Alpha Tau Omega - Student Affairs


Alpha Tau Omega - Student Affairs
Alpha Tau Omega
Alpha Rho Chapter
Lehigh University
True Merit Character Program Spring 2016
President: Kyle Durics (610) 573-4389
New Member Educator: William Schwarz (609) 947-9465
1 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Table of Contents
Alpha Tau Omega and Lehigh University Hazing Statement03
True Merit Character Pillars & Learning Objectives
True Merit Goals and Expectations
Facilitation Guide
Pledge Curriculum
Welcome Letter
Financial Contract
Statement of Commitment
Pledge Meeting #1
Pledge Meeting #2
Pledge Meeting #3
Pledge Meeting #4
Pledge Meeting #5
Pledge Meeting #6
Pledge Meeting #7
Pledge Meeting #8
Pledge Meeting #9
Pledge Meeting #10
Special Events
2 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Alpha Tau Omega’s National Anti-Hazing Policy
Hazing is prohibited by the Fraternity. No chapter, colony, student or shall
conduct or condone hazing of any brother pledge/new member at any
time. Any chapter, colony or member who engages in any form of hazing
shall be subject to discipline. Hazing is inconsistent with the principles of
why Alpha Tau Omega was founded. What would our
Founders think if they witnessed hazing activities (what would your
parents think?). Again, Alpha Tau Omega is a Fraternity that promotes
justice to our fellow man. Hazing is not consistent with that mission.
Hazing is defined as any action or situation created whether on
or off Fraternity or campus premises, which produces mental or physical
discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, anxiety or ridicule, no matter
how good the intent or end result. Hazing is against the law in more than
35 states and is a violation of Risk Management Policy.
Liability insurance does not cover a violation of Risk Management Policy.
This list of hazing activities, including examples, is intended as a guide.
It is NOT complete.
Almost anything that pledge/new member has to do and initiated
members don’t is hazing.
1. Forced road trips off campus, kidnapping of members. This prohibition
is not intended to abolish trips to other chapters, the National
Headquarters, and the like. It is meant to abolish
situations in which members are left stranded in the middle of nowhere,
and any other similar
2. Personal errands run by pledge/new member for initiated members (servitude).
3. Assigning pranks such as stealing, painting objects, panty raids,
or harassing another organization.
4. Brothers intentionally messing up the house or a room for the pledge/new member
to clean.
5. Lengthy work sessions.
6. Ridiculous work assignments (e.g., cleaning floors with toothbrushes, etc.).
7. Any form of forced physical activities and exercise, whether extreme
or not (e.g., push-ups, sit-ups or other calisthenics, runs, walks, etc.).
8. Squirting member with hoses or fire extinguishers.
9. Scavengers hunts that promote theft, vandalism, destruction or
property and humiliating public acts.
10. Paddling, paddle swats, or any other striking, beating or hitting.
11. All-night work or study sessions.
3 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
12. Forcing or requiring members to ingest any liquid or solid matter,
edible or non-edible (e.g., any alcoholic, substance, chewing tobacco,
goldfish, raw onions, spoiled food, etc.).
13. Dropping food or any other item into the mouths of members.
14. Requiring members to wear unusual, conspicuous,
embarrassing, or uncomfortable clothing or clothing that is not
normally considered to be in good taste.
15. Uncomfortable or inconvenient sleeping arrangements, including sleeping outdoors.
16. Pledge/new member-brother games designed to physically
harm members of the pledge/new member class.
17. Sleep deprivation - waking members up repeatedly during the night.
18. Humiliation in front of non-members by reference to “pledge/new membership.”
19. Verbal abuse such as calling a pledge/new member
derogatory names; yelling and screaming at pledges new
20. Line-ups of the pledges/new members, or grilling individuals or
groups of pledge/new member with questions of any kind.
21. Preventing pledge/new member from practicing personal hygiene,
including making him wear the same clothes day after day.
22. Requiring pledge/new member to enter or exit the chapter house
through a prescribed door or window.
23. Forcing an individual to participate in any activity or become
involved in any situation that is in violation of
federal or local laws, contrary to the person’s genuine moral or religious
beliefs, or contrary to the rules and regulations of the educational
institution or the Fraternity.
24. Carrying or wearing objects designed to make members look foolish.
25. Physical or mental shocks, regardless of degree of nature.
26. Unwarranted touching of the body.
27. Ceremonial burials.
28. Degrading games and activities.
29. Public stunts of buffoonery.
30. Degrading games and activities.
31. Tests of courage, bravery.
32. Tests of stamina.
33. Any situation that risks serious harm or damage to an individual,
whether physical or mental.
34. Any activity that would degrade or otherwise compromise the dignity of the
35. Any activity that requires an unreasonable or inordinate amount of
the individual’s time, or in any manner impairs the individual’s academic
36. Any activity that makes the individual an object of amusement or ridicule.
37. Dangerous stunts.
4 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
38. Forced nudity at any time; causing a member to be indecently exposed or
39. Wearing or carrying items such as paddles or rocks.
40. Throwing food, water, paint, etc. on a member.
41. Memorization of information not directly related to the Fraternity or chapter.
42. Putting pledge/new member in a room that is uncomfortable
(noise, temperature, too small) at any time (including during preinitiation or between portions of the Ritual).
43. Pledge/new member not permitted adequate time for studies
(including during pre-initiation period).
44. Deception prior to the initiation designed to convince the
pledge/new member that they will not be initiated.
45. Constantly, or many times a day, or routinely every day, asking
pledge/new member to think about what to expect in the Ritual.
46. Pledge/new member expected to do anything exclusively for the
entertainment of the brothers.
47. House duties and cleaning for pledge/new member that would not
normally be assigned to brothers and that are not shared by the
48. Pledge/new member versus brothers in athletic contests that are
purposefully unfair and do not promote friendly competition.
49. The marking or branding of a pledge/new member.
50. Preventing a pledge/new member from attending class.
51. Running stairs.
52. Having pledge/new member write lists of their faults, sins, believing
they must read them to other members.
53. Not being allowed to eat for any reason.
54. Poling or dunking any member because of a pinning, lavaliering,
engagement, birthday, etc.
5 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Lehigh University’s Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affair’s Hazing Statement
The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs, the Greek Community, and Lehigh
University have a zero tolerance policy for hazing in any fraternity or sorority activity.
Every precaution is taken to ensure that each individual is educated on the harms of
hazing and how to report an incident should it occur. For more details regarding our
training and policies, please refer to our website.
Hazing is any action taken or situation created, whether on or off campus, to
produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Hazing
includes but is not limited to any brutality of a physical nature, such as paddling,
whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the elements, forced
consumption of any food, liquor, drug or other substance, or any other forced physical
activity that would subject the individual to physical harm or mental stress, such as
sleep deprivation, forced exclusion from social contact, forced conduct which could
result in extreme embarrassment, or any other forced activity which would adversely
affect the mental health or dignity of the individual. Among prohibited activities are
forced or coerced activities which create excessive fatigue; cause physical and
psychological shocks; involve kidnapping; involve morally questionable quests, treasure
hunts, scavenger hunts, or any other such activities; involve publicly wearing apparel
that is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; cause students to engage in public
stunts and buffoonery, morally degrading or humiliating games and activities, or late
night activities which interfere with scholastic activities. Also prohibited are any
activities that are in violation of federal, state, or local laws, the Lehigh University Code
of Conduct, or accepted standards of good taste or propriety. For purposes of this
definition, any activity described in this paragraph upon which the admission into or
affiliation with an organization is directly or indirectly conditioned shall be presumed to
be "forced or coerced" activity, the willingness of an individual to participate in such
activity notwithstanding.
6 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
True Merit Character Pillars
| and appreciative of ATO’s rich & vibrant history
| leaders who see past what is and look to what could be
| to academic excellence
| to seek the truth
| leaders who choose integrity over convenience
| to think critically
| of others and themselves
| men who are civically engaged
| to take on the world
| to the bonds of Brotherhood
Learning Objectives
By participating in the True Merit Character program members:
Will be able to recognize, identify and recall major events in both local and national history of
the fraternity
Will be able to imagine, design and create a more vibrant future
Will be able to implement effective study habits
Will be able to compare their options and justify their actions
Will be able to appraise the impact of their decisions
Will be able to compare, contrast, dissect and decipher information
Will be able to distinguish between respectful and disrespectful behavior
Will be able to construct, implement and participate in community service and philanthropic
Will be able to create a five year post college game plan
Will be able to demonstrate their commitment to ATO
7 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
True Merit Character Goals
The purpose of Alpha Tau Omega’s six-week New Member Education program is
to help New Members:
 Feel comfortable, welcome and appreciated at all times during the new
member education process
 Learn to appreciate the Alpha Rho chapter of Alpha Tau Omega, and Alpha
Tau Omega as a leading men’s fraternity nationally
 Learn ATO’s risk management policies and procedures, specifically as it relates
to Alpha Rho
 Learn ATO’s history both locally and nationally
 Meet, get to know, and befriend other members of New Member Class as
well as the brotherhood, active and alum
 Excel academically inside the classroom and prepare for a successful
career, through in-chapter major exploration and development
 Appreciate resources available to Alpha Rho: Rod, Ida, OFSA, Residential
Services and all other who provide ongoing support
 Be prepared to live the values and promote to the culture of Alpha Rho through
Love and Respect in all aspects of life.
 Leave the program with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel as leaders in
the Lehigh community, our chapter, and otherwise
In addition, this program hopes to acclimate New Members quickly to all aspects
brotherhood. An important facet of this is learning about the many responsibilities of
each and every brother that go along with the privileges, such as our residence, our chef,
etc., of our brotherhood. This plan hopes also to inspire an appreciation for Alpha Tau
Omega, both nationally and locally that will ensure that our chapter, its image, and our
residence are respected, cared for, sustained, and continually improved.
True Merit Character Expectations
New Member Expectations
As New Members of Alpha Rho it is expected that you:
Attend New Member Education events as possible
Meet all financial obligations
Will not engage in illegal substances including alcohol if you are under the age of 21
Will not provide illegal substances including alcohol to any member
Treat the house and the brotherhood with respect at all times
Engage with the entire brotherhood in any and all events/projects
Learn , love and respect the ATO Creed
8 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Focus on academics at all times and put studies first
Focus on physical and mental wellness
Work together as a New Member class to learn ATO material as well as bond as a New
Member class
Will not be hazed, and if you feel as though hazing is occurring you will report the
activity in the following ways:
Tell the President, Christopher Thompson
If you do not feel comfortable reporting hazing to the brotherhood you can:
Call the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs 610-758-4157
Use 1-88-NOT-HAZE
Use the Online Hazing Reporting Form
Active Brother Expectations
Brothers of Alpha Rho are expected to participate fully in New Member activities and
programs. Active brothers play a large role in modeling appropriate behavior and therefore
should represent themselves and the brotherhood in the most respectful and upstanding
way at all times. No brother under any circumstances will actively haze a New Member, nor
will they allow hazing to occur. Any member accused of or caught participating in hazing
will immediately be subject to disciplinary action taken by the standards board and the
executive team.
Alumni Brother Expectations
Alumni Brothers of Alpha Rho are encouraged to participate in New Member and
brotherhood events and programs. Alumni play a vital role in promoting ATO as a lifelong
experience. Their role like the active Brother’s role is act appropriately at all times. Hazing by
alumni will not be tolerated under any circumstance and Alumni caught or accused of hazing will
be prohibited from the chapter facility and future chapter events including
alumni events.
Big Brother Program
The Big Brother of a New Member at Alpha Rho is usually determined by house positions as well
as academic majors. It is important that New Members find a mentor that can help them
personally as well as academically. The selection process includes the entire brotherhood and
has been extremely successful in pairing like personalities and interests. Brothers have found
life-long friends and role models through this program. During our Big Brother ceremony,
alcohol will not be present, as per our national risk management policy.
Social Expectations
Alpha Rho prides itself on having strong relationships within the Lehigh Greek community as
well as the Lehigh community at large. It is important that all ATO members act respectfully and
responsibly in all social settings. This applies to any guest of the ATO house or host of an ATO
event. Actions that showcase ATO in a negative light will not be tolerated. Risk Management
9 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
should be at the forefront of any on or off campus event to ensure the safety of all ATO new
members, brothers, alumni and friends. New Members or Brother that violate any of Alpha Rho
risk management policies are subject to discipline through the standards board and executive
team. As none of the new members in the incoming pledge class are above the legal age to drink,
alcohol and illegal drugs will not be allowed nor provided to new members. Forced exclusion
from social contact is against the Alpha Tau Omega National Organization’s hazing policy. As
such, new members will always be invited to any social events, although alcohol rules still apply.
It is important to note that if a brother violates the chapter’s bylaws or breaks a new member
education expectation, they may be excluded from social events if deemed necessary by the
judicial board, in the same way as a fully initiated brother.
10 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Facilitation Guide
This guide is designed to help you become the best facilitator possible. Make sure you read
through the entire guide before you begin any facilitation. If you ever have any questions your
Leadership Consultant is a great resource.
To effectively facilitate the curriculum you need to be able to:
 The curriculum accurately
 Your thoughts and emotions clearly
 The participants throughout the entire curriculum
 With other members of the chapter (especially Executive Officers)
 With alumni
 With the campus and community (especially your Greek Advisor)
 You may be challenged as a facilitator just as much, if not more than the
 That specific, tangible examples will always impact the participants more
than vague over-broadly example (caution: do not make an example out
of someone to prove a point)
 Not everyone will grasp every concept
 Every participant will be impacted in a different way, don’t expect the
exact same outcome for everyone
 This will take more time, more effort and more work than you probably
think it will
 The curriculum is designed to build upon itself. Use past experiences,
activities and content to reinforce your message (i.e. remember last week
when we talked about….)
 Everyone learns differently
 The process
 Your participants
 Yourself
Encourage & Praise
 Publicly and often
 When participants make progress make sure to let them know
11 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Understanding the curriculum symbols:
The tip light bulb indicates a specific facilitation or educational tip
The life preserver indicates that you’re going to want to get help, or that
another officer is required to help facilitate the curriculum
The blue ribbon indicates a time you’ll want to showcase accomplishments
The clapping hands indicate a time you’ll want to publicly praise men for
providing great answers and/or participating well
12 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
What to do if:
Conversations are going on for too long
People are being intentionally disruptive
and/or negative
Side chatter becomes disruptive
Compile a list of things to discuss later
and write them on the board. We call it
the “parking lot.” Tell the participants
you will re-visit the topics if there is
time in the meeting. If not, offer to
stay after to discuss them.
Talk to them in private. If that doesn't
fix the problem or if it's incredibly
disruptive and/or negative ask them to
Most times direct eye contact with
individuals who are talking on the side
will help, if that doesn’t fix the problem
talk to those individuals in private.
The group seems disengaged
There could be a lot of reasons this
occurs. Try mixing things up. You can
move to the back of the room while
you're talking, have them get up and
switch seats or play a quick
The participants are silent
Silence is more often a sign of internal
processing and not a sign of
disengagement. Trust the silence for
awhile. If the silence still isn't broken
ask participants questions directly.
You need to transition from one topic to
Tie in what you were talking about to
shift to what you're about to cover. For
example, "we just talked about barriers
we face; now let's talk about how to
overcome them."
13 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Pledge Curriculum
Pledge Education Specific Guide
ALL pledges must complete BOTH parts of GreekLifeEdu.
The Positive Experience (green book)
If you are ever at a loss, need additional resources or are seeking a guide to help you
create/adapt the Pledge Education curriculum the Positive Experience is the best option.
Create a Calendar & Syllabus
Create a detailed calendar and syllabus to give the pledges in the beginning of their
Pledge Education Program.
Create Slides with PowerPoint or Keynote
You’ll want to create slides for two reasons:
1. Projecting them will help you to facilitate the curriculum
2. Print copies for the pledges to have as their notes
Good of the Order
Remember that Good of the Order isn’t introduced into the Pledge Education meetings
until week #2. Here are some Good of the Order topics/questions you can use to
stimulate thought:
Say one word that describes ……
Say something good a brother did for you this week
Favorite part about ABC (Insert something that happened in the chapter such as
philanthropy, intramurals, awards, etc…)
Who will win the game and will be named MVP? (center around a big sports game
coming up)
What is your favorite part about being an ATO?
If they made a movie about your life what celebrity would play you and why?
One of your goals for the year? Semester?
 ATO Advice (Brothers give random pieces of constructive advice about anything
from school to laundry, etc)
14 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
ATO Songs, Cheers & ATO Grace
All members of ATO should know:
 ATO Cheer (Ruh! Rah! Rega!)
 ATO Grace
 Old Alpha
 Our Jewels
 Sweetheart of ATO
15 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Allow me to be one of the first people to officially welcome you into our brotherhood. Your
Pledge Education period is designed to be one of the most rewarding and exciting times you’ll
experience in college. Over the course of the next six weeks you will embark on a new and exciting
journey. This is the first step to your lifelong commitment with ATO.
During your Pledge period you will learn the rich and vibrant history of ATO both nationally and
here at Lehigh University. You will also learn the ideals & principles upon which our beloved fraternity
was founded. Many of the activities you will take part in will be entirely new to you. I encourage you to
approach everything with an open mind and be willing to put forth your greatest effort at all times.
What you get out of this program is dependent upon the effort you put in.
I am very excited to be your Membership Education Chairman. The position is not something I
take lightly and I will work diligently to make this a great experience. My top priority is your success. If
you ever have questions, need assistance or just want to chat don’t hesitate to contact me. My contact
information is below.
Attached you will find a financial contract, statement of commitment and syllabus. Please
review all of these documents and bring them to our first pledge meeting. Our first meeting will be on
February 15th at 6:30 PM in XS B001.
Again, welcome to ATO and our brotherhood. We’re thrilled to have you!
Love & Respect,
William Schwarz
Membership Education Chairman
(609) 947-9465
16 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Alpha Tau Omega
Financial Contract
I, _______________________________________, bearing (SSN) ________________________,
hereby agree to pay the amount of $______.____ to the Alpha Rho Chapter of Alpha Tau
Omega Fraternity Inc. I also agree to the terms, as stated in the Alpha Rho Chapter Payment
plan. By signing below I agree to all terms and conditions on this contract
I choose to (check ONE selection):
Pay the entire amount in one lump sum
Pay the entire amount in XX payments of $XX due on the XX of each month
1.) I understand that there is a five day grace period after the day the payment is to be
received. Furthermore, if I do not pay before the end of the grace period, then I am subject
to disciplinary action as seen fit by the Treasurer, Finance Committee, and/or Judicial
Committee. _____ initial
2.) Payments are to be made to the Treasurer of the Alpha Rho Chapter. Checks or
money orders are to be made out to Alpha Tau Omega. _____ initial
3.) I understand that if I am still in debt after the semester ends, then I am responsible for any
attorney fees, collection agency fees, cost of collection, court costs, and other expenses or
fees for the collections of all my debts. _____ initial
4.) I will follow all rules as stated in the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity Governance. _____ initial
Print Member Name
Print Treasurer Name
17 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Alpha Tau Omega
Statement of Commitment
As a member of the Alpha Rho Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega, I promise to
accept the responsibilities of lifelong membership in the Fraternity. Throughout
my pledge period I will become familiar with the history, governance, policies,
procedures, ideals and principles of the Fraternity. I further promise to abide and
live by them. I will strive for academic excellence, meet all of my financial
obligations, fulfill my obligations and participate in chapter activities to the best
of my abilities. I will abide by all university rules and regulations and comply with
all local ordinances, state/provincial and federal laws. I will hold in confidence all
business and Ritual of Alpha Tau Omega and my chapter. I agree that failure to
maintain the highest standards of personal and social conduct, participating
facilitating or encouraging conduct prejudicial to the interest of the Fraternity,
failure to maintain required academic standards and financial obligations or
failure to otherwise live up to the commitments as expressed in this statement
may result in disciplinary action against me in accordance with the bylaws of my
chapter and Rules of the National Chancellor. I agree that the disciplinary action
may include termination of my membership in the Fraternity. If I resign, or my
membership is severed, I agree to return my badge and membership certificate to
the National Fraternity. I recognize that membership in Alpha Tau Omega is a
Print Member Name
18 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Pledge Meeting #1
| Welcome to ATO and the Brotherhood
60-90 minutes
Meeting Focus:
The first pledge meeting is to acquaint the pledges with each other and the chapter. It
will introduce executive positions. This meeting’s intention is to give a basis for the
meetings to come, as many executives will be present at meetings in the future. In
addition this will allow the New Members to get to know our chef, and understand his
interests, as keeping him happy is vital for our house. The meeting will touch on Risk
Management, in that we will go over and discuss the top ten most frequent lawsuits
against fraternity men today.
Location: RBC 141
bLUprint Foundation for Success: Creative Curiosity & Identity Development
In Attendance: Kyle Durics, William Schwarz, Aaron Cohen, Cameron Clifton
Welcome (5 min.)
Speed Chat (varies)
Executive Officer Introductions (15-20 min.)
Rodney Brocious 101 (15 min.)
Review and Collect Contracts (10 min.)
Online Registrations (varies)
Chapter Paperwork (5 min.)
Assignment & Dismissal
19 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
5 minutes
The meeting starts with an upbeat and exciting welcome from the Membership Education
Chairman. He will the pledges what to expect from their pledge period, why he ran for this office
and the things he’s most excited about for the upcoming semester.
Speed Chat
time varies
Have the pledges rotate meeting with each other (similar to speed dating.) Member Educator will
keep track of time and let pledges know when it’s time to switch partners.
Pairs should discuss:
1. Their story (as in depth as each pledge chooses)
2. The thing they are most excited about for this semester
3. Why they joined ATO
Executive Officer Introductions
15-20 minutes
Executive Officers introduce themselves. T h e y w i l l express to the pledges
how proud they are to have them as the newest members of the chapter. If
time permits, allow the pledges to ask questions as well. Have each officer
briefly cover:
Why they joined ATO
Their officer responsibilities
What attracted them to that officer role
What they are most excited about for the semester
Review and Collect Contracts
10 minutes
Review the obligations and responsibilities of membership with the pledges.
Then have each of them review, sign and turn in their:
 Financial Contract
 Statement of Commitment
Online Registrations
time varies
 President makes sure all pledges have been registered on e-Web
 Membership Educator makes sure all pledges have been added
to Groopt
20 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Chapter Paperwork
5 minutes
Hand out hardcopies of:
Chapter Bylaws
Risk Management Policies
A copy of the Not So Top 10
Greek Life Glossary & Acronym List (sample provided)
Any chapter specific materials they may need
Assignment & Dismissal
Thank the men for their participation. If pledges have received their Positive Experience
Books (Green Books) tell them to read chapters 1-3 but to skip the recruitment section in
chapter 2. Again remind them how excited you are for the upcoming semester. Make
any necessary chapter and/or scheduling announcements.
21 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Pledge Meeting #2
| Greek 101 & Introduction to ATO
60-90 minutes
Meeting Focus:
The second pledge meeting will be used to acquaint the pledges with the Office of
Fraternity and Sorority Affairs. It will introduce a number of our resources – our assistant
director, our accreditation advisor, our residential advisor, our faculty advisor, and the
Office of Student Leadership Development. After this we will begin with local fraternity
and sorority identification. After this we will be discussing basic National ATO history as
well as basic Greek history. Finally, we will discuss the Lehigh IFC board, Panhellenic
board, as well as a brief introduction to the NIC. This meeting will inform the new
members about our hazing policies and initiation requirements.
Location: RBC 141
bLUprint Foundation for Success: Creative Curiosity
In Attendance: Kyle Durics, William Schwarz, Chris Thompson, Prof. Nandu
Greek 101 Curriculum (20-30 min.)
Introduction to ATO Curriculum (20-30 min.)
Chapter Paperwork (5 min.)
Good of the Order (varies)
Assignment & Dismissal
Greek 101
20-30 minutes
Topics Covered:
Our Greek Advisor (Fraternity/Sorority Advisor)
OFSA (Office of Fraternity/Sorority Affairs)
Accreditation Advisor
Other Fraternities & Sororities on our campus
Non Greek Student Organizations on your campus
Greek Alphabet
First Fraternity (Flat Hat Club)
22 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
First Greek lettered Fraternity (Phi Beta Kappa)
First Sorority (Alpha Delta Pi)
What an IFC is, what they do, why they exist
What the NIC is, what they do, why they exist
Introduction to ATO Curriculum
20-30 minutes
Topics covered:
 ATO National Founding Date
 Virginia Military Institute
 Three Founders of ATO
 Joseph R. Anderson
 Thomas Arkle Clark
 Why ATO was founded
 4 things that make ATO unique compared to other Fraternities
 ATO Coat of Arms, Flag and Badge
 The Lexington Triad
 Minimum GPA requirement for initiation
 Requirement for participation in other organizations (if there is one)
 Service hours requirement
 ATO is a NON-hazing Fraternity
 The fact that ATO is judged by the actions of each individual member
Chapter Paperwork
5 minutes
Hand out hardcopies of:
 Any chapter specific materials they may need
Good of the Order
time varies
It will be explained to the pledges that from now on every pledge meeting will
end with a Good of the Order (GOTO) just like every chapter meeting. This is
a time to share how they’re feeling about their pledge experience. T h e y
w i l l b e r e m i n d e d that when they are finished speaking they should
say “Love & Respect to all my Brothers.”
Assignment & Dismissal
Thank the men for their participation. Tell the men that their first test will be at
the beginning of the next pledge meeting. Let them know that after the test the
next meeting will cover Risk Management. Make any necessary chapter and/or
scheduling announcements.
23 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Pledge Meeting #3
| Risk Management
60-90 minutes
Meeting Focus:
The third pledge meeting will be used to educate the pledges on ATO’s Risk Management
Policies and Personal Safety. The first order of business is to administer test #1. This test is
based on ATO’s national risk management policy. It will go beyond alcohol policies and inform
the new members about the risks of litigation and criminal charges that accompany things
that college students do and often take for granted.
Location: XS B001
bLUprint Foundation for Success: Creative Curiosity & Inclusive Leadership
In Attendance: Kyle Durics, William Schwarz, Aaron Cohen, Investigator
Administer Test #1 (15-20 min.)
Fact or Fiction (5-10 min.)
Risk Management Curriculum (20 min.)
Crisis Policy Curriculum (10 min.)
Fact or Fiction Re-Visited (20 min.)
Good of the Order (varies)
Assignment & Dismissal
Educational Tip: While you’re facilitating the curriculum do your best to
keep it interactive. Don’t just read slides to the pledges or talk at them.
Ask them questions, have them read things aloud. For example; one
topic that will be covered is our crisis management policy. Ask the men
why they think we have this policy. Thoroughly explain why we need to
follow this critical policy.
Administer Test #1
15-20 minutes
Hand out Test #1. Allow the pledges approximately 15 minutes to complete the
test. Collect them and proceed to the Fact or Fiction activity.
24 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Fact or Fiction
5-10 minutes
This activity is designed to be an interactive pre-education quiz. We will offer
a series of scenarios or statements and ask the men to vote fact or fiction.
Record their answers on the board. We will re-visit these later.
Scenarios/Statements covered are:
 It is okay for ATO to provide alcohol to minors
 Kegs can be at ATO parties as long as someone is watching it
 Chapter money can pay for alcohol as long as the treasurer approves it
 If a crisis occurs, the President is in charge
 ATO parties are always on Facebook because it’s easier to invite people
 Brothers don’t sue brothers
 The Risk Management Officer is not responsible for enforcing Risk
Management Policies
Risk Management Curriculum
20 minutes
Topics you must cover are:
 ATO Anti-Hazing Policy
 ATO Statement on Sexual Abuse
 Not so Top 10
 Binding Arbitration
 BYOB Policy  RMO
Crisis Policy Curriculum
10 minutes
Pass out hard copies of the Crisis Policy. We will read through it with the
pledges and answer any questions they may have about it.
25 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Fact or Fiction (re-visited)
20 minutes
Now we will revisit the scenarios/statements from before and let the pledges
know which are Fact and which are Fiction. W e w i l l clarify any
misunderstanding and answer questions.
 It is okay for ATO to provide alcohol to minors | FICTION
Rationale: allowing minors to consume alcohol would be a direct
violation of ATO Risk Management Policies and the law. (ATO Risk
Management Manual (V2.0), Section 3.1)
 Kegs can be at ATO parties as long as someone is watching it | FICTION
Rationale: ATO Risk Management Policies clearly state that no
open sources of alcohol may be present at ATO events. This
includes kegs. (ATO Risk Management Manual (V2.0), Section 3.1)
 Chapter money can pay for alcohol as long as the treasurer and Executive
Board approve it | FICTION
Rationale: Chapter funds may never be used to purchase alcohol.
Pooling of members funds to purchase alcohol is also prohibited.
(ATO Risk Management Manual (V2.0), Section 3.1)
 If a crisis occurs, the President is in charge | FACT
Rationale: ATO Crisis Management states that in the event of a
crisis, the President is in charge. If the President is not present the
next highest ranking officer is in charge. (ATO Risk Management
Manual (V2.0), In the Event of a Crisis)
 ATO parties are always on Facebook because it’s easier to invite people
and helps PR | FICTION
Rationale: ATO policies state that parties should never be
advertised. (ATO Risk Management Manual (V2.0), Section 3.3)
 Brothers don’t sue brothers | FACT
Rationale: when brothers sue brothers it negatively affects every
member of the fraternity. By continuing your membership in
Alpha Tau Omega you agree to binding arbitration. (ATO Risk
Management Manual (V2.0), Section 2.21)
26 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
 The Risk Management Officer is not responsible for enforcing Risk
Management Policies| FACT
Rationale: The Risk Management Officer (ATO Risk Management
Manual (V2.0), Section 1.6):
 Conducts educational seminars for the chapter
 Advises the chapter president and alumni advisors (BOT
and house corporation) about items or conditions that
place the chapter at risk
 Conducts investigations and completes reports on all
incidents and injuries
 Assists the social chairman and house manager in
implementing the risk management policy
 Is familiar with, and educates the executive officers
regarding the ATO Risk Rating System
Good of the Order
time varies
Conduct Good of the Order. Remind them that when they are finished speaking
they should say “Love & Respect to all my Brothers.”
Assignment & Dismissal
We will thank the men for their participation. We will tell the men that their
second test will be at the beginning of the next pledge meeting, and let them
know that after the test the next meeting will cover Recruitment, Leadership &
Innovation. They should review the Recruitment section of chapter 2 in the
Positive Experience Guide (Green Book.)
27 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Pledge Meeting #4
| Recruitment, Leadership & Innovation
60-90 minutes
Meeting Focus:
The fourth pledge meeting will be used to educate the pledges on ATO’s Recruitment
practices, our Leadership Development and steadfast commitment to Innovation. The first
order of business is to return test #1 and then administer test #2. After this, we will be
discussing a number of Leadership Development programs offered by the school and our
national organization. Additionally we will be discussing awards that can be won for
leadership within the chapter. Recruitment is a theme of this meeting, and our recruitment
chairman will describe his position and explain the ins and outs of the recruitment process.
We will also have our Community Service and Philanthropy Chairman explain ATO’s
Signature Event. At the end of this meeting there will be a period for reflection. The men
will hear a firsthand experience of LeaderShape, and be informed of how they themselves
can take part in the program. Additionally, Stefanie Burke will be doing an activity to help
the new members understand their personalities and the role that personality plays in
leadership dynamics.
Location: XS B001
bLUprint Foundations for Success: Inclusive Leadership, Collaborative
Connections & Creative Curiosity
In Attendance: Kyle Durics, William Schwarz, Joseph Kotler, Ryan Kautz,
Stefanie Burke
Pass Back Test #1 (5-10 min.)
Administer Test #2 (15-20 min.)
My Impact Exercise (20-30 min.)
Recruitment Curriculum (20-30 min.)
Leadership & Innovation Curriculum (10-20 min.)
Tying It All Together (5-10 min.)
Good of the Order (varies)
Assignment & Dismissal
28 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Pass Back Test
#1 5-10
Return test #1. Answer any questions they may have regarding the test.
Administer Test
#2 15-20
Hand out Test #2. Allow the pledges approximately 15 minutes to complete
the test. Collect them and proceed to the “My Impact” exercise.
My Impact Exercise
20-30 minutes
This exercise is designed to show the men the impact they’ve been having on
their pledge brothers.
1. Have the pledges sit in a circle.
2. Give each pledge a blank sheet of paper (preferably without lines).
3. Have each pledge write his name in the middle of the sheet.
4. They will now pass the sheets around the circle and write the number
one quality that defines that person as a leader.
*Let the men know that they can write one word, a quotation, or even a
funny story relating to the quality. Responses should be anonymous.
Allow them approximately 2 minutes to write something and then tell
them when to pass the sheet on.
5. Once the men have received their sheet back allow them some time to
read and process what others have written.
6. Have the men put their impact sheets aside for now, and continue into
the Recruitment Curriculum.
Recruitment Curriculum
20-30 minutes
Topics covered:
 Why Recruitment is the lifeblood of the Fraternity
 365 Recruiting
 Quantity drives Quality Philosophy
 You can’t recruit who you don’t know
 Recruitment is everyone’s job, not just the Recruitment Chairman
 Ideal ATO Profile (samples provided)
29 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Leadership & Innovation Curriculum
10-20 minutes
This is a great time to talk about your chapters’ accomplishments and goals. Tell
the pledges about the successes of the chapter and specifically how the chapter
wants to constantly improve. Share with them how they can help the chapter to
achieve these goals.
Topics covered:
 LeaderShape
 Presidents Retreat
 Emerging Leaders Conference
 Altitude
 Encounter
 ATO Roadshow | Signature Events
 Congress/Fall Awards Banquet
 National Awards (you must cover at least: True Merit, Top Chapter,
Thomas Arkle Clark (TAC), Storm Strap, Impact, and Elevate awards)
Tying It All Together
5-10 minutes
We will have the men take their impact sheets back out. We will ask questions
to begin a group discussion about how their individual talents, skills and unique
personalities affect the Fraternity. We will make sure to keep the discussion
upbeat and positive.
Our questions are:
 What talents do you possess that can help the chapter achieve True
Merit/Top Chapter?
 What about me made the chapter want to recruit me?
 What role am I playing in the chapter?
 What can I keep doing well?
Good of the Order
time varies
Conduct Good of the Order. Remind them that when they are finished speaking
they should say “Love & Respect to all my Brothers.”
30 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Assignment & Dismissal
We will again thank the men for their participation. Tell the men that their third
test will be at the beginning of the next pledge meeting. Let them know that after
the test the next meeting will cover local chapter history, alumni and campus
involvement. Have them read chapter 8 of The Positive Experience. Make any
necessary chapter and/or scheduling announcements.
3.0+ GPA
at least 2 letters of Rec or Eagle Scout or RA
willing to sign financial contract
3+ brothers endorse AND can add 5+ names to names list
attend ATO service project or service on their own
31 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Pledge Meeting #5
| Local Chapter History, Identity & Alumni Involvement
60-90 minutes
Meeting Focus:
The fifth pledge meeting will be used to educate the pledges on our local chapter and
university history. The first order of business is to return test #2 and then administer test #3.
We will be going over the founding of our chapter, as well as its history and culture. We will
be identifying which years we specifically did well or won awards, and from these years we
will identify the successful techniques and combinations. This meeting is focused on the
chapter and its identity. Because of this we will be working to identify how the chapter is
perceived on campus and by its members. We will hold a facilitated discussion with Brooke
Disippio about rumors, reputation, gender issues, and image improvement. This section will
end with a reflection on what a member of ATO can do in order to improve the chapter’s
image and reputation.
Location: RBC 141
bLUprint Foundation for Success: Identity Development, Collaborative
In Attendance: Kyle Durics, William Schwarz, Joseph Kotler, Zac Jaindl
Pass Back Test #2 (5-10 min.)
Administer Test #3 (20 min.)
Connections Exercise (varies)
Local History (15-20 min.)
Alumni & Campus Involvement (varies)
Good of the Order (varies)
Assignment & Dismissal
32 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Pass Back Test
#2 5-10
Return test #2. Answer any questions they may have regarding the test.
Administer Test
#3 15-20
Hand out Test #3. Allow the pledges approximately 15 minutes to complete
the test. Collect them and proceed with the Connections exercise.
Connections Exercise
time varies
Everyone should participate in this activity (including any guest speakers.) The
only thing you’ll need is one large roll of yarn or twine.
Have everyone stand in a large circle. Starting with the Membership Educator
everyone says what they believe is the greatest thing they contribute to ATO. It
can be their sense of humor, their organization skills, their critical thinking,
athletic ability etc. Tell them they should explain themselves as well. For
example instead of saying “I’m smart” say that “My grades will help boost the
chapter GPA and get us one step closer to True Merit.” Once you’ve said what is
that you bring, grab a piece of the yarn and then throw the ball to someone else.
Continue to do this until everyone is holding a piece of yarn. While they’re
holding the yarn begin to process.
 What does this yarn represent?
 Do you think these connections exist everywhere in life?
 Why is it so important for us to be aware of these connections?
 What can we do now that we are aware of these connections?
33 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Local History Curriculum
15-20 minutes
Local Founding Date
Chapter Growth
Chapter Accomplishments
Chapter Milestones
Chapter Goals
Local Signature Event
Basic University History
Mostly objective questions
Styled like the other tests provided with
this pledge program
Showcase the history of the
34 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Alumni & Campus Involvement
time varies
Topics Covered:
 The role of Alumni
 The role of the BOT
 The role of an Alumni Association
 The role of a Housing Corp
 The role of a Fraternity/Sorority Advisor
 How to treat Alumni
 What to do if Alumni are trying to “re-live their glory days”
 Life Loyal Tau
Good of the Order
time varies
Conduct Good of the Order. Remind them that when they are finished speaking
they should say “Love & Respect to all my Brothers.”
Assignment & Dismissal
We will thank the men for their participation. We will tell the men that their
fourth test will be at the beginning of the next pledge meeting. Let them know
that after the test the next meeting will cover preparing for the future. Have
them read chapter 7 of The Positive Experience. Make any necessary chapter
and/or scheduling announcements.
35 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Pledge Meeting #6
| Preparing for the Future
60-90 minutes
Meeting Focus:
The sixth pledge meeting will be used to educate the pledges on preparing for the future. The
first order of business is to return test #3 and then administer test #4. We will be working
heavily with the topics of vision and the barriers that get in the way of accomplishing our
Location: RBC 141
bLUprint Foundation for Success: Professional Growth & Success and
Inclusive Leadership
Pass Back Test #3 (5-10 min.)
Administer Test #4 (20 min.)
Setting the Tone (5-10 min.)
Vision Exercise (10-15 min.)
Barriers to Visionary Leadership (10-15 min.)
Breaking Down Barriers (Hot Topics) (20-25 min.)
Good of the Order (varies)
Wrap Up (5 min.)
Worksheet & Dismissal
Pass Back Test #3
5-10 minutes
Return test #3. Answer any questions they may have regarding the test.
Administer Test #4
15-20 minutes
Hand out Test #4. Allow the pledges approximately 15 minutes to complete the
test. Collect them and proceed with your curriculum.
It may be difficult for the men to grasp some of this curriculum. They may even
think it’s just a joke. Publicly praising the men who are engaging effectively may
help others to become more engaged.
36 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Setting the Tone
5-10 minutes
It is critically important that after we’ve collected the tests that we start the
meeting with the statement below. Read it aloud, allow for a moment of silence
and then read it out loud again.
“In order to positively impact the world, and truly fulfill the mission of our
Fraternity we must become VISIONARY leaders who see past what is and look to
what could be.”
  What does this statement mean to you?
 What does it mean to be a visionary leader?
 Why is this so important?
Vision Exercise
10-15 minutes
For this exercise we will need the following things laid out on a table in the front
of the room:
 A copy of The Positive Experience (Green Book)
 Fraternity Flag
 Chapter Gavel
We will read these instructions to the pledges:
“At the front of the room we have (list items.) Take a few moments to think
about which item you feel the strongest connection towards. You will be asked
to explain why you chose that object. Once you’ve made your decision stand by
that object.”
Once everyone is standing by an object begin to process. Challenge the men to
think harder about why those chose each object. Examples of good reasons to
choose an object include:
 I chose the Green Book because it represents the history of our
fraternity. Now that I know where we came from I can help us to get
where we want to be.
 I chose the chapter gavel because it represents the leaders of our
chapter. I want to become a prominent leader and impact everyone
37 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Tying it in to Vision
We will have the men return to their seats. We will explain that what they just
did was a real life simulation of potential and vision. Vision is rooted in our
passions and is able to grow because of our ability to see potential. We’ll give
specific examples of people seeing true potential. (i.e.: John didn’t just see a
chapter flag, he sees our ability to soar over any obstacle we might encounter)
Barriers to Visionary Leadership
10-15 minutes
Written on the board will be: “Barriers to Visionary Leadership.” Ask the men
what barriers exist/reasons why people choose to not be visionary leaders.
Record their responses. Challenge the men to explain their answers.
If these topics are not brought up by the pledges we will bring
them up:
 Fear
 Lack of Confidence
 Complacency
 “We’ve always done it this way” mentality
The first step to becoming visionary leaders is to recognize what’s holding us
38 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Breaking Down Barriers (Hot Topics)
20-25 minutes
We will choose one of these hot topics and spend some time working through it
as a group. If there are 16 or more pledges break them into groups. You will need
extra brothers to help you facilitate the other groups. You can give each group a
different topic or the same one. The steps the group should take are:
1. Identify the Problem
2. Determine the Cause
3. Discuss ways to Remedy the Situation
4. Create an Action Guide (sample provided)
Topic Choices & Scenarios:
 The TFM image people see when it comes to Fraternities
Explain that many people have negative ideas of Greek Life.
Follow the 4 steps mentioned above. If they’re not brought up
the facilitator should bring up these topics: Animal House, hazing,
and alcohol abuse.
 Apathy in Fraternities & Sororities
Alpha Beta Gamma Fraternity has a problem. There are 100 men
in the chapter but the Exec Board can’t seem to get the guys to
show up to anything but parties. 10 guys came to their
philanthropy, but 96 of them came to their annual campus party.
 Hazing
Alpha Beta Gamma Fraternity has a problem. The older men in
the chapter are getting ready to graduate and feel as though the
chapter they joined was better than the chapter is now. They
think the problem is the pledges haven’t earned the right to be a
brother. They have just told the chapter that these pledges need
to be hazed.
Good of the Order
time varies
Conduct Good of the Order. Remind them that when they are finished speaking
they should say “Love & Respect to all my Brothers.”
Wrap Up
5 minutes
Thank the men for their participation. Tell the men that their final exam will be
at the beginning of the next pledge meeting. They should use their other tests as
study guides. They will receive Test #4 graded in no more than 2 days from
today. Let them know that other than the test, there will not be another pledge
meeting. Make any necessary chapter and/or scheduling announcements.
39 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Worksheet & Dismissal:
We will have each pledge fill out a copy of the Pledge Education Wrap Up
Worksheet. When they have finished their worksheet they will need to put it in
an envelope. They should print their full name, cell phone number, and email
address on the front of the envelope. Once it’s sealed tell them to sign over the
seal. As they finish they will hand the envelope to you and they are dismissed.
Pledge Meeting #7
| Understanding and Preparing for the Accreditation
60-90 minutes
Meeting Focus:
The seventh pledge meeting will be used to educate the pledges on the accreditation
process and
Location: RBC 141
bLUprint Foundation for Success: Professional Success & Growth
In Attendance: Kyle Durics, William Schwarz, Chris Thompson, Joseph
Kotler, Chris Mulvihill
Welcome and introduction of Chris Mulvihill
Talk on accreditation process by Dean Mulvihill (30 min.)
Introduction of Accreditation Chairman position and our own process (30 min.)
Good of the Order (varies)
Wrap Up (5 min.)
Introduction of Accreditation Process
Dean Mulvihill with give an overview of what accreditation is and how a great presentation is
organized. He will inform the NM class about the specific strengths and weaknesses of ATO’s
presentation or reports in the past. He will inform the group about the specific accreditation
liaison relationship that we have with him and what the program consists of.
40 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Introduction of Chairman Positon
Peter Lawlor will explain his position to the New Member class and talk about how he goes
about his day to day duties.
Good of the Order
time varies
Conduct Good of the Order. Remind them that when they are finished speaking
they should say “Love & Respect to all my Brothers.”
We will thank the men for their participation.
Pledge Meeting #8
TIPS 60-90 minutes
| Social Education and
Meeting Focus:
The eighth pledge meeting will be used to educate the pledges on registering parties,
bartending, and general alcohol education.
Location: RBC 141
bLUprint Foundation for Success: Creative Curiosity
In Attendance: Kyle Durics, William Schwarz, Joseph Kotler, Jared
Dashevsky, Carter Gilbert
1. Introduction of Carter
2. TIPS training
3. Discussion of registration
of parties and ATO
specific Risk Management
policies at Registered
4. Good of the Order
5. Wrap Up
6. Dismissal
41 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Pledge Meeting #9
| Leadership Position Education
60-90 minutes
Meeting Focus:
The ninth pledge meeting will be used to educate the pledges on preparing for their future
in ATO in terms of their role as a leader. We will also give an overview of our shadowing
Location: RBC 141
bLUprint Foundation for Success: Inclusive Leadership
In Attendance: Kyle Durics, Aaron Cohen, William Schwarz, Cameron
Clifton, Ryan Kautz, Sean Ream, Sean Allen, Joseph Kotler
1. Introduction of position holders in Alpha Tau
a. President
b. Vice-president
c. Risk manager
d. Treasurer
e. House manager
f. Scholarship chairman
g. Alumni relations chairman
h. New Member Educator
2. Good of the Order (varies)
3. Wrap Up (5 min.)
4. Worksheet & Dismissal
42 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Pledge Meeting #10
| Final New Member Meeting (Summary)
60-90 minutes
Meeting Focus:
The final pledge meeting will be used as an opportunity for the new members to show the
chapter all the things they have learned in the first nine. They will be tasked with
organizing their own brief presentation to highlight the programs elements and the things
they feel were the most important that they learned. The entire chapter will be in
attendance. This final meeting will allow the chapter to see and inquire about all the
things the new members have learned during this six week program. The new members
will be able to show off their knowledge of the chapter, the community, policies,
procedures, etc.
Location: Alpha Tau Omega Chapter House
bLUprint Foundation for Success: Collaborative Connections and Identity
Question and answer w/ the chapter
Questions from new members to clarify any unclear material
Good of the Order
Wrap up
New Member Presentation
The new members will be entirely in charge of how this meeting is run and what is included in their
Good of the Order
time varies
Conduct Good of the Order. Remind them that when they are finished speaking
they should say “Love & Respect to all my Brothers.”
43 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Wrap Up
5 minutes
Thank the men for their participation.
44 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Worksheets, Tests, and Reflection Material:
45 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Barriers to Visionary Leadership
What’s the problem?
What’s causing this problem?
What do we want to see?
How can we get there?
What steps do we need to get to where we want to be (what we call our “ideal result”)?
Now, translate those steps into a diagram like this:
46 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
This worksheet is for your personal use. No one else will see it. Please answer each question
as thoroughly and as honestly as possible. When you are finished you will seal this worksheet
in an envelope. It will be returned to you at a later date.
To myself I promise to:
To my chapter I promise:
I joined ATO because:
I chose to stay in ATO because:
I hope I never forget:
47 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
I’m excited about initiation because:
My favorite thing that has happened since I joined ATO is:
The most funny thing that has happened since I joined ATO is:
If I were President the first thing I’d do is:
48 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
House Positions and Rodney Brocious
Name: ______________________________
1. Who is the current President? _______________________________________________
2. Who is the current Vice-President? _______________________________________________
3. Who is the current Risk Manager? _______________________________________________
4. Who is the current House Manager? _______________________________________________
is the current
is worthTreasurer?
2 points _______________________________________________
6. Who is the current Scholarship Chairman? ______________________________________________
7. Who is the current Membership Education Chairman? _____________________________________
8. Who is the current Community Service and Philanthropy Chairman? __________________________
9. Who is the current Peer Advisor/Chaplain? _____________________________________________
10. Which positions does our chapter recognize as Exec Board Members?
11. What is Rod’s birthday? (Just the month and day) _________________________________________
12. What year was he hired? _____________________________________________________________
13. What are his favorite NFL and MLB teams? ______________________________________________
14. What is Rod’s wife’s name? For what house is she the chef? ________________________________
15. Rod is __________
49 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Greek 101 & Introduction to ATO
50 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Name: _______________________________
Greek 101
Every question is worth 2 points unless specified otherwise.
1. What was the name of the 1st Fraternity?
A. Flat Hat Club
B. Friar’s Club
C. Adelphean Society
D. I.C. Sorosis
2. Where was the Fraternity from question #1 founded?
A. Virginia Military Institute
B. Harvard
C. William & Mary
D. Dartmouth
3. What was the name of the 1st Fraternity with Greek Letters?
A. Alpha Tau Omega
B. Beta Theta Pi
C. Phi Beta Kappa
D. Alpha Phi
4. The acronym NIC stands for what?
A. North American Interfraternity Council
B. National Insurance Committee
C. Northern Interfraternity Council
D. North American Interfraternity Conference
5. What does an IFC do?
Write the Greek alphabet
(symbols & words)
12 points total
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
4. ____________________
5. ____________________
6. ____________________
7. ____________________
8. ____________________
9. ____________________
10. ____________________
11. ____________________
12. ____________________
13. ____________________
14. ____________________
15. ____________________
16. ____________________
17. ____________________
18. ____________________
19. ____________________
20. ____________________
6. What is the original name for Alpha Delta Pi?
A. Philomathean Society
B. Adelphean Society
C. Adelphi Club
D. Alpha Delta Phi
51 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
21. ____________________
22. ____________________
23. ____________________
24. ____________________
7. Why is the history of Alpha Delta Pi significant?
A. It was the 1st secret society for women, & regarded as the 1st
Sorority B. It’s the largest sorority in the world
C. They are ATO’s “sister
Sorority” D. There is no
Introduction to ATO
8. Where was Alpha Tau Omega Founded?
a. Virginia Military Insitute
b. William & Mary
c. Troy University
d. University of Nevada Las Vegas
9. When was ATO founded?
a. September 11, 1855
b. September 11, 1865
c. September 11, 1875
d. September 11, 1885
10. Name the three Founders of ATO (one point each)
11. In order to be Initated into Alpha Tau Omega I must maintain at LEAST a _____ cumulative GPA.
12. ATO is a Non-Hazing Fraternity because hazing builds ______ and can lead to _____.
A. brotherhood; fun
B. resentment; death
C. trust; strong bonds
D. friendships; greatness
13. Prior to initation I must pay a fee of $_______.
14. Why was ATO created?
15. What are four things that make ATO unique in comparision to other Fraternities? (one point each)
52 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
16. Draw a line from each ATO symbol to its name. (one point each)
17. What does each member say at the end of their Good of the Order?
a. Love & Respect
b. I Yield
c. Phi Alpha
d. Ruh! Rah! Rega!
18. TRUE or FALSE: Alpha Tau Omega is judged by the actions of each individual member.
19. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Sigma Nu & Phi Delta Theta are in a triad with ATO
b. Kappa Alpha Order & Delta Chi are in a triad with ATO
c. Sigma Nu & Kappa Alpha Order are in a triad with ATO
d. Alpha Delta Pi & Alpha Phi are in a triad with ATO
20. What is the name of the triad of which ATO is a member?
A. Lexington Triad
B. Farmville Four
C. Macon Magnolias
D. Syracuse Triad
There are a total of 54 available points on this quiz.
You must earn at least 36 points to pass.
Final Score: _____ / 54
53 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Risk Management
54 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Every question is worth 2 points
Alcohol can be served to minors as long as you’re careful & smart about it.
Chapter funds can be used to buy alcohol.
ATO Risk Management guidelines indicate that beer pong & other drinking
games (especially those that are competitive) are NOT allowed.
All ATO parties are open to everyone who wants to attend.
All members agree to participate in binding arbitration.
A woman can claim rape, even if she consented to sex if she was intoxicated at
the time.
Open sources of alcohol are allowed at ATO events.
Throwing a punch is the fastest way to get sued.
If someone says they want to be hazed or gives you permission, it’s okay to haze
10. TRUE or FALSE:
Failing to report a Risk Management violation to the National Fraternity is a
Risk Management violation in and of itself.
11. TRUE or FALSE:
Alcohol is forbidden at “Big/Little Events.”
ATO NEVER provides alcohol to guests.
12. TRUE or FALSE:
13. TRUE or FALSE:
Part of your dues goes towards the Chapter’s alcohol fund.
55 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
14. In the event of a crisis the _______ is in charge:
A. President
B. Vice President
C. Treasurer
D. Risk Management Officer
15. The Risk Management Officer’s job is to:
A. Manage all of the risk all of the time
B. Manage most of the risk all of the time
C. Be the sober brother at all parties
D. Do his best to make sure members are aware of the Risk Management policies & tell them
where to go for more information & questions.
16. Risk Management is the responsibility of:
A. Executive Officers
B. Committee Chairs
C. Everyone
D. President & Vice President
17. For what does MAPP stand?
A. Member Accident Protection Program
B. Member Assurance Portability Program
C. My Accident Precautionary Program
D. My Accident Program for Pledges
18. If a crisis occurs and you are contacted by the media the ONLY appropriate response is:
A. Tell them the full details of the event
B. Acknowledge that you made a mistake & apologize
C. Give them your personal opinions
D. Make no comment, & refer them to the National Fraternity
There are a total of 36
available points on this quiz.
You must earn at least 24 points to pass.
Final Score: _____ / 36
56 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Recruitment & Leadership
57 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
1. What type of recruitment program does ATO participate in?
a. Values Based Recruitment
b. Values Enriched Recruitment
c. People Focused Recruitment
d. Purpose Focused Recruitment
2. Recruiting new men into ATO is the responsibility of:
a. The Recruitment Chairman
b. The Recruitment Committee
c. The Executive Officers
d. Everyone
3. Which of the following statements is true?
a. ATO is a Leadership Development Fraternity
b. ATO is one of the largest fraternities in the world
c. ATO is one of the most respected fraternities in the world
d. All of the above
4. The three facets that each potential Pledge must meet are:
a. Scholarship, Fellowship & Character
b. Scholarship, Fellowship & Honesty
c. Brotherhood, Character & Integrity
d. Friendship, Character & Scholarship
ATO participates in 365 recruitment
Quantity drives Quality
Recruitment is the lifeblood of the fraternity
Big parties are the best way to recruit new men
9. ATO started one of the best undergraduate leadership programs in the world. What is it called?
a. Leaders In Training
b. LeaderShape
c. The Best You
d. Strive for Five
10. Emerging Leaders Conference (ELC) would best be described as:
a. A full day leadership development retreat
b. A chance to connect with members from different Chapters & Colonies
c. A once in a lifetime, unique experience
d. All of the above
58 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
11. ATO host a multi day backpacking trip through the Colorado Rockies centered on leadership
development. What is this program called?
a. Leaders & Scholars
b. Altitude
c. Intensity
d. Embark
12. How often does ATO host Congress?
a. Annually
b. Every 2 years
c. Every 3 years
d. Every 4 years
13. Who is required to go to Congress?
a. Every Chapter/Colony President
b. Every Chapter/Colony President & Vice President
c. Every Chapter/Colony President & Recruitment Chairman
d. Every Chapter/Colony President & a Delegate
14. What is the highest award a Chapter can win (other than Top Chapter/Top Chapter Runner Up)?
a. True Merit
b. True Character
c. True Brother
d. True Chapter
15. What is the highest honor an undergraduate member can receive?
a. Wynn R Smiley Award
b. National Brother of the Year
c. Thomas Arkle Clark Award
d. William H. Filmore Jr. Award for Excellence
16. Storm Strap awards are awarded to Chapters/Members who:
a. Raise the most money for philanthropy
b. Donate the most community service hours
c. Overcome great obstacles
17. The Impact award is given to the Chapter that:
a. Raises the most money for philanthropies
b. Donates the most community service hours
c. Overcomes a great obstacle
18. The Elevate award is given to the Chapter that:
a. Raises the most money for philanthropies
b. Donates the most community service hours
c. Overcomes a great obstacle
There is a total of 36 available points on this quiz. You must earn at least 24 points to pass. Final Score: _____ / 36
59 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Answer Keys
60 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Greek 101 & Introduction to ATO
61 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Greek 101
Every question is worth 2 points unless specified otherwise.
1. What was the name of the 1st Fraternity?
A. Flat Hat Club
B. Friar’s Club
C. Adelphean Society
D. I.C. Sorosis
2. Where was the Fraternity from question #1 founded?
A. Virginia Military Institute
B. Harvard
C. William & Mary
D. Dartmouth
3. What was the name of the 1st Fraternity with Greek Letters?
A. Alpha Tau Omega
B. Beta Theta Pi
C. Phi Beta Kappa
D. Alpha Phi
4. The acronym NIC stands for what?
E. North American Interfraternity Council
A. National Insurance Committee
B. Northern Interfraternity Council
C. North American Interfraternity Conference
5. What does an IFC do?
Use your discretion________________________
Write the Greek alphabet
(symbols & words)
12 points total
6. What is the original name for Alpha Delta Pi?
A. Philomathean Society
B. Adelphean Society
C. Adelphi Club
D. Alpha Delta Phi
7. Why is the history of Alpha Delta Pi significant?
A. It was the 1st secret society for women, & regarded as the 1st Sorority
B. It’s the largest sorority in the world
C. They are ATO’s “sister Sorority”
D. There is no significance
62 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Introduction to ATO
8. Where was Alpha Tau Omega Founded?
a. Virginia Military Insitute
b. William & Mary
c. Troy University
d. University of Nevada Las Vegas
9. When was ATO founded?
a. September 11, 1855
b. September 11, 1865
c. September 11, 1875
d. September 11, 1885
10. Name the three Founders of ATO (one point each)
Otis A. Glazebrook
Erskine May Ross
Alfred Marshal
11. In order to be Initated into Alpha Tau Omega I must maintain at LEAST a (nationally 2.25 but your
chapter may be higher) cumulative GPA.
12. ATO is a Non-Hazing Fraternity because hazing builds ______ and can lead to _____.
E. brotherhood; fun
F. resentment; death
G. trust; strong bonds
H. friendships; greatness
13. Prior to initation I must pay a fee of $150.
14. Why was ATO created?
Use your discretion
15. What are four things that make ATO unique in comparision to other Fraternities? (one point each)
First national fraternity
First fraternity founded after the civil war
First fraternity not made in opposition or imitation
First fraternity founded upon Christian, not greek principles
63 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
16. Draw a line from each ATO symbol to its name. (one point each)
17. What does each member say at the end of their Good of the Order?
a. Love & Respect
b. I Yield
c. Phi Alpha
d. Ruh! Rah! Rega!
18. TRUE or FALSE: Alpha Tau Omega is judged by the actions of each individual member.
19. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Sigma Nu & Phi Delta Theta are in a triad with ATO
b. Kappa Alpha Order & Delta Chi are in a triad with ATO
c. Sigma Nu & Kappa Alpha Order are in a triad with ATO
d. Alpha Delta Pi & Alpha Phi are in a triad with ATO
20. What is the name of the triad of which ATO is a member?
E. Lexington Triad
F. Farmville Four
G. Macon Magnolias
H. Syracuse Triad
64 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
65 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Risk Management
66 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
10. TRUE or FALSE:
11. TRUE or FALSE:
12. TRUE or FALSE:
13. TRUE or FALSE:
Alcohol can be served to minors as long as you’re careful & smart about it.
Chapter funds can be used to buy alcohol.
ATO Risk Management guidelines indicate that beer pong & other drinking
games (especially those that are competitive) are NOT allowed.
All ATO parties are open to everyone who wants to attend.
All members agree to participate in binding arbitration.
A woman can claim rape, even if she consented to sex if she was intoxicated at
the time.
Open sources of alcohol are allowed at ATO events.
Throwing a punch is the fasted way to get sued.
If someone says they want to be hazed or gives you permission, it’s okay to haze
Failing to report a Risk Management violation to the National Fraternity is a
Risk Management violation in and of itself.
Alcohol is forbidden at “Big/Little Events.”
ATO NEVER provides alcohol to guests.
Part of your dues goes towards the Chapter’s alcohol fund.
67 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
14. In the event of a crisis the _______ is in charge:
A. President
B. Vice President
C. Treasurer
D. Risk Management Officer
15. The Risk Management Officer’s job is to:
A. Manage all of the risk all of the time
B. Manage most of the risk all of the time
C. Be the sober brother at all parties
D. Do his best to make sure members are aware of the Risk Management policies & tell them
where to go for more information & questions.
16. Risk Management is the responsibility of:
A. Executive Officers
B. Committee Chairs
C. Everyone
D. President & Vice President
17. For what does MAPP stand?
A. Member Accident Protection Program
B. Member Assurance Portability Program
C. My Accident Precautionary Program
D. My Accident Program for Pledges
18. If a crisis occurs and you are contacted by the media the ONLY appropriate response is:
A. Tell them the full details of the event
B. Acknowledge that you made a mistake & apologize
C. Give them your personal opinions
D. Make no comment, & refer them to the National Fraternity
68 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Recruitment & Leadership
69 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
1. What type of recruitment program does ATO participate in?
a. Values Based Recruitment
b. Values Enriched Recruitment
c. People Focused Recruitment
d. Purpose Focused Recruitment
2. Recruiting new men into ATO is the responsibility of:
a. The Recruitment Chairman
b. The Recruitment Committee
c. The Executive Officers
d. Everyone
3. Which of the following statements is true?
a. ATO is a Leadership Development Fraternity
b. ATO is one of the largest fraternities in the world
c. ATO is one of the most respected fraternities in the world
d. All of the above
4. The three facets that each potential Pledge must meet are:
a. Scholarship, Fellowship & Character
b. Scholarship, Fellowship & Honesty
c. Brotherhood, Character & Integrity
d. Friendship, Character & Scholarship
ATO participates in 365 recruitment
Quantity drives Quality
Recruitment is the lifeblood of the fraternity
Big parties are the best way to recruit new men
9. ATO started one of the best undergraduate leadership programs in the world. What is it called?
a. Leaders In Training
b. LeaderShape
c. The Best You
d. Strive for Five
10. Emerging Leaders Conference (ELC) would best be described as:
a. A full day leadership development retreat
b. A chance to connect with members from different Chapters & Colonies
c. A once in a lifetime, unique experience
d. All of the above
70 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
11. ATO host a multi day backpacking trip through the Colorado Rockies centered on leadership
development. What is this program called?
a. Leaders & Scholars
b. Altitude
c. Intensity
d. Embark
12. How often does ATO host Congress?
a. Annually
b. Every 2 years
c. Every 3 years
d. Every 4 years
13. Who is required to go to Congress?
a. Every Chapter/Colony President
b. Every Chapter/Colony President & Vice President
c. Every Chapter/Colony President & Recruitment Chairman
d. Every Chapter/Colony President & a Delegate
14. What is the highest award a Chapter can win (other than Top Chapter/Top Chapter Runner Up)?
a. True Merit
b. True Character
c. True Brother
d. True Chapter
15. What is the highest honor an undergraduate member can receive?
a. Wynn R Smiley Award
b. National Brother of the Year
c. Thomas Arkle Clark Award
d. William H. Filmore Jr. Award for Excellence
16. Storm Strap awards are awarded to Chapters/Members who:
a. Raise the most money for philanthropy
b. Donate the most community service hours
c. Overcome great obstacles
17. The Impact award is given to the Chapter that:
a. Raises the most money for philanthropies
b. Donates the most community service hours
c. Overcomes a great obstacle
18. The Elevate award is given to the Chapter that:
a. Raises the most money for philanthropies
b. Donates the most community service hours
c. Overcomes a great obstacle
71 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Special Events:
Ritual Pledgeship Introduction Ceremony:
Location: ATO Chapter House
In Attendance: All Chapter Members
bLUeprint Foundations for Success: Identity Development and Collaborative
Summary: This ritual meeting works to congratulate brothers on becoming
a part of our chapter. As they begin this process, we want to let them know
that they are appreciated, wanted, and should always feel comfortable.
Their responsibilities are to uphold the virtues of a man of ATO for the
entire NME process and afterward.
OSLD Ropes Course Event:
Location: Lehigh OSLD Ropes Course
In Attendance: New Member Class and Kyle Durics, William Schwarz, Joseph
Kotler, Andrew Iacocca
bLUeprint Foundations for Success: Collaborative Connections
Summary: Each year we work with the OSLD to provide a challenging ropes
course opportunity for our new members. This event will work to introduce
the members to each other – their strengths, weaknesses, and other traits.
72 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
From this they can learn to work more effectively as a unit. This event tends
to identify leadership skills in members that will likely be recognized by the
rest of their class for the remainder of their lives.
New Member Class Project:
Location: ATO Chapter House
In Attendance: New Member Class
bLUeprint Foundations for Success: Collaborative Connections & Identity
Summary: The New Member class project is always a favorite section of
New Member Education. Each class if given very broad guidelines on what
their project should center around. The intended outcomes of this program
are that the class learns better how it can work together, the class creates
something that they are proud to present to the brotherhood, and the class
becomes better friends through the process.
New Member Class Project:
Location: ATO Chapter House
In Attendance: New Member Class
bLUeprint Foundations for Success: Collaborative Connections & Identity
Summary: The New Member class project is always a favorite section of
New Member Education. Each class if given very broad guidelines on what
their project should center around. The intended outcomes of this program
73 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
are that the class learns better how it can work together, the class creates
something that they are proud to present to the brotherhood, and the class
becomes better friends through the process.
Suggested Study/Fitness Hours:
Location: RBC 141 or Taylor Gym
In Attendance: New Member Class, Kyle Durics, William Schwarz, Joseph
Kotler + Others
bLUeprint Foundations for Success: Creative Curiosity & Collaborative
Summary: Two things that are incredibly important to Alpha Tau Omega are
scholarship and men’s health. Although there are numeric guidelines for
minimum GPA, we work to inspire a sense of personal responsibility for
one’s own grades and successes. We make it evident that a man of ATO
works hard, goes to class, meets with teachers, and works to develop his
career. These study hours are strongly suggested, and most often all of the
new member class as well a number of actives are present. While the main
study room is RBC 141, other satellite rooms are also available nearby for
those who wish to study in a less social environment. We encourage actives
to attend these hours, and they always do, so that they can be a source of
academic support and advice for New Members.
ATO is also a huge supporter of men’s health. A student does not have work
and studying every night. We encourage members who do not have
homework or studying to get done to go to the Taylor Fitness Center.
Because not everyone is comfortable in a gym setting or creating a workout
74 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
regimen, brothers are always willing to help show new members how
equipment works or suggest exercises from their own workout plan, if a
new member requests help. During days where there are no meetings or
study hours, we suggest that members go about their life as if they were not
a part of new member education, except for the expectations of conduct.
We suggest that they socialize with hall mates, do their laundry, or
whatever else they normally do to unwind. This will help keep them from
feeling stressed during new member education, which does add additional
responsibilities and meetings to attend.
Ritual Initiation Ceremony:
Location: Alpha Tau Omega Chapter House
In Attendance: All Chapter members, alumni
bLUeprint Foundations for Success: Identity Development
Summary: This ritual event is the initiation of the New Members Class into
the brotherhood of ATO. Its spoken words work to congratulate the New
Members on completing the True Merit Character Program. These words
also stress that while their Pledgeship has finished, their responsibilities and
commitments to the chapter are only just beginning. In the coming months
they will be shadowing executives, helping run the chapter, and getting to
know their brothers even better.
75 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016
Open Door Initiation Ceremony:
Location: RBC 291, 2, 3
In Attendance: All Chapter members, parents, faculty, staff and alumni
bLUeprint Foundations for Success: Identity Development
Summary: This event is the informal initiation of the New Members Class
into the brotherhood of ATO. This event will give the new members an
opportunity to share their experiences with pledgeship with their parents,
faculty, staff, and alumni. They will also get the opportunity to introduce
their completed New Member Project. New members will get much say in
how this event runs, as it is truly for them to show others what they have
learned, and how it will propel them to being an active, knowledgeable, and
hardworking brother, citizen, man, and leader.
76 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Program 2016