Term 1 - Nowra Anglican College


Term 1 - Nowra Anglican College
Nowra Anglican College
Term 1 Week 10 2014
From The Principal
Twelve months ago the College received $200 000 from the Federal Government to improve
Literacy. We were advised by the Association of Independent Schools that this funding was
provided to improve the literacy skills of all students but it was vital that we improved the literacy
skills of those students who were struggling in this area.
Our literacy team evaluated our data and chose to start by focussing on reading comprehension.
Targets were formulated and strategies implemented. Extra staff were employed and team
teaching occurred across the school to improve the reading comprehension of students from
Kindergarten to Year 8.
Last week four members of the literacy team went to Sydney and received a progress report on our strategies. We were
very excited with the results and I would like to share our achievements to date. The first target that was set was that we
would decrease the number of students in Years 1 - 8 who were in the lowest two levels of a diagnostic test called the
PAT test. Our goal was to:
Decrease the number of students in Years 1 – 8 in the lower two stanines of the PAT tests from:
Year 1 – 2 19 students to 10 students by October 2013.
Year 3 – 6
13 students to 8 students by October 2013
Year 7 – 8
15 students to 10 students by October 2013
We exceeded this target and achieved the following:
Year 1 -2
19 students to 2 students
Year 3 – 6
13 students to 6 students
Year 7 – 8
15 students to 7 students
The second target was to decrease the number of students in Years 1 - 8 in the lower three stanines of the PAT tests
from 28% to 16% by October 2013. This target was also exceeded and went from 28% to 12.4%. Another outstanding
The funding is continuing for the remainder of 2014 and our challenge is to further improve our students’ abilities in
reading comprehension. Our Year 7 students are participating in a Super Class as part of the project. This term students
are involved in producing a magazine. These magazines will be published and distributed throughout the Junior School.
One of the greatest things that we can do as teachers is to improve our students’ literacy skills and I am very proud of our
achievements. The flow on effect of students being able to engage in their learning because they can read successfully,
is improved self esteem and confidence.
These results are due to the hard work of all teachers in the College and all students in Kindergarten to Year 8 have
benefited from the strategies implemented.
Lorrae Sampson
Executive Principal
Term 1 Week 10
Chaplain’s Chat
This year I did something I haven’t previously done at Easter time – a talk about Christmas! You see, we can’t make
sense of Easter without understanding Christmas. On that first Christmas we see Jesus come into the world and at
Easter he fulfils his purpose as he dies and rises to life again.
This reminds me of a scene from the movie Talladega Nights. At the dinner table there is an argument about whether it
is best to pray to the little baby Jesus or the grown up version. What is your preference – the baby or the man?
The baby Jesus shows us the coming of God’s Messiah. Luke records the reaction of the shepherds who heard this
“Do not be afraid, I bring good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has
been born to you; he is Christ the Lord”.
(Luke 2:10-11)
This is great news, joyous news. God has come to the earth as a person, Jesus Christ, to bring us to peace with him. To
provide us with the real joy that we long for. All our achievements and possessions and experiences don’t seem to bring
us deep and lasting joy. Unfortunately, anxiety, depression and suicide continue to be a huge problem in our society. We
long for a deep, eternal joy.
Fast forward 33 years to the first Easter where God’s plan of the ages comes to fruition. Jesus lived a life of joy. He found
his ultimate happiness in his relationship with his Father and not with any of the riches and powers of the world offered to
him. He trusted God even when it seemed impossible to do so. He willingly took upon himself our sin on that executioners
cross. Because of this we don’t need to experience God’s wrath and judgement. If we put our faith in what God has done
for us we can know the unsurpassable, eternal joy that is peace with God:
“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ”.
(Romans 5:1)
I invite you to reflect on the joy which both the baby Jesus and the man Jesus bring. It is great news, joyful news. Is this
news a part of your story?
With best wishes to you and your family this Easter,
Jim Dayhew
College Chaplain
You are invited!
You are most welcome to attend our
NAC Easter Chapel Services on Friday 11 April
with Senior School at 9:30am
and Junior School at 12:30pm.
You might also like to visit
local church on Easter Friday and Sunday.
Please check our College website for further details.
Term 1 Week 10
From The Head of Junior School
As I walk around the school and look in classrooms, I’m very impressed with all the work that the
children have done within the space of just one term.
The classroom walls map the children’s learning journey, making their learning visible to
themselves and others. It documents the children’s work and helps them reflect on their learning.
The photos included are just a sample of great work that is happening from Kindergarten through
to Year 6.
Our Parent/Teacher interviews will be held on Wednesday 9 April and we strongly encourage all parents and carers to
take the opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss your children’s progress at school. These interviews come at a
good time in the year and allow valuable feedback to occur well before the reports are written at the end of Term 2.
The last week of this term will culminate in a number of exciting activities.
The Great NAC Biscuit Bake Off
Firstly, our Year 4 students will share their amazing journey of inquiry. Then their delicious biscuits will be judged and enjoyed by a very appreciative audience.
NAC Bucket List Dream Vacation Expo
The da Vinci Mathematics group will present their dream holiday from a ‘must see’ bucket list. The owner of Cruiseco in Nowra will be giving feedback to the students according to their extensive brief.
The Resilience Café & Poetry Slam
The Henry Lawson English group, who have been researching a historic resilient figure, will be presenting their findings in the form of a spoken word poem. Gareth Ward, Member for Kiama, is visiting NAC to share his journey of resilience and persistence in his very public life.
I’d like to thank Mrs Connor for organising these exciting events for the children and their parents.
Susan Pearson
Head of Junior School
Term 1 Week 10
From The P & F
Hi Everyone
I would like to take this opportunity to thank some very dedicated parents and P&F members.
Alison Western
Alison organised the Book Club for almost five and a half years. This involved distributing brochures, collecting orders
and then finally making sure that books were delivered safely! This process was often done twice a term. Unfortunately
I don’t have the total raised over this period but I’m sure it was significant, not to mention encouraging a love of reading
which really is a life-long gift.
Gordon Paech and Joe Schreurs
Gordon was responsible for the very successful running of the Bunnings BBQ’s for six years, Joe was heavily involved
during this time also. Each BBQ day raised approximately $1000 and we are offered four dates a year by Bunnings.
Approximately $24000 was contributed to P&F funds over the six years.
It’s important to recognise these “quiet achievers” who take time out of their schedules and put themselves out, to
contribute to the constant improvement of the school, not just for their children but for all. Every contribution, large or
small, to the school community is valued and appreciated and we very much thank you for your efforts.
The College Open Day was a huge success, as the weather was beautiful and there was quite a crowd of interested
parents. Power FM did a wonderful job of interviewing staff and the P&F offered a cake stall to compliment the coffee
cart which raised over $400.
The sausage sizzle was run by P&F volunteers and the gold coin donation went the to NAC Relay for Life team.
Warm regards
Serena Copley
Term 1 Week 10
News From Junior School
Presentation Assembly
The Term 1 Presentation Assembly will be held on Tuesday 8 April at 9.00am. Many awards will be presented including
academic, sport and Light of the Cross. Parents are most welcome to attend.
Easter Chapel
The Junior School Easter Chapel will replace the usual Chapel services in the last week of term. It will be held in the
gymnasium at 12.30pm on Friday 11 April and our Chaplain, Mr Dayhew together with Junior School Chaplain, Mrs
Thompson, will be leading the service. Parents are welcome to attend this very special event in the Christian calendar.
Cross Country Carnival
Our Cross Country Carnival has been rescheduled to Wednesday 30 April, the first day of Term 2. Please highlight this
date in your calendar because the children will need to wear their sports uniforms to school on that day.
Students in Years 4-6 will be attending camp from 21 - 23 May and Year 3 will be having a one day’s camp experience
on 22 May. We ask that all camp notes are returned to class teachers before the end of term so that organisation can
proceed smoothly. Camp is a compulsory component of our curriculum. It’s always a great experience and a highlight
in the children’s year.
Term 1 Junior School Events Calendar
Tuesday 1 April
Parent Morning
Wednesday 2 April
Spelling Bee Finals
Friday 4 April
CIS Soccer
Tuesday 8 April
Presentation Assembly
Wednesday 9 April
da Vinci Bucket List Expo
JS Parent/Teacher Interviews
Thursday 10 April
Henry Lawson Resilience Cafe
Concert by visiting school Brigidine College
Friday 11 April
Junior School Easter Chapel
Term 2 Junior School Events Calendar
28 & 29 April
Staff Professional Development Days
Wednesday 30 April
Day One Term 2 2014
Cross Country Carnival
Thursday 1 May
ANZAC Day Service
CIS Netball
Friday 2 May
SASSA Girls Soccer
Wednesday 7 May
P & F Mother’s Day Stall
Thursday 8 May
SASSA Girls Soccer
13-15 May
NAPLAN (Years 3 & 5)
I’d like to wish everyone a lovely holiday and a safe and Happy Easter.
Susan Pearson
Head of Junior School
Junior School Green Thumb Garden Club
This term saw the beginnings of the Green Thumb Garden Club, coordinated by Mrs Delahenty. Many eager Year 4
gardeners have been participating every Tuesday at lunch time. We have explored safety in the garden, prepared the
soil, researched crops to plant, coordinated with canteen needs and finally planted our first crop of herbs and winter
vegetables. The children are very proud of their efforts and are enjoying watching the garden grow. Thank you to Mr
Schreurs who kindly purchased our garden goods.
Term 1 Week 10
News From Senior School
Award Winners
Congratulations to those who received awards over the last fortnight.
Kelly Su (Yr9)
Bronze Award (Academic)
Georgia Weinert (Yr9)
Bronze Award (Academic)
Bronze Award (Service & Character)
Last week was a very different week to our normal academic program with most students out on camps in various
locations. Year 7 had an excellent time at Waterslea undertaking a number of activities such as archery, raft building,
billy cart racing, and swimming. The torrential rain didn’t seem to dampen their spirits, when I visited on Wednesday
afternoon the place was a hive of activity. Later that afternoon, back at my desk I reached down to investigate an itchy
ankle and discovered an enormous leech that had hitched a ride back to school with me.
Year 8 also had a great time despite the damp conditions and enjoyed the novelty of camping in the middle of the
harbour – on Cockatoo Island.
Year 11 had a different experience focussed around leadership
and teambuilding. Many students overcame a fear of heights as
they took the leap of faith from the high ropes. Even our College
Chaplain, Mr Dayhew didn’t shy away from the challenge!
Unfortunately due to safety concerns our camps for year 9 and 10
had to be postponed. Despite initial disappointment it was great to
see these students making the most of the situation. Many chose to
use the time to catch up on assignments. It wasn’t all work though
as we took the opportunity to watch a few movies, play some
ping pong and go bowling. Although not an easy feat we will try to
reschedule these camps for another time later in the year.
Year 12 Exams
During camp, year 12 have been sitting their mid-course examinations. It has been encouraging to see the hard work
that these students have been putting into their studies and the positive attitude they have brought to their exams.
Upcoming Rugby Tour
On the last day of term while many students thoughts turn
to holidays, our College rugby squad will head off on tour for
Singapore and Malaysia. Over the next 8 days our teams
will compete against strongly matched sides and enjoy some
sightseeing as well. For updates and photos please like us on
Facebook! I will be posting regular updates throughout the tour.
Next week is extremely busy. Here are a number of events that I would encourage you to come along to.
Parent Interviews will take place next Tuesday for senior school and Wednesday for junior school. By now you
should have received your child’s interview code. I would like to encourage as many parents as possible to attend these
interviews. If for some reason you are unable to attend or book with a particular teacher please feel free to ring and
arrange for another mutually convenient time.
Our Term 1 Presentation Assembly will take place next Tuesday at 9:30 in the College Gymnasium at which time
we will celebrate the achievements of our students over the last term.
We finish our term with Easter
Chapel next Friday. I welcome all parents to join us on this occasion as we celebrate
Term 1 Week 10
the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the restored relationship that we can now have with God.
On this note I would like to wish all students and their families a very safe and relaxing holiday period. Please drive
carefully over the Easter period in particular and enjoy a refreshing break.
David Hamaty
Head of School
On Saturday 8th March I had the privilege to attend the award ceremony held for the late Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Kane
Held at the Nowra RSL Sub-Branch Hall, CPO Vandenberg received the Graywood Casualty Medal awarded for
Gratitude and Honour to those service personnel who have been wounded, injured or have paid the ultimate sacrifice in
the service of their country.
CPO Vandenberg died last October during service while training and is the first of his generation to have received this
Joining the Royal Australian Navy at the age of 17, CPO Vandenberg
spent the vast majority of his naval career within the Fleet Air Arm at
HMAS Albatross in Nowra, New South Wales and had served for 28
The Graywood Medal was presented by Mr Bob Morris, President of
the Korean War Recognition Committee to CPO Vandenberg’s wife
Margaret and his three sons Joshua, Hayden and Lachlan.
Tania Markham
Defence Schools Transition Aide
School Immunisation Program
Each year NSW Health offers the vaccines recommended by the National Health and Medical Research Council
(NHMRC) for adolescents as part of the school vaccination program.
In 2014 the following vaccines will be offered:
Year 7 students
• dTpa vaccine (Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis (whooping cough)) as a single dose
• varicella vaccine (chickenpox) as a single dose; and
• human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in a 3-dose schedule at 0, 2 and 6 months for male and female students
(students who commence HPV vaccination in Year 7 but do not complete the course may be offered catch-up doses at
school into Year 8)
Year 9 students
• HPV vaccine in a 3-dose schedule, at 0, 2 and 6 months for male students only (catch-up vaccination).
The Parent Information Kits contain a consent form, information sheet and privacy statement that details how personal
information will be collected, stored and utilised.
Parent Information Kits will be sent home to parents/guardians. To consent to the vaccination of their child, parents/
guardians are advised to:
- read all the information provided
- complete the consent form by ticking the vaccines they would like their child to receive - return to their child’s school
- ensure that their child eats breakfast on the day of the school vaccination clinic.
Parents/guardians who wish to withdraw their consent for any reason may do so by writing to the school Principal or
phoning the school. The Procedure for Withdrawal of Consent is available on the NSW Health website at www.health.
Term 1 Week 10
To improve vaccination completion, students will be opportunistically offered any missed doses throughout the year
where possible.
Please note that for HPV vaccine only, parents/guardians must record their Medicare Number (all 10 digits and the
11th number beside the child’s name) on the consent form, as this is required to record the student’s information on the
National HPV Vaccination Register and link to the National or State Cervical Screening Program.
A Record of Vaccination will be provided to each student vaccinated at the clinic. Parents/guardians should
ensure that this record is kept for future reference and should not assume that their child has been vaccinated
if they do not receive this Record of Vaccination. It is important that students receive all 3 doses of the HPV
vaccine to complete the course
The confirmed clinic date for this first round of immunisation will be on Friday 2nd May 2014.
If you have any further questions, please contact the School Immunisation Program Coordinator at the Public Health
Unit, Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5pm Phone: 1300 066 055.
Tania Markham
Vaccination coordinator
Junior School Sport
CIS Swimming
On Wednesday 26th March, Alyssa Dilley, Claudia De Rooy, Ella Hughes, Lily Morris, Troy Sweet, Cade Missingham,
Sarah-Joy Day and Thomas Fraser went up to compete in the NSW CIS (Combined Independent Schools) Swimming
Championships. This was held at the Aquatic Centre in Sydney Olympic Park. As well as representing our school
we were also representing Southern Anglican Schools Sports Association (SASSA). All of the events that our school
competed in were swum with passion and we all did exceptionally well!
Alyssa Dilley
Sarah-Joy Day
Claudia De Rooy
Thomas Fraser Ella Hughes
Cade Missingham Troy Sweet
50m Breaststroke – 14th
50m Backstroke – 6th
50m Butterfly – 22nd
50m Freestyle – 13th
50m Freestyle – 24th
50m Breaststroke – 23rd
50m Backstroke – 20th
50m Freestyle – 21st
50m Freestyle – 21st
50m Backstroke – 21st
50m butterfly – 18th
50m Freestyle – 24th
50m Breaststroke – 13th
50m Backstroke – 14th
50m Butterfly – 16th
Our senior girls relay consisting of Alyssa Dilley, Lily Morris, Claudia De Rooy and Ella Hughes swam the 6th fastest
time on the day improving on their SASSA time by 8 seconds. Overall everybody had an awesome day. Thank you to Mr
Edwards who looked after us on the day and supported/coached us!
Lily Morris, Yr 6
Term 1 Week 10
SASSA Netball
On Friday 21st of March a group of Year 5 and 6 girls went away to the SASSA Netball Gala Day and selection trials in
South Nowra.
Our first game was against Shellharbour Anglican College and they were a very good team, as they beat us 16 nil.
The next game we played was against Shoalhaven Anglican School and we won that game. Everyone in our team was
very excited to play this next game as we were playing the other NAC team. We beat them, but it was a great game and
we all enjoyed it thoroughly.
Our last game was against Shellharbour Anglican College again, and as we played them before we knew what their
game tactics were. They beat us again about 18 nil.
Despite the heat, we all had an awesome day and enjoyed it very much. Thankyou very much to Mrs Stewart who took
us and coached us!!
Lily Morris, Yr 6
SASSA Soccer
The SASSA soccer gala day and selection trials were held at South Nowra on Friday the 21st of March. There were
teams representing Shellharbour Anglican, Shoalhaven Anglican, St Peters Broulee and Nowra Anglican.
Unfortunately the day started poorly as the bus was late in picking us up from school. This meant that we arrived after
our first game had started. This meant that we were already down 1-0 against a traditionally strong Shellharbour team.
We ended up going down 2-1 in the first game.
The second game was against Shoalhaven. We played exceptionally well and were able to score freely. The final score
was 9-0.
We had to win the next game against St Peters to be in the finals. It was a very tight game and at half time we were down
2-0. We came out firing in the second half, however were only able to pull one goal back. The final score was 2-1 to St
Peters who were the eventual winners on the day.
We had six of our players selected for the SASSA soccer team to play in the CIS carnival later in the term. Congratulations
to Toby Huard, Troy Sweet, Jack Sweet, Harry Evans, Tully Dennis and Isaac Ball.
Term 1 Week 10
Senior School Sport
Shoalhaven Junior Baseballer of the Year
At the Shoalhaven Junior Baseball presentation night on 21st March Year 8 Student
Andrew Pearson was named Shoalhaven Junior Baseball Player of the Year.
During the 13/14 season Andrew represented the Illawarra U14 Baseball team in the
NSW Country Championships, and played the summer season for both Kiama U14’s
as their catcher and as an integral player for the Shoalhaven Mariners Little League
team, who finished 3rd in their first Illawarra Junior Baseball League season.
In July Andrew will be joining the Razorbacks Junior Baseball team on their tour to
the East Coast of the USA.
SASSA Touch Football
Great day at Milton for the SASSA touch day. All our teams played well and represented the school with great
Our Un15 Girls, Un15 Boys and Opens Girls all narrowly missed playing in the finals
by 1 point, all teams coming in third. There were many new players in the teams that
had not played touch before or represented the school but did not stop them from
competing at a high level and with great enthusiasm. Well done to all those students.
Our Opens boys carved up the opposition, winning all but one game. They came up
against SPAC in the final after being beaten 4 to 1 earlier in the day. The NAC team
came out and were determined not to loose this one. They scored
an early try and while both teams had their chances, great defence
from both team held the score to a 1 to 0 win and were crowned
SASSA champions.
Unfortunately, many students were nominated for the AICES trial
but as the date was moved to the next Wednesday, NAC (and
SAS) are out on camps week and we were unable to put any
students forward for representation.
A very big Thank You must go out to both Sue Turner and Richard
Luland for their help throughout the day. Sue did all the paper
work, recording and announcing on her own and kept us on time
and Richard was an inspiration to both boys teams, giving great
advice, insights into the game and encouragement. I could not
have done it without them, thank you again.
CSSA Secondary State Hockey Gala Day 2014
On the 25th February 8 senior school students travelled to The Macurthur Hockey Complex in Narellan to compete in the
CSSA Secondary State Mixed Hockey Gala Day. In our first game NAC defeated Sutherland Shire Christian School 8-1.
Our second game we came against a much stronger
team, Illawarra Christian School, we played hard
and defended very well only conceding one goal
and scoring 6. Our third game we played Inaburra
who were not quite as strong we defeated them
8-1. In our last pool game we played Pacific Hills
and won 5-0. This meant we were undefeated in
our pool games going straight into the semi-finals
against Sutherland Shire. Even though it was hot
Term 1 Week 10
and we had played a lot of hockey, we managed to seal a good victory in our
semis and made it into the Final against illawarra Christian School.
The Final was a close game, Illawarra seemed to have stepped up from their
last game with us and scored a few goals early on, the score was 3-2 our way
at half time. We fought hard and managed to stay undefeated for the whole
tournament, winning the Final 5-3.
Our 3 girls. Sophie, Sienna and Chloe played their hearts out and were all very
involved in the play. They played a total of 6 games with no subs, quite an
achievement! (we needed to play with 3 girls on the field). Nathan, Ben, Sam
and Danny all played exceptional well, showing some great individual skill and
worked well as a team. All our players encouraged each other throughout the
day and really played as a team, Callum MacKay showed great maturity and set
up plays, let others take shots for goal and chose not to dominate. It was great
to have Callum’s brother Alex, an alumni of the College come along and coach
the team, having him on the day was a great asset. We all had a lot fun. I’m
very proud of all our students, it was a real pleasure to take them away, they all
played exceptionally well and were fine ambassadors for our College.
David Ball
CSSA State Mixed Hockey Champions - Junior Division
Chloe Boyce-Mortlock
Nathan Kenny
Sophie Jones
Callum Mackay
Sienna Turner
Daniel Ball
Benjamin MacDonald Sam Morris
NAC for Life – Shoalhaven Relay for Life Saturday 29th March
Well the rain may have moved the Relay from the
Showground to the Entertainment Centre, but it did
nothing to dampen the spirits of all those who turned
out to Relay on Saturday. The rain held off all day and
our team, NAC for Life ended up with 23 members! 18
of those were students! What an amazing effort. It was
wonderful to see so many children participating in and
supporting such a wonderful community event.
Our team has raised over $2,600 with the promise of a
few more dollars to come. We may even hit $3000! So
our sore and tired legs were well worth it.
Thank you again and we’ll see you all on the track in
Fiona Schreurs
NAC for Life Team Captain
Uniform Shop Hours
Opening Times (Term 1 2014)
Contact NAC
8am to 4pm
8am to 4pm
8am to 4pm
Phone: (02) 4421 7711
Email: enrol@nac.nsw.edu.au
PO Box 2382 Bomaderry NSW 2541
Term 1 Week 10
Coming Up
Tue 8 Apr
Whole School Term 1 Presentation Assembly
SS Yr 7 - 12 Parent/Teacher Interviews
SS CSSA South Coast Basketball
Wed 9 Apr
JS Parent/Teacher Interviews
da Vinci Bucket List Expo
Clelland Lodge Garden Party Performance
SS Defence Recruitment Presentation
Thu 10 Apr
Concert by visiting school Brigidine College
Henry Lawson Resilience Cafe
SS Cross Country
P & F Second Hand Clothing Sale 2:45pm - 4:30pm
Fri 11 Apr
Easter Chapel
Last Day of Term 1
Wed 30 Apr
First Day of Term 2
JS Cross Country Carnival
Thu 1 May
ANZAC Day Service
Nowra Anglican College
Uniform Shop
JS CIS Netball
SS Yr 12 Advanced English Excursion
Fri 2 May
JS SASSA Girls Soccer
Vaccinations Yr 7 & 9
Tue 6 May
SS Parent Forum
Wed 7 May
P & F Mother’s Day Stall
Thu 8 May
JS SASSA Girls Soccer
Tue 13 May
Wed 14 May
Thu 15 May
Fri 16 May
Yr 10 & 11 Mid Year Exams Begin
Tue 20 May
SS Parent Forum
Wed 21 May
JS Yr 4, 5 & 6 Camps Begin
Thu 22 May
JS Yr 3 Camp Experience
9am - 4pm
9am - 4pm
9am - 4pm
8am - 4pm
1st 2nd
8am - 4pm
8am - 4pm
Friday Community News
Shoalhaven Football
is running School Holiday Clinics in April
Venues Shoalhaven Heads 14th & 15th 9 am – 12 noon Cost $70
Sth Nowra
23rd & 24th 9 am – 12 noon Cost $70
To register mjonno1@bigpond.com.au 0488034500
Mark Johnston, Director of Coaching
Term 1 Week 10
Term 1 Week 10

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