Winter 2015-16 - Museum of Science, Boston
Winter 2015-16 - Museum of Science, Boston
WI NTE R 2015/2016 Under Construction Annual Report 2015 Honor Roll of Donors Celebrations Colby Honors, Walker Prize, and Bradford Washburn Award Explorations Excerpt from Evolving Ourselves by Juan Enriquez and Steve Gullans, PhD Winter 2015/2016 15957 cc2015.indd 1 1 12/15/15 11:25 AM FIELD NOTES piece from overseer Juan Enriquez and Steve Gullans that looks at causes for obesity not only in humans but among animals. A Grand Entrance The construction hat on the cover says it all. If you have visited recently, then you know that the Museum of Science is in the midst of major renovations to our public spaces. We are deep into phase one of our lobby reconstruction as we work toward the grand opening of the Yawkey Gallery on the Charles River in early 2016. And we are expanding our concourse to improve wayfinding and installing new restrooms to better our guest amenities. Our goal with the lobby, concourse, and, ultimately, our front entrance is to transform the visitor experience from the moment of arrival. We are rejuvenating these spaces and, with the Yawkey Gallery, introducing key elements of the Museum’s central story of the interdependencies of the natural and the engineered worlds. The Charles River has always been an essential feature of the Museum’s iconic lobby, and we will soon have a gallery and exhibit area that will enable visitors to experience the river as both a natural and built environment through observation activities and interactive components that encourage them to look at the world like a scientist and solve problems like an engineer. In this Issue Food has been a topic of much interest at the Museum in recent years, and on October 22 we explored the science and culture of food with bestselling author Michael Pollan, as he was presented with the 2015 Bradford Washburn Award. His talk touched upon many of the themes found in his books, particularly The Omnivore’s Dilemma and Food Rules, as he stressed the challenges of studying food and nutrition scientifically. We extend the discussion of food with an Explorations 2 15957 cc2015.indd 2 Presentation of the Col. Francis T. Colby Award has become a highlight of our annual calendar of events, and this year we had an opportunity to honor one of the Museum’s greatest benefactors, trustee Rick Burnes at the Colby Society dinner. Rick served as chair of the Museum’s board of trustees from 2004 to 2010, and he and his wife Nonnie have been loyal supporters since 1968. The Colby Award honors those who have made “extraordinary contributions of time, treasure, and talent to the Museum,” and everyone who knows Rick will certainly agree that he is greatly deserving of this recognition. Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors Fiscal year 2015, the final year of The Campaign for the Museum of Science, had many high points, from the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Washburn Award to the world premiere of The Science Behind Pixar and the amazingly successful crowd-funded initiative to give Triceratops Cliff a permanent home at our institution. In terms of our fundraising efforts, new gifts and commitments totaled $32.7 million. This support funds access, development and upkeep of exhibits, and educational programming for visitors of all ages. We thank those families who made the Museum a part of their philanthropy. We thank those foundations that share in and support our mission. And we thank our Premier Partners and the corporate sponsors that help to make our community stronger. We would also like to thank our volunteers, interns, and staff for their outstanding work in fiscal year 2015. And we would like to thank our trustees and overseers for their service and commitment to the Museum of Science, especially Howard Messing, who completed his term as board chair in June 2015. We value the commitment and continued support of everyone in the Museum of Science community. Ioannis N. Miaoulis, PhD President and Director Gwill E. York Chair, Board of Trustees Museum of Science 12/15/15 2:57 PM MUSEUM OF SCIENCE WINTER 2015/2016 4 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 6 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 18 BRADFORD WASHBURN AWARD 20 EXPLORATIONS Fat Humans, Fat Animals by Juan Enriquez and Steve Gullans, PhD 22 IN GRATITUDE 2015 Colby Honors 24 NEW TRUSTEES AND OVERSEERS BOARD LISTING, FISCAL YEAR 2015 26 OF NOTE ASTC Leading Edge Award to Larry Bell, Alabama Selects Museum Engineering Curriculum, and Environmental Literacy Grant from NOAA MUSEUM OF SCIENCE IS A MAGAZINE FOR DONORS, VOLUNTEERS, AND STAFF, PUBLISHED BY THE DIVISION OF ADVANCEMENT. Ioannis N. Miaoulis President and Director Ellie Starr Senior Vice President, Advancement E. James Kraus Jr. Executive Director, Development Carl Zukroff Director, Marketing Communications Editor: William Walsh Designer: Kristin DiVona Design Contributors: Meg Haines, Gail Jennes Photographers: Ashley McCabe, Pat Piasecki, Studio Nouveau, Jeff Thiebauth, Eric Workman/ TMP Images Winter 2015/2016 15957 cc2015.indd 3 3 12/15/15 12:24 PM 2015 FAST FACTS Annual Report 2015 $63.1 million operating budget $109 million endowment OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2015 ($ in thousands) $32.7 million philanthropic contributions 2013 2014 2015 Operating Income 363 full-time employees $16,482 $17,437 Revenue $16,405 $39,319 $42,432 $45,667 Total Operating Income $55,724 $58,914 $63,104 Program services $39,016 $40,814 $43,566 Supporting Services $16,675 $18,069 $19,530 Total Operating Expenses $55,691 $58,883 $63,096 $33 $31 $8 Support 61 part-time employees 247 temporary employees 561 volunteers contributed a total of 45,695 hours to 34 different programs – the equivalent of 22 full-time employees 1.38 million visitors Operating Expenses Net Operating Income 49,438 member households 170 corporate members 158,713 school children participated in field trips to the Museum 18,008 children and chaperones attended overnight programs 104,292 individuals (90,647 school children; 13,645 public audience) served by Traveling Programs, covering 67,021 miles throughout New England; awarded $91,959 in scholarships (22% of total reservations) 11,551 free Exhibit Halls passes provided to Massachusetts residents qualifying for Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) or Supplemental Nutrition Program PHILANTHROPIC CONTRIBUTIONS $ 35,000,000 $ 30,000,000 $ 25,000,000 $ 20,000,000 $ 15,000,000 $10,000,000 $ 5,000,000 $ 33.1 4 million FY13 $ 22.1 million FY14 $ 32.7 million FY15 Museum of Science Winter Magazine_FINAL.indd 4 12/11/15 11:11 PM FISCAL YEAR 2015 USES OF OPERATING FUNDS $63,104,000 FISCAL YEAR 2015 SOURCES OF OPERATING FUNDS $63,104,000 OTHER INCOME CONTRIBUTIONS AND GRANTS 2.1% ENDOWMENT INCOME USED FOR OPERATIONS 27.7% ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL 5.3% 9.3% DESIGNATED FUNDS FACILITY OPERATIONS 9.2% PROGRAM SERVICES 8.1% 69.0% ANCILLARY SERVICES FUNDRAISING ADMISSIONS 10.1% 7.6% 19.2% PROGRAM FEES 15.4% MEMBERSHIPS TRANSFERS AND OTHER 11% 6.0% ENDOWMENT MARKET VALUE JUNE 30 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 $96.4 million $110 million $109 million HIGHLIGHTS n O n October 23, 2014, the Museum celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Bradford Washburn Award, honoring Sir Timothy Berners-Lee (inventor of the World Wide Web), Michael R. Bloomberg (founder of Bloomberg LP & Bloomberg Philanthropies, 108th Mayor of New York City), and Richard Saul Wurman (creator, curator, and chair of TED from 1984 through 2002). he Gordon Foundation, established by n T Sophia and Bernard M. Gordon, made a $5 million gift to the Museum to expand the institution’s engineering and technology offerings on our campus and across the United States. ore than 7,000 members of the n M community contributed $865,000 to give Triceratops Cliff a permanent home at the Museum of Science. n M icrosoft was honored as the 2015 Star of STEM, with Dan’l Lewin, Microsoft’s corporate vice president for technology and civic engagement, accepting the award. n T he Photography of Modernist Cuisine, a temporary exhibition of over 50 large-format food photographs taken by scientist, photographer, and chef Nathan Myhrvold and his team at Modernist Cuisine, made its New England premiere at the Museum of Science on Saturday, October 11, 2014. n A U.S. Department of Defense contract delivered Museum of Science engineering curriculum to 65 schools on military bases in seven states and Puerto Rico serving 2,300 education professionals and 28,000 students. athWorks, a Premier Partner, once n M again sponsored Free Film Fridays in our Mugar Omni Theater throughout March. More than 12,500 visitors enjoyed IMAX® Dome films like Humpback Whales, Galapagos, and Mystery of the Maya. n A s part of our World Treasures series of temporary exhibits showcasing the art, history, and cultural life of the ancient world, the Museum presented Maya: Hidden Worlds Revealed, the largest exhibition on the ancient Maya ever displayed in the United States. he Institute of Museum and Library n T Services (IMLS) awarded two grants totaling more than $600,000 to the Museum to support ongoing visitor experience studies and to explore the connections between nature and engineering using place-based learning in the Yawkey Gallery on the Charles River. t the June 18, 2015 annual meeting, n A the Boards of Trustees and Overseers voted to approve the Museum’s new Long-Range Plan, an institutional roadmap that sets a course for the Museum of Science to become the leading science center worldwide in expanding the public’s access to, understanding of, and critical thinking around engineering, technology, and the science. Winter 2015/2016 15957 cc2015.indd 5 5 12/15/15 12:04 PM HONOR ROLL OF DONORS As a non-profit organization, the Museum of Science relies on the generous philanthropic contributions of individuals, families, foundations, corporations, and organizations to fund innovation and preservation. Our fiscal year (July 1, 2014June 30, 2015) 2015 Honor Roll recognizes the importance of your support and allows us to acknowledge those commitments by publicly saying, “Thank you.” Hal and Lisa Tovin Dan Fickes and Peter Jaffe David Cabot, Ann and Ed Kania, Susan Cabot, Walter and Dorsey Cabot, and Elise and Neil Wallace + 10 or more years consecutive giving LEADERSHIP GIFTS $1,000,000 or more Total giving reflects both restricted and unrestricted current-use support. Sophia and Bernard M. Gordon Intel+ Kurt and Therese Melden Microsoft Corporation National Science Foundation+ Elizabeth G. Riley and Daniel E. Smith Jr.+ U.S. Department of Justice Yawkey Foundations+ $500,000 – $999,999 Best Buy Foundation Biogen Foundation Nonnie and Rick Burnes+ Brit d’Arbeloff+ Institute of Museum and Library Services+ National Aeronautics and Space Administration+ Elise and Neil Wallace+ Gwill York and Paul Maeder+ Anonymous $100,000 – $499,999 Dorothy and David B. Arnold Jr. Michael R. Bloomberg Amy and Joshua Boger The Boston Foundation+ Cabot Corporation Joanne and Paul Egerman+ Gretchen S. Fish Google, Inc. Karen and Gary Gregg+ Haley Family Foundation Daphne and George Hatsopoulos+ Ann and Ed Kania Ruby W. and Lavon P. Linn Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Loring III Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Lovejoy Jr.+ 6 M Matching support Massachusetts Cultural Council Colleen and Howard Messing+ Elizabeth Moore Jane and A. Neil Pappalardo+ Amelia Peabody Charitable Fund Raytheon Gene and Abby Record+ Michael and Helen Schaffer Foundation Ira and Jacquie Stepanian+ Fredericka and Howard Stevenson Joan and Herman Suit+ Henri and Belinda Termeer+ Susan and Michael Thonis+ Margaret and Jim Wade Edwin S. Webster Foundation Anonymous (2) $50,000 – $99,999 Adobe Systems Incorporated Francis T. Colby Trust+ Albert and Hilary Creighton+ Richard DiPerna and Jean Nichols+ Genzyme Corporation+ Hermann Foundation Edna and Donald M. Kaplan+ Susan C. Kaplan Jack Little and Nancy Wittenberg+ Massachusetts Cultural Council+ Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Nordblom Family Foundation Marc Rubenstein and Jill Hai William M. and Judith A. Steul+ Payson and Jane Swaffield M U.S. Charitable Gift Trust+ $25,000 – $49,999 Mary and John E. Abele+ Lee and Nile Albright MD/AMRF+ Robert and Nancy Anthony Sarah and Jeffrey Beir+ The Joshua and Anita Bekenstein Charitable Fund Alexis Borisy and Lia Meisinger+ John M. and the late Jane C. Bradley+ Corning Life Sciences The Tarrant Cutler Family Deborah Dunsire and Michael Hall European Union Highland Street Foundation+ Jane and Mark Hirsh Emily C. Hood+ Barbara and Amos Hostetter+ Wayne and Norva Kennard+ Anne C. Kubik and Michael Krupka Maria and Wes Kussmaul Leo Liu, M.D. and Pendred Noyce, MD+ Alistair and Sharon Lowe+ LARS Foundation+ Oracle Corporation Norman H. Read Trust Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC Rebecca B. and Preston H. Saunders+ William Schawbel and Judy Samelson+ SheGives Sidney A. Swensrud Foundation Tee Taggart and Jack Turner M Susan Whitehead+ Anonymous ANNUAL FUND Unrestricted contributions that impact virtually every facet of the Museum’s daily operations. Discoverers Society Platinum ($100,000 or more) Brit d’Arbeloff+ Jane and A. Neil Pappalardo + ($25,000 – $99,999) Argosy Foundation on behalf of Mary and John E. Abele+ Museum of Science Winter Magazine_FINAL.indd 6 12/11/15 11:11 PM Honor Roll of Donors | Fiscal Year 2015 Sarah and Jeffrey Beir+ The Joshua and Anita Bekenstein Charitable Fund John M. and the late Jane C. Bradley+ Nonnie and Rick Burnes+ Albert and Hilary Creighton+ Joanne and Paul Egerman+ Karen and Gary Gregg+ Jane and Mark Hirsh Emily C. Hood+ Barbara and Amos Hostetter+ Ann and Ed Kania+ Anne C. Kubik and Michael Krupka Jack Little and Nancy Wittenberg+ Alistair and Sharon Lowe+ Colleen and Howard Messing+ William Schawbel and Judy Samelson+ Gwill York and Paul Maeder+ Anonymous (2) Gold Level ($10,000 – $24,999) Amy and David Abrams+ Judy and Richard Anders+ Amy and Joshua Boger+ Alexis Borisy and Lia Meisinger+ Richard A. Carpenter+ The Cedar Street Foundation+ Nancy E. Dempze and Daniel J. Bailey, III+ Jaishree and Desh Deshpande+ Susan and Gary T. DiCamillo+ Richard DiPerna and Jean Nichols+ Deborah Dunsire and Michael Hall Gretchen S. Fish Anne and Walter J. Gamble Hannelore and Jeremy Grantham Daphne and George Hatsopoulos+ Gardner Hendrie and Karen Johansen+ Patricia and Galen Ho Tina and Neil Horwitz+ Jeri Ikeda and Yet-Ming Chiang Edna and Donald M. Kaplan+ Kathryn B. Kavadas+ Beth and Brian Keane+ Wayne and Norva Kennard+ Wendy and Philip Kistler+ Maria and Wes Kussmaul Lakeside Foundation+ LARS Foundation+ Pam Lassiter+ Kenneth D. and Ardelle F. Legg Tom and Bonnie Leighton Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Lovejoy Jr.+ Carol G. and Robert L. Mayer+ David McCord and Stephen Hendrickson Kurt and Therese Melden Ann Merrifield and Wayne Davis+ Elizabeth Moore+ Laura Barker Morse and Kenneth P. Morse+ Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Mucci+ Thomas and Jennifer Pincince William and Helen Pounds+ Gene and Abby Record+ Elizabeth G. Riley and Daniel E. Smith Jr.+ Deborah Sheedy+ M Barbara and Malcolm L. Sherman+ Brian and Stephanie Spector Ira and Jacquie Stepanian+ William M. and Judith A. Steul+ Fredericka and Howard Stevenson Joan and Herman Suit+ Gabriel Sunshine and Geraldine Acuna Payson and Jane Swaffield M Mr. and Mrs. William H. Swanson Tee Taggart and Jack Turner M Henri and Belinda Termeer+ Susan and Michael Thonis+ Steve Vinter Weiss Family Foundation Xiaohua Zhang and Quan Zhou Anonymous Silver Level ($5,000 – $9,999) Donald-Bruce Abrams and Roberta Rubin+ Brenda and Stephane Bancel Karl Bandtel and Farley Urmston The Barrington Foundation+ Robert F. Bulens+ Betsy Washburn Cabot+ Dorothy S. and Walter M. Cabot+ Julie and Kevin Callaghan+ Robert Carpenter and Karen Maloney Judith and David Craver Catherine and Peter Creighton Sally and George P. Edmonds Jr.+ Mary and Juan Enriquez Trinidad and Melanie Flores M Judith A. and Lionel P. Fortin+ Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Gainsboro Sandy and Dozier Gardner+ Granville C. Garth+ Helen Greiner Joan Stephens Hadly Jean and Henry Hall+ Bambi Hatch+ Ina and Lewis Heafitz+ Barbara Hughey Ronald and Kathleen Jackson+ David L. Jegen and Cynthia Greene+ Phil Johnson and Donna Gordon+ Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce Johnstone+ Susan C. Kaplan Alexa and Ranch Kimball+ CC King and Tom Tarpey+ Barbara Kirchheimer Kirstin Lynde and Michael E. Kolowich+ Jone LaBombard and William Noyce Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lawrence+ Robin Levin+ M James and Susan McGlennon M Marianne and Kenneth J. Novack+ Jill and Thomas Pappas Johan and Laura Pontin James Rosenberg+ Bonnie and Thomas A. Rosse+ Lisa and Jonathan Rourke Rebecca B. and Preston H. Saunders+ Carol A. and Matthew D. Shedd+ Jordan and Rebecca Shin Jay and Wendy Spencer Maria and Ray Stata+ Gerry Swislow+ Ms. Jean C. Tempel and Mr. Peter A. Wilson+ Hal and Lisa Tovin+ Marc and Nadia Ullman+ Elise and Neil W. Wallace+ The Wapack Foundation+ D. Reid Weedon Jr. + Susan Whitehead+ Shellie Miller and Jeff Arnold Steve and Joanne Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Becton Jr.+ Mr. Russell S. Beede+ Steven and Christine Bellon+ Adam and Kayte Bellusci Willa and Taylor Bodman Carol Bowen Kerry Bowie and Sherri-Ann Burnett-Bowie Cynthia Breazeal and Robert Blumofe Mrs. Earline S. Bush Scott and Mary Carson Mr. Stephen E. Coit and Prof. Susan Napier Jorge Conde and Cristina Ferrer William and Stacy Cowan Mrs. Tarrant Cutler Edith L. Dabney and the John H. Knowles Family+ Mr. Nelson J. Darling Jr.+ Kim and Judith Davis Dr. Randall Davis and Dr. Dana Penney+ Mr. and Mrs. Jean E. de Valpine Tim and Katie Delaney Matthew and Gabrielle D’Errico Sally and John Dias+ Mark and Laura DiNapoli Mr. Richard Donoho+ Priscilla Douglas Dr. Richard Eglen and Mrs. Angela Eglen Eicher Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Eisenson Fenel M. and Lucy Eloi R. Matt and Katherine Fates Barbara and John Fibiger+ Todd and Melissa Foley Ann and Randy Fowler Robert Frankston and Eleanor Elkin Nina Frusztajer C. MacKay Ganson Jr. and Julia K. Ganson Elise and Dozier L. Gardner+ Dr. and Mrs. Steven D. Garland+ Jim and Kim Goldinger Kaia and Jono Goldstein Jonathan Goodman and Elizabeth Silverman Norman and Amy Gorin+ Richard and Zeina Grinnell Ms. Anne B. Hagan+ Robert and Bethe Hagopian Matthew and Beth Hamory The Helen G. Hauben Foundation+ Evelyn Higginbotham Linda and Tim Holiner+ Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hood+ Peter and Adrienne Jaffe M Indu Javeri Peggy Johnson and Kondeleye Ross Salim Kabawat and Ann O’Connell David Kreisler and Gwyn Williams Caroline and Andrew Lamb Tamara and Fred Ledley+ George and Emmy Lewis Steve Woodsum and Anne Lovett Roxanne Eigenbrod Zak and Michael J. Zak Anonymous (5) Bronze Level ($2,500 – $4,999) Vernon R. Alden+ Dorothy and David B. Arnold Jr. Bernice Broyde, Fredi Stevenson and Brit d’Arbeloff Winter 2015/2016 Winter Magazine_FINAL.indd 7 7 12/11/15 11:11 PM Andrew Ley and Carol Searle+ Stephanie and Thanasi Liakos Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lowell+ G. Raymond and Barbara Luddy Cynthia and Kent Lundberg Catherine Lyden and Joseph Siemiatkoski+ The Lynch Foundation Doug and Amy MacDougall Julie Mackin and Daniel Clevenger Ted MacLean and Joanne Liautaud Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacPherson Jr.+ Kristen Fleury, Matthew Galligan and Dan Fogarty Stuart R. Taylor and Susan Adams Barbara and Marshall Tobins Gene and Susan Tremblay Friedrich and Antonia von Gottberg U.S. Trust Constantin von Wentzel and Shoma Aditya Margaret and Jim Wade David and Lisa Walker Mr. and Mrs. John Weitzel+ Dr. Charles V. and Mrs. Mary Sue Willie+ Ms. Amy Morse Winslow and Mr. Toffer Winslow+ Scott and Dana Yaphe Andrey and Christianne Zarur Anonymous (5) Explorers Society Everest ($1,200 – $2,499) Patrick Bartlett+ Dr. Jill Becker Warren and Marjorie Berg Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Bernstein+ Oscar Malcolm and Sandra Stratford Ilene Mason Dr. David J. McGrath+ Mr. and Mrs. Neal P. Miller Trevor Miller and Kim Williams Dave and Michele Mittelman Gregory Moore and Wynne Szeto PhD Lorraine and Charles Morss+ Terrence Norchi MD and Heidi Norchi Mary Anne and Jeffrey North+ Chelsie and Sandy Olney Ha and Randall Orbon Gregory and Lori O’Shaughnessy+ Lynne and Tim Palmer George and Melissa Papayannis Donald and Sandra Perrin John S. and Jessica Peters M Chinh Pham and Laureen McVay Jasmine and Paul Mashikian Steven and Jill Purpura Robert and Sally Quinn+ Katherine and Daniel Relihan Mark and Lynne Rickabaugh Daniel Rinehart Carmichael Roberts and Sandra Park Chris and Cathy Rogers Douglas Romich and Pat Tietbohl Rudy and Anne Ruggles+ Ann Ellen and John Rutherford+ Luly and Maurice Samuels Jacqueline Savoie and Dennis McCool+ Emily F. Schabacker+ Stanley and Barbara Schantz+ Dr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Schorr+ Karl and Deborah Schwiegershausen Drs. Leslie and Harvey Shaff The Shane Foundation+ Michael and Heather Sherman Jenot W. and William U. Shipley MD+ Drs. Eleanor and Miles Shore+ Lawrence and Joan Siff+ Medha Sinha and Arthur G. Epker III+ Norm Smith and Judy Reed-Smith Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Z. Sorenson Kenneth and Carol Vash Spritz+ John Stafford and Morgan Hellmold Elinor Svenson JoEllen and David Sweet Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Sweetland+ 8 Thomas and Leila Bodie Jonathan and Rachel Burke Hsi-Pen Chen and Kenneth Hancock Susan and Gerald Cohen+ Flora and Anita D’Angio+ John and Cheryl Danieli+ Elisabet de los Pinos eSentire, Inc Patrick Gan M Jeff and Sena Gore Adam Gorlovsky-Schepp and Jeanie Gorlovsky-Schepp Lawrence Green Margaretta and Jerry Hausman+ Michael and Jeanne Henry+ Jeanne Hilsinger M. Benjamin Howe Emily G. Kahn Timothy and Joan Keutzer David and Ann Lozier Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Lubin Ariel and Christopher Maddocks M Mr. and Mrs. Donald Malpass Jr. Leslie and Colin Masson Christopher and Olena McHugh McLane Harper Charitable Foundation Ioannis Miaoulis+ Alice Murphy and William Bancroft Tami Nason and Kent A. Lage Alison Nolan Michelle and Thomas O’Connor Frances and Michael Payne Evelyn and Marilyn Petschek Kathy Putnam and George Putnam III René and Susan Ruiz Robert and Beth Sackstein+ Mira Sahney and Howard Tang M Daniel and Ranella Saul Alan and Elizabeth Schlosberg M Miriam Kadima Schwartz and Beverly Ilene Schwartz Lori and Matthew Sidman Susan and James Snider Lionel and Vivian Spiro Nancy and Steve Stayton+ Karel and Catherine Steiner Steven A. Tague+ Dr. and Mrs. Samuel O. Thier+ Richard and Judy Usen Robert and Virginia Usen Scott Wayne Mr. and Mrs. Dudley H. Willis Amy Woods + Anonymous (2) McKinley/Denali ($600 – $1,999) Elizabeth Adams and Clifford Lasser Susan Aguiar Bruce Anderson and Lara Sojka M Marc and Melanie Anderson+ Alma Antoniotti and Gail Jennes+ Andrew Bender The Benevity Community Impact Fund Jane and Jerry Berman Erica Bial and Todd Chapin Robert and Fran Birmingham Marietta and David Boon+ Tom Borieko and Alison Coolidge Dale and Kristina Brunelle+ M Gordon Burnes and Suzie Tapson John and Kate Cabot+ Rebecca Cannon and Scott Miller+ Brian and Laura Caputo Ronald and Ronni Casty Feng and Shu-Mei Chen Ellen Cohen and Daniel Haber+ Thomas and Lisa Collins+ Reverend Louise Conant and Dr. Loring Conant Jr.+ Karen and Brian Conway Jeffrey and Alison Corin Elisabetta Cortesi and Michael Cima+ David and Natalie Cowan Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Dain James Daniell and Susan LeClaire+ Charles and Patricia Davis+ Joshua Dillon Marna Dolinger Tina Donnarummo M Steven and Peggy Dorval John and Elizabeth Dowd Nathan and Patty Dowden Elisabeth M. Drake Amy Edmondson and George Daley Marion S. and David W. Ellis+ EnerNOC, Inc. Jack and JoAnne Faer Jacqueline and Graig Fantuzzi John and Linda Felter Marjorie Findlay and Geoffrey Freeman Steven and Renee Finn Joseph Fischer Fabian and Suzanne Fondriest Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Freiman Robert Gable Hilary and Christopher Gabrieli+ Norman and Madeleine Gaut Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Gelb+ Harvey and Irene George+ Leilani and Andrew Germain Liane Glazer Carol R. and Avram J. Goldberg Jason Gorer and Nancy Rhei-Gorer M Jonathan Green and Jennifer Stone+ Kathy Grise and Alexandra Grise Gloria and Joseph Haddad Brian Hale Frank and Melissa Hanenberger Nan and Bill Harris+ Mr. and Mrs. George T. Hatfield Jr. Hannah Henderson Morton and Sandra Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hollis+ John Huth and Karen Agnew Sheri and Steve Idelman Joan and Timothy Ingraham Paul Ippolito Museum of Science Winter Magazine_FINAL.indd 8 12/11/15 11:11 PM Honor Roll of Donors | Fiscal Year 2015 Pamela Jackson and F. Gardner Jackson Jr. Gary and Susan Jacobson Leslie Jeng and Jon Biotti Aleksander Jonca and Erica Appleman Michelle and Steven Karol Paul Kazolias and Debra Mayo Chingyun and Gerd Keiser Amitha and James Knight Richard and Amy Kohan Jim and Patty Kraus Marie Lamont and Keith Luf Jeffrey and Janet Larson Priscilla Lawrence and Patrick MeLampy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leahy+ Alexander and Eileen Leith Pamela Lenehan and Lawrence Geuss John D. C. Little+ Stephen Lynch Mark S. Manooshian Joseph and Gwynedd Maranzano Melissa and Kevin Martin Segundo Mateo Edwina and Richard McCarthy Georgio and Rahel Meimaris Eli Meir and Linda Rauch Dr. Kristin L. Mix George and Nancy Mumford Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Nasella+ Jennifer Nassour and Charles Brucato Victor Nghe M Paul and Marcela Noonan Peter and Kristin Nordblom Dr. Felicia Walton Pagliuca and Mr. Joe Pagliuca George and Wanda Patterson Randy Peeler and Kate Kellogg+ Russell and Meghan Perkins Finley and Patricia Perry+ Adrea Peters Sandra Peters and B. Scott Andersen Kathleen Peto and Dan Rice Paula and Mark Petschek Jonathan and Stacy Pfautz Al and Martha Plante+ Ms. Joyce L. Plotkin and Dr. Bennett Aspel+ Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Poole+ Daniel and Jessica Poscover Mr. and Mrs. George Putnam+ Mitchell and Adrienne Rabkin Lawrence Ralph Mr. and Mrs. William Phipps Rice M Joseph and Teresa Rock Jamie and Leila Rome Mark and Etta Rosen Michael Russell M Richard and Diane Schmalensee Robert and Catherine Schneider+ Daniel Schwinn and Caterina Bandini+ Jennifer and Gregory Sieczkiewicz Jacob and Jessica Silber Stephen and Mary Jane Simo Josh Simons Aimee and Eric Sprung M Carrie Stalder Mrs. Prudence Steiner Meeijih and David Sun+ Dr. and Mrs. Nasser Tehranian+ Peter Thonis Ethelanne Trent and Charles Silver Lawrence Udell Nathanael Waller+ Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Weeks Jr. Frederic Weldon Elisabeth and Stephen Whalen Peter and Rebecca White+ Deborah and Charles Whitehead Daniel and Cynthia Whitney Stephen and Angela Winter M Stanley Yamane and Stephanie Hawkins Anonymous (4) Kilimanjaro ($300 – $599) Ned Abelson Mark and Debby Abrahams Alli Achtmeyer and Yvonne Finnerty H. and Marilyn Adams Giovanni Alabiso Lee and Nile Albright MD/AMRF+ Ellen and Richard Alexander Osama Ahmed Algrenawi and Madline Shehada Edward and Nicole Allie Charles Anderson and Oneeka Williams Edythe and Jay Anderson+ Gila Appleby and Sarah Appleby Paula and Sheldon Apsell Lucy Armstrong and Thilo Henkes Mark and Christy Arnold Ann and Caroline Atwood Joanne Ayers and Christine White Ben and Meghan Balbale Naomi and Gilbert Bass James and Edith Bastian Cathryn and Gordon Baty The Baupost Group, LLC Robert Bechek+ Reinier and Nancy Beeuwkes Jennifer Behr and Marco Rotondo Jeff Behrens and Lori Rutter Lawrence Bell Edward Bennett and Lucy Mack Ross Berbeco and Kristin Canavan Howard and Sabine Berke Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Besen Atul Bhan and Ishir Bhan Firdaus and Jasmin Bhathena+ Carolyn Bingham and Susan Bingham Kol Birke and Melissa Chu Bruce and Margaret Black Robert and Jennifer Blackburn Daniel and Kristine Blum Steven and Gail Blumsack+ Paul and Rene Bodmer Paul and Gail Bork Wayne Bouchard Craig and Maureen Boyce Debra and Edward Boyer Rebecca and Ardell Brackley Ann Braude and Andy Adler Mr. Daniel Bricklin and Dr. Carol Singer+ Maribeth and Mark Brostowski Judith and Bruce Bullard Erik and Shilpy Bunce Kennett and Barbara Burnes Rebecca and Lynn Byberg Diego Cadavid and Maria Diaz Milton Cail Annmarie Caracansi and Joe Bizup Coralee and Caitlin Carrigan Heather and James Case Lynne Cavanaugh and James Kitendaugh Matthew and Kelly Cavanaugh Alfred Cece and Nikolas Cameles Kai Chan and Jocelyn Chen Raymond Chan and Lisa Mahle Wei Chang and Herman Chang Melissa Chase and K. E. Duffin Rajeev and Sonia Chawla Christian Chedel Jiang Chen and Qinqin Wang Hsin Cheng Mitchell Chester and Angela Sangeorge Sudhir Chilakapati and Gayathri Ramaswamy David and Dorothy Ching Michael and Germaine Choe Dorothy and Niels Christiansen Darren Chun and Melinda Lane Elizabeth and George Clark Daniel and Raeann Clarke Charles More, Pia Sorenson, Jody Adams and Ken Rivard Julia Clarkson and Steven Glick Beverly and Murray Cohen Sherryl and Gerard Cohen Henry Cohn and Rachel Miller Thomas and Kathryn Colby John and Nichola Collins + Helen Colquhoun and John Maclennan Nathaniel S. and Catherine E. Coolidge Susan and Geoffrey Coram Kimberly Correia and Tracy Hall Linda and Jack Coughlin M John and Brenda Coutinho Michael and Lakshmi Cox Catharine and William Crawford Christine Creager M Anne Crowley Robert and Monica Crozier Anne and James Crump Mark and Russell Currie Paul Currie Jessica Cyr and Keegen MacRae Murray and Judith Danforth Stephen and Mei Davis Kimberly Dawson Serena Dee Eileen Deignan and Victor Hsu Jennifer and Donald Delikat+ Antonette and Philip Dennis+ Rena and Jason Denoncourt Leslie DeSimone and Ken Descoteaux Mark and Sarah Desimone David and Amy DeSteno Warren and Elizabeth Dew David and Cristy Dichmann Anna and Carl Dietrich Jon and Danya Dinwoodey Joseph Dollard+ Joan and Kevin Donahue Jonathan Donaldson Timothy Douros Kevin Doyle Corrie and Tom Dretler Christopher DuBois and Emily Belz Robert Duby and Dale Gorman Meredith Dunn Susan Dunn and Robert Cunjak John and Colleen Lyons DuPre Harriett Eckstein+ David and Lois Elliott James and Ben Elmore Winter 2015/2016 Winter Magazine_FINAL.indd 9 9 12/11/15 11:11 PM Erik and Neslin Ergen M Brett and Britt Estwanik Cynny and Michael Evanisko Laurel and Wendy Farnsworth Richard and Nancy Farrell David and Randi Ferrero Kaja and Dan Fickes Jack and V. Joyce Fisher James Fitzgerald and Marjorie Osheroff+ Barry and Xiaoling Fogel Jaime and Bill Saturno Nigel Foster and Susan Howitt+ Richard and Christopher Freiss Patricia Freysinger Michael and Linda Frieze+ Katherine and Jesper Froekjaer Alan and Sandra Frohman Andrew and Kelly Fulmer Heidi and Edward Furlong Matthew Galligan Joshua Gan and Andrew Nutter-Upham Michael Garda Kelly and Charles Garofalo Robyn and Dale Garth Abdelaziz and Sajda Gdihi Pantelis A. Georgiadis Butera Gianfranco and Vanesa Carlota Andreu Charles and Donna Gibson Dvorit Gilad-Cohen and Alon Cohen Larry and Luanne Gilbertson M John Gillono and Diane Lebel Mr. and Mrs. John Gilmartin Jeff and Mal Goldsmith Kathryn Goodfellow and Darren Beals Diane and Lloyd Gordon Michael and Mary Gordon Steven and Mary Gordon Brian and Lauren Grace Kenneth and Peggy Grace Ms. Kathryn D. Grado Paul and Priscilla Gray Andrew and Jane Green Michele Greenwald and Martin Bernstein Lindsay and Garth Greimann Lee and Lulu Grodzins Joshua and Eileen Gundersheimer Jane and Allan Hackney Carol and Hisham Hafez Michael Hale and Margaret O’Donnell Annie Halvorsen+ Brendan and Karen Harley Anne and Jack Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Chip Hazard David and Carolina Heintz Dr. William R. Helfrich Jr.+ Jonas and Kathy Hellgren 10 Jennifer Hession Joerg Heyer and Birgit Funke Gareth Hicks and Andrea Ashford Rebecca and Matthew Hjort Mr. and Mrs. John Ho Jane Minkoff Hodes and Richard Hodes Eloise and Arthur Hodges Jonnet K. Holladay+ Jim Holley and Heather Wilczynski Christian Holmblad and Margaret Hudlin Katherine and Matt Homer Glenn and Karen Hong Seth Hoogasian and Lisa Wohlleib Cyrus Hopkins John and Hilary Hopkins Alex and Torri Horovitz Courtney Horvath and Kathy Kozul Laura and Justin Houk David and Becky Houston Stanley A. Howe Jr. David Hughes Peter Huntington John Hussey and Kimberly Fletcher Geoffrey and Viva Hyatt Ewan and Emily Innes Steven Isakoff and Sherri Spear Christopher Jackson Jon and Mary-Kate Jamen Andrew and Cynthia Janower Diane and Robert Jaye Suriya Jeyapalan and Cora Jeyadame Dayra Jimenez and Rojelio Perez Linda and E. Verner Johnson Eric Jonassen and Arlene Taros Joseph Joseph and Elizabeth Birk Zeina Kahhale Sharon Kam Paul and Elizabeth Kastner+ Judith Katz and Dean Solomon David and Harriet Kaufman Kevin Kelcourse and Cristina Gonzalez Barbara and Rachel Keller Dennis Kelly and Linda Aglio Maryann and Michael Kenney Doug Kerr and Liisa Nogelo Maria Kihlberg Laurie and Robert Kinsella Hall Kirkham and Marjorie Asfour-Kirkham Norman and Nancy Klayman Albert Kopek and Christopher O’Brien Matthew Kovar Peter and Deborah Krieg Peter Kuper Renee Kwok and Michael Travis Molly and Haven Ladd David and Marianne Laffitte Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lapham+ John and Randi Lapidus Bill and Lisa Laskin Amy Lasota M Jeanne Lauer-Williams and Mic Williams Martha and Lucian Leape Laura Lechner and Daniel Ginsburg Phillip Ledin Emma Lees and Ali Fattaey Erin and Nicholas Leone Yair Leviel and Carol Wong Drs. Manuel and Marcia Lipson Dr. Shan-Lee Liu and Po-Shang Chen PhD Sissi Liu and Tim Hartmann Michael and Agnes Lombard Carl and Bridget Long John and Mary Loureiro Frank Luby Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lyman Karen and Sean Lynn-Jones+ Cindy and Mac Mackey Peter Mager and Michele Chabot+ Michael Magliochetti Susan Mahan and Steven Kirincich Rizwan Mallal Patrick and Caroline Maloney Todd Mandella Tim and Lisa Manning Lee Manuel and Greg Lambrecht David and Deborah Marcus Christine Mariano and Tracy Sawtehlle Pamela Marron Robert and Evelyn Marsh B. Diane Martin and David G. Shaw Joseph and Rachel Martin Dennis Mascio Laurie and Gregory Massing Jennifer Mayer Jeff Mayersohn and Linda Seamonson Thomas and Emily McClintock Kathleen and Scott McConnell Jeffrey and Christine McCormick James and Diane McDermott+ Peter and Jeannette McGinn+ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McGinnes Alice McGrai+ Brian and Patricia McGrattan Susan McLeish and Anna Takahashi Siobhan McMahon and Philip Holland Stephen and Laetitia Mead Jr. Sumeet and Shveta Mehra Megan and Udi Meirav Glenn and Barbara Meurer Catherine and Dominique Michaud Ray and Christine Miller Sharon A. Miller Martha Minow and Joseph Singer Lois M. Monge+ Cynthia and Dennis Moreau Ellen and David Morrison Joe and Carol Morrow Jessica and Jonathan Moy Brian Moynihan and Susan Berry Benjamin Muchler Carolyn Mugar Raymond Mui and Susanna Lee-Mui Corinne Muller and Richard Wayne Marcus and Hannah Muller Ian and Michelle Mullet Marc and Sarah Murai Benjamin and Dana Murray Sandy and David Murray Robert Myslik and Shari Melto Darius Naigamwalla Anil Nair and Graciely Faria Robert Neary Tania and Les Nedbalek Paul and Christine Neslusan Peter and Beatrice Nessen Norman Newman and JoAnne Ziebarth Cheri and Miller Newton Christina and Peter Nicholas Kenneth and Phyllis Nobel Mary Noble+ Dyanne O’Brien and Patrick O’Brien William O’Donnell and Jessica Wieselquist Helen and Ronald O’Keefe Natalija O’Loughlin and Julie Collins Thor Olson Claudia Ordonez and Frederic Little William O’Reilly Jr. and Elizabeth Ross Bill and Dawne Oskirko Christine and Bennett Otten Tomoko and Kei Ouchi Brita and Chris Outzen Brooke Paige Museum of Science Winter Magazine_FINAL.indd 10 12/11/15 11:11 PM Honor Roll of Donors | Fiscal Year 2015 Maria and Thanos Pantazis Monica Parker-James and Martyn James Dr. Stuart Pergament Margaret Philbrick and Gerald Sacks+ Drs. Beverly and James Philip Douglas and Alison Plante Thomas Poor Patty and Chris Popov William Porcaro and Susan Sweeney A. L. Prince John Quackenbush and Mary Kalamaras Mr. William M. Raeder Jay Rao and Clemencia Aramburo Carey and Ann Rappaport Beverly and William Reed Caroline Reeves and Jim Lee Minda and Rick Reidy Neal and Amy Reiner Sara Remsen Phyllis and George Reservitz+ Dr. Mitchel Resnick Frederick and Bonnie Rich Ellen Rigatti Jack and Karen Rizika Marne Rizika Kayt Racz, Cathy Wissink and Julie Bennett John and Victoria Rizzi Suzanne and Grant Rodkey MD Bruce and Janice Rogoff Bernard and Deborah Rosselli Raquel Ruiz and Stephen Haber Paul and Robert Ruseau Paul Rutz and Sandra Henry Aleksandr and Nicole Ryabin Steven and Michelle Ryan Mark and Elisia Saab Jesse and Yael Sage Maurizio Salato and Monica Viglianco The Salu Family Nancy Sandman Elia Sandoval and Alejandro Barrientos Jason and Teresa Sanphy Marlene Santiago and Duncan Gill H. Jay and Marilyn Sarles Tedd and Ella Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Nicola Savignano Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Savoy Richard and Sheila Schlesinger Mrs. Helen Chin Schlichte+ Heidi Schmidt and Keith Page Sarah and Chris Schoettle+ Bill and Jill Schoonmaker Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Schwartz+ Galit and Daniel Schwartz Barbara and Edward Scolnick Duncan and Asli Scott Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Shanks Jr. Michelle Shea Lasala and Elizabeth Shea William Shea MD and Laura Shea James Sherley Robin Sherman+ Bill Sherman James Shields and Gayle Merling Stephanie and Alex Shimada-Brand Anna Shine and Vilson Bellim Jon and Sue Sirota Thomas and Amy Skenderian Bill and Jamie Slack Mary Slavet Cynthia Smith and Steve Imrich Katherine and Ted Smith Mason Smith and Gordon Green Mitchell Smith and Elizabeth Diblasio-Smith Venkat and Pratima Srinivasan Madhulika and Sindhu Srivastava Antony and Ellen Stark+ Catharina and Frans Stassen Alan Steinert Jennifer and Seth Stier James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Gregg and Lisa Stone Mary Ann Streeter+ Danny Su Leslie and Dan Sullivan Kimberly and Jason Summa Stacy and Richard Swain Alicia and Stephen Symchych Herbert and Marjorie Talcoff Marjory Taylor and Dean DeMaster Paul Taylor and Lauren Olmsted Rebecca and Thomas Taylor Richard Teller Jay Tenenbaum and Josh Tenenbaum Walter and Lynn Tennant Janet L. Testa Jeremy Thai Kelly and Michael Thome+ Joan Thompson+ Anne Thonis Baruch Ticho and Allison August Lorette Tiernan Petar Todorov Melissa Tovin Anita Treohan Julian and Karen Troake Michael and Kathy Trogolo Theodore Tso Joseph and Trudy Tumidajski+ Maura Turner Mrs. F. Cort Turner III Anya and Alexander Turovskiy Glen and Andrea Urban Sandeepsinh and Parul Vaghela Lisalynn and David Valence Vincent and Joanne Vannah+ Peter Vaream Anton and Susan Verhulst Girija and Sanjeev Verma Krishnamurth Vinay and Lakshmi Iyer Eric and Lisa Volkin Christian and Jana Vonhehn Jennifer Walker and Gaurav Shah David I. Walsh Benjamin Wang Susannah and Andrew Wardly Jamie and Kyle Warner M Shawn Warren and Placido Costanzo John and Amy Watson Stephen and Beverly Watson John Watters Mrs. Joanne Weafer Susan B. Weir Paul and Donna Weitz Walther T. Weylman+ Russell and Jennifer Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. H. Witherby Ellis and Jennifer Withington Sara Withington Mark and LeeAnn Wolff Kieu and Alex Wong David Woods and Nancy Krolewski Giang and James Wyner Rozanna Yaing and Sunchy Kang Marco Yan David and Terry Yoffie Charles and Margaret Ziering Todd Zion Rya Zobel Anonymous (19) Innovators (Annual Fund gifts of $500 or more) A community of philanthropic young professionals (up to age 45) who are passionate about science and technology, enjoy networking, and share an interest in developing non-profit leadership skills. Dr. Jill Becker Adam and Kayte Bellusci Ross Berbeco and Kristin Canavan Erica Bial and Todd Chapin Daniel Clevenger and Julie Mackin Catharine and William Crawford Kimberly Dawson Tim and Katie Delaney Rena and Jason Denoncourt Tina Donnarummo Brett and Britt Estwanik Kaja and Dan Fickes Trinidad and Melanie Flores Todd and Melissa Foley Matthew Galligan Leilani and Andrew Germain Christopher Ghadban Adam Gorlovsky-Schepp and Jeanie Gorlovsky-Schepp Matthew and Beth Hamory Terron Hill Laura and Justin Houk Daniel Hullah and Donna Clark Peter Huntington Ewan and Emily Innes Peter and Adrienne Jaffe Aleksander Jonca and Erica Appleman Caroline and Andrew Lamb Mary Pat Lancelotta Cynthia and Kent Lundberg Melissa and Kevin Martin Michael McAvoy Erin McCusker Siobhan McMahon and Philip Holland Joe and Carol Morrow Ian and Michelle Mullet Robert Neary Alison Nolan Felicia Walton Pagliuca and Joe Pagliuca George and Melissa Papayannis Russell and Meghan Perkins Jonathan and Stacy Pfautz Katherine and Daniel Relihan Sara Remsen Nancy Riley Daniel Rinehart Mira Sahney and Howard Tang Jordan and Rebecca Shin Jennifer and Gregory Sieczkiewicz Jacob and Jessica Silber Josh Simons John Stafford and Morgan Hellmold Carrie Stalder Paul Taylor and Lauren Olmsted Petar Todorov Winter 2015/2016 15957 cc2015.indd 11 11 12/15/15 12:06 PM Melissa Tovin Constantin von Wentzel and Shoma Aditya Benjamin Wang Jay and Wendy Spencer Anonymous RESTRICTED GIFTS Supporting a host of projects, programs, and capital projects and defined programs. $1,000,000 or more Sophia and Bernard M. Gordon Intel Kurt and Therese Melden National Science Foundation Elizabeth G. Riley and Daniel E. Smith Jr. U.S. Department of Justice Yawkey Foundations $500,000 – $999,999 Best Buy Foundation Biogen Foundation Nonnie and Rick Burnes Brit d’Arbeloff Institute of Museum and Library Services National Aeronautics and Space Administration Elise and Neil Wallace Gwill York and Paul Maeder Anonymous Dan’l Lewin, Annmarie Levins and Kevin Wiant $100,000 – $499,999 Dorothy and David B. Arnold Jr. Michael R. Bloomberg Amy and Joshua Boger Cabot Corporation Joanne and Paul Egerman Gretchen S. Fish Google, Inc. Karen and Gary Gregg Haley Family Foundation Daphne and George Hatsopoulos Ann and Ed Kania Ruby W. and Lavon P. Linn Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Loring III Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Lovejoy Jr. Massachusetts Cultural Council Elizabeth Moore Amelia Peabody Charitable Fund Raytheon Gene and Abby Record Michael and Helen Schaffer Foundation Ira and Jacquie Stepanian Fredericka and Howard Stevenson Henri and Belinda Termeer Susan and Michael Thonis Margaret and Jim Wade Edwin S. Webster Foundation Anonymous (2) 12 $50,000 – $99,999 Adobe Systems Incorporated Francis T. Colby Trust Richard DiPerna and Jean Nichols Genzyme Corporation Hermann Foundation Edna and Donald M. Kaplan Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Colleen and Howard Messing Nordblom Family Foundation Marc Rubenstein and Jill Hai William M. and Judith A. Steul Joan and Herman Suit Payson and Jane Swaffield $25,000 – $49,999 Lee and Nile Albright MD/AMRF Robert and Nancy Anthony Corning Life Sciences The Tarrant Cutler Family European Union Highland Street Foundation Susan C. Kaplan Maria and Wes Kussmaul Leo Liu MD and Pendred Noyce MD Oracle Corporation Norman H. Read Trust Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation Rebecca B. and Preston H. Saunders SheGives Sidney A. Swensrud Foundation Susan Whitehead $10,000 – $24,999 Dr. Gary Bergstrom Alexis Borisy and Lia Meisinger Estate of Maria J. Cabuzzi Cubist Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Edith L. Dabney and the John H. Knowles Family Nancy E. Dempze and Daniel J. Bailey, III Jaishree and Desh Deshpande Deborah Dunsire and Michael Hall Mary and Juan Enriquez Allan and Lee Gilbert Ina and Lewis Heafitz Dr. Timothy and Nancy Johnson Wayne and Norva Kennard LARS Foundation Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. Alistair and Sharon Lowe Kathryn A. Lynn Massachusetts Cultural Council Uvas Foundation National Grid L. J. Petroff Saquish Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Sweetland Tee Taggart and Jack Turner $5,000 – $9,999 S. D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation/ Stephen Bechtel Fund The Behrakis Foundation Carnegie Corporation of New York Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Eaton Vance Corporation Barbara and John Fibiger The Helen G. Hauben Foundation Priscilla and Richard M. Hunt Brinda Kamat Porphyry Road Foundation The Samueli Foundation Mrs. Helen Chin Schlichte Eileen Shapiro and Reuben Eaves Carol A. and Matthew D. Shedd Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Z. Sorenson Steve Vinter The late Stetson Whitcher Anonymous $1,000 – $4,999 The Allstate Foundation Judy and Richard Anders H. G. and M. R. Anderson Foundation The Paul and Edith Babson Foundation Fran Baker Mr. Robert Beal Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Becton Jr. Steven and Christine Bellon Greg Brawner Betsy Washburn Cabot Margaret Cain Richard A. Carpenter Mr. Robert Carpenter and Ms. Karen Maloney Margaret and Alexandra Carr Clara L. D. Jeffery Charitable Trust DTZ Marion S. and David W. Ellis Anne and James Fordyce Bright Funds M Hilary and Christopher Gabrieli GoDaddy Jillian Gomolka Adam Gorlovsky-Schepp and Jeanie Gorlovsky-Schepp GRoW Annenberg Jean and Henry Hall Mark Haseltine and Brad McCord M Chad and Jill Hauff David McCord and Stephen Hendrickson Gardner Hendrie and Karen Johansen Patricia and Galen Ho Barbara Hughey IBM Matching Grants Program Lando and Anastasi, LLP Pam Lassiter Andrew Ley and Carol Searle Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lowell Rachel Lucarelli MacGillivray Freeman Films Ted MacLean and Joanne Liautaud Ivana Magovcevic-Liebisch and Lars Liebisch Lee Manuel and Greg Lambrecht Edwina and Richard McCarthy Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Jean and Kyra Montagu David G. Mugar Joseph Nah and Sun Choi National Institutes of Health Marianne and Kenneth J. Novack Robert and Anita Poss William and Helen Pounds Larry and Carolyn Rasky Richard Rosenbaum Stephen and Nancy Rossnagel Cynthia Rubens Bassam Salfity Jodha Singhani M Ellie Starr SVB Foundation Addie Swartz and Joel Rosen Raymond Thibault and Keely Marsh The Wapack Foundation The Lorraine T. Welsh Trust Anonymous (3) Museum of Science Winter Magazine_FINAL.indd 12 12/11/15 11:11 PM Honor Roll of Donors | Fiscal Year 2015 $300 – $999 Ryan Auster William and Alice Begley Julie Bennett William and Barbara Boger Carol Bowen Kerry Bowie and Sherri-Ann Burnett-Bowie Ann Breslow Donald Brown David Brussard Robert F. Bulens David and Susan Cabot Dorothy S. and Walter M. Cabot Dr. Alice F. Casey Nassib and Maureen Chamoun Henry Cohn and Rachel Miller Mr. Stephen E. Coit and Prof. Susan Napier Jorge Conde and Cristina Ferrer Linda and Jack Coughlin M Catherine and Peter Creighton Drs. Charles and Dorothy Crespi Taci Darnell and Tanj Gunaratnam Tim and Katie Delaney Deborah and Paul DiIeso Michelle DiIeso Dale Edmunds and Barbara Fay Dr. Richard Eglen and Mrs. Angela Eglen Bill and Gail Fine Rain Flaskegaard Peter Ford Robert Frankston and Eleanor Elkin Suzanne and Albert Frederick Nina Frusztajer Venkatesh Garani and Cheryl Weinstein Norman and Madeleine Gaut Liane Glazer Jim and Kim Goldinger Kaia and Jono Goldstein Roy and Myra Gordon Shara Goulter Amy Gray Wilson Joan Stephens Hadly Rajeswari Harikrishnan Ronnie and Barry Harrington Geoffrey Harrison M Lisa and Tal Hartstein Andrea and Mark Hauser Kent Hewitt and Myra Hart Jonnet K. Holladay Stanley A. Howe Jr. Richard G. Jacobus Jr. Austin and Sheila Jordan Yasmin B. Kafai Lucy Kirshner Kirstin Lynde and Michael E. Kolowich Arun Krishnasamy M Peter and Elaine Kuttner Johanne Larouche Annmarie Levins Dan’l Lewin George and Emmy Lewis Fredy Lienhard Sheila and Roger Lockwood Quirino Lucarelli Oscar Malcolm and Sandra Stratford Susan and Josef Manser William Manuel Gwili Marsh Elaine and Eugene McDonald Joan Meisel David and Carol Mersky Mr. and Mrs. Neal P. Miller Shellie Miller and Jeff Arnold Anne Nelson and Jason Pontin Ha and Randall Orbon Chinh Pham and Laureen McVay Geoffrey and Laura Rehnert Katherine and Daniel Relihan Dr. Mitchel Resnick Olga Restrepo and Arthur Balian Rudy and Anne Ruggles Stanley and Barbara Schantz David and Gail Schechter Stephen Shanahan Jordan and Rebecca Shin Kenneth and Carol Vash Spritz John Stafford and Morgan Hellmold Sarah Sullivan Laurie Sutherland and Theodoros Papalimberis Donna Thibault Dr. and Mrs. Samuel O. Thier Toasted Brothers, LLC Hal and Lisa Tovin Tasos Tsolakis Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Verni Walter Read Voigt Friedrich and Antonia von Gottberg David and Lisa Walker Scott Wayne D. Reid Weedon Jr. Kevin Wiant Dr. Charles V. and Mrs. Mary Sue Willie Michael Wong M Margaret Woodworth Anonymous (3) MATCHING GIFTS Companies that match charitable donations made by their employees. Adobe Systems Incorporated The Allstate Foundation Amgen Foundation Anchor Capital Advisors LLC Bank of America Charitable Foundation The Baupost Group, LLC The Benevity Community Impact Fund Biogen Foundation Bon-Ton Stores Foundation The Clowes Fund, Inc. Covidien Employee Matching Gift Program Dell Inc. Exelon Foundation Bright Funds GE Foundation GoDaddy HawkPartners, LLC Hewlett-Packard Company Foundation IBM Matching Grants Program John Hancock Johnson & Johnson Robert Wood Johnson Foundation JustGive Liberty Mutual Insurance McKesson Foundation Matching Gift Program Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Monsanto Fund Gorton’s Seafoods The Ruth and Jerome A. Siegel Foundation State Street Matching Gift Program Texas Instruments Foundation Tufts Health Plan U.S. Charitable Gift Trust DONOR-ADVISED FUNDS Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund The Boston Foundation Combined Jewish Philanthropies Carol and Joe Morrow Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund JustGive The New York Community Trust Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Silicon Valley Community Foundation U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program SPONSORS Coca-Cola Refreshments Harvard Pilgrim Health Care MathWorks Microsoft Corporation CORPORATE, FOUNDATION & GOVERNMENT DONORS Unrestricted support. Informal Education Products, LTD Massachusetts Cultural Council Clara B. Winthrop Charitable Trust PREMIER PARTNERS MathWorks Microsoft Corporation Raytheon CORPORATE MEMBERS Opportunity ($30,000+) * Membership of 25 years or more. BAE Systems Bank of America* Bank of New York Mellon* Biogen Bose Corporation* EMC Corporation EMD Millipore* Harvard Pilgrim Health Care MathWorks MEDITECH Microsoft Corporation* National Grid* NeuroLogica Corporation New England Development Raytheon Company* WCVB-TV, Channel 5* Wolfgang Puck Catering Spirit ($20,000 - $29,999) Massachusetts General Hospital State Street Corporation* Winter 2015/2016 15957 cc2015.indd 13 13 12/15/15 12:07 PM Voyager ($10,000 - $19,999) ARIAD Pharmaceuticals Berklee College of Music Boston College* Boston University Cabot Corporation* Eaton Vance Corporation Genzyme Corporation Harvard Outings & Innings* M.I.T. Activities Committee Morgan Stanley Natixis Global Asset Management New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc. Takeda Pharmaceuticals The TJX Companies, Inc.* Waters Corporation Pioneer ($5,000 - $9,999) Analog Devices, Inc.* Bentley University Bloomberg Boston Duck Tours Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association Boston Scientific Brigham and Women’s Hospital Cambridge Savings Bank* Charles River Laboratories, Inc.* Cisco Systems Citadel Community Teamwork, Inc. Demoulas Foundation* Draper Laboratory* DTZ* Envision General Dynamics C4 Systems Google, Inc. IBM Corporation* Intel Corporation iRobot Corporation John Hancock Financial Services* Liberty Mutual Insurance* Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research Old Mutual Asset Management Proskauer Reed & Barton Foundation* Royal Sonesta Hotel* Schlumberger-Doll Research Shell TechWorks UBS Financial Services University of Massachusetts Boston* USWA Local 9360 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Wellington Management Company, LLP* Wentworth Institute of Technology* Wentworth Institute of Technology Science Department Wolf Greenfield Augusta Sparks, Nareeluck Stephenson and Lia Meisinger 14 Luna ($2,000 - $4,999) 24M Technologies, Inc. Acadian Asset Management Adcole Corporation* The Advent School AEW Capital Management AGC Partners Allegro Microsystems, Inc.* American Postal Workers Union #3844 Anchor Capital Advisors, Inc. ARM Financial LLC AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Babson Capital The Baupost Group, LLC Bemis Associates, Inc.* Blueprint Medicines Corporation Boston Police Detective Benevolent Society Boston Post Office Social & Recreation Committee* Boston University - CELOP Brandeis University* Brigham & Women’s Faulkner Hospital Brockton Public Schools California Products* Cambridge Brands, Inc.* Cambridge Chamber of Commerce Cambridge Trust Company* CDM Smith* Center for Families at Children’s Hospital Christian Book Distributors Connell Limited Partnership* Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. Cummings Foundation* Demandware DigitasLBi Dunkin’ Brands, Inc.* East Cambridge Savings Bank* Flagship Press, Inc. Future Forward Events Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce GROW Associates, Inc. Hollingsworth & Vose Company* Hopedale Foundation* Houghton Chemical Corporation* HUB International New England, LLC International Data Group, Inc.* KPMG LLP* L-com, Inc. Little People’s College, Inc. Lowell General Hospital Lytron, Inc.* MacDougall Biomedical Communications Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council Merrimack College MGH Department of Radiation Oncology Microwave Development Laboratories, Inc.* Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.* MITX Momenta Pharmaceuticals M.O.S.E.S. Navy Morale Welfare and Recreation Needham Bank Newmarket International Nordblom Company* North Coast Seafoods North Shore Chamber of Commerce Parametric Technology Corporation* Parent Talk Parker Chomerics* The Patient Family Housing Program Putnam Investments* Sage Therapeutics Schneider Electric Scully Signal Company* Senior Aerospace Metal Bellows* Sensitech Showa Boston Simmons College Staples, Inc. Sullivan & Worcester, LLP Tillingers Concierge UMass Boston Student Life Vacuum Barrier Corporation* Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.* Waltham Recreation Department Wellesley College William James College Wolverine Worldwide* W.R. Grace Foundation ZipWall, LLC WASHBURN SOCIETY Named in honor of Brad and Barbara Washburn, the Society recognizes those who have included the Museum in their wills and estate plans or have entered into life income arrangements with the Museum. John E. Abele Dr. Vernon R. Alden The Late David B. Arnold David B. Arnold Jr. The late Jane C. Bradley Amelia Brock and Jerry Mechaber Dr. Gail A. P. Bruns Robert F. Bulens Rick and Nonnie Burnes Margaret Bush Elizabeth Callanan James I. Cash Jr. PhD Stephen E. Coit and Susan Napier Nancy E. Dempze Dr. David W. Ellis John A. Fibiger Johanna C. Friedenstein Gretchen Fish Julia Greene Roberta Greene Helen Greiner Joan Hadly Frederick L. Hafer Jean and Henry Hall Mr. John D. Hamilton Jr. Dr. and Mrs. George Hatsopoulos Jonnet K. Holladay Emily Hood Joseph W. Hughes Ruth Jamke Gail Jennes and Alma Antoniotti Wendy and Philip Kistler Amy and Anastasios Kosmidis David and Marianne Laffitte Pam Lassiter George Lewis Dr. Leo Liu and Dr. Pendred Noyce Frederick H. Lovejoy Jr. John Lowell Mr. and Mrs. G. Raymond Luddy III Donald Malpass Jr. George Manoogian Mark Manooshian Mr. and Mrs. Howard Messing Evvajean Mintz Elizabeth and J. Stuart Moore Laura Morse Lorraine Graham Morss Edith H. Overly Loumona Petroff Katharine Plimpton Museum of Science 15957 cc2015.indd 14 12/15/15 12:10 PM Honor Roll of Donors | Fiscal Year 2015 Theodore J. Poulos Helen M. Pounds Heidi B. Reslow Barbara C. Rimbach Beth and Stephen Sanders Preston H. Saunders Jeanne E. Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Shedd Malcolm L. Sherman Carol Vash Spritz William Steul Joan C. Suit John Lowell Thorndike Mr. and Mrs. David Walker D. Reid Weedon Jr. Constance V. R. White E. Andrew Wilde Jr. Helene Wilson Robin and Marc Wolpow Brian Worobey and Cindy Cooper Wororobey Joseph Washburn Worthen II Gwill York Anonymous (6) BEQUESTS Estate of Maria J. Cabuzzi Francis T. Colby Trust The Lorraine T. Welsh Trust The late Stetson Whitcher TRIBUTE GIFTS Gifts honoring someone special and to benefit those whose lives are touched by the Museum. The late Maher Abu-Libdeh The late Elwyn Sessions Baker Craig Barnes Lori Bergeron Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bradley Gail Breslow Betsy Washburn Cabot Maria Cabrera Diana Fai and Michael Taylor R. Matt and Katherine Fates The late Herb Feldman Naomi Goltz Joan Hadly Barbara Kirchheimer Maria Kussmaul The late Joan Lash The late Jane Phillips William Schawbel and Judy Samelson The late Dr. Robert C. Seamans Jr. Malcolm Sherman and the Tuesday Evening Club The Special Libraries Association The late Mary Stephens Dr. and Mrs. Herman D. Suit The late Robert Sutherland The late Stephen Swensrud Michael Thonis The late Mary Tieso David Tolstrup The late Pearl Torresyap The late Mrs. H. Bradford Washburn, Jr. The late Carol Weiss Jack Whisenhunt SERVICES AND GIFTS-IN-KIND Allen & Gerritsen Four Seasons Hotel Kimberly and James Goldinger Ioannis Miaoulis Laura and Kenneth Morse Lindenmyr Munroe Plaza Limousine, Ltd Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC WBMX Mix 104.1 WBOS 92.9 WBQT 96.9 WBUR 90.9 WBZ News Radio 1030 WBZ-FM WCVB-TV, Channel 5 WilmerHale WJMN - JAM’N 94.5 WKLB - Country 102.5 WMJX - Magic 106.7 WODS Oldies 103.3 WROR - Classic Hits 105.7 WXKS - Kiss 108 WXRV 92.5 The River WZLX 100.7 Boston’s Classic Rock DEK Consulting Services COLBY SOCIETY Recognizing cumulative lifetime giving totaling $100,000 or more. Jaishree and Desh Deshpande Joanne and Paul Egerman EMC Corporation Sandy and Dozier Gardner Germeshausen Foundation Google, Inc. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Daphne and George Hatsopoulos Hewlett-Packard Company Emily C. Hood Wendy and Philip Kistler The Kresge Foundation Liberty Mutual Insurance Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Lovejoy Jr. Massachusetts Technology Collaborative Kurt and Therese Melden Mercury Computer Systems, Inc. Colleen and Howard Messing Museum of Science Volunteer Service League National Endowment for the Humanities National Institutes of Health Dawn and the late Rodger Nordblom Chairman’s Circle $20,000,000 or more Sophia and Bernard M. Gordon (Gordon Foundation) National Science Foundation $10,000,000 – $19,999,999 Intel Microsoft Corporation Yawkey Foundations $5,000,000 – $9,999,999 Nonnie and Rick Burnes Brit and the late Alex d’Arbeloff The Lowell Institute Massachusetts Life Sciences Center David G. Mugar National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Institute of Standards and Technology $2,500,000 – $4,999,999 Biogen Foundation Cummings Properties, LLC Woburn and Beverly, MA Genzyme Corporation The Charles Hayden Foundation Institute of Museum and Library Services Massachusetts Cultural Council MathWorks Raytheon U.S. Small Business Administration Gwill York and Paul Maeder Anonymous $1,000,000 – $2,499,999 Allen & Gerritsen Bank of America S. D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation/ Stephen Bechtel Fund Best Buy Foundation Arthur F. Blanchard Trust Amy and Joshua Boger Bose Corporation The Boston Foundation John M. and the late Jane C. Bradley Cisco Coca-Cola Refreshments Francis T. Colby Trust Albert and Hilary Creighton (The Creighton Narada Foundation) Ivana Magovcevic-Liebisch, Lars Liebisch, Johan and Laura Pontin Jane and A. Neil Pappalardo Amelia Peabody Charitable Fund Harold Whitworth Pierce Charitable Trust William and Helen Pounds Suzanne and John F. Reno Elizabeth G. Riley and Daniel E. Smith Jr. William Schawbel and Judy Samelson Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family Foundation Barbara and Malcolm L. Sherman Phyllis Stearns Ira and Jacquie Stepanian Joan and Herman Suit Takeda Oncology Henri and Belinda Termeer Susan and Michael Thonis U.S. Department of Justice Elise and Neil W. Wallace Edwin S. Webster Foundation D. Reid Weedon Jr. WilmerHale Anonymous (5) President’s Circle $750,000 – $999,999 Adobe Foundation Dr. Gary and the late Dr. Joan M. Bergstrom Julia Appleton Bird Charitable Trust Cabot Corporation Cabot Family Charitable Trust The Cargill Foundation Cognizant Highland Street Foundation Edna and Donald M. Kaplan (Abraham Kaplan Charitable Foundation) Winter 2015/2016 15957 cc2015.indd 15 15 12/15/15 2:57 PM Leo Liu MD and Pendred Noyce MD (Noyce Foundation) Massachusetts Clean Energy Center Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Amelia Peabody Foundation Gene and Abby Record Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Verizon Foundation $500,000 – $749,999 Mary and John E. Abele The Boston Globe Bull HN Information Systems, Inc. Maureen and Michael Champa Delta Dental of Massachusetts Richard DiPerna and Jean Nichols Federal Highway Administration Amy and Jonathan J. Fleming Anne and Walter J. Gamble Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Karen and Gary Gregg John Hancock Financial Services Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation Howard Hughes Medical Institute i2 Camp Ann and Ed Kania Lakeside Foundation The Lynch Foundation Ann Merrifield and Wayne Davis Elizabeth Moore Marianne and Kenneth J. Novack Michael and Helen Schaffer Foundation William M. and Judith A. Steul Suffolk Construction’s Red & Blue Foundation The Wapack Foundation Anonymous (2) Rita Vachani and Jayanthi Rangan Founder’s Circle $250,000 – $499,999 Vernon R. Alden Judy and Richard Anders Bain Capital, LLC Mary and JP Barger Adelaide Breed Bayrd Foundation Sarah and Jeffrey Beir Charles H. Blake Charitable Trust Michael R. Bloomberg The Tarrant Cutler Family Edith L. Dabney and the John H. Knowles Family Arthur Vining Davis Foundations Deering Foundation Susan and Gary T. DiCamillo Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. EMD Millipore 16 Gretchen S. Fish Elise and Dozier L. Gardner GE Foundation & GE Employees The Gillette Company Google Community Grants Fund of Tides Foundation Roy and Myra Gordon Haley Family Foundation The Hearst Foundation, Inc. Hermann Foundation Priscilla and Richard M. Hunt (Roy A. Hunt Foundation) Abigail P. Johnson and Christopher McKown Susan C. Kaplan Kathryn B. Kavadas Wayne and Norva Kennard Sonya and Raymond C. Kurzweil (Kurzweil Technologies, Inc.) LARS Foundation Pam Lassiter George and Emmy Lewis Ruby W. and Lavon P. Linn Foundation Jack Little and Nancy Wittenberg Lockheed Martin Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Loring III Alistair and Sharon Lowe MetLife Foundation National Endowment for the Arts National Geographic Society John R. Nelson Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Inc. The Polaroid Foundation Norman H. Read Trust Ann and John Rutherford Grace Gardner Schoelkopf Jenot W. and William U. Shipley MD State Street Foundation Abbot and Dorothy H. Stevens Foundation Fredericka and Howard Stevenson Stratford Foundation Edward A. Taft Thermo Fisher Scientific Unisys Corporation U.S. Department of Education U.S. Department of Energy Diana Gardner Vogel Margaret and Jim Wade Wolfgang Puck Catering/Restaurant Associates Roxanne Eigenbrod Zak and Michael J. Zak Anonymous (4) $100,000 – $249,999 AARP Andrus Foundation Amy and David Abrams Charles E. & Caroline J. Adams Trust Lee and Nile Albright MD/AMRF Amgen Foundation H.G. and M.R. Anderson Foundation Dorothy and David B. Arnold Jr. Astaro, Inc. Babson Family Foundations Bank of America Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Becton Jr. Alexis Borisy and Lia Meisinger Boston Scientific Corporation Edward J. Boudreau Jr. Richard A. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Truman S. Casner Citizens Bank Mr. Stephen E. Coit and Prof. Susan Napier Cornerstone Charitable Foundation Corning Life Sciences Covidien The Cranberry Institute Deloitte & Touche LLP Nancy E. Dempze and Daniel J. Bailey III Alice Willard Dorr Foundation Gabriela Romanow, David Arnold and Alexis Borisy Deborah Dunsire and Michael Hall Eastern Bank Harriett Eckstein Sally and George P. Edmonds Jr. Marion S. and David W. Ellis The Ellison Foundation Barbara and John Fibiger Ford Motor Company Johanna Friedenstein and Charles Chandler Friendly Ice Cream Corp. Robert G. and the late Constance B. Fuller Granville C. Garth Carol R. and Avram J. Goldberg Diane and Lloyd Gordon Grand Circle Foundation, Inc. Mary and Frederick Hafer Jean and Henry Hall Mary Harris and the late W. Van Alan Clark Jr. Bambi Hatch The Helen G. Hauben Foundation Ina and Lewis Heafitz Jane and Mark Hirsh Gilbert H. Hood Family Fund Barbara and Amos Hostetter The Hyams Foundation IBM Corporation iRobot Corporation Susan and the late Robert F. Jasse Dr. Timothy and Nancy Johnson Juniper Networks Beth and Brian Keane KeySpan Energy Delivery John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Stephany L. and Joel A. Kozol Anne C. Kubik and Michael Krupka Charlotte and the late Allen Latham Jr. Kenneth D. and Ardelle F. Legg Tom and Bonnie Leighton The Linde Family Foundation Loomis Sayles The late Caleb Loring Jr. Kirstin Lynde and Michael E. Kolowich Kathryn A. Lynn Louise P. and John H. MacMillan IV Massachusetts Board of Higher Education Carol G. and Robert L. Mayer David McCord and Stephen Hendrickson MEDITECH Merck Company Foundation Laura Barker Morse and Kenneth P. Morse Lorraine and Charles Morss Motorola Foundation National Grid New England Financial Deborah Munroe NoonanMemorial Fund NSTAR Foundation OneWorld Boston, a Cummings Foundation affiliate Parker Chomerics The Peabody Foundation, Inc. Philips Healthcare Museum of Science 15957 cc2015.indd 16 12/15/15 2:58 PM Honor Roll of Donors | Fiscal Year 2015 Anna and the late Ervin Pietz RBC Wealth Management The Mabel Louise Riley Foundation Bonnie and Thomas A. Rosse Lawrence J. and Anne Rubenstein Foundation Sagamore Foundation Santander Bank Saquish Foundation Rebecca B. and Preston H. Saunders William and Bertha Schrafft Charitable Trust Naomi Seligman Shaw’s Supermarkets Inc. Carol A. and Matthew D. Shedd Drs. Eleanor and Miles Shore Lawrence and Joan Siff Skywalk Observatory Sodexo Helen C. and John K. Spring Kenneth and Carol Vash Spritz Maria and Ray Stata Sun Microsystems, Inc. Payson and Jane Swaffield Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Sweetland Sidney A. Swensrud Foundation Tee Taggart and Jack Turner TBL Foundation Teradyne, Inc. Gene and Susan Tremblay U.S. Department of Labor Uvas Foundation Rose-Marie and Eyk Van Otterloo VFA, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Weitzel Susan Whitehead Clara B. Winthrop Charitable Trust Xiaohua Zhang and Quan Zhou Anonymous (5) ENDOWED FUNDS * Additional gifts added in FY2015 Acquisitions Lee and Nile Albright Symposium * Vernon Alden Endowed Internship Fund H.G. & M.R. Anderson Planetarium Maintenance Fund * Leo and Phyllis Beranek Fund Warren Berg Internship Fund Joan and Gary Bergstrom Discovery Center Endowment Fund The Biogen Idec Foundation Science Education Fund * Edward and Lois Bowles Unitrust Jane and John Bradley Endowed Educational Fund William Brewster Fund Amelia Brock Innovation Fund * Romaine R. Bruns Endowment Fund Henry W. Buhler Fund Thornton W. Burgess Fund Helene and Norman Cahners Fund Cahners ComputerPlace Endowment Fund Marie E. Carter Funds Truman S. Casner Fund Francis T. Colby Fund Mrs. Edward D. Cole Fund Collections Conservation Karl T. Compton Fund Computer Clubhouse The Computer Museum Exhibits/Programs Fund James A. Cooper Memorial Endowment Fund Francis and Sanda Countway Fund William C. and Jessie B. Cox Fund Brit and Alex d’Arbeloff Exhibits Maintenance Fund Edward Dane Fund Arthur Vining Davis Fellowship Fund Francis Wright Davis Fund Charles Marion L. Decrow Fund Deshpande Fund for Girls in STEM Frank and Cora Dewick Fund Robert Dunn Fund Joanne and Paul EgermanTechnology Fund David W. and Marion S. Ellis Endowment Fund * Ellis/Schmitt President’s Discretionary Fund Stephen Elmont Memorial Fund William. B. and Olive P.T. Farinon Endowment Fund Barbara “Baba” and Milton “Miltee” Feinberg Endowment Fund for Programs John A. and Barbara M. Fibiger Endowment Fund Waldo Emerson Forbes Fund Joseph F. and Clara Ford Fund Free Admissions General Endowment Fund Genzyme Endowment for Biotechnology Education William Germeshausen Fund Gilliland Observatory Fund Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Fund Sophia and Bernard M. Gordon Fund * Dr. Marvin C. Grossman Fund Melville Bell Grosvenor Fund Henry Snow Hall Jr. Fund Henry and Jean Hall Special Exhibitions Endowed Fund The Hall of Human Life Endowment Fund * Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Endowment Fund William Randolph Hearst Fund Julie and Bayard Henry Fund for Research and Evaluation Hermann Foundation Endowment Fund * Carlyle and Constance Holt Fund David H. Holt Memorial Fund Emily C. Hood Fund for the Advancement of Science and Technology Roger Fellowes Hooper Clement S. Houghton Fund Dr. John D. Houghton Exhibit Fund John K. Howard Fund John Bernard Swett Jackson Fund Evelyn M. Jenks Fund Jenks Omni Admissions Fund Joseph Kaplan Funds Carl T. Keller Memorial Fund Anita B. Kingan Fund Christos Kosmidis Discovery Center Endowed Internship Fund Emma Gildersleeves Lane Fund Isadore “Hank” Levy Fund Muriel G.S. Lewis Exhibits Fund Charles Lund Fund Alice Wellington Lyman Fund Charles W. Lynn Jr. Endowment Fund * George and Marjorie Lyon Fund Kistler Endowed Fund for the Care and Presentation of Living Collections Bradley E. Marks Memorial Internship Fund Joan (Paddy) Matloff Scholarship Fund Charles McMahon Discovery Center Fund Charles McMahon Human Body Connection Fund William and Ramona Mercer Endowed Fund Charles E. Merrill Fellowship Fund Susan Minns Fund Charles S. Minot Fund G. Gardner Monks Memorial Internship Fund Richard S. Morse Fund Museum of Science (Richard Nichols) Maintenance Fund * National Endowment for the Humanities Roger L. Nichols Exhibits Fund Roger L. Nichols Internship Fund Novack Family Youth Education Fund John O’Bryant Scholarship Fund Kenneth Olsen Fund Jane and Neil Pappalardo Fund for Programs Theodore G. Patterson Fund Kenneth E. Pauley Endowed Internship Fund * Frank E. Peabody Fund Ned Pearce Memorial Fund Sarah P. Pratt Fund John W. Randall Fund Reno Family Foundation Endowed Fund I Reno Family Foundation Endowed Fund II Leslie A. Riseberg Endowment Fund Edith Morse Robb Fund Edward and Bertha Rose Fund Alfred and Susan Row Fund Susan Saltonstall Fund for Programs Robert C. Seamans Jr. Fund for Planetarium Maintenance * George and Virginia Shattuck Fellowship Fund Barbara and Malcolm L. Sherman Fund for Adult Programs Eleanor and Miles Shore Endowed Internship Fund George Willard Smith Fund George W. Smith and Robert C. Jordan Fund Russell and Andrée Stearns Fund Stepanian Family Technology Education Fund * Joan and Herman Suit Fund for Programs * Elihu and Clarissa Thomson Fund Priscilla Douglas, Gerald Kohn and Carol Bowen Trustees Discretionary Fund * William J. Walker Prize Funds Gretchen Osgood Warren Fund Bradford and Barbara Washburn Discovery Fund * Washburn Award Funds Barbara and Bradford Washburn Traveling Fellowship Fund Edith Hall Washburn Fund Robert C. Waterston Fund F. Carrington Weems Fund Huntington Frothingham Wolcott Fund Women in Science Endowed Fund for Innovation * Gwill E. York and Paul A. Maeder Fund Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this honor roll. Thank you for contacting Meg Haines at 617.589.0406 or with any questions. Winter 2015/2016 Winter Magazine_FINAL.indd 17 17 12/11/15 11:11 PM 2015 BRADFORD WASHBURN AWARD “ Nutrition science is a young science,” said Michael Pollan in accepting the 2015 Bradford Washburn Award at the Museum on October 22. “We’ve only been at it for about 200 years. Right now, in my estimation, nutrition science is approximately where surgery was in the year 1650. It’s going to get a lot better. It’s going to be worth paying attention to. But it’s a primitive science. Digestion, food metabolism are miracles that we still only dimly understand. One example. We are all learning about the importance of the microbiome. Only about 10% of your cells belong to you. The rest belong to the bacteria and microbes. Their health is critical to your health.” Pollan, the author of the bestsellers Cooked, Food Rules, and The Omnivore’s Dilemma, among other books, is the John S. and James L. Knight Professor of Journalism at UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism, and the director of the Knight Program in Science and Environmental Journalism. A contributing writer to The New York Times Magazine since 1987, he received the James Beard Award for best magazine series in 2003 and the President’s Citation Award from the American Institute of Biological Sciences in 2009, among many other distinguished honors. Top: Michael Pollan with medal for 2015 Bradford Washburn Award Right, clockwise: Joy Zhong and David Lu; Laurie McEachern, Joy Lucas, and Charmaine Matthews; Nancy Dempze, Tori Riccardi, Pam Lassiter; Joel Dawson and Jack Turner; Becky and Sandy Saunders with Marion and David Ellis The award citation, which was presented by Joshua Boger, vice chair of the board of trustees, commended Pollan for being “a zealous ambassador for healthy eating,” and for inspiring his readers to “recognize food as not just fuel but rather as community, family, and one of the ways we construct our identity.” Named for the Museum’s founding director, Bradford Washburn, the award has been presented annually since 1964 to individuals who embody Washburn’s spirit of adventure and his ability to translate and interpret science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for the public. Pollan joins a notable list of past Washburn Award honorees, including Michael Bloomberg, Walter Cronkite, Jane Goodall, Jacques Cousteau, Sally Ride, Isaac Asimov, Atul Gawande, Alan Alda, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. 18 Museum of Science Winter Magazine_FINAL.indd 18 12/11/15 11:11 PM Winter 2015/2016 19 MUSEUM OF SCIENCE Winter Magazine_FINAL.indd 19 13 12/11/15 11:11 PM EXPLORATIONS With global obesity nearly doubling between 1980 and 2014, we are now witnessing a historical turnaround as obesity kills more people than malnutrition. Fat Humans, Fat Animals by Juan Enriquez and Steve Gullans As a species we have been conducting a large-scale experiment, over a very few decades, as to what happens to a human body when it massively increases its average weight—a trend that may have long-term evolutionary consequences. Fat mothers tend to have fatter babies. Older mothers tend to have fatter babies; every five-year increase in Mom’s age increases the chances that her newborn will become obese by 14 percent. Some medical practices are now seeing 16 percent obesity in infants. Problem is, kids born obese, or who gain weight early in life, are also prone to adult obesity and far more chronic illnesses. And they, in turn, are likely to have fatter babies. Reprinted from Evolving Ourselves: How Unnatural Selection and Nonrandom Mutation are Changing Life on Earth with permission of Current, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC. Copyright © Juan Enriquez and Steven Gullans, 2015. For millennia, a chubby baby was a good sign, but too much of a good thing tips the scales (heavy-handed pun intended). A study of 25 million children across twenty-eight countries timed how long it takes them to run one mile; on average they were a minute and a half slower than their parents were at the same age. Every decade, average global physical fitness falls 5 percent. We are, without a doubt, eating too much and working out too little. But what if there were other human and environmental factors that might also be driving the extreme obesity epidemic? One clue lies within recent insurance claims ... for dogs and cats. During 2007, one provider’s health-care claims related to obesity rose 19 percent. Six years later, the percentage 20 of overweight dogs had increased by an additional 37 percent. Overweight cats? More than a 90 percent increase in seven years. Most of these animals are typically not eating or drinking the same fast food we are. Many are on quite controlled and standardized diets. So why is obesity exploding in this population as well? Perhaps we simply coddle and overfeed our furry domestic friends. But if that’s the case, then why does a broadscale animal obesity study show that in both males and females, across twelve species, everything, everywhere, is getting fatter? One might understand why city rats, dumpster-diving for fast food, might begin to look like Porky Pig. But why would the same phenomenon be occurring in lab mice and rats? One of the key rules in science research is to reduce the variables, keep things standardized so you can really compare results. If lab animals are consistently treated and fed the same way, why would the odds of a male lab macaque being obese increase by 86 percent between 1971 and 2006? Obesity odds in female lab macaques increased by 144 percent. Were one tempted to dismiss these findings as simply the result of changes in lab food and practices, then one might ask why the obesity index for pasture-fed horses has increased 19 percent. Is the grass in these fields really different, or is there something globally systemic going on? Antibiotics may be one culprit. Many farmers mix antibiotics into animal feed as a standard operating procedure. The objective is not to cure sick animals but to Museum of Science Winter Magazine_FINAL.indd 20 12/11/15 11:11 PM Juan Enriquez and Steve Gullans, PhD, are cofounders of Excel Venture Management, which builds start-ups in synthetic biology, big data, and new genetic technologies. Enriquez, a Museum overseer, is a bestselling author and authority on the economic and political impacts of the life sciences. A TED “allstar,” he lectures around the world, chairs the Genetics Advisory Council at Harvard Medical School, and was the founding director of Harvard Business School’s Life Science Project. Gullans was a professor at Harvard Medical School for 18 years, applying breakthrough technologies to diseases such as cancer, ALS, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. He has published more than 130 scientific papers in leading journals. He was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 1998. induce weight gain. These subtherapeutic doses of antibiotics kill off some of the gut bacteria and allow more nutrients per feeding to get into the animal’s body. While the amount dosed per animal is small, the overall systemic effect is enormous. Industrial farms used 30 million pounds of antibiotics in 2011 alone—about four times the amount sick humans used. Some of these chemicals leach into the environment. So might the widespread prevalence of low-dose antibiotics in our environment, just enough to promote weight gain in animals, be one factor in the generalized weight gain of wild animals and perhaps humans? Aside from antibiotics, many other compounds, known by the cuddly title of “obesogens,” may activate fat cells. Because some of these substances are nontoxic and noncarcinogenic, their effects tend to be understudied and underappreciated. And yet they commonly appear in our food chain; in 2009, some 56,231 pounds of triflumizole—a common fungicide and possible obesogen—were sprayed all over leafy green vegetables, fruits, and flowers. And while we consumed our “fresh” salads, we may also have been drinking water from hard plastic bottles and thus consuming bisphenol A (BPA), another possible obesogen. Overall stress and sleeplessness can also affect human obesity. And a tendency toward obesity can be passed on generationally; constant maternal stress alters children’s immune systems as well as their behaviors. Studies have shown that pregnant rodents exposed to stress have a lot of hormones, such as cortisol, running through their blood, and their offspring in turn display anxiety behavior. What is interesting is that if the offspring are fed a specific probiotic containing L. helveticus R0052 and B. longum R0175, In a Darwinian world, nature’s cruelty might have taken care of extraordinarily obese babies, at least in the short term; many women would have been physically unable to deliver these ever larger babies. But yet another instance of unnatural selection, cesarean sections, have removed this natural constraint. Throughout history, before sterile procedures and anesthetics, cesarean sections were almost always death sentences for the mother. More than one-third of U.S. babies and more As we change our lifestyles, diets, and stress levels, as well as those of the animals that live around us, we likely also influence obesity, even in utero. then the stress-driven changes in hormones and brain biology, and the resultant anxiety behavior, are significantly reduced. This implies that diet, the environment, and chemicals all interact with the bacteria that live within our guts and are connected to our immune and endocrine systems. Human studies indicate that irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) often occurs in individuals with psychiatric disorders, and is often exacerbated by stress. As we change our lifestyles, diets, and stress levels, as well as those of the animals that live around us, we likely also influence obesity, even in utero. than 40 percent of Chinese babies come into the world in a way that is very different from the historical norm. In our human-driven world there are no more natural vetoes on size at birth. We can already partially design what we want the average human to be like; for instance, moderate exercise during pregnancy leads to slightly smarter kids. Exercising over the course of one’s lifetime also maintains or increases IQ. But if we keep going the way we are going today, our grand kids may not all be as healthy tomorrow. Evolution is increasingly our responsibility, our choice. Winter 2015/2016 Winter Magazine_FINAL.indd 21 21 12/11/15 11:11 PM IN GRATITUDE Ioannis Miaoulis, Lisa Randall, Rick and Nonnie Burnes The COLBY HONORS Rick Burnes, who served as chairman of the board of trustees from 2004 to 2010 and co-chaired The Campaign for the Museum of Science, joins the ranks of generous benefactors honored with the Colonel Francis T. Colby Award, the institution’s highest philanthropic recognition. Members of the Colby Society, Museum friends whose lifetime giving totals in excess of $100,000, gathered on September 21 to honor trustee Rick Burnes for his decades-long service and commitment to the institution. Ioannis Miaoulis, president and director, began the evening with a fond remembrance of Jane Bradley, trustee emerita and 2012 Colby honoree, who passed away on September 14. Rick, co-founder of Charles River Ventures, and his wife Nonnie, a retired Massachusetts superior court judge, made their first gift to the Museum in 1968. Since that time, they have supported virtually every Museum funding priority. Rick has also been a board member at the Boston Lyric Opera, Cantata Singers, the Boston Center for Adult Education, and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. In May 2014, he was named chair of the WGBH board of trustees. In a video produced for the event, Rick talked about a few Museum highlights in recent years, including our K—12 engineering curricula, the Hall of Human Life, and The Science Behind Pixar. “When I talk to people about why the Museum is important, I say it’s because we need a healthy economy. We need a healthy democracy. We need voters who understand why changes are taking place and where they potentially can lead. This Museum is about the future. This Museum is about new ideas. It’s about the future of kids. It’s about their ability to grow, to realize their potential. And that’s the kind of organization that we like to support.” 22 Museum of Science 15957 cc2015.indd 22 12/15/15 12:12 PM 2015 Walker Prize In 1864 William Johnson Walker, MD, an eminent surgeon, endowed a special award at the Boston Society of Natural History, the founding organization of the Museum of Science. The Walker Prize, presented annually at the Colby Society dinner, recognizes meritorious published investigation and discovery in any scientific field. This year’s Walker Prize was awarded to Lisa Randall, the Baird Professor of Science at Harvard University, whose research connects theoretical insights addressing puzzles in our current understanding of the properties of matter, the universe, and space. Professor Randall is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She has received many awards, honorary degrees, and prestigious designations, including TIME’s “100 Most Influential People” and Esquire’s “75 Most Influential People of the 21st Century.” Her books, Warped Passages (2005) and Knocking on Heaven’s Door (2011), were featured on the New York Times’ lists of “100 Notable Books.” Her e-book, Higgs Discovery: The Power of Empty Space, was published in 2012. Professor Randall has also pursued art-science connections, writing a libretto for Hypermusic Prologue: A Projective Opera in Seven Planes, which premiered at the Pompidou Center in Paris. She also co-curated the art exhibit Measure for Measure for the Los Angeles Arts Association. In 2012, and her new book, Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs, was just published by Ecco Books she received the Andrew Gemant Award from the American Institute of Physics, for contributions to the cultural, artistic, or humanistic dimension of physics. COL. FRANCIS T. COLBY AWARD Bestowed annually on members of the Museum of Science family who have made extraordinary contributions of time, treasure, and talent to the institution, the Colby Award recognizes the deep financial commitment and generous volunteer efforts of individuals who are so important to the Museum achieving its mission. 2014 Daphne and George N. Hatsopoulos Jane and A. Neil Pappalardo Elise and Neil W. Wallace 2013 Malcolm Sherman Ira Stepanian 2012 John and the late Jane Bradley D. Reid Weedon Jr. 2011 Sophia and Bernard M. Gordon 2010 Brit d’Arbeloff Joan Suit Clockwise: Wes and Maria Kussmaul; Bill Lowell, Michael Robbins, and John Lowell Thorndike; Ira Stepanian, Betsy Washburn Cabot, and Rick Burnes; Lisa Randall delivers Walker Prize lecture. Winter 2015/2016 15957 cc2015.indd 23 23 12/15/15 12:31 PM Joining the Boards of Trustees and Overseers NEW TRUSTEES Wayne M. Kennard Wayne M. Kennard, who has served as the Museum’s corporate counsel since 2004, is a partner at WilmerHale, focusing his practice on representing high-tech startups and established companies in a range of intellectual property matters. In the patent area, he has experience in obtaining intellectual property protection, licensing, and litigation in the computer hardware and software, electrical, and electronics technology, as well as mechanical and electromechanical technology. He has extensive experience advising U.S. and international companies on intellectual property issues. In addition to publishing extensively on intellectual property and lecturing across the country, he has been recognized for his work by Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business. Joy Lucas Joy Lucas, a former staff scientist at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Biogen, and Cambridge Neuroscience, is actively involved in volunteering and advocating for STEM education in Cambridge schools. She was the Math Olympiad coordinator for the Morse School while her sons attended and she worked with MIT’s Office of Outreach Engineering Programs, which provides enriching science and engineering experiences to middle and high school students from Boston, Cambridge, and Lawrence public schools. In 2006, she served as a charter member of a new graduate chapter of her sorority. A three-term overseer at the Museum of Science, she has served as Junior Warden of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, and on the boards of The Cantata Singers and Cambridge School Volunteers. She is also a singer, performing for several seasons with Cantata Singers and for five years in the professional chorus of the Seattle Opera. Johan Pontin Johan Pontin is the founder and CEO of Beryllium Discovery Corporation. Beryllium is a small molecule lead discovery company specializing in the target areas of RNA and protein complexes. Prior to Beryllium, he served as managing and founding partner of Pod Venture Partners, an early-stage private equity firm with investments in information communications technology and life sciences companies. Before becoming an entrepreneur, he worked as head of mergers and acquisitions at ASSA ABLOY AB and as a management consultant for Coopers & Lybrand. He served as a PT Boat Commander in the Royal Swedish Navy and remains an avid sailor. Patricia M. Lassiter Pam Lassiter, author of The New Job Security, a Wall Street Journal awardwinning book, is principal of Lassiter Consulting, a firm that provides career transition programs and coaching to companies and individuals worldwide. She teaches “Career Leadership” at Harvard University’s Division of Continuing Education and is a coach for Harvard Business School Executive. Her clients include Agfa, Barclays Bank, BlueCross BlueShield, Gillette, Harvard University, ITT, Getronics, Vertex, and multiple graduate business programs including MIT, Princeton, and University of California Berkeley-Haas. Through leading ExecuNet in New England, she has helped thousands of professionals improve their career management, networking and negotiation skills. NEW OVERSEERS Mark Currie Steven M. Bauer Catherine Creighton Pratyush Moghe Yiannis Monovoukas Alison Nolan 24 Andrea DiFabio Robin Levin Ivana MagovcevicLiebisch Bijoy Mathew Ellen Piccioli Rebecca Shin Aimee Sprung John Stafford Museum of Science 15957 cc2015.indd 24 12/15/15 12:14 PM TRUSTEES (FY15) Chair Howard Messing Vice Chairs Joshua Boger Deborah Dunsire Michael G. Thonis Gwill E. York TRUSTEES Richard I. Anders Jeffrey R. Beir Alexis Borisy Richard M. Burnes Jr. Richard A. Carpenter Yet-Ming Chiang Stephen E. Coit Stacy Lorraine Cowan Nancy E. Dempze Jaishree Deshpande Gary T. DiCamillo Richard A. DiPerna Paul Egerman Gretchen S. Fish Gary R. Gregg Helen Greiner Leslie E. Greis Steven Haley Jane Hirsh Ann Kania Ranch C. Kimball Wendy W. Kistler Maria Lewis Kussmaul Kenneth D. Legg Leo X. Liu Kurt Melden Elizabeth Moore Laura Barker Morse Jane Pappalardo Thomas J. Pincince Eugene E. Record Jr. Elizabeth G. Riley George Scangos Matthew D. Shedd Malcolm L. Sherman Lawrence A. Siff Ira Stepanian Howard H. Stevenson William H. Swanson Henri A. Termeer Hal R. Tovin NON-ELECTED VOTING TRUSTEES President and Director Ioannis N. Miaoulis Chair, Board of Overseers Patricia M. Lassiter Corporation Counsel Wayne M. Kennard Chair, The Innovators John Stafford President, Volunteer Service League Gerald C. Kohn EX OFFICIO TRUSTEES The Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Mitchell D. Chester The Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation John P. Murray TRUSTEES EMERITI President Emeritus David W. Ellis John E. Abele Jane C. Bradley* Brit J. d’Arbeloff Sally L. Dias M. Dozier Gardner Diane R. Gordon Daphne Hatsopoulos Julie E. Henry Emily C. Hood Frederick H. Lovejoy Jr. Kenneth J. Novack John F. Reno William Schawbel Joan C. Suit Samuel O. Thier LIFE TRUSTEES Vernon R. Alden J.P. Barger Warren S. Berg Edith LaC. Dabney George P. Edmonds Jr. John A. Fibiger Walter J. Gamble Paul E. Gray Mrs. Roger L. Nichols James R. Nichols Preston H. Saunders Ralph Z. Sorenson Neil W. Wallace D. Reid Weedon Jr. Sinclair Weeks Jr. OVERSEERS (FY15) Chair Patricia M. Lassiter Vice Chairs Christine P. Bellon Richard Grinnell Ted E. MacLean OVERSEERS Jeffrey M. Arnold Stephane Bancel Carol W. Bowen Kerry Bowie Ian A. Bowles Cynthia Breazeal Charles Button* Betsy Washburn Cabot Mary Azzarto Ciampa Jorge C. Conde James Daniell Randall Davis Elisabet de los Pinos J. Timothy Delaney Mark L. DiNapoli Priscilla H. Douglas Richard M. Eglen Fenel M. Eloi Juan Enriquez R. Matt Fates Jonathan J. Fleming Christopher S. Frost Nina Tamara Frusztajer Dozier L. Gardner Kimberly Goldinger Jonathan Goodman Evelynn M. Hammonds Evelyn Higginbotham Galen I. Ho Malcolm J. Huckaby Barbara J. Hughey Paula A. Johnson Peggy Johnson Philip T. Johnson Salim E. Kabawa Donald M. Kaplan Susan Kaplan Brian T. Keane Adrian Ketri Michael E. Kolowich Joshua M. Kraft Tamara Shapiro Ledley Boris Levin Stephanie Behrakis Liakos Sharon E. Lowe William A. Lowell Douglas E. MacDougall Ilene Mason James M. McGlennon Lynne T. Miller Terrence W. Norchi Mary Anne North Mark Nunnelly Gregory M. O’Shaughnessy Judy M. Pagliuca Thomas L. Pappas Chinh H. Pham Joyce L. Plotkin Jason Pontin Johan Pontin Steven Purpura Mitchel J. Resnick Carmichael S. Roberts Chris Rogers Marc A. Rubenstein Rudy Lamont Ruggles III John C. Rutherford Steven D. Schwaitzberg Naomi O. Seligman Leslie P. Shaff Eileen Shapiro Michael S. Sherman Robin E. Sherman Jenot W. Shipley John Spencer Jr. Carol Vash Spritz Sandra Stratford Payson Swaffield Stuart R. Taylor Jack Turner Stephen T. Vinter James F. Wade David E. Walker Susan Whitehead Amy Morse Winslow Krishna Yeshwant Roxanne Eigenbrod Zak Andrey J. Zarur Xiaohua Zhang OVERSEERS EMERITI Nile L. Albright Mrs. Walter M. Cabot Albert M. Creighton, Jr. Mrs. Tarrant Cutler Marion S. Ellis Boruch B. Frusztajer Owen J. Gingerich Marvin C. Grossman Gardner C. Hendrie Jonnet K. Holladay Richard M. Hunt E. Verner Johnson Richard G. Leahy George Lewis Lorraine Graham Morss Peter Nessen Edith Hall Overly Donald M. Perrin Thomas L. Phillips Helen M. Pounds George Putnam William M. Raeder Judy Samelson Helen Chin Schlichte Marvin G. Schorr Arthur R. Schwartz John A. Shane Eleanor G. Shore Normand F. Smith III Helen B. Spaulding William M. Steul Fredericka O. Stevenson Ralph C. Sweetland Gene Tremblay Mrs. H. Bradford Washburn Jr.* Joanne Weafer John P. Weitzel Charles V. Willie *Deceased Winter 2015/2016 Winter Magazine_FINAL.indd 25 25 12/11/15 11:12 PM OF NOTE ASTC LEADING EDGE AWARD TO LARRY BELL The Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) recently honored Larry Bell, senior vice president, with the Roy L. Shafer Leading Edge Award for Leadership in the Field, at the Palais de congress de Montreal, Quebec, Canada, during ASTC’s annual conference. “Larry Bell has an unsurpassed knowledge of—and passion for—informal STEM education,” said Anthony Rock, ASTC president and CEO. “A fantastic partner on important projects that serve our entire field, he has earned tremendous respect from his peers.” In recognizing Bell’s impact, ASTC highlighted three innovations that have shaped visitor engagement with science across the field of informal science education: his groundbreaking Science Is an Activity exhibit plan; Forums, a new museum learning model for informed decision-making; and a first-of-a-kind national Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network involving the public in cutting-edge science, engineering, and technology. “We are thrilled by ASTC’s recognition of Larry,” says Museum of Science president and director Ioannis Miaoulis. “His extraordinary intellect, creativity, and vast experience in the design of interactive exhibits and programs have shaped the educational process and impact of the Museum for over four decades.” MUSEUM AND ASU RECEIVE NOAA GRANT ALABAMA SELECTS MUSEUM CURRICULUM FOR STEM INITIATIVE The Museum of Science and Arizona State University’s Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes are among the six institutions awarded an Environmental Literacy Grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The NOAA Grants Program funds projects that strengthen environmental literacy among the public and elementary and high school students. The Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative (AMSTI) has selected a curriculum developed at the Museum for a statewide program to improve STEM education and promote educational equity. The awardwinning Engineering is Elementary® (EiE®) curriculum, created by the Museum’s National Center for Technological Literacy®, will be made available to schools through 11 AMSTI support centers around the state, eventually reaching up to 140,000 elementary students. The project, “Science Center Public Forums: Community Engagement for Environmental Literacy, Improved Resilience, and Decision-Making,” will use the more than $300,000 in NOAA funding to develop locally-based forums hosted by community science centers and create replicable models for learning and engagement. “People across our nation are facing an increasing number of extreme weather events,” says U.S. Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.). “This new collaboration between the Museum of Science, Arizona State University, and NOAA will improve community resilience by creating key partnerships that will increase awareness of and develop solutions to environmental threats.” 26 Alabama recently adopted new science standards that make engineering practices part of K – 12 instruction, creating a need for curricula to help schools meet the standards. “We chose our STEM curricula through a very rigorous selection process, with an emphasis on hands-on, inquirybased learning,” says ASMTI director Steve Ricks. “We’re really happy to bring in EiE to help meet those goals.” With half of Alabama’s 1,100 elementary schools considered official AMSTI schools, Ricks estimates that over the next few years, about 140,000 elementary students will learn with EiE. The Museum’s engineering curriculum is in use nationwide, including statewide in Delaware, in Iowa through the state’s STEM Scale-up Program, in the nation’s military schools, and district wide in Baltimore, Washington, DC, and Minneapolis. In all, EiE has reached more than 9 million students and nearly 100,000 teachers. The EiE connection to the AMSTI center at the University of Alabama dates back to 2007, when the UAH Institute for Science Education brought the curriculum to several local schools with support from NASA/MSFC and Boeing. Later, in 2011, Raytheon made a $2 million award to the Museum for initiatives designed to bring EiE to high-needs districts across the country; one of these initiatives established three “EiE hub sites” for professional development, including the Institute for Science Education / AMSTI support center at the University of Alabama. Another Raytheon supported initiative awarded a scholarship to Alabama’s Athens City Schools. From February 2013 to January 2015, Raytheon support helped bring EiE to 12,440 Alabama students. Museum of Science 15957 cc2015.indd 26 12/15/15 12:15 PM Don’t Be Like This Guy... Today, given the ups and downs of the market, investing for safe, predictable income to count on in retirement can seem like a huge gamble. Much like playing the lottery! Yet, did you know a Charitable Gift Annuity with the Museum of Science can give you guaranteed income for life, at a great fixed rate and an immediate income tax deduction. Talk about peace of mind! *ON E-LI FE (SI NG LE) AG E RATE 65 4.7% 70 5.1% 80 6.8% 85 7.8% What’s more, making a charitable gift annuity with the Museum supports our school interns, educational programs, exhibits, Traveling Programs and so much more! YOUR gift helps to educate and inspire our next great generation of scientists, engineers, doctors, and discoverers. TWO-LI FE (JOI NT & SU RVIVOR SH I P) AG E RATE 60, 65 4.0% 65, 70 4.4% 70, 75 4.8% 75, 80 5.3% 80, 85 6.1% 85, 90 8.8% 15957 cc2015.indd 27 A secure retirement plan for YOU, while creating a lasting legacy for OUR kids, makes a gift annuity the perfect solution! Don’t need the retirement income now? Create YOUR annuity today, receive an immediate tax deduction and choose when you would like to start receiving the income. Safe and secure income when YOU NEED IT on YOUR TIMELINE! For further information please contact Jim McDonald at or 617-589-4482. Visit us at to learn more. 12/15/15 12:17 PM Non-Profit Org US Postage PAID Randolph, MA Permit # 20 1 Science Park Boston, MA 02114-1099 Premier Partners: SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM VOLUNTEER SERVICE LEAGUE President and Director Board of Directors Director, National Center for Technological Literacy ® Gerald C. Kohn, President Ioannis N. Miaoulis Peter Bloom, Treasurer Bobbie Ewels, Vice President Debbie Roth, Secretary Chief Operating Officer Wayne M. Bouchard Directors Debbie Alexander Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives Pauline Bover Associate Director, National Center for Technological Literacy® Shirley Frawley Lawrence Bell Senior Vice President, Education Paul M. Fontaine Senior Vice President, Advancement Ellie Starr Vice President, Visitor Services and Operations Jonathan R. Burke Vice President, Human Resources This magazine was printed with post-consumer recycled paper, saving: Judy Christensen Art Iworsley Jen Kelt Steve Knapp Owen Knight David Laffitte Joe Lester Nancy Porter Deanna Rensch Rubylee Shuman Donald Smart Sooky Sullivan LeBlanc Non-voting Staff Liaisons Britton S. O’Brien Judith R. Sokol Manager, Human Resources Vice President, Finance and System Services Jeanmarie Santomassimo Program Manager, Volunteer Services John T. Slakey 7 trees 19 lbs of waterborne waste Manager, Office of the President Mary McCann 305 lbs of solid waste 601 lbs net greenhouse gases 4,599,945 BTUs energy 2 2828 Museum of Science Museum of Science 15957 cc2015.indd 28 12/15/15 12:18 PM