Volume 105, Issue 12 – November 18. 2014


Volume 105, Issue 12 – November 18. 2014
Recruitment in China — page 2
BUASC’s Outrage —
page 6
ACC Cougars Hockey
— page 3
Steps Towards Art
— page 7
Volume 105, Issue 12 — November 18th, 2014
Brandon University’s Student Newspaper: despising Christmas in November since 1910.
Glorious Sons and The Trews Hit Brandon
A concert with 100% fewer injuries than anticipated
Ariele Kehler, reporter
n Tuesday, November 11 , The
Glorious Sons of Kingston, Ont., played
a sold-out show at The 40. A band consisting of brothers Brett and Jay Emmons,
Adam Paquette, Andrew Young, and Chris
Huot, they are currently on a Canadian
tour opening for The Trews. While they
have been in Brandon on two (or
three, lead singer Brett Emmons
was fuzzy on the details) times in
the past this is their first official
tour with an established band.
Emmons is a passionate musician, stating that “rock and roll has
changed, and not like, in a good
way. How many times do you hear
the same shit on the radio? Everything sounds the same, man, and
it’s our job to bring back The Beatles and the Stones.”
The Glorious Sons released
their debut EP, Shapeless Art, in
November 2013, followed by their
first studio album, The Union in
September of this year. About touring now as compared to before
the success of Shapeless Art, Emmons says, “it’s the same except
people sing along. Touring can get
lonely – you’re away from your family for a
while. It’s hard. But the band is like your
family. We just got a PS4, so you know.
When we’re not making music, we’re playing games, drinking, smoking a little. Just
hanging with the guys.”
When The Glorious Sons took the
stage, they put on a good show. They
worked the crowd, and their joy in their
music was obvious. Emmons enthusiastically danced around the stage while singing, and there was genuine concern between myself and a friend that he might
unintentionally start crowd surfing. Emmons managed to stay upright and rock
the stage till the end.
As an aside, near the end of The
Glorious Sons’ set, an older guy started
drunkenly hitting on my friend. I would
confidently say that this guy was at least
twice her age, and completely plastered.
He was also wearing a leather trenchcoat.
So, he buys her a drink, she tells him
she’s not interested, and he only gets the
hint after a very tall, broad man steps between the two. Yay, bar shows!
The Trews took the stage, and that
was when the magic happened.
They were more subdued in their
onstage antics than their opening
act had been, but they sang and
interacted with the crowd. They
have accumulated a steady fanbase in their eleven years of making music, and their Brandon fans
were vocal and enthusiastic. As
their show fell on Remembrance
Day, The Trews played their hit,
Highway of Heroes to demonstrate
their respect for veterans and active duty military personnel.
Except for Mr. Leather Trench
Coat, whom I suspect woke up the
next morning with a spectacular
hangover, and one poor fellow
who vomited into his beer bottle,
everyone at the show had an excellent time. §
Trewth in a photograph. Photo credit Ariele Kehler.
Arts Speaker Series: Dr. Corrine L. Mason
The average user spends 75 minutes a day using the tinder app
Krista Mills, web content coordinator
November 14 students
faculty gathered in Clark Hall’s room
104 for the Art Speakers Series featuring
Dr. Corrine L. Mason. An associate professor of Gender and Women’s Studies, she
introduced her current project Tinder and
Humanitarian Hookups: The Erotics of Social Media/ted Racism. Her work looks at
the popular hookup app Tinder and what
an individual’s picture says about them.
Specifically individuals whose photos feature them engaged in humanitarian work.
This is primarily white women, holding or
surrounded by black children and/or puppies.
She is exploring the question of white
humanitarians using humanitarianism to
make themselves look more attractive
and more available for hook ups. Using
photos from the Tumblr page Humanitarians of Tinder, which is dedicated to the
humanitarians of tinder, aka tindertarians, to demonstrate her findings. She is
also concerned with the racial dynamic
of tinder and the reinforcement of whiteness as culturally dominant by tindertarians displaying these photos.
The presentation was followed by a
Q&A with many fantastic questions being
answered. As Dr. Mason scribbled down
questions in her note book she happily
stated “this might be a book people!” §
Find out how at www.uregina.ca/arts/journalism
School of Journalism
University of Regina
Volume 105, Issue 12 — November 18th, 2014 — 1
BU Student Services
Stuff you should probably know about
Ariele Kehler, reporter
Editor in Chief | Alex Murray
Assistant Editor in Chief | Holly Kalyniuk
General Manager | Elinor Murray
Senior Reporter |
Whitney Hodgins
Senior ACC Correspondent |
Karleigh Paul
Quentin |
Classifieds |
Advertising |
Dakota Bicklemeier, Charlie Carrier, Holly
Kalyniuk, Ariele Kehler, Robert Killam,
Jakub Marshall, Krista Mills, Alex Murray, Reid Ogilvie, Brenley Palmer, Ashlyn
Pearce, Claire Song, Jenna Valiquette,
Anthony Labonte, Alex Trush and Chelsey
Venn buga, Jill Vanderheiden buasc.
The Quill is published weekly by The
Quill, Inc., and is printed by The Killarney Guide in Killarney, MB.
ith this term coming to an end,
we’ve all pretty much forgotten anything
we were told at the beginning of the school
year. In case this was one of those lost
pieces of knowledge, here are some great
things BUSU offers students:
Located on the third floor of the KDC
across from the Elephant Room is the volunteer-run food bank, which is available
to all students in need, and always taking
donations. Students in need receive nonperishable food items, a choice of milk or
eggs (students with children receive both),
and bread. These hampers can be picked
up on Fridays between 1:30 PM and 4:30
PM. Contact 204-727-9660 or stop by the
BUSU office for further enquiries or to set
up an alternate pick up time.
There is also an emergency student
loan program to provide students who need
financial assistance. This loan is interest free and short term. If a student finds
themselves in hard times and needs an un-
Geomancy and Science all rolled into one
Local advertisers can also contact
us directly at the address below:
The Quill
270 18th Street
Brandon University
Brandon, MB R7A 6A9
Office: 204-727-9667
Fax: 204-571-0029
The Quill
expected loan to make ends meet, BUSU
is there to help. Students usually have 60
days for repayment unless an alternative
payment plan is arranged.
BUSU offers printing, scanning, and faxing services for $.05/black and white print
and $0.25/colour print. Scanning is free,
and faxing prices can be provided by the
BUSU member at the counter if you need it.
There are two computers, one Mac and one
PC, for student use in the office as well. If
you are involved with a club, the BUSU designer, Tim Brown, is available to help you
create posters for socials and fundraising
events. There is also a fund that BUSU uses
to help clubs on campus.
Students also have the U-Pass system built into their tuition, providing City of
Brandon bus services for only $15 for the
year. Compared to the recently passed UPass tuition charge of $240 at University
of Manitoba, $15 for a full year is nothing.
Even students who normally drive themselves have the option of bussing should
their vehicle break down or they decide to
save money on fuel.
BU Profs Present at GSA
Holly Kalyniuk, assistant editor-in-chief
NOTE: Editorials, letters, and viewpoint articles do not necessarily
n the presence of over 6700 geoscireflect the opinion of The Quill staff,
The Quill, Inc., or the faculty, staff, or entists from 52 countries, BU professors
administration of Brandon University. and students shared their knowledge and
experience in the field of geology.
The Quill is a member of Canadian
From October 19th to 23rd, Brandon UniUniversity Press (CUP), one of the
versity Drs. Rong-Yu Li, David Greenwood,
world’s largest student organizations, with a membership of over 70 and Ali Somarin attended the Geological
student newspapers in Canada.
Society of America’s (GSA) annual conferAdvertisers wishing to buy space in
ence held in Vancouver.
both this newspaper and other CUPDr. Greenwood organized and coaffiliated newspapers should contact
chaired a session on fossil sites across
our multi-market ad representative:
western and northern North America. BU
graduate student Christopher West and
FREE Media
11629 105th Avenue
alumni Cale Gushulak presented, as well
Edmonton, AB T5H 0L9
as graduate students from other universiPhone: 780-421-1000
BU Associate Professor and Chair Dr.
For online advertising inquiries,
please contact:
Rouge Media Group
250 The Esplanade, The Keep
Toronto, ON M5A 1J2
Phone: 416-360-8120
News – 2
Li presented “Biotic interactions and food
chain/web of a community from Upper
Cretaceous of southwestern Manitoba,
Canada,” which was co-authored with BU’s
Professor Emeritus Harvey Young.
Having previously attended and presented at past GSA’s conferences, Dr. Li believes in the importance of
BU’s participation in national
and international events “so
that people around the world
can get to know BU better.”
These events additionally
provide academics with the
opportunity to network with
other colleagues studying
similar fields to share ideas
and research developments,
Dr. Li said.
Finally, and most importantly with final
exams looming in the horizon, BUSU would
like to stress that students have the right
to appeal grades, and that they are there
to help. Whether you were unfairly graded
on your final paper, or were unable to write
an exam as a result of illness, you have the
right to launch an academic appeal. You
have the right to appeal the following: a final grade; a grade on an individual item of
work; a refusal to defer an exam; a refusal
for a retroactive withdrawal; a refusal for
an incomplete; a transcript adjustment; for
reinstatement after suspension; to graduate; charges of academic misconduct; and
academic suspension. Filing an appeal can
be a stressful and intimidating process.
Contact the BUSU Vice President Internal,
Nicholas Brown at 727-7314 or vpi@busu.
ca for tips, assistance, support, and access
to all the tools you need to launch your appeal.
Remember, BUSU is here to help you.
Don’t be afraid to make use of the resources available to you. §
More information on Dr. Li’s conference presentation is available on line at:
When The Quill inquired, Dr. Li informed
us that his favorite sports are tennis in the
summer, and ping pong in the winter. §
Dr. Rong Yu Li. Photo credit Brandon University.
Government Opportunities for Students
You can use your degree!
Reid Ogilvie, reporter
he Federal Government preTsented
a huge variety of job opportunities
to students at a recent info session here
on campus. Last week a representative
form the Federal government came and
highlighted the ways student can apply for
positions within the government. So here’s
a quick recap of how to apply in case you
couldn’t make it.
We will get one thing clear right away,
some of you may be thinking that you
shouldn’t bother applying because the job
will be given to someone with more experience than you. Well one of the things that
was made clear at the session was the fact
that the positions that students can apply
for are given based on merit, not on seniority. So if you think you have the skills then
you should definitely give it a shot.
Now the main set of positions is reserved for students only. Meaning that to
apply you must be a full time student currently and be a returning full time student
in the fall of next year. The application process is relatively simple but it is rather time
consuming. There is a lengthy form to fill
out and you must fill out a detailed list of
skills you possess just to make a basic application. Then some positions may require
more detailed applications. To learn more
about all of this, and to fill out your applica-
tions, you can go to www.jobs.gc.ca and it
is very straight forward. There are links that
will take you were you need to go. Good
luck and happy hunting.
Also, if you are a Health Science or Natural science major and you are graduating
with a degree in May of next year. There are
a few Career position open for application
as well. These listing are also are www.jobs.
gc.ca. But you have to hurry, these listing
are only open for application until the 11th
of December of 2014 then they close for
the year. So if you are hoping to apply for
a career in the federal government with a
degree in Health of Natural Science then
get online as fast as you can. §
Volume 105, Issue 12 — November 18th, 2014 — 2
Giving Students Something to Cheer About
A great way to enjoy Bobcats games
Robert Killam, sports reporter
come all to an opportunity
Copenometo one,
the students of Brandon Univer-
sity. That’s right students, the Bobcats
teams are asking you guys to get loud, be
proud and join the Bobcat Student Section for some truly awesome events.
The Bobcat student section is something fairly new to the university but it offers tons of bonuses for those willing to
join it. They offer free Bobcat Nation tshirts along with parties before and after
selected Bobcats events with free food. I
repeat, free food.
It’s no secret that our athletic teams
rely upon student support to provide a
rowdy crowd and home-court advantage
when facing the rival universities. The
students of BU are finally given a chance
to get out to these sporting events where
many perks and opportunities lie. Great
prizes and gift cards are also available for
those who are willing to join the Bobcats
student section. They are also giving away
tuition to one lucky student who takes
part of the experience. To find out how
to apply for the tuition prize go to http://
Also to register for the student’s section, please apply to gobobcats.ca/sb_
Brandon is a small tight knit community and this Bobcat section, especially for students, is sure to bring
people closer together. Everyone is
welcome to come out to the games,
but if you want some awesome benefits on top of these awesome games
please join the Bobcats Student Section. Come out and together let’s show
the opposing teams how the Brandon
Bobcats have the strongest school
support in Canada. §
Bobcats Volleyball
Tough fights all the way around
Robert Killam, sports reporter
Men’s and Women’s Volleyball
several defeats and a win last
weekend while playing against Thompson
River University. The guys lost both games
Friday and Saturday, winning 2 out of the
8 sets played. However, they were able to
push Saturday’s game to a fifth set and to
that I say, good job guys.
Meanwhile the Bobcat women won
their Friday game 3 sets to 0 but lost on
Saturday 0 sets to 3. Congrats on the win
girls, it was well done. It was a tough go
for these home games and we are all
hoping that the gentlemen and ladies
can win there matches
on the 14th and 15th of
November against the
University of Manitoba.
After these games the
volley ball teams will be
heading away for clashes
out in BC, but will be back
home on the 28th of this
For the official stats
of the Bobcats games,
or on the times of future
games please go to www.
Scholars of Brandon University, do not
be afraid to come out
and cheer our teams on.
They need our support
like a giraffe needs long
legs, cause otherwise
without you, everything
just looks ridiculous.
Good luck in your
games this weekend
3 — Volume 105, Issue 12 — November 18th, 2014
Sports – 3
Cougars on the Prowl
The hunting went well... for some
Reid Ogilvie, reporter
ACC Cougars were at it again
with 2 of games on the ice
and more on the volleyball court. Kicking
things off on the rink we had 2 back to
back games with Minot State University
on Friday and Saturday.
The Ladies dominated on Friday beating MSU 6 - 2! The action was well spread
around the team as well with Katie Zacharias scoring 1 goal and 1 assist, Brooke
Lonoway with 2 goals, Laura Williams with
1, Simone Turner-Cummer adding 1 goal
and 1 assist, Kaelei Rink added to the pool
to with 2 assists, and MacKenzie Bortis
added the last goal. We also owe a round
of applause to Rachelle Lougheed in net
for the Cougars who kept MSU’s score so
low. Unfortunately ACC couldn’t back their
win up on Saturday when MSU took the
game 3 - 2, but Katie Zacharias added another 2 goals to her score card. So cheers
to silver linings. Moving on now to Volleyball where the Men’s and Women’s team
both had very exciting weekends. Start-
ing with the ladies who defeated the Red
River College Rebels 3-1 with Riese McArthur leading the team with 11 kills 1 ace.
Steph Willey was right behind her with 10
kills and 4 aces, and Tawny Shelvey adding 10 kills as well.
When the Men took to the court it was
a different story though. Even with Logan
Jones giving the team 8 kills, 3 blocks,
and 2 aces they still lost in a shutout 3 - 0
game. Ladies were up next and it was déjà
vu all over again with another 3 - 1 victory
for the Cougars. The power trio was back
with Riese McArthur giving 12 kills and 1
ace, Tawny Shelvey and Stephanie Willey
both adding 9 kills each. Although, unfortunately the Guys had a similar repeat experience. Logan Jones gave his all again
with another 7 kills, 1 block, and 1 assist
but it was another 3 - 0 shutout against
the cougars.
Keep your eye locked to the Quill for
more updates in the coming weeks. We’ll
keep you up to date with all the latest
dates and scores. See you all next week.
SUDS Hours
Monday & Tuesday 4:00 PM 10:00 PM
and Thursdays
4:00 PM - 2:00
Fridays 4:00 PM
- 10:00 PM
Review: Very Good Bad Thing
Note: title is functional and factual
Charlie Carrier and Holly Kalyniuk
anadian indie rock group Mother
released their new album, Very
Good Bad Thing, on Tuesday, November
4th, and it’s packing some new electric
In past albums like Eureka (2011)
and The Sticks (2012), Mother Mother
was very acoustic in their creation of
rhythms and vocal effects. Their new music has much more of a dance beat and,
Locks of Love
in fact, the first song on the album opens
up with entirely electronic layering. The
singer’s voices take on some new tones
as well, with some altering in the studio.
However, these alterations are nothing to
worry about. The new album contains a
fair mix of fast-paced and slower tunes in
much the same fashion as older albums,
and is just as good, still featuring all the
musicians’ eccentric talents and unique,
excellently-written lyrics.
In past I may not have recommended
Giving what you have for those who don’t
Brenley Palmer, reporter
past weekend I took something
TthathisI have
worked on for almost 4 years
and got rid of it in a matter of 30 seconds.
My hair. I have spent those years combing, conditioning, styling, scouring pinterest for long hair ideas and considering
cutting it many times earlier. However, I
was growing it out with a goal in mind and
that was to donate it to be turned into a
wig. The organization I went through to
donate is called Locks of Love, and they
specialize in making wigs for children.
The main causes for hair loss in these
kids is either Cancer through the use of
chemotherapy and radiation treatment
as well as a specific disease called Alopecia which is an auto-immune disorder
that causes the hair follicles to shut down.
The hair pieces that that are made by this
organization are custom made from donations for the child receiving the piece.
And, why these are so special for kids is
that the wig forms a vacuum seal which
doesn’t require tape or glue. Only the
child wearing it can remove it by opening
the seal at temples. This way they can still
do all the activities that they could before
without the worry of it falling off.
Now why did I wait so long to donate
my own hair? The type of hair that is very
difficult for them to get their hands on is
curly hair which I’m lucky enough to have.
Although some people are not able to
grow their curls out to far past their shoulder, I’m able to grow it as long as it wants
and it wont stop. So I waited until my hair
was so long that I could donate two ponytails at once, both much longer than
the minimum 10 inches required.
If you are thinking about cutting
Features – 4
Mother Mother at a party if you were looking to please the general population; the
songs take a little bit of thinking to really
enjoy them, though they can still be fun
without any analysis. In this new album
however, the throbbing beats could be
seen as a lot more accessible to a crowd
and could easily be pumped out over the
speakers at a dance club. If you’re worried about Mother Mother conforming the
“Top 40” chord progression norm, don’t
be. Each song they’ve released has excel-
lent lyrics and musical ideas just like all of
their old music.
Kicking off their Very Good Bad Thing
Tour at the beginning of November, Mother Mother will be stopping in Winnipeg
on Friday, November 28th at 8:00 PM at
the Burton Cumming Theatre. Tickets are
still available for general admission floor
spots as well as seats, and prices range
from $35-50.
Very Good Bad Thing is now available
on iTunes or wherever CDs are sold. §
your hair in the near future I highly recommend donating, because waiting an
extra year so it is long enough could allow one kid to have a full head of hair.
To donate simply ask your hair
dresser to make a ponytail with the
amount of hair you wish to donate, most
should know how to package it up and
then all you need to do is mail it in. There
is a place in Winnipeg you can donate to
that I will recommend, Locks for Love.
Although the retail value of these wigs
can be almost $4000, Locks for Love
gives their wigs for free. If you’re looking
for more information you can check out
http://www.locksoflove.org/. §
Anyone need a mop? Photo credit Brenley Palmer.
Music Review: Mobina Galore
Their Cities Away album
Jakub Marshall, reporter
obina Galore is a duo from WinM
nipeg, consisting of Jenna Priestner on
guitar and Marcia Hanson on drums. On
their website they describe their sound
as being punk-alternative¬pop. A fitting
label since their music does have the
raw energy and drive of punk rock music, and the melodies and hooks of pop
music. However they do not really have a
lot in common with what people consider
“pop-punk” to be. Mobina Galore’s music
has a lot more creativity and energy then
most mainstream pop-punk groups such
as Blink-182. They compare their sound
more to bands like Japandroids, a great
Mobina Galore. Photo credit Mobina Galore.
band that is breaking similar ground on
the west coast of Canada currently.
On Cities Away, Mobina Galore take
Punk Rock in a more catchy and polished direction on tracks such as their
super catchy and thrashable lead single
“Bad Love Song”. This polished sound
is in part due to the production done by
John Paul Peters, a great Winnipeg producer who has worked with bands such
as Royal Canoe, and Propagandhi in the
past. Peters makes the vocals and guitar all sound very clean and discernible
while not the sacrificing the live aggressive energy that makes punk music so
great. Priestner, and Hanson show some
really great cohesion as a duo on this
record, which hopefully promises to
translate into a great live show. I could
see as this band gets more exposure
them becoming a veritable staple in
the Manitoban underground live music
scene. Cities Away will be release on
December 9th, and you can catch Mobina Galore at an album release show
this winter break either here in Brandon on December 20th at the North Hill
Inn, or December 21st at the Park Theatre in Winnipeg. §
Volume 105, Issue 12 — November 18th, 2014 — 4
Study Brea� – 5
As� Quentin
Dear Quentin
What are all these slang terms I
hear? I always hear kids nowadays talking about yolo or lol or swag? I had just
thought I was getting hip with the youngins, foshizzle and now it is just all a mess
and I need help.
Matt Holem
Dear Matthew,
I too have made a study of language
evolution and sometimes devolution. In
this instance I believe the words the children are using are bastardized versions of
very old terms. The word Yolo for example
is the ecstatic cry used by Benedictine
monks in the middle of a particularly difficult bout of prayer or tennis, Yolou. The
learned students of this university are
clearly masters of history and are trying to
bring back the English of yester-century. I
approve. Although they seem to be messing up the context.
The other word swag is similarly
placed in the historical record. In this
case, a pirate word denoting an excellent
vintage of grog, or Rum to you colonials. I
myself cannot stomach the taste of grog
or swag but I hear that sailors swear by
it. Indeed, it only killed a few dozen last
year and blinded four. So you know it has
to be good.
I have no concept of the ‘lol’. It is perhaps the sound that a Continental horse
would make. They do tend to breed the
horses there a little less than intelligent.
I think it is perhaps so they can converse
easier with their masters.
I digress.
The study of history is ongoing and often confusing. Keep up your observation.
Oftentimes I hear that the application of
warm hoof jelly to your eyes helps with
I hope this helps,
Quentin Quill is an 18th century time
traveler trapped in BU. He has not yet declared a major or even attended class in
the last several months. He stays up to
date with news by avoiding the Quill and
listening to a ham radio.
If you have a question for Quentin
please email him at missq@thequill.ca.
He promises not to yell. If Quentin chooses your question you get a free Quill Tshirt. They make for good car window
Winter: Acclimati�ation
If you can’t avoid it, enjoy it
clAir song, coluMnist
few days ago, we had the first snow
Aof this
winter here in Brandon. This is my
fourth winter in Canada. Getting used to
the Manitoba winter seemed impossible
to me when I experienced -35 degree
weather for the first time. Compared to
the first time, however, I am now more
acclimated to it. Strictly speaking, I realize that winter cannot be avoided and I
have to enjoy what Brandon has in winter
rather than staying indoors all the time.
Winter sports can be an option to enjoy this season. As snow falls and accumulates on the ground, the winter sports
season begins. If you want a breath of
fresh air and excitement, there are two
places where you can enjoy skiing not
far from Brandon: Minnedosa Ski Valley
and Asessippi Ski Resort. If you want to
feel warmer air and still want being active, skating at the Sportsplex is always
a great option. Also, if you are parents,
you can go to natural bowl-shaped playgrounds and enjoy snow sled rides with
your children.
If you endure cold weather in November and December with winter sports,
Christmas and Boxing Day are just
around the corner.
On Christmas, every member of the
family comes home and spends time
together. You may be able to visit family
members you haven’t seen in a long time.
Boxing Day is even better. Boxing Day is
the best day of the year for shoppers because they will get high discounts on everything they want to buy.
One of my friends was looking forward to winter because he wanted to enjoy winter sports. I couldn’t understand
him at that time, but now I can partially
understand why he anticipated winter.
There is plenty of winter-only entertainment besides winter sports, Christmas
and Boxing Day; there is the Santa Parade in November, the Winter Festival in
January and so on. If you can experience
these entire events, snow will disappear
in a flash. That is how I acclimated to
Manitoba winters. §
011 – Jim Forsythe
Area: Evans Theatre
Cry: See the ball!
Forsythe is a Drama-type Prof. He is
most commonly found in the Evans
Theatre. He can be persuaded to leave
the comfort of the theatre when
promised a sailing trip, and most enjoys discussion of the wind. Forsythe’s
Humour stat rises when he uses his
Special Move, Improv.
5 — Volume 105, Issue 12 — November 18th, 2014
Anime Review: Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis
Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Chelsey Venn, buga
ith the rise of anime’s popularity
over the past decade, it’s no surprise that
by now, with a more diverse market,
we’re starting to see many tropes come
to light in different genres of anime.
That’s why, when one particular anime
shows up and breaks the mold of the
stereotypical fantasy anime, it’s probably worth at least paying attention.
It’s also worth noting that this anime is
based off of a digital card game, which
tends to be something unique in itself.
While a lot of animes based off video
games tend to be nothing more than
pandering fanservice to diehard fans,
one can easily know nothing about the
card game and still sit down and find enjoyment in this enchanting storyline.
The main focus of Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis (localized as Rage of Bahamut: Genesis) revolves around a fairly
simple concept: the world is divided up
into gods, humans, and demons; both
Studio: MAPPA
the gods and the demons own one half of
a key capable of unleashing the dragon
Bahamut, who is more than capable of
bringing about the world’s destruction.
This system seems to work well in keeping
Bahamut in check... that is, until a young
demon woman named Amira manages to
steal the gods’ half of the key. This unprecedented act manages to throw all three
factions into action, with both the gods
and the demons desperately seeking to
get their hands on the key half before the
BUSU/Clubs – 6
Rating: 5 / 5
other faction can.
Finding herself alone in her plight
and not knowing much about the human
world, Amira wanders while disguised as a
human in search of a place known as Helheim. It is through her searching that she meets Favaro, a
young, cheerful, mischievious
bounty hunter who sports a
red afro. As a result of his own
mischief-making, he finds himself promising to lead Amira to
Helheim himself. Soon after
Favaro is introduced, however,
we quickly learn that he is also
in the process of being hunted
-- this time by another bounty
hunter named Kaiser. At first
glance, Kaiser seems like a hard-headed,
justice-loving, wannabe knight... however,
it’s later revealed that Favaro and Kaiser
share a history in which fate saw the once
good friends turned against one-another -or at least, turned Kaiser against Favarao,
while Favaro turned tail and led Kaiser on
a merry chase across the land.
Storyline and memorable characters
aside, this anime also looks very beautiful. For one, It follows the recent trend of
replacing once-black lineart with deep red
or blue hues. Every frame of every scene
looks absolutely flawless with some incredibly innovative character and location
designs that bring out its gaming origin
in a very lively manner. The music is also
worth paying attention to, as it’s one of
the very first things that caught my attention about this anime. I stand by my opinion that it has the best opening sequence
of the Fall 2014 anime season!
In conclusion, Shingeki no Bahamut:
Genesis manages to bring amazing fantasy action and character development
together while still having a great deal of
humour spiced up with amazing visuals
and audio. This is one of the few animes
that I genuinely believe has something for
almost any type of anime fan out there,
and is really worth checking out! §
BUASC Op-Ed: Anger and Sadness For a Winnipeg Survivor
Stay strong
Jill Vanderheiden, buasc
boriginal people this has been
Aa pretty
amazing week! We returned to
school after the weekend to hear that
a young, beautiful woman who went to
Winnipeg to go to school was beaten and
sexually assaulted within a few breaths of
losing her life. First, you were may have
been thinking she might have been living a rough life, eh? No. She went to Winnipeg to finish high school because her
community doesn’t have high school.
Surprised? Many communities still don’t
have schools.
Maybe you think, well what the heck
was she doing out that late? Partying?
Maybe, maybe no. Maybe she was at an
awards dinner. Many are happening for
the Manitoba Business Council, Manitoba Aboriginal Youth Achievement Awards.
Maybe she was babysitting. Maybe she
was at a movie. See, it doesn’t matter.
Two young men chose to grab her, to
beat her, to rape her, to beat her again, and
to throw the 100 pounds of water, protein,
connective tissue, lipids, apatite, carbohydrates and DNA into the river. The same
place we find bent shopping carts with
missing wheels and old tires. This beautiful, strong young woman dragged herself
from the freezing, dark, water. She clung
Game Review: To The Moon
Genre: Adventure, RPG
Alex Trush, buga
o you like yourself a good mystery?
Do you like awesome soundtracks? Do
you like being moved to tears by engaging and compelling stories of love, bitterness, and betrayal? Then you will love To
The Moon.
To The Moon follows a day in the life
of Dr. Eva Rosalene and Dr. Neil Watts.
These scientists have the ability to transcend a person’s memories to artificially
make their dreams come true. And if that
doesn’t sound like the coolest job ever, I
Developer: Freebird Games
don’t know what is!
Tonight the doctors are tasked with
fulfilling the dreams of Johnny. Johnny has
but one wish as he lies on his deathbed.
He wants to go to the Moon. The catch is,
Johnny has no idea why he wants to go to
the moon, he just knows that deep in his
heart, it’s what he truly wants. Now it’s up
to you to manipulate the time and space
of Johnny’s memories to make it happen.
To The Moon has a little bit of everything for everyone as far as mechanics
are concerned. Movement is controlled
by point and click, or with the arrow keys.
In each area you have
to find five memory
links. These can range
from watching a short
cut scene to finding paper rabbits. There are
to pieces of clay and mud and stone and
dragged herself up with every last breath.
Lying there, thinking of the warmth of her
friends, the love of her family and baring
down to focus on finding enough strength
to move, these boys came back. Yep, and
beat her again. Then they went looking
for more fun. Found more body mass and
beat on it too.
She was saved by a construction
worker with a cell phone. Sort of. See,
she was saved by her resilience. By her
faith. By her love of friends and family. By
her volition. This 100 pounds of water,
protein, connective tissue, lipids, apatite,
carbohydrates and DNA could easily have
Platform: PC (RPGMaker)
puzzles to solve throughout your adventure. You even have to fight for your life a
couple times. As for the art style, most of
the game uses beautifully crafted 16 bit
sprites. The music fits the mood for each
part of the game perfectly. To those of you
who love your video game music, this OST
is definitely worth a listen.
Sometimes I would click on something a couple times before it actually noticed I was trying to click it. In general, the
controls could certainly be tighter, but any
minor qualms I have with the controls are
irrelevant because where the game truly
shines is in the storytelling.
The memory links that you collect
throughout the game serve as a very engaging way to move the story forward, and
it honestly feels like you’re an investigator
as you sleuth about, finding clues and try-
died. She didn’t. She will get stronger
from this.
I think about those really mad dogs.
The vicious ones that attack when you are
not looking. I am not thinking about the
boys like that. I bet you thought this was
about them. It isn’t.
When you continue to hurt a human
being, over and over. They just get stronger. I am afraid for anyone that hurts her
again. It will be at least a tie. I am sure.
Every time you make someone feel smaller than you, every time you are spiteful
and purposely use power to make someone feel smaller, remember, you are making them stronger and more vicious. §
Rating: 4.5 / 5
ing to solve question of “why”? Why does
Johnny want to go to the moon? Every answer you find unveils a host of new questions, and it just keeps building up more
and more as you get closer and closer to
the truth. So to anyone who has an insatiable curiosity, I would suggest that you
reserve a full five hours to play this game
through to completion in one sitting because you won’t be able to put this game
down once you start.
To The Moon is an indie game, developed using the RPGMaker engine, that
everyone who likes a good mystery or a
drama should play. The team at Freebird
Games knows how to engage a person.
If you desperately don’t want to play the
game yourself, invite a friend who likes
games over to play it for you. You can
thank me later. §
Volume 105, Issue 12 — November 18th, 2014 — 6
Steps Taken
Groups exhibit focuses on artistic process
Jakub Marshall, reporter
week the Department of Visual
art is putting on an exhibit
at the Glen P. Sutherland Gallery of Art
entitled “Steps Taken”. This exhibit features some of the more junior artists at
BU as well as featuring a general focus
on “process and development”. Both the
process and development of the students
as emerging artists in their community,
and of the artworks themselves. This emphasis on process was shown by featuring pieces that were unfinished, placing
sketchbooks with rough drafts beside their
finished products, and an in studio artist
painting while the opening was underway.
Co-Chair of BUFASA Timothy Brown says
the purpose of the “Steps Taken” exhibit
is to provide a counterpoint for the exhibit
currently at the Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba, which features work by
advanced and graduating students from
Brandon University.
In terms of the actual pieces presented, “Steps Taken” features a wide diversity of different styles, mediums, and
forms. Style varies from traditional landscape paintings, to abstract multimedia
pieces on canvas (or even on plywood).
Of the canvas pieces, many use different
mediums depending on the artist, there
are some charcoal pieces, some
oil paint, and some multimedia collage type works such as sticks and
feathers. As well there are several
clay sculptures to round things out.
Displayed prominently is a wall of
small hand paintings by many different students (pictured above).
Brown says this is an exercise that
almost every artist has had to do
for a course at some point in his or
her life. So these hand painting are
probably the best representation of
what this exhibition is all about, the
journey of artist from student to fullfledged professional. “Steps Taken”
is on at the Glen P. Sutherland Gallery of Art from November 13th - November 22nd, between 2:00 PM and
6:00 PM. §
Writing Contest
Community – 7
Free literary critique from people you don’t know!
Jenna Valiquette, reporter
o you love writing short stories? PoD
ems? Articles or haikus? Introducing the
inaugural Quill Christmas Writing Contest
*oooooh*. Now please, hold your applause while I finish explaining what it
is. Anyone can submit any type of writing
to the contest, as long as it pertains to
this year’s theme. The theme is “Unconventional Christmas”, and if that doesn’t
light a fire under your mantle, well golly
gee, I don’t know what will. Send in your
work by December 11th, so all of us can
sit around the Quill office drinking alcoh- I
mean eggnog and criticize you... And your
writing, I suppose.
Yes, that’s right, your masterpieces
are going to be judged by people you don’t
know with zero qualifications! Refreshing, isn’t it? The winner will graciously
receive a Forbidden Flavours gift card,
publishing credit in your favourite local
paper (*cough*, yes, this one.), and the
everlasting glory of being the best, undefeated BU holiday writer! ..Well, until next
year anyway. So get your typewriters fired
up, or whatever you hipster university students use to scribe things nowadays, and
get crackin! Email all submissions to EIC.
Caution: don’t go too willy-nilly on the
word count. Max 1000 words, some of us
judges don’t have that long of an attention span. §
BUGS Awareness Week
If you can find it
Holly Kalyniuk, assistant editor-in-chief
November 18 to 21 , BranFdonrom
University’s Geography Society (BUGS)
has organized a Geography Awareness
Week filled with fun geography things (and
some alcohol).
On Tuesday, November 18th, the group
will be viewing various geography videos in
the Mingling Area from 11:30 AM to 1:30
PM, and on Wednesday, November 19th,
prizes are up for grabs in a lunchtime geocaching event from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
For those interested in pursuing a career
in geography or simply interested in exactly what students with a geography degree
are capable of becoming, Thursday, November 20th is Career Day in the Elephant
Room from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM with free
pizza and a cash bar. To cap off a week
of BUGS events is a bake sale fundraiser
in the Mingling Area on Friday, November
21st from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
All students knowledgeable in geography or otherwise are encouraged to attend.
For more information on the event,
visit their Facebook page. §
Hands, Photo credit Jakub Marshall.
Upcoming Events
Who’s ready to work on their procrastination skills?
Ashlyn Pearce, reporter
your study break activity here.
18 : Debut CD release
concert for duo256 featuring Kerry DuWors (violin) and Futaba Niekawa (piano),
admission is free, start time is 8:00 PM at
the Lorne Watson Recital Hall.
November 18th - December 31st: Tommy McLeod Curve Gallery, located in the
John E. Robbins Library, open Monday
- Thursday 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM, Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Saturday - Sunday
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM, displays the stories
of men and women from Brandon College
who took part in World War I.
November 19th: A Community Conversation is taking place in the HLC Room
002, the topic of discussion is ideas that
will help to build a Healthy Living Center
that reflects the needs of the community,
for more info call 204-727-9756.
November 20th: The 6th annual Transgender day of Remembrance is at Knox
United Church (451 18th St.), an indoor
lunch will take place from 12:00 PM - 1:00
PM with a candle-light vigil taking place
from 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM with cookies and
hot chocolate, for more info contact Rune
Breckon at 204-571-3282.
November 20th: a coffee house for
gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, twospirit people and their allies/supporters
takes place at 7:00 PM, for more information please contact 204-727-0417.
November 20th - 22th: Vincent Massey
High School presents “The Addams Family: A New Musical Comedy” at the WMCA,
performance starts at 7:30 PM, for more
information please contact wmca.ca or
November 21st: The last day you will
be able to voluntarily withdraw from any
first-term courses or get a 50% refund on
both-term courses.
November 21st: Basketball, Brandon
University Bobcats vs. Trinity Western
Spartans, Ladies at 6:00 PM and Men at
8:00 PM in the HLC.
November 21st: Pickerel Fish Fry at
St. George’s Church (1011 5th St.) from
5:00 PM - 6:15 PM courtesy of Brandon
and Area Dragon Slayers Youth, tickets
are $15 (children 6 and younger are free)
and can be bought at St. George’s Church
(morning only) or St. Matthew’s Cathedral
(all day, 403 13th St.), for more info or to
7 — Volume 105, Issue 12 — November 18th, 2014
reserve tickets call 204-728-6542.
November 21st: An Old Fashioned
Christmas Concert by Shenanigans, admission is $10, shows start at 2:00 PM
and 7:00 PM.
November 22st: Basketball, Brandon
University Bobcats vs. Trinity Western
Spartans, Ladies at 5:00 PM and Men at
7:00 PM in the HLC.
November 22nd: The Brandon Humane Society’s 24th annual Pet Photos
with Santa is at Pet Valu (1300 18th St.)
from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, cost is $20 and
includes a CD with the images.
November 23rd: Taste of Christmas
Dinner at Knox United Church, sittings at
4:30 PM and 6:00 PM, tickets are $13
(adults), available at the church, for more
info contact 204-727-6975.
November 24th: The Brandon University Lions Club is hosting Cookies for Coats
in the Mingling Area from 11:00 AM - 1:00
PM, bring new or gently used winter wear
(scarves, mitts, hats, etc.) to donate and
receive a free pack of cookies! Hot chocolate and a cookie together can also be
bought for $1.50, all donations are going
towards the Brandon Soup Kitchen.
November 24th: High Valley brothers
and Brad and Curtis Rempel at the WMCA,
start time is 7:00 PM, for more info contact wmca.ca or 204-728-9510.
November 28th: Volleyball, Bobcats
vs. University of Regina Cougars, Ladies
at 6:00 PM and Men at 7:45 PM.
The Brandon branch of Operation
Red Nose is pleased to announce that it
is ready to go for another season, offering
safe rides home on most weekend nights
from November 28th to New Year’s Eve.
November 29th: Volleyball, Bobcats
vs. University of Regina Cougars, Ladies
at 5:00 PM and Men at 6:45 PM.
XII MB Dragoons Museum (1116 Victoria Ave): a collection of historical military
items, admission is free, they are open on
Tuesdays from 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM and
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM, for more information
or other times call 204-717-4579 or visit
Canadian Blood Services: the donor
clinic is open Wednesdays and Thursdays
from 11:30am-2:30pm and 4:00-7:30pm,
walk-ins are welcome, for more information please call 1-888-2-DONATE (1-888236-6283). §
Quill Classifieds
November 29th: Tuba and
Euphonium players of all
ages and experience levels
are welcome to join us for a
low brass holiday concert.
Registration and rehearsal
are going to be in the Brandon University School of
Dress festively and decorate
your instrument.
Registration: 9:30-10:30 AM
Rehearsal: 10:30-12:00AM
Performance at the Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba: 2:00 PM
Celebrating our
pillars of
For me
I don’t care what time of day it is, I don’t want to hear anybody playing any kind of instrument in the space I pay for. It’s called respect. A
condo/apartment is not the place for instruments.
Open to compromise.
“For sale: 2006 Suzuki GsxR is in mint condition price
$2500 USD.
If interested contact me at
Seen Below:
“Hey BU do you want to help
give back to your community?
The Lions Club on Campus is
always welcoming new members; meetings are twice every
month in Meeting Room A in
McMaster Building. Our next
meeting is
18th, we
hope to
see you
Volume 105, Issue 12 — November 18th, 2014— 8

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