are a member of the PNW4WDA and are not receiving your subscription to TRI-POWER or have moved please contact our Membership department member@pnw4wda.org This publication is the result of information submitted by our readers. We do not have a staff of reporters, journalist or photographers. If you have an article or information you would like to share with our readers please contact us. We prefer communication via Email. If you submit an article please send it in size 10 Arial font to tripower@pnw4wda.org or put it on a Floppy, CD or DVD disk and send it to Tri-Power 3902 NE 61 Ave, Vancouver, WA 98661 *fourwheelatize \four*wheel"a*tize* A. To eat, sleep and drive four wheel drive. B. To become obsessed with four wheeling. C. To exceed the limits of ordinary four wheeled vehicles. D. To traverse unforgiving terrain in harsh environments. Advertising Rates (Display ADS): Clubs: Full page-$175 / 1/2page-$100/ 1/4page-$55 / BC-$20 Members: Full page-$200 / 1/2page-$120 / 1/4page-$70 / BC-$22 NON-Members: Full page-$250 / 1/2page-$150 / 1/4page-$85 / BC-$25 4-Wheelin’ News APRIL 2012 P.O. Box 810 Veradale, WA 99037 509-928-4357 IdExec@pnw4wda.org 13714 228th Street SE Snohomish, WA 98296-5423 360-668-0719 / cell 206-491-0909 CompDir@pnw4wda.org REGION II DIRECTOR Dan Morris/Tiffany P.O. Box 494, Roy, WA 98580 253-761-6536 cell 360-458-0644 home Reg2Dir@pnw4wda.org REGION III DIRECTOR REGION IV DIRECTOR Kyle Wiebold Earl Nettnin/Sande 1087 Lewis River Rd. #146 Woodland, WA 98674 360-772-5682 Reg3Dir@pnw4wda.org 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 reg4dir@pnw4wda.org REGION V DIRECTOR OPEN REGION VI DIRECTOR Call 800-537-7845 Ann Haak/Dan 35725 North Harney Lane Burns, Oregon 97220 503-349-9875 Reg6Dir@pnw4wda.org REGION VII DIRECTOR MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN Jeff Williams/Gwen Angela Holm/Rich 5998 Hwy 291 suite 4 Nine Mile Falls, WA. 99026 509-467-4177 Reg7Dir@pnw4wda.org 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 / 206-617-9478 Cell Members@pnw4wda.org PARLIAMENTARIAN Luke May/Grace 22635 NE Woodinville Duval Rd Woodinville, WA 98077 425-788-2848 parliamen@pnw4wda.org WEBMASTER Edward Campbell/Sue Preble P.O. Box 393 Bucoda, WA 98530 360-878-1677 Webmaster@pnw4wda.org SAFETY/ED CHAIRMAN Rob Stafford/Diana 19302 6th Avenue East Spanaway, WA 98387 253-732-2818 SafeEduDir@pnw4wda.org ASSISTANT WEBMASTER Dan Rheaume/Tammy 4117 16th Ave SW Seattle, WA 98106 206-851-6642 assistant_webmaster@pnw4wda.org TRAIL JAMBOREE CO-CHAIR WAYS & MEANS CHAIRMAN Sid & Kelda Hagemeier Dave McMains/ Kathy”Frogg” 911 cabin Lane, Selah, WA 98942 509-698-3703 Trailjam@pnw4wda.org VIDEO CHAIRMAN Don Jensen/Carol 946 - 18th, Longview, WA 98632 360-577-0111 Voice/FAX VideoChairman@pnw4wda.org TRI-POWER EDITOR 603 Meridian, Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 Ways&Means@pnw4wda.org PUBLIC RELATIONS Diana Stafford/Rob 19302 6th Ave. E. Spanaway, WA 98387 253-732-2818 PR@pnw4wda.org Club Power/We Did it Chairmem Ron McDonald/Diana Kathy Greenwood 3902 NE 61st Ave Vancouver, WA 98661 360-901-8376/Mess:360-695-0595 FAX 360-695-1043 tripower@pnw4wda.org 18203 84th St E Bonney Lake, WA 98391 253-863-9707 WeDidIt@pnw4wda.org 3 Angie Marek PNW4WDA President Greetings everyone, I don’t know about you but I am ready for the sunshine to stick around. We have had several nice weekends in a row and I hoping it wants to stay… Across the Association events are being planned and I hope you are able to participate in them. Remember, we work hard so you can enjoy your form of recreation. On May 5th the PNW4WDA will be having its first Barrel Extravaganza at the fairgrounds in Longview, WA. At Winter Convention Kyle Wiebold and Dan Reahume presented to the delegates a proposal for the event. The intent is to have another source of income for your Association. Kyle, Dan and their committee have been working diligently to put together a great day/night of racing for the public. Radio spots have begun and are posted on the front page of the website if you want to listen to them. Flyers are being delivered all over the Kelso/ Longview area and things are progressing nicely. There will be a Pit Party (which is free to the public) at 11:00am followed by two shows at 2pm and 7pm. Admission for the show is $10.00 for adults, kids 10 & under are free. Spread the word…. It is such a pleasure working with all of you and the work you do on behalf of the Association is much appreciated. Each month the members devote hundreds of hours attending meetings, writing letters, attending events and so much more. Without you there would be no Association and for the 4 wheeling community there would be no place to recreate. Trail Jamboree is just around the corner and plans are moving right along. If you were unable to get your reservation in before it was closed don’t fret. Get on and try registering again as Kelda was able to open up some additional space. When that fills up make sure you get on a wait list as each year she is able to clear some of the list if people have to cancel. August 10th-12th will be Summer Convention hosted 4 by Region VI. As it gets closer there will be information available. The location is near Looking Glass, so mark your calendars for a fun weekend of competition. Diana Stafford has attended several events for PR and thanks to her and her crew they not only have been getting information out to the public they have been signing up new members. Great Job!! If you are having an event and need supplies for a PR table just give Diana a call. Remember she may be the PR Chairperson but we all need to do our part. At 4 Wheel Parts Truckfest in April, Rob Stafford your Safety/Ed Chairperson gave several seminars. They were on winching and use of a hi lift jack. The seminars went really well and we were able to give out a hi lift jack, shirts, hats, etc.. at each of them. What a great way to promote safety and our Association at the same time. Again, thank you so much for all you do! I look forward to seeing you around this summer. Sincerely, Angie Marek ~ PACIFIC NORTHWEST 4-WHEEL-DRIVE ASSOCIATION OREGON WASHINGTON IDAHO BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MARCH 10, 2012 EDGEWOOD, WA The meeting was called to order at 9:10 AM by President Angie Marek (Spanaway Moonshiners). The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silence for the sick and departed was observed. Guests present were: Bob & Arlene Brooks (Green River Valley Jeepers); Jerry & Bonnie Nettnin (The Hombres); Jim (Smitty) & Sherri Smith (The Hombres); Mona Drake (Deschutes County 4-Wheelers & Harney County High Desert Wheelers); Marty Tilford (Vancouver 4Wheelers); and Lee Benoun (The Hombres). Hosting statement was given by Jim Smith (The Hombres). Smitty reminded everyone that this is a working fire station and if we hear an alarm – stay put. Lunch is being provided by The Hombres. In order to help the secretary keep her ducks in a row a special duck cake baked by Bonnie Nettnin (The Hombres) was presented to the Secretary to help keep her Ducks in a row. President Angie thanked The Hombres for hosting the meeting. President’s Statement: President Angie thanked everyone who has been working so diligently since Winter Convention. Correspondence and communications have been wonderful. Before we leave today Angie has Swap meet passes for all Board members to get into the Moonshiners Swap meet on Sunday. Angie asked that all cell phones be silenced. She also asked Luke May (Parliamentarian, Dirty 13, Outdoor 4X4’s & Doo Wop Ditty) and Dave McMains (Treasurer, Hurtin’ Units & Sand Commandos) to go over some of the procedures at respective times. Since we have some new Board members, some old Board members and some that have never gone over some of the procedures like who can vote etc. President Angie asked for approval of the December 3, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes. Don Jensen (IAD #2, Sand Fleas & Individual Member Club) made a motion seconded by Carol Jensen (IAD #1, Sand Fleas and Individual Member Club) that we accept the December Board Minutes – motion passed. President Angie then asked for approval of the Emergency Board Minutes from February 11, 2012. First we had to do some housekeeping. Appointed Board Members cannot make a motion or vote. A motion was made by Don Jensen seconded by Earl Nettnin (Region 4 Director & Desert Rats) that we withdraw the motion that was made by Kathy Greenwood (We Did It/Club Power & Off Road Animals) motion was to purchase a small banner and table cover for PR – motion passed. A new motion was then made by Dave McMains (Treasurer, Hurtin’ Units & Sand Commandos) seconded by Angela Holm (Region 1 Director, Membership & Happy Campers) that Diana Stafford (PR, Cascade 4X4’s & Overbored Racing) purchase a small banner and table cover for the PR table – motion passed. After housekeeping corrections were made the Emergency Board Minutes were approved. Luke May (Parliamentarian, Doo Wop Ditty, Dirty 13, & Outdoor 4X4’s) talked about procedures – only an elected Board positions can make a motion or second it and vote at Board Meetings. Appointed positions can voice an opinion if the President allows it. The reason behind this is so the President cannot stack the vote in his/her favor. Please raise your hand before speaking. Treasurer’s report: Treasurer Dave McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Sand Commandos) had APRIL 2012 a written report. Dave said money is coming in from Trail Jamboree and after the glitch was taken care of things should be running smoothly. Dave said the Board members are doing a good job of watching their spending. Forrest Dexter (Idaho Executive Director & North Idaho Trail Blazers) asked why we use Pay Pal; answer because it’s the convenience of having the money right away. Discussion followed as to how many clubs are using Pay Pal. Some clubs don’t have credit cards and don’t like to pay on line, but we are seeing quite a few people are using Pay Pal. When checks are sent to Dave, he has to process them and wait until the money clears the bank before it’s available to us. With Pay Pal, it’s a done deal. When Ways & Means gets their page up and running and orders come in with Pay Pal the goods can be shipped right away. Shipping fees will also be figured in the cost of the goods. When you pay for Trail Jamboree with Pay Pal it’s a done deal, we don’t have to wait for money to clear the bank. Forrest asked if any of the Board members had a concern with the cost of using Pay Pal. The increase in dues took care of the cost of using Pay Pal and the cost of doing business. Jeff Williams (Region 7 Director, CJ’s Only & Spokane 4-Wheelers) made a motion seconded by Dan Morris (Region 2 Director & County Line Offroaders) that we accept the Treasurer’s report as presented – motion passed. Another reason for using Pay Pal is to make it easier for people to belong to the PNW4WDA and pay dues. Dave presented the form for reimbursement and explained how to use it. Dave said if you don’t have the receipts, but you remember how much the cost was put it on the form, sometimes you have to pay for something and don’t get a receipt; don’t think you won’t be able to get a reimbursement put it on the form and if he has a problem, he’ll call you. The form is in the SOP’s on page 66. The form is pretty explanatory if you have a problem, call Dave and he will try to help you out. Edward Campbell (Web Master & Dog Pound Off Road) will put this form in the member’s only section under forms where it will be easier for you to find it. We need to look at the ByLaws for Treasurer; some changes need to be made in Article 5 Section 3 page 12. Don Jensen (IAD #2, Sand Fleas & Individual Member Cub) made a motion seconded by Dave McMains that Carol Jensen (IAD #1, Sand Fleas & Individual Member Club) write up the changes and submit the changes to the Board for approval. Then they will be sent to the Parliamentarian for approval and then printed in the Tri-Power so they can be voted on at the September Delegates meeting. Bonnie Nettnin (The Hombres) said their club received from the IRS a notice that their tax exempt status had been revoked. Carol Jensen said you just have to go on line to IRS.com and follow instructions and do an E-File, they will want your tax ID number. The Rainier Ruffians just went through this with Carol. If you have questions call Carol and she will lead you through as long as you are under the PNW4WDA’s group exemption you’ll be OK. Membership Report – Angela Holm (Membership, Region 1 Director & Happy Campers) had a written report. Angela said she had redone all the Membership and Associate Member packets and sent them out again. Angela Holm and the Web Master and working on getting things entered on the Web site in the membership section. Angela reminded the Region Directors to be sure to tell your clubs they need to make changes on their members list themselves, that’s why they have a club admin. Angela said she has not printed the membership cards yet as she needed to have 3000 of them before she can print them. If you have a Membership problem call Angela Holm 253-529-9482. Dave McMains (Treasurer, Hurtin’ Units & Sand Commandos) wanted the Region Directors to tell their clubs that when they send him the paper work and a check, he will enter the contact persons name, but they will have to go in and enter the members names etc as he doesn’t have time to do that and that’s why they have a Club Admin. If a club doesn’t have e-mail call Angela Holm after 7 PM and she will add the names for you. The biggest thing we need to clean up is spouse and children on the list, when this information was entered we didn’t have a category for them, we do now. Dan Rheaume (Assistant Web Master and Cascade 4X4’s) asked just what an Associate Member is – answer they are a supporting Business Member. We have an Associate Member page listing all the Associate Members so you can see who they are and take advantage of doing business with them. Arlene Brooks (Green River Valley Jeepers) asked how the mailing labels in the reports section in the new Membership Program worked. The Web Master said he didn’t know, he had not been in that section to see how it works. Discussion followed, we have labels available to us through Tri-Power and this subject is addressed on page 58 and 59 in the SOP’s. More discussion followed on if we need to have a By-Law change regarding the Membership Chairman duties and Treasurer duties – answer no it’s working just fine the way it is and will get better as we understand the Continued on page 5 www.pnw4wda.org Continued from page 4 workings of our new program. President Angie said every Elected Board Member and Appointed Board Member who needs access to the Membership Management Program do their job should have administrator privileges, they will be given this tool if they need it. Another job for Region Directors is to tell their clubs when they are cleaning up their clubs information, please add an e-mail address to that list too. Forrest Dexter (Idaho Executive Director & North Idaho Trail Blazers) asked for more clarification on Sponsors and Associate Members and how they relate. President Angie said Sponsorships give us anywhere from $1000 to $5000; Associate Sponsorships give us anywhere from $50 to $100; Associate Members are a supporting business; with this they get a listing in the Tri-Power, and on our Web site. With a Sponsorship they get a link to their Web Site on the front page of our Web Site and a plaque. We need to have Forest Service people and (Department of Natural Resources) DNR people who want to receive the Tri-Power on a separate list, rather than have a copy just go to their agency, they each need their own copy. President Angie will work on this. Forrest wanted to know what the cost of mailing these would be. We don’t have that information; the Tri-Power is mailed as a bulk mailing. Secretaries Report – Sande Nettnin (Desert Rats) had a written report. Sande reported when she ordered toner the copy place told her that they may not be able to get toner for it anymore, they had a few on hand so we got two bottles; they last a long time. During the course of my conversation with the copy people they also said that our copier is old and they may not be able to get parts for it anymore. The copier is working just fine right now, but we need to be thinking about what we might do if it should have problems. Discussion followed; Kyle Wiebold (Region 3 Director, Cascade Cruisers, Our Gang Off Road & Overbored Racing) made a motion seconded by Dan Morris (Region 2 Director & County Line Off Road) that if the copier should go down, the Secretary and the President have the authority to approve and purchase a new one out of the Equipment Fund – motion passed. Sande also reminded everyone -that the deadline for Constitution & By-Law proposals and/or changes must be submitted to the Secretary by June 11, 2012. It must be the original signed copy and sent snail mail. EMail will not be accepted. Please give the secretary a copy of your inventory if you haven’t already done so. If you need stationary and envelopes please let the secretary know. 4-Wheelin’ News Discussion followed on why we have the rule on submitting Constitution and By-Law changes. Kyle Wiebold made a motion seconded by Dan Morris that all written proposed Constitution and/ or By-Law changes can be sent snail mail, PDF File or in person to the secretary. – Motion passed. The change will be made to the SOP’s on page 32 #4. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORTS Idaho Director Forrest Dexter (North Idaho Trail Blazers) did not have a written report. He said there was nothing new to report at this time. Oregon Director Randy Drake (Deschutes County 4Wheelers & Harney County High Desert Wheelers) had a written report. Randy said they have been working out of Cline Falls making several trails and this will continue throughout the summer. These are really nice trails – something for everyone to go out and have a fun day. Randy said next Friday the Forest Service is going to start making 25 miles of trails; he wasn’t sure just what that meant as the Forest Service has said they will make “our” trail not “their” trail. The area is in central Oregon south of Bend. Randy said the BLM and Baker are giving us a lot of land. The Baker BLM RTM comment period has been extended to March 23, 2012; we need to write letters on this telling them we want Alternative 3 as this would have three open OHV riding areas consisting of 22,074 acres open to OHVs. Send your letters to Baker BLM Office, Baker RMP Revision, P O Box 947 Baker City, Oregon 97814, or e-mail: BLM_OR_BK_ RMP@blm.gov. Together we can make a difference. Randy said he has been corrected or rather rebutted since Winter Convention he had said Adopt a Trail was a way to go, but Stewardship of a Trail is a way to go also; Region 6 of the Forest Service called him and said they made a mistake and we cannot do Stewardship of Trails. Randy said he didn’t believe this is true but it’s the decision they have come up with. So Randy said we can’t always count on the Forest Service being up on things. We can however, do Adopt a Trail but we have to renew that each year. Discussion followed on what types of trails are in Oregon. Randy said he would be willing to show any club around the trail system in Oregon. Kyle Wiebold said so if the Baker thing goes through would you like to host Summer Convention there. Randy said he would love to host a Summer Convention at Virtue Flats, this area is not being used like it could be; it’s a huge flat area and would be perfect for this event. Kyle said if this becomes a reality he would consider helping put on Sumer Convention there. Washington Director Jim Putman (The Hombres) had a written report. Jim said the Washington State Trails Conference is being held October 26th–28th in Vancouver, WA. This event is only held every two years. Jim said 95% of this conference is around urban walking trails, but it’s good for us to have a presence there also. Jim is hoping that Piston’s Wild will put together a display on the Yacolt Burn area and man the display. A question was asked what was happening at Burley Mountain – Jim said if there was interest he would pursue it, access to it was closed because of the land slide. Jim said if Region 3 had a land manger that was willing to step up and check this out that would be great. Perhaps Marty Tilford (Vancouver 4-Wheelers) will take this on and report back to Jim. House and Senate bills bear watching as they are going into a special session starting Monday. We are hopeful that a new Discover Pass allowing two license plates per pass and possibly a family pass that would be good for all the vehicles licensed to your home address will be approved; we wait and see what is decided. We are also hoping they don’t decide to sweep the NOVA funds again. Operation Shore Patrol is having a meeting March 14th – they have not been very receptive to allowing us to camp in the campgrounds (on Friday night). Naches is pushing ahead with their Adopt a Trail program. At the present time we only have six clubs that have stepped up and adopted trails. We need more trails adopted. Jim is going to try and say the PNW will adopt all trails in the Naches that have not been adopted by a club. The Naches Ranger District is pushing training, especially Chainsaw Certification this is at least an 8 hour class (it will be required at least two people are to be Chainsaw Certified on all work parties). They are also pushing regular training sessions on management, and trail assessment; they are doing everything they can to make volunteering difficult at best. On a side note the Forest Service is the Forest Service and they will not recognize the DNR’s Chainsaw Certification, but DNR will recognize the Forest Service Chainsaw Certification. Dates and locations for Chainsaw Certification will be posted on our web site. Discussion followed on the seasonal closures we are facing in the Naches. Dan Morris (Region 2 Director & County Line Off Roaders) asked about the fuel tax. One percent of the money we spend on fuel (gas) goes into a road fund. We could have requested to get this money back because the fuel was not being used on the roads, we opted not to do this and had the money put into a trust fund. This is where the NOVA funds came APRIL 2012 from. However, you can fill out a form and request that tax be refunded to you because you are not using that fuel on the road. Jim talked about Reiter Trails and Elbe Hills. Jim said we need to have more of a presence at Reiter. At Elbe Hills the paperwork has gone through for the new tractor and a work party is scheduled for April 28th & 29th. They have been working for years to get a bigger campground, now it doesn’t look very promising. Arlene Brooks (Green River Valley Jeepers) asked if thank you letters had been written to the speakers who spoke at Winter Convention. President Angie said, yes she had already done that. Forrest Dexter (Idaho Executive Director & North Idaho Trail Blazers) asked what kind of agreements we had to sign for the Adopt a Trail program. He said Idaho didn’t want to do that because of the liability issue. Forrest thought anyone who used the trail had to sign an agreement and if anything bad happened we were liable - answer no we don’t have anything like that. Earl Nettnin (Region 4 Director & Desert Rats) said the Forest Service has a Liability Statement and it is four pages long. Forrest asked if he could have a copy of the Forest Service Liability Statement. Jim said he would scan it and send it; it should also be available on the Forest Service Web Site. Diana Stafford (PR, Cascade 4X4’s & Overbored Racing) asked if Jim’s land people let him know when their work parties are; Jim is hoping they will. Diana will put work parties on our Web Site if she has the information. Discussion followed on how we can get the word out if a work party has to be canceled. We have a front page on the Web Site where we can put information, we can phone everyone as well as text them, most work party chairman know who is planning on coming. We need to be diligent in filling out the paper work so we have proof of the hours worked as well as the work we’ve done. Break for lunch - Noon to 12:45. Inter Association Director’s Report – IAD #1 Carol Jensen and IAD #2 Don Jensen (Sand Fleas and Individual Member Club) had a written report. No one had any questions. Carol said she had been made aware that their was a court ruling on the Forest Service in California that it would be illegal to charge for the Adventure Pass; in CA there are about 19 National Forests. Carol will check but she didn’t think that would have any affect on us. Don said they forward everything they get, keeping everyone informed. Competition - Chairman Dave Taylor (Outdoor 4X4’s) had a written report. Dave wanted to let everyone know that the radio’s we had purchased a few years ago do not seem to be working very well for us. Discussion followed and Kyle Wiebold (Region 3 Director, Cascade Cruisers, Our Gang Off Road and Overbored Racing) made a motion seconded by Jeff Williams (Region 7 Director, CJ’s Only and Spokane 4-Wheelers) that the Comp Committee go forward with a proposal to present to the Board by e-mail to upgrade and purchase new radios that meet our needs – motion passed. Upon Board approval the Comp Committee will purchase the new radios. Barrel Extravaganza is coming along, the logo has been made and posters are ready. They have had some challenges with the stadium, Insurance and camping seems to be an issue and we may have to pay $15 to camp there. Kyle thanked the Comp Committee for help. We may have another event in July. Dave said the Comp book should be printed in the next two weeks. REGION REPORTS Region 1 - Director Angela Holm (Membership and Happy Campers) had a written report. Shore Patrol is still a big issue. Region 2 – Director Dan Morris (County Line Off Roaders) had nothing new to report. Region 3 – Director Kyle Wiebold (Cascade Cruisers, Our Gang Off Road & Overbored Racing) did not have a written report since they had just had Winter Convention. Kyle said they had lost about $2600, but they had a good time even though attendance was down. Kyle said the Yacolt Burn is progressing and they hope to break trails late spring or early summer. Marty Tilford (Vancouver 4-Wheelers) thanked the Moonshiners again for matching the funds that were raised from the Head Table Raffle. Marty asked if it would be wrong to ask the Board to help with expenses when a group goes in the whole putting on an event. Discussion followed. We have nothing in writing about it, or what do we do if no one steps up to host Winter Convention. Kyle said he would like to see us have a fund of $5000 for helping anyone who puts on Summer Convention or Winter Convention and they don’t have enough money to pay all the bills. President Angie said she would get together with Kyle and anyone else to write up a proposal on what we as an Association might do to help and present it to the Board for discussion in June, before it can be presented to the delegates. We also need to have something written up like Summer Convention when no one signs up to host it becomes the responsibility of the Comp Committee. President Angie said if you had an opinion that you didn’t have a chance to share send her an e-mail. Continued on page 6 5 Continued from page 5 Region 4 Director Earl Nettnin (Desert Rats) had a written report. Earl reminded everyone that we are facing several things The Travel Management Plan won’t come up for public comment until the fall of 2012 and the Forest Revision Plan has been pushed back to the spring of 2013. Earl said he had heard from the Cle Elum district and they are planning to do the same thing they did last year. Trails will be opened as they are logged out and dry. They will be using volunteers who will be given special permits to help with this. He said we are still facing spring closures in the Naches; a decision will be signed by March 15th, 2012. The Naches District will be requiring volunteer leaders and coordinators to have training and they will have to sign a volunteer agreement as they will be considered a Forest Service Employee when working on a work party. Also to operate a Chainsaw you will be required to take the certification class they offer; see the Naches Web Site for dates for training. Earl said that the 1800 road bridge and the 1808 bridge were completed; however, the 1808 road which is our access to Copper City will not be open until August or September. According to Jim Putman (WA Executive Director & The Hombres) the horsemen are also fighting for access to their Deep Creek campground a half mile above Copper City. So they are sort of in the same boat as we are; unfortunately the horsemen usually get what they want, so if special permits are granted for them Jim says “all Hell will break loose” if they get special permits because we’ve been fighting for access and been denied. Earl said that the Cross Country Skiers and Snowshoers went to the Forest Service and told them that they want the 1600 and 1611 roads closed because the pedestrians and motorized don’t mix; these are the only 4X4 roads open to us in the winter. They wanted to give us the 1305 road until the Snow Groomer said it only goes about a mile and a half before it becomes an impassable road. Region 6 Director Ann Haak (Harney County High Desert Wheelers) did not have a written report. Ann said she has not had a meeting yet, they are working on Summer Convention and are very excited to be hosting this event. She said they are working on events, Ground Hog is coming up the 30th of June, and Creek & Trail the 17th of June. Ann said she is having trouble getting the Forest Service to recognize her as the Region 6 Director for the PNW4WDA, they won’t talk to her. President Angie said just keep in their face that’s what we do all the time. Ann said she will send a copy of the flyer for Summer Convention to the Secretary and she will send it to everyone on the Board. Region 7 Director Jeff Williams 6 (CJ’s Only & Spokane 4Wheelers) had a written report. Jeff Said that the Cabin Fever Run is in full swing and ready for March 31st. They still have a few spots open. Club Power/We Did It Chairman Kathy Greenwood (Off Road Animals) said she has made some new forms and will get them out soon. Discussion followed on the number of clubs for Club Power and We did it so Kyle Wiebold (Region 3 Director, Cascade Cruisers, Our Gang Off Road and Overbored Racing) made a motion that Club Power is not to exceed 3 clubs and We Did It 4 clubs or more seconded by Dan Morris (Region 2 Director & County Line Off Roaders) – motion passed. Changes will be made in the SOP’s. Kathy stressed when filling out your papers please make everything legible. She said we need to remember these forms are just the PNW’s forms and whatever agency we are doing work for have forms also; so we need to be sure and send them both ways. If you have ideas on how to make things work easier, please contact Kathy. We have a list of approved We Did It projects in the SOP’s on age 77. Earl Nettnin (Region 4 Director & Desert Rats) made a motion to add the Beverly Dunes Clean-Up to this list, seconded by Dave McMains (Treasurer, Hurtin’ Units & Sand Commandos) - motion passed. President Angie asked if we had any others to add. Region 3 Yacolt Burn, Browns Camp & Trask Mountain Clean-Up; Region 4 Jim Sprick Park Clean-Up; Region 6 Radar Hill OHV Park, Cold Springs Road, Browns Camp & Trask Mountain Clean-Up; All Regions Adopt a Highway/Road/Trail; Region 7 7-Mile ORV Park; All Regions Parades. Kyle Wiebold made a motion seconded by Earl Nettnin that we approve all the above mentioned We Did It Projects and add them to the approved list, - motion passed. PR Chairman Diana Stafford (Cascade 4X4’s & Overbored Racing) did not have a written report, she said there have been no changes since Winter Convention. She said she would be in the PR booth at the Swap meet testing out our new software hoping to sign up new members. Angela Holm (Region 2 Director, Membership Chairman and Happy Campers) has volunteered to be there with a lap top and printer; Dorothy Churchill (Cascade 4X4’s & Overbored Racing) will have a lap top and will be helping also. Diana said she has been working on updating the calendar on the PNW’s Web Site. The calendar of events is listed on the front page of our Web Site. We need to have current items listed in Tri-Power as well as our Web Site. New inserts for the TriFold and Who and What We Are, are available see Diana. Safety Education Director Rob Stafford (Cascade 4X4’s & Overbored Racing) was not present and did not have a written report. Rob has been working with Truck Fest and part of our Sponsorship Agreement with them is that we help out with Truck Fest, so Rob is putting together a couple of training seminars on winching and high lift jack use; these will be promoted as being put on by the PNW at Truck Fest so this will be good PR for us. Trail Jamboree CO-Chairmen Sid & Kelda Hagemeier (Shindig Wheelers) had a written report. Kelda said registration came and went and it was a little bit of a failure at first. They have a big waiting list to go through. Kelda said she believes that this new system is great and will work wonderfully next time. Diana Stafford (PR, Cascade 4X4’s & Overbored Racing) said we need to use the Web Site as well as Face Book to promote our activities, as some people use only the one site. This would go for everyone putting on an event. Discussion followed on some of the needs of Trail Jamboree. Carol Jensen (IAD #1, Sand Fleas & Individual Member Club) said Trail Jamboree needs a portable printer. Carol moved that we authorize the purchase of a printer for Trail Jamboree out of the Equipment Fund, seconded by Don Jensen (IAD #2, Sand Fleas & Individual Member Club) – motion passed. Sid said he is still looking for Major Sponsors. President Angie said in the 4-Wheel Parts Sponsorship Agreement this year they asked her when she met with them just what did we get out of them being a sponsor, her answer was technically nothing. They now have at least 2 of our Tri-Fold Holders in all three of their stores, as long as we keep them full they constantly ask their customers if they are a PNW member and if you are they give you a discount. They want to start a club program, each club has to sign up individually so Angie will be having the form put on the Web Site and Angie will be sending a copy of the form to each Region Director as well, it costs nothing and clubs will get 3% back. 4-Wheel Parts want to a part of our Trail Jamboree in a bigger way, they want to sponsor a dinner and they have secured sending out a free lance reporter who will be at Jamboree for the whole time taking pictures, we should be front cover, national magazine, there will be an article done, and hoping to get several feature rigs where they can interview people. The magazine is Off Road Adventures. They are concentrating very heavily on putting their efforts into the PNW; they want to help us grow. They want to have a Karaoke contest one night at Jamboree and have more give-a-ways as they are investing a lot in us this year. They also expect us to help them grow too by taking advantage of what they offer. It isn’t in the contract, but they have requested that we supply APRIL 2012 some rigs to be on display at their four major sales events. The event dates for Truck & Jeep Fest are March, June, August, and October. Every club that has 7 members sign up to be at their shows will get a winch to do with as they choose. Sid reminded everyone of the Jamboree Clean-Up at Jim Sprick Park on April 21st. He will have a Trail Host meeting following the clean-up. Volunteer hours at the clean-up are used as part of the park rental agreement with the Nile. Camping is free and we also have a Hobo Stew served at noon on Saturday so please bring something to add to the pot. We also have a pot luck Saturday evening. Ways & Means Chairman Kathy (Frogg) McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Sand Commandos) did not have a written report and was not present. However, the new T-shirts will be for sale at the Swap Meet. They are bright red with our PNW logo on the back. See her in the PR booth. If you have ideas for product let her know, she’s open to any and all suggestions. Web Masters Edward Campbell (Dog Pound Off Road) and Dan Rheaume (Cascade 4X4’s) did not have a written report. Edward said he had nothing to report because there was nothing to report. Edward said he had been asked about the availability of the PNW Logo and he said he only has a small one and it isn’t very good quality. Edward asked if he could put the PNW4WDA’s Logo in the Board members only section so only the Board would have access to it-answer yes. Edward said Arlene Brooks (Green River Valley Jeepers) told him she learned when you are in the Member Management Program taking care of your family that are no longer part of it, don’t start by deleting the head of the household. The head of the household is the one that the family member is associated with for that club. If you go and delete the head of the household you can’t get the option to go back and delete the other family members, because they no longer associate with your club. Then you need to get a hold of Edward; tell him what you did so he can fix it. One of the biggest things for Edward is if you don’t tell him something is broken, he can’t fix it. Edward will add a trouble shooting section on the Web Site in the member’s only section of the Forum. Edward asked that we add a line in the SOP’s under meeting protocol about asking if a Secure Internet Access is available at the place where our meeting is being held, and would they be willing to share that with us. Don Jensen (IAD #2, Sand Fleas & Individual Member Club) so moved, seconded by Kyle Wiebold (Region 3 Director, Cascade Cruisers, Our Gang Off Road & Overbored Racing) – motion passed. This is to be added for all meetings, Board as well as Delegates meetings. Edward says he is enjoying the new computer because he only gets PNW only business on this one. He is doing his best to answer your e-mails, if you don’t get an answer right away send him another e-mail and he guarantees he’ll answer after the 2nd, 3rd , or 4th e-mail. Diana Stafford (PR, Overbored Racing & Cascade 4X4’s) said she needed a couple of people to loan her their lap tops for use at 4-Wheel Parts Truck Fest in April. Dan Rheaume (Assistant Web Master, & Cascade 4X4’s) said he and Edward wanted to thank Richard Holm (Happy Campers) for his help with the scrolling picture on the Web Site. They need some wide angle pictures if anyone has some they would like to share. Arlene Brooks asked if they needed to be current – answer no, Arlene will look and see if she has some. Randy Drake (Oregon Executive Director, Harney County High Desert Wheelers & Deschutes County 4-Wheelers) asked if we were in a position now to run the survey – Edward answered yes. Dan reminded everyone that we do have a Board Members only section in the Forum, please use it. Don Jensen thanked Edward and Dan for all their hard work. Edward also wanted to remind the Board that he has created a new PNW Board email list for us to use, it should stop us getting so much spam; everything sent to the PNW-Board goes through him before it’s sent out. Edward said he has backed up all the information in his new computer; it is on the server as well as an external hard drive. Tri Power - Editor Ron McDonald (Clark County 4Wheelers) was not present and did not have a written report. President Angie said she did authorize a Press Pass for the Mint 400. Jim Mueller from the Spanaway Moonshiners asked what it would take to get a Press Pass through the PNW. President Angie told him she would authorize one but he would have to share pictures and an article for Tri-Power. We have several of our PNW members racing in the Mint 400. Video - Chairman Don Jensen (IAD #2, Sand Fleas & Individual Member Club) said Video’s are listed in the TriPower and on the Web Site. Don said he used to send out a lot of the ‘How to” ones; now most of them want video’s on Moab, or out in the hills or in the forest. He just sent out 14 of them to one guy. If you have a video you want to share on a trail send it to Don and he will make it into a DVD and send yours back to you. OLD BUSINESS Action Items – most have been covered. President Angie is working on getting sponsorships for the Spill Kits for Trail Jamboree; gift Continued on page 6 www.pnw4wda.org Continued from page 6 certificates for Future 4Wheelers were not needed at Winter Convention. Angela Holm, Membership questions were answered. Randy Drake’s letter did not get written or sent regarding the Travel Management Plan appeal process (lawyer problems); Randy will keep us updated on what is happening with that. Kathy, We Did It/Club Power items were covered. Edward, Web Site was covered. Dave, no audit of the books yet because the husband of the bookkeeper Dave had scheduled the audit with had a stroke so hopefully next week it will be taken care of. Dave Taylor, Comp expenses were included in his report. Dan & Kyle Barrel Extravaganza were covered. Diana is still working on getting a table cover and small banner for the PR table. President Angie said we might want to look at getting a couple of table covers and small banners. Review of the Business Plan has been gone over before, nothing has changed. OTHER OLD BUSINESS Forrest Dexter (Idaho Executive Director & North Idaho Trail Blazers) really would like us to establish a reserve account so if some damage would occur on public lands at one of our events we would be able to cover it. Discussion followed. The PNW has insurance to cover events; however, we cannot be responsible for every PNW member’s actions. NEW BUSINESS Scholarship Applications – We had five girls and three boys submit applications this year. After the secretary tried to verify that the applicants were eligible she found that we need to make some changes in our Scholarship requirements, she went back to 2003 and you have before you the results of that research. Our Scholarship form says one thing and the rules say another as far as ages are concerned, one says they can go up to age 25 the other says 21 or under. We have two applicants that are in question. Basically it happened before; one time the club secretary left the student off the roster but that student was on the roster for years, the other basically the same thing. Both were dependents according to the Scholarship rules and both qualify; it was just a technicality. When this happened in the past the Board ruled to allow the applicants. So the question is since President Angie verified they were members, are we going to allow the two in question this year to be included. Dan Morris (Region 2 Director & County Line Off Roaders) made a motion seconded by Kyle Wiebold (Region 3 Director, Cascade Cruisers, Our Gang Off Road & Overbored Racing) that we accept all the nominations – motion passed. The applicants this year are: Girls – Kelsey Mueller 4-Wheelin’ News (Spanaway Moonshiners Region 2); Kenzie Mikaila Hill (Skookumchuck Mud Daubers Region 2); Krista Palachuk (Shindig Wheelers Region 4); Courtney Mohan (Nitty Gritty Region 4); and Dakotah Zentner (Push ’N Pulls Region 3). Boys – Todd Trummert (Spanaway Moonshiners Region 2); Derek McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Sand Commandos Region 4); and Mark Maddox Spanaway Moonshiners Region 2). The winner for the girl’s is Kelsey Mueller, the runner up is Courtney Mohan; the winner for the boy’s is Derek McMains, the runner up is Mark Maddox. Now we need to do some house keeping by changing the ages to be the same in the SOP’s and Scholarship Application. All we are doing is changing the dependent’s age from 21 to 25 making the SOP’s and Scholarship Application match. Kyle Wiebold made a motion seconded by Dan Morris that we change the age of the dependents to 25 – motion passed. JUNE BOARD MEETING will be by Teleconference again, Wednesday, June 6, 2012 at 7 PM. Please get your reports to the Secretary by May 22nd so she can send them out. It is your responsibility to read them prior to the meeting and be prepared to discuss any questions you have. Discussion followed on ways we could hold this meeting, some thought on Skype, on line, Google Circle etc. President Angie will decide and send out the log in information. WINTER CONVENTION – we have not received a bid yet so the first one that comes in will get it. Earl Nettnin (Region 4 Director & Desert Rats) said that he knew some groups that are very upset about closures in the Naches and they want to take legal action and would like us to follow suit. Earl asked what the Board’s thoughts would be – discussion followed, since they haven’t done anything yet we cannot make any kind of decision at this time. The Tri Power on the Move I was reading the Tacoma News Tribune the other day and was looking at the pictures of people with the paper in different exciting and fun locations. If you have a wheeling trip, going to a tropical location...even a trip to grandma's house, take a copy of the Tri Power with you and get creative! Let's see some pictures! Don Jensen (IAD #2, Sand Fleas & Individual Member Club) made a motion seconded by Dave Taylor (COMP Chairman & Outdoor 4X4’s) that we make a $200 donation to the Fire Fighters Association for the use of their Station in Edgewood where we had our meeting today – motion passed. ANNOUNCEMENTS: June Board Meeting Wednesday June 6th 7 PM by a Teleconference Fall Delegates meeting September 8th hosted by Region 2 in Tumwater, WA info will be sent out soon. December Board meeting Saturday, December 1st in Longview, WA Winter Convention 2013 - open SEE BELOW Hearing no more Group Gripes and/or Monkey business the meeting adjourned at 4 PM. Respectfully Submitted, This photo is of myself and Diana Stafford at the world famous Pink's Hot Dogs in Hollywood, CA off of Melrose Ave.- 4/21/2012 Good times! Sande Nettnin, Secretary BREAKING NEWS JUST IN---Region 1 has submitted a bid to hold Winter Convention 2013. THANK YOU REGION 1 DEC. 1ST BOARD MEETING will be held in Longview; Don and Carol Jensen (IAD #2 & IAD #1, Sand Fleas and Individual Member Club will host. Place will be announced later. Discussion followed on what goes on PNW stationary. Whenever you send a letter on PNW Stationary you need to send a copy of it to the secretary for the files. We need to adjust the SOP’s to reflect that we include Electronic Communications also. Use of PNW Stationary is on page 16 in the SOP’s. We need a motion to add electronic communications to it, discussion followed and we need to work on coming up with wording we can all live with; if you have suggestions send them to President Angie and she will sort through them and send out her findings to everyone. This will be discussed again in June. GOOD OF THE ORDER One of the Fire Fighters came in and thanked us for our donation; they plan to use it for the annual Easter Egg Hunt next month. There was a big stack of candy next to the window that they need to stuff in eggs. ~ Change of address? PNW4WDA Membership C/O: Angela Holm 31330 11th Pl. S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 or E-Mail: members@pnw4wda.org APRIL 2012 7 HELLO, IS ANYONE OUT THERE? Show me. Contact a PNW4WDA officer or board member and let them know that you read this article and you are an involved member interested in helping our PNW4WDA organization help us. HELLO, IS ANYONE OUT THERE? CONVOY It was a sunny morning looking to be a beautiful day although earlier than I was used to getting up, but there I was with my road legal trail rig on the trailer behind my tow rig at the meeting place as it was for a good cause; a 4x4 run and campout. Looking around I could see other club members and even some buddies that were not in the club. Then I noticed other folks that I knew with their quads on their trailers and looking around I even saw some 2-wheel off highway cycles loaded up ready to go. I could see it was going to be a CONVOY! We were all heading to Portland to … that would be Portland, Oregon, by three groups of us motorized recreationalists starting from the California border…from the Canadian border…from the Idaho border, all traveling to the United States Forest Service (USFS) office there to air our grievances about the USFS negative attitude on recreation and our continuing loss of roads and our off highway trails. And this at a time that more and more off highway trails were being demanded by the public and as demonstrated by increasing numbers of off highway vehicles of all types being purchased and fees paid to use our public lands for family recreation and good, dirty, wholesome, honest fun…but that you get dirty…cause you play in the dirt! More demand for off highway trails and recreational opportunity and less availability over loads those resources, so the public land managers policy to close more down and … see a pattern? I just must ask, how come when we have more demand for “on highway travel” our land managers build more roadways and when we have more demand for “off highway travel” we build less and even take them away? Guess it must have to do with that definition for ON and OFF; turn ON the roadways and turn OFF the trails. So what is the problem? Well, it would seem that the USFS attitude is that if you have an unprecedented budget of seven billion dollars with unprecedented salary of federal employees averaging over $125,000.00 annually, including benefits, and are releasing timber contracts of about two billion dollars annually then you ought close down more of the forest to the public as that will increase the budget, allow increase of USFS salaries and more USFS personnel so that even more of the forest can be closed to the public, so that less timber contracts will be given, so that the budget can be increased; SEE A PATTERN? Some might ask, what are you say’n? Are you say’n all the USFS wants is a bigger budget for more resources, more personnel at higher salary, less timber contracts for income, less work and a bigger budget for not getting it done? Naw, that couldn’t be it … could it? Well, why not? It has worked that way for the last fifty years; hasn’t it? In the sixties, the USFS budget depended on the timber contract income from the year before so it was imperative that the USFS proactively managed their resources in order that it would provide sustainable forest harvest. That meant a program of harvest and renew by planting the “next crop” of trees and thus the need for forest service roads and trails in order to access the forest for good management, harvest and replanting. Isn’t that why the forest service was placed in the Department of Agriculture in the first place? Department of Agriculture? Does that mean that the public land managers should be treating and managing the forest as a renewable resource such as agricultural crops? Do we need some roads and trails in and through our crops in order to plant them, manage and maintain them and of course harvest such crops? If we have less and less harvest and more and more budget requirement we must be doing something wrong. Is more and more budget and less and less harvest really sustainable? Is that good agricultural practice? Presently, the USFS budget of seven billion dollars with income of two billion certainly would seem to demonstrate their attitude. Surely it demonstrates why the USFS management seeks to eliminate roads and trails and as such, seems to endorse the “wilderness” designation. No roads nor trails to have to check out the forests or maintain, less timber cruise or harvest means more time at headquarters, less physical work to do, more salary among those that hangout at the headquarters and more time for lunch and then, of course, dinner at home every day. How could it be better? Forest fires? Yeah, those are a drag with all that extra fuel buildup and without roads and trails to properly manage. We can just mainly let ‘er burn and use very expensive airplanes and helicopters and just try to protect those folks whom choose to build in the forest and refuse to protect themselves by use of materials and firebreak; or shouldn’t that be firebrake? Even so, that is about 50% of the USFS budget. And, of course, by not allowing removal of fuels and recreation by use of roads and trails, these fires are often so intensive and hot that it kills all the seeds making for a substantial wasteland for decades. In such cases, wind, rainfall and snow melt makes acid soil, erosion and gullys to the extent that the worst “ruts” and damage by people, whether motorized or non-motorized, appears as child’s play in comparison. But, it can be easily seen by any observer that in a lifetime of non-use of most manmade works or improvements, that nature will restore such area to its parameters. All of us that recreate on public lands can relate stories of how we return to an area after winter and have significant challenge in deciphering exactly where we camped or drove our vehicles, unless it has been made into a trail. And, of course, even trails after a couple years of non-use, such as when there has been a temporary closure, cause some consternation in discerning where the trail is. Nature will always protect and rehabilitate; always has and always will. Take a look at Mt St. Helens in May 1980. One needs film and photographs to see any definitional destruction and what’s there now is a pristine part of nature … thirty years later. Pristine, it is beautiful. Taking a look at Mt. St. Helens, it would seem a rut here and there once in a while would just be child’s play for nature and no big deal. Except that we have passed man’s laws demonizing any such and therefore we abide by man’s law with little regard to nature’s healing grace. HELLO, IS ANYONE OUT THERE? Show me. Contact a PNW4WDA officer or board member and let them know that you read this article and you are an involved member interested in helping our PNW4WDA organization help us. HELLO, IS ANYONE OUT THERE? Yeah well, I just did all that thinking about the USFS while we were convoying down the highway to Portland has just about got us there … all of us at the same time … all three groups coordinated (oh those wonderful cell phones) at the same time … and including all the regular roadway users? Hmmm, not sure there is going to be enough room for all of us on those roadways. We were all heading to Portland to … that would be Portland, Oregon, by three groups of us motorized recreationalists starting from the California border…from the Canadian border…from the Idaho border, all traveling to the USFS office there to air our grievances about the USFS negative attitude on recreation and our continuing loss of roads and our off highway trails. Even if some of us traveled down to that Portland USFS Office, and others of us on call, came by later and others of us fanned out on all the roadways out of Portland and others just traveled through Portland to recreation sites close by. In any event, it would be a traffic mess of unprecedented proportion. Would that be bad? That debacle might just cause enough attention for a national debate on our forest management practices and public land managers’ policies. Just the thought of such a traffic mess must have startled me, as I found myself in a bit of a sweat … but still in my trusty easy chair. As I lowered the foot rest on my chair so that I could concentrate and ponder a solution to all of us losing our recreational opportunities and off highway trails on public lands, it brought to mind an idea that had been presented at Winter Convention. CONVOY! Yes, it has been bantered about for the last few months that if all the four wheel drive off highway trails are closed, the four wheel drive community will have to drive their trail developed rigs on the freeway and with many of them hardly able to exceed that minimum freeway speed of 45 mph … we should CONVOY. There are some rowdy folks, perhaps more than a few, advocating a CONVOY of recreationalists to CONVOY to Portland and … to bring the loss of the public to access our forests to the attention of the general public. Who are those CONVOY guys anyway? I was sure the thought of zigging and zagging through random traffic in Portland, having to brake often, would surely bring to mind the names of those guys. I can’t remember their names, but seem to recall one was Paul’s son; oh, what was his name? And I can’t quite remember the other, but am quite sure it was not John’s son; oh, what was his name? Oh well, the thought of a CONVOY, as no one is on a land zigging along randally on Portland’s roadways with John’s son, or whatever his name, and Paul’s son with foot on the drake to avoid collision for the purpose of national attention brings a smile to my face, and … just has to make you grin! Such a CONVOY wasn’t my dream; it was whats their names… but I can surely say it could be a nightmare for the USFS. LET’S GO FOLKS; CONVOY! HELLO, IS ANYONE OUT THERE? Show me. Contact a PNW4WDA officer or board member and let them know that you read this article and you are an involved member interested in helping our PNW4WDA organization help us. HELLO, IS ANYONE OUT THERE? Until next time around, may your trails be delightful! EPIC ~ 8 APRIL 2012 www.pnw4wda.org Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association’s 2011 Trail Jamboree Balance of Day 3 Report and Photos by Clay Graham / Eastern Washington Adventures Sid Hagemeier Trail Jam Chairman giving a speech. 4 Wheel Parts donated a set of 4 tires your choice of 33s or 35s for the raffle. Time to relax around the campfire. The Raffle Ticket Drawing for the Light Sabre Project. Or you can dance if you want to. Another fun filled day was over. The end of DAY 3 DAY 4 starts on next page Continued on page 10 4-Wheelin’ News APRIL 2012 9 Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association’s 2011 Trail Jamboree - Day 4 Report and photos by Clay Graham / Eastern Washington Adventures On Day 4 (Saturday July 9th, 2011) I met up with the Desert Rats for their hosted 4x4 run to Little Rattlesnake. They set me up with Mike to ride in his TJ. Around 8 AM we headed out. We took the FS1500 road over to FS1503 and then up FS1501 to the Little Rattlesnake Trail Head. We ran the Little Rattlesnake trail with no real problems. There were a few dents since this is a very tight trail. Once everyone was up at the end of the Little Rattlesnake Trail, we drove on up to Timberwolf Mountain. There was to much snow to drive to the top so some of us took a hike up there. Some of the younger people had fun sliding down the deep snow drifts. At the top we took a few pictures and headed back down to the rigs. & Next we headed back to Jim Sprick Park to enjoy the rest of the day there. Safety/Education Director Rob Stafford had a RTI Ramp and rigs lined up to use it. & Saturday night’ dinner was bought to you by 4 Wheel Parts. Marty Tilford gave out prizes for his Trail Trash Contest. & Raffle Board prizes were given out to the lucky ticket holders. & The 50/50 raffle winning ticket was drawn. & That night there was dancing and a bonfire. & Here are some photos: On Day 4 (Saturday July 9th, 2011) I met up with the Desert Rats for their hosted 4x4 run to Little Rattlesnake. They set me up with Mike to ride in his built TJ. Heading onto the Little Rattlesnake 4x4 trail. Our group getting ready in the staging area. Heading toward the to trail we got slowed down because of a big herd of sheep in the road. Airing down at the Little Rattlesnake trail head. Continued on page 11 10 APRIL 2012 www.pnw4wda.org Continued from page 10 We stopped to regroup right before the tight part of the Little Rattlesnake Trail. Continued on page 12 4-Wheelin’ News APRIL 2012 11 Continued from page 11 Moving on. Clay Graham PNW4WDA Region 4 Public Relations PNW4WDA Beverly Dunes Coordinator Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch Association (Delegate) 12 SEE NEXT MONTH FOR the balance of DAY 4 and 5 APRIL 2012 www.pnw4wda.org toward discover pass. Angela Holm •Reiter: A change regarding the 4x4 area – DNR had decided to that area in house, which means we are not sure how they will work in volunteer time to get it completed as they are focusing on the other trails at the moment. Region 1 Director April 18th, 2012 The meeting was called to order by Angie Holm at 7:00, followed by the flag salute and a moment of silence for the ill and departed. There were 10 delegates present, representing 6 clubs. Secretary Report: Motion was made by Theresa Taylor from Outdoor 4x4’s to approve the minutes as distributed to Yahoo groups and Tri-Power, Dave Taylor from Outdoor 4x4’s 2nd. Directors Report: Next BOD will be by telephone conference in June. Angie participated as Membership with Diana Stafford as PR at 4 Wheel Parts Jeep and Truck Fest at the Puyallup Fairgrounds on Saturday, April 15th, only signed one member. Treasurer’s Report: There was a written report. Theresa Taylor Out Door 4x4’s made a motion to accept the report as written, Dave Taylor, 2nd. Competition: Barrel Extravaganza is May 5th at the Cowlitz County Fairgrounds in Longview. You must 18 years or older to race and help. These are the same rules as in the Tacoma Dome. All proceeds of this event go back to the PNW General Fund. There is no limit to the amount of races for this event. If you would like more info you can contact Dave Taylor, PNW Competition Chairperson, Kyle Wiebold or Dan Rheaume. July 7th is the Region 1 run-offs at Ethel, Summer Convention is the 2nd weekend in August at Camas Valley, OR. Land & Legislative: •Walker: Ed reported he went to a meeting with DNR regarding where you will need discovery passes at Walker; also discussed where work parties were needed most; specifically 3 areas. Rick Foster is rotating in for Elyse. The Skill Building area is holding up, not what it was originally designed for, but is still in pretty decent condition. Two grants are still in progress E&O and Education, though education is being revamped to go along with forest watch, holding off on doing any work hours for that until the revamp is completed with forest watch info. The M&O – using WCC crew which is making it harder to get work hours in. You must check with the coordinator to make sure the project is listed for anyone in the public to attend so hours will count 4-Wheelin’ News Club Power/We Did It/Quill Power: Please fill out the forms for any project you do and get them submitted to the region. This is an excellent tracking tool on how many volunteer hours we’ve done. Region Reports: Food Drive: Any food or blankets given to Grace will be donated to the Maltby Food Bank. Tamers donated blankets for Grace to take as well as some food. Teddy Bears: Please bring in teddy bears and they will be donated to the Monroe Hospital and Police & Fire Department. OSP: Tom Morrell with the Bullshifters contacted the Mayor of Ocean Shores regarding our group being charged for Friday night camping for the event. He had left a message with one of the mayor’s staff. This past week he received a phone call from the Mayor herself asking for more information and she stated she would look into what she could do to help. Angie will follow up with her office. Thank you Tom for getting the fire lit! Old Business: Region 1 Canopy – Dave Taylor at March’s meeting asked for funds to be approved to repair the canopy as there are several cross joints broken. Dave quoted a price of $117.00 to buy a repair kit. He also priced out an entire new frame, $600.00. Ed Tenney made a motion to allow up to $150 for repairing the frame which will including the frame repair kit and shipping, Wayne Laurent second. attention of the delegation as well as for potential membership/PR that the DNR is putting on a Recreation Expo at the Monroe Fairgrounds on April 28th and 29th. He also suggested that Angie contact Ted Jackson to see if we could have a PR booth. Angie will also to get a hold of Diana Stafford for potential PR for PNW. Raffle items, Go Jo jug, ooga horn and air compressor; Mike Jones with the Timber Tamers won the air compressor, Theresa Taylor with Outdoor won the Go Jo jug and Dan Cole with Dirty 13 won the ooga horn. Hosting Schedule: subject to change May 16th- Dirty 13 June 20th- Doo Wop Ditty July 18th- Green River Valley Jeepers August 15th- Happy Campers September 19th- Outdoor 4x4’s October 17th- Rainier Ridge Rams November 21st- Seattle Jeep Club December- No Meeting Upcoming Events: Meeting Adjourned at 8:10pm Submitted by Grace May & Angie Holm ~ report 360-458-0644 Dan Morris Region 2 Director 04/19/2012 Tacoma, WA Vice Director Rob Stafford called the meeting to order at 7:25 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silence for the sick and departed was observed. Minutes: A motion was made by Derrick Clark (Rednecks and Rugrats) seconded Eric Kossell to accept the minutes as posted in the Tri Power. Motion passed. Treasurer’s Report: Kathy made a motion that the treasurer has authority to withdraw $5.00 to cover the handling fees each month. Motion passed, Edward made the motion to accept the Treasurers report Derrick Clark made second motion. We Did It/Club Power: New Forms are almost ready to be posted on the PNW4WDA site. Naches: Dave Bauman, no Evans Creek: Gate is open, Thanks to Derrick Clark for opening the gate at midnight! There was a large crowd that enjoyed the opening. A lot of snow is still in the area. Work party should be May 19th and 20th. Most of the work will take place in the campground, campsites will be leveled out. The road is clear all the way up to the main gate. Host spots are still available, contact Derrick Clark. Elbe: Work party is April 28th and 29th from 9-5. Plan on cleaning bridges and trash pickup. Lunch will be served by Dogpound Offroad. Tahuya: South loop hill is starting to become a lot of fun. DNR would like to meet to figure out how to fix the hole. Work party this weekend April 21st. Land Matters: Jim Putman reports that Naches(East Side) and Rimrock, Manastash are open. There will be an emergency closure from May 1st to June 1st. The seasonal closure is flexible due to weather and soil conditions. Know before you go, please call to confirm area is open prior to your trip. Continued on page 14 Outcast 4x4 Fun Run May 19, 2012 Start at Elbe campground First Rig out at 8am Last Rig out at 12pm Fun for the whole family Good of the Order: Thanks to the Bullshifters for hosting tonight’s meeting. Winter Convention 2013 – Committee has had their first meeting and is currently working on a logo. Theresa Taylor brought up the Region 1 Canopy needs a dolly for easier transport. Currently her personal dolly is being used. As the handles to the bag of the canopy are broken, Theresa suggested purchasing a dolly. Theresa will look into the purchase price of a dolly and report at May’s meeting. Mike Jones brought to the attention of the delegation that CORE is doing a free/by donation play day on May 12th behind the prison. No competition, just having fun. Camping is available. Please contact Mike for more info. Ed Tenney brought to Elbe Hills Trail System Come out and explore Elbe trails and participate in all the fun and games Registration $10 (first hand) and $5 for each additional hand Raffles and Prizes Lunch provided by 4 Wheel Parts For more information contact Heath Moyer (253) 350-2584 Brandon Marek (253) 222-6029 the APRIL 2012 13 Continued from page 13 Naches- May 1st is the next TWIG meeting. Please go if you participated in the Adopt A Trail program. This will take place at the Naches Ranger Station. Discover Pass was changed to a two pass vehicle however you can’t use it on two vehicles at the same time. There is also a family pass where you can put all of your vehicles on one pass, but is still only useable in one vehicle at a time. May 2nd will be the Westside training at the DNR building in Enumclaw. In order to take the DNR class you will need to have a first aid card. ORV Watch: 4/22nd at Straddeline ORV Park- there will be a Customer Appreciation run with 4WheelParts. Way & Means: No report Membership: A few new individual members have been signed up using the new software. PR: Thanks to these clubs for participating at TruckfestEl Dorado Dust Devils, Moonshiners, Hombres, Washington Bobtails, Cascade 4x4’s, County Line Offroaders. Thanks to Rob Stafford for putting on a presentation for winching and Hi lift jack safety seminar. We’re looking forward to the DVD Future 4-Wheelers: No report Competition: Barrel Extravaganza on the 5th in Longview. Old Business: no change as far as Beach Clean Up. Stay tuned for more details to come. New Business: Willy Crawley reports the NOVA lawsuit will happen May 22nd in Olympia right across from where we had our rally. Memorial Day Week there is an annual Liberty work party. You must sign up prior, contact Dave McMains if you would like to participate. Future Meetings and Announcements: Next is May 17that 4WheelParts 4/22nd at Straddeline ORV park there will be a Customer Appreciation run with 4 Wheel Parts from 9-5. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm Respectfully submitted by Nichol Phillips Secretary, Cascade 4x4’s ~ 14 Kyle Wiebold Region 3 Director 17 April 2012 Region 3 Director Kyle Wiebold brought the meeting to order at 7:44 pm, followed by the flag salute and a moment of silence. ROLL CALL Fourteen Clubs were present this evening including Cascade Cruisers; Flat Broke & 4-Wheeling; Hubs in; Mud Puppies; Mud-A-Rama; Our Gang Off-Road; Piston’s Wild –Oregon; Piston’s Wild –Washington; PNW Individual Member Club; Sand Fleas; Those Guys off Road; Trask Mountain; Trail Runners; Vancouver 4 Wheelers. HOSTING CLUB: Those Guys off Road, They have been a club for 3 years now. April is there “Birthday Month”. They are also adopting Hoggs Back Trail in the Tillamook State Forest. MINUTES Jeff Bowman made the motion that the minutes be approved as printed in the Tri-Power and posted on the Forum. This was seconded by Rick Smith. There was a vote and approved. Officer’s Reports: OFFICER REPORTS Region Director Kyle Wiebold – ODF (Oregon Department of Forestry) the Public Comment period is open on draft annual operations plans to guide management of the state-owned forest, during a 45-day comment period that will begin on April 9. The draft plans coming upon for review are for state forestlands in the Astoria, Tillamook, and Forest Grove, Western Lane, Coos, Southwest Oregon and Klamath-Lake districts. The annual operations plans identify and describe specific projects pertinent to the economic, environmental and social aspects of managing state lands, such as timber sales, road maintenance, stream enhancement and trail building. Hard copies of the draft annual operations plans are available for review at each of the above listed ODF offices and ODF headquarters in Salem. They are also posted on the ODF website (www.oregon.gov/ODF/ STATE_FORESTS/2013_AOP_ Draft.shtml) The comments and questions on the plans may be sent to ODF in any of the following ways: they the web link email to: sfaoplans@odf.st ate.or.us, Fax to 503-9457212, ATTN: Rod Nichols, Postal mail to: Rod Nichols/Publix Affairs, Oregon Dept. of Forestry, 2600 St. Salem, Or 97310. The public comment period runs through May 21, 2012. Shore Patrol is moving along. Looking for a new camping place and a new place to start from. The event on May 5 at Cowlitz County Fairgrounds is on track. Piston’s Wild and Vancouver 4 Wheeler are going to be doing security. Entry fee is $10.00 per person, and kids are free. Radio Advertising has started. 5 spot per day. Flyers were also posed all over Longview and Kelso. Vice Director Tom Fisher – No Report Secretary Margaret Schiedler– The minutes are posted on the forum. Treasurer Rick Levine – Detailed report given Public Relations August – No Report. James Competition Marty Tilford – Went over the May 5 Event, also the comp book is done. July 7-8 Free Wheeler and the Region 3 Runoffs at Ethel. Oregon Land Matters Jeff Bowman – Browns Camp is open; some of the higher stuff is still closed due to high snow. SOLVE is Saturday the 20th of April 2012. The work party has been rescheduled, date to be determined. Flat Broke is helping with the re-route on Eagle Hill Trail in the Trask Mountain. This re-route will add about ¼ mile of trail. They hope to do this on May 19 & 20, 2012. Trask Mountain to bring in the excavator. They can’t get into the stream until July. Washington Land Matters Kira Dominiak – the Discover Pass is now transferable between vehicles. Yacolt Burn is on hold, waiting on the snow to melt. DNR is waiting on Clark Count for permits. Club Power/We Did It/Quill Power – There have been no projects turned in. Carol is really wants people to turn in these forms. IAD Don and Carol Jensen– California OHV organizations have hired a high power lobby group to lobby on the Johnson Valley issue. The recreation Trails program (RTP) is still unsettled--encourage letters to your Senators supporting RTP COMMITTEES Ways and Means Kristen Smith– Nothing to report at this time. I am still waiting on the completion of the Tee shirt order for the Region. They will be done for the next meeting. OLD BUSINESS No Old Business NEW BUSINESS Crystal Crowder and family went to Moab, Red Rock 4 Wheel Parts Run, Quadatec BBQ, BFE Crawl Mag Appreciation day. Crawl Magazine Started Funds to help clubs build trails. There was a great raffle. APRIL 2012 GOOD OF THE ORDER Sand Flea Rally April 28, 2012 at SandLake Barrel Racing Extravaganza May 5, 2012 at Cowlitz Fairground Our Gang OffRoad Season Opener June 2, 2012 Independent Play Day June 8 and 9, 2012 at the Ethel property 4 at a Time and Freewheelers July 7 and 8, 2012 at the Ethel property Jolly Jeepers Back to Basics July 21, 2012 Out Door 4x4 July 21 and 22, 2012 at the Ethel property Summer Convention August 10, 11, 12, 2012 at Camas Valley Overboard Labor Day Race September 1- 3, 2012 at the Ethel property Piston’s Wild Cruise In September 22, 2012 at Woody’s 4x4 Piston’s Wild Pick Up The Burn September 29, 2012 at Yacolt Burn ADJOURNMENT Seeing no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm. Respectfully submitted, Margaret Schiedler/kas Region 3 Secretary ~ WASHINGTON – Olympic NF Proposes OHV Trail System In North Fork Calawah Watershed The Pacific Ranger District of the Olympic National Forest is proposing to construct and maintain an OHV (OffHighway Vehicle) trail system in the North Fork Calawah watershed. The Proposed Action is the development of a trail system and staging area for OHV use in the Bonidu project area. The trail system would utilize both existing system roads and user-created trails. There would be no cross-country travel, and user-created trails in the project area that are not part of this proposal would be closed / rehabilitated. The system would be designed for year-round use. The public is invited to participate in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process as Forest Service personnel prepare an environmental analysis. Comments in support or in opposition are welcome. If you have information you believe the Forest may not be aware of, or if you have specific concerns regarding potential effects of this Proposed Action, please send your comments in writing to Tim Davis, Project Leader, at Olympic National Forest, 1835 Black Lake Blvd SW, Olympia, WA 98512, or by email to comments: pacificnorthwest-olympicpacific@fs.fed.us. Please respond by May 21, 2012. Significant issues that are identified may be used to develop alternatives to the Proposed Action. Respondents will be notified when the draft Environmental Assessment is available for the thirtyday review and comment period. If you have no input at this time, but would like to remain informed, please let us know. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Tim Davis (project leader) at 360-956-2375 or email attedavis@fs.fed.us. Thanks in advance and, as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact BRC. Ric Foster Public Lands Department Manager BlueRibbon Coalition 208-237-1008 ext 107 ~ REMINDER The deadline to submit articles and photos for Tri-Power is the 21st of each month Send to: tripower@pnw4wda.org Articles should be in Microsoft Word with Arial 10pt font ADs can be in word and if you can make a PDF that would be best so it will hold the type styles that you picked Tri-Power Ron McDonald 360-901-8376 3902 NE 61st Ave. Vancouver, WA 98661 www.pnw4wda.org Earl Nettnin Region 4 Director APRIL 10, 2012 SELAH, WA Director Earl Nettnin (Desert Rats) called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silence for the sick and departed was observed. Guests present were: Michelle King NEPA Planner for the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, Jim Putman PNW4WDA Washington State Executive Director & the Hombres and George Dousett (The Hombres). MINUTES: A motion was made by Leonard Paine (Desert Rats) seconded by Randy Hayes (Sand Commandos) that we accept the March 13th, 2012 minutes as printed, motion passed. TREASURER’S REPORT: given by Sande Nettnin (Desert Rats), we have no outstanding bills at this time. We will have expenses for the Hobo Stew for the Jim Sprick Park clean-up April 21st COMPETITION: Flyers were passed out for the Barrel Extravaganza May 5th at the Cowlitz County Expo Center in Longview, WA. This event is being hosted by the PNW4WDA as another fund raiser for our organization. Sounds like it should be a lot of fun. MEMBERSHIP: We are still working out the kinks in the new membership program. Director Earl Nettnin reminded everyone that it’s up to the club contact person to make address and phone number changes for their club; if you have problems doing that contact Angela Holm Membership Chairman at 1-253-529-9482 or Members@pnw4wda.org and she will be glad to help you. CLUB POWER/WE DID IT: Chairman Gary Harting (Desert Rats) said he had nothing new to report, however, he plans to discuss some ideas he 4-Wheelin’ News JUNIOR JEEPERS: Advisor Gloria Joralemon (Shindig Wheelers) said she has purchased patches for the kids and will hand them out at the Jim Sprick clean-up; this will be their first meeting of the year. Gloria said Krista Palachuk (Shindig Wheelers) will graduate this year, she has been a great help; Gloria will miss her, but taking over for her will be Krista’s mom Alicia Palachuk. PR: Chairman Clay Graham (Yakima Kittitas Forest Watch) is doing a great job of sending out information to our contact list. If you aren’t on the list contact him at goplay@easte rnwashingtonadventures.com and he will add you to the list; if you don’t want to be included on the list anymore just send him an e-mail and he will remove you. Jim Putman (WA State Executive Director & The Hombres) said he appreciated getting the DNR (Department of Natural Resources) material that Clay posted. Merrick Graves (Naches Ranger District & High Country Cruisers) said if you wanted information on DNR you can sign up on their web site to receive information directly from them. Director Earl Nettnin handed out the remaining of his 110% awards from Winter Convention. The pins were back ordered so he was unable to hand them out at Winter Convention. Awards went to Pam Remley, Gloria Joralemon, Clay Graham, Ron Rutherford, Gary Harting, Dave McMains, Doug Conner, Dale Neuman, Sande Nettnin and Arlene Brooks. Earl thanked everyone for stepping up and making our Region a success. LAND MATTERS: Director Earl Nettnin (Desert Rats) introduced Michelle King the NEPA project planner for the Naches Ranger District. Michelle said she started in June with the Naches Ranger District; she is mostly involved in project planning, but does some public affairs and she is trying to stay involved with the TWIG meetings as well. Michelle said after attending several TWIG meetings she (A division of Eastern Washington Adventures) with cooperation from the Department of Natural Resources. TRAIL JAMBOREE: The clean-up at Jim Sprick Park st is Saturday April 21 plan to attend if you are a trail host; Sid Hagemeier (Shindig Wheelers) Jamboree Co-Chairman plans to have his host meeting following the clean-up. Please bring something to add to the Stew pot (no more than 1 cup of something cut up and prepared or one 303 can) the Region will provide the meat, bowls, spoons, napkins, rolls and butter. We also have a pot luck Saturday night, so please a bring something to share. realized there wasn’t much time to get to know the people who attended those meetings so she was hoping to be able to attend other group meetings and get feed back on projects, and have time to answer more questions and hear what others really had to say. Michelle had several items to discuss starting with Spring Burning. She said that updates are available daily as well as weekly, just check their web site. Spring Trail Closure (everyone’s favorite topic). On March 19th they signed a decision, two days later they found out there was a national injunction on all categorical exclusions starting March 19th. So right now the decision that was signed cannot be used; discussion followed, right now all trails are open. Michelle will pass on all news releases when available. Trails need to be marked better; Merrick Graves (Forest Service & High Country Cruisers) said he will be marking trails this summer so we will have a better idea of just where the trails are. Work parties will be called and clubs will be notified as to how and when they can help. Once Travel Management hits things will change drastically; however this is a few years away now. Michelle said she Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch Association has with the PNW4WDA’s We Did It/Club Power Chairman Kathy Greenwood (Off Road Animals) that may help distributing awards. is hoping that Irene Davidson (District Ranger) will sign something in the next couple of weeks regarding the spring trail closures; information will be posted on the Naches Ranger District web site under alerts and notices listing the trails that are open as well as the trails that are closed. TWIG update: the next meeting will be May 1st at 7 PM. This is for the volunteer trail coordinators, club leaders, and adopt a trail leaders but everyone is welcome. This will be a volunteer training workshop and will run until about 9 PM. Discussion followed on the flood repair. The Forest Service has completed the analysis for the 1808 Bumping, 1601 and the 3100 road system over in Cle Elum, these should be completed this year as long as contracting goes through. The next set was a much bigger damaged area the whole 1700 road system will have one analysis, 1501 will have one analysis, the 1901, 3300 in Cle Elum and 4715 in Cle Elum. Michelle said they will be looking for a lot of public comment on these roads. Please let them know why these roads are important to you and be specific with your comments. Don’t just say I’m opposed to it, state why. Michelle said she would be sending out the proposed actions for all of them and some would have more than one option. The major roads in Rock Creek will be fixed; most of the culverts will be upgraded. There will be lots of construction from July 15 to August 15 on the 1900 Road so expect delays and closures of the road. This will mostly impact traffic coming from the west side over Green Pass, Pyramid Pass and the Naches Pass; so it would be very good to have that well posted on the west side so they won’t have any surprises like - closed. Discussion on the Nelli Restoration Project was next. Michelle handed out pamphlets detailing the project. Michelle said this is very much like the Glass Angel project. Comments are due by April 15th, although comments received anytime during the analysis period will be accepted and given consideration. For further information on this project contact Jim Bailey at (509) 6531479 Monday through Friday. Michelle handed out copies of a comment form detailing the kind of information you should Continued on page 16 Ahtanu m S tate Forest TrailsClean -up 10 AM Saturday,Jul y 28th 2012 atthe Ahtanum WinterRecreatio n Trail head Please sig n ni at he t Yakima/Ki ttita s ForestWatch Associati on base camp . The cl ean up ar ea tra ilsar e on Sedge Ridge,Whites Ri dge, nad Foundatio n Ridge.This may include Trai l4W 613,Strobach MountainTrai l,Blue Lake and h te Darland olop.The hours in cluding your rav t eltime arecounted and help get unding f fo r he t Ahtanum Statefo rest. After the cl ean-up around 5:30 PM we willhave a bring-a-dish potluck forallthe volunteers.Camping with Friday & Saturday meet & greets. For moreinf o e-mail Cla y Graham atGoPlay@Ea sternWashingtonAdventures.c om APRIL 2012 15 Continued from page 15 include with your comments. Please use one form for each road you are commenting on. If you want information on the Travel Management Plan contact Clint Kyhl the Forest Supervisor for the OkanoganWenatchee National Forest, 215 Melody Lane, Wenatchee, WA 98801. A question was asked about the proposed closure of the 1601 and 1611 roads during the winter. These roads are the only roads that are open to 4 X 4 use during the winter. No decision has been made yet, so please make your comments known to the Naches Ranger District. Recreation planning meeting for the Naneum Ridge State Forest will be April 25th in Ellensburg & April 26th in Wenatchee time and place to be determined. This will be like the one they had for the Ahtanum State Forest. There are openings on the committee; contact Mike Williams Recreation Manager for Department of Natural Resources (DNR) if you are interested in being on this committee 509-925-0973, or e-mail Michael.Williams@dnr .wa.gov A question was asked as to the status of the 1605 road – this is part of the Glass Angel Timber sale, and it is technically closed right now, however, they are fixing it for the timber sale so the logging trucks can use it. A question was asked if we had received any clarification from Washington Fish & Wild Life on their newly acquired land regarding the Discover Pass. Answer No. We are trying to find out if we need to have a Discover Pass for Trail Jamboree. GOOD OF THE ORDER AND/OR MONKEY BUSINESS The Shindig Wheelers are planning to participate in the Selah Days Parade May 19th. Next meeting dates for Region 4 will be: May 8, 2012 at Doug Conner’s Shop – Pasco, WA June 12, 2012 at Liberty Off Road in Moses Lake, WA FUTURE MEETINGS/ EVENTS Jim Sprick Park clean-up April 20-22, 2012 Beverly Dunes Clean-up May 5, 2012 May 5, 2012 Barrel Extravaganza May 19-28, 2012 work party at Liberty Respectfully submitted, Please disseminate the following information. Forest Service Road 1900 (Little Naches) will be closed for 7 to 10 days at MP 6.0 Pile Up Creek to install a bridge between July 16th and August 15th . Forest Service Road 1900 (Little Naches) will be closed weekdays from 7am to Noon and 12:30 to 5pm at mile post 5.0 August 1 to August 31. There are no roads around the construction site. Please contact the Naches Ranger Station at 653-1400 for more information as the dates get closer. Or check the following web site h t t p : / / w w w. f s . u s d a . g o v / detail/okawen/alerts-notices/ ?cid=stelprdb5308316 Moses Lake Clean-up April 28, 2012 Meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM. Forest Service Road 1900 (Little Naches) will be closed Barry Collins Roads & Trails South Engineering Zone Naches RD ~ Sande Nettnin, Region 4 Pick Up A Mountain Secretary/Treasurer - Chairman Pam Remley (Shindig Wheelers) said she is looking for donations for door prizes and additional help with some of the activities. Pam will post on Face Book High - Extremely Important and/or High Priority for Management the areas she is looking for Medium - Moderately Important and/or Moderate Priority for Management help with. Contact her at Low - Low Importance and/or Low Priority for Management mtnrubi76@yahoo.com or 509-658-2496. Pam said we may have some Region 1 If you don’t know what the answer is please move on to the next question. Not all questions must be answered for all trails. people coming over this year 1. Trail Number/Name because of problems with camping at Operation Shore 2. Location (Township, Range, Section)/Starting Point Patrol. ~ Naches Ranger District –Trail information Washington State Executive Director Jim Putman (The Hombres) reminded everyone about our Adopt A Trail Program. He said we still have lots of trails that need adopting. The official Adopt A Trail web site should be open by May 1st so you can check and see which trails have been adopted. Pam Remley is our Trail Coordinator for Adopt A Trail and she will be able to let everyone know when work parties are planned. Chainsaw training is still on schedule for April 28th starting at 8 AM at the Naches Ranger Station. Other dates are May 5th, May 19th, and June 9th, sign up with Jeff Leisy Trails, Wilderness, OHV Coordinator for the Naches Ranger District (509) 653-1438 or jleisy@fs.fed.us. Winner of the Door Prize – Steve Richards (Peak Putters). 16 3. Type of Trail 4. Current known uses 5. a. Significance to you or your user group? (eg. Amount of use, connector, previous investment, historical significance, type of experience) b. Ranking of significance, Low, Med, High and why you chose that ranking. c. Is the trail class appropriate or should it be changed? If changed, to what? 6. Incidental knowledge of condition (including tread, known problem spots and/or maintenance challenges) 7. Willingness to Adopt – Name of Group ____________________________ a. To manage the trail to “Standard” b. To address Heath and Safety issues – brushing and removing litter 8. Additional Information o Is there an acceptable alternative to this trail o Easy access for maintenance o Options and alternatives for maintenance o Strategies for reducing maintenance. o 9. Any concerns or disagreements from the group lease document. I want to thank everyone for participating in this exercise!! Irene ~ APRIL 2012 www.pnw4wda.org OREGON Exec. Director 541-389-7265 OrExec@pnw4wda.net One of Glass Buttes locals an abandon truck left over from the mining days of the area. Clinton’s administration stripped the area of all the old buildings including an open miners shack strangers had cared for used and left open to the next occupant. Bad deal but the area is still beautiful. Randy Drake Oregon Exec. Director May Report 2012 Daylight is getting longer but my days are getting shorter. This just doesn’t make since as it would seem with more daylight I would have more time also. Apparently that is not true as I am running way behind at this time with fewer and fewer places to find short cuts to save time. I might offend some; but I really need to either find some slaves or clone myself twice over. The phrase that is heard almost everywhere these days come to mind “If only I could win the lottery”. With that in my pocket book there would surely be some left over for buying more time at the end of each day. Mona and I are preparing for our annual run and camp out at Glass Butte at the end of the month. This is a very spring time, scenic run that anyone would have fun on. No hard core wheeling just a very low keyed runs with friends and family that anyone could join in on providing they have a Class II vehicle. Lots of stories will be told around the camp fire with big dreams of vehicles that will be the ultimate fourwheeling machine. Cline Falls is progressing into a fun little run for Class II vehicles. The two little trails are done and signed. Both of these trails will require the short stick to be engaged and it is slowing going over and around the buggy cut outs. The routes are short but with running them both ways it will take an average group of seven rigs a very full day of wheeling. In the play 4-Wheelin’ News alongside of the paved roads. No access by the people would be allowed more than 300 feet into the forest as we damage it too severely. Now this is the pesky people on foot only that will be included period by her standards and the USFS Region 6 office. Motorized traffic would just be allowed on paved roads as we the largest user of public lands is the ones that desecrate the forest (per USFS). We the motorized user will be allowed only to park along side of the paved roads and walk the 300 feet into the forest is their perfect idea of our use. The only way this public land manger was stopped was with the people getting involved. The people just trying get by are all it should have taken to stop this TMP; instead of having to go to the congressional level. This forest is over two millions acres and motorized activities are allowed on less than onethird of those acres. She and Region 6 are doing and will do all they can to stop travel on less than half of that third for any reason. This just does not make sense! The population is growing and we need more motorized trails for now and for future growth yet the forest service land mangers just don’t see our use even though the laws are written for our use to be validated within each forest to accommodating our divers usages. They don’t get it! They are blind to the majority of the forest users who are using public lands in a motorized Continued on page 18 Jon Pyland in his old cj5 attacking the pumice mine in the area of Glass Buttes. Trail sign for Cline Buttes Recreational Area extremely difficult and not recommended for class I or IV. Kiwi Steve Schroll heading up to the vista at the top: Glass Butte radio tower is always windy at the top. We can see Mt Scott to Mt Adams to Harney Basin just about from there. area there is plenty of areas to spend time playing on the harder lines but there are plenty of winch point s for those finding their quitting point. Winching will save the trail for next time and will definitely save on broken and dented parts. Winch is a good thing for trail rigs. The campground here this year will be very rough but with plenty of room for the biggest rigs. Not too sure but believe we the campers will build to suit and customize each camp spot for now. There is no plan for creating the actual camping spots at this time from BLM. So bring your grubbing hoe and shovel for smoothing out the sagebrush to fit the space needed for your family. Cline Falls has miles of trails and roads for Class I, Class III and Class IV vehicles. There are miles of the same for Class II but you will not need to turn in the hubs to run these routes. They are trails for fast as you can go routes with plenty of dust. If you like to go fast you will enjoy the majority of these other trails. Wallowa-Whitman TMP has been thrown out and will be redone. Not positive what this means but believe that they will start all over again this time including the people. It is the people of this nation that is supposed to be the ones in charge of the forest service. The forest manager of this area does not see it this way. She and most forest managers believe that the people are not smart enough to be any part of managing the forest. With this belief the way to really manage public lands is to remove the people and put them in little parks APRIL 2012 Even the buggies are having fun at the trails system Deschutes County 4 Wheelers have been building with a few other user groups. Travis Morelli a club member of DC4W teaching my niece Andrea from Winston what it means to crawl a rock at the newly opened Cline Buttes Recreational Area just west of Redmond on Hwy. 126. 17 Continued from page 17 vehicle. So what causes their blindness? And what will open their eyes? Fear makes them shut their eyes; fear of litigation by extreme environmentalists mostly I don’t want to think its fear of a little work. What opened their eyes; people meeting by the hundreds and inviting elected officials and lawyers and users of all types to join together. I am committed to getting back on the forum with updates and continuations of issues. Modern technology has seemed to fray into several choices of information dissemination. Forums are kind of almost stopped, face-book isn’t so easy for some to navigate, e-mails are never checked or changed and not updated, the printed word is still coming to your doorstep I hope and you can go retrieve it at the web site: http://www.pnw4wda.org/ . So make sure Ronald McDonald and Tri-Power has your “mailing address”! Now is not the time to grow faint. Washington State is in for a run for their money, Oregon State is plum tired of talking TMP-but I think someone is finally listening. Let’s not back down nowcall, write, e-mail, tweet whatever you do-doit over and over this year! Let’s let Region 6 of the United States Forest Service know us and know we want our roads, trails and two tracks! We adopted them and keep them watched over and we have for decades: we are not willing to go away not now not ever! Oregon Dunes Yesterday, for the first time in the history of the Oregon Dunes, an environmental group; Wildlands CPR and an OHV group; Save the Riders Dunes (STRD) sat down with the Forest Service to discuss the future of the Oregon Dunes National Recreational Area (ODNRA). We all agreed we are losing the ODNRA to the unchecked growth of beach grass, scotch broom and shore pine. Restoration to open free flowing sand is our only hope to keep the ODNRA from certain death. All stake holders agreed that we can share the dunes. We also all agreed that we can work together and in doing so keep the areas most important to each of us healthy and manageable. The ODNRA will never be open free flowing sand again. The area is too big and unwanted vegetation too widespread to eradicate it no matter how much money is available. The beach grass is just too tenacious. We need to focus our efforts of restoration on specific areas that will achieve 4 main objectives: Snowy Plover habitat, Open OHV areas, native plant communities and the visual beauty of the dunes themselves. There were discussions on exactly how to accomplish these goals but first we need the organization and some basic knowledge to start the process. There needs to be two main groups initiated. One would be the stakeholders themselves. This would look similar to the 10C Work Group. Examples would be Enviros, OHV, USFS, BLM, Counties Corp of Engineers etc. The second group would be what is called the “Ologist”. (Biologist, Ecologist, and Botanist). They would begin to collect data Pacific Northwest Region like where is the native plant communities and where would Forest Service be best to start foredune 333 SW First Avenue Portland Oregon 97204 or removal. We have set a goal to meet in mid-July time frame to PO Box 3623 keep the process moving. More Portland Oregon 97208 or information about who will be in phone them: 503-808-2468 the groups will be forthcoming. From B end, take Hw y 20 East approx. 22miles. Turn right on Road 23 and travel approx. 6 miles to Roa d 25. Turn right on Road 25 and travel approx. 2 mi les to Roa d 2510. Turn left on Road 2510 and travel approx. 6 miles. The w ay will be pos ted off East HW Y 20 at Road 23. SMO KIN G PIT BBQ WIL L BE SERV ING BREAK FAS T, LUN CH & D INN ER ONS ITE!! We also need to look at creating an unbiased group like “Friends of the Dunes” or “Friends of the ODNRA” that can act as a non-profit to request grants and collect funds for restoration. Specific to OHV are areas that are now open but heavily vegetated. In a few years there will be so much vegetation that we will not be able to ride there even though we are allowed to. The area just south of Spinreel and west of the open dunes is a good example. I call this area the “hidden dunes”. We must keep these areas designated 10B and OPEN. To do that we may have the ability to go in and pull shore pine, ride on beach grass and scotch broom. Basically restore these areas to open sand. It is a daunting task but we need to start somewhere. All of us must thank Sarah Peters from Wildlands CPR for reaching across the aisle and be willing to work with us to restore the dunes. She came out a few weeks ago to meet STRD to get our side of the story. That took some serious courage to come into the enemy’s camp. We will all benefit. Together we will help the FS focus on the restoration of the ODNRA so all of us will have a say in how we can keep our riding areas open for future generations. For me personally that will always be my number one priority. In a few years I will see my GreatGrandchild riding a quad with me. Now that will bring tears to my eyes! 4/4/2012 Thanks, Jody Phillips President, STRD ~ The Region 6 USFS managers told us every week they are visited by one environmental group or another and what that group asks for is LESS ROADS. The squeaky wheel is the one that gets the grease. Respectfully submitted, Randell Drake ~ 18 APRIL 2012 www.pnw4wda.org REMINDER The deadline to submit articles and photos for Tri-Power is the 21st of each month Send to: tripower@pnw4wda.org 2012 Trail Jamboree July 11-14 Registration begins February 20, 2012 www.pnw4wda.org. For more info call Sid or Kelda Hagemeier at 509.698.3703 Registration is online or Kelda Hagemeier can mail you a registration form. Contact at 509.698.3703. Sponsorship opportunities available. Please contact us. 4-Wheelin’ News APRIL 2012 Articles should be in Microsoft Word with Arial 10pt font ADs can be in word and if you can make a PDF that would be best so it will hold the type styles that you picked Tri-Power Ron McDonald 360-901-8376 3902 NE 61st Ave. Vancouver, WA 98661 19 We're Looking for Members BELFAIR PACK RATS Belfair, WA Sam (360) 275-5253 WASHINGTON: Piston’s Wild SW Washington/NW Oregon Crystal 360-606-1648 info@pistonswild.com CLIFFHANGERS Snohomish, WA (360) 568-1663 PNW Individual Member Club Longview, WA (360) 577-0111 Oly Stump Jumpers 4x4 Club 18621 Hilt Street SW Rochester, WA 98579 (541) 848-5009 / (360) 888-5521 DrESDanielson@aol.com Rednecks & Rugrats Jeep Club South Prairie, WA Dan (253) 863-6787 Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch Selah, WA SPOKANE 4 WHEELERS Spokane, WA (509) 542-1244 White Knuckle 4x4 Puyallup, WA (253) 536-8381 www.ykfwa.org maryandart@comcast.net hunter@snowgoose.com Thunder Trucks Auburn, WA John (253) 606-4019 or Windy City Wheelers Ellensburg, WA (509) 674-9559 Thundertrucks4x4@hotmail.com OREGON: 4 At A Time Hillsboro, OR (503) 628-4210 GORGE RIDGE RUNNERS The Dalles, OR (541) 298-3487 Deschutes County 4-Wheelers Bend, OR www.deschutescounty4wheelers.com FOUR RUNNERS Klamath Falls, OR (541) 545-1630 CASCADE OFFROADERS Lebanon, OR (541)451-2678 webmaster@fourrunners4x4.org www.fourrunners4x4.org IDAHO: 800-537-7845 Membership in the clubs listed above offer a wide variety of activities. If a club is not listed in your area call 800-537-7845 or visit our web site www.pnw4wda.org for a complete list of clubs. If you would like your club listed above e-mail us at: tripower@pnw4wda.org l b Individual Membership Pro-Rated Dues Jan $40.00 July $22.00 Feb $37.00 Aug $19.00 Mar $34.00 Sept $16.00 Apr $31.00 Oct $13.00 May $28.00 Nov $10.00 June $25.00 Dec $10.00 $35.00. PNW4WDA TREASURER 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 20 APRIL 2012 www.pnw4wda.org JEEP/WRANGLER DIFF’S PHOTOs are OK with your ad. Classified Ads are FREE to PNW4WDA members. Non- Members pay $10 per issue for up to 10 lines + a single photo. Makes checks payable to PNW4WDA Submit ad to: tripower@pnw4wda.org, OR FAX 360-695-1043 Or snail-mail it to: Tri-Power 3902 NE 61st Ave. Vancouver, WA 98661 Send ad in Arial font size 10. 2 Weeks Free use of all Videos* 96 to 06 Jeep Wrangler differentials Ford 8.8 w/3.73 gear ratio and limited slip Jeep Dana 30 w/3.73 and Lock Rite locker Both have disk brakes - $800.00 for both OBO. Contact Don Williams: 360-426-7585 or email; dwilliams@NWTEKK.com ~ 12-2011 JEEP TRAILER FOR SALE Military Jeep Trailer Great Condition, Military Wheels, 1 7/8 hitch. $600.00 Joe Anderson 253-862-8245 3-11 ~ 1954 CJ3B Hi Hood This jeep has been off road one time. It lived on a farm hauling water pipe. It has a 231 V6 and a spare. Tilt wheel power steering and brakes. Two speed CJ5 wipers. Full cage, Warn 8000, Caddy hiback leather seats, new tires. I did a LOT of custom work. I have all the orig. parts. The body is old but NO rust or dents and has never been cut up!! Way to many things to list. I need to sell do to medical bills. I’m only asking 6500.00 cash or best offer. You can email me at: butchnguns@ comcast.net RACE JEEP FOR SALE........$10,000 Race Jeep PNW legal very competitive contact Tom Peters at trustme4321@aol.com 1-2012 1992 YJ Jeep Please help me sell this truck to the right guy. My sons and I built the truck up, though we use Dave Sport in North Bend for the Dana 44s, air lockers, and the suspension lift. The motor also was rebuilt by a professional shop in Kent, WA. This truck is set to go, and priced to sell. 6-10 ~ WANTED: NV 4500, complete, ‘98 or earlier 2WD unit, with mechanical speedometer from a V-10 or a diesel trans will work also. Stu 253-312-6923 Edgewood, WA ~ 12-2011 YOUR AD HERE 4-Wheelin’ News New Rebuilt 4 Cylinder Motor w/ warranty Dana 44 Front and Rear with air lockers Warren 8 Thousand Winch Oversized Wheels, Raised 4 inches (original leaf springs over axels) Slip Yoke eliminator kit Removable Hard Top Great Condition. $6500.00 Steven Fowler | Sr. Consultant. 425-941-6465 http://www.sound-leadership.com 6-10 ~ 1997 JEEP WRANGLER Clean low milage well built TJ. 88,000 miles. 2.5lt-4 cylinder 5 speed. Over $10,000 in after market parts, 6” long arm lift, 1” body, Dana 44 front and rear, ARB air lockers front and rear, 513 gears, rocker guards, corner guards, gas tank guard, roll cage, tire carrier bumper, high lift jack, 33” BFG MT, rear disc brakes, custom exhaust, high steer kit, CB, slip yoke eliminator, new clutch, soft top, bikini top, short throw shifter, after market seats and so on. $8,900 OBO. I have pics. Steve 425-864-5111 3-2012 ~ APRIL 2012 21 2012 Region 1 Meetings Angela Holm, DIRECTOR 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 • Cell: 206-617-9478 Reg1Dir@pnw4wda.org 3rd WEDNESDAY MONTHLY NO DECEMBER MEETING at 7:00pm-8:30pm - Alfy’s Pizza, 4820 – 196th St. SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036 (425) 775-5459 ~ Region 2 Meetings Dan Morris, DIRECTOR P.O. Box 494, Roy, WA 98580 253-761-6536 cell 360-458-0644 home Reg2Dir@pnw4wda.org Our meetings are Held at: 4 Wheel Parts 7602 S Tacoma Way Tacoma, WA Every 3rd Thursday of the month Except December. These meetings are open for anyone whom has an interest in our Wheeling community. If you drive a 4x4 Vehicle down one of our trails We want to meet you! Come on out to a region meeting and Have a Slice of Pizza Provided by 4 Wheel Parts. Working hard to change our environment one Trail/person at a time. NO DECEMBER MEETING ~ Region 3 Meetings Kyle Wiebold, DIRECTOR E-mail: Reg3Dir@pnw4wda.org Phone 360-772-5682 (are always the third Tuesday of every month) at 7:30pm NO DECEMBER MEETING Held at: 4-Wheel Parts Performance Center 2700 SE 82nd Ave, Portland, OR 503-774-4000 All members and guests are welcome at this monthly meeting where Region 3 club delegates gather to discuss upcoming events and land matters for the Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington 4x4 recreation areas. Please join us to learn about what is happening on our off-road trail systems in NW Oregon & SW Washington. This is also a great place to find out first hand about work parties, trail events and other 4x4 activities that are taking place. Guests are most welcome and we are always looking for new clubs and individual members to join the association and get involved! ~ Region 4 Meeting Earl Nettnin, DIRECTOR 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 reg4dir@pnw4wda.org April 10 7:30 PM Magic’s Pizza, 309 South First, Selah, WA May 8 7:30 PM Doug Conner’s Shop 3300 Road 96, Pasco, WA st June 17th the 31 Annual Oregon Creek-N-Trail, hosted by Region 6 th June 30 Groundhog Rock Crawl Competition, hosted by Deschutes County 4 Wheelers Volunteers or competitors welcome! st th July 21 &/or 28 We Did It Project for Santiam’s Quack Attack at Region 6 Delegates Meeting/campout/ potluck, hosted by Deschutes County 4 Wheelers September 22nd Region 6 Delegates Meeting/campout/ 430 Rd. road maintenance/ dune cleanup/potluck, Hauser, OR, hosted by Strawberry Hill 4 Wheelers October tba Quack Attack Club Power Work Party November 10th Region 6 Meeting/run/potluck, Klamath Falls, OR, hosted by Klamath Falls 4 Runners January 2013 Combination Oregon Delegates Meeting followed by the Region 6 Delegates Meeting TBA NO DECEMBER MEETING June 12 7:30 PM Liberty Off Road 9268 Beacon Road, Moses Lake, WA ~ May 19th Outcast 4x4 Fun Run see AD page 20, June 9th - 10th Independence-Ethel, WA June 16th - 17th Oregon Creek N Trail Registration Deadline June 1st Larry: 541-883-8326 jeepinn@charter.net July 28-29 Skookumchuck Mud Dauber’s will be hosting a play day at the Southwest WA fairgrounds in Chehalis. Any questions please email: leeandkeely@aol.com or call Lee Hill at 360-508-1376 August 10-12 Summer Convention Camas Valley, OR Sept. 1st - 3rd June 30th Groundhog Rock Crawl Deschutes Co. 4 Wheelers Randy: 541-389-7265 jrmdrake@msn.com July 7th - 8th Free Wheelers & 4 at A Time Ethel, WA July 11-14 Registration begins Feb. 20, 2012. www.pnw4wda.org For more info: Sid or Kelda Hagemeier 509-698-3703 Overboard - Ethel, WA Sept. 14-16 Region 4 Pick Up A Mountain Jim Sprick Park - Nackes, WA Pam: 509-658-2496 mtnrubi76@yahoo.com or Earl: 509-783-6481 reg4dir@wda.org Sept. 30th White Knuckle’s 13th Annual Swap Meet Enumclaw, WA www.whiteknuckle4x4.org Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association Region 4 October 9 7:30 PM Magic’s Pizza, 309 South First, Selah, WA November 13 7:30 PM Doug Conner’s Shop 3300 Road 96, Pasco, WA Outdoor 4x4 Ethel, WA May 5th Barrel Extravaganza, Cowlitz County Fair Grounds Longview, WA August 14 7:30 PM Doug Conner’s Shop 3300 Road 96, Pasco, WA September 11 7:30 PM Liberty Off Road 9268 Beacon Road, Moses Lake, WA July 21st - 22nd 2012 Trail Jamboree July 10 7:30 PM Magic’s Pizza, 309 South First, Selah, WA presents PICK UP A MOUNTAIN Clean Up & Corn Feed NO DECEMBER MEETING ~ Region 6 Meeting Ann Haak, DIRECTOR 35725 North Harney Lane Burns, Oregon 97220 503-349-9875 Reg6Dir@pnw4wda.org For more Info see flyer’s or contact Region 6 Dir. SEPTEMBER 14-16, 2012 Jim Sprick Park 13680 SR410, Naches (Dry camping $6 per night) Activities planned entire weekend Find us on @ facebook Pick Up A Mountain or Contact: Pam Remley 509-658-2496 - mtnrubi76@yahoo.com Clay Graham 509-833-4472 FunTimes@EasternWashingtonAdventures.com Earl Nettnin 509-783-6481 - Reg4Dir@pnw4wda.org SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Subject to Change year’s dates/ hosts. FRIDAY: Arrive - Welcome! - Sign In at Tower - Receive Agenda, Raffle ticket & Junior Jeepers items - Purchase shirts & related items - Junior Jeepers Movie Time - Social time – Bonfire May 26th Region 6 Delegates Meeting/campout/ work project/potluck, Christmas Valley OR, hosted by K-Falls SATURDAY: 8am Driver Meeting at Tower / Pick up the Mountain! - 4pm @ the Infield - Turn in yellow ‘We Did It’ Forms - Check for some Raffle winnings - Junior Jeepers items turn in deadline - Junior Jeepers Corn Shucking Contest - Followed by the Adult Corn Shucking Contest May 27th Region 6 Poker Run, hosted by DC4W Christmas Valley Sand Dunes, proceeds to benefit Lake County schools poster program 5pm-Group Photo / 6pm-Potluck under the Picnic Area / 7:30 Junior Jeepers Winners Announced - Raffle begins (major items) - Junior Jeepers Movie Time – possible - Social & Bonfire SUNDAY: 8-10am Pancake Breakfast - Club Run(s) THANKS SO MUCH FOR ATTENDING! June 22 Registration dead line 1st Creek n’ Trail APRIL 2012 www.pnw4wda.org ATV Mfg. Inc. Dan Marek Insurance Northwest Services Solar Blaster Corporation Herm Tilford P.O. Box 805 Brush Prairie, WA 98606 360-256-3843 www.hermtheoverdriveguy.com 12909 Pacific Ave. PO Box 44076 Tacoma, Wa 98444 253 537-4000 Fax: 253 536-3338 danmarek Insurance.com Brad Hoyt 4/06 2016 87th Ave. Ct. East Edgewood, WA 98371 206 948-0549 / 253 922-6745 bradkarts@aol.com www.northwestservices.net Dan & Tammy Rheaume 4117 16th Ave SW Seattle, WA 98106 206-935-1400 dan@solarblasterfans.com AZ Mobile Auto Glass Tom Young 1/11 PMB# 321 10611 Canyon Rd Puyallup, WA 98373 253-845-7940 www.azmobileautoglass.com Gold Hammer Body/Paint Art Waugh 12/85 5570 S Santiam Hwy # 15 Lebanon, OR 97355 541-409-3390 goldhammer@centurytel.net I-5 Uhlmann RV B&B Excavating Bob Brooks 21520 SE 346th Auburn, WA 98092 253 833-8747 7/86 Billy Bobs Offroad & Truck Specialties Bob Hallibueton 5/06 1322 A Meridian St. E Milton WA 98354 253-286-2344 BillyBobsoffroad@comcast.net Certified Cleaning Serv. Daniel Nobel 2103 112th Street E. Tacoma, WA 98445 253-536-5500 ccsdn@aol.com 3/05 Steve Lux 7/90 1001 SW Interstate Ave/ P.O. Box 1106 Chehalis WA 98532 800.245.5378 / 360.748.6658 kipbarker@uhlmanns.com www.uhlmannrv.com PROGRAM Dan Johnson 7/97 35700 Enchanted Pkway S. PO Box 4986 Federal Way, WA 98063 253 838-7600 Fax: 253 874-7070 www.jetchevrolet.com Neal Hollingsworth 10411 Airport Rd Everett, WA 98204 1-800-347-1188 www.ringpinion.com Randy’s Ring & Pinion Svc Dianna Lyn 10411 Airport Rd Everett, WA 98204 425 347-1199 11/96 Laird Lighting Ltd Andy Laird or Ruth Mc Cully P.O. Box 70207 Eugene, OR 97401 541-686-2166 4/11 Standard Batteries Of Moses Lake Dave McMains 3/06 400 E Broadway Moses Lake, WA 98837 509 765-8246 www.wrongwa@msn.com TLC Plumbing Terry Johnson 5/94 2442 NW Market St # 9 Seattle, WA 98107 206 783-1548 THE PNW Trailready Products LLC Ron McDonald 6/87 6202 NE Hwy 99, Stuite 2 Vancouver, WA 98665 360-695-0595 • 360-695-1043 Fax rapid.print@comcast.net Snohomish Transmissions Rick Pratt 3/92 17476 147th St SE Monroe, WA 98272 360 794-7888 • Fax: 360 805-5367 www.snohomishtransmission.com Larry Trim 12410 Beverly Park Rd. Lynnwood, WA 98087 425 353-6776 larry@trailready.com 4WDA Warn Industries Adel Adams 13270 SE Pheasant Ct Clackamas, OR 97015 503-722-3015 • 503-785-2001 Fax adamsa@warn.com www.warn.com NOW NEW PNW4WDA SPONSORSHIP At the Board of Directors meeting in December the board adopted a new Sponsorship Program for the Association. This program will help us as we continue to move forward. Due to contractual obligations we had to wait until January 1st, 2011 to start contacting vendors. We have had a wonderful response and I look forward to presenting our sponsors so far at Winter Convention. Listed below are the four levels of sponsorship. If you or someone you know is interested please call the phone number listed below. Platinum Sponsors: Randy’s Ring & Pinion Carl Niebuhr 6/94 PO Box 147 Snohomish, WA 98291 360 568-7728 Fax: 360 568-9435 www.oly4x4.com Rapid Print Jet Chevrolet PNW4WDA SPONSORSHIP Olympic 4x4 Supply JOIN Sponsorship Options Bronze LevelFor $1000.00 annually, you will receive an Association Membership to the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association, a running quarter page ad in Tri-Power, a plaque recognizing your involvement with the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association and a link on our website to your business. 4 Wheel Parts Paul Barwick 7602 S Tacoma Way Tacoma, WA 98409 253-476-1600 www.4wheelparts.com Bronze Sponsors: Warn Industries, Inc. Ken Scuito, Director of Marketing/Customer Serv. 13270 SE Pheasant Ct Milwaukie, OR 97222 503-722-3015 www.warn.com ARB 4x4 Accessories Lisa Wood 720 SW 34th St Renton, WA 98057 (866) 293-9078 www.arbusa.com 4-Wheelin’ News Silver LevelFor $1500.00 annually, you will receive an Association Membership to the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association, a running half page ad in Tri-Power, a plaque recognizing your involvement with the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association and a link on our website to your business. Gold LevelFor $2000.00 annually, you will receive an Association Membership to the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association, a running full page ad in Tri-Power, a plaque recognizing your involvement with the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association and a link on our website to your business. Platinum LevelA customized sponsorship package will be developed to fit the needs of your company. Other options can include major sponsorship in some of the Associations events as well as additional advertising opportunities. For Additional Information Call: 1-800-537-7845 APRIL 2012 23 24 APRIL 2012 www.pnw4wda.org