
6 May 2016, No. 303
The Ascension of the Lord
Jesus showed himself to the Eleven, and said to them, ‘Go out to the whole world;
proclaim the Good News to all creation … And so the Lord Jesus,
after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven:
there at the right hand of God he took his place, while they, going out,
preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word
by the signs that accompanied it.
Mk 16:19–20
In the power of the risen Lord who intercedes on our behalf, let us pray:
Lord, have mercy.
That we be your faithful witnesses, to the ends of the earth, we pray:
Lord, have mercy.
That the Spirit of God renews our lives, we pray:
Lord, have mercy.
That those who are paralysed by fear or doubt might be healed, we pray:
Lord, have mercy.
That all who are destitute or ill might share in God’s life, we pray:
Lord, have mercy.
That we trust in the greatness of God’s power at work in us, we pray:
Lord, have mercy.
God of our Lord, Jesus Christ, as we celebrate the ascension of your Son,
teach us to trust that he lives to intercede on our behalf,
now and forever,
Christos Anesti – “Christ is Risen!”
Alithos Anesti – “Truly He is Risen
Thursday, 28 January – Thursday, 24 March
Monday, 11 July – Friday, 16 September
Monday, 11 April – Friday, 24 June
Monday, 3 October – Tuesday, 6 December
Monday, 9 May
OES Excursion
Year 9 Mountains to the Sea excursion
Piano Master Class
Monday, 16 May
Year 9 Silver Camp - Wollangarra
Tuesday, 17 May
Peer Support Session 4
Tuesday, 10 May
Years 7 and 9 NAPLAN
Athletics Training
Past Students’ Association AGM
Wednesday, 18 May
SCSA Indoor Soccer
Ozanam Centre Outreach
Year 12 Theatre Studies Production
Thursday, 12 May
Peer Support Session 3
Athletics Training
Music Soiree
Vox/Guitar/Percussion Soiree
Thursday, 19 May
Interschool Chess Tournament
Year 12 Theatre Studies Production
DAV Debating
DAV Debating
Friday, 13 May
SCSA Athletics
Friday, 20 May
House Cross Country
Sunday, 15 May
Year 12 Revolutions Study Day
Saturday, 21 May
Indigenous Garden Working Bee
In the first reading on Sunday (Ascension Day) we are presented with the disciples standing and looking into the sky.
Jesus said that they were to be his witnesses, not only in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria but “indeed to the ends of
the earth”. With that he was taken from their midst. As the disciples looked to the sky the angels asked them, “why
are you standing here looking into the sky?” Their question “Why?” enables reflection on the mission of Jesus that
was to continue. It is as if the angels were saying, don’t look up, look around that is where you will see Christ.
Look around and you will feel the presence of Christ
Look around and you will hear the voice of God
Look around and you will see the work of the Spirit
Look around and you will be enriched and empowered
Look around and you will experience joy
The presence of Christ can be found in the struggle for justice and peace
The voice of God can be heard in the cry of the poor and needy
The work of the Spirit can be found in the beauty of humanity and creation
God dwells in our world – we are to look around
us. We are called at this time of Ascension to be
the presence of Christ in our world.
The Ascension experience for the disciples
sends them into the world. Jesus does not ask
them to look to the heavens but to look around
them, to engage with the world in a spirit of
openness, joy and hope. Let us be people of the
Congratulations to our students who performed beautifully in the
Catholic Education Melbourne Time to Shine Performing Arts
Gala at the Regent Theatre in Collins Street last weekend.
Mayeesha Moyeen
Milla Sievers
Ruby Stanton
Meg Tully
(Muscian Guitar)
Kristyn Adamopoulos
(Singer and
Musician Piano)
Clare Morgan
Chanumi Nissanka
(Ensemble Choir)
Special thanks to Alicia Stramand of 10 Green who contributed brilliantly to the back stage crew. Mrs
Rosalie Jones of Catholic Education Melbourne, the co-ordinator of the Gala, wrote in an email to me,
“we also want to mention Alicia Stramand from your school. She worked backstage and was a great
support to me and many, both during rehearsals on the Sundays before the show and from 28 to 30
April. She deserves a special mention.”
Elizabeth Gleeson, the Secondary Principal Consultant for the Southern Region, also passed on her congratulations
to the Sacred Heart students involved: “Last Saturday afternoon, I was privileged to watch the 2016 Time to Shine
Gala at the Regent Theatre. I thought the Inaugural Gala in 2014 was amazing – but this one surpassed all
expectations, due in no small part to the involvement of students from Sacred Heart GC. It was a truly magical
showcase of the incredible talent in our schools and I was totally amazed but hardly surprised at the commitment,
enthusiasm and hard work of the students, musicians and technical crew. Those of us in the audience witnessed a
professional, highly entertaining and engaging show.
Congratulations to Sacred Heart GC for supporting this outstanding event.”
Thank you to Gabriella Alfaro, Ysabel Dalamagas, Sarah Dauguet, Phoebe Lawrence
and Caitlin O’Malley (Year 11), who participated in the Christians Remember –
Holocaust Memorial Service, held at Our Lady of Sion College, Box Hill on Tuesday,
3 May. This very moving commemoration enabled Christians of all denominations to
gather together with our Jewish sisters and brothers to pray, to listen, to learn, to
respond and to work for justice. Those assembled heard the reflection of Saba
Feniger, a survivor of the holocaust, as she recalled her experiences. The Holocaust
Kaddish, which was recited by Walter Rapoport, reflected on the affirmation of God’s
everlasting presence and dominion and God’s creative love. Prayers were offered for
those who died during the Shoah, and for the survivors whose faith in life enabled them to
rebuild their shattered lives in Israel, in Australia and in other lands, but who have died
since. At the end of the service the Candle of HOPE was brought forward as a sign of
commitment to building a world of peace and justice.
Congratulations to Alana Hanney, Marni O’Connell (representing Germany), Pamela Politis and Grace Doyle
(representing China), who were sponsored by Oakleigh Rotary Club to represent Sacred Heart at the Rotary Model
United Nations Assembly (MUNA) at Parliament House last weekend. Alana and Marni performed brilliantly to take
out second place in the Assembly. Mr Danny Petrie from Oakleigh Rotary said in his email,
“I wish to once again congratulate the girls who attended our MUNA program achieving 2nd place from the 42 schools involved.
Marni and Alana together with Grace and Pamela were excellent participating in all the debates the views they put forward in
debate were likely the views of the countries they represented. The College and the Rotary Club can be extremely proud of the
way our girls conducted themselves and the care they took in dressing up and expressing their ideas. Kind regards Danny Petrie
Rotary Club of Oakleigh
The College staff farewelled Sister Hang RNDM earlier in the week. Sister Hang has returned to the RNDM Convent
in Thu Duc, Ho Chi Minh City, VIetnam. During her time in Melbourne, Sister studied at an English language school
at Yarra Theological Union and participated in the life of Sacred Heart. We are sorry to see Sister leave our
community. We ask God’s blessing on her education ministry in Vietnam and then her journey to the Philippines
where she will be undertaking further study.
Over the past two weeks I have received emails from RNDM Sisters in Bangladesh, India and Vietnam. They were
responding to our gift of CORDIS 2015, the College Annual they received recently.
Sr Gracie Gomes in Dhaka, Bangladesh
“Dear Chris, be sure I always talk about your college and about your staff. I have received the CORDIS 2015 by post. There I
come to know so much about your school. I have shared your year book with Sr Asha our principal and with other teachers/staff.
Thank you so much. Please keep in touch. Please convey my love to all in SHGC. Bye for today. Love and prayers, Gracie”
Sr Joicy Madassery in Calcutta, India
“Dear Chris, greetings from Joicy! Thank you so much for your school magazine CORDIS 2015. You have captured all the
important moments of the last academic year so beautifully in the photos and articles. An interesting work and I have personally
read through the writings. I will display it for the staff and students to have a look at. I wish you and the entire school community
every blessings for the new academic year which you may have started off in Jan 2016.”
We have just began our new session in April. There is a newness all round. The weather is so bad these days mercury soaring
up to 41 degree but we have no choice except to work despite the heat. This year the summer seems to have began very early in
March. We still have another 3 weeks to go before the actual summer vacation commences. To top it all we have state election
happening with lot of political disturbances. We will remember you all in our prayers. With warm regards Joicy”
Sr Marie Vianney Hoang, Vietnam
“Dear Chris, thank you very much for sending us the magazine CORDIS 2015. We enjoy reading it. With love and blessings.
Marie Vianney Hoang Thi Diep
Over the past fortnight, Mrs Julie Ohis and Ms Trish Maguire have returned to Sacred Heart after periods of long
service leave. Thank you to Mrs Helen Filippis who replaced Mrs Ohis and Mrs Rochelle Spivak who led the
Learning Support Department in Ms Maguire’s absence. Mrs Spivak is now on leave for the next two weeks.
In your prayers please remember Mrs Sandra Gabrielle who died recently. Mrs Gabrielle was our very faithful
crossing supervisor on Kangaroo Road. This was a role she held for almost 20 years. Mrs Gabrielle’s daughter
Carla, attended Sacred Heart from 1991 until 1996. The Sacred Heart community offers our prayerful support to Mrs
Gabrielle’s husband, Norman and her children, Ben and Carla.
Every blessing to our mothers and mother figures in our lives as we
celebrate the gift that mothers are to us and our world.
A Litany of Blessing to thank God for mothers throughout the ages and for
all who have cared for us with a mother’s love.
O God of our mothers, we bless and praise you!
Praise and glory forever!
You are the God of Eve, mother of all the living.
Praise and glory forever!
You are the God of Sarah who laughed at childbearing in old age.
Praise and glory forever!
You are the God of Rebekah who favoured her second-born, Jacob.
Praise and glory forever!
You are the God of Rachel who mourned and wrestled and won.
Praise and glory forever!
You are the God of Hannah who sang your praise for Samuel.
Praise and glory forever!
You are the God of Naomi who faithfully walked with Ruth.
Praise and glory forever!
You are the God of Elizabeth who bore the prophet, John the Baptist.
Praise and glory forever!
You are the God of Anne, the grandmother of Jesus.
Praise and glory forever!
You are the God of Mary, spouse of the Holy Spirit and mother of Christ.
Praise and glory forever!
We thank you for the gift of our mothers, for our grandmothers and godmothers and
We thank you, O God!
Send down your Spirit upon our mothers – at whose breasts we were fed,
By whose hands we were cleaned, clothed, and corrected,
In whose laps we learned to sing and speak, to play and pray,
At whose side we first learned of your tender love for us.
Send down your Spirit, O God!
Heal the pains and disappointments of our mothers.
Forgive all that needs to be forgiven.
Give to them as generously as they have given to others.
Welcome into your bosom those mothers who have died.
Bless our mothers, O God of love!
Fill this world today with a mother’s love!
We ask this through your Son Jesus Christ,
Who gathers us together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings,
And who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God forever and ever.
Every blessing for the fortnight ahead.
Christopher Dalton
“There is the grave problem of labour, because of the high rate of young adults unemployed, but also for the issue of
the dignity of work.” 2 May 2016
Over recent years the value of each girl’s locker has increased dramatically. The use of technology; laptops,
calculators and smart phones mean that it is important that we ensure all items are secured.
Unfortunately, on Friday 22 April, two iPhones went missing in the 7 corridor. As a community, we are very
disappointed and we have investigated the incident thoroughly. VCE study notes have also been missing from
several bags in the Year 11 corridor. These notes are a result of much hard work and effort and it is very distressing
to students who lose them.
Please remind your daughter that items cannot be secured if her lock is not locked while on her locker. Girls should
also be reminded to keep all items of value secured in their locker and not in classrooms or bags. The College
cannot take any responsibility for any items that go missing.
Amazing achievements!!
On Saturday, 13 February, Felicity Carlson (10 Green) boarded a plane to America to compete at NCA, a national
cheerleading competition held in Dallas, Texas. Felicity’s team consisted of 17 other talented cheerleaders who
trained for hours every single day leading up to their departure to America. Despite the 40-degree summer heat and
many other obstacles, they still managed to give it their all and perfect every single sequence in their routine. After
arriving in America, they had one week to practice before the big competition. This intense week consisted of three 6
hour trainings in a row, as well as shorter training sessions throughout the course of the week. Whilst in America,
they had to change a majority of their routine which placed a huge physical and emotional strain on the team.
However, the determination and commitment that they all possessed got them through and before the competition,
they managed to hit zero twice, meaning that Felicity’s team attained zero deductions and performed a clean, and
accurate routine. They competed against many other teams from around the world and their hard work and
dedication earned them 4th place in the entire world for 2016, with only a score of 1.6 separating her team from 1st
place. Felicity’s impressive efforts cannot go unnoticed, and we are all so proud of her.
Anna Nguyen and Elisha Duckett
Rebecca Aponso (11 Blue) represented Victoria in the 2016 National Synchronized Swimming Championships in
Perth from 10-12 April. Rebecca competed in a number of events including: Figures (an individual routine with no
music where different positions need to be completed in the water), Solo Routine and Combination Routine.
Rebecca received a bronze medal in the Combination Routine – All Ages event which is an outstanding result. Her
particular team in the Combination Routine consisted of 9 girls from the ages of 12 to 21. Rebecca said that
this is the biggest combination team that her club (representing Victoria) has had and that synchronized swimming is
becoming more popular here.
Rebecca usually trains 4 times a week and in the lead up to this competition also took part in an intensive training
camp during the holidays which took up almost every day of her holidays. While this was the National
Championships, there were some overseas teams competing; including teams from Hong Kong, Shanghai and New
Zealand. This is the second time that Rebecca has competed in the National Championships. We congratulate her
on this wonderful result and wish her all the best in her future synchronized swimming endeavours.
Rotary Club of Monash ANZAC Service for Schools
On Tuesday, 19 April, six Year 9 and 10 SRC Leaders from our College attended the Rotary Club of Monash
ANZAC Service for Schools. Accompanied by Ms Shan, we had the opportunity to represent the Sacred Heart Girls
College community and pay tribute to the soldiers who have fought for our nation.
During the ceremony, we, along with delegates from other local schools, lay wreaths on the Glen Waverly Cenotaph
in remembrance of our fallen soldiers. We were given a memorable speech on the realities of war that moved
everyone present.
Stefanie Perri, elected Mayor of Monash and Steve Dimopoulos (State Member for Oakleigh) were also in
attendance to pay their respects.
We were honoured to attend and participate in the service, and witness such an important ceremony.
By Verena Youssef and Ruwangi Fernando
Round Table for Young Leaders
On Friday, 22 April, four Year 12 students accompanied by Ms Shan attended the Round Table for Young Women
Leaders at Killester College in Springvale. We had the opportunity to meet honourable members of
Parliament such as Tanya Plibersek, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party and Claire O’Neil, Member for Hotham.
Female leaders from schools all around the electorate engaged in discussion about the
gender pay gap, Indigenous Representation in Parliament and women in leadership positions.
The four of us suggested that the government needs to implement more programs that encourage women to choose
male dominated subjects, courses and jobs. This can then potentially help close the gender pay gap which is an
issue Australia is currently facing.
By Olivia Sims and Katerina Kostakos
Shivanee Shan
Wellbeing Leader Year 7-9
Caroline Duckett
Wellbeing Leader Year 10-12
ANZAC Day 2016
People gathered in the half-light around the Cenotaph in
Warrawee Park for the annual ANZAC Day Dawn Service.
Alana Hanney of Year 11 recited the Prayer for Australia. Meg
Tully of Year 12 recited In Flanders Fields. Jicksy Joseph of
Year 12, accompanied by a Year 6 student and Mr Rob
Osborne of the Oakleigh-Carnegie RSL, brought the
ceremony to a close by reciting The Ode.
Jarrah Thomson, Kaylah Salvini, Melanie Robinson of Year
10, accompanied by Gemma Caputo of Year 11, laid wreaths
in remembrance of those who served their nation. Angela Ho
of Year 10 recorded images of the Dawn Service in her
capacity as eLeader.
Following the Dawn Service we gathered in front of the
Cenotaph with Cr Stefanie Perri, the Mayor of Monash, and Mr Steve Dimopoulos MP, the State Member for
Oakleigh. Cr Perri, a past student of Sacred Heart Girls' College, will be a candidate for the seat of Chisholm in the
upcoming federal election.
Michael Smith
Deputy Principal – Faith and Mission
On Thursday 28 April, Year 9 students were given the opportunity to hear some timely and sage advice from
Alex de Lacy, who completed Year 12 in 2015 with an ATAR of 99.35. Alex is currently studying a double degree in
Science and Global Studies at Monash University. Alex was involved in a wide variety of co-curricular activities at
school, which included her participation in twelve different school Music Ensembles, the College Musical, Debating,
Public Speaking, Rotary Model United Nations, and various Interschool Sporting Teams.
A panel of Year 9 students, consisting of Julie Tran (9 Gold), Amelia Halloran (9 Gold), Ebony Kellett (9 Purple),
Katrina Andriotis (9 Blue), Natalie Sullivan (9 Blue) and Alexandria Daculan (9 Blue), asked Alex a variety of
questions about study techniques and how she managed her time. A sample of questions and responses is given
Question: How do you manage to keep up with school work and also balance involvement in multiple
activities outside of class and outside of school?
Response: Some students make a study timetable showing how they will use their time each day, allocating study
of each subject to particular timeslots each day. I found that, because my commitments varied on a weekly basis, it
was more effective to identify on a timetable when time was unavailable, and then use the free time to study each
subject, prioritising work according to the date it was due. This allowed me to see how much free time I actually had
each week.
Question: How did you memorise material and then apply it in Examination questions?
Response: It is important to find out for yourself how you remember things – no-one else can tell you how to do this.
I recognised that I did not have a strong memory, so I practised memorising poetry, and through this, identified what
techniques worked to help me to memorise material. It is also important to not simply remember material, but to
understand the material. Questions in Examinations will require you to apply your knowledge and to explain your
answers, so always seek to understand, rather than ‘learning off by heart’.
Question: How do you cope when you get really anxious during an assessment task?
Response: If I became really overwhelmed by a question, I would stop, close the assessment paper for 30 seconds,
and just breathe slowly. This would have the effect of calming me down, and inevitably, when I reopened the paper, I
was able to attempt and complete the question.
Alex also shared the benefits of participating in a wide range of co-curricular activities, including making friends
across all year levels, and gaining knowledge and skills not always accessible in a classroom situation. She
emphasized the importance of using class time wisely, accepting help from teachers, eating properly and getting
adequate sleep, and always striving to achieve your best. Alex chose subjects at VCE level that she loved to study
and was motivated by the desire to give herself high enough marks to have the freedom to choose her future path.
With NAPLAN and Examinations this term, we are very grateful to Alex for speaking with our Year 9 students. Future
Wellbeing sessions will focus on managing stress and anxiety, with assistance from our College Counsellors,
Linda Parlee and Donna Pascoe.
Anne Noonan
Year 9 Co-ordinator
SCSA Sport Captain’s Breakfast
On Friday 15 April the College House Captains, Ms Keely,
Ms Di Maria and I were invited to St Aloysius’ College for a Sport Captain’s Breakfast.
After eating some delicious food we were addressed by Bridget Barker from the Huddle
at North Melbourne Football Club. Bridget provided us with insight into her job but
mainly spoke to us about the importance of participating in regular physical activity. Her
speech highlighted the benefits of physical activity as a way to improve physical health,
social skills and relieve stress. The breakfast enabled us to meet other College leaders
from schools who compete within the Secondary Catholic Schools Association. The
breakfast was a great success and very empowering. On behalf of the captains we thank Ms Keely for giving us this
Adriana Catanese
Deputy College Captain Sport
SCSA Badminton
On Wednesday, 27 April, Sacred Heart participated in the SCSA Division 1 Badminton Tournament. We entered a
Junior, an Intermediate and a Senior Team. The girls paired up for the day and demonstrated great form in the warm
up and their first few matches. The Juniors, many who had never played an official competition before, learned lots
throughout the day and enjoyed representing the College. The Intermediates put up a good fight throughout the day,
but fell short of semi-finals. Coached by Mr Yin, the Senior Team played impressively all day and as the day
progressed they could see the Grand Final was in arms reach. Our Senior Team advanced through the Grand Final
and fought until the end to beat Mount Saint Joseph’s.
Congratulations to all of the girls who participated in the 2016 SCSA Badminton Competition.
Emily Keely
Head of Sport
Parents - Keep up to date with news, future events and courses from the following Universities:
‘Your Child, Their Future’ website, Deakin University,
La Trobe University,
Australia National University,
Monash University,
Margaret Connolly
Careers/VET Co ordinator
Sacred Heart Girls’ College kindly hosted Round 2 Debating for the Glen Waverley Region due to the recent fire at
Wesley College, making their school unavailable for hosting a debate.
A Grade Team 1 lost their debate as the Negative Team against Emmaus College. The team members were;
Chalini Jegathesan, Sarah Sullivan and Nirsika Sabeshkumar. Congratulations to Team 2 who as the Negative
won their debate against Wesley College on the controversial topic ‘That we should open all international borders’.
Team members included; Danielle D’Souza, Sheena Dilinger and Shenelle Asirvatham who was nominated Best
Speaker for her debate.
Both B Grade Teams 1 and 2 who as Negative Teams lost their debate against Mazenod College and Wesley
College. Team 1 members included Kareen Moraes, Molly Greely and My Pham. Team 2 members included,
Pamela Politis, Jessica Shao and Year 10 student, Claire O’Brien. The topic debated was ‘That Australia should
dramatically increase its refugee numbers’.
All three C Grade Teams had forfeited their debate due to the Year 10 Camp.
D Grade Team 1 who as the Negative Team lost their debate against Mazenod College on the topic ‘That schools
should provide free meals for their students’. Team 1 comprised of Flavia Antoniazzi, Lily Schultz and Scarlett
Van Dyke. Team 2 who as the Affirmative Team lost their debate against Glen Waverley Secondary College. Team
members included, Zoe Quinn, Tina Belivanis and Sona Saji who was nominated as Best Speaker for her debate.
Congratulations to Team 3 who as the Affirmative Team won their debate against Huntingtower School. The team
comprised of, Amber-Jade Sanqui, Natalie Sullivan and Grace Rodda who was also nominated as Best Speaker
for her debate.
A special thank you to the following debaters, Priya Sivanesan, Alana Hanney, Grace Doyle, Natalie Sullivan,
Amber-Jayde Sanqui, Grace Rodda and My Pham who helped usher the other schools’ students and teachers,
adjudicators and parents to the various rooms.
A special thank you also goes to our Principal Mr Dalton, who gave permission for our College to host the Round 2
Well done to all the debaters for their second round of debates.
Bronia Koperszmidt
Debating Coordinator
On Saturday, 30 April the second CEOM ‘Time To Shine’ Gala took place at the Regent Theatre. The concert
featured a large selection of students from Catholic Secondary Colleges throughout Melbourne. As in 2014, the
standard of professionalism displayed at this year’s Gala was outstanding. Eight students from Sacred Heart Girls’
College Oakleigh featured in this Gala, displaying their skills in singing, dancing and backstage duties.
The following students are to be commended for their dedication and involvement in this year’s Gala:
Kristyn Adamopoulos: Singer/ Musician (Piano), Clare Morgan: Singer, Mayeesha Moyeen: Singer, Ruby
Stanton: Singer, Chanumi Nissanka: Ensemble Choir, Milla Sievers: Dancer, Meg Tully: Musician (Guitar) and
Alicia Stramand: Backstage Crew
Year 12 Theatre Studies Production
On Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 May, the Year 12 Theatre Studies class will present their interpretation of 'Alice
Dreaming', a play written by Ned Manning. The performances will take place at 6:00pm in the Fourvière Centre.
Entry is by gold coin donation, with all proceeds going to the RNDM Sisters. In keeping with the collaborative nature
of a production, the students have worked across a variety of stagecraft areas, including acting, set design, makeup, properties, costume, sound and theatre technologies. The cast are looking forward to performing 'Alice
Dreaming' and will be interested to hear your impressions of the night.
Fiona McGrath
Performance Co-ordinator
Wollangarra is situated beside the Macalister River south of Licola, surrounded by the most beautiful, majestic
mountains. The thing about Wollangarra is there no electricity. That means no lights, no heating/cooling and no
clocks. At first it was weird to adjust to the idea of not knowing the time and just having a fire and gas lights to
provide light, but we soon enough we adjusted to Wollangarra time!
When we first got off the bus, we had to walk 1km to the flying fox. The fox was the only way to access the camp.
When we passed over the river we dropped a rock in as an offering to the traditional custodians of the land.
Wollangarra was truly an experience of a life-time. It challenged me in ways I never thought possible and gave me
an experience I would never have had otherwise. The thing is Wollangarra wasn’t like the camps we went to every
other year. We didn’t live from a backpack, we didn’t have to go from point a to point b and we didn’t need to bring
our own food. We left for Wollangarra on the 22nd of February and spent 3 days at the homestead and 2 days
hiking. At the homestead everyone was helping out to keep Wollangarra working. In the homestead there were
people cooking, working in the garden or fixing things like the chicken shed or the tracks. The staff were so
enthusiastic and caring, even though it was sweltering they made everything exciting. We had a campfire almost
every night and each night my homeroom became closer and closer until we were like a family. The hike was the
most challenging part of camp. We went deep into the bush and spent a night at Burgoyne’s Hut where we pitched a
tent and made a campfire. When we hiked back it happened to be my birthday, a nice way to spend it. We had
scratches all over our legs and arms from the bushes. It was a challenge, but I think that if we didn’t have the
enthusiasm then everyone would have been complaining. Wollangarra continued to challenge us with our
surroundings which made us bond even more. We arrived at a camp and left a home. When we left, almost the
entire bus ride back, the girls were crying. We loved Woll!
Petra Bartha 9 Blue
Financial Assistance Information for Parents: Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
Further to my advice to you on 1 February this year, please submit your Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund
(CSEF) form to the College along with a copy of your concession card, if you have not already done so. The CSEF
assists eligible families cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities so that no student will miss out
on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities. Please refer to for more details, including eligibility criteria. If you hold a valid means-tested
concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF; a special consideration category
also exists.
The allowance will be paid to the College to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions, or sporting
activities for the benefit of your child. Since annual school fees are inclusive of camp and excursions fees, the
allowance will benefit an eligible student by being appropriated towards their school fees. The CSEF payment
cannot be used towards books, stationery, school uniforms or music charges.
The annual CSEF amount per student will be $125 for primary school students and $225 for secondary school
How to Apply
If you are eligible, please complete the attached CSEF application form and return it along with a copy of your
eligible concession card to the Accounts Office of the College on or before 3 June 2016, so that your payment can
be made.
No applications will be accepted without a copy of the concession card.
Brendan O’Loghlen
Business Manager
7:00pm Thursday, 26 May – Music Studio, Fourviere Centre
On Thursday, 26 May, Sacred Heart will host our Annual Piano Showcase in the Music Studio. This wonderful event
is an opportunity for students learning Piano both at the school or externally to perform for the school community.
We are very lucky to have a number of highly talented students at the
school performing at a very high level, and are pleased to be able to
showcase their abilities.
This years’ Showcase will take place shortly after our inaugural Piano
Masterclass, facilitated by Elyane Laussade. As a graduate of the world
famous Julliard School, New York, Elyane has performed with the
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, toured extensively across Australia, New
Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, the USA and Europe, and is a regular
guest of ABC Classic FM and 3MBS in both studio and live performances.
Elyane will work closely with our advanced piano students to develop their
performance skills, improve their musical awareness, and give them a
unique insight into the world of professional performance and the study of
music at a higher level.
We look forward to giving the girls the opportunity to utilize and hone
these newly developed skills at the Piano Showcase and look forward to
seeing you there!
Invest in your most precious asset......Your Marriage!
Forget life’s tensions and interruptions and rekindle the closeness, intimacy, love and romance that brought you
together. Recharge your relationship batteries and explore the precious nature of your marriage, allowing you both to
share your feelings, hopes and dreams with each other in ways that normal, daily living tends to inhibit.
There is no group sharing. Couples and a priest present the weekend.
It is based around Catholic values but couples of all faiths are welcome.
2016 Melbourne weekend dates : 17-19 June, 19-21 August, 11-13 November
Starts 7:00pm on Friday. Ends 5:00pm Sunday.
Accommodation and all meals provided.
Information Bookings: Contact Marianne or Marcel
Phone: (03) 9733 0997
Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, 10 May 2016 at 6.30pm
The Fourvière Centre
Sacred Heart Girls’ College
Current Committee
PSA Role
SHGC Peer Year
Antonia Ciorciari
Sarah Hayman (Milloy)
Chrisa Damiris (Kalamaras)
1987 and Staff Member
Lynne Evans (Turley)
Alumnae and Archives
1972 and Staff Member
Pina Perna (Santoro)
1990 and Staff Member
Angelina Peluso (Arena)
1990 and Staff Member
Pierina Garretto (Trifiletti)
1977 and Staff Member
Denise Hutchins (Williams)
Maria Marcello (Colasante)
Christine Walker (O’Bryan)
1963 and Former Staff Member
Whether you are interested in becoming a Committee member or would just like
to join us for the evening, you are most welcome.
Further enquiries: Lynne Evans (Turley)
School Name
School REF ID
Parent/legal guardian details
First name
Contact number
Centrelink pensioner concession OR Health care card number (CRN)
Foster parent* OR
Veterans affairs pensioner
*Foster Parents must provide a copy of the temporary care order letter from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
Student details
Child’s surname
Child’s first name
Student ID
Date of birth
Year level
I authorise the Department of Education and Training (DET) to use Centrelink Confirmation eServices to perform an enquiry of my Centrelink
customer details and concession card status in order to enable the business to determine if I qualify for a concession, rebate or service. I also
authorise the Australian Government Department of Human Services (DHS) to provide the results of that enquiry to DET.
I understand that:
• DHS will use information I have provided to DET to confirm my eligibility for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund and will disclose to DET
personal information including my name, address, payment and concession card type and status.
• this consent, once signed, remains valid while my child is enrolled at a registered Victorian school unless I withdraw it by contacting the school.
• I can obtain proof of my circumstances/details from DHS and provide it to DET so that my eligibility for the Camps, Sports and
Excursions Fund can be determined.
• if I withdraw my consent or do not alternatively provide proof of my circumstances/details, I may not be eligible for the Camps, Sports and
Excursions Fund provided by DET.
• information regarding my eligibility for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund may be disclosed to the Victorian Department of Health and
Human Services and /or State Schools Relief for the purpose of evaluating concession card services or confirming eligibility for assistance.
You are able to request access to the personal information that we hold about you, and to request that any errors be corrected, by contacting your
child’s school.
Signature of applicant
Below is the criteria used to determine a student’s eligibility for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF).
Criteria 1 – Eligibility
To be eligible* for the fund, a parent or legal guardian of a student attending a registered Government or nongovernment Victorian primary or secondary school must:
on the first day of Term one, or;
on the first day of Term two;
Be an eligible beneficiary within the meaning of the State Concessions Act 2004, that is, be a holder of
Veterans Affairs Gold Card or be an eligible Centrelink Health Care Card (HCC) or Pensioner Concession
Card (PCC) holder, OR
Be a temporary foster parent, and;
Submit an application to the school by the due date.
* A special consideration eligibility category also exists. For more information, see:
Parents who receive a Carer Allowance on behalf of a child, or any other benefit or allowance not income tested by
Centrelink, are not eligible for the CSEF unless they also comply with one of (a) or (b) above.
Criteria 2 - Be of school age and attend school in Victoria
School is compulsory for all Victorian children aged between six and 17 years of age inclusive.
For the purposes of CSEF, students may be eligible for assistance if they attend a Victorian registered primary or
secondary school. Typically, these students are aged between five and 18 years inclusive.
CSEF is not payable to students attending pre-school, kindergarten, home schooled, or TAFE.
Eligibility Date
For concession card holders CSEF eligibility will be subject to the parent/legal guardian’s concession card being
successfully validated with Centrelink on the first day of either term one (27 January 2016) or term two (11 April 2016).
Closing Date
Parents are encouraged to lodge the application form by 29 February 2016, so that payments can be made from March
2016. However schools can accept parent applications up until 03 June 2016.
CSEF payment amount
The CSEF is an annual payment to the school to be used towards camps, sports and/or excursion expenses for the
benefit of the eligible student.
Primary school student rate: $125 per year.
Secondary school student rate: $225 per year.
The CSEF is paid directly to your child’s school and will be allocated by the school towards camps, sports and/or
excursion costs for your child. .
For ungraded students, the rate payable is determined by the student’s date of birth. For more information, see:
Victorian Government Year 7 and Prep students (in 2016) who are CSEF recipients are also automatically eligible
for uniform support. For more information please see the State Schools' Relief website:
How to complete the application form
1. Complete the PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN DETAILS section.
Make sure that the Surname, First Name, and Customer Reference Number (CRN) details match those on your
concession card. You will also need to provide your concession card to the school.
If you are claiming as a Foster Parent or a Veteran Affairs Pensioner, you will need to provide a copy of
documentation confirming your status as a temporary Foster Parent or provide your Veterans Affairs Pensioner
Gold card to the school.
2. Complete the STUDENT/S DETAILS section for students at this school.
3. Sign and date the form and return it to the school office.
CSEF payments cannot be claimed retrospectively for prior years.
Queries relating to CSEF eligibility and payments should be directed to the school.
Year 12 Theatre Studies Class 2016 Presents
wednesday 18 & Thursday 19 may 2016
6pm The Fourvière Centre
admission: Gold coin Donation