golfing fixture 2012
golfing fixture 2012
The Golfer • 1 The Golfer 3 Management Committee 4 Editor’s Message 5 Captain’s Message 6Membership 7PaybillsMalaysia 8 FIRST QUARTER ISSUE 2012 11 Golfing & Non Golfing Fixture 2012 10Happenings CONTENTS 2 • The Golfer • Captain’s Trophy • Children Christmas Party • KGS New Year Eve Dinner and Dance • Chap Goh Mei Special 12 15 Ladies Golf 16 Golf Tips 17 Health & Fitness 18 The Library 19 Golf Jokes 16 13 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESIDENT YAB Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud SBS, DP, PSM, SPMJ, SSDK, DGSM, SSAP, SSSA, SPMT, SPDK, DPPN, Kt. WE (Thailand), KEPN (Indonesia), SPMB (Brunei), KOU (Korea), AO (Australia), PCD DEPUTY PRESIDENT YB Datuk Amar Haji Mohamad Morshidi Abdul Ghani VICE PRESIDENT / MEMBERSHIP & ESTABLISHMENT / SECURITY & SAFETY CHAIRMAN Haji Abdul Jalil Bin Abdul Rahman Gani Bin Matahir @ [ DEPUTY CAPTAIN / Abdul Ghanie Tahir HANDICAP CHAIRMAN ] [ HOUSE & DEVELOPMENT CHAIRMAN ] Lau Chai Seng [ TOURNAMENT CHAIRMAN ] Simon Woon Ta Meng [ COURSE & GROUNDS CHAIRMAN ] Bong Tee Yen [ SWIMMING & RULES CHAIRMAN ] Bajuri Jaujie [ LIBRARY & E-CLUB CHAIRMAN ] Pauline Gan Guet Beng [ BAR & ENTERTAINMENT CHAIRMAN ] Augustine Chin Lee Hin [ CADDY & COURSE TRAFFIC CHAIRMAN ] Prof. Dr. Mohd Syafiq Abdullah SECRETARY Shahary Bin Haji Alias TREASURER / FINANCE CHAIRMAN Peter Chin Mui Khiong CLUB CAPTAIN / DISCIPLINARY CHAIRMAN Patrick Chieng Ping Ung Hj Mohamad Sabry Othman [ CATERING CHAIRMAN ] CLUB MANAGEMENT General Manager Bernard Lee Meng Hock Email : Activities Manager Yakop Jalel Email : Course Superintendent Chiu Nyian Shin Email : Finance & Administration Manager Wang Kheng Boi Email : Assistant Manager (Activities) Shirleyna Kim Dupo Email : Acting Security Chief Abdul Rahim Abdullah Senior Administration Executive Rosnah Said Senior Accounts Executive Audrey Edwin Operations & Maintenance Executive Stanley Soo The Golfer • 3 Editor’s Editor’s Message T he Fiery Dragon is roaring for the entire season of the lunar New Year (2012). At this stage spring is in full bloom with the rebirth of a new life, a life of abundance and opportunities for KGS to scale uncharted territories in search of possibilities for greater productivity and profitability in the coming year. After all, this is the year of the Dragon – a year endowed with aspirations for us to hold on to the principles of integrity, transparency, good governance and best practice in every sphere of club life. Let us, therefore, keep faith with confidence to face the future without fear. Let us resolve once and for all to make KGS retain its status as the best golf club in this part of our beloved country. That pledge will certainly involve a great deal of effort and hard work. It demands commitment and sacrifice from every quarter. The club is where it is today because of the recognised excellence in its golfing facilities, its golf courses and the services the club renders to its golfing fraternity and visitors from far and near. It is therefore incumbent upon us to make absolutely sure that our golf courses are in tip top condition. After all, golf is the club’s main business. Besides profits it brings fame and recognition to KGS. Speaking of golf courses, the course superintendent, his landscaping and maintenance crew must rectify obvious shortcomings. It is absolutely essential for them to carry out regular repair works especially when the fairways are soggy and unplayable due to frequent heavy downpours. Make sure every blade of grass on the fairways and greens is in good health. Decorative and flowering plants around the golf courses are constantly fertilised, pruned and turned into landscaping attractions. There are trees and shrubs lining the fairways out there that have more dead branches than leaves. That is not a good sign. Given proper care and attention they should be luxuriant and evergreen. There is an urgent need, right now, to replace the dying casuarinas and other species that are in poor health. On this we should seek professional advice from botanists and tree planting experts. Perhaps it’s time, also, to think of course renovation/upgrading involving professional inputs. A report on this matter should be prepared and presented to the management committee for deliberation. For the time being, anyway, the course superintendent and the maintenance crew must do everything they can rain, wind or shine, to prevent our golf courses from being relegated to the status of the proverbial “padang kerbau” particularly during the landas season. On golf course maintenance and preservation, there is no doubt that those assigned the task do really work very hard to keep our courses in good shape. But they must do more to provide a cleaner and more pleasant golfing environment. In an era that rewards the virtue of competitive spirit in every field of endeavour there should be a conscious effort 4 • The Golfer on everyone’s part to create a winning mentality. May be, just may be KGS stands a chance to be voted the best golf club again for the second time. This is not wishful thinking or a narrative of idle editorial fantasy, not at all. It’s putting into words the power of positive thinking. When we talk about the venerable management committee we think of it as an all-male entity. But to put the record straight, some sixteen years ago (1992-1996) Ms Christina Foo became KGS first female member to have been elected to serve on the committee. After a 16-year hiatus a lady member, a new face, emerged on the scene and was elected to serve on the management committee. She is Ms Pauline Gan. Well done Ms Gan, and I hope more members of your gender joining forces in the future to strengthen this illustrious decision making body. There were two more new faces: namely, Tuan Haji Mohamad Sabry Othman and Mr Augustine Chin. The rest were old faces returned unopposed during the election at the last AGM. They must have left traces of honourable service and outstanding contribution to the club during their tenure of office in the previous two years to make voting members support for the continuation of their presence on the committee. To all the committee members who were returned unopposed as well as the rookies I offer them my heartfelt congratulations! Club members, I am sure, are grateful to those fellow members who voluntarily sacrifice their time and effort to be on the esteemed management committee. The job entails an array of thankless assignments and responsibilities. Those elected are expected to be a committed and dedicated bunch of selfless volunteers putting service before self. But strangely, only a blunder or a mediocre performance is trumpeted with loud criticism for the whole world to hear while good deeds are seldom acknowledged or highlighted. I am afraid that’s the way it is with life in general. The club’s F&B is a vital part of its setup, and we all know why. Therefore, the F&B chairman is expected to do a proper job when such an assignment is entrusted to him/her. Tuan Haji Mohamad Sabry Othman, the newly appointed F&B (catering) chairman, we believe, would do more than what is expected of him. There may be problems in F&B but not a head-scratching matter to him. Overseeing and monitoring ongoing activities in the club kitchens, all the KGS food outlets and club bars to him are merely routine chores. The quality of food we serve, however, should never be compromised whether it is a bowl of laksa served at the Golfers’ Terrace or a culinary display of club cuisine served at the banquet hall. There should never be a slack or deterioration in food hygiene and food quality, or the club risks its good reputation being tarnished. Food poisoning readily comes to mind. Thank goodness it has not happened here. The source of such malady is often the kitchen. When that happens, we can make an educated guess that it all boils down to contaminated and inferior food being supplied and cooked in a sub-standard kitchen. The MESSAGE consequences are often disastrous. Bearing that in mind, the burden falls on the shoulders of the F&B chairman to see to it that a system of quality control is in place to ensure that the club only serves food fit for human consumption, which it does all these years. The rules and regulations issued by the ministry of health must be strictly observed by food handlers: chefs, waiters and kitchen workers. They must strictly practise impeccable personal hygiene when carrying out their daily duty in the kitchen and when serving food to customers. HALAL food is often a sensitive and controversial issue. The new F&B chairman, being the GM of State Mosque Welfare Trust Board, is well versed on this subject. He is well qualified to take up this unenviable responsibility and would do his best to oversee and monitor the activities of food suppliers, caterers and kitchen staff to ascertain, without the shadow of a doubt, that KGS restaurant, cafes and all food outlets produce and serve HALAL food in accordance with the Jabatan Agama Islam Sarawak (JAIS) edict. Muslim consumers should have no misgiving that KGS is the place to be for the best HALAL food in town. Club members and the general public would take it for granted that an efficient F&B department is capable of achieving its objectives if, and it is a BIG if, the whole F&B team is doing its very best, stretching itself to the limits to reach for greater heights of gastronomic and beverage excellence. Datu Dr. Haji Yusoff Hanifah Editor-in-Chief Editorial Committee Chairman: • YBhg Datu Dr Hj. Yusoff Hanifah Committee Members: • Patrick Chieng • Bernard Lee • Wang Kheng Boi • Yakop Jalel • Shirleyna Kim Dupo KELAB GOLF SARAWAK Petra Jaya, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: 082-440966, 444791, 443398, 443412 Fax: 082-441733, 311935 E-mail: Website: The views expressed by the editor are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Management Committee’s. Copyrights ©2012. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher. Captain’s Message Captain’s MESSAGE First and foremost, I would like to express my apology on behalf of our captain, Mr. Patrick Chieng, who at the moment is not able to contribute to this column due to his ill health. On behalf of the management committee and members of Kelab Golf Sarawak, I wish him speedy recovery. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to the management committee for showing confidence in me deputising the captaincy of the club in Patrick’s absence. Captain’s Committee Chairpersons Club Captain Patrick Chieng Ping Ung Deputy Captain & Handicap Chairman Haji Abdul Jalil b. Abdul Rahman Course & Grounds Simon Woon Ta Meng Tournament Lau Chai Seng Rules Bong Tee Yen Caddy & Course Traffic Augustine Chin Lee Hin Junior Golf Development Ken Lau Kia Tong Racket Games Irwan Zulkarnain Swimming Bong Tee Yen Gym & Games Room Alvin Yong Sze Lung Lady Captain Celine Foo Following the club election held in the last December 2011 AGM, a new captain’s committee has been formed for term 2012-2013 as per column on the left. I urge the new committee members to be more dedicated and vigilant in their roles in pursuit of excellence and to elevate the image and reputation of the club. As this is the first publication for the year, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all readers a belated “Happy New Year 2012”. Once again, the club has registered a substantial number of golf tournaments in our golfing calendar having the Chap Goh Mei Special held in February and the recently hosted SUK Se-Malaysia ke-4 Golf. The much anticipated members’ favourite tournament, the Team Matchplay 2012 is on the roll. Again this year, we have 16 teams registered all ready and prepared to vie for the coveted YBhg Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr. Wong Soon Kai Challenge Trophy. I wish the participating teams all the best and may the best team win. The club will be celebrating its silver jubilee anniversary this year and plans are underway to organise various activities for our members among which are golf, racket games, swimming, food stalls and exhibitions. Notices will be put up soon and all are welcome to join in and witness the celebration. Lately, we saw a lot of dredging, digging and earth filling activities occurring on our golf courses. These are the remedial measures undertaken by the club to address the drainage and weed problems that have been bothering the members as well as our maintenance crew. These situations will continue for quite a while until all the major problematic areas are rectified. I therefore appeal to all golfers to bear with the circumstances. Rest assured that we will have a better course condition to play come wet season. Happy Golfing! Hj. Abdul Jalil b. Abdul Rahman Deputy Captain The Golfer • 5 Membership Introduction Night • KGS The first Introduction night was held on Friday, 10th February 2012 at the club’s Chinese restaurant. Twenty-five new members were introduced to the KGS management committee on the night and were issued the membership certificates by the Vice-President, Prof. Dr Mohd Syafiq Abdullah towards the end of the function. 6 • The Golfer Upcoming Events The Golfer • 7 Upcoming Events GOLFING & NON GOLFING KGS EVENT SGA SANCTIONED EVENT SPONSORED EVENT PRIVATE EVENT NON GOLFING JANUARY 2012 SUN 29Jan SAT SUN SAT SUN 5th Borneo LNG Golf FEBRUARY 2012 SAT SUN SAT 11 Feb 12 Feb 18Feb OSK Invitational Golf Chap Goh Mei Special Maybank Corporate Golf Chinese New Year Open House SUN M ARCH 2012 SUN SAT SUN SAT SUN SAT SUN SAT 04 10 11 17 18 24 25 31 Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar SUK Golf KGS Matchplay KGS Matchplay KGS Matchplay KGS Matchplay KGS Matchplay KGS Matchplay BPSB/SS Friendly Golf April 2012 SAT 07April KGS Matchplay SUN 08April KGS Matchplay Easter Day Celebration SAT 14 April Ayer Keroh Golf & Country Clubs Vs KGS KGS Matchplay SUN 15 April KGS Matchplay SAT 21 April Racket Carnival/Swimming Fun SAT 28 April Poolside Members Night MON 30 April Advocate Association Sarawak M AY 2012 TUE SAT SUN SAT SAT SUN 01May 12May 13May 19May 26May 27May SCGA GOLF (Matang/Santubong 7.45 am shotgun) Sarawak Closed (KGS) Sarawak Closed (KGS) Mother’s Day Celebration Heritage Golf (KGS) 5th Pan Borneo Golf Championship 5th Pan Borneo Golf Championship SAT SUN SAT SUN SAT THU FRI SAT SUN SAT SUN SAT SAT SUN WE SAT SUN TUE WE THU MO TUE WE JUNE 2012 MON 11Jun WAITGC TUE 12Jun WAITGC SAT 16Jun Gawai Dayak Golf SAT 23Jun 8 • The Golfer Gawai Open House Members Night With A Theme ‘Kampung Night’ SAT SAT NG FIXTURE 2012 NON NONGOLFING GOLFING JULY 2012 SAT SUN SAT SUN 07 Jul 08 Jul 14Jul 15Jul BMW Golf Cup International 2012 Bomba Malaysia Golf (Siol/Demak) Sarawak Classic (KGS) Sarawak Classic (KGS) August 2012 SUN 26Aug Transview Golf SEptember 2012 SAT SUN SAT SUN SAT 01Sep 02Sep 08Sep 09 Sep 29Sep Captains’ Alumni Golf Hari Raya Golf Hari Raya Open House KGS vs KGNS (KGS) KGS vs KGNS (KGS) Pusaka Golf october 2012 THUR 04Oct PGM Sarawak Classic FRI 05Oct PGM Sarawak Classic SAT 06Oct PGM Sarawak Classic SUN 07Oct PGM Sarawak Classic SAT 13Oct Sarawak Masters (KGS) SUN 14Oct Sarawak Masters (KGS) SAT 20Oct Sarawak Inter-Community Golf SAT 27Oct Sarawak Senior Closed (KGS) SUN 28Oct Sarawak Senior Closed (KGS) WED 31Oct October Fest With A Theme ‘Cowboy Night’ Halloween Night November 2012 SAT SUN TUE WED THU MON TUE WED 03Nov 04Nov 20Nov 21Nov 22Nov 26 Nov 27Nov 28Nov Club Championship Club Championship Sarawak Chief Minister Cup (KGS) Sarawak Chief Minister Cup (KGS) Sarawak Chief Minister Cup (KGS) SGA Cup (KGS) SGA Cup (KGS) SGA Cup (KGS) december 2012 SAT SAT 08 Dec KGS Captain’s Trophy 22 Dec Christmas Children Party • The above dates are subject to change. The Golfer • 9 Happening CAPTAIN’S TROPHY The KGS Captain’s Trophy was held on Saturday, 3rd December 2011. Over two hundred golfers including the ladies category and the invited guests took part in the event. The overall champion was won by John Then Yu Bin with a gross score of 73. The prizes were presented by our club captain Mr Patrick Chieng during the prize giving lunch held immediately after completion of the competition. The full results of the tournament are as follows; Men Group A Gross 1st John Then Yu Bin 2nd Kho Hua Sin 3rd Hoan Kee Hock 4th Muas Sebli 5th Mohd Yusri Jusmail Nett 1st Abdul Aziz Ismail 2nd Kong Chun Man 3rd Kim Gi Duk - - - - - - 70 - 71 - 72 Nett 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Men Group B Sim Teck Seng Loong Seh Kiong Peter Lee Kok Chiang Abd Rahim Bin Abdullah Jeong Yong Hun 71 72 72 73 73 - - - - 61 68 68 69 - 76 - 87 Invited Guests Category Nett 1st Lai Cho Sim 2nd Nafri Mohamad 3rd Hj Abd. Jalil B. Hj Abd Rahman 4th Bajuri Jaujie 5th Bong Tee Yen 6th Chin Hau Shin Gross 1st Waili Abang 2nd Patrick Chieng 3rd Sukiman Hj Aini 10 • The Golfer - - - - - Ladies Category Nett 1st Boon Kim Theen 2nd Wong Yien Hua 3rd Laura Goh Hui Ee 4th Susan Toh Siok Tin Gross 1st Getrude Lee 2nd Beatrice Miren Dayus 73 75 76 78 79 - - - - - - 69 70 70 71 71 73 - 80 - 81 - 81 Happening The Golfer • 11 Happening Children Christmas Party The Children Christmas Party was held on Saturday, 17th December 2011. More than 50 children attended the party, including the less fortunate children from the Green Ribbon, Sarawak Cheshire Home, Pibakat and the Salvation Army. Amongst the activities organised on the day were the Christmas carolling choir by church members, musical chair and not forgetting the special appearance of Santa Claus who brought some excitement and thrill to the children. He also gave away gifts and ang pows. At the end of the function, entertainment committee member, Mr Irwan Zulkarnian, handed the donation cheque to five charitable organisations, namely: Green Ribbon, Sarawak Cheshire Home, Pibakat, Sarawak Children’s Cancer Society and Salvation Army. 12 • The Golfer Happening The KGS New Year Eve Dinner and Dance was held on Saturday, 31st December 2011 by the KGS entertainment committee with “Shanghai Nite” as the theme. Nearly three hundred members and guests who were present to celebrate the 2012 countdown were also given door gifts. The party started off with a “Food Presentation” from the staff of Thank Food Restaurant. The highlights of the events were the Ballroom Dancing presentation, live band performance, Diva Show Girls, games and best dressed awards. Ms. Pauline Gan, a KGS management committee member won herself the Best Dressed Award for ladies category. The men category winner went to our club member, YBhg. Datu Dr Hsiung Kwo Yeun. As the clock struck 12.00 midnight, everyone gathered on the dance floor to witness the new chapter of year 2012. A lot of lucky draws were given away to the lucky ones. The two grand lucky draw prizes were one unit Sony Bravia 40” BX42 LCD TV and one unit of LG 32” HD LCD TV. The function ended at 1.00a.m. The Golfer • 13 Happening Chap Goh Mei Special being the opening golf event for the year was held on Sunday 12th February 2012. Over two hundred golfers took part in this ever popular event. Members and their guests were invited to the open house which was held at 1.00 pm on the same day. The audience was entertained by the lion dance performance. Vice president Prof. Dr. Mohd Syafiq bin Abdullah, Encik Shahary Alias, club secretary and Mr Lau Chai Seng the tournament chairman were among the KGS management committee members who attended the function. The results are as follows: SCOREBOARD Group A Group B Gross 1st Mohd Lokman - 76 ocb 2nd Mohd Yusri Jusmail - 76 3rd Abdul Rahim Abd Rahim - 77 Gross 1st Laura Goh Hui Ee 2nd Chan Chang Tung 3rd Hj Mohammad Sani - 89 ocb - 89 - 90 Nett 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Nett 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th - - - - - - Immanuel David Kim Gi Duk Sukiman Hj Aini Abang Ibrahim Salleh Park Kisuk William Manggoi 14 • The Golfer - - - - - - 69 ocb 69 ocb 69 70 ocb 70 71 ocb Augustine Chuo Mohli Amri Lee Dae Gun Yokota Osamu Sahdi B. Sema’on @Saadi Zafirah Osman 66 69 ocb 69 71 ocb 71 ocb 71 Ladies Golf KGS lf o G s e i Lad Congratulations! to Cho Hyun Suk, winner of Queen Bee Trophy 2011 with a total of 30 points accumulated throughout year 2011. KGS lady golfers kick off 2012 with busy bees in January cum Ang Pow Golf. 14th Borneo Ladies Golf Challenge Trophy 2012 (hosted by KGM). 20 ladies left for Miri on 12th March 2012 to represent KGS for Team Sarawak. This was a 2 days’ event and prize giving gala dinner was held on 14th March 2012. January 2012 winner : Lim Wui Ling February 2012 winner : Haseria Hashim Ladies event calendar for year 2012 is available on the notice board at the Ladies Changing Room. Please take note and register with the organising chairperson accordingly. On 7th January 2012 some 36 ladies got together to play Siok’s memorial golf in remembrance of our dearly departed Ms Teo Whye Siew. Happy Golfing! Ladies also participated in the By Invitation Golf (Mixed Greensome) and SCGA AGM Ballsweep in February 2012. CELINE FOO LADY CAPTAIN The Golfer • 15 Golf Tips PUTTING The key to great putting is making sure your shoulders, arms and putter all move together as one unit, whilst keeping the lower body absolutely still, rather than independently using hands and wrists only, and the lower body moving from its original setup position (photo 1). 16 • The Golfer Try this drill. It will feel uncomfortable at first, and will alter the normal position of the arms, but will do great things for your putting. Place a shaft under the armpits. Assume correct posture, tilting from the pelvis and now rock the shaft and shoulders together. Right shoulder up (photo 2) left shoulder up (photo 3), whilst keeping the hands, wrists, and lower body very quiet. Practice on short putts to start with. You will very quickly start to feel everything moving together, and the shoulders being the engine of the stroke. Tips From Andrew Ratcliffe Lessons Tuesday – Sunday 7.30 am – 6.30 pm (by appointment) Contact No: 019-484 9357 P.G.A Professional, Kelab Golf Sarawak GOLFERS IN THE KNOW, TAKE LESSONS WITH A P.G.A PRO! Health & Fitness GYM NEWS By Clarence Soh (Gym Instructor) O nce again after the long school holidays and the festive season, I am sure we must be loading in a lot of good food and gain an extra inch on our waistline. As an instructor, it is my duty and responsibility to sound the alarm by calling out to all the club members if you are really concerned about your health. Please pack up your gym gear and come to the gym with no excuses to start burning off the excess fat. It is a good idea for us to try doing push up, weight lifting of some form or repeatedly use your muscle to counter some kind of resistance. These are called resistance exercise which we believe could strengthen our muscle by increasing bone density and it can help to prevent osteoporosis. You can do all this at home but realistically, how many of us have that determination to train consistently at home? So the best alternative is to enrol in a gym and start your exercise. By training consistently it will help you achieve or maintain a healthy weight by burning the extra calories. If you exercise, your body automatically needs more fuel to burn even after you stop exercising and that’s how you lose weight. However, it is important to remember that it is body fat loss not muscle loss that’s important for your health. If you just diet and did not exercise the weight loss could be just a loss of muscle tissue and body fluid only. Strength training should be included in your training schedule with a routine of two or three times a week. For older people, strength training is particularly more important for bone density as well as maintaining muscle mass. Interesting findings have it that if combining both aerobic exercise and strength training, it has successful result in treating depression and it is as effective as taking medication like antidepressant in older folks. Why I repeatedly stress on exercising for the older folks is that I want to encourage them to add the strength training to their programme and that this form of exercise is helpful in maintaining their good health and well-being. Many people have problem with sleep but if you do some moderate exercise three hours before bedtime, it will help you unwind and relax and sleep better at night too. Regular exercise can activate production of recovery hormones during sleep. Not only that, it will increase our body metabolic rate and promotes fat burning too. So starting from today, make sure you get a good eight hours sleep every night after exercising. The Golfer • 17 The Library Title: Animal Legends Author: Carol Watson Title: The Sixth Man Author: David Baldacci Title: Chicken Some tails are long. These tales are tall, but they reveal secrets of the animal kingdom. Did you know that cats were once best friends with rats? And do you know why monkeys now live in trees? Well, once upon a time… Edgar Roy – an alleged serial killer – is awaiting trial. He faces almost certain conviction. Sean King and Michelle Maxwell are called in by Roy’s attorney, Sean’s old friend and mentor Ted Bergin, to help work the case. But their investigation is derailed when Sean and Michelle find Bergin murdered. Author: Answered Prayers Title: The Best Of Me Author: Nicholas Sparks In the spring of 1984, high school students Amanda Collier and Dawson Cole fell deeply in love. Though they were from opposite sides of the tracks, their love for each other seemed to defy the realities of life in the small town of Oriental, North Caroline. But as the summer of their senior year came to a close, unforeseen events would tear the young couple apart, setting them on radically divergent paths. Now, twenty-five years later, Amanda and Dawson are summoned back to Oriental for a funeral. Neither has lived the life they imagined… and neither can forget the passionate first love that forever changed their lives. Forced to confront painful memories, the two former lovers soon realise that everything they thought they knew- about themselves and the dreams they held dear – was not as it seemed. And in the course of a single, searing weekend, they will ask of the living, and the dead: can love truly rewrite the past? Title: The Time Of Author: Cecelia Ahern It is now up to them to ask the questions no one seems to want answered: Is Roy a killer? Who murdered Bergin? The more they dig into Roy’s past, the more they encounter obstacles, half-truths, dead-end, false friends, and escalating threats from every direction. Their persistence puts them on a collision course with the highest levels of the government and the darkest corners of power. In a terrifying confrontation that will push Sean and Michelle to their limits, the duo may be permanently parted. Soup For The Soul 101 Stories of Hope, Miracles, Faith, Divine Intervention, and the Power of Prayer. Miracles happen all the time and these amazing stories of answered prayers will fill you with awe, inspire you, and strengthen your faith and hope. 101 Answered Prayers to inspire you, deepen your faith, and make your day brighter! These fascinating stories prove that God is actively involved in our lives, listening to our heartfelt hopes and needs. You will be awed by miraculous true accounts of healing, divine appointments, angels among us, sign from above, timely gifts, and other answered prayers, including: Bryan, whose terminal bone cancer disappeared after his name was put on prayer lists all over the country. Title: Mr Dot, who prayed for a white station wagon to replace her broken down car, and was given on the next week by her boss. Author: James Lee Joy, blinded by eye surgery, who found her husband in a snowstorm having a heart attack, after asking Jesus to show her the way. Midnight : Mangled Man The Ghost Factory Story #1: Mangled man is the ugliest ghost in the Dead World – so ugly that his face had to be permanently covered. But what happens when he comes to Jordan Koh’s school? We dare you to read every single word! Story #2: Hundreds of ghosts have been turned into slaves by the evil Dr Mortis. Can Tin Siew Yan and her friends save them? If they can’t, they too will be trapped in THE GHOST FACTORY. Ellie, who asked God for a sign from her late son, and was given a dream in which he assured her they would meet again. Carol, who substituted prayer for a cigarette every time she had a craving and finally managed to quit smoking. Six-year-old Clem, whose long-divorced parents reconciled the day after he asked God to put them back together. My Life Lying on Lucy Silchester’s carpet one day when she returns from work is a gold envelope. Inside is an invitation to a meeting with life. Her life. It sounds peculiar, but Lucy’s read about this in a magazine. Anyway, she can’t make the date: she’s much too busy despising her job, skipping out on her friends and avoiding her family. But Lucy’s life isn’t what it seems. Some of the choices she’s made – and stories she’s told – aren’t what they seem either. From the moment she meets the man who introduces himself as her life,her stubborn half-truths are going to be revealed in all their glory – unless she learns to tell the truth about what really matters to her. Lucy Silchester has an appointment with her life and she’s going to have to keep it. 18 • The Golfer Golf Jokes Uncle Tony and the barman E ntering KL Golf & Country Club, Uncle Tony went straight to the bar and asked for a pint of draught Guinness. The barman politely nodded and said, “That will be one Ringgit please, Uncle Tony.” Somewhat taken aback, Uncle Tony replied, “That’s very cheap,” and handed over his money. “Well, we try to stay ahead of the competition,” said the barman. “And we are serving free pints every Wednesday evening from 6 until 8. We have the cheapest draught in Asia.” “That is remarkable value,” Uncle Tony comments. The barman said, “I see you don’t seem to have a glass, so you’ll probably need one of ours. That will be 3 Ringgit please, Uncle Tony.” Uncle Tony scowled, but paid up. He took his drink and walked towards a seat. “Ah, you want to sit down?” asked the barman. “That’ll be an extra 2 Ringgit. You could have pre-book the seat, and it would have only cost you a Ringgit.” “I think you may be too big for the seat sir, can I ask you to sit in this frame please?” Uncle Tony attempts to sit down but the frame is too small and when he can’t squeeze in he complains, “Nobody would fit in that little frame.” The barman continued, “I’m afraid if you can’t fit in the frame you’ll have to pay an extra surcharge of RM 4 for your seat sir.” have brought your laptop with you,” added the barman. “And since that wasn’t pre-booked either, that will be another 3 Ringgit.” Uncle Tony was so annoyed that he walked back to the bar, slammed his drink on the counter, and yelled, “This is ridiculous, I want to speak to the manager.” “Ah, I see you want to use the counter,” says the barman, “that will be 2 Ringgit please.” Uncle Tony’s face was red with rage. “Do you know who I am?” asked Uncle Tony. The barman promptly answered, “Of course I do, Uncle Tony.” “I’ve had enough. What sort of bar is this? I come in for a quiet drink after a round of golf and you treat me like this. I insist on speaking to a manager!” The barman said, “Here is his e-mail address, or if you wish, you can contact him between 9 and 9.10 every morning, Monday to Tuesday at this free phone number. Calls are free, until they are answered, then there is a talking charge of only 10 sen per second provided you use Tune Talk. Using other mobile carriers would incur our normal charges of 30 sen per second.” Uncle Tony fumed, “I will never use this bar again.” Uncle Tony swore to himself, but paid up. “I see that you “OK Uncle Tony, but remember, we are the only bar in Asia selling pints for one that Now everyone can drink!” Sleeping with Mark Golf fence F our golfing friends, Mark, Mel, Mick and Mike, decided to go for a bike tour after a successful golf outing. Mark snored so badly that no one wanted to room with him during their stopover in motels and resthouses. They decided it wasn’t fair to make one of them stay with Mark the whole time, so they voted to take turns. The first night Mel had to sleep with Mark. At breakfast the next morning, Mel’s hair was a mess and his eyes all bloodshot. They said, “Mel, what happened to you?” Mel said, “Mark snored so loudly, I just sat up and watched him all night.” The next night, it Mick’s turn to sleep in the same room with Mark. In the morning, same thing, hair all standing up, eyes all bloodshot. They said, “Mick, what happened to you? You look awful!” Mick said, “Man! Mark shook the roof with his snoring. I watched him all night.” The third night was Mike’s turn. He was a tanned, older biker, a man’s man. The next morning he came to breakfast bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. “Good morning!” he said. They couldn’t believe it. They said, “Man, what happened?” Mike said, “Well, we got ready for bed. I went and tucked Mark into bed, patted him on the buttock and kissed him good night on the lips. Mark sat up and watched me all night.” A JOKES To break the monotony of serious writing, “The Golfer” includes jokes in this issue for your entertainment. KGS members are welcome to contribute jokes to help enrich our collection. They will be credited (or blamed) for whatever jokes they sent in and are published in this section. “The Golfer” reserves the right to edit any joke submitted. We will make sure that jokes published are decent and acceptable humour. little old lady was walking down the street dragging two large plastic garbage bags behind her. One of the bags was ripped and every once in a while a $20 bill fell out onto the sidewalk. Noticing this, a policeman stopped her, and said, "Ma'am, there are $20 bills falling out of that bag." "Oh, really? Darn it!" said the little old lady. "I'd better go back and see if I can find them. Thanks for telling me officer.” "Well, now, not so fast," said the cop. "Where did you get all that money? You didn't steal it, did you?" BAD RELIGIOUS JOKE DISCLAIMER: We recognise that religious humour can be risky. It is our hope that "Oh, no, no," said the old lady. "You see, my backyard is right next to a golf course. A lot of golfers come and pee through a knot hole in my fence, right into my flower garden. It used to really tick me off. Kills the flowers, you know. Then I thought, 'why not make the best of it?' So, now, I stand behind the fence by the knot hole, real quiet, with my hedge clippers. Every time some guy sticks his thing through my fence, I surprise him, grab hold of it and say, O.K., buddy! Give me $20, or off it comes.'" by laughing at ourselves "Well, that seems only fair," said the cop, laughing. "OK. Good luck! Oh, by the way, what's in the other bag?" are unknown – but we (and others) we can make this subject more approachable. If you find religious jokes published here objectionable, we apologise. As with most jokes, the original authors thank them anyway. "Not everybody pays, you know," replied the old lady. Moral of the story: With age comes wisdom. The Golfer • 19 20 • The Golfer
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