Week 7 Newsletter - Our Lady of the Southern Cross
Week 7 Newsletter - Our Lady of the Southern Cross
M ay 26, 2016 Our Lady of the Souther n Cr oss NEWSLETTERWEEK7 - TERM2 NOTES COMING HOMETHIS WEEK: Prayer for National Reconciliation Week God of holy Dreaming, Great Creator Spirit, from the dawn of creation you have given your PREP STUDENTS: children to the good things of Mother Earth. Sch ool Nu r si n g Pr ogr am 2016 Qu est i on n ai r e You spoke and the gum tree grew. In the vast desert and dense forest, and in cities at the water's edge, Creation sings your praise. When Jesus hung on the tree , you heard the cries of your people and became on with your wounded ones: the convicts, the hunted and the dispossessed. The sunrise of your Son coloured the earth anew,and bathed it in glorious hope. In Jesus we have been reconciled to you,to each other and to your whole creation. Lead us on, Great Spirit, As we gather from the four corners of the earth; Enable us to walk together in trust from the hurt of the past into the full day which has dawned in Jesus Christ. Lenore Parker 2002 Sacrament of Confirmation Eucharist STOLE M AKING The following children have begun their preparation for celebration of the sacrament. Last year a group of w onderful mothers assisted in making stoles for our Confirmation candidates. Again I am seeking assistance from anybody w ho may be handy w ith a sew ing machine to make stoles for our Year 6 students. If you are able to assist I can show you a finished stole w hich I have in LC2. Please pop in or email me at pmcdow ell@olscw yn.catholic.edu.au. Families are reminded of the meeting this Thursday with Father Frank at St Andrew's Church commencing at 6.30 pm. It is important for all to be there to go over what is the expectations and participation of both students and families at the Eucharist mass on Sunday Week. If you believe we have missed your child?s name please contact me at school. Thanking you in advance. pmcdowell@olscwyn.catholic.edu.au Ashton M Ethan A Samina S Isabelle K Rylan A Marvi BA Shaun F Shaeleigh T Hannah-FC Isyss S Elise G Aldrin M Thomas G Natalia G Dallas H Erin K Heidi J Clara J Ricky W Kelso McA Jasmine P Ella J Mikayla P Kendra B Ramsay K Quinton Del V Charlie L Dallas H Caleb H Darren B James T Benjamin A Cooper D Sean C Clara J Ethan S Tariq K SRCACTiVITIESTERM2: j une3: spel l at hon Mat hs Night f or Par ent s Venue: Our Lady of the Southern Cross Primary MAY26TH(THURSDAY) Year 4 Euchar ist Fam ily Night 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm School Date: Monday 6th June 2016 Time: 6:30 - 8pm Presenter: Michael Ymer Michael is a specialist mathematics consultant fr om Melbour ne, Austr alia. He is involved in many Pr ofessional Development pr ogr ams in schools acr oss Austr alia and Asia. Michael is cur r ently wor king with our school and has pr esented us with a pr actical appr oach to teaching Mathematics in the 21st centur y. He is an enthusiastic and enter taining pr esenter who addr esses the challenges that confr ont schools and par ents in mathematics. On this evening Michael will address the following issues: · What is my child learning in mathematics? · How can I help my child become an efficient problem solver? · How do children best learn mathematics? · How can parents promote quality thinking and learning? · How can I help my child in mathematics? Any questions please contact Kr ystin in LC3 or Sandy via the Office SUBWAY LUNCH A REMINDER THAT OUR SUBWAY LUNCH WILL BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY 11ST JUNE 2016. MAY31st (t uesday) Netball Clinic Lear ning Centr e 3 JUNE1ST(WEDNESDAY) SUBWAY LUNCH DAY JUNE5TH(SUNDAY) YEAR 4 EUCHARIST ST ANDREW 'S CHURCH 2.00 - 3.30 PM JUNE6TH(MONDAY) M ICHAEL YM ER M ATHS NIGHT FOR PARENTS 6.30 PM - 8.00 PM JUNE13TH(MONDAY) Queens Bir thday Public Holiday NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS LEADERSHI P DAY! On Tuesday 16t h May 2016 5 students (Myron, Kailea, James, Mak and myself) went on a trip to WHITTEN OVAL & ROD LAVER ARENA Everybody was extremely excited and we went in Michelle & Sandy?s cars to WestGrove Primary school for where the bus was going to pick us and on our way to WHITTEN OVAL. We met all of the players it was really shocking to meet the Bulldogs it was the best time of my life and then they had taken us out to the oval and we played markers up and I never marked but I was pretty close, Kailea had marked her very first football. We then went to ROD LAVER AREA we had saw the trophies and a lot of superstar?s pictures. I learnt that Serena Williams and Novak Djokovic have won 6 trophies in Australia which is amazing and we also had Subway for lunch. Heba Peterwal Grade 6 Red House Captain What I liked about The Champions Day was almost everything, I liked the part when we got to meet the Bulldogs players and they were like giants. We played markers up and Heba never marked it, then we had to leave and go to the tennis tour at Rod Laver Arena. When we went to the tennis tour.I thought we were actually going to play tennis and meet the tennis players. It was fun when we went in the Rod Laver Arena and I learnt that the triangles in the stadium at Margaret Court Arena were for some lady's dress. Thank You for the day!!! Mac Makuac Grade 6 Blue House Captain It was fun for everyone that went to Rod Laver Arena for a tennis tour and the Western Bulldogs Grandstand. We met some Western Bulldogs players and learnt about the Australian Open. We met all of the players in the Bulldogs team and we had a interview with a Western Bulldogs player Jordan Roughead who spoke about leadership and respect. James Tropiano Grade 5 We had 5 students from the house captains team go on an excursion to the Western Bulldogs Whitten Oval. While we were there we met Jordan Roughead. While we were with Jordan we were talking about leadership. Leadership is a big thing in football. After having a tour of the grounds and having a kick on the oval we went to Rod Laver Arena for a tennis tour. At Rod Laver Arena we learnt that the capacity is 16,100 but the seating is 14,000. On court 2 there is not as much room but there is 7,500 seating and 8,000 in capacity. Kailea Baltesch Grade 6 Yellow Captain I have learnt on our Leadership Day that Rod Laver Arena has a capacity of 16,100 and the seats of Rod Laver arena is 14,000 and also I learnt that the MCG is going to be 77 years old. I have also learnt that Novak Djokovic has won 6 mens championship and Serena Williams won 6 womens championships. We got to see the mens tennis players change rooms. At Western Bulldogs I have met Jordan Roughead and all the students asked Jordan questions and we took a photo with Jordan Roughead and Jack Stringer. MSJ Open Mornings - 9.30 am - 10.30 am (Thursday) 16th June, 11th August, 8th September, 10th November 2016 MSJ Musical - Anyt hing Goes Come and see the show on Friday 17t h June at 7pm' Sat urday 18t h June at 12.30 pm or 7pm. Caroline Chisholm College Quin Auditorium 204 Churchill Avenue, Braybrook For more information, call 8398 2000, or visit www.tickethost.com.au MSJ Twil ight Open Evening - 3pm - 7pm (Thursday) 6th October 2016 Current l y Accept ing Appl icat ions f or 2016, 2017 and 2018 Limited places are available for 2016. Further information can be found at our website www.msj.vic.edu.au or by contacting the College Registrar at registrar@msj.vic.edu.au or Ph: 8398 2007.