Our beautiful and skillfully designed courses are


Our beautiful and skillfully designed courses are
[ ja n ua ry 2015]
Our beautiful
and skillfully designed courses
are a golfer’s paradise
Green Tea Spa Collection
Manicure & Pedicure
The Green Tea manicure and
pedicure utilizes the calming
Green Tea Scrub designed to
gently remove keratinized dead
skin cells and calluses. The feet
are then enveloped in a rich
Green Tea butter cream that
contains Shea Butter, Vitamins
A, C, D and E for softer, silkier,
smoother skin.
Purchase three blow dry services and receive the fourth one at 50% off
Keratin Smoothing System - 30% off
Shellac Soak Off Color Gel System - $30, regularly $35
Purchase three Fill services at full price and receive the fourth one at 50% off
Gel Fills, Acrylics Fills, Pink and Whites - Any full set 20% off
Purchase three manicures at full price and receive the fourth one at 50% off
Haircut and manicure - $37, regularly $41
(must be used on the same day)
Purchase three manicures at full price and receive the fourth one at 50% off
We are happy to announce that Harold is now with us full time.
To learn more about these promotions or to book an appointment, call 488-7820.
[ presiden t’s Let t er]
f r o m t h e d e s k o f J ay D i P i e t r o
Dear Member,
Wishing a Happy and Healthy New
for Friday, March 6 with our 25th
Year to all of you and your loved ones!
Anniversary Gala featuring Tony
2015 is here and we have a great year
Dovolani and Peta Murgatroyd!
planned for you at the Club! I will start by
Tony and Peta will be accompanied by a
telling you how excited I am getting about
professional dance company as the evening’s
your new Golf & Activities building.
entertainment making your Club’s 25th
Working with the construction team this
Anniversary celebration a night to be
past month and seeing your dreams and
remembered! Complete details are listed
visions become a reality has my blood
on page 23. Tanglewood at Boca West
pumping and creative juices flowing and I know you’re
gets better every year and this year is no exception! Believe it
going to love what’s coming together!
or not this magnificent concert is just around the corner and
The Steakhouse opened last month to rave reviews!
I am pleased to say the Lynn Philharmonia will once again
As you know, each season we strive to improve upon what
perform for us on Wednesday, April 1 on the driving range.
we already believe is the “Best Steakhouse” in town. This year
This is one of our most popular events, so mark your
we have created a masterpiece for a menu that I am confident
calendars make your plans early!
you are going to thoroughly appreciate. The staff is eager
Our SCENE FLASH this month features some great shots
to please you and your guests from the moment you arrive
of all the events during our Welcome Back weekend in
to relax in the lounge for hors d’oeuvres until the moment
November. Take a look at pages 24 and 25. Also, for your
you are leaving with your farewell chocolates! If you haven’t
convenience you may now download ALL event photos right
treated yourself to the special fare we have to offer in this
from our website. Simply log into the website and go to
magnificent restaurant…you don’t know what you’re missing!
Reservations are available by submitting a form up to two
Overall, this season has been one of our greatest, if not the
weeks in advance or by calling the Food and Beverage
greatest, so far! Your beautiful letters, kind words, phone
reservations department at 483-6300, Monday - Saturday
messages, and the rave reviews we are receiving from you
from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
make every day a better day for me and all of the staff!
At your insistence, Heatwave returns again to entertain you
We sincerely love to please you! From our family to yours—
and your loved one at the most romantic event of the year,
the staff, Sharon and I wish you a very healthy and happy
Sweethearts Ball, being held on Valentine’s Day, Saturday,
New Year!
February 14. Sharon and I always look forward to spending
a great night filled with fun, hugs and kisses with all of you!
Attention all fans of the TV show Dancing with the
Stars— our next BIG night out on the town, is scheduled
Jay DiPietro, CCM
President and General Manager
boca west
[ january 2015 ] 3
January 2015
this issue
3 president’s letter
An impressive array of Tournaments,
5 tennis
Clinics and Events will keep you
in full swing
8 golf
Wine Tasting
10 dining
Discover South Africa
13 the shoppes
“Cape Wine at its best”
Great Golf
Wellness &
Skincare Fair
The Fitness Center, Spa, Salon,
and Palm Beach Institute
of Sports Medicine team up
for this annual event
at boca west
14 fitness & aquatics
16 calendar
17 activities
26 foundation news
30 chairman’s letter
Visit us on the Web
and check out all the great features!
If you have a question or concern, email us
at communications@bocawestcc.org
BocaWest is published for its members
by Boca West Country Club, Inc.
Send correspondence to:
Kathy E. Kohlhepp, Editor
Boca West Country Club,
P.O. Box 3070, Boca Raton, FL
33431-0970 • 488-6975
Design, Layout & Printing
EG Communications group
954-958-0338 • www.eurographics.com
Event photos by Visual Enterprises
Find us on
4 [ january
January 2015 ] boca west
[t ennis]
at the net
Happy New Year
By Joel Schlesinger,
Tennis Committee
2014 was a special year for tennis at Boca West Country
Club in many ways. The exhibition, social and round robin we held
during Welcome Back Weekend (November 14-16) is an outstanding
case in point.
We had the pleasure of watching Ryan Harrison and Roger Anderson
(USTA National Women’s Tennis Coach) along with Christina McHale
(WTA World #52) and Lauren Davis (WTA World #55) put on a fabulous
display of tennis “Under the Lights”. The finale was an entertaining
display of tennis from the Owensby sisters – Maggie and Cha Cha - who
played a pro set with Ryan and Christina. Approximately 250 attended the
exhibition and social that followed immediately afterwards. Great job by our
Catering department, DJ and perfect weather made it a special evening. The next
day was our round robin and we had approximately 100 participants. We saw
spirited play with awards and raffles afterwards. In all, we owe thanks to our Staff led
by Director - John Joyce and Assistant Director - Merissa Rock for organizing an
outstanding weekend. There will be other exhibitions and socials. Look for
announcements and come join us – they are open to all members.
The other observation is that you may recall during the past two years, your Board of Governors
passed incentives to encourage both current and new members to join us or at least give the game
a try. The great news is that many first time home-buyers who receive tennis free the first year are
joining our program and in the second year have opted to take a membership. The other category where
we see meaningful interest is the limited $400/20 plays. This has had an appeal to golfers and those who
cannot come down to the Club often. It is a nice trend, we are making new friends, and rebuilding the tennis
community with players at all levels. We are hopeful to build on this momentum.
Lastly, there are some great events on the horizon for the tennis community.
January 10 - Men’s Member Guest
January 24 - Head/Pro Penn Demo Day and Round Robin
January 30 - Pro/Am Round Robin
February 13 - Exhibition
Justin Gimelstob-Tennis broadcaster, former #63 world, 2-Grand Slam Tourneys –
Mixed Doubles with Serena Williams, 10 tour singles titles and 15 doubles titles.
Mark Philippousis - His career high was #8 in the world.He reached the finals
of Wimbledon in 2003 and U.S. Open in 1998. He also helped the Australian
Davis Cup Team win overall in 1999 and 2003.
See you on the courts!
boca west
[ january
January 2015 ] 5
Tennis Events
Game Arranging
Email Response
Men’s and women’s game
arranging has begun! So be
on the look for our new game
arranging emails being sent out
from mytennisgroup.com.
Men’s Game Arranging
Advanced Intermediate/
Advanced: Monday thru Saturday
at 9am
Women’s Game Arranging
Intermediate /Advanced:
Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays at 9am
Afternoon Adult Clinics
January 10, 17, 24, 31
Can’t make it to your Saturday morning match? Sign up for this clinic for a
great workout. Get technical advice from the pros on any shot you may need
to work on, plus leave the class feeling energized and wanting to play more.
Clinic is held from 2 – 3 p.m. Game Play is held from 3 – 4 p.m.
Cost: $20 per person, per clinic.
Complimentary Clinics
Friday mornings at 10 a.m. Sign up one week in advance to participate.
SERVE – January 2
OVERHEADS – February 6
Calling all Tennis Members interested
in joining a League!
If you are looking for more competition next year and currently not on
a women’s or men’s league, look no further! We have a various leagues
sorted my age and levels to be a part of. To be placed on a team next season,
please contact the Tennis Staff at (561) 488-6996.
You must be a tennis member to join.
Social Mixed Up Doubles
January 4, 11, 18, 25
Held every Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. for the rest of the season.
Grab a partner and sign up prior to the Saturday of intended play.
If you do not have a partner, the staff will do their best to find you a partner.
6 [ January 2015 ] boca west
Game Arranging
An email will be sent out one day
in advanced of the date played
except for Saturday play. Saturdays
responses must be check in by
Thursday (2 days in advance).
Click “Yes” to play or “No” to
decline play for that certain day.
Players must respond to game
arranging email by 5pm the day (s)
before play. Any responses that are
taken after 5pm (or walk-ons) will
be placed on a stand by list the
following day.
If you will be out of town for long
periods of town and would NOT like
to receive the emails, please email
Mrock@bocawestcc.org and let them
know not to send addition emails to
your account.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Read All About It!
Attention all members
and their guests
coming in January!
Not sure what you want to participate in?
Stop by the Tennis Pro Shoppe today
and pick up our new brochure full pictures
from last season’s events and several pages
of valuable information about what
Boca West’s Tennis Program has to offer
for the 2014-2015 season.
Evening Tennis Event & Dinner Friday, January 16
5-6 p.m. Guest Speaker: Bill Norris, author of Pain, Set and Match
6-8:30 p.m. Luau dinner and Music
Join us for a great tennis event at 5 p.m. along with our very own happy
hour [wine, beer and liquor available for purchase.] Dinner (reservations
required) will begin at 6 p.m. Luau inspired menu items. The event is
complimentary and if you’d like to stay to enjoy dinner, the cost per person
is $18, inclusive of tax and gratuity. Sign up no later than 1 p.m.
on Friday, January 9.
Tennis Calcutta January 17 & 18
This two-day event is designed to add a little more pressure to the
competition. This is a handicapping tournament. Check in at 8:30 a.m.
Play begins at 9 a.m. each morning. $10 per person. Sign up no later
than 1 p.m. on Saturday, January 10.
Head/Pro Penn Demo Day and Round Robin
Saturday, January 24
Looking for a new racquet to buy? Come on out and participate in this
season’s HEAD/Pro Penn Demo Day and Round Robin. We will have
give-a-ways, raffle prizes, gift certificates and knowledgeable HEAD reps
helping out with their latest technology wrapped into their new racquets.
Breakfast will be held from 7:30-8:15 a.m., the demonstration is from
8 - 8:45 a.m., check in by 8:30 a.m. and play begins at 9 a.m. This year’s
format will be Men’s and Women’s Doubles-Fixed Partners. The cost per
person is $10. All members welcome. Sign up by 1 p.m. on January 17.
Tennis Pro-Am Tournament Friday, January 30
Want to play with the pros? Come sign up to play with and against some
of our finest teaching professional around south Florida. This event is limited
to 32 players so please sign up in advance. The event will begin at 3 p.m.
and the cost per person is $35 including dinner and drinks after play.
Sign up by 1 p.m. on Friday, January 12. Tennis members only.
Women’s Member Guest Round Robin
Wednesday, February 11
Breakfast at 8:30 a.m. • Checkin at 9 a.m.
Play begins at 9:30 a.m. • Lunch following play at 11:30 a.m.
Grab your racquets and a partner to sign up for this annual event.
Invite a member or invited a guest, it’s your choice. Our format for the
event will be Fixed Partner. The cost per person is $45 and includes lunch,
prizes and giveaway for each member and guest. Gift Certificates will be
awarded to winners and finalists of each flight. Sign up by 1 p.m.
on Wednesday, February 4.
M e n ’s M em b er G u e s t
Ro u n d Ro b i n
Saturday, January 10
Breakfast at 8:30 a.m. • Checkin at 9 a.m.
Play begins at 9:30 a.m. • Lunch following play at 11:30 a.m.
Grab your racquets and a partner to sign up for this annual
event. Invite a member or invited a guest, it’s your choice.
Our format for the event will be Fixed Partner. The cost per
person is $45 and includes lunch, prizes and giveaway for
each member and guest. Gift Certificates will be awarded
to winners and finalists of each flight. Sign up by 1 p.m.
on Saturday, January 3
boca west
[ January 2015 ] 7
[ golf]
On the Courses
What Makes
a Great Golfer?
Is it long off the tee or a great short game? Is it
a smooth putting stroke or keeping cool under
pressure? All of the above makes for a great
player. And all of us have what it takes to be
a great golfer.
By Robert Winikoff,
Golf Operations Chairman
How you ask? Respect for the game and pride
in our care of our golf courses. Those qualities
make for a great golfer.
Getting every golfer during every round
to repair the damage they do was a focus
of the Golf Committee last year. Sadly things
have slipped as evidenced by the amount
of unrepaired ballmarks and unfilled divots
throughout our courses.
Please! Make it your group’s mission to take
pride in the care given to our golf courses.
• Fill every divot
• Repair all your ballmarks
• Rake your footprints
Don’t be afraid to remind your playing
partners to repair their damage. The Ranger
staff has been instructed to monitor course
care more closely. This is also a good time to
remind our members who use a disability flag
when playing that they must follow the rules
on where they can drive and park their carts.
• Never drive or park closer than 15’ from
a green, bunker or lake.
• Never drive between a bunker and a green.
• Always think safety.
fill with sand
Pictured here are three ways to do your part. >
Our efforts as great golfers will result
in better playing conditions for everyone.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
disability flag
15’ from green
Good Golf and Good Health!
pitch mark
repair one on every green
8 [ January 2015 ] boca west
Upcoming Clinics,
Tournaments & Events
All tournaments and events are open for Golf Equity Members Only
Ja n u a r y
Senior Championship
The Championship
Men and Women
Saturday, January 17 at 8:30 a.m.
Must be 65 years of age as of
January 17, 2015
Low 12 (within 10 strokes) in Men’s
and Women’s Championship Flight
advance to the next round on Sunday,
January 18 at 8:30 a.m.
One day stroke play to determine
winners in age divisions are January
18 at 8:30 a.m. Flights and tees are
determined by age.
Equity Golf Members Only
Entry Deadline: Saturday, January 10
Men’s First Round
February 26 at 1 p.m.
Women’s First Round
February 28 at 1 p.m.
Format: Match Play (single elimination)
Everyone who enters will be seeded
by their U.S.G.A. handicap index.
Match Dates:
Men – March 1 and 5
Women – March 2 and 5
Rain Date: March 9
All matches begin at 1 p.m.
Equity Golf Members Only
Entry Deadline – Thursday, February 12
Super Bowl
Ma r c h
Saturday, January 31
Format: Best Ball of the Foursome
8:30 a.m. Shotgun – Cook-out tailgate
party after play
$45 entry fee per person - the fee
includes prizes and the tailgate party
Entry deadline: Saturday, January 17
Boca West Cup
First Match is February 2 at 1 p.m.
Format: One Male/One Female – best
ball net match play- teams flighted
by handicap
$15 per person – All matches begin
at 1 p.m.
Match dates – February 5, 7, and 8;
Rain Date: February 10
Handicaps in effect on January 15
will remain in effect throughout
the tournament.
Equity Golf Members Only
Entry deadline: Saturday, January 24
Women’s Member
Monday, March 9
One female member/one female guest
$295 per team of two (cart not included)
Entry fee includes: green fees, lunch,
dinner (after play), open bar, prizes,
memento and beverage cart.
11:30 a.m. Lunch – 1 p.m. Shotgun –
awards and dinner following
Equity Golf Members Only
Entry deadline: January 15
March Madness &
Awards Ceremony
Saturday, March 21
Format: Best Ball of the Foursome
8:30 a.m. Shotgun – Lunch after play
$45 entry fee per person - the fee
includes prizes and the lunch
Awards Ceremony will be held
at the lunch after golf.
Please make sure all table requests
are submitted with applications.
Entry deadline: Saturday, February 28
Golf Clinics
Monday afternoons
from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
$20 per person, per clinic
January 5
Michael Meredith
January 12
Rescue & Fairway Woods
Chris Czaja
January 19
Irons (6, 7, 8 & 9)
Pam Elders
January 26
Short Game (Chipping & Pitching)
Michael Meredith
boca west
[ January 2015 ] 9
Thursday, January 15
5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
in the Living Room
Celebrate your birthday
or anniversary with us!
Make reservations for
your special day and we
will help you celebrate*
with complimentary
champagne and dessert.
Dinner is served
Wednesday – Saturday
evenings from 5:30 p.m.
to close.
*Offer is only good when
dining on your special day.
GIN Tasting
Wednesday, January 7
5:30 – 8:30 p.m. in Onyx Lounge
When dining with us, enjoy a complimentary
specialty Gin tasting.
Save the Date: Complimentary Rum,
Tequila and Mojito tasting when dining with us
on Wednesday, February 4
10 [ January 2015 ] boca west
For over 70 years, the personal touch
of Douglas Green has lived in the
eponymous range of wines made
with the same intuition that began
this progressive wine brand in 1942.
Today this tradition has kept the wines
at the forefront of modern red and white
wine styles enjoyed in South Africa and
exported to more than 50 countries around
the world! The Douglas Green winemaking
team is true to tradition but still modern and
innovative in their dedication to creating
lifestyle wines true to the needs of the local
and international market and the promise
of “Cape Wine at its best”. They source only
the best vineyards and growers, from the
best suited regions for each variety to create
distinctive fruit-driven signature wines.
By selecting grapes from the varied terrains
of the Cape wine lands they stay true to their
unmistakably new world fruity style whilst
achieving consistent standards vintage
after vintage. Their dedication to varietal
expression and excellence guarantees that
every bottle represents the cultivar at its best
and that’s why we have chosen them for
our members to taste.
Call 483-6300 Monday – Saturday from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. or email anytime to diningresv@bocawestcc.org. Reservations
requests must be submitted by 1 p.m. two weeks in advance (unless otherwise noted) to be included in the assignment.
the Wines of
Douglas Green,
South Africa
Seafood Buffet
Friday, February 20 • Serving from 5:30 p.m. in Panache
$68.95++ per person (no children’s menu)
Our extravagant buffet includes whole Maine lobster, stone crab claws, oysters and clams
on the half shell, shrimp cocktail, Boca West salad bar, carved beef tenderloin, shrimp scampi,
full hot buffet featuring our chef’s seasonal creations along with our signature dessert display
featuring bananas foster and housemade gelato.
Save the Date Our next Seafood Buffet will be held on Friday, March 20.
When dining with us that
evening, receive your choice
of a complimentary bottle of
wine per table, chosen from
one of the evenings’ tastings.
Reservations are required for
dinner in order to participate
in the wine tasting.
Save the Date
Next month’s wine
tasting evening will be
held on Wednesday,
February 11, featuring
wines of Banfi, Italy.
Dinner Dance
Save the Date
Next month’s dinner dance
featuring Euphoria
will be held on Thursday,
February 19.
Featuring Street Talk
Thursday, January 22
Featuring our Panache Buffet,
a la carte menu and a complimentary
glass of wine with dinner.
Dress attire for men: long sleeved
collared shirts and slacks, no jeans.
Reservations will be assigned 14 days
prior on Thursday, January 8.
boca west
[ January
january 2015 ] 11
Monday, February 16
Serving from 5:30 p.m. in Panache
Limited la carte menu and a special
holiday buffet priced at $33++ per
adult/$18++ per child (4-12 yrs).
Reservations will be assigned
14 days in advance on Monday,
February 3. Children’s activities
will be held throughout the evening.
Dress attire for Men: Long or short
sleeved collared shirts, slacks, jeans,
dress shorts.
Barbeque Night
Sunday, February 15 • Serving from 5 p.m. in Panache
$27++ per adult/$18++ per child (4 –12 yrs)
Enjoy a delicious barbeque meal with Boca West favorites such
as Baby Back Ribs, Grilled Salmon, Grouper, Turkey Chili,
Barbeque Short Ribs and much more.
Reservations Requested. Please Note: The Grill Room will be closed.
Dress attire for men: Long or short sleeved collared shirts, slacks,
jeans, dress shorts.
Sunday, April 5
Serving from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. in Panache
$36.95++ per adult/$17.95++ per child (4-12 yrs)
Reservations will be assigned 28 days prior on
Sunday, March 8.
Dress attire for men: Jackets required for men
and male children16 years and older, no jeans.
Yappy Hour
Wednesday, March 4 • 5 – 6:30pm
On the Rocks Patio
$15 per person includes two cocktails,
hors d’oeuvres, doggie treats and memento.
(1/2 price drinks available after two
complimentary cocktails). Reservations
required by calling 483-6300.
Let us know if you’ll be staying for dinner.
12 [ January 2015 ] boca west
Traditional Holiday Dinner
Saturday, April 4 • Serving from 5:30 p.m. in Panache
$33++ per adult/$18++ per child (4 –12 yrs)
Full Menu and Buffet Offered. Reservations will be assigned 14 days
in advance on Saturday, March 21. Regular Panache dress code for men.
[ shoppes]
a t boca w e s t
Technology That Can
Help Your Game
By Mark Berkowitz, Retail Committee Chairman
Arccos Golf
Callaway Big Bertha Alpha 815
The best golf gift this season isn’t a new club;
it’s Arccos Golf.
• Stats Tracked
• Club Distances & Averages
• GPS Distances to front, center, and back of green
• Fairways hit or missed (left or right)
• Greens in Regulation
• Putting Statistics
• Up & Downs
• Sand Saves
Maximum distance from lower spin, the new
Callaway driver is built with a forged composite
crown to save weight. Add their patented Gravity
Core for an adjustable center of gravity and the result is a low spinning drive
sent straight down the fairway. Maximum adjustability with 7 gram and 1 gram
weight ports allow the golfer to set the driver to neutral, draw, and fade bias.
Add their OptiFit hosel which provides 8 different loft (-1, S, +1, +2) and lie
angle (draw or neutral) configurations and your bound to find the ideal
launce angle.
Titleist 915 D2
The new Titleist 915 D2 driver provides sixteen unique loft
and lie combinations. Using this guide as attached will help
golfers find the proper setting to improve their ball flight.
Longer tee shots through faster ball speeds and low spin
is a direct result of the Active Recoil Channel. This wide sole channel delivers
more distance by actively flexing at impact to launch the ball off the face with
higher speed and lower spin.
Arccos golf works seamlessly and instantly.
Simply attach each of the 14 lightweight
sensors to your clubs and pair to your iPhone
once. Then launch the app before you play
and Arcos Golf captures your round using
Bluetooth and GPS technologies without
interrupting your game. Arccos Golf
automatically calculates the distances
between your shots to provide you with
invaluable insights on and off the course.
Schedule a complimentary 15-minute equipment evaluation with Mike Bove
on FlightScope and learn how these club adjustments can add distance
to your drive.
Super Bowl Mega Sale
Don’t forget to join us for our annual Super Bowl Mega Sale in the pre-function lobby outside the Cypress Room.
There will be new merchandise and new markdowns in Golf and Tennis Apparel, Equipment and Accessories.
Don’t forget to bring your birthday certificates. All Sales are Final.
Attention Member Guest Participants
Get ready for Member Guest with new apparel arrivals brought in just for you in the official event colors.
January 9
Polo & Robert Graham Trunk Show
• 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the Golf Shop
January 13
ME Jewelry Trunk Show
• 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the Golf Shop
January 15
Golf Pride Demo Day
• 7:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. on the putting green
January 16
New Balance & Sofibella Trunk Show
• 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. in the Fitness Center
January 31
Super Bowl Sale
• 12 – 4 in the Cypress Room and Pre-Function Area
boca west
[ January 2015 ] 13
aquat ics
& s pa
Things you should know
when using the wet areas
By Bert Wellman, Chairman
Recently, there have been numerous inquiries regarding
our safety guidelines when it comes to using the steam
rooms, saunas and whirlpool facilities at the Club. The following are some of the basic safety
measures that the Club takes in ensuring your safety:
1. The steam room facilities are kept at a temperature between 110-120 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. The sauna facilities are kept at a temperature between 160-170 degrees Fahrenheit.
3. The whirlpool facilities are kept at a temperature between 102-104 degrees Fahrenheit. 4. All county codes and regulations are posted adjacent to all of the above facilities.
5. Emergency buttons are located adjacent to all of the above mentioned facilities.
6. Locker Room Attendants periodically check all facilities and are available for any questions.
7. It is recommended that individuals use these facilities for a period of 5-10 minutes at most.
8. Finally, it is recommended that individuals with a history of heart disease, stroke,
dehydration, high blood pressure and are pregnant not use these facilities and should consult
their personal physician before engaging in any physical activities at the Club.
In closing it is imperative that you stay hydrated before, during and after using any of these
facilities. Water is best for the replacement of fluids. If you just are not feeling well, please be
sure to let the staff know immediately and remember that it is probably best that you do not
use these facilities at all for that day.
Please feel free to call 488-6944 if the professional staff can be of assistance at any time.
14 [ January 2015 ] boca west
Lifestyle Lecture Series
Monday evenings from 7 – 8 p.m.
Card Room 1 in the Sports Center
Reservations not necessary
Changing Eating Behaviors
January 12 by Karen Gauci, MPH, RD, LD
Enhance Strength, Increase Flexibility and
Accelerate Healing and Recovery in 60 Minutes
without Traditional Exercise, Stretching
or Pain Medication
January 19 by PJ Stawicki, BES, MATcM, CSCs
Got Stress? Ten Easy Ways to Manage Stress
January 26 by Tatiana Pouladian, C.Ht
You Say Pain Management, We Say Pain Health
February 2 by Dr. Jarrod Friedman
Preventing Strokes: A Discussion on How You
and Your Primary Care Physician can Achieve
Maximum Risk Reduction
February 9 by Tiago Miguel, MD
&Skincare Fair
at Boca West
Saturday, January 10 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
The Fitness Center, Spa, Salon and Palm Beach Institute of Sports Medicine will be
participating as well as local professionals. We will have a Hearing Specialist, Registered
Dietician, Blood screening, Dermatologist, Vericose Vein Specialist, Healing Hearts
Hypnosis and more.
The Fitness Staff will be providing blood pressure and heart rate screenings, body composition
and squat assessments.
Due to requests, the blood screening is starting at 9:30 a.m. If you plan on participating
in the blood screening please fast for a minimum of seven hours prior to test.
It is not necessary to sign up for the Wellness Fair. Refreshments will be served.
For more information please contact the Fitness Center at 488-6944 or the Spa at 488-7800.
Women’s Spa Member/Guest Day
Monday, March 16 from 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. • Monday, March 23 from 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
This luxurious event will give you and your guest a true Spa experience on every relaxing level. Each reservation
includes all taxes and gratuities, a luxury gift bag overflowing with goodies to keep you glowing inside and out,
a decadent Spa lunch sampling, complete use of the Spa’s hydrotherapy areas for the day and an evening
soiree with cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and a gift raffle. Substitutions are not permitted.
Package 1 $500 for member and guest includes:
55 minute Massage
25 minute Facial
25 minute Manicure (regular polish, no gel)
25 minute Meditation Class
Package 2 $600 for member and guest includes:
55 minute Massage
25 minute Facial
25 minute Body Scrub
25 minute Spa Reflexology
25 minute Manicure (regular polish, no gel)
25 minute Meditation Class
Request forms are available in The Spa and must be submitted in person no later than Saturday, January 10.
A lottery may be warranted based on the number of requests received. Members will be notified of their status
on Tuesday, January 13.
For additional information or questions, please call Jessica Cochran at 488-7865.
boca west
[ January
january 2015 ] 15
[ ja n ua ry 2015]
New Year’s Day
Junior Tennis Clinic
Junior Tennis Clinic
Junior Tennis Clinic
New Year’s Day Brunch
Supervised Bridge
Book Talk
Beginner Canasta
Ballroom Dance
Duplicate Bridge
Beginner Canasta
Golf Clinic
Putting Championship
Bridge Lecture with Roberta Beginner Canasta
Open Card Play
Duplicate Bridge
Tasting in Onyx
Supervised Bridge
Polo & Robert Graham
Trunk Show
Wellness & Skincare Fair
Golf Clinic
Activities Lecture
Advanced Canasta
Duplicate Bridge
Beginner Bridge - Part 1
Lifestyle Fitness Lecture
Advanced Canasta
Afternoon Duplicate Bridge
Golf Pride Grip Day
Evening Tennis Exhibition
Singles Night
Duplicate Bridge
Ballroom Dance
Supervised Bridge
Intermediate Bridge
ME Jewelry Trunk Show
Open Card Play
The Lion King
New Balance Trunk Show
Wine Tasting
Sofia Bella Trunk Show
Beginner Canasta
Singles Night
3D Art
Afternoon Duplicate Bridge
Beginner Canasta
Beginner Bridge - Part 1
Men’s Tennis Member
Putting Championship
Afternoon Duplicate
Senior Golf
Advanced Canasta
Advanced Bridge
Advanced Canasta
Lifestyle Fitness Lecture
Boca West Presents: Marilyn Afternoon Duplicate Bridge
McCoo and Billy Davis, Jr.
Ballroom Dance
Duplicate Bridge
Open Card Play
Duplicate Bridge
Intermediate Bridge
New Member Golf Event
Supervised Bridge
Miami City Ballet Program II
Lifestyle Fitness Lecture
Duplicate Bridge
Afternoon Duplicate Bridge
Supervised Bridge
Intermediate Bridge
Singles Night
Costume World Tour
Ballroom Dance
Costume World Tour
Tennis Pro Am Round
Golf Clinic
Golf Clinic
3D Art
3D Art
Advanced Canasta
Singles Night
3D Art
Advanced Bridge
Advanced Bridge
Open Card Play
16 [ january
January 2015 ] boca west
Dinner Dance
Duplicate Bridge
Beginner Bridge - Part 1
Beginner Bridge - Part 1
Senior Golf Championship
Head Pro Penn Demo Day
& Robin Robin
Super Bowl Golf
Super Bowl Retail Sale
[ac t i v i t ies]
Activities Reservation & Cancellation Policy
To be included in the lottery (if warranted), reservations and cancellations for all activities must be submitted in writing by
the REQUEST BY date. You may email to activities@bocawestcc.org, fax to 483-9521 or stop by the office to fill out a form.
lounge entertainment
Activities Confirmations
Event status is posted on the Club’s website. Confirmation letters are no longer mailed. To access the site, go to http://
members.bocawestcc.org and type in your username and password. Once logged on, click on the SOCIAL tab, a drop down
menu will appear. Click on ACTIVITIES CONFIRMATIONS and select the event you wish to view. All event information,
including time, location, cancellation policy, etc will be posted. Activities that require tickets (i.e. lectures) and/or seating
assignments (i.e. Cabaret Nights, Sweethearts Ball, Tanglewood) will be sent to your Boca West mailing address prior to the
event. A friendly reminder email will be sent prior to every event. Be sure to register your email address online.
Join us from 6:30 – 10:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 1 - Bill DeRenzo
Friday, January 2 - Larry & Cheryl
Saturday, January 3 - Michelle Masci Duo
Wednesday, January 7 - Joel Odierno
Thursday, January 8 - Mark Bornfield Duo
Friday, January 9 - Mr. Sasha
Saturday, January 10 - Elliott Varon Duo
Wednesday, January 14 - Valerie White Duo
Thursday, January 15 - Mel Olman Duo
Thursday, January 1 - Greg & Rachel
Friday, January 2 - Spanky & Dino
Saturday, January 3 - Chenzo Duo
Sunday, January 4 - Davis & Dow
Tuesday, January 6 - Karaoke Night
with Jeffrey B
Wednesday, January 7 - Cachet Duo
Thursday, January 8 - Michelle Masci Duo
Friday, January 9 - Spanky & Dino
Saturday, January 10 - Chad & Heather
Sunday, January 11 - Uptown Express
Tuesday, January 13 - Tim McCaig
Wednesday, January 14 - Kendra Erika
Thursday, January 15 - Greg & Rachel
Friday, January 16 - Mark Cooper Trio
Saturday, January 17 - Debbie Pierce Duo
Wednesday, January 21 - Jeffrey Bryer
Friday, January 23 - Wayne L.
Saturday, January 24 - Michelle Masci Duo
Wednesday, January 28 - Lisa Addeo
Thursday, January 29 - Mr. Sasha
Friday, January 30 - Terry Cooper Duo
Saturday, January 31 - Mark Bornfield Duo
Friday, January 16 - Spanky & Dino
Saturday, January 17 - Chad & Heather
Sunday, January 18 - Davis & Dow
Tuesday, January 20 - Bill DeRenzo
Wednesday, January 21 - Cachet Duo
Thursday, January 22 - Michelle Masci Duo
Friday, January 23 - Spanky & Dino
Saturday, January 24 - Chad & Heather
Sunday, January 25 - Uptown Express
Tuesday, January 27 - Tim McCaig
Wednesday, January 28 - Bill DeRenzo
Thursday, January 29 - Greg & Rachel
Friday, January 30 - Spanky & Dino
Saturday, January 31 - Chenzo Duo
Singles Nights in The Onyx Lounge
Join us Monday evenings from 7-9 p.m.
$10 per person includes a cocktail,
light hors d’oeuvres & entertainment.
Gleneagles Interclub Singles
Dinner Dance
Thursday, January 15
7 - 10 p.m.
Music by Cachet
Hors d’oeuvres, one complimentary
cocktail, lavish buffet dinner
and dessert display.
Complimentary Valet
$35 per person
Male Guests welcome
Reserve/Cancel by January 2
Boca Woods Interclub Singles
Jewels & Jeans
Thursday, February 5 at 6:30 p.m.
$35 per person
Reserve/Cancel by January 20
boca west
[ January
january 2015 ] 17
[ac t i v i t ies]
Beginner Bridge
Lessons with Linda J Green
Bridge has the suspense of poker, the cerebral
qualities of chess and the excitement of
athletic sports - all in a social setting!
Come and learn to play the greatest game
in the world at your very first lesson.
Part 1: January 9, 16, 23, 30
and February 6,13
Must sign up for all six lessons in series
Part 2: February 20, 27 and March
Must sign up for all six lessons in series
Learn your very first conventions
and how to bid in all positions.
Friday mornings - 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.,
Veranda Card Room A/Golf Club
$180 per person, per six weeks
Hand-outs included. Books and CDs
are available for purchase.
with Barbie Tannenholz
$125 per person for five Lessons
Classes are held five consecutive days
from 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Advanced: January 12-16
Class is limited. A lottery may be warranted.
Cancellations in writing only.
Confirmation status will be posted on the
Boca West website the day after the
“request by” Date.
Bridge Anyone?
Bridge is not just another card game. Just as physical
activity keeps the body fit, mental activities benefit the
mind, and no game does this better than bridge.
Boca West is the number one private bridge club in the
area. Our community boasts an amazing number of
residential bridge players, many of whom participate
regularly in the Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday
duplicate bridge games at the club. Add to this the novice
duplicate bridge games and the social bridge players who
fill our spacious card rooms and one begins to understand
just how seriously this game is taken at Boca West. Boca
West employs four Directors and four instructors to support
its comprehensive program which includes bridge lessons
for all levels of expertise. Bridge at Boca West attracts
many new members to our community.
18 [ January 2015 ] boca west
Bridge Lessons
with Shannon Cappelletti and Mike Seamon
9:30 – 11:30 a.m., Card Room A/
Country Club
$180 per person for six week course
Advanced: Wednesdays - January 14, 21,
28 and February 4, 11, 25
Intermediate: Fridays- January 16, 23, 30
and February 6, 13, 27
Doubles: Negative, Responsive, Support,
Maximal, Lead directing, Balancing,
Reopening, Equity, Takeout vs. penalty
Opening leads: How to read them, What
to lead, Passive leads, Aggressive leads
Balancing: Notrump, Jumps, Suit bids
Boca West Country Club Presents a
with Linda J Green
Take one of the most exciting card games
to the next level! Learn the tricks of the
trade. Become a star!
Thursday, February 5 • 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
“Pesky Preempts and the Magic Rule of Seven”
E S P [extra seven points]
Hand outs and materials included.
Books and CDs available for purchase
$40 per person.
Reserve/cancel by January 15
POLICY through April 2015
Daytime Policy
Monday - no guests permitted
Tuesday - one guest permitted
Wednesday - one guest permitted
Thursday - one guest permitted
Friday - one guest permitted
Saturday - no guests permitted
Sunday - up to three guests permitted
Evening Policy
Monday - card rooms closed
Tuesday - one guest permitted in Sports Center
Wednesday - no guests permitted
Thursday - one guest permitted in Sports
Friday - one guest permitted
Saturday - up to three guests permitted
Sunday - up to three guests permitted
No guests are permitted for Duplicate Bridge
on Tuesday or Thursday evenings, but are
invited to join you for Wednesday or Sunday
Afternoon Duplicate Bridge games. When
playing cards on a Monday, be sure to put your
membership card on the table next to you so
when we do card room checks, we are not
disturbing your game.
Only food and beverage served in the card
rooms may be consumed there. Food and
beverage items may not be taken out of the
card rooms for any reason, nor is food from the
outside the card rooms permitted to be brought
into the card rooms. Card Room snacks and
beverages may be consumed only by those
playing games.
A non-member (non-resident) may be a guest
of the Club no more than six times per
membership year: October 1 - September 30.
Equity members, lessees and non-member
residents of Boca West are not eligible to be day
guests or houseguests. Card Room availability
is based on the building being open. Card
playing is not permitted in the living room of
the Country Club or in the breezeway in the
Golf Club. Members must play with their
guests at all times. Tables may not be reserved.
Cell phones may not be used in the card rooms.
Card Rooms must adhere to the Dress Code
Policy listed for the Dining Room in
that building.
[ac t i v i t ies]
2014 / 2015 BOC A W EST LEC T UR E SER I ES
bridge news
Every Tuesday through May 26, 2015
Every Thursday Night Year Round
Games are held in Card Rooms A&B
in the Country Club. Game begins
at 7 p.m. $10 per person.
Directed by Linda Green.
(No Duplicate Bridge on January 1.)
All lectures begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Cypress Room
Disorders & surgery of the spine - stenosis
Presented by: Dr. Jeffrey B. Cantor and Dana Van Pelt • Tuesday, January 13
Election 2016: An early look at the
presidential race Presented by: Robert Watson • Tuesday, February 10
This one-time lecture will attempt to make sense of the historic 2014 midterm
elections, both nationally and here in Florida, and also look forward to the 2016
presidential race. This lecture offers predictions and prognostications for the
political scene in 2015 and examines the field of candidates for 2016, the
strength and impact of the Tea Party, as well as evaluating the agenda for the
end of the Obama years.
Annual Sports Night Round Table Tuesday, March 3
All reservations must be submitted in writing at least one month prior to each lecture.
You can submit a request via fax at 483-9521, email activities@bocawestcc.org or come
into the office to fill out a request card. Based on the number of requests received, a
lottery may be warranted one month prior to each lecture date. Cancellations will be
accepted up to 24 hours prior to each lecture to avoid a $10 per person charge.
BRIDGE Every Wednesday through
Ballroom & Latin Dance Classes with Deirdre Radler
Every Tuesday through May 26, 2015
Complimentary lecture every Tuesday
evening at 6:30 p.m. with Linda Green
April 29, 2015
in Veranda Card Room A in the Golf
Club. Game begins at 1:15 p.m.
$10 per person. One guest per person
is welcome.
$90 per person for six weeks
Beginner/Intermediate Classes – Wednesdays from 5:30- 6:30 p.m. in the Aerobics Studio
Session 2: January 7 -February 11
Session 3: February 18 - March 25 (Request by: February 4/Cancel by: February 11)
Learn the Most Popular Dances for Social Events, Parties & Weddings. Cha Cha,
Foxtrot, Swing, Rumba, Salsa. No Partner Needed! Singles and Couples Welcome.
3D Art Classes
Games are held in Card Room A
in the Country Club. Game begins
at 1PM. $10 per person. One guest
per person is welcome. Dates are:
January 11, February 22, March 1, April
19 and May 17. Directed by Linda Green.
Tuesday mornings; 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Session 2 - January 13, 20, 27 and
February 3, 10, 17
Session 3 - February 24 and March 3,
10, 17, 24, 31 (Request by February 3)
$120 per person, six week session
(supplies additional)
Cancellations will be accepted up to one
week prior to the start date. Classes are
limited to 20 students per class.
Every Thursday through April 30, 2015.
Class is held from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in
Veranda Card Room A
in the Golf Club.
No Reservations Required.
$10 per person.
New Class SPLASH ART Join us for a fun night
of Step-By-Step Painting taught by a local artist - they
bring all the supplies you need to create an 11x14
$45 per person, per class includes wine and cheese
4:30 – 6:30 p.m. in Veranda Card Room A
Thursday, March 12
Friday, February 13
boca west
[ January 2015 ] 19
[ac t i v i t ies]
The Wick Theater
& Costume World
The Collection Tour
Unlike anything you’ve seen before, The
Broadway Collection is an astounding exhibit
of the finest costumes ever brought to the
Broadway stage by the most honored and
respected designers in the history of the
American Theatre. Presented in a fully
inter-active environment, your tour will be led
by knowledgeable and entertaining theatre
professionals who will give you a remarkable
“behind the scenes” look at the costumes from
some of your favorite movies.
Option 1:
Tuesday, January 27; 10:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
$65 per person includes Museum Tour,
Luncheon and Cabaret
Request by January 6/Cancel by January 13
The Cabaret - Your Broadway Collection tour
wouldn’t be complete without an amazing
performance from one of the many incredible
entertainers from our artistic community.
Option 2:
Thursday, January 29; 10:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
$115 per person includes Museum Tour,
Luncheon and Matinee
Request by January 6/Cancel by January 13
The Matinee - La Cage aux Folles is the story
of a flamboyant gay couple who must pretend
to be straight for one night - with one of
the men in drag - to dupe the conservative
political family of their son’s fiancée.
Song La Cage aux Folles.
2015 Book Talks
with Sandra Rosencrans
Mondays from 10 a.m.— 12 p.m.
in Veranda Card Room A/Golf Club
$90 per person for the series
Join us for a series of three lecture/discussions
on the best in contemporary fiction. Each
session will include extensive background
material on the author's life and literary
development as well as intensive discussion of
the book. Please visit www.bookswithsandra.
com for more information.
January 5
by Celeste Ng
Mesmerizing debut novel that shrinks
enormous issues of race, prejudice, identity
and gender into the dynamics
of a single family.
February 9
by Tara Shea Nesbit
An emotional tapestry of a time and place,
the novel portrays the scientists’ wives
who arrived in New Mexico with tentative
expectations and found frustration and
isolation in their secretive existence.
March 16
SOMEONE by Alice McDermott
A slender and deceptively simple work,
the novel is a lyrical meditation on the
Irish-American experience in Brooklyn
as it traces the arc of an unexceptional life
through the decades.
Cancel by: December 5
Coconut Grove
Arts Festival
A Day at The Races
Thursday, February 5 - $75 per person
DAY INCLUDES: Air-conditioned track side seating, a lavish buffet at Ten Palms, one
complimentary glass of wine, daily race program, one $2 betting voucher, round trip
bus transportation, all taxes and gratuities.
Bus leaves at 11 a.m. and returns approximately 7 p.m.
Request by: January 15/Cancel by: January 22
20 [ January 2015 ] boca west
Monday, February 16
9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
$25 per person includes transportation
and admission
Enjoy one of the nation’s premier outdoor
fine arts festivals. A signature event
on the South Florida cultural calendar,
the festival offers visitors a chance to
meet and talk with over 300 exhibition
artists, sample fine cuisine, enjoy live
entertainment and take a walk through
history. Request/Cancel by: February 2.
[ac t i v i t ies]
Miami Auto Museum at the Dezer Collection – Tour and Lunch
Friday, January 9 - $49 per person
The Miami Auto Museum at the Dezer Collection is the largest and most eclectic, privately owned transportation museum
in the world. Not only can you find many of the rarest cars in the world, but you can also see our rare collection of motorcycles,
bicycles, mopeds and the largest privately owned Vespa collection in the world.
The James Bond Exhibit The Miami Auto Museum at the Dezer Collection’s
James Bond exhibition includes a fascinating array of automobiles, motorcycles,
submarines, airplanes, helicopters, boats, and snow mobiles. One of Hollywood’s
leading film franchises, the James Bond series wouldn’t have been the same
without the cars, guns and gadgets utilized on-screen by the beloved secret agent.
’50s Diner with Lunch Go back to simpler times—Elvis, rag-tops, milkshakes
and the hop. You will have a lunch experience like no other, surrounded by ‘50s
memorabilia displayed in a 1,725 square foot space with retro diner booths and
black and white checkered flooring. Lunch Choices are: Overstuffed Turkey Breast
and Cheese on Focaccia, Solid White Albacore on a Croissant, Rare Roast Beef
and Swiss in an Onion Pocket. All Lunches include House made Coles Slaw, Bag
of Assorted Chips, Homemade Cookie, Fresh Piece of Fruit, and Bottle of Water.
(Please note your lunch selection when making reservation.)
Bus departs at 10 a.m. and returns approximately 4 p.m. • No cancellations accepted at this time.
COMEDY NIGHT with Yakov Smirnoff
Tuesday, February 24 in the Cypress Room
$30 per person cover charge
Doors open at 7 p.m.; Show Time at 8 p.m.
Request by: January 24/ Cancel by: February 10
Seating will be theater style, no tables for this event.
Good Vibrations:
A Tribute to the Beach Boys
Tuesday, February 17
$30 per person cover charge
Doors open at 7 p.m.
Show Time at 8 p.m. in the Cypress Room of the Country Club
Seating: Tables of Eight
Request by: January 20/ Cancel by: February 3
Sounds of Soul
Tuesday, March 10
$30 per person cover charge
Doors open at 7 p.m. Show Time at 8 p.m.
in the Cypress Room of the Country Club
Seating: Tables of Eight
Request by: February 10/Cancel by:
February 24
Sunday, February 1
Join us for the BIG GAME which will be
shown on Theater Size Screens
Gates open in the Cypress Room
at 5 p.m.
$19.95++ per person
MENU: Variety of Salads, Tortilla Chips
& Salsa, Nathan’s Hot Dogs, Tailgate
Ribs, Roadside Sliders, Spinach and
Artichoke Dip, Homemade Pizzettas,
Blackened Chicken Nachos, Fish &
Chips, Turkey Chili, Assorted Sports Bar
Wings, Exciting Desserts, and MUCH
MORE! Member Charge Bar for Alcohol.
Request in writing to the Activities
department no later than Thursday,
January 2. One request per table
please. Tables of 8 - 12 will be accepted.
Requests with less than 8 in the party
will be joined together. Based on the
number of requests received, a lottery
may be warranted. Request/Cancel
By January 15. Based on the number
of requests, guests may be invited
beginning Tuesday, January 16.
Guest price is $29.95++.
boca west
[ january 2015 ] 21
At Sea
At Sea
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
a veranda with whirlpool and luxurious lounge seating. Stateroom: 590 sq. ft. Veranda: 158 sq. ft
i v i t ies]
[ac tSUITE
$7349 per person double occupancy
luxury of European-style butler service.
unch and dinner service. Afternoon tea.
ors d’oeuvres and complimentary in-suite
Separate living room and dining area and
with whirlpool and luxurious lounge seatteroom: 590 sq. ft. Veranda: 158 sq. ft
and cappuccino. A spacious and comfo
ft cabin and 80 sq ft Verandah aw
$3279 per person double oc
Enjoy European-style butler service. This includes
assistance with unpacking and packing. In-suite
lunch and dinner service. Afternoon tea. Evening
hors d’oeuvres and complimentary in-suite espresso
and cappuccino. A spacious and comfortable 300 Card
Party &
ft cabin and 80 sq ft Verandah awaits you. Luncheon
9 per person double occupancy
$3279 per person double occupancy Friday, March 13
Join us with your guest for
games of Duplicate Bridge,
Southern Caribbean
Social Bridge,
Cruise on the CELEBRITY
The AquaClass® Verandah staterooms offer a
Savor fresh flower arrangements, and compliVerandah Stateroom.
retreat and provide unlimited access to
mentary shoeshine service. Sleep on the perThepair
best located on the ship -Cate
11 – 21,amenities
many ofDecember
the AquaSpa®
and exclusive
fect pillow from our pillow menu. Personalized
194 sq ft with a 54 sq ft Veran
Please be sure to notify us
Blu Restaurant. 194 sq ft with Caribbean’s
a 54 sq ft Verandah
Concierge service, priority check-in and priority
per person double occ
disembarkation. 194 sq ft with a 54 sq ft Verandah what game you are playing
double occupancy
when signing up.
For more information,
$2199 per person double occupancy
by February
contact Scott Grody Travel at 702-5533
or www.scottgrodytravel.com
resh flower arrangements, and compliVerandah Stateroom.
Night of Passover
(561) 702-5533
y shoeshine service. Sleep on the perThe best located on the ship -Category 1A.
Friday, April 3- Grand Ballroom
ow from our
194 sq ft with a 54 sq ft Verandah
p.m., Seder
ge service,7 priority
$2039 per person double occupancy
p.m., Dinner
kation. 194$40.95++
sq ft with
per a 54 sq ft Verandah
9 per person
double occupancy
per child (4 - 12)
Equity members
and family
Request in writing
to the Activities
department no
February 23. One
request per table please. Tables of
with the Lynn University Philharmonia
10 - 24 will be accepted. Requests
with less than 10 in the party
Wednesday, April 1 - $45 per person
will be joined together. Requests
Under the Stars at the Driving Range
larger than 12 may be split into
Gates and Food Kiosks open at 6 p.m.
two tables. Based on the number
Philharmonia Orchestra to perform at 8 p.m.
of requests received, a lottery may
Each membership is
be warranted. If selected through
entitled to two tickets.
the lottery, your reservation
Based on the number
is guaranteed and may not be
of requests received,
canceled unless a wait list has
a lottery may be
been generated by the number of
requests. Confirmations will be
Request by: Monday,
posted on the Boca West website
March 2/Cancel by:
by Wednesday, February 25
Monday, March 16
Dress code: jackets required for
men and male children over the
age of 16.
Open 7 Days a Week | 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
61) 702-5533
ays a Week | 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
22 [ January 2015 ] boca west
[ac t i v i t ies]
Bo ca West
25th Anniversary
With Special Guests
Tony Dovolani
& Peta Murgatroyd
from Dancing with the Stars
and the Fred Astaire Dancers
F r i day, M arch 6
6:30 - 7:30 p.m, elaborate cocktail reception
7:30 - 10:30 p.m., four-course dinner,
entertainment and dancing
$75++ per person in the Grand Ballroom
Tony Dovolani
Peta Murgatroyd
Dress Code: Black Tie Preferred
Request in writing to the Activities department no later than Saturday, February 7. Tables of 10 - 12
will be accepted. Requests with less than 10 in the party will be joined together. Table Captains
are responsible for reservations made. Based on the number of requests received, a lottery may be
warranted. Once confirmed, your reservation is guaranteed and may not be canceled unless a wait list
has been generated. Confirmation/Waitlist status will be listed on the Boca West website as of February
10. Based on the number of requests, guests may be invited beginning, Thursday, February 12.
boca west
[ January
january 2015 ] 23
[ scene
Awards Dinner
24 [ january
January 2015 ] boca west
flash !
Golf Event
Tennis Round Robin
Tennis Exhibition
boca west
[ january
January 2015 ] 25
fou n dat ion n ews
Boca West Foundation Week is Coming
Presented by Citi Private Bank
On March 30, 2015 the Boca West Foundation
“$100,000 Golf Challenge” sponsored
by Mercedes-Benz of Delray, returns
for the 3rd year. You can help your
charity win up to $20,000. If you were
part of the past events you know that this
is the tournament not to miss. Not only will
you aid thousands of youngsters improve
their lives, health and studies but you
will have a ball. Our presenting sponsor,
Mercedes last year gave each participant
a Nike golf bag and 8 winners went to
Pinehurst (all expenses paid) to represent Boca West
at the Mercedes Championship Week. Winners from
there went onto Augusta.
holidays, the Grammy Awards and a special weekend in
Las Vegas with Celine Dion. This year we have added
some of the most exciting offers ever), and a
very special surprise close to an eventful day.
The next evening, we continue our
celebrations with “The Concert for the
Children” on the Great Lawn at Boca West. Last
year over 1700 fans were blown away by the diva
herself, Diana Ross. This year we are honored
to be able to present the gentleman
who was recently honored at the Kennedy
Center with the Mark Twain Award—
JAY LENO. In addition our opening featured act is the
Atlantic City Boys, who will have everyone dancing
in the aisles!
It’s All About the Kids
You will be able to shop for the kids at the Foundation
Store, presented by Fidelity, and don’t forget about our
famous $5,000 Duck Drop. There will be many more
new gifts and games.
After the Tournament we will celebrate together with
our kids and charities at the Gala Cocktail Party. The
usual great Boca West food and drink as well as gifts, a
super live auction (last year included cruises, Caribbean
Invitations are coming in the mail so don’t miss out
on any of the excitement of the Boca West Foundation Week.
Keep informed of all the special events and works
of the Foundation by “liking” the Boca West Foundation
FaceBook page. Be on the lookout for chances to win tickets,
ducks, and more!
All of these great works are done in the name of Boca West
Country Club.
P: 488-6980 | E: foundation@bocawestcc.org | W: bocawestfoundation.org
Don’t Miss Out!
Golf Challenge
Monday, March 30
Jay L e n o
Stars in the
“Concert for the Children”
featuring The Atlantic City Boys
on the Great Lawn at Boca West
Tuesday, March 31
26 [ january
January 2015 ] boca west
By Frank Richard, Membership Committee Chairman
Board of Governors
Jerold Glassman*
Vice Chair & 1st Vice President
Phil Kupperman*
2nd Vice President
Arthur Adler*
Bob Locke*
Howard Krosser*
President & General Manager
Jay DiPietro, CCM
*Executive Committee
Alvin “Bud” Baron, Mark Berkowitz, Jeffrey Feiner,
Dr. Nancy Frydman, Howard Liebman,
Leonard Meyers, Frank Richard, Joel Schlesinger,
Bert Wellman, Bob Winikoff
Where does the time go. It is now 2015 and we at Boca West have just enjoyed another wonderful
holiday week with our children and grandchildren. At this time, when the glow of seeing our loved ones
enjoying the amenities of our Club fresh in your minds, I would like discuss the issue of estate planning.
It is very important that you understand how your estate plans affect the membership privileges and
liabilities of your heirs and successors.
The goal is to equip you with enough information so that you can, with the help of your legal advisors, work through those issues
that impact how membership will be handled in your estates. The time you spend now will help your loved ones to cope later,
and also will ensure that your wishes will be carried out. It is vital that you discuss these plans with your loved ones and the
executor of your Will or the Trustee of any Trust that may be applicable. This will give them a clear understanding of the
membership issues in advance, and will avoid having to bring any disputes before the staff of the Membership Department.
The Staff has no power to resolve any such disputes, except to rely on the letter of the Club’s by-laws.
The basis of any estate planning decision regarding membership in the Club is that Membership in the Club is associated with
the Boca West residential unit. The beneficial owner of the Boca West residential unit with which the Membership in the Club
is associated is responsible for the payment of all charges, dues, fees and assessments (regardless of whether it is a family,
corporation, trust or other type of entity). This responsibility continues until a change in Membership occurs under the Club’s
A frank and open conversation with all who may be involved in the passing on of your residence here in Boca West can avoid
most of the complications regarding membership issues. The Membership Department has prepared a memo that deals with
some of the most frequently asked questions, such as:
1.My spouse and I are Members. What happens to our Membership if one of us passes away?
2.I am the surviving spouse. Who takes the Membership when I pass away?
3.What membership issues should we be discussing with our children or heirs?
Committee Chairs
4.What if we leave the residence to siblings and they all want the membership?
Joel Schlesinger, Chair
5.What happens if this is a second or third marriage?
Howard Krosser, VC
Jeffrey Feiner, Chair
Mark Berkowitz, VC
6.What happens if the surviving spouse, who gets the membership enjoys it for some time and then decides to leave
Boca West? Do the heirs who were left the residence automatically get membership?
Bob Winikoff, Chair
Jeffrey Feiner, VC
Bob Locke, Chair
Jeffrey Feiner, VC
Fitness/Aquatics/Spa Bert Wellman, Chair
Nancy Frydman, VC
Golf Operations
Bob Winikoff, Chair
Frank Richard, VC
Harvey Krauser, Chair
Steve Siegel, VC
Arthur Adler, Chair
Bert Wellman, VC
Human Resources
Alvin “Bud” Baron
Bob Winikoff, Chair
Gerald Dorf, VC
Frank Richard, Chair
Mark Berkowitz, VC
Nancy Frydman
Mark Berkowitz, Chair
Nancy Frydman
Joel Schlesinger, Chair
Alvin “Bud” Baron, VC
7.Can a single member leave the residence to his/her children and still provide for his/her designated companion
to remain in the residence and continue as a member?
8.What happens to those resident members who no longer can participate in club activities or keep up the responsibilities
of membership? How can membership be passed now without our heirs having to pay any fee?
9.What happens if none of my heirs or beneficiaries are interested in membership and they do not want to accept any
responsibility to pay any charges or debts when they take title to the residence as a result of the testamentary documents?
The above are only a sample of the difficult issues that must be planned for so that you can avoid complications and family
disputes. Please stop by the Membership department and pick up the Memo “ Membership issues under the Club’s by-laws
that you should know when planning your estate”. You may also call 488-6934 or email membership@bocawestcc.org.
w elcom e
& Congratulations!
New Members
November 1 – 30, 2014
#6408 Melvin & Doris Atlas
6947 Rain Forest Dr., #E5
Hometown: New York, NY
New Homes
November 1 – 30, 2014
#6527 Dr. Susan Saxton & Dr. Jack Gore
7409 Bondsberry Ct., #11B
boca west
[ January 2015 ] 27
cha r i t ies & Orga ni zat ions
Inspire • Imagine • Ignite
of the PAP CORPS
Visit Beautiful Homes
in Boca West and Addison Reserve
Monday, January 12
A wonderful opportunity to view great
art collections. Lunch included.
Contact Janice August, 479-2734, Nancy
Fried, 477-6829 or Roz Wolpov, 483-7041
Gala Annual Luncheon
and Card Party
Monday, January 19
9 a.m. boutiques/11:30 a.m. luncheon
Come join us for great boutiques, great
shopping, great food and a great day of play
Reservations required. Contact Sylvia Clark,
OF south PALM
The Event at Boca
West Country Club
Tuesday, February 3
Featured Speaker:
Larry Miller.
852-5031 or
Larry Miller
Boca West 2015 ITC
Wednesday, February 25
Evening Celebration
Honoring the Children
from Israel.
Keynote speaker:
The Honorable Chaim
Shacham, Consul
General of Israel to
Florida and Puerto Rico.
Topic: Israel-Gaza Conflict
and Economic Challenges.
Morning Tennis Round Robin
with ITC Children.
Contact Yoni Yair, 954-480-6333
or yyair@israeltenniscenters.org
Cernuda Arte gallery
Art Trip to Coral Gables and Miami
Wednesday, February 11
Visit the Cernuda Arte gallery and then
two fabulous private home collections.
Lunch and transportation included.
Contact Roz Wolpov, 483-7041,
Bonny Rosen, 482-3500 or
Nancy Fried, 477-6829
Card Party and Luncheon
Monday, March 2 at 11:30 a.m.
Join us for a wonderful day of lunch, cards
and games. Special boutique of designer
handbags. Many prizes and surprises.
Contact Phyllis Furst, 477-0984 or
Lorrie Grossman, 470-9523
28 [ January 2015 ] boca west
VIP Underwriter’s Dinner Reception
Monday, January 12
5:30 p.m. in the Palm Room (prior to lecture)
ADL Lecture
Series at
Boca West
Lecture #1 –
A Tribute to
Abe Foxman
Monday, January 12 at 7:30 p.m.
Lecture #2 – Leigh Anne Tuohy, subject
of The Blind Side book and movie
Monday, February 9 at 7 p.m.
Lecture #3 – Aaron David Miller,
Vice President, New Initiatives,
Wilson Institute
Monday, March 23 at 7 p.m.
Contact Emmy Barraco, 988-2924
or ebarraco@adl.org
Choral Group News
We are happy to welcome several new
members who have joined with us as
we continue our endeavor to entertain
some special people.
Our group will be entertaining at the
Veranda Club on January 4 and at JARC
on January 18. If you have friends
or relatives at either of these facilities,
please come and join them for our concerts.
Have you joined yet?
Applications and Calendar of Events
(lectures, movies, concerts, etc) are
available adjacent to the check in desk
at the Fitness Center and on our website
Sp e c i a l
P r o j e c t s
U p d a t e
By Phil Kupperman, Chairman
I m p o r t a n t P h o n e N u m be r s
I hope you were able to attend the Membership Briefing on December 18 where I gave
an update on our capital expansion project, the Next Piece of the Puzzle (NPP). At the
time I presented a slide show reporting the revised projected costs for NPP and the
anticipated income stream that would pay for it. As always, the NPP will be completed
without any capital assessment to our membership.
The NPP was approved by the membership on May 8, 2012. At that time the anticipated cost was estimated
to be $49.6 million. However, I now reported that the NPP is anticipated to cost $52.8 million due to the fact
that we were mandated by the County to add more parking than was originally anticipated. It turned out that,
due to variance changes over the years, we were already out of Code. on the required number of parking spaces.
With the new, larger Golf and Activities Center that will be constructed starting in April of 2015, the problem
was exacerbated. Therefore, we had to build more parking than was originally anticipated, which cost us an
additional $4.5 million.
The good news is that while the NPP is costing us more, our revised projected income has increased even more.
We are now experiencing a greater number of new members than had been anticipated in the original plan. Over
the past two years Joining Fees were $9.5 million compared to the plan of $5.8 million, an increase of $3.6 million.
Based on these results, our revised projected revenue stream now anticipates the receipt of annual Joining Fees of
$3.7 million versus $2.9 million, which we believe is still conservative. The revised revenue stream also reflects the
actual sale of the Members Park for $13.5 million versus the estimated amount of $12 million; and the new Equity
and Joining fees of $8.4 million from the ultimate sale of 120 new luxury units by Akoya Boca West which we did
not include in our original projections.
We are now also happy to report that our maximum bank borrowing will be about $13.2 million versus the
$24.8 million originally anticipated; and, we now expect that the NPP will be fully paid for in only 6 more years
or 5 years sooner than the project originally anticipated.
I trust you all agree that these projected results are amazing. Your Board and Management’s recent focus on
marketing the Lifestyle at Boca West, along with Dick Siemens and the Siemens Groups’ vision and commitment
to building Akoya at Boca West, has enabled our ability to continue to make Boca West the BEST!
Speaking of Akoya at Boca West, you should know that it was named one of the “Top Residential Real Estate
Developments in the World” by Elite Traveler Magazine. Buyer interest is at its height and sales have been brisk.
Site clearing and preparation is complete, drainage has been installed and, by the time you read this article,
construction should be underway as the site is ready to grade for the much anticipated 120-unit luxury condominium.
In addition, due to significant improvement of construction financing, Siemens Group is excited to inform potential
buyers of a recent change to contracts at Akoya: The deposit amount has been reduced from 30 percent down
to 20 percent. No additional deposits are required prior to closing. Now it’s easier than ever to call Akoya home.
Residences, from two to three bedrooms and ranging from 2,676 to 4,780 square feet, will feature secured
elevators opening into private foyers, expansive terraces, designer kitchens, spacious master suites and floor-toceiling impact glass windows. Professional valet, front desk staff and dedicated concierge will deliver first-class
service, and a 24 hr. manned state-of-the-art security system will ensure peace of mind for residents.
Pricing ranges from $1.2 million to more than $2 million.
Akoya Kitchen and Master Bath Models are available for touring. Full kitchen and bathroom models are available for
private viewings at the Interiors by Steven G. showroom by appointment. In addition, you can view a sample kitchen
by visiting the Akoya Sales Center, located in the Boca West Sports Center, 20583 Boca West Drive, Boca Raton.
In conclusion, I thank you all in your support in allowing us to keep your Country Club Number 1.
Club Reception488-6990
Fax Number
Fax Number
Club Services
Fax Number
Fax Number
Executive Offices
Jay DiPietro, Pres. & GM
Jerry Glassman, Chairman
Grill Room, Deli & The Steakhouse 488-6965
Splash Pool Bar
Onyx Lounge
Dining Reservations
Dining Cancellations
Reservations Fax Number 488-7824
Fitness Center488-6944
PB Institute of Sports Med
Golf Club
Tee Time Reservations
Tee Time Cancellations
Bag Storage
Lessons & Driving Range 488-6924
Locker Room, Women’s
Card Room, Women’s
Locker Room, Men’s
Card Room, Men’s
Golf Course Maintenance488-6900
Pool Check-in/Aquatics488-7802
Retail Shoppes
Golf Club
Tennis Center
Appointments Only
Reception Desk
The Salon at Boca West
Tennis Registration/Reservations
Reservations Fax Number
BW Master Assn. 488-1598
BW Master Assn. Security
Guest Admittance
24 Hr Voice Guest Registration 483-7026
BW Homeowners Association 487-1728
Fax Number
Boca West Foundation 488-6980
Police Emergencies (24 hrs.)911
Realty at Boca West, LLC
Akoya at Boca West
Security Emergencies (24 hrs.)483-9229
Sunshine Committee488-7819
Village Store451-9500
Village Store Fax Number451-9507
Website address: http://members.bocawestcc.org
Email address: boca20583@bocawestcc.org
Please remember to dial area code (561)
boca west
[ January 2015 ] 29
[ cha ir ma n’s Let t er]
from the desk of Jerry Glassman
Welcome to 2015. This is the year that the
limitations they may experience are not only
Club will begin work on the final phase of
necessary, but for the greater good. There
the “Next Piece of the Puzzle”. This coming
will be signs and fences, temporary roads
April, the Palmer III course will be closed so
and crosswalks, so be careful when you are
work can begin on the course’s upgrading
in the construction area and be attentive
which includes replacing the present grass.
to the warning and caution signs.
The Palmer III project also includes the
Every New Year, seats on the Board of
upgrading and improving of our Driving
Governors are up for election. There are five
Range and adjacent short game practice area.
seats up for election this year. The nine member
Many members have told me that they think
Nominating Committee is a product of our
Palmer III is in great shape and asked why
By-laws, which require that there be three
we have to spend money on a makeover. Steve Wright
members from the Board of Governors and six members from
and his staff have worked a miracle in making Palmer III look
the membership at large. The Committee works very hard
the way it does. They have kept Palmer III playable for this
reviewing files and interviewing potential candidates. They
season by over seeding the course with temporary grass that
strive to nominate those candidates who they believe will best
will wither and die during the month of March bringing the
serve the interests of the Club and its members. Please read the
course back to the point when it was hardly playable, but just
materials from the candidates and watch their TV presentations.
in time for its upgrading and improvement. The Golf and
If you get the chance, try and meet with them. Your vote is
Activities Center is scheduled to be demolished this April
important, especially if it is an informed vote. Members of
to make way for the new Center. The renderings and
the Board of Governors and the Nominating Committee
descriptions of the new center are posted around the Club
are prohibited from campaigning for any candidate, but they
for your viewing pleasure. I predict that the finished product
are perfectly free to render their personal opinion if asked.
will “blow you away”. It will be beautiful and functional.
Again, keeping with Boca West tradition, all these major
improvements come without one penny of assessment
to the membership.
Talking about tradition, do you really think that the
Finally, as you can see from the articles in this issue, things
are going quite well for our Club. Renaissance and Renewal
is working. Financially we are as strong as ever. No money
worries here. Our committees are geared up to offer another
outstanding social, sports and activities season. The Steakhouse
Management and Staff of Boca West Country Club would
is even better than ever and the courses look great. Tennis
go into this major demolition and construction phase
players are enjoying our new Tennis Center. Sales are great.
without being mindful of the disruption that these major
So sit back and enjoy the Boca West Lifestyle..
improvements will cause? Intensive planning is underway
to keep inconvenience to the membership to a minimum.
Service to the membership will be maintained at the highest
possible level, even in any temporary facilities. I am confident
that the ability and dedication of our Management and Staff
is such that things will go as smoothly as possible. I am also
confident that our membership will understand that whatever
30 [ January 2015 ] boca west
On behalf of your Board of Governors, here’s wishing you all
a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
Jerry Glassman
Jerry Glassman
Chairman of the Board
J a n u a r y S pa S p e c i a l
Dramatically improve your skin’s tone and texture!
Vitamin C Facial
removes lifeless skin cells while
building collagen and elastin.
80 minutes
Special Price: $94
Regular price: $110
Special is valid January 1 – 31, 2015. No substitutions.
Cannot be combined with any other special or discount.
Monthly specials are non-refundable. MM#31281
For more information or to book an appointment, please call 488-7880
P.O. Box 3070 • Boca Raton, FL 33431-0970
A Member of the Platinum Clubs:
©America’s ✩✩✩✩✩ Private Clubs
2013 Outstanding
Tennis Facility Award
in the Grand Ballroom
Saturday, February 14
6:30 p.m., reception • 7:30 - 11:30 p.m., dinner and dancing
$90++ per person
Entertainment by Heatwave
Request in writing to the Activities department no later than Monday,
January 5. One request per table please. Tables of 10 - 12 will be accepted.
Requests with less than 10 in the party will be joined together. Based on the
number of requests received, a lottery may be warranted. If selected through
the lottery, your reservation is guaranteed and may not be canceled unless
a wait list has been generated by the number of requests. Based on the
number of requests, guests may be invited beginning Wednesday, January 7
at the price of $100++ per person. Table Captains are responsible for
friends they sign up. Results of the lottery will be posted online by January 9.
Any questions, please call the Activities department at 488-6936.
Reservations will not be accepted over the phone. Request forms are
available in the Club Services office and online. You may also fax your
request to 483-9521.
32 [ January 2015 ] boca west