housebreaking - Stormymagic Shepherds
housebreaking - Stormymagic Shepherds
tlill'icult.'l'lrc llnrblcnr ciul llc cverr rrrrrlrt'r.r, srlvc il .y'rr tkrs lurs nlilnerous positivc cxpc|icnccs chcwing orr lhc wror)s stul'l'. .l.his is why management cor-rpled with stlong lixation on corrcct itcrns is thc only real way many owners get a handle on the chewi.g chaile'ge. some owners can safely leave their dogs in a yard or have a crog run constructed for management. However you deal with it, the kev in management is controlling the environment. After awhile, you will slowly be able to give your dog unsupervised access to your home. But this does take time. I would spend at least four months restricting access while you focus the dog on the correct items. and when he no longer attempts to chew inappropriate things in front of you, start to give him very limitecl amounls of unsupervised access. Many owners resist the idea of management. In my opinion, leaving an untrained dog loose in the house all day is rike i"ouing an average two-year-old unattended in a house full of breakable objects for hours at a time. Proper diet must be considered when addressing a chewing problem. A high-quality premium hard kibble is important to make sure the dog isn't chewing due to nutritional deficiencies. The dog will get a lot of chewing satisfaction from eating the kibble. After all, it is unlikely that you or I would be satisfied with a mushy diet, because we would want to sink our teeth into something hard or crunchy. It's the same with dogs who are fed a strictly soft iood diet. Also, check with your veterinarian regarding vitamin supprements. I have seen dogs who chewed tens of thousands of dollars worth of furniture cease all chew_ ing when they were put on a high-quality diet. proper nutrition must not be overlooked when acldressing a chewing problem. The same thing goes for exercise. It is vitally important for your dog's health that he get adequate exercise. obviously, "adequate,,will diff'er from breed to breed and dog to dog, but dogs who let a gooo deal of exercise chew far less than dogs who get little o, non". To start an exercise program, check with your vet to make sure your dog is in good health and get exercise suggestions based on your dog's specific condition. on a personar note, I have a Basset Hound, which is not 106 kttowtt lts lltc wot'ltl's tttosl itctivc llrcctl. I llrk(.nr.y tklg lirr. lr lwo rlilt. wlrlk at lcast lour linrcs a wcck.'['his works lirl us, arrrl rrry tkrg lrirs rcrnaincd lcan (lbr a Bassct) ancl in excellcnt condition. Rcmember, the solution to this problem is not to spr.ay your. lr'rrst. with a chew repellent, nor is it to crate your dog. The solution is a c.rr bination of all the things I've mentioned: strong fixation on thc con.ccr items, management, teaching the dog what inappropriatc iterrrs .r.c, proper diet and exercise. As I have said in my discussions of alr these problems, chewing will only be effectively addressed if you understand that it will rcrFrir.c patience, consistency and proper application of the solutions I've outlinctl. HOUSEBREAKING Housebreaking is one of the more common problems dog owners lircc. The basic principles of housebreaking are relatively simple. althouglr applying those principles to your individual circumstances can sonrctimes be a little tricky. Let's start off with some simple solutions, so I can help somc .wrr ers right away. Does your dog only have accidents at night? By accidents, I rncarr the dog goes to the bathroom in the house. Night is defined as lrurrr when you go to bed until when you wake up. If the answer is yes, tr.y the following suggestions. The dog should not be permitted any food or water at least tw, hours before bedtime. Additionally, take the dog out for his linal walk and elimination as late as you possibly can. often, this is all that's needed. If your dog is going to the bathroom in the house more fi-cqucrtly and clearly doesn't understand where he should eliminatc, you will need to put him on a proper housebreaking schedule. For most pc.plc, crating the dog is the most effective way to housetrain. J'hc cnrtr: should be small enough that your dog can stand up ancl turn arouncl, lirr down and comfortably stretch out, but no larger than that. |t] trlnlrlr,, lllcr ltvr,W,ry,, lo z\rkltr,,,,, ll,r,,rr l'r,rr lrr,tl (,rrllr,l1y | )o1i lr,rrrrrrrli /\ll( Crate training works bccausc u)ost dop,s tlo rrot lilic to clirninatc where they have. to lie. This is sometintcs n-risuuclcrstoocl by owncrs, who think their dog won't eliminate whcrc hc slceps erncl eats. A dog would happily eliminate in a large bedroom, even if he slept there. He will also eliminate in his crate, if the crate is large enough for him to still lie down in a clean spot. If the dog is confined to the right size crate, he will probably not eliminate in it. This is extremely important information. If you can prevent the dog from eliminating. you can then take the dog out to where you want him to go, with a much greater likelihood that he will do so. Fifty percent of housebreaking involves positively reinforcing the correct behavior-that is, praising the dog when he eliminates in the proper place. The other 50 percent is management, so you can prevent the dog from going in the wrong place until you can take him out to eliminate in the right one. The basic scenario for housebreaking goes like this: Confine your dog. After a few hours, take the dog from the crate to the location you want him to eliminate in. Remember to take the dog out the same door to the same location every time you want him to eliminate. Wait l0 minutes for him to do so. If he goes within the 10 minutes, praise, reward (a small treat) and wait an extra two or three minutes to make rllrtllr,.:, iittt"t' l'r,,1 rlr,trr,,, l',rrl .) ccrtlin hc's clonc cvcrything hc has to do.'l'hcu takc hiui lrack irr tlrc housc and givc hirn 20 to 30 r-ninutes of supervised "frec tirnc." Usc u timer and be very strict about not allowing the dog more thaur 20 ol'-10 minutes of freedom. When the timer goes off, you have a choicc. Ynr may take the dog back out to eliminate again, and if he goes, rcpcat thc process of praise and free time; or you can confine the dog again. Mistakes are made when owners give their dogs too nruclt .fit,t, time,.ftiil to tuke the dog out agoin,.fail to reconJine the dog whan tlu' time is up, or Jail to wait the extra two to three ntinutes ufter he elininates the.first time. If you take your dog out and the dog fails to elin-rinate within l0 minutes, he should also be confined again. It is important to understanrl that this confinement is not punishment. It is simply a way of prcvcnting the dog f}om going to the bathroom in the wrong place. Consistent feeding and watering schedules are also vital to your' housebreaking efforts. Dogs shor"rld be fed at fixed times and given no more than 10 to 15 minutes in which to eat. Free f'eeding-leaving food available for your dog to eat all the time-is not recommendccl when you are housebreaking your dog. Water may be given during ft'cc time and when you take the dog to eliminate. It can also be given sparingly when the dog is being confined (although not for two hours before bedtime or at night). The reason feeding and watering schedulcs are so important is that free access to food and water will makc it almost impossible to predict when your dog will have to eliminatc. lt will also make it far more likely that your dog will eliminate in thc crate. By controlling when your dog eats and drinks, you makc houscbreaking much simpler. Please note that young puppies may find it very dif1icLrlt to avoitl eliminating for longer than three to six hours. A good gLride is to arkl an hour for every month of a puppy's life. That is, a thrcc-rnontlr-oltl puppy can hold it for three hours, a fbur-month-old fbr lilrr hours, antl so on. Be careful about allowing the dog water during thcsc long pcri ods. Also, rrcvcr confine the dog in dircct suu or lirr krngcr llran ciglrt h<lurs. ,l 1.1t1tit'ul tnrlr. It sltotrlrl lx' lttt',gt' .\,ottt' tltt,q t'rrrttt,glt fitt' ltt I it' rhtv'rr rrrttI ltt' ('()tttli)t'l(tl)l(,. ('linrin'tlcs irt thc cnrlc. you nllty hltvc conl'irrctl ltilrr loo Iottl', lvl lltt't rtlr'rrrty bc lrlo big. llerlcrrrllcr', llrt't'r'irlt'slrorrlrl lrt'l:rr'1't' ll'vottt (1o,, nll( trilil;llr', lllr.r lrV| W,,y', lrr Arkltr",', ll,t',lr I'tttl tlt'ttl", littl l't,tr ltr,ll ( 'ttirlc lo I )o1' lr'rttrtltll enough lbr youl dog to col'nli)rtably lic in. but llot so hLrgc tlrat hc catt walk all the way to the other side and bc well out o1'thc way ol'any mess he made. If you are unclear, contact a local professional trainer. If the dog has an accident in the house, correclion aJier the Jact is not only a waste of time, but is counterproductive. Correcting your dog after the Jact iust confuses the dog. Instead, ask yourself what you could have done differently to prevent the behavior. Did you give the dog too much freedom? When the dog eliminated outside, did you give the dog an extra three minutes to make sure he did what he had to do? Does he have unlimited access to food and water? Generally, your dog will need to eliminate outside consistently with no accidents in the house for two to three weeks before he undcrstands that outside is the only place he should eliminate. Please remember that some dogs will take longer to housetrain than others. once your dog learns it, you can increase the amount of free time the dog gets. For example, instead of 20 to 30 minutes of free time, increase it to 40 to 60 minutes. After a few more weeks, you can increase the time even more. Consider, whenever possible, a dog door, because it makes housebreaking much easier in most cases' Paper training is generally not recommended, except when the dog cannot be given access to the outside for periods greater than eight o U z o F L o F :f o U A housebreuking ,sludant in a Prppy Go Prttty (PGP) trrt.\' tvilh absrtrltant "littu:" )a o F z c !) F :) o U An exercise pen with two hous ebreaking student s. hours at a time, or in areas where it is unsafe, too cold, hot, etc. Il'this is your situation, consider a potty training kit such as Puppy Go Potty. These kits contain absorbent paper "litter" and a waterproof tray. Thc: materials are similar to a cat litter box and are much cleaner than usittg old newspaper. To train your dog to use the box, you will also need a puppy cxcla cise pen. This is a metal collapsible pen that you can put on the groutttl or floor and place your dog in. The pen can be expanded to form a circle approximately six feet in diameter. (If you have a small dog, makc the exercise pen smaller than six feet.) Place the waterproof PGP ttay on one side of the circle. This is where the dog needs to be when yott are not there to supervise him. When the dog can no longer contrtll his bodily functions, he will most likely defecate and urinate in thc tray. When you are home, the housebreaking procedures I have alreacly otrtlined should be followed. Avoicl dietary changes during the housebreaking proccss. Il'sttclr changcs arc unlvoidable, try to switch the dog gradually to thc ttcw li11l, lo itvoitl stotnltch ttpsets. (Diarlhea nrakcs it cxtremely clif'l'ictrlt lll Ali( I'r,rt ltt 'tl ( 'ttttlc lo I )rlli ll'lllllllll tohousebreak.Ifyourdoggetstliarrhea,yotlShouldimmecliatclycall to feed two-thirds old your veterinarian.) n gooAltneral formula is new food to onefood to one-third ne* iood the first week' two-thirds new food the third third old food the second week and completely week. Housebreakingcanbeabittedious,butitisnotcomplicated,provided you are consistent as well as patient' yott cilll l)llt []0()nrcr-l]all.'l'lro l]ustcr.CLrbc is a plastic s(lual'c tltat ottly al'tct' shirl' small picccs ol'IOod in.'fhc clog can gct thc lood, but dogs locrrsctl lirr ing ancl tnoving the cube arouncl' This will keep many hours.BoomerBallsareharclplasticballsthatsomedogslovcttlcltitse to lit in thcir' around. They are generally too large for most dogs dogs will btrt rtl mouths, although many dogs will certainly try' Some with their chcsts arttl the ball with their paws, push it arouncl the yard have a great time playing ball and not digging holes' in thc yanl' Make it a point to play with your dog and these toys Doingthiswillgetthedoginterestedinthetoysandteachhirntlrct.c DIGGING is a common and Like all the other problems I've addressed' digging problems' it is important to vcry normill behavior for dogs' As with all unclcrstandthereasonsbehindthebehavior.Withdiggingthereare They dig when it is many motives. l)ogs clig because they are bored' They dig to escape' hot bccausc they like to lie in holes to get cooler. like to' Sometimes dogs simply dig because they Thcy bury objects. Indcalingwitha<liggingproblem,firstunderstandthateverydog each day' Sufficient exercise has a certain amount of energy to expend energy and frequently helps is often an excellent way to burn off excess I have seen dogs who in curtailing digging behavior' In two decades' Saint Bernard who literally destroyed Jnti," yards' I worked with a many others' stopped actually uprooted l5-foot trees' This dog' and exercise prodiggin! when they were put on a reasonable, consistent programs will vary from breed to breed and gram. Remember, "^"r"i'e that simIog to dog, so check with your veterinarian' Also remember exercise' Yoa ptf leaving your dog alonein the yard does not count as must exercise the dog. If you leave the dog Boredom i, u .oimon reason for dogs to <lig' firstthinginthemorningwithoutalottokeephimoccupied'heisgoing one of the things dogs to have to do something to keep himself busy. oftendotooccupythemselvesisdig.Tocounterthis,youncecltogivc to himthan digging holcs' your clog things to do that rlre rlore iutcrcsting citlt kccp It-ttlst Luckily, thcre arc a ttrttnbcr ol' c|citlivc ltlys tllat ('ttbc <lr uncl iuttrt'cslctl. ('tltlsitlt't toys lilit' lt llttstcr' <logs Occu1-riccl Nylaboncs. Kottgs' are other fun activities in the yard besides digging. andRhinotoyswillalsofocttsyourdogonsomethingclthcrtltltrt digging. -Asidefromgivingyourdogsufficientexerciseandintercstill!. high_quality things to do in the yarcl, make sure your ciog is on a 1lr.t: miumhardkibble.Stayawayfromfoodsthatareoftcnloadcclwitll sugars in thc lirrttt hidden sugars, chemicals and preservatives (hidden dog's cllcrlly of beet pulp, sucrose, fructose, etc', can exacerbate the foods' levels and leacl to cligging), such as semi-moist dog If your dog considers the backyard (or wherever he digs) to bc it thcre. I atll ttot place of banishment, it is more likely digging will occur if you do not l'ccl tlrc suggesting that you leave your dog in the house think ol'tlre aog is trustworthy. I am suggesting that your dog shoLrld Most Owncrs tlolt'l backyarcl as more than just a place of banishment. the clog tkrcs' want their dogs to feel this way and are unaware of why Stopandthinkaboutit.Areyoulikemillionsofpeoplcwhtlptttytlttt, clogs will lccl Ooj out in the backyarcl every day you go to work? Many placc whcrc tlrcy'rt' a certain level of anxiety if the backyard is thc hclpccl, I t.ttrdct.stlttltl always left alone. For many owners, this can,t be othcr' tlrorc ptts this, and all I'm suggesting is that you give your dog play witlt tlttr tkrl' itive experiences in ihe yard, as well' For cxample' brtckyrrrtl in the backyard regularly. You can also feecl the clog in thc anclobeclierrcctrainyourdoginthebackyarcl.F{elpthcdtlgtrlltsstlt.i clilrtirtatill!l ortc ol lltt' atc pOsitivc f hings with thc yarcl ancl you will l-rc tttit.iot ('lltls('\ ol' tlirtgittg.