Biodata of Prof. Arvind Kumar Vice Chancellor Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi-284 003 Bio-Data of Prof. Arvind Kumar Vice-Chancellor Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University Gwalior Road, Jhansi-284 003 Personal Data i) Name : Prof. Arvind Kumar ii) Designation : Vice-Chancellor, RLBCAU, Jhansi iii) Date of Birth : July 4, 1952 iv) Academic Qualification : M.Sc. (Ag.) Agronomy M.Phil., (Agronomy), Ph.D. (Agronomy) v) Permanent Address : S/O Late Sri R.S. Saxena Moh.- Feelkhana (Gher) Distt. Pilibhit (U.P.) vi) Address for Correspondence: Dr. Arvind Kumar Vice-Chancellor, RLBCAU, Gwalior Road, Jhansi-283 003 Camp Office - Room.No. 213 Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan – II New Delhi - 110012 Tel 9711008862 (M), 011-25843644 (R) (011) - 25843932 (Fax) A. Academic Qualifications : S.No. Exam./degree Year University Division 1. B.Sc. (Ag.) Agriculture 1968 Meerut University, Meerut I 2. M.Sc. (Ag.) Agronomy 1970 Meerut University, Meerut I Secured I Position 3. M.Phil. Agronomy 1971 Meerut University, Meerut I Secured I Position 4. Ph.D. Agronomy 1975 Meerut University, Meerut - 1 Remark B. Special training in the subject other than for a degree : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) C. Attended short term course on ‘Water Relations of plant communities’ from September 18-25, 1979 organized by the UNDP Centre of Soil and Water Management, Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. Participated in Summer Institute on ‘Improved Dryland Agricultural Technology held at M.P.K.V., Pune from May 23 to June 4, 1977. Participated in Summer Institute on the ‘Use of Radio-isotopes in plant physiology’ held at G.B. Pant University of Agric. & Technology, Pantnagar from June 23 to July 12, 1980. Paticipated in Special Training Programme on Vigilance Admistration and Management from December 5-7 2006 held at NDRI, Karnal. Participated in Management Development Programme on leadership development from Septemebr 1-5, 2008 held at IIM, Lucknow. Details of Employment S.NO Designation Organization Period 1. Vice-Chancellor RLBCAU, Jhansi Since May 9, 2014 ICAR, New Delhi Dec. 1, 2009 - May 8, 2014 ICAR, New Delhi Feb. 20, 2002- Nov. 30, 2009 (Pay Scale: 75000 + 5000) 2. Deputy Director General (Education) (Pay Scale: 75000 Fixed) 3. Director (DRMR, Bharatpur) 4. Professor Agronomy GBPUA&T, Pantnagar Dec. 10, 1990-Feb. 19, 2002 5. Senior Research Officer (Oilseeds Agronomy) / Associate Professor GBPUA&T, Pantnagar Dec. 10, 1980 to Dec. 9. 1990 7. Assistant Professor (Agronomy) GBPUA&T, Pantnagar May 5, 1975 to Dec. 9. 1980 8. Agronomist WRDTC Roorkee Univ., Roorkee Jan. 1975 to May 4, 1975 9. Lecturer in Agronomy (Temporary) Institute of Adv., Studies Meerut Univ. Jan. 1973 to June 1973 2 Additional Charge(s) 9th May, 2014 to 18th September, 2014 and 20th November, 2014 to 30th July, 2015 1st January, 2010 to 22nd June, 2010 1 Deputy Director General (Education) Indian Council of Agricultural Research New Delhi 2 Deputy Director General (Fisheries) 3 Joint Director (Extension) Indian Council of Agricultural Research New Delhi G.B. Pant University January 1998 to of Agriculture & February 2002 Tech. Pantnagar D. One Year Five and Half Months Four Years Teaching Experience : (28 years teaching experience) (i) One year P.G. teaching experience at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Meerut University, Meerut. Taught courses on – (a) Crop Productivity (b) Soil water plant relationship (c) Ecological and soil study technique. (ii) Twenty seven year’s UG/PG teaching experience at G.B. Pant University of Agric & Tech., Pantnagar. Taught the following courses : (a) Elementary Agriculture, (b) C.P.I. (c) Crop Production II, (d) Crop Geography of India, (e) Crop Management, (f) Practical Crop Production, (g) Field Crops I (Oilseeds), (h) Field Crop II (Oilseeds), (i) Concepts in Crop Production, (j) Weed Control, (k) Agricultural Climatology (l) Environment and Productivity in Plant Communities (m) Dryland Agriculture E. Curriculum Development (i) Developed a course on Principles and Practices of dryland agriculture. (ii) Involved in developing a proposal for creating a department of agro-meteorology in this university. Also worked for the formulation of course- curriculum on Agrometeorology. (iii) Undated and revised course-curriculum for B.Sc. (Ag.) programme for the college of Agriculture at Pantnagar. F. Worked as Principal Investigator (Rapeseed-mustard Agronomy) at National level – Nominated by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. G. Participated in a course on SWOT analysis of National Agricultural Research System at National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad from Nov. 25-28, 1997. 3 H. Additional Experience (i) Worked as Joint Director Extension in addition to my duties as Professor, Agronomy at the G.B.P.U.A. & T., Pantnagar January 1998 to February 19, 2002. (ii) Served as warden Subhash Bhavan (1980-82) and Asstt. Warden, Gandhi Bhavan (for two years) at GBPUA&T, Pantnagar . I. Professional Experience (40 Years) Involved in teaching/research/extension/administration for the last 40 years. S.No. Designation Period/duration i) Vice-Chancellor May 9, 2014 to till date i) Deputy Director General (Education) Dec. 1, 2009 – May, 8. 2014 Administrative experience. Funding, Coordination, HRD and quality assurance pertaining to Agricultural Universities in India as SMD ii) Director ( NRCRM, Bharatpur) Feb. 20, 2002 – Nov. 30, 2009 iii) Professor (Agronomy, Pantnagar) Dec. 10, 1990Feb. 19, 2002 iv) Sr. Research Officer/ Assoc. Professor, Pantnagar Dec. 10, 1980Dec. 9, 1990 Administrative experience. Also having additional responsibility as Project Coordinator (Rapeseed-Mustard). Project Leader (Oilseeds Agronomy) and principal Investigator (Rapeseed and Mustard Agronomy). Project Leader (Oilseeds Agronomy). v) vi) vii) viii) Assistant Professor (Agronomy, Pantnagar) Agronomist, Roorkee University Lecturer (Temp.) Inst. of Advanced Studies, Meerut University Junior Res. Fellow May 5, 1975Dec. 9, 1980. Jan to May 4, 1975 (4 months) Jan to June 1973 3 Years 4 Experience Administrative experience Project Leader (Oil Seeds Agronomy). Worked in a Water Management Project at WRDTC, Roorkee Univ., Roorkee. Guided M.Phil-Agronomy Research Projects Worked on, “Water and nitrogen requirements for rice,” for my Ph.D. degree. J. K. Administrative Experience: Serving as Vice Chancellor, Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi since May, 9, 2014 . Deputy Director General (Education), ICAR, New Delhi from Dec. 1, 2009 to May, 8,2014 Director of the National Research Centre on Rapeseed-Mustard, Bharatpur (Now DRMR, Bharatpur) for about 8 years and coordinated rapeseed-mustard research programme spread over 22 Centres and 12 verification Centres in India. Organized eight annual All India Rapeseed-Mustard Research Workers’ Group Meetings at Hyderabad, Palampur, Ludhiana, Pantnagar, Hisar, Jammu, Bhubaneswar and Nagpur during 2002-2009. Organized second QRT meetings of rapeseed-mustard at different places and helped the team in the finalization of report. Additional responsibilities as Joint Director (Extension) for four years at GBPUAT, Pantnagar. Research Guidance: Guided two M. Phil. (Agronomy) research projects, at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Meerut University, Meerut. Post-graduate theses guided Guided 31 post graduate research projects including nine for Ph.D. research in Agronomy mainly on Oilseed Crops at G.B.P.U.A&T., Pantnagar. Theses guided: (Thirty One P.G. Research Projects) (Ph.D. Thesis Guided) (i.) Sharma, D.K. 1986. Soil moisture and nitrogen studies in mustard (Brassica juncea, L.) under late planting conditions. (ii.) Singh, R.P. 1988. Effect of planting geometry and phytohormones on mustard (Brassica juncea, L.). under late planting conditions (iii.) Shukla, Anil, 1990. Performance of recently developed mustard varieties (Brassica juncea, L.) at varying rates of nitrogen fertilization. (iv.) Srivastava, R.K. 1993. Response of wheat to different levels of fertility and seed rate along with F.Y.M. and residual effect on succeeding Maize Crop. (v.) Kachroo, Dileep. 1995. Influence of nitrogen and sulphur fertilization on growth, yield and quality of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) (vi.) Patel, N.L. 1996. Performance of Rajmash (Phaseolus vulgaris,L.) cultivars at varying row and plant spacing levels. (vii.) Kumar, Vinod. 2000. Response of mustard (Brassica juncea, L.). to nitrogen fertilization grown in different cropping systems. 5 (viii.) Shukla, Rajeew. 2001. Plant Nutrient management studies in Rapeseed (Brassica napus, L.) and mustard. Brassica juncea (L. Czern and Coss). (ix.) Bhushan, Bharat. 2006. Studies on micronutrient fertilization in different Brassica species. (M.Sc. Thesis Guided) (i.) Shastry, A.B. 1979. Variations in yield, its attributes and quality of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) in relation to planting time and row spacing levels. (ii.) Sinha, S. 1979. Response of some promising mustard (Brassica juncea., L.) entries to row spacings and nitrogen fertilization. (iii.) Gangwar, K.S. 1980. Agro-physiological analysis of yield and quality variations in toria (Brassica campestrisvar. toria) under the influence of nitrogen fertilization and row spacing levels. (iv.) Rastogi, A.K. 1980. Quantitative estimation of variations in growth, yield, protein and oil accumulation pattern in promising varieties of Indian rape (Brassica campestris var. toria) in relation to planting dates. (v.) Kumar, K. 1982. Agro-physiological analysis of yield and quality variations in promising linseed (Linum usitatissimum, Linn.) varieties as influenced by planting dates. (vi.) Gupta, S.R. 1982. Influence of nitrogen fertilization on growth, yield attributes and quality of promising linseed (Linum usitatissimum,Linn.) varieties. (vii.) Rao, S.R. 1983. Studies on sulphur nutrition in sunflower (Helianthus annuus, L.), using radio-sulphur. (viii.) Vasi, M. 1983. Performance of promising strains of India rape (Brassica campestris var. toria) in relation to planting dates. (ix.) Pandey, C.S. 1983. Weed-flora infestation and effective control measures under various planting dates in Indian mustard (Brassica campestris, L.) (x.) Chhonkar, A.K. 1984. Performance of promising groundnut (Arachis hypogaea,L.) varieties under different planting dates in tarai region of Uttar Pradesh. (xi.) Pal, M.S. 1984. Production potential and economics of toria grown as pure and in association with lentil, gram and linseed. (xii.) Kumar, Vijay. 1986. Evaluation of promising varieties of toria (Brassica campestris var. toria) at varying rates of nitrogen fertilization. (xiii.) Shyam, Raj. 1986. Evaluation of mustard (Brassica juncea, L.) cultivars under late planted conditions. (xiv.)Kandpal, B.K. 1988. Performance of promising varieties of toria (Brassica campestris var. toria)) under varying rates of nitrogen fertilization. (xv.) Singh, R.K. 1989. Effect of different levels of nitrogen on promising varieties of mustard (Brassica juncea, L.). (xvi.) Prakash, Ved. 1989. Effect of varying levels of irrigation and starch polymer (Jalshakti) on mustard (Brassica juncea, L.). (xvii.) Dayal, Ajai, 1991. Performance of different Brassica species at varying planting dates. 6 (xviii.) Gupta, V.K. 1991. Studies on planting geometry on Indian Rape. (Brassica campestris var. toria) . (xix.) Kumar, Sanjeev, 1996. Agro-physiological evaluation of Spanish and Virginia type groundnut (Arachis hypogaea, L.) cultivars in mid-western plains of U.P.). (xx.) Singh, Mohan. 1997. Studies on nitrogen fertilization and planting geometry in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea, L.) under late sown conditions. (xxi.) Singh, Dhananjay. 1998. Performance of Brassica carinata and Brassica juncea cultivars at different fertility levels under rainfed conditions. (xxii.) Maurya, R.J. 1998. Studies on irrigation and nitrogen requirements of Karan rai (Brassica carinata). L. Membership/fellowship of professional/academic bodies/societies etc. (i.) Life member of Indian society of Agronomy. Ex-member of editorial board of Indian J. Agronomy (Published by ISA, New –Delhi). (ii.) Member and ex-joint Secretary of Indian Society of Oilseeds Research. Exmember of editorial board of J. Oilseeds Research (Published by ISOR, DOR, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad). (iii.) Life member of Indian Society of Agricultural Sciences. (iv.) Life member of Society for Rapesed-mustard Research, Bharatpur. (v.) Member of Academic Council of Deemed Universities (IARI, IVRI, CIFE, NDRI) (vi.) Member of Board of Management of GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, IARI and CAU, Imphal. (vii.) President of the Society for Rapesed-mustard Research. (viii.) Ex-President of the Indian Society of Agronomy. M. (ix.) Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS). (x.) Life Time Achievement Award by Society for Rapeseed and Mustard Research. (xi.) Life Time Achievement Award by Indian Society of agronomy, New Delhi. Other Professional/Academic activities : (a) Countries visited: 1. Visited Sweden, West Germany, U.K., Australia, Denmark, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bhutan and Nepal to study the rapeseed improvement work. 2. Visited Rothamsted Research UK from July 10-19, 2003 to see the Brassica improvement programme under Indo-UK Collaboration on Oilseeds. 3. Visited Sri Lanka from January 26-February 02, 2004 to see the rapeseed-mustard research programme and discuss the general issues related to oilseed sector. 7 4. Visited Bhutan as consultant for development of oilseed research in Bhutan from 29.9.2005-29.10.2005 (one month). 5. Visited Pakistan from Feb. 19-24, 2005 to see the rapeseed-mustard research programme and discuss the general issues related to oilseed sector.. 6. Vistited Bhutan from Feb. 16-22, 2006 to see the rapeseed-mustard research programme and discuss the general issues related to oilseed sector. 7. Visited Nepal from Sept. 4-9, 2006 to see the rapeseed-mustard research programme and discuss the general issues related to oilseed sector. 8. Visited Wuhan, China from March 26-30, 2007 to participate and present papers at the 12th International Rapeseed Congress. 9. Visited Syria from April 14-16, 2010 to participate in the first meeting of the CGIARISPC at ICARDA, Syria. 10. Visited U.S.A from June 5-10, 2010 to deliver a talk on rapeseed and mustard improvement programme and discuss the areas for mutual cooperation. 11. Visited Nepal from Nov. 12-21 and Dec. 17-25, 2010 to help NARC to develop a technical proposal for establishment of a Deemed University under the umbrella of MoU of NARC. 12. Visited Czech Republic Praque from 5-9 June, 2011 to participate in 13red International Rapeseed Congress and General Assembly of GCIRC to present paper. 13. Visted South Africa, Pretoria from 12-13 October, 2011 to participate in the 5th IBSA Meeting of the Joint Group 14. Visited Belgium, Brussels from November 28- December 1,2011 to participate in World Agricultural Forum’s 2011 World Congress 15. Visted Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from December 12-13, 2011 to discuss the progress in activities in agricultural research and education under India-Africa Forum Summit 16. Visited Ibadan, Nigeria and Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) from March 26-30, 2012 to discuss about the setting up and strengthening of Life and Earth Science Institute (LESI) of the PAN African University. 17. Visited Netherland from May 23-25, 2012 to participate in the Joint Working Group Meeting on Agricultrue and signing the Work Plan for Cooperation in the Field of Research and Education - 2012-2015 18. Visited Bangladesh from January 30-31, 2013 to participate in the Consultative Workshop on “ICRAF’s Capacity Development Strategy and ICRAF’s South Asian Partners Capacity Needs Assessment. 19. Visited Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) from October 29-31, 2013 to discuss about the setting up and strengthening of Life and Earth Science Institute (LESI) of the PAN African University. 20. Visited Tanzania from February 2-5, 2014 to participate in the Consultative Workshop on “ICRAF’s Capacity Development Strategy. 8 (b) International workshop/conferences attended: 1. Attended International Congress on oils and oilseeds organized by OTAI, India in New Delhi, 1979. 2. Participated and presented paper at the Brassica Sub-network meeting held at G.B. Pant Univ. of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar from Jan. 4-6, 1989. 3. Participated and presented papers at the Ninth International Rapeseed Congress held at Cambridge, U.K. from July 4-7, 1995. 4. Participated and presented papers at the Second International Symposium on Crop Productivity and Sustainability-shaping the future, held at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi from Nov, 17-24, 1996. 5. Participated and presented papers at the First International Agronomy Congress on Agronomy, Environment and Food Security for 21 st century held Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi from Nov. 23-27, 1998. 6. Participated and presented papers at the tenth International Rapeseed Congress held at Canberra, Australia from Sept. 26-29, 1999. 7. Participated and presented papers at the 11th International Rapeseed Congress held at Copenhagen, Denmark from July 6-10, 2003. 8. Paticipated in International crop science Congress held at Brisbane, Australia from Sept. 23-28, 2004. 9. Participated and presented papers at the 12th International Rapeseed Congress held at Wuhan, China from March 26-30, 2007. 10. Participated in Indo-US Sponsored International Congress-cum- Workshop on IPR held at Amity University Noida from October 5-7, 2009. 11. Participated and presented papers at the 13th International Rapeseed Congress held at Prague, Czech Republic from June 05-09, 2011. (c) International training organized: Organized first International training on, Research Methodology of Agronomy and breeding of Brassica species at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar from December 4-29, 1989 and delivered lectures on agronomic aspects. (d) International Agronomy Congress organized: Organized Third International Agronomy Congress on Agriculture Diversification, Climate Change Management and Livilihoods from November 26 to 30, 2012 at New Delhi as President of the Indian Society of Agronomy and delivered Presidential Address. 9 N. Principal Investigator / Indian Project Leader: National Projects (a) Development of Hybrids in Crops : Rapeseed-Mustard First mustard hybrid NRCHB-506 released and notified during 2009. (Total Budget – Indian Rs. 16.3 million). (b) National Network on Management of Alternaria blight in Brassica juncea and Vegetables Crops. (Total Budget – Indian Rs.12.9 million) (c) Worked as Principal Investigator (Rapeseed-mustard Agronomy) at National level – Nominated by Indian Council of Agricultural Research,New Delhi. (d) Worked as Project Coordinator Rapeseed-Mustard in addition to my responsibilities as Director NRCRM, Bharatpur (20-2-2002 to 30-11-2009). Implemented and monitored technical programme at 22 Research and 12 verification centers in the country. (e) Multi-site evaluation of transgenic mustard hybrid (DMH-11)-Transgenic tested and performance evaluated for the first time: Trials organized as a Director of DRMR, Bhartpur International Projects (a) Oilseed Brassica Improvement in China, India and Australia. (Total Budget – Indian Rs. 13.9 million) (b) Indo-UK Collaboration on Oilseeds (II Phase)–Rapeseed-Mustard. (Total Budget – Indian Rs. 15.7 million) O. Awards and Recognitions: (a) Awarded Junior Research Fellowship (UGC) for Ph.D. Programme (b) Awarded Dr. Rajendra Prasad Puraskar for the triennial 1991-93, by ICAR for the book on Crop Geography of India (in Hindi). (c) Awarded Fellow of the Indian society of Agronomy for the year 1996 by ISA, New- Delhi. (d) Awarded Fellow of Indian Society of Oilseed Research by ISOR, DOR, Hyderabad. (e) Awarded Gaurav Puraskar by Gunwati Kundan Lal Palliwal Jain Punyarth Pranyas, Vishwa Shanti Bhawan, Bharatpur. (f) Awarded SEE Fellow Award by Society of Extension Education, CSAUA&T, Kanpur. (g) Awarded ISA 2007 Gold medal by the Indian Society of Agronomy. (h) Awarded Best Research Paper Presentation entitled Non- toxic Chemical in management of Alternaria blight of Mustard (Brassica juncea) during Global Conference II-2005 organized by Indian Society of Mycology & Plant Pathology. (Authors - P.D. Meena, Sarbjeet Kaur, R.L. Meena, Rajendra Singh, S.N. Singh, R.P. Awasthi, C. Chatopadhyay, S.J. Kolte and Arvind Kumar). (i) Elected as President, Indian Society of Agronomy for the year 2011 and 2012. 10 P. Q. (j) Elected as President, Society for Rapeseed – Mustard Research (k) Awarded Delhi Ratan(Delhi State Intellectuals’ Honour) by the All India Conference of Intellectuals’ during 31st Annual Celebration in 2012 for the recognition of the distinguished services rendered to the society (l) Awarded Fellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2012 (m) Life Time Achievement Award by Society for Rapeseed Mustard Research 2014 (n) Life Time Achievement Award by Indian Society of agronomy, New Delhi, 2014 Consultancy Awarded: Served as Oilseeds consultant in Bhutan for providing trianing (funded by IRRI), during October, 1988 and from September 29 to October 29, 2005 for the development of Oilseeds Research in Bhutan. Consultant under Indo-U.K. Collaborative project on oilseeds, funded by DFID, U.K., for dissemination of Rapeseed-Mustard in Eastern, Western and Karnataka watershed and rainfed farming projects implemented in seven states. National level Coordination: (a) Worked as Principal Investigator (Rapeseed-mustard Agronomy) at National level – Nominated by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. (b) Organized second QRT meetings at different places and helped the team in the finalization of report of five yearly assessment with respect to Rapeseed Mustard research in the country. (c) Worked as Project Coordinator Rapeseed-Mustard in addition to my responsibilities as Director NRCRM, Bharatpur (20-2-2002 to 30-11-2009). Implemented and monitored technical programme at 22 research and 12 verification centers in the country. R. Special attainments in Research: Initiated development of Hybrids in Crops : first time for Rapeseed-Mustard as Team leader and First mustard hybrid NRCHB-506 released and notified during 2009. Conceptualized Management of Alternaria blight in Brassica juncea and Vegetables Crops as a team leader and Isolates collected and sources identified. Initiated first time multisite Evaluation of Transgenic Mustard Hybrid (DMH-11)Transgenic tested and performance evaluated. Cordinated Indo-UK Collaboration on Oilseeds (II Phase)–Rapeseed-Mustard as Indian team leader and Participatory farmers trials organized in non-traditional areas. Coordinated Oilseed Brassica Improvement in China, India and Australia as Indian Team Leader and germplasm (more than 150) received and genetic enhancement made . Formulated oilseed development strategy for Bhutan- Imparted training on Oilseed Production technology to various Scientists and developmental workers. Compiled the package of practices of rapeseed-mustard for Bhutan. 11 S. Registered a promising disease resistant material - NRCDR-515, with NBPGR. In addition, 35 germplasm in Rapeseed-mustard were registered with NBPGR during the last 8 years after my taking over the responsibilities as Director NRCRM, Bharatpur . Developed 3 mustard varieties NRCDR-2, NRCHB-101, NRCDR-601 and a yellow sarson variety NRCYS – 5-2 as a collaborator. All these varieties were notified. Implemented and monitored technical programme at 22 research and 12 verifications centres in the country and 53 varieties of oilseed Brassica identified / released since 2002 for different agro-climatic regions. The production of rapeseed-mustard increased from 5.1 m t in 2001-02, to all time high (8.1 m t) in 2005-06. Besides, guiding 31 students including 9 Ph.D, published 156 research papers, 8 books, 12 Chapter in books, 26 bulletins, 10 reports and 1 Compendium and made 52 presentations in International and 144 in National Symposium, Conferences and Seminars, highlighting research achievements. Special attainments in Extension Worked as Joint Director Extension at GBPU&T, Pantnagar from January 98 to February, 19, 2002 and provided support for the establishment of new KVKs in the university Conducted frontline demonstrations at the farmer’s fields on rapeseed - mustard for technology assessment. Organized All India Agro-Exhibition and Farmer’s Fair at Pantnagar and also took part in farmer’s fairs organized at outside research stations. Orgnaized and conducted question and answer sessions for about ten years during All India Agro-Exhibition and Farmer’s Fair at Pantnagar. Visited farmer’s fields in Tarai, Bhabar and Hill Zone to address their field problems. Delivered about 20 Radio and TV talks on different aspects. Deliverd lectures in various training programmes including T&V programme organized by the university for the benefit of farmers, extension functioinaries, agro-input industries and other stakeholders. T. Accomplishment as Director NRCRM (presently DRMR), Bharatpur. As a Director, I accomplished all the targetted activities. The infrastructural activities were completed ( one guest house, 12 type IV residences, 8 type III residences, vehicle shed, Farm godowns, office complex and all other related facilities worth about Rs. 30 million were undertaken). Established different laboratories and procured equipment worth Rs. 35 million. Developed water harvesting structure, thereby energizying all the wells. This helped in increasing the water use efficiency and enhancing farm productivity. The resource generation enhanced by about 5 times. Established seed processing unit which enhaced the availability of quality seeds. Established glass house, green house and other field and farm facilities. 12 53 varieties of rapeseed- mustard released since 2002 and the production increased to all time high. Seed replacement rate enhanced to more than 50%. All the indented breeder seed of improved varieties was produced. During 2002-09. A total of 1158 q of breeder seed was produced. Developed DUS test guidelines of Brassica and created testing facilties. Vision – 2025 prepared and published. Organized departmental promotion committee meetings for scientists, technical and administrative staff. All the cases were completed on time. The field facilities for class A meteorological observatory established along with a automatic weather station. An innovative extension technology including Radio educational programme was launched from AIR, Agra, Mathura , Jaipur and Najimabad throughout the crop season and lessons were prepared. The farmers querries were also replied on phone which had visible impact in U.P. and Rajasthan. U. Initiatives/responsibilities as Deputy Director General (Education) , ICAR, New Delhi (a) Effective coordination and funding of 73 Agricultural Universities, DUs and CUs having agricultural faculty in India (Budget allocation - Rs. 2900 crores in XII Plan). (b) Education Policy and Development: modernization of students amenities & facilities (c) Human Resource Development and Planning International collaboration - Admission of students representing 22 countries. Coordination of Indo-African/Indo-Afghanistan/ASEAN programmes including training and placement of students in Indian Agricultural Universities under various fellowship programmes. International Fellowships for Doctoral Research and JRF/SRF for PG Research. Faculty training through CAFT and Summer/Winter schools. National Fellow, National Professor and Emeritus Scientists Scheme. AIEEA (UG and PG) conducted annually. Students appearing increased from 42000 to 120,000 in last 3 years due to increased awareness through print and media coverage and annual celebration of Agriculture Education Day at all Agricultural Universities and ICAR Institutes in the country. (d) Education Quality and Reforms: uniformity in course-curriculum / nomenclature, connectivity, governance, policy reforms and accreditation for quality assurance. e- (e) Coordination of two ICAR Institutions: NAARM, Hyderabad and NCAP, New Delhi. (f) Policy for Higher Agricultural Education in India developed for the first time. (g) Process for the establishment of 3 Central Agricultural Universities in India initiated. (h) Convocation address delivered, in 8 Institutions as Chief Guest. (i) Fostering linkages in cutting edge areas with leading Institutions across the globe (j) Promoting research capabilities of AUs through 22 Niche Area of Excellence. 13 (k) Launched student READY (Rural Entrepreneurship and Awareness Development Yojna) scheme and supported 350 Experiential Learning Units for skill enablement. (l) National Agricultural Education Project (NAEP), to bring reforms in higher agricultural education, developed for funding from World Bank. (m) Creation of smart class rooms and implementation of e-courses for enriched learning. (n) ICAR expert nominee on the selection board of Deans/Directors positions of AUs and other scientific positions filled by Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board. (o) Processing of MoUs of different institutions for international collaborations and linkages. (p) Participation in important Parliamentary/Planning Commission and other ministerial Meetings for policy discussions on higher agricultural education. (q) Uniformity in governance and policy mechanism in different universities through ViceChancellors Conference organized each year. (r) Delivered radio talks on higher agricultural education in India. Also interacted with the students during live-telecast on the prospects of Higher Agricultural Edcuation in India. V. Convocation Address Delivered as Chief Guest (a) Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences Unviersity, Chennai, March 18, 2011. (b) Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, February 5, 2012. (c) Anand Agricultural University, Anand, February 14, 2012. (d) Madhya Pradesh Pashu Chiktsa Vigyan Vishvavidyalaya, Jabalpur March 1, 2012. (e) Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidhyalaya, Gwalior, July 21, 2012. (f) Sardarkrushinagar-Dantiwada Agricultural University, Gujarat, February 23, 2013. (g) Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, March, 7, 2013, (h) Khandelwal College of Management Sciences & Technology, Bareilly, April 6, 2013. (i) Junagarh Agricultural University, Gujarat, January 20, 2015. (j) Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, April 27, 2015. W. Dr. M.V. Rao Lecture (i) Dr. M.V. Rao Lecture on “Stake holder’s access to oilseed technologies towards self sufficiency” at Directorate of Rapeseed Mustard Research, Bharatpur, February 19, 2015 X. Souvenir/ Proceedings etc. 1. Arvind Kumar, Dhiraj Singh, P.D. Meena and Vinod Kumar. 2012. Abstracts, Proceedings of the 1st National Brassica Conference-2012 on Production Barriers and Technological Options in Oilseed Brassica organized by Society for Rapeseed-Mustard Research at CCSAHU, Hisar during March 2-4, 2012. pp. 154. 2. Arvind Kumar, Dhiraj Singh, P.D. Meena and Vinod Kumar. 2012. Souvenir, Proceedings of the 1st National Brassica Conference-2012 on Production Barriers and Technological Options in Oilseed Brassica organized by Society for Rapeseed-Mustard Research at CCSAHU, Hisar during March 2-4, 2012. pp. 105. 14 Publications Of Prof. Arvind Kumar Vice Chancellor Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi A. Research papers : 155 B. Popular articles : 87 C. Review Articles : 04 D. Books/Bulletins : (i) Books : 11 (ii) Chapter in Books : 18 (iii) Bulletins : 26 (iv) Reports : 11 E. (i) Presentations made in International Symposium/Conferences/Seminars, etc. : 54 (ii) Presentations made in National Symposium/Conferences/Seminars, etc. Total: : 151 517 15 A. Research Papers: 1. Kumar, Arvind and Srivastava, H.K. 1974. Canopy Architecture and plant productivity. Sci. and Cul. 40 (3) : 110-112. 2. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, P. 1978.Water use, components of water losses and yield of summer rice under different water and fertility levels. Mad. Agric. J. 65 (7) : 435440. 3. Singh, V.; Kumar, Arvind; Singh, C.M.; Singh, L.R. and Tripathi, S.K. 1978. Influence of planting time on yield and yield attributes in rai. Pantnagar J. Res. 3 (1) : 52-55. 4. Rai, B. and Kumar, Arvind 1980. Research efforts for boosting toria production. Oilseeds. J 10 (1-4). 5. Singh, V.; Kumar, Arvind and Tripathi, S.K. 1981. Comparative performance of French hybrids of sunflower under humid sub-tropical conditions of Uttar Pradesh. Pantnagar J. of Res. 6 (2). 6. Shastry, A.B. and Kumar, Arvind. 1981. Variations in yield, its attributes and quality of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) in relation to planting time and plant population levels. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 51 (1) : 27-32. 7. Kumar, Arvind and Shastry, A.B. 1981. Quantitative estimation of oil and protein accumulation pattern in relation to planting time and plant density levels-under humid sub-tropical region of Uttar Pradesh. Oilseeds J. (1-4) : 80-85. 8. Kumar, Arvind and Shastry, A.B. 1984. Crop weather and plant density parameters in relation to productivity and quality of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) Ann. Agril. Res. 5 (1-2) : 89-94. 9. Gangwar, K.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 1984. Dry matter accumulation pattern and yield of Indian rape (Brassica campestris Var. toria) as influenced by nitrogen fertilization and row spacing levels. Pantnagar J. Res. 6 (2): 10. Pandey, C.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 1984. Effectiveness of varying weed control measures in mustard (Brassica juncea L.) Indian J. Weed Sci. 16 (4) : 273-275. 11. Kumar, Arvind and Gangwar, K.S. 1984. Growth, development and yield of Indian rape (Brassica campestris Var. toria) as influenced by nitrogen fertilization and row spacings. Ann. Agril. Res. 5 (1-2):6-13. 12. Gangwar, K.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 1985. Correlation coefficient studies between seed yield, yield contributing and quality characteristics of Indian rape (Brassica campestris Var. toria). Agril. Sci. Digest. 5 (1) : 41-43. 13. Kumar, Arvind and Gangwar, K.S. 1985. Analysis of growth, development and yield of Indian rapeseed (Brassica campestris Var. toria) in relation to nitrogen and plant density. Indian J. Agron. 30 (3) : 358-363. 14. Chhonkar, A.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 1985. Yield attributes and yield of groundnut varieties as influenced by planting dates in tarai region of Uttar Pradesh. J. Oilseeds Res. 2 (2) : 329-334. 15. Gangwar, K.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 1986. Nitrogen uptake by Indian rape (Brassica campestris Var. toria) as influenced by nitrogen fertilization and row spacing levels. Oilseeds J. 15 : 17-18. 16. Vasi, M.; Kumar, Arvind and Rastogi, A.K. 1986. Effect of sowing dates on rapeseed varieties. Indian J. Agron. 31 (1) : 2-4. 16 17. Gangwar, K.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 1986. Nitrogen fertilization and plant density levels in relation to yield, its attributes and quality of Indian rape (Brassica campestris Var. toria) J. Oilseeds Res. 3 (2) : 151-157. 18. Chhonkar, A.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 1987. Correlation and regression studies in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea, L.) J. Oilseeds Res. 4 (1) : 132-135. 19. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1987. Production potential and economic returns of gram and mustard intercropping system under rainfed conditions. Indian J. Agron. 32(3): 258- 260. 20. 21. Sharma, D.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 1988. Effect of irrigation scheduling and nitrogen on yield and N uptake of mustard. Indian J. Agron. 33 (4) : 436-441. 22. Sharma, D.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 1989. Effect of irrigation on growth analysis, yield and water use in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea sub sp.juncea). Indian J. Agric. Sci. 59 (3):162-5. 23. Sharma, D.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 1989. Effect of water stress on plant water relations and yield of varieties of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea sub sp.juncea). Indian J. Agric. Sci. 59 (5) : 281-5. 24. Sharma, D.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 1989. Effect of irrigation and nitrogen on growth, yield, consumptive use and water use efficiency of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea sub sp.juncea). Indian J. Agric. Sci. 59 (2) : 127-9. 25. Singh, R.P. and Kumar, Arvind. 1990. Effect of varieties and planting geometry levels on late sown Indian mustard. Indian J. of Agric. Sci. 60 (6) :392-395. 26. Sharma, D.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 1990. Effect of nitrogen on yield, uptake, recovery and nitrogen use efficiency of mustard under different irrigation schedulings. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 38 : 229-232. 27. Kumar, Arvind; Prakash, V. and Singh, R.P. 1991. Influence of starch polymer on yield attributes, yield and quality of mustard (Brassica juncea, L.) under rainfed conditions. Indian J. Agron. 36 (4) : 610-611. 28. Singh, R.P. and Kumar, Arvind. 1991. Effect of Phytohormones on yield attributes and seed yield of mustard (Brassica juncea, L.) Indian J. Agron. 36 (3) : 379-381. 29. Prakash, V.; Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1991. Consumptive use, water use efficiency and yield of mustard as influenced by irrigation and Jalshakti levels. Ann. Agric. Res. 12 (1) : 100-103. 30. Sharma, D.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 1991. Free proline accumulation and yield of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) as influenced by water stress. Indian J. Agron. 36 (3) : 376-379. 31. Sharma, D.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 1991. A criteria for scheduling the irrigation of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) J. of Indian Water Res. Soc. 11 (4) : 36-40. 32. Prakash, V.; Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1992. Effect of irrigation and starch polymer on yield attributes, yield and quality of mustard (Brassica juncea L.). J. Oilseeds Res. 92 (2) : 266-269. 33. Kumar, Arvind; Praksah, V. and Singh R.P. 1992. Nitrogen uptake consumptive use of water and seed yield of rainfed Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) as influenced by starch polymer Jalshakti. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 62 (6) : 397-399. 17 34. Shukla, Anil and Kumar, Arvind. 1992. Studies on seed yield, contribution of different branches and oil development pattern of Indian mustard varieties at varying rates of nitrogen fertilization. J. Oilseeds Res. 9 (1) : 136-143. 35. Sharma, D.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 1993. Criteria for scheduling the irrigation of mustard (Brassica juncea, L.) Trop. Agric. 70 (1) : 16-21. 36. Shukla, A. and Kumar, Arvind. 1993. Physiological analysis of growth, development and yield of Indian mustard in relation with nitrogen fertilization Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan patrika. 8 (3) : 131-136. 37. Shukla, Anil and Kumar, Arvind. 1994. Dry matter accumulation, nitrogen content, its uptake and seed yield of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) as influenced by varieties and rates of nitrogen fertilization. Indian J. Agron. 39 (1) : 38-42. 38. Kumar, Arvind; Pal, M.S. and Singh, R.P. 1994. Intercropping studies in toria (Brassica juncea var.toria). J. Oilseeds Res. 11 (1) : 1-3. 39. Shukla, A. and Kumar, Arvind. 1994. Effect of some Indian mustard varieties and nitrogen levels on growth, yield and quality. Ann. Agric. Res. 16 (1) : 76-80. 40. Gupta, V.K.; Singh, R.P. and Kumar, Arvind. 1994. Effect of planting geometry on toria (Brassica campestris sub. Sp. Var. toria). Indian J. Agron. 40 (3) : 527-529. 41. Kumar, Arvind; Gupta, V.K. and Singh, R.P. 1995. Influence of plant population and planting geometry on yield, yield attributes and quality of Indian rape (Brassica campestris sub. Sp. Var. toria). J. Oilseeds Res. 12 (1) : 55-59. 42. Gupta, V.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 1995. Influence of planting geometry on yield attributes and yield of Indian rape (Brassica campestris sub. Sp. Var. toria). Ann. Agril. Res. 16 (3) : 381-383. 43. Pal, M.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 1995. Performance of toria grown as sole crop and in association with lentil, gram and linseed. Ann. Agric. Res. 16 (2): 234-236. 44. Gupta, V.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 1995. Influence of planting geometry on seed yield, harvest index and quality of Indian rape (Brassica campestris sub. Sp. Var. toria). New Agriculturist. 6 (2) : 225-226. 45. Kumar, Arvind; Pal, M.S.; Singh, R.P. and Shukla, A. 1996. Plant density requirement of delayed sown mustard in taria region of Uttar Pradesh. J. Oilseeds Res. 13 (2): 232-234. 46. Kumar, Arvind; Pal, M.S.; Singh, R.P. and Shukla, A. 1996. Performance of promising mustard (Brassica juncea L.) entries under different rates of nitrogen fertilization. Ann. Agric. Res. 17 (2) ; 178-180. 47. Pal, M.S.; Singh, R.P. and Kumar, Arvind. 1996. Performance of sunflower (Helianthus annuus, L.) genotypes to varying levels of nitrogen fertilization during spring season. J. Oilseeds Res. 13 (2) : 258-259. 48. Pal, M.S.; Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1997. Response of spring grown sunflower (Helianthus annuus, L.) cultivars of different planting geometry in foothills of Uttar Pradesh. Indian J. Agron. 42 (3) : 502-505. 49. Pal, M.S.; Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1997. Agronomic evaluation of composite and hybrid sunflower cultivars. Ann. Agric. Res. 18 (3) : 377-379. 50. Kachroo, D.; Kumar, A. and Bali, S.V. 1997. Correlation and regression studies between different yield attributes and seed yield in mustard (Brassica juncea, L.) cultivars in mid-western plains of U.P. J. Oilseeds Res. 14 (2) : 202-206. 18 51. Kachroo, D.; and Kumar, Arvind. 1997. Nitrogen and sulphur fertilization in relation to yield attributes and seed yield of mustard (Brassica juncea, L.) Indian J. Agron. 42 (1) : 145-147. 52. Kachroo, D. and Kumar, Arvind. 1999. Seed yield, oil and protein contents of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea, L.) as influenced by nitrogen and sulphur fertilization. Ann. Agril. Res. 20 (3) : 369-371. 53. Kumar, S. and Kumar, Arvind. 1999. Dry matter partitioning in different plant parts of Spanish and Virginia groundnut (Arachis hypogaea, L.) cultivars in mid-western plains of U.P. J. Oilseeds Res. 16(2): 354-357. 54. Kumar, S.; Kumar, Arvind and Sharma, G.L. 1999. Production potential of various Spanish and Virginia groundnut (Arachis hypogaea, L.) cultivars in mid-western plains of U.P. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 69 (7) : 519-20. 55. Kumar, S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2000. Growth analysis of Spanish and Virginia groundnut (Arachis hypogaea, L.) cultivars in N W Himalayas of U.P. Indian J. of Hill Fmg. 13(1 and 2); 120-123. 56. Kumar, S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2000. Agro-physiological evaluation of Spanish and Virginia groundnut (Arachis hypogaea, L.) cultivars in mid-western plains of U.P. J. Oilseeds Res. 17(2): 299-303. 57. Kumar S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2000. Dry matter accumulation in Spanish and Virginia groundnut (Arachis hypogaea, L.) cultivars under foot hills of N.W. Himalaya of U.P. J. of Hill Res. 13 (1) : 42-44. 58. Singh Danannjai; Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 2002. Evaluation of promising varieties of Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata) and Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) at different fertility levels under rainfed conditions. Indian J. of Agron. 47 (1) : 4245. 59. Kandpal, B.K.; Kumar, Arvind; Mahapatra B.S.; Sharma, G.L. and Shukla, R.K. 2002. Evaluation of tarai soils for Rice-Mustard cropping system. Ann. of Agric. Res. 23 (3). 360-364. 60. Shukla, R.K.; Kumar, Arvind; Kandpal, B.K. and Mahapatra, B.S. 2002. Plant nutrient management for quality improvement in rapeseed and mustard. Brassica. 4 (1&2). 25-29. 61. Singh, Dhananjai; Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 2002. Effect of physiological variations on yield and quality of Brassica cultivars at different fertility levels under rainfed conditions. Ann. Agril. Res. New Series. 23 (2) : 338-342. 62. Shukla, R.K.; Kumar, Arvind; Mahapatra, B.S. and Kandpal, B.K. 2002. Integrated nutrient management in relation to morphological and physiological determinants in seed yield of (Brassica juncea). Indian J. Agric. Sci. 72 (11) : 670-2. 63. Shukla, R.K.; Kumar, Arvind; Mahapatra, B.S.; Singh R.P. and Kandpal, B.K. 2002. Response of promising varieties of rapeseed (Brassica napus) to nitrogen and sulphur fertilization in tarai region of Uttaranchal. Ann. of Agril. Res. New Series. 23 (4) : 630-633. 64. Singh, Danannjai; Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 2003. Studies on growth, N uptake, seed yield and quality of Brassica genotypes as affected by fertility levels under rainfed condition. J. Oilseeds Res. 20 (1) : 75-77 65. Singh, Maharaj; Chauhan, J.S.; Kumar, Arvind and Singh, N.B. 2003. Efficient utilization of assimilates in mustard genotypes under irrigated and rainfed conditions. Brassica, 5 (3 & 4) : 53-57. 19 66. Singh, Maharaj; Chauhan, J.S.; Kumar, Arvind and Singh, N.B. 2003. Impact of moisture stress on nitrogen assimilatory enzymes, chlorophyll content, yield and yield components of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.). Brassica, 5 (3 & 4) 42-47. 67. Kumar,S.; Mishra, A.P.; Kumar, A. and Chauhan, J.S.; 2003. Sustaniability of oil estimation in Rapeseed-Mustard through NMR and NIR methods. Indian J. Agril. Biochemistry. 16(2):105-106. 68. Shukla, R.K.; Kumar, Arvind; Mahapatra, B.S.; Singh R.P. and Kandpal, B.K. 2004. Effect of nutrient management strategy on nutrient content and uptake of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). Cruciferae News Letter. (Accepted). 69. Chauhan, J.S.; Mahawar, R.K.; Kumar, Arvind and Singh, N.B. 2004. Genetics of tetralocular siliquae in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern and Coss. SABRAO J. of Breeding & Gen. 36 (2) : 113-117. 70. Premi, O.P.; Kumar, Arvind; Kumar, M. and Sinsinwar, B.S. 2004. Effect of organics on Indian mustard. J. Oilseeds Res., 21: 180. 71. Sinsinwar, B.S; Kumar, Arvind; Premi, O.P. and Singh, Fateh. 2004. Production potential and nitrogen requirement of Indian mustard in different crop sequences under brackish water. J. Oilseeds Res. 21 (1): 175-177. 72. Kumar, Vinod; Kumar, Arvind; Premi, O.P. and Kumar, M. 2004. An expert tool for fertilizer management of rapeseed-mustard. J. Oilseeds Res. 21 (1) : 130-133. 73. Premi, O.P.; Kumar, Arvind; Sinsinwar, B.S. and Kumar, M. 2004. Productivity and economics of Indian Mustard (Brassica Juncea L. Czern & Coss) as influenced by foliar spray of Agro-chemicals. J. Oilseeds Res. 21 (2) : 299-300. 74. Meena P.D.; Meena R.L.; Chattopadhyay, C. and Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Identification of critical stage for disease development and bio control of Alternaria blight of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). J. Phytopathology. 152 : 204-209. 75. Misra, A.K.; Ratan, S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Germplasm evaluation of Indian mustard, Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss. J. Oilseeds Res. 21: 248-251. 76. Desai, A.G.; Chattopadhyay, C.; Agrawal, R.; Kumar, Arvind; Meena, R.L.; Meena, P.D.; Sharma, K.C.; Rao, Srinivasa; Prasad, M. Y.G. and Ramakrishna, Y.S. 2004. Brassica juncea powdery mildew epidemiology and weather based forecasting models for India-a case study. J. of Pl. Dis. and Prot. 111 (5): 429-438. 77. Kumar, V.; Sharma, A.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Information technology: A boon for Indian agriculture. Indian res. J. of Ext. Edu. 4 (3) :1-4. 78. Sharma, A.K.; Jha, S.K.; Kumar, V. and Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Attitudes of farmers towards School on Air programme run by NRCRM on modern rapeseed-mustard technologies. Indian Res. J. of Ext. Edu. 4 (3) :21-24. 79. Chauhan, J.S.; Tyagi, M.K.; Nashaat, N.I.; Kumar, Arvind; Singh, M.; Singh, N.B. and Singh, M.C. 2005. Characterization of drought effects in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). Plant Breeding (Communicated). 80. Jha, S.K.; Sharma, A.K.; Kumar, V.; Sachan, R.C. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Problems and strategy for mustard prduction in Bharatpur District of Rajasthan. Indian Res. J. of Ext. Edu. 5 (1) :18-20. 81. Sinsinwar, B.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Productivity and economics of different Indian mustard, Brassica juncea (L.) Czern and Coss based cropping systems under irrigated conditions. Indian J. Agron. 22 (1) : 40-41. 20 82. Shukla, R.K.; Kumar, Arvind; Mahapatra, B.S.; Singh R.P. and Kandpal, B.K. 2005. Response of Sulphur and nitrogen fertilization on yield, quality and other metric traits of Brassica napus. Brassica 7(1&2): 1-5. 83. Singh, A.K.; Kumar, S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Genetic variability in exotic Ethiopian Mustard (Brassica carinata A Braun). Indian J. Pl. Gen. Res. 18 (1) : 59. 84. Kumar, M.; Premi, O.P.; Bhogal, N.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Response of Indian Mustard (Brassica jumcea, L. Czern & Coss) to phosphorus under saline water irrigation in semi-arid region of Rajasthan J. Oilseeds Res. 22 : 276-278 (1). 85. Premi O.P.; Sinsinwar, B.S.; Kumar, M. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Influence of organics and inorganics on yield and quality of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea, L. Czern & Coss) in semi-arid region of Rajasthan J. Oilseeds Res. 22 (1) : 45-46. 86. Singh, M. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Changes in Physiological and bio-chemical characters of mustard genotypes under irrigated and rainfed condition. J. Oilseeds Res. 22 (1) : 235-237. 87. Chauhan, J.S.; Tyagi, M.K.; Kumar, Arvind; Singh, M.; Yadav, S.S. and Jakhar, M.L. 2005. Identifications and characterization of drought tolerant genotypes of Indian mustard (Brassica junca) J. Oilseeds Res. 22 (2): 367-370. 88. Mishra, A.P.; Singh, A. K.; Kumar, Arvind and Kumar, S. 2005. Classification and selection of representative varieties of Eruca sativa Mill. Indian J. Pl. Gen. Res. 18 (2). 231-234. 89. Kumar, Rajesh; Misra, R.D.; Singh, R.P.; Kumar Arvind; Mahapatra, B.S. and Singh S.P. 2005. Response of rapeseed and mustard varieties at different sowing dates. J. Oilseeds Res. 22 (2) : 268-271. 90. Misra, A.K.; Ratan, S.; Kumar, Arvind and Singh, K. 2005. Evaluation of exotic Germplasm of rapeseed-mustard. Indian J. Pl. Gen. Res. 18 (1) : 58. 91. Premi, O.P.; Jha, S.K.; Kumar, M.; Singh, Fateh; Singh, Y.P.; Bhogal, N.S.; Singh, A.K.; Sharma, A.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2006. On farm comparative performance of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) based on three crop sequences in semi-arid Rajasthan. J. Oilseeds Res. 23 (2) : 329-330. 92. Sharma, A.K.; Jha, S.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Information needs and processing behaviour of Rapeseed-Mustard growers of Eastern Rajasthan. Indian Res. J. of Ext. Edn. 5 (2 & 3) : 11-14. 93. Sharma, A.K.; Jha, S.K.; Kumar, Vinod; Sachan, R.C. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005 Utilization pattern of communication sources and channels by rapeseed-mustard farmers at different stages of innovation decision process. Rajasthan J of Ext. Edu. 12-13: 31-36. 94. Chauhan, J.S.; Khan, N.A.; Kumar, S.; Kumar, Arvind; Singh, M.; and Mahawar, R.K. 2006. Evaluation of exotic rapeseed-mustard genetic resources for quality characteristics. Indian J. of Pl. Gen. Res.19 : 279-282. 95. Kumar, M.; Premi, O.P.; Bhogal, N.S.; and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Effect of saline water irrigation and phosphorus levels on seed yield and phosphorus uptake of mustard in eastern plain zone of Rajasthan. Ann. Agric. Res. New Series. 26 (3) : 431433. 96. Kumar, V.; Sharma, A.K; and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Agriculture commodity (Area, Production, Yield) information system. Ann. Agric. Res. New Series. 26 (3) : 434438. 21 97. Chauhan, J.S.; Tyagi, M.K.; Kumar, Arvind; and Singh, M. 2006. Genetics of siliquae arrangement in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). SABRAO J. of Breeding and Gen. 38 (2) : 147-152. 98. Chauhan, J.S.; Tyagi, M.K.; Tyagi, P.; Singh M.; Kumar, Arvind; and Singh, N.B. 2006. Genetic architecture of fatty acid profiles in a cross of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) J. Oilseeds Res. 23 (2) : 277-280. 99. Misra, A.K.; Ratan, S.; Singh, K; and Kumar, Arvind 2006. Characterization of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) germplasm. Indian J. Pl. Gen. Res. (In press). 100. Misra, A.K.; Ratan, S; and Kumar, Arvind. 2006. Evaluation of exotic germplasm of Ethiopian mustard and rocket. Indian J. of Pl. Gen. Res. 19 (2) : 231-233. 101. Singh, K.H.; Srivastava, K.K.; Chauhan, J.S.; and Kumar, Arvind. 2006. Genetic Divergence and Stability Analysis in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss). J. of Oilseeds Res. 23: 151-155. 102. Chauhan, J.S.; Singh, Manju; Bhadauria, V.P.S.; Kumar, Arvind; and Meena, M.L. 2006. Genetic analysis of glucosinolate content in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.). Indian J. Gen. and Pl. Breed.67 (4) : 411-413. 103. Chauhan, J.S.; Singh, Manju; Meena, M.L.; and Kumar, Arvind. 2006. Genetic diversity analysis of advance breeding lines of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.). J. Oilseeds Res. 24 (2) : 311-312. 104. Chauhan, J.S.; Bhadauria, V.P.S.; Mishra, S.K.; Singh, K.H. and Kumar, Arvind. 2006 . Relationship of oil estimates in whole and crushed seeds of rapeseed-mustard (Brassica L.) varieties by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Indian J. Agril. Biochemistry 19 : 43-45. 105. Misra, A.K.; Manohar, S.S.; Chattopadhyay, C; and Kumar, A. 2006. Evaluation of exotic germplasm of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) for agro-morphological traits and disease resistance. Phytomorphology. (Communicated). 106. Premi, O.P.; Jha, S.K.; Kumar, Manoj; Singh, Fateh; Singh, Y.P.; Bhogal, N.S.; Singh, A.K.; Sharma, A.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2006. Comparative performance of Indian mustard, Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss based crop sequences in semi-arid Rajasthan: on farm studies. J. Oilseeds Res. 23 (2) : 329-330. 107. Chauhan, J.S.; Khan, N.A.; Kumar, S.; Kumar, Arvind; Singh, Mahraj; and Mahawar, R.K. 2006. Evaluation of exotic rapeseed-mustard genetic resources for quality characteristics. Indian J. Pl. Genetic Resources. 19(2) : 279-282. 108. Caixia, Li; Sivasithamparam, K.; Waltorn, G.; Salisbury, P.; Burton, W.; Banga, S.; Banga. S.S.; Chattopadhyay, C.; Kumar, A.; Singh, R.; Singh, D.; Agnihotri, A.; Liu, S.; Li, Y.; Fu, T.D.; Wang, Y. and Barbetti, M.J. 2007. Expression and relationships of resistance to white rust (Albugo candida) at cotyledonary, seedling and flowering stages in Brassica juncea germplasm from Australia, China and India. Australian J. of Agril. Res. 58 : 259-264. 109. Misra, A.K.; Kumar, Arvind; Kumar, P.R.; and Manohar, S.S. 2007. Evaluation and characterization of elite germplasm of Indian mustard, Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss. J. of Oilseed Res. 24(1) : 27-30. 110. Chauhan, J.S.; Bhadauria V.P.S.; Singh, Maharaj; Singh, K.H. and Kumar, Arvind. 2007. Quality characteristics and their interrelationships in Indian rapeseed-mustard (Brassica L.) varieties. Indian J. Agric. Sciences. 77 (9) : 616-620. 22 111. 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Surajmukhi Uttpadan ki uplabdhiaan (in Hindi) Fm’s and Parliament. 13 (12): 34-36. 15. Kumar, Arvind and Rai, B. 1979. Toria ki pedawar kese badhain. Khad patrika. 29 (9) : 91-92. 16. Singh. R.P. and Kumar, Arvind. 1979. Boost Toria production this year. Indian Fm’s Digest. 12 (10) : 5-7. 17. Rai, B. and Kumar, Arvind. 1980. Advances in mustard production research. Indian Fmg. 29 18. Rai, B. and Kumar, Arvind. 1980. Utpadan men bradhi ke liye rai per anusandhan. (in Hindi). Kheti, Oct. 1980. 19. Rai, B. and Kumar, Arvind. 1980. Adhik tel ke liye Toria. (in Hindi). Kheti, Nov. 20. Rai, B. and Kumar, Arvind. 1981. New Technology for mustard production Indian Fmg. 30 (11) : 7-10. 21. Rai, B. and Kumar, Arvind. 1981. Results of research that can be helpful in increasing mustard production. Oilseeds J. 11 (1-4) : 86-91. 22. Kumar, Arvind. 1980. Moongphali ki fasel se adhik labh kese len. (in Hindi). Kisan Bharti. 11 (7) : 44-47. 23. Singh, B.; Kumar, Arvind; Kolte, S.J. and Sachan, G.C. 1982. On the oilseeds Front. Indian Fm’s Digest. 15 (9) ; 15-16. 24. Kumar, Arvind. 1983. Rai (in Hindi). Kisan Bharti. 15 (1) : 31-33. 25. Kumar, Arvind. 1985. Kharif crop production strategy for rainfed areas of U.P. Indian Fm’s Digest. 18 (3) : 3-6. 26. Kumar, Arvind. 1985. Production technology for kharif oilseeds crops in Uttar Pradesh. Indian Fm’s Digest. 18 (5) : 7-10. 27. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1987. Enhancing groundnut productivity. Indian Fm’s Digest. 20 (5) : 33-34. 28. Kumar, Arvind. 1987. Contingent cropping plans for aberrant weather situations. Indian Fm’s Digest. 20 (7) : 3. 29. Kumar, Arvind. 1987. Scientific cultivation of Rai (in Hindi). Sewa Gram, Oct. p.6. 30. Kumar, Arvind. 1987. Barsadhin Chetron me kheti ki ran-neeti (in Hindi). Khad Patrika. 28 (10) : 58-60. 31. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1987. Intial care for bumper harvest of toria. Indian Fm’s Digest. 20 (9) : 7-9. 32. Kumar, Arvind. 1987. Feasibility of various intercropping combinations in rapeseedmustard. Indian Fm’s Digest. 20 (9) : 21-22. 33. Kumar, Arvind. 1987. Parvatiya chetron men til ki adhik pedavar kese le (in Hindi). Pahari kheti Badi. 2 (2) : 11-12. 34. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1988. Toria me urvarak pravandh (in Hindi). Khad Patrika. 9 : 47-48. 35. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1988. Barani chetron me taramira ugainye (in Hindi). Khad Patrika. 10 :21-22. 27 36. Kumar, Arvind. 1988. Munaphae ke liye rai ke kheti (in Hindi). Amar Ujala. Sept.8. 37. Shukla A. and Kumar, Arvind. 1988. Scientific cultivation of sesamum. Indian Fm’s Digest. 21 (8) : 7-10. 38. Singh, R.P. and Kumar, Arvind. 1988. Rabi tihano ki sah fasli kheti (in Hindi). Kisan Bharti. 19 (12) : 25-26. 39. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1989. Tilhani faslon par adharit phasel chakra (in Hindi). Kisan Bharti. 20 (4) : 37-39. 40. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1989. Grow rapeseed-mustard this way. Indian Fm’s Digest. 22 (8) : 5-10. 41. Kumar, Arvind. 1989. Lahi (toria) boyen (in Hindi). Gramlok. 15 (19) : 10. 42. Kumar, Arvind. 1989. Agro-technology for linseed production. Indian Fm’s Digest. 22 (9) : 7-10. 43. Kumar, Arvind and Singh R.P. 1990. Technology for growing rapeseed-mustard. Indian Fmg. 39 (10) : 6-8. 44. Sharma, D.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 1991. Kranti and R.K. 1467 mustard varieties are good for rainfed as well irrigated lands. Indian Fmg. 40 (12) :20. 45. Kumar, Arvind. 1991. Rai Ki Vaigynic vidhi Se Kheti. Gramlok. 17 (19) : 11. 46. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1991. Rabi. Tilhanno ki sahfasli kheti. Gramlok. 17 (19) :12. 47. Kumar, Arvind and Gupta, V.K. 1991. After care of groundnut during drought. Indian Fm’s Digest. 24 (6) : 15-16. 48. Kumar, Arvind. 1991. Toria cultivation in fallow land. Indian Fm’s Digest. 24 (6) : 3-5. 49. Kumar, Arvind and Srivastava, R.K. 1992. Strategy for enhancing rapeseed and mustard production. Indian Fm’s Digest. 25 (7) : 3-8. 50. Pal, M.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 1994. 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Indian Fm’s Digest. 34 (10) : 11-19. 58. Kumar, Arvind; Kumar, V. and Shukla, R.K. 2001. Toria-Sarson Evam Rai ki kheti me naveen uplabdhiyan. Kishan Bharati. 34 (11&12), 59-62. 28 59. Kumar, Arvind; Shukla, R.K. and Mahapatra, B.S. 2001. Viable and Implementable Production technology for rapeseed and mustard. 34 (10) :11-17 60. Rathore, R.S.; Kumar, Arvind and Shukla, R.K. 2002. Recent technology for enhanced the rapeseed and mustard production. Indian Farming. 52 (4), 17-21. 61. Sharma, A.K.; Jha, S.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2003. Madhu makkhi palan se rojgar ke saath fasalon ke utpadan main sahayak. Krishak Jagat. 4 (7) : 8. 62. Sharma, A.K.; Jha, S.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2003. Toria evam rai-sarson main kharpatwar niyantran. Krishak Jagat. 4 (1-2) : 24-26. 63. Sharma, A.K.; Jha, S.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2003. Uchit fasal chakra se sambhav ho sakegi labhdayak kheti, Krishak Jagat. 4 (8) : 5. 64. Sharma, A.K.; Jha, S.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2003. 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Kumar, Arvind and Singh, N.B. (Eds.). 2004. Rapeseed-Mustard in India. NRCRM, Bharatpur. Kumar, Arvind; Chauhan, J.S.; Bhogal, N.S.; Misra, A.K. and Kumar, V. 2005 Annual Report 2004-05. NRCRM, Bharatpur. p. 53. Kumar, A.; Chauhan, J. S.; Bhogal, N.S.; Misra, A.K. and Kumar. V. (Eds.) 2006. Annual Report 2005-06. NRCRM, Bharatpur. p. 68. Kumar, A.; Chattopadhyay, C..; Singh, S.P..; Misra, A.K. and Kumar, Sandeep. (Eds.). 2007. National Research Centre on Rapeseed- Mustard, Annual Report 2006- 2007. Kumar, A.; Sharma. A.K., Chattopadhyay, C..; Mishra, A.K,; Kumar, Vinod and Kumar, Sandeep. (Eds.). 2008. National Research Centre on RapeseedMustard, Annual Report 2007-2008. Kumar, A.; Singh, K.H.; Meena, P.D.; Rathore, S.S. and Thomas, Lijo. (Eds.). 2009. Directorate of Rapeseed- Mustard Research, Annual Report 2008-2009. (v.) Papers presented/published in Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/Symposium, etc. (i) Presentations made in International Symposium/Conferences/Seminars, etc. : 1. Kumar, Arvind and Singh R.P. 1983. Crop management strategy and role of nonmonetary inputs in Indian rape (Brassica campestris Var. toria). Abs. Proceedings of 6thInternational RapeseedCongress held at Paris from May16-20. 2. Kumar, Arvind; Singh, R.P. and Prakash, V. 1991. Effect of irrigation and starch polymer on Indian mustard. Abs. Proceedings of the 8th International Rapeseed Congress held at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada from July 9-11, p. 103. 3. Singh, R.P. and Kumar, Arvind. 1991. Analysis of growth and yield of Indian mustard in relation to phytohormones application under late sown. Abs. Proceedings of the 8th International Rapeseed Congress held at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada from July 9-11, p. 95. 4. Shukla, A. and Kumar, Arvind. 1991. Studies on seed yield and oil synthesis of Indian mustard varieties at varying nitrogen rates. Abs. Proceedings of 8th International Rapeseed Congress, held at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada from July 9-11, p. 163. 5. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1991. Feasibility of growing Brassica napus as an intercrop with Indian rape. Abs. Proceedings of the 8th International Rapeseed Congress held at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada from July 9-11, p. 165. 34 6. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1995. Influence of starch polymer on Indian mustard. Presented at the 9th International Rapeseed Congress held at Cambridge, U.K. from July 4-7. 7. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1995. Feasibility and yield potential of transplanted mustard. Presented at the Ninth International Rapeseed Congress held at Cambridge, U.K. from July 4-7. 8. Singh, R.P. and Kumar, Arvind. 1995. Growth, yield and quality of Indian mustard in relation to phytohormone application. Presented at the 9 th International Rapeseed Congress held at Cambridge, U.K. from July 4-7. 9. Kumar, Arvind; Singh, R.P. and Shukla, Anil. 1996. Suitability of low input management techniques for sustaining mustard (Brassica juncea) productivity. Presented in Second International Symposium on Crop Productivity and SustainabilityShaping the future, held at Vigyan Bhawan, New-Delhi from Nov. 17-24. National Academy of Agril. Sci. and ICAR, New Delhi, p. 194. 10. Singh, R.P.; Kumar, Arvind and Shukla, Anil. 1996. Fertilizer management in recently developed mustard and carinata cultivars for sustaining productivity under moisture stress conditions. Presented in 2nd International Symposium on Crop Productivity and Sustainability-Shaping the future, held at Vigyan Bhawan, NewDelhi from Nov. 17-24. National Aca. of Agril. Sci. and ICAR New Delhi. p. 195. 11. Singh, R.P.; Singh, Satyendra and Kumar, Arvind. 1998. Nitrogen and sulphur fertilization in relation to nutrient uptake and yield of Indian rape (Brassica campestris var. toria). Presented in 1st International Agronomy Congress, on Agronomy, Environment and Food Security for 21st Century held at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi from Nov. 23-27 p. 349-350. 12. Kumar Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1998. Differential response of mustard (Brassica juncea) and carinata (Brassica carinata) cultivars to fertility levels under rainfed situation. Presented in First International Agronomy Congress on Agronomy, Environment and Food Security for 21st Century held at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi from Nov. 23-27 p. 136. 13. Kachroo, D. and Kumar, Arvind. 1998. Influence of nitrogen and sulphur fertilization on the biomass distribution of mustard and its relation with the seed yield. Presented in First International Agronomy Congress on Agronomy, Environment and Food Security for 21st Century held at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi from Nov. 23-27 p. 136. 14. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1999. Contribution of legumes and green maanuring in influencing soil fertility and mustard productivity in different cropping systems on mollisols. (In) Proc. of 10th International Rapeseed congress held at Canberra, Australia, from Sept. 26-29. 15. Singh, R.P. and Kumar, Arvind. 1999. New horizons for Brassica carinata under resource constraints in Northern plains of India. (In.) Proc. of 10th International Rapeseed congress held at Canberra, Australia, from Sept., 26-29. 16. Sinsinwar, B.S.; Kumar, Arvind; Premi, O.P. and Singh, Fateh. 2002. Comparative performance and nitrogen requirement of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) in different cropping systems under brackish water conditions of Rajasthan. Presented in 2nd International Agronomy Congress held at New Delhi from Nov. 20-30. pp. 617-619. 17. Shukla, R.K.; Kumar, Arvind; Mahapatra, B.S. and Kandpal, B.K. 2002. Influence of integrated nutrient management practices on nitrogen content and uptake at 35 different growth stages of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). Presented in International Agronomy Congress, held at New Delhi from Nov. 26-30. 18. Singh, R.P. and Kumar, Arvind. 2002. Effect of organic and inorganic sources of nutrients on yield, nutrient uptake and quality of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). Poster. Presented in 2nd International Agronomy Congress held at New Delhi from Nov.26-30. 19. Bhogal, N.S.; Jha, S.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2002. Efficacy of zinc in improving mustard yield on farmer’s field. Extended summaries. Presented in 2 nd International Agronomy Congress held at New Delhi. from Nov. 26-30. 20. Singh, Maharaj; Chauhan, J.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2003. Efficient utilization of assimilates in mustard (Brassica juncea L.) genotypes under irrigated and rainfed condition 8-30, 2003. Proceeding of 2nd International Congress of Plant Physiology Division of Plant Physiology, held at IARI, New Delhi from January 08-12. 21. Sinsinwar, B.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2003. Production Potential and Economics of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea) Based Cropping Systems Under Brackish Water Situations of semi-arid of Rajasthan, India. (In) Proc. of 11th International Rapeseed Congress held at Copenhagen, Denmark, from July 06-10. pp. 841843. 22. Premi, O.P. and Kumar, Arvind. 2003. Management of Orobanche aegyptiaca using different chemicals and oils. (In) Proc. of 11th International Rapeseed Congress held at Copenhagen, Denmark, from July 06-10. pp. 857-859. Kumar, Arvind; Kumar, Satyanshu and Singh, R.P. 2003. Pattern of Glucosinolate & Fatty Acid Profile in Single and Double Low Rapeseed (B. napus) Cultivars in Relation to Nitrogen and Sulphur Fertilization. (In) Proc. of 11 th International Rapeseed Congress held at Copenhagen, Denmark, from July 06-10. pp. 946948. Kandpal, B.K.; Kumar, Arvind and Kumar, R. 2003. Soil-site suitability criteria for rapeseed and mustard crops. (In) Proc. of 11th International Rapeseed Congress held at Copenhagen, Denmark, from July 06-10. p. 967. Bhogal, N.S.; Kumar, M. and Kumar, Arvind. 2003. Effect of nitrogen and quality of irrigation water on Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). (In) Proc. of 11th International Rapeseed Congress held at Copenhagen, Denmark, from July 0610. p. 971. 23. 24. 25. 26. Kumar, M.; Kumar, Arvind; Shekhar, C. and Chattopadhyay, C. 2003. Thermal time requirement of two Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) cultivars. (In) Proc. of 11th International Rapeseed Congress held at Copenhagen, Denmark, from July 0610. p 983. 27. Yadav, Rajbir and Kumar, Arvind. 2003. Genetic diversity for white rust resistance in Indian mustard varieties and introgression of resistance from other species. (In) Proc. of 11th International Rapeseed Congress held at Copenhagen, Denmark, from July 06-10. pp 492-494. 28. Chauhan, J.S.; Tyagi, M.K.; Nashaat, N.I.; Kumar, Arvind; Singh, Maharaj; Singh, N.B. and Jakhar, M.L. 2003. Characterization of drought effects on yield and its components in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). (In) Proc. of 11th International Rapeseed Congress held at Copenhagen, Denmark, from July 06-10. p 500. 29. Misra, A.K.; Shiv, Ratan and Kumar, Arvind. 2003. Evaluation of rocket (Eruca sativa) germplasm. (In) Proc. of 11th International Rapeseed Congress held at Copenhagen, Denmark, from July 06-10. pp 514-516. 36 30. Misra, A.K.; Ratan, S. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, K. 2005. Evaluation of exotic germplasm of rapeseed-mustard. Poster presented during International Symposium on Plant Introduction: Achievements and Opportunity in South Asia, held at NBPGR, New Delhi, from Feb. 15-17. 31. Kolte, S.J.; Nashaat, N.I.; Kumar, Arvind; Awasthi, R.P. and Chauhan, J.S. 2005. IndoUK Collaboration on Oilseeds-Towards Improving the Genetic base of rapeseedmustard in India. Paper presented in International Symposium on Plant Introduction : Achievements and Opportunities in South Asia held at NBPGR, New Delhi from Feb. 15-16. 32. Kumar, V.; Sharma, A.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Rapeseed-Mustard state wise (area, production, yield) information system. Paper presented at International conference on Information Management in a Knowledge Society, held at Mumbai from Feb. 21-25. 33. Kumar, Arvind and Chauhan, J.S. 2005. Indian scenario of Rapeseed-Mustard and future needs. Paper presented in International conference on Resource Development and Marketing Issues in Rapeseed-Mustard. MRPC, National Institute of Agricultural Marketing, held at Jaipur from March 28-29. 34. Kumar, Arvind and Misra, A.K. 2005. Status of exotic germplasm in rapeseed-mustard. Paper presented during International Symposium on Plant Introduction : Achievements and Opportunities in South Asia, held at NBPGR, New Delhi from Feb. 15-17, 2005. 35. Premi, O.P.; Tejveer; Sinsinwar, B.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2006. Integrated nutrient management for sustainable Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) production in eastern Rajasthan. Paper presented in International symposium on balanced fertilization and sustained productivity held at PAU, Ludhiana. 36. Caixia Li; Sivasithamparam, K.; Waltorn, G.; Salisbury, P.; Burton, W.; Banga, S.; Banga. S.; Chattopadhyay, C.; Kumar, A.; Singh, R.; Singh, D.; Agnihotri, A.; Shengyil, L.; Yunchang, L.; Tingdong, Fu. and Barbetti, M. 2007. Identification of resistance to Albugo candida in India, Australian and Chinese Brassica juncea genotypes. In: Proc. (Vol-I), 12th International Rapeseed Congress, Wuhan, China. Science Press USA Inc., pp. 408-410. 37. Misra, A.K.; Manohar, S.S. and Kumar, A. 2007. Characterization of indigenously collected germplasm of B. rapa L. var. yellow sarson for yield contributing traits. In: Proc. (Vol-I), 12th International Rapeseed Congress, Wuhan, China. Science Press USA Inc., pp 280- 283. 38. Singh, Maharaj; Chauhan, J.S.; Sheshshayee, M.S.; Udayakumar, M. and Kumar, Arvind. 2007. Isotope discrimination technique (Δ13C) a possible selection criteria for drought tolerance in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.): In: Proc. (Vol-I), 12th International Rapeseed Congress, Wuhan, China. Science Press USA Inc. pp. 404-406. 39. Chauhan, J.S.; Manju, Singh; Bhadauria, V.P.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2007. Genetic analysis of glucosinolate content in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.). In: Proc. (Vol-I), 12th International Rapeseed Congress, Wuhan, China. Science Press USA Inc., pp 167-169. 40. Sharma, K.D.; Kumar, A.; Singh, Dhiraj; Salisbury, Phil and Kumar, Arvind. 2007. Assessing drought tolerance in Brassica species by root characteristics and plant water relations. In: Proc. (Vol-I), 12th International Rapeseed Congress, Wuhan, China. Science Press USA Inc., pp 448-451. 37 41. Chattopadhyay, C.; Meena, R.L.; Meena, P.S.; Kumar, Vijay R. and Kumar, Arvind. 2007. Integration of garlic bulb extract and carbendazim can manage Sclerotinia rot on Indian mustard. In: Proc. (Vol-IV), 12th International Rapeseed Congress, Wuhan, China. Science Press USA Inc., pp 129-132. 42. Singh, Dhiraj; Singh, Rajender; Singh, Harbinder; Yadav, R.C.; Yadav, Neelam; Barbetti, Martin; Salisbury, Phil; Mimbal, S.; Chattopadhyay, C. and Kumar, Arvind. 2007. Cultural and morphological variability in Alternaria brassicae isolates of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss.). In: Proc. (Vol-IV), 12th International Rapeseed Congress, Wuhan, China. Science Press USA Inc., pp 158-160. 43. Singh, Dhiraj; Chhabra, M.L.; Thakral, N.K.; Dhawan, Kamal; Singh, Amit; Sangwan, Omender; Chandra, Naveen; Chauhan, J.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2007. Frost resistance in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss.) : screening of genotypes. In: Proc. (Vol-I), 12th International Rapeseed Congress, Wuhan, China. Science Press USA Inc., pp 398-400. 44. Singh, K.H.; Mahawar, R.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2007. Relationship between floral and agronomic traits in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.). In: Proc. (Vol-I), 12th International Rapeseed Congress, Wuhan, China. Science Press USA Inc., pp 228-231. 45. Chattopadhyay, C.; Meena, R.L.; Roy, Sumana; Rana, U.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2007. Effect of abiotic factors on incidence of Sclerotinia rot on Indian mustard. In: Proc. (Vol-IV), 12th International Rapeseed Congress, Wuhan, China. Science Press USA Inc., pp 127-128. 46. Singh, Rajender; Singh, Dhiraj; Barbetti, Martin; Stewart, Wade S.M., Singh, Harbinder; Banga, S.S.; Kumar, Arvind; Caixia, L.I.; Sivasithamparam, Krishnapllai; Salisbury, P.; Buraton, Warjne and Tingdong, Fu. 2007. In: Proc. (Vol-IV), 12th International Rapeseed Congress, Wuhan, China. Science Press USA Inc., pp 94-97. 47. Kumar, P.R. and Kumar, Arvind. 2007. Enhancing rapeseed-mustard production in South Asia: problems and strategies. In: Proc. (Vol-III), 12th International Rapeseed Congress, Wuhan, China. Science Press USA Inc., pp 88-99. Townsend, J.A., Nashaat, N.I., Chattopadhyay, C., Meena, P.D., Agnihotri, A. and Kumar, A. 2008. Response of a wide range of oilseed Brassica rapa accessions to Albugo candida isolates from B. juncea, B. rapa, B. nigra and B. oleracea.Proceedings of 5th International Crop Science Congress held at Jeju, Korea from April 13-18 by Korean society of crop science and International society of crop science, p8. Kumar S., Meena, R. C., Kumari, B., Chauhan, J. S. and Kumar, A. 2009. In vitro antioxidant activity of mustard leaf (Brassica juncea) . Poster Paper presented in Technical committee meeting of GCIRC held at New Delhi from Feb. 2-4. Kumar, A., Premi, O.P. and Thomas, L. 2009. Rapeseed-Mustard cultivation in IndiaAn Overview. Presented in the technical Committe meeting of CGIRC held at New Delhi from Feb. 2-4. Misra, A. K. and Kumar, A. 2009. Rapeseed- mustard germplasm diversity: Status and priorities (Abs). 4th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, held in New Delhi from Feb. 4-7. 48. 49. 50. 51. 38 52. Kumar, Arvind ; Sharma, P. ; Thomas, L. ; Agnihotri, Abha and Banga, S.S. 2009. Canola cultivation in India; Scenario and future Stretegy, Presented in sixteen Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas, changing Foods, changing climate, changing canola held at Ballarat, Australia from Sept. 14-16, (In) Proceedings : 5-10. 53. Bhale, V.M.; Kumar, Arvind and Rana, D.S. 2012. Need to Re-orient Agronomy Education into Natural Resource Management. Lead Paper. (in) Extended Summaries. Third International Agronomy Congress. Agriculture Diversification, Climate Change Management and Livelihoods held at New Delhi from November 26-30. 54. Kumar, Vinod; Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 2013. Yield and quality of Mustard as influenced by different cropping sequences and nitrogen nutrition. (in) Extended Summaries. (Vol. II): pp 633 Third International Agronomy Congress. Agriculture Diversification, Climate Change Management and Livelihoods held at New Delhi from November 26-30. (ii) Presentations made in National Symposium/Conferences/Seminars, etc. : 1. Kumar, Arvind. 1979. Constraints and strategies for raising production of rapeseed and mustard in western region of Uttar Pradesh – an agronomist view point. Paper presented at the seminar on problems, prospects and research strategies for rapeseed-mustard crops in 1980’s held at CSAUAT, Kanpur on Sept. 12. 2. Kumar, Arvind and Shastry, A.B. 1980. Correlation of environmental and plant density parameters with productivity and quality of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) Paper presented at the 35 OTAI, Annual convention and Seminar on Achievements of Seventies and future challenges in the field of oilseeds and oils, held at Bombay from February 16-17. 3. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, B. 1980. A brief note on the major productivity constraints and future strategy for increasing the production of oilseeds in Sutlej Ganga alluvial plains of Uttar Pradesh. Presented in the third meeting of reg. committee No. 4 for sub-humid Sutlej Ganga alluvial plains, held at Indian Lac Res. Inst., Ranchi from April 21-22. 4. Kumar, Arvind; Rao, S.R. and Rathore, V.S. 1983. Influence of varying sulphur levels labelled with 35S on yield and quality of sunflower (Helianthus annuus, L.) Paper presented at the national Symposium on Recent Developments in Nuclear and Allied Techniques and their application in Agric., Bio. and Ani. Sci., held at Pantnagar from May 5-7. 5. Rao, S.R.; Kumar, Arvind and Rathore, V.S. 1983. Uptake and translocation of 35 S in sunflower (Helianathus annuusL.). In relation with sulphur nutritional levels. Paper presented at the National Symposium on Recent Development in Nuclear and Allied Techniques and their Application in Agric., Bio. & An. Sci. held at Pantnagar from 5-7. 6. Kumar, Arvind. 1985. Agronomic requirements of rapeseed-mustard. Paper presented in the training course on high yielding production technology for cultivation of rapeseed-mustard held at C.S. Azad Univ. of Agric. and Tech., Kanpur from Sept. 16-20. 7. Kumar, Arvind. 1987. Improved agro-techniques for rainfed areas of U.P. hills. Paper presented in the seminar on rainfed agriculture in the Himalayan regions of India, held at G.B.Pant Univ. of Agric. and Tech.; Pantnagar from Jan. 10-11. 39 8. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1987. Production Potential and economic returns of gram and mustard intercropping system under rainfed condition. Paper presented in the National Seminar on Alternate Farming Systems, held at IARI, New Delhi from Feb. 21-23. 9. Kumar, Arvind. 1987. High yielding agronomic practices for rapeseed-mustard cultivation. Paper presented in the subject matter workshop-cum-seminar at National Communication and Training Centre for Oilseeds, DOR, Hyderabad on Sept. 28. 10. Kumar, Arvind. 1987. High yielding practices for rapeseed-mustard cultivation. Paper presented at the refresher course on high yielding production technologies for rabi oilseeds, held at B.H.U. Varanasi from Oct. 5-8. 11. Kumar, Arvind. 1988. Latest technology in oilseeds production. Paper presented in the ICAR regional workshop on National Demonstration Project, held at G.B.Pant Univ. of Agric. and Tech.; Pantnagar from May 23-26. 12. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, Y. 1988. Response of oilseeds to P in Northern India. Proceedings of the FAI (R) PPCL. Seminar on Importance of Phosphatic fertilizers with special reference to oilseeds and pulses in Northern India. pp. 5770. 13. Sharma, D.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 1988. Effect of irrigation scheduling on growth, yield and consumptive use in mustard. Paper presented in the national symposium on management of irrigation systems, held at CSSRI, Karnal from Feb. 24-27. 14. Sharma, D.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 1988. Response of mustard varieties to moisture stress. Paper presented in the national symposium on crop yield response to water, held at WALMI, Aurangabad from Feb. 2-5. 15. Kumar, Arvind. 1989. Improved agronomic practices for rapeseed and mustard cultivation in irrigated and rainfed areas. Paper presented in the subject matter workshop cum-seminar (training) on rabi oilseeds, held at CSAUAT, Kanpur from Jan. 18-24. 16. Kumar, Arvind and Modgal, S.C. 1991. Strategy for minimizing risk in rainfed tracts of western region and hills of U.P. (In) : Extension Strategy for minimizing risk in rainfed agriculture in U.P. (India). Pp. 86-100. D. Singh, V.K. singh and H. Singh (eds.) U.P. Soc. Of Ext. Edu. and Rural Dev. C.S. Azad Univ. of Agric. And Tech.; Kanpur. Silver Jubilee of the Indian Soc. of Ext. Edu. and Int. Conf., held at N Delhi from April 6-12. 17. Kumar, Arvind. 1991. Rapeseed-mustard in prevailing cropping systems : more profitable and productive cropping systems for different regions. Paper presented in the subject matter workshop-cum-seminar (training) on rabi oilseeds held at National Communication and Training centre for oilseeds, DOR, Hyderabad and Oct. 3-10. 18. Kumar, Arvind. 1991. Improved agronomic practices for maximizing yield and returns from rapeseed-mustard group of crops in differents agro-ecological situations. Paper presented in the subject matter workshop-cum-seminar (training) on rabi oilseeds held at National communication and Training Centre for oilseeds, DOR, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad from Oct. 3-10. 19. Attended All India Annual Rabi Oilseeds Workshop every year w.e.f. 1976 and presented annual research report. Also worked as rapporteur in different sessions and chairman of Agronomy session. 40 20. Participated in Summing-up concluding seminar on Indo-Swedish Collaborative research prog. on rapeseed-mustard improvement, held at New Delhi from March 20-21, 1992. 21. Singh, V. and Kumar, Arvind. 1993. Towards sustainability in oilseeds production. National Seminar on Oilseeds Res. and Dev. In India. Status and Strategies, held at DOR Hyderabad from Aug. 2-5. (In) Prasad, M.V.R. et. al. Sustainability in Oilseeds. ISOR, DOR, Hyderabad, p. 246-251. 22. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1993. Studies on the use of starch polymer in mustard. National Seminar on Oilseeds Res. and Dev. In India. Status and Strategies held at DOR Hyderabad from Aug. 2-5. (In) Prasad, M.V.R. Sustainability in Oilseeds. ISOR, DOR, Hyderabad. pp. 421-424. 23. Singh, R.P. and Kumar, Arvind. 1993. Economic feasibility of toria based multiple cropping sequences. National Seminar on Oilseeds Res. and Dev. In India. Status and Strategies, held at DOR Hyderabad from Aug. 2-5. (In) Prasad, M.V.R. et. al. Sustainability in Oilseeds. ISOR, DOR, Hyderabad. pp 425-427. 24. Singh, R.P.; Kumar, Arvind and Shukla, A. 1994. Use of FYM in mustard for sustained production. Paper presented in National Symposium on organic farming for sustainable crop production and environmental protection held at Pantnagar from 27-28 May, p. II 8. 25. Kumar, Arvind; Singh, R.P. and Pal, M.S. 1994. Use of microbial fertilizers in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea, L.) for sustainable production. Paper presented in National Symposium on organic farming for sustainable crop production and environmental protection held at Pantnagar from 27-28 May. P. II 8. 26. Singh, R.P.; Kumar, Arvind; Shukla, A. and Pal, M.S. 1994. Feasibility of including a legume crop in toria based crop sequences. Paper presented in National Symposium on organic farming for sustainable crop production and environmental protection, held at Pantnagar from 27-28 May, p. II 21. 27. Kumar, Arvind. 1995. Integrated nutrient management in rapeseed-mustard based cropping system. (In) Integrated nutrient management in Intensive cropping system CAS, Deptt. of Agronomy. G.B.P.U.A. and T., Pantnagar pp. 421-435. 28. Kumar, Arvind; Singh, R.P.; Shukla, Anil and Prakash, V. 1995. Studies on the performance of Jalshakati in influencing the consumptive water use, yield attributes, seed yield and quality of Indian Mustard. National Symposium on managing Water Resources for Sustainable Agriculture and Environment held at GAU Campus, Navasari, from Oct. 5-7. Indian Soc. of Water Management, Rahuri p. 64. 29. Kumar, Arvind; Shukla, A. and Singh, R.P. 1995. Effect of preceding kharif crop on the performance of Indian rape. National Symposium on Agriculture in relation to environment held at IARI, New Delhi from Jan. 16-18. p. 118. 30. Kumar, Arvind. 1996. Major productivity constraints and strategies in oilseeds production (In) Recent Advances in Agronomy for efficient resource management. CAS, Deptt. of Agronomy, G.B.P.U.A. and T., Pantnagar pp. 373384. 31. Singh, R.P. and Kumar, Arvind. 1996. Analysis of growth and yield of Indian mustard in relation to hormone application under late sown conditions. National Symposium on Modern Trends in Pl. Physiology held at G.B.P.U.A. and T., Pantnagar from March 18-20. The Soc. for Pl. Physiology and Pl. Biochemistry. New Delhi. p. 44. 41 32. Kumar, Arvind; Pal, M.S. and Singh, R.P. 1996. Integrated effect of organic and inorganic fertilization on Indian mustard. National Seminar on Organic Farming and Sustainable Agriculture held at U.A.S., Bangalore from Oct. 9-11. 33. Kumar, Arvind; Singh R.P. and Shukla, Anil. 1996. Low input management techniques for sustaining mustard (Brassica juncea L.) productivity. National Symposium on Agronomy, Environment and Food Security for 21st Century, ISA Agronomy, held at CCS HAU, Hisar from Dec. 11.13. p. 46. 34. Pal, M.S.; Singh R.P. and Kumar, Arvind. 1996. Nitrogen management in sunflower hybrids grown during spring season. Nat. Symposium on Agronomy, Environment and Food Security for 21st Century. ISA Agronomy, held at CCS HAU, Hisar from Dec. 11-13. 35. Pal, M.S.; Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1997. Irrigation management in spring sunflower (Helianthus annuus,L.). In : Proc., Third Agril. Sci. Cong. National. Aca. Agril. Sci., PAU, Ludhiana from March 12-15. p. 97. 36. Singh, R.P. and Kumar, Arvind. 1997. Role of rapeseed based cropping system in sustaining agriculture in Northern India. Symposium on Tropical Crop Research and Development, India-International held at Trichur, Kerala from Sept. 9-12. p.17. 37. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 1997. Sulphur nutrition in field crops (In) Techniques in crop nutrition. CAS, Deptt. Of Agronomy, G.B.P.U.A. and T., Pantnagar. pp. 171179. 38. Kumar, Arvind. 1998. Problems and prospects of oilseeds procuction under water stress. (In) Crop management under abiotic stresses. CAS, Deptt. of Agronomy, G.B.P.U.A. and T., Pantnagar. pp. 379-388. 39. Participated in workshop on participatory Extension Management held at MANAGE, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad from Nov. 21-25, 1998. 40. Kumar, Arvind. 1999. Weed management in oilseed crops. (In) Weed management research in major crops and cropping systems, CAS, Deptt. Of Agronomy, GBPUAT, Pantnagar. 41. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, R.P. 2000. Physiology of groundnut and rapes & mustard in relation to their productivity. (In) Advances in crop physiology in relation to crop production. CAS., Deptt. of Agronomy, G.B.P.U.A. and T., Pantnagar . 42. Kumar, Arvind. 2000. Nutrient dynamics and crop productivity in oilseed based cropping systems. (In) Bio-Dynamics in relation to crop production, CAS, Deptt. of Agronomy, G.B.P.U.A. and T., Pantnagar. 43. Kumar, Arvind; Mahapatra, B.S.,; Singh, R.P. and Kandpal, B. 2000. Need for refinement of fertilizer recommendations for oilseeds in U.P. Paper presented at the workshop on, “Review and refinement of soil fertility recommendations for sustainable crop production in U.P., held at Krishi Bhawan, Lucknow on April 15. 44. Kumar, Arvind; Singh, R.P. and Yesh, Pal. 2000. Sustainability of mustard through introduction of legume and green manure crops in mustard based cropping sequences. (In) Proc., National Symposium on oilseeds and Oils-Research and Development Needs in the Millennium, held at DOR, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad from Sept. 2-4. p 41-42. 45. Kumar, Arvind; Singh, R.P. and Shukla, Rajeew. 2000. Strategy for minimizing losses in rapeseed and mustard during harvesting and threshing. (In) Proc. of Workshop 42 on Harvest and Post Harvest Losses of Rapeseed-Mustard, held at CSIR Vigyan Kendra, New Delhi on September 30. pp. 5-12. 46. Singh, R.P.; Kumar, Arvind and Bhatnagar, Amit. 2000. Production potential of yellow sarson varieties under different planting dates in (tarai) region of U.P. Proc. National Symposium on Agronomy: Challenges and Strategies for the New Millennium held at Junagarh from Nov. 15-18. 47. Kumar, Arvind; Singh, R.P. and Kumar, V. 2000. Nitrogen management in mustard grown in different cropping systems in tarai region of U.P. Proc. National Symposium on Agronomy : Strategies Challenges and Strategies for the new Millennium held at Junagarh from Nov. 15-18. 48. Kandpal, B.K.; Kumar, Arvind; Mahapatra, B.S.; Sharma G.L.; Singh R.P. and Kumar, Rajeew. 2001. Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on seed and oil yield of Brassica carinata A Braun. (In) 66th Annual Convention. Indian Soc. of Soil Sci. held at Udaipur from Oct. 30 – Nov.2. 49. Singh, R.P.; Kumar, Arvind and Singh, D. 2001. Comparative performance of promising varieties of Brassica species with different fertility levels under rainfed conditions. Paper presented in National Seminar on Technology Options for Dryland Agriculture held T.N. Agril. Univ. from Nov. 20-22, 2001. p 72. 50. Kandpal, B.K.; Kumar, Arvind; Mahapatra, B.S.; Sharma G.L.; Singh R.P. and Kumar, Rajeew. 2001. Potassium uptake in Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata A Braun) as influenced by integrated nutrient management. (In) Extended Summaries, International Symposium on importance of Potassium in nutrient management for sustainable crop production in India, Potash Res. Inst. of India and International Potash Inst., held at New Delhi from 3-5 Dec. 51. Shukla, A.K.; Sharma, Pankaj; Chauhan, J.S.; Kumar, Arvind and Nashaat, N.I. 2002. Screening of mustard germplasm against white rust caused by Albugo candida (Pers. Ex Lev.) Kuntze. pp. 79. In. Souvenir Poster presented at the Asian Congress of Mycology and Plant Pathology on Plant Health for Food Security organized by the ISMPP and Univ. Mysore. Mysore from Oct. 01-04. 52. Kumar, Arvind and Misra, A.K. 2002. Conservation of Biodiversity with special reference to Rapeseed Mustard. Paper presented during Training Workshop at CSA University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur on Nov. 1. 53. Singh, Y.P.; Jha, S. K.; Kumar, Arvind and Bhadauria, S.S. 2002 Management of termite (Odontotermus obesus) in wheat under on farm conditions. Abstracts. National seminar on Resource management in plant protection during 21 st Century held PPAI, Hyderabad from Nov.14-15. 54. Sinsinwar, B.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2003. Production Potential and economic Analysis of mustard based cropping systems under brackish water resources. In. Extended Summaries. National Seminar on Stress Management in Oilseeds for attaining self-reliance in Vegetable oils held at DOR, Hyderabad from Jan. 2830. p.190 55. Kumar, Arvind and Premi, O.P. 2003. Stress management in rapeseed-mustard. In. Souvenir, National seminar on Stress management in oilseeds for attaining selfreliance in vegetable oils held at DOR Hyderabad from Jan. 28-30, pp 7-12. 56. Premi, O.P.; Kumar, M.; Jha, S.K.; Singh, Fateh and Kumar, Arvind. 2003. On farm testing of cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub) as green manure in mustard. In. Extended summary, National seminar on Stress management in 43 oilseeds for attaining self-reliance in vegetable oils held at DOR Hyderabad from Jan. 28-30, pp 265-266. 57. Kumar, Arvind and Kumar, S. 2003. Mustard oil: Premium edible oil. In. Extended Summaries. National Seminar on Stress Management in Oilseeds for attaining self-reliance in Vegetable oils held at DOR, Hyderabad from Jan.28-30. p 452. 58. Chauhan, J.S.; Tyagi, M.K.; Kumar, Arvind and Jakhar, M.L. 2003. Identification of drought tolerant genotypes of Indian mustard. In. Extended Summaries. National Seminar on Stress Management in Oilseeds for attaining self-reliance in Vegetable oils held at DOR, Hyderabad from Jan.28-30. p 381. 59. Kumar, S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2003. Brassinosteroids: Novel class of plant hormones. p .305. In. 9Abs.) : 5th National Symposium in Chemistry held at Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai from Feb. 7-9. p 305. 60. Kumar, Vinod; Kumar, Arvind; Kumar, M. and Premi, O.P. 2003. Fertilizer information recommendation manager for rapeseed-mustard crop production. In. (Abs), 6th Agricutural Science Congress with theme on Multi Enterprises System for Viable Agriculture held at IISS, Bhopal from Feb. 13-15. p. 39. 61. Kumar, S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2003. Value addition to seed meal of rapeseed-mustard. p. 252. In. Abstracts of Poster Sessions. 6th Agricultural Science Congress (NAAS)- Multi-Enterprises System for Viable Agriculture held at Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) from Feb.13-15. p. 252. 62. Misra, A.K. and Kumar, Arvind 2003. Genetic Resource Management of RapeseedMustard. In. Abstracts of Poster Sessions. 6th Agricultural Science Congress (NAAS)- Multi-Enterprises System for Viable Agriculture. Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal (M.P.) from Feb.13-15. pp 134-135. 63. Premi, O.P.; Kumar, M. and Kumar, Arvind. 2003. Sustainable and Eco-friendly cultivation of mustard through organic farming. Abstracts, 6th Agricultural Science Congress (NAAS) Multi Enterprises System for Viable Agriculture held at IISS, Bhopal from Feb. 13-15. p. 310. 64. Premi, O.P.; Kumar, M.; Singh, Fateh; Jha, S.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2003. On farm assessment of mustard based crop sequences under flood prone eastern plain zone of Rajasthan. In. Abstracts of National Symposium on resources management for eco friendly crop production held at CSAUA and T, Kanpur from Feb. 26-28. p. 11. 65. Kumar, Arvind and J.S. Chauhan. 2003. Challenges in rapeseed-mustard production. In. Souvenir. 24th All India Rabi Seminar. Jaipur (Rajasthan). March 9. pp. 36-40. 66. Kumar, Arvind and Chauhan, J.S. 2003. Issues and strategies for enhancing rapeseedmustard production in Rajasthan, Gujarat and Haryana. Paper presented during 18th meeting of regional committee No. VI (ICAR) held at M.P. Univ. of Agric. and Tech., Udaipur from August 25-26. 67. Premi, O.P.; Jha, S.K.; Kumar, M.; Singh, Fateh and Kumar, Arvind. 2003. On farm assessment of weed management techniques in Indian mustard. In (Abs.) National seminar on Alian Invasive weeds in India held at AAU, Jorhat from April 27-29. pp. 30. 68. Kumar, Arvind 2003. Technology for drought and pest management in mustard in rainfed areas. Presented in a workshop on value addition to agro-meteorological information weather based agro-advisories held at CRIDA, Hyderabad on May 3. 44 69. Kumar, Arvind; Jha, S.K.; Kumar, V. and Misra, A.K. 2003. An overview of status of oilseeds : Implication for food and nutritional security. Paper presented in a seminar on Food and Nutritional Security in New Millennium at CSAUA and T, Kanpur and Nov. 24-26. 70. Kumar, Arvind and Misra, A.K. 2003. Utilization of plant genetic resources - rapeseedmustard : Indian perspective. Brain Storming session on Utilization of plant genetic resources : Indian perspective held at NBPGR, New Delhi on Dec. 11. 71. Kumar, Arvind; Premi, O.P.; Chahan, J.S. and Kumar, V. 2003. Non-monetary and low input production technologies for rapeseed-mustard production. Paper presented in a training course on low cost production technology for oilseeds held at DOR, Hyderabad from December 16-23. 72. Kumar, Arvind. 2003. Non-monetary and low input production technologies for rapeseed-mustard production. Paper presented in a training course on low cost production technology for oil seeds held at DOR, Hyderabad from December 1623. 73. Misra, A.K.; Ratan, S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Evaluation of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea. L.) Poster presented during 91st session of Indian Sc. congress held at Punjab Univ., Chandigarh on January 03-07. 74. Misra, A K; Ratan, S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Evaluation of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.). Poster presented during 91st Session of Indian Science Congress held at Punjab University, Chandigarh from January 3-7. 75. Premi, O.P.; Kumar, M.; Sinsinwar, B.S.; Ramnarayan and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Response of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea) to bio-power and bio-force under semi-arid region of Rajasthan. Paper presented in 7th Agricultural Sciences Congress of the National Academy of Sciences held at Agriculture College, Pune from Feb. 16-18. 76. Misra, A.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Rai Sarson Janan Dravya Pravandhan. Paper presented at third All India Sc. Congress from Feb. 19-21. 77. Premi, O.P.; Jha, S.K.; Kumar, M. and Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Rajasthan ke badh prabhavit poorvi maidani chhetra mein masoor tatha rai kee antah – Phasal ka mulyankan. Paper presented in the 3rd All India Science Congress held at N.P.L., New Delhi from February 19-21. 78. Misra, A K and Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Rai Sarson Janan Dravya Prabandhan. Poster presented in the Tritya Akhil Bhartiya Vigyan Sammelan held at NPL, New Delhi form Feb., 19-21. 79. Kumar, Arvind; Jha, S.K. and Chauhan, J.S. 2004. Rapeseed-Mustard Production Status and Emerging Challenges in India. Paper presented in 25th All India Seminar on Rabi Oilseeds and Oils Trade & Industry held at New Delhi on March 14. 80. Bhogal, N.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) an effective phytoremediator. Presentation in NBAIM-CAB Int. UK Joint Workshop from Mar 16-17. 81. Bhogal, N.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Introduction to rhizoremediation. Presentation in NBAIM-CAB International UK Joint Workshop from March 16-17. 82. Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Status and strategies for enhancing rapeseed-mustard production in Uttar Pradesh. Paper presented in a brain storming session on status of 45 oilseeds in UP-Constraints and opportunities held at UPCAR, Lucknow on March 27. 83. Kumar, V.; Premi, O.P and Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Rajasthan mein taramira kae utpadan kee vikas pragati :Ek parichay. Paper presented in the 3rd All India Science Congress held at NPL, New Delhi from Feb. 19-21. 84. Kumar, Arvind and Singh, K.H. 2004. Crop Improvement review and suggestions for seed research in rapeseed-mustard. Paper presented in the 39th annual group meeting of NSP (Crops) held at PAU, Ludhiana on March 01. 85. Participated in a national conference on organic farming for sustainable production held at New Delhi from March 23-25, 2004. 86. Jha, S.K.; Sharma, A.K.; Sachan, R.C. and Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Problems and strategy for mustard production in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan. Paper (oral) presented at 2nd National Extension Education Congress on Technology Application Approach For Extn. Edn. held at M.P.U.A.&T., Udaipur from May 22-24. 87. Sharma, A.K.; Jha, S.K.; Kumar, V. and Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Attitude of Farmers towards School on Air programme. Paper presented (poster presentation) at 2nd National Extension Education Congress on Technology Application Approach For Extn. Edn. held at M.P.U.A. and T., Udaipur from May 22-24. 88. Kumar, V.; Sharma, A.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Role of information and communication technology (ICT) in 21st century Agriculture of India. Paper (oral) presented at 2nd National Extension Education Congress on Technology Application Approach For Extension Education held at M.P.U.A. and T., Udaipur from May 22-24. 89. Kumar, Arvind; Jha, S.K. and Chauhan, J.S. 2004. Rapeseed-mustard production status and emerging challenges in India. In. Souvenir 42nd All India Convention of Oilseeds held at Oil Trade and Industry, Hyderabad from Nov. 20-21. pp. 145165. 90. Kumar, Arvind; Premi, O.P. and Sinsinwar, B.S. 2004. Integrated Resource Management in Rapeseed-Mustard. Paper presented in National symposium on Resource Conservation and Agricultural Productivity held at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana from Nov. 22-25. pp. 134-135. 91. Jha, S.K.; Premi, O.P.; Kumar, Arvind; Bochalaya, B. C.; Singh, Y.P.; Bhogal, N.S.; Singh, A. K.; Sharma, A. K. and Meena, P.D. 2004. Assessment of thiourea for increasing productivity of mustard (Brassica juncea) in semi arid region of Rajasthan. In. (Abs.) National Symposium on Resource.Conservation and Agricultural productivity held at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana from Nov. 22-25. pp. 131-132. 92. Sinsinwar, B.S.; Kumar, M.; Premi, O.P. and Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Effect of FYM and vermicompost methods of application on mustard productivity in semi-arid region of Rajasthan. National Conference on Resource Conserving Technologies for Social Upliftment held at New Delhi from Dec. 7-9. 93. Singh, M; Chauhan, J.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2004. Growth analysis and yield of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L) under rainfed conditions. National Seminar on Pl. Physiology, Physiological basis of improving agricultural, Horticultural and Medicinal plant Productivity, held at Univ. of Pune, Pune from Dec., 27-29. 94. Chauhan, J.S.; Khan, N.A.,; Kumar, S.; Tyagi, M.K.; Singh, Maharaj; Kumar, Arvind and Singh, N.B. 2005. Induced variability for glucosinolate content in Indian mustard 46 (Brassica juncea). Abs. p.175-176. In. 7th Agricultural Science Congress held at College of Agriculture, Pune (Maharashtra) from Feb. 16-17. 95. Singh, K.H. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Frontier Areas of Seed Research in RapeseedMustard. Paper presented in XX Annual Group Meeting of NSP (Crops) held at TNAU, Coimbatore on Feb. 17. 96. Kumar, Arvind and Chauhan, J.S. 2005. Rapeseed-mustard - a Potential oilseeds crop – In Sovenir, 26th All India Seminar on rabi oilseeds crops held at COOIT – New Delhi from March 12-13. pp. 101-105. 97. Premi, O.P.; Sinsinwar, B.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Broomrape Management in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) in semi-arid region of Rajasthan. Paper presented in International conference on Resource Development and Marketing Issues in Rapeseed-Mustard held at National Institute of Agricultural Marketing, Jaipur from March 28-29. 98. Jha, S.K.; Premi, O.P.; Kumar, M. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Effect of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) on mustard productivity under flood prone eastern plain zone of Rajasthan. Paper presented in the Conference on Resource Development and marketing issues in Rapeseed-Mustard held held at NIAM, Jaipur from March 28-29. 99. Singh, K.H. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Scenario of Breeder Seed Production of Rapeseed-Mustard Varieties in India. Presented in Conference on Resource Development and Marketing Issues in Rapeseed-Mustard, organized by Mustard Research and Promotion Consortium held at Jaipur from March 28-29. 100. Kumar, Arvind; Kumar, V. and Sharma, A.K. 2005. Cyber Extension : Technology for Rapid Dissemination of Agriculture Information. Paper (Oral) presented in 3rd National Extn. Edn. Congress on Revitalization of Extension System in new Economic Order held at NDRI, Karnal from April 27-29. 101. Jha, S.K.; Sharma, A.K.; Premi, O.P.; Kumar, V.; Sachan, R.C. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Participation of farmwomen and the technological imperatives in mustard based production system. In. Extended summary : Compendium. IIIrd Nat Extn Edn Cong on Revitalization of Extn system in new economic order, organized by Soc of Extn Edn, held at NDRI, Karnal from Apr. 27-29. pp.132-134. 102. Sharma, A.K.; Jha, S.K.; Kumar, V.; Sachan, R.C. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Communication pattern of rapeseed-mustard farmers: A new perception. In. Ext. summary: Comp. IIIrd Nat Extn. Edn. Cong on Revitalization of Extn. system in New Economic order, Soc. of Extn. Edn., Agra held at NDRI, Karnal from Apr. 27-29: 40-42. 103. Kumar, Arvind and Misra, A.K. 2005. Status of Exotic germplasm in rapeseed-mustard. Paper presented during Annual Workshop of National Network on Germplasm Evaluation and Utilization held at NBPGR, New Delhi from May 26-27. 104. Meena, P. D.; Kaur, Sarbjeet; Meena, R. L.; Singh, Rajender; Singh, S. N.; Awasthi, R.P.; Chattopadhyay, C.; Kolte S. J. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Potential of nontoxic chemicals in management of Alternaria blight of mustard (Brassica juncea). In. (Abs.) Global Conference II on Plant Health – Global Wealth organised by the Indian Soc. Mycol. Pl. Path., held at MPUAT, Udaipur from Nov. 25-29. pp. 290291. (Awarded best presentation award) 105. Meena, P.D.; Jha, S.K.; Sharma, A.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Garlic bulb extract in management of Sclerotinia rot of mustard – an on-farm success story. In. (Abs.) 47 Global Conference II on Plant Health – Global Wealth organised by the Indian Soc. Mycol. Pl. Path., held at MPUA and T, Udaipur from Nov. 25-29. 106. Misra, A.K.; Manohar, S.S.; Chattopadhyay, C. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Screening of elite Germplasm of Indian mustard for disease resistance and some economic traits. In. (Abs.), Second Global Conference on Plant Health –Global Wealth organized by the Indian Soc. Mycol. Pl. Path., MPUAT held at Udaipur from Nov. 25-29. pp. 252. 107. Kumar, Vinod; Sharma, A.K.; Meena, P.D.; Chattopadhyay, C. and Kumar, Arvind. 2005. Rapeseed-Mustard disease management software. In: Abstracts, Global Conference II on Plant Health – Global Wealth organised by the Indian Soc. Mycol. Pl. Path., held at MPUAT, Udaipur from Nov. 25-29. pp. 310-311. 108. Kumar, Arvind; Misra A.K. and Chauhan, J.S. 2005. National network on gemplasm evaluation and utilization – Crop : Rapeseed-Mustard. Paper presented during Annual Workshop of National Network on Germplasm Evaluation and Utilization held at NBPGR, New Delhi from May 26-27. 109. Kumar, Vinod; Chattopadhyay, C. and Kumar Arvind. 2005. Rapeseed-Mustard state wise (area, production, yield) information system. In. (Abs.) International Conference on Sustainable Crop Production in Stress Environments: Management & Genetic Options, held at J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur. pp. 183-184. 110. Meena, P.D.; Jha, S.K.; Sharma, A.K.; Kumar, Arvind. 2005. On-farm Sclerotinia rot management of Indian mustard (B. juncea) in Eastern Rajasthan, In. (Abs.). IInd Global Conference on Plant Health –Global Wealth, organized by Indian Soc. of Myc. and Pl. Path. held at MPUA and T, Udaipur from Nov. 25-29. pp. 56. 111. Kumar, Arvind and Misra, A.K. 2006. Rapeseed-mustard Biodiversity. : Management and utilization. Paper presented in National Conference on Agro-biodiversity held at Chennai from Feb. 12-15. 112. Misra, A.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2006. Oilseed brassica Germplasm utilization in India. Paper presented during Second Plant Breeding Congress held at TNAU, Coimbatore from March 1-3. 113. Kumar, Arvind. 2006. Rapeseed-Mustard Scenario and strategy for enhancing its production, in India. Paper presented in the 27th All India Rabi Seminar on Oil Seeds, Oil Trade & Industry organized by COOIT held at Air Force Auditorium, Delhi from March11-12. 114. Kumar, Arvind and Premi, O.P. 2006. Scope of rapeseed-mustard in crop diversification in India. Preseted during summer institute, Div of Agronomy, IARI, New Delhi on Aug. 22. 115. Shukla, A.K.; Kumar, S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2006. Utilization of glucosinolate’s bioactivity: as ecofriendly product. Abs./Extended Sammuries : (In.): Extended Summaries : National Seminar on Changing Global Vegetable Oils Scenario: Issues and Challenges before India held at Hyderabad from January 29-31. Indian Society of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad, pp 249-250. 116. Sinsinwar, B.S.; Premi, O.P. and Kumar, Arvind. 2006. Varietal screening of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) for suitability under wheat (Triticum aestivum) intercropping system. Paper presented in National Symposium on resource Conservation and Environment held at BHU, Varanasi from Nov. 26-28, 2006. pp 121-122. 117. Kumar, S. and Kumar, A. 2007. Value added products from Rapeseed-Mustard. ISOR. 2007. (In.): Extended Summaries : National Seminar on Changing Global 48 Vegetable Oils Scenario: Issues and Challenges before India held at Hyderabad from January 29-31. Indian Society of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad, pp 388. 118. Misra, A.K.; Manohar, S.S.; Singh, K. and Kumar, A. 2007. Characterization of germplasm for some economic traits in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.). (In.): Extended Summaries : National Seminar on Changing Global Vegetable Oils Scenario: Issues and Challenges before India held at Hyderabad from January 29-31. Indian Society of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad, pp 84-85. 119. Shukla, A.K.; Kumar, S. and Kumar, A. 2007. Utilization of glucosinolate’s bioactivity : as ecofriendly products. (In.): Extended Summaries : National Seminar on Changing Global Vegetable Oils Scenario: Issues and Challenges before India held at Hyderabad from January 29-31. Indian Soc. of Oilseeds Res., Hyderabad, pp 249-250. 120. Singh, A.K.; Mishra, A.P.; Kumar, S. and Kumar, A. 2007. Evaluation of useful mutants in Ethiopian mustard : as ecofriendly products. (In.): Ext. Summaries : National Seminar on Changing Global Vegetable Oils Scenario: Issues and Challenges before India held at Hyderabad from January 29-31. Indian Soc. Oilseeds Res., Hyderabad, 126. 121. Premi, O.P.; Sinsinwar, B.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2007. Crop residue management in Indian mustard production under semi-arid region of Rajasthan. (2007). (In.): Ext. Summaries : National Seminar on Changing Global Vegetable Oils Scenario: Issues and Challenges before India held at Hyderabad from January 29-31. Indian Soc. Oilseeds Res., Hyderabad. 122. Singh, K.H.; Mahawar, R.K.; Chauhan, J.S. and Kumar, Arvind. 2007. Genetic divergence in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss) cultivars. Ext. Summaries (In.): Extended Summaries : National Seminar on Changing Global Vegetable Oils Scenario: Issues and Challenges before India held at Hyderabad from January 29-31. Indian Society of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad, pp 101. 123. Kumar, Arvind; Singh, K.H. and Misra, A.K. 2007. Draft guidelines of DUS testing in rapeseed – mustard. Delivered lecture during Task Force Meeting for Evaluation of DUS Test Guidelines and Other Issues Relating to Plant Variety Protection, held at PPV & FR Authority, NASC, New Delhi on January 11. 124. Kumar, Vinod; Lehri, Sushma; Sharma, A.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2007. Design and implementation of agriculture research digital photo Manager. Paper presented (Poster presentation) in IV National Extension Education Congress on Livelihood Security and Extension System Perspectives organized by Society of Extension Education, Agra from March 9-11 at JNKVV, Jabalpur. 125. Sharma, A.K.; Meena, P.D.; Kumar, Vinod and Kumar, Arvind. 2007. On farm success of aqueous garlic bulb extract against Sclerotinia rot of Indian mustard through participatory disease management Paper presented (oral presentation) in IV National Extension Education Congress on Livelihood Security and Extn. System Perspectives organized by Soc. of Extn. Edu., Agra from March 9-11 at JNKVV, Jabalpur. 126. Sharma, A.K.; Jha, S.K.; Kumar, Vinod; Sachan, R.C. and Kumar, Arvind. 2007. Impact of newspapers on farmer’s knowledge and adoption of agriculture technologies. Paper presented (oral presentation) in IV National Extension Education Congress on Livelihood Security and Extension System Perspectives organized by Society of Extension Education, Agra from March 9-11 at JNKVV, Jabalpur. 49 127. Kumar, Vinod; Sharma A.K. and Kumar, Arvind. 2007. Rapeseed-Mustard (area, production, yield) Information System. Poster Presented in International Conference on Statistics and Information in Agriculture Research, organized by Society of Agriculture Statistics from Dec 27-30 at IASRI, New Delhi. 128. Chattopadhyay, C.; Agrawal, R.; Kumar, Arvind; Khan, S.A.; Kumar, V.; Bhar, L.M.; Awasthi, R.P.; Kumar, A.; Desai, A.G.; Chattopadhyay, A.K.; Singh S.N.; Chakraverthy, N.V.K.; Singh, R.B.; Meena, R.L.; Meena, P.D. and Shekhar, C. 2007. Epidemiology and forecasting models for major diseases of oilseed Brassicas in India for eco-friendly crop management. In :Proceedings, 15 th Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas, Geraldton (Western Australia), Amjad, M. and Cowling, A. (eds.), Australia, 10-14 Sep 2007, pp 143-148 (invited lecture). 129. Kumar, Arvind and Chauhan, J.S. 2007. Available Rapeseed-Mustard Production Technology and Issues for integration with Industry. Interactive Meeting with Industry Representatives (COOIT). Chelmsford Club, New Delhi. October 05, 2007. Kumar, Arvind; Kumar, S. and Jha, S.K. 2007. Rashtriya Sarson Anusandhan Kendra Kee Tel-Tilhan Utpadan Mein Bhumika In-Souvenir Golden Jubilee celebration of Bharatpur chambers of commerce and industries, Bharatpur. Nov., 17. 49-58. Kumar, Arvind; Jha, S.K.; Sharma, A.K.; Kumar, Vinod and Thomas, Lijo 2008. Training Manual for Model Training course (MTC) on Rabi oilseeds (rapeseed-mustard, safflower and linseed) production technology, NRCRM, Bharatpur. Kumar, Arvind 2008. National Workshop on increasing rapeseed-mustard production critical issues and interventions required, organized by COOIT, New Delhi and IFFCO fourteen on Jan 19, 2008 at Jaipur. Kumar, Arvind and Jha, S.K. 2008. Rapeseed-Mustard, ‘A potential Rabi oilseeds for Food and Nutritional Security. In. Souvenir 29th All India Convention of oilseeds, oil trade and industry Agra, March 02, 2008, 149-155. Kumar, Arvind and Premi, O.P. 2008. Crop diversification through oilseeds crops for higher profitability. National Symposium on New paradigms in agronomic research held at Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Nov. 19-21, 2008. Chauhan, J. S. and Kumar, A. 2008. Status of Oilseed Brassica Improvement in China, India and Australia. Presented during 15th Annual AICRP (R & M) Group Meeting held at OUA & T, Bhubaneswar from Aug. 7-9. Kumar, A., Premi, O. P. and Thomas, L. 2008. Crop diversification through oilseed crops for higher profitability. Lead paper presented in National Symposium on New Paradigms in Agronomic Research, held at Navasari from Nov., 19-21, Indian Society of Agronomy, New Delhi. Premi, O.P., Kumar, S. and Kumar, A. 2008. Effect of fertility levels on mustard productivity in pearlmillet (Pennisetum typhoides) + blackgram (Phaseolus mungo) – mustard (Brassica juncea) crop sequence. (In) National Symposium on New Paradigms in Agronomic Research, held at Navsari from Nov., 19-21, pp 32. Indian Society of Agronomy, New Delhi. Kumar, S., Chauhan, J. S. and Kumar, A. 2008. Non-destructive estimation of glucosinolates in Brassica species by FT-NIR. Presented in National Conference on ‘Emphasizing Recent Advances in Oilseeds Production and Industrialization with reference to Rapeseed-Mustard’ held at BHU, Varanasi from Nov. 21-23. Singh, V. V., Meena, S. S., Yadav, R. and Kumar, A. 2008. Genetic variability in advanced lines of Indian mustard (Brassica. juncea) derived from interspecific hybridization. Presented in National Conference on “Emphasizing recent 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 50 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. advances in oilseed production and industrialization with special reference to rapeseed-mustard” held at BHU, Varanasi from Nov. 21-23. Misra, A .K., Singh, K. and Kumar, A. 2009. Assessment of genetic variability and characterization of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) germplasm for economic traits (Abs). Summary of Agriculture and Forestry Section of Indian Science Congress held at NEHU, Shillong from Jan. 2-4. Sharma, A.K., Jha, S.K., Kumar, V., Sachan, R.C. and Kumar, A. 2009. Perception of the farmers about performance of mustard varieties. Presented at fifth National Ext Edu Congress held at CSAU&T, Kanpur from Mar. 5 - 7. Thomas, L., Sharma, A.K., Sachan, R.C., Jha, S.K., Kumar, A. 2009. Sectoral Analysis of rapeseed-mustard oil processing units of Rajasthan: Status, training requirements and constraints. Presented in V Nat. Ext. Edu. Cong. held at CSAU & T, Kanpur Mar. 5-7. Kumar, Arvind and Jha, S.K. 2009. Facilitating Rural livelihood security: RapeseedMustard crop economy interventions in India. National Seminar on Rural India development alternatives:Sectoral convergence for livelihood security organized by Mobilization and CIRG, Makhdoom; Jan. 16-18, 2009 Kumar, Arvind, Rathor, S.S.; Premi, O.P.; and Thomas, Lijo. 2009. Crop research management strategies for oilseed crops in India. National symposium on Vegetable oils scenario: Approaches to meet the growing demands held at DOR, Hyderabad; Jan 29-31, 2009. 145. Kumar, A.; Singh, D., Meena,P.D.; and Kumar, V. 2012: Abstracts , I st National Brassica Conference on Production Barriers and Technological Options in Oilseed Brassica organized by SRMR, Bharatpur at CCS Haryana Agril. Univ., Hisar during March 2-3. pp 154. 146. Kumar, A.; Singh, D., Meena, P.D.; and Kumar, V. 2012: Souvenir, I st National Brassica Conference on Production Barriers and Technological Options in Oilseed Brassica organized by SRMR Bharatpur at CCS Haryana Agril. Univ., Hisar during March 2-3. pp 105. 147. Kumar, Arvind; Kumar, Vinod and Kandpal, B.K. 2012: Production Barriers and Technology Options for Sustainable Production of Rapeseed-Mustard in India. (in) Souvenir, Ist National Brassica Conference on Production Barriers and Technological Options in Oilseed Brassica organized by SRMR, Bharatpur at CCS Haryana Agril. Univ., Hisar during March 2-3. pp 25-32. 148. Agnihotri, Abha; Kumar, Arvind; Singh, N.B.; Aneja, J.K. and Goel, Prachi 2012: Oil quality improvement in rapeseed-mustard. (in) Souvenir, Ist National Brassica Conference on Production Barriers and Technological Options in Oilseed Brassica organized by SRMR, Bharatpur at CCS Haryana Agril. Univ., Hisar during March 2-3. pp 55-57. 149. Kandpal, B.K.; Kumar, Arvind; Premi, O.P.; and Rathore, S.S. 2012: new paradigms in Rapeseed- Mustard Agronomy Research. (in) Souvenir, Ist National Brassica Conference on Production Barriers and Technological Options in Oilseed Brassica organized by SRMR, Bharatpur at CCS Haryana Agril. Univ., Hisar during March 2-3. pp 61-73. 150. Kumar, Arvind. 2013. Modernizing Agricultural Education and Management for Strengthening Agriculture. Paper presented at National Science Congress, held at Calcuta University, Kolkata from January 4-5. 51 151. Kumar, Arvind; Sharma, Kusukamkar; Arya Meenakshi. Achieving Excellence in Agricultural Education: 2013. Indian Experience. (Abs.) Agriculture Science Congress, held in Bhubaneswar, Feb 7-9. 152. Kumar Arvind. 2014. Challenge of edible oils: Can Brassicas deliver? Presidential address in the 2ndNational Brassica Conference on Brassicas for addressing edible oil and nutritional security during Feb 14-16, 2014 at PAU,Ludhiana pp.8. 52 ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF PROF. ARVIND KUMAR, VICE CHANCELLOR, RANI LAKSHMI BAI CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, JHANSI Born on July 4, 1952, in Haridwar District has distinct professional experience of 40 years involving teaching/research/ extension activities in various capacities (27 years as a faculty member including additional responsibility for four years as Joint Director (Extension) at GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, the premier agricultural university in the country; about 8 years as Director, DRMR (earlier NRCRM, Bharatpur) in Crop Science Division, four and half years’ as DDG (Education), ICAR and one year & four months as Vice-Chancellor Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University (RMP position – 14 years) . During my M.Phil. programme studied multi-disciplinary courses in plant sciences including Plant Breeding, Plant Physiology, Botany, Biochemistry and Biostatistics. Principal Investigator of Oilseed Project at Pantnagar and coordinated crop improvement programme on rapeseed-mustard at DRMR, Bharatpur-spread over 22 centres and 12 verification centres in India. It resulted in development of 40 varieties of oilseed Brassica suited for different agro-climatic zone since 2002, leading to increase in production from 5.1 million tonnes in 2001-02 to all time high (8.2 million tonnes in 2010-11). The productivity level enhanced and farming community benefitted. The seed replacement rate increased to more than 50%. Project Leader of Hybrid Project – Rapeseed-Mustard, funded by NATP, leading to development of first mustard hybrid based on Mori Cytoplasmic Male Sterility system. Indian Project Leader for two international projects on Brassica improvement at Bharatpur, worth about Rs.14 million each, leading to genetic enhancement for biotic & abiotic stresses. About 150 germplasm were procured which helped in broadening up genetic base. Developed four varieties-three mustard (NRCDR-2, NRCHB-101, NRCDR-601) and a yellow sarson (NRCYS-5-2). Involved in development of first national variety of mustard – Kranti and PT 303 of Toria. As a Team Leader developed and accomplished a national network project on management of Alternaria blight and vegetable crops which led to collection of various isolates and development of effective technology for the management of this important disease. Developed DUs test guidelines of Brassica and created testing facilities at Bharatpur Guided 31 PG Research Projects including 9 for Ph.D. degree programme. Established all infrastructural, residential facilities, procured equipment worth about 4 crores and laboratory established, facilities for glass house, green house and seed 53 processing were accomplished, unique water harvesting structure developed and increasing thereby the rain water utilization efficiently. All the wells could be energized. Organized Departmental Promotion Committee meetings for scientists, technical and administrative staff. All the cases were completed on time without any dispute. Started innovative crop technology educational programme for farmers from All India Radio at four locations, lessons prepared, interaction organized which gave visible impact. Organised first international training programme on research methodology in Brassica. Participated and presented 52 papers in international and 150 in national symposium/ conferences/seminars etc. Published 155 research papers, 87 popular articles, 4 review articles, 11 books, 18 chapters in books, 26 bulletins and 11 reports. Received Dr. Rajendra Prasad Award, ISA Fellow & Gold Medal, ISOR Fellow & SEE Fellow. Awarded Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences. President of Indian Society of Agronomy and Society for Rapeseed Mustard Research. Visited 20 countries for professional reasons and presented my research work. Took innovative measures towards education quality and reforms and strengthening of higher agricultural education. 54
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