Details - Tagish
Details - Tagish
Tagish Community Association Box 58 Tagish, Y.T Y0B-1T0 Phone 867-399-3407 Fax 867-399-3006 E-mail CHECK OUT THE NEW COMMUNITY WEBSITE: AUGUST 2nd Annual TAGISH HARVEST FAIR Saturday August 17th 10 AM—4 PM Harvest Market 10 AM—2 PM · Live music by The Pinetop Rounders · Harvest Talk Series: Fall Preserving—Jennifer Daniels, Sourdough History & Uses— Ione Christensen, First Nations Storytelling— Ida Calmegane, Small Scale Commercial Production— Sheila Alexandrovich, and Cold Frames and Greenhouses— Bob Sharp · Horse and Rider Demonstration · Dog Agility Demonstration · Tractor Pulled Hay Rides · Kids Rock Painting, Sandpile and Playground · Chili Cook Off · TCA Concession: BBQ Burgers and Hotdogs, Cotton Candy, Corn 2013 HEARTY PANCAKE ~BREAKFAST~ SUNDAY August 11th 9:30 am – 12:00 pm · Fun Family Event! Everyone Welcome! Please leave your pets at home Co– Hosted by: Tagish Community Market Society (TCMS) and Tagish Community Association (TCA) Suggestions? Ideas? Slightly new format to accommodate the large summer numbers! Adults……………..…$8.00 Children under 12….…$3.00 Come to the Public Meetings and voice your input: Tagish Community Association AUGUST 21 @ 7:00 PM WINNERS FROM JULY: Gerry Fromme……….Phyllis’ Cake Fulcher family……….….1 Breakfast A BIG Thank You to Our Volunteers! Judy and Paul Dabbs, Louise Girard and Ron Tait, Richard and Vicki Hancock, Leslie Kerr, and Shelley Penner—Pancake Breakfast Lesli Barnes and Wendy Dawson — Bike Loppet Elmer and Edna Matthias - Painting the Diamond Bleachers Phyilis Bach—Donations to Pancake Breakfast and Coffee and Chat And to anyone else who I have missed! THANK YOU!!! Tagish Advisory Council AUGUST 7 @ 7:00 PM C.T.R.R.C. AUGUST 12 @ 10-4 Community Club Hours Tuesday to Friday 10 am-4 pm Note: times are subject to change Public Computer Free Internet Available Page 1 As of July 21st, the Tagish Community Association has a new recreation director. Colin Hickman has replaced Krista Lambier who has begun a one year maternity leave. We wish Krista, her partner Ched and daughter Rady all the best as they await a new member to their family, expected in September. Krista is expected to rejoin us on August 1, 2014. This past year has seen a lot of activity within the Community Association and the board is very pleased with what has taken place. We owe much of this to Krista’s hard work and welcoming personality, often ably supported by Ched. It has been delightful to watch Rady grow from a one to a two year old. Our thanks to the entire family. The Board looks forward to working with Colin over this next year and we are confident that we will continue to grow as an organization and as a community. It goes without saying that we will only be successful with the support of our many volunteers and we would encourage any resident wishing to help to give PICK-UP SOFTBALL The “Marsh Lake Challenge” Bring your glove to the Rec. Hall ball diamond for a friendly game for the whole family on August 10TH! Society of Yukon Bird Observatories Fundraiser Event This is a big fundraiser dinner being held by the Six Mile River Resort on August 10th. There will be live music, a raffle, and a silent auction. Please email Mitch,, to reserve your tickets and seat ASAP! PHOTO OF THE MONTH CONTEST Starting this September, the Tagish Community Hall will be hosting the Tagish Photo of the Month Contest! Photos must either be of the Tagish scenery, Tagish wildlife, or community events. The winner for each month will have their photo featured on the home page of the community website! Deadline to submit is September 15, 2013! Please submit your photos to HOMESCHOOL SOCIAL: Closed for the summer! ~Stay tuned for start-up again this September~ Tagish Community Association Page 2 PRE-SCHOOL PLAY DAYS! Moms, Dads and Care‐givers: if you are interested in engaging your babies and pre‐school aged children with music and playtime in a fun, social setting we are inviting you! Come to the Rec. Hall on Fridays from 10:30 AM— 12:00 PM to partake in these parent‐directed sessions. CARPET BOWLING ...for everyone! Everyone is invited to come out and learn the technical indoor game of Carpet Bowling. Tagish has some of the best equipment in the Yukon, so come check it out! THURSDAYS, 11:15 AM Foot & Wellness Clinic Wednesday August 28, 2:00-4:00 YOU MUST CALL THE HALL TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT FOR FOOT CARE. Tagish EMS will be here for the Wellness Clinic as well. This is a great opportunity to have your blood pressure, blood sugar and oxygen levels checked. No appointment is required for this, just drop in and say hello! CRUISERS CONCESSION …mmmmmmmmmm! WEDNESDAYS, 2 pm 4 pm Come Out and Enjoy Coffee, Tea, Snacks and a Selection of Concession Treats. Challenge someone to a game of darts, Cribbage or shuffle board. TAGISH MUSIC JAM TAGISH HARVEST MARKET SATURDAY August 10, 25 August 17, 10 AM to 2:00 PM Eggs, bedding plants, artisan items, jewellery, rabbits, hanging baskets, home baking and more! Vendor packages available at Young players are encouraged to come... show up early! CONNECT WITH OTHER MUSICIANS ON THE SECOND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH, OR JUST COME & ENJOY THE ENTERTAINMENT! Music Host will be announced Soon! Tagish Community Association Page 3 COMMUNITY BIKING TAGISH SERVICE KIDS CAN RECYCLE DEPOT Get your refund in Tagish! Come one, come all for a leisurely bike ride around our Tagish community! Meet at the Recreation Hall on: Mondays, 6 PM All skill levels welcome! HOURS: MONDAYS & THURSDAYS 10‐4 FULL SERVICE STATION Please call ahead or come to the house prior to drop‐off. GAS DIESEL OIL TIRE REPAIRS MINOR VEHICLE REPAIRS WELDING Located at the end of Tagish Estates Road Prize catalogues now available! OPEN 8 AM TO 7 PM DAILY CLOSED TUESDAYS PHONE: (867)399‐3663 06/14 399‐4222 TAGISH DUMP/TRANSFER STATION HOURS MWF……….…...16 pm Tagish Community Association would like to thank our sponsors: · · · · · · Sports & Recreation YLAP Lotteries Yukon RPAY Youth Directorate Heritage Canada SAT & SUN…..….106 pm RENT THE RECREATION HALL FOR YOUR NEXT GATHERING! Call and ask how! Tagish Community Hall Memberships and Advertising Renewals were due in May...pick up the new form at the Rec. Hall! FAMILY MAMBERSHIP — $20.00/year SINGLE MEMBERSHIP— $10.00/year Thank-you for your continued support! TAGISH TREASURES VOLUNTEER OPERATED NEW ITEMS ARRIVING EVERY WEEK! Thank you for all the donations to our Thrift Shop. Please make sure donations are in good, clean repair and working condition before you drop them off. Open when the Library is open! Tagish Community Association Page 4 YOUR BUSINESS AD COULD GO HERE! The CTRRC is the local management body for fish, wildlife and forestry in the Carcross Tagish First Nation Settlement area. The Council is your voice in managing local renewable resources. We provide strong input into planning and regulation processes by raising public awareness of specific issues and by providing local and tradit ional information. The Council also plays an important advisory role to territorial, federal and First Nations governments andthe Yukon Fish & Wildlife Management Board. SOUTHERN LAKES TOWING · Albert James (CoChair) · Ken Reeder (CoChair) · Patrick James · Don Toews · Edna Helm · Randy Taylor Regular Council meetings are held on the first Monday of each month* at the Tagish Communit y Hall from 10:00 am Noon. You are welcome to attend. To find out more about what we do or to add your voice call us or visit our office in the Tagish Community Centre. THE OFFICE IS OPEN: MONDAY& TUESDAY 10:00 am –4:00 pm Ph: 867.399.4923 Fax: 867.399.4978 Email: * Watch calendar for exceptions! CARIBOU CROSSING TRADING POST Tagish, Yukon 867-332-0320 Serving the Southern Lakes Area Come and feel the excitement! Hours: 9:00 ‐ 5:00 Ph: 821 4055 05/14 Southern Lakes Therapy · Blair Corley (Alternate) · Ted Hall (Alternate) Long term / Short Term Boarding. Rates vary on type of animal and needs. Kennel is set up as a home environment with 5 acres of securely fenced in property. Must provide vaccination records and spay/neuter certificates. If they are not spayed or neutered, there will be an additional charge. For information & bookings, email: Dog Cart Rides ~ Husky Puppies ~ Wildlife Museum ~ Gold Tours ~ Petting Farm ~ Goat Walk ~ Signature BBQ Lunch The CTRRC is comprised of 8 Council members including 2 alternate members. Three members and 1 alternate are each nominated by the First Nation and the Yukon Government. Your representatives are: ADAR/SPCA Rescue and Boarding Kennels YOUR BUSINESS AD COULD GO HERE! Massage Therapy Reduces pain, relaxes, relieves stress, helps the body heal more quickly from injuries & chronic conditions. Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) Dr. Vodder method. MLD removes metabolic waste, toxins, bacteria and excess water from the tissue, reduces pain, relaxes, relieves stress and enhances the immune system, helps the body heal more quickly from injuries, surgical trauma & chronic conditions. Ursula Angerer. R.M.T. 3993671 or Exp. 0614 Tagish Community Association Page 5 Tagish Locksmith Mobile service Six Mile River Resort Restaurant Cabins Camping Fishing Charters RV Parking Showers Located in beautiful Carcross, Yukon; Traditional Territory of the Carcross Tagish First Nation Claude Dastous 206 Taku Blvd. Taku Sub. Phone 3994002 Fax 3994002 email August 10 - Yukon Bird Observatories Fundraiser: Halibut Dinner RSVP, Mitch @ 399-4121 Exp. 0614 August 17- - Doug’s 60th Birthday: Pot Luck, Live Music, BYOB Espresso, Specialty Coffees & Teas Located at Tagish Bridge E-mail: Open weekends from Mar to Nov Daily: May- September ;9 am -5 pm Exp. 0614 IMPACT WELL DRILLING If you’d like more information about our services or to request an estimate, please give us a call today at (867) 6686943. Owned and operated by Brian MacDougall Whitehorse, Y.T. Exp. 0 614 Organic & home-made Soup; Gluten, GMO & MSG conscious food and baked goodies! Wood Works Fine Carpentry & Design GREEN NEEDLE Professional & Creative Reasonable Rates RECORDS Peter Huber Certified Cabinetmaker (Europe) Tagish Estates Wild Rose Lane 1068 Email: Cell: 3357413 · · · · World Class music and sound recording services in the Yukon… Book now for 20132014 Kitchen Cabinets Dining Tables & Desks Custom Designed Furniture Restoration and Finishing Carpentry Contact: Jim Holland 8676333125 Exp. 0613 Exp. 0614 SKOOKUM FABRICATION CUSTOM BUILT MOTORCYCLES Carcross, Yukon Bob 3349326 Cody 3350312 Exp. 0613 Tagish Community Association Exp. 0613 Exp 0613 Page 6 of the Nazarene T & T TILING ‘POST‐IT NOTES’ ************************ Meeting at 7:00 pm the first and third Sunday of each month, in the home of Myron and Shelley Penner. Installation of: TAGISH POST OFFICE Tagish Community Church CERAMIC TILING, STONE, Laminate, Hardwood, Pre-eng and Cork Flooring Bathroom & Kitchen Renovations Last driveway at the end of Tagish Estates Road. All are welcome. 3994222 from at the Rec. Hall; near Library We are pleased to respond to Tagish residents’ request for a late day open hours! HOURS OF OPERATION: General Maintenance on Cabins & Homes MON and FRI...NOON TO 2:30 *New* WED……..3:30 TO 6:00 Free Estimates IN Southern Lakes Area We accept payment by cash debit or MasterCard & Visa Paul - 334-2912 Phone: (867)3993005 LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO DO DURING LABOUR DAY WEEKEND?!? There will be live music at Six Mile Resort! Call Mitch at 3994121 for more details! MORE DETAILS ON THE HARVEST FAIR! Spaces Still Available for Vendors at the Harvest Market (10 AM—2PM) Space fees: $15/TCMS Members and $25/NonMembers Vendor Packages available at or the Tagish Community Hall WANT TO HELP? We need volunteers on August 16th for set up and decorating! We also need volunteers on August 17th! If you’d like to help, we have a job for you! If you’re interested, please contact Judy at 3993047 or email Volunteer Coordination meeting August 8 at 2:30 PM Tagish Community Association Page 7 A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Carpet Bowling 11:15 AM 4 6 5 Biking 6 PM 11 Pancake Breakfast 9:30 AM 12:00 PM 18 Coffee and Chat 24 PM 13 12 Biking 6 PM CTRRC MEETING 10 AM 4 PM DISCOVERY DAY (Holiday!) Biking 6 PM 25 Biking 6 PM 21 Coffee and Chat 24 PM TCA PUBLIC MEETING 7 PM 27 26 14 Coffee and Chat 24 PM LAC PUBLIC MEETING 7 PM 20 19 7 28 Coffee and Chat 24 PM 8 Carpet Bowling 11:15 AM 15 Carpet Bowling 11:15 AM 22 Carpet Bowling 11:15 AM 29 Carpet Bowling 11:15 AM Fri 2 Sat 3 PreSchool Playday 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 9 PreSchool Playday 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 16 PreSchool Playday 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 23 Pickup Softball 2 PM 10 Softball 1PM Musical Jam 25 PM Yukon Bird Observatories Fundraiser 58 PM 17 2nd Annual TAGISH HARVEST FAIR 24 PreSchool Playday 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 30 PreSchool Playday 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 31
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