GAifilfll/E`,Sl - Carnes Trucking
GAifilfll/E`,Sl - Carnes Trucking
GAifilfll/E',Sl TRUCKING (iO,, P.O. Box 726, Malllng Addre$s: Prospect, /lAlr0r. entuoky 400€iE) o 502iSX:i7-1!)90t iCarnes Trucklng $ompany Ino F() llux 726 Fl'ot;pr,ect KY 400159 Physical Address: i Truckl4g Crornpany Ino i3li1 "ferry Blvd Loukiville KY 4pil29, Carnerts Factoring Company "f ranirport Financlall Solutions P0 Ilox 845981 Oallas,TX 75?84-51981 Carn ne Numben Disparcrrraxl !i02"iili7-1 90 s02.9]i7-:r999 Dispatch [xt{}ntrldn Contactsl Nlck Carnes (Vlce Presldent) Ext Dave Mltchell (Outbound Dlspatch) Ext. :t ilil PaulCarwlle (lnbound Dispatch) Ext, tl1.0 lame Rowe {Dlspatch Weekends;) Exlt. X2:I, {Dlspatch Ntchts) gx1i, lL2tt Trey Jennings Federal lDfl rcc/Mc 61-1123539 189389 # SCAC Code CTHK Safety Ratlng Satlsfactory Egulpment Tractors Straight Trucks 53'Vans 53'Reefers 53'Rollerbeds 48' Llftgate l 60 CN z5 40 I t, ltl I ' UMTED STATPS OT AI\{ERICA DEPARMTENT OF' TRANSPO]RTATION PIPELINII AND EAZARDOUS MAIERIAI,S AfET"lf AD4,f n'Iltit'f RA Tltt0 F{ HAZARDOUS MATERIA CERTIFICATI} OT REG r.OR RDGISTXIATION Y TTON (s):2013"2016 Registrantr CARNES .TRUCKING CO INC Attnl GARY L CA.TINES PO BOX 726 PROSPECT, KY 4CO59 This certifies thar rhe registrant is registcred wjth rhc U. , Department of ltanrs;1;rcrtatiop a$ rcquired by 49 CFR Part 107, Subpaa G. This oertificate is issued under the auth.oriiy of 49 u.s.c.] s roe. It is unlawFul ro,ralter or talsrify document, Reg, No:061713 551 088VX thLis I Issuedr MlnqnS HM Company ID: 037385 {xn0/2{}16 I The follorting must be maintaincd at the principal pl date of issuancc of this Certifrcau of Registration: of businss for g pr:ritx{i of t}rep yr:ars from (l) Aland A copy of thc registrarion stsrc$ent filed with (2) Thi, Cortificate of Rcglstration trach pcnon aubJcct to the registration requircmeot (or a dopy) and aU other rccords and informarion i the i fumishr thot p<:rson's tCbrtificate of Rcgirrration to ther lnfomnpion ccrr:itained in tha rcgisrtration of thc U, S, Departm,r,n1l of Transportation upnn Each motor carrier (private or for-hiro) and cach vcsse op€rstc,r subjec! to thie registration requircmcnt must keop a copy of tha currcnt Cxrtificate of Regi or a;nQther decumerntl;t bcaring thrr registtration nurnber idcntiJicd as thc "U.S, DOT Hazmat Rcg, No,,' eaeh kuck an{ tmcik rtrlac&or or vtlssel (railers and semi-trsilcn not included) used to trsnsport t muedals s$lb,iioct ro the rcgisradon rcquiremcnt. Thc Ccrtificate of Regiatration or availablc, upon requcsl to enforcement personnel, bcaring thc rcgjstr:atiorr numbcr must bc marlc For informatiol, contsct thc ]Iazrrdorus Marcrials on Marnger, !Hlll-$i:Z rPipclinp and Hezrdous !200 l{.row Jerse-t, .A,vcnuc, Sl3, Matcriels Safety Admlnlrtr&tion, U,S. Dcpartmcnt of Waehingon, DC 20590, tclophonc (2VZr J6*rc9, , ":.1 ltlt - 't l ilisii i1nev, . i, .INTSR$?AI'8 c0t$f8 nlt COrYl,{I8qfON iDEDM 9r9.1 Ns, l.t9 lS9gS9 fh,io. ( vlL permlt is evl,<lencs ot n <rontract ,.. tra'nsportation A.q. ' ? s bh ca authorlEy wl: Fe ef,re conpltancL wr{ri t[J prer€stten reguf of :.:I_Tfl.:{orof,bhe ,{ggtSiggtpn age.Rt€ ,it"; whorn rI 3.0${f:f 111fl for paeeenger bartrlaro, urr.i..htrtns I..r-[:7),, I glnHVl0t,j oAtE : i 0t{) 0 liil Ub-Nrl, 3 ''P ) co. ,, INC,, .* i.r. yii p117l1ee1eAe...,* KY car!'l€.r,iB dut{liror:[qy rter by mo'Eor l,rett:Lc.Lr:,ro errgacJe tlve eg ltrrlg:€! caruter p:f !1 1,lr *I.,E_: ril: i n s u ra nce :'"I|.-li o publls dpntlvqr); rh€ '?cEls-^mdy.(19i bdrl e{l:gvrr<l (49 CpH tarif fs ,or ., in s irn : fh*o auth,ority ,. txtltttons Es privilagc. '! ! T CARNES TRUCKIN I/OUr : .: . Ls n oH, ilubJect r or mBy any te $n)6 i,pon,lirB:Lone latcr br, ,a*tEr cl'red t o rvtt,nrl , s t h'l .'f}li,:{.trnsport,atlo.ri serrrlce go b perf orhEq. l$J qlsB(:rltred on the r"w,$ti,d$ac .or' rlt"- a""l"Lni ,se tce mUgt l-le picrrformed unoer ood{rfiuug agreenent with ons or lnIno ,e per$oR6 B,y th6 Ccmhlssion E siIDNEY 1.., s'lnRIcxIAN(r , 6telor,retary (sBAL) f.l{Ptl I r f Ehere ars pleaea notlgy ,any dtscrep ,Uhs Cgmr[l! s JB, cles r6it6r'tl! Hg VhlF Permit, n Hl,thln 3() ldayb \\'r,.,1 ri i I I .i:.:rlr,' , lift ..u_r-ftP., 't ''!,tlrl-.izrr.*. "J. unt0jlt{i trrle pRsb tr',4,rdcrol K 4 0ril: 'l'. Cnli.nrtr IRUcXt C0r lllU I r i He_18 389 r.,'!, LoCAIJ Holon r totrr ttitlF CSNTAI ,IULSS r t RDgulaT IoNs A}lp HARgES , AT PIJY JN otirHlt..corrlroD i rl.tsf ( ExoEFS HouBrHoLD c4.ope i -ilrD Blllrutn porfird lH fB! FOR RFFERg}IC8 lStVBDr TO GOVT;RNINC oscembcr Zg t tgs? ,R.Arf,Es ! Ir ON A rl ltlrtrr,os rvss. ,tt!xtd' ^fibtry ltlttt&H ) rF, . ,i urE ("r#11;;a* ,![l|ib tt I I PUBLI ATION s,,{ dFF see !:f El4 ) hro,r 0!tVllt {arrUrbh:r r9r iee3 l" ..\r' I : issUeo L, CAR}IFS/bV , P, 0. eoi PRqS,PEC?r KSNTU CAR.Y rnrprbvistolts puBIJI R-trEUIJT ,IN AJl EFFSCT , KY{,d059 : HIsD HERETTI H: 1l urrEcrf'rvu 2 Nor rit:: OuAbtbl 0F ,rHs' HuttAff pNvrF"0NMENT N !r 'Ple,ase dote your Wg tn the current year, ore an LLC. please enrc.r.your.tox ctossificoilon {C, S, you ore o sinole rltember-LLe please check the LLC box l.j{.10, "rlf ,.- W-g F v,^{.t$e!10) FFtd!.urTrnry FrerSrg{ H.r^f for Taxpayor tt mbor flnd Cerilfloartilon ldenilficailoi , '0'for disregotded entity, entet a Otyr Fonn lo thc rcquodry, 0o not rnd tc, thr lRg. c,j tr I x t5 I I aI I E !,l LJ l6dd6yel p.os.ld [J C' ccpo.a;,it I UrUrrrolfyoHy. Ent*ur U Olqilqtlcl Or€ csq n,nm,p I *rtrioon, S-S lraa CJ rn,ry,rmo prFryvrytup) f til*ructin): E)hpa 9.)r sdr ({ Fyl ,,,* FJmpAm ;cQdr a tr6 FATC^ !t sy) .t o.ild9 umrld t c1 '.:r eosnt ovlsVilf€nvrF6i;aFmiiifi*+-:-- ffiffiH@Fffirmffiffi ; $T.X€.r, 06 tlrt ns.6 )'qt rocltl racsny n9n0 clv$ (S$M, tto*wr,'tor l oo ptE{l 3. Fof othcf ';;,'.,v*'d;utff'ili#E;,ff?,H,'.iJ#tr I numbar, t1ra Hor to g9f a *b pii;.|fr;,' ffi:ssP ffisJ r.ff_, Urdof J. n€ of lr tn roc frs ono |wE, s€ ns clwr on p{8! a *g:ry, I c..tlvttu; rxrtb{$q#n o.t F$ tgnn I . !gg,,xs*T *1" :,.q!d?[ffilT:trY wTtH i"T*{HHffi ffi il.?.ff :1: 3, | 0rn r-U gutdcli^ar Cn wfrcdc J dtL6fl or othry U.g. proon (c!fined botory, an6 a. Ihr FATCA cod.(r) .o{r.d on thlr ,orm t,, *ri ,nO,".ong ,ir, s''r |, ffi r|n or Ctldnc.ttan brtn cirona_ you rf,u (o.litn watdng lo{ {r lumb}, to ba hruo<l fo me), be](up wiific{dlng, o( {b) t lrk{r rrot IUr' ro npdr dr hrc'r b.!n notir}td o. d&rcbrlds, or (c) S. mffiH ffil,H$ "u'' u'J niie.ili ;mi'."S'1ffit; ff trsn FAI CI repe.rJn! InlrrC lq#ru l'rl iro noiiili'rjJirrr r * l!, cc(ftlct, l^ro tul:ro, c{l:!tf/ |l]poc.f ro brcrop wru$ddjhs ,,. ::199,,,y.1T ,q! tt e rad rD{w ttta trJltactl)fl1|, urlslrxti, T9 S{}m h{xn ? dO€ 'roa do€ r'El r.rol a$ay, rfoav_ FO.nlo.tgdalo f*".L^-_-* ol dabt,.od)tdbudonc to ur Inch,ldud r€drr.ndrl nnugmrnl flild), mc to dqn th6 i:stfflcrrlcn, fxJt |,$r ltttrl prctldir ltour;-;*r 1H]"S_I in, Hrro Gcneral lnstucdon$ 93${ drdH !a to tha tfit il, R.|of.D..rq. n, rns 6. *TI 'ir ed b? th. 2.q K,tnholtng c'd' v rP ooftb Es. pI,utRHffi.$ft*frffiffii Purpora ol Form p..s wto I nqlr.d to 6ta u nlffi rs ff Fri.go trytDr,||l ol rttirllh)y cqn*t|d 'rvt tnf F].1:9t cod.(rl vnrd,U|-uE -. 1tq,:jry qhp{ t(n th. FATCA r+oiirg, 13 91E. fqn (itryry) rE.ry, H 'ndjflti.E rhd lsr wr q.:..p.iln nE rt r|qH, lrnr tw | ,m cr! us Fm lHa,,^ilj:y.".'. 1 w.r ro NqH )q, T[\, ]sg arrrt ,orI H t|{l't"'t tffi it r o ruur.ryruy vdry to urt Fm w.t. O.6.**h ot r U,aL p-h, Fo, k(fr.J tu FpdH, )qr y. q$irrod. U.S. Pag il tsx Ir; ryl bdrvk,d rho h . U.S. d{qdl d U.S. Drrst ds, ' . A Pa/trurtop. qpa*rq, Fnrln^ u"rra s;rirri, iiliil{i.i'rrffib^ cd'r- o o'!*ert h Itt . An rdltt {ottu t$^ r fs0,!n ,rtL!0), s A uF}[|fr . do'nd$ h/fl lq| d.aiod h R{$lldtaar t*bon CO l, t O,. f,. .1F#? nl:. 16 eftrsarpr. in f.hwipa th., rsdd . k d. d ffi,Tif,:ifi g,ff H^ #fi [HsKry,;'"tY* **tq vtlidh' ,olH3ol* na 1. ?dt J..Grh L ffi (q v* h a" rd &rt d to broep withlsdiho, FmBbn 'o, rff ber|JD rit h wr,rJng bld]u ffim, Hiliffitr#,rffi irryryijffitrffi b | ro h ur ud.. Et {h q #rro#Htrffi*Hl#,#il#.$ffif A I &!a ENhtlr r !,Ttr$F-?.K#:fr ' ,n ;, ffiffi1,?ilffirt'H*.:.r"- vffi Earr. prwila F*m d,ir to (te Do lvo{, lr€trqr r.!.r wiu*darg1y, (fl.v, &20r3) rr, U,S, "..., Spurrednr o/ Irqnrportshn' (0o,$fvorrrhllit;.. Wo*Ingtcn, i ffiiTf'* * PnogPlct fi lJ, H.rrch r's S.W. l0r.C, ?0S00 [ero: tn rtply r,l,,l,rr go, Your urD(nlNro, ; ??8ir6E Arvtr!, N$,.,i ?699{A/0r{ t00tr,0r?6 'Dr.r H6[of Caffltrl Thr &got srrtl.r .rarly ,aglng far your coarplay SrtT t Sf AqroR rlrr lrl.)tlrcry r: grno rV iil"loi!. .n; i;;iil;^#.;,, aevl trFf.ghih'conrroli tn precrl uo ,rrrf ng I "brf a . a,;,"t:il;:;,*r ., \' rrfrq vou!'rrrcy rlr,n.rr :::i!:rl:"-of lc.t., .::: your yo\rl irQxv'.ny h.r .dc(lu.r. l- !hac i Cnarit a.Ctnilird tgrndord bqd ,n frr,r'rey15u6 l't 1n {9 an' a b.";,orli;i;i: --i;';;";I;.:. :1"":f;l:ii;,:;' i3]t*:l;lr:'Ii'lj";I td.nrlftrd tn eho i ::v..::+ r i I " d.', c,,,,e yourl rf yew sr'rly.. jftr *,. hrvo -orlorlr sev.r6 i_.^!{!.tr -i jir ::l:i:,;: cn,rr Litini .rl.qy r;h:roughou! p' t"lHI; ,t::l ,lw:Yr c.rrlfr il5 i . -you rii Ir';;;: lrarir'.ro rcl-i. anl0rrrlllon, plr{rr.r, i3on i:onta<i\. ". ".,* : ; "i":i^ f :S : Ii"l'; t.9\, l),oVr l}.our o(rt ll.l.d brlqier i t . u dl r",rn"p.o*rlttou nfl;:l imi;jili,' i#frt_iffi: J)o r{, tlolDrey. icq.l rc .s, _DBpAR-t{rrrr? RA?tAN r rr^t'l+rol?, xy toeor ?rlrphonr No. r 5ol,:zi. 6:\9 '*!,lf,..\*j, , i'1' i:t# Chrrler tv,.. D, frcto Coepl r A, , l..hCl fiqr Of frl c{ o I'fJrro"o"r$ni i I '::l li..;.,,;jji. ,,1.r .,,, , i1i.:l;' ., ,r.':'lljf, !'.'rr. rnd ation al M oto r Fre ig h,t tBfttc Associ ation, I n c, N I April 16, 2014 l I i GARY CARNES CARNE$ TRUCKING CO II,IC 351 TERRY BLVD LOUISVILLE, KY 4A229 l I CERTIFICATE: OF STANDARD ALPHA 0Ot:)E (SCAC) tlENEWA|. fo**ruo The Standard Carrier Alpha Oode of CTHK as been renewed for: This Alpha Code will apply only to the company na monrns. prlor to explrauon of thls SCAC, itlove through ;|gwn ill provids an CARNES TRUCKING CO INO 351 TERRY BLVD LOUISVILLE. KY 40229 MC.189389 rrune 30, 2015, Approxlmately two Invoiqo f'or renewijl whlch must bo Ite conUnued validlty'. Should the company name gr rtAssociation, Inc. el ths addross bolow. NMFT, lqgmoUV.returned together wtth paymeir aoqress change, please i"un" notify the Naiional MotorF Alpha Codes.ending with the letter,,U" have been uooe ends wilh ths letter ,'U", it should be used or to satisry other requirennu"i. :?!.ll"d lrergnt paymenls, etc. red for tho identifirxrtion of frsight containerc. lf your Alpha tfis A nen-Ll,ending fltptra Code shouid be rdentilicafion for Our;rloms, Electronic Dala Interchange, *;h ;;; lll.o-u!? in rh6 Bureau of Customs and AMS,CAFES, FAST, pApS), your SCAC anJ,l and i$ updated on a nightly basis. lf you nave e, ,:I:t-n"j,9rgl requesled by BCr3p, onty thon s PDF or TtF attachmqnt) to tire foltowinS'"jOi;;i lr Prolection (BCBP) aut,lrrnated prrrgrams (ACE, company infonnation ha::i been sent |lo BC€ip electronically ered a problem using vcrur SCAC r,vitih BCBp, or a copy you tonvard tnq request,std informaliOn (email preferreo as a CBP SCAC proces Bureau of Customs 8444 Terminal [-onon, VA 22079 td Border Protection Beaurergard (A-105.9) ,AMS,SCAC@DHS. NOTICE: Renewat of the above tisted SCAC is Ctassification (NMFC). Further, it Ooes noi ciniei Inc. nor ,,,v. ,,v, e'vw allow uue use or of rne the NMrU NMFC Inconnection i with ' "' fr" please call (704) to panicipation in tho. Nalionat MDtor Freioht ship in the National h,lotor Freight Traflic Issociation, rales, For partlcipatirrn, and m enrbr:rs hip information, SgS.1g10 l00l North Fairfax Srreet, Suite 600 . Alexandrial, VA 2231.4.1798 ' ph: Zrl3.B38.lBt0. fax:70jr.683.629d weDi . www.nmita.orel I emaill nmfta@nmfta.cirg Check Remlttance . Wlrlng . ACH lnstrual;li,o'n llheck to the following for R Garnes Trucking , lnri MC frttl!)3tl$l, yable to Made Transport clal S,olutlons Fln P,O. Dallas 84598r1 fi 284-!;981 Wire funds to the followingr Eank of America 1OO N, Tryon St'feet Charlotte, NC Ro rt ACH Funds he r C:red i t N ur rn be Acc'ct u r!Q?,1i9P9593, nti-4425 F]UJZQ r Qv-911r.i14! T fa n qpglls o I q tio'19 ransmlsslon to the followlngr Arnerici ACH funds Bank of uting Credit Ro utlng N u rrr be r!!*fl9Ep913 it Ar:co ttnt ; #265jU:.ZA Cred 1OO N. Tryon S{reet Charlotte, NC rther Credit : $Ot€l.eUt!fransqgt Solutlong lf you need further asslstance please do not hesltatl to contact me regar, thls no'tlce of asslgnment, I Tlna Johnson , Transport Financlal dolutions . Account Rc6rresenta'[it,e lll Toll Free 1-801C-358-2618 . Dlrect Llne 423.463,3655 Email Far:< 423.825-7'631 ,sipsi)* DATE (MM/DDffYYY) CERTIFIGATE OF LIABILITY INSURiAINCE 02t41t2Q16 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND OONFERS NCI FIIGH'TS UPOI$ THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFTRMATIVELY OR i\IEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTEtt 'l'HE COVERAGiE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETI/VEEN THE IS{}UING INSL'RER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CEFITIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: lf the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) muqt be endorsrsd. lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subject to thetermsandconditionsofthepolicy,certainpoliciesmayrequireanendorsennent. Astatemerntonthiscertificatedoesnotconferrightstothe certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CONTAOT NAME: PRODUCER PHoNE Scott Gronholz c/o Wells Fargo lnsurance Services USA, Inc. 400 Highway 169 South; 8th Floor St. Louis Park, MN 55426 td(rtrr / I F4I I larc. Nol: (866) 670-7609 ro-.ruLro E.MAIL INSUREII(S} AFFORDING CC'VERAGE fNsuRERA: American Zu|ich Insurance INSURED Transport Leasing/Contract, Inc. dba: TLC Companies l\lt. Emp: Carnes Trucking Co., Inc 6160 Summit Drive N. Suite 500 Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 INSUREII B : INSUREII C : INSUREITD: INSUREII E : INSUREII F : 40142 + REVISION NUMBIlR: CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 1 5MN002BB5B73 COVERAGES NAIC # Oompanv THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURAI\CE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSiURED NI\MED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY' CONTRACT OR IS HER DOCUMENT WTH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HERE:IN IS SUBJECT TO ALL TI.IE TERIVS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID GLAIIVIS. WPE OF INSURANCE rirMiDD/v{ POLICY NUMBER rvl IMMII]DII.YYYI COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY lcLAilvs-MADE I IOCCUR EACIl C)CCURRENCE DAMAGtrTO RENTE Datr[rlq:trQ /tr. ^^-' '..6n^a\ $ MED EXP (Anv one person) $ PERI3ONAL & ADV INJTJRY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG s AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: 'or,"'Il!["o; I I,-o" $ UUVIbIf\tsU bINULE LIMI (Ea accident) AUl 'OMOBILE LIABILIW ANY AUTO SCHEDUTED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS ALL OWNED AUIOS HIRED AUTOS $ I $ BODILY INJURY (Per person) s BODILY INJURY (Per accident) s PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $ UMBRELLA LIAB I EXCESSLTAB DED I I I ^nn' 'o lcLArvts_vreoe EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE $ IRETENTION$ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEI'BER EMPLOYERS'LlABlLlTY Y/ N fA EXCLUDED? L(Mandatory in NH) X lKi:Xr"ro N/A wc 58-97-173-03 12t31t2015 12tii1t2016 I $ IHA E,L. EACH ACCIDENT E,L, DISiEASE - EA EMPLOYEI lf ves. describe under nFscRtpT|oN oF oPFRATIoNS betow E.L. DI$EASE - POLICY LIMIT Location Coverage Period: 12t3112015 12,t:31t2016 $ s s 1,000,000 '1 ,000,000 1,000,000 Clierrt# T02648-KY DESCRIPTIONOFOPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES {ACORDl0l,AdditionalRemarksSchedule,maybeaftachedifmorespaceisrequired) Carnes Trucking Co., Inc a^l' .llerry Road 'subcontractors Hunters Hollow, KY 40229 Coverage is provided for onlv those co-emolovees of. to: tur nor CERTIFICATE HOLDER Carnes Trucking Co., Inc 351 Terry Road Hunters Hollow, KY 40229 ACORD 25 i20141011 CANCIELLATION SHOULD ANY OF Tl{E r{llOVE DESCIRIUED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION Dri\]TE THEREOF. NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCOITDANOE WJTH'iTHIE POLICY PROVISIONS. The ACORD name and logo are registered rnarks of ACORD Client#:1599281 ACORD," 64CARNE'TRU DATE (MM/DDIIYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSL'IIIA,NGEI 8t24t2015 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MAfiER OF INFORMATTON ONLY AND CONFERS NO IiIGI.ITS [JPON TlIE CERTIFICA,TE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOE$ NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND; EXTEND ICR ALTER TI,IE COV'ER'\GE AT:FORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTTTUTE A CONTRACT BETWEET{ ]'HE ISSUtt{c TNSURER(Si), AUTHORTZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CEITTIFICATE HOLDER. tNAt |NSURE6;ihe policy(ies') nrust be en<f oriseO, tt Suen:OGATION lS WAIVED,iubject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsernent. A statenne,nt on this cedificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER fiXfii?"' Karen l{igdon BB&T Insurance Services, Inc. 2600 Eastpoint Parkway (40223) P O Box 436869 ff8$,, e,.', bQ2:18e.{ie00 | ifr[ ,"i s66-ageaii0 EiffiEss, khigdon@lc,bandt.comINSiIJFIEF(S) AFFORDING Louisville. KY 40253 rNsuREiRA:GreatWestCasualty INSURED Carnes Tnucking Co. Inc. 351 Terry Blvd INSUREIR B; INSUREIR C: COVERAGE NAIC # Company 11371 INSUREiR D Louisville, KY 40229-0726 INSUREIR E : I COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: RE\/ISiION NUMBIiR: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEI! TO THE, ||!SURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITFISTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR CITHER DOCUMENT WTH RE$PECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR IVIAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DEE|CRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LII\4ITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PA,ID CLAIMS. JUlYYYY) (MM/UU/YYYY) '1120151t09t01t2011 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY GEN'L AGGREGATE LIIVIIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS . COMP/OP AGG ] $ l2u5 a9t01t201 $riG[ri-::: :l:" " isLqoo'ooo BODILY INJURY (Pef person) I $ BODILY INJURY (Per accidenr) $ I$ ng9KHgAtE ,WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANy pRopRrEToRpnnrnenlexEcurrvE ii EXCLUDED? L NH) OFFICER/MEMBER (Mandatory in I A A I I lf yes, describe under E.L, DIIJEASE - POLICY Gargo-lncl Reefer Physical Damage ciwP98222D t2015 09,t0'1t20'l CiWP98222D CiWP98222D 15 09,t0'1t201 LII\IIT $ $500,000 Limit 5000 Ded $5,000 Ded Comp & Coll $5.000 Ded Comn & Coll DESCRIPTION OF OPERATI0NS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 10'1, Additional Remarks Scheduls, if more space is required) CERTIFICATE ELLATI SHOIULD ANY OF T}IE I\EIOVE DESCFIIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION D,frTE THEREOTF, NOTICE WILL ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY ]'ROVISIONS, BE DELIVERED IN AUTHOITIZED REFRESENTAIIV'E ffi*:& 8. t&rtw,n*n"n, ACORD 25 (201W05) 1 of #s14698491/M14682257 1 @ 1$88.2010 ACORD iCORPORATION. All rights reseryed. The ACORD name and logo are registered miarks of ACORD KH1 A.IB.C. LICHI\{S]E egE,yrl|s AppBElssi stTE tD # 20270 CARNE]S} TFIUCKING CO INC Mailing Address CARNES TRUCKING CO INC PO BOX 726 CARNE$ TFIUCKING CO INC DBA:CA,llNES TRUCfIING CO lNC 351 TERFIY BLVD LOUISV I LLE:, KY 4022:.9-4056 PROSPECT, KY 40059-0726 Owner of ll,eral Estatr-. at Premises: IITLE OF LICENSE Transporter's License LtcEl{SE n!tunnBER 998-TPL-1719 EFFECTIVE EXPIRES 1,t1t2016 12t31t2016 20'1 6 NON TRANSFERABLE: (except as provided in sections 243.630,2,43.640 and 243,6150 of the l(entucky Revised Statutes) This license does not constitute a property or vested right and may be revoked any tinre pursuant to law. D ISTILLED S P IRITS ADM INISTRATO R MALT BEVERAGE ADMINISTRATOR : d,n+-y(er- gla^^Gommorlwealth of Kentucky DEPARTMENT OF /\LCOHOLIC BEVERATGE CONTROL 1003 Twilight Trail Frarrrkfort, KY 40601 -8400 (502) 564-.4850 Use QR Code Reader to check Licensee Details (502) 564-1t142 THI$ LICENSE MUST BE POSTE:D lN A CONSPICUOUS PLI\GE ON THE LIITSENSED PI{E,MISES KRIS243.620