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Untitled - luxury media sales
Rénovation-Bricolage is the must-have tool for carrying out big renovation and DIY projects. Whether you want to undertake major renovations, woodworking projects, maintenance work or home repairs, each month, Rénovation-Bricolage offers varied content: buying advice, expert tips, project examples with step-by-step photos, and more. Find the brand in newsstands or on the Web at Magazinerenovationbricolage.com. P/ 2 Magazine: 28,597 subscriber copies 3,834 newsstand copies 32,431 total copies Readers per copy: 10.27 Magazine cover price: $4.99 Frequency: 9 issues per year Unique monthly readership: 333,000 28,597 Facebook: 2,298 fans subscriber copies Website: 354,819 Average unique visitors per month: 19,521 Average page views per month: 131,501 cumulative monthly reach Cumulative reach of Rénovation-Bricolage brand per month: 354 819 P/ 3 10.27 RPD Source: ABC June 2012*PMB Fall 2012, Google Analytics 2012 average figure Vol. 37 No. 6 (February) •Vol. 38 No. 2 (August-September) • Renovation: Masters bedroom: stone wall, moulding, closet expansion • Tools: Chisels • Woodworking: 3 projects for all levels • Renovation: Garage (door and layout tips) • Tools: Tool test: Screwdriver bits • Woodworking: 3 projects for all levels Vol. 38 No. 3 (October) Vol. 37 No. 7 (March) • Renovation: Installing a solarium • Tools: Comparison test: Accessories for oscillating tools • Woodworking: 3 projects for all levels • Renovation: Doors and windows • Tools: Overview of laser levels • Woodworking: 3 projects for all levels Vol. 38 No. 4 (November) Vol. 37 No. 8 (April) • Renovation: Making inexpensive changes to your kitchen • Tools: Comparison test: Brushless impact drivers • Woodworking: 3 projects for all levels Vol. 37 No. 9 (May) • Renovation: Exterior landscaping and guide to a perfect lawn • Tools: How to choose an air compressor Overview of the radial saw • Woodworking: 3 projects for all levels Vol. 38 No. 1 (June-July) • Renovation: Decks and fences • Tools: Dye and paint sprayers/Comparison test: Pressure washers • Woodworking: 3 projects for all levels P/ 4 • Renovation: Bathroom • Tools: Buying a generator • Woodworking: 3 projects for all levels Vol. 38 No. 5 (December-January 2014) • Renovation: Rénovez votre pièce préférée Contest • Tools: Holiday gift ideas • Woodworking: 3 projects for all levels Web Integrated in the CASA web portal, the Rénovation-Bricolage website provides Internet users with inspiring and informative articles on home maintenance and renovation projects, as well as woodworking techniques. Project steps and techniques are well illustrated with photographs and videos. There is also a virtual store where Internet users can obtain speciality magazines as well as plans for wood furniture. 19,521 Average unique visitors per month 131,501 Average page views per month 2,298 Facebook fans P/ 5 Source: ABC June 2012 *PMB Fall 2012, Google Analytics 2012 average figure POPULATION RÉNOVATION-BRIC OLAG E (000) compositon % (000) reach % composition % Index 5,992 100% 303 5.1% 100% 100 Male 2,928 48.9% 161 5.5% 53.1% 109 Female 3,063 51.1% 142 4.6% 46.9% 92 12-17 2,928 48.9% 161 5.5% 53.1% 109 TOTAL SEX AGE 18-24 3,063 51.1% 142 4.6% 46.9% 92 25-34 915 15.3% 60 6.6% 20.5% 134 35-44 847 14.1% 60 7.1% 20.5% 145 45-54 1,125 18.8% 48 4.3% 16.4% 87 55-64 990 16.5% 13 1.3% 4.4% 27 1,048 17.5% 3 0.3% 1% 6 65+ Average Age 45 50 EDUCATION No Degree or Diploma 1,551 25.9% 41 2.6% 13.5% 52 High School Diploma 1,372 22.9% 65 4.7% 21.5% 94 629 10.5% 50 7.9% 16.5% 157 2,439 40.7% 146 6.0% 48.2% 118 Less than $20,000 660 11.0% 13 2% 4.3% 39 Collegial/CEGEP Diploma University Degree + FAMILY INCOME $20,000 to $35,000 838 14.0% 48 5.7% 15.8% 113 $35,000 to $50,000 899 15.0% 47 5.2% 15.5% 103 $50,000 to $75,000 1,265 21.1% 72 5.7% 23.8% 113 4.8% 13.9% 95 $75,000 to $100,000 874 14.6% 42 More than $100,000 1,449 24.2% 80 Average Family Income $71,459 $74,834 EMPLOYMENT Full-time 2,819 47.1% 185 6.6% 61.1% 130 Part-time 552 9.2% 13 2.4% 4.3% 47 2,621 43.7% 104 4% 34.3% 78 Owners 4,297 71.7% 237 5.5% 78.2% 109 Renters 1,694 28.3% 66 3.9% 21.8% 77 Married/Living together 3,403 56.8% 220 6.5% 72.6% 128 Single/Separated/Divorced 2,583 43.1% 82 3.2% 27.1% 63 2,107 35.2% 99 4.7% 32.7% 93 Unemployed HOUSING CONJUGAL STATUS Source: PMB Fall 2012 (2 years), French Canada 12+ Note: *Reach between 20,000 and 40,000: relatively unstable data **Reach under 20,000: highly unstable data P/ 6 FAMILY Children under 18 333,000 readers… • 34% consider themselves good at fixing mechanical things • 53% bought items & tools for home improvement in the past 2 years Each year: • 58% are buying paint or stain • 44% are buying new furniture • 61% are buying home accessories ... Managers, owners and professionals (index: 146) ... passionate by their vehicle(s) • Get quite attached to their car (index: 103) • Try to do as much car maitenance work by themselves as possible (index: 12) • Think that the choice of car tells a great deal about a person (index: 123) Cars or trucks • More than half own a new car or truck (index: 144) • 20% spent more than $30,000 on their car or truck (index: 118) • $30,466 average spent on their car or truck • 60% are influenced by their own opinion to chose a car or truck (index: 135) • 60% are the main drivers of the household (index: 111) Motorcycles • 11% have their motorcycle license (index: 168) Insurance • 81% are covered by an auto insurance (index: 109) ... Trying to keep their body active • Enjoy keeping fit (index: 127) • $33,468,000 spent for sport equipment each year • $21,122,000 spent for sport clothing each year ... Appreciating good things in life • 91% are going to the restaurant at least once a month • 44% went to a high-quality restaurant in the past year • 243,000 visits to a high-quality restaurant each month • 745,000 glasses of wine drank each week ... Shopping for food • 799,000 visits per week in grocery stores • $44,042,000 average spent on food each week ... c o n s t a n t l y improving their home • 72% consider themselves the main influence on renovation, furniture, appliances, etc. P/ 7 Source: PMB, Total Canada, fall 2012 MAG AZ INE FREQUENCY 3x (-3%) 1 6x (-6%) 9x (-9%) Nat. Local Nat. Local Nat. Local Nat. Local 5,160 4,130 5,000 4,000 4,845 3,880 4,690 3,750 10,300 8,250 9,990 7,995 9,690 7,750 9,375 7,505 1 PAGE DOUBLE PAGE WEB BANNERS $24 CPM BIG BOX $27 CPM INTERSTICIEL AD $37.50 CPM TAKEOVER $24 CPM + 27 $ CPM + 20 $ CPM (Including the 3 adverstising spaces Big box+headbanner+take over) CATFISH $37.50 CPM VOKEN $37.50 CPM PRE-ROLLS (15 SEC) $17 CPM ADVERTORIAL $17 CPM + $800 net production (text and pictures provided by client) $200 CPM E-BLAST/E-FLYER P/ 8 ISSUE EDITION RESERVATION MATERIAL Vol. 37 No. 6 February 2013 Friday, Nov. 30 Friday, Dec. 7 Friday, Jan. 4, 2013 Vol. 37 No. 7 March 2013 Friday, Jan. 4 Friday, Jan. 11 Thursday, Feb. 7, 2013 April 2013 Friday, Feb. 8 Friday, Feb. 15 Thursday, Mar. 14, 2013 May 2013 Friday, Mar. 15 Friday, Mar. 22 Thursday, Apr. 18, 2013 June/July 2013 Friday, Apr. 19 Friday, Apr. 26 Thursday, May 23, 2013 August/September 2013 Friday, June 7 Friday, June 14 Thursday, July 11, 2013 October 2013 Friday, Aug. 2 Friday, Aug. 9 Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013 November 2013 Friday, Sept. 6 Friday, Sept. 13 Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013 December 2013 Friday, Oct. 18 Friday, Oct. 25 Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013 Vol. 37 No. 8 Vol. 37 No. 9 Vol. 38 No. 1 Vol. 38 No. 2 Vol. 38 No. 3 Vol. 38 No. 4 Vol. 38 No. 5 P/ 9 NEWSSTANDS Publishing dates and deadlines are subject to change. 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