Badger Shipmate - UWNROTC Alumni Association


Badger Shipmate - UWNROTC Alumni Association
June 2, 2014
Volume 27, Issue 2
Periodical for the University of Wisconsin NROTC Alumni Association
On the Web at:
Fall 2014 Alumni Reunion
Missing your old shipmates? Missing Madison?
By E-mail at:
Missing Badger Football? The Wisconsin NROTC
Fall Alumni Reunion
New Association By-Laws
three in a reunion event this fall!
Spring Commissioning
Alumni Association is planning to combine all
An Alumni Association Committee consisting of
Pat Volk ’88, Jeff Barta ’88, and Russ Haas (Unit
Spring Awards and Scholarships
Hail and Farewell
Mail Buoy
CO) are spearheading this initiative and have
selected the October 11th game against Illinois as
the backdrop. Plans include a Friday evening
join-up at the Edgewater Hotel, Saturday tail-
gating at the Unit, the game at Camp Randall, and
dinner at the Essen Haus on Saturday evening.
The event will also serve as our Alumni
Association Annual Meeting of the Membership
for 2014 where we’ll vote on a few items of
Association business, including electing (or reelecting) the Board of Directors.
The Reunion Committee is looking to reserve hotel
rooms and purchase a block of game tickets. They
need your feedback to help scope and shape the
fall event. Please send an email to the
Association’s business address indicating your level of
interest and any suggestions for the 2014 reunion
and annual meeting. The Board of Directors will
meet in mid-June to review the plan, so please
don’t delay your response!
New By-Laws to Guide the Alumni Association
The WI NROTC Alumni Association Board of
legal notification of the Board’s adoption of these
during their April 2014 regular business meeting
membership within 30 days of the date of this
Directors reviewed the Association’s by-laws
and adopted many changes to bring these
guidelines up-to-date and further clarify how they
intend to conduct business in the future. Some of
the changes were purely clerical, but most sought
new policies. Barring any opposition voiced by the
newsletter, these new by-laws will become the
legal guidelines under which the Association will
to streamline the organization and adopt
The new by-laws can be found on our website at:
technology to broaden and enhance participation
procedures for using modern web-based
by the Association membership.
This newsletter article, coupled with the electronic
posting of our new by-laws constitutes official
For a copy of the new By-Laws, or to make a
comment, please contact us at:
Page 2
Badger Shipmate
WI NROTC Commissions 3
The Wisconsin NROTC Unit Commissioned three
new officers May 18, 2014 at a ceremony in the
Senate Chambers of the Wisconsin State Capitol.
2nd Lt. Trevor Shimulunas, an English major at UW
and former Badger Battalion Commanding Officer,
was formally commissioned by Captain Troy
MacDonald, USMC. His first duty station will be
The Basic School in Quantico, VA.
2nd Lt. Tyler Hinnendael, a History major at UW
and former Badger Battalion Commanding Officer,
was formally commissioned by Captain Troy
MacDonald, USMC. His first duty station will be
The Basic School in Quantico, VA.
Ensign Joel Vircks and LT Matt Moss.
ENS Joel Vircks, a Mechanical Engineering major at
UW, was formally commissioned by LT Matt Moss,
USN. His first duty station will be Naval Aviation
Pre-flight Indoctrination in Pensacola, FL.
Captain MacDonald administering the
2nd Lt Shimulunas receiving his first salute
oath to 2nd Lt Hinnendael
from his grandfather
“It is by no means enough that an officer be capable...He should be a gentleman of liberal
education, refined, manners, punctilious courtesy, and the nicest sense of personal honor...
- John Paul Jones
Badger Shipmate
Page 3
Awards and Scholarships
Each spring, outstanding members of the Badger
Battalion are presented with awards to recognize
their hard work, professional competence, leadership
of a $750 monetary award. This year’s recipient
was MIDN 2/C Gallaher.
abilities, and/or academic prowess. Many of these
The CDR William Arnold Memorial Award consists of
underwritten by the Alumni Association using funds
perpetual plaque. This year’s recipient was SGT
awards are sponsored by, affiliated with, or
donated by the membership to our Award Trust Fund
established over 20 years ago.
The LTJG Erdman Pankow Freshman Spirit Award
consists of a $300 monetary award and recognition
on a perpetual plaque. This year’s recipient was
MIDN 4/C Borchardt.
The LCDR John S. Lyman Merit Scholarship consists
of a $750 monetary award. This year’s recipients
were MIDN 2/C Holbeck, MIDN 2/C Greene, MIDN
a $1000 monetary award and recognition on a
The Major Dennis A. Dogs Memorial Award is given
to the top USMC graduate and consists of a jewelry
box and set of 2nd Lt. rank insignia. This year’s
recipient was MIDN 1/C Hinnendael.
The LTJG Charles D. Collins Memorial Award
consists of a $2000 monetary award. This year’s
recipient was MIDN 2/C Dillon.
4/C Silvis, and MIDN 4/C Bernhardt.
The Major Norman K. Billip Memorial Award consists
The Capt David J. Lueder Merit Scholarship consists
was MIDN 1/C Shimulunas.
of a Marine Officer’s sword. This year’s recipient
Hail and Farewell
In the time honored tradition of Navy rotations,
Captain Haas, a Mizzou graduate and Surface
Russ Haas and Commander Steve Ligler are
CO and 30 years in the Navy. His tours include:
Unit leadership will change this summer as Captain
relieved by Captain Chris (Tank) Murdoch and
Commander John Barrett.
Captain Murdock is a Harvard graduate and Naval
Aviator with tours in VA-85, VF-213, VF-32, and
Warfare Officer, is retiring after three years as Unit
MCCAMPBELL, CCSG-7, and the Aegis Training and
Readiness Center.
VF-103. He has over 1000 carrier arrested
Commander Ligler, a Badger Alumni and Surface
Aircraft Carriers.
XO and 26 years in the Navy. His tours include: USS
landings and has deployed on five different
Commander Barrett is a Marquette graduate and
Surface Warfare Officer with tours in USS THOMAS
comes to us from the Joint Staff, Strategic Plans
and Policy Directorate (J5).
Welcome aboard, gentlemen!
Warfare Officer, is retiring after four years as Unit
COMDESRON 14, Navy Personnel Command, USS
BOXER, CCSG-11, Navy Mine and ASW Command,
Fair Winds and Following Seas, Shipmates!
Page 4
Badger Shipmate
Mail Buoy!
Many thanks to all who recently paid their
Captain Philip M. Palmer, Grand Rapids, MI
Association’s Trust Fund, and/or sent a
Mr. Philip Buran, Vista, CA
the Badger Shipmate!
Mr. Jon Winder
membership dues, contributed to the
Mr. Stephen Rosenthal, Carmichael, CA
quick note for inclusion in this edition of
Mr. John (Jay) Condon, Bridgewater, MA
New Lifetime Members:
Mr. Ross Annable
Mr. Joe Abel
New 5-Year Mem bers:
Mr. Chris Quinn, Madison, WI
Mr. Robert Johnson, St. Peters, MO
Mr. John Pearson, Lawrence, KS
Mr. George (Jim) Anderson, Lampasas, TX
Mr. William DeLong, Alton Bay, NH
Mr. Wendell Seif, Melbourne, FL
Mr. Walter Drew, Fernandina Beach, FL
Mr. Jack Winder, Madison, WI
Mr. James Remington
Mr. Phil Palmer
Mr. Jacob Krebs
Mr. Ron White
Recent donors to the Award Trust Fund:
Jane & Bill Kirkpatrick and Suzanne & Montie
Redenius in support of the 2014 CDR William T.
Arnold Memorial Scholarship.
LTCOL Mark Pankow in support of the 2014 LTJG
Erdman Pankow Freshman Spirit Award.
We’re on the web at:
And Facebook at:
Mr. Robert Espeseth
Notes from Shipmates:
“Thanks to retiring Board members, Dave Rawlings and
Stu Brandes, for their outstanding service. I hope they
can be replaced with equally dedicated members. With
that expectation, I’ll ‘sign on’ for another five years, or
until I’m 92 years old!” – Jim Anderson ‘48
“My thanks to classmate Dave Rawlings for his efforts
over the years for the Association. My wife, Sandy, and I
have enjoyed travel to many parts of the world during my
retirement. My interest in world travel was certainly
fueled by my shipboard duty during my active service.” Jack Winder
“Keep up the good work! My UW degree on a NROTC
scholarship and 5 years of service were major building
blocks in my life.” - Jay Condon ‘69
“The NROTC Unit started me on a very successful career
and I’m happy to see you’re still doing well! I hope your
current Midshipmen realize they are fortunate to get a
great start on any career they select.” - Lyle Hangartner
Association Dues Remain Same
Association Membership dues are used to fund
Association operations, reunion support, and a portion of
each payment goes into our Award Trust Fund.
By mail at: PO Box 5205, Madison, WI 53705 or
By PayPal at: