management software for hair salons


management software for hair salons
We share your zest for creation
and innovation. Our mission is to develop
solutions tailored to the needs of hair salons
large and small and to produce high-performance
software to make your lives simpler.
Merlin......................................................................................... 3
Service Suite........................................................................14
The Till........................................................................................ 4
iMerlin...................................................................................... 16
Clients........................................................................................ 6
iBusiness................................................................................. 17
Employees............................................................................... 8
Ikonet....................................................................................... 18
Ikostore................................................................................... 19
Customer Care Plan......................................................... 20
Statistics................................................................................ 12
Prices....................................................................................... 22
Security................................................................................... 13
More than a simple program:
a complete salon
management system
Choosing a salon management system is no easy task. There’s the functionality to consider as well
as its performance and how easy it is to use but also all the associated services and the ability of the
software publisher to provide training and help develop the salon business.
With over 16000 Merlin salons worldwide,
IKOSOFT fits all these criteria perfectly and goes
even further towards making your salon the best
it can be with Merlin.
• Team of 20 technicians and trainers dedicated to
hair salons
• Development team: 10 developers
• Training certification
• Microsoft/Apple certified
• Capital: 245000 euros
• Startup date : April 1993
the till
Simple, quick
and intuitive, billing
takes into account
every aspect
of the billed client.
>> simple, effective billing
Everything you need on the billing screen: in a
couple of clicks your till receipt is finished.
A client’s waiting time is measured from the
moment she arrives in the salon. To speed up
payment even more, several tickets can be opened at once and your employees can add their
services as and when they are performed. On the
billing screen you can view the client’s balance,
loyalty points and most recent purchases.
The payment window includes change and tip
management and multiple currencies.
• Tickets and clients on hold
• Combo bills
• Direct access to client and tech files
• Latest sales, client orders
• Special rates, discounts, packages, courses, rates
based on day/time/client/employee
• Service management
• Performance and development times
• Mixed payments (card, cash, voucher…)
the till
>> quick and thorough till check
Merlin simplifies your everyday tasks such
as printing off reports including results by
service and employee - time saved at the end of
the day freeing you up for other jobs.
In the till module you can view:
• receipts,
• performance by employee,
• Turnover by service and product category in
text and graph format.
Send statistics and till reports to your
accountant with a single click
• Consult the till for the day or a selected period
• Bank and currency management
• Cheque, cash and card management
• Multi-currency billing
• Expense management
• Till summary screen
• Till closure
optional devices:
Barcode scanner, till drawer, ticket printer, cheque
printer, display unit, chip card reader, barcoded cards.
Merlin adds value to your business
by helping you reach out to your
client base.
>> know your clients
Everything you could possibly need to know
about your clients is saved in their files as
they visit your salon, from their habits to their
Ensure your clients get the perfect welcome from
the moment they set foot in the salon by calling
up their service and retail history, their personal
information and even their favourite drinks.
Taking care of your client file means taking care of
your clients. Merlin lets you save client addresses,
mobile numbers, emails, Facebook contact details,
retailed products, average bills, frequency and
much, much more.
• Basic information: address, telephone…
• Commercial and technical history for each client
• Unlimited technical files, including beauty files
• Till history
• Marketing campaign tracking
• Advice notes
• Photo timeline
• Configurable warnings
• Client waiting and performance time
Merlin gives you all the tools you need to create
a client loyalty and recruitment scheme tailored
to your needs.
Because client loyalty is one of the most important aspects of the development strategy of a
hair salon, Merlin helps you manage your loyalty
program based on client visits or purchases.
• Loyalty based on visits or purchases
• Privilege Carte
In the Ikostore, you will find a wide range of
pre-made campaigns ready to use in Merlin.
For your marketing campaigns, Merlin will allow
you to select a group of clients corresponding to
different criteria: purchase habits, last visit date,
birthday etc.
Then simply draw up your promotion, print off a
personalised letter, print labels, send an email or
a text*.
• Loyalty points displayed in the client file
• Recommend a Friend
• Customised point allocation
• Customised point spend
• Multi-criteria targetting
• Salon promotion management
• Integrated text editor
• Label creator
• Communication by post, email, SMS*
*Requires SMS plug-in
>> employee files
Merlin’s employee files give detailed information
on each employee:
• Contact information (address, telephone etc.)
• Bonus payment management
>> a schedule that’s tailored for your
Merlin not only lets you see at a glance how
your client visits are shaping up but also gives
you detailed feedback on each employee’s
Fine tune your roster and boost your turnover.
Give time in lieu during slow periods or restructure
employee rosters to fit the weekly client flow.
• Punch clock
• Absences and holidays
• Adaptable schedules
• Fine tune to account for occupation rates
Optimised salary management
>> precise targets
With Merlin you can set your annual targets
to motivate your team and propose challenges
which can be set on an employee-by-employee,
day-by-day, month-by-month level.
Employees can then see how they are doing relative to one another, relative to their targets and
compared to previous years.
• Bonus calculations
Setting targets gives everyone the motivation
to improve salon performance.
On top of this, Merlin automatically calculates
employee bonuses, giving employees the responsiblity and motivation they need to assure
they get the most out of their time in the salon.
You can find a range of ready-to-use salary
and bonus profiles in the Ikostore
• Report Printouts
• Grids & thresholds
• Automatic salary calculation
• Employee stats
Merlin manages your stock in such a way that
you never run out and can monitor your stock
flow easily.
You can view your stock value at any time for a
selected date, a vital function for your accounts.
• Product files
• Supplier files
• Inventory (input, stock differences)
• Orders (suggested automatic orders, input,
deliveries, history)
• Tracking (stock in, stock out, barcode or name)
• Individual or global price changes
• Label printing
Our trainers are specialised in the setup
and optimisation of your stock management.
A well-managed stock list boosts your budget
while avoiding running out of stock.
optional devices:
Barcode scanner.
Our visually attractive appointment book
lets you optimise your performance times
and occupation rates.
Merlin can analyse your clients’ average waiting
and service times for each time slot and day of
the week letting you see at a glance which times
are busy and which are empty.
If an employee is unavailable for a given service,
find his/her next free slot instantly or find
available employees for that slot. You can use
the appointment book as your main screen if
you wish.
• Appointment creation
• Split appointments between employees
• Automatic SMS reminders (requires SMS plug-in)
and confirmations
• Stat management (no shows etc.)
• Search clients by name, number, address...
Let your clients book their own appointments
from their homes and offices.*
Great for you: less time wasted on the phone
and fewer calls missed. Great for your clients:
efficiency and flexibility.
*Requires Online Booking plug-in
Signing up to the Ikosoft panel (free) lets
you compare your figures with the market in
real time.
>> a plethora of analytical reports
Summary or detailed reports to help with your
management strategy. Merlin provides you
with all the tools you need to analyse and comprehend the behaviour of your business.
• Track your till and turnover growth
•Reports on client flow (file analysis, visit frequency...)
• Employee career growth
• Services and Retail
Merlin gives you a quick low-down on the health
of your salon and the impact of each change you
make to your business, such as new services
>> visual tools for measuring you
salon activity
Merlin lets you view your salon figures in graph
Growth curves compare performance with the
same period in the previous year.
For a more precise comparison the periods are
adjusted to begin on the same day of the week.
Your salon activity monitored on a daily basis
>> a regular business alert
Merlin tracks your KPIs in the form of counters:
for example the number of colours per day and
per person.
If one of the counters leaves the ‘‘green’’ zone
and drops below the threshold you have set, you
will be notified and can take steps immediately to
put things right.
>> passwords and security
Assign an access level and log actions for
each employee - authentication system - lock
remotely - lock software after a certain idle time.
Security: your client file cannot be hacked.
Code system for accessing salon data - anti-theft
encryption - secure connections.
A special ID code is set up with Ikosoft and
reserved for the salon owner so only he/she we
will be given instructions for certain software
You have a slow period every
Thursday between 3 and 5 pm. I
advise you to set up a Happy Hour
at this time, with emphasis on a
service which is underperforming.
Your client at 3 pm tomorrow has
a high no-show rate. I advise sending an appointment reminder.
Your clients’ visit frequency is too
low. I advise contacting clients
with fewer than 3 visits in the last
12 months.
Lucy gives you
pertinent advice
to better manage
your salon
Lucy is integrated into Merlin and analyses your
figures constantly in the background based on
an ever-expanding set of tailor-made business
intelligence models.
Lucy uses 100% of your software’s capabilities.
Available from your Merlin PC.
The Apple and Android smartphone applications
can be downloaded from a link in Ikonet, iBusiness
or Nomad Group.
14% of your clients have not
been back in the last 12 months.
I advise contacting them and, if
they don’t respond, removing their
client files so as to optimise your
business analyses.
This is the value of stock which
has not moved in the last 6
a group of innovative applications
to help your salon grow.
Ikonet, iMerlin, Panels… a suite of applications to open your salon
to the future.
Linked to Merlin, these services guarantee you’ll keep one step
ahead of the competition.
These services are offered free of charge to all clients
with a support contract (see pages 20-21).
The first three months’ support are free
to all new clients.
The 100% iPad solution
iMerlin is a suite of innovative applications
and services running on Apple iPad and higher.
iMerlin harnesses the friendliness, ease of
use and mobility of the iPad, making your
salon an interactive environment to improve
communications between your salon and your
Your salon, your team and your clients are
brought together in an altogether new way. Your
stylists can clients can interact in a friendly,
high-tech manner, via iMerlin’s style guides,
satisfaction questionnaires and look books.
Connected to Merlin, simply tap up your tickets
on the iPad and send them automatically to the
Merlin machine for payment.
• Let your clients fill out their own file information
and answer a satisfaction questionnaire
• Take photos of your clients and save them to their
• Save your clients’ preferences to file.
• Customise the icon set for quicker billing.
• All information entered in iMerlin is automatically
saved in Merlin.
A service portal
open to Merlin users
>> ikonet: your service portal
From this area you can access a range of free service.
• Your client space: talk to our advisors directly
on line.
• Supplier catalogues (over 50 full listings):
these lists are made available so you can import
product catalogues directly without having to
create them by hand.
• Your Ikosoft account: view all information on
your Ikosoft subscriptions.
• On-line training and documentation: download our training videos and user manuals to go
even further with Merlin.
• Panels : real-time market data from British and
Irish salons to let you compare your statistics,
automatically and anonymously, with the rest
of the market, taking into account parameters
such as region, size, location.
the nerve centre
of your network
With iBusiness you can manage and tweak the
settings for the Merlin software running in your
salon group.
You can create and update service lists, discounts, services, products, marketing campaigns and loyalty schemes from an off-site
Changes can be set to apply immediately or at a
later date.
Centralised catalogues:
- Services
- Packages
- Courses
- Discounts
Take control of your salons!
- Loyalty cards
- Direct marketing campaigns
- Documents
- Retail products
iBusiness is the key to managing multiple
branches with the option to set prices and items
specific to each branch and to create and edit
loyalty cards and discounts remotely.
Boost the power of iBusiness by integrating the
Nomad* module for remote consultation of your
salon figures from any internet access point and
Manager* for full remote control.
You can set up a complete marketing campaign
and send it to the group to be run automatically
in each salon.
*Software requires an additional licence or subscription.
• Manage your salon group remotely
• Transfer your group’s data automatically
• Manage your loyalty schemes and marketing
campaigns easily…
customer care plan
Our Customer Care Plan
is your development guarantee
At Ikosoft we guarantee complete support in
using our products in the form of our Customer
Care Plan:
IKOSOFT today has the largest group of qualified
technicians and trainers based in Europe and
dedicated solely to hair and beauty salons.
• a warm welcome and efficient problem-solving
•on-line training customised to your needs,
unlimited and scheduled at a time of your
• Technical suport
•Tech support call back within the hour for all
your questions, from the most basic how-to all
the way up to the most technical configuration.
• On-line training
• customised setup (optional)
• Access to our service suite
The first 3 months’ support, including the
full range of services is free of charge.
• Training in our European offices
• Software updates
>> Ikosoft follows you through your
Your partnership with Ikosoft begins when you
purchase your Merlin program. It is of utmost
importance that you be comfortable with your
software and that you feel free to ask questions
or receive training at any time you require.
We don’t recommend on-site training as these
have proven to be ineffective - noise and distractions, cost and difficulty in freeing up time,
the near impossibility of absorbing so much
information at once and the need to plan far in
advance all take away from the experience.
With our Customer Care Plan you will benefit
from an unlimited number of training sessions
throughout the year, allowing you to go through
the steps at your own rhythm, from the first
steps to the most advanced functions.
customer care plan
Ikosoft CCP:
a true partnership
To ensure you are getting the best support, we
contact you on average 6 times per year. We’re
always keen to hear your feedback and learn
about your needs and wants regarding the development of our software.
>> development of your software
Merlin changes constantly to adapt to your
needs and the inevitable changes an innovation
of the technical world - hardware, operating
systems, devices etc.
Your Customer Care Plan guarantees you one
major update per year and the assistance of our
technicians throughout the year.
merlin prices
>> Pro ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ £ 1000
>> Light .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... £ 500
>> Solo ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. £ 330
All our software comes with 3 months’ technical support included.
service contract rates
The Customer Care Plan is a key element in your development. Not only does it give you access to daily guidance in getting the best out of the software and improving your salon’s business, it also guarantees you
updates to the latest software versions and access to our suite of services: Ikonet, Ikostore, BeautyPlanet,
Panels, iMerlin...
>> Pro ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ £ 360 / year*
>> Light .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. £ 240 / year*
>> Solo ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... £ 125 / year*
>> Modules ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ £ 50 / year.
* Ask us for update prices.
peripheral hardware prices
>> Ask us for prices on peripheral hardware.
All prices listed in Pounds ex. VAT. Prices as of 1st January 2015.
merlin solutions
main screen
merlin solo
merlin light
merlin pro
Appointment Book
Employee Stats
Employee Module
Billing Screen
Till Screen
Ticket List
SMS Till Alerts
Employee Module
Client Files
Tech Files
Product Files
Retail Price Changes
Stock History
Stock Movement
Marketing Module
Loyalty Module
Marketing Module
Loyalty Module
Stock Module
Stock Module
Stock Module
Stock Module
Stock Module
Stock Module
Stock Module
Stock Module
Employee Module
Employee Module
Clock In
Wage Calculation
Employee Module
Special Rates
Access Rights
Resources Management
(rooms, rentals, equipment...)
Personalised client files
SPA Module
SPA Module
SPA Module
SPA Module
= Enabled function
= Disabled function
Functions which are not present in Merlin Solo and Merlin Light can be added with the following modules:
• Marketing Module.............................................................................................................................................................................................. £ 250
• Loyalty Module................................................................................................................................................................................................... £ 250
• Stock Module...................................................................................................................................................................................................... £ 250
• Employee Module (except Merlin Solo)............................................................................................................................................................ £ 250
• SPA Module......................................................................................................................................................................................................... £ 250
try it :
Merlin, its service suite
and service contract
are free for one month!
Contact us :
0121 288 0877
Inspiré par vous
join the merlin community!
Brighton Business Centre, 95 Ditchling Road, Brighton, BN1 4ST
Sales: 0121 288 0877 - Tech: 0121 288 0270 - E-mail :