Jesus be the centre - Cirencester Baptist Church
Jesus be the centre - Cirencester Baptist Church
4 network events this autumn: see back for details Jesus be the centre !! Summer 2013 “I wouldn’t go there, from here!” Living in London, we were asking the directions to Kings College Hospital – our problem, from the other person’s viewpoint, was we were where we were! It’s unusual, in Church life, to be able to choose our starting place. Jesus at the centre is the first of WEBA’s core convictions, and that centre is always a good place to start. Following the BUGB futures process and the WEBA review, with all their implications, some of which we may not have chosen, we are going to refocus on this theme, Jesus be the centre, during 2013 and 2014 When our perception of reality dovetails with God’s knowledge of reality, then we can move forward.. We invite you to join us for four special events around the region this autumn when four invited speakers will explore this theme with us. I’m personally very confident God is in control and we can afford to trust him to lead us. God, who holds the future, is calling us to be his people, for the sake of every generation. There are some things that will now become more the norm than the exception. Local leadership taking responsibility, and not assuming a new ‘Minister’ will provide all the solutions. Ministers sharing responsibility for one another, and embodying the covenant between them. Regional Ministers: taking responsibility and not holding onto roles as if they were supermen and women. I’ve often said, my role is not to provide any church with a vision, but it is to help, hold them accountable to the vision and their part in the mission of God, they believe God has given them. Are you taking responsibility for that? Rev. Nigel Coles, Senior Regional Minister Ministerial Recognition at this year’s Baptist Assembly, including Darren Smith, Sam King, Chris Grant, Mark Cooke, Ali Boulton, and Emmanuel Asamoah from WEBA. In this issue: The re-shaped WEBA staff team; WEBA’s AGM & BBQ; Table Talk: An Evangelistic Experiment; 7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership; the Jesus be the Centre events. ! The West of England Baptist Association: Changing the conversation about God in Bristol, Bath, Swindon, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, North Somerset, and the Forest of Dean We’re finding it increasingly helpful to think of WEBA as a network, or a group of networks, both geographical and electronic, which support and enable mission – whether that means two or three ministers meeting over coffee, youth groups having fun together at IMPACT, or a grant to enable a new church to be born. The WEBA staff team, with its base at The Old Forge next to Stapleton Baptist Church in Bristol, aim to facilitate and encourage these networks in a variety of ways. As we’ve just had a staff review, it seemed a good time to remind you who we are, and how we see our priorities. Following the recent review, Rev. Alisdair Longwill was appointed Regional Minister with responsibility for Missional Development: “I'm here to try to help your church, your minister and your leadership team to transition so that you make the mission of God your primary purpose. I want to work in partnership with you by developing missional networks that will help us to encourage, support and enable each other to live more effectively as missionary disciples of Jesus. I'd be delighted to visit your minister, your leadership team and your church to help you explore and pursue this.” Alisdair can be contacted at Rev. Nigel Coles is our Senior Regional Minister: “My conviction is, if Baptists in Britain are to ever regain a sense of becoming again a movement, we need to become far more intentional. Ironically, or within God's plans, however you view it, our recent, imposed, budget reductions may help us. Certainly within WEBA, there's a much bigger overlap now between the roles of Regional Ministers, as we are refocusing our primary role as being one of missional consultants. Working in partnership with Churches and their leadership has always been our remit. However, drawing upon the gifts of Ministers and others around our region means we need to be much more intentional about that in the future. Nigel works from home, spending about one day a week at The Old Forge. You can contact him at Photo: Emily Coles facilitating your networks: the weba staff team Gary McFarlane is WEBA’s Association Manager. Gary works at The Old Forge 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday. He is the best first point of call for any query and will signpost you to the most appropriate channel for issues including safeguarding and Ministerial Recognition, and Gary can also provide relationship counselling, conflict issues, and workshops/ seminars on such issues. You can contact Gary at or 0117 965 8828. Rob English, Trust and Property Manager: “I’m ready to listen to your property and related issues, and look into them, research them, or point you to someone who can - to enable you to use your resources effectively for Kingdom purposes.” Rob is usually at The Old Forge on Thursday mornings, and you can contact him at or on 07854 852301. Ruth Whiter, Communications Co-ordinator “ I’m convinced that we learn more about following Jesus from each other than from almost anywhere else, and I’m committed to opening up channels of communications within our networks, using the internet, email, video – and even good old fashioned letters, so that we can inspire, encourage, and support one another.” Ruth works at The Old Forge weekdays 9am -3pm and can be contacted at or 0117 965 8828 …facilitated by you: The support provided by the WEBA staff team, grants to churches, and the National Resource at Didcot are only possible because of your gifts to Home Mission. Many of you will be aware that there have been wide sweeping staffing reviews within the Baptist Union at both National and Association level. Now that WEBA, as well as BUGB, are moving forward with a re-shaped staff team, it’s been calculated that just a 3½ % increase in Home Mission Giving across the board would mean that we could have a sustainable, balanced budget for the future. Please consider this when setting your church budget and giving for next year. Cheques should be made payable to WEBA Home Mission and sent to The Old Forge, Broom Hill, Stapleton, Bristol BS16 1DN. To set up a regular standing order for your church, please contact the office. New Churches Initiative 2013 This year 20 adults and children from ‘The Stowe’, WEBA’s first ‘New Churches Initiative’ focus, stood on stage together at the Baptist Assembly in Blackpool to be welcomed as a church. Our dream to plant 10 new churches in 10 years continues. Each new project begins as a tiny seed and planting it will always involve adventure and risk… A young family who are currently in full time Baptist Ministry are planning to move to Portishead with the aim of eventually planting a church there. The Minister in question will be seeking employment locally, but they will need help with accommodation, which will mean renting a property initially. This is a major commitment for this couple, who have a baby daughter, and we would like to ask for your help. As in previous years, we suggest that each church gives £200 or £75 for smaller churches. Individuals can also help by setting up a standing order – just £6 per month would be a great help. We will hear more about this couple and their plans for Portishead at the WEBA AGM and the next WEBA news this autumn, but please begin to consider how you can support them as they follow God’s call. Cheques should be made payable to WEBA and marked New Churches Initiative. Standing order forms are available from the WEBA office. Photo of Portishead © Mattbuck An evangelistic experiment WEBA is partnering with the Ugly Duckling Company in an experiment to explore how might we help people who have no background in church explore Christian faith. Each participating church will receive a free copy of the Table Talk game if they commit to run the course during the next 6 months, attend a special training evening and a review evening early in 2014. Janet Bearne, who has tried the game with a small group at Chipping Sodbury Baptist Church, said: “Each time we have found it stimulated conversations and some heart-rending stories. There were occasions of deep thought, laughter and tears.” Come to one of the training evenings in June to get your free copy – dates and venues are on the back of this newsletter and more information is available via 7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership WEBA is supporting this popular course which aims to affirm and empower women in all kinds of leadership; whether in the church, in business, or the public or voluntary sector. It’s taking place on Saturdays between April and November, and while the first session (Deadly Sin: Limiting Self-Perceptions) was a great success there are spaces available for women who want to come along for Day 2 th on Saturday 8 June. (Deadly Sin: Failure to Draw the Line). We hope that church leaders will identify and invite or sponsor existing and future women in leadership to take part in the course. Visit (what’s happening), email or call 0117 965 8828 to find out more or book your place. The course takes place at Bradley Stoke Evangelical Church and each day costs £45 which includes a wonderful lunch cooked by Lesley Wynne and the team from St. Marks Community Café. th This year’s WEBA AGM will be on Monday 24 June at Hanham Baptist Church, High Street, Bristol BS15 3QY. The AGM is open to all and we hope that each church will send along at lease one representative. After all, you are our stakeholders, who give to Home Mission so that we can make decisions with the gospel of Jesus at their heart. This year, come from 6pm for a barbecue in Hanham’s lovely walled garden (and sneak a look at the rebuilt church entrance!) before the AGM itself, which will begin at 7:30pm. weba diary Tuesday 4th June 2013 7:30pm Saturday 8th June 2013 10am Saturday 8th June 2013 9:30am Thursday 13th June 2013 7:30pm Tuesday 18th June 2013 7:30pm Monday 24th June 2013 6pm Tuesday 25th June 2013 7:30pm Saturday 13th July 9:30am Sunday 15th September 6:30pm Sunday 13th October 6:30 pm Sunday 20th October 6pm Sunday 17th November 6pm ! Send a message to to sign up for WEBA’s fortnightly email update, which includes links to information about all these events and more. Please include your name and the name of your church if applicable. !! Table Talk training evening at Brunswick Baptist Church Lay Ministries Training Day at Amberley Road BC 7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership: Day 2 Table Talk training evening at Fishponds Baptist Church Table Talk training evening at Calne Baptist Church WEBA AGM and Barbecue Table Talk training evening at Nailsea Church Centre 7 Deadly Sins of Women in Leadership: Day 3 Jesus be the Centre: Fishponds Baptist Church Jesus be the Centre: Cirencester Baptist Church Jesus be the Centre: Clevedon Baptist Church Jesus be the Centre: Corsham Baptist Church Jesus be the Centre 4 Network Events for all West of England Baptists WEBA is a network of missionary disciples linked by geography, relationships, and technology. These four gatherings represent our annual opportunity to worship together, share stories, and hear from four specially invited speakers as we focus on the first of our ‘core convictions’ – Jesus at the heart of everything we do. We hope that all our churches will make one of these evenings a priority, encouraging e ver yon e to attend, and cancelling local evening services where appropriate. 15.09.2013 6:30p m Fishponds Baptist Church (Bristol) Ernie Whalley BUGB President 13.10 .2013 20.10.2013 6:30p m 6:00p m Cirencester Baptist Church (tea at 5:30pm) Mark Greene Director of LICC 17.11.2013 6:00p m Clevedon Corsham Baptist Church Baptist Church Rick Lewis David Shosanya Author of Mentoring Matters Regional Minister LBA Find out more at WEST OF ENGLAND BAPTIST ASSOCIATION The Old Forge, Broom Hill, Stapleton, Bristol BS16 1DN Phone: 0117 965 8828 email: Registered Charity No. 1092443. Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England & Wales No. 4326752 A Member of The Baptist Union of Great Britain