Harvest Time - Wayne County Tourism
Harvest Time - Wayne County Tourism
For 2013 Canal Community Celebrations, visit our schedule of events on Facebook @ Autumn on the Erie in Wayne County NY or www.autumnontheerie.wordpress.com www.waynecountytourism.com Celebrating Wayne County’s Erie Canal Communities Autumn on the Erie www.waynecountytourism.com For a brochure about this exciting self-guided tour, please call (800) 527-6510 printed in the USA Calendar continued... 719 Plank Road, Walworth. 4pm till sold out. 14: Chicken Barbeque: Lincoln Fire Department, progressive play written by Larry Ann Evans and Anne Salerno. Presale tickets only. Wayne County Museum, 21 Butternut Street, Lyons. 13th and 14th show times are 5pm, 6pm, 7pm and 8pm; 15th at 11am, 12pm, 1pm and 2pm. www.waynehistory.org 13-15 : “A Night in the Slammer, a Day in the Clink”: A 13 : Ghost Walk and Speaking to the Spirits of Palmyra: 8pm to 10pm. $10 each. Walk from Village Park to Historic Palmyra museums. Hunt at museums last hour. Call (315) 597-6981 for reservations or visit www.historicpalmyrany.com Road, Ontario. Thurs: 9am to 8pm: Fri: 9am to 4pm and Sat from 9am to noon. www.heritagesquaremuseum.org 12-14 : Fall Barn Sale: Heritage Square, 7147 Ontario Center Palmyra Historical Museum at 132 Market Street. This will be a walking tour discussing the darker side of Palmyra’s history. 8pm to 10:30pm. Tour that gives you chills and thrills in the darkened streets of Palmyra. $10 per person including refreshments. (315) 597-6981. www.historicpalmyrany.com 10 : Historic Palmyra’s Murder Tour: Tour begins at the Grandma and Grandpa are free with any paid Barnbuster admission and free wine tastings for grandparents. 1342 Eddy Road, Macedon. www.longacrefarms.com 8 : Happy Grandparent’s Day at Long Acre Farm/JD Winery: 8 : Wallington Fire Dept. Fall Bog & Grog: 7863 Old Ridge Road, Sodus. Participants attempt to drive their vehicles through trenches of mud without getting stuck. Noon to 5pm. www.wallingtonfd.com 8 : “Mardi-Paws” Mutt Strutt: An afternoon of social activities for both you and your dog with events and prizes. Lunch items available at additional cost. Silver Hill Tech Park, Rt. 88, Newark. Noon to 3pm. (315) 946-3389. www.hswaynepets.org Macedon Center Lumberjack Festival: Gates open at 8am. Amateur competition begins at 9am on Sat. ESPN Professionals competition begins at 10am on Sun. Greased pole climb both days at 5pm. Events include log-rolling, two-man crosscut, chain sawing, bow sawing, log chop and more. Craft and collectibles sale, Commercial exhibitors, Pancake breakfast, Church services. 2481 Canandaigua Rd, Macedon. (315) 986-3732. www.macedoncenterfire.org 7, 8 : 31st Farm Markets, U-Picks, Annual Harvest Festivals, Farm Tours, Hay Rides, & the Amazing Maize Maze Lake Great getaway in New York’s www.facebook.com/AppleTastingTour Like Apple Tasting Tour on Facebook and enter our weekly fans-only drawing. Every Thursday in September, we’ll select one fan at random for that week’s $20 gift certificate! FAN US TO WIN! Apples n Baked Goods n Mums n Cheese Wine n Pumpkins n Gift Items n Door Prizes n Cider Apple tasting tour challenge with Gift Basket giveaway October 1–31, 2013 October 11–14, 2013 Tour Challenge Tasting Weekend TOUR APPLE TASTING 16TH ANNUAL 2013 Harvest Time Wayne County Fall Events Weekend: 1342 Eddy Road, Macedon. www.longacrefarms.com 7, 8 : 16th Annual Amazing Maize Maze Grand Opening Wayne County Fall Calendar : 2013 September continued... a publication of Wayne County Office of Tourism OCTOBER 14 : Long Acre Farm’s 1st Annual Apple Carnival: Sample locally grown apples in a variety of forms across the farm. Apple scavenger hunt, apple toss and more family fun. Apple bake-off: bring an apple dish with recipe cards to enter our contest. 4pm to 8pm. 1342 Eddy Road, Macedon. www.longacrefarms.com 14, 15 : 46th Annual Palmyra Canaltown Days: Historical community celebration on the Erie Canal. Arts, crafts, food, Parade, canal boat rides and more! www.palmyracanaltowndays.org 20 : Palmyra Movie in the Park 20, 21 : Palmyra Community Garage Sale 20-22 : Savannah Potato Fest: Savannah Fireman’s Field. Friday Parade. Saturday Fall Floral Contest & Photography Contest, Car Show, Cake Booth, Potato Wrestling, Potato-peeling Contest, Fireworks and wine-tasting. Sunday antique tractor pull, Stunter X show and the Silent Auction by the Chamber. Amusement rides each day. Music and plenty of Food for the Weekend. For more information contact Scott Kolcynski at (315) 365-3190. 21 : Harvest Festival: Heritage Square, 7147 Ontario Center Road, Ontario. Craft and antique sale, kids games, Horsey bingo, food, bake sale, pony rides, ice cream social, raffles and more. 11am to 4pm. Blue Ridge Country Ramblers performing 1pm to 3pm. www.heritagesquaremuseum.org 21 : Annual Williamson-Pultneyville Community Garage Sale: 9am to 5pm rain or shine. Food vendors, exhibits and arts and crafts. (315) 589-9892. www.w-phs.org 21, 22 : The Wayne County Sportsmen’s Show: Promoting outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, hiking, archery, ATV’s, scuba diving and more. Family fun for everyone. Wayne County Fairgrounds, 250 W. Jackson Street, Palmyra. 9am to 7pm on Sat and 9am to 5pm on Sun. www.waynecountysportsmensshow.org 28 : Sodus Harvest Fest 2013: Main Street in the Village of Sodus. Arts & crafts, food, music and homemade goods. Youth activities, vendor booths and more! 10am to 4pm. www.sodusny.org 28 : Chicken Barbeque: Walworth Fire Hall, 2178 Church Street. Dine in or take-out. 4pm to 6pm. 28, 29 : Finger Lakes Live Steamers Fall Open House: See and ride large scale model trains. Food and souvenirs available. 302 Clyde Marengo Road, Clyde. 10am to 4pm. www.fingerlakeslivesteamers.org 7 : Butler Church Museum & Roe Cobblestone Schoolhouse Open for Visitors: Museum is located on Butler Center Road and Schoolhouse is at corner of Van Vleck Road and Route 89 in Butler. 10am to 2pm. www.bhpsbutlerny.org 1 : Summer Concert at the Sodus Bay Lighthouse: Starlight Orchestra performs all your Big Band favorites. Free. 2pm. Refreshments. Bring your own blanket or chair. www.soduspointlighthouse.org U-Pick Blueberries at L&B Farms: Located off of Rt. 31 between towns of Clyde and Savannah. Bring your own containers. Open Mon–Sat from 9am to 8pm. Call ahead for start time. L&B Farms, 2274 Reed Rd., Savannah. (315) 365-3194. September Wayne County Council for the Arts: Classes & Workshops for children and adults, 108 West Miller St., Newark. (315) 331-4593. www.waynearts.wordpress.com The Haunted Hayrides of Greater Rochester: This annual event takes you down a desolate road, winding through eerie acres of apple orchards into the deep, dark woods. Attracting over 20,000 people each year, this frightful event will keep you on the edge of your seat and screaming. 3329 Eddy Rd., Williamson. For a complete schedule visit www.hauntedhayridesrochester.com Moonlight Mazes at Long Acre Farms: Moonlight Mazes take place September 20, 21 and October 4, 5, 11, 18, 19, 25 & 26. Tickets sold from 5pm to 9pm, Maze closes at 11pm. Tickets are $10 for ages 5 & up, Under 5 free. Long Acre Farms, 1342 Eddy Rd., Macedon. (315) 946-4202. www.longacrefarms.com Pumpkin Harvest Weekends at Long Acre Farms: Sep and Oct. Pumpkins, Apples, Gourds, Pumpkin Nursery Rhymes, Wagon rides, Cow Train Rides, Corn Cannon, Great Food & Fun. Long Acre Farms, 1342 Eddy Road, Macedon. (315) 946-4202. www.longacrefarms.com Pumpkin Town at Lagoner Farms: Sep & Oct. Apples and pumpkins. Activities for kids, pumpkin painting, wagon rides, maze and more. Sat and Sun only. Lagoner Farms, 6895 Lake Ave., Williamson. (315) 589-4899. www.lagonerfarms.com Autumn on the Erie: Fall Canal Community Celebrations. For a complete schedule visit http://autumnontheerie.wordpress.com Multi-month events A TASTE OF WAYNE COUNTY Wayne County Fall Calendar : 2013 Scarecrowing in the Village of Macedon: Open to the public. Make a scarecrow and enjoy in the fun decorating for Halloween on Main Street and your yard. Haunted History Ghost Walk: Saturdays in October (10/5 to 10/26) - Meet in front of the Wayne County Courthouse, Church St., Lyons. Take a 90 minute ghostly walking tour of Lyons. 7pm. $10. (315) 946-4943. www.waynehistory.org 5 : Family Fun Day: Morgan’s Farm Market, 3821 Cory Corners Road, Marion. Pick your own apples, wagon rides, pony rides, alpacas, food, music and more! 10am to 2pm. www.morgansfarmmarket.com 5 : Autumn on the Erie-Get to know Your Neighbor Picnic: Macedon Canal Park, lock 30. Enjoy the outdoor family event. Live music, children’s events, vendors. Bring a dish to pass. Meat and tableware provided. 10am to 2pm. 5 : Butler Church Museum & Roe Cobblestone Schoolhouse Open for Visitors: Museum is located on Butler Center Road and Schoolhouse is at corner of Van Vleck Road and Route 89 in Butler. 10am to 2pm. www.bhpsbutlerny.org 6 : Open House at Walworth Museum: 2257 Academy Street, 2pm to 4pm. 7, 8 : Kid’s Day at the Apple Shed: Come join us for a day of fun with free games, balloon animals, crafts and face painting. 3391 Maple Ridge Road, Newark. 10am to 4pm. www.theappleshed.com 10 : Sibyl’s 118th Birthday Party: Event includes a 10 minute individual psychic reading by the Angel Heart Chapel. Sibyl was a spiritualist for more than 50 years. You may see a guest show up from time to time that just doesn’t seem real. Cost is $20 or $10 party only. From 6:30 pm to 9:30pm. Phelps General Store, 140 Market Street, Palmyra. (315) 597-6981. www.historicpalmyrany.com 11-14 : 16th Wayne County Apple Tasting Tour: Self driving Tour. Travel our scenic country roads, ablaze in autumn glory from market to market. Enter to win prizes along the way. Free gifts and more. The Tour Challenge starts October 1 and runs until October 31. Call (800) 527-6510 for map. www.waynecountytourism.com 12 : Chicken Barbeque: Lincoln Fire Department, 719 Plank Road, Walworth. 4pm till sold out. 12 : Annual Meeting & 10th Anniversary Celebration of Butler Historical Society: Held at Wolcott Elks Lodge, special speaker will be Eleanor Stearns. 5pm social time, 5:30pm buffet, 6:30pm guest speaker. Call (315) 594-2332 for presale tickets. www.bhpsbutlerny.org 14 : Columbus Day Celebration at Long Acre Farms: 1342 Eddy Rd., Macedon. (315) 946-4202. www.longacrefarms.com 15-19 : Fall Rummage Sale: St. Michael’s Church, Newark. Tues-Fri from 9am to 6pm and 8am to 11am on Sat. 18, 19: Candlelight Cemetery Tours Candlelight Cemetery Tours, sponsored by the WilliamsonPultneyville Historical Society. Come and enjoy actors in period costume portray citizens from the past. After the tour, enjoy cider and donuts in Gates Hall. Lakeview Cemetery, Pultneyville. Two tours each night at 7pm and 8pm. www.w-phs.org 18, 19 : Historic Palmyra’s Famous Cemetery Walk: Come meet famous and infamous cemetery residents. Use Vienna Street entrance. Approx. 1-1/4 hour for each walk beginning at 6:30pm and 8pm. 2 shows each night. $10 per person. (315) 597-6981. www.historicpalmyrany.com 18-20 : Historic Cemetery Walk: Newark Cemetery, Main Street, Newark. 6pm to 8pm Fri & Sat outdoor walks, live actors; Sun indoor at the museum, 120 High Street, Newark at 7pm. www.newarkarcadiahistory.org PLAN YOUR NEXT ADVENTURE ON THE LAKE ONTARIO WINE TRAIL Boutique Wineries, charming Bed & Breakfasts, great Restaurants, bountiful Farm Markets, Historic Sites and fun adventures for the kids… on the Lake Ontario Wine Trail we’ve got it all! 19 : Harvest Moon Festival: Come out and enjoy Ginegaw Park this fall. Pony rides, bounce houses, train and merry-goround, crafts, petting zoo. Music and wine and beer tastings. 1pm to 4pm. 3600 Lorraine Drive, Walworth. 19 : East Palmyra Christian School Harvest Festival and Auction: 2023 East Palmyra/Port Gibson Road. Children’s games, silent auction, chicken and pork BBQ, live auction. 11:30am to 9pm. www.eastpalmyrachristianschool.com 20 : Walworth Memories: Walworth Museum, 2257 Academy Street. 2pm to 3:30pm. Subject TBA. 25, 26 : Haunted Jail & Cellblock Terror: Wayne County Museum, 21 Butternut Street, Lyons. Refreshments 6pm to 9pm. www.waynehistory.org This calendar is published by the Wayne County Office of Tourism. Inclusion in this publication does not constitute an endorsement. While every effort is made to insure accuracy, the Wayne County Office of Tourism cannot assume responsibility for changes in details and rates. PHOTOS: KEN Street, Haunted House at Palmyra Library and Pirates Ball. www.lakeontariowinetrail.com 26 : Palmyra Halloween Events: Trick or Treat on Main Like Wayne County Tourism on Facebook www.facebook.com/WayneCountyNYTourism Farm Markets 1 Shopping continued 9 The Apple Shed 15 Boerman’s Furniture Farm 3391 Fairville Maple Ridge Road, Newark (315) 331-6294 4398 Ridge Chapel Road, Marion (315) 926-5689 More than 20 varieties of apples and our own fresh-pressed sweet cider; we also have a variety of other fruits and vegetables, fresh fudge, baked goods, crafts, farm animals, play area and picnic area. Lunch available daily through October. Call about our group/school tours. Open June – December, 10am to 6pm daily. One mile west of Fairville four corners off Rt. 88 north of Newark. www.theappleshed.com • mrff@theappleshed.com Best kept secret in Wayne County. Unbelievable amount of furniture, antiques, appliances, beds, spinning wheels, player piano, cook stoves, cedar chests, roll tops and more than you can imagine. Open Monday-Saturday from 10am to 5pm. Closed Sundays. boerfurfarm@aol.com SPECIAL EVENTS: Kid’s Weekend • September 7-8 Hayrides • weekends mid-Sept-Oct Haunted Barn • weekends in Oct Apple Tasting Tour • October 11-14 2 Bundschuh’s Greenhouses Family run greenhouse operation growing seasonal, annuals, perennials, hanging baskets, patio pots, mums and hops. Open weekends in September and October. Quality grower since 1999. www.bundschuhsgreenhouses.com Burnap’s Farm Market & Garden Cafe Corner of Lake Road and Maple Avenue, on the Seaway Trail, Sodus. (315) 483-4050. U-pick apples and pumpkins. Kids, come ride our train and run through the corn maze. We also offer fresh picked fruits and vegetables; home baked pies, cookies, muffins and breads. Gifford’s hard and soft ice cream with homemade waffle cones and our specialty, the “Garden Café” serving lunch. Open daily from 9am to 6pm. www.burnapsfarm.com • burnapsfarm@aol.com SPECIAL EVENTS: Pick Your Own Apples – Weekends only TBD Apple Tasting Tour - October 11-14 4 Grandview Farm 1040 Canandaigua Road, Macedon (315) 986-2551 Our market offers fresh seasonal fruits and veggies, baked goods, ice cream, crafts and a petting pen. Kids will enjoy feeding the animals or playing at our corn table. Our fresh homemade apple cider donuts offered every weekend through the fall. Order fresh baked pies or pick one up at our bakery! Visit Daily from 10am to 6pm. www.grandviewfarmny.com • grandviewfarm@rochester.rr.com SPECIAL EVENTS: Apple Tasting Tour - October 11-14 5 16 Mackenzie’s is a locally owned specialty retail boutique in the historic Village of Palmyra. Always out of the ordinary, Mackenzie’s brings you fresh ideas with endless possibilities. Fall Open House is August 24, 25 and Christmas Open House is November 1-3. www.mymackenzies.com • mary@mymackenzies.com SPECIAL EVENTS: Fall Open House – August 24, 25 Christmas Open House – November 1-3 Accommodations Bonnie Castle Farm Bed & Breakfast 6603 Bonnie Castle Road, Wolcott (315)587-2273 We welcome you to a haven of warmth and charm where gracious hospitality and casual elegance await you. The perfect setting to enjoy complete relaxation for vacationers, special occasions, or business travelers amidst expansive lawns and trees in a “turn-ofthe-century” setting overlooking the east side of Great Sodus Bay. www.bonniecastlefarmbb.com • gpendleton3@rochester.rr.com Maxwell Creek Inn Bed & Breakfast 7563 Lake Road, Sodus (315) 483-2222. Historic 1846 Cobblestone house on six acres along the south shore of Lake Ontario and Beechwood State Park. Just west of Sodus Point on the Seaway Trail halfway between Rochester and Oswego. Clip and save $10 on your stay September & October 2013. Get a free wine bottle bag. www.maxwellcreekinn-bnb.com • mcinnbnb@gmail.com SPECIAL EVENTS: “The Amazing Maize Maze” & Back 40 - open weekends in September and October from 10am to 5pm. Moonlight Mazes - September 20, 21 and October 4, 5, 11, 18, 19, 25, 26 Apple Tasting Tour – October 11-14 14 Historic Sites of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Orbaker’s Drive-In Extraordinary food and ice cream since 1932. Famous ground steaks, cheeseburgers and homemade hot sauce. Old fashioned milk shakes and ice cream. New seating for 90+ people. www.orbakers.com Skipper’s Landing 7061 Lake Bluff Road, Wolcott (315) 587-9797 Ontario Barn Vineyards is located just east of Rochester and about a mile south of route 104, Ontario Barn Vineyards features its own limited-production wines and a smattering of some of the best wines from other New York wineries. Wine tasting and fabulous gift shop make a great day trip from anywhere in the region. The lovely 10 acre vineyard is also available for corporate or private parties. www.OntarioBarnVineyards.com Waterfront dining on the east shore of Sodus Bay. Open Wednesday through Sunday, featuring wraps, salads, burgers and home-made soups for lunch and seafood, steaks and pasta for dinner. Open year round. www.skipperslanding.com SPECIAL EVENTS: Sunset Wine Tasting – August 30 7th annual Ontario Barn Festival - Aug 31 FARMERS’ MARKETS 17 Village Park Clyde Farmers Market Thorpe Vineyard SPECIAL EVENTS: Apple Tasting Tour - October 11-14 18 June – October/Saturdays • 8am - noon Lyons Farmers Market Lyons Village Park / Church Street June – October/Saturdays • 7:30am-11am Macedon Farmers Market Macedon Town Hall, 32 Main Street (Route 31) July – October/Wednesdays • 4pm-7pm Newark Farmers Market Young Sommer Winery Central Park - Church Street 4287 Jersey Road, Williamson (315) 589-8861 Young Sommer Winery, where you are always treated like family, is located 30 minutes east of Rochester, two miles north of Williamson and nestled in the center of our farm overlooking orchards and expanding vineyards. Offering grape and fruit wines that embody our unique climate that clings to the Lake Ontario shoreline. www.yswinery.com • hyoung@rochester.rr.com SPECIAL EVENTS: Apple Tasting Tour - October 11-14 June – October/Thursdays • 2:30pm-6pm Ontario Farmers Market 1640 Route 104 June-October/Thursdays • 3:00pm-6pm Sodus Farmers Market Parking lot of 58 W. Main Street June – October/Wednesdays • 2:30pm-6pm Walworth Farmers Market Ginegaw Park Lake Ontario Wine Trail, June – October/Tuesdays • 2:30pm-6:30pm Wolcott Farmers Market Northrup Park/New Hartford Street June-October/Thursdays • 2:30pm-6:30pm Palmyra (315) 597-1600. Visitor’s facilities at the Hill Cumorah, Smith family homes, Book of Mormon Publication site and Visitor Center are open daily yearround. Free guided tours and displays are available. Hill Cumorah Pageant each July is also free. www.hillcumorah.org 17 Mason Farms and Farm Market 3135 Ridge Road, Williamson (315) 589-4175. 13 18 A NYS Bicentennial Farm! We are proud to offer quality fresh homegrown fruits and vegetables from our family farm. We are a certified organic and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) grower. Open seasonally from May 1 through October 31. Hours: Monday - Friday, 9am to 6pm; Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 5pm. www.masonsfarmmarket.com • masonfrms@aol.com 3 21 SPECIAL EVENTS: Apple Tasting Tour – October 11-14 7 21 4793 Route 104, Williamson (315) 589-9701 Boutique wineries, charming Bed & Breakfast’s, great restaurants, bountiful farm markets, historic sites and fun adventure for the kids…on Lake Ontario Wine Trail we’ve got it all. Visit our website then travel the trail, you’ll be glad you did – We promise! www. lakeontariowinetrail.com Museums Athenia Restaurant Love at first Bite! Open everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner, 5:30am to 10pm. A great place to eat. Across from Rite Aid on Route 31. 8150 Chimney Heights Blvd., Wolcott (315) 594-2502 Come celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Little Winery on the Great Lake! Located ½ mile east of Chimney Bluffs State park, a wide variety of wines are produced from home grown grapes. Fall hours – Sat & Sun 12noon to 6pm. Like us on Facebook. www.thorpevineyard.com • thorpevineyard@rochester.rr.com Long Acre Farms/JD Wine Cellars One location – twice the fun! Home of the Amazing Maize Maze, Jumping Pillow, fall hayrides, corn cannon, farm market, and ice cream shop. JD Wine Cellars offering hand crafted wines and beer. Farm open Mon-Fri 10am till dark, weekends 10am till 6pm. BBQ grill, cider, donuts and more on weekends in the fall. www.longacrefarms.com • getlost@longacrefarms.com 20 606 East Main Street, Palmyra (315) 597-4287 22 Ontario Barn Vineyards 513 Whitney Road, Ontario (716) 202-4469 11 Mackenzie’s 13 SPECIAL EVENTS: A Night in the Slammer: A Day in the Clink – September 13-15 Haunted History Ghost Walk: Saturdays in October The Haunted Jail and Cellblock Terror: October 25, 26 Wineries 138 East Main Street, Palmyra (315) 597-5986. 12 The museum is housed in the former Wayne County Jail. Built in 1856 it was operated as the sheriff’s home and jail until 1960. Some exhibition rooms are: Pottery and Glass Room, Military Room, Women’s Room and the changing Exhibition Room. www.waynehistory.org • info@waynehistory.org. 19 1342 Eddy Road, Macedon (315) 986-4202 6 Lukacs Pottery Studios 7060 State Route 14, Sodus Point (315) 483-4357 Visit Lukacs Pottery Studios on your way to Sodus Bay. You’ll experience a working pottery studio and browse a storefront full of beautiful, functional art. From clay flutes to dinnerware sets and other fine crafts you’ll find unique gifts for every occasion. Open Tues-Sun from 10am to 6pm. www.lukacspottery.com • lukacspottery@gmail.com 1033 Victor Road, Macedon (315) 986-8872 3 10 Restaurants Museum of Wayne County History 21 Butternut Street, Lyons (315) 946-4943 16 8 10 22 12 6 Morgans Farm Market 3821 Cory Corners Road, Marion (315) 926-0910 Featuring locally grown fruits and vegetables, several varieties of homegrown apples, gourds, pumpkins, squash, fall ornamentals, mums, cider, baked goods, honey, maple, specialty foods. U-pick apples and pumpkins. Our Family Fun Day is October 5. Take the short drive and enjoy a retreat to the good things in life. www.morgansfarmmarket.com • info@morgansfarmmarket.com 9 7 SPECIAL EVENTS: U-pick apples and pumpkins Family Fun Day – October 5 Apple Tasting Tour – October 11-14 5 1 Shopping 8 15 Aunt Millie’s Attic 2095 Ridge Road, Ontario (315) 524-9317 Selling antiques, collectibles, primitives, books, furniture, glass, household, military, paper, photographs, postcards, pottery, prints, paintings, sporting, stoneware, scouting, textiles, toys etc. Includes Penfield paintings and prints. Open Wednesday through Sunday from 10:30am to 5pm. 20th ANNIVERSARY SALE – Beginning Oct 19 through Nov 17 in appreciation of our customers we offer a 40% to 70% off sale! rmchale1@rochester.rr.com 2 4 11 14 20 For more information on these and other events please visit: www.WayneCountyTourism.com call (800) 527-6510 to request a complete Wayne County Travel Guide
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