Abstracts - Living Urban Scape | Abitare lo Spazio Urbano
Abstracts - Living Urban Scape | Abitare lo Spazio Urbano
GIORNATA DI STUDI PICS – Public Identity and Common Space CITTÀ PUBBLICA/ PAESAGGI COMUNI Materiali per il progetto degli spazi aperti dei quartieri ERP Abstracts Roma 27 giugno 2013 Dipartimento di Architettura Ex-Mattatoio Largo Giovanni Marzi, 10 Aula Musmeci, ore 9.15-18.00 Convegno promosso dal gruppo di ricerca “Living Urban Scape”, progetto FIRB Università Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Architettura 1 Giuseppe Abbate VILLASETA: DA QUARTIERE MODELLO A LUOGO DI MARGINALITÀ E DEGRADO 8 Viola Albino Francesco Antinori Michele Conteduca LO SPAZIO COLLETTIVO COME STRUMENTO DI RIGENERAZIONE URBANA: IL CASO DI MONTICELLI 9 Nina Artioli Alessandra Glorialanza Eliana Saracino COMUNITÀ IBRIDE E TRASFORMAZIONI SPAZIALI: DIVENTARE SEGUGI URBANI CON CITYHOUND 10 Dario Aureli INTERMÉDIAIRES IL DIBATTITO FRANCESE NEGLI ANNI 60-70 E ZAC BASILIQUE E ESPACES INTERMÉDIAIRES. IL PROGETTO DEGLI SPAZI PUBBLICI 11 Adolfo F. L. Baratta Fernando Barth Roberto Bologna LE SUPERQUADRAS DI BRASILIA. REPLICABILITÀ DI UN MODELLO DI RESIDENZA COLLETTIVA A CINQUANTA ANNI DALLA SUA REALIZZAZIONE 12 Sara Basso RIPENSARE IL PROGETTO DEGLI SPAZI APERTI. SOGLIE E GRADIENTI NEGLI SPAZI DI TRANSIZIONE 13 Marcella Bellistri PAESAGGI IN SUPERFICIE 14 Elisa Bertagnini LES MUREAUX, NOUVELLE VI(LL)E. VI(LL)E RACCONTO DI UNA CITTÀ IN TRASFORMAZIONE 15 Sabrina Borgianni IU.R INTERFACCE URBANE RESIDENZIALI PER RIQUALIFICARE GLI SPAZI FRA PUBBLICO E PRIVATO 16 Marco Bovati Elena Fontanella MODIFICARE PER ABITARE LO SPAZIO PUBBLICO. PROGETTO DI RIGENERAZIONE SOSTENIBILE PER IL QUARTIERE GESCAL QUARTO CAGNINO A MILANO 17 Antonella Bruzzese SEQUENZE DI SPAZI ABITABILI. NOTE INTORNO AL RUOLO DEGLI SPAZI APERTI NELLA CITTÀ PUBBLICA 18 Renato Capozzi Federica Visconti IL QUARTIERE COME PARTE URBANA FORMALMENTE COMPIUTA 19 Daniele Carfagna GIUSEPPE VACCARO – TEMI DI SPAZIO PUBBLICO 20 Giovanni Battista Cocco LE MIRAIL, OPERA APERTA 21 Francesca Cognetti LE CORTI DEL QUARTIERE SAN SIRO. VERSO SPAZI E SOGGETTI ATTIVI, COSTRUIRE SCENARI PER I BENI COMUNI 22 Collectif Etc. AZIONI URBANE PER RIPENSARE LA DEMOCRAZIA 23 Alessandra Como SIGNS OF OCCUPANCY. UN’OSSERVAZIONE SUL COMPLESSO DEI ROBIN HOOD GARDENS (ALISON E PETER SMITHSON, LONDRA 1972) 24 Luciano Cupelloni CENTRO CULTURALE ELSA MORANTE, “LAURENTINO 38”, ROMA 25 Felice De Silva LO SPAZIO PUBBLICO NEI QUARTIERI DI ERP DELLA CITTÀ DI AVELLINO 26 Vincenza De Vincenziis Alessandra Alimonti ABITARE LA CITTÀ - DALLO SGUARDO AL PROGETTO. STRATEGIE DI RIGENERAZIONE URBANA 27 Ester Dedè LO SPAZIO APERTO NELLA BANLIEUE FRANCESE TRA BISOGNO E ASPIRAZIONE 28 Barbara Del Brocco DENSIFICARE LA CITTÀ PUBBLICA 29 Vincenza Del Marco PER UNA SEMIOTICA DEL DEGRADO. GLI SPAZI PUBBLICI DI PIETRALATA 30 Antonio di Campli SPAZI DI PROSSIMITÀ E CARATTERI DEL PAESAGGIO URBANO. UN’INDAGINE SU GINEVRA 31 Daniela Dossi MICRO UTOPIAS. CONNETTERE E CO-CREARE SERVIZI IMPREVEDIBILI 32 Daniela Esposito Dario Esposito Luisa Mauro RIGENERAZIONE DEGLI SPAZI PERIFERICI: AGRIVILLAGGIO E COHOUSING 33 Ilaria Falcone Annarita Teodosio LUOGHI DA RIPENSARE E VUOTI DA RIEMPIRE. LO SPAZIO URBANO DEL “QUARTIERE ZEVI” A SALERNO 34 Claudia Faraone Elisa Polo SPAZI APERTI E BENI COMUNI: PAESAGGI DEL COINVOLGIMENTO E DELLA RIAPPROPRIAZIONE NELLA CITTÀ DEL NORD-EST ITALIANO. IL CASO DEL PEEP DI CHIRIGNAGO A VENEZIA 35 Sara Fois DALLO SPAZIO CONCEPITO AL RACCONTO DELLE PROGETTUALITÀ DELLO SPAZIO VISSUTO. LETTURA DELLE PRATICHE DI APPROPRIAZIONE NEL QUARTIERE SANT’ELIA A CAGLIARI 36 Teresa Frausin DI NUOVO, TRA FISICO E SOCIALE. INTEGRARE SPAZI DEL WELFARE E POLITICHE SOCIALI PER RIGENERARE QUARTIERI “IN CRISI”: EFFETTI DELLA “LEY DE BARRIOS” IN CATALOGNA 37 Emanuela Genovese L’ACQUA PER IL PROGETTO DI RIGENERAZIONE DI PAESAGGI DEGRADATI. 2 ESEMPI SCANDINAVI 38 Gilda Giancipoli DUE REALTÀ A COLONIA 39 Alessandra Gravante Michele Zazzi IL RUOLO DEGLI ARCHIVI DEI PIANI PEEP PER LA RIGENERAZIONE DEGLI SPAZI APERTI: IL CASO DEL QUARTIERE ‘MONTEBELLO SUD’ IN PARMA 40 Laura Guttilla IL MAUERPARK A BERLINO. LA RICONQUISTA COLLETTIVA DI UN’AREA VERDE ALL’OMBRA DEL MURO 41 Barbara Lino “URBAN COMMONS”, RECUPERO DELLA QUALITÀ DELL’ABITARE E DI UN SENSO CONDIVISO DI CULTURA COLLETTIVA URBANA. CURA E RIAPPROPRIAZIONE NEI QUARTIERI DELLA CITTÀ PUBBLICA A PALERMO 42 Eleonora Lucantoni SPAZIO COLLETTIVO TRA CITTÀ E RESIDENZA 43 Diego Luna Quintanilla AFFRONTARE LO SVILUPPO ATTRAVERSO LA PERMEABILITÀ 44 Carmela Mariano POLITICHE DI DENSIFICAZIONE E QUALITÀ DEGLI SPAZI APERTI 45 Claudia Mattogno Tullia Valeria Di Giacomo RI-LEGGERE LA GEOGRAFIA E RICONNETTERE I TRACCIATI NEI TERRITORI INTERMEDI A ROMA. SPAZI APERTI E EDILIZIA RESIDENZIALE PUBBLICA TRA PAESAGGI FLUVIALI E GRANDI INFRASTRUTTURE 46 Mariavaleria Mininni Cristina Dicillo CITTÀ PUBBLICA E STRATEGIE AGROURBANE NEL LABORATORIO MATERANO 47 Silvia Mocci DERB JDID: METAMORFOSI DI UN HABITAT 48 Gianluigi Mondaini Claudio Tombolini URBAN UPGRADE – RIGENERARE I VUOTI URBANI 49 Letizia Montalbano PAESAGGI INSTABILI. PROVE DI VIVIBILITÀ PERIURBANA 50 Benedetto Nastasi RURALITÀ URBANA NEI QUARTIERI ERP: PROCESSI AGRICOLI DI PARTECIPAZIONE 51 Elisabetta Nucera Angelo Carchidi COSTRUIRE COMUNITÀ: UN’ESPERIENZA PARTECIPATA DI RIGENERAZIONE URBANA A ROSARNO 52 Teresa Nucera ESPERIENZA ESTETICA DI RIGENERAZIONE. LE PERIFERIE DI REGGIO CALABRIA 53 Francesca Oggiano LA SCALA DOMESTICA DELLO SPAZIO APERTO 54 Dorotea Ottaviani SAN BASILIO_ L’EFFETTO COLLAGE 55 Caterina Padoa Schioppa RI-IMMAGINA LA MAPPA (MARCIAPIEDI - ALBERI - PARCHEGGI - PIANI TERRA - AREE CIVICHE). IL CASO DI SAN BASILIO A ROMA 56 Gianmichele Panarelli Maria Grazia Rucco LE CITTÀ INDUSTRIALI E IL DISAGIO ABITATIVO 57 Daniela Panariello TRANSURBANZE NELLA PERIFERIA DI GENOVA TRA SPAZI PUBBLICI CENTRALI PER GLI ABITANTI 59 Stefano Pendini RIFORMULARE L’IDENTITÀ DELLO SPAZIO APERTO: LETTURE E DISPOSITIVI 59 Silvia Pericu ESTERNI GENOVESI; C.E.P. CENTRO ELEMENTI PERICOLOSI 60 Cecilia Perna PAESAGGI DELLA MEDIAZIONE: LA COSTRUZIONE DI UN QUADRO INTERPRETATIVO DELLO SPAZIO APERTO NEGLI INSEDIAMENTI DI EDILIZIA RESIDENZIALE PUBBLICA 61 Gerlandina Prestia SPAZIO PUBBLICO, BENE (IN) COMUNE 62 Stefania Pusceddu Gian Piero Casciu Marco Iadevaia Vanna Madama Christian Scintu IL MASTERPLAN DEL QUARTIERE SANT’ELIA A CAGLIARI: STRATEGIE DI SVILUPPO PER LA RIGENERAZIONE DEGLI SPAZI APERTI 63 Giuliana Quattrone LA RIGENERAZIONE DEGLI SPAZI APERTI INSIEME ALLE COMUNITÀ 64 Simone Sante NOVI BEOGRAD. UN’ALTRA MODERNITÀ 65 Gianni Savarro L’ECLETTISMO AL RIBASSO: LA PERIFERIA E LA DECADENZA FORMALE DEL LUOGO 66 G. Alessio Scarale IL PARCO URBANO ‘PIASTRA VERDE’ - LA COSTRUZIONE DI UNO SPAZIO PUBBLICO PERIFERICO IN UNA CITTÀ PUGLIESE NEL CONTESTO DELLE POLITICHE REGIONALI, NAZIONALI, COMUNITARIE IN MATERIA DI RIGENERAZIONE DEGLI SPAZI APERTI E RIQUALIFICAZIONE DELLE PERIFERIE 67 Giuliana Scuderi RACCONTI PRIVATI NELLA CITTÀ PUBBLICA 68 Chiara Toscani LO SPAZIO COLLETTIVO NELLA CITTÀ DIFFUSA: RIFLESSIONI TEORICHE E IPOTESI PROGETTUALI 69 Michele Ugolini Caterina Gallizioli IL CANALE VILLORESI COME OCCASIONE DI RIQUALIFICAZIONE E RICONNESSIONE DEGLI SPAZI APERTI PUBBLICI URBANI 70 Ilaria Vitellio ALLA PERIFERIA DELLA PERIFERIA, I RIONI 219 NELL’AREA METROPOLITANA DI NAPOLI 71 Giuseppe Abbate VILLASETA: DA QUARTIERE MODELLO A LUOGO DI MARGINALITÀ E DEGRADO Un’immagine del quartiere di Villaseta (Agrigento). Abstract The paper puts the gaze on neighborhood of public housing of Villaseta, designed after the famous landslide of Agrigento in 1966 and intended to house the inhabitants of the old neighborhood Rabato-Santa Croce, abandoned after the event landslide. The neighborhood of Villaseta, extended 70 hectares, provided for the settlement of about 3000 inhabitants. The design plan proposes a road network in east-west direction along which engages the building intended to accommodate commercial activities, educational equipment, green areas and parking. The residence is divided into different building types, served by a network of pedestrian and vehicular routes. Downstream of the settlement were provided for various sport facilities. It is a quality project, but it will be done very slowly and excerpts. The current image of the neighborhood of Villaseta, is very different from that of the original project. The open spaces are in a degradation regrettable condition. The sports equipment downstream of the settlement were incomplete. The houses were being transformed by the residents that over time personally modificated with inadequate finishes. 8 Viola Albino, Francesco Antinori, Michele Conteduca LO SPAZIO COLLETTIVO COME STRUMENTO DI RIGENERAZIONE URBANA: IL CASO DI MONTICELLI Monticelli. Abstract The theme of regeneration of public and collective spaces is central in the architectural debate, both for urban, social and environmental aspects. In the past the quality of life and perception of safety of public spaces were marginally investigated, as a result the popular housing settlements built after the 2nd World War responded almost exclusively to the logic of speculation. This high density often makes it impossible to redefine their structure in a radical way, therefore the quality of public space is proposed as an innovative instrument of urban regeneration. In this context the DATA department PhD program of the Sapienza, as part of the 2012 OSDOTTA seminar, started a research with the aim to investigate the case study of Monticelli, a ‘70s suburban area of Ascoli Piceno, as a high environmental quality example of urban regeneration, in order to provide a methodological approach to all the stakeholders involved in the regeneration of residential bio-ecooriented settlements. 9 Nina Artioli, Alessandra Glorialanza, Eliana Saracino COMUNITÀ IBRIDE E TRASFORMAZIONI SPAZIALI: DIVENTARE SEGUGI URBANI CON CITY-HOUND CITY-HOUND (www.city-hound.com) social network per la trasformazione temporanea degli spazi urbani sottoutilizzati. Abstract This paper examines the potential of the virtual instrument “social network” as a device for a real transformation of urban space. In the first part we will examine the current conditions of the contemporary city, focusing in particular on the change of the urban dimension, built on global systems that however act locally; between these systems particularly relevant are social networks and technological networks. To follow we will describe CITY-HOUND, social network for the temporary transformation of underused urban spaces; starting from the resources (human, financial and spatial) available on the territory in a specific moment, it is a device functional for simplifying the processes of re-appropriation of space. In the end, we will outline the possibilities offered by the development of hybrid communities, through which alternative methods of construction of public spatiality and communities can be tested. 10 Dario Aureli ZAC BASILIQUE E ESPACES INTERMÉDIAIRES INTERMÉDIAIRES. IL DIBATTITO FRANCESE NEGLI ANNI 60-70 E IL PROGETTO DEGLI SPAZI PUBBLICI Corte residenziale interna all’Ilot 8 (isolato 8). 1985 R. Gailhoustet. Abstract The city of Saint-Denis founded the public company Sodédat93 in 1974 to decentralize town planning responsibilities and give greater importance to community associations representing areas subject to future urban development. In 1975, Sodédat93’s first large urban renewal project, ZAC Basilique, started near the basilica in the city’s medieval center. Over nearly twenty years, from 1975 to 1993, Sodédat93 created a new redevelopment model, acknowledging the city block as the human dimension of urbanization, and most effectively, addressing and resolving threshold and in-between spaces. The overall aim was to create a model of urban renewal in response to the criticism leveled at the Habitation à Loyer Modéré (rent-controlled housing), built after World War II. 11 Adolfo F. L. Baratta, Fernando Barth, Roberto Bologna LE SUPERQUADRAS DI BRASILIA. REPLICABILITÀ DI UN MODELLO DI RESIDENZA COLLETTIVA A CINQUANTA ANNI DALLA SUA REALIZZAZIONE La trasformazione dello spazio aperto di pertinenza delle Superquadras. Fonte: www.crosswalk.com. Abstract This paper considers the spatial planning of the Superquadra of Brasilia. This work was conducted by The Florence University and The University of Brasilia, in collaboration with The University of Santa Catherine. The guidelines of the Pilot Plan of Brasília intended by Lucio Costa were considered in this research, such as the study of the apartments buildings surrounded by green areas People recognize the Superquadra as true living space. However, there are still some problems to be solved, such as the relationship between different neighborhood units. The vehicular traffic is an obstacle to the sustainability of the built environment due to the large number of vehicles and the associated air pollution, reducing the walkability and the air quality. Finally this work highlights the challenge of keeping the guidelines of the original plan, considered by UNESCO as World Heritage and supported by the Brazilian Institute IPHAN, in the way to afford the needs of transformation and appropriation of public spaces by its inhabitants. 12 Sara Basso RIPENSARE IL PROGETTO DEGLI SPAZI APERTI. SOGLIE E GRADIENTI NEGLI SPAZI DI TRANSIZIONE Transizioni e soglie nella città pubblica triestina (Villa Carsia). Abstract Some results of a recent research of national interest offer the opportunity to approach the design of “in between spaces” as fundamental feature in the regeneration of public housing settlements. The term “in between spaces” traditionally refers to the transition between different dimensions of neighbourhoods: internal and external, individual and collective, private and public etc. Today, such spaces play a key role in the reactivation of the neighbourhood, both at local scale, focusing on practises and every-day uses, and at urban scale, waving links between the target area and a wider urban context. The paper speculates about some terms defining “in between spaces” and some operational tools identifying their distinctive shape and composition in relation to other neighbourhood’s features, as early assumptions for transformation. 13 Marcella Bellistri PAESAGGI IN SUPERFICIE Parco Nou Barris Central, Barcellona. Abstract This paper is about a number of contemporary European urban public projects concerned with the re-development of city spaces, which can be seen as examples of renovation of open space in public housing projects, from the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. These projects, within the composition of public space, have given a new meaning to the design of “ground surfaces”. Through the dynamics of patterns and designs, the designers of these projects attempted to reconfigure parts of cities, in an endeavor to restore identity and quality to spaces that are often on the margins of social life. These designers, facing the problem of how to interpret and re-develop an urban area, gave the design of the “ground surface” a new role, in an effort to restore quality to deprived and abandoned urban areas, bringing out and developing a new trend, that links to the history of the city, and which sees the “surface” in architecture as an important means of the communication of values and identity. 14 Elisa Bertagnini LES MUREAUX, NOUVELLE VI(LL)E. VI(LL)E RACCONTO DI UNA CITTÀ IN TRASFORMAZIONE Les Mureaux, Nouvelle vi(ll)e: il progetto dello spazio pubblico nel GPRU della città. Il polo multifunzionale del futuro parco urbano. Abstract The main objective of French urban policy carried out by the Programme National de Rénovation Urbaine is to improve the habitat quality in the grands ensembles, the public housing districts of the outskirts. The public space is one of the main features of these districts, and one of the most affected by the renewal interventions. The privatist vision offered by the tool/principle of the résidentialisation dominates rather than the willing of re-interpreting the districts and the coherent transformation of public space. These policies conflict with the people’s aspirations, whose ability to understand and intervene in the definition of their own living space remains mostly unexpressed. The interpretation of the social-urban space, accounting the specificities, the history and the projectuality implied in these places, can be a key element for the launch of laboratories for innovative projects on the public city, having as main reference the inhabitants and their practiced concept of living. 15 Sabrina Borgianni IU.R INTERFACCE URBANE RESIDENZIALI PER RIQUALIFICARE GLI SPAZI FRA PUBBLICO E PRIVATO Interfaccia Urbana Residenziale: spazi di soglia semi privato-semi pubblico. Abstract In the contemporary city, quality of urban space is a key element in life quality and a driving force for the competitiveness. The increasing complexity of relationships and the evolving needs and use patterns reflect urban complexity in a corresponding physical space: the urban interface, an entity that mediates the sociospatial relationships between public and private sphere and that assumes strategic importance in redevelopment of suburbs. Research, carried out on a case “study project”, defines the criteria for a Residential Urban Interface approach as a tool for micro-urban redevelopment which merge into the proposed Project Plan, the meta-project field aimed at process design, space design and design of management and use scenario. 16 Marco Bovati, Elena Fontanella MODIFICARE PER ABITARE LO SPAZIO PUBBLICO. PROGETTO DI RIGENERAZIONE SOSTENIBILE PER IL QUARTIERE GESCAL QUARTO CAGNINO A MILANO Planimetria del quartiere Gescal Quarto Cagnino (stato di fatto). Abstract Sustainable regeneration project of a widespread public housing’s district built in Milan in the second mid-20th century (Gescal Quarto Cagnino); it is part of a research about the development of sustainable architectural and urban regeneration’s strategies as an alternative to the radical demolition and reconstruction of recent areas with interesting architectural aspects and consolidated urban identities. The project wants to critically intervene about the approaches that prioritize actions oriented to energy-performance problems’ solving, to promote an integrated project working on different level (technological, typological, morphological). After an analysis of the historical, morphological and environmental aspects, the projects deals in various aspects: re-design of housing and fronts; redevelopment of open spaces and ground level; setting up of new collective spaces working at different scales. 17 Antonella Bruzzese SEQUENZE DI SPAZI ABITABILI. NOTE INTORNO AL RUOLO DEGLI SPAZI APERTI NELLA CITTÀ PUBBLICA Sequenze. Dall’alto: Quartiere Ina Casa Feltre, S.Ambrogio I, Gratosoglio, Bovisasca-Cercovo. Abstract One of the main features of Milanese public city is the presence of open spaces. Different from case to case, they play diverse roles within the public housing complexes: sort of background, possible integration, distances to be bridged, to mention some. However, in order to understand potential to be enhanced in regeneration projects and policies or to understand their meaning to replicate the best examples elsewhere, these spaces must be observed within the dimension of experience of inhabiting. The idea of home is given by manifold spaces: neighbourhood, street, courtyard, stairs and apartment, up to the view from home. From this perspective, the open space, in its various forms, is a piece of wider sequences of liveable places, which composes the daily experience of living. The essay observes four Milanese cases, built between the sixties and the eighties (Feltre, S. Ambrogio, Gratosoglio, Bovisasca-Cerkovo) enlightening some possible implications of this way of looking at the open spaces. 18 Renato Capozzi, Federica Visconti IL QUARTIERE COME PARTE URBANA FORMALMENTE COMPIUTA Il progetto del PRU di Poggioreale. Abstract The essay describes the results of a scientific agreement between the IACP of Naples (Institute for Council Houses) and the Department of Architecture – University of Naples Federico II and also a case-study of urban renewal of an 80s district. The methodological research approach is in the assumption of the districts of the twentieth century first half - for their location, shape and characteristics - as urban parts formally defined and references for a restructuring of the urban peripheries, avoiding both a banal densification similar to the ‘centre’ and a further dispersion typical of the contemporary widespread periphery. The thesis is also that the lesson of these districts could be a reference for those newer neighbourhoods that, expanding themselves in size and population, can’t represent autonomous parts and can’t be able to establish clear relationships between built and open spaces or identify subparts morphologically defined. 19 Daniele Carfagna GIUSEPPE VACCARO – TEMI DI SPAZIO PUBBLICO Borgo Panigale: la prospettiva dai portici. Abstract This essay regards the activity on collective housing that Giuseppe Vaccaro has engaged from the fifties to the early sixties of the last century. It is considered that the study of open spaces designed by this architect it is a useful example to set strategies for regeneration of the public areas built in PEEP settlements. Vaccaro has directed the design of four public neightborhoods (Galleana in Piacenza, Borgo Panigale and Barca in Bologna, Ponte Mammolo south area in Roma) in which it’s possible to recognize interesting solutions about the spatial structure. This define several topics in accordance with the urban context: - The open space that concerns every gradation of use of the relational spaces, trying to meet the different requests of privacy and sharing of inhabitants; - The formal research on the built objects, usually aimed to increase the synergy among housing supply and fruition of open space. 20 Giovanni Battista Cocco LE MIRAIL, OPERA APERTA Rapporto spaziale tra la città di Toulouse e la città nuova. Abstract In the fifties, the city of Toulouse is confronted with strong population growth, in response to which the municipality identifies a Zone à Urbaniser en Priorité that, in 1961, is the subject of national competition of urban planning for the construction of a new city. In 1962, the project by George Candilis, Alexis Josic and Shadrach Woods won an award. From the eighties, Le Mirail - a complex city machine built in the centrality of the district, with its hierarchy of living spaces and continuation of built up areas - will be affected by innovative programs in architectural and urban redevelopment. The project involves the urban and architectural structure of the city, advancing radical choices around the issues of conservation and recovery of Modern Architecture. The project investigates the expressive possibilities of ‘residenzialization’ as an intervention generating new spaces between the public and private sectors. 21 Francesca Cognetti LE CORTI DEL QUARTIERE SAN SIRO. VERSO SPAZI E SOGGETTI ATTIVI, COSTRUIRE SCENARI PER I BENI COMUNI Workshop Mapping San Siro. Una immagine del lavoro svolto con gli attori locali a partire dalla costruzione di rappresentazioni condivise. Abstract The public housing neighborhood knows as San Siro (in Milan) is a context characterized by strong socio-spatial inequalities and interculturalintergenerational conflicts, as well as by the presence of a rich array of community groups, nongovernmental organisations and institutions that work toward the amelioration of living conditions in the area. The paper explores the potential role of the courtyards in San Siro, as a common ground to construct a different sense of community. Now, this type of local space is full of both conflicts and coexistence practices. The paper proposes four lenses in order to interpret this situation: the features of the space, the formal and informal rules of living together, the practices of inhabitants, the transformations –material and immaterialpromoted by different projects. The last part of the paper designs a future scenario for the commons in San Siro starting by the courtyards. 22 Collectif Etc. AZIONI URBANE PER RIPENSARE LA DEMOCRAZIA Workshop aperto. St-Étienne, 2011. Abstract The usual way of the fabric of the city is primarily the result of interaction between the politicians and the experts. Citizens seem mostly excluded from project process. At best, they stand at few specific moments as the preliminary consultations and public inquiries, and are leads by strong procedures controlling their engagement. Here we propose to see how the actions of a group of experts, the Collective Etc., which ask the question of a repositioning of the roles these three entities – citizens, urban expert and politician – by implementing open and inclusive public spaces. The two cases proposed of open projects are significantly different and they will illuminate empirically the issue of a re-placing each of theses three entities: people-citizens, experts, politicians. 23 Alessandra Como SIGNS OF OCCUPANCY OCCUPANCY. UN’OSSERVAZIONE SUL COMPLESSO DEI ROBIN HOOD GARDENS (ALISON E PETER SMITHSON, LONDRA 1972) Vista dall’alto da Nord, con le darsene e il fiume, Architectural Design, 9 / 72. Abstract The social housing complex of the Robin Hood Gardens, designed by Alison and Peter Smithson during the ’60s, later realised in 1972 in London, represented an important contribute to the architectural culture through the actualization of social and urban ideologies and the experimentation of new models of habitation. This paper aims at investigating the ideas behind the project, in particular those regarding the common spaces, and at the same time it looks at the actual life condition in relation to the new cultures of immigration, till the up-dated debate regarding the process of its replacement with a very intensive project. The RHG represent today a very interesting case-study at the international level on the topic of the transformation of social housing of the ‘60s and ‘70s; the debate on its preservation or demolition divided scholars and citizens, leaving open the issue of the answer to the complex urban dynamics of transformation within the contemporary multicultural metropolis. 24 Luciano Cupelloni CENTRO CULTURALE ELSA MORANTE, “LAURENTINO 38”, ROMA Il primo padiglione dell’emeroteca tra “boschetto” e “bolle verdi”. Abstract The project is part of the overall redevelopment plan of “Laurentino 38”, based on the redesign of the ring road and the construction of a new social center. The project implements the transformation of a suburban parking of more than two ha into a cultural center and a public garden. The series of buildings, the alternation of fullness and emptiness, and the continuity from interior to exterior creates a new place for the inhabitants. The design operates through horizontal planes: the zero level - the garden for pedestrian use - and the second level on slender steel columns, just below the foliage of the pines, lapped by “green bubbles”. Between these two floors the new spaces: a newspaper library, a mediatheque, a theatre and, on the opposite side, a 350-seat arena. The project proposes a series of “piazza”, each marked by large steel pylon carrying the photovoltaic plants - “light cubes” as urban signals. 25 Felice De Silva LO SPAZIO PUBBLICO NEI QUARTIERI DI ERP DELLA CITTÀ DI AVELLINO I quartieri Iacp della città di Avellino. Il perimetro bianco individua il quartiere San Tommaso. Abstract Since the second post-war period, the construction of public housing districts has played a key role in the formation of the city of Avellino. The settlement structure of these neighborhoods, characterized by the dissolution of the traditional block has given rise to more open urban tissue and dilated open spaces which have different features today: this relationship is determined by the different project-based mechanisms adopted ground attack of the buildings, the permeability of the edges, the shape and size of relation spaces - in order to reconcile the need for privacy of their own domestic sphere and the need to participate actively in public life. The paper proposes a survey on the conditions of the public space of some of these neighborhoods to investigate their spatial and physical qualities, and stands as an opportunity to think better about the possibilities that it offers in the process of city regeneration. 26 Vincenza De Vincenziis, Alessandra Alimonti ABITARE LA CITTÀ - DALLO SGUARDO AL PROGETTO. STRATEGIE DI RIGENERAZIONE URBANA Spazi residuali trasformati in luoghi di aggregazione sociale. Abstract In the contemporary city there seem to be two kinds of cities: the ‘designed’ city and the ‘spontaneous’ city. The current state of public heritage, is the temporal stratification of the two entities, sedimentation site uses and spontaneous practices implemented from who lives the city. Unresolved in the margins of the public city are inserted, in fact, spontaneous acts of self-construction, self-management, appropriation of places. Through these actions is reusing hybrid spaces delineating a limit between public and private sectors. Addition to the analysis of the dynamics of development of the ATER neighborhoods, the paper examines the spontaneous practices of reuse and appropriation, denouncing, therefore, the need of people to become the protagonists of the urban transformations and to return to a collective dimension of living. Reuse, self-construction, selfmanagement becomes, then, the new instruments of urban and social regeneration. 27 Ester Dedé LO SPAZIO APERTO NELLA BANLIEUE FRANCESE TRA BISOGNO E ASPIRAZIONE Fotogramma del film “Banlieue 13 - Ultimatum” diretto da Patrick Alessandrin, Francia 2009. Abstract The paper proposes an analysis about the French banlieues’ topic observed in their status from the urban, spatial and sociological point of view. They are realized as aggregation place for a population heterogeneous but close in the factory working people from the rural areas, returnees from Algeria after the war and immigrants from several parts of the country. As the years go they preserve only one bond between the people in the exclusion feeling; social and spatial structures are inadequate in changing conditions and, when the metropolis extends and develops without the ancient and the modern city rules, these areas are wrapped in the urban tissue and are felt such as social isolation place, such as prisons – galère – especially by the youngest people. In a perspective that considers the regeneration of public space as a tool for urban and territorial design, this paper wants to observe the fundamental role of the community places may have in the reappropriation of urban areas and in the formation of a new civic feeling. 28 Barbara Del Brocco DENSIFICARE LA CITTÀ PUBBLICA Il piano di Zona Tiburtino III a Roma. Abstract A recent survey done by ISPRA estimated that the use of land in Italy has grown in the last 5 years, at the rate of more than 8 square meters per second, equal to 6.9% of the national territory and every five months is a cemented surface equal to that of the city of Naples. It is clear that sprawl that has marked the expansion of large cities must necessarily give way to a more appropriate use of the territory that will be meant as a milieu within which to find resources related to transformation. The densification is looming to be the new paradigm of transformation more attentive to the social and built heritage. Intervening on the marginal areas degraded we can achieve the dual objective of improving the conditions of inadequacy and propose technological and functional operations that make these suburbs more compact and vital, trying to respond to the new house and the demand for emergency services in the neighborhoods built with the law 167 of 1962. 29 Vincenza Del Marco PER UNA SEMIOTICA DEL DEGRADO. GLI SPAZI PUBBLICI DI PIETRALATA Largo di Pietralata. Abstract Our case study is Via di Pietralata, which is particularly interesting because it presents a considerable variability in the landscape due among other things to the presence of space – more or less green – residual, interstitial, not intended, to continue with the profiles of junkyards, former industrial buildings that line it, sometimes contiguous to council housing. The object is significant to analyze the complex relationship between nature and culture and to reflect on public spaces and semiotic landscapes. Our focus will be on Largo di Pietralata and on the subway station of Pietralata. We will reflect on the meaning of degrade, on new centralities, on the relationship between consumption and public spaces and between practices, project and institutions. We will also consider the Pasolini’s concept of the form of the city as a key to look at places of abandonment. 30 di Campli Antonio SPAZI DI PROSSIMITÀ E CARATTERI DEL PAESAGGIO URBANO. UN’INDAGINE SU GINEVRA Ginevra, mappa dei casi-studio. Abstract This reflection tries to re-think the notion of proximity considering, on one side, the practice of dwelling as something that goes beyond the dimension of the house and expanded to the scale of “part of a town”; on the other, observing the obscillation of the dimensions of public/intimate in the inhabiting spaces; reconsidering, in the end, the category of routine. This attempt is carried out through a sampling process in Geneva (different squares of 1 km side identified in the city fabric), trying to define general theorical themes about proximity spaces comfort-qualities and design themes. The hypothesis is that a new attitude toward the design of proximity spaces can avoid the construction of “modern places of poverty”. 31 Daniela Dossi MICRO UTOPIAS. CONNETTERE E CO-CREARE SERVIZI IMPREVEDIBILI Micro Utopias - Sistema. Abstract What can design do to trigger and support grassroots social innovations? After noticing the growing trend to solve what is lacking in society yourself, rather than relying on official channels such as local governments or institutions, I designed Micro Utopias, a user-driven model for a new social idyll. It is both a physical space and a digital platform. The idea is that members of a community can use both areas to collaborate and offer new and unusual services, filling a local void. Any external partner, such as a second-hand shop, school, or bar, can adopt the model and offer the use of materials and venues. In this way, supply meets need in a spontaneous way,encouraging the use of common goods and stimulating reciprocity as an alternative currency. Micro means small scale and local based, but with a higher degree of connectivity, if it is the node of a network and open to the interactions with wider flows of people and ideas; Utopia, the ideal system for life. 32 Daniela Esposito, Dario Esposito, Luisa Mauro RIGENERAZIONE DEGLI SPAZI PERIFERICI: AGRIVILLAGGIO E COHOUSING La sostenibilità dell’agrivillaggio - tratta da Giovanni Leoni, L’agrivillaggio. Abstract The social housing and the lack of attention to the open spaces have led contemporary man to the alienation from the society. Furthermore the inflexible real estate market is not able to satisfy the current needs of housing due to the actual crisis that embraces the entire economic, political and social scene of the country. We want focus our attention on the rural abandoned buildings. Their regeneration have to cover physical-spatial, social-behavioral and environmental characters which are solved with their reconversion in agrivillages, by the introduction of the co-housing and the use of innovative technologies. The “agrivillage”1 is a new type of agricultural quarter based on the sustainability, the energy and food self-sufficiency and a distance of bicycle from the center. The “cohousing”, a new residential system, is the answer to the increasing desire to live in community since it invites socialization without renouncing private space. 1 www.agrivillaggio.com. 33 Ilaria Falcone, Annarita Teodosio LUOGHI DA RIPENSARE E VUOTI DA RIEMPIRE. LO SPAZIO URBANO DEL “QUARTIERE ZEVI” A SALERNO Veduta del Quartiere INA CASA Pastena di Bruno Zevi, Salerno. Abstract The INA-CASA Pastena neiborhood in Salerno, well known as “Quartiere Zevi”, from the name of his famous designer, was built between 1959 and 1961 to address the housing crisis of 1954 caused by a flood. Zevi’s plan is an emblematic episode in public housing construction. A very complex urban and architectural design, centered on a large central open space. But despite the good intentions, over the years, the large enclosed space of the plaza, central core of the Zevi District, has been gradually turning into a huge void lacking in quality and livability. The space, devoid of its intrinsic character, has assumed different connotations always arising from the different functions that, in turn, were placed. The work provides a detailed overview of the current status focusing in particular on open spaces. In light of the original design and through a critical reading of the current situation, we want to try also to suggest possible lines of intervention and methodological proposals for the regeneration of these open space, which have become empty, not only in a physical way. 34 Claudia Faraone, Elisa Polo SPAZI APERTI E BENI COMUNI: PAESAGGI DEL COINVOLGIMENTO E DELLA RIAPPROPRIAZIONE NELLA CITTÀ DEL NORD-EST ITALIANO. IL CASO DEL PEEP DI CHIRIGNAGO A VENEZIA Campionatura 1,5x1,5km PEEP Circus di Chirignago Venezia. Abstract The following paper aims to question how to reactivate urban development and “public city” transformation, that have been stopped by several different factors such as different political agendas and economical crisis, starting from the assumption that the “material precipitation” of that stand-by condition on the territory takes shape in urban voids, not-supplied services, interrupted social cohesion processes. The hypothesis is that those same processes could be re-activated following other trajectories, that are different from the starting ones and that value what is already existing, the social and physical “inhabited” urban space, in order for them to be less expensive and more inclusive in participation to change. The following contribution will focus on a case study about social housing (PEEP) in Venice,more precisely in Chirignago, specifically on strategies for its regeneration through open public spaces, in particular Vittorino da Feltre square, considering everyday life space as a urban landscape made up of spaces that are “in common”. 35 Sara Fois DALLO SPAZIO CONCEPITO AL RACCONTO DELLE PROGETTUALITÀ DELLO SPAZIO VISSUTO. LETTURA DELLE PRATICHE DI APPROPRIAZIONE NEL QUARTIERE SANT’ELIA A CAGLIARI Vista del quartiere Sant’Elia a Cagliari. Abstract The megastructures for public housing designed in the 1960s and 1970s are urban utopias not completed because they were built without the public services that would have created a high quality of life. As a consequence of the “unfinished” and the architectural language, they have undergone a gradual transformation from “conceived space” to “living space” thanks to the inhabitants that aim at carry out their needs and desires. The research starts by the assumption that from the encounter between the original design proposal and the “practices of appropriation” can derive inputs for a redevelopment. This paper proposes an analysis method, applied to the Sant’Elia housing estate of Cagliari, that considers “appropriation” in two meanings: the physical appropriation and the relationship that inhabitants have established with their life space. The paper shows some results obtained by observing the environment at the scale of the neighborhood and its public spaces. 36 Teresa Frausin DI NUOVO, TRA FISICO E SOCIALE. INTEGRARE SPAZI DEL WELFARE E POLITICHE SOCIALI PER RIGENERARE QUARTIERI “IN CRISI”: EFFETTI DELLA “LEY DE BARRIOS” IN CATALOGNA Regione Catalogna. Localizzazione delle Municipalità assegnatarie del fondo della LR.2/2004-Regione Catalogna, divise per “convocatorias”. Fonte: Ajuntament de Viladecans – Viurbana. Abstract If “regeneration” can be described at large as a set of policies and projects aimed at improving physical and social conditions of an urban sector, then the “quality” of such interventions can be evaluated in terms of spatial and relational impacts. Indeed, given that proximity cannot be considered a “tool” to wave social relationships, experiences and literature recognize the importance of a tangible, daily “neighbourhood-size” approach in reuse strategies, especially in critical or deprived contexts. In this framework, the importance of reorganizing public facilities and re-designing the connective open spaces is to be taken in consideration, so to improve social conditions though spatial improvement. The paper briefly introduces some proposals of urban regeneration for public neighbourhoods in Viladecans, close to Barcelona (Spain), promoted through the regional funds managed by the “Ley de Barrios” (L 2/2004 of the Catalan Region), aiming at the “improvement of neighbourhoods, urban areas and buildings requiring special attention”. 37 Emanuela Genovese L’ACQUA PER IL PROGETTO DI RIGENERAZIONE DI PAESAGGI DEGRADATI. 2 ESEMPI SCANDINAVI Mellanrum Landskapsarkitekter, Augustenborg, fotografie di E. Genovese, luglio 2012. Abstract As material for landscape design water is an important element in regenerating degraded landscapes like those of many suburban areas. Waste places like former industrial areas, former landfills, and many suburban residential sites but also areas with a high social, environmental, and economic potential. Sites that in the last decade have turned into projects with an ever increasing focus on water and water management as opportunity and instrument of the requalification of open spaces. The extraordinary qualities of water in its various aesthetic, recreational, sustainable and functional uses and as an interactive element capable of giving new quality and identity to the sites make of water - beyond its uses as a material - a symbol of cultural and social identity of entire communities. This is the case of two Scandinavian examples: The neighborhood of Augustenborg in the town of Malmoe in Sweden and the climate change adaption project of the city of Kokkedal in Denmark. 38 Gilda Giancipoli DUE REALTÀ A COLONIA Localizzazione dei due casi studio. Abstract Here it’s proposed the analisys of 2 neighborhoods in the suburbs of Cologne, as positive examples of formal approach to the residential design , in the 60s of the 20th century. - Neue-Stadt, 1961-64, Köln-ChorweilerSeeberg; - Grünzug-Süd (Citadelle), 1962-65, KölnZollstock; These 2 interventions are part of the vast panorama of the works of reconstruction and renewed momentum for the popular residential building, in the 2nd post-war period. The architect Oswald Mathias Ungers (Kaisersesch, 1926; Cologne 2007), that in these years is especially active in Cologne, presents his own projects for these areas, which will determine the formal and ideal outcome of those places. Both deal with the theme of the neighborhood as urban project which therefore belongs to a macrocity that contains them and the dynamics of which are reflected in them. Conversely, the theme of the house with their relationships and compositional distribution is projected and extended to the urban scale.” 39 Alessandra Gravante, Michele Zazzi IL RUOLO DEGLI ARCHIVI DEI PIANI PEEP PER LA RIGENERAZIONE DEGLI SPAZI APERTI: IL CASO DEL QUARTIERE ‘MONTEBELLO SUD’ IN PARMA Piano per la acquisizione delle aree fabbricabili per l’edilizia economica e popolare Legge 18 Aprile 1962 n.167, Progetto delle Opere Pubbliche del 1964, Comparto Secondo – Zonizzazione, (Archivio Storico Comunale di Parma, sede di Marore, Fondo LL.PP.). Il quartiere ‘Montebello Sud’ fa parte di un più ampio comparto chiamato ‘mariano’ nel progetto preliminare di opera pubblica dei PEEP. Abstract In the investigation about the identity values of the PEEP districts, the diachronic readings suitable to be developed are numerous. Retrieving the first experiences of the ‘Parmarchiviterritoriali’ - a portal of digital archival collection and survey constructed between the City Council and the University of Parma - we want to suggest a common field of reflection about the possibility of activating processes of urban regeneration of the PEEP neighborhoods with a thoroughly conservative attention. The aim is to define an evaluation grid of everyday ordinary landscapes and open spaces present in the PEEP neighborhoods making a selection of the most appropriate ways of redevelopment of these spaces which, when analyzed as an expression of the Modern city, can take on the value of a new heritage, on which it becomes possible to formulate new hypotheses of formal protection. 40 Laura Guttilla IL MAUERPARK A BERLINO. LA RICONQUISTA COLLETTIVA DI UN’AREA VERDE ALL’OMBRA DEL MURO Uno scorcio del parco a ridosso dell’Hinterlandmauer. Abstract This paper is focused on the new life of a no man’s land in Berlin which now is a urban space called Mauerpark. During the 60’s-90’s Berlin was full of no man’s land across The Wall and both the West and the East sought to articulate ideologies and values in built form. Berlin became a symbol for the divided metropolis but really It was double. After the 1989 the city changed again its essence with a urban regeneration: Mauerpark represents one of these several projects of urban renewal which used urban spaces to increase networking and to create a new identity post-reunification. 41 Barbara Lino “URBAN COMMONS”, RECUPERO DELLA QUALITÀ DELL’ABITARE E DI UN SENSO CONDIVISO DI CULTURA COLLETTIVA URBANA. CURA E RIAPPROPRIAZIONE NEI QUARTIERI DELLA CITTÀ PUBBLICA A PALERMO Palermo, quartieri della “città pubblica”: frammentazioni, separazioni, adattamenti, appropriazioni degli spazi comuni. Abstract The paper addresses the issue of “urban commons” as practices that increase the sense of community of neighborhoods and cities and that steer the project in a framework in which the disciplinary paradigms have deeply changed. Alternative ways of modifying spaces oriented to new lifestyles and use of resources, practices shared use of common areas seem to feed a form of “local resilience” able to resist in a flexible way to the drastic reduction of public welfare in the periphery in which the collective space is offered as possible and innovative tool for regeneration. Starting from the observation of international experiences, as well as “tactical” of local processing implemented in public housing neighborhoods in Palermo, the paper intends to trace project opportunities not forgetting to highlight critical issues and limitations with regard to relations between such practices, planning processes and the interaction between public-private space dichotomy. 42 Eleonora Lucantoni SPAZIO COLLETTIVO TRA CITTÀ E RESIDENZA Fritz Plamboom, Van Den Bout, Ypenburg, Delft-Den Hague, Olanda, 2000. Abstract Literature about urban planning debates of two main topics: public space and private space. These subjects are mainly processed as two different and detached objects, no common ground can be found, apart from their boundaries. This clear distinction could be smooth by a specific urban environment: the common space between city and housing. If well designed and balanced, common space is able to satisfy the requests of both citizens and residents. The firsts ask for visibility, vitality and sharing that can be called urban quality. On the other hand the seconds ask for safety and privacy. In this survey we try to elaborate an analytical method to find out some principles for a good design of common space. It begins with the decomposition of the space in its components. Then these parts are reworked on the strength of thematic affinities. Finally we can find three main principles: accessibility, hierarchy and functional mixitè. 43 Diego Luna Quintanilla AFFRONTARE LO SVILUPPO ATTRAVERSO LA PERMEABILITÀ Caracas: confronto tra frammentazione urbana e barriere impermeabili. Abstract The rapid growth of Caracas resulted in a superimposition of different urban patterns. The one-way urban policies promoted from the top instigated alternative responses from the bottom, shaping urban needs in spontaneous growth. This parallel growth never reached an effective dialogue and the models became patterns of exclusion. The contemporary profile of Caracas lies on a fragmented urban structure, physically inaccessible and socially segregated. on the national government has promoted mass construction of isolated satellite cities. These developments reinforce segregation and generate greater access problems. Urban growth must involve reconsiderations on the existing urban structure; the goal is to consider an alternative model to improve the existing hermetic urban structure of in pursuit of a permeable system able to create greater access to opportunities and to promote inclusion. Today, a national housing crisis reveals an imminent growth. In spite of the precedents, the pressure 44 Carmela Mariano POLITICHE DI DENSIFICAZIONE E QUALITÀ DEGLI SPAZI APERTI Foto aerea del quartiere di Casal Brunori. Abstract The paper offers a critical reflection on the urban planning densification policies proposed by the municipal administration of Rome within the framework of the Zoning Plans of the 2nd Social Housing Plan (“PEEP”), through the use of municipally-owned nonstandard areas. In particular, the focus will be on the analysis of the urban planning variation envisaged for the Zoning Plan of Casal Brunori, in the south-western part of the city, a recently formed residential fabric next to the historic Spinaceto quarter, where the services and public facilities envisaged by the plan are still far from being realized. The critical points highlighted concern the possible endangerment of a secondary component of the ecological network (the valley of Casal Brunori) by the placement there of new buildable areas, when it was supposed to be destined for use as a quality green space (“Punto Verde Qualità”) and for public services. 45 Claudia Mattogno, Tullia Valeria Di Giacomo RI-LEGGERE LA GEOGRAFIA E RICONNETTERE I TRACCIATI NEI TERRITORI INTERMEDI A ROMA. SPAZI APERTI E EDILIZIA RESIDENZIALE PUBBLICA TRA PAESAGGI FLUVIALI E GRANDI INFRASTRUTTURE Giardino realizzato e gestito dagli abitanti tra il Villaggio Unrra Casas e l’area di agro destinata ad ospitare la nuova stazione della metropolitana. Abstract The case study is an urban area in the northeast quadrant of Rome where numerous public housing neighborhoods built are interspersed with pervasive open spaces and widespread areas of different nature: the river corridor of the Aniene Valley, the illegal dumping, the enclave of Aguzzano regional park, fragments of Agro Romano, the residential courtyards and the abandonment of many empty areas. This are transforming territories within which the open spaces now cannot fully play neither the desired environmental connection role nor facilitating the social cohesion resulting in separation and distancing. However, trying to cope in these situations local voluntary associations are constantly working to care of the land, through the supervision on customs and practices of green spaces, the organization of maintenance of interstitial abandoned spaces to catch a glimpse of their inner potential to make new real workable patterns of relationships between urban landscape and natural landscape. 46 Mariavaleria Mininni, Cristina Dicillo CITTÀ PUBBLICA E STRATEGIE AGROURBANE NEL LABORATORIO MATERANO La Martella, Matera. Abstract The present work intends to recover a reasoning on the Great Reconstruction and Agricultural Debug in Matera, reflecting on the results and on the perspectives of the postwar social housing interventions that contributed in a substantial manner to the construction of the modern city, with a critical reinterpretation of the issues of the ‘public housing’ which can identify today new addresses for implore the self-referencing identification of Matera with the Sassi area. Through the joint use of planning analysis techniques and of a more capacious landscape sensitivity attentive to territorial dynamics, we experienced to reread in a contemporary twist this intermediate condition, as a more complex connection between the city and the suburbs, compared to the more direct and less artifact relation of the Modern age. 47 Silvia Mocci DERB JDID: METAMORFOSI DI UN HABITAT Il quartiere di Derb Jdid, Casablanca. Abstract The proposed contribution explores the theme of the customization and practices of occupation of public space and the “extensions” of housing, places of interface between inside and outside, in the neighborhood of Derb Jdid Casablanca, Morocco. The theme is explored through the story of the whole intervention of “re-settlement” of the bidonvilles carried out by the designer in the years straight after the Independence of Morocco. The neighborhood has been profoundly transformed. The practices of modification and transformation of the dwellings by the residents involve different levels and scales – from the single dwelling to the urban scale – and condition and involve also various social spheres. A rich variety of figures and ornaments in the doors, windows and in the volumes, partly in line with the façade and partly projecting outwards. The volumetric alterations, part of the process of transformation, appear more relevant since they operate structurally on the fabric by modifying its density and the relation between mass and void, while the transformations use of spaces on the ground floors have altered systems interface with the open space. All this is reflected in the urban landscape, the bearer of continuous transformations of culture and social housing. 48 Gianluigi Mondaini, Claudio Tombolini URBAN UPGRADE – RIGENERARE I VUOTI URBANI La rigenerazione del quartiere Cabanyal a Valencia: vista dei nuovi edifici dal letto del Turia. Abstract The crisi of the residential peripheries of our contemporary cities is often visible looking at the problematic, marginal, degraded state of the public open spaces. We propose a scheme of intervention based on the necessity of re-composition of the urban space, a re-generation that aims to arouse emotion and empathy in the user, in order to create a recognizable place. The purpose of this approach is to recreate the virtuous relationship between public open space and residential buildings. This idea of design was tested on two particular cases of investigation, both characterized by the presence of a big urban void right in the middle of a residential neighborhood: Cabanyal quarter in Valencia, and Ponterosso area in Ancona. In both cases the strategies of intervention led us to a urban upgrade, inspired by the re-activation of green spaces on one side, and on the addiction of new function and services on the other. 49 Letizia Montalbano PAESAGGI INSTABILI. PROVE DI VIVIBILITÀ PERIURBANA Autunno Pilastro Bologna 2012 Alexis Ftakas. Abstract Suburban neighbourhoods endlessly recompose the city’s many faces, mirroring those who live there but often leave no trace in urban memory. We may see those faces daily without recognizing them, perceiving them as faded representations, or worse, as unwelcome evidence of worsening spatial conditions. At a time when places are redefined in terms of vitality and diversity, we need to reconsider faces and spaces which daily contribute to city life and, ultimately, to its identity. Some suburbs, such as Pilastro in Bologna and Zen in Palermo, provide a good visual representation of the idea of lifeblood flowing seamlessly to the vibrant city centre, opening up new links across space and time. Despite the apparent decline, can public spaces still play a role in building identity through mutual recognition of the right to what exists? This paper tries to answer the question through observations and narrative testimonies, looking for today’s meaning of neighbourly living. 50 Benedetto Nastasi RURALITÀ URBANA NEI QUARTIERI ERP: PROCESSI AGRICOLI DI PARTECIPAZIONE “Bruggen naar Rabot”, Gent, Belgium, fotografia di Lamiot 1 Abstract The article highlights the possible decision-making processes of the community of the public housing (ERP), for the care of the open spaces surrounding. Participatory processes analyzed belong to the theme of the production of goods from the public space, that is how to capitalize on the pertaining space available. In the contemporary financial and social crisis, the margins improving the welfare of citizens, ERP’s users, are being eroded by the scarcity of resources of the institutions managers. That deterioration of the public housing buildings is, after all, small compared to the total abandonment of the open spaces facing the buildings. Consequently the green spaces, conceived by designers such as quality standard, but now in bad conditions, amplify the inadequacy and degradation of the ERP. Redeveloping these spaces, giving them a function productive and socially inclusive is aim of the analysis of the peri-urban neighborhoods of major Italian and European cities. 1 Fonteiconografica: http://www.cityfarmer.info/2010/01/23/ 51 Elisabetta Nucera, Angelo Carchidi COSTRUIRE COMUNITÀ: UN’ESPERIENZA PARTECIPATA DI RIGENERAZIONE URBANA A ROSARNO Momenti di confronto tra i cittadini, le istituzioni ed i partecipanti del Workshop nel quartiere Case Nuove. Abstract Last September, during the 1st edition of the Festival della Rigenerazione Urbana in Rosarno, the regeneration of the public places was realized through social planning experiences, that transformed the city area called Case Nuove in an expanded home/laboratory. Artists, academics and architects by all over the Europe received hospitality by the people of Rosarno, who took part in the workshop organized by the association A di Città – Rosarno. The planning actions were based on the recycle, the own history recovery and the multiculturality of public spaces. In the disused area called “Ricettacolo”, a group of architects, citizens, students and artists had re-used materials found on the place or given by financial sponsors or residents, to realize a common place where everyone can play or relax. This was the first step of the community to take possession of its own territory. A process focused on the economic sustainability and the social cohesion, that transforms Rosarno in a permanent laboratory of Urban Regeneration. 52 Teresa Nucera ESPERIENZA ESTETICA DI RIGENERAZIONE. LE PERIFERIE DI REGGIO CALABRIA L’immagine descrive il territorio oggetto di studio, ovvero una porzione del territorio di Reggio Calabria. Le evidenti porzioni scure indicano la presenza delle “lacune urbane”; il tessuto insediativo è diviso per fasce cromatiche, dove dalla fascia più chiara alla più scura si denota la crescita della città negli anni. Abstract The autonomous perspective that we use to read the city compares to a “ aesthetic factory”. An open place, a place where we have to combine the tissue that nourishes the form, the identity and the art. The aesthetic experience of the city is the site of “urban emptiness”. The interpretive reading on the suburbs of Reggio Calabria is geared to translate the theories in the physical dimension. Urban fragmentation is mainly localized in the peri-urban fringes, those areas with deficiencies in the system of mobility and urban services. The fragmented areas are often the outline of the city. They are the containers of social segregation. The presence of elements that cause fragmentation has a direct effect on the immediate surroundings, but also of the whole city that has become a regenerated space; an open space as a place of semiotic communication. 53 Francesca Oggiano LA SCALA DOMESTICA DELLO SPAZIO APERTO L’accento semipubblico delle spazialità intermedie dell’habitat collettivo di Ramon y Cajal a Siviglia. Abstract The question of the dimensions of daily living is answered through architectural replies tailored to suit the needs of the spaces in proximity, in those measured areas which play host to exterior projections of the domestic sphere, and where informal activities and practices are carried out, meetings, passing time and stasis in general. Even the greater dimensions of collective constructions open up small scale possibilities, to the measurement of intermediate areas between dwelling and shared space, between the family microcosm and the “collective area” of the balcony, between the individual and the collective of the open space all around. Spatial and relational connectors which give a structure to the experience of arriving and moving around within the system, collected areas which define the conditions of a dialectic stasis, extensions of the living place which measure the relationship of sharing the external space and which filter the connections of vicinity can be seen once more in the “edificios de viviendas sociales Ramòn y Cajal” system in Seville. 54 Dorotea Ottaviani SAN BASILIO_ L’EFFETTO COLLAGE Parte del quartiere progettata nell’ambito del 1- PEEP, Piano di Zona San Basilio. Abstract San Basilio is a neighbourhood sited in the north-east periphery of Rome. It is surrounded by urban infrastructures such as two high-ways, the detention centre Rebibbia and an industry district, which hamper its contacts with the rest of the city. This quarter is incapable of being a selfsufficient part of the city, mostly because of its strictly residential function and its position, which makes it isolated and disconnected. San Basilio’s identity is fragmented and very distant from the typology of a typical part of a city because of the lack of a general plan aiming to coordinate the interventions the neighbourhood had undergone. The result is a collage of parts which do not communicate one with the other. Nowadays the problem remains unsolved, notwithstanding the numerous renewal programs dealing with San Basilio, since the administration keeps on working on single problems eluding a comprehensive vision of the neighborhood itself. 55 Caterina Padoa Schioppa RI-IMMAGINA LA MAPPA (MARCIAPIEDI - ALBERI - PARCHEGGI - PIANI TERRA AREE CIVICHE). IL CASO DI SAN BASILIO A ROMA Quartiere San Basilio, Roma (2013). Abstract For Venice Biennale 2014 Rem Koolhaas will look at Fundamentals, basic unavoidable architectural categories structuring any living space. It sounds as a warning to re-establish a straight relationship to tectonic components in design and building processes. MAPPA, which stands for Sidewalks+ Trees + Parking + Ground Floors + Civic Areas - five Fundamentals in urban design - is a research project exploring both theoretically and experimentally a notion of “urban ecology” based on smart recycling of material and cultural resources coming from the self-organised city. MAPPA defines an extensive, multiscalar program of public space regeneration for the city of Rome, grasping from local emergent and informal behaviors in order to assign new identities. It combines a sensibilization campaign, aiming at temporary mutation on space perception and urban congestion, together with a progressive yet radical program of ecological corridors generating a highly interconnected metropolitan network. 56 Gianmichele Panarelli, Maria Grazia Rucco LE CITTÀ INDUSTRIALI E IL DISAGIO ABITATIVO Il parco di Duisburg-Nord, al centro dei processi di rigenerazione urbana della città post industriale. Abstract Industrial City and Housing difficulties. The management of the urban regeneration process. (G. Panarelli) In Italy, the policies for social housing have often been supported by research and experimentation. The significant housing problems and poor quality of life is the basis of regeneration interventions in Public Private Partnership (PPP). Some reflections on “how to manage the process”, with the aim of developing skills through project interventions also experimental - where the inhabitant is at the center of the process, are necessary. Culture and Environmental policies, strategic choices. (M. G. Rucco) Important interventions of urban regeneration in Europe apply a cultural-social and Environmental policy. The examples of Duisburg is emblematic of this approach: the strategic choices focus on culture and Environmental policy as an engine for the urban rehabilitation and regeneration. 57 Daniela Panariello TRANSURBANZE NELLA PERIFERIA DI GENOVA TRA SPAZI PUBBLICI CENTRALI PER GLI ABITANTI Campo di calcetto dell’Opera Don Bosco, Genova 2013. Abstract A “walkscape” in company of a young resident of a Genoese suburb was the origin of this article: it took place following the cognitive map of the public spaces he was used to frequent since his childhood. The goal here is to challenge the very notions of city centre and suburb, to deal with the transformation of the public spaces and how the globalization has changed the way residents enjoy them. New central spaces rise within the suburbs, vital to their users and to the construction of their personal identity, closely linked to the territorial one. The suburbs and its residents communicate a picture of themselves as by a mirror-effect, passing through different looks and interpretations, and it is related to the various ways of living the neighbourhood. This is to explain how suburban public spaces turn into central ones as to the education of an individual and how the lack and the degradation of them may cause major collateral damages on his identity development. 58 Stefano Pendini RIFORMULARE L’IDENTITÀ DELLO SPAZIO APERTO: LETTURE E DISPOSITIVI Milano. Un archivio di spazi aperti. Abstract An interpretative reading of different social districts realized over the last forty years puts in evidence different forms of open space, connected to the peculiarity of the physical context and to the period of realization. Re-thinking these spaces today entails on the one hand an effort to spot strategies and tactics able to improve the habitability condition and on the other a reflection about triggering new forms of urban relation. In the Milan context it is possible to recognize different seasons of production of the “public city”, including diverse modalities in conceiving open spaces. “Abitare a Milano” contemporary experience represents a fertile exploration in this direction. It is necessary to escape pre-judices in order to find out issues and suggest plausible modifications oriented to the construction of a better urban habitability. 59 Silvia Pericu ESTERNI GENOVESI; C.E.P. CENTRO ELEMENTI PERICOLOSI Locandina delle iniziative del CEP dell’estate 2011. Abstract Genoa is an anomaly in the Italian panorama: the densification of each type of activity in a confined space is a constant factor, that generates an odd energy fuelled by regularly contacting different social realities, a true hotbed of social ideas in the vanguard. The slum CEP is the evidence: built in the late ‘60 from scratch to a small town of 7000 inhabitants, on the hills above Voltri, without history and in the absence of a structured network, today is a symbol of an identity raised by rebuilding the sense of belonging in its community. Actions and participatory processes, triggered by the work of one individual, were capable of basing solid projects to restore pride to a marginalized community on cross-cultural exchange and inclusion. Spaces have been reactivated for common activities, and the meaning of the word, once a conviction, was reversed, becoming today synonymous of redemption, thanks to communicative inventions capable of transforming the belonging into pride. 60 Cecilia Perna PAESAGGI DELLA MEDIAZIONE: LA COSTRUZIONE DI UN QUADRO INTERPRETATIVO DELLO SPAZIO APERTO NEGLI INSEDIAMENTI DI EDILIZIA RESIDENZIALE PUBBLICA “To mediate: connect with intermediate elements or imply connection by spaces that demonstrate the cohesion of masses around them”, F. Maki, Investigations in collective form ,1964. Abstract The article proposes to subscribe the open space of public housing neighbourhoods (gardens, paths, roofs, …) inside the ampler category of space of mediation, in reference to its double meaning of spatial interval (between street and house) and conceptual interval (between society and person). The aim is to illustrate a possible interpretation of the open space in reference to an overall quality of housing that doesn’t find all conditions for being definied and satisfied inside the house space but must also be pursued in the spatial elements able to create urban connections. The article proposes a methodology based on critical readings for dichotomies of the space of mediation and therefore of the open space, representative of the spatial categories underline as characteristics of the last century public housing: in | out, front |back, nature | built, private | common, and offers the opportunity to create a grade of judjement (Benjamin, 2013) of the open space and of its present qualities, presumed or ever existed. 61 Gerlandina Prestia SPAZIO PUBBLICO, BENE (IN) COMUNE Agrigento (Sicilia). Piazza Cavour. Abstract Every age has produced a type of city that has given origin to an own version of public space, that it has always been protean. Today, we are witnessing the proliferation of physical places of the collective life but at the same time, emptying of traditional public space so that it is difficult to define because of the uncertain meaning of the adjective “public”. The Leipzig Charter in 2007 has assigned a role of primary importance to the public space in the name of a Baukultur understood as the sum of all the cultural and social aspects that affect quality and planning. The public space is a “common” and lived in common for managing and it should be remembered that the users are the persons responsible of the management, because “good in common”. Only a broader view of the problems of participation can lead to conceive that the public space is not built on a different layer for each category of subjects but on the basic principle of the city for everyone. 62 Stefania Pusceddu, Gian Piero Casciu, Marco Iadevaia, Vanna Madama, Christian Scintu IL MASTERPLAN DEL QUARTIERE SANT’ELIA A CAGLIARI: STRATEGIE DI SVILUPPO PER LA RIGENERAZIONE DEGLI SPAZI APERTI Simulazione dell’intervento. Abstract S.Elia neighbourhood was conceived in ‘70s as social housing district; between 1976 and 2000 were built almost 1500 apartments, belonging to AREA; the district occupies a 12 ha area, situated between the most important natural sites of the city, but nowadays is characterized by the presence of outlaw activities, that do not allow a public fruition, nor their appropriation for private uses related to the dwellers’ needs. The S. Elia Masterplan, financed by a Regional program in 2006, is aimed at a wide revitalisation of public spaces, both for private and public use, in order to increase economic and social dynamics. According to these principles, it is possible to operate with multiple actions: on the one hand the project aims to give back to the inhabitants their spaces, with a rationalisation of the indistinct areas surrounding the buildings. On the other hand the increasing of commercial activities will help to build to a different identity of the district, both with the valorisation of natural resources. 63 Giuliana Quattrone LA RIGENERAZIONE DEGLI SPAZI APERTI INSIEME ALLE COMUNITÀ Spazi aperti destinati ad orti urbani dentro la città. Abstract The open spaces of many suburbs are anonymous. Those areas, that are part of our lives and of our landscape, as well as the improvement of the management of resources at the local level and dissemination of more sustainable lifestyles towards practical solutions shared within the community. Thus the project of redevelopment of public spaces has the task of stimulating the interaction between people and countering the anomie of the spaces, but also promote the “transition” towards a new model of sustainable development. The paper presents some experiences of participation conducted in European cities aimed at redevelopment of open spaces. Emphasis is placed on shared local-level actions directed to a more sustainable resource management to reduce the environmental impact of local communities by introducing management practices more efficient and effective from an environmental point of view and at the same time to increase the intensity of use to inhabit the open spaces of the city by the inhabitants. 64 Simone Sante NOVI BEOGRAD. UN’ALTRA MODERNITÀ Alessio Maximiliam Schroder, Блокови 1.(Courtesy AM Schroder). Abstract The interest that this paper moves on Novi Beograd is not specifically historical-critical or philological. It does not even focuses on the urban contents of this socialistic experience, but search the correspondence between the modern and the postmodern projects that mainly discussed the community space. What we found in Novi Beograd is an intrinsic connection between architecture and city form, but no longer on the morphological and typological “reasons” that fifty years ago had led the Aldo Rossi and Carlo Aymonino researches. And even resorting to any treaty of urban sociology. More specifically, in Novi Beograd an founded condition was that the public ownership should form the matrix configuration of the urban plot, to embody the ideal of a new civitas, deeply linked to the State. 65 Gianni Savarro ECLETTISMO AL RIBASSO: LA PERIFERIA E LA DECADENZA FORMALE DEL LUOGO Il ‘Rinascimento urbano’ proposto da Léon Krier. Abstract Urban quality reflects the difficult relationship of architectural theory of nowadays with the place. The decline of the suburbs is a common aspect of urban reality, in which the urban planning has been able to transform urban periphery in any place, determining, from the big city to the smallest village, emptying the sense of place and social identity. The paper analyzes the failure, social and architectural, of the urban growth of Alessandria, a small town in Piedmont, in which they occur, proportionally, the problematics of modern culture, decadence and formal segregation of duties, which, suspending the identity of the place, have fueled mistrust in the future. The absence of an urban project is reflected compositional eclecticism of the suburbs, which, exploiting the history or technology, proposes partial and ineffective visions, amplifying, in contrast to the existing, perception of degradation of the place. 66 G. Alessio Scarale IL PARCO URBANO‘PIASTRAVERDE’ - LA COSTRUZIONE DI UNO SPAZIO PUBBLICO PERIFERICO IN UNA CITTÀ PUGLIESE NEL CONTESTO DELLE POLITICHE REGIONALI, NAZIONALI, COMUNITARIE IN MATERIA DI RIGENERAZIONE DEGLI SPAZI APERTI E RIQUALIFICAZIONE DELLE PERIFERIE Veduta interna della porta d’ingresso Ovest. Abstract The area of the Urban Park “Green Plate” (San Severo, FG – southern Italy) have been reasons for interest during the last decade. The area in fact was an extensive depressed land and as such it offered a big opportunity for compensating the lack of green and social activities of the surrounding zones. In 2008 it was redeveloped in its perimeter belt and in 2013 it gained the regional funding for its final completion thanks to a proposal in line with the regional youth policies of social development and urban regeneration. We aim to trace the chronological sequence of the project’s stages analysing in parallel the forwardlooking directives of Puglia region, which invested deeply into the renewal of the open spaces and suburbs, the financing programmes for the apulian cities, that are often intertwined with the municipal administration and the citizens expectations about the area. 67 Giuliana Scuderi RACCONTI PRIVATI NELLA CITTÀ PUBBLICA Quartiere Casazza (Brescia), incrocio via Luigi Gadola con via Arturo Reggio. Abstract This paper shows the public neighborhood named Casazza, built in the 1970s in the periphery of the city of Brescia (Italy). The text, which is not presented as an objective statements of facts, introduces a human interpretation of the events, touching the most intimate and subjective sphere of the lives of the inhabitants. The neighborhood and its public open spaces were the common plot and the frame for a series of interviews, during which the people told their personal perceptions towards the history and the places of their neighborhood. The contributions were then collected in a common text, as well as a set of individuals constituting a community. The result is a choral narration, which is more authentic because the interlocutors themselves are part of the transformative process that involves their neighborhood. They change with the space, they develop a new sense of the place and new modalities of occupation of the land, showing how real life is able to melt to and sometimes to override any rational planning imposed from above. 68 Chiara Toscani LO SPAZIO COLLETTIVO NELLA CITTÀ DIFFUSA: RIFLESSIONI TEORICHE E IPOTESI PROGETTUALI Tipi di tessuti urbani nella città diffusa: evidenza degli spazi vuoti rispetto al costruito. Abstract The loss of value of open space is evident today, on one hand looking at the large figure on a regional scale, including many residual areas such as agricultural fields, on the other, looking at the small open spaces, belonging to ordinary landscapes as abandoned spaces and ordinary-waste places (parking lots, streets and backyards). But these wasteful spaces and ordinary landscapes are direct and indirect city products. We usually don’t design them, because they are not considered as a component of the city, that can be transformed from products to resources. In order to create a new ordinary landscape of open spaces, we don’t have to use precise and pre-defined shapes but we should apply different strategies, reshaping these spaces, including a principle of ambiguity, multiple uses and/or temporary uses, that could transform those spaces into places, where people can find resources to satisfy their desires, reinventing the spaces in many unexpected and creative ways. 69 Michele Ugolini, Caterina Gallizioli IL CANALE VILLORESI COME OCCASIONE DI RIQUALIFICAZIONE E RICONNESSIONE DEGLI SPAZI APERTI PUBBLICI URBANI L’area di Garbagnate Milanese con indicati in bianco, al centro, gli edifici del comparto di edilizia economica popolare GB/1. Con i bolli neri sono segnate le funzioni pubbliche principali, e con le linee la nuova rete di percorsi di progetto (linee continue: percorsi esistenti; linee tratteggiate: percorsi di progetto). Abstract Since the beginning of the last century a progressive and esponential process of urbanization and infrastructuring has occured in the territory of Lombardia, especially in the neighboring areas of the conurbation of Milano-city and in the zone of high plain enclosed between Ticino and Adda (la città infinita1,the infinite-city). In this territorial framework of spaces strongly anthropic, mainly residential, –where the open spaces for the public life of citizens result reduced and disqualified, not to mention fragmented – natural, often residual, areas are just at urban bondaries. Right in this area there is regional (and also national) peak of settlement density2. Here, in this compromised landscape, flows the Villoresi Canal, an hydraulic infrastructure that as a thread links different parts of land that are varying from agricoltural landscape to urban fringe areas and also to public housing neighbourhoods. To verify the potential of this hydraulic infrastructure didactic sperimentation and researches are carried out by a sinergy between Consorzio di Bonifica Est Ticino Villoresi (managing institution of the Canal) and the School of Civil Architecture of Politecnico di Milano. 1 2 A. Bonomi, La città infinita, Mondadori, Milano, 2004. 4.000 ab/kmq invece di 413 ab/kmq secondo la media regionale. 70 Ilaria Vitellio ALLA PERIFERIA DELLA PERIFERIA, I RIONI 219 NELL’AREA METROPOLITANA DI NAPOLI Salicelle, Afragola, Foto di Ilaria Vitellio. Abstract In 1980, an earthquake shakes the Campania region, resulting in death and destruction, especially in Irpinia. In Naples falls just one building, but the earthquake generates 35,000 families of “earthquake-homeless.” After the emergency phase, that of reconstruction begins with the approval of Law 219 that brought the city an approach to the redevelopment of its suburbs whose goal was to make them the “City”,. This approach institutionalized a reverse path, “from city to periphery” through the migration of a significant proportion of Neapolitans (45,119 on paper) in the province, with the construction of new cities, the “Rioni 219”, in 18 municipalities in the hinterland. The displaced live becomes the solution space to the treatment of housing problems of a city in bleeding continues homeless. The paper presents the current situation of one of these “Rioni 219”, to Salicelle in Afragola (near Naples) concentration of social and urban decay. 71