COCA News April 2006 - Cromwell College


COCA News April 2006 - Cromwell College
Editors • Denis McMullen & Ina Thiessen • Volume 5 •
Issue 1
N ew s
C r o m w e l l
C o l l e g e
Within the University of Queensland
2 0 0 6
Commencement dinners are significant moments
in the life of a College. They symbolise two
important activities: the beginning of another
Academic Year and the integration into the
College of the new residents for the year, the
“Freshers”. This ceremony included a welcome
to the University as the College was honoured to
host both the Vice Chancellor, Prof John Hay, and
the Registrar, Mr Douglas Porter. Other guests
were members of the Board of Governors and
The approach adopted towards
Commencement Dinner by Cromwell College
gives quite an insight into the nature of the
College and the directions in which it has
been taken by successive Principals. The
themes of the night were a welcome to the
new residents and an acceptance of them into
the College community, and the intent of the
College to challenge and inspire all residents,
old and new, to lift their sights above the
fascinating and exciting present that they
are experiencing to think on aspects of the
meaning that they give that experience.
Continued page 4
A Magazine for Old Collegians, Friends of Cromwell, Current Residents and their Families
I n s ide
President’s Report
From the Principal
Congratulations to Rev Dr Hugh Begbie
Collgege Refurbishment Continues
Sex, Booze & Honour Rolls
Farewell & Welcome
Congratulations Dr Dame Carol Kidu
Helen Begbie Memorial Bursary
Year of the COBRA
Chronicles of Cromwell
O Week
Greetings one and
all. As advertised in
the previous edition
we held a COCA
meeting at Cromwell
on Wednesday the
8th March. At that
meeting the future structure of COCA
was discussed and the following decided:
• COCA is an informal community
of ex-members of the College. It has
no income and no real functioning
structure. It does not operate
according to its original constitution.
With this in mind the meeting rejected
any thought of creating a separately
incorporated body and resolved
instead to officially become (what
in effect it already is) an informal
organization operating under the
umbrella of the College.
• It was suggested that the centre
of planning, data recording and
organization would be the College,
particularly the Development
• It was agreed that an effective pattern
to explore would be the pursuit of
key volunteers, one from every 3
or 4 years of the Colleges life, who
agree to be the point of contact and
communication for members who
attended during the same period. The
Development Manager would seek
their advice for ideas for events that
suited their particularly generation.
This Committee could still meet
together from time to time to advise
the Development Manager and the
College regarding Old Collegian
• It was suggested that the possibility
of a whole of community ball be held
every 5 years, much in the manner of
the 50th Anniversary Ball, should be
• It was agreed that the accounts should
be closed and any moneys contained
within those accounts divided 50/50
between the retiring of Student
Association debt for the Lion’s Den
and investing in the Foundation for
the COCA prize.
• This would mean that the title COCA
PRESIDENT would ceases to exist
and the College would find some other
way to give voice to ex Collegians in
the COCA NEWS. Perhaps a different
COCA member could be approached
each edition to write an editorial
article of some sort.
It is my intention as the about to retire
President that we hold one more meeting
on 21st June 2006 at 7.30pm in the
JCR. At that meeting the above matters
be formally ratified. This means, that by
attending the meeting, you all have one
last chance to either confirm or reject the
There is still a great deal of interest in
COCA particularly amongst the younger
generations of ex-Cromwellians and
evidenced by the number of people who
have come to various COCA meetings
over the last 12 months. I look forward to
seeing how COCA develops in the years
to come.
Dr Stuart Bade
Would you like to
Get Together?
Past COCA events have shown how much Old Collegians and parents of current residents
enjoyed and appreciate the opportunity to come together and indulge in memories and exchange
their experiences of College. Parents enjoy listening to these stories and meeting the Principal
and other College staff.
19th May 2006
17th July
We would like to organise get-togethers while the Principal or Dean of Students and
Development Manager are touring around Queensland in order to promote the College
to potential residents at different locations. We would like to spend some time with Old
Collegians and parents of current residents and to the right are listed some possible dates.
A definite get-together is planned for the 1st August 2006 in Toowoomba. Old
18th July
19th July
Sunshine Coast
20th July
Gold Coast
30-31st July
1st August –
definite get-together
14th August
Collegian, Darren Lewis, (1990-94) is assisting in the organisation of this event. Thank
you Darren for your help.
If you would like to get together please contact Ina Thiessen on (07) 3377 1232 or email If your city is not listed but you wish to get together or
assist a get together, please contact Ina Thiessen.
COCA News 2006 • Page From the
What is the difference between a vision and
fantasy, a genuine goal and an unrealistic
dream? When it comes to the future of
Cromwell College, the answer to that
question depends very much on you.
I have shared with you before that ‘I
have a dream’, a dream to leave this place
one day in the best possible condition
and with as many presently unresolved
problems solved as possible. This dream
can be easily summarised in the following
1. Completely refurbish every room,
•the installation of new switch boards
in each wing and the re-wiring of each
•the installation of a sprinkler system
in anticipation that the law will
eventually be changed to require it;
•renovate every room, replace painted
surfaces with poster friendly ones,
install king single beds;
•renew the water main that was built
with incompatible materials and
different sizes and probably leaks in
many places;
•explore the possibility of rain water
tanks for gardens to minimize water
use and any other devices to reduce
the cost of both power and water; and
•develop a plan for the up-grading of
dated and poorly levelled sewerage
2. Work towards a new development that
will solve the following problems:
•Increase the number of self-catered
rooms available. This would fill a
demand and increase the financial
depth of the College and its ability
to maintain and improve services
without increasing the number of fullcatered undergraduate places. This
enables the rich level of community
to be retained at the same time as the
financial capacity is increased.
•Move all students out of the Lockley
(Carmody) Wing by re-locating them
to an extension of the Hancock Wing.
This would get all the undergraduates
together in the one area of the College
and allow the Lockley rooms to
be returned to visitor rooms. The
exception would be the rooms on the
ground floor of Lockley (that have a
dungeon feel) which could be used for
much needed storage.
•Resolve student storage space. The
current baggage room is insecure and
•Provide a hall independent of the
dining room to allow functions to be
held without disturbing the dining
room and its furniture. This could
also be rented out during the year.
•Resolve parking issues. Underground
parking would be ideal.
•Resolve a problem with unsightly fill
below Hancock.
generations and be generous in fulfilling
our community responsibilities. Of
course, there are many demands and I give
to many organizations, but it is something
we need to consider.
In relation to this College that was once
your home - I long to fulfil this important
dream. I cannot do it without you. I ask
you, therefore, to consider Cromwell in
your annual giving program and consider
Cromwell in your wills. After all, your
country college needs you.
This combination of problems could
be solved with one carefully planned
development in the area between the
Hancock Wing and the University.
It is at this point that I return to my
initial question. Are these two dreams
pure fantasy or a part of a realistic vision?
Clearly the desire to refurbish has an
urgency about it. Given that we have
50 year old wiring and sewerage and
water mains trying to deal with age (and
in the case of the wiring, 21st century
technology) we must bring this dream to
fulfilment. A plan is being developed and
we will keep you in touch, but at a guess,
it would cost between $2 - 3 million
to achieve. The College could possibly
borrow to achieve this objective although
donations and bequests would clearly
help students by bringing the need for
borrowings down to a manageable level.
In relation to the development, this is
another matter. At the moment this dream
is fantasy. Clearly such a project would
cost many millions of dollars to achieve.
Only an injection of funds from outside
could achieve this much needed outcome.
Once I would have been embarrassed
to raise such matters, but I now realize
that each of us needs to consider future
in Sight!
David (Deputy to the Principal) and
Kristy Richards have announced that
they are expecting their first Baby in
Richard Lagas (Kitchen and part-time
groundsman) and Kathryn Cross are
also expecting a baby in October.
We wish the families all the best and
good health as they are waiting for the
arrival of their babies!
Continued from page 1
The Pianist Sam Eldridge at
Commencement Dinner
the Promise. The freshers then went on to
sign the College Register.
The College Promise was recited by all
new residents led by Kate Rutherford.
Some residents, returning and new, joined
the High Table folk at Coffee in the JCR
Chair of the Governors Ben de Jong with “Freshers” Rebecca Smith (Left) and Alex Russel (right)
The latter theme was focused by the Guest
Speaker, Mr Michael Knight. Michael
has 22 years experience as a youth worker
and educator across many schools in
Queensland. He has a range of programs
designed for adolescents including
workshops on life skills, coping with
school graduation, dealing with drugs,
alcohol and sexuality.
Michael spoke on the decline in belief in
the world. The relativism which says that
“as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else,
then it is OK” , that each person must
find the truth that is right for him or her.
But as belief crumbles, there is a rise in
credulity; we may believe in horoscopes
or flying saucers or new age gurus, but
even democracy now is treated with
cynicism. He quoted G.K. Chesterton who
spoke about the rise of scepticism where
everything becomes a matter of doubt.
Entertainment was provided by David
Khlentzos and Joshua Lessing, who played
guitars and sang. Sam Eldridge provided
music on the grand piano to accompany
the entrance and departure of High Table
as well as occasional music through out
the meal. He also played the music for the
Ode to Joy to accompany the Cromwell
College Song at the end of Dinner.
The ceremony of acceptance of the new
residents consisted of the introduction
of each new resident by the College
President, Mr Andrew Churchill to the
Chair of the Board of Governors, Mr Ben
De Jong and Principal, Rev Dr Hugh
Begbie, who presented each fresher with a
College badge and a copy of the words of
There was a warm and very pleasant
feeling in the Hall throughout the Dinner
and subsequent comment from both
old and new residents confirmed this
impression that this was a most successful
and memorable College evening.
The Promise
As a resident of Cromwell College, I promise
to respect others; build community and
welcome visitors.
I will strive to do my best, live a balanced
life, serve others and care for the environment
in which I live.
Finally I promise, in the presence of this
gathering, to enjoy my freedom in a mature
and responsible way that maintains the
reputation of the College and is thoughtful
towards others.
Michael’s challenge to the students was to
ask “what is it you are rebelling against?
Be careful that you don’t lose your right to
rebel against anything. You’re at university
because you can, because you’ve been
accepted, but deeper than that I suspect
because of some sense or conviction to
make a difference in our society. What
difference will that be and how will that
impact upon our society.”
Whilst the feast was not quite up to
Hogwarts standards, with magical
ingredients that explode as you eat them,
the delights produced by Head Chef David
Abbey and his staff were very positively
commented on. The seafood cocktail and
rack of lamb were well presented and tasty
whilst the Chantilly Strawberry chocolate
baskets were very well received. This was
followed by a well-stocked cheese platter.
COCA News 2006 • Page David Khlentzos (left) and Joshua Lessing (right)
The 7th February this year was an important
day for the College as it was Graduation Day
for the Principal, now Rev Dr Hugh Begbie.
This day was the culmination of five years
of determined work, building on Hugh’s five
and a half years as a serving Chaplain in
the Army. Dr Begbie pursued his research
through the Australian College of Theology,
supervised by the Principal of the Queensland
Bible College. He received the degree of
Doctor of Ministry
Dr Begbie’s Thesis is entitled, “In This
Sign, Conquer” and it focuses on the role
of Defence Force Chaplains in times of
war. The thesis basically uses photography,
testimony and poetry to draw the new
chaplain into the reality of war. It also
includes an analysis of the nature of
language used in war, both in the Bible
and in other literature. In summary, the
argument is that whether war is considered
‘just’ or ‘unjust’ it is a dark force that
perverts human life and language creating
a network of deceit which infects the
integrity of both the nation and the
individual. War draws both into a process
by which the enemy is depersonalised or
dehumanised. It is easier, after all, to kill a
non person than one with a name, a smile,
a wife and child.
to Rev Dr Hugh Begbie!
The thesis, both from a study of the Bible
and by an analysis of practical ministry,
explores how the Chaplain, who represents
a Gospel of grace and love, can minister
in a context of “ungrace”, chaotic violence
and hatred.
The conclusion is that there is no simple
answer but Dr Begbie argues that it is both
possible and necessary for the Chaplain to
maintain a light, no matter how weak or
blasted by the winds of war and to offer
some hope of light in a very dark place.
The Chaplain should resist the temptation
to provide a theological justification for
war (God on our side). As difficult as it
is the Chaplain must reflect the moral
ambiguity of war in his ministry, so that
when the soldier’s conscience begins to
hurt he sees in the Chaplain a friend who
can understand, a counsellor who knows
the way to the place (to the person) where
forgiveness and renewal can be found.
In a letter of congratulation, the Chair of
the College Board of Governors, Mr Ben
de Jong, said, “As you know, Hugh did
his studies for his doctorate during the
illness and death of Helen and he is to be
admired for his determination to complete
the course of studies during difficult
times. I am sure that you will rejoice
Dr Begbie receives his testamur from the
Principal of the Bible College of Queensland,
Rev. Dr Peter Ralphs whilst Rev Dr Mark
Harding , Dean of the Australian College of
Theology looks on.
with him and to congratulate him on his
As a College, we do rejoice and
congratulate the Rev Dr Begbie on this
significant professional and personal
College Refurbishment Continues
After the spectacular development of
the Lion’s Den, over the long vacation
College staff turned to two new projects:
the former Senior Common Room which
has been returned to some of its past
glory, and the far more prosaic Student
laundry, which now boasts five new
washing machines and dryers. Stainless
steel benches and a thorough renovation
of the laundry room itself, gives residents
the best possible environment to misplace
their socks and underwear.
COCA News 2006 • Page Valedictorians
to the
leaders of the College
for 2006
Sarah Bull, Kathryn Brooks, Andrew Churchill, Gareth Davies, Lauren Glynn, Justine
Graham, Michelle Hillman, Kathryn Jelbart, Shane Midgley, Sam Rippon, David
Stone, Amy Robinson, Rowan Walker, Cobi Van der Werff,
April Chesters (2003-05)
Riley Cook (2003-2005)
Rachel Cook (2003-2005)
Katherine Deacon (2003-2005)
Luke Eldridge (2002-2005)
Susan Forder (2003-2005)
Zanna Franks (2003-2005)
Katherine Hamilton (2003-2005)
Andrew Churchill
Vice-President/ Fundraising Officer:
Rowan Walker
Lauren Glynn
Michelle Hillman
Social Convenors:
Jarrett Owen, Regan Ireland, Peter Chong
Media Representative:
Kirsty Fanton
Annemarie Lindner (2003-2005)
Female Sports Convenor:
Sarah Bull
Gregory Matthews (2003-2005)
Male Sports Convenor:
Gareth Davies
Emily Mcauliffe (2003-2005)
Cultural Convenor:
Cassie Aprile
Liam Morrisson (2003-2005)
Non Executive Positions
Jay Harrison (2003-2005)
Shaun Hopkirk (2003-2005)
Philipp Kearney (2003-2005)
Alexander Khlentzos (2002-2005)
Hayley Mudge (2003-2005)
Oliver Hamilton, Joshua Lessing, David
Khlentzos, Benjamin Evans, David Moran
Board of Governors Representative:
Stephen Pick
International Student Officer:
Justine Graham
Robert Smith (2003-2005)
O week Coordinator: (elected)
Emily Goldsmith
Manroop Soin (2003-2005)
O week Coordinator: (appointed)
Cobi van der Werff
O Week Action Committee:
Amanda McCosker, Kate Sprogis, Laura
Morrissey, Oliver Hamilton, Iain More,
Daniel Moran
ICC Representative (Social):
Suzzanne Duell in hospital
Those who remember Suzzanne Duell
will be saddened to note that she had
a stroke recently while visiting family
in the U.K. It will be a long time until
she returns to Australia and we wish
her well as she begins the long road to
COCA News 2006 • Page Susan Potter (2003-2005)
Katrina Price (2003-2005)
Alex Steed (2003-2005)
Christopher Talbot (2003-2005)
Leisa Walsh (2003-2005)
Taryn Wockner
Condolences to the McGregor Family
It is with great sadness that I wish to
inform friends of Kimberley McGregor
that she recently lost her mum in a car
accident. Kimberley is a current resident
of the College who has made a wonderful
contribution in her time here so far. Our
prayers go the family as they begin the
long and difficult path of adjusting to the
loss of wife and mother.
We have lost some of the information
about those who wanted the Coca News
by email only, by email and hard copy, or
by hard copy only. If you are not happy
about the way you received Coca News or
want to change it, please let Ina Thiessen
know which way you prefer. We apologise
for any inconvenience that we might have
On the 2nd March 2006, over 100 students (most first year students and seniors) attended
the Seminar with Matt Noffs on “Drugs, Alcohol and Promiscuity”. Funded by the Uniting
Church Foundation, the seminar aimed to challenge students in the area of alcohol, drugs and
Matt’s interactive seminar included selected scenes from ‘STAR WARS’ and case studies.
Matt especially drew an analogy from Star Wars with the journey of students who
have just embarked on their journey in leaving home and going to university, facing
“newly gained’ freedom and temptation. He strongly emphasized the importance of this
transitional time demonstrating the fine line of making choices that are life building and
those which are life destroying. Matt impressively demonstrated that making healthy
choices and having fun are not mutually excluding terms.
26 year old Matt Noffs is the Development Manager at The Ted Noffs Foundation
(TNF). He has worked in the Drug and Alcohol field for over four years. He is a voice
in the community and the media for young people, especially those suffering from drug
and alcohol dependency.
Matt Noffs with David Stone & Adam
After developing a unique community awareness strategy for the TNF in 2001 (‘Doing
Something Youthful’) he was asked to create other charity campaigns (which he renamed ‘Youth Solutions’) for Wesley Mission and the Macarthur Drug and Alcohol
Youth Project.
alcohol associated problems. He works
extensively with the media in discussing
issues directly related to young Australians
and the spirituality all young people
He is also on the steering committee for the National Drug and Alcohol Awards, works
with the Premier’s Department Community Drug Action Team in Randwick and works
with NSW Police State Crime Command on issues related to youth at risk of drug and
We thank the Uniting Church
Foundation for their generous support
which made event possible.
COCA News 2006 • Page Farewell&Welcome
Farewell to Jane
It was with sadness that we farewelled Jane Thomas at the end of 2005. Jane was first
appointed to help organize the 50th Anniversary Dinner. She did this with such warmth and
style that she was invited to stay on as Marketing and Development Officer. Jane left to take
up a position with the Cystic Fibrosis Association.
Jane (or at least Jane’s friendly voice on the phone) is known to many old-Cromwellians
and she played an important role in re-awakening the thankfulness many had for the
College and their interest in it. As Principal I want to personally thank Jane for her
warmth and friendship and her hard work and wish her well in her new appointment.
Jane Thomas
The position has been filled by Ms Ina Thiessen. I trust that you will give to her the
support you gave to Jane.
Welcome Denis McMullen
Dean of Students Appointed
This year, the College welcomes Mr Denis
McMullen to the position of Dean of
Students. This role is new to Cromwell but
well established over many years in other
University Colleges.
The decision to appoint a Dean arose
from the need to provide support for the
Principal and to build up the provision of
pastoral care to the residents. Whilst the
prime responsibility for pastoral care will
always lie with the Principal, he also has
many other competing issues vying for his
The Dean will provide leadership to the
Seniors in their work with residents,
particularly with the freshers, work
closely with the Principal in developing
closer relationships with the residents,
provide advice and support to residents
on academic and personal matters and
assist in the development of the Cromwell
experience so that it will continue to
challenge all residents to be the best that
they can be.
Denis comes to Cromwell with
considerable experience in tertiary
education and residential life.
Having trained and worked as a secondary
school teacher of English and History,
Denis was appointed as a lecturer in
Teacher Education at Bathurst Teachers
College and Mitchell CAE, (now Charles
Sturt University). Whilst there, Denis
moved into residential life, for five years
managing the five Halls of Residence on
COCA News 2006 • Page campus with up to 720 residents as well as
carrying a part-time lecturing role.
For another five years, Denis was Principal
of St Hilda’s College in the University of
Melbourne, which experience included
representing the Vice-Chancellor on the
University Union Board, being VicePresident of the Sports Union and Chair
of the University’s Open Day Committee.
He also represented the Heads of Colleges
on the University Council.
Denis then spent 15 years as Assistant
Director of Royal Melbourne Institute
of Technology and RMIT University,
responsible for student matters and
Student Services. He built up the services
to students, which included Counselling,
Health Service, Careers and Employment,
Housing, Academic Support, Chaplaincy,
International Students support, the
Koorie Education Centre, and Disability
Support. He was, again, the University’s
representative on the Student Union
Board, chaired the Discipline Committee
and ran Open Day for some years.
Apart from his Teaching qualification,
Denis has a BA (Hons) from the
University of Sydney, an MA in Australian
Literature from the University of
Melbourne and, since coming to Brisbane,
a TESOL post-graduate teaching
Denis was married to Colleen for thirty
years until her death in 1995 and has
five children and six grandchildren (with
another on the way!) His wife/partner,
Kath Ellerman-Bull, is a psychologist and
Director of Counselling at Kids Help
Line, a national telephone counselling
service for young people where she is
responsible for a large counselling and
supervisory staff.
Denis’ interests, apart from being a
voracious reader, are Rugby, bushwalking,
travel, drama, jazz, cycling, kayaking and,
when he can, sailing.
After leaving RMIT in 1997, Denis
worked for the YMCA as Manager,
Student Accommodation, developing
alternative accommodation options for
the University of Melbourne, including
College Square, an apartment type
complex for, now, 1,100 residents in
Lygon St, Carlton.
His most recent appointment has been as
Deputy Master of King’s College at UQ in
2004 and 2005.
Denis McMullen
Welcome Ina Thiessen
Ina Thiessen – Development Manager
looking after the marketing and fundraising for the College as well as the alumni database,
events, COCA News and lots more. I also will be involved on Tuesday night with the formal
dinners and chapel program. In addition, I would like to make a contribution to student life on
campus. Due to my experience in event and project management, I have made myself available
to assist students in their event planning.
I was born in Russia, grew up in Germany, lived in South America and worked in
Germany, France and Switzerland. I obtained my first degree in Business Management
and worked for six years in the area of marketing, sales and project management.
Motivated by my personal Christian conviction, I came to Australia in 2002 to pursue
biblical studies. I enjoyed it so much that I kept going and just graduated with my
Masters of Divinity. I also enjoyed the Australian lifestyle so much that I decided to stay
in Australia. At the moment I am in the process of applying for permanent residency.
Ina at her graduation in February 2006.
Hi there! I would like to introduce myself. I
have already been in contact with some of
you personally, via email or phone, and hope
to meet you one day in person. I started at
Cromwell College in January and have taken
over from Jane who has gone to work with
the Cystic Fibrosis Association. I will be
I speak six languages (German, Russian, English, French, Spanish, Italian) more or less
fluently and might be able to practise the languages with some of you. I have also studied
Ancient Greek and Hebrew and I am always up to trying to decipher old manuscripts.
I love sports (especially tennis, table tennis and Badminton), reading, travelling, hiking,
fishing, 4-wheel driving and going to the theatre.
I haven’t been at Cromwell for very long, but I love it already. The College staff are just
wonderful people who offered me a very warm welcome and made me feel at home
straight away. I am looking forward to getting to know the students on Campus, their
parents and hopefully as many ex-Cromwellians and friends of the College as possible in
the near future.
Now that I have told you my story, I would love to hear yours. Please feel free to contact
me via email, phone or just call in and have a meal or coffee with me.
Congratulations, Dr Dame Carol Kidu
The University of Queensland Senate
conferred an Honorary Doctorate on Dame
Carol Kidu, widow of Sir Buri Kidu (19661969) in November 2005. According to her
own words, this Doctorate completed an
unfinished part of her life.
decorate the chapel as his contribution as
best man at the wedding.
In 1966 and 1967, Dame Carol was
an Arts Faculty student majoring in
anthropology at the University of
Queensland and was very much in love
with a student from PNG, Buri Kidu, a
resident at Cromwell, whom she has met
in 1964. Carol left her studies, which
she never finished. Instead, she decided
to work while Buri Kidu completed his
study. In 1969 Carol and Buri married
on Campus at Cromwell College. And
Moi Avei (1969-1972), now Sir Moi Avei,
Deputy Prime Minister of PNG, stole
flowers from the gardens of St. Lucia to
Dr. the Honourable Dame Carol Kidu,
Dame Commander of the Order of
the British Empire, secondary teaching
certificate of the University of Queensland
and Kelvin Grove Teachers’ College,
Doctor of the University of Queensland,
member of Parliament and the Minister
for Community Development in the
national parliament in PNG, responded
humbly to the conferral of the doctorate
tile, “There are many people far more
worthy than me for such a high award.”
40 years have passed but Carol never
finished the degree although she often
intended to. This is why this title holds a
special significance for Dame Carol Kidu.
After the death of her husband in 1993,
Dame Carol Kidu continued her husband’s
fight for political justice. She described her
experience of being a city girl in Australia,
a village wife and teacher, then moving to
a role as a national politician as a “sudden
roller coaster journey”. Dame Carol
encouraged the graduates to use their
qualifications and skills to bring about a
time “when the power of love will replace
the love of power. Only then will the
world know the true meaning of peace.”
(photo: Chris Stacey, The University of Queensland)
COCA News 2006 • Page Masoud Abdollahpouri
Not many Colleges at UQ have the distinction
of having a champion Thai Kick Boxer as
a resident, but this year the Queensland
Kick Boxing Champ is a humble fresher at
Masoud Abdollahpouri came to Australia
as a member of the Iranian National Team
to compete in the World Championships.
He had been competing internationally
for some years, achieving a Second placing
in the World Championships in Thailand
in 2002, but being eliminated in 2003.
Masoud comes from Mohabad, a town
in North-western Iran. Located in the
mountains, it is the most important
Kurdish town in Iran. His family are
all still there, his father is a merchant
importing goods from Turkey and Iraq.
He describes his family as being very close
and he still misses them, though they can
chat using a video cam, which helps him
to keep in touch. He has two brothers
and two sisters; one brother is studying
Architecture and a sister is studying
English. The two youngest are in preUniversity studies and at high school.
His home town is a far cry from Brisbane,
in all respects, as there are three months
of snow each year and the snow covers the
ground for another two months.
Masoud ran into trouble with Iranian
authorities during the tour to Kazakhstan
when the tour party was photographed
with Israeli boxers. As well, there was
conflict about the different attitudes held
by the Kurdish members of the party who
do not support the extreme view of Sharia
law espoused by the Iranians.
In Brisbane, in 2004, these matters came
to a head with members of the tour group
partying on and breaking some of the
strict rules. When one member of the
group fled, the rest were under suspicion
of being implicated in his escape. At this
stage, Masoud believed that he was in
danger and decided not to return to Iran.
His visa application was processed
relatively swiftly and he was granted
Permanent Resident status.
COCA News 2006 • Page 10
Tim Courtis and Masoud Abdollahpouri meet up at the Commencement Dinner
Masoud came to Cromwell College
through the support of his lawyer, Mr
Tim Courtice, a member of the College
Board of Governors and ex-Cromwellian
(1963-66). At first, he was taken in by
the Principal and lived in the Principal’s
Residence. Now, he is a fully-fledged
member of the College living in lower
Hancock. Having spent 2005 studying
English at Hilton International College,
Masoud communicates very effectively.
Although he had graduated as a Nurse
in Iran five years ago, he was unable to
access any qualifications from there as the
Government froze all his documentation.
They also froze access to his bank
accounts. As a result, Masoud was unable
to practice his profession in Australia and
has had to re-qualify here. Back in Iran,
his defection has created problems for
his family where they have experienced
trouble from the Government.
He is now enrolled in a Bachelor of
Nursing program at QUT. “Some subjects
are difficult, especially the Bio-medical
ones. I have to use a dictionary from the
Internet as there are many technical terms
not in the book dictionary.”
Masoud is supported by the Helen Begbie
Memorial Bursary and by his part-time
work as a security officer.
He loved O Week and is enjoying College
as a student. “College has been a great
supporter of me. It feels like my home.
The students have been very helpful,
they have assisted me with my English.”
Masoud wants to get involved in college
life, “I want to play Rugby and swim for
the College!”
How do you feel about being in Australia?
“I love Australia and love Australians.
People have been really friendly and
helpful. When I first came, I was
uncertain about this country, but my
experience here is that Australians have
helped me to get on track.”
As for ambitions: “I would love to finish
my degree and go back to my profession.
I want to continue kick-boxing and be
Australian champion! But I also want to
go back to my country and see my family
when that is possible.”
No guesses about Masoud’s fresher name,
it’s Kostya!
Kate Rutherford
The 2006 Helen Begbie memorial Bursary
recipient, Kate Rutherford, comes from
Maryborough where she has lived since
she was “3 or 4 when we came down
from Rockhampton to be nearer my Mum’s
question, particularly with a younger
sister following her through Fraser Coast
Anglican College. She applied for the
Helen Begbie Foundation scholarship and
the news that she had been successful was
a great relief to Kate and to her family.
Growing up in Maryborough now seems
“rather boring”, but her memories are of
coming home from primary school with
a crowd of friends, playing cricket in the
street, building BMX jumps in a friend’s
backyard and doing the things that
children do – running off to play all day
on holidays or weekends and turning up
at home for meals.
Starting University and living at Cromwell
has been a massive change. “Life has gone
from working 6 extremely dull days a
week, picking up and dropping kids at
school, looking after dad and helping
out any way I can at home while my dad
has been sick. Now it’s 15 hours of Uni
“work” a week, and even though I’m
studying, it’s still more spare time than I
was getting. It’s great to finally be learning,
doing something I want and using my
brain for the first time in a year!”
High School meant Fraser Coast Anglican
School at Hervey Bay, to which Kate
won an academic scholarship. By her
final year, Kate was College Captain and
had represented the school and region in
Kate has continued her interests in art and
sport. She has signed up for the College
netball team and should be a great asset
there. Kate has also joined the UQ Dance
Club and is looking forward to that as
“My ambition is to be successful doing
something that I enjoy doing. I would
love to work in the City, there is lots of
work there and I enjoy the faster pace of
City life.”
Any ambitions of following Danielle and
marrying a Cromwell boy? “Hm… that’s
pretty embarrassing! I think that I would
have to get to know a few of them a lot
better before I could answer that!”
Kate was also involved in drama, being
part of a big project that saw a number of
schools cooperating to stage a re-working
in Brisbane of the Mayne Inheritance
story, called XLD Express, using physical
theatre techniques.
Coming to University meant Cromwell,
if possible. Kate’s older sister, Danielle,
had been a Cromwell resident whilst she
studied Radiography and completed the
full Cromwell experience by marrying a
fellow Cromwell resident, David Jesser,
after he graduated in Law. He now works
for McInnes Wilson in the City and he
and Danielle have three little boys, the
youngest of whom is only 6 months.
What’s it like being an aunt? “I really
love it. I baby-sit them and they are so
When Kate was in Senior, she
contemplated Architecture as she enjoyed
design. But after she had heard about
Regional and Town Planning, she thought
that this would offer greater possibilities
than Architecture. As well, Kate liked the
wider range of studies in RTP.
A dark cloud lay over Kate’s future,
however. Her father has been ill for 14
months, and College seemed out of the
Kate Rutherford
COCA News 2006 • Page 11
Round Up
Hans Weemaes (1996-98)
Danielle (1994-96) & David (1992-95) Jesser
Dave and I are close to celebrating our 6 year wedding anniversary, we can not believe
how quickly this has come. It has been a wonderful 6 years lived at quite a fast pace but
full of enjoyment and adventures, overseas trips and buying houses as well as the sorrows
and sadness that life offer. Earlier this year Dave finished an MBA and Masters of Law
at QUT and has gone on to be made a partner at the firm he has been with most of his
career – McInnes Wilson. We were very proud of these achievements as he undertook
the study etc. I have stayed at home raising our boys and trying to keep things running
smoothly so that all this was possible.
Our latest and by far most exciting news though is the birth of our third son, Daniel.
Born only a few weeks ago on 30/09/05 he arrived safe and well after a very eventful
pregnancy that has kept me tied up for quite a few months. Daniel and I are both very
well now though and it won’t be long before he is running around after his brothers
William and Ben.
So now we are the proud parents of 3 boys born in the last three years! Possibly you can
understand why I have not had much time to myself, although we often have thought of
Cromwell and regularly keep up with a lot of our friends from those years. We especially
enjoyed the 50th Anniversary last year and look forward to more celebrations like it.
Darren Lewis (1990-1994)
Darren Lewis is now the proud father of a daughter, Isabella Charlotte, born on 18
December 2005. Darren has been married to Amanda, a food technologist, since 2003
and they have thereafter lived in Toowoomba. The celebrant at their wedding was Dr.
Krohn. Until recently, Darren was in general practice as a solicitor at C.W. Hooper &
Hooper in Laidley. He is now employed as a Family Lawyer at the Toowoomba office
of Legal Aid Queensland. The Lewis’ recently called upon Alan Brown (1991-1993)
and his wife and child at their home in Brisbane. Darren has also caught up with Allan
McGregor (1992-1995), by way of email, who reported that he is progressing well within
the engineering branch of Orica Chemicals at Gladstone. As well as family life and the
law, Darren is kept busy with various community and social groups. He hopes to see as
many Old Collegians and connections as possible at the social function planned for 1st
August 2006 at Toowoomba.
From left Hans Weemaes (1996-98),
Stephen Gordon Jones (1996-98) and Ken
Dear Mr Begbie
Just a short email to wish you and your
family all the best for the New Year. I
also thought that I would bring you up
to speed on what I have been up to over
the past few years. I must also apologise
for not taking up the opportunity last
year to attend the Canberra old collegians
function (I was in Sydney with work at
the time).
As you probably know, for the past
five years I’ve been based in Canberra
where I have spent three years at the
Federal Treasury and two years with the
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
These departments have been excellent
training grounds in economics and trade
and have really motivated me to pursue a
career in international finance.
I have recently completed two more
post-graduate degrees at the Australian
National University - a Master in
Economics (for which I won the faculty
prize in 2004) and a Graduate Diploma
in Financial Management. I have also
been offered an invitation to complete my
Master of Business Administration at the
University of Chicago next year. I hope
that this experience will open the door to
US based international financial firms.
On a personal level, I married my Union
College girlfriend, and partner of nine
years, Hayley Herden earlier last year on
the Gold Coast. My best man was old boy
Stephen Jones who you would remember
attended college with me in 1996-1998.
Hayley and I intend to have children after
we’ve both finished studying in a couple of
years time.
I am glad to see that the college is stronger
than ever and I wish you and the college
all the best for 2006.
Kind regards and all the best
COCA News 2006 • Page 12
Edwin Chew (1994)
From the School Newsletter:
“If I can do it, why can’t you”, is the living mantra of school teacher Edwin Chew,
who was honoured with the prestigious President’s Award for Teachers presented by
President SR Nathan at the recent Teachers’ Day reception held at the Istana on Friday,
2 September 2005. This award is the nation’s highest accolade in the teaching fraternity
and honours outstanding teachers who have contributed to total development of
students, as well as demonstrated passion, courage and perseverance to nurture nation’s
Edwin Chew began his teaching career eight years ago and was nominated for the
award by his students from Sembawang Secondary School. When asked about their
teacher, the unanimous sentiment is that Chew is both a role model and an inspiration.
With a mind to graduate with a degree and be a teacher, he persevered on and
graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Geography) at the University of Queensland.
Edwin’s passion for education was not limited to the walls within the classrooms but
overflows pass boundaries as he motivates his students by involving them in community
work and environmental preservation projects. To him, every child has the potential to do
well and achieve his dreams. His curriculum involved a variety of creative teaching methods
such as role-play, debates and fieldwork to develop his students’ interest in his subject.
Edwin never fails to relate his stories to his students, who were impressed by his
perseverance and drive to succeed. His exemplary teaching methods and life experiences
had proved that anyone could succeed, as long as he or she has the determination and
the drive to do well. Although he is currently on a one-year sabbatical from teaching,
and has gone on to England to further his studies, we are sure that it won’t be long
before he returns to his calling.
And to his students, he would always be the endearing Mr Chew who would go the
extra mile to help anyone in need.
Davide Cottone (1966)
Hi Ina,
Thanks for thinking of me. Cromwell was
a great place and the stories too numerous
to tell of some of the exploits of that era...
I wonder if anyone remembers the night
Meta Ransome (then Miss Queensland)
allowed herself to be “voluntarily
kidnapped” by Cromwellians... who just
wanted to be able to say they had been
out with Miss Queensland. She was of
course treated like the Princess that she
was as only Cromwellians knew how.
Buri Kidu (former Chief Justice PNG
who died in 1993) carrying his little test
tube of coloured sands from Noosa and
telling me the most romantic story I ever
heard in my life about courting his future
wife Carol (now a Minister in the PNG
government) and his great mates Kipling
Uiari and Moi Avei whose friendship
brought me to the shores of PNG as
a teacher in 1973-1976. And Chester
Wilson and Rod Wilson and all those
other characters who I read about from
time to time. After Cromwell, I married
a Brisbane girl went to New Guinea! I
had five kids, went to China and Hong
Kong and then retired only to return to
Hong Kong where I am now. Almost
The school congratulates SMB’s first
President’s Award for Teachers (PAT)
winner, Mr Edwin Chew. He was
conferred the nation’s highest accolade
for the teaching fraternity by President
S R Nathan for demonstrating passion,
courage and perseverance in inspiring
and shaping both the minds and
character of his students. A friend and
mentor to both his colleagues and
students, Mr Chew is always willing to
go the extra mile to enrich the learning
experience of the students under his
charge. His ability to motivate and
challenge them to maximise their
potential has certainly made him
deserving of this distinction.
Well done, Mr Chew. We are extremely
proud of you.
A truly exemplary teacher
with his PAT Trophy.
made the big reunions at Cromwell but
am determined to make at least one in the
future. Wrote a book called Generation
Z: The Male Mutants... those who knew
me would probably enjoy it... will forward
a copy for the College Library. Warm
regards. Dave Cottone.
Dave wrote into the book:
A copy for the Cromwell library. I think
my room was the closest to the library in
those days… anyhow it was the one right
at the end of the block nearest the library.
Shadows of Cromwell lurk somewhere in
this book. Best regards Davide Cottone
About the Author
Born and bred in the small sugarcane
growing town of Babinda in Far North
Queensland, the author, as a child, was
brought up in a world of men. As the
adolescent, he worked in the cane fields
and tobacco fields with men of every
nationality from post-war Europe, the
Indian sub-continent, New Zealand and
the Torres Strait Islands. He had a great
love for literature and in particularly
storytelling and developed a keen interest
in anthropology, sociology, psychology
and genetics. He became a teacher
and taught in Papua New Guinea,
Queensland, Shanghai and recently
Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, he wrote
produced and directed The Comeback
Kid, a musical based on The Tragedy of
Dr. Faustus called Soul for Sale scheduled
for performance in Hong Kong in 2003.
A poet and playwright, he has written
two novels and a guide for males to the
battle of the sexes, but Generation Z:
The Male Mutants, is his first attempt at
COCA News 2006 • Page 13
Pat Wysel (2002-2004) and Naomi Stuart (2002-2004)
HELLO FROM PAT WYSEL (a.k.a Sohcahtoa) AND NAOMI STUART (a.k.a Doogie)
(Top and Bottom North Seniors 2004) Hi fellow Cromwellians! Just a little note to share our happy news with you all - we are engaged! I guess this goes to prove that
North really does have the love! We are very excited as you can imagine and busy planning the wedding for later this year.
Here is what else we have been up to....
PAT: Over the past year I have been living with Karl (Choco) and Grant (Gus) in Toowong (hi guys!), and working in Human
Resources at FirstMac Ltd. - a mortgage management firm in the city. Yes, I’m living the business man’s stereotype, but it has been
fun to just “get out there and do it” for a while. Other then that, I’ve just been extending my cooking options and playing a bit of
sport... oh, and I proposed to my girlfriend.
NAOMI: After a busy year of study and prac last year I graduated from Optometry and decided to take a job in Toowoomba
which I will start at the end of January. I am looking forward to finally putting my study to use and fortunately will be working
with some really wonderful people! Recently my sister (Mel) and I spent 3 weeks touring New Zealand and I would recommend it
to everyone!
All the best! God Bless.
Love Pat and Naomi
Matthew Jackson (2000-2003)
From left to right: Tim, Pat, Major Peter
Hill & Matthew Jackson within the Ghurka
A brief prologue for those of you who
may not know, I’m travelling with two
mates, Tim Porter (2000)(Australian)
and Patrick Moloney (2001) (American
unfortunately), both who I met through
Cromwell College and we’re doing a
relatively extended tour through Nepal,
Tibet and India for a little over 3 months.
One of the highlights of my trip so far was
an opportunity that we had to tour the
main Ghurka army barracks in Pokhara,
the second largest city in Nepal, and
enjoy lunch with the very hospitable and
generous Major Peter Hill, the barracks
commander, and his lovely wife Rebeccah,
whom I had met by chance back in
In case you’re not aware, the Ghurkas are
a very elite unit of the British army that
recruit the best of the best of the rugged,
tough and ridiculously fit young men of
the mountains of Nepal and have done
for some 200 years. They have a fierce
reputation despite the average height of
Yearof theCOBRA
That’s right, sports fans! Australia’s premier Cromwell ex-collegiate rugby team is at it again,
ready to conquer the world of lower division third grade suburban rugby. The Cromwell Old
Boys’ Rugby Association (COBRA) is going ahead in leaps and bounds and now has it’s own
logo, jerseys, training equipment, reserves (?) and an executive committee.
The season is starting up in April so we’re getting into a little pre-season fitness. If you’re
keen to play some rugby or even just get some fitness in, come on down to Wests Rugby
Club on Sylvan Road in Toowong, preferably at 6:30pm on a Wednesday.
Once again, we’re also looking for people to help out with training and games. Whether
it be coaching, cheering, first aid or just sitting at the Wests’ bar to make sure it doesn’t
go anywhere while the match is on, we’d love to have you. To get on the mailing list
or to have any questions you have answered, email us at or
otherwise check out the website at
Your COBRA Executive
Chook, Grug, Texas & Eftpos
COCA News 2006 • Page 14
only 5’3’’, and they are known throughout
the world as some of the most lethal and
effective soldiers out there. The Ghurka
legend was well known to me and so this
opportunity was one I took with great
After enjoying a wonderful afternoon in
the company of Peter and Rebekkah, we
very fortunately were allowed to purchase
some authentic kukuri knives, a heavy
machete like blade which is the symbol of
the Ghurkas and a weapon which is issued
to them upon enlisting. Great souvenir
indeed, particularly coming from the
Ghurka army depot, but little did I know
the drama that was to unfold a month
later on a typical day in Mumbai...
The first of a series of articles on people after whom the residential wings were named.
It is generally well known that Cromwell
College was able to be founded on the
promise of a gift of £40 000 from Mr V E
Hancock of Ipswich. It is less well known that
the first money actually received was the
comparatively small amount of £5, marked
“In memory of G.W.T.”
“G.W.T.” was the Rev Dr Griffithes
Wheeler Thatcher, M.A., D.D., who had
died only a few days before the gift was
made and, when the college opened for
residence in 1954, the first wing occupied
by students was named “Thatcher”.
The fact that both the Chairman of the
Board of Governors and the Principal had
studied under Dr Thatcher suggests the
reason for the name.
Thatcher was born in Melbourne in 1863
and, at the age of 18, enrolled in the
Victorian Congregational College to study
for the Christian ministry. He was, in fact,
the first student permitted by the College
to study for a degree from Melbourne
University concurrently with his
theological studies. Although he enrolled
in Arts, many of the subjects studied were
scientific (there was no Science Faculty
in Melbourne in those days). Graduating
B.A. in 1883, he gained his M.A. with
first class honours in the School of Natural
Sciences two years later.
Leaving Victoria, he completed his
theological studies at the University of
Edinburgh in half the time normally
required. At age 25 he became Professor
of Biblical Languages and Literature at
the Victorian College and was ordained
early in 1888, but he was not to remain
in Australia for long. He spent a year
studying in the Middle East before settling
at Mansfield College, Oxford, graduating
M.A. in the Honours School of Oriental
Studies and remaining as an Oxford
don until 1910, during which time he
published several books in the area of
Semitic studies.
Rev G.W. Thatcher, M.A, D.D.
In March of 1910 he arrived in Sydney,
accompanied by 53 cases of books, to take
up the position of Warden of Camden
College (the NSW Congregational
Theological College). One of his former
students, the Rev Dr G L Lockley,
commented later: He might have had a
chair in several famous universities, and
it came as a surprise to his British and
Continental friends when he left England
to become Warden of a numerically small
Congregational theological college in
Australia. -----Perhaps his return was due to
a belief that he owed a duty to the country
and to the churches which had enabled him
to embark upon his career. But this alone
would not have been a sufficient reason for
placing limitations on his life of research.
Only a sense of compulsion [i.e. the call of
God] could have brought Thatcher to a small
Sydney college.
Thatcher remained as Warden of
Camden until 1933, making the college
residential in 1915, being instrumental
in establishing the United Theological
Faculty and a Divinity course at Sydney
University and gaining the undying loyalty
and affection of his students. Even after
retirement, at the age of 70, he continued
to lecture in Hebrew and Old Testament.
It gives an interesting insight into the
character of the man that he also founded
a small discussion group called “Heretics”
from which later developed the Sydney
Theological Society. Lockley records
that ‘he had no desire to mould men to a
pattern, and his belief [was] that he had to
educate theologically men who would retain
their own personality and characteristics.’
Thatcher’s obituary sums him up as: ‘A
distinguished scholar, a pre-eminent teacher
and a man of deep and earnest piety, he
combined high learning with a simple
faith and exercised among his students an
influence rich with understanding.’
Cromwell has yet another connection with
Dr Thatcher: the Lely portrait of Oliver
Cromwell which hangs in the Senior
Common Room was purchased from
Dr Thatcher’s estate by Mr & Mrs C B
Thistlethwayte and given to the College.
Lockley, G.L. (1964) Grads and
Undergrads and Fellows, Brisbane:
Cromwell College.
in MacLaurin, E.C.B. (ed.) (1967)
Essays in Honour of Griffithes Wheeler
Thatcher, Sydney University Press.
Congregational Union of NSW Year
Books 1936 & 1951
COCA News 2006 • Page 15
Lunch Wit
One Way to Learn Fresher Names
O week is both an exciting and scary
time. With everyone anxious (including
leaders) and with an intense program, the
possibility of things going wrong is always
present. The vast majority of new students
enjoyed their O week this year or at least,
in hindsight, saw its value. However, there
is always room for improvement and
by the time this edition goes to print a
post- O week review will have been held.
I thank the leaders for their hard work in
building quickly a sense of belonging and
community amongst the new students.
First Formal Dinner
Moving the ‘A-Fram
Plank Walking
& More Action in O We
The Fresher Dan
Plugging the ‘Holey Barrel’
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