craigieburn - Brotherhood of St Laurence


craigieburn - Brotherhood of St Laurence
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Rrom Craigieburn to
Sri Lanka, with love
Local residents come together to aid tsunami victims
Craigieburn residents have shown trem endous
support for Sri Lankans affected by the tsu­
nam i.
M embers o f the Craigieburn Sri Lankan
comm unity, employees o f the Craigiebum
and D istricts Fam ily Day Care Schem e and
Craigiebum Plaza shops pulled together to
send m uch-needed food and supplies to the
m ost needy coastal areas o f Sri Lanka.
“A fter the tsunami h it on Boxing Day, we
had carers com ing in, in tears,” said Eileen
Buckley, Craigiebum and Districts Fam ily Day
Care m anager. “A t th at stage it was the confu­
sion and n ot knowing w hether they had lost
relatives o r how safe th eir fam ilies w ere. They
asked fo r ou r help and what we could do to
help them .”
Two 40-foot-long freight containers were
filled with clothing, shoes, linens, toys, toilet­
ries, tents, hospital beds, m edical supplies and
a handcrafted w ooden boat. A third, similarlysized lo t was sent separately by air.
Every shop at Craigiebum Plaza got
involved, including Telfeet Shoes’ donation o f
500 pairs o f new shoes.
Thanks to th e efforts o f Craigiebum resi­
d en t and F o rd em ployee Sam P erera, Ford
p rocu red th e freigh t containers and sponsored
th eir shipping costs.
Ms BueH ey estim ates th e num ber o f
Craigiebum and Roxburgh Park residents o f
Sri Lankan descent to be m ore than 700.
■ I
pETatcgrapErs by Dianne Campbell
LEFT: Sam Perera arranges hospital beds in one of the freight containers bound for Sri Lanka.
TOP RIGHT: A scale view of one of the freight containers from th e outside.
BOTTOM RIGHT: Left to right: Family Day Care field worker Lea Leonard, carer Shamanthi
Amadoruge, her daughter Rajigha Amadoruge, 10, and manager Eileen Buckley among some
of the clothing, bedding and supplies donated by Craigiebum residents and businesses.
B rin gin g the
C om m unity
For enquiries to Craigiebum Plaza call Management
Y o u r L o ca l Shopping C e n tr e
F R OP £ R T Y
e O MS U
9431 2 6 3 6
Bridgewater News is an independent, net-for-profit newspaper
senfimg the communities of CraiigjeiMjni and Roxburgh Park. Hie
paper is ileiwered monthly to 10,500 homes and businesses.
Mews Is YOUR newspaper. Comments, ideas and
. letters to the editor are always welcome, as are your stories,
piisiqgrapte, d u b update and sports milestones.
All of our sutmissHMS come from volunteers, a diverse group
both in age and ability. You don’t need to have professional
writing, photography or artistic skills to make a difference only an interest in your community.
H h to r & HesigneFs Brin Lewis
Editorial intern: Kim Sandeman
Nicole Maschwitz
Contributors* Michael Bell, Martin Horan,
Paul Ledwicli, ,Beitf Maher, Josie Mitzi, Danny Morrison, Paul
Proctor, Vichy Wyatt, Felice Zoffi
Pi K
sI h
by Vicky W y a tt
Craigiebum and Roxburgh Park resi­
dents will have noticed the signage
fo r a new residential developm ent
under way in this comm unity.
G reenvale Lakes Estate is the latest
developm ent by P eet and Com pany
Ltd. T he site works fo r stage one,
including roads and services, are
already underway, and th e rite is
exp ected to be ready fo r construction
by Ju n e. The estim ated cost o f this
56-lot stage is m ore than $ 2 m illion.
G reenvale Lakes Estate will feature
a large area o f public open space
on top o f M ount Aitken, offering
a lookout with views o f G reenvale
Reservoir and the city skyline. The
future five-hectare park will include
barbecue and picnic facilities, a play­
ground and a series o f walking paths
that will weave th eir way from M t
Aitken through th e southern areas
o f G reenvale Lakes, to the future
Fitzroy VIC 3065
25 Jarm an 2005
Craigiebum VIC 3064
9305 5100
March issue deadline: 1 March 2005
Jtdireg'fiisisfg © M pm es: 9305 5100
Advertising deadline: 8 March 2005
Roxburgh Park and Craigiebum ,
The C raigiebum portion, however,
is currently proposed to be renam ed
to Greenvale. T he proposed change
will m ean th at Greenvale Lakes
will encom pass only G reenvale and
Roxburgh Park. M t Aitken will then
be situated in Greenvale and will
serve as the new landm ark th at will
separate the suburbs o f Craigiebum
and Greenvale. Enquiries regarding
this proposed boundary change can
be d irected to B en Jo rd an , corporate
research and response officer from
Hum e City Council’s C orporate
Policy and D irections departm ent.
A sales office fo r the Greenvale
Lakes estate is located a t 134 Hayfield
Rd, Roxburgh Park, and is open
Saturday to Thursday from n oon to 5
pm . All enquiries can he directed to
Brad M aitland on 9308 6333. A web­
site is also available at
: Brotherhood of St Laurence
M r i n : Streamline Press Ply Ltd
155 Johnston St
sporting facilities th at will be situated
on th e land previously owned by the
Royal A ustralian Navy.
T h e new Roxburgh N orth Prim ary
School, previously featured in this
colum n, is now open and is located
only a few m inutes from the new
A pproxim ately 4 0 stages have
been proposed fo r the develop­
m ent, with 2 ,0 0 0 housing lots, and
it is exp ected to be com pleted by
2012. The final cost o f the p roject is
estim ated a t $ 8 0 m illion, excluding
housing costs.
P eet and Com pany L td, originally
from W estern A ustralia, has been in
business fo r 110 years. O ther devel­
opm ents in V ictoria include Point
Cook G ardens, Brookland Greens
in G ranboum e, Panoram a Estate
in O fficer, Brim bank G ardens and
T am eit G ardens. This latest devel­
opm ent is bordered by Greenvale,
Twould like to take this opportunity
to thank the many people who have
dropped into m\ office in recen t
weeks with donations and supplies for
the tsunami victims.
I hav v been overwhelmed by the
lespon t and gt n erm ty o f the peeplc
o f Yuroke, particularly as I am aware
th at many have also donated to oth er
recen t fundraising efforts.
Everything from clothing, exercise
books, pencils, calculators, pens, pen­
cil eases, rulers and toys have been
given, and I am currently finalising
the details fo r this first batch to he
shipped over to Sri Lanka.
From my heart I thank you for
your kindness and feel Uiat through
this tragedy the people o f Yuroke have
teally shown that the spirit of giving is
alive and well.
-L iz B eattie
State M ember fo r Yuroke
D istribution o q o i e s Rank Kendall
CDS Distributors
9 309 8533
Views and Ideas expressed within this newspaper are not
necessaifl3rllM»eofBriE(g»«aterlVews or its staff.
l o
c a
Parliament of Victoria
Steve Bracks, Premier
1 Treasury Place
P0 Box 4 9 1 2 W
East Melbourne VIC 3002
phone: 9 651 5000
Proudly supported by:
Hume City Council
C r Kevin Sheahan, Mayor
Liz Beattie, M P for Yuroke
P0 Box 119
(includes Craigiebum and part of Roxburgh Park)
Dallas VIC 3047
3A Hamilton St / P0 Box 132
phone: 0409 0 1 1 553
Craigiebum VIC 3 064
phone: 9305 7177
of St Laurence
C r Drew Jessop, Aitken ward
(includes part of Craigiebum)
P0 Box 119
John Brumby, M P for Broadmeadows
Dallas VIC 3047
(includes part of Roxburgh Park)
phone: 9305 5 6 2 6 / 041 2 085 624
145A Wheatsheaf Rd
Glenroy VIC 304 6
Cr Robert Sheahan, Merri Merri ward
phone: 9 3 0 0 3851
(includes Roxburgh Park and part of Craigiebum)
P0 Box 119
Dallas VIC 3047
Parliament of Australia
phone: 0 4 1 1 7 0 1 525
Maria Vamvaldnou, M P for Calwell
C r Adem Atm aca, Woodlands ward
(Craigiebum and Roxburgh Park)
(includes part of Craigiebum)
Office 6, Broadmeadows Station Complex
PO Box 119
110 0 Pascoe Vale Rd
Dallas VIC 3047
Broadmeadows VIC 3047
phone: 0 4 1 1 701 527
phone: 930 9 365 5
by Felice Zoiti
reported by the Craigieburn Fire Brigade, the Craigiebum
C om m unity Em ergency Response Team (C E R T) and the
Craigiebum unit of the State Em ergency Service (S E S )
O n 2 February, m em bers
o f th e C raigiebum unit
o f th e SES attended an
accid en t on the co m er o f
David M unroe Drive and
Som erton Road, Roxburgh
Park, w here two cars had
collided. T here w ere no
injuries, and ou r assist­
an ce was n o t required.
A bout one h ou r later the
u n it attended an accid ent
on th e co m er o f David
M unroe Drive and Stainsby
C rescent, Roxburgh Park,
w here two cars had collided
but, again, ou r services
w ere n o t required.
O n W ednesday 2
February the big wet
started, and from noon on
th at day until 9 pm on 3
February, th e u n it was inun­
dated with calls to assist
residents needing help due
to th e heavy rain and strong
winds. D uring th at tim e,
the u n it answered m ore
than 130 calls requiring
assistance fo r trees fallen
on houses and roads, build­
ing dam age, flooding o f
houses, ro o f tiles blown off,
w ater leaking in to houses
through the roof, and
dam aged outbuildings, to
nam e ju st a few. A total o f
28 m em bers worked con­
tinuously fo r m ore than 36
hours, putting in 280 hours
total and travelling 560km
to townships including
G reenvale, Roxburgh Park,
C raigiebum , Som erton,
Kalkallo, Oaklands
Ju n ction , Eden Park,
M ickleham, Donnybrook
and Beveridge.
From 4 February until
8 pm on 11 February, the
u nit attended to a fu rth er
15 calls fo r assistance from
residents in m ost o f the
above towns. M ost o f the
calls w ere fo r trees fallen
on properties o r on roads.
Fifteen m em bers spent 75
hours and travelled 120km
attending to these calls.
for all emergencies, please ring 000
So long, farewell, from Bridgewater News
D ear Readers,
In your hands you hold the
second-to-last edition o f
Bridgew ater News. The M arch
issue will be ou r 1 7 ^ and
final edition.
Bridgew ater News was origi­
Australian-made and quality imported socks
Men’s and ladies’ hankies and summer hats
Wholesale prices
“ W e ’ ll beat any price
in C ra igie bu rn !”
Craigieburn Plaza
Monday to Saturday, 9am to 5.30pm
Phone: 9333 8600
nally created to fill a comm u­
nication gap in Craigiebum
and Roxburgh Park, and I
believe we have done that.
The com m unity we are leav­
ing is n ot the same one we
en tered, and th e need is n o t
the sam e. A m ultitude of fac­
tors, including the creation of
th ree oth er local papers, has
led to our decision to m ake
th e M arch issue our very last.
As editor, designer, photog­
rapher, w riter and ju st about
everything else, Bridgewater
News has been my baby, and
I have m ixed em otions about
its end. I am thrilled with
w hat we have been able to
accom plish by keeping local
residents inform ed about,
and active in , this comm unity.
I’ve loved watching the com ­
munity guide grow from h alf
a page to three pages, and
learning about the num erous
dubs th at have form ed as a
result o f you seeking inter­
est through th e paper. I have
received m any thank-you let­
ters and phone calls from you,
telling m e what a great jo b we
have been doing.
I will miss tire people o f
this comm unity, who have
shown m e th eir am azing,
w elcom ing spirit. I will n o t
miss the gradual decrease in
support and increase in workrelated pressure and responsi­
bilities, as I am plenty satisfied
with m y cu rren t cou n t o f grey
This has b een a fan tas-.
tic learning exp erien ce fo r
m e, and I h op e th ese'16
issues have m ade a differ­
ence to you, as w ell. I would
love to p rin t your final,
thoughts and com m ents,
however b rief o r long, angry
o r funny. Send them to
erin@bridgew atem ew o r
via post to 1 2 0 H othlyn Dr,
Craigieburn 3 064, by 7 M arch
fo r in d u tion in th e final edi­
A big thank-you m ust be
given to all o f th e sp o n so rs
an d advertisers who have sup­
p orted us throughout ou r
ru n , including B rotherhood
o f St L au ren ce, D elfin,
H um e City C ouncil, Safeway,
Craigiebirm Plaza and
H ighlands. O ur volunteers
have really te e n som ething
special; -without th e hun­
dreds o f hou rs you have
con tribu ted ,
never could have existed .
Lastly, th an k you, read ers, fo r
your p raise and suggestions
throu gh ou t o u r glorious yearam drahalf in n . Ifem have m ade
everything w orthw hile.
Bridgewater News
E rin
Relay raises funds in
fight against cancer
Craigiebum residents are get­
ting fit while raising funds fo r
th e fight against cancer.
Relay F o r lif e , an initia­
tive o f T he C an cer Council
V ictoria, is an overnight team
event th at involves an 18-hour
relaystyle walk o r ru n , in
w hich a b aton m ust m ove the
en tire tim e. It is currently the
world’s largest fundraising
event, with m ore than 3 0 ven­
ues in A ustralia alone.
T h e inaugural H um e
Relay fo r Life event will take
p lace in M arch. Craigiebum
resid ent and can cer survivor
C arol W hitehead is ch air o f
th e H um e Relay fo r lif e com ­
m ittee. “We are aim ing fo r
4 0 team s to participate, each
raising $ 1 ,0 0 0 , w hich will go
towards vital can cer research ,
education and support serv­
ices o f T he C an cer Council
’V ictoria,’’ Ms W hitehead said.
H ighlights o f th e event
include cam ping out, ten d s,
entertainm ent, and th e com ­
radeship th at results when a
com m unity join s togeth er fo r
a worthy cause.
M em bers o f W illm ott Park
G olf Club in Craigiebum
have b een raising funds and
will participate in th e event
as Putters on Parade. “We have
a few survivors who are m em ­
bers o f ou r d u b , and I’m sure
th at m ost people know som e­
one who has te e n affected
by can cer in som e way,” team
captain Philip W hitehead said.
M em bers o f th e com ­
m unity can g et involved by
registering a tram , providing
sponsorship-, volunteering on
th e day o r join in g tire volun­
te e r com m ittee fo r th e H um e
Relay F o r lif e ev en t
H um e Relay fo r Life will
b e held a t T h e Meadows,
Rroadm eadows, on 18 and 19
M arch, from 6 .3 0 pm Friday
u ntil 1 2 .3 0 pm Saturday.
Fmfurther rr^ormation, contact
Cand Whitehead on 0419104
350, MicheBe Watt at Hume City
Cocmdi Leisure Semices on 9205
2200, or Hie Cancer Council
Wctomm Supporters Hotline on
130065 6585.
to 1 pm, Craigiebum Leisure
Centre ear park, Craigiebum
Road. $ 1 0 per stall; bookings a
must. $5 table hire. Proceeds
benefit 1st Craigiebum Scouts.
Details: Greg Shields on 0419
886 907
C C D D I |AD \
r t o r i y#
Story reading, singing, rhymes
Craigiebum Market
Craft, trash and treasure. 8 am
Handmade items only. 9 am to
3 pm, Roxburgh Park Shopping
Centre, Somerton Road. $20
per stall, bookings a must.
Society’s Peaceful Land of
Clean Up Australia Day
Joy Meditation Centre, 1425
Clean up your local environment
Mickleham Rd, Yuroke (Melway
MickleharrwRd, Yuroke (Melway
and get involved. Organise a
ref: 385 J8). Entry fee: $5/$3
ref: 3 8 5 J8). Entry fee: $5/$3
Clean Up site or volunteer to
concession; free for children 12
concession; free for children 12
join an existing site. Details:
Kate Medhurst on 9205 2200
and under. Details: 9 333 1770,
and under. Details: 9 333 1770,
Proceeds benefit St John
Weekly preschool story time
Roxburgh Park Craft Market
Society’s Peaceful Land of
Joy Meditation Centre, 1425
Ambulance Community Care.
Details: Doreen on 9 744 2189
Losar, Tibetan New Year
Losar, Tibetan New Year
r r
- f ;,
Weekly preschool story time
Weekly preschool story time
Story reading, singing, rhymes
Story reading, singing, rhymes
and activities. This week’s
theme: teddy bears picnic. 2 to
and activities. This week’s
Meditation instruction, garden
Meditation instruction, garden
and activities. This week’s
theme: spiders. 2 to 2.45
and temple tours, photographic
and temple tours, photographic
theme: our bodies. 2 to 2.45
2.45 pm, Craigiebum Library,
pm, Craigiebum Library, 59
exhibition, craft market, book
exhibition, craft market, book
pm, Craigiebum Library, 59
59 Craigiebum Rd. Details:
Craigiebum Rd. Details: 9308
stalls and outdoor vegetar­
stalls and outdoor vegetar­
Craigiebum Rd. Details: 9308
ian cafes. Tibetan Buddhist
251 1
Business Clean Up Day
9 308 2511
International W omen’s Day
A range of events across Hume,
A unique opportunity for employ­
celebrating the contribution
ees to work as a team and
of women to our community.
ian cafes. Tibetan Buddhist
make a difference in the local
Details: Tracey Johnson on
community by participating in
9205 2566
Clean Up Australia Day. Details:
Kate Medhurst on 9 205 2200
Weekly preschool story time
Story reading, singing, rhymes
Schools Clean Up Day
Students can participate in
Clean Up Australia Day as part
of a school activity. Details:
Kate Medhurst on 9205 2200
and activities. This week’s
theme: Aussie animals. 2 to
2.45 pm, Craigiebum Library,
59 Craigiebum Rd. Details:
9308 2511
Sunbury Craft Market
Locally made craft items, plants
and produce. 10 am to 3 pm,
Sunbury Leisure Centre, 531
photograph by Ann Jessop
i r-
FEB R m n \r
f -m
7 7
F F E R F ” P Y
Elizabeth Dr, Sunbury. Details:
Frosa on 9 2 0 5 2 562
Shockwave 05
Big Family Fun Day
Christian youth concert and
Craigiebum Leisure Centre; pool opens from 7 pm and movie
10 am to 4 pm, DS Aitken Reserve. Music and dance stages,
entertainment aimed at ail
starts at approximately 8 .3 0 pm. Bring your blanket and togs,
Grand Street Parade, food, craft and novelty stalls, carnival
young people in the region. 5 to
have a dip, then settle in for a movie under the stars. The
rides, Humphrey B Bear, rock climbing, bungee trampolines,
11 pm, Village Green, Stawell
pool will be open throughout the movie. Rated PG. Admission:
mini golf, kids’ shows, animals, camel rides, Harley rides,
Street, Sunbury. Details: 9 7 4 4
$2 .5 0 children/students/concession (free for kids under 4);
face painting, Karaoke-4-Kids, heaps of hands-on activities
$ 4 adults; $10.25 family (2 adults, 3 kids)
Cia^peburn A rt Show - opening night
and, presented by Aitken Hill, the popular Wild Action Reptile
phone Betty on 9 3 0 8 1657
Cra^Sebuni A rt Show
10 am to 5 pm, Functions Lounge, Craigiebum Leisure Centre.
Looking for that special painting for your hortte? Come along
to Craigiebum Art Group’s 15th exhibition and select from the
huge display of oils, watercolours and pastels. Meet the art­
ists and talk with them about their works. Special collection:
Past, Present and Future of Craigiebum. Details: Betty on
9 3 0 8 1657
Demin Duck Derby
1 to 4 pm, Fairways Late (race starts at 3 .3 0 pm). Rubber
duckies compete for the title of derby champion; the first duck
to m ate it to shore wins. Only 5 0 entries available, limited
to one per group/family; register on the day from 1 .3 0 pm.
Prizes: I s1-: $ 100 gift voucher, 2™*: $ 5 0 gift voucher, 3 rt*: $25
gift voucher. Other entertainment includes a jumping castle,
live music, clowns and face painting. Details: Delfin Sales and
Information on 9 3 0 8 3 8 8 8
Youth Fest 2 005
11 am to 4 pm, Craigiebum Youth Room, Craigiebum Road.
Dunking machine, giant slide, skate ramps, ice-cream and spa­
ghetti-eating competition, tattoo artist, Pat’s Bus, Playstation 2
competition, barbecue and drinks. This is a drug- and alcoholfree event
A Whole Lotta Noise - Youth Fest continued
10 am. Parade route: Selwyn Avenue, Dianne Avenue, Rayfield
Shockwave 05
Avenue, Craigiebum Road West to DS Aitken Reserve. Come
Christian youth concert and
night sky explode in a shower of stars. Bring a blanket sit
Vietnamese storytime
ing, rhymes and activities. For
children 3 to 4 years of age. 2
pm, The Age Library, children’s
area, 1093 Pascoe Vale Rd,
and hear the thunder of the V8s as they start off the parade
entertainment aimed at all
young people in the region. 5
Broadmeadows. Free. Details:
community groups and schools as they parade through the
to 9 pm, Village Green, Stawell
Donna on 9356 6912.
streets around the reserve - or better still, make your own
Street, Sunbury. Details: 9 7 4 4
costume, or decorate your bike and join in! Best individual
640 4
entry wins $50.
Scout Car and B ite show
9 am, comer of Dianne and Selwyn avenues. Join in the
parade for a cruise around the streets of the reserve, then
park forjudging. 15 trophies; $10 per entry, $2 spectators.
Details: Peder on 0412 333 306
Note Printing Australia Stage, DS Aitken Reserve
10.45 am
Parade judging and prizes
11.0 0 am
Welcome to Country by Elder Uncle Norm Hunter
11.10 am
Ballam Baliam Cultural Group
11.3 0 am
Craigiebum School of Dance
12.30 pm
Code One Police Band
2 .0 0 pm
2.55 pm
Wild Action Show (presented by Aitken Hill)
Humphrey B Bear
3 .3 0 pm
Hume Performing Arts Program
Community Stage, DS Aitken Reserve
Wild Action Show (presented by Aitken Hill)
1.00 pm
Rlipino folk dance
1.20 pm
Craigiebum South Primary School Choir
1.50 pm
Homestead Cultural Dancers
10 am to 5 pm, Functions Lounge, Craigiebum Leisure Centre.
back and watch the show.
Details: 930 8 2511
with a couple of laps of the reserve, then cheer along local
with some jamming on stage. Details: 920 5 2588
CFA Torchlight Parade
10 pm (approx.), DS Aitken Reserve. Watch the Craigiebum
Library, 59 Craigiebum Rd.
Bilingual English and
2.10 pm
Craigiebum Secondary College Choir
Craigiebum A rt Show
DS Aitken Reserve— a must-see for all.
Firew orks Finale
books and good conversation.
Vietnamese story reading, sing­
Shows. Bring your hat and sunscreen and join in the fun.
Grand Street Parade
4 to 8 pm, DS Aitken Reserve. Our youth heat up the night air
8 .4 5 to 9 .4 5 pm, begins at Craigiebum Plaza and finishes at
Celebrate Seniors Week with a
free morning tea, lots of new
All welcome. 11 am, Craigiebum
Starlight Howie: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Functions Lounge, Craigiebum Leisure Centre. For invitations,
Seniors Week celebrations:
books and bikkies
Looking for that special painting for your home? Come along
to Craigiebum Art Group’s 15th exhibition and select from the
huge display of oils, watercolours and pastels. Meet the art­
ists and talk with them about their works. Special collection:
Past, Present and Future of Craigiebum. Details: Betty on
9 308 1657
tEfH3/Mf m oeara
S A TU R D A Y 26™ & S U N D A Y 27™
10 a.m, - 5 p.m. DAILY
Held at the Function Rooms
Craigiebum Leisure Centre
Craigiebum Road West
Proudly supported by
ployed or on low incomes; an
Learn the basis of general
Street, Somerton. Details: John
Read and discuss a new book
Whiltshire Dr, Roxburgh Park.
outreach of the Broadmeadows
education, focusing on English,
each month. Group meets
Details: Maxima Smith on 0416
Community Legal Service.
maths and general studies,
monthly on Tuesdays from 7 to
Wednesdays from 10 am to
for people from both English
Monaghan on 9205 2413
Craigieburn Community
Advisory Committee
8 pm, Homestead Community,
184 3 8 4
The Maori Federation
and non-English backgrounds.
A great way to meet new people
Arts and Cultural Centre, 30
Maori and Pacific island group
Laurence, 120 Hothlyn Dr,
Certificate Levels I and II availa­
and keep informed about the
Whiltshire Dr, Roxburgh Park.
rehearses music and dance
Craigieburn. $5 booking fee.
ble. Visy Cares Learning Centre,
developments in your area.
$55 annual fee, $40 conces­
weekly. Homestead Community,
Appointments: 9302 3911
Meditation practice sessions
3-13 Hudson Circuit, Meadow
New members always welcome.
A group of people who love to
Details: Kiri Dewes on 8305
Lankan Buddhist temple, 1690
Details: Vicky on 9308 1669
Craigieburn Residents
sion. Details: 9308 0794
LEGO enthusiasts
Arts and Cultural Centre, 30
Heights. Details: 9301 5100
Kids in the Kitchen: Easter
collect and build LEGO models.
Mickleham Rd, Yuroke. Free.
Kids will make a rocky-rpad
Address issues with local,
Family groups are linost wel­
Vietnamese women’s group
Details: 9333 4848
Youth centre “Drop In”
bird’s nest with M&M’s and
state and federal politicians to
come to come and see. Meets
Share your life experience,
Craigieburn Market
Easter eggs. Wednesday 30
ensure that positive outcomes
quarterly at Selwyn House, 20
health issues and parenting
Craft, trash and treasure. 8 am
• Craigieburn: Play pool, table
March from 4 to 5.30 pm,
are achieved. Meets monthly
Selwyn Ave, Craigieburn. Cost
skills. Enjoy a traditional lunch
to 1 pm, Craigieburn Leisure
tennis, air hockey or music and
Selwyn House, 20 Selwyn Ave,
at Selwyn House, 20 Selwyn
of a gold coin donation. Details:
and cultural activities. Mondays
Centre car park, Craigieburn
hang out with your friends. Ages
Craigieburn. $10; apron and
Ave, Craigieburn. Details: 9308
from 10 am to 1 .30 pm, Orana
Road. $10 per stall; bookings a
12 to 18 welcome. Thursdays
container required. Details:
must. $5 table hire. Proceeds
from 4 to 6 pm, Craigieburn
Neighbourhood Watch
Ben on 9308 1477
North-Western Sew ‘n’ Sews
benefit 1st Craigieburn Scouts.
Youth Centre, Craigieburn Road
Relay for Life
A team event aimed at raising
funds for cancer research. 24
hours of fun, with the chal­
lenge of completing a relay
style walk/run. 6 .3 0 to 12.30
pm, The Meadows, Northcorp
Boulevard, Broadmeadows.
Details: 9205 2200
pm. Brotherhood of St
Saturdays from 4 to 6 pm, Sri
Whiltshire Dr, Roxburgh Park.
Family Services, 6 Papworth
Details: Greg Shields on 0419
(behind library, next to council
9308 1477
Kumon maths and English
study centre
Quiet and friendly meetings,
twice monthly on Tuesdays
886 907
Roxburgh Park Harmony Day
office). Details: Ann Smith on
An after-school maths and
where you can meet local
from 10.30 am to 2.30 pm,
Learn more about Turkish
9205 2588
English program that develops
police and discuss crime and
Homestead Community,
culture and Islamic educa­
• Roxburgh Park: Play pool,
concentration and confidence
other issues. New members
Arts and Cultural Centre, 30
tion. Sundays from 7 to 8.30
Cultural performances and
table tennis, soccer, board
in children from preschool
welcome. 7 pm, Willmott Park
Whiltshire Dr, Roxburgh Park.
pm, Homestead Community,
food from around the world,
games or Xbox, or create
through secondary school.
Primary School, Dorchester
$3 per session. Details: Bev on
Arts and Cultural Centre, 30
Whiltshire Dr, Roxburgh Park.
Share skills, exchange
Place, Meadow Heights.
Section Hume 20 (Craigieburn).
ideas and have fun. Meets
Details: Ayse on 9302 2700
Turkish cultural group
dance workshops, youth activi­
art projects or sing karaoke.
Every Tuesday and Friday from 4
Street, Craigieburn. Details:
9841 6135 or Judy on 9308
ties and more. 11 am to 8.30
Wednesdays from 3.30 to 6
to 7 pm (including school holi­
pm, Roxburgh Park Youth and
pm, Roxy Youth Centre (near
days), Craigieburn Guides Hall,
Scrapbookers group
Recreation Centre, Lakeside
Roxburgh Park Secondary
Hamilton Street. Diagnostic
Jenny Dew on 9305 5163
Roxburgh Park Residents
Drive. Details: Donna on 9308
School gym). Details: Rael on
tests are free. Details: Rami
A local information exchange.
079 4
Sunbury Community Festival
9301 5340
Abanilla on 9305 6567
Party Finger Food
Second Wednesday of each
Craft and food stalls, carnival
Quick and easy food for your
Park social club rooms,
rides, children’s activities. 9
next party: garlic prawn skew­
am to 10 pm, with a torch light
ers, chicken wontons, home­
parade at 8 pm. Details: 9205
made spring rolls, mini pizzas,
etc. Thursday 24 February from
Sunbury Community Festival
Craft and food stalls, carnival
rides, children’s activities. Noon
Hume Global
Learning Village
to 6 pm: rock and roll day with
Apply Advanced First Aid
From Certificate III Business;
covers the application of skills
Weekly preschool story time
Story reading, singing, rhymes
and activities. This week’s
theme: bugs. 2 to 2.45
and knowledge in an emer­
gency in the workplace where
advanced treatment options
are required. Wednesdays, 23
pm, Craigieburn Library, 59
Craigieburn Rd. Details: 9308
Meadow Heights. Details: 9302
contacts. Meetings are infor­
7 to 9 pm, Selwyn House, 20
Art Appreciation Group
mal, friendly and supportive.
Selwyn Ave, Craigieburn. $24.
A group of budding artists who
First, third and fifth Tuesday
Details: 9308 1477
Seafood on a Budget
meet to share skills and sto­
of every month at 7.30 pm,
ries. Mondays from 10 am to
excluding school holidays.
Make Thai fish cakes, crab
cakes, mornays and vol-au-
7 to 9 pm, Selwyn House, 20
Selwyn Ave, Craigieburn. $24.
Details: 9308 1477
Hume Performing Arts Program
Jazz ballet, tap dancing, musi­
cal theatre, classical, multicul­
tural dance workshops, Latin
and basic ballroom dancing,
welcome. Bingo, bridge and
occasional bus excursions.
Mondays from 11 am to 2.30
directors proud to share our
plays with our own community;
we have won many awards at
various Victorian theatrical
festivals. We need people to
help with set-building, costume
Arabic postnatal group
pm, Craigieburn Leisure Centre
Child care and transport can be
function rooms, Craigiebum
arranged. Fridays from 10 am
Road West. $2 annual member­
to noon, Orana Family Services,
ship ($3 for couples) plus $1
6 Perry Court, Roxburgh Park.
per session. Tea and coffee
Details: Emily on 9302 2700
Arabic women’s group
included; BYO lunch. Details:
Craigiebum. Free. Details: 9308
Annual membership: $25
Details: Hoda on 930 1 5200
Australian Timorese elderly
Happy Club
Craft groups
Social group for any Timorese
astic, mature-aged people.
person wishing to get to know
Outings, movies, picnics and
• Wednesdays from 10
other Timorese in the area.
more. Mondays from 1 to 3
am onwards, Homestead
Thursdays from 2 to 4 pm,
pm, Homestead Community,
Community, Arts and Cultural
Room 1, Dianella Community
Arts and Cultural Centre, 30
and learn; building cooperation
Centre, 30 Whiltshire Dr,
Health, 21-27 Hudson Circuit,
Whiltshire Dr, Roxburgh Park.
in young children; managing
Roxburgh Park. No charge; bring
Meadow Heights. Details: 9308
Cost of a gold coin donation.
tantrums, misbehaviours and
your own craft project or pay for
materials. Details: 9308 0794
Hmong social support group
• Mondays from 1.30 to 3 .30
Ambulance Community Care.
children; promoting chilren’s
Details: Doreen on 974 4 2189
language and development;
tiny tots dance, intellectual
disabled dance classes, sing­
ing and drama at Craigieburn
Leisure Centre, Roxburgh Park
Youth and Recreation Centre
and other locations throughout
Hume. Contact Leanne on
9436 7184 or 0417 114 132
for an information pack
helping children concentrate
problems. Meadow Heights:
Tuesdays, 22 February thrpugh
29 March, from 6.30 to 8.30
pm; no child care available.
Banksia Gardens: Thursdays,
for adults, $5 for juniors.
Details: Lynn on 9408 6932,
Social group for enthusi­
Social group for Hmong commu­
Details: 930 8 0 7 9 4
Hume Social Club For 4 0 and
pm; Tuesdays from 10 am to
nity members to chat and get
Fun and entertainment in the
noon; Tuesdays from 1.30 to
together. Fridays from 11 am
northern suburbs for ages 40
to 2 pm, Visy Cares Learning
and above. Functions include
dances, theatre nights, bowl­
pm (school term only);
Room 1, Dianella Community
Centre, 3-13 Hudson Circuit,
from 10 am to noon; lim­
Health, 21-27 Hudson Circuit,
Meadow Heights. Details: 9308
ing, barbecues and weekends
ited child care available. Free.
Meadow Heights. Open to any
away. New members welcome.
Details/bookings: Dianne or
lady wishing to make interest­
Indian Association of Roxburgh
and $50 for couples. Details:
24 February through 31 March,
lies, deceptions, dangerous
Paula on 9302 2700
English as a Second Language
(E SL)
liaisons and all the trouble and
Classes depend on your level
confusion caused by them. The
of English. The Adult Migrant
Cathouse Theatre, Potter Street,
Education Program helps
Craigieburn. Details: Lynn on
migrants and refugees from
940 8 6932
non-English-speaking back­
grounds settle successfully in
Australia. Visy Cares Learning
Centre, 3-13 Hudson Circuit,
assist those who are unem­
Details: 5783 1450
Cathouse Players
A group of local actors and
Selwyn House, 20 Selwyn Ave,
encouraging and supporting
Legal advice and referrals to
coin donation. Details: 9308
Social group for people aged
Whiltshire Dr, Roxburgh Park.
Proceeds benefit St John
Legal service
55 and over; new members
Arts and Cultural Centre, 30
per stall, bookings a must.
8, 9 , 1 5 and 16 April. A
Wellington Street, Wallan.
Potter Street, Craigieburn.
ics: being a responsive parent;
Cathouse Players comedy about
Wallan Neighbourhood House,
Fridays from 10 am to noon,
sions covering the following top­
Relatively Speaking
noon, Selwyn House, 20 Selwyn
Ave, Craigieburn. Cost of a gold
Based at the Cathouse Theatre,
Centre, Somerton Road. $20
Craigiebum Senior Citizens
Social group for people over 40.
the ages of 0 and 6. Six ses­
noon to 4 pm, Orana Family
Homestead Community,
3 pm, Roxburgh Park Shopping
251 1
Services, 6 Papworth Place,
backstage and front of house.
parents with children between
Craigieburn Rd. Details: 9308
Members share current work,
Receive social support,
Handmade items only. 9 am to
pm, Craigieburn Library, 59
Wright on 9305 1035
have fun and make friends.
Roxburgh Park Craft Market
and activities. This week’s
Wallan Writers Group
depression. Wednesdays from
Lakeside Drive. Details: Ewan
lighting, video production,
An early-years program for all
theme: cows. 2 to 2.45
outings and events to overcome
design and production, sound,
to 9.30 pm. Selwyn House, 20
Details: 9308 1477
Confident Parenting
Story reading, singing, rhymes
programs, workshops, social
Craigieburn. Details: 9308
month at 7.30 pm, Roxburgh
Pat Stock on 9 308 2141
Friday Friendlies
February to 23 March, from 7
Selwyn Ave, Craigieburn. $76.
W eekly preschool story time
Get together and run exercise
Selwyn House, 20 Selwyn Ave,
tips, techniques and useful
food. Thursday 31 March from
Details: 9205 2200
Share ideas and pick up tips.
Thursdays from 10 am to noon,
;,r r . ,:<H3BY
vents using commercial sea­
“Show and Shine” car display.
Details: Ahmet on 0 413 800
Turkish women’s group
ing craft pieces. Details: 9308
Craigieburn and Roxburgh Park
Advisory Group
Open to any local person
interested in discussing local
service issues. Six-weekly
meetings on Wednesdays,
Dianella Community Health, 55
Craigieburn Rd, Craigieburn.
Details: 9308 1222
Craigieburn Bypass Local
Community Advisory Group
Meadow Heights. Details: 9301
Meets every two to three
General Education for Adults
months at VicRoads, Cooper
Membership: $35 for singles
Supports and promotes people
Alison PennySmith on 9305
Craigieburn Art Group
from an Indian sub-continent
Our aim is to encourage people
cultural background. Meets
668 4 or 041 9 377 418
to try their hand at drawing
at Homestead Community,
Group suitable for the “inbe-
or painting. All welcome, from
Arts and Cultural Centre, 30
tween” age of 4 0 to 60 for
beginners to accomplished
Whiltshire Dr, Roxburgh Park.
weekly weigh-in, cuppa and
artists. Positive criticism
chat. Thursdays from 9 am to
holidays) at 7.30 pm, Uniting
Details: Priya on 930 8 0687
Kapitbahayan Filipino
Church, cnr Diane Avenue and
Organises activities, fun pro­
Craigiebum Rd, Craigiebum.
Rayfield Street, Craigieburn.
grams and events. Meets
Free. Details: 930 8 1222
Details: Betty on 9308 1657
Homestead Book Worms
at Homestead Community,
only. Mondays (except public
3 pm (on bus trip), meet at
Dianella Community Health, 55
Arts and Cultural Centre, 30
games Tuesday and Thursday
• Craigieburn Cricket Club
Wednesdays from 9 to 10 am;
(ages 6 to 8), Wednesdays
evenings, 4 to 6.30 pm,
Affiliated with the Victorian Turf
Craigiebum Leisure Centre gym,
4 .3 0 to 5.30 pm; Cub Scouts
Brotherhood of St Laurence,
international Skills Share
Craigieburn Road West (immedi­
Cricket Association and North
Craigiebum Road. $3.90 per
(8 to 11), Mondays 5.30 to 7
1 2 0 Hothlyn Dr, Craigiebum.
People of all ages and nation­
ately east of the sporting club).
West Cricket Association. Open
session for members; $5.10
pm, Thursdays 7 to 8 .3 0 pm;
alities get together for lunch,
Players must wear flat-soled
to ages 6 and up. Season
Scouts (11 to 15), Wednesdays
7 .3 0 to 9 .30 pm; Venturers (14
Details: Lisa on 930 5 5 1 1 4
Friends of Craigieburn
to 18), Mondays 7 .30 to 9,30
For those interested in the
pm. Details: Jeff Mcllvain on
ongoing management, moni­
m m m m D
f r o m .p a g e
of each month at 7 .30 pm,
stories, skills and craft.
shoes. Details: Nazio Mancini
begins Saturday 2 October until
Wednesdays; lunch from 12.30
on 9305 5850 or June Murray
finals in March. Committee
casual. Details: 9308 1222
Parents of Hearing Impaired
support group
to 1 pm and from activities
meetings held monthly. DS
For parents who have a child
until 2 .3 0 pm. Orana Family
on 9 308 4361
Craigieburn Dart Club
Aitken Reserve, Craigiebum.
with a hearing impairment
Services, 6 Perry Court,
The club plays each Wednesday
- meet for a cuppa and chat.
Roxburgh F’ark. Details: 9302
night and holds meetings
Details: 9 308 1830
Cycling groups
930 8 196 5
Young women’s group
toring and conservation of
Last Tuesday of every month,
Arts and crafts, video nights,
Details: Wendy Moore on 9 3 5 4
2 700
Ladies social group
monthly. For locations and
Informal training rides in two
10 am to noon, Room 1,
guest speakers, bowling and
times, refer to the noticeboard
groups: 80-100 km (A) or 30-
Dianella Community Health,
more. Open to all young women
Open to women 6 0 years young
at the Craigieburn Sporting
4 0 km (B); every Sunday at
21-27 Hudson Circuit, Meadow
in grades 7 and 8. Wednesdays
Lions Club of Roxburgh Park
and Districts
or over for a cuppa, guest
Club, Craigieburn Road West.
8 am. Informal mountain-bike
Heights. Free. Details: 9308
from 3 .3 0 to 6 pm, Craigiebum
Interested in community
speakers, health activities,
New members welcome.
excursions to Gellibrand Park
Youth Centre, Craigieburn Road
service? Want to meet new
chat and regular outings. Cost
Details: Steve Thomas on 9308
or other local off-road destina­
PS Child
(behind library, next to council
friends? Serving Roxburgh Park,
varies, depending on outing.
tions: Thursdays during daylight
For parents of children with hid­
office). Details: Ann Smith on
Craigiebum, Greenvale and sur­
Fortnightly meetings and out­
2990 or 0425 342 231
Craigiebum Golf Club
saving at 6 pm. Both groups
den intellectual or learning dif­
9205 2588
ings from 10.45 am to 12.30
Affiliated with the Victorian
meet outside the Bike Shed,
ficulties. Mondays from 10 am
Craigiebum grasslands. Free.
rounding areas. First and third
Tuesdays of every month; new
pm, Dianella Community Health,
Golfing League and Women’s
63 Hamilton St, Craigiebum.
to noon, Orana Family Services,
members welcome. Details:
55 Craigiebum Rd, Craigieburn.
Golf Victoria. Ladies’ club com­
Details/requirements: Alan on
6 Perry Court, Roxburgh Park.
Paul on 933 3 2 2 3 4 or Frank on
Details: 9 3 0 8 1222
M en’s group
petitions on Wednesdays and
Details: Margaret on 8 3 1 0
Saturdays, men’s club competi­
9 308 1788
Ladies Badminton Club
Suitable for the mature gentle­
tions on Saturdays. Craigieburn
Thursdays from 9.30 am to
Craigiebum Country Women's
9333 3720
Municipal Community
Transport Group
man wishing to go on regular
Sporting Club, Craigieburn Road
12.30 pm, Craigiebum Leisure
9 804
Roxburgh Park TO W N support
bus trips to interesting places.
West. $55 annual fee. Details:
Centre, Craigieburn Road. $5
(Take Off Weight Naturally)
Third Wednesday of each
month, St Thomas Church, cnr
Dianne Avenue and Rayfield
Street, Craigieburn. $26 annual
Fourth Thursday of each month
at 4 pm, 120 Hothlyn Dr,
Steering committee for the
Hume Transport links Project.
per week. Creche facilities
pickup) to 4 .3 0 pm (drop off);
Graeme Trew on 9308 2774
Footy clubs
We don’t pretend to know any
available (club subsidises
secret way to lose weight We
fee. Details: June Sterritt on
meet at Dianella Community
• Craigiebum Junior Football
the creche fee), morning tea
meet to listen to each other’s
9308 3947
Craigiebum. Call Jason Doyle
Health, 55 Craigiebum Rd,
Involving Craigieburn U/10,
provided after play. Details:
thoughts about food, hear guest
on 9 302 3 8 1 1 for information
Craigiebum. Details: 9308
U/12, U/14 and U/16 teams.
Kerryne Zoanetti on 9308 2302
speakers in the areas of nutri­
Craif^eburn Dog Obedience
Mondays from 8 .4 5 am (bus
Committee meetings: first
or Margaret English on 9308
tion and fitness, and share
No Limits social club
Wednesday of each month
ideas on lowtat cooking and
motivation. Wednesdays at 6
Group activities for those over
(through September) at 8 pm,
Self-defence club
18 with physical/multiple dis­
Vic Foster Reserve club rooms.
Self-defence for kids and mar­
pm, Roxburgh Park Recreation
abilities. Members organise
Members welcome to attend.
tial arts for adults. Tuesdays
Centre, Lakeside Drive. $35
outings and functions. New
Details: Bernie Shinners on
from 6 .15 to 8 .3 0 pm and
one-time enrolment fee, then
members welcome. Details:
0 419 338 382
Wednesdays from 6.30 to
$ 4 per meeting. Details: Josie
Dianne Eggins or Rona Cook on
• Craigieburn Seniors Football
8 .30 pm, Roxburgh Homestead
on 0 4 1 4 869 223 or Grace on
9894 8966
Young Parents Under 25
B-grade footy for the Essendon
Primary School gymnasium,
and District Football Club. New
McPherson Boulevard, Roxburgh
0 409 9 2 0 9 2 8
Roxburgh Parents Without
Partners (P W P )
Discuss experiences, share
members and supporters wel­
Park. Details: John Rizzo on
knowledge, support one another
come. Games: under-18s at
0408 417 047
and have fun through organised
9 .30
trips and activities. Thursdays
seniors at 2.15 pm. DS Aitken
erings. New member nights:
fourth Thursday of each month
Reserve, Craigieburn Road
Family Services, 6 Perry Court,
West, Craigieburn. Details;
Roxburgh Park. Details: 9302
Peter Harris on 9305 5922
Craigiebum Netball Association
Juniors, seniors and mixed netball teams. New members and
Angling club
Experience all types of fish­
ing with this family-oriented
club. You don't need a boat,
as we usually fish from land.
Meetings: first Tuesday of
every month from 8 pm, the
old pro shop, Wilimott Park
Golf Club, 235 Craigiebum Rd
West, Craigiebum. $50 family
membership fee. Details: Rod
Wilimott on 9308 2625
B ack strengthening group
Practical information and gentle
exercises for back strength,
open to those who have
been assessed by our physi­
otherapist. Wednesdays from
9 .3 0
to 10.15 am, Room 1,
Dianella Community Health,
21-27 Hudson Circuit, Meadow
Heights. $5 per session.
Details: 9 3 08 1222
C ity of Hume Swimm ing Club
Swim for fun or come and train.
Open to all ages; new swim­
mers welcome. Every morning
excluding Thursdays from 5.30
to 7 am; Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday evenings from 7
to 8 .3 0 pm. Craigiebum Leisure
Centre, Craigieburn Road W est
$12 per week to train plus
$ 2 pool entry. Details: Kaye
Jenkins on 9 308 1920
Craigiebum Bowling Club
A game for the whole family our club members range in age
from 1 1 to 83. Full free year of
membership and free instruc­
tion for beginners. Practice
open houses and other gath­
am, reserves at noon and
from 2 .3 0 to 4.30 pm, Orana
2 700
supporters welcome. Games:
juniors on Saturdays; seniors
on Monday nights, Wednesday
mornings and Wednesday
Leisure Centre, Craigieburn
Cooke (juniors) on 9308 3834,
Val Price (seniors) on 9308
Craigiebum Tennis Club
Competition series run all year:
ladies on Tuesday nights and
Thursday afternoons; men on
Thursday nights; mixed players
on Wednesday nights; juniors
on Friday nights and Saturday
mornings. New members
welcome. Craigieburn Tennis
Club, Selwyn Ave, Craigieburn.
brisk walk around Craigieburn,
followed by stretches and
relaxation. Regular bus trips.
Tuesdays at 9.30 am, meet at
Dianella Community Health, 55
Craigiebum Rd, Craigieburn.
Free. Details: 9308 1222
Cricket clubs
• Roxburgh Park Cricket Club
Committee meetings held
on the last Monday of every
month. Details: 9308 7531,
Tracy Brigham on 0419 524
655 or Glen Smith on 0407
056 438.
20 Selwyn Ave, Craigiebum.
Program - a social and learn­
Dances: fourth Friday of each
ing program for adults aged
month in Airport West. $ 4 9 .5 0
20 to 60 with an acquired dis­
annual fee allows attendance
ability. Tuesdays from noon to
to all PWP functions within
4 pm, Hume Global Learning
Victoria. Details: Maree oh
Centre, 1093 Pascoe Vale Rd,
9308 196 0 or Cheryle on 9308
Broadmeadows. $5 per ses­
3 764
Adult Day Activity Support
Road West. Details: Sharon
Open to anyone ready for a
at 7 .30 pm, Selwyn House,
Adult Community Activity
ogy and animal care. Open
Interested in community service
to all dog owners. Sundays
and awareness? Rotarians are
from 9.45 to 11 am , Hothfyn
business and professional lead­
Drive reserve, Craigiebum. $ 2
ers who take an active role in
per session (includes coffee).
Details: Fay Harding on 9 3 0 5
690 1
lyrraifpeDiiffi iiistoneai iinefest
Collecting, managing, preserv­
ing and promoting our local
historical assets both past
and present New members
welcome. Fourth Wednesday
their communities while greatly
enriching their personal and
professional lives. Servicing
Craigiebum, Roxburgh Park,
Mickleham and Greenvale.
Tuesdays at 7 .3 0 pm, II
Ciccio’s, cnr Hume Highway
and Camp Road, Campbellfield.
Details: Gino diCorrado on
0438 237 834
9205 2514
ADASS - frail aged
Thursday nights. Craigieburn
0 438 372 457
Craigiebum walking and
relaxation group
on how to join
Rotary Club of Craigieburn
sion. Details: Sue Smith on
nights; mixed teams on
Details: Peter Ferguson on
Monthly dances, barbecues,
Basic obedience, dog psychol­
Craigiebum Little Athletics
Service and carer respite, with
For children aged 5 to 15.
monthly bus trips to interest­
Season operates during
ing destinations. Mondays and
school year: Saturdays from
Wednesdays from 10 am to 3
8 .3 0 to 11.30 am and some
pm, Dianella Community Health,
Wednesdays from 5 .30 to 8.30
55 Craigieburn Rd, Craigieburn.
pm. Vic Foster Reserve, Pines
$5 per session. Details: 9308
Way, Craigiebum. $55 per sea­
son. Details: Regina on 0 4 0 8
ADASS - young disabled
Adult Day Activity Support
3 0 0 522
Girl’s stuff group
Service and carer respite, with
A program for girls aged 12
monthly bus trips to interest­
to 1 4 to discuss girl stuff.
ing destinations. Saturdays
Wednesdays from 3 .3 0 to 6
from 10 am to 3 pm, Dianella
pm (school term only), Dianella
Community Health, 55
youth room, 55 Craigiebum
Craigieburn Rd, Craigieburn.
Rd, Craigiebum. Details: 930 8
$5 per session. Details: 9308
Guides Australia
Alcoholics Anonymous
Open to girls aged 5 to 15.
Sundays from 8 to 9 .30 pm,
Dalbum Guides meet Mondays
Selwyn House, 20 Selwyn Ave,
6 .3 0 to 8 pm, Craigiebum
Craigieburn. Free. Details: 9429
Guide Hall, Hamilton Street,
Arthritis self-help group
Craigiebum. Details: Julie
Dawson on 93 3 3 2 201.
Information and/or gentle exer­
Roxburgh Park Guides meet
cises for anyone with arthritis.
Saturdays 1 0 to 1 1 .3 0 am,
Information sessions: third
Roxburgh Park Youth and
Wednesday of each month
Recreation Centre, Roxburgh
from 10 am to noon, Room 7,
Park. Details: Amanda Gourlay
Dianella Community Health, 55
on 9 333 2 010
Scouts Australia
Craigiebum Rd, Craigiebum.
$1 donation for tea and cof­
For boys and girts aged 6 to
fee. Gentle exercises: Mondays
18. Free three-week trial period.
and Fridays from 8 to 9 am;
Meeting times: Joey Scouts
1. Hour Game by David Baldacci
2. W inter House by Carol O’Connell
3. Deep Black by Andy McNab
4. Brother Fish by Bryce Courtenay
5. Breach of Trust by DW Buffa
6. Whiteout by Ken Follett
7. Body Double by Tess Gerritsen
8. The Graft by Martina Cole
9. Above Suspicion by Lynda La Plante
ID . Echoes by Danielle Steel
& Ssnr.
5? I
± . The Bourne Suprem acy
2. H arry Potter and the Prisoner ofAzkaban
3. White Chicks
4 . W alking Tan
5. Dodgeball
6. Man on Fire
7. The Village
8. Catwoman
9 . Suddenly 3 0
1 0 .1, Robot
Sources: Cnqgebum Library, BLOCKBUSTER® Roxburgh Park
by R ho nda Petschel
Today we have fewer children
walking to school— because
th eir parents drive them
instead. This contributes to
children becom ing inactive,
and recen t research tells us
th at inactive children are
m ore likely to be overw eight
In the lon g term , inactive
children are m ore likely to
continue th at p attern as they
grow older.
As a com m unity, it’s im por­
tan t to find innovative ways to
establish patterns o f physical
activity, such as walking, in
S l'U k t1 fePCi'QiMtN. rofacs. Do*' hivi r
a child’s life from the begin­
ning. A W alking School Bus is
a way o f m eeting this need.
A Walking School Bus
(W SB) is a program in which
prim ary school children walk
to school in sm all groups on
a regular basis. E ach bus has
adult volunteers who a ct as
drivers/supervisors. Children
walk to school on a set route,
picking up additional passen­
gers along the way a t desig­
nated bus stops.
T h ere are m any potential
benefits fo r the community,
children and volunteers th at
In good faith
Room to grow
tips and tricks for your garden
by D a n n y M orriso n
As autum n is fast approaching and we have received some
u nexpected, m uch-needed rain , now is th e tim e to get back
into your garden.
M ost gardens have been u n d er stress fo r a long period o f
tim e, with m ost lawns looking like wasteland, but you will be
surprised by how quickly they will com e back to life with a
little TLC.
S tart by rem oving any broad-leaf weeds, as they com pete
fo r both m oisture and any nutrients in the soil. These can
be rem oved by hand, but m ake sure to rem ove all o f the
roots. A nother m ethod is to use a selective herbicide, such as
Bindii Clover K iller o r Broadban; these herbicides are very
effective in eradicating weeds such as bindii, clover, dande­
lion, plantain and duckw eed, but they have no effect on tu rf
grasses such as fescue, rye and cou ch . D on’t use them on
buffalo lawns as m oisture is getting into the soil; if it’s n ot,
now w ould b e a good tim e to aerate th e soil. This can done
with garden fork if your lawn isn’t too big, o r fo r larg er areas,
m otorised aerators can be hired from good hire shops.
A nother way to m ake th e m ost o f any rainfall is to apply a
soil-wetting a g e n t T h e n ext step is to top-dress an d re se e d ,
m aking sure to use a good quality topsoil and prem ium lawn
seed. Tall fescue is a very hard-w earing lawn th at, on ce estab­
lished, is d rou gh t-tolerant Shadem aster is a b lend o f fine
and tall fescue and rye grass; this is ideal fo r a shaded posi­
tion as well as full sun.
T he o th er m ethod is to lay instant tu rf; this is an ideal way
to g et th at professional-looking lawn, but with all o f the h ard
w ork done fo r you. O ne o f the m ost popular turfs available
is Sunlover, a hard-w earing, low -m aintenance lawn th at stays
green all year long, w ith a deep ro o t system th at m akes it
Soft-leafed buffalo is a hardy, drought-tolerant tu rf th at
will retain its colou r throughout winter. It is also self-repair­
in g and well suited to a low -m aintenance garden.
Showpiece, as th e nam e suggests, is the Rolls-Royce o f
lawns, with very fine blades an d a deep green colour. This is
th e lawn you n eed if you require th at m anicured appearance.
Able to grow in full sun to a sem i-shaded position, this tu rf
looks a t its b est all year round.
As o f 1 M arch, M elbourne will have p erm anent water-sav­
in g m easures in place th at will allow us to again w ater ou r
lawns u n d er certain conditions: a hand-held hose fitted with
a trigger nozzle, w atering cans o r buckets during any tim e o f
the day. M anual w atering systems (th at you tu rn o ff and on
by hand) can be used between 8 pm and 10 am , and auto­
m atic systems between 10 pm and 10 am . These m easures are
designed to encourage hom e gardeners to be m ore efficient
in th e ways we use water.
If you have m anaged to keep your lawn reasonably healthy
over th e past few m onths, th en an application o f a good-qual­
ity lawn food will be very beneficial to your lawn. Spread it a t
a rate o f approxim ately one handful p er square m etre and
m ake sure to w ater in well, or, b etter still, g et ou t in the rain
an d le t M other N ature do it fo r you.
D anny M o n ism is the nursery m anager a t Roxburgh Park Garden
Supplies. W riting dutiesfo r this colum n are shared.
by Martin Horan
Do you know how to be
happy? N o, I’m serious —do
you really know how to be
happy, in th e sam e way as you
m ight know how to change a
car tyre, o r knit a pullover, o r
ride a bike?
If I actually know how to
change a tyre, then when I
g et a flat, it’s no big deal.-Just
im agine knowing how to be
happy in the same m atter-offact, literal way. ff we know
that, then basically all o f ou r
problem s are solved. If we
actually understand th e recipe
fo r happiness, all we n eed to
d o is g et hold o f th e ingre­
dients, com bine them in the
right way, an d presto!
Maybe you’re thinking,
“H m m , I can see where this
is heading —som e n eat, pack­
aged answer to th e m eaning
o f life.” W e i, n o , actually,
h u t if anyone does have the
answer; please le t m e know!
F o r th e m om ent, it’s worth
Your pet
by Dr Michael Bell
A seizure, also known as a
convulsion o r fit, is one o f
the m ost frequently seen
neurological problem s in
dogs. T h ere are m any types o f
seizures; epileptic is th e m ost
com m on and o f least conse­
quence to the dog. T he oth er
extrem e includes severe dis­
eases such as brain tum ours.
Seizures consist o f th ree
com ponents. T h e pre-ictal
phase, o r au ra, is a period o f
altered behaviour in which
th e d og m ay h ide, appear
nervous, o r seek ou t the
owner. It m ight he restless,
nervous, whining, shaking o r
salivating. This lasts a few sec­
onds to a few hours. T he ictal
phase is th e fit o r seizure itself
and lasts from a few seconds
to ab ou t five m inutes. D uring
this p eriod , all o f th e m uscles
o f th e body co n tract strongly.
get involved. The W alking
School Bus:
8 helps alleviate traffic con­
• improves road safety
8 teaches good road sense
each day
8 saves parents tim e
8 gives children a sense o f
independence while being
p art o f a team
8 improves social in teraction
8 reduces car emissions and
8 improves school attendance
and arrival tim es
8 improves com m unity safety.
The program is success­
ful in oth er areas and is only
possible because o f th e vital
participation o f volunteers.
V olunteers have police checks,
insurance and training in CPR
and road safety.
It would be great to have
a W alking School Bus in ou r
Community in 2005.
F o r more inform ation, visit
w w w
R honda Petschel represents
D ianella Community H ealth in
Craigiebum .
timely wisdom from local spiritual leaders
ju st sticking with the question
and n ot thinking too m uch
about answers because, isn’t it
the m ost im portant question
th ere is?
H um an beings are so
diverse —the way we look,
the way we talk, ou r interests,
cultu re, habits, etc. cover
a huge range. B ut the one
thing we all share is the wish
to be happy. Each o f us m ight
define happiness differently,
b u t th e basic th in g th at m oti­
vates every one o f us, w ithout
exception, is the im pulse to
g et the things o r be in a situ­
ation where we’re going to
be happy. T h ere’s n o t one o f
us who ever starts ou t the day
thinking, “I ’d really like to be
m iserable today! W hat can I
do to have a really bad tim e?”
(N ot even teenagers, although
it seems th at way som etim es.)
So if we ask ourselves, “Do
I really know how to be happy,
in the sam e way as I know how
to change a tyre?” the honest
answer’s probably going to
be no, even if, on the whole,
we’re pretty happy sort o f
people. T h at leads to a m ore
interesting question: is under­
standing how to be happy
som ething we really can
learn? Is happiness som ething
th at ju st sort o f happens —in
which case th ere’s n o point
spending tim e trying to figure
out what we can do to create
it —o r does it have causes?
Maybe happiness does ju st
happen in som e mysterious
way. It doesn’t have any rhyme
o r reason, it’s n ot bound by
rules o r laws. If it finds its way
into ou r lives, then good luck!
B ut when you start thinking
about it, how m uch sense
does th at make? Is th ere one
single thing th at you can
think o f in the whole universe
th at com es about w ithout
any causes? Buildings don’t
ju st m aterialise from thin air,
trees don’t sprout from noth­
ing, songs don’t com e into
existence w ithout som eone
to write them . If happiness
didn’t have any causes, then
th ere’d be no relationship
between our own happiness
and particu lar experiences
we have. It would be ju st as
likely th at sitting in a traffic
jam on th e Tulla would make
us happy, as going ou t to ou r
favourite restaurant.
So, suppose we w ant to
b e happier, the first step is
to g et clear in ou r own m ind
w hether we think happiness
has causes o r n ot. Take your
tim e —th ere’s n o hurry —and
because figuring ou t if we can
im prove ou r happiness is the
m ost im portant thing we can
possibly d o, we’ve g o t to g et it
right. O nce we’ve developed
a real feeling fo r w hether
o r n o t happiness has causes,
maybe we’ll get som e ideas on
w hat to do about it.
M artin H oran writes on behalf o f
the Tibetan Buddhist Society.
Dr Michael Bell answers your veterinary questions
The dog usually falls on its
side and seems paralysed
while shaking. U rination, def­
ecation and salivation often
occur. D uring the post-ictal
phase, th ere is confusion,
disorientation, salivation, pac­
ing, restlessness, a n d /o r tem ­
p orary blindness.
D espite the dram atic signs
o f a seizure, the dog feels
n o pain, only bew ilderm ent.
Dogs do n ot swallow th eir
tongues. If you put your fin­
gers in to its m outh, you will
do n o benefit to your p et and
risk being bitten very badly.
The im portant thing is to
keep the dog from hilling and
hurting itself. As long as it is
on th e flo or o r ground, there
is little chance o f harm occur­
ring. If seizures continue fo r
m ore than a few m inutes, the
body tem perature begins to
rise. If hypertherm ia develops
secondary to a seizure, anoth­
e r set o f problem s may have
to be addressed.
W hen a seizure occurs,
your veterinarian will can y
ou t physical and neurological
exam inations, along with vari­
ous oth er tests th at rule out
possible m etabolic causes fo r
brain dysfunction, h eart, elec­
trolytes, and blood sugar lev­
els. If these tests are norm al
and there is n o exposure to
poison o r recen t traum a, fur­
th er tests may be considered.
O ne to two weeks o f anti­
convulsant therapy are usually
prescribed to prevent fu rth er
seizures. A t som e point, many
dogs have seizures frequently
enough to justify continu­
ous anticonvulsant therapy.
Because th at m eans th at
m edication m ust be given
every 12 to 2 4 hours fo r the
rest o f the dog’s life, it is n ot
recom m ended until seizures
o ccu r about every 30 days, o r
unless they last m ore than 5
m inutes.
It is im portant to avoid
sudden discontinuation o f any
anticonvulsant m edication.
Even norm al dogs m ay be
induced to seizure if placed
on anticonvulsant m edication
and then abruptly withdrawn
from i t
Status epilepticus bears
special n ote: it is character­
ised by a seizure lasting m ore
th an 5 m inutes. W hen it
occurs, the dog’s life is endan­
gered. Unless intravenous
m edication is given promptly,
th e p atient m ay die. If you
think your dog is in status,
seek treatm ent immediately.
D r M ichael Bell, BVSc, prac­
tises veterinary m edicine at
C raigiebum A nim al Hospital.
F /L
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