ELVIS Brochure
ELVIS Brochure
ELVIS (ENGINEERING & LABORATORY VITAL INFORMATION SYTEM) A Key Part of Raba Kistner’s Quality Management System “TRUST THROUGH ACCESS” Raba Kistner Infrastructure, Inc. (RKI), is a leader in providing quality management services for transportation projects. As part of these services, RKI developed and utilizes an award-winning, web-based electronic data management system (EDMS) called ELVIS, which provides comprehensive, integrated quality management tools and solutions to owners and developers of infrastructure projects. RKI developed ELVIS to effectively manage the workflow of design, construction, materials, and quality compliance documentation. ELVIS allows users to access, review, monitor, and manage in a realtime, efficient, and transparent manner. The effectiveness and efficiency of ELVIS has been proven on multiple design-build projects with a total construction value of over $10 billion dollars. RKI and ELVIS: A Team and Process that effectively enhances communication, offers data transparency and integrity, and provides objective evidence of quality and contract compliance to Developer and Owner agencies. Federal Programmatic Alignment – Compliant with 23CFR637(B) and FHWA technical advisory T6120.3. State Quality Assurance Program Alignment – Founded on the principles of the TxDOT Quality Assurance Program for Design-Build Projects. GIS Based Field Location Identification and Quality Records Access – Use portable devices to provide ready access of relevant quality documentations in a project/Google map overlay. ICONIC PROJECTS BENEFITING FROM ELVIS: “RKI is committed to delivering our services right: the first time, on time, every time.” www.rkci.com SH 130 Project, Segments 1 through 4 (TX) SH 130 Project, Segments 5 and 6 (TX) President George Bush Turnpike, Eastern Extension Sections 28, 29 and 31 (TX) Spur 601 (TX) Chisholm Trail Parkway (TX) President George Bush Turnpike, Western Extension (TX) US 281/Loop 1604 Interchange (TX) Loop 1604 Western Extension (TX) I-15 CORE Expansion (UT) South Davis County I-15 Expansion (UT) I-15, The Point Project (UT) Tappan Zee Bridge Replacement (NY) “Raba Kistner’s ability to recognize and provide for the needs of both the owner and contractor is second to none, and they very adeptly and simultaneously serve to the interests of both entities while employing the most ethical practices and professional services.” - John Butterfield, Utah DOT 1-15 CORE Materials and Pavements Engineer Timely Communications Between Project Partners – Facilitates access for owners, contrac tors, QC, QA and agency oversight staff, and promotes reduction of errors and schedule/ cost impacts. Essential and Practical Management Tools for Accelerated Project Delivery – Accommodates Design-Build and other accelerated project delivery methods’ requirements for fast input and quick turnaround on changes and quality determinations. “Raba Kistner has brought a level of materials expertise to this project that rivals or exceeds our own. They have a level of sophistication regarding principles of quality that exceed state highway industry standards. Their systems have helped us provide more evidences of conformity than any other project with which I’ve been associated. Despite the magnitude of this $1.1 billion contract, I sleep well knowing Raba Kistner is our Independent Quality Firm.” - Robert Stewart, Utah DOT 1-15CORE Project Director Shortens Project Close-out – All stakeholders can find outstanding items easily throughout the project without waiting for paperwork to catch up at the end of a project. Results in a significantly shorter punch list at close-out as most problems have already been resolved. Transparency and Integrity – Owners and developer team members have complete, real-time access to all design, submittals, testing and inspection records, thereby building trust in partnering and working together. Risk Management – Creates a comprehensive, situational picture of the project that helps decision-makers determine the right choice more quickly against risk metrics. Lessons Learned – RKI’s experience and continuously improved ELVIS presents valuable lessons learned from successful execution of QC/QA/OV/IA roles on infrastructure projects. ISO Compliant – Compliant with five core ISO procedures and integration with the Quality Management System. Raba Kistner Infrastructure, Inc. continues to develop and improve ELVIS through collective and extensive experience in design, construction management, materials engineering, and quality document management. For more information about ELVIS or other Infrastructure services: Raba Kistner Infrastructure, Inc. Russel Lenz, COO and Sr. Vice President Email: rlenz@rkci.com Phone: (512) 904-9177 Statistical Analysis – Continuous analysis of t- and F-tests with p-values. Control of Documents Control of Records Internal Audit Control of Nonconformance Corrective/Preventative Action Modular Components and Flexibility – User right protected QC, QA, Independent Assurance, and Owner access of the secured EDMS with a design suite, construction suite, and a whole suite of ASTM, AASTHTO and DOT test methods. Paperless Reporting and Records Delivery Upon Completion – Searchable database for all source and produced documents for quality compliance. Automated Trend-lines Automated Quantity Tracking and Testing Frequency Compliance Extensive Management and Search Tools – Search engine with comprehensive filters by controlled vocabulary list for individual and summary reports. Automated Monitoring and Tracking of Non-Conformances – Automated initiation and tracking of construction deficiencies and non conformances with documentation of corrective actions, dispositions, and resolutions of the deficiencies and non-conformances. Email Notifications – Timely delivery of critical information and required decision request requirements. Ready and On-Line Access – Released for Construction Plans and Specifications, approved materials and personnel, Construction Quality Management Plan and associated work instructions, procedures, and checklists.
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