100 Years Anniversary 11-13 October 2013 ST MARY ROMANIAN
100 Years Anniversary 11-13 October 2013 ST MARY ROMANIAN
St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church, St. Paul MN BULLETIN 100 Anniversary 11-13 Oct. 2013 100 Years Anniversary 11-13 October 2013 ST MARY ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 854 Woodbridge Street, St. Paul, MN 55117 www.saintmarymn.org Parish priest: Mircea Vasiu - home (651) 489-561 - office (651) 488-5669 / cell (734) 497-4544 - email: frmirceavasiu@yahoo.com FRICA DE DUMNEZEU Credinta sincera ne duce inevitabil la frica de Dumnezeu. Credinta sincera ne ajuta sa ne punem serios problema vietii duhovnicesti. Solomon ne spune ca "frica de Dumnezeu este inceputul intelepciunii" (Pilde 1, 7). Ne reamintim faptul ca Sfantul Isaac Sirul vede o inlantuire logica a virtutilor. "Cunostinta naturala, spune el, ne convinge sa credem in Dumnezeu, Cel ce a adus toate la existenta. Si credinta produce in noi frica si frica ne sileste sa ne pocaim si sa lucram cele bune". Neamul nostru, a carui spiritualitate a dospit in framantatura crestina, atunci cand doreste sa-l caracterizeze pe un om incarcat de virtuti se foloseste de sintagma "om cu frica de Dumnezeu". De fapt insusi Domnul Iisus Hristos vorbindu-ne despre un om ticalos ne spune ca "intro cetate era un judecator care de Dumnezeu nu se temea si de om nu se rusina" (Lc. 18, 2). Sfantul Ioan Gura de Aur subliniaza cu tarie folosul pe care ni-l aduce frica de Dumnezeu. Ea pune frau pacatului si inmulteste virtutile. Ea il ajuta pe om sa ramana pe calea cea dreapta. "Unde stapaneste temerea, nu se afla invidie; unde stapaneste temerea, nu ne supara dragostea de bogatii; unde stapaneste temerea, pofta vinovata este inabusita, orice patima neinteleapta este alungata... Acolo unde stapaneste temerea, stapanesc, de asemenea, ravna milosteniei, rugaciunea fierbinte, lacrimile arzatoare si fara oprire, gemetele pline de parere de rau..." Daca atunci cand vorbeam de credinta spuneam ca aceasta sufera un proces de crestere si intarire, acelasi lucru se intampla si cu frica de Dumnezeu. Are si ea masurile ei. In general Parintii pomenesc, in ordine crescanda, trei masuri ale fricii de Dumnezeu: masura robilor, masura simbriasilor si masura fiilor. Cea mai de jos masura, de la care incepe frica de Dumnezeu, este masura robilor. Robii implineau voia stapanului de frica pedepsei, de frica biciului. Nu era vorba de sentimente deosebite in relatia dintre sclav si stapan si nici de constiinta unei datorii pe care trebuie sa o indeplineasca. Este vorba, pur si simplu, de fiorul ce ti-l da eventuala pedeapsa pe care ti-o poate administra stapanul daca nu-ti faci datoria. La aceasta masura sunt crestinii care fac voia lui Dumnezeu gandindu-se la pedepsele vremelnice, pe care li le-ar putea da Dumnezeu, sau la chinurile iadului din viata de apoi. Si totusi e bine daca, macar asa, de frica pedepsei, oamenii duc o viata placuta lui Dumnezeu. Totusi Sfantul Apostol Pavel le scrie romanilor: "este nevoie sa va supuneti, nu numai pentru manie, ci si pentru constiinta" (Romani 13, 5). A doua masura la care ajunge frica de Dumnezeu este masura simbriasilor. Simbriasii lucreaza bine si cu ravna nu de frica pedepsei, ci gandindu-se la rasplata muncii lor. La aceasta masura sunt crestinii care fac voia lui Dumnezeu pentru a le merge bine pe pamant si a mosteni raiul dupa moarte. Ei sunt niste buni negustori. Stiu sa castige raiul prin faptele lor. A treia masura la care ajunge frica de Dumnezeu este masura fiilor. Fiii cuminti si ascultatori fac voia tatalui nici de frica, nici gandindu-se la avantaje, ci pentru ca isi iubesc St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church, St. Paul MN parintele. Sfantul Ioan ne spune, in acest sens, ca "in iubire nu este frica, ca iubirea desavarsita alunga frica" (1 Ioan 4,18). Iar Sf. Antonie cel Mare face o afirmatie indrazneata: "eu nu ma mai tem de Dumnezeu, ci Il iubesc pe El. Ca dragostea scoate afara frica". Filozofia marxista considera credinta ca un rezultat al fricii omului in fata stihiilor naturii. Lucrurile stau tocmai invers: din credinta ca exista Dumnezeu decurge frica de a nu-L supara si de a nu-L determina sa te pedepseasca cu ajutorul stihiilor naturii. Pentru a te teme de cineva trebuie sa crezi ca acel cineva exista. Frica de Dumnezeu este stimulata de aducerea aminte de moarte. Iisus fiul lui Sirah spune in acest sens: "In tot ce faci adu-ti aminte de sfarsitul tau si nu vei pacatui niciodata" (Sirah 7, 38). Pomenirea mortii este un exercitiu duhovnicesc pe care multi Parinti il au in evlavie. De aceea ei recomanda BULLETIN 100 Anniversary 11-13 Oct. 2013 altora aducerea aminte de moarte ca mijloc de purificare. Este limpede ca nu moartea in sine il sperie pe credincios, ci judecata lui Dumnezeu care urmeaza dupa moarte. Sfantul Ioan Scararul asociaza sfortarea de a-ti aduce aminte de moarte cu asceza: "pomenirea constienta a mortii departeaza mancarea. Iar mancarea inlaturata cu smerenie, departeaza patimile". Sfintii spun ca Dumnezeu a ingaduit atatea necazuri in lume si pentru a nu ne lega cu toate puterile de aceasta viata trecatoare, ci sa ne indreptam nadejdile spre viata vesnica, unde "nici plangere, nici strigat, nici durere nu vor mai fi" (Apocalipsa 21, 4). Rezumand vom spune ca omul care are credinta si frica de Dumnezeu isi da seama ca este pacatos si face pasul urmator pe calea despatimirii: se pocaieste. Monthly Offerings Victor & Elena Glava $ 140 - IMO of their mother Ileana Victor & Nicoleta Agrigoroae Bolos $ 157 Ann Bongard $ 40 - Jan. & Feb. pledge Silvia Antonescu $ 30 - Feb. pledge Cornea Octavian $ 100 - IMO Lucian Cornea Anthony & Ioana Infiesto $ 100 - Altar Bread Georgia M. Omorean $ 30 - Feb. pledge Liliana Badea $ 25 Vasy Sînzianu $ 25 Cornea Octavian $ 125 - 2013 membership To all the donors many thanks and MAY GOD BLESS YOU abundantly this year with peace, health and happiness! MEMBERSHIP = BELONGING As we look ahead to a new year, please consider joining your church. That is, if you are not already a member. We realize that as Orthodox Christians we are indeed members of the Church. But as the parish “family” each one of us is responsible to give commitment and support to the work and life (activity) of the church family. Commit yourself to the church are you attending, and be glad to be part of it. Our goal on this anniversary year (100 years) is to get more than 100 members. In 2012 we had only 90 members. Please help us! St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church, St. Paul MN BULLETIN 100 Anniversary 11-13 Oct. 2013 COMING EVENTS - Sunday, March 10 2013 – MEMORIAL SERVICE after Divine Liturgy (please bring a list with the names of the departed) / POMENIREA MORTILOR - Parastas de obşte - Slujba Parastasului de obşte va începe imediat după Sfânta Liturghie. Se va face pomenirea generala a tuturor celor dragi din familiile noastre şi nu numai, care s-au mutat la cele veşnice. Este o traditie in Biserica Ortodoxă ca să ne rugăm att pentru cei vii, cât şi pentru cei care au plecat din lumea aceasta, de aceea este importantă rugăciunea noastră. VA RUGAM SA NU UITATI POMELNICUL (CU NUME), pentru pomenire. Ce se aduce pentru Slujba Parastasului? In primul rând pomelnicul cu cei morţi, apoi coliva din grâu, colac (sau o paine), fructe sau cozonac, o sticlă cu vin (iar dacă doriţi şi alte bucate pe care le puteţi servi mai apoi în sală la pomană) "Intru odihna Ta Doamne unde toţi sfinţii Tăi se odihnesc, odihneşte Doamne şi sufletele adormiţilor robilor tăi mutaţi de la noi că Tu singur eşti iubitor de oameni." - Sambata, 16 Martie, la ora 6pm - Seara de dans la sala noastră parohiala,. Vă invităm pe toţi să sărbătorim împreună, cu muzică şi dans, ziua de naştere a celor născuţi în luna Martie sau Februarie. Dacă ziua d-voastră de naştere este în această perioadă puteţi aduce un tort dacă doriţi. Livia Poenaru, Silvia Panait şi Psa. Eugenia Cerghizan sponsorizează evenimentul. Vă aşteptăm cu drag. Saturday, March 16, at 6pm - Dancing event at our parish hall. We invite all of you to celebrate with us, with music and dance, the birthday of all those born in March or February. If you are born in this period you may bring a cake if you wish. Livia Poenaru, Silvia Panait and Psa Eugenia Cerghizan are the event sponsors. We are looking forward to see you. - LENTEN RETREAT – March 29-31, 2013 at St George Greek OC, St Paul - 1111 Summit Ave, St Paul, MN 55105. THE THEME IS “Inner River: A Pilgrimage to the Heart of Christian Spirituality.” Guest Speaker: Dr. Kyriacos Markides For more information go to www.stgeorgegoc.org Pomenirea Mortilor in POSTUL MARE (17 Martie – 4 Mai) MEMORIAL SERVICES during Great Lent (March 17– May 4) SAMBATA, 23 Martie, 13 & 20 Aprilie, 2013 (a 1, 4, si 6 –a Sambata din Post) avem Sf. Liturghie la 10:00 am & Parastas de obste la 11:30 am pentru cei adormiţi. Oricine doreşte să-i pomenească pe cei adormiţi din familile lor îi invităm să participe la slujbele de Parastas de obşte. In Biserica Ortodoxa, pomenirea mortilor are o traditie inrădăcinată, deoarece rugăciunile noastre pentru cei adormiţi au un rol important la odihna lor vesnică. SATURDAY, March 23 and April 13 & 20, 2013 (1st, 4th & 6th Lenten Saturday) we have Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am and General Memorial Service (Parastas) for all the departed in our church. St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church, St. Paul MN BULLETIN 100 Anniversary 11-13 Oct. 2013 CANDLES IN THE FRONT AND INSIDE THE ALTAR On 02/17/ 2013 – donated by Ardeleanu Family IMO their departed ones; Dumnezeu să-i ierte! On 02/24/ 2013 – donated by Ioana & Anthony Infiesto with the occasion of their son Anthony birthday. La multi ani! On 03/03/ 2013 – donated by Ioan Osvar IMO Vasilica Osvar. Dumnezeu s-o ierte! On 03/10/ 2013 – Donated by Fr. Mircea and Psa. Anca for the health of their new son Gabriel. First Family Life Conference / All Auxiliary Conference is planned for July 4-7, 2013 at Vatra Romaneasca, Michigan. At this family and auxiliary meeting you can attend religious services and activities, conferences, discussions, meals and more cultural and religious activities for entire family. http://www.roea.org/news_130114_1.html IT’S A BOY Fr. Mircea and Psa. Anca were blessed with a new son, Gabriel M, born on February 26, 2013. La multi ani! ADUNAREA GENERALA GENERAL ASSEMBLY (SYNOD) Multumim tuturor celor care au participat la Adunarea Generala Duminica, 10 Februarie, 2013. La aceasta sedinta au avut loc si alegerile noului consiliu parohial. I would like to THANK to everyone who participated patiently to our annual General Assembly (Synod). We wish for future meetings to be more parishioners present. At the meeting, held on Sunday, February 10, 2013 was elected the new parish council: Council President: Georgia Marinkov-Omorean; Vice President: Adrian Pirviu; Secretary: Silvia Antonescu; Treasurer: Octavian Cornea, Epitrop: John Omorean, Nicholas Manciu; Andrei Bortnov, Nicolae Grigore; Auditor: P-sa Eugenia Cerghizan Anthony Infiesto & Tudor Felea; Members: Fiodor Didenco; Dan Luca, Constanta Korolchuk; Congress delegates: Anthony Infiesto & Tudor Felea; Ex- Officio: Fr. Mircea Vasiu, Dorina Vincze Turcean (Ladies Auxiliary). THE PASTOR SAYS: Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. Put away from you crooked speech and put devious talk far from you. (Proverbs 4,23) St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church, St. Paul MN BULLETIN 100 Anniversary 11-13 Oct. 2013 CHRISTIAN ARGUMENTS AGAINST CREMATION 1. Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ died on the Cross and was buried. (Nicene Creed) We should imitate Jesus. 2. Everyone will be bodily resurrected in the Second Coming of Christ. Cremation is a denial of the bodily resurrection. 3. The human body is a sacred sanctuary even after physical death. 4. Cremation with God’s blessing is never mentioned in the Old Testament 5. We must not be conformed to this world (Romans 12:2) especially as cremation becomes more common. Relics of the Saints - It is well known among church historians that the early Christians fervently opposed infanticide, child abandonment, abortion and suicide because they believed in the sanctity of the human being. In their minds, the sanctity of the human body did not come to an end when a person died. They saw the human being as the crown of God’s creation, for man was made in the image and likeness of God (Gen.1:27) “The saints, during their earthly lives, were filled with the Holy Spirit. And when they fulfill their course, the grace of the Holy Spirit does not depart from their souls or their bodies in the tombs” (St. John of Damascus). Cremation denies and deprives us of the sacred tradition and benefits of the presence of saintly holy relics. St. Paul emphasizes this “Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy that person. For God's temple is holy and you are that temple” (1Cor.3:16-17). He repeats this again later, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which have from God? You are not your own” (1Cor.6:19). So, even though we may not have attained a level of saintliness like some of our spiritual predecessors, nevertheless, God’s Holy Spirit lives and dwells within us. Conclusion - Cremation is the denial and purposeful destruction of God’s human temple. As followers of Christ, we are not dualists or spiritualists who believe that the material world is inherently evil and to be despised. Rather, as Christians, we believe in the inherent goodness of the material world, especially our human bodies. Together, our body and soul are created in God’s image and likeness. We are called to redeem and transfigure the creation to its original glory and beauty by continually resisting sin and temptation, repenting of our transgressions, and opening our hearts, minds and bodies to the indwelling presence of God’s divine grace through His only-begotten Son and live-giving Holy Spirit. The only fire we should submit ourselves to is the fire of God’s love and holy presence. St. Paul also says “Each man’s work will become manifest; for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed with fire and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done…If any man’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved but only through fire” (1Cor.3:14,15). Amen! Because the Orthodox Faith affirms the fundamental goodness of creation, it understands the body to be an integral part of the human person and the temple of the Holy Spirit, and expects the resurrection of the dead. The Church considers cremation to be St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church, St. Paul MN BULLETIN the deliberate desecration and destruction of what God has made and ordained for us. The Church instead insists that the body be buried so that the natural physical process of decomposition may take place. The Church does not grant funerals, either in the sanctuary, or at the funeral home, or at any 100 Anniversary 11-13 Oct. 2013 other place, to persons who have chosen to be cremated. Additionally, memorial services with kolyva (boiled wheat) are not allowed in such instances, inasmuch as the similarity between the "kernel of wheat" and the "body" has been intentionally destroyed. LENTEN VESPERS DATE, EVENT AND LOCATION March 24, 2013 (Orthodoxy Sunday) Lenten Vespers – 4 pm - St. Mary Cathedral OCA, Minneapolis March 31, 2013 (St. Gregory Palamas) Lenten Vespers – 4 pm - St. George Greek OC St. Paul April 7, 2013 (Holly Cross) Lenten Vespers – 4 pm – St. George Antiochian OC W. St. Paul April 14, 2012 (St. John Climacus) Lenten Vespers – 4 pm - St Mary Greek OC, Minneapolis April 21, 2012 (St. Mary of Egypt) Lenten Vespers – 4 pm – St. Panteleimon Russian OC Minneapolis April 28, 2012 Bridegroom Matins – 4 pm - St. Hermans OCA , Minneapolis FISH DINNER ~ ON PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 2013 After Divine Liturgy Toata lumea este invitata sa participe. Everybody is welcome. Altar bread, wine and oil, candles, charcoals, coffee hour DONATIONS are always welcome (in memory of, for the health of, for help from God… etc.) Please bring a Pomelnic (list with names) with your donation. Thank you Last month coffee hour donations: Psa. Anca Vasiu, Psa. Eugenia Cerghizan. and Psa. Agnes Pop. LENT – A time to remember, serve and love Even though He knew His death was only a few days away, Jesus spent His last week on earth preaching, teaching, praying and sharing with His followers. LENT is a time for us to examine our own lifestyle, to evaluate how closely we are following the example He set for us. St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church, St. Paul MN BULLETIN 100 Anniversary 11-13 Oct. 2013 2013 ANNUAL PRYER LIST POMELNIC LA CUNUNA ANULUI For the living (Vii): ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ For the Deceased (Morţi) At the beginning of the year, Orthodox Christians renew their prayer list for their loved ones, both living and reposed. A Prayer List is submitted for commemorations to be made at the Preparation of the Holy Gifts before each Divine Liturgy (Proscomedia Service). PLEASE FILL IN THE ABOVE LISTS AND RETURN THEM TO FR. MIRCEA VASIU. La începutul ficărui an, Creştinii Ortodocşi îşi reînoiesc pomelnicul pentru cei dragi, vii şi adormiţi. Pomelnicul este adus şi citit de preot la rugăciunile dinaintea fiecărei Sfintei Liturghii (la Pregătirea Darurilor – Proscomidia). VA RUGAM, COMPLETATI POMELNICUL DE MAI SUS SI ADUCETI-L LA PR. MIRCEA VASIU, Your name: Address: Donation to the Church $
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